In the last report we had the first inklings of Trump’s now-revealed approach to “ending the Ukraine war”, but now he has finally clarified it in full in a series of new statements, which included first and foremost this Tweet:
I laud DJT massively for pardoning the J6 political prisoners, plus the pro-lifers who were arrested while praying outside abortion clinics & then sentenced to years' long prison terms.
His press conference just now in Los Angeles was kick-ass. The domestic scene has some fantastic prospects under DJT.
On the foreign policy front:
A war provoked by the West is not a war the West intends to see end on anything but the West’s own terms so...
VVP and Lavrov can certainly benefit from an open & ongoing dialogue/conversation w/ DJT. I applaud DJT for making the first move. But Russia will have to earn a victor's peace militarily. This is Russia's sphere of influence.
He wants to quickly bring down pump price of gasoline in the US to solidify his popular support. But he can't say that out loud. So he claims it's for peace's sake.
Garbage in/garbage out: DJT parrots the false CIA talking points on Russian casualties in Ukraine, which the CIA takes verbatim from the skeevy figures Kiev hands them. VVP, Lavrov and Zakharova know the numbers DJT utters are incorrect, because they have the actual numbers—and he knows they know that he knows—but no one is going to quibble math right now. When DJT repeats false claims about Russia’s economy, it’s not that he is impressing anyone in the Kremlin: these are the talking points boilerplated & bolted into the legacy media and DJT is merely regurgitating them. Why do this?
Saying untrue things maintains a preferred narrative for the West, which is reliant on a daisy-chain of other untrue utterances. It is weak to say false things which your adversary will know in an eye-blink are false, expecting to gain an advantage from the situation: whatever advantage DJT expects to gain will not emanate from Moscow. The lies, pushed by the West, become common knowledge ‘truth’ weaponized to counter any reality-based reportage about the course of the war.
Regardless of noisy effluvia from Truth Social, the Russian military is doing all the necessary heavy lifting on the LOC in order to consolidate its wins. Those whose hands are on the levers of power comprehend this, but they cannot say what they know publicly, because then they would have to act.
I think Trump is saying them to put across ‘if he is doing so well, why should we get involved by helping him’. I think he’s just giving Russia space to finish Ukraine. 🤷♀️
Or he's just plumb ignorant and acting like a gangster--his preferred mode. There is no plan on Trump's part; he got up the other day and proclaimed that the USA was the greatest country in the history of the world, and will soon be so again, sounding just as deranged as Joe Biden, who was gonna Save The Soul of America. Biden was and is stupid, as is Trump.
Low expectations. That's the mindset to have with these people, including Donald. At the moment half the country is still inhaling large amounts of hopeium.
Indeed they are. There was a poster at Moon Of Alabama who insisted that Trump is a "master poker player" who is setting up the Big Game with Putin by putting out crazy lies and braggadocio and insults, the better to play his Big Hand at the table. Super Hopium, shot right into his eyeballs.
I think two things are at work with this mindset. 1) hope dies last as they say. People want to hang on to possibility that things will work out in a mostly predictable and beneficial way. 2) many people think the elites are smarter than is actually the case. There is no 7D master plan at work; and Trump is not a magician who can make things happen with a few snaps of his fingers. Whether we are discussing the wef/Davos people or the Kremlin or the Zhongnanhai, these people are mostly reactionary.
Russia has entered in a virtuous loop they have no interest to stop. The sanctions failed, revealing the robust state of the Russian economy. More sanctions will deliver nothing but an even stronger awareness of the real stakes for the Russian population. On the contrary, the USA and Europe are facing a complete social meltdown, with no issue in view other than more taxes, higher prices and mass poverty. The only right the west is actually providing to their slave working force is the right to sodomy. For decades, the western populace were led to believe that sex policies were more important than housing, health or a decent job. I dont care if the pig exploiting me in my workplace is a man or a woman, straight or gay, feminist or christian, black, white or red. The only thing I care about is the boot on my neck. Now, millions in the US roar for their right to change sex or take drugs even if they have to live under the bridge, in the cold, with no hope. During the 19th century, the US government gave land for free to the settlers willing to farm and build a house on it. The state was actually interested in giving something in exchange for work. I am not saying this justify the indian massacres, but swamps were drained too and turned into farms. The same happend in Russia when they colonized the tartar lands in Novorossiya or Siberia. That is what people really want: a piece of land, to get a life and live as a human being. When the west liberal democracies (in fact capitalist dictatorships) cannot deliver realities, they deliver hollow dreams and brainwashing. But as Lenin put it, the facts are stubborn. When dreams fade there are only drugs and porn to forget the nightmare.
An excellent evaluation. The social and economic decomposition you describe was intended to apply to the whole world, as a precondition for the enslavement of it; but the Talmudist and Mammonist Cabal focused too much on the West, believing it to be the bellybutton of the world. In the meantime Russia, China, and increasingly the RoW have quietly slid out of their manacles, and no longer submit to the NWO. And the West is too decomposed to make them.
Well said but remember, BS baffles Brains and distractions and divide and conquer have worked since the pyramids. The suckers build the pyramids and fought the pharoes wars rather than homes for their families. Nothing changes with Homo sapiens ability to believe anything, regardless of how fantastical.
Trump is playing a sort of chess that is not so 3-dimensional, but not so dumb either. He knows that he if deep-sixes the whole Ukraine thing immediately, the neo-con-Washington establishment will find their 6-ways from Sunday to get back at him. So, he is using Ukraine for his own purposes, which is to reduce the price of oil. In my opinion, his economic team knows that the U.S. economy is in the toilet and that the debt-to-GDP ratio has surpassed unsustainable. They need major economic growth immediately without rampant inflation, and the only way open to achieve that is via cheap energy. So, Trump is using the whole Ukraine fiasco to try to browbeat friendly oil producers, like Saudi Arabia. That is my opinion. Trump has to know that the whole Ukraine thing is a lost cause. He has to know this. Tulsi Gabbard is going to be his intelligence chief.
He will let the war drag on with the bare minimum of U.S. support until he sees no way to use it to further his objectives.
Also I laugh at "cleansing the deep state", Trump had four years to do it and he let the "swamp" run circles around him. Then again he might be trying to project the image of a blowhard buffoon to hide his actual acumen, though that feels like cope.
The problem is not Trump.. It is the way the American people are being systematically deceived again and again by way of thinking voting works.. The old Roman ethos of "bread and circuses" is very much at play in the US and all over the world of course..
But it's up to every person not allow be "systematically deceived again and again." Some of my friends are very educated people (for Americans) but still it's like a mental wall goes up and they shed off everything that might shatter whatever belief they are clutching to about our current reality.
he was truly a novice with dreadful judgment about those he made advisors. I hope he is smarter, his picks, although "unorthodox," are sounder this time around. Still too damned many generals running around with their very out-dated thinking.
There are millions of people in the blob. NGOs, all the alphabet agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.), weapon manufacturers, politicians, people who work for those politicians, media companies who would be broke for 15 years if they wouldn't get money from the bureaucracy. So the 'draining of the swamp' is almost impossible. All the information Trump gets, is bs. Go down 2 or 3 hierarchy layers, still bs information. That's the problem. Take Ukraine, the same thing, even more criminal, would something change, if Zelensky would be replaced? Nope. I hope something changes with Trump, but I wouldn't bet a thousand bucks on it. Sometimes cultures and countries are so corrupt, they have to go down before something changes.
It's hard to believe how many people have been duped by the trump project whose sole concern is to maintain the massive upwards transfer of wealth to himself and his billionaire class buddies.
I agree, but saying and doing are different. He has stopped all transfers to Ukraine. That's hopefully just the start, maybe he will see the wisdom in my thoughts. Hahaha. 🤠
Trouble is, most people have a sitcom mentality. If something isn't solved to their satisfaction is 30 minutes, they lose interest. Then, of course, you've got the butt hurt pedo joe groupies trying to find a reason for living.
No one expected so many treasonous vermin to crawl out of the wordwork to stick knives into the back of their own president as happened during his first term. Even his own VP was working against him.
So don't blubber nonsense about him doing nothing when it was him against all the political cockroaches and Deep State vermin.
The Trump cargo cult would make for an absolutely fascinating anthropological case study if the fate of the world wasn't at stake.
Why would anyone in their right mind think that this particular person will come and save the country?
How could that possibly be the case?
What is his background? He spent decades in real estate business and in showbusiness. That means, by definition, that he is as corrupt and decadent as it gets.
And it also means that he is intellectually unprepared.
Because if you have for decades been 24/7 on the phone arranging various scams, guess what you have not been doing? Educating yourself about things and thinking about how the change them in a serious way. And the lack of such education is abundantly evident every time you hear Trump speak.
In order to fix a mess like the US, you need incorruptible people with steel resolve who spent decades preparing intellectually for it. In other words, the kinds of Lenin and Stalin. Imperial Russia was a similar mess, and they fixed it.
But Trump is obviously not that, he is a caricature of the decadent American elites.
So again, who in their right mind could possibly place their hopes on such a person...
<<And it also means that he is intellectually unprepared.
Because if you have for decades been 24/7 on the phone arranging various scams, guess what you have not been doing? Educating yourself about things and thinking about how the change them in a serious way. And the lack of such education is abundantly evident every time you hear Trump speak.>>
^^^ THIS^^^ a thousand times, this. We Americans have material abundance so we don't need to know, no stinkin' history. That's for the eggheads who prolly never get laid or get entree to the society pages that The Donald aspired to over all else. "Look at me...look at me...I'm so special." We have Tik-Tok...Face Book and Netflix.
Who has the time or the inclination to investigate that the Russians have valid reasons for pursuing the SMO? Black people get a reprieve (kind of...) but now the channel has been changed and it's time to hate on the Russians and that old bete noire, the evil Iranians. Orwell was so amazingly prescient.
If one doesn't have the understanding that they are in fact historical actors, you're condemned to live a narrow, provincial and subjective life. My only hope for the next four years is that the nukes can rest in their silos so we little people can have a life. That's about as hopeful as I can be. Apologies to the kids and grandkids....
Trumps crypto scams by releasing meme coins to his duped supporters reflects the real nature of this billionaire grifter. Trump will continue to carry out measures which maintain the massive upwards transfer of wealth to the 1%. If you cannot see that then you are a dupe whose bought into the whole bread and circuses routine which passes for American politics.
You sound like a member of White Dudes for Kamala.
Here's my take on the situation: Right now anyone is better than the corrupt and incompetent democrats. Biden has displaced Carter as the worst president in history. Kackling Kamala would have been nothing more than a handpuppet for the Deep State/M-I.-C. America dodged a bullet.
In Trump's favor, he actually gets things done which is in direct contrast to the perpetual Democrat excuse of "Well, we've done everything that could be done." For example. "Yes some 15 to 20 million illegals have strolled across the border but there's nothing we can do to stop them, so we provide them with free room and board at taxpayer expense. It's too bad nothing is left over for the citizen victims of the disasters in East Palestine, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Los Angeles."
Finally, even if you have Stage 4 TDS, you have to admit that Trump just pulled off the greatest comeback in recorded history. The entire DC cesspool pulled out all the stops to sabotage him. Corrupt judges running corrupt trials, impeachments, slander, libel, smears, and even at least two assassination attempts.
Let this sink in, The Deep State wanted Americans to see his head literally explode like a dropped watermelon in order to send out a warning: Do not fuck with us!
That is the evil that has hijacked our great nation.
>What is his background? He spent decades in real estate business and in showbusiness. That means, by definition, that he is as corrupt and decadent as it gets.
If you say so, comrade.
Yes, anyone who is successful at anything must be a crook.
>Yes, anyone who is successful at anything must be a crook.
When the field someone is successful in is fundamentally crooked by its very nature, then yes, that person is a crook.
We are not talking about professional athletes, scientists and engineers, etc. here.
Capitalism is by its very definition crooked, so every capitalist is a crook (and thus has to be mercilessly hunted down and exterminated, until the last vestiges of the very idea are erased from the face of this planet, or there is not going to be anyone left alive on it).
That applies to real estate business in NYC and financial shenanigans on Wall Street doubly and triply so.
"So again, who in their right mind could possibly place their hopes on such a person..."
problem is there are millions living on hope and prayers and the 2nd coming. unfortunately they are short on brains and balls and LMAO is all they can contribute.
Trump went to D.C. in 2016, "to drain the swamp." Trump didn't say to drain a "puddle." Hence, Trump knew that the swamp is big & full of swamp creatures.
There's no way Trump can't be part of the swamp he so much thinks he can do away with.. The very swamp creatures make his coffee and watch over him while he's asleep.. Barack Obama preached the same message.. Today he is known to be the biggest of what the swamp has.. We are made to forget so easily..
his problem is he has put real reformers into the government, folks like RFK, Jr. and Patel and Tulsi Gabbard. They don't strike me as people who can be pressured into doing something they think is just plan wrong. But cleaning the deep state would have to start with deep-sixing the CIA, a real bad actor in the USA in recent decades. That isn't going to happen. As for the FBI, the problem is that the real ideological ones are among the youngest who were only recent entrants. They will be there a long time.
Blockade of st Petersburg if Russia refuses to make peace and also deploy us airborne forces to Odessa and western Ukraine if Putin refuses to agree terms
Given that the West has no defence against hypersonic missiles, as yet, it's likely to be an ineffective blockade.
US light infantry would be torn to pieces by Russia's 2025 army. Trump's base would lose their shit if 100's of American boys start dying in a war they don't want to fight.
There have been literally thousands of individual acts of war on the part of NATO against Russia, each of which would have resulted in the total physical annihilation of the source of the threat when the USSR still existed.
NATO even sunk a Russian ship in the western Mediterranean last month.
There has been no response.
So why would a blockade of the Baltic result in anything different than yet another shameful tucking of the tail between the legs and "adaptation" to the new normal?
>US light infantry would be torn to pieces by Russia's 2025 army
Good then that nobody has any intention of sending US light infantry to fight Russia, but to arrange for a lot more Toropets-style "drone debris" events.
The USS Liberty had no business being there anyway. America is 9,000 km away from where it was attacked.
In contrast, here the Russian mainland is being attacked.
And yes, Putin should have launched the nukes. Not the heavy ICBMs against the US yet, give them a chance to back down first, but eliminating the immediate threat, which is NATO in Europe, was an absolute must many months ago. The fact that it has not been done yet is grand treason, and Putin's head should be on the literal chopping block for it. And would have been if Russia was governed in the interest of the Russian people rather than the small oligarchic elite that has captured it since the 1980s.
What part of Russia is winning do you not understand. The Global South is backing Russia. And do you know what could fuck it all up? Listen carefully, I'm going to tell you.
Starting to lob Nukes around, and China and India saying; Sorry we can't support that. Your on your own.
Then russia will have real problems, not the imaginary ones you make up in your head.
Explain to me how someone is winning a war in which they fire zero shots at the enemy while the enemy is allowed to hit them daily?
That is the very definition of losing.
>Starting to lob Nukes around, and China and India saying; Sorry we can't support that. Your on your own.
Which would not be a problem if Putin had not spent the last quarter of a century presiding over a kleptocratic oligarchic petrostate regime that finished off the program of deindustrialization of the USSR legacy, with some minor movements in the other direction.
Russia has everything -- natural resources and scientific potential -- to be self-sufficient. But it is not.
Because there has been practically zero investment into things like semiconductors, microelectronics and advanced machine tooling. Instead the resource that could and should have been used for that purpose went into megayachts, mansions and limousines for Putin's oligarch masters.
>Then russia will have real problems, not the imaginary ones you make up in your head.
One of only a handful of semiconductor plants in the whole country being blown up by NATO and ceasing production the other day seems like a pretty big problem to me. As do 200,000 internal refugess, 100,000 dead soldiers, 200,000 cripples, many thousands of dead civilians, and national security being completely compromised by daily drone and missile strikes deep into the interior.
Nukes are supposed to be flying for a lot less than this.
Only completely deluded idiots do not understand it.
The USSR put up a much bigger fight against American imperialism than the Putin kremlin ever has. After all it merely wants to be a member of the club with Western oligarchies.
According to the UN, Russia's SMO illegal also, as its a war of aggression and undeclared. Either way, the UN is a joke and is only used as a mechanism of control by the PTB.
They are not moving to blockade St. Petersburg. The eager Finns started moving in that direction, intercepting shipping, and they were told by the US to stand down, in no uncertain terms. So clearly there is not going to be an escalation in the Gulf of Finland, at least not right away.
Panama was a province in Colombia until the US wanted a canal built. Foment a...let's call it a 'color revolution' ... and just steal the territory! Sound familiar? Even illiterates on the streets of Bogota know how the Yanks stole part of their country. Most Americans don't know these facts cuz we just don't do history here. Bigly sad.
Suffering from peace narcissism, Lex has exported his podcasting act to Moscow, hoping to be the Tucker Carlson of 2025 and have a privileged sit-down w/ VVP in the Kremlin. Two weeks ago, Lex was giving Zelya a tongue bath and inviting him to Texas for some barbecue—but then Lex went on Rogan, in a pique of faux conscience, miffed that Zelya had cursed so much on the podcast when talking about VVP. As if to atone, Lex traveled to Moscow and waited for Peskov to give him the high sign.
He sat in his high-floor suite @ the Four Seasons, tinkering a bit w/ his microphone and other accoutrement of podcasting—the ring light—occasionally glancing out the window, Kremlin-ward, wondering if Peskov was just at that moment picking up the phone to call. Thinking he’d missed an alert, he checked for a text or a voice message. Nope.
Sorry, Lex—DJT offered to meet w/ VVP—“immediately”—and a meeting like that is of higher priority for the Russian president than sitting down for a chat w/ you.
Peculiarly, the narrative in the U.S. is shifting somewhat from Hero Zelya to Zero Zelya. Even Don jr trolled him for begging to get invited to the inauguration, calling him a “weirdo.” By Executive Order DJT has purged the Pentagon of the unelected bureaucrats who handled the military aid to Ukraine and has called for an audit.
Trial balloons are taking flight. John Ratcliffe has just been confirmed as DJT’s CIA director, so maybe the agency is trying to gauge how possible it will be in the U.S. to knock Zelya down a peg or two. Zakharova shared more details today (w/ TASS) about the organ harvesting schema under cover of war, which Project Ukraine has importantly & succesfully, to this point, concealed. Early on, Zelya “urgently adopted a number of legislative acts for a simplified procedure in organ removal that minimized the use of any monitoring and certification procedures for conducting such operations,” Zakharova explained.
Lex’s being miffed at the way Zelya cursed when talking about VVP is the least of it next to a scandal of this proportion—but Lex’s ‘turn, ’ his 'shift,'is one of the CIA’s trial balloons.
america is a land of 350 million people enjoying the fruits of exploiting the whole globe and in recent memory the best they could come up with for leaders was trump, biden, trump..
Actually, you bring up an important point - America and its Western-aligned vassals brag ceaselessly about their standard of living that the whole world is "jealous" of when in fact those living standards are enjoyed on the backs of global exploitation and suppression of human rights denying 'third world' countries of their own wealth and prosperity. Like the genocidal zionist entity they support, they have used coercion, intimidation, extortion, deception, lies, misdirection and military strength to brutalise the countries of the world, amassing great wealth as a result. They see themselves as a 'shining city on a hill' whilst in truth they are a bastion of evil and inhumane colonialism, a cancerous growth from which the world would best be freed. And this will happen.
Yep. And the sad thing is with all their wealth they never grew up to match that wealth, to be worthy of it. Like paupers inheriting a palace and insisting on treating it like a mud hut.
So now they have a deep tradition of moronic masses unconcerned with democracy and performing their own duty in one, ' led' by bands of pirates. Pirates without conscience or morals.
And they've thrown away all their wealth. Today they are totally dependent on the rest of the world. The ROTW supplies all their goods. The ROTW buys their worthless paper and uses it as money. Still. And for at least the near future.
But america itself essentially has nothing.
A bankrupt nation that cannot help itself.
A ship of fools with pirates at the helm and a dazed comatose crew.
They need to wake up. This could help or something like it:
Oh, please, not another "Evil Empire" speech. Do you really think that Americans are happy that American jobs leave America, being outsourced to the "backs of global exploitation" and that only a tiny group of the elites reap the crazy profits of the cheap overseas labor, while American middle class evaporated?
That average Americans are getting screwed while a very thin slice of the superrich get even superricher doesn't make it any less of an evil empire.
It's like how conservatives are all mad that the same tactics the US uses overseas got used against Trump and them... well, what did you expect? Once you legitimize propaganda for morons as your operational style it's going to get used against you, too.
The reality is that the US has a huge amount of financial inertia. Go visit the US and you'll see staggering wealth and affluence in many places. You'll also see fentanyl zombie-lands in the urban cores of big cities, but hey, that's been going on in one way or another for decades. That a lot of Americans are under pressure (I know professionals who can't afford to eat steak, for example) and the middle class is vanishing, is also something you see. But they still turn out on Black Friday to wait in lines at stores to buy consumer gadgets made in China.
It's a lot like the late Roman Empire: if you're the frog being boiled, especially if you're rich, you might not notice the Empire is in serious decline. And that decline can take centuries. I don't think the US will need 300 years, like Rome, to hit a period of catastrophic decline, but will get there much sooner, like in 50 to 100 years.
You might think that suits Americans right for all the killing they've done overseas without even bothering to notice. Heck, brown people in the Middle East don't matter, especially if they live in Gaza.
The Roman Empire lasted so long because over time it extended Roman citizenship to nearly everyone across the empire. Can't see that happening, and expect a quicker collapse.
Anyway, the US is the Late Republic not the Empire - oligarchs, client states etc. But Trump's definitely crossed the Rubicon with the breathtaking illegality of his first week, his "days of thunder", in Bannon's words.
The 'fentanyl zombie lands' as you say aren't just an urban phenomenon. They are a very rural one also. Hand tip - my ex-wife was one of those. I divorced her over her addiction. She took up crack afterwards, blew through more money than many have in their whole lives, declared bankruptcy and now is a live-in hotel housekeeper.
The only valid comparison to Rome is the unwillingness of the citizenry to serve in uniform. Conscription was very unpopular there, also.
The problem is that the thin slice that benefits from the bad behavior has nukes. So absent getting rid of that capability, nothing really changes.
The American public is complicit in the predation of its elites. As long as the predation victimizes someone else, be it Amerindians, African slaves, exploited colonials, Vietnam, Iraq, Europe, the Middle East, the American public is OK with it, disdainfully supremacist, and licking its chops in anticipation of the spoils. It's only when their economic well-being deteriorates when they start to grumble.
The Americans who pay attention aren't happy with it, but what proportion of Americans actually pay attention to what their government is doing until it materially affects them? By the time most people notice, the policies that immiserate them are firmly entrenched. I'm certainly not pointing fingers, I was guilty of being oblivious for far too long.
It may be redundant to repeat these points about Donald Trump but a lot of the world is still suffering from the brain wash inflicted on us by the media since ~2015, but here we go anyway.
Trump gained a degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvanian (Ivy league).
He became the President of his families million dollar real estate business at the age of 25.
He's been on the Forbes rich list since at least 1984
IMBD notes 21 producer, 31 actor and 6 writer credits.
I could go on and on but you get the idea. Whatever Donald Trump is, an uneducated fool he is not.
All of those points are debates for another time that I won't get into here.
My point is that Donald Trump has received what in all other contexts would be called a high level of education and has achieved what would for all other people be considered major achievements that require a high level of intelligence, and he was considered both these things before he stood for President.
"Uneducated fool" is a retcon and political propaganda.
If Trump had taken the money he borrowed from.his father,.sunk it into an S&P 500 index fund and reinvested most of the proceeds, he would be richer than he is today.
Yanklands greatest fear is a united Europe. Yankland has occupied Germany for the past 80 and wrecked Western Europe with mass immigration from inimicable cultures to ensure that there will never be peace in Europe.
MacKinder's world island is (IMHO) way overblown. It comes from an Imperialist mindset which dominated Europe for centuries and infected the USA. Maybe well exemplified by Bush's declaration, "Your either with us or against us."
It hardly takes a genius for China to recognize the US buildup of military bases to surround it and cut it off from Iranian and Middle East oil. Thus the expansion of high-speed rail across Asia, although, in truth, I believe the motivation to be more economic than military.
There are 10 BRICS members and 9 partner (unless I have those numbers reversed) the number who occupy MacKinder's "world island" is quite a minority.
I agree with Wilkerson that the USA is the greatest threat to world peace.
The USA is losing, and its empire is declining because it is run by kleptocrats who have only one mantra: "It's mine -- all mine!"
In an excellent YouTube video with Glenn Diesen and Alexander Mercouris, Wong outlines China's 5000 year history.
* The West cannot understand China because it keeps applying its own characteristics to China.
* China has never formed alliances. The China/Russia arrangement is a partnership, but there is no military function defined in that partnership.
* China's largest population segment is Hans and they were peasants who depended on one another. (let me paraphrase) They grew to depend on one another so that one's success was everyone's success.
However, the economic growth of China and its economic partnership with Russia is indeed very formidable. A German/Russian alliance would have been military and resulted in Imperialist expansion.
Russian actions since the founding of the USSR can be viewed as mostly defensive reaction to the US/UK European Imperialism. Russia had no colonies. The Warsaw pact wasn't formed until -AFTER- Germany became a member of NATO. The "West" has been trying to break Russia apart for centuries.
China does "business" around the world through the BRI. Wong explains this began when China was admitted to the WTO.
i think so. i can't understand this scholtz thing in that context. what? he's a fool ? or the CIA is coercing him: threaten to shoot his family or something? (he's got family?)
and the whole german nation. famous for engineering excellence they're too dumb to see what's being done to them? there's something in their water supply perhaps?
Something is very wrong with him, UvdL , Macron and Starmer. It is like they see the world through a totally incomprehensible distorted lens. It feels like they are indoctrinated in some cult or something
Here's an interesting article which makes some very valid points.
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany.
Mike Whitney • February 11, 2022
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs
They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in. Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival.
Yep. And it just makes you wonder about Scholtz and all the German politicians and the German populace. In fact about the whole of Europe. What's wrong with them? Elephant blindness?
Is that unnatural, that he is loyal to those that placed him in authority? Not to the clueless and powerless electorate of course, that's just a fairytale. To the shadow elites that put him on the list and arranged support for him, a pitiful stooge.
Scholz, along with his counterparts in the other EU countries, is a product of the Young Global Leaders program, which for the last 40 years or so worked by selecting promising amoral narcissists from among the scions of rich and masonic families, indoctrinating them, inveigling them in devastating kompromat, and then promoting them, via money and deep state connections, to positions of power. His incompetence is a feature, not a mistake---it makes him more amenable to control by shadow handlers.
So he is amoral, corrupt, narcissistic, ignorant, controlled by some hidden kompromat, and he owes his position and support to his Cabal puppet masters. What need is there of crude threats? He is an eager stooge.
I can see that whole groups of people can create their own mutual admiration societies within which they swim, performing the approved rituals, speaking the approved language, adopting the approved postures and be blind to reality beyond that milieu.
And I suppose that's what lunatic political elites are doing everywhere in the world.
After all such 'scenes' are a fairly normal part of human life.
But what about all the other 'scenes' external to that one that should/could be seeing the truths and should/could be attacking?
I'd expected a scream to high heaven from all quarters in Germany about the Nordstream thing. From all quarters.
This is the big thing. Since prior Covid. Nothing. Everywhere. Nothing.
And everyone, I think, vociferously claims that's because the people are too dumb, stupid, disinterested. 'Sheeple'. And yup, it looks like that.
But that's to ignore the 'clerisy'. I recently found the world. Should have known it all my life but didn't. It is they who should be 'carrying the can'. It is they who should have raised the alarm. It is they who should have screamed the loudest. It is they who should be showing the way.
I like clerisy, but prefer the more familiar Russian "intelligentsia". It has the added benefit of facilitating constructions like poluintelligentsia, полуинтеллигенция, which is not literally the half-intelligent but more like the semi-cultured, a good fit for what you are describing here.
Yep. I think you're right. The intelligentsia incorporates the clerisy, really, but not the other way round.
However, purely by accident, I think I've been right in my use of it all along because in fact the clerisy do have the greater commitment to keeping values across time.
But I as I used the word I wasn't aware of their specially focused status. I really should have used the word intelligentsia because that's the group I was thinking of.
However my statements were also true of the clerisy and even more so.
I said I only recently came to know the word. I didn't 'know' it well enough.
So now I have two groups to castigate for their failure: the clerisy in particular on the grounds of their particular mandate and the intelligentsia generally.
Not in their water supply, but in their information supply. The MSM and the entertainment industry together have been working to dumb down and mislead the public ever since Bernays came up with the concept of propaganda, and to some extent even earlier.
Not that the public needs much dumbing down in the first place.
Bernays, not Bernanke. Bernanke was the Fed Chairman who decided to test his PhD thesis in real time in America; to postpone a depression through QE policies. To the great benefit of stock holders and real estate investors everywhere.
Europe is occupied by the US military. Its political institutions are controlled by the American Oligarchy. No one in Europe gains any political power without a nod from the American Oligarchy.
There's nothing in the water. They know what's being done to them. They are like the PLA on the West Bank who have been coopted by the Israelis to suppress the Palestinians who live there.
well they are consummate actors then, aren't they? they show no signs at any time of being under any duress whatever. quite the contrary. they always look pleased as punch.
Yep. I suppose that the simple, obvious human point: an individual's pleasure quotient is more likely to be affected by the money he's getting than by concern for the nation or political theory/practice.
So how rich is Scholtz? On par with american politicians?
It was possible for the European govs to say no to military interventions before. These people that did that are gone now. The current mafia at the top still allows elections but increasingly is ready to bend all the rules to only make it look like it is a democracy. I think the deep state has also a good grasp on the journalists in most of the media. I think there must be an economic shock for people to wake up plus a charismatic leader that can lead them while smart enough not to get shot or put in prison or sidelined by media in any way (see AfD in Germany - they struggle because the media and the deep state are against them). So while being possible it is unlikely that any change will occur soon.
Scholtz looks like a man with a dominatrix in his closet (or two:-)) I won't be surprised they have dirt on him to fully control.
My understanding is that Germans had trust in their government, since for decades it delivered prosperity & stability, so when they're told to just "grin and bear it" temporarily while the West whips Russia into submission and the things would be returned to "normal," Germans complied. By now, Germans probably see that they're lied to, but the chain of unfortunate events is already set in motion.
Yep. Trust in the government. I can see how that could be. But they are an intelligent population I think? As things get worse they'll begin to ask questions and the two main answers will be easy to find:
. America destroyed the Nordstream.
. Your wealth was built on cheap russian energy.
Surely they have found these answers by now and are beginning to respond?
Again, from what I understand, Germans always felt like they're doing Russia a favor by buying Russian gas under the the long-term contract prices vs. market prices. Now, they found out the hard way that "market" wasn't in their favor. Uncle Sam charges six times more "for friendly" LNG.
I doubt Germans thought America blew Nordsream. Remember, how originally it they're saying it was Russians who blew it, etc. Lots of lies and inbred conformity got Germany where it is now.
Scholz is a european. Europeans like being slaves. The way a dog cannot imagine life without Master, a european cannot imagine life without the Americans.
Aren't you forgetting that Europeans (Brits, Dutch, Belgians, Spanish, etc.) have centuries of Mastering and slave-driving under their belts? And < 200 years ago, Europeans managed to live just fine without the Americans. It's WW2 and the American glamor of "peace & technology) plus the chocolate in the starved and war-leveled Europe, that turned the Americans into a love/hate fixture in Europe.
I'm not forgetting any of that, although the moment power started to shift, europeans morphed from chest-thumping nationalists to grovelling spineless weenies.
Europeans always were/are more conformists than the Americans. Europeans always look suspiciously to the East, are prone to self-admiration (Borrell simply verbalized what many Europeans feel), and bow to America, while despising it for "no culture" but America has "the real money." It was only a matter of time, when the "right" spineless people would be installed in Europe to do "whatever needs to be done." And look at Biden, Kamala, etc. Tons of my friends/colleagues in LA voted for Kamala. Some of them, I won't put to the test of telling I voted Trump, some knew, and we're not on speaking terms, one told me "you are an old friend, and as far as I'm concerned, my friends can f*k a goat." A part of me was flattered , but another part still hopes that my friends wouldn't! LOL
Read my comment on Scholz above. She was not coerced any more that he is, but the same kind of stavlennik, already programmed with an agenda.
The real difference between Merkel and Scholz is that she was smart, and he is a moron. But these smarts made her harder to control, which is why the current appointees of the Cabal, not just in Germany, are now deliberately selected to be imbeciles, in addition to the other qualifying "requirements" of amorality, narcissism, and being compromised.
I used to think Merkel was smart, but I began to seriously doubt when she went on blabbing about how they screwed Putin with signing Minsk in bad faith. But after Merkel 'shared" how Putin "used her fear of dogs" to intimidate her, I have no doubt Merkel is an idiot. A normal person, never mind smart, would own the situation; tell Putin she was attacked by a dog in the past, and feels uneasy about dogs ever since.
End of story.
But no, Merkel "maturely" stews on it for decades to only 'reveal' in her memoir - stupid is as stupid does. Pathetic.
Yes, but which wars were these refugees fleeing from and via which routes? The US-led NATO intervention in Libya was driven by Gaddafi's plan to introduce the African Gold Dinar, challenging the dominance of the petrodollar. His closed borders, as agreed with Blair, led to the CIA's creation of the "Arab Spring" psyop. Similarly, Assad's opposition to the Qatar pipeline marked him for removal under the guise of the Arab Spring, part of a broader strategy targeting seven countries. Afghanistan, Iraq—both victims of US-led conflicts—are part of this pattern. Now, daily European casualties reflect the consequences of these interventions in countries that resist US hegemony.
Some will tell you it isn't "Jews" it is "Zionists".
There are many Zionists who are not Jews
There are many Jews who are not Zionists (Mate and Blumenthal keep popping up)
Still, I see that there are Jews who members of the Oligarchy who don't appear to be Zionists but are intent on controlling the American soul. I have a difficult time articulating that argument so perhaps I'm in error.
But the "tail wags the dog" meme is just silly. Wilkerson says Israel is a proxy just like Ukraine, it implements US policy as directed. Problem I have is "who defines US interests". Obviously not me.
Angloamericans i.e. British and globalist oriented Americans destroyed the lives of normal US citizens, Americans, trying to run the global empire
China successfully used free trade, market economy, global trade to almost overcome US.
US is not willing to let anyone question American supremacy, dollar supremacy. Serious change of strategy is necessary to get rid of debts, reorganize, reform economy, society and be able to compete with China, contain China.
Either war or internal reforms.
There is a nuclear limit to running a war as a solution
A danger of annihilation is keeping the world out of World War three. Everything else is allowed, in a sense not forbiden, but any war that does not include destroying China is a waste of US resources.
So intelligent globalist US strategy becomes at the surface similar to simple US patriots strategy.
US patriots do not care about Europe, and do not want to unilaterally govern the world.
Realists unfortunately discover
there will always be a border between US and them, currently China and Russia
we gain nothing if we let the border come closer to US
do we gain anything if the border between US and Russia, US and China is pushed as far towards Moscow and Beijing as possible?
are we safer if our opponents, enemies are less safe?
any British or US politician in power answers in the same way
as long as they are opponents, enemies, and we are safer the less safe they are (the stronger we are...but it comes to the same conclusion)
In other words
whatever is your position regarding the world, once you are a leader of Britain or US, you become en realist
and if you are in a possession of an empire
you begin guarding the empire
Detente we have known between USSR and USA happened because USSR became less aggressive
Engagement of China happened because US considered China poor and weak, and is finished once China's power is recognized
If you lead US you they have an empire to run.
US will never willingly accept good relations between Germany and Russia. If Germans do want a future they will have to fight for a right to make peace with Russia.
Giving up an Empire is not a realist politic, not even a commonsensical one,
I think you must not understand that the reason Rutte has his position is because the American Oligarchy promoted him to it.
Trump is not going to change the plans of the "Deep State". No President has since Roosevelt, and they murdered him. JFK tried and ended up dead. How many leading Swedish politicians were assassinated by the "Deep State"? A recent "neutrality matters" podcast said 3.
If it makes for an interesting examination of reality to figure out who the "real bad guys are".
Trump is playing a role. If he goes too far, the Oligarchy will get him too. They've already tried twice.
Sorry, I can't let that one slide. So the shadowy deep state murdered the President of the USA, a crippled man in very poor health just before the climax of the greatest war in human history.
I don't even have to ask the "Who ?" and the "How ?".
I wasn’t there at the time and the stories are often second hand (others interpretating and writing down what will end up as history).
Maybe the fact that he had poor health wasn’t a coincidence?
Just my 2 cents as I am definitely not an expert on Roosevelt except that he wanted Germans total surrender already before the meeting in 1943 in Casablanca instead of pursuing a diplomatic solution that could have saved millions of lives. He had an agenda too.
Many potential reasons, most of which revolve around Allen Dulles hiding Nelson Rockefeller's backing of Adolf Hitler. These include:-
● FDR ordering a phone tap of Dulles's telephone to find evidence of treason;
● FDR's desire to stop Germany rebuilding it's industrial base, much of which had been bought cheaply by Rockefeller after he and his Federal Reserve buddies caused the Great Depression;
● FDR being on good terms with Joseph Stalin, which would not have bode well for a Cold War arms race etc...
The article below gives good reasons why it looks like FDR was replaced with a body double just after the Tehran Conference, These reasons include:-
● A moratorium on appearances and photography;
● Churchill and Stalin both commenting on the FDR they met at Yalta being a different man to the one they me at the earlier conferences; and
● Last but not least, the author sees 12 facial differences in a close up photograph he bought from a newspaper, which they weren't allowed to publish.
Why do any of those possible reasons support covert assassination rather than just pushing out a very sick man who had already served 3 terms out of the Whitehouse and into retirement?
An anti-FDR faction of the deep state would have gotten far more support for a covert plan to put him in a nursing home than one to put him in his grave.
There is no way of definitively addressing your points.
Maybe you are right and FDR was just sick.
The thing is though, many of us choose to believe there was another possibility.
This isn't a "right/wrong" question. No one is insisting (yet) that they know for sure he was murdered. And there's no way you can provide the evidence necessary to prove he wasn't.
It kind of baffles me that you want to insist on something you can't prove either. We're wrong just because you know that you're right?
I don't need certainties one way or another, I can work on balances of probabilities, Very unlikely, Very probable Somewhat unlikely,, etc.
This is how we conduct most of our lives.
What I am objecting to are statement such as "he WAS murdered" or "I can't prove he WASN"T murdered therefore I choose to believe he WAS murdered".
Start which a rough guess then see how each piece of evidence, carefully examined, moves the probabilities up or down. I suggest you look into Bayesian analysis. it is something I have been working through for a few years now. I often find the math tricky but the reasoning behind it is rock solid.
You can say what you like about The Oligarchy but they don't rule math.
No Tim that's just the way he is, spent years rehearsing it. Can't be natural. Always seems like his verbiage is full of double entendre but just vacant I reckon, self contradicting. It's what they seem to want????
Wonder what we will get, spin the wheel there's always a winner step right up.
Trump sounds stupid because to many because he says one thing and then moments later says something else which is totally opposed to what he said the first go around. The MSM press exaggerates this discrepancy because they are controlled by members of the oligarchy who do not want to follow Trump's policies.
Moon of Alabama had an interesting essay about how Trump's "declaration of 'war'" on Canada, Mexico, and Denmark, is to cover the fact that there's not a whole lot he can do about Ukraine or Israel (because of the "Jewish Lobby" not because the "tail wags the dog". Defining the "Jewish Lobby" though would require an essay 40 times as long as one of Simplicius' columns). This "war" can be made to sound stupid, but it has the advantage of psyching up MAGA and making them forget just how powerless the President of the USA is when opposed by a dedicated segment of the Oligarchy. Richard Wolff just gave an interesting speech on this a couple of days ago on YouTube.
People in Trump's position sometimes bluster when they don't know something. There are 10 full members of BRICS and 9 "partners" (I might have the numbers reversed). Remembering whether or not Spain is a member is not a big deal. But then the way he talked about BRICS to fake his way through not knowing that answer, it kind of made him look dumb.
John Chambers, former head of Cisco Systems, was once asked what Cisco stood for. He faked, "it was related to San Francisco", total BS. It stands for Central Information Systems Company. I once had an old user's manual. Chambers is not dumb.
Chambers ain't the President, and the current President has a long, long, record of saying stupid shit that tells even the casual observer that he's ignorant and ill-informed. Part of Trump's appeal to his admirers is his anti-intellectualism, his abiding faith in himself. He doesn't have a plan, and any politician who declares he's going to make a country in terminal decline great again, and return it to its past glories is neither rational nor smart.
The president has a long, long record of the MSM portraying what he says as ignorant and ill-informed.
He's a Billionaire. He is President of the United States. He isn't stupid.
His appeal to MAGA was solely to gain power. Anyone with 2 brain cells should know that. He has never had any intention of doing anything other than profiting. By that measure, which is the only one you can use because that is his objective, he is doing quite well.
You can object to his lack of morality. You can call him evil. You can declare his policy proposals unworkable.
But you cannot call him stupid.
In fact, doing so actually makes him appear smarter to the people who voted for him. They will defend him. AND THAT IS ONE OF THE OLIGARCHIES PRIME GOALS. Getting Americans to distrust one another so they can rob us blind.
So are you one of those "reverse propaganda engineers?" Or are you just one of those stupid people who thinks everyone else is stupid.
There was an assassination attempt on FDR in 1933. A "lone gunman" of course. Kind of "off topic" but circumstantial evidence that "someone" wanted FDR dead.
If you do a web search on "how was FDR poisoned" you may run across several articles that declare his medical records were never found. Some of those articles will go into great detail about "symptoms" that "everyone" was noticing about a deadly illness he supposedly had. I am not saying he wasn't sick. I'm proposing that we question "how sick" and "with what"?
I have read articles which I can no longer find (funny thing how that "memory hole" stuff works, perhaps it is just my incompetence) which declared FDR had been poisoned. They even named the poison (which I don't recall)
Admittedly this is a lot of speculation and conjecture but there's no way to prove FDR wasn't murdered, so I choose to side with the "he was" option. You are free to choose the other, but do put it into the context of why Reagan was shot by the son of someone who was supposedly friends with the VP? Bush was supposedly in Dallas when JFK was shot. Now we know there is no way that Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy who "did it". All the official stories have been debunked repeatedly.
If I've learned anything, it is that American History is made up of lies and counter-lies and lies about lies. Aaron Good is the best resource on this and his American Exception podcast is well worth watching. Sadly, he is probably easy to dismiss as a "conspiracy nut", but he mostly asks questions around "Why?" just as you are asking here. And the answers to that "Why" reveal the "Oligarchy".
The "Oligarchy" is not some homogeneous group of rich men who all have the same motives and objectives. They form and betray alliances with one another all the time. There is a significant number of them who support Israel. Some are very open about it, some not so much. The WaPo article that lists the dozen or so Zionist Jews who demanded the crack down on pro-palestinian protestors is an example of one "lose alliance".
So the "Why" you want answered.
Roosevelt was a member of the Oligarchy. He "saved capitalism" by helping "Mr. Everyman" American crawl out of the great depression to a better life. Many members of the Oligarchy despised him for that because you might recall that Marginal Income Tax rates for the top bracket were 90%. FDR had instituted rationing which got in the way of speculators making profits on just about everything.
The 2008 mortgage crisis (and the '90s S&L fiasco [remember the Keating 5?]) is an example of how the Oligarchy manipulates the American Economy to benefit itself. The point here is that this is what the Oligarchy does under a capitalist system.
Had FDR remained President, he would have won the war and become even more popular. The Oligarchy would again be more under his control. FDR had more than enough money of his own and was rather enjoying being lauded by citizens. Certain members of the Oligarchy did not want the continuation of reforms that would prevent them from making a "profit".
Remember these same people were responsible for replacing Wallace with Truman as FDRs VP. Truman authorized the use of the "bomb" on Japan even though it was well known that Japan was on the verge of surrender. Again, lots of debate about the issue, but the reason for showing off the "bomb" was to put the "fear of God" into Russia. Also understand that the US (Oligarchy) inherited its great hatred of Russia from the British (Oligarchy). They have been trying to destroy Russia for centuries.
Now, I realize this answer wanders all over the place. You have to have a background in Howard Zinn, John Perkins, a bit of Marx, a lot of Aaron Good, some "Super Imperialism" from Michael Hudson and a daily does of Wolff, Berletic and Simplicius to even consider the foundation solid.
So to simplify the answer to your "Why?" question... FDR was murdered because certain members of the Oligarchy thought he would keep them from profiteering on keeping a significant portion of Americans poor.
In the USA, the Oligarchy runs the political system.
"but there's no way to prove FDR wasn't murdered, so I choose to side with the "he was" option."
Sorry, but that has to be fallacious reasoning. Your starting point should be what is the most likely cause of the death of a 63 year old man with those various health problems in 1945.
As also mentioned above why would an anti-FDR faction take the difficult path of undetectable murder and not the path of just pushing him out of the Whitehouse ?
Exactly this. Unfortunately, this is about different factions of oligarchy, and politicians are just a facade in this moment in the case of Europe and the US.
Or an ADL agent who spreads ridiculous accusations like this so the ADL can point at them and say how silly it is. This way they set up plausible deniability for crimes that the Jewish Mafia does commit. (Meyer Lansky)
This, in turn, allows Zionists like Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan gain prominent positions in the government so they can further the push for American Hegemony and Israeli Empire.
I’d like to think so, but doubt it. The CIA or whoever will keep doing what they do, for example getting rid of Fico now,,even if Russia gets to Lvov the establishment will never give up and half the Euro population will agree to extra energy costs and continue voting for fools like Starmer, etc.
The money power wants its war with Russia, and to replace the dead of Ukraine with ‘useless eaters’ from Eastern Europe etc, etc.
Not much hope for europe I feel. Still too many being totally propagandized and can only retort to: don’t trust Putin, Putin bad. And ofcourse Trump bad, forgetting the 4 devastating years of the biden government. It is mindboggling and depressing
It hasn't been a week (!), and Trump is already showing how ignorant and stupid and egotistical he is. No surprise here. The Russians are not surprised that Trump is acting exactly like they expected he would. Either are the Chinese. They know they're dealing with another gangster from the Gangster State.
North Korean troops have ben helping Russian forces as they seek to push Ukrainian soldiers out of Russia’s Kursk region. No problem, right—? In defending its own sovereignty Russia surely has agency enough to engage w/ whatever ally it wishes. The thorny part is that neither Russia nor North Korea have affirmed that North Korean troops are in fact fighting in Kursk on behalf of the Russians. Ukraine has asserted this, as has the U.S.—but there has not been hard evidence to support the assertions.
But Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov , Ukraine’s intel chief, said that in the last 3 months North Korea has provided Russia w/ 120 170mm self-propelled artillery guns and 120 240mm multiple-launch rocket systems.
No problem, right—? An ally nation providing weaponry for a fellow ally is not an unusual r’ship in any given war, whether the U.S.’s flooding Israel w/ Bunker Buster bombs to Dresdenize Gaza or the U.S. providing Ukraine w/ ATACMS to strike deep inside Russia. Neither ally, so supplied by the U.S., independently possessed weapons of such magnitude until the U.S, provided them. So concern about North Korea’s sending weaponry to Russian troops in the SMO is peculiar indeed. Is this part of the hypocrisy-based-international system—?!!?
The kettle doesn’t like it when the pot calls it black.
It’s not a secret that Russia and North Korea have struck a security alliance. The West may have been too busy to notice back in May 2024, but VVP and Kim Jong Un did codify such a r’ship. The neighbor countries have affirmed military cooperation. Is it really surprising to find weapons sourced to North Korea within Russia’s arsenal—?!!?
Well, the WaPo has perseverated over such matters intensely. Their latest concern is that 10,000 elite North Korean troops were deployed to fight Ukraine in Russia’s Kursk region. At first the WaPo said 5,000 cannon-fodder-style troops from North Korea were fighting in Kursk. Now, however, they have upgraded the stature of the troops and the number: it’s the Elite 10,000. In fact, Budanov now says the number is higher: 12,000 North Korean elite troops are fighting in Kursk—and that about 4000 have been killed. The U.S., however, says that only 1200 of the elite North Korean troops have been killed.
Who can say, right—?
In what world is it important to speculate about this, sans credible info—?!!?
The strange narrative fixates on a need to *prove* definitively that elite North Korean troops are in Russia’s Kursk region, fighting against Ukraine’s encroachment there. Zelya stated on Insta “This is not an easy task”—to show actual evidence of North Korean troops in Kursk—“because Russian Forces and other North Korean military personnel usually execute their wounded to erase any evidence of North Korea’s involvement in the war against Ukraine.”
Kiev, meanwhile, seems obsessed w/ proving that North Korean troops are fighting in Kursk, because he obviously believes this curries favor from his paymasters—but it is still hard to understand how allied troops fighting against Ukraine’s invasion into a Russian region far from the LOC of the actual declared battlefield is problematic.
WaPo, however, has been hard *on* it. Obviously WaPo’s paymasters want to continue pumping out this content.
I think that 'North Koreans' conjures up negative vestigial memories of Asiatic hordes attacking the heart of Europe. This scares them almost as much as 'Islamic hordes'!
there's no NK troops in Kursk. Progress would go much better if there were. You realise that north of Malaya Loknya, 60 km from Sumy, 'elite' Kiev troops ferociously fight the russians and even attack - attack ! and regain territory. With armour etc.
So how do they get supplied and replaced and reinforced and rotated over that 60km of open road through the snow?
If there were NK troops there they'd bloody walk down that road and lay in the snow waiting and rpg any vehicle coming down it.
If that were necessary. If the russians couldn't use their (supposed) drone supremacy and their air supremacy and their ability to remote mine, to see in the dark, to guided shell, guided bomb, grad saturate registered locations on the road.
And it seems they can't....
Then the NK would just do it.
And it ain't getting done.
In Kursk Kiev is winning or losing at the speed it chooses. The last thing I heard of was a russian armoured column wiped out ! Wiped out ! what a joke.
Has anyone investigated Lapin? Has anyone asked Lapin if he's getting the support he wants?
Give links to your info so we can see where you get your info from. It'll be very interesting to see this. As the Kursk safari becomes smaller every day. Have you forgotten Krinki??? The Russians let them feed as many of their elite marines into the mouth of the beast for as long as possible. How did that go? Do your sources explain that one? What is happening in Donbass as Ukraine/NATO feeds its best into the mouth of the beast in Kursk? They might attack in Kursk but they don't advance they end up dead. Meanwhile in Donbass it's one advance after another. You clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about. As for Lapin he's as popular as ever with his men.
I only make one claim that requires any sources: that there's no NK in Kursk. I do not have 'proof'. But you can't prove a negative. It is for them to prove there are NK troops fighting there and they very noticeably have not done that. They produced one such 'evidence' and it was laughable. He was a Russian from an ethnic state within the federation.
I certainly have not forgotten Krinsky because I was alarmed and astounded at the pleas from the troops there for drones. They were undersupplied and inadequately supported and made frequent posts on TG about it.
There's much claiming of extra special cleverness on the part of the Russian (i.e. allied: donbas forces (still considered Ukrainian by Kiev and Washington and nato generally) plus Russian). It has become a meme. They refer to it as '5D chess' I think. And it is pointed out time and again there's no 5D chess.
There's blunders and failures and shortcomings as is usual in human affairs.
Prigozhin died for pointing it out.
Generals have been removed in recent times as the process of 'healing' the Russian army continues.
They do advance in Kursk. And lose again, yes. But then advance again.
Just look at the Malaya Loknya area. That is fierce fighting and I've long questioned how it can be? For the counter attacks of the Kiev mob are made with armour and with ammunition and with drones and their troops all the way up there are supplied, watered, fed. How? With a 60km run across open country from Sumy over a single road for the most part that has been watching for months? In a war where it is axiomatic that you cannot run armour in the open to such an extent that armoured attacks are virtually a thing of the past? How? Give me chapter and verse on that.
Give me links, references to where Lapin's men are happy with him. I'll be pleased to see them and I'll be pleased that they are. I'll then want to know the next obvious thing: is Lapin happy with his superiors? Are they supporting him properly?
We've long known there was a communications problem within the Russian military inasmuch as combined arms could not work together adequately. So a target reported, then confirmed, then coordinates sent to artillery or drone HQ and then firing orders approved and then firing all took so long that the target was gone.
A place with the characteristic I just mentioned seems likely to suffer from that perhaps. Convoys of supplies for the north proceed along the route and they are seen and reported but no fire comes down on them. They reach the front unscathed. There to mount an attack. And often beat the Russians back.
And the face saving 'excuse' for this is that it was 5D chess. 'We just let them come so's we could kill them'. How ludicrous is that? They are coming: kill them as they come.
Lastly your gratuitous insulting ad hominem: I do not engage in conversation with people who do that. Our interaction ended.
WAPO is a "Rules Based Order" rag, so of course it's OK for the entire West to help Ukraine, but nobody is allowed to help Russia. "Rules Based Order" is a euphemism for hypocrisy.
"Rules Based Order" is informed mightily by Kol Nidre:
"The phrase Kol Nidre is not a prayer but rather a legal formula used for the annulment of vows. These “vows,” according to Torah, refer to solemn, binding promises made before God. (Numbers 30:3, Deuteronomy 23:24)."
Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid: "absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect." Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune that has been passed down for generation."
This legal formula Kol Nidre has been used from long before the "enforced conversion into Christianity" and up to our days (see Rules Based Order and the agreement-incapable owners of the collective west). The formula reaffirms, annually, the freedom of lying and betraying.
To cover the dishonorable nature of the pledge, jews prefer to call Kol Nidre a "day of forgiving," without gong into details.
It’s again mind boggling that so many people buy this crap without a sliver of evidence. It makes me very sad. Hardly any critical thinking left among the population. And they can be lied too again and again and again and again…
You think? 🙄 " But I had mentioned in the opening that Trump’s threats seemed so almost unbelievably misguided that they could be perhaps read as deliberate misdirection rather than serious plans. Is this a possibility?"
It isn't 4d chess. It's misleading the easily misled as Dilligaf was saying below. But that is a useful capability. Think of this as credibility building for when he gets to pull the rug out and end this thing. He can't build that credibility being nice to Putin except on a very interpersonal level. I suspect VVP understands this just fine. Pop popcorn and watch and let it play out. I think I am going to turn out right about this.
The mistake everyone who evaluates Trump makes is that they attach any importance to his precise words. His general principles are hinted at. His actual motivations must be ultimately discerned. He's not going to tell you. It's not how he gets what he wants, revealing his end game to everyone. He's a manipulative troll, but it turns out that that is very effective in many instances.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio halted spending on Friday on most existing foreign aid grants. The order "appears to include $3bn in military funding earmarked for Ukraine," as reported by Yahoo News.
U.S. military aid to Taiwan & Jordan is also suspended under Rubio's directive, which seems to underscore DJT's earlier Executive Order.
Update: Although the Pentagon previously told Voice of America that the aid freeze would not affect “security assistance to Ukraine,” Rubio’s memo reportedly only granted exceptions for military aid to Israel and Egypt, without mentioning any other country.
Journalist Ken Klippenstein described a *leaked* copy of Rubio’s guidance, which “pauses all new obligations of funding, pending a review, for foreign assistance programs” funded through the State Department
Our colleague Julianne said it early in the Comments--that a stockpile may already have been in Poland, or may have already been loaded onto the train, or may already have "fallen off the truck," or may turn up missing somehow--so it's not like flipping a light switch.
At any rate, the purported purpose of this pause is an audit. Hmm
Anyone who believes the U.S. is stopping military aid to Ukraine is a huge sucker. Just as big of a sucker as those that believed Obama was only sending non lethal aid to Ukraine.
Except for Israel and Egypt. . . Israel, I understand, but why exempt Egypt?
There was an old joke like this, about the Jews and the bicyclists being guilty of everything. . . and everybody was asking "why bicyclists?" but somehow nobody asked "why Jews?"
More seriously, clearly they want something from Egypt badly, and I will venture to guess what it is: they have a secret pact with Egypt to absorb the survivors of Gaza at some point, among much ostensible protesting, of course. That is what the aid to Egypt pays for, and that is why it was exempted from the ban.
Trump, the greedy fool, acts like the rich kid in the neighborhood who is used to having his every whim catered to him by the ass kissers who play up to him to hustle him for money or what they can get. So, like Neo-Liberals, Trump thinks he can throw bribe money around to lure suckers.
Like the first British Prime Minister Robert Walpole who famously said,
"Every man has his price"; King Donald expects money diplomacy to speak for him. The Art of the Deal works well with prostitutes. Just look at what Netanyahu and AIPAC have accomplished with the US Congress, especially transgender Senator Lindsay Graham.
Actually Trump just needs to shut down all Russian shipping in the world. Easily doable. Confiscate Russian ships, cargo, threaten sanctions against any country that trades with Russia, even if it's in their own currency.
Let him begin with Canada, Panama, Greenland or just make it easier to change the Gulf of Mexico into America…he can’t and meanwhile he’s making Russia Richer again.
I'm not sure that Piracy is a doable option any longer, certainly not on the scale that you suggest. Besides; two can play at that game. Although a large Country, the USA is situated between two vast Oceans, so my guess is, it relies on Cargo ships rather a lot.
A stupid move like that would merely accelerate the global rush to join BRICS.
You are obviously unaware of the fact that the US practice of seizing bank accounts and other assets has motivated most countries to look for alternatives to US thanks to its bullying tactics.
There was recently some report that Russia's oil tanker shadow fleet is the largest in the world with something like over 1000+ ships representing a major percentage of all global merchant marine traffic. Sanctioning/stopping them all is impossible.
But it's ok, they have a solution to that and can still extend your life as long as you buy the drugs they made to control to the poisoning.
I laud DJT massively for pardoning the J6 political prisoners, plus the pro-lifers who were arrested while praying outside abortion clinics & then sentenced to years' long prison terms.
His press conference just now in Los Angeles was kick-ass. The domestic scene has some fantastic prospects under DJT.
On the foreign policy front:
A war provoked by the West is not a war the West intends to see end on anything but the West’s own terms so...
VVP and Lavrov can certainly benefit from an open & ongoing dialogue/conversation w/ DJT. I applaud DJT for making the first move. But Russia will have to earn a victor's peace militarily. This is Russia's sphere of influence.
Given the dynamics, there's no other way.
if it was not for abortion there would be 7 more detroits - don't want that
He wants to quickly bring down pump price of gasoline in the US to solidify his popular support. But he can't say that out loud. So he claims it's for peace's sake.
Trump translator:
If US lets Houthis attack you Saudis, you could lose more that trilllion US dollars.
Also, US can engineer regime change, remember.
First. Sigh, the highlight of my dreary day.
Garbage in/garbage out: DJT parrots the false CIA talking points on Russian casualties in Ukraine, which the CIA takes verbatim from the skeevy figures Kiev hands them. VVP, Lavrov and Zakharova know the numbers DJT utters are incorrect, because they have the actual numbers—and he knows they know that he knows—but no one is going to quibble math right now. When DJT repeats false claims about Russia’s economy, it’s not that he is impressing anyone in the Kremlin: these are the talking points boilerplated & bolted into the legacy media and DJT is merely regurgitating them. Why do this?
Saying untrue things maintains a preferred narrative for the West, which is reliant on a daisy-chain of other untrue utterances. It is weak to say false things which your adversary will know in an eye-blink are false, expecting to gain an advantage from the situation: whatever advantage DJT expects to gain will not emanate from Moscow. The lies, pushed by the West, become common knowledge ‘truth’ weaponized to counter any reality-based reportage about the course of the war.
Regardless of noisy effluvia from Truth Social, the Russian military is doing all the necessary heavy lifting on the LOC in order to consolidate its wins. Those whose hands are on the levers of power comprehend this, but they cannot say what they know publicly, because then they would have to act.
Which they are not ready to do.
I think Trump is saying them to put across ‘if he is doing so well, why should we get involved by helping him’. I think he’s just giving Russia space to finish Ukraine. 🤷♀️
Or he's just plumb ignorant and acting like a gangster--his preferred mode. There is no plan on Trump's part; he got up the other day and proclaimed that the USA was the greatest country in the history of the world, and will soon be so again, sounding just as deranged as Joe Biden, who was gonna Save The Soul of America. Biden was and is stupid, as is Trump.
Low expectations. That's the mindset to have with these people, including Donald. At the moment half the country is still inhaling large amounts of hopeium.
Indeed they are. There was a poster at Moon Of Alabama who insisted that Trump is a "master poker player" who is setting up the Big Game with Putin by putting out crazy lies and braggadocio and insults, the better to play his Big Hand at the table. Super Hopium, shot right into his eyeballs.
I think two things are at work with this mindset. 1) hope dies last as they say. People want to hang on to possibility that things will work out in a mostly predictable and beneficial way. 2) many people think the elites are smarter than is actually the case. There is no 7D master plan at work; and Trump is not a magician who can make things happen with a few snaps of his fingers. Whether we are discussing the wef/Davos people or the Kremlin or the Zhongnanhai, these people are mostly reactionary.
That's right.
Russia has entered in a virtuous loop they have no interest to stop. The sanctions failed, revealing the robust state of the Russian economy. More sanctions will deliver nothing but an even stronger awareness of the real stakes for the Russian population. On the contrary, the USA and Europe are facing a complete social meltdown, with no issue in view other than more taxes, higher prices and mass poverty. The only right the west is actually providing to their slave working force is the right to sodomy. For decades, the western populace were led to believe that sex policies were more important than housing, health or a decent job. I dont care if the pig exploiting me in my workplace is a man or a woman, straight or gay, feminist or christian, black, white or red. The only thing I care about is the boot on my neck. Now, millions in the US roar for their right to change sex or take drugs even if they have to live under the bridge, in the cold, with no hope. During the 19th century, the US government gave land for free to the settlers willing to farm and build a house on it. The state was actually interested in giving something in exchange for work. I am not saying this justify the indian massacres, but swamps were drained too and turned into farms. The same happend in Russia when they colonized the tartar lands in Novorossiya or Siberia. That is what people really want: a piece of land, to get a life and live as a human being. When the west liberal democracies (in fact capitalist dictatorships) cannot deliver realities, they deliver hollow dreams and brainwashing. But as Lenin put it, the facts are stubborn. When dreams fade there are only drugs and porn to forget the nightmare.
An excellent evaluation. The social and economic decomposition you describe was intended to apply to the whole world, as a precondition for the enslavement of it; but the Talmudist and Mammonist Cabal focused too much on the West, believing it to be the bellybutton of the world. In the meantime Russia, China, and increasingly the RoW have quietly slid out of their manacles, and no longer submit to the NWO. And the West is too decomposed to make them.
Well said but remember, BS baffles Brains and distractions and divide and conquer have worked since the pyramids. The suckers build the pyramids and fought the pharoes wars rather than homes for their families. Nothing changes with Homo sapiens ability to believe anything, regardless of how fantastical.
not so sure about the "suckers that built the pyramids"
i am sure about the french maginot line, though. :)
Trump is playing a sort of chess that is not so 3-dimensional, but not so dumb either. He knows that he if deep-sixes the whole Ukraine thing immediately, the neo-con-Washington establishment will find their 6-ways from Sunday to get back at him. So, he is using Ukraine for his own purposes, which is to reduce the price of oil. In my opinion, his economic team knows that the U.S. economy is in the toilet and that the debt-to-GDP ratio has surpassed unsustainable. They need major economic growth immediately without rampant inflation, and the only way open to achieve that is via cheap energy. So, Trump is using the whole Ukraine fiasco to try to browbeat friendly oil producers, like Saudi Arabia. That is my opinion. Trump has to know that the whole Ukraine thing is a lost cause. He has to know this. Tulsi Gabbard is going to be his intelligence chief.
He will let the war drag on with the bare minimum of U.S. support until he sees no way to use it to further his objectives.
Wishful thinking and excuses. There is no master plan, and as Trump sticks with Ukraine, any defeat will be his and he will have to own it.
It's an obvious trap, and Trump charged right in, like the moron he is.
Volkssturm coming in 3... 2... 1...
Also I laugh at "cleansing the deep state", Trump had four years to do it and he let the "swamp" run circles around him. Then again he might be trying to project the image of a blowhard buffoon to hide his actual acumen, though that feels like cope.
He has been in office 5 days folks
He had an entire previous term in which he did nothing.
The problem is not Trump.. It is the way the American people are being systematically deceived again and again by way of thinking voting works.. The old Roman ethos of "bread and circuses" is very much at play in the US and all over the world of course..
But it's up to every person not allow be "systematically deceived again and again." Some of my friends are very educated people (for Americans) but still it's like a mental wall goes up and they shed off everything that might shatter whatever belief they are clutching to about our current reality.
he was truly a novice with dreadful judgment about those he made advisors. I hope he is smarter, his picks, although "unorthodox," are sounder this time around. Still too damned many generals running around with their very out-dated thinking.
Nobody runs Trump's mouth for him, but Trump. Whoever he panders his current bizarre rhetorics to, it loses him Americans who know how things are.
Rhe ebtireblast term was spent battling democrats, impeachments and imaginary COVID 19
Watch this time ....
There are millions of people in the blob. NGOs, all the alphabet agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.), weapon manufacturers, politicians, people who work for those politicians, media companies who would be broke for 15 years if they wouldn't get money from the bureaucracy. So the 'draining of the swamp' is almost impossible. All the information Trump gets, is bs. Go down 2 or 3 hierarchy layers, still bs information. That's the problem. Take Ukraine, the same thing, even more criminal, would something change, if Zelensky would be replaced? Nope. I hope something changes with Trump, but I wouldn't bet a thousand bucks on it. Sometimes cultures and countries are so corrupt, they have to go down before something changes.
he is openly playing footsie with the 'captains of industry' (aka oligarchs) and look how much cash they got with a single executive order
look at the appointees
you've been conned and he is brilliant
i will never forget warpspeed went steamrolling ahead AFTER he received the presidential cocktail
It's hard to believe how many people have been duped by the trump project whose sole concern is to maintain the massive upwards transfer of wealth to himself and his billionaire class buddies.
they are so blind myra or we are that dumb
i am astounded by the strength of the spirit of deception that holds the american citizens in its evil clutches it is far worse than i imagined
The swamp he is now part of has been there for more than 5 decades.. Listen to the way he repeats the propaganda about Russia..
I agree, but saying and doing are different. He has stopped all transfers to Ukraine. That's hopefully just the start, maybe he will see the wisdom in my thoughts. Hahaha. 🤠
Your post should be written in CAPS.
Trouble is, most people have a sitcom mentality. If something isn't solved to their satisfaction is 30 minutes, they lose interest. Then, of course, you've got the butt hurt pedo joe groupies trying to find a reason for living.
No one expected so many treasonous vermin to crawl out of the wordwork to stick knives into the back of their own president as happened during his first term. Even his own VP was working against him.
So don't blubber nonsense about him doing nothing when it was him against all the political cockroaches and Deep State vermin.
This time he came prepared.
The Trump cargo cult would make for an absolutely fascinating anthropological case study if the fate of the world wasn't at stake.
Why would anyone in their right mind think that this particular person will come and save the country?
How could that possibly be the case?
What is his background? He spent decades in real estate business and in showbusiness. That means, by definition, that he is as corrupt and decadent as it gets.
And it also means that he is intellectually unprepared.
Because if you have for decades been 24/7 on the phone arranging various scams, guess what you have not been doing? Educating yourself about things and thinking about how the change them in a serious way. And the lack of such education is abundantly evident every time you hear Trump speak.
In order to fix a mess like the US, you need incorruptible people with steel resolve who spent decades preparing intellectually for it. In other words, the kinds of Lenin and Stalin. Imperial Russia was a similar mess, and they fixed it.
But Trump is obviously not that, he is a caricature of the decadent American elites.
So again, who in their right mind could possibly place their hopes on such a person...
<<And it also means that he is intellectually unprepared.
Because if you have for decades been 24/7 on the phone arranging various scams, guess what you have not been doing? Educating yourself about things and thinking about how the change them in a serious way. And the lack of such education is abundantly evident every time you hear Trump speak.>>
^^^ THIS^^^ a thousand times, this. We Americans have material abundance so we don't need to know, no stinkin' history. That's for the eggheads who prolly never get laid or get entree to the society pages that The Donald aspired to over all else. "Look at me...look at me...I'm so special." We have Tik-Tok...Face Book and Netflix.
Who has the time or the inclination to investigate that the Russians have valid reasons for pursuing the SMO? Black people get a reprieve (kind of...) but now the channel has been changed and it's time to hate on the Russians and that old bete noire, the evil Iranians. Orwell was so amazingly prescient.
If one doesn't have the understanding that they are in fact historical actors, you're condemned to live a narrow, provincial and subjective life. My only hope for the next four years is that the nukes can rest in their silos so we little people can have a life. That's about as hopeful as I can be. Apologies to the kids and grandkids....
Trumps crypto scams by releasing meme coins to his duped supporters reflects the real nature of this billionaire grifter. Trump will continue to carry out measures which maintain the massive upwards transfer of wealth to the 1%. If you cannot see that then you are a dupe whose bought into the whole bread and circuses routine which passes for American politics.
Where do you get your facts from? The View? Huffpoo?
I'm afraid you're right.
You sound like a member of White Dudes for Kamala.
Here's my take on the situation: Right now anyone is better than the corrupt and incompetent democrats. Biden has displaced Carter as the worst president in history. Kackling Kamala would have been nothing more than a handpuppet for the Deep State/M-I.-C. America dodged a bullet.
In Trump's favor, he actually gets things done which is in direct contrast to the perpetual Democrat excuse of "Well, we've done everything that could be done." For example. "Yes some 15 to 20 million illegals have strolled across the border but there's nothing we can do to stop them, so we provide them with free room and board at taxpayer expense. It's too bad nothing is left over for the citizen victims of the disasters in East Palestine, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Los Angeles."
Finally, even if you have Stage 4 TDS, you have to admit that Trump just pulled off the greatest comeback in recorded history. The entire DC cesspool pulled out all the stops to sabotage him. Corrupt judges running corrupt trials, impeachments, slander, libel, smears, and even at least two assassination attempts.
Let this sink in, The Deep State wanted Americans to see his head literally explode like a dropped watermelon in order to send out a warning: Do not fuck with us!
That is the evil that has hijacked our great nation.
Speaking of Trump actually getting things done:
For too long government has been controlled by de facto parasites who only know how to keep their tax-payer funded personal gravy trains running.
>What is his background? He spent decades in real estate business and in showbusiness. That means, by definition, that he is as corrupt and decadent as it gets.
If you say so, comrade.
Yes, anyone who is successful at anything must be a crook.
I'll bet that toxic mindset has cost you dearly.
>Yes, anyone who is successful at anything must be a crook.
When the field someone is successful in is fundamentally crooked by its very nature, then yes, that person is a crook.
We are not talking about professional athletes, scientists and engineers, etc. here.
Capitalism is by its very definition crooked, so every capitalist is a crook (and thus has to be mercilessly hunted down and exterminated, until the last vestiges of the very idea are erased from the face of this planet, or there is not going to be anyone left alive on it).
That applies to real estate business in NYC and financial shenanigans on Wall Street doubly and triply so.
Keep huffing that copium, comrade.
"In a good system, it is shameful to be poor.
In an evil system, it is shameful to be rich." - Chinese proverb
"So again, who in their right mind could possibly place their hopes on such a person..."
problem is there are millions living on hope and prayers and the 2nd coming. unfortunately they are short on brains and balls and LMAO is all they can contribute.
Trump went to D.C. in 2016, "to drain the swamp." Trump didn't say to drain a "puddle." Hence, Trump knew that the swamp is big & full of swamp creatures.
"This time he came prepared."
for the sake of the country, i hope you are right.
There's no way Trump can't be part of the swamp he so much thinks he can do away with.. The very swamp creatures make his coffee and watch over him while he's asleep.. Barack Obama preached the same message.. Today he is known to be the biggest of what the swamp has.. We are made to forget so easily..
Yeah, remember how the Deep State attempted to assassinate Obama?
It's proof that Trump is one of them too.
his problem is he has put real reformers into the government, folks like RFK, Jr. and Patel and Tulsi Gabbard. They don't strike me as people who can be pressured into doing something they think is just plan wrong. But cleaning the deep state would have to start with deep-sixing the CIA, a real bad actor in the USA in recent decades. That isn't going to happen. As for the FBI, the problem is that the real ideological ones are among the youngest who were only recent entrants. They will be there a long time.
Have any of these three even been approved yet?
> Trump had four years to do it and he let the "swamp" run circles around him.
It is not such an easy thing to do. The cancer runs deep and is weaved amongst our vital organs.
He is back for round 2. He seems better prepared this time. He might still fail but what a fight it will be.
Maybe trump plans to enforce a naval
Blockade of st Petersburg if Russia refuses to make peace and also deploy us airborne forces to Odessa and western Ukraine if Putin refuses to agree terms
Is this satire or are you under the influence of an unknown chemical substance?
Maybe he wants to be the next Clancy.
Make Odesa Odessa Again.
Odessa is Russian.
How is 47 going to occupy his time while Moscow rolls up the Black Sea coast and maybe the rest?
And Kiyv Kiev.
Even to western eyes Ukrainian looks gay. Tfw your language itself is a forced meme.
A Naval blockade is an act of war.
Given that the West has no defence against hypersonic missiles, as yet, it's likely to be an ineffective blockade.
US light infantry would be torn to pieces by Russia's 2025 army. Trump's base would lose their shit if 100's of American boys start dying in a war they don't want to fight.
Both these options are duds.
>A Naval blockade is an act of war.
There have been literally thousands of individual acts of war on the part of NATO against Russia, each of which would have resulted in the total physical annihilation of the source of the threat when the USSR still existed.
NATO even sunk a Russian ship in the western Mediterranean last month.
There has been no response.
So why would a blockade of the Baltic result in anything different than yet another shameful tucking of the tail between the legs and "adaptation" to the new normal?
>US light infantry would be torn to pieces by Russia's 2025 army
Good then that nobody has any intention of sending US light infantry to fight Russia, but to arrange for a lot more Toropets-style "drone debris" events.
Reminds me of '67 when the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty and there was no response.
What's your point? Should Putin have launched nukes?
The USS Liberty had no business being there anyway. America is 9,000 km away from where it was attacked.
In contrast, here the Russian mainland is being attacked.
And yes, Putin should have launched the nukes. Not the heavy ICBMs against the US yet, give them a chance to back down first, but eliminating the immediate threat, which is NATO in Europe, was an absolute must many months ago. The fact that it has not been done yet is grand treason, and Putin's head should be on the literal chopping block for it. And would have been if Russia was governed in the interest of the Russian people rather than the small oligarchic elite that has captured it since the 1980s.
What part of Russia is winning do you not understand. The Global South is backing Russia. And do you know what could fuck it all up? Listen carefully, I'm going to tell you.
Starting to lob Nukes around, and China and India saying; Sorry we can't support that. Your on your own.
Then russia will have real problems, not the imaginary ones you make up in your head.
Explain to me how someone is winning a war in which they fire zero shots at the enemy while the enemy is allowed to hit them daily?
That is the very definition of losing.
>Starting to lob Nukes around, and China and India saying; Sorry we can't support that. Your on your own.
Which would not be a problem if Putin had not spent the last quarter of a century presiding over a kleptocratic oligarchic petrostate regime that finished off the program of deindustrialization of the USSR legacy, with some minor movements in the other direction.
Russia has everything -- natural resources and scientific potential -- to be self-sufficient. But it is not.
Because there has been practically zero investment into things like semiconductors, microelectronics and advanced machine tooling. Instead the resource that could and should have been used for that purpose went into megayachts, mansions and limousines for Putin's oligarch masters.
>Then russia will have real problems, not the imaginary ones you make up in your head.
One of only a handful of semiconductor plants in the whole country being blown up by NATO and ceasing production the other day seems like a pretty big problem to me. As do 200,000 internal refugess, 100,000 dead soldiers, 200,000 cripples, many thousands of dead civilians, and national security being completely compromised by daily drone and missile strikes deep into the interior.
Nukes are supposed to be flying for a lot less than this.
Only completely deluded idiots do not understand it.
Steven was suggesting sending US airborne troops to Odessa and West Ukraine, GM.
The USSR put up a much bigger fight against American imperialism than the Putin kremlin ever has. After all it merely wants to be a member of the club with Western oligarchies.
So are sanctions if you forgot.
Not according to the UN, DC.
According to the UN, Russia's SMO illegal also, as its a war of aggression and undeclared. Either way, the UN is a joke and is only used as a mechanism of control by the PTB.
If the US airborne forces haven't been vaccinated against Oresnyk missiles, their presence in Odessa doesn't count much.
Blockade of St. Petersburg? They can't even blockade the Huthies in Jemen!
They are not moving to blockade St. Petersburg. The eager Finns started moving in that direction, intercepting shipping, and they were told by the US to stand down, in no uncertain terms. So clearly there is not going to be an escalation in the Gulf of Finland, at least not right away.
Lots of recent activity by the globalist think tanks in promoting this strategy.
Hahaha.. I guess you mean the Panama Canal or the Gulf of Mexico perhaps....
Panama was a province in Colombia until the US wanted a canal built. Foment a...let's call it a 'color revolution' ... and just steal the territory! Sound familiar? Even illiterates on the streets of Bogota know how the Yanks stole part of their country. Most Americans don't know these facts cuz we just don't do history here. Bigly sad.
And then thousands of Colombians eagerly signed to fight America's war in Ukraine...
Suffering from peace narcissism, Lex has exported his podcasting act to Moscow, hoping to be the Tucker Carlson of 2025 and have a privileged sit-down w/ VVP in the Kremlin. Two weeks ago, Lex was giving Zelya a tongue bath and inviting him to Texas for some barbecue—but then Lex went on Rogan, in a pique of faux conscience, miffed that Zelya had cursed so much on the podcast when talking about VVP. As if to atone, Lex traveled to Moscow and waited for Peskov to give him the high sign.
He sat in his high-floor suite @ the Four Seasons, tinkering a bit w/ his microphone and other accoutrement of podcasting—the ring light—occasionally glancing out the window, Kremlin-ward, wondering if Peskov was just at that moment picking up the phone to call. Thinking he’d missed an alert, he checked for a text or a voice message. Nope.
Sorry, Lex—DJT offered to meet w/ VVP—“immediately”—and a meeting like that is of higher priority for the Russian president than sitting down for a chat w/ you.
Peculiarly, the narrative in the U.S. is shifting somewhat from Hero Zelya to Zero Zelya. Even Don jr trolled him for begging to get invited to the inauguration, calling him a “weirdo.” By Executive Order DJT has purged the Pentagon of the unelected bureaucrats who handled the military aid to Ukraine and has called for an audit.
Trial balloons are taking flight. John Ratcliffe has just been confirmed as DJT’s CIA director, so maybe the agency is trying to gauge how possible it will be in the U.S. to knock Zelya down a peg or two. Zakharova shared more details today (w/ TASS) about the organ harvesting schema under cover of war, which Project Ukraine has importantly & succesfully, to this point, concealed. Early on, Zelya “urgently adopted a number of legislative acts for a simplified procedure in organ removal that minimized the use of any monitoring and certification procedures for conducting such operations,” Zakharova explained.
Lex’s being miffed at the way Zelya cursed when talking about VVP is the least of it next to a scandal of this proportion—but Lex’s ‘turn, ’ his 'shift,'is one of the CIA’s trial balloons.
Trump is an uneducated fool. Plan accordingly.
WOW what an informed educated response 🙄
WOW! Are you a know-nothing Yank?
america is a land of 350 million people enjoying the fruits of exploiting the whole globe and in recent memory the best they could come up with for leaders was trump, biden, trump..
Plan accordingly...
Actually, you bring up an important point - America and its Western-aligned vassals brag ceaselessly about their standard of living that the whole world is "jealous" of when in fact those living standards are enjoyed on the backs of global exploitation and suppression of human rights denying 'third world' countries of their own wealth and prosperity. Like the genocidal zionist entity they support, they have used coercion, intimidation, extortion, deception, lies, misdirection and military strength to brutalise the countries of the world, amassing great wealth as a result. They see themselves as a 'shining city on a hill' whilst in truth they are a bastion of evil and inhumane colonialism, a cancerous growth from which the world would best be freed. And this will happen.
BLM has entered the chat.
Would rather live in Moscow which may be randomly hit by a little demon than any ‘western’ city full of negro bioweapons
Moscow has its own "muzzie" bio weapons, but you dont know that because you live in a bubble.
Link please or other form of evidence?
Yep. And the sad thing is with all their wealth they never grew up to match that wealth, to be worthy of it. Like paupers inheriting a palace and insisting on treating it like a mud hut.
So now they have a deep tradition of moronic masses unconcerned with democracy and performing their own duty in one, ' led' by bands of pirates. Pirates without conscience or morals.
And they've thrown away all their wealth. Today they are totally dependent on the rest of the world. The ROTW supplies all their goods. The ROTW buys their worthless paper and uses it as money. Still. And for at least the near future.
But america itself essentially has nothing.
A bankrupt nation that cannot help itself.
A ship of fools with pirates at the helm and a dazed comatose crew.
They need to wake up. This could help or something like it:
This is still not the way because it still belongs to govt. not the people and is still used only every few years -
but shows it could be done right NOW
a little more in depth:
Oh, please, not another "Evil Empire" speech. Do you really think that Americans are happy that American jobs leave America, being outsourced to the "backs of global exploitation" and that only a tiny group of the elites reap the crazy profits of the cheap overseas labor, while American middle class evaporated?
That average Americans are getting screwed while a very thin slice of the superrich get even superricher doesn't make it any less of an evil empire.
It's like how conservatives are all mad that the same tactics the US uses overseas got used against Trump and them... well, what did you expect? Once you legitimize propaganda for morons as your operational style it's going to get used against you, too.
The reality is that the US has a huge amount of financial inertia. Go visit the US and you'll see staggering wealth and affluence in many places. You'll also see fentanyl zombie-lands in the urban cores of big cities, but hey, that's been going on in one way or another for decades. That a lot of Americans are under pressure (I know professionals who can't afford to eat steak, for example) and the middle class is vanishing, is also something you see. But they still turn out on Black Friday to wait in lines at stores to buy consumer gadgets made in China.
It's a lot like the late Roman Empire: if you're the frog being boiled, especially if you're rich, you might not notice the Empire is in serious decline. And that decline can take centuries. I don't think the US will need 300 years, like Rome, to hit a period of catastrophic decline, but will get there much sooner, like in 50 to 100 years.
You might think that suits Americans right for all the killing they've done overseas without even bothering to notice. Heck, brown people in the Middle East don't matter, especially if they live in Gaza.
The Roman Empire lasted so long because over time it extended Roman citizenship to nearly everyone across the empire. Can't see that happening, and expect a quicker collapse.
Anyway, the US is the Late Republic not the Empire - oligarchs, client states etc. But Trump's definitely crossed the Rubicon with the breathtaking illegality of his first week, his "days of thunder", in Bannon's words.
Can he be Caesar? Popcorn time...
He would like to think of himself as Sula.
He is being Caesar.
Both would be good for US.
Caesar got killed, mistakenly, by idiots who had Gorbachev level understanding of history.
Caesar was the result of becoming an empire.
The 'fentanyl zombie lands' as you say aren't just an urban phenomenon. They are a very rural one also. Hand tip - my ex-wife was one of those. I divorced her over her addiction. She took up crack afterwards, blew through more money than many have in their whole lives, declared bankruptcy and now is a live-in hotel housekeeper.
The only valid comparison to Rome is the unwillingness of the citizenry to serve in uniform. Conscription was very unpopular there, also.
The problem is that the thin slice that benefits from the bad behavior has nukes. So absent getting rid of that capability, nothing really changes.
The American public is complicit in the predation of its elites. As long as the predation victimizes someone else, be it Amerindians, African slaves, exploited colonials, Vietnam, Iraq, Europe, the Middle East, the American public is OK with it, disdainfully supremacist, and licking its chops in anticipation of the spoils. It's only when their economic well-being deteriorates when they start to grumble.
The Americans who pay attention aren't happy with it, but what proportion of Americans actually pay attention to what their government is doing until it materially affects them? By the time most people notice, the policies that immiserate them are firmly entrenched. I'm certainly not pointing fingers, I was guilty of being oblivious for far too long.
So how is the rest of the world going to do that?
It may be redundant to repeat these points about Donald Trump but a lot of the world is still suffering from the brain wash inflicted on us by the media since ~2015, but here we go anyway.
Trump gained a degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvanian (Ivy league).
He became the President of his families million dollar real estate business at the age of 25.
He's been on the Forbes rich list since at least 1984
IMBD notes 21 producer, 31 actor and 6 writer credits.
I could go on and on but you get the idea. Whatever Donald Trump is, an uneducated fool he is not.
so he could be an educated fool?
or an educated con man?
or an educated potential mass murderer - there's a few of them.... ?
All of those points are debates for another time that I won't get into here.
My point is that Donald Trump has received what in all other contexts would be called a high level of education and has achieved what would for all other people be considered major achievements that require a high level of intelligence, and he was considered both these things before he stood for President.
"Uneducated fool" is a retcon and political propaganda.
Yep. ' Uneducated fool' was just an insult.
We've given the OP far more attention than he deserves.
If Trump had taken the money he borrowed from.his father,.sunk it into an S&P 500 index fund and reinvested most of the proceeds, he would be richer than he is today.
So instead of building an empire Trump should have predicted the complete financialization of our economy and became a financial parasite?
Thank God he didn't.
Apparently you don't understand how investing works.
I doubt you have ever run a business.
The S&P 500 has grown around 10% year on year for decades. It is also a giant bubble waiting to burst.
It is reddit tier thinking to compare running and building an empire negatively to passively investing in the S&P 500.
You guess wrong. If the S&P really were about to burst, the Trump Empire would burst with it.
You might be more at home on reddit, tovarich.
Whatever happens I want Trump to oust the EU idiots first. Maybe then we can have sane conversations AND throw Rutte and NATO under a bus.
Yanklands greatest fear is a united Europe. Yankland has occupied Germany for the past 80 and wrecked Western Europe with mass immigration from inimicable cultures to ensure that there will never be peace in Europe.
Europe is plenty culpable in its own invasion.
Europe did it to itself, as did the UK. Spare me the BS angst.
The Jew did it to Europe through ww2
And they deserve it
No, their greatest fear is a united Eurasia including Europe and esp Germany.
Victor. I agree with you. A Russo-German alliance was the great fear.
Personally I think a Sino-Russian Alliance is now not only a fact, but also far more formidable than the Russo-German one could ever be.
Classic example of Western FAFO.
Halford Mackinder... paging Halford Mackinder...
Will Sir Halford Mackinder please come to the reception desk
It's clear the BRICS+ nations have studied Mackinder carefully to find points of vulnerability in the Five Eyes' strategy.
MacKinder's world island is (IMHO) way overblown. It comes from an Imperialist mindset which dominated Europe for centuries and infected the USA. Maybe well exemplified by Bush's declaration, "Your either with us or against us."
It hardly takes a genius for China to recognize the US buildup of military bases to surround it and cut it off from Iranian and Middle East oil. Thus the expansion of high-speed rail across Asia, although, in truth, I believe the motivation to be more economic than military.
There are 10 BRICS members and 9 partner (unless I have those numbers reversed) the number who occupy MacKinder's "world island" is quite a minority.
I agree with Wilkerson that the USA is the greatest threat to world peace.
The USA is losing, and its empire is declining because it is run by kleptocrats who have only one mantra: "It's mine -- all mine!"
Nelson Wong would disagree with you about alliances.
In an excellent YouTube video with Glenn Diesen and Alexander Mercouris, Wong outlines China's 5000 year history.
* The West cannot understand China because it keeps applying its own characteristics to China.
* China has never formed alliances. The China/Russia arrangement is a partnership, but there is no military function defined in that partnership.
* China's largest population segment is Hans and they were peasants who depended on one another. (let me paraphrase) They grew to depend on one another so that one's success was everyone's success.
However, the economic growth of China and its economic partnership with Russia is indeed very formidable. A German/Russian alliance would have been military and resulted in Imperialist expansion.
Russian actions since the founding of the USSR can be viewed as mostly defensive reaction to the US/UK European Imperialism. Russia had no colonies. The Warsaw pact wasn't formed until -AFTER- Germany became a member of NATO. The "West" has been trying to break Russia apart for centuries.
China does "business" around the world through the BRI. Wong explains this began when China was admitted to the WTO.
i think so. i can't understand this scholtz thing in that context. what? he's a fool ? or the CIA is coercing him: threaten to shoot his family or something? (he's got family?)
and the whole german nation. famous for engineering excellence they're too dumb to see what's being done to them? there's something in their water supply perhaps?
He's compromised isn't it obvious?
not to me. he shows no signs of any discomfort. i'd sooner believe hypnotised. propagandised deluded perhaps.
Something is very wrong with him, UvdL , Macron and Starmer. It is like they see the world through a totally incomprehensible distorted lens. It feels like they are indoctrinated in some cult or something
Yes, that's right.
Here's an interesting article which makes some very valid points.
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany.
Mike Whitney • February 11, 2022
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs
They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in. Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival.
It was never about Ukraine.
Yep. And it just makes you wonder about Scholtz and all the German politicians and the German populace. In fact about the whole of Europe. What's wrong with them? Elephant blindness?
They like being slaves and want to be slaves.
He is a Jew tool
Essentially the same as my response, but more succint. :-)
and his whole nation?
Is that unnatural, that he is loyal to those that placed him in authority? Not to the clueless and powerless electorate of course, that's just a fairytale. To the shadow elites that put him on the list and arranged support for him, a pitiful stooge.
Scholz, along with his counterparts in the other EU countries, is a product of the Young Global Leaders program, which for the last 40 years or so worked by selecting promising amoral narcissists from among the scions of rich and masonic families, indoctrinating them, inveigling them in devastating kompromat, and then promoting them, via money and deep state connections, to positions of power. His incompetence is a feature, not a mistake---it makes him more amenable to control by shadow handlers.
So he is amoral, corrupt, narcissistic, ignorant, controlled by some hidden kompromat, and he owes his position and support to his Cabal puppet masters. What need is there of crude threats? He is an eager stooge.
I can see that whole groups of people can create their own mutual admiration societies within which they swim, performing the approved rituals, speaking the approved language, adopting the approved postures and be blind to reality beyond that milieu.
And I suppose that's what lunatic political elites are doing everywhere in the world.
After all such 'scenes' are a fairly normal part of human life.
But what about all the other 'scenes' external to that one that should/could be seeing the truths and should/could be attacking?
I'd expected a scream to high heaven from all quarters in Germany about the Nordstream thing. From all quarters.
This is the big thing. Since prior Covid. Nothing. Everywhere. Nothing.
And everyone, I think, vociferously claims that's because the people are too dumb, stupid, disinterested. 'Sheeple'. And yup, it looks like that.
But that's to ignore the 'clerisy'. I recently found the world. Should have known it all my life but didn't. It is they who should be 'carrying the can'. It is they who should have raised the alarm. It is they who should have screamed the loudest. It is they who should be showing the way.
But no. Nothing.
I like clerisy, but prefer the more familiar Russian "intelligentsia". It has the added benefit of facilitating constructions like poluintelligentsia, полуинтеллигенция, which is not literally the half-intelligent but more like the semi-cultured, a good fit for what you are describing here.
Yep. I think you're right. The intelligentsia incorporates the clerisy, really, but not the other way round.
However, purely by accident, I think I've been right in my use of it all along because in fact the clerisy do have the greater commitment to keeping values across time.
But I as I used the word I wasn't aware of their specially focused status. I really should have used the word intelligentsia because that's the group I was thinking of.
However my statements were also true of the clerisy and even more so.
I said I only recently came to know the word. I didn't 'know' it well enough.
So now I have two groups to castigate for their failure: the clerisy in particular on the grounds of their particular mandate and the intelligentsia generally.
Something similar to France: monde & demimonde, but on intellectual level. Intelligentsia was always expected to be way more than well educated.
Not in their water supply, but in their information supply. The MSM and the entertainment industry together have been working to dumb down and mislead the public ever since Bernays came up with the concept of propaganda, and to some extent even earlier.
Not that the public needs much dumbing down in the first place.
Bernays, not Bernanke. Bernanke was the Fed Chairman who decided to test his PhD thesis in real time in America; to postpone a depression through QE policies. To the great benefit of stock holders and real estate investors everywhere.
I corrected accordingly, thanks.
Yep. I just posted elsewhere what I think pertinent to this. The clerisy.
Yes it is in the water. Fluoride is proven to lower IQ. It's the reason it's in the water supply
What about fluoride naturally present in the water?
Europe is occupied by the US military. Its political institutions are controlled by the American Oligarchy. No one in Europe gains any political power without a nod from the American Oligarchy.
There's nothing in the water. They know what's being done to them. They are like the PLA on the West Bank who have been coopted by the Israelis to suppress the Palestinians who live there.
well they are consummate actors then, aren't they? they show no signs at any time of being under any duress whatever. quite the contrary. they always look pleased as punch.
Get paid enough and you'll look pleased. It will be interesting when the dollar loses its reserve currency status. I'll be totally screwed but...
Yep. I suppose that the simple, obvious human point: an individual's pleasure quotient is more likely to be affected by the money he's getting than by concern for the nation or political theory/practice.
So how rich is Scholtz? On par with american politicians?
It was possible for the European govs to say no to military interventions before. These people that did that are gone now. The current mafia at the top still allows elections but increasingly is ready to bend all the rules to only make it look like it is a democracy. I think the deep state has also a good grasp on the journalists in most of the media. I think there must be an economic shock for people to wake up plus a charismatic leader that can lead them while smart enough not to get shot or put in prison or sidelined by media in any way (see AfD in Germany - they struggle because the media and the deep state are against them). So while being possible it is unlikely that any change will occur soon.
"I'm sure you believe everything you're saying. If you didn't, you wouldn't be where you are." Noam Chomsky
Scholtz looks like a man with a dominatrix in his closet (or two:-)) I won't be surprised they have dirt on him to fully control.
My understanding is that Germans had trust in their government, since for decades it delivered prosperity & stability, so when they're told to just "grin and bear it" temporarily while the West whips Russia into submission and the things would be returned to "normal," Germans complied. By now, Germans probably see that they're lied to, but the chain of unfortunate events is already set in motion.
Yep. Trust in the government. I can see how that could be. But they are an intelligent population I think? As things get worse they'll begin to ask questions and the two main answers will be easy to find:
. America destroyed the Nordstream.
. Your wealth was built on cheap russian energy.
Surely they have found these answers by now and are beginning to respond?
Again, from what I understand, Germans always felt like they're doing Russia a favor by buying Russian gas under the the long-term contract prices vs. market prices. Now, they found out the hard way that "market" wasn't in their favor. Uncle Sam charges six times more "for friendly" LNG.
I doubt Germans thought America blew Nordsream. Remember, how originally it they're saying it was Russians who blew it, etc. Lots of lies and inbred conformity got Germany where it is now.
Yep. Point is: surely they are going to wake up? They're not stupid are they?
Scholz is a european. Europeans like being slaves. The way a dog cannot imagine life without Master, a european cannot imagine life without the Americans.
Aren't you forgetting that Europeans (Brits, Dutch, Belgians, Spanish, etc.) have centuries of Mastering and slave-driving under their belts? And < 200 years ago, Europeans managed to live just fine without the Americans. It's WW2 and the American glamor of "peace & technology) plus the chocolate in the starved and war-leveled Europe, that turned the Americans into a love/hate fixture in Europe.
I'm not forgetting any of that, although the moment power started to shift, europeans morphed from chest-thumping nationalists to grovelling spineless weenies.
Europeans always were/are more conformists than the Americans. Europeans always look suspiciously to the East, are prone to self-admiration (Borrell simply verbalized what many Europeans feel), and bow to America, while despising it for "no culture" but America has "the real money." It was only a matter of time, when the "right" spineless people would be installed in Europe to do "whatever needs to be done." And look at Biden, Kamala, etc. Tons of my friends/colleagues in LA voted for Kamala. Some of them, I won't put to the test of telling I voted Trump, some knew, and we're not on speaking terms, one told me "you are an old friend, and as far as I'm concerned, my friends can f*k a goat." A part of me was flattered , but another part still hopes that my friends wouldn't! LOL
Are you on drugs?
It was Holy Mother Merkel who invited the global riffraff not only to flood Germany but the whole of Europe.
She was coerced.
Read my comment on Scholz above. She was not coerced any more that he is, but the same kind of stavlennik, already programmed with an agenda.
The real difference between Merkel and Scholz is that she was smart, and he is a moron. But these smarts made her harder to control, which is why the current appointees of the Cabal, not just in Germany, are now deliberately selected to be imbeciles, in addition to the other qualifying "requirements" of amorality, narcissism, and being compromised.
Read the illuminating psychological analysis here:
Kaja Kallas. Can you imagine a better pet Chihuahua?
Kaja Kallas, another YGL, is a total nobody. Nowhere near the league of Merkel or even Scholz, not that I have a high opinion of either.
I used to think Merkel was smart, but I began to seriously doubt when she went on blabbing about how they screwed Putin with signing Minsk in bad faith. But after Merkel 'shared" how Putin "used her fear of dogs" to intimidate her, I have no doubt Merkel is an idiot. A normal person, never mind smart, would own the situation; tell Putin she was attacked by a dog in the past, and feels uneasy about dogs ever since.
End of story.
But no, Merkel "maturely" stews on it for decades to only 'reveal' in her memoir - stupid is as stupid does. Pathetic.
A smart person doing such shit is less forgivable than an imbecile.
"To whom much is given, much will be required"
Just like Orban, but he withstood.
Yes, but which wars were these refugees fleeing from and via which routes? The US-led NATO intervention in Libya was driven by Gaddafi's plan to introduce the African Gold Dinar, challenging the dominance of the petrodollar. His closed borders, as agreed with Blair, led to the CIA's creation of the "Arab Spring" psyop. Similarly, Assad's opposition to the Qatar pipeline marked him for removal under the guise of the Arab Spring, part of a broader strategy targeting seven countries. Afghanistan, Iraq—both victims of US-led conflicts—are part of this pattern. Now, daily European casualties reflect the consequences of these interventions in countries that resist US hegemony.
Not yanks but Jews. USA is a colony of the Jew.
Some will tell you it isn't "Jews" it is "Zionists".
There are many Zionists who are not Jews
There are many Jews who are not Zionists (Mate and Blumenthal keep popping up)
Still, I see that there are Jews who members of the Oligarchy who don't appear to be Zionists but are intent on controlling the American soul. I have a difficult time articulating that argument so perhaps I'm in error.
But the "tail wags the dog" meme is just silly. Wilkerson says Israel is a proxy just like Ukraine, it implements US policy as directed. Problem I have is "who defines US interests". Obviously not me.
Israel is a U.S. proxy and A.I.P.A.C. controls congress. Really weird isn't it?
It is important to understand
Angloamericans i.e. British and globalist oriented Americans destroyed the lives of normal US citizens, Americans, trying to run the global empire
China successfully used free trade, market economy, global trade to almost overcome US.
US is not willing to let anyone question American supremacy, dollar supremacy. Serious change of strategy is necessary to get rid of debts, reorganize, reform economy, society and be able to compete with China, contain China.
Either war or internal reforms.
There is a nuclear limit to running a war as a solution
A danger of annihilation is keeping the world out of World War three. Everything else is allowed, in a sense not forbiden, but any war that does not include destroying China is a waste of US resources.
So intelligent globalist US strategy becomes at the surface similar to simple US patriots strategy.
US patriots do not care about Europe, and do not want to unilaterally govern the world.
Realists unfortunately discover
there will always be a border between US and them, currently China and Russia
we gain nothing if we let the border come closer to US
do we gain anything if the border between US and Russia, US and China is pushed as far towards Moscow and Beijing as possible?
are we safer if our opponents, enemies are less safe?
any British or US politician in power answers in the same way
as long as they are opponents, enemies, and we are safer the less safe they are (the stronger we are...but it comes to the same conclusion)
In other words
whatever is your position regarding the world, once you are a leader of Britain or US, you become en realist
and if you are in a possession of an empire
you begin guarding the empire
Detente we have known between USSR and USA happened because USSR became less aggressive
Engagement of China happened because US considered China poor and weak, and is finished once China's power is recognized
If you lead US you they have an empire to run.
US will never willingly accept good relations between Germany and Russia. If Germans do want a future they will have to fight for a right to make peace with Russia.
Giving up an Empire is not a realist politic, not even a commonsensical one,
it is a religious position -
I think you must not understand that the reason Rutte has his position is because the American Oligarchy promoted him to it.
Trump is not going to change the plans of the "Deep State". No President has since Roosevelt, and they murdered him. JFK tried and ended up dead. How many leading Swedish politicians were assassinated by the "Deep State"? A recent "neutrality matters" podcast said 3.
If it makes for an interesting examination of reality to figure out who the "real bad guys are".
Trump is playing a role. If he goes too far, the Oligarchy will get him too. They've already tried twice.
"since Roosevelt, and they murdered him."
Sorry, I can't let that one slide. So the shadowy deep state murdered the President of the USA, a crippled man in very poor health just before the climax of the greatest war in human history.
I don't even have to ask the "Who ?" and the "How ?".
Just the "Why ?"
I wasn’t there at the time and the stories are often second hand (others interpretating and writing down what will end up as history).
Maybe the fact that he had poor health wasn’t a coincidence?
Just my 2 cents as I am definitely not an expert on Roosevelt except that he wanted Germans total surrender already before the meeting in 1943 in Casablanca instead of pursuing a diplomatic solution that could have saved millions of lives. He had an agenda too.
Roosevelt was in poor health for the last 20 years of his life. He was also a heavy chain smoker. His death was not unexpected.
Many potential reasons, most of which revolve around Allen Dulles hiding Nelson Rockefeller's backing of Adolf Hitler. These include:-
● FDR ordering a phone tap of Dulles's telephone to find evidence of treason;
● FDR's desire to stop Germany rebuilding it's industrial base, much of which had been bought cheaply by Rockefeller after he and his Federal Reserve buddies caused the Great Depression;
● FDR being on good terms with Joseph Stalin, which would not have bode well for a Cold War arms race etc...
The article below gives good reasons why it looks like FDR was replaced with a body double just after the Tehran Conference, These reasons include:-
● A moratorium on appearances and photography;
● Churchill and Stalin both commenting on the FDR they met at Yalta being a different man to the one they me at the earlier conferences; and
● Last but not least, the author sees 12 facial differences in a close up photograph he bought from a newspaper, which they weren't allowed to publish.
Why do any of those possible reasons support covert assassination rather than just pushing out a very sick man who had already served 3 terms out of the Whitehouse and into retirement?
An anti-FDR faction of the deep state would have gotten far more support for a covert plan to put him in a nursing home than one to put him in his grave.
There is no way of definitively addressing your points.
Maybe you are right and FDR was just sick.
The thing is though, many of us choose to believe there was another possibility.
This isn't a "right/wrong" question. No one is insisting (yet) that they know for sure he was murdered. And there's no way you can provide the evidence necessary to prove he wasn't.
It kind of baffles me that you want to insist on something you can't prove either. We're wrong just because you know that you're right?
I don't need certainties one way or another, I can work on balances of probabilities, Very unlikely, Very probable Somewhat unlikely,, etc.
This is how we conduct most of our lives.
What I am objecting to are statement such as "he WAS murdered" or "I can't prove he WASN"T murdered therefore I choose to believe he WAS murdered".
Start which a rough guess then see how each piece of evidence, carefully examined, moves the probabilities up or down. I suggest you look into Bayesian analysis. it is something I have been working through for a few years now. I often find the math tricky but the reasoning behind it is rock solid.
You can say what you like about The Oligarchy but they don't rule math.
Yeah, it's getting out of hand; that old Deep State is tremendously powerful, and can do anything, including make Trump sound stupid and ill-informed.
No Tim that's just the way he is, spent years rehearsing it. Can't be natural. Always seems like his verbiage is full of double entendre but just vacant I reckon, self contradicting. It's what they seem to want????
Wonder what we will get, spin the wheel there's always a winner step right up.
Trump sounds stupid because to many because he says one thing and then moments later says something else which is totally opposed to what he said the first go around. The MSM press exaggerates this discrepancy because they are controlled by members of the oligarchy who do not want to follow Trump's policies.
Moon of Alabama had an interesting essay about how Trump's "declaration of 'war'" on Canada, Mexico, and Denmark, is to cover the fact that there's not a whole lot he can do about Ukraine or Israel (because of the "Jewish Lobby" not because the "tail wags the dog". Defining the "Jewish Lobby" though would require an essay 40 times as long as one of Simplicius' columns). This "war" can be made to sound stupid, but it has the advantage of psyching up MAGA and making them forget just how powerless the President of the USA is when opposed by a dedicated segment of the Oligarchy. Richard Wolff just gave an interesting speech on this a couple of days ago on YouTube.
People in Trump's position sometimes bluster when they don't know something. There are 10 full members of BRICS and 9 "partners" (I might have the numbers reversed). Remembering whether or not Spain is a member is not a big deal. But then the way he talked about BRICS to fake his way through not knowing that answer, it kind of made him look dumb.
John Chambers, former head of Cisco Systems, was once asked what Cisco stood for. He faked, "it was related to San Francisco", total BS. It stands for Central Information Systems Company. I once had an old user's manual. Chambers is not dumb.
Chambers ain't the President, and the current President has a long, long, record of saying stupid shit that tells even the casual observer that he's ignorant and ill-informed. Part of Trump's appeal to his admirers is his anti-intellectualism, his abiding faith in himself. He doesn't have a plan, and any politician who declares he's going to make a country in terminal decline great again, and return it to its past glories is neither rational nor smart.
The president has a long, long record of the MSM portraying what he says as ignorant and ill-informed.
He's a Billionaire. He is President of the United States. He isn't stupid.
His appeal to MAGA was solely to gain power. Anyone with 2 brain cells should know that. He has never had any intention of doing anything other than profiting. By that measure, which is the only one you can use because that is his objective, he is doing quite well.
You can object to his lack of morality. You can call him evil. You can declare his policy proposals unworkable.
But you cannot call him stupid.
In fact, doing so actually makes him appear smarter to the people who voted for him. They will defend him. AND THAT IS ONE OF THE OLIGARCHIES PRIME GOALS. Getting Americans to distrust one another so they can rob us blind.
So are you one of those "reverse propaganda engineers?" Or are you just one of those stupid people who thinks everyone else is stupid.
There was an assassination attempt on FDR in 1933. A "lone gunman" of course. Kind of "off topic" but circumstantial evidence that "someone" wanted FDR dead.
If you do a web search on "how was FDR poisoned" you may run across several articles that declare his medical records were never found. Some of those articles will go into great detail about "symptoms" that "everyone" was noticing about a deadly illness he supposedly had. I am not saying he wasn't sick. I'm proposing that we question "how sick" and "with what"?
I have read articles which I can no longer find (funny thing how that "memory hole" stuff works, perhaps it is just my incompetence) which declared FDR had been poisoned. They even named the poison (which I don't recall)
Admittedly this is a lot of speculation and conjecture but there's no way to prove FDR wasn't murdered, so I choose to side with the "he was" option. You are free to choose the other, but do put it into the context of why Reagan was shot by the son of someone who was supposedly friends with the VP? Bush was supposedly in Dallas when JFK was shot. Now we know there is no way that Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy who "did it". All the official stories have been debunked repeatedly.
If I've learned anything, it is that American History is made up of lies and counter-lies and lies about lies. Aaron Good is the best resource on this and his American Exception podcast is well worth watching. Sadly, he is probably easy to dismiss as a "conspiracy nut", but he mostly asks questions around "Why?" just as you are asking here. And the answers to that "Why" reveal the "Oligarchy".
The "Oligarchy" is not some homogeneous group of rich men who all have the same motives and objectives. They form and betray alliances with one another all the time. There is a significant number of them who support Israel. Some are very open about it, some not so much. The WaPo article that lists the dozen or so Zionist Jews who demanded the crack down on pro-palestinian protestors is an example of one "lose alliance".
So the "Why" you want answered.
Roosevelt was a member of the Oligarchy. He "saved capitalism" by helping "Mr. Everyman" American crawl out of the great depression to a better life. Many members of the Oligarchy despised him for that because you might recall that Marginal Income Tax rates for the top bracket were 90%. FDR had instituted rationing which got in the way of speculators making profits on just about everything.
The 2008 mortgage crisis (and the '90s S&L fiasco [remember the Keating 5?]) is an example of how the Oligarchy manipulates the American Economy to benefit itself. The point here is that this is what the Oligarchy does under a capitalist system.
Had FDR remained President, he would have won the war and become even more popular. The Oligarchy would again be more under his control. FDR had more than enough money of his own and was rather enjoying being lauded by citizens. Certain members of the Oligarchy did not want the continuation of reforms that would prevent them from making a "profit".
Remember these same people were responsible for replacing Wallace with Truman as FDRs VP. Truman authorized the use of the "bomb" on Japan even though it was well known that Japan was on the verge of surrender. Again, lots of debate about the issue, but the reason for showing off the "bomb" was to put the "fear of God" into Russia. Also understand that the US (Oligarchy) inherited its great hatred of Russia from the British (Oligarchy). They have been trying to destroy Russia for centuries.
Now, I realize this answer wanders all over the place. You have to have a background in Howard Zinn, John Perkins, a bit of Marx, a lot of Aaron Good, some "Super Imperialism" from Michael Hudson and a daily does of Wolff, Berletic and Simplicius to even consider the foundation solid.
So to simplify the answer to your "Why?" question... FDR was murdered because certain members of the Oligarchy thought he would keep them from profiteering on keeping a significant portion of Americans poor.
In the USA, the Oligarchy runs the political system.
In Russia and China, they don't.
"but there's no way to prove FDR wasn't murdered, so I choose to side with the "he was" option."
Sorry, but that has to be fallacious reasoning. Your starting point should be what is the most likely cause of the death of a 63 year old man with those various health problems in 1945.
As also mentioned above why would an anti-FDR faction take the difficult path of undetectable murder and not the path of just pushing him out of the Whitehouse ?
Your question of why they chose one path vs another only generates hundreds of other questions best answered with "Why Not?"
Exactly this. Unfortunately, this is about different factions of oligarchy, and politicians are just a facade in this moment in the case of Europe and the US.
Rosevelt ? He was a light weight playing with his stamps while the Jew morgenthau ran the govt
You are an idiot.
Or an ADL agent who spreads ridiculous accusations like this so the ADL can point at them and say how silly it is. This way they set up plausible deniability for crimes that the Jewish Mafia does commit. (Meyer Lansky)
This, in turn, allows Zionists like Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan gain prominent positions in the government so they can further the push for American Hegemony and Israeli Empire.
Make a coherent argument or shut up.
I’d like to think so, but doubt it. The CIA or whoever will keep doing what they do, for example getting rid of Fico now,,even if Russia gets to Lvov the establishment will never give up and half the Euro population will agree to extra energy costs and continue voting for fools like Starmer, etc.
The money power wants its war with Russia, and to replace the dead of Ukraine with ‘useless eaters’ from Eastern Europe etc, etc.
Yes, I am afraid so☹️
Not much hope for europe I feel. Still too many being totally propagandized and can only retort to: don’t trust Putin, Putin bad. And ofcourse Trump bad, forgetting the 4 devastating years of the biden government. It is mindboggling and depressing
It hasn't been a week (!), and Trump is already showing how ignorant and stupid and egotistical he is. No surprise here. The Russians are not surprised that Trump is acting exactly like they expected he would. Either are the Chinese. They know they're dealing with another gangster from the Gangster State.
‘Money power’ = Jew. Stop the euphemisms
If we get too blatant, we will be providing a pretext for the repression of this site. Everyone here knows what the euphemisms refer to.
No volunteers in Eastern Europe.
Or anywhere in Europe.
Or in Turkey.
US empire is out of soldiers.
Rutte drives me nuts — Talking assertively and loud doesn't mean one knows anything.
Another failed politician kicked out by the people but given another tax paying trough to eat out of. Failure is rewarded in the West.
The jewSA needs to be slapped down so that the European nationalist parties can escape the yoke of zog.
Cry, Budanov, cry—!
North Korean troops have ben helping Russian forces as they seek to push Ukrainian soldiers out of Russia’s Kursk region. No problem, right—? In defending its own sovereignty Russia surely has agency enough to engage w/ whatever ally it wishes. The thorny part is that neither Russia nor North Korea have affirmed that North Korean troops are in fact fighting in Kursk on behalf of the Russians. Ukraine has asserted this, as has the U.S.—but there has not been hard evidence to support the assertions.
But Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov , Ukraine’s intel chief, said that in the last 3 months North Korea has provided Russia w/ 120 170mm self-propelled artillery guns and 120 240mm multiple-launch rocket systems.
No problem, right—? An ally nation providing weaponry for a fellow ally is not an unusual r’ship in any given war, whether the U.S.’s flooding Israel w/ Bunker Buster bombs to Dresdenize Gaza or the U.S. providing Ukraine w/ ATACMS to strike deep inside Russia. Neither ally, so supplied by the U.S., independently possessed weapons of such magnitude until the U.S, provided them. So concern about North Korea’s sending weaponry to Russian troops in the SMO is peculiar indeed. Is this part of the hypocrisy-based-international system—?!!?
The kettle doesn’t like it when the pot calls it black.
It’s not a secret that Russia and North Korea have struck a security alliance. The West may have been too busy to notice back in May 2024, but VVP and Kim Jong Un did codify such a r’ship. The neighbor countries have affirmed military cooperation. Is it really surprising to find weapons sourced to North Korea within Russia’s arsenal—?!!?
Well, the WaPo has perseverated over such matters intensely. Their latest concern is that 10,000 elite North Korean troops were deployed to fight Ukraine in Russia’s Kursk region. At first the WaPo said 5,000 cannon-fodder-style troops from North Korea were fighting in Kursk. Now, however, they have upgraded the stature of the troops and the number: it’s the Elite 10,000. In fact, Budanov now says the number is higher: 12,000 North Korean elite troops are fighting in Kursk—and that about 4000 have been killed. The U.S., however, says that only 1200 of the elite North Korean troops have been killed.
Who can say, right—?
In what world is it important to speculate about this, sans credible info—?!!?
The strange narrative fixates on a need to *prove* definitively that elite North Korean troops are in Russia’s Kursk region, fighting against Ukraine’s encroachment there. Zelya stated on Insta “This is not an easy task”—to show actual evidence of North Korean troops in Kursk—“because Russian Forces and other North Korean military personnel usually execute their wounded to erase any evidence of North Korea’s involvement in the war against Ukraine.”
Kiev, meanwhile, seems obsessed w/ proving that North Korean troops are fighting in Kursk, because he obviously believes this curries favor from his paymasters—but it is still hard to understand how allied troops fighting against Ukraine’s invasion into a Russian region far from the LOC of the actual declared battlefield is problematic.
WaPo, however, has been hard *on* it. Obviously WaPo’s paymasters want to continue pumping out this content.
I think that 'North Koreans' conjures up negative vestigial memories of Asiatic hordes attacking the heart of Europe. This scares them almost as much as 'Islamic hordes'!
Still not as bad as Jew hordes
That's exactly right. It's pure racism, coming from a failed state led by nationalists and Nazis.
there's no NK troops in Kursk. Progress would go much better if there were. You realise that north of Malaya Loknya, 60 km from Sumy, 'elite' Kiev troops ferociously fight the russians and even attack - attack ! and regain territory. With armour etc.
So how do they get supplied and replaced and reinforced and rotated over that 60km of open road through the snow?
If there were NK troops there they'd bloody walk down that road and lay in the snow waiting and rpg any vehicle coming down it.
If that were necessary. If the russians couldn't use their (supposed) drone supremacy and their air supremacy and their ability to remote mine, to see in the dark, to guided shell, guided bomb, grad saturate registered locations on the road.
And it seems they can't....
Then the NK would just do it.
And it ain't getting done.
In Kursk Kiev is winning or losing at the speed it chooses. The last thing I heard of was a russian armoured column wiped out ! Wiped out ! what a joke.
Has anyone investigated Lapin? Has anyone asked Lapin if he's getting the support he wants?
Give links to your info so we can see where you get your info from. It'll be very interesting to see this. As the Kursk safari becomes smaller every day. Have you forgotten Krinki??? The Russians let them feed as many of their elite marines into the mouth of the beast for as long as possible. How did that go? Do your sources explain that one? What is happening in Donbass as Ukraine/NATO feeds its best into the mouth of the beast in Kursk? They might attack in Kursk but they don't advance they end up dead. Meanwhile in Donbass it's one advance after another. You clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about. As for Lapin he's as popular as ever with his men.
I only make one claim that requires any sources: that there's no NK in Kursk. I do not have 'proof'. But you can't prove a negative. It is for them to prove there are NK troops fighting there and they very noticeably have not done that. They produced one such 'evidence' and it was laughable. He was a Russian from an ethnic state within the federation.
I certainly have not forgotten Krinsky because I was alarmed and astounded at the pleas from the troops there for drones. They were undersupplied and inadequately supported and made frequent posts on TG about it.
There's much claiming of extra special cleverness on the part of the Russian (i.e. allied: donbas forces (still considered Ukrainian by Kiev and Washington and nato generally) plus Russian). It has become a meme. They refer to it as '5D chess' I think. And it is pointed out time and again there's no 5D chess.
There's blunders and failures and shortcomings as is usual in human affairs.
Prigozhin died for pointing it out.
Generals have been removed in recent times as the process of 'healing' the Russian army continues.
They do advance in Kursk. And lose again, yes. But then advance again.
Just look at the Malaya Loknya area. That is fierce fighting and I've long questioned how it can be? For the counter attacks of the Kiev mob are made with armour and with ammunition and with drones and their troops all the way up there are supplied, watered, fed. How? With a 60km run across open country from Sumy over a single road for the most part that has been watching for months? In a war where it is axiomatic that you cannot run armour in the open to such an extent that armoured attacks are virtually a thing of the past? How? Give me chapter and verse on that.
Give me links, references to where Lapin's men are happy with him. I'll be pleased to see them and I'll be pleased that they are. I'll then want to know the next obvious thing: is Lapin happy with his superiors? Are they supporting him properly?
We've long known there was a communications problem within the Russian military inasmuch as combined arms could not work together adequately. So a target reported, then confirmed, then coordinates sent to artillery or drone HQ and then firing orders approved and then firing all took so long that the target was gone.
A place with the characteristic I just mentioned seems likely to suffer from that perhaps. Convoys of supplies for the north proceed along the route and they are seen and reported but no fire comes down on them. They reach the front unscathed. There to mount an attack. And often beat the Russians back.
And the face saving 'excuse' for this is that it was 5D chess. 'We just let them come so's we could kill them'. How ludicrous is that? They are coming: kill them as they come.
Lastly your gratuitous insulting ad hominem: I do not engage in conversation with people who do that. Our interaction ended.
WAPO is a "Rules Based Order" rag, so of course it's OK for the entire West to help Ukraine, but nobody is allowed to help Russia. "Rules Based Order" is a euphemism for hypocrisy.
"Rules Based Order" is informed mightily by Kol Nidre:
"The phrase Kol Nidre is not a prayer but rather a legal formula used for the annulment of vows. These “vows,” according to Torah, refer to solemn, binding promises made before God. (Numbers 30:3, Deuteronomy 23:24)."
Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid: "absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect." Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune that has been passed down for generation."
This legal formula Kol Nidre has been used from long before the "enforced conversion into Christianity" and up to our days (see Rules Based Order and the agreement-incapable owners of the collective west). The formula reaffirms, annually, the freedom of lying and betraying.
To cover the dishonorable nature of the pledge, jews prefer to call Kol Nidre a "day of forgiving," without gong into details.
Of course the West is run by raging hypocrites. Since they can set the norms, what are you going to do about it?
It’s again mind boggling that so many people buy this crap without a sliver of evidence. It makes me very sad. Hardly any critical thinking left among the population. And they can be lied too again and again and again and again…
Europeans like being slaves.
The west when posing sanctions expect other countries to comply and thus these countries are in violation with their sanctions.
North Korea can not just do that.
I hate the double standards, but
Unfortunately the majority of the western population being heavily propagandized eats this 💩
The content of the link above doesn’t mention the right of self determination which is part of the legal framework of the SMO
Weapons for me, but not for thee.
Welcome to America's Rules-Based World Order, where the USA makes the rules and orders you around.
You think? 🙄 " But I had mentioned in the opening that Trump’s threats seemed so almost unbelievably misguided that they could be perhaps read as deliberate misdirection rather than serious plans. Is this a possibility?"
read The Art of the Deal.
So, the "4D chess" bullshit does still fool the easily-misled.
Yes, yes, you do look like you Dgaf. Great song that is :
It's nice when someone gets a reference.
It isn't 4d chess. It's misleading the easily misled as Dilligaf was saying below. But that is a useful capability. Think of this as credibility building for when he gets to pull the rug out and end this thing. He can't build that credibility being nice to Putin except on a very interpersonal level. I suspect VVP understands this just fine. Pop popcorn and watch and let it play out. I think I am going to turn out right about this.
The mistake everyone who evaluates Trump makes is that they attach any importance to his precise words. His general principles are hinted at. His actual motivations must be ultimately discerned. He's not going to tell you. It's not how he gets what he wants, revealing his end game to everyone. He's a manipulative troll, but it turns out that that is very effective in many instances.
Yes what's going on now is pure "theater." I bet Putin is having a good laugh.
I'd also point out there were NO military threats made by Trump and there won't be. Contrast that to the prior regime.
People are taking too seriously what Trump is posting. He is almost being satirical in his blustering. I think he's got a deal already worked out!
Didn't Trump just cut aid to Ukraine:
Perhaps this was the other half of the "deal you can't refuse" he aimed to make to both parties?
Secretary of State Marco Rubio halted spending on Friday on most existing foreign aid grants. The order "appears to include $3bn in military funding earmarked for Ukraine," as reported by Yahoo News.
U.S. military aid to Taiwan & Jordan is also suspended under Rubio's directive, which seems to underscore DJT's earlier Executive Order.
The Pentagram has just stated that the freeze only pertains to developmental aid, not aid tied to "security".
Update: Although the Pentagon previously told Voice of America that the aid freeze would not affect “security assistance to Ukraine,” Rubio’s memo reportedly only granted exceptions for military aid to Israel and Egypt, without mentioning any other country.
Journalist Ken Klippenstein described a *leaked* copy of Rubio’s guidance, which “pauses all new obligations of funding, pending a review, for foreign assistance programs” funded through the State Department
Additionally, Col Macgregor reads the tea leaves about this w/ Judge Nap
All NEW obligations…
The old obligations are also under review (but for the exceptions)?
Our colleague Julianne said it early in the Comments--that a stockpile may already have been in Poland, or may have already been loaded onto the train, or may already have "fallen off the truck," or may turn up missing somehow--so it's not like flipping a light switch.
At any rate, the purported purpose of this pause is an audit. Hmm
Anyone who believes the U.S. is stopping military aid to Ukraine is a huge sucker. Just as big of a sucker as those that believed Obama was only sending non lethal aid to Ukraine.
Cmon people. This is embarrassing.
Except for Israel and Egypt. . . Israel, I understand, but why exempt Egypt?
There was an old joke like this, about the Jews and the bicyclists being guilty of everything. . . and everybody was asking "why bicyclists?" but somehow nobody asked "why Jews?"
More seriously, clearly they want something from Egypt badly, and I will venture to guess what it is: they have a secret pact with Egypt to absorb the survivors of Gaza at some point, among much ostensible protesting, of course. That is what the aid to Egypt pays for, and that is why it was exempted from the ban.
Suez Canal?
Aid to Egypt is tied to aid to Israel as a matter of law. Moreover, the Administration wants to keep Egypt on-side.
Opening Gambit -
Regardless of Putins Response
Odds are low
Trump will continue
Aid at the rate of previous administration
Tough Talk to cover limited options
Still has to get his confirmations over the line
War is a looser
Have to put the best spin on it -
What’s with
Texting while driving?
Trump, the greedy fool, acts like the rich kid in the neighborhood who is used to having his every whim catered to him by the ass kissers who play up to him to hustle him for money or what they can get. So, like Neo-Liberals, Trump thinks he can throw bribe money around to lure suckers.
Like the first British Prime Minister Robert Walpole who famously said,
"Every man has his price"; King Donald expects money diplomacy to speak for him. The Art of the Deal works well with prostitutes. Just look at what Netanyahu and AIPAC have accomplished with the US Congress, especially transgender Senator Lindsay Graham.
Every man has two reasons for doing something—the good reason & the real reason.
Actually Trump just needs to shut down all Russian shipping in the world. Easily doable. Confiscate Russian ships, cargo, threaten sanctions against any country that trades with Russia, even if it's in their own currency.
Nothing Russia can do because balls are wanting.
Let him begin with Canada, Panama, Greenland or just make it easier to change the Gulf of Mexico into America…he can’t and meanwhile he’s making Russia Richer again.
Shit for brains and zero knowledge of the world. You're a Yank right?
So tell us, where you're from.
Easily doable - "Confiscate Russian ships, cargo".
I'm not sure that Piracy is a doable option any longer, certainly not on the scale that you suggest. Besides; two can play at that game. Although a large Country, the USA is situated between two vast Oceans, so my guess is, it relies on Cargo ships rather a lot.
Actually no, US export/import trade is relatively small as a fraction of its economy, compared with other countries.
Why is piracy no longer a doable option?
And who is going to respond if the US and its catamites engage in open piracy?
A stupid move like that would merely accelerate the global rush to join BRICS.
You are obviously unaware of the fact that the US practice of seizing bank accounts and other assets has motivated most countries to look for alternatives to US thanks to its bullying tactics.
There was recently some report that Russia's oil tanker shadow fleet is the largest in the world with something like over 1000+ ships representing a major percentage of all global merchant marine traffic. Sanctioning/stopping them all is impossible.
And giving the number would have a big impact economically
What makes you so sure?
Ukrainian israeli?
A threat to global shipping
BRICS states would have the right to enforce freedom of navigation and confront US and allied navies