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"Army War College Report Predicts Mass Casualties in Near-Peer Fight Against [Russia]"

AKA: NSA. No Shit Analysis.

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"Peace is nice, peace is nice, peace is better than chicken and rice." Grr had the solution to our problems - https://youtu.be/7y4xU2e199o

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If anything, the Report underestimates US casualties.

As Simplicius says, we haven't yet seen the Russian military at 100%. I doubt that they've even hit 35% of their full capability yet.

If the Americans were foolish enough to try and take on the Russians right now, I suspect the Russian response would simply devastate any US ground, air or sea assets involved.

Any American military asset gathered for such a purpose would be destroyed in less than 24 hours, so we would be looking at 20,000 casualties minimum in the first 48 hours, with far more in the subsequent 72 hours. It would be carnage.

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I'd wager the first 24 hr's casualties would be at least 50K, maybe 100K. One would think there are hypersonics reserved for each and every US base (land, sea, & air) within 2,000 klms of Russia. That would include all of Europe, the MENA, Sth Korea, and Japan mainland and Okinawa.

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No, the Russians will concentrate on the beast itself. The mainland US will essentially be gone within the first hour as will the nest of vipers in stolen Palestine.

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Agree about striking the beast itself first, but the beast will not be found in the mainland US. Try The City of London and Basel Switzerland.

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If you want to sort out all the bullies in the playground it pays to annihilate the biggest bully first. Who knows but when you do that the others may have the sense to have themselves and their enablers in government, the medical "profession", the police forces, the courts, the "royals" arrested, given fair trials and then imprisoned for life on some festering isle. Better to go to prison for the rest of your life than be annihilated just as easily and carelessly as the US was.

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At that point all bets are off. The SCO could enter the chat, and there might be a consensus that goes something like this: The USA cannot and will not stop trying to subvert, dominate or destroy anyone that does not do itтАЩs bidding, so it must be hit hard and fast to ensure that it does not get back up again. When 80%+ of the global populace is behind this, it makes a strong statement. (Feel free to swap тАШUSAтАЩ for whatever cabal related word that suits your world view).

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Fortunately, I don't think anyone in Russia is that eager for MAD.

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Oct 7, 2023
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Ignorant stupidity never substitutes for good analysis - and your obvious lack of knowledge of reality makes it even worse.

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Remember that it took the "Coalition of the Willing" six months to stage all of the military equipment and people they needed in Qatar to even begin to fight the first Gulf War. Then they bombed the shit out of Iraq for weeks to establish air superiority and killed a quarter of a million civilians as collateral casualties before their forces invaded the country. In a full on war in Ukraine, Russia will likely hit all of the NATO staging areas, logistics and assets it can see in Europe with precision weapons, never letting the West get organized enough to launch a full scale offensive. And the idea (need) to establish NATO air superiority? Feggetaboudit - ain't gonna happen.

Furthermore, the Collective West is deluded to think that NATO boots on the ground will be a gamechanger, let alone an escalation. The first wave of mobilized Ukrainian Armed Forces were a far more formidable force than the fat, woke, fragile, poorly trained NATO conscripts will be. Russia decimated Ukraine's best forces - purported to be the second most powerful army in Europe - in less than six months. Russian forces also have now gained nearly 2 years of direct combat experience in the Ukrainian theater. In a gloves off fight with NATO, it's going to be an absolute bloodbath for the West.

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If gets to this point, or right before that point, there 1000s miles of pipelines in the coast of Texas and Lousiana. They could be targeted as pay back for NSII. Same treatment could be applied to the pipelines from Norway to Britain and (the recently completed) pipeline to Poland.

If they're bombing each other conventionally, those targets would be attacked out in the open. No need for Special Ops.

Google the pipeline maps on the gulf of Mexico. Its a huge network of pipes way past the 12 nautical miles. These attacks would dry the biggest oil refineries in the US.

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You know it was many years ago when I was studying the history of conflicts ands such when I began to notice just how fragile and UN defended the USA actually is. Of course after WW2 as the RoW lay in smoldering ruins, and the USA was busy getting itтАЩs meathooks into itтАЩs тАЬinterestsтАЭ why would you need something like a robust air defense. Judging by the reports, it aint all that hard to enter the US and itтАЩs would be prudent to assume that if another nation saw fit to plant some DRG type units they wouldnтАЩt have much difficulty. Heck over the past 3 years the number of food processing plants that have simply blown up is astounding. Heck two of them were hit by civilian aircraft! My point being, that the USA will have more than enough to deal with on the home front if NATO vs Russia goes hot.

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If you arm Ukraine to hit targets of value deep inside Russia, with your weapons, with the blatant objective of toppling the government.

Idk what will be off limits in that case.

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"Judging by the reports, it aint all that hard to enter the US" Massive understatement.

Seems Russia has figured out the US enough to not respond aggressively unless provoked.

When you overlook the tired and trite Unprovoked attack nonsense staying in a defensive mode is working quite well. These fantasies of retribution against mainland USA are tiresome. No one can do as much damage to the US as it is doing to itself.

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Nahhh, just hit all the Netflix and Meta data centers. Game over!! ЁЯШЖ

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The natural gas liquification ports have a lot of highly combustible stuff in them. So much, that a full tanker would go BOOM bigger than Hiroshima! There is one on the East Coast and one in the Gulf Coast. Either one and Russia could claim it is just America destroying more of Europe's vital energy supply infrastructure. All the better to exfiltrate the last wealth from Europe just as the continent sinks under immigration.

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I think Russian planning has always envisaged a NATO confrontation.

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Of course, NATO is Russia's main strategic enemy since WW2. Main war strategy always was about full scale war against NATO both conventional and nuclear. I think when Putin started SMO he already had a plan in case of war with NATO. USA was preparing for war with some insurgents for last 50 years while Russia was preparing for war with NATO)

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What? You can't just have 50,000 men there in a flash to be annihilated. It doesn't work that way from such a distance.

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If we got in a full blown war with russia, they'd launch their SSBN based nukes and wipe out both seaboards and all the major cities.

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No, they wouldn't. The Russians are quite sane, while I can't say the same about the US leadership. The conflict would remain conventional for as long as possible.

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The heads of the beast. City of London & DC/Virginia/Maryland.

Last summer Intel Slava Z mentioned that poseidon was designed specifically for London.

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If you roll a tidal wave over London, the wave also goes the other way. Say goodbye to coastal Belgium, Netherlands, probably North West coast of Germany and west coast of Denmark too.

That is a very large chunk of heavily populated and low elevation Europe.

NATO headquarters would not likely survive, among other considerations.

Let's not go there, eh?

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I love how when it becomes screamingly obvious to the rest of the world, they chime in...kinda the inverse of the canary in the coal mine. Who wants to be the last guy in the room looking at the brain trustтАЩs PowerPoint anyway?

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