I guess Canadians need another Laura Secord in case Trump decides on not so friendly "takeover":-)

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well it certainly ain't chrystia freeland, the witch with an apartment in kiev!

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I'm hoping her inevitable breakdown will be fully public. Odious, archaic electric midget.

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The" twitchy witch" (same affliction as Zelensky) will be scooped up by her patrons Schwab and Soros and put into a meaningless position at the WEF . She is almost as hated by Canadians as Trudeau is. She laughed during her press conference as she was announcing the seizing of bank accounts during the Truckers Freedom Convoy. Nazi background, worked for Soros-- all the CV checkmarks for a globalist puppet.

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Yes, hence the "electric". Deranged fishwife.

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Just cut off her Ukraine, I mean, cocaine supplier.

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Fat Legs Freeland!

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Aren't they hideous? I have a ghastly photo' of her showing them off bizarrely.

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Padding for being regularly spanked.

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Trump needs do nothing. Just close the border. Canada is in the process of collapse anyway, this would just hasten the fall.

With the DEI in the Canadian Military, and all the donations to the grinder of Ukraine, the only people the Canadian Military can fight is Canadians.

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And... they will lose!


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great upbeat article. A different perspective on the playground of the billionaire. I thought myself, he was going crazy. But you see things from a wider perspective than I do. Or that many people do, because Musk is being attacked and ridiculed everywhere. Trump not so much but on X Musk is getting attacked ferociously and has been since the HiB thing last week. btw - Polly found out there's a new investor in X - an Indian investor. Billionaire type. So even at the highest levels it seems like the US tech division is merging with Indian tech

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It has been going that way for at least 20 years, if not 30 years.

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yes, and I don't have a problem with immigrants...in Canada I am not aware of any problems caused by immigrants. The local shop keeper tried all the white help and they were terrible. Now he has his own people working - and its fine. They're friendly and organized folk. All from India.

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Yes. In relative terms, Canada has integrated immigrants well. At least for people from India, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. However, the power structure in Qualcomm is dominated by Indians. Ditto for Intel. Most companies in the US with some software components have a very strong Indian faction. To the point in Qualcomm, white managers have to promote subordinates from India to keep his own position.

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politics in business is awful. And it is weird...for instance the leader of the NDP which is the only reason Trudeau has been in power this long - is the support of the NDP - the leader is Indian. So there's a huge faction of Indians voting in Canadian elections and the NDP is a horrible entity now. So weak and easily purchased....I believe this phenomena - of Indians running Canada is happening in every province now. Canada is a colony of the Crown and the UK is being run by Indians too....at least the Indians are the front people for the rulers.

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I'd invite you to take a peek on X at the mess in the UK. 'Asian' rape gangs.

'Old Stock' (as trudeau refers to the original immigrants to Canada) British being arrested and jailed for protesting against knife attacks against Caucasian kids in a daycare by an 'asian' immigrant. 'Asian' is the Code Language used by MSM for Indian/Pakistani, usually muslim.

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How are Qualcomm & Intel doing these days?

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Qualcomm is doing fine. Dodged a big bullet (or rather an artillery shell) recently.

Intel is another story, but it can pull itself out of the hole eventually.

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What part of Canuckistan are you living in?

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You are living in a Dream World.

Reality is going to Hurt.

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TDS was replaced by EDS!

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hahaha- i had to look up TDS - but yeah - Elon is a front guy - I hope he proves too much for the zionist global vampires to handle

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Musk is Jew.

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As Nakayama correctly states: Musk has been a controversial figure on Twitter for decades.

What is also not talked about is that what Musk is doing may very well be with the full knowledge and consent of Trump. These globalist wankers that Musk is taking down - they are all enemies of Trump, past and future.

As Christoforou has stated: it is ironic indeed that these Western wankers are getting their own color revolution tactics used against them, at home to boot.

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Dr Maikis acknowledged that what Musk is attacking in the UK politics is the pedophiles. Makis himself is exposing pedophiles in the Alberta Health ministry - here is Makis' video from today - https://x.com/MakisMD/status/1876583324770283953

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What Musk has been doing is to repeat what has already been said in the UK: Starmer failed in his job at prosecuting gangs in the UK when he was literally the head of the Crown Prosecution - the equivalent of the DOJ in the US. And instead, was going after Assange.

This not about pedophiles per se so much as Starmer being incompetent as head of the Crown Prosecution and equally incompetent as head of the UK - and that therefore he should go.

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yeah - that's actually what I thought too before reading that article by Dr Makis - I guess you're right. Makis was using Musk's antics to drive home another big problem connected with the House of Lords.

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Pedophilia may well be a problem, but Starmer as UK PM is a much bigger problem. First things first.

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this is actually about Tommy Robinson - who is a creep as far as I can make out.

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Is elon musk a disguised chinese to intervene so blatantly in foreign peoples élection ?

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A private citizen making public statements is NOT intervention in an election.

The Starmer government sending 100 members to another nation, to campaign on behalf of their preferred Presidential candidate, IS.

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Interference is basically all over the place

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Gilles, unique thing about Musk is he has the power to broadcast widely his opinion and the balls to sign his name to it.

Granted it's a lot easier to do when your ideas are not stark raving mad. Who the hell wants to own the mad idea that a nuclear war with Russia is winnable when we haven't actually won any war, ever. Oligarchs win, all combatants lose.

"More likely, the truth is that ordinary people got tired of the lies, hatred, hostility and the wars, as well as the intellectual and cultural junk food that's become the pervasive staple among Western nations."

This idea that Putin would demonstrate to the world the power of an invincible new weapon is a game changer. Obviously the US is not truly feeling threatened by Russia or they would be inspired to invest in real gear rather than bio-weapons they can't seem to control.

So instead of bring it on madman, they quietly pretend he didn't just call them out. Worse they backed down and resort to worldwide terrorism to show their power. As lovers of US football we admire head to head combat. We frown on the winner gaining the upper hand by poisoning the other team at their hotel. Never mind booby trapping their children's cell phones.

They seem to equate money spent with power. Strip away all the pay offs and propaganda and what's left? An ugly "woman" who had her balls chopped off and some cosmetic surgery that does work, to destroy faith in God and country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Levine

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yet musk is a complete jew bootlicker...

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Well his list of accomplishments is long. What makes you so certain?

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Musk is Jewish. You people do zero research. Trump is Jewish too and also talked in one of his books about learning Kabbalah. None of this is a secret but because everybody gets their info from someone else, they never find anything out. And Musk isn't a genius. The Cybertruck is his first creation.

Musk is a technology transfer from DoD developed technology into private hands. Taxpayers pay for the tech. then they transfer it into private hands so the elites can control it and enjoy the profits. Same with Microsoft, Google, Intel, Facebook, Amazon, Palantir and many more. Do you really think Musk is running Tesla and SpaceX but has time to spend all day on Twitter while hanging out with Trump?

See the YouTube channel Common Sense Skeptic if you think Musk is a genius.

And all of this is about greater Israel and the building of the 3rd temple. These people are true blue Satan worshippers on a mission. People don't understand just how serious these people are.

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"when we haven't actually won any war, ever."

Mexican–American War, various indian wars, Spanish-American War. All won. Civil war, in a sort of "own goal", yet the present government's side did win. Nobody argues we were on the losing side of WWI or WWII, only about the size of USA contributions.


I see you have now edited your comment, apparently to redefine "we" as some subset of US population as opposed to the whole country?

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Hard to respond to such a proud to win american. I made E4 but never had to kill anyone.

You mention numerous cases where the US invaded others. To me a war is more about a mutual decision to go at it. Not the end result of yet another false flag.

Putin calls Ukraine a special military operation. God help us if he starts a war.

As far as editing, my life is full of imperfect moments. If you don't like it don't read it.

I stand by my assertion. Decorated veterans who fought in wars their country won don't want to talk about it. Why do so many vets commit suicide? Winners don't off themselves.

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WWI and WWII were both started by false flags, as were components of the Napoleonic Wars. So that is too ambiguous to be meaningful. Hell even the Third Punic War can be suggested to be a false flag operation, encouraging the Numidians to raid, inducing the Carthaginians to break the terms of the treaty that ended the Second war - the Romans deprived them of the ability to defend themselves without Roman permission. "Carthago delenda est" indeed.

When you are fighting a war, geopolitics are the last thing on your mind. Soldiers commit suicide because they often aren't well equipped for a transition to a peacetime society. Whether it's an unquestionable offing of themselves or a suicide by just being reckless with a crotch rocket. Every case I have known personally had bad relationships, estranged family, addiction and financial issues wound around it. The funny part was that the same forces were at work in the 19th century as well.

Anyway, making a clean transition from being in the fight to being at home is not simple and easy.

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"Instead of bring it on madman, they quietly pretend he didn't just call them out."

"A madman?" Putin seems among a very few normals still left.

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Oh I'd say he was much better than normal.

Assumed most had read Zelenskyy calling Putin a madman after Putin challenged the West to try and stop the new device.

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Try writing something on your Substack about it

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Got banned from publishing there quite a while ago and the experience took the wind right out of my sails. They came back and said a mistake was made. Hmm It's a long strand pretty sure you were talking to me? Not much for tech and don't understand half of what goes on there. Did complain enough that they turned it back on. Ok will go write. Nobody ever asked me to before. So here you go.


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The rules-based order in action. Fine for me, but not for thee.

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Rather, it's the opposite. "For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law!"

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Why so…. recall the many E.U, U.K M.P’s and u.S house and senate members who have for the last decade and a half interfered in nearly every supposed democratic electoral process that aside from the following… wrap your head around these salients… facts. Kia Kaha from New Zealand

Nations Invaded, Coup de tat’d or Leaders Assassinated by The U.S, its Intelligence Agencies or a Proxy since WW2… Inclusive Indiginous Native American Indian’s Genocided… evil personified and the following doesn’t even touch upon the actual Wars perpetrated the U.S and by its warmongering so called elites, cowards the lot of them…. Bolton, HRC, Albright, Cheney who dodged Military Service multiple times yet champions War, the call for armed conflict…. Cheney… A true Arsehole.

*** Continental U.S 1776 - 1880’s …. American Indiginous Indians were Genocided, all but wiped out by the U.S Army who followed on from the French, Spanish and British before them who warred with Indians, killing, raping, destroying them… This was done 1776 all through late 1800’s ***

Kingdom of Hawaii 1898 Dole Brothers instigated U.S Regime Change of Royal Family in order to secure Sugar Cane Monopoly… U.S government obliged and this set in motion a reenactment of the recent Phillipines War debacle undertaken the U.S government setting in motion a series of events that has continued virtually unabated since as the U.S has murdered, assassinated, regime changed and plundered its way around the World ever since… Ref outstanding report Hawaii that follows….

https://pascallottaz.substack.com/p/the-kingdom-of-hawaii-year-132-under?utm_source=post-email title&publication_id=2735407&post_id=154173896&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1iecun&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

China 1945/46

Syria 1949

Korea 1950 - 53

China *again 1950 - 53

Iran Legitimate Government Coup’d and Shah installed 1953

Guatemala 1954

Egypt 1956 Suez Crisis orchestrated U.S proxy Israel Post Suez completed.

Tibet 1955 - 70’s

Indonesia Dictator Suharto Put into Power 1958

Cuba 1959 Government Coup’d later overthrown by Revolutionary Castro

Democratic Republic of Congo 1960 - 65

Iraq 1960 - 63

Dominican Republic 1961

Vietnam 1961 - 73 *** After Coup of Government..War Fought and Lost

Brazil 1964

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala *again! 1964

Laos 1964 - 73 Attempt to Oust Govt, Part of Vietnam War… A War U.S Lost Dominican Republic *again 1965-66

Peru 1965

Greece 1967

Guatemala *Again For **Third Time 1967 - 69

Cambodia 1969 - 70 part of Vietnam, A War The U.S got Spanked in.

Chile *Again 1970 - 73 Murderer/Dictator Augusto Pinochet put in Power.

Australia 1975 P.M Gough Whitlam deposed/Coup’d for Anti U.S Policy.

Argentina 1976

Turkey 1980

Poland 1980/81

El Salvador 1981 - 92 Long Guerrilla War Fought

Nicaragua 1981 - 90 Guerrilla War Fought and Iran Contra Scandal Cambodia 1980 - 95 Imposed Pol Pot a Brutal Dictator murdered millions.

Angola 1980 Another Brutal Civil War killed hundreds of thousands. Phillipines 1986

Libya 1986

Iran *Again 1987/88

Libya *Again 1989 Until Muammar Gaddaffi Deposed U.S puppet.

Panama 1989 - 90

Kuwait 1991

Iraq 1991

Somalia 1992 - 94

Iraq *Again 1992 - 96

Yugoslavia 1995

Serbia 1995

Iran *Third Time 1998

Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998 Attempt to Lure and Destabalise Russia a La’ Balkans Yugoslavia *Again Bombed and Countries Constituent Parts Broken up

Serbia *Again 1999 Bombed by Bill Clinton

Bosnia 1995 Bombed by Bill Clinton

Afghanistan *Again 2001 Hunting Osama Bin Laden

Iraq 2002 - 03 former ally Saddam gone after/overthrown on lie of WMD’s Somalia *Again 2006 - 07

Iran *Fourth Time 2005 - Present Day Predicate Lies and Misinformation

Georgia 2009 Government Deposed, Puppet placed until Russia Corrected.

Syria 2010 - First Time - Civil War and Colour Revolution Attempt U.S Troops stationed illegally in Syria defending ConocoPhillips illicit taking of Syrian oil and wheat in Eastern Syria Fields ….

Libya *Third Time 2011 Nation Destroyed U.S NATO Gadaffi Murdered.

Egypt 2013 President Elected Morsi, deposed in orchestrated U.S Coup..

Pakistan 2018 P.M Imrahn Kahn Deposed.. Neutral Ukraine Coup’d by U.S

Ukraine 2014 Maidan Coup Arranged U.S Victoria Nuland via AZOV Nazi’s

China *Third Time Hongkong Riot 2019/20 Student Riots Destabilise China

Iran *Fifth Time - Sept 2022 Riots orchestrated CIA Against Hijab Mandate

China *Fourth Time 2022 - Present Destabilise viaTaiwan U.S @ War 2027?

Russia 2022 - Present @War Via Proxy Ukraine attempt to break up Russia

Palestine 2024 - Gaza and West Bank, Aiding/Abetting Israel post Oct 7, just another in a long, long line of destructive behaviour besetting Palestine

Iran 2024 - (Sixth Time) Aiding/Abetting Israel post Oct 7 Bomb Embassies and Assassinate key Officials.. and Allies

Syria 2024 - (Second Time) Aiding/Abetting Israel post Oct 7

Lebanon 2024 - ( Yet Again ) Aiding/Abetting Israel post Oct 7 in relentless bombing and destruction of civilian infrastructure…. Unprovoked

Georgia 2024 (Second Time) - Coup Attempt to overthrow Georgia Dream Party

Romania 2024 - Election of Russia Friendly Calin Georgescu, Cancelled off Ballot for Second Round Voting by Constitutional Court Ruling at Behest of the West led U.S, E.U and NATO

The above is but a sample of U.S efforts via the CIA, State Dept paramilitaries SAG and SOC formed in 1948 as an adjunct to the creation of the CIA that replaced the OSS, all done in concert the use of NGO’s like U.S Aid or the Soros Open Foundation seemingly at the forefront to break up Sovereign Nations, whereby leaders have been Coup’d, Assassinated, Puppets, many brutal murderous tyrants and dictators put into place…. So much for the rule of law, democracy and especially non interference in Elections or the Domestic Political affairs of Sovereign Nation States.. such rhetoric nothing more than a sick joke… but then again that’s the Rules Based Order… rules for we but not for thee… Also reinforces the well known FACT that since its founding 1776 through the present the U.S has not been involved in a War or Armed Conflict for only 20years of its entire existence…. Wrap your head around that fact…. sick. Now contrast that record with that of Modern Iran, China, India and The Russian Federation (not to be conflated with its predecessor the USSR) all nations that you could count on one hand who they have aggressively invaded or regime changed, in short, they believe as per BRICS+ central tenet of nation building not bombing and destroying… which it could be said is primarily a Western Zero Sum Real politik “Colonialist” initiative…

Watch further outstanding Disclosures Ex Jimmy Dore One of Americas Foremost Truth Tellers… Follow/Click the link below…. You won’t be disappointed Educate Yourself…. Truth to Light…

Piers Morgan SCHOOLED About CIA False Flags!


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Peter, a bit long winded mister, but dead on. Read in USA Ruthless Empire that sure most folks know the US has about 700 overseas military bases. However in the US itself they have 4000!

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Unfortunately and notwithstanding the actuality, short doesn’t cut it.. 4,000 bases, who is being controlled then… the U.S citizen and the propagandists cite incessantly Russia and China including the former USSR were controlling… 😂😂 get real, 4,000 and the global number is actually closer to 1,000 taking into account CIA SAC/SOG controlled bases, 700 would be nice, sadly your light on the estimate.. the amazing thing during the countless trips up to the U.S aside military no1 dress for official military matters you never see evidence of such an inordinate number of bases, 4,000 that’s close to 800 per state on average… is that for real, if so you have major issues, so much for the land of the free… love the U.S but seriously the last 2 decades the moral and mental health decline has been unbelievable… measurable each trip, literally, add government overreach and their quest under both the G.O.P and DNC to impose, no, dictate authority from the propagandising of MSM, Censorship, FBI and Justive out of whack completely, in fact most government agencies, the overspend with the debt trap your now in and it really is and seems they have succeeded destroying the country… WEF, DAVOs, Billionaire, Finance and Banking, Supranational Public Pvt P/ships bull shitzen… f..k them all I say, they’ll get theirs.. ultimately it will happen…. just saying, maybe just wishful thinking, somehow though I do not think so, neither do they given they’re collective panic… just saying…

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Read 700-1000. Said about 700. It's 80 not 800 per state.

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Apologies Frankly, but I was responding your opinion… see following


frankly’s Newsletter


Peter, a bit long winded mister, but dead on. Read in USA Ruthless Empire that sure most folks know the US has about 700 overseas military bases. However in the US itself they have 4000!

Unsure what I got incorrect… apologies any offence caused but I reply to what I read..

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Peter, there is only 1.5 million men in service with 200k to 300k having any training/experience as the point of the spear. Add all the armed and trained Federal agents and all the County swat teams you can grab for 200k more. That against 100 million armed Americans, quite a few with training and experience.

Also, every American military base, foreign and domestic, share some similarities. There is no indigenous source of water, electricity, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, natural gas ammunition and equipment/spare parts!. All food is brought in and mostly cooked by civilians.

I can shut down a base with caltrops to disable the supply trucks. The Africans in the Saheel drove out the Americans by denying them overflight privileges and thus resupply.

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Thanks Peter. We Amerikkkans would rather get a root canal than study history.

but, but demokkkracy!

" but then again that’s the Rules Based Order… rules for we but not for thee…"

"rules based order" is the English phrase for the German word: "lebensraum"

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He could be carrying three or four Chineezers in that gut.

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Post a pic of yourself. Don't be shy. We're kind people.

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You'll just have to fap to your mental image of me.

Like you do now.

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Remember that Musk has a huge plant in China under very special tax treatment.

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What does that special treatment consist of? Is Apple any different?

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Tesla got special treatment in corporate tax, land acquisition, licensing and certification of every kind. AFAIK, only two technologies of Tesla were not handed off to the Chinese government: the battery and the axle differential. But I am not confident in that, since Tesla does have a battery plant in China as well. I know Apple, IBM, Cisco, and Qualcomm had submitted all the software in all their boxes for sale in China. In comparison, Apple submitted its source code (OS and some apps) and maybe getting some tax preference, but unlikely. It is Apple who begged China to get in, not the other way around.

he manufacturing for Apple is done by Foxconn and Foxconn only gets special treatment from the local governments due to the job opportunity it provides, especially for the hinterland. Foxconn was treated better before EV came up. Then Guo of Foxconn tried to divest and failed. He used money from US and Taiwan to build his pants in India. Maybe Apple gave him a loan there. Foxconn also gets some special treatment in India, but I don't know about the details.

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Most blatant political interference ever? CIA assassinating John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Nov. 22,1963. The reason? He dared envision a peaceful world.

How many overseas military bases does China have? So give it a rest.

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you mean mossad assassinated JFK for not supporting the jew Nuke prgram and desiganting AIPAC an illegal foreign influence operation - which it is. Then that pervert LBJ came to power to give the jew everything it wanted. including covering up the USS Liberty attack....

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To me the defining characteristic of those who do evil is not how Jewish they might be, but how psychopathic they are.

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Same thing.

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No statistically 4-6 % of any given group are psychopaths. There are many Jewish people who articulate their dislike of Zionist projects way more affectively than you do.

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JFK was killed because he was so corrupt. Everybody wanted him dead. That's why nothing has ever leaked out about it. People believe the CIA's main job is control the flow of information to Americans yet Americans believe JFK was killed for trying to take down the CIA. Yet it's impossible to find any writer call out JFK directly. It's an operation. That's why Trump wouldn't release the files. It would crush American's dreams to find out their hero was the worst scumbag of all. Search Henry Crown, TFX Scandal and Chicago Outfit.

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Well sure, did you ever hear a speech he gave or read a quote, nah too busy hating. So he was more corrupt than Alan Dulles?

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Musk is doing to Western wanker leaders, what these leaders have been doing to the rest of the world for decades.

I have zero sympathy for these "victims" - Good Riddance.

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Did you say something?

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My reply was to NiggleS, or so I thought.

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Taken to addressing by name when the strands get long, gets confusing.

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"Musk ......with these statements angering many British politicians, who state this is not how a close ally speaks about another close ally."

Musk is a private citizen, he is not the US Government.

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No, Musk is not a private citizen. He is so intertwined with US government it is indistinguishable from being a part of it.

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Steve, there's definitional correctness and reality. They told us it was legal for gov to censor people via a private company. Legally true, but in reality, a bs coverup.

Musk is so intertwined with US gov, somehow he owns 3 companies that ALL get billions in gov contracts. Sure on paper Musk is a private citizen. But in reality he is deeply entwined with the gov. That's how this all works! The politicians are merely puppets for financial interests like Musk.

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Fuck that ally. This close ally sent 100+ "advisors" to campaign against Trump.

Why should anyone be surprised that there is blowback from that?

And Musk is as "not US Government" as the National Endowment for Democracy - actually more so because he gets less of his money from the USG.

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Well the globalist edifice is cracking, but I daresay the foundations as yet are secure. The administrative state in almost every western nation - and we are really talking about the West here - still supports and promotes the globalist lunacy - as does as least a third of every population. And the political backlash is only really supported by some 30 to 40% of voters in each country. The "middle" is still asleep and it will take a few more years of untramelled and unassimilated immigration combined with lunatic Green economic policies to get them to open their eyes - along with war or some other crisis in all likelihood. So at present I am enjoying the show and going long on popcorn, but not holding my breath in anticipation of fundamental reform.

Nevertheless Starmer in the UK looks the next one to go, having failed to stop [South Asian] child rape gangs in his time as Chief Public Prosecuter in the past, and now doubling down on his justifications. These people are mentally ill. Trouble is, under the UK system he will be gone and replaced by a cookie-cut clone from the ranks of the wokester Labour Party.

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The globalist "permanent state" don't actually know how to run a business which is crucial to earning a living, nor do they seem to care as they have a "money printer". They've had a rude shock as they thought being gatekeepers and punching tickets and having institutional lock in was sufficient. The best example is Germany, an industrial power house gutted because the energy from unicorn farts is zero.

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No parasite knows how to survive on its own.

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Globalist architects intend to displace the current paradigm economic system. They're not interested in running a business. Small and medium sized businesses won't exist. Private property won't exist *you'll own nothing and be happy*, as services and 'property' will be subscription or rental based. The masses will be on a UBI. A social credit system and panopticon hyper surveillance, will be used to control the populace. The control mechanisms have already been considered and architected. The technologies are being test run (cvd was a taster for what is to come).

We're on a trajectory that has been decades in the making. Will it reach fruition? We'll see. I think they're going to struggle, even if they successfully incorporate humanity into their control system.

People are looking at Germany and elsewhere in the West as run by incompetent boobs, who failed to understand the consequences of their policies. The intention to run economies and the 'state' into the ground is deliberate. Problem - reaction - solution.

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Everyone knows the German politicians do what the US deep says. It's got nothing to do with 'globalism'. The Us would rather see the EU tank than flourish in partnership with Russia.

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The U.S itself is just a puppet state though. It's politicians give the masses the perception and illusion that decisions are being made by participants of its political system but the system itself is an adjunct to the visions (a new global order) of others. Do you believe Biden runs the U.S as President? Perhaps there was a time, he was captain of his own ship, but as far as I can tell, he's been in serious cognitive decline since at least 2019.

If the answer is no, then it begs the question, who is really running the show in the U.S? The U.S like everywhere else is cratering as a functioning nation state. The institutions are an absurdity. I don't see the 'deep state' as acting in the best interests of the U.S. It's barely clinging on as a hegemon.

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Yes, the supra-nationals run the US deep state which runs the West. However, they are not globalists in the sense that they want to depopulate and homogenise nations. They are global in that they don’t care where the profits come from and don’t reinvest in nations. Neither will the Trump/Musk puppets do anything for Americans. They’ve already shown they love cheap immigrant labour.

The UK is different to the States. Though everyone likes to make out how awful it is, the welfare state is not doing too bad. And we are still mostly resisting the deliberately stirred racism that favours big business funded Farage.

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BS-- of course the Deep state in the US wants to depopulate-- clot shot anyone? 🙄

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exactly - the only purpose of the USA is to defend that illegal jew state and the jew.

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Sorry I think you meant to write UK

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Europeans like being slaves.

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It's unclear what your definition is of "US deep vs US". It would be great if people could clarify the players. There is a Deep State--but it is not just in the US. Those factions have been running many countries around the world for quite awhile. My defn is those with financial, military interests that want to create a one world govt-- a meta layer over sovereign countries. Examples of this in action are , The UK, Australia, Canada, NZ, The Biden administration in the US, the EU/ many European countries-- Germany/France. The Deep State is very old, only fairly new to the US-- topping out with Biden.

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This ‘My defn is those with financial, military interests that want to create a one world govt-- a meta layer over sovereign countries’ is exactly what the supra-national but mainly US based deep state want you to think.

This way they mask their free marketeering (they want unregulated business, that’s why the UK was stirred up with racism to leave the EU and why the EU is being pulled apart). People are fighting phantoms of globalisation and homogenisation that don’t exist. The deep state is happy to promote nationalism free from the rules of the UN. They get us fighting for the removal of employment and human rights and for the dropping of protections on the environment and fines for pollution .https://jowaller.substack.com/p/was-it-blackrock-not-the-wef-behind

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'phantoms of globalisation and homogenisation that don't exist'. Yet many cities in the West are reflecting the results of these agendas. Native ethnic peoples in the West are being told they are interchangeable economic units and to decry or object to this assertion, is racism. Yet, it is the native peoples of Europe that are being replaced. Demographics are destiny. Birth rates from non native peoples and immigration are destiny.

'racism'. What of racism directed towards native British girls? The 250 thousand girls raped by Pakistani rape gangs? Under the mantra of deflecting rising public concern and to 'manage racism', politicians, academia, Police and justice system ignored the plight of these girls, often from lower socioeconomic circumstances. The British Left are both useless and worthless. They proclaim a moral virtue of protecting the weak and vulnerable and of the protection of females from male predation. Did they stand up and be counted in support of these girls? No. Instead, defense of native British girls (they absurdly characterised girls as young as 9 as young women ) they called out critique and concern for those girls as 'far right'. They don't care for those girls. They are an obvious moral vacuum, which makes sense as they don't truly care for people. If they did, they could easily take a moral stand, that isn't even inconsistent to their supposed moral principles.

What nationalism has the deep state promoted? The prevailing narrative is 'globohomo', and the destruction of nationalism and patriotism. They are not compatible themes with globalisation. Nationalism is a threat to the deep state. They want their opposition to be fractured, atomized, weak, passive and unable to mount a cohesive front against. Nationalism and patriotism is an anathema to it. The proof is in the pudding in the U.K. A healthy society would have cracked down on rape gangs, whatever their ethnicity.

The UN is junk btw. I would not take my moral cues from the brainchild of NWO globalists and the immoral. It's irredeemable.

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One could argue that the EU is being made to fall on its sword ….

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Trump and Musk are part of the same network. Think of it like a professional wrestling story arch. Their objective isn't what it seems to be.

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"it will take a few more years of untrammelled and unassimilated immigration"

AND, by then it will be too late. When a former majority heritage population is reduced from 92% to less than 35% (which has happened in California in my lifetime) there is no going back. Already 60% of people living in Los Angeles speak something other than English at home. This is end of Rome numbers, and the sacking has already begun.

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The US as a coherent political entity is done. We're gonna need a Belisaurus, probably three or four of 'em.

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The enemy is us, so we need a Sulla.

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Which is why the US will dissolve or worse. And it's very much the same in all five eyes countries.

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All five eyes spring from the same source, as power shifted from the British Empire to an American Empire they all have the same or very similar problem sets to deal with.

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California... Wasn't that Mexico not so long ago. A lot of Mexicans died defending their homeland from Imperial aggression. Now most of the world is doing the same.

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The Mexicans coming across the Rio Grande today are Mexicans taking back their country...stolen by Pres Polk in the 1840s. One Mexican at a time. One crossing of the Rio Grande at a time. The same feeble imperial reasons given for why the U$ invaded Mexico are almost a carbon copy of the BS reasons ginned up by the AmeriKKKans in the Ukraine biz against the Russians. The treaty ending the Mex-Am War, Guadalupe Hidalgo(1848), almost exactly coincided with the discovery of gold in CA. The state, of course, was formerly part of MX.

mo' money...mo' money...mo' money...

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There's gold in them there kills.

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Any country has the same history--yawn

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News flash; Spanish was widely spoken in California (southern mainly) before the cunting USA stole it from Mexico.

It galls to listen to a white person whine about demographics changing while ignoring the past demographic change perpetrated by it's ancestors.

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Thanks grr...exactly on point.

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Yep! Whitey is to blame for eveything!

Whitey bad! Bad, Whitey, bad!

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It's not about blame, it's about truth. Try and see past the divide and rule mindset.

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Under Mexican rule California was extremely sparsely populated, and mostly by Spanish (white) settlers. After the Americans conquered it, they populated, developed, modernized, and industrialized it. They made it what it is today.

The Mexican browns who’ve moved there over the past 60 years are the population overflow of a massive Mexican population explosion. They are mestizos and Indians (Aztecs, etc) from central and south Mexico, as well as Central America, different from the 19th century Californios, and mostly come from the underclass.

There’s more nuance to it than just which language was spoken most widely at what point in time.

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When I last looked, the “former majority heritage population” was Native American - so perhaps the solution for California would be to send all those noisy white people back to Europe?

In any case Trump’s plan to incorporate Mexico and Canada into the USA will encourage even greater diversity and I’m sure that you support that. How about a wall around LA, we could call it a “reservation”

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The middle will always be asleep. That's what the globalists rely on, keeping the normies concerned about maintaining the current status quo because it's comfortable.

And don't think they'll come around when things get REAL bad. They'll just turn into the panicky man who drowns his colleagues while flailing about to save himself.

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The middle is shrinking.

Sooner or later it won't matter if they're awake or asleep because they'll be effectively nonexistent.

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He didn't "fail to stop them".

He didn't even try to stop them.

He actively protected them.

Elon is not on our side - he's a billionaire FFS - but he's dead right about Starmer. He's a traitor and deserves far greater punishment than he's ever going to get in the UK.

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Yep Starmer deserves death by hanging! And so does Trudeau. I'm happy at what's happening but until they all hang and are legally and lawfully executed for their awful crimes, nothing is going to change because there will be NO REAL CONSEQUENCES.

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I vote for Woodchippers; feet 1st!

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Starmer is garbage but the Conservative party was in power from 2010 until last year and literally nothing about the grooming gangs either so yeah.

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Starmer has done the bidding of his masters for years, and believes he is untouchable and cannot be harmed. The two cackling harpies - Rayner and Phillips are Blair's babes and think the same. In order to save their own hides, the UK elites will toss Starmer to the mob in a second, and I think this is what will happen. Starmer is a huge bureaucrat with no imagination, and will never see it coming. Back in the day when the left owned Twitter, it was used to spread CP and folk were blase about security, saying all sorts of inappropriate things in DMs. Musk has the receipts of course. A Westminster insider recently suggested that those who champion and protect children in public do the opposite in private - finger pointed firmly at Phillips. Musk may be baiting her to sue him, and if she takes the bait all hell will be let loose. We can but hope.

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Starmer will be sacrificed for sure. The sacrifice buys the system credibility (*'see, we are a democracy with checks and balances') and time to complete its agenda, having lulled the masses.

The schadenfreude of seeing an evil entity like Starmer be replaced, will be short lived. One goon leaves, another goon enters. You'll know its a goon when they don't talk peace on the Russo-Ukraine conflict (see B Johnson), they don't decisively move on mass immigration, they don't take out these grooming gangs and soft on pedos/two tier justice system culture, or stop the impoverishing net zero madness.

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Hey, steady with the anti-semitisimisumsisms, thanks.

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Which ones?!

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Let me count the ways...

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"Starmer has done the bidding of his masters for years, and believes he is untouchable and cannot be harmed."

Starmer is correct. Law is meaningless. Enforcement is the only thing that matters.

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Nice to see someone with a Substack posting here thats rational and presents real arguments

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Finally changed the k into an l..! That was bugging me a bit...

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Could you elaborate on your assertion: "Elon is not on our side - he's a billionaire FFS." Financial status aside, he seems to be on "our side."

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Like all the billionaires, his interests rarely coincide with ours. See, for example, the H1B visa controversy. As a major tech hirer, he wants Americans to be cheaper. Since he understands the laws of Supply and Demand, he lobbies the government to increase the Supply via this scam.

He's not one of us and he's not on our side. But that doesn't mean he doesn't get things right on occasion, as in the paki rape gangs.

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So you just repeated the same argument. " since he understands the laws of Supply and Demand"-- seriously?

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What the fuck are you talking about?

Please indicate which argument I repeated.

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Elon would never have paid attention to the gangs of rapists if he had not had instructions from the globalists to throw Starmer under the bus. It's just that Starmer is an idiot and it's time to replace him with the next puppet. It's just a performance for the crowd.

At the same time, Musk himself is a globalist who does everything to undermine European states and the US.

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As I said, he's not one of us and he's not on our side.

He has his own agenda.

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I think he is a bit of a player, but he does abide by an overarching agenda.

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Elon did a quick 180 on Israel and Gaza after his trip to meet Netanyahu. Since he is not one to be easily persuaded, you have to conclude that they have something big on him.

Like the rest of Team Trump, he is working for the Conservative Zionists.

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Do you realise that for these people you're only a number? A pawn on the chessboard? When you play chess how often do you feel sad for the pawn you sacrificed to achieve a goal? The family he left behind, his dreams that didn't come to pass? His pain?

That's right, never, it's only a pawn, right?

Neither does Musk or any of them. Musk is on the side of Musk, nobody else

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Revolutions don't come out of the common people but out of rival elite factions that capture the zeitgeist of the common people and ride it to power.

Neither Musk nor Trump are anything other than a rival elite faction.

They may still be better (for us) in some respects but that doesn't mean we should mistake them for anything other than what they are: an elite faction pursuing their own interests. Not ours.

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"The "middle" is still asleep and it will take a few more years of untramelled and unassimilated immigration combined with lunatic Green economic policies to get them to open their eyes "

The middle will never wake up. They either lack the means of comprehension, don't care, or are so easily fooled that they'll believe the ones who screwed them when globalists pick a scapegoat. This isn't theory, it's what happens every time. What causes change is a small group of committed fanatics willing to go against established rules. Which isn't going to happen as long as 99.999% of those on the right still huff the hopium that John Q. Normie will rise up and do our work for us.

A few more years of immigration will result in Whites being a minority in our own countries. If immigration where stopped 100%, it would only change that date by a couple years or so. Around 2040, no matter what anyone does or says (within the current paradigm), it's over for Western Civ. If Western Civ even exists currently.

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"it's over for Western Civ. If Western Civ even exists currently."

The words "western" and "civilization" should never be used in the same sentence. Ask Mahatma Gandhi.

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Humans are stupid herd animals to rival any sheep or lemming or dog.

So unlike cats.

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Well said!

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There aren't any South Asian rape gangs🤣 You're thinking of the Catholic Church 🤣🤡

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There most definitely are South Asian rape gangs in the UK. And yes, the Catholic Church also exists...

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Way too soon to say that the foundations are secure. Think Hurricane-- thats what Trump is bringing. About time.

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"To get them to open their eyes" By that time the demigods of Silicon Valley will have installed goggles on everyone's eyes and chips in their brains to completely cut them off of reality. Or so they hope anyway.

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Starmer is Labour. Prior to him getting in a couple months ago, the Tories were in power for 14 years. And these rape gangs go back to 1990. 50,000 white British girls have been raped by these gangs. If they complained to police, they would get a jail sentence. Complain again, get another jail sentence. Same with the parents. Complain to the police and the rape gang would enter the family home and ransack the place then the family would go to jail for complaining about the ransacking.

The government was actively supporting these gangs. The existence of these gangs and all the details has not been a secret. There's more then a few normies that need to wake up.

And these weren't polite rapings. Over and over they'd target the same girl who'd have an extended hospital stay after each gang rape. And there were up to 1500 men in each gang. How people are only finding out about this now is beyond me.

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Very well!

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But if the controlling globalists are thwarted, what is coming to replace them? It's not easy to be certain where this leads. Good riddance Trudeau nonetheless.

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What is coming is a dose of economic reality. These front runners are just the people stepping up to the platform with the courage to speak its name and propose policies to manage it. The people can go with them or pull the collective duvet over the head and hope the truth tellers go away. Either western governments wake up to the horrible economic truths while they are still manageable, or they don't. Having truth tellers or liars in charge will not change the facts on the ground, just how we survive them.

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Still manageable?

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It's needs a debt jubilee. The asses in charge imagine that the masses will swap their debt for a digital ID and CBDCs. They're probably right, which is why those who would manages such a thing on behalf of the WEF need to be thrown out of Dodge before it happens.

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with the U.S. National debt around 35 trillion and soon to go to 50 trillion there is no "manageable". At the very least we need to remove the corrupt politicians by 'term limits" and "line item" vetoes.

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Yes. Still manageable. Look in how big hole was post WW2 UK in, while losing the empire at the same time.

Or 1990's Russia.

Definitely manageable.

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Here's a guess-- what was there in the past-- pick one

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National revival.

This has always been the case in history and it will be so this time. For example, Roosia. The tsarist regime was nationalistic. Then the Communists, led by Lenin, came to power. These were real Jewish globalists. Then Stalin again began to pursue a nationalist policy, etc.

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I love the bloke about to take over in Canada. We are beginning to hear the voices of authentic skeptical intelligent individuals about to move into the mental void that is western governance. It takes some nerve to step over the precipice into the nonsense abyss bringing your own torch.

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Poilevere has never worked in the real world...he has been a MP pretty much of his entire adult life. He is not a "man of the people" and the Conservatives are corporate shills. If he wins, woke ideology will be replaced by corporate diktats. Anyone who is middle class or below will suffer. Sadly, there are no good options in Canadian politics.

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There are no good options for any of the Western countries.

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But it is better to face the world as it is, even if you do find you cannot hold back the incoming tide, than turn your back to stay resolutely focussed on an old dead dream...... isn't it? At least then you are in with a chance.

There is a deep divide between those who choose to numb themselves to reality in various ways including not just substance abuse and denial but the big nihilistic shrug, and those who do not. If there is a greater reality into which human beings must struggle to evolve, only the path of clear sight offers any chance of success, even as the world left behind turns to dust. There is one lesson that has to be learned over and over again. You can will as in work things into being. But you cannot simply wish them into being, no matter how fervently, no matter the magic words.

All words can do is tell it as it is, or not. Why are we all here? Because that is what we look to Simplicius to do- open the eye, not close it. Then it is up to us what we choose to do with what we see.

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Guillotines are the only option.

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I never rule anything out!

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So move

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Here is the 'strangle it at birth' voice.

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Definitley for PP.

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Whatever happened to the French man from Quebec? I think his name is Bernier or something like that. Canada Peoples Party?

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He's a nutcase and Libertarian.

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How is he a nutcase?

I have watched him in interviews. He strikes me as a normal person.

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The trolls are out today--ignore

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Interviews don't tell the whole story. One example: not every cabinet minister leaves classified documents in the home of a girlfriend who has ties to organized crime.

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I take it you are a staunch NDPer.

Am I right?

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I'm voting for him. Maxime Bernier.

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A bought and paid for WEFer

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BS. Receipts and examples would be great. Not most Canadians experience. "Corporate diktats"-- what are those exactly? 🤣🤣. Love the slogans

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Another WEFfie stooge.

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I've never had so many chuckles watching someone eat an apple 🍎. 🤣

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It was all staged...

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If it was, it was an extraordinary act of self immolation by the governing narrative and its spokespeople. But you can never put anything past these guys. If a new broom is coming best get your own sweeper through its door. Farage, an ex banker, was such stooge in the UK. It is why Farage has not just been decanted into the starry heaven world of our house of lords. He has grass roots level political use-value still. Oddly, Musk seems to have intuited that, or maybe, given his own reach, he knows it.

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"Meet the new boss, it's the same as the old boss"

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Yup a troll

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Is that you, Pierre?

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A Goddamned Zionist, a filthy Jewish supremacist.

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Musk: "“Two-thirds of my friends are Jewish,” he said. “I'm Jewish by association. I'm aspirationally Jewish.”"

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Much like the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe, once the facade starts to crack the rotten support structure gives way. There does appear to be some validity to the fourth turning theory, at least at this point in time.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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Highly structured ideological bureaucracies fall victim to their own bloat: entropy does the rest.

Built into the system is the method by which it will tear itself down.

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I think it's likely that any successful bureaucracy is highly structured. That structure could also have checks and balances against bloat. Anti-bloat could be the ideological part, if you like. But that aside you're right that entropy will eventually dismantle all things.

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The Pentagon partners w/ its own contractors to work w/ shipments of materiel to Ukraine through Poland, and its providers end up being the most expensive means to *get* weapons & equipment there, because that’s how the Pentagon rolls, which mirrors exactly how the federal government rolls, w/ its fleet of designated contractors, all the regulations w/ which it must abide, all the middlemen with their hands out.

Anyone who has had to deal w/ the V.A. recognizes the set-up & the rigamarole.

Although this doesn’t get publicized, the expensive means of shipping materiel to Ukraine relies on contractors who are making bank on the war in Ukraine in disguised & undisclosed ways. There are no discounts, even for scrappy fledgling democracies trying to fend off an unprovoked brutal war of aggression. /sarc

Zelya revealed in his sit-down w/ Lex that he attempted to send his own cargo planes for the equipment, in order to economize, but the Pentagon insisted on its own bespoke network of providers.

Interestingly, Zelya portrayed himself in Lex's presence as a responsible money manager who was looking out for the Pentagon's wallet.

"Tell us about the grapes in your Tuscan vineyard," is of course something Lex most pointedly *did not* say.

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That ingrained bureaucracy is a major problem in all countries - even Russia and China. Governments, policies and ideologies come and go, but these stalwart parasitic vampires always bend with the tide and manage to survive - only death of the host can possibly remove them - and even then, they manage to re-infiltrate with the re-birth of whatever the replacement(s) is.

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Entropy-in-action: Newtonian Law describes the cycle.

Things are always building themselves up & then tearing themselves down.

The process that upthrust the Rockies 55mn years ago during the Laramide orogeny did not suddenly go quiet after all that mountain-building.

Drive I-70 west of Denver: you'll see the rockslides constantly strafing the asphalt.

Entropy is disrespecting the interstate.

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Entropy is the law - always there, all-pervasive, neverending. In the end all systems fall to it.

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Any homeowner *gets* it.

All the materials the builder 'forced' into r'ship w/ each other are there, unnaturally so. For the life of the house, those materials are trying to tear themselves asunder.

Lowes is entropy's beneficiary

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Entropy? More like The Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Democracy, as a practical matter, is basically an exercise in passing the buck, in avoiding responsibility. Everyone in power claims to answer to and derive their authority from someone else, going ultimately back to "the people" who themselves do not directly exercise power, and who would find it difficult to exercise as a collective action problem, even if they had the formal authority to do so.

What this means is that real power is often in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, who typically don't even want to stand for election because they don't want the voters to know what their programs are, much less to exercise any oversight. Robert Moses is the classic example here.

Even that minimal level of scrutiny is too much for some, and real power is often exercised by people not formally part of any government structure. Corporate lobbyists or Robert Kagan come to mind .

Taking into account how wildly unpopular most western politicians and their policies are with their respective publics, "democracy" as it is practiced is basically a cover for rulers to do what they want. The technical term for this is a "beard".

After all, your elected representatives approved this. If you don't like it, you can vote for a different carefully vetted corporate imperialist muppet, so until then, shut up and fall in line!

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That's right. Democracy is a sham.

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"unprovoked brutal war of aggression"

What are you - slumming from your day job as an editor at The Guardian?


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Did I not sarc hard enough for you--?

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I need a recalibration.

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You betcha, man

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"... trying to fend off an unprovoked brutal war of aggression. /sarc... "

Thanks for including the sarc tag. For a minute there I thought you were a cheetosSpring imposter (LOL)... Chip

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Whoop, whoop, congratulations so well written and summarised, finally the Davos, WEF, supranational and Billionaire elites are getting their comeuppance, long overdue, humanity has found its spine, no longer content to allow these tyrants to act with impunity in our individual and collective names.. nope, no more, the people have found their voice, are shouting at these rebrobate bastards and bitches who usurped our democracy and governance, fouling our institutions beginning with the Club Of Rome Dik Tat to usurp the U.N, a body established with righteous intent but that foul victim to the connivance and corruption of the aforementioned arseholes, who over decades plotted, schemed, got off, orgasmed incessantly about global domination, greed and avarice centric to their reprehensible and loathsome planning… always do long in gestation, but finally the citizenry globally have spoken, so much for being flyover… investigate, indict, hold to account, strip of wealth, jail them all every last one… for the misery, destruction, death, illegal acts they have perpetrated going back decades culminating the last quarter century… every last one of these f..ks.. imprison them all and strip them of everything… nothing less will cut it… that or one day… they will not know the 3 W’s… when, where or who… as it ought be… so many lives destroyed because of their high faluttin, wanton excesses as they bestrode our planet with impunity… karma a bitch and best served cold… just saying…

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Now ell us what really think........

That was good!

Well said Peter!

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Just call them jews you moron

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I do think this is all planned & intended by the PTB, and that Poilievre and Musk are very much under their thumb. I get the rejoicing, good riddance to the incompetents, but we'll now just be getting the wind from the other side...

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I'm tired of being called "Far Right".

When in reality the "Center" is "Far Left", the "Left" are a "bunch of totalitarian lunatics more Marxist than Marx" and there is no longer a "Far Left".

The Western Corporate Propaganda Machine and the Deep State love to play with words... it's the old Outer Party Double Speak.

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I wish. There is no Marxism in the USA. The center is right wing. The DNC is right wing. Corporate control of everything regardless the party.

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Yeah we know TonyE that the Democrats are communists and reds under the bed McCarthy still reigns. Sure worked with you.

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The terms right and left don't mean anything today. Labels to divide the peeps... Chip

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People are upset because Musk is infringing the NED's turf.

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Interférence is basically all over thé place

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The real foundation of the western empire is the ability to manage the global money supply and control the monetisation of real underlying value everywhere on the planet. That is what is being lost. That is the rumbling quake that began with the 2008 crisis where the hegemon had two choices- face the reality of an indebtedness that had outgrown its underlying resource value with securitisation of debt having acquired the magic power to propagate itself independently of any objective value, or double down with more money printing (QE) and a big shuttered eye. The thin veneer of what we like to call a nation's deep state as if it has a magical endurance all of its own, is rooted in this soil and is being torn away with it.

We've had the wealth on tick and a chance to build something magnificent in that breathing space that would earn our blessing retrospectively. Did we hell? Now other people, other models are going to be given the chance.

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Ummm... No🤣 The Conservatives are just corporate shills too🤦‍♀️

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The big problem facing the Western centric economy is that the can has been kicked so many times that it has disintegrated. There is only the road and a digital can in cyberspace. Problem solved.

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This goes beyond the moneyed elite of the US. There are inconceivably wealthy PTB in the background. Part of the US debt is to China, but the large part is obfuscated.

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No there aren't Asian rape gangs you 🤡

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Shine, brightly! Give or take the Fourth Turning, acceleration is lightspeed. My time is short, yet here we go. Ashes to ashes….❤️🐈‍⬛

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