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Feb 8, 2023Edited
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Yep, I don't know much about the gases and chem weapons myself but if you've seen, that's exactly the gas Russian Embassy posted as a suspect in the screenshot I posted in the article. They said it seems like "phosgene", so I dunno. Luckily today we have some indication that Russian gov't is looking into this as they released a semi vague statement investigating recent chem attack accusations

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Feb 8, 2023
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Some people have pointed to this mysterious donation site for Ukraine. They boast of helping the AFU in various capacities, but most interestingly, if you use your browser's auto translation (if you can't read Russian), click on their "Cotton Project" at the bottom: https://archive.ph/t56Ws

They boast of creating some 'secret' and 'pleasant surprises' for Russian troops that they can't speak of but requires funding. Maybe inquisitive minds could figure out what the 'cotton' codeword could possibly represent

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After the Second World War, the USA enlisted in its system the most important Nazi scientists and not only that. That new "infusion of Nazi blood" contributed greatly to what the USA is now. After the Second World War, the USA became the biggest criminal military state on this planet, a state that uses its entire structure to destroy those who do not agree with them and who cannot be "converted" or buy The USA is waging a great unseen war against those who stand in their way. The USA uses "subject" countries. Now, what can you expect from Ukraine in this context? Ukraine must be completely demilitarized and completely taken under the demanding "protection" of the Russian Forces. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. Nobody, except the USA, knows what weapons are coming to Ukraine to be used against Russian soldiers. As I have said many times, leaving the supply corridor free for Ukraine is a crime against the soldiers of the Russian Federation.

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Yep...I completely agree

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The big white cloud remaining after they shot that balloon down reminded me of the Patrick Lancaster interview. Say hello to the next deadly variant. Covid was just a test the next one will be the lethal one. And no one will believe it. You write really well Simpsy thank you 🍻🇦🇺

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A hard and somber read. Reading this in 2023 would be surreal, if one forgot that the evils of the world wars were done by those of today’s generation, having much the the same stock. The USA is very much the Reich.

All as Russian men DIE for their country’s SURVIVAL. Evil times.

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The worst video ive seen from the war.

Russia need to get its act together and start the nukes flying, there is no one in ukraine worth saving

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Nobody under the west cognitive umbrella will give credit to the Russians allegations but the thing is Russia doesnt allege at all. Sometimes I wonder if they lead their infowarfare from the Bolshoi theatre. They look so clumsy that its almost pitiful. Couldnt day just heat the eyes and ears of the whole Africa, Asia and South America with this chemical war evidence? Couldnt they chase puppet dwarf Guterres until he physically swallows these pictures? Couldnt they punch the table till it breaks like Krushev used to do? Unfortunately the Freud porn never succeded in Russia

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Your interpretation of the new vid is charitable. I've had some painful injuries, both bloody and not, but it never occured to me to thrash about like that. Quite the opposite, really. So I think that Natoland is explaining "the rules-based order" chemically. As it turns out, it's basically the same order which spread westward across North America after signing the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

Quote source: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1598.html

Map of British North America in 1775: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Map_of_territorial_growth_1775.jpg

Map of territorial settlement rejected by the Columbians: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Map_of_North_America,_1782_(Life_of_William,_Earl_of_Shelburne)_(edited).jpg

Map of USA with territoral settlement of 1783 and most of the subsequent expansions: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._Territorial_Acquisitions.png

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None of this would be happening if Russia did what it should've done 10 months ago: flatten Ukraine with overwhelming force. They've taken way too long, and continue to do so.

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I don't have much stomach for actually watching people die, so I've only seen a very small part of a guy in a wetland place thrashing about after something being dropped on him from a drone. but the convulsive nature looked like the reported symptoms and time line of nerve gas to me. Time line fits cyanide but not the way he was going down.

I'm deeply worried about this "Russia battling Satan" meme, mainly because I believe it and feel geographically trapped on the wrong side of the fight!

You should know that there's a huge "thinking" group of Englishmen who see Russians as essentially a respectable people with whom we should have engaged as soon as the wall came down.

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