Bongistan talks mad shit for a country in Sarmat/Burevestnik/Poseidon range. Also, more demented ravings from Bojo:

Boris Johnson: "Our message to Russia is this. It's over. You don't have an empire anymore, we don't allow that in modern world. You no longer have a "near abroad" or a "sphere of influence." You have no right to tell Ukrainians what to do, just as we British have no right to tell our former colonies what to do. It's time for Putin to understand that Russia can have a happy and glorious future, but like Rome and like Britain, Russians must join the ranks of post-imperial powers.

We must abandon any idea that Ukrainians will make a deal. They won't go. They will not trade land for peace. Their will to fight has not weakened, and it seems to me that the country would rather collapse into anarchy and civil war than submit to partition.

The first step to sanity is to understand that there is no decent compromise with Putin. We need to give Ukrainians the right to use the weapons they already possess. Secondly, we need to provide a loan package on the scale of lend-lease: half a trillion dollars, or even a trillion. The third and most important thing is that we need to bring Ukraine into NATO now, and I mean right now.

We could invite Ukraine to join before the end of the war."

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It's true he said all that ? - he's still getting paid then, or else 'they' own his dog

Can you provide a link please

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Uk is broken (bojo and stammer own words) these idiots want to find a trillion...what a joke.

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The UK is being double fisted.

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Leave it to the experts in throwing empires away to lecture Russia on how it should be done.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Thanks TMTO

Please let me quote the first few sentences - this is sugar fiction as only the Brits can do

'The young amputee had a question. We were sitting once again in the rehab centre in Kyiv, and I was looking at the same sort of injuries I saw last year: the missing limbs, the cranial scars, the withered hands and feet that no longer obeyed their owners’ commands.

The difference was that Vladimir Putin’s carnage had been inflicted on a new group of Ukrainians – noticeably younger than last year’s victims, and now including a woman. Once again, I shook their hands (where possible) and put my arms around them, and did my best to be reassuring to all, including the young man on the bed, who had lost his left leg up to the hip. ‘When are you going to let us use the Storm Shadow?’ he asked – amid a general murmur of agreement.'

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Nonsense. NATO and the pentagon is already running this war. Look at the results. Now you want nato troops to show up and do what? NATO does not have a ground troop army except for the Polish. And that’s only a fraction of what they need. They are not combat ready either. They need 5x more troops than what nato already has. This joining nato nonsense was never serious. Just a carrot to dangle in front of the mindless Ukrainians to get them to go along with the “til the last Ukrainian” plan.

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Even if NATO had a vast paper army most of it has no desire whatsoever to fight on the Russian front. There would be mass flight and surrender, and NATO would never recover from the humiliation- which is why it has no intention of acting out Johnson's war-porn on the ground.

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The “first step to sanity” is to realize the puppet leaders of all the western countries are totally insane. Once you realize that then you are on the right track. Anything else is living in a fantasy reality.

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>Bongistan talks mad shit for a country in Sarmat/Burevestnik/Poseidon range

"Bongistan" is freely striking at the country with the Sarmats, Bureversniks and Poseidons, and nothing is striking Bongistan in return.

Who is winning then?

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Freely striking... With what exactly? Challenged 2s that did so badly Bongistan ordered their use to be stopped to salvage what broken fragments remain of their pride? Shit Shadows which couldn't do more than pothole the Kersch bridge for a day after a sustained barrage? I suppose their greatest achievement was convincing Ukraine and Zelensky to commit national suicide on order to "strike freely at the Russians", which neatly plays into Bongistan 's national identity as cowards hiding behind the rest of Europe, who present their hind quarters for the pleasure of their tormentors.

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Why don't you go to the front?

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Who in their right mind would go to a meaningless meat grinder that is kept going only because the ruling elites are trying to make a deal with the enemy instead of doing what is fully in their power to do and end it all in a few weeks?

This shit show continues for a third year now.

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Very glad that 6th column psychopath like you are not in power in Moscow.

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He is about to go, and intend to nagging the enemy to go crazy.

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Go back trolling on MOA, on X etc..how is genius Strelkov doin?

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Boris needs reminding that Russia never told the Ukrainians what to do. It sought to enforce a treaty granting self determination for ethnic Russians in the east whom the Ukrainians were persecuting in defiance of international law. Russia had right on its side, right from the start. And it still does. Which is why it is winning.

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Agree. Bojo is trulY in the sam league as Mad Dog Churchill. Instigating war, put more gasoline on fires, divide and destroy the European Mainland (France and Germany). As can be noted the new Axis of self-imposed importance goes DC-London-Warsawa, Not through Paris-Berlin. UK has even a Defence minister straight out from a movie picture about Idi Amin.

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Boris Johnson is a malignant clown but hopefully is a spent force now.

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Is it not somewhat strange that the safest place for Ukraine is inside NATO as Russia would not dare attack a NATO nation. Yet at the same time fearing that Russia would start attacking NATO states after a Ukrainian defeat. It is like the European nations that have spread brotherly love and freedom to distant shores through genocide subjugation, by slavery and stealing the lands and resources of indigenous peoples going to the borders and invading the evil Russians to stop Russian imperialism. It's as if the western double think makes no logical sense if you think about it, but thinking is hard work.

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EU Commission comedian attempts to re found EU defence Indsutry continues to fail

A new post of Defence Commissioner has been created, even if the EU does not have a defence policy, by definition, in fact they have a Peace Commissioner, because by law the EU is not to concern itself with Defence, nor of course by implication with Peace

Even if an old Lit, he’s said to be as blood thirsty as the new Lits we reported on recently

However he’s not getting a leg up from the MSM, even Reuters had the nerve to point out the post is a pig in pyjamas, not once but on reports on successive days

What few have noticed is that he is also the Commissioner for Space, which gives new meaning to the old phrase Space Race, and to word salading about Safe Space that might fuel KK’s re entry into TV cameras

Is it not strange that Space is a purely a subsection of Defence ?

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Annexe and Links

« New EU defence chief to fight political battles with military edge « Sept 17 Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/new-eu-defence-chief-fight-political-battles-with-military-edge-2024-09-17/

« Europe must prepare to meet Russia militarily in 6-8 years, says its new defence chief » 18 Sept 2024 Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/europe-must-prepare-meet-russia-militarily-6-8-years-says-its-new-defence-chief-2024-09-18/

VILNIUS, Sept 18 (Reuters) - The European Union must be quick to increase its defences as Russia may be ready for a confrontation in six to eight years, the nominee to be the EU's first defence commissioner told Reuters in an interview.

Andrius Kubilius, a former prime minister of Lithuania, Russia's neighbour, has been tapped to boost the continent's arms industry, by getting EU countries spend more on European weapons and procure jointly - as well as by getting companies themselves to cooperate more across borders.

The new post reflects how security has risen to the top of the EU's political agenda since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

"Defence ministers and NATO generals agree that Vladimir Putin could be ready for confrontation with NATO and the EU in 6-8 years," Kubilius, a fierce critic of Russia and a supporter of Ukraine, said on Wednesday.

"If we take these assessments seriously, then that is the time for us to properly prepare, and it is a short one. This means we have to take quick decisions, and ambitious decisions," he said.

Kubilius said his first job as a commissioner would be to explore, jointly with EU top diplomat nominee Kaja Kallas, what resources the European Union needs to be ready for a military challenge. He is aiming to complete an exploratory study within the first 100 days.

He said underinvestment of more than a trillion euros in the decade since the financial crisis meant the European defence industry was in an "unsatisfactory condition".


Kubilius faces an uphill battle against several EU governments which are deeply wary of giving Brussels a say in how they organise their defence industries.

The European Commission has no legal mandate to formulate defence policies, and EU countries coordinate their defence through NATO.

Kubilius sees his job as complementary to NATO, not in competition.

"The European Union won't have defence plans or military leadership, like NATO does - but the European Union has instruments to get larger financing, which NATO doesn't", he said.

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Notice again how the EU commission continues to stock itself w/ genius-level ankle-biters from the Baltics. This skewing has forced the EU, an economic commission primarily, to morph into a security or war-faring entity. The more Balt the EU becomes, the more it adopts the grievances which that former Soviet region nurses.

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This is by design of course - it is hoped that these tiny countries can be whipped into a frenzy of self sacrifice as per the NAZI's

But none of them would last more than 10 minutes and the old soldiers in NATO presumbably have a clue about this

It's those news Scandi think tankers one will have to watch out for - they are the Fourth Reich

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Neu German and Nova Scandi Fourth Reich Links

« Germany is rearming too slowly to stand up to Russia’

10 September 2024


« Fit for war in decades : Europe’s and Germany’s slow re armament vis-à-vis Russia »

September 2024



« Designing around NATO’s deterrence : Russia’s Nordic information confrontation strategy

Journal of Strategic Studies Karen Anna Eggen


Journal of Strategic Studies

‘The strategic-level effects of long rage strike weapons ; A framework for analysis »

Journal of Strategic Studies Fabian Hoffmann



« The end of Zietenwende’

German Council on Foreign Relations August 30 2024 Benjamin Tallis







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I visualize the emperor penguin chicks who hurl themselves off glacial ice into the sea, falling like dominoes in a sub-zero form of mystic mesmerism

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These guys link in to US PMC, the future is their's

They can hold their noses with the best of the Buttigiegs

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Only difference is that the penguins survive.

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Spot on. In due course this eastern region will find itself all that is left of that weird post war european ''EU' architecture fantasised by Churchill. The western former EU nations will have made their own variously messy exits. It is already underway.

Then what? Abandoned by the new centres of wealth, The Baltics et al, will be driven by their people to apply to join the RF. The likes of Germany, France and the UK will limp on as colonies of the US exploited as such, and useful sites for dumping of toxic US produce (and services, especially health (sic) services destined for the UK.)

Here you have it, the actual victory plan.

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Last week, Mario Draghi presented Lady vdL w/ a study which revealed that Europe is undergoing deep economic malaise. No surprise there--but his report failed to address how the withering economic sanctions placed on Russia have boomeranged on the EU & wound up hindering the bloc's economy.

Europe has gone silent @ the level of basic truths.

Emotional triggers are built into the formative mythology about the war in Ukraine to such an extent that people cannot serious-mindedly interrogate the ramifications of the war because they can't examine it in ways that stray from the orthodoxy: the war in Ukraine, a mythologized historical event by now, is an event one can speak of in only a certain way.

If you try to tell the story in a more nuanced manner, or color outside the lines, you trip the emotional triggers & enter the realm of the forbidden.

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The fuss over Draghi's presentation is much overstated, as it is merely in self defence - given that he initiated many of the programs that resulted in EU problems

This is infighting between various EU types and to not be taken seriously

One must be fairly sure than neither Frnce nor Germany is to be quite so self sacrificial as to allow the EU C either money or guns

VdL is merely making the right noises so as to be appointed NATO Chief, or Head of the Federal Reserve Board or something

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Rutte may be in danger--and he hasn't even stepped into his new role. Jens "slab of wood" Stoltenberg said of Rutte: "he knows how to compromise when compromises are needed, but he also knows how to not compromise and to not compromise on our core values."

His needless repetition of 'compromise' makes me wonder if Jens was blinking twice every time he uttered the word, in order to convey--like in a hostage video--that he was in personal danger, contrary to what he was actually saying: a cry for help, methinks

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Elegantly put, Cheetos. You have no problem finding the words. But I agree, you won't find any legitimated public platform for them. Group think always reduces to lowest common denominator slogans which render it impotent to change anything. It ceases to connect to the real world.

The group mind has never found a solution to this. Pray to the gods it never will.

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"...the war in Ukraine, a mythologized historical event by now, is an event one can speak of in only a certain way."

Very true. That's type 1 verses type 2 thinking.

A certain Mister Vladimir Vladimirovich must be pleased that he has been promoted from a mere human being to a demonic Prince of Hell who not only can unleash Armagedón upon the earth but can also do spooky mind control at a distance. Listen to his diabolical lies and he can take over your very soul and make you into his slave!

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It's worth noting that the Baltic states and Ukraine fall within Halford Mackinder's "Zone of conflict" in his Eurasian "World Island" schema.

That's not too bad for a theory written down in 1904 when the fastest form of transport was the steam locomotive, and the fastest communication was the telegraph.

10-20 years ago, nobody was talking about Mackinder, 10-5 years ago almost anyone who had said that Eurasianism was an antiquated fantasy.

No so many people are pooh-poohing it now.


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It's worth noting that the Baltic states and Ukraine fall within Halford Mackinder's "Zone of conflict" in his Eurasian "World Island" schema.

That's not too bad for a theory written down in 1904 when the fastest form of transport was the steam locomotive, and the fastest communication was the telegraph.

10-20 years ago, nobody was talking about Mackinder, 10-5 years ago almost anyone who had said that Eurasianism was an antiquated fantasy.

No so many people are pooh-poohing it now.


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For CS - perhaps this guy was dragged out of his rest home by KK in an attempt to show her service is worthwhile

But she has made enemies of Séjourné Breton and Macron so she must N° 1 on VdL to be burnt at the stake list

I 'm looking for his Safe Space Race reommendations - He will de colonise Space, - Who will vote for dogs and emotional support animals, who will vote for.......suggestions on a postcard please

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In that Andrius Kubilius's speech already takes on a more muscular posture--"we have to take quick decisions, and ambitious decisions"--and in that he pledges to complete a military study for the bloc "within his first 100 days" in stirrup, I tremble for KK.

Kubilius, an understudy, is ready to knee-cap the leading lady.

The nytimes has dubbed him "a king without a kingdom"--and they claim that his portfolio is ill-defined & underfunded. Still, he's being hailed as the EU's "first-ever Defense Chief"--so there's already a certain glow about Kubilius & this made-for-him brand spanking new post.

Kings without kingdoms find ways of scavenging & scrounging into someone else's kingdom.

Lady vdL can front-stab Hungary, but not KK. For that she'll need a very special tool. Kubilius is the KK killer.

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His portfolio is non existent, and the EUC is not going to get there , to a defence army money or guns, by stealth, or by appointing a dead dog to the post

He looks like a lost Lit St Bernard recovering from his last binge and fearful of the dominatrix's whip

Even if the EU parliament approves the post creation and says we are going to invade Serbia , nothing will change

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In various interviews Kubilius describes the "mammoth responsibilities" which attend becoming the "first-ever" Defense & Space Commissioner for the EU--and when he turns to the subject of Space, he especially laments the EU's lagging technology in "satellite launchers."

During a probing interview w/ the outlet Lithuanian Radio & Television, he name-checked Lady vdL no fewer than 5 times, quoting her profusely, but he did not mention KK at all.

Concerns mount.

The proximity of "satellite launchers" within a radius anywhere near KK makes me quake. An image of her strapped to a fuselage as it rockets into orbit flits uncomfortably through my mind

Moreover, Bild has just reported that Latvia’s Valdis Dombrovskis, currently the EU trade commissioner, will assume the role of the--wait for it--EU Enlargement Commissioner.

This alongside Kubilius's "mammoth responsibilities" makes me believe Lady vdL is assembling a back-bench of Chippendale-style male strippers.

The math is starting to math again.

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That's a hit -another LitLat - old, young, ice maiden or aged alcoholic?

VdL surrounds herself with those she can burn at a moment's notice

If this one is going to take on Armenia and/or Georgia she'll not last long

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The Extraordinary Supreme Commission on Armenia's Englargement

I am literally shaking

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Armenia is another diaspora victim country the NATO ites have bought into the holocaust misery and want to be nice

But the locals Azerbaijanis Iranis and so on will swallow the country if they try any EU ing

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This is the deal: her math is bigger than his math

Now let's take a deep dive into that math

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Explains Kubilius's dominatrix

Sigh...as long as we don't have to talk about pickles

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

"Kubilius said his first job as a commissioner would be to explore, jointly with EU top diplomat nominee Kaja Kallas, what resources the European Union needs to be ready for a military challenge. "

That's easy - willing people to join, raw materials, industrial capacity, competent military leadership who know something about war, responsible political leadership and well.....money - none of which they currently possess, nor are they likely to. Oh, and of course and above all, cheap Russian energy... ;-)

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

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Space is Safe

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I think the "deep strike" will be allowed at some point, close to the end of this farce. Not to give the gullible Ukrainians a chance to win, but to try and squeeze the last few drops out of the Russian federation to deplete them. Nuland and the neocon cabal pop a bottle for any slav killed

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The conflict is over, the western neocons just can't accept this fact.

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On September 26, Biden will meet with Zelensky, who will present his "victory plan" which is based on a complete Russian capitulation just like the previous so-called "peace plan".

[Spoiler: both these plans are 100% unrealistic].

We know the points. Here they are. That's what all the demagoguery about the "second peace summit" with the participation of Russia and China is about.

All the points are painted with the responsibilities and area of responsibility of all countries that thought that the security guarantee agreements they signed with Ukraine were just declarations. Now Washington and London will force the signatory countries to do all this.

The main purpose of the plan: to bind the Russian Federation economically by imposing new secondary restrictions on the work of banks around the world, to strangle the countries of the global south, to force them to refuse to purchase oil through a shadow tanker fleet with the threat of arrest of all officials and their family members abroad for aiding the Kremlin.

The second goal is even sweeter - to bring the whole world to its knees through secondary sanctions.

1. Permission to strike at critical infrastructure facilities deep into Russia.

2. Attacks on military units and places of permanent deployment of units of law enforcement agencies.

3. Carrying out terrorist attacks on Russian soil.

4. Attacks on power plants and generation facilities.

5. Further confiscation of officials' property in the West.

6. The embargo on the supply of medicines, medical equipment, and components for their production from Asian and Latin American countries to the Russian Federation.

7. Termination of purchases of Russian gas by all EU countries.

8. The embargo on the issuance of visas to all citizens of the Russian Federation, except for short-term ones up to 1 month.

9. Secondary restrictions for countries in Asia and the Middle East, where the daughters of Russian companies do business.

10. The issuance of ICC warrants for a pool of Russian current officials and employees to narrow the window of opportunity to establish ties with countries that have not joined the sanctions policy.

11. Actively check all citizens of the Russian Federation who have a residence permit of the allied countries and create lists of "good Russians" (those who want to be slaves of the Western globalist elites) and further restrictions for "bad Russians" (those who defend the sovereignty and the interests of their country).

12. The approved transfer of gold reserves by the UN General Assembly to the balance of the "Ukrainian peace Fund", in case Moscow refuses peace talks according to the Zelensky formula.

13. The supply and guidance of long-range weapons from air carriers to all targets approved by the Pentagon.

14. A ban on ships flying the Russian flag entering all EU ports.

15. Measures of sanctions pressure on Belarus and members of the Lukashenko family in order to seize the country or ignite a civil war to enlarge the conflict.

According to the classics, peace is war.

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>7. Termination of purchases of Russian gas by all EU countries.

Good. Maybe then the Gazprom oligarchy will lift its veto on the proper prosecution of the war and we will finally see decisive action taken? We can only dream...

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The hubris of the zionist non-president in the face of total destruction makes a fool of him.

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He was the carefully chosen clown figure-head for the SMO, an operation witnessing genocide in Ukraine and bound to fail - but how - for whom? Now in some no mans land plan-stage, look at the lone image of the released Russian soldier draped in his flag and hiding his head, it speaks thousand upon thousands of words.

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Zelensky’s victory plan? lol. I wonder who came up with that label?

The Ukrainian gov is living in a state of total delusion. Under their stewardship, they have led Ukraine as well as the world into a state of total destruction with their stupidity, corruption and total unconsciousness.

All anyone has to do is look at a map and the statistics of the results of this war. Yet, they think they will be in charge of anything after the war ends? They are living in a total fantasy reality.

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Thank you Simplicius. Talking points and "permissions" aside, the humans have been given orders to start wars they can't win to collapse america and the west.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

>What needs to be said is it’s quite comical that Ukraine claims to require NATO help to “strike deep” into Russia when they just hit such a big depot 500-600km, which is superior to the range of ATACMS, Storm Shadows, and the like. It goes to show the ‘deep strike’ red herring is meant merely to instigate a NATO-Russia conflict rather than add new capabilities Ukraine lacks.

It's even more comical to watch people refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes.

"Drones" don't do this kind of damage, nor do ammo depots consisting of many dozens of isolated bunkers explode all at once into giant singular explosions that send columns of plasma high up in the sky.

Watch the video of the explosions. There may have been drones to disguise what was happening in the main blow, but that main blow consisted of NATO tactical nukes. Highly unlikely to have come from Ukraine, because nobody reported missiles flying north through Bryansk towards Tver. In fact, nobody reported large drone swarms either. So much more likely it came directly launched from Latvia, which also explains how Russian AD was caught with its pants down like that.

But that main thing is it was two or three tactical nukes. If you watched that footage without somebody telling you anything about the time and the place, what would you have thought you were watching? Be honest with yourself.

The Kremlin has swallowed even that, meaning there will be a lot more to come. Unless there is a devastating response, i.e. full destruction of NATO in Europe, ASAP.

However, the traitors in Moscow don't have the guts for that, plus they still have their children and mistresses in the West, which tells us where their real loyalties lie.

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ukie troll, strekovite 'aka let's nuke London'..

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You can skip most of London (make sure to get the City though) and go straight for the mansions in the countryside. A kiloton each will do the job without too much collateral damage.

If you don't do that. Moscow will burn.

But which place do Russian elites value more? There are serious doubts...

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Has anyone measured the radiation levels there on site?

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1) Do you seriously expect anyone who did that to report it publicly?

2) There have been very clean nuclear designs for decades now that don't leave all that much of a fallout. These were airburst too

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GM, I share your distrust of the current Russian authorities. They have betrayed, are betraying and will betray us at the first opportunity. But... "The authorities are hushing up the nuclear strike"? With such unfounded statements you discredit your position as a whole.

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Those were not nukes, not a chance. There are sensors and detectors all over the world operated by all sorts of countries looking for this sort of thing. Plus the explosions were too small, relatively. But whatever was in those bunkers made a big boom. And yes, the Ukrainians have long range capability, clearly.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Yeah, so small that they blew out the windows ten kilometers away.

And sure, you are not an idiot who cannot run the decision tree with respect to the two main players here.

Would NATO come out and declare "We nuked Russia!"? Of course not, the whole point is doing sneak attacks that can be disguised as "Ukrainians did it with drones". This is what the proxy was prepared for during all these years. And the whole real point of the Ukrainian long-range drone campaign -- to create a plausible deniability cover for covert nuclear strikes.

But then we have the Kremlin, whose perverted incentives are also in the direction of covering it up. Because if they admit they were nuked, then they would have to launch a preemptive first strike on NATO to make sure no additional such strikes will be possible. Either that, or they are finished once the information is out to the whole world that they were nuked and they just took it like the cucks that they are.

The problem is that the Russian elites are still looking for a deal with the West instead of victory over the West, because of internal Russian politics. A Russian victory can only be achieved through seriously weakening the internal position of Russian elites -- it will have to become a new country that is a lot more like the USSR and a lot less like the neoliberal oligarchy it has been for the last three decades. The SMO was a bluff to try to scare the West into making some kind of a deal and to avoid having to fight the West. That bluff is being called increasingly more brutally every day for a third year running now, but clearly Russian elites had no Plan B, and are now willing to take even multiple nuclear bombings (there was yet another big column of plasma going up in the sky over the huge ammo depot in Tihoretsk a couple hours ago, which would make it the fourth such strike) but not do what has to be done to end this.

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Stop feeding this troll everyone. Just ignore

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Great advice but hard to do as General Moron is such an egregious ignorant troll the urge to smack the cunt down is hard to resist.

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I've seen the post attack satellite photos. That was no nuke. And, before calling me an idiot, crawl under whatever rock you came from and GFY.

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There were no nukes (drop it GM) but there is no explanation how the assumed Ukrainian drones with 25-50kg warhead could send 10 000 tonnes of explosives in to the air in that way. They were stored in a saturated way and behind reinforced concrete or even underground. And were did they come from, the 100+ drones?

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There was even more of them simply lying in the boxes on top of the bunkers. So it really didn't take a lot of effort once satellites confirmed the target.

Also, it seems that tonight they hit another arms depot near Toropets. As is usual with the Russian army, eventually they'll get out of lull and start figuring out countermeasures. But once they do, the problem would be to return to that peaceful lull.

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On top of the bunkers? Proof?

The satellite pics was taken long time ago not a couple of days ago. There was ammo in the western part sitting out in the daylight. In the new part…why should they climb up to the roof and store ammo there?

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There's hardly reason to expect otherwise, given general MO of the Russian army. It took them two and a half years of active warfare to eliminate most cases of clustered formations of troops and large ammo dumps in close vicinity to the front, and this is a relatively very backwater facility.

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10,000 tons is 10 kilotons, about the size of Hiroshima blast. And he wonders how that could blow out windows a couple km away?

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GM is smart but this Nuke-thing he has to drop. Beirut blast was 3.3 on Richterscale with approx 1 500 ton of equivalent of explosives. In Toropets they recorded about fifteen! 2+ Richterscale explosions - so we can assume that almost the entire base went of with 19 000 tons of ammo lost.

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Sheesh, NATO is using nukes and is still losing to Russia? That's very telling.

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That’s not neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is all about economics. Instead of neoliberalism the word they are looking for is Cultural Left, woke, SJWism, Identity Politics, etc. Summed up by that debauched tranny drag queen insanity at the Olympics and the various horrors of Eurovision.

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The tragedy of a state where delusional and corrupt leaders are happy to see huge swathes of their population dead, maimed or losing male relatives, truly an offence to humanity. This war for Ukraine was not defensive or justifiable in any way.

Seems this war is well and truly lost in the kinetic sense, all that remains to be seen is how far are our glorious masters willing to push Russia to the brink of nuclear war. In most of the West our choices for government are between the moral lacking woke liars, the war mongering liars or a combination of both, if younger I'd have a hard think about that Russian offer.

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ZE and Yer are not ukies but zios like net and yahoo...not humans.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Kevork Almassian had a very interesting X post with a short video of Col Wilkerson saying the US Military has done basically a soft coup over Blinken Sullivan and Biden - https://twitter.com/GhostofBPH/status/1836957071989706934 And so after I listened to it I went out to talk to the guy working outside and he had already heard this - he told me his wife knew someone in the US military who told her about it - risking his job possibly ? Also - about Russell Bentley - I wonder if this would ever have come to pass if his wife hadn't been so dogged about getting the investigation over and done with. I wonder.

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The elephant in the room here is the coming winter and what it will bring- a massive tide of refugees sweeping into old europe. It is why border closures are already going up. It is the imminent armageddon for the west that knows that once its own people experience this onslaught it will be game over for their involvement in this war. Their own governments will collapse under the chaotic conditions and mass protests. No deep attacks into Russia are going to hold back this denouement. Russia knows what it has to do to finish Ukraine off, and it will do it, for the same reason the US dropped the Bomb on Japan. It is the only way to bring this horror to an end because the cowardly west does not even have the courage to pull the plug itself.

The war will be brought to an end by a tide of war ravaged humanity, not by way of any special wonder weapon. Or maybe this is the wonder weapon to end all wonder weapons- the Russian winter.

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Russian winter won’t be needed, all over Europe the see level is rising far above everyone’s mouth… Zel, Macro, Schol all trying to save the furniture while burning even Rome has never seen during Nero’s reign, the fire brigade Blink, Kama and Bide coming too late to extinct the fire.

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"for the same reason the US dropped the Bomb on Japan."

It is not the same reason at all. The criminal US dropped the two Oppenheimer bombs as a warning to the USSR and as a test. Japan was on the ropes and was discussing a surrender.

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I am puzzled to see certain countries on that list, considered to adopt neo-liberal social values, like Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, etc. Orthodoxy and Catholicism run deep through these ones and they are all socially very conserveative.

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So many italians against this EU Parliament's move. Just check out these threads: https://x.com/elisamariastel1/status/1830890310936764867

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basically, i think everywhere where same-sex marriage is legal was put on the list

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Orthodoxy and eternal debt for freeing it from Ottoman Turks didn't stop Bulgaria from partaking in two World Wars on the German side. These days you can't be in the Western alliance and not embrace all its degeneracy, so all of EU and NATO gets included barring two countries that were sensible enough to elect leaders repelling the agenda - Hungary and Slovakia.

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It looks like basically the whole west is on it, including European micro states Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino which have less than a thimble to piss in.

But not Vatican City, interestingly enough.

Spain btw is not that socially conservative considering they opened up marriage to same sex couples all the way back in 2005.

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There were some changes regarding that. I can assure you that my country, Spain, is heading for disaster with no possibility of turning back. We deserve to be on the banned list: we maintain a miserable puppet government whose only job is to maintain the line of the 2030 agenda and form an untouchable power clique. Soon, the people here will not be able to protest or oppose it, or even criticize it under penalty of fine or arrest. But my age no longer allows me to start an adventure in Russia, that is why I say: May the good Lord protect us!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Simplicius

Deep strikes in country that spans 11 time zones, by a country with a few dozen missiles.

Thanks for your great work Simplicius! I've shared the link at A Skeptic War Reports


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This is what Martin Armstrong has to say about EU Parliament defacto declaration of war https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/europes-current-economy/eu-parliament-issuing-a-virtual-declaration-of-war-on-russia/

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Also, Armstrong believe that the ammunition explosion isn't just ammunition but this

"While Ukraine claims that they blew up a major ammunition storage facility, pronouncing that this was a large-scale drone attack on Russia, our sources are saying this was an attack using British long-range missiles. Moreover, what was there included nuclear weapons that triggered an earthquake-sized blast in the Tver region. The explosion was heard even 240 miles west of Moscow. That was not conventional ammunition. NASA satellites picked up intense heat sources, which strongly suggests that this included nuclear weapons that set off earthquake monitoring stations.

Zelenskiy hailed the outcome of the attack that would not have been possible without American satellite targeting. Zelensky is flying to the US for the UN meeting next week and is soliciting long-range missiles using US satellite targeting to destroy Russia, calling it his "Victory Plan."

I have stressed that if Putin does not take this seriously, he will be overthrown by October 15th, and his replacement will launch total retaliation. The Neocons, including NATO, are desperate to create World War III before the US elections."

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Zero nuke there MI6 desinfo only idiot like you can believe.

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Why exactly October 15th? A favorable horoscope or something? Putin's birthday, for example, is October 7th.

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And still it was just a very big open ammo dump. Nuclear ammunition provides less of an explosion, not more. It doesn't go off like conventional TNT equivalent when struck, it's a complex device for God’s sake. You need to run it properly.

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There was no nuke but one can assume that something else penetrated the concrete bunkers. No 25-50kg warhead does that.

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