President Putin's Objective in the interview was to speak to a Primarily Western Audience & make himself heard. In the interview, he came across as Rational, Temperate & Humorous; a far cry from being 'Austrian Painter v2.0,' according to Western Press-titute 'Media'.
Therefore, the interview (albeit re-hashing well known talking points) was a flawless success as it basically DESTROYED the 'Putin = Hitler v2.0' nonsense of the past 2+ years or so.
If his objective for the interview was the western audience, he couldn't have violated the US television format more completely and thoroughly. Right off the bat, 45 minutes of historical exposition. Relatively complex answers, usually circling back to the historical foundation. Always being mindful of the framing the question attempts to impose, and generally breezing right by it to stay on point. Relatively few one-liners.
Huge credit to Putin's english voiceover guy, too.
I have to wonder if it wasn't equal parts meant for Russian domestic audience, and non-US global audience, with just a couple of (rather pointed) bits directly addressed to the US
Putin is on another level from Tucker and US politicians. You can see why he has been able to stay in power for so long, and why he could bring Russia back from the brink of ruin to what it is today. Brilliant man.
Tucker seemed like a typical US journalist, interrupting with sometimes stupid questions, and not following Putin's line of thought. He did not understand why Putin was explaining Russian history to him ( to explain where Ukraine came from).
I'm glad Tucker interviewed him, but he should been better prepared.
I found the obligatory China question amusing. In so many words: we can keep this one short. your cope stories are stale. we're neighbors, you're not. they surpassed your economy years ago, and your allies all trade with them even more than we do
I think Tucker thought that Putin was blowing off the interview when he went into the history of the region. Putin for his part may have considered Tucker a dunce and unless he put everything in a context Tucker would not grasp his reasoning.
As the interview continued I think they both saw the value of the other, Putin saw someone who was not there to grind an ax and Tucker realized he was speaking to someone of remarkable intellect who saw the world though a political and historical prism.
I found their discussion of NS2, AI, genetics, Musk fun, wish they had been able to get deeper into genetics and of course my personal favorite; biolabs which they sadly did not touch upon.
I think Tucker was prepared, just once he was actually with him, he was a bit overwhelmed. Putin is Master of All He Surveys after all :)
Yes, it would have been interesting having a discussion on the biolabs; maybe he could have supplemented some of the docs he'd given to Tucker (the historic archival material).
Russia isn't fighting Ukraine or even NATO, it is fighting the DEEP STATE. At the end of the day, there is a money trail behind everything. The talk of trade moving away from the USD is premature at best. Trade in USD pales in comparison to the assets denominated in the USD. nVidia just appreciated the last few days a markt cap equivalent to all energy companies combined notwithstanding its recent trick of selling to its subsidiaries and the US and the SEC is part of norishing this AI narratives and are turning a blind eye to this out-right fraud.
I'm pointing this out for a reason. As long as ppl are willing to pile money into USD denominated assets, RU+CN is no match for the US. They need to work sweats to get dollar and meanwhile the US can just print and obtain countless resources.
Tucker is an American journalist. Those people think in soundbites and expect soundbite answers. This is how you connect with the majority of the people who neither have the time nor the ability to follow an in dept conversation.
Not so much with Carlson. He seems better suited to the long talks. I would think not speaking Russian may have stressed him.
Putin's face is far from an emotionless mask. One thing to read, another to hear and a third to have to listen to a translation, all at once. Tucker's in the big leagues now.
Congrats to all. Especially those Americans brave enough to watch, learn, and think for themselves. Strict obedience to maniacal tyrants has never had a good outcome.
Must your whole country be destroyed before you begin to question those who put and keep you on the highway to Hell?
I agree with others that Carlson is not so much this way. Also, to me it seems he has evolved since leaving Fox, or perhaps he is just doing things now in a style he may always have wanted to, but was restrained from doing while he was on a leash.
For example, in his recent interview with Bret Weinstein, he let Weinstein do most of he talking, dipping his own oar in just enough to keep the discussion interesting. In a way he is now doing it more like Joe Rogan--giving his guests a respectful hearing and letting them speak for themselves.
He could do as some TV hosts do, when their guest is embarrassing their political patrons.
Try to frustrate the interviewee by interrupting, arguing with them, asking "questions" which are really long accusatory statements, obtusely changing the subject when their accusation is refuted, then repeating their accusation as if it were unchallenged...
Yep, could have done somewhat better, but the interview itself was a huge coup...Putin explaining how the German government willfully withheld Russian gas from its country is going to open some eyes....
I think Tucker is not used to the real time voice translation interview format, whereas Putin does this all the time. So he had the advantage and knew how to use it.
To me, Tucker looks like an envoy from Trump and those forces that want to negotiate peace with Russia. This interview helps Putin break through the information blockade in the West and humanizes him in the eyes of the Western public.
The shame of it is that Western media is so biased and censored that many in the West think the Russian Federation is communist and the still the U.S.S.R. populated by illiterate peasants who consider themselves rich if they own a goat.
We have lots more bells and whistles, but none of it is paid for. This will soon be a common theme.
The interest payments are killing us, we can afford to neuter our kids physically and mentally, but educate them, nah we leave that to tv and internet gaming.
Trump doesn't have any intention of "negotiating peace" with Russia..theres nothing to negotiate. .When the Americans are able to accept Russian terms it will end ..until then it will only get worse for them
As if the deep state is going to step back from the brink and allow Trump or anyone who hasn't been selected take office. It's completely dysfunctional like all governing systems in the combined west and its only direction is towards dissolution.
Putin would also be out of his mind to negotiate now. The Russians are winning. The AFU is rapidly collapsing, facing multiple Russian breakthroughs all across the Front
Peace now simply gives Ukraine breathing room and allows it to rebuild and rearm so that it may threaten Russia again tomorrow.
To quote Ender's Game, Putin must "win this war and win all future wars"
To do that, only total victory will suffice. And total victory is looking more and more attainable
I am certain most of the Woke left during Putin's history lesson since they hate history and are trying to destroy US history. So their lies will be apparent.
Most of the Woke idiots in the US left during the history lesson since they hate history and are trying to destroy US history. So their lies about the interview will be based on nothing and very apparent. Putin came off as sensible, wanting peace, intelligent, and reasonable. Biden, not so much.
Putin follows the Austrian painter in many ways he does not want to be known about. For example, just as Hitler invaded Poland to put an end to their slaughter of ethnic Germans ( see Bromberg Massacre ) so P invaded the Donbas for exactly the same reason. Just as the painter endlessly preceded this with appeals for peace, so Putin did too. Just as the entirety of the opposition to Hitler was jewish orchestrated, so the opposition to Putin is too - he threw their oligarchs out, and so they declared war on him, using their proxies yet again.
Austrain painter was at war with Russia during WW1 lost, blamed the Jews, and attacked Soviet Union in WW2. Got an even worse outcome. He was winning before operation Barbarossa.
Short Frenchman with pointy hat was backed by jews when he invaded Russia, ended in disaster.
Its not the Jews, its attacking Russia that is suicide.
Don't expect to post something historically correct that does not make Hitler look like a maniac without pushback. A knee-jerk response by people who never read any history of WW2 not written by the victors is predictable. They are another version of the MSM educated talking about Putin, i.e. people who have never researched anything from both sides of the argument. Now I'm taking cover against all the personal attacks for positing this comment. :-)
So now there are two of us; soon there will be three, and then four and five. Together, we reassert Hitler's rightful position as the greatest and most beloved leader of all time. The jews will not win.
Don't assume for a moment that everyone who approves "something historically correct that does not make Hitler look like a maniac" also agrees with your assessment of the man as "the greatest and most beloved leader of all time". (Or anything like it.)
I only speak to those who have ears to hear, and a brain to understand. All the rest are totally and irredeemably brainwashed, so what I say is only for them.
What is it with the fixation on Jews with people like you? Are you mentally challenged? Schicklgruber hated Jews, thought up some ridiculous moronic reasons for why he hated Jews in his idiotic book, and enacted on WWII which killed roughly 75 million people, mostly not of the Jewish faith. Do you really believe a plumber or a waiter in Tel Aviv is somehow being a over powerful monster? Are you that stupid?
And there are rich people of the Jewish faith, so what? Some big conspiracy because what? A couple of dozen billionaires are Jewish? What is with the Indian, Chinese, Russian, Angloamerican, British and German billionaires? Are they now all of the sudden hidden Jews? Yes there are evil people of Jewish faith, but so are of any religion or tribe/culture. Grow up you moron, homo homini lupus, it has nothing to with the faith of some of us, it's all of us. Nothing would change if the big boogey man of people like you would disappear.
Flawless success? I don't agree. Putin dominated early-- " you studied history right"? and "when you were thinking of applying for the CIA"-- ie. put Tucker off. (like he did with Merkel years ago with the German shepherd--she fears dogs) As far as whom Putin was addressing in this interview he was addressing the political elite of the US and Europe. Not the average citizen "western audience". TONS of hints and clues as to what he knows- hints about Condi Rice, CIA heads past and present and what he wants and what he can help the West with ( an off ramp in Ukraine). Incredible brilliance, strategic, measured and old school.
The only part of Putin's interview aimed at the "primarily western audience" was how he presented himself "as Rational, Temperate and Humorous" and of course that audience saw he had no horns and could speak full sentences and last more than 3 minutes. After all we in the West are all about visuals and superficial presentation. Eg. Putin wore an AMAZING suit , looked incredibly polished and dapper. He dressed for a European and Western audience.
Perhaps only Tucker would be the one to initiate this? I did not see the interview, only snippets. I agree, Putin is no dummy. Tucker is no dummy either and I am glad he presented this for us to consider from both sides.
All good points, and seems a lot of weak people like Merkel fear dogs, so good on Putin preying on that fear.
That said, I’m not really impressed by this interview, and could see that he repeated a lot of what he’s said before, that said it seems he’s made a strong impression on the English-speaking world, which is a good thing I suppose.
I like very much what you say here, but am puzzled as to how the things you mention flaw the success of the interview.
Tucker was plainly expecting to be dominated, and to yield the current of the interview to an autocrat with a Soviet education who wields at least five fourths of Tucker’s cognitive ability, and who rules the world’s preeminent nuclear power.
I do not like autocrats, and Mr. Putin is scary AF, especially in light of the fact that our foreign policy is managed by effective morons like Nuland, who are routinely promoted after every disaster they cause.
I think it is imperative that Americans begin to understand the situation, and this interview is one hell of a wake-up call. I like poor old Tucker just fine, don’t get me wrong, but the fact that it was Tucker Carlson who pulled this off speaks less to his ability than to the cowardice and self-enforced conformity with power of his so-called peers in the corporate press.
In response to America's idiotic withdrawal from nuclear weapon draw down agreements, and its refusal to discuss terms, Russia has developed hypersonic ICBM capabilities that are beyond the West's ability to intercept. With Ukraine collapsing, the chances are climbing that some self-deluded nappie-dragger of an armchair general will push the button and wipe out a Russian battalion with a tactical nuke. This all too plausible scenario is one of several near term possibilities that make Mr. Putin's demonstrated determination to take intelligent action in pursuit of Russian interests scary AF.
If he was the sort of small-minded self-defeating person our own autocrats generally are, Mr. Putin would be a deal less scary.
He has the intelligence to understand that his interests are not separate from those of his people, and the courage to take direct action in pursuit of those interests against a tide of CIA propaganda and the combined armed might of the West.
From a standing start, he has mobilized the Russian people for the prosecution of the Ukraine conflict: Russia's troop, arms, and armor mobilization have sucked NATO weapons stocks dry in two years, and Russian military production continues to accelerate. This while having Russian overseas assets frozen, its participation in the SWIFT system curtailed, and dozens of other supposedly crippling sanctions applied. Had you invested in the Russian ruble on March 1st, 2020, your investment value would have tripled by now.
Russia is a huge country with rich resources, but this sort of thing happens only under competent leadership. That should scare the bejeezus out of every thoughtful citizen in the West, where corruptibility, malice, and sycophancy are the gates to advancement, competence is considered lower class, and applying the the term 'leader' to anyone among our political elite has been an ugly joke since November 22nd, 1963.
.You didn't answer the question. Why should any American be scared of Russia ? Russians have some real reasons to hate and mistrust Americans, generally but the Russians have never given us any reason to be afraid of them . Or are you just scared of anything greater than yourself?
Your best bet would be to read a little slower. Nothing I said implies any aggression on Mr. Putin or Russia’s part. I’m afraid of how smart and capable Russian leadership is compared to our own aggressive idiot corps.
I had to read two times to understand your argument. You believe our politicians in the West should be scared because they are confronted with someone much smarter than them. I agree! But, for them to be scared they would have to be smarter than they are and capable to see the consequences of their action not with hindsight but with foresight. They are not able to do either.
Maybe I need to write a little slower; lack of clarity is certainly my fault.
I think you and I should be terrified that the aggressive neocon morons in charge are still looking for ways to back the Russians into a corner.
Mr. Putin has demonstrated that he will do what it takes to protect Russia from being maneuvered by American warmongering into a strategically untenable position.
You are definitely right about the way in which Putin presented himself. This may surprise Westerners who have never watched Putin before. But there is plenty of relatively recent footage out there showing him in this mode. One good sample is the annual Q&A he holds, where he takes questions from the public--it is hours and hours long, and he is this way throughout.
Coup in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan would be very nice move here, but you can leave Japan out since they themselves are going to extinct in a few years.
Can you create a Downfall video meme of Zelensky? "Mein Fuhrer... Avdiivka... Avdiivka has fallen to the Russians. And America is not sending any more money."
A Yankee audit that will no doubt be extremely conservative has estimated that at the bare minimumsome US$1Billion worth of weapons have somehow disappeared from Ukraine.
Mexican cartels andPakistan are know about with rumours of more in Jordan and Yeman.
I just wanted to point out how insane modernity is: you are a defected USSR operative, who has been vividly against USSR, now you are in USA, posting memes (!) quite friendly/tangential to Russian views, just because US politics is so far up its ass that libertarian like you could find more points of contact with Russia than with US "allies".
We all await new seasons of this weird reality show with anticipation.
The reaction of the EUUS to this ‘significant’ defeat has been to try to revive the dead in the water proposal meandering through the EU bureaucracy since April 2022 - the setting up a Special Court to condemn RF, arrest Putin, and live happily everafter
But have run into two difficulties:
– The EU habit of taking years to even begin to plan a way to plan - despite the supposed support of a feast of acronyms: PACE, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, NPA; EP, European Parliament; The Council of Europe, The European Commission
-MEPs have voted on January 19, 2024, to kiss this corpse: 472 for, 19 against 33 abstentions – but there appears to be no committee imagined or planned to initiate discussions of who’nhow might form the appropriate commission of investigation in order to establish the parameters of…..
-the CBR confiscation trap – the Rest of the World, they fear, will follow suit and set up their own Tribunals to try USEUNATO for all the warcrimes committed this past century, not to mention colonisations, reparations etc etc
PS The best – only- idea they have is to get the UN involved…..
PS Not a squeak from the FT, NYT, WSJ, Daily this or that – so one can assume the chances are slim
Interesting that even the crooked institutions set up by the West are abandoning the West in the courtroom. It's almost as if the overwhelming evidence against the USA Ukraine and Israel is too much for anyone to have their name attached for all of history to see. Great points btw...well done.
It is sufficient to note that despite two years of blabber from the highest EU levels, nothing seems to have been done to realise this new court
Which may well mean the lawyers say no - 'it will not work, anyway, and the consequences are that anyone and everyone will follow suit' (i.e. set up their own such courts)
Presumably, 'forget the UN' - too : no motion nor resolution has been presented
Just as with the so called confiscation of the CBR assets - a lot of talk , then nada
it may mean that this talk comes about from pressure from the US, too far removed themselves from any concepts of international legalities to be able to (to have sufficient standing to) promote such a court in person
It is curious to see how futile the EU countries are, not only at hot war but at cold - they just can not be bothered to fight
Re: Zaluzhny -> Syrsky .... Anticlimactic end to the drama. Expect not much change. Have to conclude that behind the scenes, everyone in a position to obstruct got paid off, so now they can march another 500k to their doom, and collect the money for 1 million - while producing more convincing paperwork this time for the auditors.
It is hilarious watching the nafo people squirm with the replacement of Zaluzhny with Syrsky. They all think Zelenskiiiyiyiyiyiyyiyyyyyyy is the greatest leader of all time; now they are faced with the stark fact that he is a pathetic, rat-faced, insecure coward who needs blind loyalty rather than competence around him. Lots of fun to watch.
What real difference does it make at this point? Ukraine will lose the war regardless of who commands its shrinking military. Zalushny, however, might benefit as he will be out of the way and will not be blamed when the final collapse comes. His replacement is going to have it all come down on his head.
Excellent round up as usual. Agree re Tucker Carlson interview - excellent. As you noted there is not a lot that is new for those who have been following Putin closely but for those that haven't, it should come as a shock and cause for a radical rethink
mmm... what fraction of the US audience is going to sit thru even the first question? Those already skeptical of the MSM will read the cliff notes version on zerohedge etc
The U$ofA is a mere toddler on the world stage. A dangerous toddler armed with guns that really do go BANG! yes but there is not much toddler history to recount. The US audience isn't used to that much history and it's probably beyond their attention span anyway. What's especially interesting is the contrast between Biden & Putin and how US citizens may now have a clearer view of the role of their own government in world shenanigans.
It was a bit of a slog to get through, honestly, the first part about Russia's history that is, but 1) it *was* interesting - and it was primarily aimed at those who go deep in the weeds in this respect and 2) the rest was indeed very good. All in all, well worth the two hours.
Thank you, I see the pace of slaughter continues and under Ukraine's new management may well increase.
I did enjoy the Tucker interview, prior US interviews were so combative, this one was not. I especially enjoyed their discussion of the NS2 pipeline, and their brief aside on AI, genetics and Musk.
There are many even the rabid Yankee hero type that are struggling to debunk many of the points raised in the interview.
Look at how the farmers revolt,(barely mentioned if at all in much of Western media),has inflamed many city dwellers who once they understood the issues are on the streets in support.
Tucker gave Pres. Putin the time to talk and explain without interruption. THAT is the right way. After all, Tucker wasn't there to show off HIS talent but to INTERVIEW a.person.
Carlson - yes an ignoramus compared to Putin - is far more educated and aware than the vast majority of normie Murikans, who are thoroughly gaslighted on numerous issues including Russia and Ukraine. Most could not point to Ukraine on a world map, but they'll nonetheless parrot lying talking points crafted by Supreme War-Sow V. Nuland and her step-n-fetchits like the ridiculous clown John Bolton. If people actually took the time to watch the interview, they would maybe start to realize that VVP is a serious figure while the figure occupying the white house is a literal retarded ventriloquist dummy who controls nothing - not even his bowels.
Great work by Tucker, although his attempts to badger Putin about the American "journalist" spy, caught red handed, came across poorly...Putin explained over and over again that the guy was caught red handed and he'll be freed when a deal is worked out with the American government...
Yeah, that was the only cringe-worthy moment. It's a cheap stunt that's often done by journalists talking with a controversial man of power as protection against BS propagandists who try to claim he's working for the guy being interviewed. If the interviewer gets a sort of kewpie doll by getting the prisoner sprung free, then that's even better. It was distasteful and a waste of Putin's and our own time. But I don't judge; Carlson might be under a shitload of pressure. One of the interesting things is that both Putin and Carlson are skilled at self-presentation in full public view. Although the Russian is far more sophisticated and more practised.
The calls are already out to have Carlson banned from the E.U. and in Yankeeland for him to have citizenship revoked and jailed for treason such is the insanity of the communists in what remains of the festering shitpit called the US.
Agree! It was over the top from Tucker to play this card..sounded naive and stupid.. can i take him back with me to his mummy, he’s actually just a boy, only 32..honest journalist it was just “tiny mistake”.. Priceless. VVP was very patient and Monaco part was funny
It’s to be expected that Ukraine will continue to make things worse for themselves. They make decisions based on politics, control, greed. In addition, they are not smart to begin with. Lastly, they have to follow what the American neocons also tell them to do. Since they fund the entire gov of Ukraine.
This makes it impossible for Ukraine to make any decisions that would be good for the people or the country.
I've seen stranger things happen. In fact today some pro-UA accounts even accused him of this, claiming that the Kremlin now has their top stooge in command of the entire AFU. One thing that's almost certain is that he would have previous 'contacts' and possible secret dialogue with "old friends" on the other side of the fence.
And even if there's nothing now, there could be a chance he'll be sway-able later. Russian intel head Patrushev did say last year that they have people embedded in top positions who are ready to "take control" when given the command as things go south, so who knows.
In case of Syrsky that would backfire given the hate he seemingly elicits in Ukrainian troops.
Occam’s Razor suggest what you also outlined: likely just a loyal commander installed in place of a more defiant and dangerous one for Zelensky. If the replacement is really the less competent one all the better for Russia.
Sometimes I get assaulted by bewildered about Zelenskyy. This grotesque figure - where did he really come from, what did he ever really want? Peace in Donbass he claimed, now he send Ukrainians into meat grinders on end.
Maybe some of the more sinister theories are accurate.
It's been my opinion that Z is a CIA asset. People need to remember that this confrontation goes back a long time, back even before Brzezinski (The Grand Chessboard).
My feeling is that this was a long play psyop with Z's role as President in the TV series written to undermine Poroshenko. When that became popular he was touted for election backed by the necessary power and money which actually controls Ukraine - US power and money that has had a perpetual hard-on for a fight with Russia. And then, when duly elected, the CIA controlled Z stepped forward into the real role that was actually scripted for him.
Long shot, maybe, but I still think it's a reasonable proposition.
It's bizarre that Zelensky's masters have allowed for a Russian to take over as the commander. And Yermak's Russian connection is even more weird considering he's believed to be MI6 plant, but then he could be close to the likes of Khodorkovsky. Patrushev's agents, if any, would be low-key I suppose...his comment seemed more about creating suspicion in Kiev.
Putin considers them Russians. Zelensky wants Big Israel. Diametrically opposed to each other.
I'm calling for you to give mummy her laptop back and go back to the basement.
😆 The 🌈 brigades are coming. They will turn all the Russians gay
President Putin's Objective in the interview was to speak to a Primarily Western Audience & make himself heard. In the interview, he came across as Rational, Temperate & Humorous; a far cry from being 'Austrian Painter v2.0,' according to Western Press-titute 'Media'.
Therefore, the interview (albeit re-hashing well known talking points) was a flawless success as it basically DESTROYED the 'Putin = Hitler v2.0' nonsense of the past 2+ years or so.
(For those interested)
If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:
Thank You Kindly to everyone!
If his objective for the interview was the western audience, he couldn't have violated the US television format more completely and thoroughly. Right off the bat, 45 minutes of historical exposition. Relatively complex answers, usually circling back to the historical foundation. Always being mindful of the framing the question attempts to impose, and generally breezing right by it to stay on point. Relatively few one-liners.
Huge credit to Putin's english voiceover guy, too.
I have to wonder if it wasn't equal parts meant for Russian domestic audience, and non-US global audience, with just a couple of (rather pointed) bits directly addressed to the US
Putin is on another level from Tucker and US politicians. You can see why he has been able to stay in power for so long, and why he could bring Russia back from the brink of ruin to what it is today. Brilliant man.
Make that two levels...he's like a teacher explaining basic science to kindergartners...
BTW, Tucker did not seem well prepared for this interview.
Definitely got more than he bargained for. To his credit, he saw it thru to the end
Tucker seemed like a typical US journalist, interrupting with sometimes stupid questions, and not following Putin's line of thought. He did not understand why Putin was explaining Russian history to him ( to explain where Ukraine came from).
I'm glad Tucker interviewed him, but he should been better prepared.
I found the obligatory China question amusing. In so many words: we can keep this one short. your cope stories are stale. we're neighbors, you're not. they surpassed your economy years ago, and your allies all trade with them even more than we do
I think Tucker thought that Putin was blowing off the interview when he went into the history of the region. Putin for his part may have considered Tucker a dunce and unless he put everything in a context Tucker would not grasp his reasoning.
As the interview continued I think they both saw the value of the other, Putin saw someone who was not there to grind an ax and Tucker realized he was speaking to someone of remarkable intellect who saw the world though a political and historical prism.
I found their discussion of NS2, AI, genetics, Musk fun, wish they had been able to get deeper into genetics and of course my personal favorite; biolabs which they sadly did not touch upon.
I think Tucker was prepared, just once he was actually with him, he was a bit overwhelmed. Putin is Master of All He Surveys after all :)
Yes, it would have been interesting having a discussion on the biolabs; maybe he could have supplemented some of the docs he'd given to Tucker (the historic archival material).
Russia isn't fighting Ukraine or even NATO, it is fighting the DEEP STATE. At the end of the day, there is a money trail behind everything. The talk of trade moving away from the USD is premature at best. Trade in USD pales in comparison to the assets denominated in the USD. nVidia just appreciated the last few days a markt cap equivalent to all energy companies combined notwithstanding its recent trick of selling to its subsidiaries and the US and the SEC is part of norishing this AI narratives and are turning a blind eye to this out-right fraud.
I'm pointing this out for a reason. As long as ppl are willing to pile money into USD denominated assets, RU+CN is no match for the US. They need to work sweats to get dollar and meanwhile the US can just print and obtain countless resources.
Tucker is an American journalist. Those people think in soundbites and expect soundbite answers. This is how you connect with the majority of the people who neither have the time nor the ability to follow an in dept conversation.
Not so much with Carlson. He seems better suited to the long talks. I would think not speaking Russian may have stressed him.
Putin's face is far from an emotionless mask. One thing to read, another to hear and a third to have to listen to a translation, all at once. Tucker's in the big leagues now.
Congrats to all. Especially those Americans brave enough to watch, learn, and think for themselves. Strict obedience to maniacal tyrants has never had a good outcome.
Must your whole country be destroyed before you begin to question those who put and keep you on the highway to Hell?
I agree with others that Carlson is not so much this way. Also, to me it seems he has evolved since leaving Fox, or perhaps he is just doing things now in a style he may always have wanted to, but was restrained from doing while he was on a leash.
For example, in his recent interview with Bret Weinstein, he let Weinstein do most of he talking, dipping his own oar in just enough to keep the discussion interesting. In a way he is now doing it more like Joe Rogan--giving his guests a respectful hearing and letting them speak for themselves.
What was he going to do.....walk out?
He could do as some TV hosts do, when their guest is embarrassing their political patrons.
Try to frustrate the interviewee by interrupting, arguing with them, asking "questions" which are really long accusatory statements, obtusely changing the subject when their accusation is refuted, then repeating their accusation as if it were unchallenged...
Putin would have walked out!
Yep, could have done somewhat better, but the interview itself was a huge coup...Putin explaining how the German government willfully withheld Russian gas from its country is going to open some eyes....
I think Tucker is not used to the real time voice translation interview format, whereas Putin does this all the time. So he had the advantage and knew how to use it.
It’s not “translation”, but “interpretation”, when done in real time, either consecutively or simultaneously.
To me, Tucker looks like an envoy from Trump and those forces that want to negotiate peace with Russia. This interview helps Putin break through the information blockade in the West and humanizes him in the eyes of the Western public.
The shame of it is that Western media is so biased and censored that many in the West think the Russian Federation is communist and the still the U.S.S.R. populated by illiterate peasants who consider themselves rich if they own a goat.
That's sounds like another stereotype about USSR.
Yeah check out this old from article from Simplicius to dispel your less than respectful take Barry.
We have lots more bells and whistles, but none of it is paid for. This will soon be a common theme.
The interest payments are killing us, we can afford to neuter our kids physically and mentally, but educate them, nah we leave that to tv and internet gaming.
...did you even comprehend his take? Read it again, he's talking about the perception of Russia in the West because of its blinkered media.
Trump doesn't have any intention of "negotiating peace" with Russia..theres nothing to negotiate. .When the Americans are able to accept Russian terms it will end ..until then it will only get worse for them
As if the deep state is going to step back from the brink and allow Trump or anyone who hasn't been selected take office. It's completely dysfunctional like all governing systems in the combined west and its only direction is towards dissolution.
Putin would also be out of his mind to negotiate now. The Russians are winning. The AFU is rapidly collapsing, facing multiple Russian breakthroughs all across the Front
Peace now simply gives Ukraine breathing room and allows it to rebuild and rearm so that it may threaten Russia again tomorrow.
To quote Ender's Game, Putin must "win this war and win all future wars"
To do that, only total victory will suffice. And total victory is looking more and more attainable
I am certain most of the Woke left during Putin's history lesson since they hate history and are trying to destroy US history. So their lies will be apparent.
Most of the Woke idiots in the US left during the history lesson since they hate history and are trying to destroy US history. So their lies about the interview will be based on nothing and very apparent. Putin came off as sensible, wanting peace, intelligent, and reasonable. Biden, not so much.
Putin follows the Austrian painter in many ways he does not want to be known about. For example, just as Hitler invaded Poland to put an end to their slaughter of ethnic Germans ( see Bromberg Massacre ) so P invaded the Donbas for exactly the same reason. Just as the painter endlessly preceded this with appeals for peace, so Putin did too. Just as the entirety of the opposition to Hitler was jewish orchestrated, so the opposition to Putin is too - he threw their oligarchs out, and so they declared war on him, using their proxies yet again.
Very hard to argue with that.
You are a disgusting nut job
Austrain painter was at war with Russia during WW1 lost, blamed the Jews, and attacked Soviet Union in WW2. Got an even worse outcome. He was winning before operation Barbarossa.
Short Frenchman with pointy hat was backed by jews when he invaded Russia, ended in disaster.
Its not the Jews, its attacking Russia that is suicide.
Don't expect to post something historically correct that does not make Hitler look like a maniac without pushback. A knee-jerk response by people who never read any history of WW2 not written by the victors is predictable. They are another version of the MSM educated talking about Putin, i.e. people who have never researched anything from both sides of the argument. Now I'm taking cover against all the personal attacks for positing this comment. :-)
So now there are two of us; soon there will be three, and then four and five. Together, we reassert Hitler's rightful position as the greatest and most beloved leader of all time. The jews will not win.
Don't assume for a moment that everyone who approves "something historically correct that does not make Hitler look like a maniac" also agrees with your assessment of the man as "the greatest and most beloved leader of all time". (Or anything like it.)
I only speak to those who have ears to hear, and a brain to understand. All the rest are totally and irredeemably brainwashed, so what I say is only for them.
Ears shaped like triple parentheses?
What is it with the fixation on Jews with people like you? Are you mentally challenged? Schicklgruber hated Jews, thought up some ridiculous moronic reasons for why he hated Jews in his idiotic book, and enacted on WWII which killed roughly 75 million people, mostly not of the Jewish faith. Do you really believe a plumber or a waiter in Tel Aviv is somehow being a over powerful monster? Are you that stupid?
And there are rich people of the Jewish faith, so what? Some big conspiracy because what? A couple of dozen billionaires are Jewish? What is with the Indian, Chinese, Russian, Angloamerican, British and German billionaires? Are they now all of the sudden hidden Jews? Yes there are evil people of Jewish faith, but so are of any religion or tribe/culture. Grow up you moron, homo homini lupus, it has nothing to with the faith of some of us, it's all of us. Nothing would change if the big boogey man of people like you would disappear.
When you grow up, come back and we can talk. Until then, leave the discussion to adults.
Nope, because you are f.cking retarded and people with an IQ below 80 deserve nothing but ridicule. Adults, lol.
Polluting a thread with antisemitic posturing is as old as the hills. But hey, if it pays the bills...
There's a job waiting for you at MSNBC if you want it.
Flawless success? I don't agree. Putin dominated early-- " you studied history right"? and "when you were thinking of applying for the CIA"-- ie. put Tucker off. (like he did with Merkel years ago with the German shepherd--she fears dogs) As far as whom Putin was addressing in this interview he was addressing the political elite of the US and Europe. Not the average citizen "western audience". TONS of hints and clues as to what he knows- hints about Condi Rice, CIA heads past and present and what he wants and what he can help the West with ( an off ramp in Ukraine). Incredible brilliance, strategic, measured and old school.
The only part of Putin's interview aimed at the "primarily western audience" was how he presented himself "as Rational, Temperate and Humorous" and of course that audience saw he had no horns and could speak full sentences and last more than 3 minutes. After all we in the West are all about visuals and superficial presentation. Eg. Putin wore an AMAZING suit , looked incredibly polished and dapper. He dressed for a European and Western audience.
To watch him in action like that is breathtaking.
Perhaps only Tucker would be the one to initiate this? I did not see the interview, only snippets. I agree, Putin is no dummy. Tucker is no dummy either and I am glad he presented this for us to consider from both sides.
Full text translation. Well worth the time.
Thank you for that!
I remain deeply in your debt
All good points, and seems a lot of weak people like Merkel fear dogs, so good on Putin preying on that fear.
That said, I’m not really impressed by this interview, and could see that he repeated a lot of what he’s said before, that said it seems he’s made a strong impression on the English-speaking world, which is a good thing I suppose.
Carol, you nailed it…
In Russia, too, he doesn’t walk around in bast shoes and a blouse
I like very much what you say here, but am puzzled as to how the things you mention flaw the success of the interview.
Tucker was plainly expecting to be dominated, and to yield the current of the interview to an autocrat with a Soviet education who wields at least five fourths of Tucker’s cognitive ability, and who rules the world’s preeminent nuclear power.
I do not like autocrats, and Mr. Putin is scary AF, especially in light of the fact that our foreign policy is managed by effective morons like Nuland, who are routinely promoted after every disaster they cause.
I think it is imperative that Americans begin to understand the situation, and this interview is one hell of a wake-up call. I like poor old Tucker just fine, don’t get me wrong, but the fact that it was Tucker Carlson who pulled this off speaks less to his ability than to the cowardice and self-enforced conformity with power of his so-called peers in the corporate press.
What about Putin scares you?
In response to America's idiotic withdrawal from nuclear weapon draw down agreements, and its refusal to discuss terms, Russia has developed hypersonic ICBM capabilities that are beyond the West's ability to intercept. With Ukraine collapsing, the chances are climbing that some self-deluded nappie-dragger of an armchair general will push the button and wipe out a Russian battalion with a tactical nuke. This all too plausible scenario is one of several near term possibilities that make Mr. Putin's demonstrated determination to take intelligent action in pursuit of Russian interests scary AF.
If he was the sort of small-minded self-defeating person our own autocrats generally are, Mr. Putin would be a deal less scary.
He has the intelligence to understand that his interests are not separate from those of his people, and the courage to take direct action in pursuit of those interests against a tide of CIA propaganda and the combined armed might of the West.
From a standing start, he has mobilized the Russian people for the prosecution of the Ukraine conflict: Russia's troop, arms, and armor mobilization have sucked NATO weapons stocks dry in two years, and Russian military production continues to accelerate. This while having Russian overseas assets frozen, its participation in the SWIFT system curtailed, and dozens of other supposedly crippling sanctions applied. Had you invested in the Russian ruble on March 1st, 2020, your investment value would have tripled by now.
Russia is a huge country with rich resources, but this sort of thing happens only under competent leadership. That should scare the bejeezus out of every thoughtful citizen in the West, where corruptibility, malice, and sycophancy are the gates to advancement, competence is considered lower class, and applying the the term 'leader' to anyone among our political elite has been an ugly joke since November 22nd, 1963.
.You didn't answer the question. Why should any American be scared of Russia ? Russians have some real reasons to hate and mistrust Americans, generally but the Russians have never given us any reason to be afraid of them . Or are you just scared of anything greater than yourself?
Your best bet would be to read a little slower. Nothing I said implies any aggression on Mr. Putin or Russia’s part. I’m afraid of how smart and capable Russian leadership is compared to our own aggressive idiot corps.
I had to read two times to understand your argument. You believe our politicians in the West should be scared because they are confronted with someone much smarter than them. I agree! But, for them to be scared they would have to be smarter than they are and capable to see the consequences of their action not with hindsight but with foresight. They are not able to do either.
Maybe I need to write a little slower; lack of clarity is certainly my fault.
I think you and I should be terrified that the aggressive neocon morons in charge are still looking for ways to back the Russians into a corner.
Mr. Putin has demonstrated that he will do what it takes to protect Russia from being maneuvered by American warmongering into a strategically untenable position.
Hope that’s better, sorry.
You are definitely right about the way in which Putin presented himself. This may surprise Westerners who have never watched Putin before. But there is plenty of relatively recent footage out there showing him in this mode. One good sample is the annual Q&A he holds, where he takes questions from the public--it is hours and hours long, and he is this way throughout.
Putin also kept Tucker waiting 2.5 hours.
I agree, and it was a worth a watch for me for the snippets of Russian history.
Whos ready for a coup baby.
Coup in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan would be very nice move here, but you can leave Japan out since they themselves are going to extinct in a few years.
America is ripe for one..
Can you create a Downfall video meme of Zelensky? "Mein Fuhrer... Avdiivka... Avdiivka has fallen to the Russians. And America is not sending any more money."
Pretty soon Zelensky will be giving orders to nonexistent divisions...
if the funding comes thru, it could be most lucrative
A Yankee audit that will no doubt be extremely conservative has estimated that at the bare minimumsome US$1Billion worth of weapons have somehow disappeared from Ukraine.
Mexican cartels andPakistan are know about with rumours of more in Jordan and Yeman.
Are we talking about the Mexico next to Texas, or the one with the Suez Canal?
Zelensky will fall, my curse for Gonzalo will find him eventually. He cannot escape it.
Yuri I thought you were the meme man on Substack!
"These men will stay here: Syrsky, Prokopenko, Poroshenko, and Budanov."
I just wanted to point out how insane modernity is: you are a defected USSR operative, who has been vividly against USSR, now you are in USA, posting memes (!) quite friendly/tangential to Russian views, just because US politics is so far up its ass that libertarian like you could find more points of contact with Russia than with US "allies".
We all await new seasons of this weird reality show with anticipation.
//you are a defected USSR operative.
You do know that the real Bezmenov died 31 years ago and this account is a pseudonym, right?
9 Feb 2024 Stop Press ICJ rules against the Ukraine in ‘genocide’ dispute with RF
The reaction of the EUUS to this ‘significant’ defeat has been to try to revive the dead in the water proposal meandering through the EU bureaucracy since April 2022 - the setting up a Special Court to condemn RF, arrest Putin, and live happily everafter
But have run into two difficulties:
– The EU habit of taking years to even begin to plan a way to plan - despite the supposed support of a feast of acronyms: PACE, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, NPA; EP, European Parliament; The Council of Europe, The European Commission
-MEPs have voted on January 19, 2024, to kiss this corpse: 472 for, 19 against 33 abstentions – but there appears to be no committee imagined or planned to initiate discussions of who’nhow might form the appropriate commission of investigation in order to establish the parameters of…..
-the CBR confiscation trap – the Rest of the World, they fear, will follow suit and set up their own Tribunals to try USEUNATO for all the warcrimes committed this past century, not to mention colonisations, reparations etc etc
PS The best – only- idea they have is to get the UN involved…..
PS Not a squeak from the FT, NYT, WSJ, Daily this or that – so one can assume the chances are slim,Russia's%20invasion%20violated%20the%20convention.
Interesting that even the crooked institutions set up by the West are abandoning the West in the courtroom. It's almost as if the overwhelming evidence against the USA Ukraine and Israel is too much for anyone to have their name attached for all of history to see. Great points btw...well done.
It is sufficient to note that despite two years of blabber from the highest EU levels, nothing seems to have been done to realise this new court
Which may well mean the lawyers say no - 'it will not work, anyway, and the consequences are that anyone and everyone will follow suit' (i.e. set up their own such courts)
Presumably, 'forget the UN' - too : no motion nor resolution has been presented
Just as with the so called confiscation of the CBR assets - a lot of talk , then nada
it may mean that this talk comes about from pressure from the US, too far removed themselves from any concepts of international legalities to be able to (to have sufficient standing to) promote such a court in person
It is curious to see how futile the EU countries are, not only at hot war but at cold - they just can not be bothered to fight
Re: Zaluzhny -> Syrsky .... Anticlimactic end to the drama. Expect not much change. Have to conclude that behind the scenes, everyone in a position to obstruct got paid off, so now they can march another 500k to their doom, and collect the money for 1 million - while producing more convincing paperwork this time for the auditors.
It is hilarious watching the nafo people squirm with the replacement of Zaluzhny with Syrsky. They all think Zelenskiiiyiyiyiyiyyiyyyyyyy is the greatest leader of all time; now they are faced with the stark fact that he is a pathetic, rat-faced, insecure coward who needs blind loyalty rather than competence around him. Lots of fun to watch.
Big Thanks! Refreshing Review/Update, specially after watching 'Tucker' hangout for a history lesson!
What real difference does it make at this point? Ukraine will lose the war regardless of who commands its shrinking military. Zalushny, however, might benefit as he will be out of the way and will not be blamed when the final collapse comes. His replacement is going to have it all come down on his head.
Excellent round up as usual. Agree re Tucker Carlson interview - excellent. As you noted there is not a lot that is new for those who have been following Putin closely but for those that haven't, it should come as a shock and cause for a radical rethink
mmm... what fraction of the US audience is going to sit thru even the first question? Those already skeptical of the MSM will read the cliff notes version on zerohedge etc
Americans are lazy when it comes to news. Too many accept the msm propaganda as truth
And the "truth telling" must not exceed 20 seconds.
Twenty seconds? That's a feat. The "truth telling" MUST be interrupted at all costs by the “journalist”. LOL
The U$ofA is a mere toddler on the world stage. A dangerous toddler armed with guns that really do go BANG! yes but there is not much toddler history to recount. The US audience isn't used to that much history and it's probably beyond their attention span anyway. What's especially interesting is the contrast between Biden & Putin and how US citizens may now have a clearer view of the role of their own government in world shenanigans.
It was a bit of a slog to get through, honestly, the first part about Russia's history that is, but 1) it *was* interesting - and it was primarily aimed at those who go deep in the weeds in this respect and 2) the rest was indeed very good. All in all, well worth the two hours.
But even the cliff notes version will be enlightening to some. Better for a busy person to at least read that than nothing at all.
Thank you, I see the pace of slaughter continues and under Ukraine's new management may well increase.
I did enjoy the Tucker interview, prior US interviews were so combative, this one was not. I especially enjoyed their discussion of the NS2 pipeline, and their brief aside on AI, genetics and Musk.
It can't really increase...not enough troops left, and some groups are smart enough to surrender...
Valid point, I will edit my remark to say that "the pace of" slaughter.
Frances have you seen the Oliver Stone i'views?
Yes, some time ago. They are good although Stone did seem a bit afraid of him as I recall.
He made Tucker look like an ignoramus. I hope our retarded governments in the west actually listened and learned something.
And for the normies out there, maybe some will actually pay attention to what actually happened between 2008 and 2022 and think.
Sadly I doubt any normie will pay attention
There are many even the rabid Yankee hero type that are struggling to debunk many of the points raised in the interview.
Look at how the farmers revolt,(barely mentioned if at all in much of Western media),has inflamed many city dwellers who once they understood the issues are on the streets in support.
To be frank, Tucker also makes Tucker look like an ignoramus most of the time.
Most Yanks have that habit.
Maybe it's just his face.
Tucker gave Pres. Putin the time to talk and explain without interruption. THAT is the right way. After all, Tucker wasn't there to show off HIS talent but to INTERVIEW a.person.
Carlson - yes an ignoramus compared to Putin - is far more educated and aware than the vast majority of normie Murikans, who are thoroughly gaslighted on numerous issues including Russia and Ukraine. Most could not point to Ukraine on a world map, but they'll nonetheless parrot lying talking points crafted by Supreme War-Sow V. Nuland and her step-n-fetchits like the ridiculous clown John Bolton. If people actually took the time to watch the interview, they would maybe start to realize that VVP is a serious figure while the figure occupying the white house is a literal retarded ventriloquist dummy who controls nothing - not even his bowels.
Great work by Tucker, although his attempts to badger Putin about the American "journalist" spy, caught red handed, came across poorly...Putin explained over and over again that the guy was caught red handed and he'll be freed when a deal is worked out with the American government...
Yeah, that was the only cringe-worthy moment. It's a cheap stunt that's often done by journalists talking with a controversial man of power as protection against BS propagandists who try to claim he's working for the guy being interviewed. If the interviewer gets a sort of kewpie doll by getting the prisoner sprung free, then that's even better. It was distasteful and a waste of Putin's and our own time. But I don't judge; Carlson might be under a shitload of pressure. One of the interesting things is that both Putin and Carlson are skilled at self-presentation in full public view. Although the Russian is far more sophisticated and more practised.
The calls are already out to have Carlson banned from the E.U. and in Yankeeland for him to have citizenship revoked and jailed for treason such is the insanity of the communists in what remains of the festering shitpit called the US.
Whatever Tucker Carlson's motive in bringing up this issue, Putin's response reflects his ability to manage policy matters.
For example:
“The more public we render things of this nature, the more difficult it becomes to resolve them.”
It seems to me that the section you mention is one of the most subtle of the interview but, like so many things, it requires stopping and thinking.
This is better done on transcripts than on videos…
Agree! It was over the top from Tucker to play this card..sounded naive and stupid.. can i take him back with me to his mummy, he’s actually just a boy, only 32..honest journalist it was just “tiny mistake”.. Priceless. VVP was very patient and Monaco part was funny
It’s to be expected that Ukraine will continue to make things worse for themselves. They make decisions based on politics, control, greed. In addition, they are not smart to begin with. Lastly, they have to follow what the American neocons also tell them to do. Since they fund the entire gov of Ukraine.
This makes it impossible for Ukraine to make any decisions that would be good for the people or the country.
Selecting personnel based on politics makes sense, since all the real decisions are made in Langley and Arlington.
Maybe Syrsky is low key pro russian and doing all that he does on purpose? 😆
I've seen stranger things happen. In fact today some pro-UA accounts even accused him of this, claiming that the Kremlin now has their top stooge in command of the entire AFU. One thing that's almost certain is that he would have previous 'contacts' and possible secret dialogue with "old friends" on the other side of the fence.
And even if there's nothing now, there could be a chance he'll be sway-able later. Russian intel head Patrushev did say last year that they have people embedded in top positions who are ready to "take control" when given the command as things go south, so who knows.
In case of Syrsky that would backfire given the hate he seemingly elicits in Ukrainian troops.
Occam’s Razor suggest what you also outlined: likely just a loyal commander installed in place of a more defiant and dangerous one for Zelensky. If the replacement is really the less competent one all the better for Russia.
Sometimes I get assaulted by bewildered about Zelenskyy. This grotesque figure - where did he really come from, what did he ever really want? Peace in Donbass he claimed, now he send Ukrainians into meat grinders on end.
Maybe some of the more sinister theories are accurate.
Scott Ritter made a compelling case for Zelensky being an intelligence asset.
It's been my opinion that Z is a CIA asset. People need to remember that this confrontation goes back a long time, back even before Brzezinski (The Grand Chessboard).
My feeling is that this was a long play psyop with Z's role as President in the TV series written to undermine Poroshenko. When that became popular he was touted for election backed by the necessary power and money which actually controls Ukraine - US power and money that has had a perpetual hard-on for a fight with Russia. And then, when duly elected, the CIA controlled Z stepped forward into the real role that was actually scripted for him.
Long shot, maybe, but I still think it's a reasonable proposition.
I don't think it's a long shot at all! Z being a cultivated intelligence asset IS a surety, and I would be more surprised if he WASN'T.
It's bizarre that Zelensky's masters have allowed for a Russian to take over as the commander. And Yermak's Russian connection is even more weird considering he's believed to be MI6 plant, but then he could be close to the likes of Khodorkovsky. Patrushev's agents, if any, would be low-key I suppose...his comment seemed more about creating suspicion in Kiev.
«Roma traditoribus non praemiat»
Quintus Servilius Caepio (consul 140 BC)
Taking that possibility with maximum skepticism & doubt. The AFU command has been purged on more than one occasion