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Jan 22
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You make the best point!

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I’m not sure. It’s not polite to point.

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Being polite is boring, just like the "polite" war in Ukraine.

Get it over with already!

Aim the Oresnik missiles for the WEF., the real decision-making center.

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Your punctuation is metal--!

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Definitely "old school" :-)

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All have false hopes on Trump. I dont think he will go against deep state.

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Mel, you are right, lots of uninformed commentors . Trump has already administratively "Fired" key players inside DoJ (who are currently looking for their new residence in Alaska, or finding a job with a Democratic Party NGO, now being defunded). Bolton, all the 51 "Intelligence Community" liars about Hunters dirty laptop, Ukraine and hookers, now have had their security clearances revoked, ie, incomes ended. Even Pompeo, a deepest of deep State sheetheads, just got his stomach Staples pulled out.

No, the "Deep Stench" is indeed shitting its pants.

The backroom finger-breaking in the Senate Confirmation process has given a token resistance in the 2 RINO/Communists, Collins and Murkowski, yet that POS Chamber of Chinese Commerce boy, McConnell is now "onside" Trump's appointments.

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I think he was installed by deep state when they realized their earlier methods were creating great public outrage. Afterall, it wasn't difficult for them to eliminate him, but they chose to stage failed assassination attempts to deceive the people. Just a change of tactics, with new deep state representatives like Musk coming to the fore. Public made to believe that things have changed, here comes the new savior, while everything stays as such under the surface. Shake things up a little, give the people a few small victories and then carry on with the agenda.

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Yup, all part of the circus. People who believe that real change can come from the ballot box are deluded, and have always been deluded.

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Agree completely, except strike "great public outrage" and replace with "threat of imminent economic collapse". Trump was allowed to win in the hope that his economic policies will sustain the economy for a few years more, needed by the Cabal to meanwhile suppress external dissent of Russia and China. Javier Millei served as the test balloon, and demonstrated that the approach is sound. However, I doubt they will be able to suppress BRICS and the RoW, regardless of how many more years of stability Trump's policies buy them.

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"Trump was allowed to win in the hope that his economic policies will sustain the economy."

Or to make Trump take a fall for the US pending economic collapse.

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Two birds with one stone.

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While it is difficult to change the internals of the US economy is such a short time, it is not impossible.

The biggest Economic Problem is lighting a bonfire of inflation.

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I see the biggest issue as too much of outsourcing done for too long, I can't see how they'd be able to return the core industries back on the US soil.

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Don't forget the Bukele test balloon.

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Trump has as much control over the economy as I do. The economy was deregulated and handed over to the banks in the late 90s. If the banks want the economy "fixed" then they should look to themselves.

If the banks hope that Trump's policies may stop the economy from collapsing then the banks are truly in trouble, and whatever their problem is, it doesn't look like it is something that 20 trillion dollars of covid stimulus could fix, much less a few Trump policies.

I'm sure Trump loves spending debt as much as the next guy, and he's not going to stop, nor tell everyone else to stop. All the money is debt, and borrowing to buy everything from houses to cars to refrigerators, washing machines, shoes and clothes is every American's right.

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On the contrary, the Banks were Deregulated, the economy is a patchwork of Monopolies, Oligopolies and Political Fiefdoms.

More like the old Soviet Union.

Trump's plan is looking a lot like a formula for Hyperinflation.

Banks. Skimmers and Churners, every one. Would rather washtrade a few shares all day than invest in plant and equipment to improve the U.S.A.

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We already had our first taste of hyperinflation after the 20 trillion was dropped in over COVID.

And if we don't think that was hyperinflation then what is hyperinflation? More than 20% inflation? Do we use "hyperinflation" when we have inflation of 100%? In which case this could be achieved fairly easily if the banks drop in 100 trillion... which they certainly will need to do at some point.

The way the economy has been allowed to evolve over the past couple of decades means that hyperinflation is almost a certainty. Of course it could be avoided but that would mean every bank would need to collapse.

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I would say that the real objection to Trump from was that he said the quiet parts out loud.

The reason that there is so little remaining opposition to Trump is that it is no longer necessary to keep up the pretense that the United States is anything other than an evil empire, and that the various states making up "the West" are merely the catamites, flunkies, lackeys, and buttbois of that empire.

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As domesticated primates we are wired to want to believe this kind of savior sea-change phenomenon is real, and the social engineering class plays upon that. Added to that is the game of fencing people into the space where “it’s all being staged managed, and there is nothing we can do”. While there is evidence that alternatives, rebellions and gatekeepers are manufactured, there can be and to my knowledge ARE schools of thought that are not completely infiltrated or otherwise compromised. Freedom to communicate and to share information generally are a counter to the above, and precisely why censorship is like the demonic rust that never sleeps. They simply cannot be allow people to share ideas and most importantly hilariously debunk the crappy narrative they like to guide the general populace with. It was so much easier with total control.

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Somehow Trump measures the room, then says what most people think is true. Now he hasn't alienated most of the room. Will he slowly bring them to understand what actually went on?

Or will he pretend to let others bring him up to speed. Putin's long educational history lessons come to mind. Let us convince ourselves we have been lied to.

Just trying to work out the discrepancies, all hypothetical of course. I am heartened by the fact that he repeats if he hadn't been cheated out of the presidency the conflict in Ukraine would have never escalated as it did in Feb. 22'.

He knows about US promises to not expand Nato in exchange for uniting Germany? Our #1 "Ambassador" handing out bagels at a coup we sponsored?

So yeah still in the wishful thinking stage. He knows, he's just trying to break it to us gently. We are a long way from restitutions from all those making money off of human suffering.

One note on the Jewish stuff. Have you ever had a friend who just went stark raving looney tunes on ya? If Israel has friends they must all be thinking, hey you are screwing up royally. Stop it already!

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You seriously think that gremlin they sent to shoot him meant to just graze his ear? They wanted the world to see his head explode on international TV. I think he is an honest man that loves his country and feels God spared him for a great purpose. He fears no man and bows to no ideology.

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Trump is so stupid he stands up after being shot along with others and Americans regard that as courageous. No Virginia, that was Gross stupidity and an inability to properly assess the situation which the greenest PFC would know better than to do.

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Well, the PFC with the balls to get up and attack the enemy when it’s kill or be killed is the hero. The rest of the PFCs hiding may be smart but they are not courageous. Eventually you have to stop hiding and start fight, fight, fighting.

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Clearly you've never been in combat.

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He never got shot. The entire event was fake. They all know it was fake (Democrats, media, etc.). Every intelligence agency in the world knows it was fake and likely marvels at people believing it. It was so obviously faked on a super low budget. Make America's Acting Schools Great Again. Lol

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How do you explain the firefighter shot dead DIRECTLY behind him? Let his wife and children know it was a fake bullet that killed him. Every intelligence agency wants him dead and they are in the business of lying about everything. Only a complete imbecile would believe a word an intelligence agency says.

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bullet were real

it was a miracle

it could have been a firefighter grazed and Trump dead

and it did change Trump

immediately afterwards he chose a real vice president who actually believes what Trump is saying - so no point anymore in killing Trump

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Agreed. It also inspired Elon Musk. The standing up and "fight, fight, fight" was truly bad-ass!

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Did you know the dead firefighter and did you see his body in person with your own eyes? And why, after he’d died, did his wife sit calmly behind him for the several minutes it took for the police to get there and haul his body away? You're just getting emotional because you believe the story they invented to pull it all together. If you can't think rationally they'll have you forever.

Search on YouTube for Mr. “C C” A Victim of Trump Assassination…

Watch that over and over until you realise everyone in the crowd are the worst actors ever. C C is masonic for 33. The clues are everywhere once you start to look.

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Correct. Bullets were fired as part of the show, none hit Trump.

It is geometrically impossible for a bullet travelling parallel to the ear, to hit the innermost part of Trump's upper ear without damaging the tissue in front of or behind it. To those who claim it really happened, show us the exit wound.

It was pure WWE theatre, and Trump (the self promoter) was in on it.

Cui bono.

Dead men tell no tales, and whoever convinced Crookes to complete the task made sure of that.

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Who knows if Crookes was even killed. All of the spectators behind Trump were the worst actors ever. They spelled the fireman’s name incorrectly on his uniform and then came up with a lame excuse to explain it. They faked a photo of a bullet flying in mid-air. They hauled away the bodies without treating the scene as a crime scene. The coworker of the fireman and fellow high-school student of Crookes were the worst actors ever. Everybody with even a shred of skepticism knows the entire thing was intentionally faked in the sloppiest way possible. Search youtube for Roll Up, Roll Up, the Trump Circus is in Town to be walked through some of the fakery.

I was thinking the entire thing showed that the world was far more corrupt then i’d ever imagined. But i’ve been listening to interviews with Tom Luongo. He has a theory that Europe is run by globalists that have been living high on the hog for at least 250 years by stealing from colonies. America was one of these countries. It's a complicated theory that has to do with Eurodollar liquidity, interest rates, etc. Right now Jerome Powell and Trump have the upper hand and are putting the screws to Europe by keeping interest rates high. Of course America has a huge contingent of traitors such as Janet Yellen. Global warming and Net Zero were also created by Europe in an effort to increase costs for everyone worldwide and make European costs less bad by comparison.

In light of this new theory I think the faked assassination attempt was fairly harmless and probably just intended as signaling among the elites that they’d sided with Trump and Nationalism. Of course the effect on the public is that it would cause even more people to vote for Trump. But I also assume the fake lawfare, the disastrous administration of Biden, the selection of Kamala, and if that wasn't enough, the worst VP candidate in history to run alongside Kamala, were also orchestrated somehow on some level. I don't know how they do it. It just appears after the fact that it was all just theater. The probability of this many things working together to look fake is just too high to accept. This stuff is supposed to be modelled on professional wrestling storylines.

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Correct Rashmi. That's why I don't vote. Voting only legitimizes the scam.

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Trump will go against them but to a degree (what degree, remains to be seen)

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anyone who wears a silly cap and puts messages in cracks in a wall with immense solemnity is beyond rational consideration to my mind. got to be some kind of nut.

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And the wall is fake at that! It is not a part of the temple that was destroyed but the remaining wall of a Roman fort. They appear, therefore, to be paying homage to Rome.

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There was no ‘temple’ anyway

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Stop wasting everybody's time.

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Another layer of ludicrous.

I feel it is time to take issue with our ludicrous abrahamic religions seeing they constantly threaten to wipe out the human race.

They are clearly derived from attempts to rationalise preceding 'religions' which themselves arose from the mutterings and reports and legends of shamans, seers, prophets, 'holy men', 'touched by god' and so on: all one way or another what we call today: 'near death experiences'.

That together with contemporary nde's being stitched into the narrative.

Time to get rational.

Get rid of the mumbo jumb and down to the essence:

do unto others as you'd have them do to you.

treat your brother as yourself.

the only real way is the way of love (in today's milieu I perhaps have to apologise for using the word 'love', many find it distasteful, I know, but still )

Because they themselves have forgotten the essence.

Long ago.

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Give your house to Palestinians if love is the only way..

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It is worth treating your comment seriously for the opportunity it presents to clarify things for those who are serious and are perhaps somewhat conflicted an confused by this whole issue.

Firstly we can say the comment is logically invalid in a way commonly known perhaps as the 'anecdotal fallacy'.

Which is that anecdotes must meet the test of relevancy, scope and logical consistency to be valid.

We can see here that what I do with my house is largely irrelevant to the general contention that 'love is the way'

We can see that the scope of giving houses away to express a fundamental concept for human social life is drastically limited: what, for instance, does it do for the members of my family?

And we can see the logical consistency is unproven: there is no clear connection between giving my house away and an increase in my demonstration or practice of love. I well could be doing it from sheer hubris and to the detriment of, as I said, my family, or even the neighbourhood : I might even be doing it for political purposes.

There's also your contention that 'love is the only way'. I don't think I said that. It is not the 'only' way. It is the 'best way' and the final way and the way that you, yourself, want. So it is the only 'real' way. All others fail.

Even the most foul want love don't they?

What's an iconic picture? A bunch of 'bad guys' slapping each other on the back, laughing, joking, embracing, engaging in wild parties with many paramours: love abounding. And they just come from the killing fields and they professing hate non stop?

The way of 'love' ( if that is too strong a word, makes you feel uncomfortable, ill even, perhaps you could use 'tolerance' ) would be for Kiev Ukraine to accept the Russian heritage of their nation and embrace the diversity found in their culture. But they decided (prompted by the locus of evil of course) to adopt an attitude of hate.

They would hate Russians, Russian culture, Russian education, Russian art, Russian literature, Russian language, Russian heritage - even though all of these things were/are in fact the backbone of their nation.

Within a couple of years half a million of them were dead, are dead.

That is the way of 'not love' and those are the fruits of it.

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Trivial nonsense.

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@Reasonable Horses

You are lazy. Worse yet, boring.

You waste the time any spend reading tiny comments you leave here while bringing nothing new to the conversation.

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Trivial nonsense.

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I'd say rather that he hates the Deep State -- it did try to destroy him and isn't through, I suspect -- but that he also has this incorrigibly idealistic view of the military and listens too much to them. And while they may know how to wage war, they don't seem to know much about geopolitics or to have deep strategic thinkers who weigh in all the factors, not just the numbers of tanks and soldiers. (USG appendages like Rand Corp does the military's thinking for them altogether too frequently.) For every Eisenhower, there are a hundred thousand Milleys.

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@Norma Bown

Trump got sent to military schools by daddy, though he was mysteriously unfit for military service during Vietnam. His early schooling had some lasting effects?

As far as the top brass Trump gets to meet? After the first star, they certainly don't get promoted for openly disagreeing with the official consensus (the version that leads to valuable perqs after passing through the revolving door).

Taking command of the "red team" and WINNING in a land war game? Bad career move, forces the Pentagon to re run the whole thing.


Similarly, sinking US carriers through asymmetrical warfare in naval/combined arms war games? Cheating like that also requires altering the exercise parameters and a re run to get the correct results, not how you earn well compensated seats on several boards of directors, gravy positions at the better class of think tanks, top fees for speaking engagements & frequent guest spots on the evening news.


"Such defeat can be attributed to various shortfall in simulation capabilities and design that significantly hindered Blueforce fighting and command capabilities."

"After the simulation was restarted with different parameters, he claimed that the wargame had been fixed to falsely validate the current doctrine of the U.S. Navy."

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Sneaky Trump, the only elite ever "mysteriously unfit for military service during Vietnam." Cherry picked.

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@Reasonable Horses

I missed being eligible for Vietnam draft by less than two years, I am QUITE aware of the numerous ways numerous people who were too important/wealthy to serve in the 'nam managed that. Including Biden, Clinton, George Bush the Lesser, Sick Cheney and way too many other chicken hawks still bloviating on our national scene. Trump = child of a connected millionaire. No getting offed for no good reason in a jungle for such. John Kerry was unrealistic enough to volunteer, Max Clelland too, at a substantial personal cost. John McSame was in for it too, no way to avoid with an admiral for a daddy, his war included getting shot out of the sky and doing a tour in the Hanoi Hilton, complete with being forced to parrot NV propaganda in return for getting his wounds properly treated and not losing use of his hand, as a pilot, I'm not judging JMcC's choice, I probably would have too. I WILL judge George Bush the Lesser for first taking a cushy Texas Air National Guard pilot spot from a better qualified but less connected candidate, then blowing off his obligations when he would have had to pee in a drug test bottle and fucking off to start his political career, courtesy of the local oligarchy. Several others still on the scene served honorably in that stupid, misguided war also. What's your point?

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Our military command structure is a ‘former general’ factory for climbers who want a cushy retirement job blathering about the stuff they didn’t bother to learn as soldiers.

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So he's on the side of lawfarers, assassins, and panty drawer raiders? Occam says, make that make sense.

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Keeps a stash of unhinged insults to fall back on when his argument goes bankrupt. Pathetic.

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My insults are ABUNDANTLY hinge-y!

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Speaking of Gaza, DJT said, “This is not our war,” as he signed a raft of Executive Orders in the Oval Office on 20 January. He might have said the same thing about Project Ukraine—and he didn’t—but he would not have been wrong. A Euro-quagmire which involves an expensive hot war is a mess Collective Biden has bequeathed to him. Europe by no means resembles the terrain DJT left four years ago.

Unfortunate as the war has been, Collective Biden did not prioritize a win for Ukraine, let alone an eventual peace. Antony B, our Secretary of War, had his gaze set on “for as long as it takes,” leaving *it* sufficiently vague & ill-defined to make it look as if regaining territory—like the Crimean peninsula—was a priority when it in fact was not. The more important objective for Collective Biden was to ensure that Ukraine survived as a democratic country free to pursue an integration w/ the West, so flooding Ukraine w/ weapons was always on tap. Doing so without triggering a Russian declaration of war against OTAN additionally was a priority. Ultimately, though, the main objective was to keep the war going, which boiled down to preventing Russia from winning.

Collective Biden gave itself an A+, therefore, on its objectives: Mission Accomplished.

However, I would adjust that letter grade downward: Collective Biden did not prevent Russia from winning. Russia has been crashing the LOC w/ territorial gains since the conquest of Avdeevka and shows every sign of steamrolling powerfully forward. Word is that Ukraine is not capable of surviving losses of this magnitude for the next year, whether in men or materiel: casualties are exceeding fresh recruitments. Ukraine’s Lt. General Romanenko has said that the AFU won’t have sufficient forces or resources to hang onto Petrovsk, for instance. Russia has just reached the outskirts of the coking coal mine of Petrovsk, central to Ukraine’s steel manufacturing industry.

Russia is shredding Ukraine like you’d shred a toothpick w/ your thumbnail.

It’s not a happy affair, more a calamitous necessity on Russia’s part, sad to say. A malevolent Europe, unmasked, compels it.

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Did you see the reports today? Sounds like you did since you referenced Blinky's comments about how this was never about Ukraine winning. But I am 110% sure that the Empire Managers REALLY REALLY REALLY want Crimea. Even if the whole purpose of this UkraiNato war against Russia was to bleed Moscow, deprive the EU (Germany) of cheap energy, and keep the Germans down, they really wanted Crimea back bad. That was one of the main functions of the 2014 coup - to install an American puppet gov't and then seize Sevastopol.

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Ha! Now that Ukraine winning is clearly not going to happen, Ametimutt leadership feeds the masses the excuse that "this was never about Ukraine winning" and the masses eat that shit right up! Such unbelievable levels of gullibility and stupidity.

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The essence of Narrative Management 101 is that one continually shifts the goals & objectives, like twisting colorful glass shards in a kaleidoscope: new twist, new look, new goals & objectives, new narrative

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This is especially effective with the American Public that has the attention span of a gnat. With a couple of exceptions, my friends have the historical/geographical understanding of a third grader. When this group promoted the Harris Clown Car to me I always asked them how they felt about our complicity in the Gaza genocide. To the last one...I get silence and thousand yard stares. I recently bought a tee-shirt with the following legend from Orwell:

**Ignorance is Strength**

The brainwashing here is thorough and effective. Trump has some smart people in his crew, I hope they can convince him to run, not walk, away from the shit-show aka Ukraine. Let the clever Europeans sort it...and good luck with that.

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The tech guy yesterday who was trying to solve an encryption issue saw my Russian calendar in the kitchen and asked me what the language was.

When I told him, we had a 5-Minute Stand-Up Meeting. Ultimately, the tech guy took issue with that photo from 15 years ago of VVP riding a horse barechested.

Nota bene: I've seen those VVP calendars which show him being barechestedly bad ass, but my calendar this year depicts snow scenes in Saint Petersburg.

So we were looking @ a picture of wintry Nevskiy Prospect, and the tech guy was kind of miffed @ VVP's barechested "machismo."


This is deep-level Russophobia: VVP, 60 years old at the time of the photo, is riding a horse in the summer, shirtless, and a 43-year guy in the U.S. has his nose out of joint.

What if Governor Trudeau were fly-fishing shirtless--?? Would we say "machismo" or would we say thirst trap--?!!?

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1 year into this war, I had a cable guy fixing an issue at my place. Turned out from Lviv, and he almost had a heart attack noticing on my chair the book "Rus" from the 1890s, by a French historian. He took it upon himself to scold me on my "reading choices,' and kind of let it "hang in the air" that if he were not so "open-minded"... who knows. He really wasn't a bad sort but such an immense gall, entitlement and presumption by, put it crudely, a "hired help," trying to intimidate me at my own home, was surreal.

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It was more a gaffe or slipup than trying to feed the masses a new narrative. Blinky is no longer in government. So he let the truth slip out for a bit. Sure they would have LOVED for Ukraine to win, but not even the Zionist neocons in the Biden regime ever really thought they would. The whole affair was to preoccupy Moscow, bleed Russia and hope for the best case scenario of balkanizing the RF right on China's western flank. Do you really think that's going to change under Trump? Or after he's gone?

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You're wrong. There is exactly zero evidence that the Biden regime in 2022-2023 did not count on Ukraine actually winning on the battlefield. Why did they do the 2023 offensive if the plan was not for it to succeed? It makes no sense to suggest that the Biden regime wanted to "bleed Russia" by executing an offensive they fought would fail. They could've simply let Ukraine remain always on the defense, as defense is more effective at bleeding your enemy than offense with no prospects of winning. The regime media, think tanks and politicians all talked about Ukraine winning as well.

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To look like they were trying to win. In order to shore up waning public support and keep the $$ coming from Congress.

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You're all wrong. The primary reason for the Ukrainian "War" was to remove as many Christian Slavs from the gene pool as possible.

You need to look at who started this BS and whose palms are greased with America's counterfeit money to finally understand the grotesque depravity of the vermin who have stolen Ukraine from its people while destroying their actual history to the point they've even stolen the people's religion!

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the "American masses" are only interested in one thing -- stop using our money to fund Ukraine and its government and its war and its propaganda. They don't give a damn about whether Ukraine "wins" or "loses." It ain't their problem, as The Masses might say.

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How about stop supporting that illegal nuclear armed terrorist Jew state ?

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Nobody cares what the populace wants.

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Most of the populace I see wants: "The plucky Ukrainians to keep on kicking the insane, tyrannical gangster Putin's ass".

The quoted material explains, in a few words, both the entirety of the their understanding of the situation and their opinion about it.

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Most people have lost interest, but, to the extent that they are paying attention, they probably support your narrative.

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America must have know that breaking up Russia was a near impossibility. Their most likely actual goal was destroying the European economy and stealing their industries and corporations. Tom Luongo talks about this.

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Yess they pretty don't care about now destroyed Donbass.Even les about ukies.

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Donbass has it's resources intact. And the buildings? Look at Sevastapol's revitalisation. The towns, villages, and cities will be rebuilt very quickly.

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It is even possible to argue that our dear Neocons, who have plenty of ancestral and historical axes to grind, not only with the Russians, but also with the Ukrainians, actually DO want the Ukrainians to die en masse....then its not a bug, its a feature....

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Just as long as those mass Ukrainian deaths are slavs and not western Ukrainian Bandera huggers and Galician SS stock. Those charming people should be saved at all costs according to neo conss. Once Poland, hungary Slovakia and Romania have snatched their share from the western districts, the remaining Galician/Lvov micro state might survive. Nobody will want that (UK excepted). Something like the lilliput Baltic haters of E,L&L.

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Correct. The didn't build the (now destroyed) NATO naval base for no reason.

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Empire managers = the Jew. What’s with the euphemisms

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I think that the main objective of Antony B was to have the Ukrainians kill as many Russians as possible and to bring as much ruin to Russia as possible.

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Blinky's main objective was enriching US war contractors, imho. Weakening Russia was a nice to have, and the Biden neocons only cared about Ukraine as fertile new territory for resource extraction by US multinationals like DuPont, Cargill and BlackRock.

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And using the Ukrainian goyim - win win for the Jew.

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Exactly. And then have Putin overthrown and replaced with someone--or some people--completely compliant with the US Empire.

(Edit: I'm of the impression that the military contracts were the nice to have. This war was driven by ideologues. Not that they aren't motivated by the fame and fortune that they expect to follow from the success of their schemes.)

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Also to ensure that the Zelensky regime lasted long enough to remove legal obstacles preventing foreign multinationals buying up some of the best farm land in the world (and at bargain basement war time prices!)

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Well said

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not only was "it" vague, but so was "as long as" -- this allows the Glorious West to announce suddenly that time is up and it has been accomplished. Ta ta. Stay well, our commerical interests will be there soonest to discuss rebuilding what we helped destroy, for a really great price!

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Every war is our war and the Rabbi knows it. When will Americans get a clue?

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Blinken the Jew and his daddy holohoax lies. .

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It wasn't their war, and it is still not their war, for sure, but it makes great economical sense if they can manage to seize Russian energy resources.

If the west had full unopposed control over Russian energy, just imagine, they would be set up economically for at least the next 50 years. Probably longer.

This was simply a regional dispute capitalised by NATO for probably all kinds of reasons, but the most obvious reason to me is a simple energy war.

There are a lot of clues laying about if anyone can notice them.

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If "this is not our war" referring to Gaza, then what is this installation for?


Trump is a con man from his top to his toes.

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The usual reminder - even if Russia wins a total military victory on the ground, it will have lost the war, because deterrence will not have been restored.

And deterrence can no longer be restored without some combination of conventional strikes on the Western oligarchy and/or wiping countries off the map with the really big guns.

Which the Russia oligarchy has no intention of doing, because it is still on its knees begging to be readmitted in the club.

Putin has spent the last few months trying out the most comfortable kneepads one can find in Russia in preparation for his meeting with Trump

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Erm..., Russia's kneepads are the Oreshnik brand

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More like spiked boots.

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Jan 22Edited

And right on cue General Moron pipes up with more drivel.

Russia on its knees begging to be readmitted in the club 😂

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one has to understand that Russia cannot restore deterrence on its own. Nuclear threat is valid and will not go away. Americans understand that they just might all perish in a nuclear war - but they would destroy Russia as certainly as Russia would destroy US. But the British and globalists do not believe Russia can destroy all five eyes. They feel safe hiding behind US.

BRICS and the birth of a new reserve currency would destroy US supremacy, but it will take decades.

Some type of strong punch, is needed.

A decisive win in Ukraine, that would make hits against Russia impossible is the most likely, and safest approach.

It is easy to threaten nuclear war, but it is a once in the lifetime ...

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>Nuclear threat is valid and will not go away.

And completely meanigless if nobody believes nukes will be used.

Right as we have this online discussion western drones and missiles are flying into Russia, killing Russian civilians and destroying Russian infrastructure.

Let's say Russia wins in Ukraine, who is to say the place to launch drones and missiles from will not simply shift to Kazakhstan, the Baltics and Finland?

What is to stop them given that nobody takes the nuclear threat seriously?

We already saw NATO attacking Russian shipping thousands of kilometers away from Ukraine...

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The US brought to heel the Finnish dog, who was starting to bite at Russian shipping---called them off, not because they want peace on that line, but because it's too soon---the American nuke bases on Finnish territory will not be ready for several years yet.

They learned the lesson in Ukraine, and will not start major provocations until the nukes are already installed. Sit, Finland! Sit! Good dog.

Once the bases are there, St.Petersburg will be within two minutes missile flight time, and Moscow not much farther. Then the rabid Finns will be let off the leash again, in the conviction that American presence protects them from any consequences.

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Any Finnish base accepting American nukes would be given a private introduction to Mr Oreshnik.

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Don't kid yourself.

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Mr. Oreshnik was exploded last November.

I assume technicians in Russia are furiously working on Mr. Oreshnik Jr. Have there been any signs that he is finished and ready to go?

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Should be but will not be.

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The Finns just forgot that this time around, they don't have Mannerheim, who was trained & served in the Russian army for 20+ years.

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A decisive defeat inflicted on Ukrainian army, will be the best deterrence.

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Kazakhstan is not a stupid European country - they know Russia and will not enter into such a relationship against the Russians. The Baltics and Finland are NATO countries - they know that if they attack Russia, they will not be protected by Article 5 (of course, they wouldn't have that protection anyway, but they don't know that). The non-NATO potentials in the region (Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, etc) will offer firm resistance to any such notion as they take the lesson of Ukraine to heart. Further, the implementation of future Ukraines will take vast sums of money and war resources which NATO does not have.

And lastly, there is always Mr Oreshnik waiting on the sidelines to be called into the game.

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Unfortunately, the “owners” and “deciders” are degenerates on masse. Look at Gaza. And don’t forget $37 T. For these looters, the only goal/solution is full-spectrum talmudic dominance.

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Drones have been launched from Kazakhstan towards Russia for more than year now.

The Kremlin is keeping it hushed because they don't want another war.

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I suspect that Russia bitterly regrets having backed that snake Tokayev in the internal conflict in early 2022.

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Jan 23Edited

Oh, it would have been much worse had they not saved Tokayev.

The plan was to have three wars -- Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, all while the Kremlin had not prepared for even one (for it indeed did not prepare at all).

But that does not change the fact that Tokayev is the Kazakh version of Yanukovich, i.e. somebody that is considered pro-Russian but in reality under him the country is undergoing a transformation into a rabidly Russophobic shithole (that is indeed what is happening in Kazakhstan). All the while the Kremlin is sleeping because they think that having some semi-controllable scoundrel there means things are "under control".

P.S. An SMO in Kazakhstan will be an absolute nightmare now with drones. It is open empty steppe for vast stretches. Nowhere to hide. Anyone advancing will be cut down to pieces long before he makes it anywhere close to his target. The only thing saving it is that there is no direct border between Kazakhstan and the West.

But let's say Iran gets flipped, or that Azerbaijan is used as a logistic base across the Caspian. You think the BSF failed at sealing the Ukrainian coast (not really because of lack of capability, it was the lack of political orders to do it, but still), wait until you see how battle ready the Caspian flotilla is.

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You are making the assumption that the (young global) leaders of Finland and the Baltics are 1. competent and rational, 2. operating with the best interest of the countries they control in mind.

Both assumptions are false. Like most other EU politicians they are stooges beholden to the Cabal that put them up on their seats, and can pull them down hard if they disobey. They owe nothing to their subject populations.

They are also clueless, do not understand the consequences of the actions they are instructed to take, and cling to the instructions of their intimate handlers to mask their own incompetence. Behind every Zelensky there is a Yermak.

Read also: https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/what-is-wrong-with-the-western-political

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FYI, I mentioned you in a reply to GM elsewhere on this thread.

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As Simplicius says, if Trump is really as intelligent and independent as he could be, he would do exactly that; find a way to withdraw from the war and let Britain lead the EU and globalists forces and lose in Ukraine,

that would restore necessary level of deterrence.

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No, it doesn't restore anything.

In early 2022 it was unthinkable to be firing drones and missiles into Russia.

Now it is a free-for-all.

How does what you said, even if it happens, change that?

Nobody responsible for the attacks against Russia will have paid the necessary price (i.e. the physical existence) for it.

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Do not be dogmatic. A real defeat, collapse of the armed forces, political change coming from widespread and shared realization that strategy accepted led to complete defeat.

Deterrence would come from serious defeat. As for the rest revenge is best served cold

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Necessary price? The price for Europe and America are depleted weapons, ammo and equipment stores; hundreds of billions of money that could have supported their economies; destruction of cheap energy sources causing European deindustrialisation; a fractured EU; a fractured NATO; the accelerated rise of BRICS and the multi-polar world in the face of the weaponised dollar; and lastly, a vastly humiliating defeat that the entire world witnesses.

How's that for a price? Far better than a nuke that might end up destroying humanity, wouldn't you say?

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You do know why the US/NATO has no troops fighting in the Ukraine right?

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Jan 22Edited

1) They do, just not openly.

2) It is not needed yet in an overt form, their goal was to cook the frog to the point where it agrees to be subject to regular missile strikes. Then it will be finished off

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So Ukraine really is winning - cooking the frog and patiently waiting for the time to finish it off. LOL. Just listen to yourself. You are in desperate need of an editor.

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Nukland? Again?

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Jan 22Edited

Please answer the following question.

Let's assume Stalin had nukes and the delivery means to erase Germany from the map.

At what point should he have used them?

In the first hours of the morning of June 22 1941?

When the Baltics, Minsk, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, etc. fell?

When the Wehrmacht was at the gates of Moscow and Leningrad?

After 5 million Russians had died? 10 million? 20 million?

When in that sequence of events?

Then once you have answered that question, translate the implications of the answer to the present situation.

Currently the Baltics, Kiev, Odessa and Kharkov have fallen and the death toll is in the six digits.

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FYI, I mentioned you in a reply to GM elsewhere on this thread.

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A. You equivocate around the word "deterrence".

Since nuclear weapons have been invented, there have been two distinct types of deterrence:

1. "Nuclear deterrence" is deterring an adversary from using nuclear weapons against you. Because convential forces are so vulnerable to a nuclear attack, only nuclear weapons have been considered capable of providing nuclear deterrence.

2. "Conventional deterrence" is deterring an adversary from using non-nuclear weapons against you. Conventional deterrence is only done using conventional weapons. This is for two reasons. First, most countries only have conventional weapons available. Second, those countries that have nuclear weapons are also themselves nuclear deterred.

This understanding has prevailed for 80 years.

You suggest that Russia is at (beyond) a point at which it should defy this understanding and use a limited nuclear strike, or credible threat of it, to deter conventional attacks currently being conducted against Russia. (That such a point exists is the implications of questions you asked of Anna elsewhere on this thread. Also, in this particular post, you suggest a conventional strike as an alternative, but posts responding to korkyrian and Anna on this thread refer only to nuclear strikes.)

Putin and company, on the other hand, do not believe that the damage inflicted by conventional attacks on Russia has yet reached the point of significance at which the current understanding separating nuclear and conventional deterrence should be tested.

It's much harder being the one actually making the call on breaking a long understanding and risking an all-out nuclear war than suggesting this in online posts.

B. I think the reason that Putin and company have not yet escalated conventional deterrence to the point of direct conventional attacks outside of Ukraine is due to this being a proxy war. The history of proxy wars has established the understanding that "participants" are only those doing the actual firing of the weapons.

The US Empire has certainly been pushing the boundaries of this understanding with the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assistance they have been providing Ukraine--and maybe even outright targeting.

I share your frustration with this. Putin and company have a difficult call to make in how much death and destruction inside of Russia to accept before saying "enough" and making a credible threat of conventional response against some part of the Empire. They have clearly been waiting, like everyone else, to see what position Trump will take in the Empire's war on Russia, and it's been a painful wait.

C. Can anyone sensibly believe that Russia can have any relations with the US Empire other than complete distrust after the Empire's treatment of Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union--culminating in this war?

You say Russian oligarchs want to be "readmitted" to some Western "club". Then you suggest Putin represents them or shares this goal with them. What is Putin's relationship to these oligarchs you speak of? We'll soon see if he capitulates to Trump.

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Jan 23Edited

>Conventional deterrence is only done using conventional weapons [...] This understanding has prevailed for 80 years.

That is complete bullshit.

There were no conventional attacks against nuclear powers during the Cold War. Not by other nuclear powers and not by non-nuclear powers. Not a single bullet was fired across the NATO-Warsaw Pact line of contact for half a century. The only exception was the brief border skirmishes between China and Russia in the 1960s, but those never involved any weapons with a range longer than short-range artillery. And even then nuclear war was much more imminent than commonly understood.

>Putin and company, on the other hand, do not believe that the damage inflicted by conventional attacks on Russia has yet reached the point of significance at which the current understanding separating nuclear and conventional deterrence should be tested.

Russia was invaded by NATO, FFS, with the clear goal of seizing the Kursk NPP and several cities in the tens of thousands of population. Some 200,000 people have been made internal refugees, thousands were slaughtered. If Putin considers this "not significant enough", he has to be executed in the middle of the Red Square for treason. Plain and simple.

See my comment above about the hypothetical situation in which Stalin had enough nukes and delivery means to wipe Germany off the map in 1941. When should he have used them? In the first hours of the invasion? When he lost the Baltics, Belarus and Ukraine? When the Germans sieged Leningrad and were at the approaches to Moscow? When the death toll surpassed 5 million? 10 million? 20 million? When?

Answer, please.

For comparison, right now the Nazis hold the Baltics and most of Ukraine and the death toll is in the six digits.

>I think the reason that Putin and company have not yet escalated conventional deterrence to the point of direct conventional attacks outside of Ukraine is due to this being a proxy war.

It de facto stopped being a proxy war the moment the Moskva was sunk, but even de jure too the moment NATO tanks crossed the border for the first time. Which was not even in Kursk, but during one of the contained smaller-scale incursions into Belgorod much earlier.

The Cold War proxy wars involved the two superpowers fighting over control of far-away lands. This is not the case here, we have a direct attack on Russia, on its own official territory. That was unthinkable during the Cold War.

Also, if you claim it is a proxy war, you are taking a pro-NATO, anti-Russian position automatically, even if you don't understand it. Because that assumes and acknowledges Ukraine to be a proxy of the Cold War type, i.e. something detached from Russia.

But it is not, it is core Russian territory that is now occupied by the Nazis.

>You say Russian oligarchs want to be "readmitted" to some Western "club". Then you suggest Putin represents them or shares this goal with them. What is Putin's relationship to these oligarchs you speak of?

Putin is the CEO of Russia Inc., the oligarchs are the key shareholders. That is the relationship.

In retrospect, the key moment early in the war that foretold what would happen was the video that appeared on February 24 with Putin and the oligarchs in the same room and him apologetically telling them that "what is happening is desperate measures, we were left with no choice" and "but this does not mean our relationship with the world will change". People took it to mean that Putin is telling the oligarchs to not cause trouble from a position of strength. In fact it was the exact opposite -- Putin was in the position of the CEO apologizing to the shareholders about the large losses in the last quarter and the poor prognosis for the future.

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> Nuclear powers have often been involved in conventional wars and have never, since WWII, used their nuclear weapons, even when incurring significant losses, like the US did in Vietnam and Korea.

Whether parties on BOTH sides of a conventional conflict have nuclear weapons is beside the point. It is understood that nuclear weapons are not used to counter conventional. This is the principle behind all the angst about "tactical nuclear weapons".

During the first two years of the Ukraine war, there was constant speculation among Western propagandists that "a desperate Putin might resort to use of nuclear weapons to reverse his defeat at the hands of the plucky Ukrainians." This propaganda was based exactly on the understanding--which you deny exists--that no "civilized" "decent" country would be the first to use nuclear weapons, particularly to staunch conventional losses.

(Not that it matters, but since the Cold War ended, we can add border skirmishes between India and Pakistan and India and China to the list of conventional fights between countries that both have nuclear weapons.)

> "Russia was invaded by NATO, FFS ... If Putin considers this 'not significant enough', he has to be executed in the middle of the Red Square for treason."

Obviously, you and he assess the risk of a world-ending US Empire response to a first use of a nuclear weapon differently. Or ...

> ... as you suggest, Putin is merely the country manager serving the interests of some corrupt Russian business oligarchs who delusionally (or psychopathically) think that after what the US Empire has done to Russia over the last 30 odd years Russia can just get on its knees and beg the Empire for a return to some prior status quo.

> As for the deeper nature of this "proxy war", I think you and I are in substantial agreement. I believe that in a just world, the US Empire would be feeling a whole lot more pain than it is for what it's done. (This poses a moral conflict for me, because based on my own self-interest living in the home country of the US Empire, I am glad to--so far--avoid severe consequences for what my overlords have done.)

And as for Nazis in the Baltics, my thoughts on hypotheticals about WWII, etc., I'll save myself the mental effort of addressing these points, because ...

> The point of my original post was to suggest that you and Putin have good-faith differences in risk assessments surrounding the responses available to Russia for what the US has done to it, rather than Putin being a bad-faith (and, ultimately, stupid) actor.

You have elaborated on why you believe it is the latter. As I see it, your view is encapsulated by the propositions that (1) no good faith actor could allow Russia to endure the treatment it has from the US Empire without making the Empire suffer heavy kinetic consequences and (2) there is plentiful evidence that Putin is making his decisions based on the desires of a few evil people rather than for the good of Russia's citizenry as a whole (hence, treason).


FWI, I'll give my own opinion. I think Putin is making, in good faith, very difficult decisions about how to respond to US aggression and escalation of that aggression. He doesn't want to be remembered by a few ragged survivors in campfire stories as the person who tipped over the domino leading to the ruin of the planet.

I think that the point at which further escalation by the US Empire against Russia will demand a Russian response directly against the Empire is close, and I wait, with just a bit of remaining patience, to see what the Empire, under some influence from Trump, decides to do next.

I also appreciate having you post in these comments representing the view that the point demanding far more substantial Russian response has already been far passed.

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Thanks for the link. I read the article.

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Sir Keir sees a way for the UK to establish military bases on the Black Sea coast and also on the Azov Sea by propping Ukraine up as a viable legitimate combatant through which to keep the debacle going, even though the depleted proxy has no genuine fight any longer or a prayer of prevailing.

Although the quality of the British military is poor, Sir Keir inanely envisions (hallucinates?) a way to keep the AFU fighting in a war which it is convincingly losing to Russia, fashioning Ukraine into a staging ground & launch-point for attacks on motherland Russia. Sir Keir tag-teams back & forth w/ Macron, both constituting the European brain-trust (sic & /sarc), both pushing the figment of something viable in Ukraine’s diminished capabilities long after any show of force is possible. The more media propagandists boost the narrative, the more they extend a crude psy-op aimed at perpetuating misconceptions.

Buoyed on a tide of delusions, Sir Keir is either riding high or is simply high: Inflict as much damage as possible on Russia, he says, and Ukraine will have more leverage during negotiations. Hankering powerfully to dissect Russia, Sir Keir advises DJT to scotch unilateral talks w/ VVP in favor of a trilateral, which includes the UK.

Not happening.

Meanwhile, Zakharova sees Bankhova & Downing Street auguring for naval partnerships in the Azov-Black Sea basin—but she warns the UK to keep its mitts off the Sea of Azov.

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Who would man those bases, the Wombles?

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Keir is laughable but he is simply parroting the UK state apparatus party line which has been consistent under all the various PMs of the past years.

It’s delusional but the career interests of the apparatchiks drive it. So they do not care to think about how delusional they are.

Just think how many careers in the civil service, upper military, think tanks and so forth depend on the UK maintaining the illusion for itself of being a Great Power.

Of course, very few British people realize the truth of the comment that the quality and not just mass of the UK military is poor. We are for ever stuck in 1940. The alleged answer of course is to spend even more money, aiding the careers referred to above but rarely creating capability that is useful.

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Those "bases" will need to be pretty well camouflaged and mobile....

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A U.S.-based tank is a mobile crematorium. DPRK troops keep torching Abrams in K-Pop Kursk.

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Lol! K-Pop Kursk! At least when the battle is over the locals will be left behind with ultra high speed internet and loads of noodle bars.

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Sir Keir blathering about a 100 year alliance .... yes he's high.

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Especially after crippling domestic farmers with inheritance tasks. I can see columns of John Deere farming equipment with big white Z's on them occupying the M25

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Frank. Why should everyone else have to pay inheritance tax and not farmers?

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Do you enjoy eating?

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Do you ever go shopping?

The vast majority of our food comes from larger, more efficient farms abroad.

Stop pretending farmers are a public service, because they aren't. They're private businesses like any other.

I also enjoy wearing clothes and being warm, but that didn't save the mines or the mills. So me spurious claim to uniqueness shouldn't save the farmers.

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You need to watch the Amazon series, "Clarkson's Farm", John. You need to update your prejudices. Replacing them with facts rather than your preferred hyperbole might be a good place to start. You can find the first three seasons of the show free to download online. There's a reason it is the top popular show in Britain.

I suspect that the REAL reason for taxing farmers' lands when the lands are passed on to the next generation is to make it financially impossible to continue traditional farming so that the owners of the land will be forced to sell their properties to criminal financial organizations like (((BlackRock))) instead of passing the farm onto their children. The British government is complicit in the theft of these farms.

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All food should be as local as possible. Making life harder for British farmers is an unnecessary alteration to the status quo. If you want fairness then cancel inheritance tax for everyone else. After all QE is printed money that pays for government bonds, the interest on which is handed back to the government. So don't give me any bullshit about taxes funding the government. Taxes are a mechanism of social control and exerting power. Hurting farmers is a land grab by psychopathic elites who would employ the flimsy moral bullshit arguments the likes of yours here.

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Why make the status quo harder for farmers who are on the edge of survival?

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See YouTube channel Harry's Garage. He's a UK farmer. He gets paid around 4 times more not to plant a crop at all than he does for doing nothing at all. They're trying to get rid of our food sources.

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It is the globalist mentality. The corporation prefers to have an overcrowded island that MUST import everything from Spanish glass houses they own, because it is more profitable that way, and can be justified as "cheaper" when of course they are complicit in the policies that led to overcrowding in the first place.

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Jamis6528. Yes! It's the perfect crime - No motive.

Frank. Why make it harder for everyone else, but exclude farmers? There are many others in far greater distress.

Arthurdecco. Clarkson's Farm? That's where you're getting your information? He's a perfect example of a multi-millionaire who bought a farm as a tax dodge.

Not a convincing argument in the lot of them.

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Your question is backwards. No one is making anything harder for anyone else but farmers. Why not reduce inheritance taxes for others. If you want a mass migration overpopulated island with no food source beholden to corporations who own both Spanish glass houses and Starmer and the UK government, just admit it. These midwits do not understand that the corporations offering these government lackeys retirement plans are the ones who will profit from an overcrowded island full of slaves with no means of production and no means of challenging their prices. The fact you pretend not to see this and the fact you misrpresent everyone else as being harmed if they are not a farmer makes it clear you are either a useful idiot to their agenda, or part of it.

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Read: "THE GENESIS OF RUSSOPHOBIA IN GREAT BRITAIN", JOHN HOWES GLEASON, Havard University Press (1950). You can easily download this. The author starts with the end of Napoleon and describes the changing mood in Britain. There is no logic behind all the hatred and resentment. On a very few occasions, the British had to work together with the Russians (e.g. when the French needed a strong ally in the East). But no matter if there was a monarch, a socialist party leader or a president, the ruling elite and the middle class in Britain disliked the Russians - no matter the consequences.

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Yes, it's free at archive org: https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.16696/2015.16696.The-Genesis-Of-Russophobia-In-Great-Britain_djvu.txt

I haven't read it yet. You seem to reveal the main thing of interest: '...there is no logic behind all the hatred and resentment..'

So? That's it?

Just typical looneytunes 'upperclass' England?

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The issue is here that ALL main stream media portrays Russia as being the evil one, and Putin is no better than Hitler.

I'm trying my best to make people realise that this isn't the case, that NATO have done far worse in the likes of Libyan, Iraq, and more importantly, Yugoslavia, but most folks in this country of mine, believe what they see, hear and read from the MSM. Even those that don't believe the MSM on certain topics, cough vaccines cough, still believe that they are being honest about Russia.

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Have you noticed who has been owning the UK? - banking cartel. They are outraged that their Looting& raping operations designed for Russia go nowhere.

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Rothschild Britain hates Russia, still holding an eternal grudge against Russia for destroying the Khazar Empire. They never forget and never forgive.

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Strictly business. Russia has too much natural resources. As for the jewish rage, jews hate all countries that had a misfortune of providing a place to reside for the supremacist nomadic tribe. Only the assimilated jews have been able to contribute to humanity, otherwise, their supremacist talmudic rage produced the jews-arranged genocidal Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the shameless profiteering schema of shoah-biz, the ongoing genocide of children and women in Gaza, the bankers & corporations’ current war against Russia, the aipac-controlled US congress, and compadors-infested EU governments.

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agree to both of the above comments-LIKE

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I don't disagree, but why does Britain need bases in the Black Sea?

It's absolutely bonkers.

We have no interests in that part of the World.

Starmer is such a fool.

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1. Because Russia wants it and the British would be more than pleased to take it from them.

2. Because whoever has Sevastopol owns the Black Sea.

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And what are we going to do with the Black Sea?

Jeannie. It's the political elite who like to sit at the top table even more than the bankers.

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Plus, as Antony B said, "If you're not *at* the table, you're on the menu."

Bon appetit

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The bankers control the political elite.

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If it doesn't hurt when you drop it on your foot, it isn't wealth. Bankers control nothing.

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On balance I probably agree Jeannie.

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Because the Bankers in Britain still think they are a colonial empire. They never got over Britain's downfall from power.

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Starmer is the most unpopular prime minister in living history he is using the Ukraine war, like all politicians on the rocks, to bolster his public image all to no avail as he is still immensely unpopular.

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So what if he is unpopular? Starmer's orders are followed just the same.

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Sir Kier has now declared the real enemy of Britain is the British people themselves and he has dedicated himself to stopping them in their tracks with draconian anti-terrorist, anti-free speech laws. Truly a Hero of the United Kingdom, a dedicated servant of the Empire and a loyal vassal of the genocidal israelis.

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If Sir Keir is "a dedicated servant" and "a loyal vassal," then he is protected. Hope he is enjoying those new designer suits he got in August and his Versace eyeglasses. Bet they both wear well in Davos right now.

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lol, like

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The judaized owners of the City have been accustomed to ruling the world with zero responsibility. The UK is infested with the Friends of Israel of all stripes. It’s hopeless to expect any signs of honorable behavior from the judaized scum and major war profiteers in the UK

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Keir’s wife is a Jew

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No, the point of dragging UK forces in is so that the United States will be forced to join in rather than leave its catamites hanging out to dry.

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The British in the Sea of Azov! Wow, that's just delusional. I'd love to see them try!

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A major part of the American problem is the information & intelligence environment that someone like Trump lives in. Its not his fault, and I don't think there's much he can do about it. Its the same with the whole China rivalry.

Fundamentally, it stems from being pathologically incapable of seeing things from the other side, and not challenging - not even a little bit - the information systems and data acquisition methods on your own side; despite history showing time and time again that your systems have failed.

A minimal list, off the top of my head:

- Iraq WMD

- Russia economic collapse due to sanctions

- Russia casualties

- Houthi capabilities vs US Navy

- China economic collapse (20 years and counting)

- Hunter Biden laptop

- Russia-gate

and so on. The US is remarkably good at "supplying" whatever is in demand, and what is in demand more than anything else is narratives & politically appetizing stories, and so the various 3 letter agencies supply accordingly, as there is great currency in doing so

Edit: When Putin & Trump eventually do talk, it behooves Putin to actually take some time and present realities for Trump to ponder, rather than assume he is properly informed.

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Western "intelligence" has been goal-seeking garbage for decades. The point is not to guide policy, but to justify it, by any means necessary.

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Exactly right. It also bears mentioning that the official US casualty figures in Iraq and Afghanistan are... off, to put it mildly

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My personal experience is different. The "intelligence" is not so bad, it is the ruling class, that rejects the information. Here in Austria we had some terror threats, typically the police (the secret service is part of the police), or a friendly nation, warns about this and then the media and the politicians ignore the story until it is too late.

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they ("they") prefer to manipulate the information. it is there, thank you Starlink etc, but it's prevented from being shared and the lapdog media gets crumbs.

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I disagree, and I have some specific information on this topic. Specifically, Iraqi WMD. The intelligence was bad. The bottom line was that as Ritter said at the time, the case was ambiguous. When we went in to take a look at the Osirak reactor at Al-Tuwaitha - Iraq’s only nuclear reactor - we found a bunch of high level wastes left over from before the Israeli attack in 1981, and a pile of yellowcake. Look up ‘Operation McCall’ for the cleanup. Basically, we took the mess, loaded it into ‘pigs’ which are big cast iron containers basically, and sent it to Canada to be processed into fuel rods for reactors.

Now, the state of Osirak was known. It wasn’t operational. So where the hell were the Iraqis cooking up nuclear weapons in the absence of a reactor? They weren’t. No one has identified much of an Iraqi bioweapons program either. So the WMD thing was an attempt to conflate existing Iraqi chemical weapons capabilities, demonstrated during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, and make it sound more sexy to justify attacking Iraq in the absence of a justification. No one gets excited about chemical weapons inherently.

The basic intelligence was bad, at least the summaries that got to leaders in DC, and the use the politicians put it to was bad. On the ground, it was very visible what was up.

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You agree by disagreeing? Because you come to the conclusion, that the summaries that get to the leaders are somehow bad. Again, the services produce some good evidence, but the closer a report comes to the political elite, the more it is transformed. At the end, the report reflects what the elites want to hear. I can remember Bosnia. The peace keeping troops had the embedded intelligence officers and they reported day by day what was unfolding in front of their eyes. But at the political level, something completly different was told. Until a local Dutch commander called fiercly up to the top, then the beautiful world of the elites started to tumble down.

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I don’t think the basic intelligence is good. I don’t think anyone’s report in DC says “There’s probably no WMD short of chemical weapons in Iraq”. But that was the expectation and we were even vaccinated against smallpox with the expectation that bioweapons would be potentially used against us. There is no smallpox in the world aside from a bioweapon. But there was no visible bioweapons program. Do you get my point now?

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Check the machinations of a certain ziocon M. Ledeen to get a clear picture of Iraq tragedy.

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Good points. Larry Johnson made oblique references to them today at SONAR21. I don't always agree with him, but he got it right when he said that Trump needs someone to get him up to speed on the reality in the NatoKraine Russia war. Russia has NOT had "millions" of men die in this war. Russia's economy is NOT in dire straits. IF Trump can't be taught this soon, more mistakes will follow.

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I used to read Sonar21 for 2 + years, but lately, Larry spreads thin, quality is down.

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Your remark about economics is spot on.

Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries, combined, produce in a year, according to OTAN’s Secretary General Mark Rutte—and Russia is doing it w/ less bureaucracy and also greater efficiently. Russia allots 6-8% of its economy to weapons manufacturing & the military; those figures do not indicate a ‘war economy,’ which would weigh in @ 40%. When you look @ PPP, Russia’s economy is the 4h largest & most robust in the world, according to the IMF, which is most distinctly *not* a Russia-friendly entity.

To Russia’s advantage: it is a single country waging this war. OTAN is a bloated consensus-drive bureaucracy w/ numerous stop-points adding unproductive weight to its process, dragging the entire endeavor down. An inability to focus & prioritize in anything but a consensus-driven way seriously knee-caps OTAN’s efforts to wage a lengthy multi-year war without entropy catching up to them. By September 2022, the entropy built into the bureaucratic apparatus began to make its presence known. OTAN is better situated to address time-bound attacks—the immediacy of Article 5-triggering real-time assaults—not chronic, protracted engagements.

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Well said.

A minor clarification: "Russia is producing in three months’ time what OTAN countries" should come with the explicit note that Russia's military production in three month's time..." for those who don't understand you meant military production.

On the plus side, NATO's and the US's habit of eating their own dogfood (a wonderfully apt Silicon Valley expression meaning "believe your own propaganda") also puts them at a military disadvantage. People who think they've already won a war against Russia don't prosecute that war with the life or death intensity they need to survive it.

Here's hoping they continue barking nonsense at each other, and believing it, until they all go the way of the Dodo bird.

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Or as I.F. Stone put it, "All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out."

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The Western Elites are not qualified for their jobs. In Germany the last fertilizer plant is closing down, because of high energy prices. The high energy prices are a result of weird political decisions. But fertilizer and explosives are made in the same plant! Therefore Germany needs the explosives from somewhere else, Rheinmetal would sill be a major producer of shells. But as Germany was a big chemical producer, the prices went through the roof, when German Industries were forced to stop production. In other words, the Elites want war, but the same Elites bring down the production.

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Yep. True. They are NTFP: Not Fit For Purpose.

So we the people have to kick the sh** out of ourselves. Because we put them there and we leave them there.

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I wonder how long WW1 would have lasted if not the Haber-Bosch process had been invented?

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If Trump is watching Jeffrey Sachs videos, he can't be completely uninformed. I would think he's seen a few of McGregor's too. And plenty more, like Chas Freeman perhaps?

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I doubt he is sitting through those videos or podcasts.

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Except that he is reposting things from Sachs on Twitter and that other social media website that he uses.

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Sachs is not a military man and does not inform on what's happening on the battlefield. The likes of Macgregor are also more wrong than right. In any war truth is the most precious weapon and the US is most deficient in that above all else

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Sachs is very well informed about Ukraine and has written on the subject extensively. For example, https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-real-history-of-the-war-in-ukraine?sd=pf

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I agree on his political takes, but not his military analysis which he mostly just parrots anyway

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yep, mcgregor, ritter, berletic, the duran, and others all singing the same tune for two years: ukraine will collapse next week.

totally counter productive watching them.

best thing today is simply see where the front line is on telegram: southfront and/or suriyakmaps or similar.

and then trawl 'people' channels, military, where soldiers post.

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Exactly. The only place where the Ukrainians are losing decisively is in the Donbass on the axis which initiated at Avdiivka. Even if the Russians rolled up the whole oblast next week, there's still 70% of the country that's currently out of reach. Many will argue that this is intentional Russian strategy but that's just cope.

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I was it so because no rational men can envision the level of cretinous waste and genocidal rage which have been informing the collective Biden decisions?

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By all accounts, Trump doesn't have the attention span.

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"It's not his fault."

Then it's not Biden's fault or anyone's fault. America is just and righteous!

FFS, get a clue.

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America is a lot things, but certainly not those things

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"the information & intelligence environment" which is controlled by the jew

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Trump apparently hasn't learned about the internet yet. Relies on the tv for news.

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That made me laugh!

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Well said and the absolute Truth.

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All that might be true, but at the same time one must be either retarded or senile to believe most of that nonsense he was spewing in those three videos. Every man has the capability to distinguish bullshit from truth to a certain degree. A man like Trump must ultimately possess a very high skill level in this regard. This means that your post is nonsensical, unless Trump is indeed retarded or senile.

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It is critical to consider how an opponent thinks and views issues, walk in their shoes, when planning how to react and communicate with him. Doesn't mean that you agree with their perspective, but you need to comprehend them, and to weigh their ability to achieve their goals.

The problem our ruling class has, it's utterly incompetent, as self serving as French nobility in the months before the revolution, while being accustomed to dealing with an ignorant and brainwashed public.

The question is, is our IC complex a complete failure in gathering accurate intelligence, or do they simply frame narratives to serve the purpose of the permanent state's goals?

The next question is, is Trump misinformed himself, or is he attempting to avoid the trap of being branded a Putin stooge? A rerun from his first presidency?

The pathological framing of Putin and Russia as pure evil is so ingrained in the conscious of most Americans, that it impedes Trumps' ability, (if he wants to), to negotiate with Putin in a cogent manner.

Americans cannot comprehend it is our country that temporarily gained global dominance post 1991, and behaved in an aggressive, terror state manner. Rebuffing the opportunity to work with the RF for a solid European peace/security framework.

Now that Russia has defeated the collective west in the attempt to subjucate their country, telling the globalists to go screw themselves (I wish our people would do that), it revealed America is not the legendary myth we were groomed to believe.

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It is critical to consider how an opponent thinks and views issues, walk in their shoes, when planning how to react and communicate with him. Doesn't mean that you agree with their perspective, but you need to comprehend them, and to weigh their ability to achieve their goals.

The problem our ruling class has, it's utterly incompetent, as self serving as French nobility in the months before the revolution, while being accustomed to dealing with an ignorant and brainwashed public.

The question is, is our IC complex a complete failure in gathering accurate intelligence, or do they simply frame narratives to serve the purpose of the permanent state's goals?

The next question is, is Trump misinformed himself, or is he attempting to avoid the trap of being branded a Putin stooge? A rerun from his first presidency?

The pathological framing of Putin and Russia as pure evil is so ingrained in the conscious of most Americans, that it impedes Trumps' ability, (if he wants to), to negotiate with Putin in a cogent manner.

Americans cannot comprehend it is our country that temporarily gained global dominance post 1991, and behaved in an aggressive, terror state manner. Rebuffing the opportunity to work with the RF for a solid European peace/security framework.

Now that Russia has defeated the collective west in the attempt to subjucate their country, telling the globalists to go screw themselves (I wish our people would do that), it revealed America is not the legendary myth we were groomed to believe.

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The only thing US is "good" at it's to start bloody wars, provoke other countries, organize and finance Coups, killing millions of foreigner civilians, destroy other economies, impose its consumeristic culture and censor anyone who think differently! And last but not least, make "rape" the new war style of their fellow nazi Jews from Israel!

Just look at the innovations of this new Millenium coming from US: all derived military tech to spy, keep under control, make sick, brainwash the people all over the World including americans.

Time to shut down US or make it fall!

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It is eating itself, and much of its infrastructure is failing. Yankland is bankrupt, but it keeps on printing money. The best thing BRICS+ could do is to just stop using the Yankee dollar. Trump claims he is going to sanction any country that does that, the reality is sanctions and tariffs only hurt Yanks. https://usdebtclock.org/

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Agree in general, hence the "like", but I quibble on the details. If you go down that list in each case they disagree with you. For example, with "Russia casualties" they're sure they have the right numbers and you're being delusional because you listen to Russian propaganda.

They don't have any doubt they were right to fear Iraqi WMD, they just are certain that Iraq shipped off their WMD programs to allies before the US invasion and are rolling their eyes at what they believe to be your naivete at not understanding that's how such things are done.

They're convinced Russia outside a few showpiece malls in Moscow is enduring economic collapse out in the regions. They see the Houthis as barbarian tribesmen at the level of Somalis who seize tankers with nothing but outboard-powered fishing boats. They see their inability to erase the Houthis as proof the Houthis have no infrastructure to eliminate. They're all sure China is on the edge of a collapse, pointing to their binge-building of empty cities financed by zombie banks.

The laptop was nothing but small time political disinformation, absolutely routine, and Russia-gate was, indeed, about Russian meddling just in a far more sophisticated way than the non-intelligence political hacks in the Dem party were saying.

But even considering all that it still is Trump's fault because he ran for the office of President knowing the buck would stop with him. Trump is extremely badly educated. He has essentially zero knowledge of history, languages, and world cultures. But he still ran for the top job that requires all that thinking that his New York street savviness would allow him to guess correctly when picking experts to tell him what to think in matters that required education. He was wrong about that, and it's his fault he took a job that required a lot of education without having the deep understanding of world history and societies required for the job.

He's not alone in making that mistake: it is a very typically American failing, to think the rest of the world doesn't matter compared to what an American thinks. He's also not the first leader in history to think that way. Many rulers of completely dominant empires thought that way. They didn't give a hoot what the "barbarians" outside their garden thought until the day the barbarians arrived to let them know it wasn't their garden any more.

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Agree entirely with what you’re saying, and in American terms the only true Freedom they have there (they really have fewer than they think) is the freedom from consequences in political / foreign policy matters

I for example do not believe a Trump peace deal is forthcoming. Because, as a businessman, he will quickly assess that he has almost nothing to gain from the war ending. And so it will continue, until Moscow ends the war one way or another.

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Wait. I sure hope that nobody who writes or reads here truly believes that the MIC teat sucking arms mfg's, intel providers, services contractors, etc. were just suddenly cut off by Trump. That's laughable. Contracts have been signed (as illegal or extra-legal as they may be) - I do have some experience, a personal precedent with this kind of thing. I was working on the border infrastructure MATOC contracts that Obama and Trump put out for bid starting in 2016, and back in January of 2021 when Biden came in and unceremoniously put a moratorium on all such border work (aka "THE WALL!") and let me tell you: it was a nightmare for USACE and all the MIC contractors (such as the one I was working for), and eventually everything normalized and all work was completed and paid for. Yeah there were delays, but eventually...

To wit: Don't let them fool you. IF the Imperial Managers and finance capital overlords who swopped into Ukraine and bought cheap property (see: Valentine's book on the CIA) or gave out loans don't want the war to end yet, it won't. And there is nothing Trump can or will do about it - at risk to his own life - if that's the case. If the weapons makers and other "defense" contractors have signed documents that include terms stretching into the next 4 years, they will ultimately be honored and/or the teat suckers will be made whole. Even if it means another million dead Ukrainians.

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And they are sitting on hundreds of billions of Russian sovereign assets they can give to Ukraine (I.e. the MIC). Trump can show how frugal he is and that he's no wimp.

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If he was no wimp (and also smart) he'd offer to give them back to Russians and tell the US "security" state to GTFO. What will he do?

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He will continue Biden's current proxy war strategy to bleed Russia, but with Russia's money (and more European money). Trump could force Ukraine to lower the draft age. And force Europe to deport military-aged Ukrainian refugees to Ukraine. Then maybe bring Europeans into the fight.

And Trump will continue Biden's sanctions (er, tariffs).

I can see Trump doing a blockade on Russian shipping and forcing the EU to cut Russia off.

Trump will take Banon's advice and blame Biden for the war, but won't be able to resist escalation.

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Gotcha. Yeah you're probably not too far off.

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Explain how the broken USN could impose a blockade on Russia? This is not 1939 and Russia is not a small Japan.

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Taking Greenland and Canada will help.

Maybe a near complete blockade like done to Japan in WW2 won't happen, but they can harass and damage Russia. Kind of like the allies did to German ships in WW2.

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Russian submarines, have you heard of their existence.

Fuck me some people are deluded.

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Lower the draft age? Isn't it too late? A lot of the Ukrainian older man had some form of military service, this 18 year old not. At least 6 months of basic training and then training in combined arms for another few months. Will Ukraine survive another year? The WWII experience of Germany shows, that with this halve trained young people you will not win battles, but have unbelievable losses.

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Yeah, the draft isn't going to save Ukraine. However there are a lot more troopers available in Europe as refugees. And the average European might not mind the press gangs prowling Europe--better the refugees than actual Europeans.

But the goal is to weaken Russia, not to defeat Russia in Ukraine.

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Hope all the 18 year olds leave the Ukraine. A real west would offer them refugee starts instead of the brownoids the Jews push

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You don't need six months training to soak up bullets or shells.

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I think the "intent" to draft 18-year-olds into this war is nothing more than a political gesture/statement by now. It will be Zelensky's doom if he does it, with Ukrainians, but it will also show his degree of obedience to the West (US/UK) since they insist on it. It won't sway the pendulum of war, but it makes Zelensky's position more precarious (if even possible).

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At the moment the USN has no defence against hypersonic missiles. That will make an effective blockade impossible.

And in any case, Russia as land routes to most of her customers, I think?

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Russia will use hypersonic missiles against some coast guard vessel that is boarding a Russian/Chinese ship? Maybe, but the USN and allies have a good opportunity to harass and damage Russian shipping in the Black Sea, Baltic Ocean, and Arctic.

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I don't think the Russians will allow the USN to interdiction Russian shipping without consequences.

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So ww3 then is your proposal ?

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Escalation only makes sense if you win at the end.

Anyone who escalates definitely thinks he is going to win.

It is a serious war, and it is quite difficult to be certain US might win by escalation.

So, no, rational actor would not escalate.

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Some powers may encourage their puppets/proxies to escalate knowing full well they will lose. And some leaders may be willing to sacrifice their own people on behalf of other interests

It's naive to think leaders only have the common citizens interests in mind when making these decisions.

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Exactly. But if one decides not on proxy fate but one's own, one tends to make rational decisions.

It was a side job, a little regime change attempt in a nuclear superpower state that was recognised and opposed.

Proxy got a little carried away, as a door to antiRussian reorganisation of a whole society opened, and Britain recognised opportunity to continue more than hundred year old antiRussian war. As always, uniting coalition against the strongest continental power.

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@Free Range Poverty Lawyer

Those "hundreds of billions of Russian sovereign assets" sitting in "The West" are nearly all just 1s and 0s in bank computer memories. Few physical goods, a little real estate, some oligarch yachts and London/Paris/NYC apartments, no stacks of gold bars in the basement of a NY bank.

If those nominally Russian digital markers are taken and spent in "The West" they become yet another inflation driver, same as pulling money out of the feds ass. Meanwhile,

the Russians have minerals, energy, access to their own + China's (and North Korea?) work forces and factories optimized for actual weapons production rather than shareholder profits.

Russian US$ digital assets aren't worth much in a total war, probably "spending" them would be a net detriment to the US economy.

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All one has to do is actually read any of those EOs. They're vaguely worded and gutless tripe.

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Just like the UK's greenwashing Climate and Nature Bill, being hyped as a plan to control our every purchase, when it is, in fact, a plan to set up a committee on green stuff and within a year have a committee on green stuff to plan to do something vague about the environment.

The contracts signed with the WHO are legally binding, it would cost a lot, and a big fight with the gangsters and big pharma there, to get out of them. I'm not sure about the Paris agreement, but no one is sticking to it anyway.

Both PR to appease the environmentalists or those fooled into thinking that the climate crisis is a WEF/woke hoax.

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There is nothing politicians love more than setting up committees that "study" things for years and then do exactly nothing. They love it even more than spending other people's money or perverted sex or spending other people's money on perverted sex.

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It's an effective way of tricking voters into thinking that their government is actually doing something.

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Exactly. They are theater, nothing more.

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The fact that economy of several US states depends on those defence industries is conveniently ignored. How can Trump reign them in if he's all about economy? He's not ending or leaving NATO, he'll be pushing Europe to throw more money, 5%, to US MIC. And for that, Russian enemy must be maintained. It's frustrating that lots of otherwise good analysts easily forget this in their Trump hopium.

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I think it's time (long overdue) to ask all Senators/Congressmen/StateDept sign financial disclosures against criminal penalty that they don't have personal/financial interests in Ukraine. All the "trips to Ukraine" at taxpayers' expense, even by Garland?! Since when any AG travels to a foreign country during the war? Garland had not time to go to Ohio after a major train crash but he trotted to Ukraine? I would audit every single person who was zooming to Ukraine.

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Good luck with that.

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I know, right? But I wrote to Rand Paul, who is not even from my own state, re.: above > 2 years ago. Paul replied something within the lines, "Putin showed his real colors, etc." and I asked if these were his or his secretary's thoughts on the above, and was there a particular reason to dumb down the Americans to such a degree?

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"Imperial Managers and finance capital overlords" just say jew

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Dhdh - oh Geez, you're back.

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It is certainly treasonous behavior if those bringing Donald information have lied. It seems likely opening channels with Putin will lead to actual proof.

Read where Biden took credit for keeping us safe from Nuclear war these past few years. I submit we will hear tales of how close we got.

Putin's steady hand on the tiller ignoring all the terrorist style escalations are what saved us!

Still disappointing Trump's long rants on fake news not being reflected in his current public statements. I would not want to be the CIA briefer bringing him the truth now!

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Trump, sadly, is in the unenviable position of claiming to be a Christian while showing no signs that has the character of a Christian. By their fruits you will know them. He has a Messiah complex and really believes the God of heaven is with him. Hubris and pride will be his downfall. He will take America the rest of way down with him.

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Well, DJT appeared to publicly state 'I'm not Christian' last July:


He has allowed Christians to pray in his office, but I have never hear of Trump claiming to be any sort of Christian.

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Trump is an NYC real estate developer, not a Christian.

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He's a zionist crypto jew who bows down in the synagogue of satan.

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yep. melodramatic propeller head type jargon but it fits. it fits. exactly.

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Trump is Jewish.

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I think Ukraine will be thrown under the bus by the new admin, but that will require certain timing and narrative cover. It's not getting thrown under the bus on day one. Sometime later in 2025, I think.

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Can't make good decisions based on bad intell. Once that changes, he will make the decision best for the USA. He needs to get his Cabinet up and running first.

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and last i heard his cabinet is virtually all jewish....

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Arthur, I don't really have a problem with the Jewish faith, it's the Zionist fanatics that are the core problem. if Jewish members of his Cabinet provide him with the truth, real data, I believe Trump will make the correct decisions on how to MAGA.

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well I have a problem with the jewish faith because I believe it drives jewish politics.

i.e. on the simplest most harmless level there has to be this jewish 'homeland' but then on the most harmful level there has to be an apocalypse.

And jews put their 'jewish politics' first, I think.

Not that I'm at all sure but it's the impression we get when we look at what's happening today isn't it?

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His cabinet looks to be filled with jewish fanatics, born again nutters and political whores, (Tulsi Gabbard and Rubio come to mind)

I'm thinking things are going to get real ugly, real fast, real soon.

...I hope I'm wrong...

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As good a read of the situation as any.

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Ukraine is the most useful tool America and NATO have had in Europe since WWII. There is no reason to stop it - in fact every reason to continue it.

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Well... history is not made in the Oral Cabinet, but in the Heartland. If the Russians - and the Ukrainians - manage to repent, their enemies will be betrayed into their hands.

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Euro-OTAN has an existential interest in keeping the U.S. involved in the Ukraine debacle. A hardcore coterie of OTANers has a fanatically keen interest in spoiling DJT’s efforts to achieve rapprochement w/ VVP. Ukraine, made in their image, is *remaking* them, warping the continent into a hate-filled cesspit of terror-minded malevolence, reminiscent of the execrable energy which swept the region in 1939.

Although every Holocaust museum Europeans constructed and every plaque of remembrance Germans, in particular, installed sought to proclaim to themselves and the world that they had Done The Hard Work after the era of the mustache man and purged the worst of their historical demons, Ukraine replicated for Europe, especially Germany & the Baltics, a Fascist ideology they had never really jettisoned. Resurrected thus, Ukraine became a revenant horror of the mind-set & behaviors they insisted were relics of the past. So uninsightful was their insistence, so convinced they were of Never Again, they could neither recognize nor identify The Return, which of course left them sitting ducks to the predation of their own diabolical history when it reassembled itself in Ukraine, paying them a return visit.

Laboring under a Repetition Compulsion, which wracked the continent at a subconscious level—and still wracks it—they fell prey to the cast-off ideology, which had never really been cast off. Staring into the abyss for so long—the abyss being Ukraine, a faux liberal democratic Ukraine—the Europeans found that the abyss had begun to seep into them. It was like a reverse siphon happened. Vulnerable to an ideology the decades could not erase, the especially susceptible countries in Europe—looking at you, Germany—dragged the European countries who had legendary scores to settle—the Baltics, Poland, the British—into an unwinnable conflict .

At first, Germany was timid & shy, offering Ukraine only helmets in March 2022, maybe a few blankets. By January 2023, they were promising Leopard tanks and depleted uranium shells.

Demilitarized by the Allies after WWII, Germany was not really safe with so much as a bullet. But then, slowly, slowly, the militarization came creeping back. Muscle has memory, as they say. Pissed off that a brutal thug (/sarc) had invaded a fledgling democracy (/sarc) without pretext or provocation (/sarc), Germany quickly remembered the past grievances. Germany went from steel helmets to depleted uranium in less than a year’s time. That doesn’t happen by accident.

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Extremely well said

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Nice. But Germany is not one of the approx. 20 nations with depleted uranium shells. They did not even receive this from the US. Of course, the US stored such shells in Germany, but for US use, not for the Germans. Even thought the gun on the M1 and Leopard are from the same producer.

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"Deep in the heart of the Aryan is a slavering beast ravenous for blood. They still have yet to atone for the Holocaustiest of Holocausts against the most sacred, most precious, most innocent of victims."

And from one of Simplicius' finest commenters. I can't believe what I just read. This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Well, no, the Holocaust takes the all time prize for that spot, as absurd as it is. You know they were laughing up their sleeve when they pulled that schtick on us..."If they're stupid enought to believe this shit, they're stupid enough to swallow anything we tell them!"

I beg pardon, cheetosSpring, it is late and I have a severe Holo allergy. I cannot countenance further blood libel and insult to our people, as I was raised as a Boomer immersed in all of the hideous propaganda visited upon us by our tormentors. Perhaps I should read it again.

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Ronald Unz on UnzReview has published a series of excellent fact-based articles on the ADL, Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and the shoah buziness. The tribe at large is totally shameless, dishonest, greedy, sadistic and Kol Nidre-id. They lie by conviction.

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I recall arguing with my brother at the start of the war in Ukraine, that Germany will “never again,” that Germans feel “an enormous guilt, etc.,” and he told me, 'I’ve seen their eyes, there was no repentance in them, just a deep regret that they lost.' I hate it when my brother is right :-)

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The former Red October Chocolate Factory sits on an island in the Moscow River southeast of the Kremlin, and the massive brick building is now a shopping/entertainment district--but across the river from it, adjacent to the New Tretyakov Art Gallery is the Garden of the Fallen Monuments--an open space where the decommissioned Soviet statuary wound up.

Some pieces were brought down unceremoniously: Iron Felix, who stood before Lubyanka; the larger-than-life red granite Stalin, which stood before the Magadan gulag complex.

Walking there one winter w/ my friend Lena, she and I chatted about the way cultures address painful points in their history--and she was of the mind that Germany had done it right: they had not shirked responsibility.

So Lena, a lifelong Muscovite whose family had been in Moscow for generations, spoke approvingly of how Germany had addressed the issue.

Not to dunk on my friend--but she was wrong.

Germany put up brass plaques.

Your brother is right.

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Yeah, I manned up and told him so:-)

But to think about it, why we even thought that Germans repented, when even during the Nuremberg trials the regular Germans defended and argued in favor of their established Nazi criminals, even if the war crimes were still fresh? I think it has to do with own "experiences" with the regime, same like in the USSR, you could have totally different experiences on each family line, where on one side, you were given an every opportunity by the regime, and on another side, stripped of everything.

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Included in the Ukrainian reboot of dismissed officers should be Kellog who apparently been spoon feeding Trump disinformation and has been involved for too long with the deep state. He is the closest thing to a mole in the new administration. If you examined the curriculum at the various Navy and Army war schools and similar institutions, you would recognize that the plurality of the generals and admirals have to go. Hegseth has his job cut out for him. Trumps reboot and suspension of weapons to Kiev is an inducement to get Putin to negotiate. Putin might talk, but he will certainly not fold a winning hand no matter what the threat. All Russian speaking lands in Ukraine are destined to become part of Russia, and Trump needs to recognize the validity of this fact.

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VVP holds the face cards--and DJT can't scrape together a pair of deuces.

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The Orange Jewce needs to sacrifice a few 100k goyim to his god Moloch first.

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"Trumps reboot and suspension of weapons to Kiev is an inducement to get Putin to negotiate."

If that surprise gift isn't an offer to negotiate, I don't know what is.

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"the US has a very limited time window to somehow change the calculus in a way that keeps it in the race with China"

Time is indeed so limited that window closed a decade ago.

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If Russia missteps and loses to the West, it will be occupied and dismembered into puppet states. Its thousands of nukes, and its superior missile technology, will end up in the Cabal's hands, right on the Chinese border.

Under such circumstances, a nuclear war with China would actually be winnable, with a first strike. And if that strike came from former Russian territory, from a supposedly "rogue" proxy state, who would the Chinese even retaliate against? Because any retaliation against the former Russians would only make the Cabal happier.

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China does not allow the formation of jewish organizations like the subversive aipac and subversive jewish federations of North America.

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They are probably already lurking in the deepest crevices in China, cunningly scheming and plotting, which is what they do best.

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The Cabal has long, long ago realized that their ethnic identity is a potential liability, so they recruited goyim stooges---at first in the form of the freemasons and related secret societies, and currently in the form of the Davos set---the Mammonist part of the "Talmudist and Mammonist Cabal". I have no doubt that there are such personnel within China, indeed within the CPC. And yes, ethnic Chinese.

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If, and let us hope it does not.

But the dismal scenario I described does not in any way depend on the presence of fifth column within China, so your comment is not quite relevant.

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Trump is pretending he wouldn't have gotten into this war but he spent his first term one upping Obama to prove he was no Putin puppet.

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About time for imcompetent VVP to leave :


In anticipation of the start of end-of-war negotiations between President Donald Trump’s retired general Keith Kellogg and the Kremlin, Dmitri Rogozin has proposed three fresh principles for the Russian outcome – acceleration, decapitation, mobilization.

Since 1996 Rogozin is the longest running contestant for the Russian presidency — longer running than Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Medvedev, Sergei Glazyev, or Alexei Kudrin; only the serial loser, Gennady Zyuganov of the Communist Party, has been running for longer.

At 61, Rogozin is eleven years younger than President Putin, two years older than ex-president Medvedev, and more than ten centimetres taller than both of them. If sources for Kremlin election strategy are to be believed, the most likely vote-getter to succeed if Putin retires in 2030 will be recruited from the Time of Heroes legion who are being placed into political circulation each December since the Special Military Operation (SVO) began.

With a family of Russian military leaders extending from the 13th and 17th centuries to his father, two doctorates, and state service as Putin’s ambassador to NATO, deputy prime minister for the military industrial complex, and head of the Russian space conglomerate Roskosmos, Rogozin is a unique figure in current politics. As the sitting senator for Zaporozhye region engaged in running an active military unit on the front, Rogozin is combining the military and civilian qualifications for the succession.

He has also remained relatively free of oligarch ties; his line on domestic economic planning and investment priorities is anti-oligarch and war mobilizational alongside Glazyev and Mikhail Delyagin. Not even the hit jobs organized by political rivals like Alexei Navalny and the Kiev regime, have been able to silence or kill him.

Rozogin’s principles of war policy are acceleration on the offensive; decapitation of Vladimir Zelensky; and comprehensive militarization of the Russian domestic economy.

Last week in a nationally circulated press interview, he called for “victory so that the armed conflict ends faster, so that we can begin a peaceful life faster…The war changes every three months. It becomes impossible to fight in the old way. New means of destruction are emerging. We must keep in mind that here we are fighting against the entire military-industrial complex of the Western countries — they are testing their weapons on us. Therefore, not only do we have no right to lag behind, we must be ahead of the curve.”

“We need solidarity of the rear and the front. Moscow, St. Petersburg, other major Russian cities should stop living their carefree life, pretending that nothing is happening. We will never return to the state that was until 2022. Never. Everyone needs to understand that. Society must understand the depth of the problem and help the army with everything it can. Only victory will bring an end to the conflict. The war cannot be frozen. Or else the war will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.”



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The guy is almost like a Russian Pat Buchanan, except he has never been as popular as Pat Buchanan once was.

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Wonderful comment and very insightful of you (and Rogozin of course)!

It is the only medicin needed. Take the pill and swallow.

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Very interesting, I was just read up on him and during the Transnistria War in 1992 he supported the Transnistrians against the Moldovans as a soldier in a volunteer detachment. So I guess he has rather strong opinions about what happens there in the future.

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Yep. John Helmer one of the very, very few good reliable intelligent sources.

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I'm all for Rogozhin and his concept, except that I think he places too much importance on the person of Zelensky, who is but a twitching puppet on Yermak's stick. In more ways than one.

But, on second thought, his elimination now would stir up conflicts in the Ukrainian power structure, more so if his handler was eliminated along with him. At the present moment, it wouldn't take much for these conflicts to go bloody and completely dismantle state structures.

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Taking out Yermak and his olive drag homunculus Zelensky would really shake up Ukraine's so-called parliamentarians, releasing them from Yermak's belligerent grip on total power and ever-increasing paranoia.

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Hi Simplicius. Thank you for article. Yeah - I saw that today too....couldn't believe my ears when he said Russians have lost 1 million men. How can he win a war with a lie like that going into it. Does he really believe that ? Too bad he doesn't know about your substack. Too bad. There are quite a few things that are awful today- West Bank and those big bombs to Israel and that $500 billion to Larry Ellison & co. More horrors to come in the times ahead. When you said ' the nuclear option about if Putin doesn't do what he's told....did you mean nuclear bomb ? What a fool Trump would be to do that. He would go down in history as the worst president and get the lights off Biden, who right now is definitely the worst. After Truman.

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