Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Can't find a link for the last video.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

the so called western golden age, actually the atlanticist empire, has been trending downward vis a vis the eurasian rising powers since the first gulf war, and china opening.

the preferred time, to prevent russia and china agglomerated to be unstoppable, was 2014, however, clinton failed to win in 2016 and trump turned out less than interested in picking the big fight with russia.

to be sure the russians put off their just response to shelling donbas and kievan ethnic cleansing to build up to take on the empire.

therefore the poles are correct the empire is past the time when it could have an even chance to dissect russia with the 'death of dozens of color insurrections....

as if the russian would have not gone nuclear, after a few repeats of kiev 2014!

it seems the atlanticist empire would go nuclear rather than concede it too late to dissect russia!

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

My Man, thanks again. I cannot say this “lightly”. I came here, from your essays, and the fab comments, to learn from the bright bulbs. That I am. So much to learn, yet, for me so little time…as I am an aged one. The Spiritual Revelation continues; GodSpeed, Mother Russia❤️🇷🇺💙

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I don’t get the Odessa humor?

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And thanks for the last video

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by Simplicius

'Over the course of my career I have not seen this kind of disregard for agreed upon protocols and deconfliction rules,' Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich of AFCENT.

I admire his gall, that after throwing to the wind and spitting upon all the human, diplomatic, religious and legal rules, and calling openly on regime change in Russia, killing Putin, lauding beating up the Russian Orthodox priests, forcing Russian artists and composers to denounce their country in order be able to perform in the "civilized West," now he has the audacity to be shocked. Nothing reminds me of the political "chistki" purges and persecutions of the "not agreeing" in the USSR, who were being publically humiliated to renounce their views or art, books they love, deprived of citizenship, and even their relatives were being punished for their own "wrongness of their ways." Indeed, never I imagined I would live to see something like that outside the "Borrell's jungles"...

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The officer in the last video tried very hard to characterize himself as not being antisemitic, and, as a Jew, I'm sympathetic to his position. He claims his criticism is directed to those Jews who are behind the ethnic or religious suppression such as banning the Moscow Orthodox Church and the Russian language, and he has no animosity towards the Jewish people, in general. Understandable.

However, I have a question that might be worth your consideration for your mailbag column.

Why is that when someone who is Jewish is responsible for some kind of oppression or exploitation, it's seen a s part of a Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy, yet when non-Jews are doing the same thing, it's not seen as a Worldwide [Christian Catholic, Muslim, whatever] Conspiracy?

That's antisemitic and, ultimately, makes no sense. It's not about the religion of the perpetrator, it's about the will to power and having the resources to impose that will on others.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Does anyone know what happened to the officer in the last video?

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Wow. Where'd you get that last video snippet of the Ukrainian military man referring to the Banderovites?

I initially had the same question as JW below (or above depending on how you sort comments). It wasn't immediately clear what video clips you were talking about especially in the email. Only after scrolling up and down a few times did I realize that you'd put all three or four video segments into a single video at the top.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I can't help wondering if the Ukie officer in that video suffered for his talking the truth.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Excellent work,

I sure wanted to see a couple of the last links but I couldn’t find them especially the one Su-35

Very informative,

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The Polish government and country is in for a real heap of trouble. The govt is delusional, extemely dense and ultimately very stupid. It is, however, easy to understand why incompetent people who operate by deceit and cunning hate people who operate with competence and dignity and believe in God. The West "leadership" is dominated by these people, and they share the NAZI ideology of hate towards those who are smart, honest, decent, humane and spiritual. The simple conclusion is that the West is dominated by those who hate and seek to dominate, colonize and destroy others. They are simply EVIL. The global south is attempting to free themselves from the enslavement of Western tyranny . This is a civilizational war and best understood in that light. That is why this war will continue for some time in several diffrent iterations. The Ukraine phase in near ending, but there will be continuation until the West suffers a comprehensive (economic, militalry, political) strategic defeat. The USA is in a collapse process from within, and there really is nothing they can do to stop it now. USA is cannabilizing its so called "allies" in this collapse process.

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"The Golden Age of the West." I noticed this was the theme of the Democratic Party when getting Biden elected. "We have so much to offer the world, freedom and democracy, that we must stay strong militarily internationally and fight wars, for the world's own good." Of course this was the argument of Alexander the Great, Great Britain's patron saint of conquests and genocides. I guess during the "4th Turning" everything, even our empire of freedom and democracy, and the German and US government and wars must be in doubt. But what if we had to pay the inflation rate plus two percent to get a mortgage and buy a house? What if Social Security and Medicare and cities fail. It was fun seeing all the Liberals believing modern monetary theory that you could spend as much as you want, if everyone in the world had to use the dollar, suddenly come out unannymously in support the war in the Ukraine, even Bernie. The whole Dem Party got desperate for war, and it was going to be so easy... Anyway, I think this is an existential war for both sides, but the Republican Presidential Candidates and I hope Kennedy are against the war. I would be interesting to see how they would handle the economic impact of "losing." I keep wanting and expecting an anti-war movement, but the Dems hold the "invasion" myth to their hearts and have no idea what is happening, nor do they seem to care. I think we would come out "OK" economy if would support the economic benefits of peace and cooperation. Maybe they would decide they didn't have to de-dollarize all at once.

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Our almost everywhere on the globe military bases will be the sucking chest wound that overwhelms us. We have not the material now nor the capacity later to provide air defense for these installations. Syria is just the start of our problems ...

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Kyiv turned out to be shocked by the e . Politicians and LOMs, who are not in the core of the Ze-team, even announced that after such a “zrada”, even talk of a union / confederation is impossible: the Poles showed themselves as absolute “non-brothers”. However, on Bankovaya, these squeals are not paid much attention.

Warsaw, the Baltic limitrophes and the Nazi regime under the patronage of the Anglo-Saxon "watchers" continue an intense behind-the-scenes discussion of creating their own military mini-alliance, separate from NATO. The Poles hope through this project to realize their imperial ambitions, the Balts - to get down to business, well, the Nazis hope to drag their allies into a bloody mess, thus receiving reinforcements.

The interest of Washington, London and Brussels is obvious. Neither the United States, nor Britain, nor "old Europe" will definitely take a direct part in military operations in Ukraine. Of course, they will continue to send instructors, advisers and even specialists (under the guise of "volunteers"). They will not interfere with the participation of their lumpen and outcasts as mercenaries. But they will definitely not satisfy the needs of the Nazi regime in cannon fodder at the expense of their military personnel.

At the same time, the reserves of cannon fodder in Ukraine itself are close to exhaustion, and in order to continue the proxy war against Russia, it needs to be replenished. To solve this problem, they are trying to attract the Baltic and Eastern European limitrophes. The sufficiently flexible wording of Article 5 of the NATO Charter, coupled with the formation of a new military bloc of limitrophes, allows, according to the Anglo-Saxons, to avoid drawing the entire alliance into the conflict, while maintaining a very high level of escalation.

The plan is good for everyone, and promises the US, Britain, and even some European countries good bonuses. But he has one weak and vulnerable spot. The very first serious blow against Poland itself, and perhaps even without the use of tactical nuclear weapons, will instantly put an end to not only this undertaking, but also NATO itself, showing its absolute failure. And it will also be the end of Western hegemony and the pseudo-legal system that provides it. After all, all the impudence of our opponents is based on their conviction that we will not cross the “red lines”. And when this happens, and they cannot answer, it will become clear to everyone that "the king is naked."

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Zugzwang for US. So what options are left? False flag themselves, like 9/11? Some other type of provocation? Light up Taiwan to distract. What evil brews in the demonic minds for Tory! Tory! Tory! Nudelman and her Kagans? And where will this all be come mid-June. The Atlanicist funk of death gets funkier by the moment.

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