Zelensky’s war appears to be on the brink. After a letdown stint at the UN assembly in New York, he’s now in Washington on the last leg of his begging journey to ensure the continuation of the war. Unfortunately so far, it’s not going very well. The much hoped-for and vaunted ATACMS appears to already be out:
“U.S. appears to be facing severe sabotage or just the typical slow-decline of a decadent, overwrought civilization.”
It’s self sabotage by a regime hostile to America and Americans. 10,000 illegals pouring over the border every day. Castrating kids. Indicting the main political rival.
When this is all over it will be fascinating to see what blackmail Zelensky had on Biden, where he ends up if he survives, where the money went, the experience of Ukrainian refugees with the third world migrants in Europe, and how Penny Pritzker and Hillary Clinton will help Blackrock and JPMorgan ravage what’s left of Ukraine to open its borders and fly the rainbow flag in its schools.
I am not sure there is any blackmail, it is a mafia of corrupt crooks that are playing the laundry game and they do not care who or what they harm. It is time for a game of Russian roulette to be done w/the matter.
Agreed. However, if the Ukraine war plays out like I thin it will, arrogant scum like the Bidens and Clintons (including Blackrock etc) are all going to lose their money, and may also be exposed in ways we never even contemplated. That will be a truly satisfying outcome.
After watching the Soviet Union break up and witnessing the Neocons' 15 minutes of fame stretch into three decades, there were times when I honestly doubted I would ever see the end of this misery project called the American Empire. Then suddenly, like sunshine out of storm clouds, Syria in 2017/2018 indicating a changing tide and confirmation coming from Bagram that all is not well in the Shining City on the Hill. Cautiously at first, a few nations sought to loosen the grip of the hegemon. Then a deluge of states, large and small, demonstrated their disobedience. I never imagined the decline would be so precipitous. But before our very eyes, the mortally wounded monster is drawing its last breaths. Hallelujah, I say!
Agreed - the blackmail material that the Kiev crime gang would have on the DC crime gang must be stunning. Since 2014 at least, so many DC piggies have had their corrupt snouts in the Ukraine trough. This includes the biggest piggies of all, Obama, Biden, Clinton and their crime syndicates. It also includes leading members of Congress and the US Senate (Romney, Schiff, etc among others).
The criminality is vast. Also, all of the crooks were taken completely by surprise by Russia's invasion. They never had time to get rid of all the evidence.
It's wrong to try and understand the Ukraine war and its key players without including the sheer depths of crime that has occurred there, and the existential implications for leading US figures if it is ever exposed.
The crooks are sure to spend the wealth to ensure the idiots running the EU and EU countries are paid handsomely. That's all they know: fullfilling their lust and money. They were haughty or relaxed after the Epstein death. All the payoffs to the kids (now adults) they tortured, at least the ones that didn't go 'missing'.
Then there are the biolabs. All those tests on the Russian polymorphisms. And, which of them will spill the beans on the 'countermeasure' that will eventually kill millions in the next 5 years.
Throw the American citizens some crumbs to keep them fat and zombied: maybe an election so they can pretend they live in a democracy, give them some racial tension via corporate news, create insane cultural deviancy, keep them in debt, give them drugs & food that makes them chronically ill while you take all their disposable income so their leaders can fly on jets around the world coming up with new strategies to keep them in surreal prisons while making them think they are actually 'free'.
On a more positive note: look how frustrated this UN leader because 'we are losing our sense of urgency that the (coronavirus) pandemic had taught us...." Defeat of this evil system may be under way. That would be refreshing.
I would have used the word 'Zionists' but it could be argued that the criminal IDF and settler behaviour is (by the absence of condemnation) overwhelmingly supported.
You talking to me? And impertinently speaking for everybody? The last time I checked Jewishness is a religion and Israeli is a nationality. Race doesn't come in to it.
The Ze brand is tarnished badly now, so I think he will be found to be of more service as a "dead president" or it could just be like Diem in Vietnam, a nuisance extremist to be got rid of for someone more malleable and without access to the "secrets".
Ghani was similarly hailed as Caesar, Solon and Moses all rolled into one, and last checked, he's alive and well. Saakashvili would be holding some sinecure if he hadn't tried to return to Georgia.
I don't think either of these characters have the goods on the Biden family.. I'm sure that Ze wouldn't mind taking off in a plane full of gold and cash at some point, but I recall early in his presidency a trip to the front lines where the troops made it clear what policy was going to be, or else. And unlike Saakashvili who got to chew his tie on camera Ze is more likely to get a Columbian neck tie.
If a Bradley AFV rolls up to the presidential palace and they tell Z to get inside, they will take him somewhere safe, he will know that his time is come to an end.
His paymasters in Washington will never let him leave alive. They would never take a chance on such an unstable person spilling his guts to the world about all of the unspeakable crimes the US government has committed in Ukraine. Time is running out for the little creep and he knows it. The only chance he has to save his skin is to reach out to the FSB. The Russians are the only ones with an interest in keeping him alive, albeit in their custody and facing a tribunal where he will be allowed to keep no secrets.
We can but hope the he will meet his last day at the hands of the meat grinder he was all too happy to send Ukrainians into but none of his own people.
within high ranking military and mi6 in the uk it has long been known that at an appointed or appropriate time a "virus" that was not a "virus" would be proclaimed, the resultant situation would allow for a new form of technology to be injected into the human population, the result would be first infertilty, then later controlability aka inbuilt obsolescence and enforced compliant servitude..
the "plan" has been known in many forms and discussed in mamy ways, silent weapons, day tapes ad nauseum
it was not until the obummer admin posted wee joey and his coked up brat to "manage" the ex "plague" labs in former soviet "ukraine" (the area of e europe formerly known as) that the technology and the intent finally yielded fruit.. rudolph steiner once predicted this..
what few question, even those profiting in terms of wealth and power fail to ask is "who" is behind this monstrous scheme? maurice strong touched upon it in an interview in west magazine in 1990, again few linked his words to his "private" life and "religion"
many believe that first contact with the "deity" they revere and serve was made sometime around 1900, as the "deity" from then on began to orchestrate human affairs, shape shifting as it were..
when we consider that what we see before us transcends "human" parameters we begin to understand that altering the weather, the geography, the flora and fauna and finally the "dominant" specie is that we must classify such actions as "terra-forming"
zelenskys "inside" knowledge of what the obummer admin has created in his rancid shithole is fast becoming "yesterdays news"
events like lahaina show us that those in the know are acting quickly to assure a comfy seat in the "new world"
therein lies the knowledge that humanity so urgently needs to comprehend?
when considered against the backdrop of limited hangouts in so many fields of understanding, space, time, "aliens" etc it becomes clear that "they" deem any attempt at "resistance" as futile, what are we to expect from such self serving, useless, souless specimens
the only comment, phrase or reference i have heard that relates positively towards what seems likely is "pockets of survival"
Biden is untouchable. Remember the Hunter laptop, that gives direct, hard evidence of Bidens corruption? It's all publicly available information. You think if Zelensky reveals some stupid corruption scandal from 2015, anybody would give a fuck? They would cover it up
Any keen observer as yourself, must have realized that the US is under a real attack to destabilize it. This is not open for debate, if one understands or has seen in real time how smaller countries have been destroyed.
Your research on the political and military spectrums might be quiet effective, however, your understanding of the war raging in the financial spectrum between the US and the European Old Colonialists is untouched, otherwise you wouldn't infer that Blackrock and JP Morgan are on the same side with that psychopath Pillary.
JP Morgan and the New York Banks are at war with the ECB.
If you haven't looked into this, please do. Economics and finance are weapons for sure and should not be neglected. Russia's self sufficiency I'd a huge factor in the persecution of this SMO.
So, this hostile "regime" you mention would not be the now-defunct USSR then? It seems your namesake grifted the West along on this pretense, unless he was only decoying us.
Lot's of speculation about the leverage Ukraine/Zelensky have over the political elite in the West. Same goes for China. Up until a couple years ago I would have thought the same. However I don't even think it matters anymore. They could have Biden on video dismembering a corpse after having sex with it. Given our current state of mass manipulation and mind fuckery I don't know that it would even make a dent. If Western media doesn't cover it than it didn't happen or its Russian "disinformation." Good Lord we have 51 intel personnel admitting they knew the H Biden laptop story was accurate and signed off on the lie. I believe some of them are transferring to DHS......SMH we are FUBAR!
Biden doesn't run things, people need to stop making this mistake. The people driving America are in the administration and else where throughout the government. This "coup" took decades to arrange, yet here it is right in front of us Americans.
A sample:
Mayorkas: the border
Walensky: CDC
Garland: AG
Blinken: SoS
Yellen: Treasury
Haines: CIA
The list is surprisingly large.......
Every critical choke point in the government has been "occupied", and they all belong to the same group.
Look at the end of the video, about 1:14. Nothing but a hole. Where did the wings hit? Most solid part of the plane are the engines; where are the big holes that they would have made?
The last time I tried to "investigate" the 9/11 topic "in depth" via the internet (several years ago) I stumbled upon the same few photos of the aftermath of the Pentagon hit, published on dozens of websites. These pictures show the lawn in front of the impacted side of Pentagon's facade. They were taken a few hours after the incident and show almost no debris, especially no larger parts. However, with patience I found a few photos shot fairly soon after the firefighters had arrived on the scene, and those do show the debris that you could expect under the circumstances. The resolution of the photos was good, everthing looked genuine. The debris was just removed pretty quickly, that's what I think at least.
No doubt passenger planes hit the WTC towers. Although this happened before the era of high tech video/photo cameras built into omnipresent smartphones, there are 80 plus different videoclips, showing the attack of the second plane mostly. The exact reasons for the vulnerability of the tower's structure to the fire, despite measures to delay the weakening of said structure by heat, is too complex for me to lay down here, but there are comprehensible in depth explanations out there.
With this I come to a point I'm less sure about. I didn't try to verify it years ago and don't have the time to research it now. What i'm referring to are memories of a documentary I saw about 30 years ago. So I'm not sure if I'm mixing this up, but I think there might have been large and heavy weights acting as vibration dampers, hung up high in the buildings. Their existence would very well explain the pattern in which the towers collapsed, at least it would become more plausible.
To me the crux of the matter is as follows: Even in official reports It has been acknowledged that the CIA had at least one high ranking informant within the network that planned, financed and executed the attacks. So certain circles within the intelligence community for sure knew something big was coming and roughly when, they knew and observed several actors and could have warned about and likely prevented the tragedy. So even if the deep state didn't stage the whole event, it is complicit by ommission.
Anyhow, the above is what I think has probably happened based on information I deem trustworthy, I'm not stating that 9/11 CANNOT be the result of a nefarious conspiracy actively involving deep state, globalist, zionist, neocon circles.
It's irrelevant who did it: it's only relevant how the observed building failures could have occurred i.e. what is the physics of the energy inputs needed to concur with observations on 9/11 of building debris falling due to gravity?
This scientific paper 'World Trade Center Physics: Why Constant Acceleration Disproves Progressive Collapse' was released in September 2016 to mark the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
Signed by 20 civil and structural engineers, this succinct 13-page publication provides decisive proof of what so many people understand intuitively: The tops of the Twin Towers could not have fallen through the floors below them at the observed rate of acceleration without explosives removing the structural resistance.
The problem with starting with arguments about "who did it", is that sort of evidence can be argued about forever. The strength of physics and engineering based data is that it is not possible to argue the laws of physics don't apply. And since the laws of physics support explosives, with very little room to argue about, that is by far the best way to start the analysis of what happened on 9/11 : the analysis begins on firm ground.
I agree, but I do not see the WhoDunnit as being much of a problem as far as evidence. The real problem is spin, obfuscation and deception. But take the curtain back a bit and its every bit as empirical as melting steel…
Well they did in fact bring in gravel to cover up the undamaged lawn in front of the rather small hole, which by sheer coincidence took out the offices where "accounting procedures" were taking place....so much for those lost trillions.
Other people covered the evidence, but what I always ask is what happened to those people? The flight manifests are in the public record, and these people have families. Is the conspiracy theory that the plane was diverted, landed, and then what, everyone was shot?
Something other than passenger planes hit the Pentagon and WTC. The planes with passengers came under remote control and probably dumped into the Atlantic Ocean, never to be heard from again. Families were paid off to keep silent. The only one that I know of who chose not to take the money and fight against the system was Ellen Mariani, widow of a man who was on one of the hijacked planes. Bravely she preferred justice to blood money.
One of my expat friends (lives near Moscow now) claims that there was no plane that hit the Pentagon, it was a planted explosion. He concludes this because no photos of the plane approaching the Pentagon exist.
However, my next-door neighbor, (we lived on a small hill about a mile southwest of the 5-sided building) who was working, outside, at home on 9/11, says that the plane flew over his house at "tree-top level". I was working offsite that day, not at the Pentagon.
My neighbor is an honest guy, and I think that, given the plane was coming in at 200 mph, it would cross the huge Pentagon parking lot in less than 3-4 seconds (traveling at about a football field per second).
Not enough time to gape at a low-flying airplane looming just above the Arlington hills, conclude it is real, decide not to run but to pull out a cell phone, get the camera function set, and take a photo. Not enough time. And he says, what about the security cameras? Nothing there? Still I wonder...
There is a place in DC, a spit of land south of Lyndon Johnson Park, that is a short distance of water from where the superjets come in to land at Ronald Reagan Airport. You can stand there (it's a bike path and for runners) and the jets come in about 100 feet over your head, You can even get a wave from the pilots. It is a tremendous roar as they pass over.
Makes sense, if it was a smaller plane, less noise would have attracted less attention, and if you were inside your house, would not have been aware of anything, noisewise, until it was immediately overhead.
My neighbor was outside, working on his laptop (we were both programmers) in his garden abode. Close to where the very first "Five Guys" restaurant was opened in Alexandria, but across the street and up the hill in Arlington.
Unfortunately, he has passed away, and I never talked to him in-depth about it. Would be interesting to talk to the neighbors, but I live in Kansas now. Also would be interesting, like you said, to review eyewitness accounts.
Looks like there were 2 Gate cameras that show it briefly. It is sliding across the ground before impact. It is a "good" thing it did not come in from the other side, there is a mall there, a complete shopping mall with supermarket and many shops, just inside the Pentagon. I used to cash my check at a bank there. The mall used to be open to the public, accessible from the Pentagon Metro stop. If Flight 77 had hit there, there would have been thousands more casualties, being that the mall is on the outer ring, the Metro stop has hundreds of people in the station itself and another couple hundred on the 200' triple escalators, which take you up the equivalent of a ten story building.
That makes sense, Columbia Pike was just a stone's throw from my house, where my neighbor said it flew over his house (I was staffed in Reston that day). Columbia Pike
rises from the flat Potomac plain to another DoD facility about a mile uphill where I regularly worked. Just missed my house, just missed my workplace...
The pilot must have been riding 50-200 feet off the ground, because he had to quickly drop 200-300 feet from where Columbia Pike fed into I-395, and the plane would slide on the ground, still going 200 MPH. The Pentagon is about 80 feet high, so the pilot would overshoot it if he did not ground the plane. 200 MPH is 300 feet per second, so the Gate Cameras, taking a frame a second, would capture only one blurry frame.
I know only that I was in a conference room on DC that morning, glued to the TeeVee like everyone else, when a colleague got a call on his cell (I think from a friend) saying that he just saw "a 747" flying down the Columbia Turnpike.
And then we heard the boom.
Later, we climbed the roof of our building to see the smoke but we couldn't see the Pentagon itself from where we were.
Interesting. Must have been loud boom to hear it in DC. When the first plane hit, I thought it was an accident (In WW2, a B-27 (?) bomber flew into the Empire State Building - it was an accident). When the 2nd tower was hit, I thought it was the Serbians, getting revenge for the NATO bombing of their country. I still don't buy it was all Osama Bin Laden, given that the Saudi's provided funding for the "temporary pilots'" flight training.
There were "large pieces" that were planted, and were shown to have not belonged to any of the supposed jets. That's a fact. You need to sharpen your critical thinking skills.
And if you believe that unqualified people could fly huge jets at high speed with pinpoint accuracy, you clearly have zero knowledge about flying!
"And if you believe that unqualified people could fly huge jets at high speed with pinpoint accuracy, you clearly have zero knowledge about flying!"
They weren't that accurate because they had to turn around and do it again. And once the plane is in the air it's not that hard to point it at a stationary object that is 3 football fields in width.
So what, there were 2 planes that terrorists flew into buildings, one that crashed into a field, but for some reason they also needed to fire a cruise missile at the pentagon?
Have you studied the trajectory that the 'Pentagon aircraft' would have to have flown, at high speed, by people who couldn't fly a Cessna 150 properly? At a height that would have hit light poles that would have ripped off the wings?
That hit the wing where the accounting records were held, and the investigation into the missing $2.3-trillion was being conducted, destroying all the documents? Whoo boy!
Israeli intelligence agents were around most of the Al Qaeda cells, the richest Israeli gave the NYPD chief a large interest free loan a couple weeks before the attacks, and there were Israelis filming and cheering after the first plane hit who had plane tickets out of the country in the days after the attack. That is what the 9/11 conspiracy people should be focusing on, not a bunch of nonsense about cruise missiles and fake plane parts.
If it doesn't mention Israel it's not worth watching. Israeli intelligence agents were around most of the Al Qaeda cells, the richest Israeli gave the NYPD chief a large interest free loan a couple weeks before the attacks, and there were Israelis filming and cheering after the first plane hit who had plane tickets out of the country in the days after the attack. That is what the 9/11 conspiracy people should be focusing on, not a bunch of nonsense about cruise missiles and fake plane parts.
It's the modern version of Tall Tales, the teller gets an ego boost by coming up with more and more outlandish tales. However this isn't harmless and the families of victims have to suffer through all this crap. Must have been a terrifying event, but at least the front of the plane would have met the back of the plane in about 0.05 seconds for the Pentagon strike, instant death.
I have not seen any article by him saying that at the Unz review, nor this was endorsed by someone else over there as far as I know, and even if it were it was not publicised at all.
The complete silence on that site over a suspicious event like the prigozhin air crash is deafening and I really wonder why
Answers are in Burisma, ask yourself why Slaviansk if not yet liberated and why so much push for Bakhmut..both are linked and also linked to schema of multi billions money laundering of the Biden and Clinton gangs (arms, organs, drugs, bio labs). The rest of 404 is now owned by monsanto, cargil, blackrock etc...ukrainians don't know that their 'country' still does not belong to them anymore, more refugees better for all sides, it will confirm the forever failed state status of this entity. Then oligarchs of all sides will restart their 'deals' freer than before as 20+ millions ukies will be or in the West or in Russia, perfect to steal what's left of 404. It will bankrupt the EU even more on the midterm a big win for the anglos. Anyone now understanding the only and real goal of brexit or fake brexit. Guardian saying finally the brits could go back to the EU with a light status after the war...brits have been deceived it was never about immigration or the economy as they were not in the euro.
A VP Minsk 3 is not impossible unfortunately, Russia is not interested in taking 150k+ kia in trying to take Kharkov, Odessa or Kiev just make them no go zone.
I believe Odessa is most definitely in Rf's plans so as to completely land-lock the soon-to-be rump UA, plus to keep it out of NATO's hands. This would also complete the land bridge to Transnistria.
I disagree, although it is all guesswork. Taking Odessa would push rump Ukraine closer into Poland's arms than if Kiev was left with a deep water port. It would also make the Ukrainian government more desperate. What good would either of those accomplish? And taking Odessa wouldn't be free, either, it would only come after the death of a lot of Russian men and the destruction of a lot of Russian equipment.
Recent news has Poland at loggerheads with UA. The dew is off that lily. We are witnessing the end times for Zelensky's 404 and their increasingly desperate actions. I concur that for RF to take Odessa, there will be major costs in men and materiel. It would not be surprising for RF to "gift" Poland with Lviv---RF has nothing in Galicia worth fighting for.
if you canvas the peasantry with the question of whether they support more money for (XYZ or insert as appropriate), you will always get around 50% saying yes, no matter what. The words "more money" are the triggers, not the subject that follows.
"The Americans want us to continue fighting but not to win, just to bleed the Russians."- Ismael Khan. Prominent Afghan Commander, who fought against the Russians in Herat.
No, because the Russians aren't bleeding. And let's face it, the poor Ukrainian conscripts being slaughtered right now are nothing compared to the Afghani fighters.
I think Zelensky's bought into some bigger picture, but it's not Zionism in Israel like the OP suggested.
I think it's an Ashkenazi (European Jew) neoliberal view of how the world could be. It's the authoritarianism of the Straussians, coupled with the preference for diversity of western leftists. This is a Jewish war - look at who the decision makers involved are - but it's a mistake to think that Ashkenazi and Israeli Orthodox are aligned outside of pragmatic interests.
I think one likely outcome is a repeat of the early Zionist period. Half the Palestinians will be offered a chance at Ukrainian citizenship, where they will then be used as agricultural labor for the western ag companies. They will be a small minority in Ukraine, so not an issue. And with no chance of them replacing Jews in Israel, there's more room to find a solution to the Palestinian question there.
"there remain many pressure levers that Russia itself has not exercised yet and could easily make life for the U.S. much more difficult, both militarily, economically, and geopolitically in Europe."
Odds are we will never know most of what is going on. The US economy crashing will hide a lot. This winter could be a real show!
Not sure that the West even needs much more "pushing" before it collapses. For example, as an example of how badly managed and clown world the Pentagon is - it had to build an AI just to learn what it itself is doing:
Nato is preparing a 500+ drones, boats and scalp SSH attack on both Crimea and near border RU cities or this coming week-end or the next one..it is supposed to be 'top secret'...lol
Bad news?
Don't trust China too much they are globalists, factions exist, the ultra pro RU defense min has not been seen for weeks, wang came in Moscow after having met neocons in Malta during two days and suddenly we have this:
🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Chinese authorities are prepared to provide constructive assistance in resolving the Ukrainian crisis, according to Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Han Zheng.
The Vice Chairman stated that a ceasefire is the only way to address this issue.
not nice. too vivid the picture. considering where the impaling is. i don't like to think of any Russian finger being dirtied. now being impaled on 'Russia's upraised economic pike..' I can handle.
👍My old man called it the Russki hoi, sitting someone down on a sharpened wooden pole, a historical method of execution. Vlad the Impaler was apparently a fan of the method.
Vlad used to place his victims on a greased pike, it would enter through the arsehole and gravity would ensure the tip would emerge from the throat, chest, depending on the victim's writhing.
And as a nice touch he'd organise a feast in front of the execution stage and eat his lunch.
One minor technical factoid: a fighter aircraft ejection seat is activated by the pilot with a handle that is mechanically linked to start the ejection sequence. No remote operation is possible.
ah that's a shame.. the best laugh I've had for a week was at the thought of the pilot suddenly finding himself flying through space minus airplane....
perhaps it could be achieved by a hacker forcing a display of appropriate instrument readings that indicate immediate necessity?
That was certainly true when I was flying. I wondered if the engineering had changed, like all the buttons in cars that are suddenly only available from the infotainment screen. "Now let's see, which menu is that..."
Wrong. Software in the plane can eject a pilot. I talked with a coder back in 2000's who helped code the software to automatically eject a pilot in the event that they become unconscious/unresponsive and the plane loses control. Remember, planes can be replaced more quicker than the pilot, therefore, they try and keep the pilot alive.
Loved the eyewitness clip of the F-35 going down. It's went viral.
And it's so funny...
"I went into the bathroom to take a shave"...literally, no one goes into the bathroom to take a shave, they go into the bathroom to take a shit or a piss. So there he was, using the bathroom when he heard a noise like a screech....haha.
It's funny throughout.
He needs to do stand up comedy, and wear his straw hat with a chunk missing in the back...I mean, hilarious, I'm still laughing.
Take a shave is a little archaic, but it was the idiom. Look up Norm MacDonald's Loosing His Sponsors clip on youtube talking about how his dad used to tell him, "Take a shave!"
The whole official story about the F-35 was BS from the get-go. They probably only asked for the public's "help" to see if anyone filmed it lol. Why wouldn't another plane that was already in the air follow that F-35 to see where it went? Or why didn't one get airborne to do that? Pretty odd in the days of everybody filming everything on their cellphones that no one put something on Tik Tok? I remember reading a few weeks ago that deliveries of F-35s was going to be delayed again because...software testing. Interesting that dude posted on X about the software warnings.
That article stating "all agencies" agreed to give Ukraine ATACMS smells like BS, too. The agencies are split on this conflict - especially the intelligence agencies. Just look at the contradicting stories in the western media. Saying its "up to Biden" is laughable. Looks more like 'ol Joe is being made to look culpable by the folks in the background who know, and have known for a while, that this neocon escapade has been a disaster on every possible level.
I can't say I'm a bit surprised at the Poles - they never have been and never will be a true "ally" of Ukraine. They were always going to turn on Ukraine at some point; they have their own agenda. Considering how full-on they went suppressing their own population who were against the war, the refugees, etc., I wonder if this "protecting farmers" ploy will work as well as President Doo-dah & his cronies hope it will for the election.
Yes, it seems a lot of levers are being activated by the DNC factions against Joe Biden. The laptop is now being looked at, he is being put on the hook for refusing the ATACMS; I think the DNC needs a fresh face for their planned war against China.
The emotional energy to continue being surprised, or aghast, or even embarrassed requires also an appreciation of ethics…(what is virtue, compassion?), but the ugliness of the situation, the torrent of lies, the contrived indignation on the one hand, utter cynicism the other grinds whatever goodness of heart seeps up through. A continuous fixation upon the madness is not healthy. Or maybe it’s something we enjoy. DNA level. We can’t help it.
Eventually, it has to be considered: Sapiens is wired for killing. It’s what we do well. Nothing should surprise anymore. And all the talk on the strategic level, the big arrows and smaller ones, the grand plans to accomplish some significant enemy destruction, giving some great advantage the other team, well, it all depends on how much flesh you’re willing to sacrifice. “Success” can be measured by it. This is quite normal for Sapiens.
Hoping for the current debacle to end as if it solve things also ignores the regular bubbling strife and slaughter that our attention currently cannot drill down deep enough to load on top of the front page iteration; our shoulders can bear only so much. But the pages might well be filled with so much more, except for editorial review. Who can thumb through it and absorb it? What’s gone down in Artsakh for (just one) instance?
Crazy times we think, but our history is not different much.
Yet, we root for one team or the other, and expect things get better.
Chris Kyle and his buddy Chad Littlefield took Eddie Ray Routh - a guy who was known to them to be suffering from severe PTSD and who (according to Chris Kyle's last text message) was "straight up nuts" to a gun range to help him get better? Yeah, that's a real logical move...
Seems Chris had developed an "I'm invincible" mindset that over rode his caution and common sense. So Karma did get him in the end..
Every single human being on earth is descended from someone who, at one time or another, however many generations back, lived because they killed another human being.
“U.S. appears to be facing severe sabotage or just the typical slow-decline of a decadent, overwrought civilization.”
It’s self sabotage by a regime hostile to America and Americans. 10,000 illegals pouring over the border every day. Castrating kids. Indicting the main political rival.
When this is all over it will be fascinating to see what blackmail Zelensky had on Biden, where he ends up if he survives, where the money went, the experience of Ukrainian refugees with the third world migrants in Europe, and how Penny Pritzker and Hillary Clinton will help Blackrock and JPMorgan ravage what’s left of Ukraine to open its borders and fly the rainbow flag in its schools.
Older than dirt the Clintons are still using their same playbook and it seems to phase no one. Everyone knows it and they continue to get away w/it.
I am not sure there is any blackmail, it is a mafia of corrupt crooks that are playing the laundry game and they do not care who or what they harm. It is time for a game of Russian roulette to be done w/the matter.
Agreed. However, if the Ukraine war plays out like I thin it will, arrogant scum like the Bidens and Clintons (including Blackrock etc) are all going to lose their money, and may also be exposed in ways we never even contemplated. That will be a truly satisfying outcome.
After a life time of this crap I am ready for a truly satisfying outcome. I just want to hurry up about it so I can witness just due.
Patience comrade, patience. I have been waiting my entire adult life for this evil empire to die. A year or two more won't make much difference.
When you are no longer a spring chicken it does matter.
I'm no spring chicken but I know I have enough years left to see it. Not many will be needed.
And when it happens I'll be content and will see you on the other side.
After watching the Soviet Union break up and witnessing the Neocons' 15 minutes of fame stretch into three decades, there were times when I honestly doubted I would ever see the end of this misery project called the American Empire. Then suddenly, like sunshine out of storm clouds, Syria in 2017/2018 indicating a changing tide and confirmation coming from Bagram that all is not well in the Shining City on the Hill. Cautiously at first, a few nations sought to loosen the grip of the hegemon. Then a deluge of states, large and small, demonstrated their disobedience. I never imagined the decline would be so precipitous. But before our very eyes, the mortally wounded monster is drawing its last breaths. Hallelujah, I say!
I figure they will suck all the wealth out of Europe and South American.
Agreed - the blackmail material that the Kiev crime gang would have on the DC crime gang must be stunning. Since 2014 at least, so many DC piggies have had their corrupt snouts in the Ukraine trough. This includes the biggest piggies of all, Obama, Biden, Clinton and their crime syndicates. It also includes leading members of Congress and the US Senate (Romney, Schiff, etc among others).
The criminality is vast. Also, all of the crooks were taken completely by surprise by Russia's invasion. They never had time to get rid of all the evidence.
It's wrong to try and understand the Ukraine war and its key players without including the sheer depths of crime that has occurred there, and the existential implications for leading US figures if it is ever exposed.
That's my thinking, anyway.
The crooks are sure to spend the wealth to ensure the idiots running the EU and EU countries are paid handsomely. That's all they know: fullfilling their lust and money. They were haughty or relaxed after the Epstein death. All the payoffs to the kids (now adults) they tortured, at least the ones that didn't go 'missing'.
Then there are the biolabs. All those tests on the Russian polymorphisms. And, which of them will spill the beans on the 'countermeasure' that will eventually kill millions in the next 5 years.
Throw the American citizens some crumbs to keep them fat and zombied: maybe an election so they can pretend they live in a democracy, give them some racial tension via corporate news, create insane cultural deviancy, keep them in debt, give them drugs & food that makes them chronically ill while you take all their disposable income so their leaders can fly on jets around the world coming up with new strategies to keep them in surreal prisons while making them think they are actually 'free'.
On a more positive note: look how frustrated this UN leader because 'we are losing our sense of urgency that the (coronavirus) pandemic had taught us...." Defeat of this evil system may be under way. That would be refreshing.
I don't think that the invasion was any surprise.
That said, lots of Congressmen's kids and supplicants had their snouts in the Ukraine trough.
Zelenskiyiiiyyiiiii probably ends up in Tel Aviv. Because we all know why.
Even though I'm not an Arabic speaker or religious, 'inshallah' seems appropriate.
I would have used the word 'Zionists' but it could be argued that the criminal IDF and settler behaviour is (by the absence of condemnation) overwhelmingly supported.
I think everyone here deplores your racism.
You talking to me? And impertinently speaking for everybody? The last time I checked Jewishness is a religion and Israeli is a nationality. Race doesn't come in to it.
The Ze brand is tarnished badly now, so I think he will be found to be of more service as a "dead president" or it could just be like Diem in Vietnam, a nuisance extremist to be got rid of for someone more malleable and without access to the "secrets".
Ghani was similarly hailed as Caesar, Solon and Moses all rolled into one, and last checked, he's alive and well. Saakashvili would be holding some sinecure if he hadn't tried to return to Georgia.
I don't think either of these characters have the goods on the Biden family.. I'm sure that Ze wouldn't mind taking off in a plane full of gold and cash at some point, but I recall early in his presidency a trip to the front lines where the troops made it clear what policy was going to be, or else. And unlike Saakashvili who got to chew his tie on camera Ze is more likely to get a Columbian neck tie.
If a Bradley AFV rolls up to the presidential palace and they tell Z to get inside, they will take him somewhere safe, he will know that his time is come to an end.
They may wanna consider something a bit more robust than a Bradley..given recent events.
I tried to look up what type of APC was used for the Diem coup, but no details. I’d assume it was an M-113. The Green Dragon!!
His paymasters in Washington will never let him leave alive. They would never take a chance on such an unstable person spilling his guts to the world about all of the unspeakable crimes the US government has committed in Ukraine. Time is running out for the little creep and he knows it. The only chance he has to save his skin is to reach out to the FSB. The Russians are the only ones with an interest in keeping him alive, albeit in their custody and facing a tribunal where he will be allowed to keep no secrets.
We can but hope the he will meet his last day at the hands of the meat grinder he was all too happy to send Ukrainians into but none of his own people.
If you think that Zelenskii is the only person in Ukraine who knows dirt on Biden....
within high ranking military and mi6 in the uk it has long been known that at an appointed or appropriate time a "virus" that was not a "virus" would be proclaimed, the resultant situation would allow for a new form of technology to be injected into the human population, the result would be first infertilty, then later controlability aka inbuilt obsolescence and enforced compliant servitude..
the "plan" has been known in many forms and discussed in mamy ways, silent weapons, day tapes ad nauseum
it was not until the obummer admin posted wee joey and his coked up brat to "manage" the ex "plague" labs in former soviet "ukraine" (the area of e europe formerly known as) that the technology and the intent finally yielded fruit.. rudolph steiner once predicted this..
what few question, even those profiting in terms of wealth and power fail to ask is "who" is behind this monstrous scheme? maurice strong touched upon it in an interview in west magazine in 1990, again few linked his words to his "private" life and "religion"
many believe that first contact with the "deity" they revere and serve was made sometime around 1900, as the "deity" from then on began to orchestrate human affairs, shape shifting as it were..
when we consider that what we see before us transcends "human" parameters we begin to understand that altering the weather, the geography, the flora and fauna and finally the "dominant" specie is that we must classify such actions as "terra-forming"
zelenskys "inside" knowledge of what the obummer admin has created in his rancid shithole is fast becoming "yesterdays news"
events like lahaina show us that those in the know are acting quickly to assure a comfy seat in the "new world"
therein lies the knowledge that humanity so urgently needs to comprehend?
when considered against the backdrop of limited hangouts in so many fields of understanding, space, time, "aliens" etc it becomes clear that "they" deem any attempt at "resistance" as futile, what are we to expect from such self serving, useless, souless specimens
the only comment, phrase or reference i have heard that relates positively towards what seems likely is "pockets of survival"
They're ALL illegals, ask Uncas.
Biden is untouchable. Remember the Hunter laptop, that gives direct, hard evidence of Bidens corruption? It's all publicly available information. You think if Zelensky reveals some stupid corruption scandal from 2015, anybody would give a fuck? They would cover it up
Any keen observer as yourself, must have realized that the US is under a real attack to destabilize it. This is not open for debate, if one understands or has seen in real time how smaller countries have been destroyed.
Your research on the political and military spectrums might be quiet effective, however, your understanding of the war raging in the financial spectrum between the US and the European Old Colonialists is untouched, otherwise you wouldn't infer that Blackrock and JP Morgan are on the same side with that psychopath Pillary.
JP Morgan and the New York Banks are at war with the ECB.
If you haven't looked into this, please do. Economics and finance are weapons for sure and should not be neglected. Russia's self sufficiency I'd a huge factor in the persecution of this SMO.
Lol no, totally wrong. If anything we have such labor shortages we need more immigrants. You watch too much tv, everything is good here.
So, this hostile "regime" you mention would not be the now-defunct USSR then? It seems your namesake grifted the West along on this pretense, unless he was only decoying us.
Lot's of speculation about the leverage Ukraine/Zelensky have over the political elite in the West. Same goes for China. Up until a couple years ago I would have thought the same. However I don't even think it matters anymore. They could have Biden on video dismembering a corpse after having sex with it. Given our current state of mass manipulation and mind fuckery I don't know that it would even make a dent. If Western media doesn't cover it than it didn't happen or its Russian "disinformation." Good Lord we have 51 intel personnel admitting they knew the H Biden laptop story was accurate and signed off on the lie. I believe some of them are transferring to DHS......SMH we are FUBAR!
Biden doesn't run things, people need to stop making this mistake. The people driving America are in the administration and else where throughout the government. This "coup" took decades to arrange, yet here it is right in front of us Americans.
A sample:
Mayorkas: the border
Walensky: CDC
Garland: AG
Blinken: SoS
Yellen: Treasury
Haines: CIA
The list is surprisingly large.......
Every critical choke point in the government has been "occupied", and they all belong to the same group.
"giving echoes of 9/11’s strangely disappearing jumbo jets."
Please don't do this. Large pieces of 9/11 plane debris are a simple google search away.
Larry Johnson wrote an account about this just the other day:
TL;DR version: a plane hit the Pentagon.
Look at the end of the video, about 1:14. Nothing but a hole. Where did the wings hit? Most solid part of the plane are the engines; where are the big holes that they would have made?
Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagram.
The last time I tried to "investigate" the 9/11 topic "in depth" via the internet (several years ago) I stumbled upon the same few photos of the aftermath of the Pentagon hit, published on dozens of websites. These pictures show the lawn in front of the impacted side of Pentagon's facade. They were taken a few hours after the incident and show almost no debris, especially no larger parts. However, with patience I found a few photos shot fairly soon after the firefighters had arrived on the scene, and those do show the debris that you could expect under the circumstances. The resolution of the photos was good, everthing looked genuine. The debris was just removed pretty quickly, that's what I think at least.
No doubt passenger planes hit the WTC towers. Although this happened before the era of high tech video/photo cameras built into omnipresent smartphones, there are 80 plus different videoclips, showing the attack of the second plane mostly. The exact reasons for the vulnerability of the tower's structure to the fire, despite measures to delay the weakening of said structure by heat, is too complex for me to lay down here, but there are comprehensible in depth explanations out there.
With this I come to a point I'm less sure about. I didn't try to verify it years ago and don't have the time to research it now. What i'm referring to are memories of a documentary I saw about 30 years ago. So I'm not sure if I'm mixing this up, but I think there might have been large and heavy weights acting as vibration dampers, hung up high in the buildings. Their existence would very well explain the pattern in which the towers collapsed, at least it would become more plausible.
To me the crux of the matter is as follows: Even in official reports It has been acknowledged that the CIA had at least one high ranking informant within the network that planned, financed and executed the attacks. So certain circles within the intelligence community for sure knew something big was coming and roughly when, they knew and observed several actors and could have warned about and likely prevented the tragedy. So even if the deep state didn't stage the whole event, it is complicit by ommission.
Anyhow, the above is what I think has probably happened based on information I deem trustworthy, I'm not stating that 9/11 CANNOT be the result of a nefarious conspiracy actively involving deep state, globalist, zionist, neocon circles.
That was pure magic.
It's irrelevant who did it: it's only relevant how the observed building failures could have occurred i.e. what is the physics of the energy inputs needed to concur with observations on 9/11 of building debris falling due to gravity?
This scientific paper 'World Trade Center Physics: Why Constant Acceleration Disproves Progressive Collapse' was released in September 2016 to mark the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
Signed by 20 civil and structural engineers, this succinct 13-page publication provides decisive proof of what so many people understand intuitively: The tops of the Twin Towers could not have fallen through the floors below them at the observed rate of acceleration without explosives removing the structural resistance.
Not irrelevant
The problem with starting with arguments about "who did it", is that sort of evidence can be argued about forever. The strength of physics and engineering based data is that it is not possible to argue the laws of physics don't apply. And since the laws of physics support explosives, with very little room to argue about, that is by far the best way to start the analysis of what happened on 9/11 : the analysis begins on firm ground.
I agree, but I do not see the WhoDunnit as being much of a problem as far as evidence. The real problem is spin, obfuscation and deception. But take the curtain back a bit and its every bit as empirical as melting steel…
Well they did in fact bring in gravel to cover up the undamaged lawn in front of the rather small hole, which by sheer coincidence took out the offices where "accounting procedures" were taking place....so much for those lost trillions.
A friend who lived in DC rode his bike to the Pentagon, close enough to see the wreckage of the airplane.
Other people covered the evidence, but what I always ask is what happened to those people? The flight manifests are in the public record, and these people have families. Is the conspiracy theory that the plane was diverted, landed, and then what, everyone was shot?
Something other than passenger planes hit the Pentagon and WTC. The planes with passengers came under remote control and probably dumped into the Atlantic Ocean, never to be heard from again. Families were paid off to keep silent. The only one that I know of who chose not to take the money and fight against the system was Ellen Mariani, widow of a man who was on one of the hijacked planes. Bravely she preferred justice to blood money.
only one turbine was visible and the the number of tines does not match civilian jets so theres that...
One of my expat friends (lives near Moscow now) claims that there was no plane that hit the Pentagon, it was a planted explosion. He concludes this because no photos of the plane approaching the Pentagon exist.
However, my next-door neighbor, (we lived on a small hill about a mile southwest of the 5-sided building) who was working, outside, at home on 9/11, says that the plane flew over his house at "tree-top level". I was working offsite that day, not at the Pentagon.
My neighbor is an honest guy, and I think that, given the plane was coming in at 200 mph, it would cross the huge Pentagon parking lot in less than 3-4 seconds (traveling at about a football field per second).
Not enough time to gape at a low-flying airplane looming just above the Arlington hills, conclude it is real, decide not to run but to pull out a cell phone, get the camera function set, and take a photo. Not enough time. And he says, what about the security cameras? Nothing there? Still I wonder...
Some said the size of a Cessna but roared like a jet. Cruise missile was hypothesized.
There is a place in DC, a spit of land south of Lyndon Johnson Park, that is a short distance of water from where the superjets come in to land at Ronald Reagan Airport. You can stand there (it's a bike path and for runners) and the jets come in about 100 feet over your head, You can even get a wave from the pilots. It is a tremendous roar as they pass over.
Makes sense, if it was a smaller plane, less noise would have attracted less attention, and if you were inside your house, would not have been aware of anything, noisewise, until it was immediately overhead.
My neighbor was outside, working on his laptop (we were both programmers) in his garden abode. Close to where the very first "Five Guys" restaurant was opened in Alexandria, but across the street and up the hill in Arlington.
Unfortunately, he has passed away, and I never talked to him in-depth about it. Would be interesting to talk to the neighbors, but I live in Kansas now. Also would be interesting, like you said, to review eyewitness accounts.
Looks like there were 2 Gate cameras that show it briefly. It is sliding across the ground before impact. It is a "good" thing it did not come in from the other side, there is a mall there, a complete shopping mall with supermarket and many shops, just inside the Pentagon. I used to cash my check at a bank there. The mall used to be open to the public, accessible from the Pentagon Metro stop. If Flight 77 had hit there, there would have been thousands more casualties, being that the mall is on the outer ring, the Metro stop has hundreds of people in the station itself and another couple hundred on the 200' triple escalators, which take you up the equivalent of a ten story building.
Associated Press "fact check"? LOL!
Google/Youtube, which has cyber-dumpstered every last one of Ukrainian atrocities and war crimes since 2015? LOL!
BTW, the plane is visible at 0.05, sliding on the ground.
How can a plane that wasn't used slide along the ground? The engine parts were clearly from a cruise missile.
People saw the airplane flying down the Columbia Turnpike.
Which will never count as evidence
We aren't trying a case here, although I am sure that witnesses could be called to testify.
That makes sense, Columbia Pike was just a stone's throw from my house, where my neighbor said it flew over his house (I was staffed in Reston that day). Columbia Pike
rises from the flat Potomac plain to another DoD facility about a mile uphill where I regularly worked. Just missed my house, just missed my workplace...
The pilot must have been riding 50-200 feet off the ground, because he had to quickly drop 200-300 feet from where Columbia Pike fed into I-395, and the plane would slide on the ground, still going 200 MPH. The Pentagon is about 80 feet high, so the pilot would overshoot it if he did not ground the plane. 200 MPH is 300 feet per second, so the Gate Cameras, taking a frame a second, would capture only one blurry frame.
I know only that I was in a conference room on DC that morning, glued to the TeeVee like everyone else, when a colleague got a call on his cell (I think from a friend) saying that he just saw "a 747" flying down the Columbia Turnpike.
And then we heard the boom.
Later, we climbed the roof of our building to see the smoke but we couldn't see the Pentagon itself from where we were.
Interesting. Must have been loud boom to hear it in DC. When the first plane hit, I thought it was an accident (In WW2, a B-27 (?) bomber flew into the Empire State Building - it was an accident). When the 2nd tower was hit, I thought it was the Serbians, getting revenge for the NATO bombing of their country. I still don't buy it was all Osama Bin Laden, given that the Saudi's provided funding for the "temporary pilots'" flight training.
Can you link to your evidence, please? I have never seen that plane debris, and have done google searches.
This guy has accumulated a number of pictures of different pieces of the plane: https://www.quora.com/Why-was-there-no-plane-wreckage-in-9-11-terrorist-attacks-on-the-Pentagon
If you think it's fake, then fine, I doubt I can convince you. But there are in fact pictures of plane wreckage.
There were "large pieces" that were planted, and were shown to have not belonged to any of the supposed jets. That's a fact. You need to sharpen your critical thinking skills.
And if you believe that unqualified people could fly huge jets at high speed with pinpoint accuracy, you clearly have zero knowledge about flying!
"And if you believe that unqualified people could fly huge jets at high speed with pinpoint accuracy, you clearly have zero knowledge about flying!"
They weren't that accurate because they had to turn around and do it again. And once the plane is in the air it's not that hard to point it at a stationary object that is 3 football fields in width.
Thanks for confirming that not only do you know nothing about flying, you still believe fairy tales!
I'm sure father Christmas or the tooth fairy will bring you something nice.
So what, there were 2 planes that terrorists flew into buildings, one that crashed into a field, but for some reason they also needed to fire a cruise missile at the pentagon?
Have you studied the trajectory that the 'Pentagon aircraft' would have to have flown, at high speed, by people who couldn't fly a Cessna 150 properly? At a height that would have hit light poles that would have ripped off the wings?
That hit the wing where the accounting records were held, and the investigation into the missing $2.3-trillion was being conducted, destroying all the documents? Whoo boy!
Israeli intelligence agents were around most of the Al Qaeda cells, the richest Israeli gave the NYPD chief a large interest free loan a couple weeks before the attacks, and there were Israelis filming and cheering after the first plane hit who had plane tickets out of the country in the days after the attack. That is what the 9/11 conspiracy people should be focusing on, not a bunch of nonsense about cruise missiles and fake plane parts.
Nonsense. Who cares about who was cheering? Physics tells us only pre planted explosives can explain the collapse of the twin towers.
my fav 911 doc conspiracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gETF0_SOXcg
If it doesn't mention Israel it's not worth watching. Israeli intelligence agents were around most of the Al Qaeda cells, the richest Israeli gave the NYPD chief a large interest free loan a couple weeks before the attacks, and there were Israelis filming and cheering after the first plane hit who had plane tickets out of the country in the days after the attack. That is what the 9/11 conspiracy people should be focusing on, not a bunch of nonsense about cruise missiles and fake plane parts.
It does and the cia + pentagon + council of foreign relations etc, this one and the scientific tests done in another documentary are the best ones
this is the scientific one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg
It's the modern version of Tall Tales, the teller gets an ego boost by coming up with more and more outlandish tales. However this isn't harmless and the families of victims have to suffer through all this crap. Must have been a terrifying event, but at least the front of the plane would have met the back of the plane in about 0.05 seconds for the Pentagon strike, instant death.
Not of flight 93 and not the Pentagon...
Dont worry i checked a long time ago...
Simplicius, I feel compelled to make just one off topic comment:
not even one article out of the Unz Review was dedicated to Prigozhin death since it happened, a month ago.
All there is, is a passing acknowledgement by one of the site bloggers, other than that nothing at all. This is too strange: what is their angle here?
See Sy Hersh -- Prig was trying to expand war to NATO -- this was not allowed - he had to go....
I have not seen any article by him saying that at the Unz review, nor this was endorsed by someone else over there as far as I know, and even if it were it was not publicised at all.
The complete silence on that site over a suspicious event like the prigozhin air crash is deafening and I really wonder why
I find Biden appalling! I find the neocon cabal even more appalling!
What worries me is the extent of delusion average US citizen have achieved!
A congress person polled yes or no support another $100 billion for Ukraine?
What I saw was the "nos' were only 53%.
That supports the hypothesis that 47% of US citizens are as appalling as the neocons!
Answers are in Burisma, ask yourself why Slaviansk if not yet liberated and why so much push for Bakhmut..both are linked and also linked to schema of multi billions money laundering of the Biden and Clinton gangs (arms, organs, drugs, bio labs). The rest of 404 is now owned by monsanto, cargil, blackrock etc...ukrainians don't know that their 'country' still does not belong to them anymore, more refugees better for all sides, it will confirm the forever failed state status of this entity. Then oligarchs of all sides will restart their 'deals' freer than before as 20+ millions ukies will be or in the West or in Russia, perfect to steal what's left of 404. It will bankrupt the EU even more on the midterm a big win for the anglos. Anyone now understanding the only and real goal of brexit or fake brexit. Guardian saying finally the brits could go back to the EU with a light status after the war...brits have been deceived it was never about immigration or the economy as they were not in the euro.
A VP Minsk 3 is not impossible unfortunately, Russia is not interested in taking 150k+ kia in trying to take Kharkov, Odessa or Kiev just make them no go zone.
Timing appears correlated.
I believe Odessa is most definitely in Rf's plans so as to completely land-lock the soon-to-be rump UA, plus to keep it out of NATO's hands. This would also complete the land bridge to Transnistria.
Correct, NATO (US/UK) must be denied Black Sea access at any and all costs.
Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey are all in NATO and they account for about 1/2 of the Black Sea coastline.
Yes I know that. However no NATO ships will be able to enter through the Bospherous, and Romania and Bulgaria will not be the threat the Ukies are.
Any NATO Navy dumb enough to put assets into basically a lake with one exit point deserves all the sinkings it would entail.
I disagree, although it is all guesswork. Taking Odessa would push rump Ukraine closer into Poland's arms than if Kiev was left with a deep water port. It would also make the Ukrainian government more desperate. What good would either of those accomplish? And taking Odessa wouldn't be free, either, it would only come after the death of a lot of Russian men and the destruction of a lot of Russian equipment.
Recent news has Poland at loggerheads with UA. The dew is off that lily. We are witnessing the end times for Zelensky's 404 and their increasingly desperate actions. I concur that for RF to take Odessa, there will be major costs in men and materiel. It would not be surprising for RF to "gift" Poland with Lviv---RF has nothing in Galicia worth fighting for.
if you canvas the peasantry with the question of whether they support more money for (XYZ or insert as appropriate), you will always get around 50% saying yes, no matter what. The words "more money" are the triggers, not the subject that follows.
"The Americans want us to continue fighting but not to win, just to bleed the Russians."- Ismael Khan. Prominent Afghan Commander, who fought against the Russians in Herat.
Is history repeating in Ukraine?
Yes, the Ukraines are winning just as the Afghan army was ready for the US to withdraw!
No, because the Russians aren't bleeding. And let's face it, the poor Ukrainian conscripts being slaughtered right now are nothing compared to the Afghani fighters.
Ridiculous comment. RUSSIA have lost tens of thousands of soldiers. That's bleeding!
Pressure down. Its called war
These Ukrainians seem like a real bunch of arseholes.
zelensky only has loyalty to the zionist entity occupying Palestine for the moment.
Respectfully disagree.
Zelensky's only loyalty is to himself.
Stay safe.
I think Zelensky's bought into some bigger picture, but it's not Zionism in Israel like the OP suggested.
I think it's an Ashkenazi (European Jew) neoliberal view of how the world could be. It's the authoritarianism of the Straussians, coupled with the preference for diversity of western leftists. This is a Jewish war - look at who the decision makers involved are - but it's a mistake to think that Ashkenazi and Israeli Orthodox are aligned outside of pragmatic interests.
I think one likely outcome is a repeat of the early Zionist period. Half the Palestinians will be offered a chance at Ukrainian citizenship, where they will then be used as agricultural labor for the western ag companies. They will be a small minority in Ukraine, so not an issue. And with no chance of them replacing Jews in Israel, there's more room to find a solution to the Palestinian question there.
"there remain many pressure levers that Russia itself has not exercised yet and could easily make life for the U.S. much more difficult, both militarily, economically, and geopolitically in Europe."
Odds are we will never know most of what is going on. The US economy crashing will hide a lot. This winter could be a real show!
Not sure that the West even needs much more "pushing" before it collapses. For example, as an example of how badly managed and clown world the Pentagon is - it had to build an AI just to learn what it itself is doing:
You can't make this shit up :)
Was it Taleb who said 'large is fragile'?
Nato is preparing a 500+ drones, boats and scalp SSH attack on both Crimea and near border RU cities or this coming week-end or the next one..it is supposed to be 'top secret'...lol
Bad news?
Don't trust China too much they are globalists, factions exist, the ultra pro RU defense min has not been seen for weeks, wang came in Moscow after having met neocons in Malta during two days and suddenly we have this:
🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Chinese authorities are prepared to provide constructive assistance in resolving the Ukrainian crisis, according to Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Han Zheng.
The Vice Chairman stated that a ceasefire is the only way to address this issue.
Still waiting for the massive previous one that was advertised on twitter 🤡
That swirling sound? It's the USSA circling the civilizational drain. It's what happens to lying liars.
"as Europe saw fit to impale themselves on Russia’s upraised economic middle finger. "
not nice. too vivid the picture. considering where the impaling is. i don't like to think of any Russian finger being dirtied. now being impaled on 'Russia's upraised economic pike..' I can handle.
👍My old man called it the Russki hoi, sitting someone down on a sharpened wooden pole, a historical method of execution. Vlad the Impaler was apparently a fan of the method.
What on earth! Look at Francisco Goya’s painting from war!
Mind you, I think, this one is still the best for our present day! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/Museo_del_Prado_-_Goya_-_Caprichos_-_No._43_-_El_sueño_de_la_razon_produce_monstruos.jpg/800px-Museo_del_Prado_-_Goya_-_Caprichos_-_No._43_-_El_sueño_de_la_razon_produce_monstruos.jpg
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters.
Vlad used to place his victims on a greased pike, it would enter through the arsehole and gravity would ensure the tip would emerge from the throat, chest, depending on the victim's writhing.
And as a nice touch he'd organise a feast in front of the execution stage and eat his lunch.
One minor technical factoid: a fighter aircraft ejection seat is activated by the pilot with a handle that is mechanically linked to start the ejection sequence. No remote operation is possible.
ah that's a shame.. the best laugh I've had for a week was at the thought of the pilot suddenly finding himself flying through space minus airplane....
perhaps it could be achieved by a hacker forcing a display of appropriate instrument readings that indicate immediate necessity?
Or, perhaps, that combined with losing any operational control of the fighter, in effect remote droning it, led to panic of the pilot...?
That was certainly true when I was flying. I wondered if the engineering had changed, like all the buttons in cars that are suddenly only available from the infotainment screen. "Now let's see, which menu is that..."
1) Raise arming handles.
2) Squeeze triggers.
F-35Bs do have an automated system, but it's only supposed to operate under certain circumstances .
This particular plane DOES come with an automatic ejection feature:
Wrong. Software in the plane can eject a pilot. I talked with a coder back in 2000's who helped code the software to automatically eject a pilot in the event that they become unconscious/unresponsive and the plane loses control. Remember, planes can be replaced more quicker than the pilot, therefore, they try and keep the pilot alive.
But does this apply to the F35 and how the would'ya know!?
Looks like I stand corrected concerning the F-35B version. My experience was with A-10s, F-16s and various trainers.
Thanks for these quick timely updates. Things seem to be accelerating now.
Loved the eyewitness clip of the F-35 going down. It's went viral.
And it's so funny...
"I went into the bathroom to take a shave"...literally, no one goes into the bathroom to take a shave, they go into the bathroom to take a shit or a piss. So there he was, using the bathroom when he heard a noise like a screech....haha.
It's funny throughout.
He needs to do stand up comedy, and wear his straw hat with a chunk missing in the back...I mean, hilarious, I'm still laughing.
Thanks for including that clip.
Take a shave is a little archaic, but it was the idiom. Look up Norm MacDonald's Loosing His Sponsors clip on youtube talking about how his dad used to tell him, "Take a shave!"
Normal people shit and piss in the toilet. The bathroom is most definitely where we shave.
I wonder if that guy is actually a stand up comedian, or aspiring actor.
The whole official story about the F-35 was BS from the get-go. They probably only asked for the public's "help" to see if anyone filmed it lol. Why wouldn't another plane that was already in the air follow that F-35 to see where it went? Or why didn't one get airborne to do that? Pretty odd in the days of everybody filming everything on their cellphones that no one put something on Tik Tok? I remember reading a few weeks ago that deliveries of F-35s was going to be delayed again because...software testing. Interesting that dude posted on X about the software warnings.
That article stating "all agencies" agreed to give Ukraine ATACMS smells like BS, too. The agencies are split on this conflict - especially the intelligence agencies. Just look at the contradicting stories in the western media. Saying its "up to Biden" is laughable. Looks more like 'ol Joe is being made to look culpable by the folks in the background who know, and have known for a while, that this neocon escapade has been a disaster on every possible level.
I can't say I'm a bit surprised at the Poles - they never have been and never will be a true "ally" of Ukraine. They were always going to turn on Ukraine at some point; they have their own agenda. Considering how full-on they went suppressing their own population who were against the war, the refugees, etc., I wonder if this "protecting farmers" ploy will work as well as President Doo-dah & his cronies hope it will for the election.
Yes, it seems a lot of levers are being activated by the DNC factions against Joe Biden. The laptop is now being looked at, he is being put on the hook for refusing the ATACMS; I think the DNC needs a fresh face for their planned war against China.
Sadly, the key word here is: “appear” - “Zelensky’s war appears to be on the brink.”
The emotional energy to continue being surprised, or aghast, or even embarrassed requires also an appreciation of ethics…(what is virtue, compassion?), but the ugliness of the situation, the torrent of lies, the contrived indignation on the one hand, utter cynicism the other grinds whatever goodness of heart seeps up through. A continuous fixation upon the madness is not healthy. Or maybe it’s something we enjoy. DNA level. We can’t help it.
Eventually, it has to be considered: Sapiens is wired for killing. It’s what we do well. Nothing should surprise anymore. And all the talk on the strategic level, the big arrows and smaller ones, the grand plans to accomplish some significant enemy destruction, giving some great advantage the other team, well, it all depends on how much flesh you’re willing to sacrifice. “Success” can be measured by it. This is quite normal for Sapiens.
Hoping for the current debacle to end as if it solve things also ignores the regular bubbling strife and slaughter that our attention currently cannot drill down deep enough to load on top of the front page iteration; our shoulders can bear only so much. But the pages might well be filled with so much more, except for editorial review. Who can thumb through it and absorb it? What’s gone down in Artsakh for (just one) instance?
Crazy times we think, but our history is not different much.
Yet, we root for one team or the other, and expect things get better.
I never killed anyone, nor do I know anyone who has.
And many are wired to enjoy it, such as that (now dead) piece of shit US military sniper who is celebrated in that sick society.
Chris Kyle and his buddy Chad Littlefield took Eddie Ray Routh - a guy who was known to them to be suffering from severe PTSD and who (according to Chris Kyle's last text message) was "straight up nuts" to a gun range to help him get better? Yeah, that's a real logical move...
Seems Chris had developed an "I'm invincible" mindset that over rode his caution and common sense. So Karma did get him in the end..
I encourage you keep it up.
@Patrick Powers
Every single human being on earth is descended from someone who, at one time or another, however many generations back, lived because they killed another human being.
Every. Single. One of us.