Yesterday we had the first full confirmation that the last and most serious Ukrainian brigade, meant for the big offensive, has finally been committed to battle.
I think Russia wants to take as little territory as possible. It absolutely must have Crimea since there is a huge naval base there. I think there are other defense things too like tank factories. Before the war they were willing to let Ukraine have everything else as long as they stayed neutral.
Now Russia can't give up the territory they already have because the Ukrainians would massacre all the Russian speakers there. They've already been incorporated into Russian and this will not be reversed.
So the USA is trying to provoke Russia into occupying as much of Ukraine as possible. So far it isn't working, but they are nowhere near to giving up.
This will continue until the Ukrainians have had enough and agree to remain neutral. There is as yet no sign of this. The conflict in Kashmir has been going on for what, 60 years?
Remaining neutral means remaining neutral, with an army suitable for no more than repelling attacks from Poland, Byeolorus, Romania, or Moldova. That is, more requirements than just not joining NATO. Inspections and so forth...
It's also never USA its always Biden, Macron instead of France, Sunak instead of UK, as if these heads of state were dictators. Maybe because a nation is too abstract for the average reader to identify with.
If Russia wanted Donbass they would have had it in 2014. They don't particularly want it, what they are after is Ukrainian neutrality.
"The idiotic stubbornness of Ukraine and Zelensky is the best scenario for the people of Donbass. As a resident of that same Donetsk, I will tell you about the opinion of the majority of local residents. They think with horror that Ukraine would have complied with the Minsk agreements from the very beginning. In this case, Donetsk and Luhansk would remain part of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government would then secretly send all those who disagreed to the dungeons of the SBU, where they would safely disappear forever. Thank God they turned out to be such narcissistic fools!"
Yeah, it’s harsh. But this has gotten completely ridiculous now. It was already ridiculous a year ago. The longer Russia has allowed the runt and NATO to lie, the more emboldened they got. Time to wrap it up and take him out before he can flee to one of his villas or to Israel. Because you know that’s coming next.
If this year the winter will be freezing normal Kiev will likely have to be evacuated because of NO electricity, light, heating (3.5 million before war).
Let Ukrainians rebel against the Zelensky putsch regime and the US empire. The unspeakable Darth Nuland t al. get kicked out and the rest of Ukraine gets out of trouble.
I think that time is coming. Ukraine is nearly exhausted, having thrown their last, and most elite, forces into the fight. I suspect Russia will take the rest of the Donbass, Zaporizhia and Kherson this month and the next. They will likely keep destroying infrastructure, command centres and ammo/weaponry stores during the winter, and then depending on the political aspects will finish the job in the spring. I don't see much chance of Russia being pressured into a compromise settlement as there are no agreement capable people with whom they can hope to negotiate.
On the other hand, the Russian General Staff have not consulted me about any of this, so who knows?
That's easy. I will say I was wrong. We all express our opinions here - sometimes we are right on the mark. Sometimes we couldn't be more wrong. None of us know what is really going on, nor do we know what will happen next. When October comes, be certain to remind me of my error - I will gladly retract what I have said.
NATO will not get involved directly and they're lying about letting Ukraine in. NATO is essentially disarmed and fear most direct confrontation against Russia because they know they'll get stomped.
We had the secret weapon; the sanctions regime to destroy Russia from within from the cascading effect, causing the Russian economy to implode, the people to become dissatisfied. I think the secret weapon failed, at least in Russia.
Y'know Chucky ... I was starting to miss you. It's easier than I thought to have similar "annihilation" thoughts when only tallying up a handful of Ukr/Western hypocrisy, lies and atrocities ... sigh ... But on the other hand, the "slow grind" still seems the most fitting punishment.
Why do people ignore what Putin said about the SMO and how he has been following international law? Sure he could have gone in balls to the wall and flattened Kiev and other parts of Ukraine, but then he would be no different than the Nazi regime that he is fighting. Flattening Kiev would see a lot innocent people dying, but according to some people that’s okay with them for reasons. Or because they are tired of how slowly the SMO is going. Putin would be no better than the nato scum that he has been fighting.
Quite correct. The west has never listened to Putin. Just ask someone who considers themselves informed, "What did Putin say were the goals of the SMO?". They can't answer that. They were never listening to Putin, so how can they understand what is happening now?
The uninformed, accustomed to the Iraq war on tribes in sandals, expected the same. But the RF is demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine apace, according to the goals Putin explained at the beginning.
Lots of people think that Putin just woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine and after that he would then go on to conquer Europe. They have no idea about the history of America meddling in Ukraine going back decades or even heard about the 2014 coup that Obama committed that overthrew the elected president. Nor that McCain and Graham had lots of contact with the Nazis or that congress once passed legislation that wouldn’t allow America to arm them.
Americans are very ignorant of the history of US exceptionalism.
It sounds like you have seen the video of McCain (a traitor) and Graham exhorting the Azov Battalion (the Nazi-based gang that has Zelensky's cayunes in a vice) to continue to make war on Russia. It is on, just search 'McCain Graham' to find it.
The MSM likes to quote anonymous sources. That video is a _primary_ source. Why did they go there in December 2016 and need to address the AB? Because Trump was elected. They all knew he would stop their nonsense. Subsequently the traitors did everything they could to stop the only anti-war President in our lifetimes. For example, the witness list of the impeachment hearing was 1) actors involved in the creation/dissemination of the dossier 2) neocon warmonger pro-Ukraine pro-nazi actors.
More correct to say "Americans" are mostly very ignorant of ALL world history outside their own borders (and seriously misinformed about many aspects of US history as well).
If the EU and NATO leadership listen to a Putin speech they would understand what a statesman sounds like. And it would be an intellectually painful understanding.
We are not only getting defeated in the Bandera territories militarily, but diplomatically where it counts, Asia, Africa and South America.
Can't have that European garden without cheap inputs from the savages.
Obviously, this is an experiment without a control group, but I suspect that dithering is getting more people killed than a short sharp offensive would have.
In the short term, likely yes. More dead people (especially Ukrainians).
In the longer term? How many more Ukrainians AND Russians would have been killed during the extended guerilla war/insurgency/counter insurgency that CIA/State Dept. wanted to follow the "short sharp shock" steamrolling of all of Ukraine that they made all their plans for and tried their best to trigger?
Ukraine is not exactly ideal for a guerilla war. If you look at successful insurgencies in recent decades (Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Yemen or Afghanistan all come to mind) one thing they all have in common is a young population. The median age in Yemen is something like 19 years old.
The median age in Ukraine was over 40, and that before the war.
I agree in do far as the defensive strategy of the RF fails to secure facts on the ground that would satisfy RF and the Russian public. The goal must be to liberate all territory east of the Dnjepr and south to the border of Romania and Moldova. This would liberate Odessa and Transnistria, rendering Ukraine landlocked. Russia would hold the key to seabased trade, eliminate direct threats by the sea and control the eastern part of Kiev.
As of now, Russia will not be able to claim these territories as part of some peace agreement. Without these territories Ukraine remains a viable potential partner of Western (NATO) influence and threats to the RF.
So, RF should seize the opportunity to go on the offensive, costly as it may be.
To initiate a policy that you say would require mass, Soviet style mobilizations of a million men or more. It is questionable whether RF can currently supply one million men and even if it could, the political ramifications of it would be immense. After all, Russian Constitution bans the State from having a official ideology, so the de facto ideology becomes money. Over the last 30 years, this led to the creation of a class of people (and men) that care only about themselves and their livelihoods. Trying to conscript them en masse will be met with pushback.
Yes, I know Boris. It’s a really idiotic idea to want to decisively win a war, rather than drag it out much longer than necessary. And if Kiev was such an important city, Russia should be occupying it already.
I think Putin didn't want to do this quickly because a jingoistic and panicked NATO may have entered the conflict on the pretext of saving civilians etc.
Now that this has ground on for a long time and NATO traine troops have been chewed up, most of their ammunition gone and their donated equipment destroyed I think they will be far less likely to agree to depoly troops to Ukraine.
Again with this comment “why haven’t the Russian General Staff contacted you?” You post the same comment every time. You should come up with something different because your repetition is boring and predictable.
Oh, you must be very smart if you can run a simultanious analysis of all the possible scenarios, draft military action plans, get access to and take into account all the necessary strategic information, evaluate and rank action plans them based on all relevant military, diplomatic, political, industrial, logistical factors, to conclude that Russia should "just attack".
Lizz Truss can think very very very hard about how to fix the Brittish economy (and indeed, she did), and yet she remains a dumb fuck.
You're just a retarded keyboard warrior on the internet, like all of us. Accept that you're completely inept to make these calls, like we all are.
Chucky learnt his military science in the school of Dirty Harry. I suspect he’s American.
It’s funny, considering that the US army couldn’t even manage to subdue the last resisting Plains tribes without first driving the buffalo near to extinction. Not even the fight with a Stone Age culture was done “quickly”, they spent the best part of two centuries. But hey, Chucky knows better.
In truth he actually represents quite well the mental attitude of the US managers and NATO, the same attitude that it’s losing them the war. Chucky (like the movie itself) is the product of western culture. Luckily, in Russia Chucky characters are politely humoured but gently dismissed. It’s interesting that in all the videos Patrick Lancaster made in the worst weeks of the battle for Mariopol not a single person, hungry and embattled as they were, came out of the basements talking like Chucky, and certainly not the Russian or Donbas military. I only remember one old man allowing himself the start of a rant about the USA and then moving away from the camera looking embarrassed.
If you Russian geniuses followed my advice many months ago, dams wouldn't have been blown up and bridges wouldn't have been hit by missiles and drones - all of which killed Russian civilians.
Many thousands of Russian soldiers might also still be alive; although the kill ratio heavily favors Russia, Russian soldiers are still being killed and wounded unnecessarily because Russia has allowed the Ukuleles to remain in the fight and within range of Russian troops for far too long, instead of decisively flattening them and killing their domestic leadership.
Also, maybe the gas pipeline would still be intact.
There are many things I admire about the Russian people, but you guys are extremely thick-headed, dense, and slow to adapt to reality.
I'm American, yet I understand strategy, and don't think in terms of Marvel movies. Russia is certainly capable of capturing Ukraine (albeit with additional costs), but if they did, then NATO would switch to supporting an insurgency in the occupied territory, which could then sap Russian strength and be a major liability (since insurgencies are notoriously difficult to fight, especially with foreign backing). In fact, this may have been NATO's original plan: goad Russia into annexing Ukraine, then bleed them with an insurgency. But the Russians avoided the bear trap, taking only key areas, and letting Ukraine/NATO waste their strength trying to dislodge them. It's essentially a strategic reversal in the spirit of Judo, which Putin has a black belt in.
Really, the key to the Russo-Ukrainian War is NATO support -- without it, Ukraine would've surrendered by now; with it, they can keep this going as long as they have troops & materiel. The Russians understand this, so they'll continue to advance gradually, with a priority not of subjugating Ukraine, but of burning through NATO's war-making capacity. Depending on how insane the West is, they'll either lose a proxy war or a direct war, but either way, Russia is taking the correct path to victory, despite the claims of certain stubborn commentators.
Bro, you can write to him completely sensible arguments, and it's like talking to a brick wall.
I've been seeing this mofo in the comments for quite a few months now, and I honestly still can't decide 100% if he's trolling or not, but it's like he's developped complete immunity to any form of logic or reason. You're wasting your time. No matter how much sense you make, you will never say anything that his "strategic genious mind" will accept as correct over his own "air-tight reasoning". He's so smart, he doesn't need any new information or input from anyone else ever, he's got it all figured out.
You established months ago that you’re borderline mentally retarded. I established months ago that Russia should’ve sped up this process, and I am correct.
You think Kiev is the problem and I am the the one who have no idea what I am talking about! Another western smart guy! and I am happy to know that you are a traffic cop!hahaha
Yes, dipshit: Kiev is a VERY BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. The little runt in Kiev (or wherever he's hiding out) IS A VERY BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. He and his cronies are NATO/Biden's bagmen and should've been ELIMINATED many months ago.
Ok STUPID COCKSUCKER! Africa, Middle East, Türkiye, Brics and all the rest..Butt you probably think Biden is in control and Trump is going to save the day right? Go smoke pot and stop giving your FUCKING STUPID opinion! How is that for democratic reply DIPSHIT!
We know this conversation is being recorded by the CIA. He could be a plant. Yes, killing people gets emotional, but watch what you say, right? Remember Scott Ritter on Lira.
Who could be a CIA plant? Me? Do you think the CIA has the time to worry about a bunch of dudes with no influence or power to control or change policy arguing and calling each other names on the internet?
Google is CIA and everything that is written here is remembered and can be used against us in the future. Agent provocateurs are common in fighting "conspiracies and conspirators." I'm not saying you are, but you could be. Read Ritter on Lira.
It's ironic to see the Challenger 2s equipped with what were derided as "cope cages" when Russian tanks started sporting them at the beginning of the conflict. Of course our intrepid media are letting it pass without comment.
At 75 tons anyway, I wonder how much they now weigh with all the extra stuff added. Hope they don't have to cross any bridges. Towing them away will be difficult if a track comes off due to a mine.
On the contrary, it is the best in the world. Which is why they won't have sent the latest versions and won't want even the early versions to be captured and studied.
Being ex British Army I would have agreed with you. However, has Chobham armour been really challenged in full on battle? I'm not sure, but my memory is cr@p.
But if it hasn't been tested surely sending to Ukraine and showing the world how good it is would be a marketing coup.... however, maybe it's all talk and UK doesn't want to be caught out.
Ukrainian soldiers described as "bulk low-quality human material". It's not rude, its true and tragic.
Besides America's ego and stalling whilst planning Distraction Plan B, could there be another reason behind deliberately decimating Ukraine's population? Property? Anything else?
Are any of the biolab documents available? Translated?
Well, Ukraine was selling of huge tracts of farmland to various giant western multinationals at discount rates after their disastrous farm policies ruined the smallholders. This was happening especially in the Russian speaking areas... but something tells me they are finding fewer buyers these days.
The "referendum" where Ukraine is planning to make legal changes allowing Ukraine's land to be sold outright to foreigners/foreign corporations (instead of just "long term leased with options to renew for even longer") is still scheduled for 2024. I would bet that shortly after THAT change is made, peace might break out.
Beautiful flags! Echoes of history with another Battle of the Bulge. RFK Jr and Vivek are rising in the polls because they speak the truth about the warmongering neocons and Ukraine.
@simplicius76, why not break down your post into Military SitRep and Everything Else SitRep? That way, easier to keep one idea in mind, and comment section hopefully on topic (fueled for discussion).
ukraine offensive is beginning to look like the second day at gettysburg. played over 2 or 3 months
kiev (nafo!) does not have robert e lee, and their field commanders are less aggressive than longstreet.
russian federation has position, much more preparation (time) than meade who as an engineer 'selected' (kept the deployment he found) good, high defensive ground on cemetery ridge but russian federation has not lost control of sickles' corps who moved out of the designated defensive line.
like lee the kiev issue is logistics! 'combat set' nearing depletion!
2d day at gettysburg was a rough fight for the defenders of cemetery ridge, while an operational side show on culp's hill (meade defending there as well) overlooking the town was tense and should get more study!
the operational defense is useful when you wish to attrit the enemy!
lee used it at fredricksburg, and the battles in spring 1864 falling back to the investment of petersburg, va.
kiev has none of the opportunity to maneuver that lee had, and lost to hard luck and strong defense.
"The 82nd Air Assault brigade is an elite force which was entrusted with the British Challenger 2 tanks, American Stryker AFVs, and even German Marder IFVs. In fact, they were even rounded out with the British M119 light howitzer which makes them the only brigade out of the entire offensive supergroup to be armed entirely with modern Western/NATO arms and not a single legacy Soviet system."
Day by day It's blaringly obvious that this is a war between Nato and Russia. The Empires puppets won't admit it, but we can be 100% sure that Moscow and Beijing see it that way.
And how many tens of thousands of NATO mercs are fighting in Ukraine right now? Probably a lot of the staff officers and probably a lot of the field grade officers are actually just NATO officers. Only the cannon-fodder are Ukes.
Actually, there are A VERY FEW junior Ukrainian officers and ABSOLUTELY NO mid to high rank officers at "the front". Ukraine's officers are running "their" troops over the radio/via screen displays well back from line of contact & without ever actually seeing/meeting with most of them.
Because if those officers became acquainted personally with and had to see what happens to "their" troops who they are getting killed off in crazy numbers, they might not continue to follow their own orders.
"Well, 8 'elite' brigades had their guts ripped out to absolutely no effect so surely a single, lonely 'elite' brigade will really make a difference and surely constitutes a 'big push.'" -Delusional NAFO people, probably.
20,000+ "elite" soldiers gained a few miles of territory and there are 50 left to go to reach their objective. Who thinks ~3,000 are going to get anywhere useful?
I saw it as a kid too!! Then I showed my son when he was little and it's still one of our family favorites. He wore an ushanka with the hammer & sickle to elementary school, great fun out here in MAGA country. What's really funny is more of my neighbors are coming around to what's what and it's not Red Dawn this time around, thankfully. Another fun one is Spielberg's 1941 although quite a bit sillier. 🇷🇺💕
That film today would be considered subversive because it portrays Russians in a good light, and we can't have that, can we? I'm somewhat of a Russian/Soviet film fan, so I'll drop one of my favourites on you. It's a Kurosawa film, so you may have already seen it. Dersu Uzala. Here it is on Youtube with subtitles:
Thanks for this!! We are big Kurosawa fans but I'm not sure I've seen this one tho the name is familiar. When Netflix had a bigger variety we used to rent all the Russian language films and documentaries. The popular films are like others of the era except for a lot more singing! Stalker (filmed in Chernobyl exclusion zone) is a huge cult classic here also, especially among young gamers. Actually one of my favorites. The hateful and grossly false lies about Russia are ridiculous and manufactured to serve western oligarchs and Micmatt. It doesn't help that most Americans see "our history" as beginning in the 1700s at the earliest. Everything before that is a black hole, no place origin like a Twilight zone story of a mannequin coming to life - our history was TV westerns and Disney. My grandmother was born in pre-revolutionary Russia so I was immunized against the propaganda. She was very anti-bolshevist because her family served the Czar and they basically fled for their lives. I can make a great 15 minute stroganoff, excellent French crepes, and a genuine South African fruit salad thanks to her recipes gleaned in years wandering Europe and SA between the wars. To my mind from living with her and watching Netflix movies, Russian identity is what Americans imagine themselves to be or would idealize. Hollywood in the 50s-60s was one of the few places that fought the constant stream of anti-USSR propaganda and culminated in the McCarthy hearings. I just read up on the cast and found out that Brian Keith was apparently a fluent Russian speaker and Alan Arkin taught himself quite a bit for the role. If you can trust Wikipedia that is. I've been dabbling at learning Russian and have more trouble with the alphabet than anything. The spoken language doesn't seem so difficult for English speakers since they're both northern European language roots. My epiphany was voda - wasser - water and ofc vodka :) ty for the great conversation and film recommendations!
Are you talking about the original Stalker filmed in 1979, or is there another version I'm not aware of? That was filmed in an abandoned industrial site (not Chernobyl-1986) and had a tragic outcome. Almost the entire cast and crew died of cancer from exposure to the toxic wastes on the site.
I'm thinking of doing a Stalker themed program on my site at some point. I'm familiar with the gamer cult and the clandestine visits to Pripyat that are part of establishing your creds. That probably started with that 'Kidd of Speed' motorcycle chick who later turned out to be a fraud. What freaks me out about Chernobyl is the bone yard of abandoned vehicles that have been stripped of parts. How many trucks and cars are still on the road with radioactive parts in them? Fewer today no doubt, but still.
My first experience with Russians was as a child when my parents rented a basement suite from a family. They looked after me when my parents were working and were the kindest people you could imagine. I later learned they'd both been in German labour camps during the war and had lost four children, the fifth, my babysitter, being born after the war. They got out during the 'Krushchev thaw' when for a brief time Russians could actually emigrate. Other Russians I met when I worked on the ships, and later I had a Russian lab partner in tech college, plus a few Russian and Ukrainian friends along the way.
If you're having trouble with Cyrillics try what I did. Make a bunch of cards about the size of a business card, write common words and expressions on them, then place them on your keyboard or somewhere that you have to look at them a lot. Eventually, instead of sounding the letters out you'll begin to recognize entire words. For me the worst part is the grammar with all the bloody case endings. I'm still not over that. Also, I found singing along to popular songs really helps, especially singers like Olga Laki or Olga Seryabkina who have very clear pronunciation. I do that when I'm driving. Songs use a lot of common expressions and repetition. Even if you don't know what you're singing, you'll have it burned into you mind and later when you do find out you'll be all like, oh.... that's what that means! Consider using my site for the purpose. I have a lot of good vocalists on there, mostly female, which is what you want as it's easier to make out what women are singing/saying owing to the higher pitch of their voices. Start with the first program "Virus" which was the first group I started listening to. You can find the lyrics online which you can print out and run through a translator program. It's so easy learning languages now with the internet available. I don't know how I managed French and Spanish back when all you had was books and cassette
Sort of implies that Russia might agree to such a thing....??? I think that unlikely.
Ukraine in NATO is what the whole thing is about. They can't accept this.
If Ukraine ends up ceding kiev, odessa, and moving the capital to Lvlv and Poland absorbs it, it may become acceptable.
I think Russia wants to take as little territory as possible. It absolutely must have Crimea since there is a huge naval base there. I think there are other defense things too like tank factories. Before the war they were willing to let Ukraine have everything else as long as they stayed neutral.
Now Russia can't give up the territory they already have because the Ukrainians would massacre all the Russian speakers there. They've already been incorporated into Russian and this will not be reversed.
Ukraine is a huge liability.
So the USA is trying to provoke Russia into occupying as much of Ukraine as possible. So far it isn't working, but they are nowhere near to giving up.
This will continue until the Ukrainians have had enough and agree to remain neutral. There is as yet no sign of this. The conflict in Kashmir has been going on for what, 60 years?
Remaining neutral means remaining neutral, with an army suitable for no more than repelling attacks from Poland, Byeolorus, Romania, or Moldova. That is, more requirements than just not joining NATO. Inspections and so forth...
It's also never USA its always Biden, Macron instead of France, Sunak instead of UK, as if these heads of state were dictators. Maybe because a nation is too abstract for the average reader to identify with.
If Russia wanted Donbass they would have had it in 2014. They don't particularly want it, what they are after is Ukrainian neutrality.
I have read a comment by a Donbass resident
13 hours ago
"The idiotic stubbornness of Ukraine and Zelensky is the best scenario for the people of Donbass. As a resident of that same Donetsk, I will tell you about the opinion of the majority of local residents. They think with horror that Ukraine would have complied with the Minsk agreements from the very beginning. In this case, Donetsk and Luhansk would remain part of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government would then secretly send all those who disagreed to the dungeons of the SBU, where they would safely disappear forever. Thank God they turned out to be such narcissistic fools!"
There is one condition where Russia will accept Ukraine in NATO: USA, Canada, and UK are expelled from NATO and Russia and Belarus join.
Hopefully, Russia kills them all, then flattens Kiev and takes out that little runt POS. Enough is enough.
A bit harsh, but fair.
Yeah, it’s harsh. But this has gotten completely ridiculous now. It was already ridiculous a year ago. The longer Russia has allowed the runt and NATO to lie, the more emboldened they got. Time to wrap it up and take him out before he can flee to one of his villas or to Israel. Because you know that’s coming next.
Thanks and -- General Winter is coming.
If this year the winter will be freezing normal Kiev will likely have to be evacuated because of NO electricity, light, heating (3.5 million before war).
A perfect time for unconditional capitulation...
Let Ukrainians rebel against the Zelensky putsch regime and the US empire. The unspeakable Darth Nuland t al. get kicked out and the rest of Ukraine gets out of trouble.
I think that time is coming. Ukraine is nearly exhausted, having thrown their last, and most elite, forces into the fight. I suspect Russia will take the rest of the Donbass, Zaporizhia and Kherson this month and the next. They will likely keep destroying infrastructure, command centres and ammo/weaponry stores during the winter, and then depending on the political aspects will finish the job in the spring. I don't see much chance of Russia being pressured into a compromise settlement as there are no agreement capable people with whom they can hope to negotiate.
On the other hand, the Russian General Staff have not consulted me about any of this, so who knows?
I wonder what you will say when October comes and then absolutely nothing happens.
That's easy. I will say I was wrong. We all express our opinions here - sometimes we are right on the mark. Sometimes we couldn't be more wrong. None of us know what is really going on, nor do we know what will happen next. When October comes, be certain to remind me of my error - I will gladly retract what I have said.
If there is a decent freeze Russia will probably tidy up this winter.
Your opinion is more valid than any western "expert" I have forced myself to listen to on Times Radio, France 24, FOX or CNN.
NATO will not get involved directly and they're lying about letting Ukraine in. NATO is essentially disarmed and fear most direct confrontation against Russia because they know they'll get stomped.
NATO knew this for years. War games had shown them that Russia would put them down within days. Mind boggling that they ignored their own information.
We had the secret weapon; the sanctions regime to destroy Russia from within from the cascading effect, causing the Russian economy to implode, the people to become dissatisfied. I think the secret weapon failed, at least in Russia.
Y'know Chucky ... I was starting to miss you. It's easier than I thought to have similar "annihilation" thoughts when only tallying up a handful of Ukr/Western hypocrisy, lies and atrocities ... sigh ... But on the other hand, the "slow grind" still seems the most fitting punishment.
Whatever floats your boat, Scotty Boy. Hopefully, a British sea drone won’t hit it while you’re busy grinding.
Why do people ignore what Putin said about the SMO and how he has been following international law? Sure he could have gone in balls to the wall and flattened Kiev and other parts of Ukraine, but then he would be no different than the Nazi regime that he is fighting. Flattening Kiev would see a lot innocent people dying, but according to some people that’s okay with them for reasons. Or because they are tired of how slowly the SMO is going. Putin would be no better than the nato scum that he has been fighting.
Quite correct. The west has never listened to Putin. Just ask someone who considers themselves informed, "What did Putin say were the goals of the SMO?". They can't answer that. They were never listening to Putin, so how can they understand what is happening now?
The uninformed, accustomed to the Iraq war on tribes in sandals, expected the same. But the RF is demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine apace, according to the goals Putin explained at the beginning.
Lots of people think that Putin just woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine and after that he would then go on to conquer Europe. They have no idea about the history of America meddling in Ukraine going back decades or even heard about the 2014 coup that Obama committed that overthrew the elected president. Nor that McCain and Graham had lots of contact with the Nazis or that congress once passed legislation that wouldn’t allow America to arm them.
Americans are very ignorant of the history of US exceptionalism.
It sounds like you have seen the video of McCain (a traitor) and Graham exhorting the Azov Battalion (the Nazi-based gang that has Zelensky's cayunes in a vice) to continue to make war on Russia. It is on, just search 'McCain Graham' to find it.
The MSM likes to quote anonymous sources. That video is a _primary_ source. Why did they go there in December 2016 and need to address the AB? Because Trump was elected. They all knew he would stop their nonsense. Subsequently the traitors did everything they could to stop the only anti-war President in our lifetimes. For example, the witness list of the impeachment hearing was 1) actors involved in the creation/dissemination of the dossier 2) neocon warmonger pro-Ukraine pro-nazi actors.
@ Sam
More correct to say "Americans" are mostly very ignorant of ALL world history outside their own borders (and seriously misinformed about many aspects of US history as well).
If the EU and NATO leadership listen to a Putin speech they would understand what a statesman sounds like. And it would be an intellectually painful understanding.
We are not only getting defeated in the Bandera territories militarily, but diplomatically where it counts, Asia, Africa and South America.
Can't have that European garden without cheap inputs from the savages.
Obviously, this is an experiment without a control group, but I suspect that dithering is getting more people killed than a short sharp offensive would have.
@ Feral Finster
In the short term, likely yes. More dead people (especially Ukrainians).
In the longer term? How many more Ukrainians AND Russians would have been killed during the extended guerilla war/insurgency/counter insurgency that CIA/State Dept. wanted to follow the "short sharp shock" steamrolling of all of Ukraine that they made all their plans for and tried their best to trigger?
Ukraine is not exactly ideal for a guerilla war. If you look at successful insurgencies in recent decades (Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Yemen or Afghanistan all come to mind) one thing they all have in common is a young population. The median age in Yemen is something like 19 years old.
The median age in Ukraine was over 40, and that before the war.
I agree in do far as the defensive strategy of the RF fails to secure facts on the ground that would satisfy RF and the Russian public. The goal must be to liberate all territory east of the Dnjepr and south to the border of Romania and Moldova. This would liberate Odessa and Transnistria, rendering Ukraine landlocked. Russia would hold the key to seabased trade, eliminate direct threats by the sea and control the eastern part of Kiev.
As of now, Russia will not be able to claim these territories as part of some peace agreement. Without these territories Ukraine remains a viable potential partner of Western (NATO) influence and threats to the RF.
So, RF should seize the opportunity to go on the offensive, costly as it may be.
To initiate a policy that you say would require mass, Soviet style mobilizations of a million men or more. It is questionable whether RF can currently supply one million men and even if it could, the political ramifications of it would be immense. After all, Russian Constitution bans the State from having a official ideology, so the de facto ideology becomes money. Over the last 30 years, this led to the creation of a class of people (and men) that care only about themselves and their livelihoods. Trying to conscript them en masse will be met with pushback.
I'm ready for our empire to be HUMBLED!
Would you flatten the cradle of civilization like Rome? Kiev was where the Rus started.
Why would Russia "kill" an important Russian city? Also - Russians are not at all idiots like you -- plus Russian and Ukrainians are half-brothers...
BUT - Ukraine MUST be de-Nazified. Stand with Russia but without hatred -in your heart - Russia fight for us all.
Yes, I know Boris. It’s a really idiotic idea to want to decisively win a war, rather than drag it out much longer than necessary. And if Kiev was such an important city, Russia should be occupying it already.
Am I the idiot or are you?
You have just confirmed that you are. But - peace between us - we are on same side you just need to think a bit harder ;-))
I’ve thought very hard about it. Russia has taken too long and needs to put a decisive end to this and take out the runt in the process.
I think Putin didn't want to do this quickly because a jingoistic and panicked NATO may have entered the conflict on the pretext of saving civilians etc.
Now that this has ground on for a long time and NATO traine troops have been chewed up, most of their ammunition gone and their donated equipment destroyed I think they will be far less likely to agree to depoly troops to Ukraine.
You say Russia has taken too long. Any idea why the Russian General Staff have not yet consulted you?
Again with this comment “why haven’t the Russian General Staff contacted you?” You post the same comment every time. You should come up with something different because your repetition is boring and predictable.
Oh, you must be very smart if you can run a simultanious analysis of all the possible scenarios, draft military action plans, get access to and take into account all the necessary strategic information, evaluate and rank action plans them based on all relevant military, diplomatic, political, industrial, logistical factors, to conclude that Russia should "just attack".
Lizz Truss can think very very very hard about how to fix the Brittish economy (and indeed, she did), and yet she remains a dumb fuck.
You're just a retarded keyboard warrior on the internet, like all of us. Accept that you're completely inept to make these calls, like we all are.
Just remember before you reply to me with smartass shit, Balazs: I’m at least two orders of magnitude smarter than you.
Chucky learnt his military science in the school of Dirty Harry. I suspect he’s American.
It’s funny, considering that the US army couldn’t even manage to subdue the last resisting Plains tribes without first driving the buffalo near to extinction. Not even the fight with a Stone Age culture was done “quickly”, they spent the best part of two centuries. But hey, Chucky knows better.
In truth he actually represents quite well the mental attitude of the US managers and NATO, the same attitude that it’s losing them the war. Chucky (like the movie itself) is the product of western culture. Luckily, in Russia Chucky characters are politely humoured but gently dismissed. It’s interesting that in all the videos Patrick Lancaster made in the worst weeks of the battle for Mariopol not a single person, hungry and embattled as they were, came out of the basements talking like Chucky, and certainly not the Russian or Donbas military. I only remember one old man allowing himself the start of a rant about the USA and then moving away from the camera looking embarrassed.
Chucky knows better though.
You're just too stupid to understand his strategic genious.
You're also too stupid to understand my strategic genius, as well as too stupid to understand many other things besides that, Balazs.
Can you tie your shoes or do you use velcro?
I actually do know better than you.
If you Russian geniuses followed my advice many months ago, dams wouldn't have been blown up and bridges wouldn't have been hit by missiles and drones - all of which killed Russian civilians.
Many thousands of Russian soldiers might also still be alive; although the kill ratio heavily favors Russia, Russian soldiers are still being killed and wounded unnecessarily because Russia has allowed the Ukuleles to remain in the fight and within range of Russian troops for far too long, instead of decisively flattening them and killing their domestic leadership.
Also, maybe the gas pipeline would still be intact.
There are many things I admire about the Russian people, but you guys are extremely thick-headed, dense, and slow to adapt to reality.
I'm American, yet I understand strategy, and don't think in terms of Marvel movies. Russia is certainly capable of capturing Ukraine (albeit with additional costs), but if they did, then NATO would switch to supporting an insurgency in the occupied territory, which could then sap Russian strength and be a major liability (since insurgencies are notoriously difficult to fight, especially with foreign backing). In fact, this may have been NATO's original plan: goad Russia into annexing Ukraine, then bleed them with an insurgency. But the Russians avoided the bear trap, taking only key areas, and letting Ukraine/NATO waste their strength trying to dislodge them. It's essentially a strategic reversal in the spirit of Judo, which Putin has a black belt in.
Really, the key to the Russo-Ukrainian War is NATO support -- without it, Ukraine would've surrendered by now; with it, they can keep this going as long as they have troops & materiel. The Russians understand this, so they'll continue to advance gradually, with a priority not of subjugating Ukraine, but of burning through NATO's war-making capacity. Depending on how insane the West is, they'll either lose a proxy war or a direct war, but either way, Russia is taking the correct path to victory, despite the claims of certain stubborn commentators.
Bro, you can write to him completely sensible arguments, and it's like talking to a brick wall.
I've been seeing this mofo in the comments for quite a few months now, and I honestly still can't decide 100% if he's trolling or not, but it's like he's developped complete immunity to any form of logic or reason. You're wasting your time. No matter how much sense you make, you will never say anything that his "strategic genious mind" will accept as correct over his own "air-tight reasoning". He's so smart, he doesn't need any new information or input from anyone else ever, he's got it all figured out.
You are chucky. We established that fact months ago.
You established months ago that you’re borderline mentally retarded. I established months ago that Russia should’ve sped up this process, and I am correct.
LOL, I laugh however it is bad form to mock the mentally deficient. So apologies.
If you think the problem is in Kiev you haven't pay attention to the details!
Move along. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
You think Kiev is the problem and I am the the one who have no idea what I am talking about! Another western smart guy! and I am happy to know that you are a traffic cop!hahaha
Yes, dipshit: Kiev is a VERY BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. The little runt in Kiev (or wherever he's hiding out) IS A VERY BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. He and his cronies are NATO/Biden's bagmen and should've been ELIMINATED many months ago.
Ok STUPID COCKSUCKER! Africa, Middle East, Türkiye, Brics and all the rest..Butt you probably think Biden is in control and Trump is going to save the day right? Go smoke pot and stop giving your FUCKING STUPID opinion! How is that for democratic reply DIPSHIT!
“Cocksucker,” “Butt.” You’re really revealing your sexual preferences here, dingleberry nose! Let it out, you can’t stay in the closet forever! 😂🤣
There are more than 1 million Russians who live in Kiev. Let's pray for an end to war and a return to freedom in this beautiful city.
Not going to happen unless Russia attacks and occupies Kiev, and takes outn the runt and his entourage, rather than letting him escape to Israel.
We know this conversation is being recorded by the CIA. He could be a plant. Yes, killing people gets emotional, but watch what you say, right? Remember Scott Ritter on Lira.
Who could be a CIA plant? Me? Do you think the CIA has the time to worry about a bunch of dudes with no influence or power to control or change policy arguing and calling each other names on the internet?
Google is CIA and everything that is written here is remembered and can be used against us in the future. Agent provocateurs are common in fighting "conspiracies and conspirators." I'm not saying you are, but you could be. Read Ritter on Lira.
I think they are going to take Black sea origin. All of it.
It's ironic to see the Challenger 2s equipped with what were derided as "cope cages" when Russian tanks started sporting them at the beginning of the conflict. Of course our intrepid media are letting it pass without comment.
Kind of gives you a hint how innovative the RuAf was early on. Took 1.5 years for the other side to match it
At 75 tons anyway, I wonder how much they now weigh with all the extra stuff added. Hope they don't have to cross any bridges. Towing them away will be difficult if a track comes off due to a mine.
Thankfully UK decided not to equip those challenger 2 with Chobham armour.
Is Chobham armour no good?
On the contrary, it is the best in the world. Which is why they won't have sent the latest versions and won't want even the early versions to be captured and studied.
Ah, makes sense.
Being ex British Army I would have agreed with you. However, has Chobham armour been really challenged in full on battle? I'm not sure, but my memory is cr@p.
But if it hasn't been tested surely sending to Ukraine and showing the world how good it is would be a marketing coup.... however, maybe it's all talk and UK doesn't want to be caught out.
Wasn't a Challenger2 hit and penetrated by what was said to be an RPG-29 in Basra, Iraq?
Frontally, hurting the driver
If it has depleted uranium as part of the layer, any HE damage will start off gasing.
Ukrainian soldiers described as "bulk low-quality human material". It's not rude, its true and tragic.
Besides America's ego and stalling whilst planning Distraction Plan B, could there be another reason behind deliberately decimating Ukraine's population? Property? Anything else?
Are any of the biolab documents available? Translated?
Well, Ukraine was selling of huge tracts of farmland to various giant western multinationals at discount rates after their disastrous farm policies ruined the smallholders. This was happening especially in the Russian speaking areas... but something tells me they are finding fewer buyers these days.
Dead white Ukrainians can be replace by Arabs and Africans, the globalists wet dream.
@ Dichotomos
The "referendum" where Ukraine is planning to make legal changes allowing Ukraine's land to be sold outright to foreigners/foreign corporations (instead of just "long term leased with options to renew for even longer") is still scheduled for 2024. I would bet that shortly after THAT change is made, peace might break out.
Demographic replacement. Where do you think the Jews in Palestine are going to next? Israel is a failed experiment.
The Challenger 2 with a pigeon house on it lol.
It seems that things are quickly going to approach a head. We will likely start seeing more signs of how it will all shake out pretty soon.
Of course the SMO Show will throw us a few more curveballs, but that is to be expected.
Beautiful flags! Echoes of history with another Battle of the Bulge. RFK Jr and Vivek are rising in the polls because they speak the truth about the warmongering neocons and Ukraine.
We must end the color revolutions and regime changes:
@simplicius76, why not break down your post into Military SitRep and Everything Else SitRep? That way, easier to keep one idea in mind, and comment section hopefully on topic (fueled for discussion).
Appreciate a link for that interesting poll data.
great run down, thanks!
ukraine offensive is beginning to look like the second day at gettysburg. played over 2 or 3 months
kiev (nafo!) does not have robert e lee, and their field commanders are less aggressive than longstreet.
russian federation has position, much more preparation (time) than meade who as an engineer 'selected' (kept the deployment he found) good, high defensive ground on cemetery ridge but russian federation has not lost control of sickles' corps who moved out of the designated defensive line.
like lee the kiev issue is logistics! 'combat set' nearing depletion!
2d day at gettysburg was a rough fight for the defenders of cemetery ridge, while an operational side show on culp's hill (meade defending there as well) overlooking the town was tense and should get more study!
the operational defense is useful when you wish to attrit the enemy!
lee used it at fredricksburg, and the battles in spring 1864 falling back to the investment of petersburg, va.
kiev has none of the opportunity to maneuver that lee had, and lost to hard luck and strong defense.
"The 82nd Air Assault brigade is an elite force which was entrusted with the British Challenger 2 tanks, American Stryker AFVs, and even German Marder IFVs. In fact, they were even rounded out with the British M119 light howitzer which makes them the only brigade out of the entire offensive supergroup to be armed entirely with modern Western/NATO arms and not a single legacy Soviet system."
Day by day It's blaringly obvious that this is a war between Nato and Russia. The Empires puppets won't admit it, but we can be 100% sure that Moscow and Beijing see it that way.
Why Beijing? Because they know they will be next.
And how many tens of thousands of NATO mercs are fighting in Ukraine right now? Probably a lot of the staff officers and probably a lot of the field grade officers are actually just NATO officers. Only the cannon-fodder are Ukes.
Actually, there are A VERY FEW junior Ukrainian officers and ABSOLUTELY NO mid to high rank officers at "the front". Ukraine's officers are running "their" troops over the radio/via screen displays well back from line of contact & without ever actually seeing/meeting with most of them.
Because if those officers became acquainted personally with and had to see what happens to "their" troops who they are getting killed off in crazy numbers, they might not continue to follow their own orders.
true sci fi drone war, as depicted in Eighty six anime. Complete with crazy nazis calling themselves a republic with free rights.
What a waste!
"Well, 8 'elite' brigades had their guts ripped out to absolutely no effect so surely a single, lonely 'elite' brigade will really make a difference and surely constitutes a 'big push.'" -Delusional NAFO people, probably.
20,000+ "elite" soldiers gained a few miles of territory and there are 50 left to go to reach their objective. Who thinks ~3,000 are going to get anywhere useful?
Westoids are infected with Marvelized thinking and totally disconnected with reality.
Emergency! Everybody to leave street!
Best Hollywood Cold war movie 😂💕
I was wondering if anyone would catch the reference.
Yes, it was an awesome movie. I was a kid when it came out and I liked it so much I painted a red star on my toy submarine.
I saw it as a kid too!! Then I showed my son when he was little and it's still one of our family favorites. He wore an ushanka with the hammer & sickle to elementary school, great fun out here in MAGA country. What's really funny is more of my neighbors are coming around to what's what and it's not Red Dawn this time around, thankfully. Another fun one is Spielberg's 1941 although quite a bit sillier. 🇷🇺💕
That film today would be considered subversive because it portrays Russians in a good light, and we can't have that, can we? I'm somewhat of a Russian/Soviet film fan, so I'll drop one of my favourites on you. It's a Kurosawa film, so you may have already seen it. Dersu Uzala. Here it is on Youtube with subtitles:
An interesting film in that it portrays pre-revolutionary Russia in a good light.
some background on the story:
Thanks for this!! We are big Kurosawa fans but I'm not sure I've seen this one tho the name is familiar. When Netflix had a bigger variety we used to rent all the Russian language films and documentaries. The popular films are like others of the era except for a lot more singing! Stalker (filmed in Chernobyl exclusion zone) is a huge cult classic here also, especially among young gamers. Actually one of my favorites. The hateful and grossly false lies about Russia are ridiculous and manufactured to serve western oligarchs and Micmatt. It doesn't help that most Americans see "our history" as beginning in the 1700s at the earliest. Everything before that is a black hole, no place origin like a Twilight zone story of a mannequin coming to life - our history was TV westerns and Disney. My grandmother was born in pre-revolutionary Russia so I was immunized against the propaganda. She was very anti-bolshevist because her family served the Czar and they basically fled for their lives. I can make a great 15 minute stroganoff, excellent French crepes, and a genuine South African fruit salad thanks to her recipes gleaned in years wandering Europe and SA between the wars. To my mind from living with her and watching Netflix movies, Russian identity is what Americans imagine themselves to be or would idealize. Hollywood in the 50s-60s was one of the few places that fought the constant stream of anti-USSR propaganda and culminated in the McCarthy hearings. I just read up on the cast and found out that Brian Keith was apparently a fluent Russian speaker and Alan Arkin taught himself quite a bit for the role. If you can trust Wikipedia that is. I've been dabbling at learning Russian and have more trouble with the alphabet than anything. The spoken language doesn't seem so difficult for English speakers since they're both northern European language roots. My epiphany was voda - wasser - water and ofc vodka :) ty for the great conversation and film recommendations!
Are you talking about the original Stalker filmed in 1979, or is there another version I'm not aware of? That was filmed in an abandoned industrial site (not Chernobyl-1986) and had a tragic outcome. Almost the entire cast and crew died of cancer from exposure to the toxic wastes on the site.
I'm thinking of doing a Stalker themed program on my site at some point. I'm familiar with the gamer cult and the clandestine visits to Pripyat that are part of establishing your creds. That probably started with that 'Kidd of Speed' motorcycle chick who later turned out to be a fraud. What freaks me out about Chernobyl is the bone yard of abandoned vehicles that have been stripped of parts. How many trucks and cars are still on the road with radioactive parts in them? Fewer today no doubt, but still.
My first experience with Russians was as a child when my parents rented a basement suite from a family. They looked after me when my parents were working and were the kindest people you could imagine. I later learned they'd both been in German labour camps during the war and had lost four children, the fifth, my babysitter, being born after the war. They got out during the 'Krushchev thaw' when for a brief time Russians could actually emigrate. Other Russians I met when I worked on the ships, and later I had a Russian lab partner in tech college, plus a few Russian and Ukrainian friends along the way.
If you're having trouble with Cyrillics try what I did. Make a bunch of cards about the size of a business card, write common words and expressions on them, then place them on your keyboard or somewhere that you have to look at them a lot. Eventually, instead of sounding the letters out you'll begin to recognize entire words. For me the worst part is the grammar with all the bloody case endings. I'm still not over that. Also, I found singing along to popular songs really helps, especially singers like Olga Laki or Olga Seryabkina who have very clear pronunciation. I do that when I'm driving. Songs use a lot of common expressions and repetition. Even if you don't know what you're singing, you'll have it burned into you mind and later when you do find out you'll be all like, oh.... that's what that means! Consider using my site for the purpose. I have a lot of good vocalists on there, mostly female, which is what you want as it's easier to make out what women are singing/saying owing to the higher pitch of their voices. Start with the first program "Virus" which was the first group I started listening to. You can find the lyrics online which you can print out and run through a translator program. It's so easy learning languages now with the internet available. I don't know how I managed French and Spanish back when all you had was books and cassette
Invaluable stuff Simplicius .The context , truth and integrity so desperately needed and elsewhere so sadly absent.
Invaluable stuff Simplicius .The context , truth and integrity so desperately needed and elsewhere so sadly absent.
Invaluable stuff Simplicius .The context , truth and integrity so desperately needed and elsewhere so sadly absent.
There are no more reserves...God have mercy on them.
No shortage of reserves, endless colons. Media’s Propaganda Ukraine victorious.
Putin loses again! Break out the coloured chalk!