"Israel continues to pummel Lebanon, proving itself to be the only country in the world that can literally bomb and invade all of its neighbors at will without serious international consequences."

Shouldn't be that surprising, Israel was able to get away with killing 34 U.S. sailors in the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.

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Thanks to the CIA using the USS Liberty to funnel intelligence to their enemies (John McCain’s dad). Remember operation PaperClip and the Nazi’s getting access to US “Agencies” or are you just a Jew hating fool? Obviously not a Bible believer. For 27 centuries kings, nations and morons have tried to end the Israelites and their subset the Jewish people, and the Jews are here and the kingdoms are gone. Myths about the Jews “controlling” everything have arisen over all of the centuries which are absurd and generated by the forces that seek to destroy them, and who could they be?

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Another Zionist cucked, hasbara spreading, shitcunt enters the chat.

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Another ass

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"Study the bible" LOL, that explains your delusions and ignorance.

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I have extensively, perhaps you may need to actually read what Yahusha has said. But antisemitism is the same as the Amalekites. Look them up, you may learn something.

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I would love to have you as a guest at the Thanksgiving dinner table.🤩

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I love Yahuah, serve Yahuah, if it His Will, so be it. The Blessings on Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob) are absolute.

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With any luck, their kingdom will be gone by October, 2025 and its denizens will return to what remains of Ukraine.

The world has suffered their endless crimes and cruelties too long. It's time.

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Xi Jinping may be gone by then.

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Вы так сильно ненавидите ХОХОЛЫ?

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USS Liberty was recording the Israeli army executing Egyptian PoW's in their tens of thousands. That could not be allowed.

Israel's Blitzkrieg of 1967 depended on taking no prisoners so as to advance to the Suez Canal as fast as possible. They are genocidal maniacs as we can witness in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. This genocidal streak did not start on October 7th. It has been like that since 1947.

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Since even earlier. The sub-human animal ZioNAZi were assassinating and terrorising decades before '47

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It's a rabid dog.

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57 mins ago·edited 56 mins ago

Israeli policy is almost identical to US policy, except that it is even more shameless and blatant - because "Israelis" have defined themselves as perpetual automatic victims, who therefore could never possibly do anything wrong.

Andy Singer's brilliant cartoon, as usual, is worth a million words:


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I can understand zelensky. He accepted to put Ukraine into the firing line in 2022 against western promises of victory. And so when he goes round the world demanding the moon and sky, he is only asking for what he was promised.

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Zelensky doesn't have much agency in this beyond fighting the war for internal power inside Ukraine.

What comes out of his mouth is directly scripted by his Western masters.

It was never a war between Ukraine and Russia, it is a war of aggression by NATO against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder and as a platform for attack. You still see people failing to understand that simple truth to this day.

Once you stop thinking about Ukraine and look at the map as if it was 1941, 1942 or 1943, you realize that we are in a repeat of Operation Barbarossa and the front lines are very deep inside what should be Russian territory. But unlike Hitler, his modern-day descendants have nukes and long-range PGMs, so a war of attrition does not guarantee a win at all...

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The Second Front (beyond Ukraine)

Ist Front-military

Russia will emerge victorious on its military front and will establish its buffer zone from NATO while accumulating resource-rich territory to add to its stockpile. NEO-NUTSO (NATO) sent its proxy AFU forces on a bear hunt with knives and forks not realizing that they had to take down the bear first. Now it's just a matter of time before the fall of Ukraine unless the US-backed coalition of the unwilling invade Ukraine to win hearts and minds with tanks and troops. It's the NEO way. The NUTSOs will lose that one too on Russia's home turf. The score is now Russia 1 Neos 0. Tell the gringo NEOs where they went wrong, Tuco. Tuco says:https://youtu.be/QReisbS28Kc?t=7310

The Second Front-Political and Economic Warfare

Donald Trump spilled the beans about the NEOS's next tactic to keep its USD hegemon in a comment:

Trump leaked out US foreign policy going ahead by saying at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, “I hate when countries go off the dollar…. I’ll say, ‘You leave the dollar, you’re not doing business with the United States, because we’re going to put 100% tariff on your goods” (here). Washington will expect India to slow down the ‘de-dollarisation’ process on the BRICS platform.

The report goes on to say " It’s a chicken-and-egg situation. Make no mistake, Americans will use it to pressure India." The US plans to intimidate countries into picking a side like you're either with us or against us, (standard cliche) and force them to trade in dollars or face the consequences. Russia will find out who are the friendly nations and who are not. Playing the middle just won't cut it anymore. The US is going on the attack to hold its USD hegemon. India is already under pressure now and it will be interesting to see how this battle plays out to determine the next world order.

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Denis, you must get a hobby LOL

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This is a little hobby, amigo. lol

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Tiny punctuation marks like . birth great ideas

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It is permatrolls now, as always whenever Gaza

Sans moi

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I hear the engines of doomerism revving

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Excellent observation, cheetos. C'est la magique. Not too much gets by you I see. lol

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The Second Front-Political and Economic Warfare

Donald Trump spilled the beans about the its next tactic to keep its USD hegemon in a comment:

Trump leaked out US foreign policy going ahead by saying at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, “I hate when countries go off the dollar…. I’ll say, ‘You leave the dollar, you’re not doing business with the United States, because we’re going to put 100% tariff on your goods” (here). Washington will expect India to slow down the ‘de-dollarisation’ process on the BRICS platform.

The report goes on to say " It’s a chicken-and-egg situation. Make no mistake, Americans will use it to pressure India.". The US plans to intimidate countries into picking a side like you're either with us or against us, (standard cliche) and force them to trade in dollars or face the consequences. Russia will find out who are the friendly nations and who are not. Playing the middle just won't cut it anymore. The US is going on the attack to hold its USD hegemon. India is already under pressure now and it will be interesting to see how this battle plays out. This battle is far more significant than Ukraine. It will determine the next world order.

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The day before Modi met w/ Joe & the Quad members [ plus President Blinken ], the White House hosted the dissident Sikh movement that has come more to the fore since June of 2023 when Justin accused Modi's government of trying to assassinate one of the Sikh members in Canada--a few months after that, NYC filed charges against a Modi-supportive Indian national for trying to carry out an assassination in Manhattan.

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

When the U.S. needs to pressure an *ally* back into line, the juice is always worth the squeeze even if they are squeezing a turnip

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"The problem: Iranian FM Abbas Araghchi immediately refuted the above quote attributed to the president, claiming it’s fake:"

Apparently the US isn't the only nation held hostage by whichever intern controls the president's twitter account. I'm reminded of the power held by the guy who carried the piss bucket for the French Kings.


Re: Israel as special case-

Don't forget that they still illegally occupy Syrian territory, the Golan Heights. This territory was taken in 1967.

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to be fair, English kings also had a similar servant :)

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𝗜'𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀

Try finding the toilets at Versailles or Fontainebleau.

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We are in the preliminary stages of the war. Nothing significant has happened yet, except that the war has started. The pager and walkie-talkie fiasco was embarrassing but not a significant blow. The victims were part of Hezbollah’s civil infrastructure. Hezbollah’s military technical communication network, when they use it, is fiberoptic. The assassinations of Hezbollah’s leadership are sad but relatively insignificant. They were old guys in their sixties and seventies. Yes, they were heroes but they’ve trained a multitude of senior officers and these officers have had extensive experience in Syria. Their system is based on martyrdom with multi-layer back-up and discrete pre-programed cells, very difficult to disrupt. The effectiveness of Israel's bombing remains to be seen. All Hezbollah’s advanced weaponry is deep (80-90 meters) underground courtesy of North Korea, the world's experts. So far all they’ve used are unguided rockets. Their purpose is to deplete the iron dome. If a bunch get shot down, fine, they’re cheap and have done their job. Hezbollah will give the refugees time to clear out, so for the next few days expect more of the same: bombing, refugees and rockets. After some days the rockets will multiply to deplete the iron dome. Then the real war starts—hundreds of highly accurate guided ballistic missiles, with rockets, drones and cruise missiles thrown in for cover and confusion. The targets will be military and military infrastructure--not civilians. Most Israeli "casualties" treated at hospitals thus far injured themselves falling when running to shelters or require psychological comforting. And who knows what the Iraqis, Syrians and Houthis have in store? At this point things are unfolding more or less predictably. Neither side has demonstrated a significant advantage. Hezbollah doesn't want or need Iran's direct involvement. Iran will be the last domino to fall, and only if it is seriously attacked. Everyone knows if Iran gets serious the world's oil is turned off and the West's economies collapse. The Axis can likely handle both Israel and the US without Iran. Stay tuned.

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One should hope so, but until now, Arab countries have done NOTHING to respond to Israel genocide in Gaza and probably will do NOTHING again to respond to the invasion in Lebanon. It's hard to understand but unfortunately very real.

How can a billion Muslims, living in the region, witness the atrocities committed on their people without even lifting a finger? Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, etc. The only people to have some balls seem to be in Yemen.

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𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗚𝗮𝘇𝗮

Sun Tzu: "Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake."

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Jordanian recent elections had large gains for pro-Palestinian parties. A new government is going to be formed. Small stuff I know, but I keep hoping that Egypt, Türkiye or Jordan might take action

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wait until the suicide bombers get up and running :)

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Whenever, if ever, the supply of Iron Dome missiles ends there will be interesting times ahead.

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Riding the Zelensky delulu bus, just before his glow-up @ the UN:

The New Yorker magazine has been a booster of Ukraine since before the SMO commenced--and keep in mind too that CIA plants have populated the editorial masthead since the 1950s. Since 2019, Department of Homeland Security consultants also write alongside those CIA plants, plus professional propagandists from the Global Engagement Center. As far as propaganda goes, TheNYer consistently slings world-class propaganda. Where Bloomberg’s propaganda is the Busch Light variety, as is CNN's, TheNYer’s is champagne calibre.

Joshua Yaffa’s sit-down in Kiev on behalf of TheNYer took place just prior to Zelya’s blockbuster tour of the U.S. & the interview was commensurately fawning of the guy who made the olive-drab t-shirt globally iconic, a guy “who has weaponized the force of his personality in a thoroughly modern form of warfare.” Still Yaffa was willing to express a measure ofskepticism: “the war, now in its third year, cannot be won on Zelensky’s talents alone.”

Incredibly, The NYer article was reasonably accurate in its run-down of Ukraine’s battlefield deficit—the “fizzled” counteroffensive from summer 2023, the dearth of mobilized recruits & “an erosion in public trust in Zelensky himself.” I’ve checked in w/ The NYer pretty regularly since February 2022 & this week's issue is a nadir of truth telling for the mag.

Though Yaffa writes of Zelensky that “he maintains the pose of a man who believes he can still bend history in his favor,” Yaffa is most decidedly not saying Zelya is in fact able to do so. Here's a nugget rich w/ read-between-the-lines possibilities: “He is a discursive speaker, sometimes hard to pin down, but unfailingly focused on one overarching message: "Ukraine is fighting a war not only w/ Western backing but on behalf of the West.”

Yaffa took pains to allow Zelya’s comments to stand on their own, no matter the crazy elements, thus permitting an informed reader to judge for himself. For instance, Zelya’s victory plan “does not require the Russians to cooperate to succeed. Rather, the plan spells out what our partners can do *without* Russia’s participation. Our plan’s implementation depends only on us and our partners.”

Faced w/ doubts among the American public for continuing support of the war, Zelya said, “Ukraine has done everything possible to keep America *out* of this war, actually.” Zelya magnanimously boasted that Ukraine has “shielded America from total war.” In a flight of mesmeric fabulation, Zelya said, “With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand.”

Yaffa seems to have tokenly raised Zelya’s ire by inquiring about the way the Kiev regime has dragooned all broadcast news in Ukraine to deliver information “in a coordinated manner,” to which Zelya clapped back: “Journalists in Ukraine decided to join forces [w/ the govt] in order to combat Russian disinformation.” And he insisted that “they are free to write what they want.”

Winding down the interview, Yaffa asked if Zelya had noticed whether he had changed over the lengthy course of the war or not, a question which Zelya parried—but Yaffa persisted & Zelya said, “Perhaps I’ve become less emotional. There’s simply no time for that. Just like there’s no time for reasoned discourse and arguments.”

'Reason' was not exactly evident in Zelya's responses to Yaffa's questions. Calibrated to appear splashily during the week that Zelya hits the UN's mainstage, the interview communicates a sense of doomed foreboding. It reinforces what S writes in this SitRep regarding the U.S.'s small mincing steps to edge warily away from Project Ukraine.

The photo accompanying the interview makes Zelya look bruised, as after a beating.



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Is there a more easily brainwashed group than the British public? No just recently but for centuries.

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the american?

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been going on since at least the Crimean War, bruh

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Something very wrong is happening in the UK at the moment. The echochamber bubble the politicians and police chiefs in London have wrapped themselves up in is dangerous. Not only have they convinced themselves their own population is a right wing mob to be arrested for complaining on Facebook about mass migration, but they have also convinced themselves that Putin is a Bond film baddie out to destroy civilisation and Britain's role is to defeat this tyrant. The closer you get to people at the top in the UK the more you hear ideas coming from a position divorced from reality.

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The City of London syndicate has demanded this crackdown, and the UK political class jumped to obey, instantly forgetting their divisions and differences. And casually tossing Britain's vaunted political freedoms out of the window.

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The Finns, perhaps. They were having the best of both worlds, stably neutral, with long-established good will from their powerful neighbor. But their public opinion has been hijacked with astounding ease into ruining that neutrality, wrecking their profitable trade exchange with Russia, and putting themselves, senselessly, at the brink of war with a superpower---for what? And yet they mostly support their government in its catastrophically suicidal course of action.

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>A new WaPo article again confirms what we’ve been writing for weeks—read very carefully:

We read it. They might have very few conventional ATACMs to make a difference, but they clearly have more than enough nuclear-tipped JASSMs to begin destroying Russia's strategic objects.

And they already started doing it, which, if you were an objective analysis, you would have honestly reported on.

>Meanwhile, controversial Rada MP Mariana Bezuglaya says Russia plans five major ‘bridgeheads’ for this fall, including Zaporozhye city, Dnipro, Kharkov, Kherson, and Sumy:

Three years too late...

The Ukrainian proxy had to be completely eliminated with utmost, Great-Patriotic-War-level urgency, in the shortest amount of time, so that we didn't get to the point where NATO could launch nukes into Russia behind its back.

But we are past this point now and the front lines are not only nowhere close to the Polish border, they are inside Russia itself.

Because oligarch profits and "what is the rest of the world going to think of us" were more important considerations than the survival of the state...

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**Furious flapping of wings...running wildly about in circles..."Woe is us! Woes is us!...Dear God!

The sky is falling!"**

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On the Iran situation: the commentator makes an interesting point but he misses the big picture. Israel is not the priority he’s right. But turning Sunni lands into Shia is the misdirection.

Sunni lands will never become Shia. North Africa will never become Shia. Neither will most countries in the Arab peninsula.

The hint for me was when he complained about Hizbollah stopping the “Free Syrian Army”. We all know who these people are.

Arab countries are weary of Iran. Not because Iran wants to take over their lands and turn them Shia. No.

They are weary because, unlike them, Iran has more degrees of freedom and is more advanced technologically than they are. As such, they have influence. Iran is a problem for them because it is what they were 70 years ago.

Now they are impotent and so every time Iran stands up for Palestine against Israel or the West it reminds them of their impotence. Prime example: Erdogan and Sisi.

On a more political note, it embarrasses them in front of their populations and they fear the instability.

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The Arab countries were never "advanced technologically", esp more so than the ancient Iranian civilisation. They were always scattered people with inter-tribal rivalries that always (and still do) get in the way of their advancement and unity. I think the closest they ever got to real advancement was prior to and during the Ottoman period. The Shiites do not seem to share that aspect of character. As for forcing Sunnis into Shias, I don't believe such a thought ever enters Shia minds.

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Israel is an out of control killing machine! Enabled and supported unconditionally by USA, LAPDOG BRITAIN, AND SUBMISSIVE, OBEDIENT ALLIES. Ukraine is on NATO life support. When will they pull the plug?

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They won't. It is often said that they have no reverse gear.

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The West's main problem is economic. The West will not pull the plug as long as the benefits of economic stimulus outweigh the perceived price or risks. This will probably change under Trump if he wins, as he understands the risks and is war averse.

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I'm not sure UK is the lapdog. The invisible real masters of both, US and UK, are probably based in UK.

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I believe you are correct.

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Not that I think Belarus (or Russia) should have been excluded from Eurovision or the Olympics, but calling what is happening in Lebanon an "actual holocaust" is a bit much. There were multiple days when the Ukrainians had more than 558 casualties on a single day. Is the SMO an "actual holocaust"? (Hint: It is not)

I like your analysis on Ukraine and on Israel. But calling things the wrong name just takes away from your message IMO.

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Just my opinion, but I think using the term "holocaust" (small h) is reasonable in this context. It means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale in English. What level constitutes a mass scale isn't defined, however when one regards the totality of Israel's assaults on its neighbours over the last year, it certainly is mass destruction and slaughter.

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Might want to check the dictionary on the word "Holocaust" or consider the term in its historical sense. But yeah, highly appropriate in this context.

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indeed, the relevance is "burnt offering", which in the context of the faked events 1938-46 brought us the illegal "state of israel",

the true "holocausts' were the one perpetuated in eastern europe against the slavs by the "jew"

the fact that large portions of the so called "developed" world are still hypnotised by a few photos of shoes and glasses is a crime in itself..

for those who have not viewed it this piece is worthy of consideration:


and for any who are still misinformed that "israel" refers to a physical land mass then some education is in order:


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The difference between Ukraine and Lebanon is that in the former, it is mostly military targets that get annihilated (if not, it would be ad-nauseam repeated in Western media). In Israel, the military targets are interspersed with civilians, leading to a high non-military body count.

My 2ct: Calling Lebanon a holocaust is a bit overkill (for now), it's a massacre for sure. And Gaza is a genocide, not really a holocaust in my opinion (fine gray line between the two).

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'Holocaust' is likely another name for 'genocide'. The term is best used in situations where the "intent to annihilate or displace" a population exists, as in the Gaza situation. If you will note, the zionist leadership is casting around the same terms with Lebanon now as they did with Gaza and the Palestinians - Lebanese civilians are equated with Hezbollah terrorists - Lebanon must be annihilated.

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There are modern examples where there was a real intent to annihilate or displace - Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). In one month 99% of the remaining Armenian population had of flee. I just don't see that in Lebanon or Gaza. Yes - Israel is careless in dealing with civilian casualties and breaks the international law. But this just does not meet the definition of genocide.

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It definitely meets the legal definition of genocide (in Gaza) on many counts, as per the top UN experts on genocide convention.

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Holocaust in Gaza, not in Lebanon. Lebanon is still at massacre stage.

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Quote: "there’s a controversial video going around of a Mideast commentator explaining this puzzling situation" lol lol I didn't think you'd fall for this one :-(

I strongly advise any Western analyst that wishes to discuss Southwest Asia, to first check Alastair Crooke's articles and Monday interviews on Judge Napolitano's YouTube channel. Regarding current events in Lebanon, last Monday's interview provides you with a good understanding of events.

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Concur. Alastair is indispensable!

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The US Democratic Party directly used Zelensky's visit to campaign for Kamala Harris. The Ukrainian leader went to Pennsylvania, which is a swing state. He walked around a military plant with a smart look, touched the ammunition, like the war in Ukraine = work for an ordinary Pennsylvanian. He gave an interview where he criticized Trump and praised Harris. In general, he spoke at full cost, he could have played the piano in the well-known way, but Pennsylvania is a religious state, so this is not welcomed there. We can directly say that this is external interference in the elections. But there are different types of interference. When Russia allegedly interferes in the elections on Trump's side, it is terrible and there is punishment for it. When the head of a foreign state directly campaigns for Trump's rivals, it is a triumph of democracy. However, this is not even the funniest thing. Right now, the Ukrainian army in Donbass is in another round of crisis, three cities are on the verge of surrender at the same time: Toretsk, Selidovo, Ugledar. And Zelensky's senior comrades pulled him out to tour Pennsylvania with a propaganda concert. It seems like there are many cities in Donbass, three here, three there - it doesn't matter, but here the Ukrainian diaspora in the swing state hasn't made up its mind - we need to speak out for good people.

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Very interesting comment. Thank you.

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Murdoch's Fox News personalities received permission today to sully Zelya while dunking on the DNC. Greg Gutfeld on The Five lambasted Zelya's visit to the Scranton ammo plant as an example of "foreign interference in our election." Gutfeld emphasized the fact that Scranton is in a dicey swing state & that Zelya flew @ taxpayer's expense on a governmental plane in order to shill for ammo production in his war. Gutfeld noted, too, that the photo-op trip to Scranton, which resembled a campaign stop, was orchestrated by the DNC & done @ the Democrats' behest. It was tawdry to have Zelya there.

Even worse, Zelya trashed J.D. Vance as "radical" & DJT as "wrong" about ending the war.

Gutfeld's hot take, delivered on Fox's highest rated TV show, signaled a pivot. No one @ News Corp has so explicitly criticized Zelya since Tucker described him as "rat-faced" back in 2022. Finally, pundits in corporate media can loosen their tongues a bit.

After Gutfeld delivered his diatribe against Zelya's interference in our election, the other co-hosts paused before jumping in, nodding their heads in grinning assent--giving Gutfeld's words plenty of breathing room.

In breaching the mandated silence about Zelya & the war, and the blandly vague sloganeering of "support, which all news-oriented shows parrot, Murdoch's empire is now sacrificing Project Ukraine on the altar of sealing an election win for DJT. It is possible to discern a newly rearranged pecking order in conservative corporate media: a Republican win in November is more important than Ukraine.

P.S. I posted this down-thread but wanted to give you a look-see since you addressed the topic

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The peace plan appears to be "sue for peace, get refused, continue war", or the peace of the grave.

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I also don’t agree with the final analysis.

Hamas is not a proxy of Iran (remember they fought on the side of the Free Syrian Army against Hizbollah).

The Houthis beyond lobbing missiles and drones have no ground forces to speak of.

Hizbollah IS Iran’s main proxy/ally. The analysis is non-sensical.

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Hamas is a convenient Israeli frenemy that Israel makes sure is well funded by Turkey and Qatar.

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AA disagree with you about not having ground forces

They have taken on Saudis US Navy and now Israel, and in every case appear to gotten their enemiesto back down give up

It would seem they know what they are doing

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