It's like him again playing the piano.

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... but with drops :P...

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He's playing it with other people's body parts.

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With his you know what.

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Zelensky is a Clown. Never been anything than a produced scam to ”entertain” the masses. It cost Ukraine 1 000 000 dead and maimed and chrushed the whole country.

Simplcius nailed all the good parts of this ”Peace plan”. One can delve a bit more on it.

1. The plan is so pompous that ordinary people should suspect it as a scam.

2. It is so unlikely to realize that Zelenskys gang can say they were betrayed by West, although I find it unlikely this is their endgame. They only want the ”movement of war to Russian soil” It is the most i,portant for them - to continue the war but be able to smash even more bases inside Russia.

3. The 5 point about stationing psychotic veterans from the War in Europe instead of American DEI-personell seems to be a tid-bits for Trump (who has declared some uninterest in NATO)

4. Zelensky also said that some calculation for Ukraines economy would be added after the War suggesting a enormous war reparations extracted from Russia. Fantasies of course.

5. The mineral resources is on Russian territory and most of it east of Dnieper. It could be they think of selling out resources in occupied territories to ensnare the Politicians in West (dominantly US and City of London) to commit for a deeper involvement with troops on the ground. It is interesting to think of a scenario where Trump makes a Friedrich the Fuhrer Merz speech and give Russia 24 hours to comply to the demands of ”peace” or ”ceasefire”. Otherwise US&NATO will deploy long-range missiles, aircraft and AD staffed by US forces/NATO on Ukrainian soil from the next morning. How will Kreml respond to such lunatics? They will of course repeat their standpoint but will they start destroy US troops mid-air or on the ground?

One can clearly see what Stefanchuk implied by Ukraine is already NATO-army.

6. Rada was assembled, part of, and some of the gang (Budanov, Stafanchuk). Where was Kinzhal?

I can see staff at Stavka grinding their teeths…

The other part with Helmer was interesting but to simple. Russia is not Tom Clancy with 4-5 characters doing the plot. It is even not Tolstoy with 120 characters intriguing, scheming and feverishly striving for power. It is way more complicated. For me it is clear that Putin has showed restraint, which is good, but also showed doubtfulness that someone could call weakness. I think a successor will come into place before 2030.

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Medvedev, "The Bear", is awaiting the call.

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Yes. He is striving, perhaps to much. He has been President but was also fooled by the Americans. A bitter lesson that can explain his hawkish mood now. When he supress his outermost rabidness he is extremely clear about issues. We will see…

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One of the other things Medvedev is wrong about is the root cause of all these difficulties.

His belief, as indeed is that of most other Russians, seems to be that it is an Anglo Saxon phenomenon - indeed, he called for the island to be submerged beneath the waves recently.

However, it is evident that Britain is not, and has not for centuries, been ruled by Anglo Saxons, but by a group of people operating out of the independent jurisdiction called The City of London.

Heaven forfend that anyone should ever name the jew.

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He may be forgiving for naming the Puppets.

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Another haSSbara pseudo-antisemite? Britain is run from Washington, like every other neo-colony. Zionists (who can't be Jewish) are amongst American Caesar's vilest proxies are competing with the British boss class to be Caesar's chief jackal but they've a long way to go.

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As you will recall, the British remained in North America for seven years after they were expelled as a result of the "revolution" there.

The time was spent in most amicably setting up the US franchise, ie a contracted-out phenomenon far easier to control without ever having to leave the safety and security of London.

The rulership is delegated to the Middle Temple in the City of London.

Remember of course George Bush Senior kneeling before the Queen of England when he visited to pay his respects, and to receive a knighthood for services rendered.

"Zionists who can't be jewish"?

What does that even mean.

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squeeth likes to spout bullshit that regularly. Nuttyahoo, Blinken, Smotrich, etc prove him wrong.

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Is that why the new US went to war in with its boss in 1812? Zionism was invented as a replacement for Judaism, you can't get more antisemitic than that. Simples.

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lol Squeeth the Jew running cover for his sin merchant chicken swinging tribe again....

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I'm not Jewish or zionist, I'm an anarchist you pretend-antisemite popinjay.

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"Zionists (who can't be Jewish) " ??? explain that hilarity (((squeeth)))

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Work it out yourself, ignoramus.

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US: New York University adopts measures declaring 'Zionists' a protected class


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At least Medvedev knew to listen to his General Staff when it came to war and wrapped up Georgia in 5 days. Georgia war would probably still be going on if Putin was in charge.

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I also thought the point 5 was for Trump.

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>As a final note, amidst all the swirling debate around how the conflict will end, given that things feel like they’re reaching an apogee of sorts, veteran rapporteur John Helmer has written an interesting new article which puts forth his opinion on an ideological clash between the Kremlin and General Staff on this account:

Slowly the truth about Putin being the problem is starting to creep into people's consciouscness. Too slowly though...

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While Putin's cautiousness in trying to prevent a catastrophic world war are commendable in theory, in practice it has caused this thing to slowly spiral and given the Ukulele's (with the US & NATO's help) the time to engage in desperate tactics, such as the stupid Kursk invasion, launching missiles at nuclear power plants, and killing Russian civilians inside Russia. It also gave the US the time and opportunity to blow up Nordstream.

Russia should've applied much more force to subdue Ukulele. The "slow grind" has taken too damn long.

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Somehow true but the alternative could have been worse. We will never know and I think Putin did the lesser evil of choices.

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Hardly. Putin has managed this narrative from the first. It is how he keeps his allies on board. If they push him too hard for a settlement he tells them he will be replaced by someone not at all interested in their concerns and only too delighted to get a finger on the nuclear button. Meanwhile with his other hand Putin runs the narrative viz his western adversaries that if they seriously push into Russia, he will be replaced by someone who really will hit them back everywhere it will really hurt. For real.

And it is all absolutely true. You just missed the bit that Putin knows it, and has control of the narrative. It is why he is who and where he is, and no western leaders are a patch on him.

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excellent comment

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I keep referring to WW1, but in that war peace would have been almost trivially easy to secure in say 1914 or 1915, but by 1916 the hard liners had taken over. And so the war was fought to the bitter end. We might well be seeing the same dynamic here.

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But WW1 was not fought to the bitter end. It ended when it became clear Germany was being successfully attritioned in a war of attrition. Frontlines were still in Belgium and German territory was barely touched.

We're long, long way past the equivalent of WW1's end.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Depends on your interpretation of both phrases and historical events, but by 1918 Germany was ruined - militarily, politically, socially and economically - prostrate before its enemies and really incapable of further effective resistance, its army was melting and mutinies we're breaking out, and its allies had collapsed and abandoned it. That is the sort of end I envisage for Ukraine.

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except the jew is running ukraine rather than stabbing germany in the back

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(((John Osman))) back to defend his chicken swinging sin merchant tribe...

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

It's nothing like WWI.

Putin had both the military-technical means and the absolute obligation to finish the war ASAP in a few weeks.

That meant going in hard with 3-4X the forces he went in with, first severing, and then immediately directly taking control over the transport links between Ukraine and Europe, and finishing off the NATO proxy while keeping NATO from intervening.

He did the exact opposite, trying as usual to balance the military-technical and geostrategic imperative with "the economy", the interests of Russian oligarchs, and the "what will the rest of the world think about us, we are not like that" sentiments, instead of using the abundant military-technical means at his disposal to solve the problem decisively.

The only valid analogy between WWI and the current situation might be between Nicholas II and Putin, i.e. weak indecisive rulers in times when their country needed drastic action to resolve the accumulated internal contradictions while fighting off external aggression. Hopefully that is not the case and Putin will prove that comparison wrong in the coming months. But right now it is looking very, very ugly.

Because while Nicholas II's imbecility was destroying imperial Russia, the Bolsheviks were waiting in the wings and General Staff of the time bet on them to put it all back together, largely correctly. Right now we are in a situation where Putin has spent the last quarter century making sure there is no viable alternative...

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Putin and his fellow nationalists have done very well in restoring Russian sovereignty, reviving the economy and preparing for the inevitable war with American Caesar. The intervention in Syria was a straw in the wind and the intervention in Ukraine is the proxy war par excellence, where the Septics are allowing themselves to be defeated in detail. Nicely done Vlad.

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>Putin and his fellow nationalists

You know absolutely nothing about Russia, which is clearly revealed by this statement.

Putin has ruled as a typical neoliberal for a quarter of a century, in the interests of Russian oligarchs and the system in which Russia is a resource appendage to the West, with real wealth being extracted out of the country and some shiny trinkets being sent in return, but mostly for the benefit of the oligarchy and the small upper middle class.

He was dragged into this war kicking and screaming and only because the West wanted to dramatically decrease the share of the loot that the Russian oligarchy was getting. This is the whole reason for the "resistance".

A "nationalist" Putin very much is not.

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He's a nationalist who has saved Russia from the Septic neo-liberals (fascists) and has restrained the neos in Russia to an extent not seen in Britain (my gaff) since the early 1970s.

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The intervention in Syria put a complete stop to the Greater Israel Project. Just enough resources so it wouldn't spark a greater conflict between Russia and the Western Oligarchy.

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What does 'dynamic' mean?

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"Pimping economic treasures," as S coins it, has always been what Project Ukraine is about.

When Crimea held its March 2014 referendum & voted overwhelmingly to *return* to Russia, the r’ship between the U.S. Treasury, Congress & the International Monetary Fund intensified. Jack Lew, Obama’s Treasury Secretary, said, “The Ukraine crisis captures the importance of the IMF as an economic tool for American foreign policy when military options are not really viable."

Note that last description: an economic tool for American foreign policy *when military options are not really viable*

Moreover, the IMF is “the first responder,” Lew said, “It is the foundation of the Ukraine aid package.” As early as 2010’s G-20 in Seoul, IMF cheerleaders Bigged Up the prospects of allying more tightly w/ the U.S. Treasury, but Obama’s White House @ the time balked.

“In a very important sense, linking the two is quite logical,” said a former Treasury official and senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “The fact that the United States wants to use the IMF to help Ukraine is linked to helping the IMF help itself.”

The selling point before Congress back in 2014 was the fact that “the cost to U.S. taxpayers will be relatively small when compared to the larger defense and foreign aid budgets.”

During a livestream this week w// the Duran gents, Alex Krainer [Naked Hedgie] reported that Christine Lagarde, then-IMF chief, and Jack Lew agreed @ the Fed’s Jackson Hole summit to green-light & support the militias that were seeking to liquidate the LPR & DPR in Donbas & the Russian-ethnic populations in Odessa.

Per Krainer: “Jack Lew spoke to Christine Lagarde & Lagarde gave the orders to the Ukrainian junta to take control of the Odessa area & the Donbas region, by force, in May 2014 or the IMF would no longer fund the government in Kiev.”

When Yemen rejected IMF funding in 2015, a coup ensued. Ditto in Bolivia in 2017. Next up was Bangladesh last August, who also spurned the IMF in favor of a NDB loan from the BRICS+ funding entity.

The IMF is the global banking cartel’s tip-of-the-spear—and the pact between Lew & Lagarde in 2014 cemented this. The foundational architecture of Project Ukraine was as much financial as it was militaristic. It is hard to say where Jack Lew is today, but we know where Christine Lagarde is: the former synchronized swimmer heads the European Commission’s Bank.

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“as much financial as militaristic”

The US military, and the militaries of her vassals, are merely the enforcement arms of the bankers.

All of these corrupt schemes are financial first, and militaristic only to the degree required to keep the money flowing.

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John Maynard Keynes et al hashed out the IMF @ the Bretton-Woods conference in 1944. Yes, *that* John Maynard Keynes: the Keynesian John Maynard Keynes.

And, yes, *that* conference in New Hampshire. The IMF quite naturally found its permanent home in the Beltway.

Ever since the IMF has been many things--and the Nixon Shock in 1971 slowed its roll considerably--but it never married war to capital so consummately until Project Ukraine came along.

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"What fools these mortals be." -- WS

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Russia didn't bomb the Rada while this little bastard was speaking? SMDH...

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Kill Zeleboba and someone more competent will take his place. You would have to kill the collective West, which is a bigger project.

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There IS no one more competent to take his place.

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Fair enough. Though competence is largely irrelevant now that I think about it, only being a slave to US interests

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Yes there is: Dmytro Razumkov, who was arguably 2nd or 3rd most powerful politician and being groomed to take power after Zelensky (still possible).

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Well, if Dmytro was in attendance at this idiotic "victory plan" speech, Russia could've killed two morons with one Iskander (or several). Like I've said already, it's time to end this ridiculousness.

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Ukraine is like a runaway semi heading over the hill towards a cliff.

No need to do anything to disturb its progress.

Things are proceeding nicely for Russia without any extra heroics.

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You really think so? Have you seen that the rest of the world is chained to the runaway semi and it's going to take us all with it? Please, PLEASE wake up.

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Chucky. I find that hard to believe mate!

Zelensky is a disaster.

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They could of course, but why? Better to leave it be and let all the corrupt people sitting in that building stew over their own soon to be fate.

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Nope. Russia should've served them all their fate yesterday with a barrage of Iskander missiles. This shit show has gone on long enough.

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Let me guess... you have zero experience in military strategy.

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You should keep quiet and listen to the adults speak.

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Well shut up Chucky and we will be able to listen to the adults.

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Go back to the kids' table and eat your chicken nuggets, mental midget.

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Well it’s a thought but what happens after their entire political class is wiped out in the strikes you’re stating should have happened? Someone needs to be able to capitulate.

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Who exactly among their current political leadership do you think is going to capitulate? These people are mental cases, psychopaths, and crooks. They need to be dispatched in toto.

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Come on. Keitel in Berlin and Jodl in Reims.

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Never give up hope. I'm sure once Russia's General Staff reads your comments that they will immediately recognise that they have been caught out by a superior military strategist and will likely make the necessary corrections.

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Same old boring, tired "military strategist" comment. Go wipe your ass.

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I understand your reluctance but not your irony. Meantime Israel is wiping out every commander there is in Hamas and Hizbollah. Sometimes even striking IRGC. Israel wont win but they sure as hell is weakening their enemy. Have you ever thought that Zelensky is a hindrance of capitulation as so much has been invested in West in his Churchillian aura of good against evil? With him and Yermak gone there could be a ”fresh” start.

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I disagree, Mikey. If you understand the command and control structure of Hezbollah, you will know they are not weakened at all. This is just Israeli pipe dreams

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Noticed Hezbollah's commanders are all middle aged. Seasoned survivors. Israelis would rather be on a beach smoking hash.

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both zelensky and churchill are the same - jew tools

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Shalom friend.

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That's how the US behaves.........not Russia!

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The sad failing Ukrainian elite, w/ their champagne aspirations & filet mignon tastes, opted to be the proxy of a hegemon-on-the-cheap: no infinite supplies, no carte blanche missiles, no endless waves of weaponry.

Expecting steak, Ukraine's elite sat down to a meal of Hamburger Helper fortified w/ cricket-flour protein.

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Unfortunately, it's just 1% of the country which acts like this. Aside from the people in the bigger cities, most Ukrainians are as meek as mice and live very simple, humble lives. Sadly, it's this entrenched poverty and passivity which let them be ruled by those elitist devils. Prior to the war, I spent a lot of time in rural Ukraine and it really is sad how they've been mistreated by their so-called leaders since 1991.

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It seems that it is a global phenomenon that 10% of any society is responsible for nearly all criminal activity and that a psychopathic 1% rises to leadership.

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Leadership is probably overstating it. They are managerial technocrats that do as they are told. The idea of these 'leaders' making decisions is really a joke. If they did they would be out by the seat of their pants.

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It seems in that we the vast majority of humankind in the US (and Europe for that matter) are kindred spirits with the Ukrainians. When it comes to government, regardless of style, it’s pathocracy all the way down.

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Same experience. A people hijacked by criminals.

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They’ve had a rough road for sure

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Thank you for this comprehensive summary of the "victory plan."

As for Rogozin, I'll put it bluntly: the man is the fucking devil himself. That evil snake claims he was here in Tiraspol in '92, and while it's impossible to prove a negative, let me just say that I'd wager my hat that he was never here. The guy is a slimeball of the worst kind, and I don't give a shit how many fancy words he's written. I'd rather chew my own ear off than live in a country where he's the leader. Just looking at his face makes me want to puke.

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OK. That's it. I think you just lost your chance at becoming Rogozin's campaign manager. However, Camela Harris might have an opening.

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Don't beat around the bush, spit it out, tell us what you really think.😉

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Thanks for the feedback on Rogozin! I don't know much about the internal machinations inside the Kreml (who does really know??), but IMO Helmer usually "sounds" right. And Helmer's article looks like an endorsement for Rogozin, The Hawk. So your contrarian point of view is interesting...

Does it mean that there is no serious mainstream political "hawkish" faction inside Russia? Are the hawks confined to the military and minority parties?

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Once upon a time the west understood the nutty Baltics et al, and their relentless vicious hatred of Russia and craving for a war- a war prosecuted by the all powerful west, natch. They retain this quaint belief in western invincibility that is a hang-over from cold war propaganda. The rest of us, of course, know differently.

Then came an empty cupboard moment for the west and the realisation that the bulk of the valuable resources going forward, especially those required to actually run a 21st century economy including making top notch weapons and shed loads of bog standard ones, resided in territories the west did not control. There was also the small problem of vast, escalating debt that was floating free of any underpinning in real resources value, and the fear of what would happen when the resource rich rest of the world finally twigged to just what was not behind the emerald curtain. Time for urgent action.

So we got a grand push for all that resource rich territory in the nutty east of europe ideally extending this grab all the way to the Chinese border. All the immediate problems swept away in one fell swoop! What not to like?

It seems that the smaller the minds in control in the west, the bigger the potty ambitions. I used to find this phenomenon with students. It was the brighter ones who questioned their reality, doubted their own abilities and foresaw a richer problematic reality to interfere with their goals. The dimmer bulbs were as gung ho as can be, wrapped up in their 'passion'. They lacked the imagination (a disciplined projection of ideas as distinct from fantasy that anyone can do), and this was their superpower.

It is a superpower that could easy propel us into armageddon except that those who are merrily exercising it are no more than a bacterial film on an underlying hard nosed push for a new money tree by people who for their many failings, are not so intellectually impoverished. Nor are their timelines determined by media hype which they manage. The current push east has failed. Time to asset strip the disputed territories of whatever value can be hauled out, and go back to the drawing board. It has been a learning curve, right? Always of value.

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As long as the west can crow about Russia's *strategic defeat,* they will care not @ all if Ukraine lies “in a coffin and its citizens in graves," to quote Zakharova

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The Dunning-Kreuger effect is a real thing, but the more important takeaway is the findings by Dunning in his studies.

Basically Dunning has found that the amount of knowledge/skill you need to have, to understand how well you do (or do not) understand a knowledge set/perform a skill is the ENTIRETY of that knowledge/skill set....

The obvious flip side of that is that people are INCAPABLE of understanding, not just that they don't know/can't do/can't understand a thing, but also just how fractional their knowledge/skill is..

I leave applying this concept to the comments that abound hereabouts to the reader.

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Plenty of talk about negotiation, but, who will Russia negotiate with? The Minsk accords were negotiated and what happened? Ukraine was further militarized and they disregarded the accords completely, with Germany and France not raising a finger about this. So, I ask you folks who read Simplicius, what do you think will be the end game. I personally see no other option other than complete unconditional surrender with Russia revising the power structure completely in what if anything is left of the previous country of Ukraine. Remember Yugoslavia? Ukraine is the next Yugoslavia

to disappear into the haze of the past, just in a more bloody and really unfortunately for them, what was wholly preventable but that ship sailed back in 2022.

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New Dark Ages for EU and the US I hope.

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Who is going to pay for your plan? A minimum or rather more than a minimum of reconstruction of the Ukraine will be necessary, and very very expensive

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Not more expensive than money.

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With what is a given it is the who and the how which is not

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First you need workers. The one part has left the country and due to good jobs or high social security benefits will not come back. The other part is dead or at least wounded, I think the losses per capita of Ukraine are much higher than that of the Soviet Union or Germany in WWII.

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Thank you for a sane rational reply in a sea of emotional delusion

Workers yes, but very many skilled workers, engineers, welders - on a scale few can imagine, and none possess, apart perhaps from China (together with India, and Malaysia and..)

Organisational and management skills which, on this level and scale, only China has practiced

Which is not to belittle the work the RF has done in the new republics

And a lot of cash, a great deal much more than RF has - at least €1T, perhaps more

All of which point to a peace only to be achieved, or to be instituted and given form, by an alliance

This alliance alone is capable of giving benefit to, and of finding benefit from, the material and productive reconstruction of the wasteland

The we'll do this and they'll do that chest beating is short sighted - but if simply to end up like the westerners cooing with victory but dereft of the knowledge will and power to make something of victory, this will play into the westie plans and merely reproduce the 20th C

Multipolarity means something, can start with meaning this

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I started to miss your comments and wondered if something was wrong with your health?

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Thank you - but no.... I had to do a job of work and travel for a month

But I have no intention of investing as much in a situation which has not improved, a lot of people, most commenters, crying for revenge or instant this or that, ethnic trivia to the fore, cursing any no true believer

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Let's hope Victoria Nudelman has somebody in mind to lead the new and improved Ukraine - she usually has all the answers.

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Nudelman will help destroy the country and native people even FURTHER. Maybe to create some hellhole that the Zionists would like to inhabit. Everything Nudelman does is reckless and hideous in its implementation. She should be Ukraine’s symbol for Halloween — the worst witch that destroyed their peaceful relations with their best neighbor!

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Perhaps you reside in North America, in which case you will be entirely oblivious to the deeply ironical nature of my comment.

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indeed, who can Russia negotiate with, who can ensure all parties negotiate in good faith, and who will enforce an agreement?

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Agree. Negotiations demands trust and a firm believe in written words. Russia could not trust anyone in Ukraine and not so many in the West either.

Hard push for Dnieper. Decaptaring attack on Ukrainian leadership and then unconditional surrender.

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And then the Russians have to take care about Western Ukraine! The Russian leadership is much to much educated to even touch this place. But for unconditional surrender you have to conquer all.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

It is ONLY the West talking about negotiations.

But since they are just statements of imaginary circumstances that try and put the Russian Genie back in the bottle, as negotiation positions they are a failure.

As you say, there is no-one who can make ANY believable guarantee about the future vis Russian security from NATO threats, so this will end on Russian terms, or not at all.

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Russia will negotiate with BRICS SCO etc - but essentially with China

China or/and BRICS etc can talk to the westies - RF can not and will not

One day soon - ish not tomorrow and not untill the RF Army has had it's way

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I am continually stunned by the insanity of the whole western political class. That dumb ass calling for Taurus strikes was basically calling to start WW3.

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WW3 must be limited to US & European soil. The rest of Global East, Africa and Latin Amerika does not need it.

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He wasn't primarily calling for Taurus strikes, he was calling for an ultimatum to Russia f/b Taurus strikes - the latter of which in the grand scheme of things, could never do much damage to a Russia already fully cognizant with Storm Shadow mechanics.

Ultimata are far more dangerous than Taurus could ever be.

Fortunately, your blanket condemnation of the western political class is not entirely accurate, as Sahra W showed by her speech.

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The man doing this, Mr. Merz, was the former CEO of Blackrock Germany. He is embedded in the Western Elites. He is the leader of the Christ Democratic Party, the very party, that was introducing the market based order after WWII (Mr. Erhard), the party that tells the Germans about family, about property, about balanced budget, about low taxes, about reducing rules, and national identity. The same party where UvdL is part of, and she brings new rules and rules, more Gender - less family, takes property rights away and destroys the nations. And as a latest clown show Mr. Merz had the great idea, to "mobilize" the savings of the German population - in other words to confiscate the savings. This are the leaders of a Christ Democratic Party, not the Communist one! Good night Europe.

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43 mins ago·edited 42 mins ago

He was just bloviating for the cameras.

Even he knows his proposals were nonsense.

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Russia needs the total surrender to eliminate any gray area in its dispute with Ukraine and as a deterrence to NATO. NATO taking a very public loss to Russia means they can't risk taking a second major Loss anytime soon. Also, whatever is left of Ukraine will probably be added to NATO so this is Russia's only/last/best chance to define the borders in their best interest. They effectively hold all the cards and can't predict how the next hand will be dealt.

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Exactly. Now or never.

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How long can one play cat and mouse, as I was seeing from a certain point Put has no more the strings in his hands, those perspiring and pulling their hairs behind his back, can hardly wait to take over and done this cat and mouse game, time to close the accounts

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Mike "We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole" Pompeo wasn't just talking about his time as the head honcho of the CIA when he famously uttered this boast.

Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole'


Pompeo was describing his entire life and indeed the American Empire's malignant behavior in general.

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He even looks like a Hollywood villain.

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Pompeo is just a jew bootlicker - Pompeo says US wrong to seek cease-fire, Israel should ‘finish the job’

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Russia has real Nukes? Very assuring good to know that. However the problem with Isreal is that they do really have Nukes too? Isn't that's the reason why Iran is doing limited strike so far?

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Iran is trying to avoid being dragged into a war unless it is unambiguous to the whole world that the zionists are the instigators. The moral high ground still counts for something, especially amongst the global South who see Jewish provocations for what they are.

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I think it highly unlikely that Israel has nuclear weapons.

Sometimes believing something is as good as if the belief were true.

I would guarantee though that if they don't have them, they will be straining every sinew to get them.

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Olaf the Clown. The original cessation of Russian gas to Germany was caused by West sanctions. Gas turbines needed servicing. Siemens had parceled it out to Siemens Canada. Castreau Jr. refused to have them sent back to Russia because of the sanctions. After that we know why the gas was cut off when Gilligan, the Skipper, the Professor, the Millionaire and his wife, Ginger and Maryanne rented the Andromeda and blew up the Nordstream pipelines.

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It seems like Germany is angling for a swift resumption of Russian gas exports. It might not be easy as Russia has pivoted towards Asia and BRICS economically. As the war continues, these ties will strengthen. Also, it is in Russia's interest to have NATO countries with weak economies and political chaos.

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The Germans would love cheap Russian energy, but unfortunately for them, Russia has new friends and doesn't need them. China is providing everything that Germany did, and more.

I expect Russia to pursue its own interests, but it owes Germany nothing.

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If they are, the Chinese ought to buy as many futures contracts (or however they do it) in Russian energy production as they can.

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