As promised, Trump came out the gate swinging—or in his case, signing over 100 executive orders to immediately neuter many DEI initiatives, take away clearance from ex-Biden officials, and suspending foreign aid to all countries for 90 days, which includes Ukraine.
I think he was installed by deep state when they realized their earlier methods were creating great public outrage. Afterall, it wasn't difficult for them to eliminate him, but they chose to stage failed assassination attempts to deceive the people. Just a change of tactics, with new deep state representatives like Musk coming to the fore. Public made to believe that things have changed, here comes the new savior, while everything stays as such under the surface. Shake things up a little, give the people a few small victories and then carry on with the agenda.
Agree completely, except strike "great public outrage" and replace with "threat of imminent economic collapse". Trump was allowed to win in the hope that his economic policies will sustain the economy for a few years more, needed by the Cabal to meanwhile suppress external dissent of Russia and China. Javier Millei served as the test balloon, and demonstrated that the approach is sound. However, I doubt they will be able to suppress BRICS and the RoW, regardless of how many more years of stability Trump's policies buy them.
anyone who wears a silly cap and puts messages in cracks in a wall with immense solemnity is beyond rational consideration to my mind. got to be some kind of nut.
I'd say rather that he hates the Deep State -- it did try to destroy him and isn't through, I suspect -- but that he also has this incorrigibly idealistic view of the military and listens too much to them. And while they may know how to wage war, they don't seem to know much about geopolitics or to have deep strategic thinkers who weigh in all the factors, not just the numbers of tanks and soldiers. (USG appendages like Rand Corp does the military's thinking for them altogether too frequently.) For every Eisenhower, there are a hundred thousand Milleys.
Speaking of Gaza, DJT said, “This is not our war,” as he signed a raft of Executive Orders in the Oval Office on 20 January. He might have said the same thing about Project Ukraine—and he didn’t—but he would not have been wrong. A Euro-quagmire which involves an expensive hot war is a mess Collective Biden has bequeathed to him. Europe by no means resembles the terrain DJT left four years ago.
Unfortunate as the war has been, Collective Biden did not prioritize a win for Ukraine, let alone an eventual peace. Antony B, our Secretary of War, had his gaze set on “for as long as it takes,” leaving *it* sufficiently vague & ill-defined to make it look as if regaining territory—like the Crimean peninsula—was a priority when it in fact was not. The more important objective for Collective Biden was to ensure that Ukraine survived as a democratic country free to pursue an integration w/ the West, so flooding Ukraine w/ weapons was always on tap. Doing so without triggering a Russian declaration of war against OTAN additionally was a priority. Ultimately, though, the main objective was to keep the war going, which boiled down to preventing Russia from winning.
Collective Biden gave itself an A+, therefore, on its objectives: Mission Accomplished.
However, I would adjust that letter grade downward: Collective Biden did not prevent Russia from winning. Russia has been crashing the LOC w/ territorial gains since the conquest of Avdeevka and shows every sign of steamrolling powerfully forward. Word is that Ukraine is not capable of surviving losses of this magnitude for the next year, whether in men or materiel: casualties are exceeding fresh recruitments. Ukraine’s Lt. General Romanenko has said that the AFU won’t have sufficient forces or resources to hang onto Petrovsk, for instance. Russia has just reached the outskirts of the coking coal mine of Petrovsk, central to Ukraine’s steel manufacturing industry.
Russia is shredding Ukraine like you’d shred a toothpick w/ your thumbnail.
It’s not a happy affair, more a calamitous necessity on Russia’s part, sad to say. A malevolent Europe, unmasked, compels it.
Did you see the reports today? Sounds like you did since you referenced Blinky's comments about how this was never about Ukraine winning. But I am 110% sure that the Empire Managers REALLY REALLY REALLY want Crimea. Even if the whole purpose of this UkraiNato war against Russia was to bleed Moscow, deprive the EU (Germany) of cheap energy, and keep the Germans down, they really wanted Crimea back bad. That was one of the main functions of the 2014 coup - to install an American puppet gov't and then seize Sevastopol.
Ha! Now that Ukraine winning is clearly not going to happen, Ametimutt leadership feeds the masses the excuse that "this was never about Ukraine winning" and the masses eat that shit right up! Such unbelievable levels of gullibility and stupidity.
The essence of Narrative Management 101 is that one continually shifts the goals & objectives, like twisting colorful glass shards in a kaleidoscope: new twist, new look, new goals & objectives, new narrative
It was more a gaffe or slipup than trying to feed the masses a new narrative. Blinky is no longer in government. So he let the truth slip out for a bit. Sure they would have LOVED for Ukraine to win, but not even the Zionist neocons in the Biden regime ever really thought they would. The whole affair was to preoccupy Moscow, bleed Russia and hope for the best case scenario of balkanizing the RF right on China's western flank. Do you really think that's going to change under Trump? Or after he's gone?
You're wrong. There is exactly zero evidence that the Biden regime in 2022-2023 did not count on Ukraine actually winning on the battlefield. Why did they do the 2023 offensive if the plan was not for it to succeed? It makes no sense to suggest that the Biden regime wanted to "bleed Russia" by executing an offensive they fought would fail. They could've simply let Ukraine remain always on the defense, as defense is more effective at bleeding your enemy than offense with no prospects of winning. The regime media, think tanks and politicians all talked about Ukraine winning as well.
the "American masses" are only interested in one thing -- stop using our money to fund Ukraine and its government and its war and its propaganda. They don't give a damn about whether Ukraine "wins" or "loses." It ain't their problem, as The Masses might say.
Donbass has it's resources intact. And the buildings? Look at Sevastapol's revitalisation. The towns, villages, and cities will be rebuilt very quickly.
It is even possible to argue that our dear Neocons, who have plenty of ancestral and historical axes to grind, not only with the Russians, but also with the Ukrainians, actually DO want the Ukrainians to die en masse....then its not a bug, its a feature....
Just as long as those mass Ukrainian deaths are slavs and not western Ukrainian Bandera huggers and Galician SS stock. Those charming people should be saved at all costs according to neo conss. Once Poland, hungary Slovakia and Romania have snatched their share from the western districts, the remaining Galician/Lvov micro state might survive. Nobody will want that (UK excepted). Something like the lilliput Baltic haters of E,L&L.
I think that the main objective of Antony B was to have the Ukrainians kill as many Russians as possible and to bring as much ruin to Russia as possible.
Blinky's main objective was enriching US war contractors, imho. Weakening Russia was a nice to have, and the Biden neocons only cared about Ukraine as fertile new territory for resource extraction by US multinationals like DuPont, Cargill and BlackRock.
not only was "it" vague, but so was "as long as" -- this allows the Glorious West to announce suddenly that time is up and it has been accomplished. Ta ta. Stay well, our commerical interests will be there soonest to discuss rebuilding what we helped destroy, for a really great price!
The usual reminder - even if Russia wins a total military victory on the ground, it will have lost the war, because deterrence will not have been restored.
And deterrence can no longer be restored without some combination of conventional strikes on the Western oligarchy and/or wiping countries off the map with the really big guns.
Which the Russia oligarchy has no intention of doing, because it is still on its knees begging to be readmitted in the club.
Putin has spent the last few months trying out the most comfortable kneepads one can find in Russia in preparation for his meeting with Trump
one has to understand that Russia cannot restore deterrence on its own. Nuclear threat is valid and will not go away. Americans understand that they just might all perish in a nuclear war - but they would destroy Russia as certainly as Russia would destroy US. But the British and globalists do not believe Russia can destroy all five eyes. They feel safe hiding behind US.
BRICS and the birth of a new reserve currency would destroy US supremacy, but it will take decades.
Some type of strong punch, is needed.
A decisive win in Ukraine, that would make hits against Russia impossible is the most likely, and safest approach.
It is easy to threaten nuclear war, but it is a once in the lifetime ...
And completely meanigless if nobody believes nukes will be used.
Right as we have this online discussion western drones and missiles are flying into Russia, killing Russian civilians and destroying Russian infrastructure.
Let's say Russia wins in Ukraine, who is to say the place to launch drones and missiles from will not simply shift to Kazakhstan, the Baltics and Finland?
What is to stop them given that nobody takes the nuclear threat seriously?
We already saw NATO attacking Russian shipping thousands of kilometers away from Ukraine...
The US brought to heel the Finnish dog, who was starting to bite at Russian shipping---called them off, not because they want peace on that line, but because it's too soon---the American nuke bases on Finnish territory will not be ready for several years yet.
They learned the lesson in Ukraine, and will not start major provocations until the nukes are already installed. Sit, Finland! Sit! Good dog.
Once the bases are there, St.Petersburg will be within two minutes missile flight time, and Moscow not much farther. Then the rabid Finns will be let off the leash again, in the conviction that American presence protects them from any consequences.
As Simplicius says, if Trump is really as intelligent and independent as he could be, he would do exactly that; find a way to withdraw from the war and let Britain lead the EU and globalists forces and lose in Ukraine,
Do not be dogmatic. A real defeat, collapse of the armed forces, political change coming from widespread and shared realization that strategy accepted led to complete defeat.
Deterrence would come from serious defeat. As for the rest revenge is best served cold
Sir Keir sees a way for the UK to establish military bases on the Black Sea coast and also on the Azov Sea by propping Ukraine up as a viable legitimate combatant through which to keep the debacle going, even though the depleted proxy has no genuine fight any longer or a prayer of prevailing.
Although the quality of the British military is poor, Sir Keir inanely envisions (hallucinates?) a way to keep the AFU fighting in a war which it is convincingly losing to Russia, fashioning Ukraine into a staging ground & launch-point for attacks on motherland Russia. Sir Keir tag-teams back & forth w/ Macron, both constituting the European brain-trust (sic & /sarc), both pushing the figment of something viable in Ukraine’s diminished capabilities long after any show of force is possible. The more media propagandists boost the narrative, the more they extend a crude psy-op aimed at perpetuating misconceptions.
Buoyed on a tide of delusions, Sir Keir is either riding high or is simply high: Inflict as much damage as possible on Russia, he says, and Ukraine will have more leverage during negotiations. Hankering powerfully to dissect Russia, Sir Keir advises DJT to scotch unilateral talks w/ VVP in favor of a trilateral, which includes the UK.
Not happening.
Meanwhile, Zakharova sees Bankhova & Downing Street auguring for naval partnerships in the Azov-Black Sea basin—but she warns the UK to keep its mitts off the Sea of Azov.
Keir is laughable but he is simply parroting the UK state apparatus party line which has been consistent under all the various PMs of the past years.
It’s delusional but the career interests of the apparatchiks drive it. So they do not care to think about how delusional they are.
Just think how many careers in the civil service, upper military, think tanks and so forth depend on the UK maintaining the illusion for itself of being a Great Power.
Of course, very few British people realize the truth of the comment that the quality and not just mass of the UK military is poor. We are for ever stuck in 1940. The alleged answer of course is to spend even more money, aiding the careers referred to above but rarely creating capability that is useful.
Especially after crippling domestic farmers with inheritance tasks. I can see columns of John Deere farming equipment with big white Z's on them occupying the M25
Read: "THE GENESIS OF RUSSOPHOBIA IN GREAT BRITAIN", JOHN HOWES GLEASON, Havard University Press (1950). You can easily download this. The author starts with the end of Napoleon and describes the changing mood in Britain. There is no logic behind all the hatred and resentment. On a very few occasions, the British had to work together with the Russians (e.g. when the French needed a strong ally in the East). But no matter if there was a monarch, a socialist party leader or a president, the ruling elite and the middle class in Britain disliked the Russians - no matter the consequences.
The issue is here that ALL main stream media portrays Russia as being the evil one, and Putin is no better than Hitler.
I'm trying my best to make people realise that this isn't the case, that NATO have done far worse in the likes of Libyan, Iraq, and more importantly, Yugoslavia, but most folks in this country of mine, believe what they see, hear and read from the MSM. Even those that don't believe the MSM on certain topics, cough vaccines cough, still believe that they are being honest about Russia.
A major part of the American problem is the information & intelligence environment that someone like Trump lives in. Its not his fault, and I don't think there's much he can do about it. Its the same with the whole China rivalry.
Fundamentally, it stems from being pathologically incapable of seeing things from the other side, and not challenging - not even a little bit - the information systems and data acquisition methods on your own side; despite history showing time and time again that your systems have failed.
A minimal list, off the top of my head:
- Iraq WMD
- Russia economic collapse due to sanctions
- Russia casualties
- Houthi capabilities vs US Navy
- China economic collapse (20 years and counting)
- Hunter Biden laptop
- Russia-gate
and so on. The US is remarkably good at "supplying" whatever is in demand, and what is in demand more than anything else is narratives & politically appetizing stories, and so the various 3 letter agencies supply accordingly, as there is great currency in doing so
Edit: When Putin & Trump eventually do talk, it behooves Putin to actually take some time and present realities for Trump to ponder, rather than assume he is properly informed.
My personal experience is different. The "intelligence" is not so bad, it is the ruling class, that rejects the information. Here in Austria we had some terror threats, typically the police (the secret service is part of the police), or a friendly nation, warns about this and then the media and the politicians ignore the story until it is too late.
they ("they") prefer to manipulate the information. it is there, thank you Starlink etc, but it's prevented from being shared and the lapdog media gets crumbs.
Good points. Larry Johnson made oblique references to them today at SONAR21. I don't always agree with him, but he got it right when he said that Trump needs someone to get him up to speed on the reality in the NatoKraine Russia war. Russia has NOT had "millions" of men die in this war. Russia's economy is NOT in dire straits. IF Trump can't be taught this soon, more mistakes will follow.
Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries, combined, produce in a year, according to OTAN’s Secretary General Mark Rutte—and Russia is doing it w/ less bureaucracy and also greater efficiently. Russia allots 6-8% of its economy to weapons manufacturing & the military; those figures do not indicate a ‘war economy,’ which would weigh in @ 40%. When you look @ PPP, Russia’s economy is the 4h largest & most robust in the world, according to the IMF, which is most distinctly *not* a Russia-friendly entity.
To Russia’s advantage: it is a single country waging this war. OTAN is a bloated consensus-drive bureaucracy w/ numerous stop-points adding unproductive weight to its process, dragging the entire endeavor down. An inability to focus & prioritize in anything but a consensus-driven way seriously knee-caps OTAN’s efforts to wage a lengthy multi-year war without entropy catching up to them. By September 2022, the entropy built into the bureaucratic apparatus began to make its presence known. OTAN is better situated to address time-bound attacks—the immediacy of Article 5-triggering real-time assaults—not chronic, protracted engagements.
A minor clarification: "Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries" should come with the explicit note that Russia's military production in three month's time..." for those who don't understand you meant military production.
On the plus side, NATO's and the US's habit of eating their own dogfood (a wonderfully apt Silicon Valley expression meaning "believe your own propaganda") also puts them at a military disadvantage. People who think they've already won a war against Russia don't prosecute that war with the life or death intensity they need to survive it.
Here's hoping they continue barking nonsense at each other, and believing it, until they all go the way of the Dodo bird.
The Western Elites are not qualified for their jobs. In Germany the last fertilizer plant is closing down, because of high energy prices. The high energy prices are a result of weird political decisions. But fertilizer and explosives are made in the same plant! Therefore Germany needs the explosives from somewhere else, Rheinmetal would sill be a major producer of shells. But as Germany was a big chemical producer, the prices went through the roof, when German Industries were forced to stop production. In other words, the Elites want war, but the same Elites bring down the production.
If Trump is watching Jeffrey Sachs videos, he can't be completely uninformed. I would think he's seen a few of McGregor's too. And plenty more, like Chas Freeman perhaps?
Sachs is not a military man and does not inform on what's happening on the battlefield. The likes of Macgregor are also more wrong than right. In any war truth is the most precious weapon and the US is most deficient in that above all else
Exactly. The only place where the Ukrainians are losing decisively is in the Donbass on the axis which initiated at Avdiivka. Even if the Russians rolled up the whole oblast next week, there's still 70% of the country that's currently out of reach. Many will argue that this is intentional Russian strategy but that's just cope.
Wait. I sure hope that nobody who writes or reads here truly believes that the MIC teat sucking arms mfg's, intel providers, services contractors, etc. were just suddenly cut off by Trump. That's laughable. Contracts have been signed (as illegal or extra-legal as they may be) - I do have some experience, a personal precedent with this kind of thing. I was working on the border infrastructure MATOC contracts that Obama and Trump put out for bid starting in 2016, and back in January of 2021 when Biden came in and unceremoniously put a moratorium on all such border work (aka "THE WALL!") and let me tell you: it was a nightmare for USACE and all the MIC contractors (such as the one I was working for), and eventually everything normalized and all work was completed and paid for. Yeah there were delays, but eventually...
To wit: Don't let them fool you. IF the Imperial Managers and finance capital overlords who swopped into Ukraine and bought cheap property (see: Valentine's book on the CIA) or gave out loans don't want the war to end yet, it won't. And there is nothing Trump can or will do about it - at risk to his own life - if that's the case. If the weapons makers and other "defense" contractors have signed documents that include terms stretching into the next 4 years, they will ultimately be honored and/or the teat suckers will be made whole. Even if it means another million dead Ukrainians.
And they are sitting on hundreds of billions of Russian sovereign assets they can give to Ukraine (I.e. the MIC). Trump can show how frugal he is and that he's no wimp.
He will continue Biden's current proxy war strategy to bleed Russia, but with Russia's money (and more European money). Trump could force Ukraine to lower the draft age. And force Europe to deport military-aged Ukrainian refugees to Ukraine. Then maybe bring Europeans into the fight.
And Trump will continue Biden's sanctions (er, tariffs).
I can see Trump doing a blockade on Russian shipping and forcing the EU to cut Russia off.
Trump will take Banon's advice and blame Biden for the war, but won't be able to resist escalation.
Lower the draft age? Isn't it too late? A lot of the Ukrainian older man had some form of military service, this 18 year old not. At least 6 months of basic training and then training in combined arms for another few months. Will Ukraine survive another year? The WWII experience of Germany shows, that with this halve trained young people you will not win battles, but have unbelievable losses.
Just like the UK's greenwashing Climate and Nature Bill, being hyped as a plan to control our every purchase, when it is, in fact, a plan to set up a committee on green stuff and within a year have a committee on green stuff to plan to do something vague about the environment.
The contracts signed with the WHO are legally binding, it would cost a lot, and a big fight with the gangsters and big pharma there, to get out of them. I'm not sure about the Paris agreement, but no one is sticking to it anyway.
Both PR to appease the environmentalists or those fooled into thinking that the climate crisis is a WEF/woke hoax.
There is nothing politicians love more than setting up committees that "study" things for years and then do exactly nothing. They love it even more than spending other people's money or perverted sex or spending other people's money on perverted sex.
The fact that economy of several US states depends on those defence industries is conveniently ignored. How can Trump reign them in if he's all about economy? He's not ending or leaving NATO, he'll be pushing Europe to throw more money, 5%, to US MIC. And for that, Russian enemy must be maintained. It's frustrating that lots of otherwise good analysts easily forget this in their Trump hopium.
I think it's time (long overdue) to ask all Senators/Congressmen/StateDept to sign financial disclosures against criminal penalty that they don't have personal/financial interests in Ukraine. All the "trips to Ukraine" at taxpayers' expense, even by Garland?! Since when any AG travels to a foreign country during the war? Garland had not time to go to Ohio after a major train crash but he trotted to Ukraine? I would audit every single person who was zooming to Ukraine.
Trump, sadly, is in the unenviable position of claiming to be a Christian while showing no signs that has the character of a Christian. By their fruits you will know them. He has a Messiah complex and really believes the God of heaven is with him. Hubris and pride will be his downfall. He will take America the rest of way down with him.
I think Ukraine will be thrown under the bus by the new admin, but that will require certain timing and narrative cover. It's not getting thrown under the bus on day one. Sometime later in 2025, I think.
Can't make good decisions based on bad intell. Once that changes, he will make the decision best for the USA. He needs to get his Cabinet up and running first.
Arthur, I don't really have a problem with the Jewish faith, it's the Zionist fanatics that are the core problem. if Jewish members of his Cabinet provide him with the truth, real data, I believe Trump will make the correct decisions on how to MAGA.
Well... history is not made in the Oral Cabinet, but in the Heartland. If the Russians - and the Ukrainians - manage to repent, their enemies will be betrayed into their hands.
Euro-OTAN has an existential interest in keeping the U.S. involved in the Ukraine debacle. A hardcore coterie of OTANers has a fanatically keen interest in spoiling DJT’s efforts to achieve rapprochement w/ VVP. Ukraine, made in their image, is *remaking* them, warping the continent into a hate-filled cesspit of terror-minded malevolence, reminiscent of the execrable energy which swept the region in 1939.
Although every Holocaust museum Europeans constructed and every plaque of remembrance Germans, in particular, installed sought to proclaim to themselves and the world that they had Done The Hard Work after the era of the mustache man and purged the worst of their historical demons, Ukraine replicated for Europe, especially Germany & the Baltics, a Fascist ideology they had never really jettisoned. Resurrected thus, Ukraine became a revenant horror of the mind-set & behaviors they insisted were relics of the past. So uninsightful was their insistence, so convinced they were of Never Again, they could neither recognize nor identify The Return, which of course left them sitting ducks to the predation of their own diabolical history when it reassembled itself in Ukraine, paying them a return visit.
Laboring under a Repetition Compulsion, which wracked the continent at a subconscious level—and still wracks it—they fell prey to the cast-off ideology, which had never really been cast off. Staring into the abyss for so long—the abyss being Ukraine, a faux liberal democratic Ukraine—the Europeans found that the abyss had begun to seep into them. It was like a reverse siphon happened. Vulnerable to an ideology the decades could not erase, the especially susceptible countries in Europe—looking at you, Germany—dragged the European countries who had legendary scores to settle—the Baltics, Poland, the British—into an unwinnable conflict .
At first, Germany was timid & shy, offering Ukraine only helmets in March 2022, maybe a few blankets. By January 2023, they were promising Leopard tanks and depleted uranium shells.
Demilitarized by the Allies after WWII, Germany was not really safe with so much as a bullet. But then, slowly, slowly, the militarization came creeping back. Muscle has memory, as they say. Pissed off that a brutal thug (/sarc) had invaded a fledgling democracy (/sarc) without pretext or provocation (/sarc), Germany quickly remembered the past grievances. Germany went from steel helmets to depleted uranium in less than a year’s time. That doesn’t happen by accident.
Nice. But Germany is not one of the approx. 20 nations with depleted uranium shells. They did not even receive this from the US. Of course, the US stored such shells in Germany, but for US use, not for the Germans. Even thought the gun on the M1 and Leopard are from the same producer.
"Deep in the heart of the Aryan is a slavering beast ravenous for blood. They still have yet to atone for the Holocaustiest of Holocausts against the most sacred, most precious, most innocent of victims."
And from one of Simplicius' finest commenters. I can't believe what I just read. This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Well, no, the Holocaust takes the all time prize for that spot, as absurd as it is. You know they were laughing up their sleeve when they pulled that schtick on us..."If they're stupid enought to believe this shit, they're stupid enough to swallow anything we tell them!"
I beg pardon, cheetosSpring, it is late and I have a severe Holo allergy. I cannot countenance further blood libel and insult to our people, as I was raised as a Boomer immersed in all of the hideous propaganda visited upon us by our tormentors. Perhaps I should read it again.
Included in the Ukrainian reboot of dismissed officers should be Kellog who apparently been spoon feeding Trump disinformation and has been involved for too long with the deep state. He is the closest thing to a mole in the new administration. If you examined the curriculum at the various Navy and Army war schools and similar institutions, you would recognize that the plurality of the generals and admirals have to go. Hegseth has his job cut out for him. Trumps reboot and suspension of weapons to Kiev is an inducement to get Putin to negotiate. Putin might talk, but he will certainly not fold a winning hand no matter what the threat. All Russian speaking lands in Ukraine are destined to become part of Russia, and Trump needs to recognize the validity of this fact.
If Russia missteps and loses to the West, it will be occupied and dismembered into puppet states. Its thousands of nukes, and its superior missile technology, will end up in the Cabal's hands, right on the Chinese border.
Under such circumstances, a nuclear war with China would actually be winnable, with a first strike. And if that strike came from former Russian territory, from a supposedly "rogue" proxy state, who would the Chinese even retaliate against? Because any retaliation against the former Russians would only make the Cabal happier.
In anticipation of the start of end-of-war negotiations between President Donald Trump’s retired general Keith Kellogg and the Kremlin, Dmitri Rogozin has proposed three fresh principles for the Russian outcome – acceleration, decapitation, mobilization.
Since 1996 Rogozin is the longest running contestant for the Russian presidency — longer running than Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Medvedev, Sergei Glazyev, or Alexei Kudrin; only the serial loser, Gennady Zyuganov of the Communist Party, has been running for longer.
At 61, Rogozin is eleven years younger than President Putin, two years older than ex-president Medvedev, and more than ten centimetres taller than both of them. If sources for Kremlin election strategy are to be believed, the most likely vote-getter to succeed if Putin retires in 2030 will be recruited from the Time of Heroes legion who are being placed into political circulation each December since the Special Military Operation (SVO) began.
With a family of Russian military leaders extending from the 13th and 17th centuries to his father, two doctorates, and state service as Putin’s ambassador to NATO, deputy prime minister for the military industrial complex, and head of the Russian space conglomerate Roskosmos, Rogozin is a unique figure in current politics. As the sitting senator for Zaporozhye region engaged in running an active military unit on the front, Rogozin is combining the military and civilian qualifications for the succession.
He has also remained relatively free of oligarch ties; his line on domestic economic planning and investment priorities is anti-oligarch and war mobilizational alongside Glazyev and Mikhail Delyagin. Not even the hit jobs organized by political rivals like Alexei Navalny and the Kiev regime, have been able to silence or kill him.
Rozogin’s principles of war policy are acceleration on the offensive; decapitation of Vladimir Zelensky; and comprehensive militarization of the Russian domestic economy.
Last week in a nationally circulated press interview, he called for “victory so that the armed conflict ends faster, so that we can begin a peaceful life faster…The war changes every three months. It becomes impossible to fight in the old way. New means of destruction are emerging. We must keep in mind that here we are fighting against the entire military-industrial complex of the Western countries — they are testing their weapons on us. Therefore, not only do we have no right to lag behind, we must be ahead of the curve.”
“We need solidarity of the rear and the front. Moscow, St. Petersburg, other major Russian cities should stop living their carefree life, pretending that nothing is happening. We will never return to the state that was until 2022. Never. Everyone needs to understand that. Society must understand the depth of the problem and help the army with everything it can. Only victory will bring an end to the conflict. The war cannot be frozen. Or else the war will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.”
Very interesting, I was just read up on him and during the Transnistria War in 1992 he supported the Transnistrians against the Moldovans as a soldier in a volunteer detachment. So I guess he has rather strong opinions about what happens there in the future.
I'm all for Rogozhin and his concept, except that I think he places too much importance on the person of Zelensky, who is but a twitching puppet on Yermak's stick. In more ways than one.
But, on second thought, his elimination now would stir up conflicts in the Ukrainian power structure, more so if his handler was eliminated along with him. At the present moment, it wouldn't take much for these conflicts to go bloody and completely dismantle state structures.
Taking out Yermak and his olive drag homunculus Zelensky would really shake up Ukraine's so-called parliamentarians, releasing them from Yermak's belligerent grip on total power and ever-increasing paranoia.
Hi Simplicius. Thank you for article. Yeah - I saw that today too....couldn't believe my ears when he said Russians have lost 1 million men. How can he win a war with a lie like that going into it. Does he really believe that ? Too bad he doesn't know about your substack. Too bad. There are quite a few things that are awful today- West Bank and those big bombs to Israel and that $500 billion to Larry Ellison & co. More horrors to come in the times ahead. When you said ' the nuclear option about if Putin doesn't do what he's told....did you mean nuclear bomb ? What a fool Trump would be to do that. He would go down in history as the worst president and get the lights off Biden, who right now is definitely the worst. After Truman.
You make the best point!
I’m not sure. It’s not polite to point.
Being polite is boring, just like the "polite" war in Ukraine.
Get it over with already!
Aim the Oresnik missiles for the WEF., the real decision-making center.
Your punctuation is metal--!
Definitely "old school" :-)
All have false hopes on Trump. I dont think he will go against deep state.
I think he was installed by deep state when they realized their earlier methods were creating great public outrage. Afterall, it wasn't difficult for them to eliminate him, but they chose to stage failed assassination attempts to deceive the people. Just a change of tactics, with new deep state representatives like Musk coming to the fore. Public made to believe that things have changed, here comes the new savior, while everything stays as such under the surface. Shake things up a little, give the people a few small victories and then carry on with the agenda.
Yup, all part of the circus. People who believe that real change can come from the ballot box are deluded, and have always been deluded.
Agree completely, except strike "great public outrage" and replace with "threat of imminent economic collapse". Trump was allowed to win in the hope that his economic policies will sustain the economy for a few years more, needed by the Cabal to meanwhile suppress external dissent of Russia and China. Javier Millei served as the test balloon, and demonstrated that the approach is sound. However, I doubt they will be able to suppress BRICS and the RoW, regardless of how many more years of stability Trump's policies buy them.
Trump will go against them but to a degree (what degree, remains to be seen)
anyone who wears a silly cap and puts messages in cracks in a wall with immense solemnity is beyond rational consideration to my mind. got to be some kind of nut.
I'd say rather that he hates the Deep State -- it did try to destroy him and isn't through, I suspect -- but that he also has this incorrigibly idealistic view of the military and listens too much to them. And while they may know how to wage war, they don't seem to know much about geopolitics or to have deep strategic thinkers who weigh in all the factors, not just the numbers of tanks and soldiers. (USG appendages like Rand Corp does the military's thinking for them altogether too frequently.) For every Eisenhower, there are a hundred thousand Milleys.
Speaking of Gaza, DJT said, “This is not our war,” as he signed a raft of Executive Orders in the Oval Office on 20 January. He might have said the same thing about Project Ukraine—and he didn’t—but he would not have been wrong. A Euro-quagmire which involves an expensive hot war is a mess Collective Biden has bequeathed to him. Europe by no means resembles the terrain DJT left four years ago.
Unfortunate as the war has been, Collective Biden did not prioritize a win for Ukraine, let alone an eventual peace. Antony B, our Secretary of War, had his gaze set on “for as long as it takes,” leaving *it* sufficiently vague & ill-defined to make it look as if regaining territory—like the Crimean peninsula—was a priority when it in fact was not. The more important objective for Collective Biden was to ensure that Ukraine survived as a democratic country free to pursue an integration w/ the West, so flooding Ukraine w/ weapons was always on tap. Doing so without triggering a Russian declaration of war against OTAN additionally was a priority. Ultimately, though, the main objective was to keep the war going, which boiled down to preventing Russia from winning.
Collective Biden gave itself an A+, therefore, on its objectives: Mission Accomplished.
However, I would adjust that letter grade downward: Collective Biden did not prevent Russia from winning. Russia has been crashing the LOC w/ territorial gains since the conquest of Avdeevka and shows every sign of steamrolling powerfully forward. Word is that Ukraine is not capable of surviving losses of this magnitude for the next year, whether in men or materiel: casualties are exceeding fresh recruitments. Ukraine’s Lt. General Romanenko has said that the AFU won’t have sufficient forces or resources to hang onto Petrovsk, for instance. Russia has just reached the outskirts of the coking coal mine of Petrovsk, central to Ukraine’s steel manufacturing industry.
Russia is shredding Ukraine like you’d shred a toothpick w/ your thumbnail.
It’s not a happy affair, more a calamitous necessity on Russia’s part, sad to say. A malevolent Europe, unmasked, compels it.
Did you see the reports today? Sounds like you did since you referenced Blinky's comments about how this was never about Ukraine winning. But I am 110% sure that the Empire Managers REALLY REALLY REALLY want Crimea. Even if the whole purpose of this UkraiNato war against Russia was to bleed Moscow, deprive the EU (Germany) of cheap energy, and keep the Germans down, they really wanted Crimea back bad. That was one of the main functions of the 2014 coup - to install an American puppet gov't and then seize Sevastopol.
Ha! Now that Ukraine winning is clearly not going to happen, Ametimutt leadership feeds the masses the excuse that "this was never about Ukraine winning" and the masses eat that shit right up! Such unbelievable levels of gullibility and stupidity.
The essence of Narrative Management 101 is that one continually shifts the goals & objectives, like twisting colorful glass shards in a kaleidoscope: new twist, new look, new goals & objectives, new narrative
It was more a gaffe or slipup than trying to feed the masses a new narrative. Blinky is no longer in government. So he let the truth slip out for a bit. Sure they would have LOVED for Ukraine to win, but not even the Zionist neocons in the Biden regime ever really thought they would. The whole affair was to preoccupy Moscow, bleed Russia and hope for the best case scenario of balkanizing the RF right on China's western flank. Do you really think that's going to change under Trump? Or after he's gone?
You're wrong. There is exactly zero evidence that the Biden regime in 2022-2023 did not count on Ukraine actually winning on the battlefield. Why did they do the 2023 offensive if the plan was not for it to succeed? It makes no sense to suggest that the Biden regime wanted to "bleed Russia" by executing an offensive they fought would fail. They could've simply let Ukraine remain always on the defense, as defense is more effective at bleeding your enemy than offense with no prospects of winning. The regime media, think tanks and politicians all talked about Ukraine winning as well.
To look like they were trying to win. In order to shore up waning public support and keep the $$ coming from Congress.
the "American masses" are only interested in one thing -- stop using our money to fund Ukraine and its government and its war and its propaganda. They don't give a damn about whether Ukraine "wins" or "loses." It ain't their problem, as The Masses might say.
Yess they pretty don't care about now destroyed Donbass.Even les about ukies.
Donbass has it's resources intact. And the buildings? Look at Sevastapol's revitalisation. The towns, villages, and cities will be rebuilt very quickly.
It is even possible to argue that our dear Neocons, who have plenty of ancestral and historical axes to grind, not only with the Russians, but also with the Ukrainians, actually DO want the Ukrainians to die en masse....then its not a bug, its a feature....
Just as long as those mass Ukrainian deaths are slavs and not western Ukrainian Bandera huggers and Galician SS stock. Those charming people should be saved at all costs according to neo conss. Once Poland, hungary Slovakia and Romania have snatched their share from the western districts, the remaining Galician/Lvov micro state might survive. Nobody will want that (UK excepted). Something like the lilliput Baltic haters of E,L&L.
Correct. The didn't build the (now destroyed) NATO naval base for no reason.
I think that the main objective of Antony B was to have the Ukrainians kill as many Russians as possible and to bring as much ruin to Russia as possible.
Blinky's main objective was enriching US war contractors, imho. Weakening Russia was a nice to have, and the Biden neocons only cared about Ukraine as fertile new territory for resource extraction by US multinationals like DuPont, Cargill and BlackRock.
Well said
not only was "it" vague, but so was "as long as" -- this allows the Glorious West to announce suddenly that time is up and it has been accomplished. Ta ta. Stay well, our commerical interests will be there soonest to discuss rebuilding what we helped destroy, for a really great price!
The usual reminder - even if Russia wins a total military victory on the ground, it will have lost the war, because deterrence will not have been restored.
And deterrence can no longer be restored without some combination of conventional strikes on the Western oligarchy and/or wiping countries off the map with the really big guns.
Which the Russia oligarchy has no intention of doing, because it is still on its knees begging to be readmitted in the club.
Putin has spent the last few months trying out the most comfortable kneepads one can find in Russia in preparation for his meeting with Trump
Erm..., Russia's kneepads are the Oreshnik brand
And right on cue General Moron pipes up with more drivel.
Russia on its knees begging to be readmitted in the club 😂
one has to understand that Russia cannot restore deterrence on its own. Nuclear threat is valid and will not go away. Americans understand that they just might all perish in a nuclear war - but they would destroy Russia as certainly as Russia would destroy US. But the British and globalists do not believe Russia can destroy all five eyes. They feel safe hiding behind US.
BRICS and the birth of a new reserve currency would destroy US supremacy, but it will take decades.
Some type of strong punch, is needed.
A decisive win in Ukraine, that would make hits against Russia impossible is the most likely, and safest approach.
It is easy to threaten nuclear war, but it is a once in the lifetime ...
>Nuclear threat is valid and will not go away.
And completely meanigless if nobody believes nukes will be used.
Right as we have this online discussion western drones and missiles are flying into Russia, killing Russian civilians and destroying Russian infrastructure.
Let's say Russia wins in Ukraine, who is to say the place to launch drones and missiles from will not simply shift to Kazakhstan, the Baltics and Finland?
What is to stop them given that nobody takes the nuclear threat seriously?
We already saw NATO attacking Russian shipping thousands of kilometers away from Ukraine...
The US brought to heel the Finnish dog, who was starting to bite at Russian shipping---called them off, not because they want peace on that line, but because it's too soon---the American nuke bases on Finnish territory will not be ready for several years yet.
They learned the lesson in Ukraine, and will not start major provocations until the nukes are already installed. Sit, Finland! Sit! Good dog.
Once the bases are there, St.Petersburg will be within two minutes missile flight time, and Moscow not much farther. Then the rabid Finns will be let off the leash again, in the conviction that American presence protects them from any consequences.
As Simplicius says, if Trump is really as intelligent and independent as he could be, he would do exactly that; find a way to withdraw from the war and let Britain lead the EU and globalists forces and lose in Ukraine,
that would restore necessary level of deterrence.
No, it doesn't restore anything.
In early 2022 it was unthinkable to be firing drones and missiles into Russia.
Now it is a free-for-all.
How does what you said, even if it happens, change that?
Nobody responsible for the attacks against Russia will have paid the necessary price (i.e. the physical existence) for it.
Do not be dogmatic. A real defeat, collapse of the armed forces, political change coming from widespread and shared realization that strategy accepted led to complete defeat.
Deterrence would come from serious defeat. As for the rest revenge is best served cold
You do know why the US/NATO has no troops fighting in the Ukraine right?
Sir Keir sees a way for the UK to establish military bases on the Black Sea coast and also on the Azov Sea by propping Ukraine up as a viable legitimate combatant through which to keep the debacle going, even though the depleted proxy has no genuine fight any longer or a prayer of prevailing.
Although the quality of the British military is poor, Sir Keir inanely envisions (hallucinates?) a way to keep the AFU fighting in a war which it is convincingly losing to Russia, fashioning Ukraine into a staging ground & launch-point for attacks on motherland Russia. Sir Keir tag-teams back & forth w/ Macron, both constituting the European brain-trust (sic & /sarc), both pushing the figment of something viable in Ukraine’s diminished capabilities long after any show of force is possible. The more media propagandists boost the narrative, the more they extend a crude psy-op aimed at perpetuating misconceptions.
Buoyed on a tide of delusions, Sir Keir is either riding high or is simply high: Inflict as much damage as possible on Russia, he says, and Ukraine will have more leverage during negotiations. Hankering powerfully to dissect Russia, Sir Keir advises DJT to scotch unilateral talks w/ VVP in favor of a trilateral, which includes the UK.
Not happening.
Meanwhile, Zakharova sees Bankhova & Downing Street auguring for naval partnerships in the Azov-Black Sea basin—but she warns the UK to keep its mitts off the Sea of Azov.
Who would man those bases, the Wombles?
Keir is laughable but he is simply parroting the UK state apparatus party line which has been consistent under all the various PMs of the past years.
It’s delusional but the career interests of the apparatchiks drive it. So they do not care to think about how delusional they are.
Just think how many careers in the civil service, upper military, think tanks and so forth depend on the UK maintaining the illusion for itself of being a Great Power.
Of course, very few British people realize the truth of the comment that the quality and not just mass of the UK military is poor. We are for ever stuck in 1940. The alleged answer of course is to spend even more money, aiding the careers referred to above but rarely creating capability that is useful.
Those "bases" will need to be pretty well camouflaged and mobile....
A U.S.-based tank is a mobile crematorium. DPRK troops keep torching Abrams in K-Pop Kursk.
Lol! K-Pop Kursk! At least when the battle is over the locals will be left behind with ultra high speed internet and loads of noodle bars.
Sir Keir blathering about a 100 year alliance .... yes he's high.
Especially after crippling domestic farmers with inheritance tasks. I can see columns of John Deere farming equipment with big white Z's on them occupying the M25
Frank. Why should everyone else have to pay inheritance tax and not farmers?
Read: "THE GENESIS OF RUSSOPHOBIA IN GREAT BRITAIN", JOHN HOWES GLEASON, Havard University Press (1950). You can easily download this. The author starts with the end of Napoleon and describes the changing mood in Britain. There is no logic behind all the hatred and resentment. On a very few occasions, the British had to work together with the Russians (e.g. when the French needed a strong ally in the East). But no matter if there was a monarch, a socialist party leader or a president, the ruling elite and the middle class in Britain disliked the Russians - no matter the consequences.
Yes, it's free at archive org:
I haven't read it yet. You seem to reveal the main thing of interest: '...there is no logic behind all the hatred and resentment..'
So? That's it?
Just typical looneytunes 'upperclass' England?
The issue is here that ALL main stream media portrays Russia as being the evil one, and Putin is no better than Hitler.
I'm trying my best to make people realise that this isn't the case, that NATO have done far worse in the likes of Libyan, Iraq, and more importantly, Yugoslavia, but most folks in this country of mine, believe what they see, hear and read from the MSM. Even those that don't believe the MSM on certain topics, cough vaccines cough, still believe that they are being honest about Russia.
I don't disagree, but why does Britain need bases in the Black Sea?
It's absolutely bonkers.
We have no interests in that part of the World.
Starmer is such a fool.
A major part of the American problem is the information & intelligence environment that someone like Trump lives in. Its not his fault, and I don't think there's much he can do about it. Its the same with the whole China rivalry.
Fundamentally, it stems from being pathologically incapable of seeing things from the other side, and not challenging - not even a little bit - the information systems and data acquisition methods on your own side; despite history showing time and time again that your systems have failed.
A minimal list, off the top of my head:
- Iraq WMD
- Russia economic collapse due to sanctions
- Russia casualties
- Houthi capabilities vs US Navy
- China economic collapse (20 years and counting)
- Hunter Biden laptop
- Russia-gate
and so on. The US is remarkably good at "supplying" whatever is in demand, and what is in demand more than anything else is narratives & politically appetizing stories, and so the various 3 letter agencies supply accordingly, as there is great currency in doing so
Edit: When Putin & Trump eventually do talk, it behooves Putin to actually take some time and present realities for Trump to ponder, rather than assume he is properly informed.
Western "intelligence" has been goal-seeking garbage for decades. The point is not to guide policy, but to justify it, by any means necessary.
Exactly right. It also bears mentioning that the official US casualty figures in Iraq and Afghanistan are... off, to put it mildly
My personal experience is different. The "intelligence" is not so bad, it is the ruling class, that rejects the information. Here in Austria we had some terror threats, typically the police (the secret service is part of the police), or a friendly nation, warns about this and then the media and the politicians ignore the story until it is too late.
they ("they") prefer to manipulate the information. it is there, thank you Starlink etc, but it's prevented from being shared and the lapdog media gets crumbs.
Good points. Larry Johnson made oblique references to them today at SONAR21. I don't always agree with him, but he got it right when he said that Trump needs someone to get him up to speed on the reality in the NatoKraine Russia war. Russia has NOT had "millions" of men die in this war. Russia's economy is NOT in dire straits. IF Trump can't be taught this soon, more mistakes will follow.
I used to read Sonar21 for 2 + years, but lately, Larry spreads thin, quality is down.
Your remark about economics is spot on.
Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries, combined, produce in a year, according to OTAN’s Secretary General Mark Rutte—and Russia is doing it w/ less bureaucracy and also greater efficiently. Russia allots 6-8% of its economy to weapons manufacturing & the military; those figures do not indicate a ‘war economy,’ which would weigh in @ 40%. When you look @ PPP, Russia’s economy is the 4h largest & most robust in the world, according to the IMF, which is most distinctly *not* a Russia-friendly entity.
To Russia’s advantage: it is a single country waging this war. OTAN is a bloated consensus-drive bureaucracy w/ numerous stop-points adding unproductive weight to its process, dragging the entire endeavor down. An inability to focus & prioritize in anything but a consensus-driven way seriously knee-caps OTAN’s efforts to wage a lengthy multi-year war without entropy catching up to them. By September 2022, the entropy built into the bureaucratic apparatus began to make its presence known. OTAN is better situated to address time-bound attacks—the immediacy of Article 5-triggering real-time assaults—not chronic, protracted engagements.
Well said.
A minor clarification: "Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries" should come with the explicit note that Russia's military production in three month's time..." for those who don't understand you meant military production.
On the plus side, NATO's and the US's habit of eating their own dogfood (a wonderfully apt Silicon Valley expression meaning "believe your own propaganda") also puts them at a military disadvantage. People who think they've already won a war against Russia don't prosecute that war with the life or death intensity they need to survive it.
Here's hoping they continue barking nonsense at each other, and believing it, until they all go the way of the Dodo bird.
The Western Elites are not qualified for their jobs. In Germany the last fertilizer plant is closing down, because of high energy prices. The high energy prices are a result of weird political decisions. But fertilizer and explosives are made in the same plant! Therefore Germany needs the explosives from somewhere else, Rheinmetal would sill be a major producer of shells. But as Germany was a big chemical producer, the prices went through the roof, when German Industries were forced to stop production. In other words, the Elites want war, but the same Elites bring down the production.
Yep. True. They are NTFP: Not Fit For Purpose.
So we the people have to kick the sh** out of ourselves. Because we put them there and we leave them there.
If Trump is watching Jeffrey Sachs videos, he can't be completely uninformed. I would think he's seen a few of McGregor's too. And plenty more, like Chas Freeman perhaps?
I doubt he is sitting through those videos or podcasts.
Except that he is reposting things from Sachs on Twitter and that other social media website that he uses.
Sachs is not a military man and does not inform on what's happening on the battlefield. The likes of Macgregor are also more wrong than right. In any war truth is the most precious weapon and the US is most deficient in that above all else
Sachs is very well informed about Ukraine and has written on the subject extensively. For example,
I agree on his political takes, but not his military analysis which he mostly just parrots anyway
yep, mcgregor, ritter, berletic, the duran, and others all singing the same tune for two years: ukraine will collapse next week.
totally counter productive watching them.
best thing today is simply see where the front line is on telegram: southfront and/or suriyakmaps or similar.
and then trawl 'people' channels, military, where soldiers post.
Exactly. The only place where the Ukrainians are losing decisively is in the Donbass on the axis which initiated at Avdiivka. Even if the Russians rolled up the whole oblast next week, there's still 70% of the country that's currently out of reach. Many will argue that this is intentional Russian strategy but that's just cope.
Wait. I sure hope that nobody who writes or reads here truly believes that the MIC teat sucking arms mfg's, intel providers, services contractors, etc. were just suddenly cut off by Trump. That's laughable. Contracts have been signed (as illegal or extra-legal as they may be) - I do have some experience, a personal precedent with this kind of thing. I was working on the border infrastructure MATOC contracts that Obama and Trump put out for bid starting in 2016, and back in January of 2021 when Biden came in and unceremoniously put a moratorium on all such border work (aka "THE WALL!") and let me tell you: it was a nightmare for USACE and all the MIC contractors (such as the one I was working for), and eventually everything normalized and all work was completed and paid for. Yeah there were delays, but eventually...
To wit: Don't let them fool you. IF the Imperial Managers and finance capital overlords who swopped into Ukraine and bought cheap property (see: Valentine's book on the CIA) or gave out loans don't want the war to end yet, it won't. And there is nothing Trump can or will do about it - at risk to his own life - if that's the case. If the weapons makers and other "defense" contractors have signed documents that include terms stretching into the next 4 years, they will ultimately be honored and/or the teat suckers will be made whole. Even if it means another million dead Ukrainians.
And they are sitting on hundreds of billions of Russian sovereign assets they can give to Ukraine (I.e. the MIC). Trump can show how frugal he is and that he's no wimp.
If he was no wimp (and also smart) he'd offer to give them back to Russians and tell the US "security" state to GTFO. What will he do?
He will continue Biden's current proxy war strategy to bleed Russia, but with Russia's money (and more European money). Trump could force Ukraine to lower the draft age. And force Europe to deport military-aged Ukrainian refugees to Ukraine. Then maybe bring Europeans into the fight.
And Trump will continue Biden's sanctions (er, tariffs).
I can see Trump doing a blockade on Russian shipping and forcing the EU to cut Russia off.
Trump will take Banon's advice and blame Biden for the war, but won't be able to resist escalation.
Gotcha. Yeah you're probably not too far off.
Explain how the broken USN could impose a blockade on Russia? This is not 1939 and Russia is not a small Japan.
Lower the draft age? Isn't it too late? A lot of the Ukrainian older man had some form of military service, this 18 year old not. At least 6 months of basic training and then training in combined arms for another few months. Will Ukraine survive another year? The WWII experience of Germany shows, that with this halve trained young people you will not win battles, but have unbelievable losses.
All one has to do is actually read any of those EOs. They're vaguely worded and gutless tripe.
Just like the UK's greenwashing Climate and Nature Bill, being hyped as a plan to control our every purchase, when it is, in fact, a plan to set up a committee on green stuff and within a year have a committee on green stuff to plan to do something vague about the environment.
The contracts signed with the WHO are legally binding, it would cost a lot, and a big fight with the gangsters and big pharma there, to get out of them. I'm not sure about the Paris agreement, but no one is sticking to it anyway.
Both PR to appease the environmentalists or those fooled into thinking that the climate crisis is a WEF/woke hoax.
There is nothing politicians love more than setting up committees that "study" things for years and then do exactly nothing. They love it even more than spending other people's money or perverted sex or spending other people's money on perverted sex.
The fact that economy of several US states depends on those defence industries is conveniently ignored. How can Trump reign them in if he's all about economy? He's not ending or leaving NATO, he'll be pushing Europe to throw more money, 5%, to US MIC. And for that, Russian enemy must be maintained. It's frustrating that lots of otherwise good analysts easily forget this in their Trump hopium.
I think it's time (long overdue) to ask all Senators/Congressmen/StateDept to sign financial disclosures against criminal penalty that they don't have personal/financial interests in Ukraine. All the "trips to Ukraine" at taxpayers' expense, even by Garland?! Since when any AG travels to a foreign country during the war? Garland had not time to go to Ohio after a major train crash but he trotted to Ukraine? I would audit every single person who was zooming to Ukraine.
Trump, sadly, is in the unenviable position of claiming to be a Christian while showing no signs that has the character of a Christian. By their fruits you will know them. He has a Messiah complex and really believes the God of heaven is with him. Hubris and pride will be his downfall. He will take America the rest of way down with him.
Well, DJT appeared to publicly state 'I'm not Christian' last July:
He has allowed Christians to pray in his office, but I have never hear of Trump claiming to be any sort of Christian.
Trump is an NYC real estate developer, not a Christian.
He's a zionist crypto jew who bows down in the synagogue of satan.
yep. melodramatic propeller head type jargon but it fits. it fits. exactly.
I think Ukraine will be thrown under the bus by the new admin, but that will require certain timing and narrative cover. It's not getting thrown under the bus on day one. Sometime later in 2025, I think.
Can't make good decisions based on bad intell. Once that changes, he will make the decision best for the USA. He needs to get his Cabinet up and running first.
and last i heard his cabinet is virtually all jewish....
Arthur, I don't really have a problem with the Jewish faith, it's the Zionist fanatics that are the core problem. if Jewish members of his Cabinet provide him with the truth, real data, I believe Trump will make the correct decisions on how to MAGA.
well I have a problem with the jewish faith because I believe it drives jewish politics.
i.e. on the simplest most harmless level there has to be this jewish 'homeland' but then on the most harmful level there has to be an apocalypse.
And jews put their 'jewish politics' first, I think.
Not that I'm at all sure but it's the impression we get when we look at what's happening today isn't it?
As good a read of the situation as any.
Well... history is not made in the Oral Cabinet, but in the Heartland. If the Russians - and the Ukrainians - manage to repent, their enemies will be betrayed into their hands.
Euro-OTAN has an existential interest in keeping the U.S. involved in the Ukraine debacle. A hardcore coterie of OTANers has a fanatically keen interest in spoiling DJT’s efforts to achieve rapprochement w/ VVP. Ukraine, made in their image, is *remaking* them, warping the continent into a hate-filled cesspit of terror-minded malevolence, reminiscent of the execrable energy which swept the region in 1939.
Although every Holocaust museum Europeans constructed and every plaque of remembrance Germans, in particular, installed sought to proclaim to themselves and the world that they had Done The Hard Work after the era of the mustache man and purged the worst of their historical demons, Ukraine replicated for Europe, especially Germany & the Baltics, a Fascist ideology they had never really jettisoned. Resurrected thus, Ukraine became a revenant horror of the mind-set & behaviors they insisted were relics of the past. So uninsightful was their insistence, so convinced they were of Never Again, they could neither recognize nor identify The Return, which of course left them sitting ducks to the predation of their own diabolical history when it reassembled itself in Ukraine, paying them a return visit.
Laboring under a Repetition Compulsion, which wracked the continent at a subconscious level—and still wracks it—they fell prey to the cast-off ideology, which had never really been cast off. Staring into the abyss for so long—the abyss being Ukraine, a faux liberal democratic Ukraine—the Europeans found that the abyss had begun to seep into them. It was like a reverse siphon happened. Vulnerable to an ideology the decades could not erase, the especially susceptible countries in Europe—looking at you, Germany—dragged the European countries who had legendary scores to settle—the Baltics, Poland, the British—into an unwinnable conflict .
At first, Germany was timid & shy, offering Ukraine only helmets in March 2022, maybe a few blankets. By January 2023, they were promising Leopard tanks and depleted uranium shells.
Demilitarized by the Allies after WWII, Germany was not really safe with so much as a bullet. But then, slowly, slowly, the militarization came creeping back. Muscle has memory, as they say. Pissed off that a brutal thug (/sarc) had invaded a fledgling democracy (/sarc) without pretext or provocation (/sarc), Germany quickly remembered the past grievances. Germany went from steel helmets to depleted uranium in less than a year’s time. That doesn’t happen by accident.
Extremely well said
Nice. But Germany is not one of the approx. 20 nations with depleted uranium shells. They did not even receive this from the US. Of course, the US stored such shells in Germany, but for US use, not for the Germans. Even thought the gun on the M1 and Leopard are from the same producer.
"Deep in the heart of the Aryan is a slavering beast ravenous for blood. They still have yet to atone for the Holocaustiest of Holocausts against the most sacred, most precious, most innocent of victims."
And from one of Simplicius' finest commenters. I can't believe what I just read. This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Well, no, the Holocaust takes the all time prize for that spot, as absurd as it is. You know they were laughing up their sleeve when they pulled that schtick on us..."If they're stupid enought to believe this shit, they're stupid enough to swallow anything we tell them!"
I beg pardon, cheetosSpring, it is late and I have a severe Holo allergy. I cannot countenance further blood libel and insult to our people, as I was raised as a Boomer immersed in all of the hideous propaganda visited upon us by our tormentors. Perhaps I should read it again.
Included in the Ukrainian reboot of dismissed officers should be Kellog who apparently been spoon feeding Trump disinformation and has been involved for too long with the deep state. He is the closest thing to a mole in the new administration. If you examined the curriculum at the various Navy and Army war schools and similar institutions, you would recognize that the plurality of the generals and admirals have to go. Hegseth has his job cut out for him. Trumps reboot and suspension of weapons to Kiev is an inducement to get Putin to negotiate. Putin might talk, but he will certainly not fold a winning hand no matter what the threat. All Russian speaking lands in Ukraine are destined to become part of Russia, and Trump needs to recognize the validity of this fact.
VVP holds the face cards--and DJT can't scrape together a pair of deuces.
The Orange Jewce needs to sacrifice a few 100k goyim to his god Moloch first.
"Trumps reboot and suspension of weapons to Kiev is an inducement to get Putin to negotiate."
If that surprise gift isn't an offer to negotiate, I don't know what is.
"the US has a very limited time window to somehow change the calculus in a way that keeps it in the race with China"
Time is indeed so limited that window closed a decade ago.
If Russia missteps and loses to the West, it will be occupied and dismembered into puppet states. Its thousands of nukes, and its superior missile technology, will end up in the Cabal's hands, right on the Chinese border.
Under such circumstances, a nuclear war with China would actually be winnable, with a first strike. And if that strike came from former Russian territory, from a supposedly "rogue" proxy state, who would the Chinese even retaliate against? Because any retaliation against the former Russians would only make the Cabal happier.
Trump is pretending he wouldn't have gotten into this war but he spent his first term one upping Obama to prove he was no Putin puppet.
About time for imcompetent VVP to leave :
In anticipation of the start of end-of-war negotiations between President Donald Trump’s retired general Keith Kellogg and the Kremlin, Dmitri Rogozin has proposed three fresh principles for the Russian outcome – acceleration, decapitation, mobilization.
Since 1996 Rogozin is the longest running contestant for the Russian presidency — longer running than Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Medvedev, Sergei Glazyev, or Alexei Kudrin; only the serial loser, Gennady Zyuganov of the Communist Party, has been running for longer.
At 61, Rogozin is eleven years younger than President Putin, two years older than ex-president Medvedev, and more than ten centimetres taller than both of them. If sources for Kremlin election strategy are to be believed, the most likely vote-getter to succeed if Putin retires in 2030 will be recruited from the Time of Heroes legion who are being placed into political circulation each December since the Special Military Operation (SVO) began.
With a family of Russian military leaders extending from the 13th and 17th centuries to his father, two doctorates, and state service as Putin’s ambassador to NATO, deputy prime minister for the military industrial complex, and head of the Russian space conglomerate Roskosmos, Rogozin is a unique figure in current politics. As the sitting senator for Zaporozhye region engaged in running an active military unit on the front, Rogozin is combining the military and civilian qualifications for the succession.
He has also remained relatively free of oligarch ties; his line on domestic economic planning and investment priorities is anti-oligarch and war mobilizational alongside Glazyev and Mikhail Delyagin. Not even the hit jobs organized by political rivals like Alexei Navalny and the Kiev regime, have been able to silence or kill him.
Rozogin’s principles of war policy are acceleration on the offensive; decapitation of Vladimir Zelensky; and comprehensive militarization of the Russian domestic economy.
Last week in a nationally circulated press interview, he called for “victory so that the armed conflict ends faster, so that we can begin a peaceful life faster…The war changes every three months. It becomes impossible to fight in the old way. New means of destruction are emerging. We must keep in mind that here we are fighting against the entire military-industrial complex of the Western countries — they are testing their weapons on us. Therefore, not only do we have no right to lag behind, we must be ahead of the curve.”
“We need solidarity of the rear and the front. Moscow, St. Petersburg, other major Russian cities should stop living their carefree life, pretending that nothing is happening. We will never return to the state that was until 2022. Never. Everyone needs to understand that. Society must understand the depth of the problem and help the army with everything it can. Only victory will bring an end to the conflict. The war cannot be frozen. Or else the war will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.”
The guy is almost like a Russian Pat Buchanan, except he has never been as popular as Pat Buchanan once was.
Wonderful comment and very insightful of you (and Rogozin of course)!
It is the only medicin needed. Take the pill and swallow.
Very interesting, I was just read up on him and during the Transnistria War in 1992 he supported the Transnistrians against the Moldovans as a soldier in a volunteer detachment. So I guess he has rather strong opinions about what happens there in the future.
Yep. John Helmer one of the very, very few good reliable intelligent sources.
I'm all for Rogozhin and his concept, except that I think he places too much importance on the person of Zelensky, who is but a twitching puppet on Yermak's stick. In more ways than one.
But, on second thought, his elimination now would stir up conflicts in the Ukrainian power structure, more so if his handler was eliminated along with him. At the present moment, it wouldn't take much for these conflicts to go bloody and completely dismantle state structures.
Taking out Yermak and his olive drag homunculus Zelensky would really shake up Ukraine's so-called parliamentarians, releasing them from Yermak's belligerent grip on total power and ever-increasing paranoia.
Hi Simplicius. Thank you for article. Yeah - I saw that today too....couldn't believe my ears when he said Russians have lost 1 million men. How can he win a war with a lie like that going into it. Does he really believe that ? Too bad he doesn't know about your substack. Too bad. There are quite a few things that are awful today- West Bank and those big bombs to Israel and that $500 billion to Larry Ellison & co. More horrors to come in the times ahead. When you said ' the nuclear option about if Putin doesn't do what he's told....did you mean nuclear bomb ? What a fool Trump would be to do that. He would go down in history as the worst president and get the lights off Biden, who right now is definitely the worst. After Truman.