Simpliticus has managed to draw an international audience of citizens from various parts of the world. Let us not judge one another based on what our governments do but by the words we write which reflect the content within our hearts. The assault on humanity is on a global level and not isolated to any region on the globe. The Overlords lead us to conflict so that we can be easily manipulated and controlled by dividing us into opposing sides. Divide and conquer, right? The problem is not the battle between global citizens but between us and the governments and overlords that rule above us. Peace, goodwill and best wishes to the global citizenship.
it's a class war on a global scale, always was basically. Identity politics is the latest iteration of divide and rule/ distraction. Congrats on being first. Edit; found the youtube vid I was look'n for:
People talk of class wars and religious wars and ideological wars and tribal wars. I'm starting to think they are all the same really. It's 'us superior ones' vs 'those awful, useless other ones'.
The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals. This is all exposed in my 11 Free Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here...
While I am left, I will judge our enemies to be enemies. Sure, not every American or German is the enemy of a Russian. But the states are. And there will be no more "International" in this age.
Proving once again that the default sort order setting for the Comments section of this substack should be either "Top first" or "Newest first" but not "Oldest first".
The video of the explosion and the footage of the consequences.
Two huge explosions were seen. Really, really huge. With no secondaries.
Then the whole ammunition storage was evaporated, and what was left was piles of destroyed bombs with their casings largely intact. Which is impossible if the bombs detonated, but very much consistent with an airburst.
So it was likely ATACMS with small nukes on them.
The drones were for distriaction of air defense.
What happened in Lipetsk hours ago is of keen interest now.
Because NATO in Europe was not glassed immediately after what they did in Morozovks, they may have repeated the exercise in Lipetsk.
1. NATO is trying to provoke Russia into a full on attack which will horrify the rest of the world and break the links with BRICS and others. That is why they constantly cross red lines. Russia knows this and is holding back. The idiots here who call for more aggression here are playing into the hands of NATO if in fact they are not already trolls. Within Russia many especially in the military do not see this. Military types rarely see these thing in ANY nation.
2. Many military types in NATO actually want to provoke Russia into using tactical nukes. Presumably they think this would give them the excuse to launch attacks on Russia. Presumably also they calculate that NATO would come out the winner of the nuclear exchange that would surely follow.
3. I will repeat this because I got zero response which means either people did not read it or are trolls. Russia CANNOT protect its entire border with significant force numbers or air defence or air superiority or anything. It has HUGE border. The task is next to impossible. Already struggling in the Soviet days, Russian power collapsed in the 1990s. It has been rebuilding as swiftly as possible but there can almost never be enough. So what Russia MUST do is leave minimal troops/defences in lower priority areas. Cut the bloody CRAP about traitors etc. Military make judgement calls. Sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they have no choice.
4. The Kursk region is at present for Russia relatively low on the priorities based on risk. St Petersburg is Russia's most vulnerable city along with Kalingrad. That along with the Sea of Azov region including Crimea are vital to protect. Moscow comes next but it is a good deal further inland. I am no military strategist but I would assume that the sensible way for Russia to manage its huge border with enemy states Finland and Ukraine, is that is areas where there is NOT intense fighting they would hod back some reserves/fire power at points along the border but at a distance so they could use a "whack a mole" approach. They would work on the assumption that if there is an enemy breakthrough that these reserves could get there quickly enough to prevent major damage. Risky yes but less risky than depleting strength in the Donbass or Sea of Azov or keeping a watchful eye along other borders which includes even the USA in Siberia.
Just thinking loosely. Even if @GM is probably false about nukes having been used by Ukraine/NATO, now could be the time for Russia to use them. With the Ukrainians deep inside Russian territory, Russia can use nukes on it's own territory to cut them off from their supplies and reinforcements. Using nukes on one's own territory removes the objection of NATO maybe exploiting the use of nukes as an excuse to enter the war openly. This argument always hinges on Russia using nukes on Ukrainian territory. It does not apply if Russia uses nukes on its own territory. The situation in the Kursk region maybe so foobar, Russia may have no other choice. Consider how difficult it was to dislodge the Ukrainians from Krinky (sp?). This time they have much larger forces, supply lines over land, Russian fortifications they have taken over, and Russian civilians as hostages to boot. Dislodging them within any appreciable time window them may be really difficult if next to impossible using conventional means. Small nukes could be used along the border to contaminate the land and cover it with loose earth. That would minimize civilian casualties while cutting off the Ukrainians forces and probably making their situation untenable. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are viable places to live in nowadays, so the long-term effects are manageable. Better to accept that than to risk what could turn into a major disaster for Russia. It would bring the added benefit of the Russian leadership, primarily Putin, leaving its measured, predictable script, which has led the West to believe that there are no Russian red lines.
Russia doesn't have to protect it's entire border at all. What it needs to do is protect its critical military assets, large cities and civilian infrastructure. 80% of Russia is empty space, what's to defend?
It needs to defend only those borders that are close to assets and close to enemies. That simplifies the problem considerably. The reason it is fighting the Ukrainians is because Ukraine is within spitting distance of Moscow. That is where defense counts.
To say that the Kursk region is low risk when it has a nuclear power plant and is within reach of Ukraine is an odd statement as events are demonstrating. If Ukraine could get control of the Kursk plant Russia would be in deep shit.
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
No Rus airfields were destroyed. No nukes, tactical or otherwise, were used. A simple internet search proves this. The attack was on the ordinance depot, not the entire airfield. Here is a write up with video and pictures of the aftermath.
This attack took place on August 3rd, so this news is six days old. If you watch the video of the explosions, you will see that this was just a regular run of the mill missile strike (ATACMS?) with several secondary explosions, none of which are very large. There is an aftermath picture at the link. The fence around the aviation ordinance depot which was hit is still intact.
If you weren't so hyperbolic and generally dishonest someone might take you seriously which would help you achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve.
That was no tactical nuke strike, anyone with half a brain could tell you that.
You've heard of Rayleigh–Taylor instability, yes? Related to the laws of thermodynamics and the physics of heat exchange.
Any sufficiently large explosion will make a mushroom cloud. Ammo depots and jet fuel depots make particularly spectacular ones due to the high temperature of the explosion.
If ou are interested I will explain in further detail why that wasn't a nuclear explosion. Consider it a favor, a contribution to your further education. Knowledge that will make you a more effective troll! Huzzah!
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
How is it going fly in Kiev when that is clearly not the objective set by Putin, exactly the opposite in fact. There is a stubborn refusal to mobilize the resources needed to achieve that.
Battle of the Bulge and Kursk, remixed and rebooted? Ukrainian soldiers should watch videos of Biden glitching out, Kamala cackling, and stolen valor Walz marching in pride parades. That is what they are fighting for.
+ jew oligarchs + blackrock, soros and all. Ukraine is bankrupted for generations, they don't own anything now and the 15 millions who left will never come back. In 2040, Ukraine will have a 10/12 millions population paying debts forever, working for 100 usd per month.
BlackRock and Vanguard, like most of the "Hedgefunds" are just skimming operations for other people's money (OPM). They rarely put up their nickel when they can get OPM, then collect the skim.
Black = Luciferian, Rock = Rockefeller. But it is said that Rockefellers are just one of the arms of the Rothchilds. Anyway, we know our rulers well enough.
So far they're too preoccupied with stealing home appliances from occupied homes. That's what they're fighting for. Hopefully, that guy with the microwave in hands gets buried with it.
Battle of the Bulge I see, but Kursk ? 1943 Russians prepared a hard nut they expected Germans would bite. Germans did bite and harder than expected. Russians reserve wrote the conclusion. So far it does not seem the breached area has solid defense. It is possible but unlikely, so far, that Russians have prepared a fire sack and invited AFU to come in. The clamp action to cut the bulge at the base so far is done by artillery and stand-off munitions (probablly just as effective as two armored pincers.)
"Battle of the Bulge and Kursk, remixed and rebooted?" No, not at all. Kiev wants to achieve unlimited support from the US, to cause a direct war between superpowers.
Kiev's objective is to bait Russia into escalations that will bring the US and NATO more directly into the war. They (and their more rabid backers, like MI6) know that indiscriminate killings of civilians by nazis on Russian territory and a direct attack in force on a Russian nuclear power station will lead to escalations by Russia.
If Kiev achieves a direct conflict between *any* NATO member and Russia it doesn't matter to them how many of their attackers get killed, and it won't matter if the rest of the front collapses. Any escalation by Russia that involves direct strikes by Russia on NATO assets, such as killing US or NATO AWACS aircraft or any direct fighting between any NATO nation and Russia will guarantee Kiev with unlimited US and NATO money, arms, and other military support. Kiev believes that before Russia will be able to exploit even a general collapse of Kiev's forces across the entire front, it will be distracted by direct conflicts with NATO and the US.
That's why what looks like what will be, sooner or later, a suicidal, pointless attack is a gambit worth trying for Kiev.
I noted in another post in the Comments section: The gambit is also exploiting a key Russian weakness, which is a strategic thinking weakness in that Russia at the highest levels still has not internalized either the total dishonesty of the West or the fundamentally psychotic willingness of the West to believe its own propaganda for morons and to follow the lies of that propaganda into actions that are self-destructive.
A good example is Kiev's attack on Kursk. The region in Kursk was relatively lightly defended because it was clear that Kiev attacking Kursk oblast has only terrorist value and at that only if the attacker is willing to commit suicide in committing the terror act. Russia did not believe the West would go for such a self-destructive and obviously terroristic ploy. Russia has enough resources in the region to protect the Kursk nuclear power plant, and it has enough resources that, on an emergency basis, it can apply to stopping Kiev's thrust, but beyond that it made no sense for Russia to pull military resources from elsewhere to defend something that, ultimately, was defended by the deterrent of far hotter war in response to a terrorist action.
That Kiev undertook this attack is a statement by the West "we're not scared by your deterrents" - we'll see how far Russia will take its response. I think if Russia cannot find a response that causes direct and severe pain to the West while falling short of total war, the West is going to keep pulling such stunts until Russia has no choice but to engage in general war with the West. But if Russia can find the balance point between general war and a response that teaches the West poking Russia is stupid, this attack by Kiev will have some consequences:
One result of this action is a guarantee that Russia will not under any circumstances negotiate with the West or its puppets on any basis other than the total elimination of "Ukraine" as a state. If the West doesn't like that, they'll have to defeat Russia in a war that will cause massive damage to the countries which have allied in a coalition to defeat Russia, and that includes damage to the US.
One other result of this action is that Russia is likely to take far harsher measures in both its prosecution of the war in Ukraine and also in the context of what assistance Russia provides to countries already at war with the US, such as Syria and Yemen.
Finally, I think a consequence of this action is that the West has managed to wake a sleeping giant. They've been believing their own propaganda about Russia being stressed fighting this war, but now they will discover that in truth Russia has been fighting a highly limited conflict. They'll discover that as Russia moves from "special military operation" mode to "war" mode.
The West is bleeding itself out, with help from Russia and China- often by standing back and watching.
The Bank of Japan raises interest rates from ZERO to 1/4 of 1% and their stock market collapses 5,000 points, this weeks 10 year and 30 year U.S. Debt sales backdoor backup by the Fed's Foreign Buyer surrogates.
The Garden of Weeds grown by planting the seeds of "Diversity is our Strength" eating Europe, Britain and Ireland alive. Not all Cultures are equal, no matter how many times you shout it.
Ukraine foolishly picked Perfidious Albion and Fickle Uncle Sam to be their bed partners and wonder why their butt is so sore.
Respectfully disagree. NATO and the US think they can kick back without directly fighting Russia and keep their attacks on Russia to the level of their proxies being cannon fodder while causing whatever damage to Russia those proxies can manage.
They're not looking for a direct fight with Russia. But all that will change if, say, Russia flattens the huge US military airport in Romania (now hosting a few B52 nuclear bombers), or if Russia downs some AWACS aircraft, or if Russia strikes key logistical supply bases in Poland. Heck, it might even change if Russia flattens US and EU embassies in Kiev. That's when they'll start hyperventilating about Article 5 and launch some direct attacks on Russia in Kaliningrad, on Russian navy assets somewhere or whatever.
Respectfully, writing "*if*" as if they free choice in the matter is giving the US and NATO far too much credit.
They had free choice in the matter back in the 90's when they had no opponents who could really fight them. So yes, at that time an "*if*" was spot on: when they chose to gin up fake pretexts for attacking Yugoslavia that's what they did and then proceeded straightaway to viciously bombing civilians, killing over 33,000 Yugoslavian civilians. For style points, just to show they didn't have to give a hoot what anybody else thought, they even deliberately bombed journalists and news media. Russia couldn't do a thing about that short of initiating nuclear war against the US and NATO, which it was unwilling to do to save Yugoslavia. A nuclear power that is a large country without massive conventional arms and a healthy economy is no longer a superpower.
But now the world is completely different. The US is no longer the sole superpower. Both China and Russia have broken out as genuine superpowers, large, self-sufficient (in China's case by teaming with Russia) countries that cannot be broken economically or with conventional weapons, which have large nuclear arsenals to boot. Both have the key superpower characteristic of being so strong economically and conventional militarily that they have a sufficient surplus of money and combat capability to project force into their near abroad and to influence conflicts around the world.
NATO without the US has never been a superpower, but now it is even more obviously not a superpower by virtue of insufficient economies and woefully insufficient military capacity to wage conventional war. Despite their extreme delusion they know they are deeply unready to face Russia in general war.
The US is a question mark, because of the extreme level of self-delusion that dominates the US. Unlike Western Europe, which has had nearly a century of decline and military humiliation to gradually accept it is no longer a colonial empire, the US still thinks it is the world's hegemon, despite depending on China for over 40% of the key components in the advanced weapons systems upon which the US depends to project force. Despite losing every war it has fought in recent decades, losing to tribesmen in deserts in non-peer conflicts, the US still thinks it may have a chance against either Russia or China or, even more astonishingly, against both at the same time in a conventional war. The US has done such an exceptionally good job of telling lies about the utterly terrible performance of weapons systems like Patriot in Iraq or Javelin anywhere or Abrams tanks and similar wonder weapons in Ukraine that obviously many of the US's elites believe those lies.
So yes, maybe the US still thinks there's an "*if*" in there that is solely the US's choice to make. But even in the US there are enough people, usually military people, who have enough contact with reality to understand the US is in no shape to fight a war with a determined peer adversary like Russia or China. Those people seem to be injecting just enough awareness of reality into US fantasy sessions on strategy that even the US realizes it does not have free choice of action.
Instead, both the US and NATO are holding back in fear of what would happen to them in general war with Russia, albeit holding back on the fairly fragile basis of fact-based realism that has no strength against the tsunami of self-delusion pushing for war with Russia. The advocates of war are eager to see Russia strike NATO or US assets directly, because they know that will be the straw that breaks the reality-based camel's back and that will allow the war party to have their way and commence hostilities. Until that happens, there is no "*if*" about it.
“the West is going to keep pulling such stunts until Russia has no choice but to engage in general war with the West” agree that western leaders want a general war… I believe that it’s partially cover for a financial reset aka debt default… I know nothing special just trying to read the tea leaves… I’m sad because western elites seem willing to sacrifice civilization itself to retain power… it seems inconceivable now but a new dark age may be upon us… I hope I’m wrong…
We've got Front Row seats to to the U.S.'s favored style of Provocation Ploy in the ME: Israel bombs a Iran's embassy in Damascus, a affront both to Syria & Iran, then waits for Iran's retaliation, which is then portrayed as over-the-top: 300 drones--!!
Israel answers the retaliation w/ a retaliation--to which Iran keeps its powder dry.
A period of quiet commences, broken a month later by assassinations in Beirut & Tehran.
Iran can't not retaliate [double-negative intentional here.]
The U.S.'s favored style of Provocation Ploy is to maneuver the targeted adversary into a position where it *can't not respond*
This gets repeated up the escalatory ladder
Until a run-amok hegemon ceases such strategies, we will dwell in a dark age
What;s interesting right now is that the gray-heads w/ long beards in Iran are not hastening to dash up the rungs of the escalatory ladder.
So we've got Front Row seats to their *strategic patience*--as do members of the RoW, who may grok the virtue in eschewing knee-jerk reactions
It is still a bad look. And if they did move into our territory in a stupid place, we probably would let them take a bigger salient. But make no mistake, they are not stupid. Kurchatov is really nearby and giving Ukrainians a modern working nuclear station is not a good idea through any lens.
What were you expecting? It's effective for what it was intended to do. Very effective, even. 12*40 km from today's official assessment, this is a result NATO should be proud of.
oh my it's all so exciting... I think I'm done with all of this shit. I'm certainly done making comments at this nervous little high dramafest. I'll quietly follow this gigantic, totally unnecessary human shitfest elsewhere.
There is no Iranian attack for now as US + Egypt + Qatar forced bibi to meet next week or in Egypt or in Qatar for negociations about Gaza. Don't forget that what is the most important for Dem's potus election is the pricing of gasoline, if Iran attack, Israel retaliates then Iran can block Suez canal and oooups WTI BRENT will reach 150 usd, Trump in KH out.
This is why they calm down bibi. They should also calm down ZE as natgaz in Europe took 5 % in 24h and electricity + oil are linked with gaz price due to an idiotic EU law (aren)wanted by Germany. Which means inflation and later rates will go up, EU elites should better support a RU victory and asap.
Take a look at map and see where Iran is located in relation to the Suez Canal. So I think you mean Iran may hinder shipping through the Straits of Hormuz. Well they could arm the Yemenis even more to interdict Red Sea shipping thus affecting shipping through the Suez. Any which way the Russians will be very happy with that situation becoming the major supplier of energy with oil going to the prices you mentioned.
It looks like a steady camera take looking at the mushroom cloud forming. This means the camera was probably already filming immediately prior to the mushroom cloud forming. Hence it should also have captured a nuclear fireball. A fireball is unavoidable in any nuclear explosion (as long as it's above ground). But it's not there. Why edit out the fireball? Even if it that was done for the first mushroom cloud - Would it even have been possible for the second one that rises moments later? Difficult to imagine.
The camera sensor would be dead if that was a nuke. Most people have no idea how bright the stuff is when it goes off. They think it's just some mushroom thing.
Those explosions are too tiny to be from nukes. You have no idea how big even the smallest nuclear explosions are. Besides, nukes don't go off twice like we see in the video. That's a video of conventional explosions tearing through an ammo dump.
Where is the bright flash of light? It's possible to gauge from the video roughly how close the camera is to the explosions - you expect me to believe someone can be standing that close even to a tactical nuke, and record it on their camera phone with no ill effects? Those explosions are visibly smaller than the Tianjin ones, and those were not nuclear either.
These images can be from anywhere. Why are bits of a blue-yellow flag scattered there? And that satellite image of a facility looks too similar to that shown in Simplicius article with pics of eliminated commanders.
Definitely the aftermath of a (or more) conventional explosion(s). The explosion itself can be everything, we do not even know for sure where it took place. But most probably an ammo depo explosion.
Any even small pacific island , place which is nuked even by tactical nuke is instantly seen by all major countries of the World(nuclear powers) including China and India :
You're on the internet -- how hard is it for you to search for it?
The governor has declared emergency in the surrounding area to "eliminate the consequences of the detonation". So it looks like they hit the ammo depot in that airbase too. What with is the key question -- some sources say it was 30+ drones, others that it was drones plus missiles -- as well as how many planes got destroyed on the ground.
Also, remember when some of us were mentioning that Ukraine is gaining superiority in long-range strikes with drones? And we were laughed at. Well, this is two airfields gone now within a week. Whatever was used to hit them.
In Morozovsk everything points to two ATACMS with around 1-kt small nuclear warheads each. But even if it wasn't that, the fact is that the whole ammunition storage area, which is a square of 200 meters on each side, was vaporized. Again, highly doubtful that drones did that, but whatever the technical means, the result is there. So the base is now out of action and hundreds of bombs and missiles were lost.
Now Lipetsk too.
Meanwhile I don't see all that much flying the othere way. In fact, precisely zero is flying to where it really has to fly, which is beyond Ukraine.
Where does that end if NATO in Europe is not nuked, now?
Posting the same thing again, it looks like a steady camera take looking at the mushroom cloud forming. This means the camera was probably already filming immediately prior to the mushroom cloud forming. Hence it should also have captured a nuclear fireball. A fireball is unavoidable in any nuclear explosion (as long as it's above ground). But it's not there. Why edit out the fireball? Even if it that was done for the first mushroom cloud - Would it even have been possible for the second one that rises moments later? Difficult to imagine.
Adding to the previous post, the person sitting in the car looking through the windshield directly at the explosion should have been at least temporarily blinded by the fireball. No indications of that.
Plz. Count the seconds for the sound to reach the microphone. It is not that big explosion. The Russian attack on Khmelnitsky was bigger. No nukes to be seen here.
So, what you want is a nuclear Russian attack on London, Paris, Berlin... That will certainly finish the EU as a commercial competitor to the anglosaxons. Good try. But I guess the Russians can see that too and prefer its Washington who nuke Berlin to create a radioactive buffer zone. Procastinating a direct response has prooved effective for Russia. Look at the riots in the UK and the American political growing mess. The risk of an American civil war is real. Why would Russia divert its course. But you probably know more than the whole Russian intelligence community.
Why should I care about the EU as a commercial competitor to the anglosaxons and not about Russian cities that are being bombed daily with increasingly heavy weaponry?
The Euros are full blown Nazi that have revealed their true colors -- they never got over WWII. As Zhukov said, "We have liberated them from fascism, and they will never forgive us for it"
Burn in hell.
Putin has a duty to protect Russia.
If he is placing the well-being of Europeans over that of Russians, and he clearly is currently, he must go. Now. And have someone who places Russian well-being over that of Europeans take over.
>Procastinating a direct response has prooved effective for Russia.
Yeah, so effective that NATO missiles are destroying Russian airfields 350 km inside Russia...
Never underestimate the enemy. This is not good for Russia. If Russia cant contain and repel the advancing AFU, they will create chaos and then cement their presence in Russia heartland. It is amazing stuff happening right now. Desperate move, yes, but effective optics and a morale boost for Ukraine. In the same time embarrasing for Putin/Kreml. And a blatant provocation of Russians feelings with a new battle of the Kursk. Russia cant ignore this and Ukraine knows it.
If Ukraine can create an environment for speedy advances - why cant Russia?
And did Ukraine blast away a lot of FAB:s stored in the airfield on Mohrovets?
When will Ukraine raid Crimea (or was it disinformation)?
Because Russia's goal is to defeat Ukraine's military. You do not defeat a military by storming strategically unimportant land mass just because you can, there is no enemy to destroy there and it just thins out your supply and contact line and exposes your assault force to bombing. All of Russia's assaults have been in areas with very obvious concentrations of enemy units, or for strategic areas where nearby troops will be pressured, drawn in, or fixed in place. It makes no sense for Russia to find some similar place in Ukraine where the nearest large city is 90km away, with no military presence, and take ground for no other reason than coloring a map. That's how wars are lost.
I keep hearing "Oh, this war is over, Russia has already won!" and "It's inevitable - Ukraine is collapsing!". And I hear this week after week, month after month. I'm starting to wonder if Russia has the will, the determination, the ruthlessness needed to win this war and bring it to a close.
I'm not asking about the Houtis and the Red Sea. I'm specifically asking about this now-going-into 3 year war between Russia and Ukraine. It's start to feel like Russia either will not or cannot end it.
Listen, Bob you may not like the progress or timeline. But at least they are moving. What happened to Houthis and the red Sea. America is supposed to have best navy in the worl
People need to stop bringing up the Houthis. I'm not concerned with that. And it's not a matter of me "not liking" the progress. I am CONCERNED that Russia seems unable to get the final upper hand and finish this war. I understand the fact that this is NOT a war between Ukraine and Russia but rather between the collective forces of NATO and the EU vs. Russia. But still, this is dragging on for years now and it seems to me that if Russia does not do something decisive, the war will go on and on for years and years to come.
It will do that regardless of what Russia does. It truly is WW3 you know; it started in 2014. We just weren't actually aware of it then. It encompasses more than just armed military action, by the way.
It's also a Civil war for Russia, and those are not won until your opponent is unable to stand. In 2020 once it appeared that NATO involvement turned a local disarming operation into a full conflict, I knew it will take about 10-15 years to untangle. And once it does, mind you, the idea of some NATO keeping to its 1997 borders will be laughable.
Yes. This is the element often overlooked by everyone. This is a civil war, which is about more than territory that one acquires, how the front moves, or even how many troops one can field in a standing army. To go by the U.S. Civil War, one can see that the war does not end until one side acknowledges defeat: until one side is so demoralized and impoverished that they have no choice but to accept defeat and abandon the ethos or motive for war. In the case of the U.S., the Union had to destroy the planter aristocracy and its economic raison d'etre.
In the case of Ukraine, Putin has described victory as "denazification." This is victory and only this. When the people of Ukraine have been so defeated, impoverished, and humiliated that they finally realize that their perverse ideology led them into national suicide and abandon naziism forever. Until that time, the war will continue.
Always in a hurry. You are missing the point. Ukraine is but one battleground. The West is dying from a thousand cuts, of their own doing. Why should Russia hurry-up? Ukraine is the mortally wounded Mouse. Russia is the patient cat.
The problem is that the longer it drags on, the greater the risk. For example, some gung-ho pilot in an F-6 crosses into Russian airspace and gets shot down. Where does that escalate from there? Or what if Putin dies or is assassinated? What happens when a hard-liner with a much hotter head and far less patience takes over? There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of variables that could escalate us to a nuclear phase of WWIII. I understand Putin's patience and agree with it. The meat-grinder is working. But at some point patience becomes a liability and not an asset and I'm concerned that we may be approaching that point.
What you are doing is wondering why Russia isn't fighting this war like the U.S. would. First off, you have to remember that the areas of Ukraine now being fought on are populated by ethnic Russians; so Russia doesn't want to destroy what it doesn't have to. Second point is that the Russians are doing their best to minimize losses. At the same time they are trying not to alienate the undecideds among the population.
So far most of the fighting has been taking place in areas that were fortified back in 2014/15. To expect easy victory is foolish. Another point is that initially Russia was really unprepared militarily. It was a year before Putin finally gave up all hope of coming to an equitable agreement. You should look up some of John Meersheimer's videos from that time frame. They are enlightening, especially in light of current events.
You've got a massive misunderstanding of this conflict or it seems so by your wording. You need to grasp the fact, this isn't a war being fought by Russia. I know it sounds like an excuse, but it isn't. You've got to get it into your thinking. Russia is waging an SMO . Nothing more, nothing less, Russia could easily wipe Ukraine off the face of the planet. But that's not their aim, their aims are to denazify Ukraine, demilitarise it. They haven't even officially recognized Ukraine as a terrorist state. As that would give them legal duristriction to attack all the political class & wipe them all out. Unlike the West, Russia sticks to the rules even of it prohibits themselves. I personally think it's stupid, but the Russian leadership is far more intelligent than I am. Russia hasn't even upgraded the SMO to a fight against a terrorist state. Never mind a war , Russia isn't just fighting Ukraine & is protecting its own men as much as possible. There's many reasons for the Russians to take their time. They're destroying the Western economies as much as possible also. As well as their military stocks. It's far from being a simple 1 v 1 conflict. Currently Russian losses are at an all time low, while it's the opposite for Ukraine. It's not sustainable for Ukraine to fight much longer. Russia will be aware, the West will be very advanced in setting up their next proxy or proxies
Exactly - the slower the better and the longer the better - the war on NATO and the EU is won elsewhere, BRICS, new currencies for trade, new transport corridors etc, new industries, while the western economies and political structure decay -
- and it's not stupid to not assassinate, it's not the few in place now who are the 'régime', it's the whole régime structure and it"s hold over the Ukrainian people that has to be destroyed, not one or two, or three or four and so on and so on of the current leaders
Well if all those hairdressers, chesse salesman and taxi drivers from Internet comment sections would get into RU government, then surely Russia would be able to wrap this all up in about 9 days.
This is a negotiated war where Russia and NATO have agreed not to use several classes of weapons, the most obvious being tactical nuclear weapons. Because tanks and armored vehicles are so vulnerable, fighting is like WWI trench warfare with drones, stand off weapons, and EW being decisive. You will note the importance of drones and EW in the Kurst offensive.
It is obvious that the Russian leadership does not want this war. They do not want to make war on what they see as misguided brethren in Ukraine, and they do not want to destroy the West, they want to join it.
The West and its Ukrainian buttbois see things very differently.
I'd go a step further: Russia wants to join the West because Russia is culturally Western in every essential respect. It belongs in the West. With China rising, the NATO-sphere and Russia together could have made the perfect counterweight, but for some reason NATO leadership would prefer to fight Russia than to reconcile with it. It's hard to tell if this is due to Western greed/hubris, political dysfunction, or some ancient historic hatred between Anglos and Slavs, or for some other reason that I can't even fathom. Regardless, Xi Jinping is surely loving every minute of this disorganized fiasco.
I think your frustration has to do with the fact that you think in terms of a "war" between Russia and Ukraine/NATO. But Russia has specifically refused to call this a war, it is a "special military operation", with specific goals, which may not be met if it was a war. If it was a full on war, Russia would be fighting differently. Maybe Putin and his council and military leaders do not know what they are doing, and you can see more clearly than they, but I doubt it.
Well Russia can refuse to call the sky blue - that doesn't make it not blue. This is an existential war that the globalists have launched against Russia. Surely they have seen the maps of how the globalists want to cut Russia into 7 smaller states. As I said, the longer this war lasts - and it is in fact a war - the more dangerous it gets for the whole world.
The sky is very often NOT blue. It does not matter that you have decided it is an existential war, it matters that Russia does not consider it so, and is not fighting as if it is a war. If that changes, then no doubt their strategy and tactics will also change, and we will all know.
Regarding the Iran angle: not only have Russian cargo planes delivered beaucoup military objects, like S-400s, to Iran since the assassination of Haniyeh, but Russian military personnel accompanied the equipment and are busy setting the systems up.
So Russian contractors & advisors are on the ground in Iran.
If Bibi were to fire off a preemptive strike against, he would risk running afoul an obvious tripwire: killing Russians in Iran, something that might provide warhawks in the Kremlin w/ an irresistible casus belli.
cruising down the highway as fast as you can does not equal capturing territory,
This will end up as all other ukie attempts.
If i were Putin i would release a statement on a change of negotiation demands saying now we are taking everything east of the Dnieper and all the black sea coast
Another foolish gambit by the jookrainians who always get slaughtered in the end …the jew zelensky hails from the sabbatai zevi jacobin frankist sexual degenerates(See Leo ZagamI books and podcasts) that is why the usa and ukraine have become sheetholes including uk france germany and even Australia which was the best of the best has become worse considering it is only 100 years old sad that such degenerates can be voted into government. I wouldnt let any jew or leftist nutcase close to government they always subvert and let their lower passions run riot …..In fact the whole of the west govts are a classroom without a teacher and if you look at most of them they are ugly …very i can look at the mirror no problems them they dont look anymore just like Dorian Grays picture Ruth Ginsburgs at 80 the lot of them…And when the Kursk adventure ends as it will ookraine will find November to be the fall Of Damocles and draw blood according to AI.
One would think that being a border guard would be a safe, cushy cozy job. But when a column of enemy tanks is heading your way, and all you have is 5 shots in your gun with no backup, by golly, it's time to run and drive your silly ass the hell out of there on the double, mate. To hell with "hold the line". lol
Except holding the line is exactly what they did at the customs because there was no order to withdraw. Heroism happens where preparations were insufficient.
Greetings, citizens.
Simpliticus has managed to draw an international audience of citizens from various parts of the world. Let us not judge one another based on what our governments do but by the words we write which reflect the content within our hearts. The assault on humanity is on a global level and not isolated to any region on the globe. The Overlords lead us to conflict so that we can be easily manipulated and controlled by dividing us into opposing sides. Divide and conquer, right? The problem is not the battle between global citizens but between us and the governments and overlords that rule above us. Peace, goodwill and best wishes to the global citizenship.
it's a class war on a global scale, always was basically. Identity politics is the latest iteration of divide and rule/ distraction. Congrats on being first. Edit; found the youtube vid I was look'n for:
Lol, and thanks, Billy. There's a hidden message in there for someone in particular to smarten up. lol Later, man.
Thanks, Marcy. I am privy to the matter.
People talk of class wars and religious wars and ideological wars and tribal wars. I'm starting to think they are all the same really. It's 'us superior ones' vs 'those awful, useless other ones'.
I think you should address class war in more serious terms of the structures, state and economic
This will improve insight into how not only is the external war a necessity, but that the internal is the more crucial
And hence to do something about it
The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals. This is all exposed in my 11 Free Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here...
While I am left, I will judge our enemies to be enemies. Sure, not every American or German is the enemy of a Russian. But the states are. And there will be no more "International" in this age.
Posting "First" would have been more sensible.
Proving once again that the default sort order setting for the Comments section of this substack should be either "Top first" or "Newest first" but not "Oldest first".
That's a matter of opinion. I like reading chronologically.
They gotta hurry…November is fast ap.proaching
Thirs year into the not-war that was launched in order to prevent a NATO invasion of Russia we get what?
A NATO invasion of Russia.
And a tactical nuke strike on Russia too (in Morozovsk).
The Kremlin doesn't know what to do about the former, while the latter it is pretending it did not happen.
As usual.
Which means that yet more is to come.
Remarkable success for Putinism...
But hey, as long as the oligarchs are in still in power, and the communists have not come back, the important objectives have been achieved I guess...
"And a tactical nuke strike on Russia too (in Morozovsk)."
Do provide any evidence of a nuclear weapon having been used.
The video of the explosion and the footage of the consequences.
Two huge explosions were seen. Really, really huge. With no secondaries.
Then the whole ammunition storage was evaporated, and what was left was piles of destroyed bombs with their casings largely intact. Which is impossible if the bombs detonated, but very much consistent with an airburst.
So it was likely ATACMS with small nukes on them.
The drones were for distriaction of air defense.
What happened in Lipetsk hours ago is of keen interest now.
Because NATO in Europe was not glassed immediately after what they did in Morozovks, they may have repeated the exercise in Lipetsk.
Watching too many science fiction movies.
Honestly people please remember
1. NATO is trying to provoke Russia into a full on attack which will horrify the rest of the world and break the links with BRICS and others. That is why they constantly cross red lines. Russia knows this and is holding back. The idiots here who call for more aggression here are playing into the hands of NATO if in fact they are not already trolls. Within Russia many especially in the military do not see this. Military types rarely see these thing in ANY nation.
2. Many military types in NATO actually want to provoke Russia into using tactical nukes. Presumably they think this would give them the excuse to launch attacks on Russia. Presumably also they calculate that NATO would come out the winner of the nuclear exchange that would surely follow.
3. I will repeat this because I got zero response which means either people did not read it or are trolls. Russia CANNOT protect its entire border with significant force numbers or air defence or air superiority or anything. It has HUGE border. The task is next to impossible. Already struggling in the Soviet days, Russian power collapsed in the 1990s. It has been rebuilding as swiftly as possible but there can almost never be enough. So what Russia MUST do is leave minimal troops/defences in lower priority areas. Cut the bloody CRAP about traitors etc. Military make judgement calls. Sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they have no choice.
4. The Kursk region is at present for Russia relatively low on the priorities based on risk. St Petersburg is Russia's most vulnerable city along with Kalingrad. That along with the Sea of Azov region including Crimea are vital to protect. Moscow comes next but it is a good deal further inland. I am no military strategist but I would assume that the sensible way for Russia to manage its huge border with enemy states Finland and Ukraine, is that is areas where there is NOT intense fighting they would hod back some reserves/fire power at points along the border but at a distance so they could use a "whack a mole" approach. They would work on the assumption that if there is an enemy breakthrough that these reserves could get there quickly enough to prevent major damage. Risky yes but less risky than depleting strength in the Donbass or Sea of Azov or keeping a watchful eye along other borders which includes even the USA in Siberia.
Comment 227 on MOA
Yeah, and Hitler was merely trying to provoke Stalin on June 22 1941.
And destroying Russian airfields, including using tactical nukes, is also merely trying to provoke Russia to use tactical nukes. Absolutely
Just thinking loosely. Even if @GM is probably false about nukes having been used by Ukraine/NATO, now could be the time for Russia to use them. With the Ukrainians deep inside Russian territory, Russia can use nukes on it's own territory to cut them off from their supplies and reinforcements. Using nukes on one's own territory removes the objection of NATO maybe exploiting the use of nukes as an excuse to enter the war openly. This argument always hinges on Russia using nukes on Ukrainian territory. It does not apply if Russia uses nukes on its own territory. The situation in the Kursk region maybe so foobar, Russia may have no other choice. Consider how difficult it was to dislodge the Ukrainians from Krinky (sp?). This time they have much larger forces, supply lines over land, Russian fortifications they have taken over, and Russian civilians as hostages to boot. Dislodging them within any appreciable time window them may be really difficult if next to impossible using conventional means. Small nukes could be used along the border to contaminate the land and cover it with loose earth. That would minimize civilian casualties while cutting off the Ukrainians forces and probably making their situation untenable. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are viable places to live in nowadays, so the long-term effects are manageable. Better to accept that than to risk what could turn into a major disaster for Russia. It would bring the added benefit of the Russian leadership, primarily Putin, leaving its measured, predictable script, which has led the West to believe that there are no Russian red lines.
No, you don't nuke your own territory. It is the same reason, but amplified even more, why Ukraine must not be nuked -- Ukraine is Russian territory.
You nuke Poland, Romania, Finland, Germany, etc. Block NATO logistics, then you deal with Ukraine.
The US will not dare retaliate. Russia's SMO bluff was called, now it's time to call NATO's Article 5 bluff.
Surprisingly informative, well-arranged and wise comment from you. Different from the usual personal attacks and nit-picking.
Agree with what you write. Especially points 3 and 4 were spot-on.
Good summary of the real situation
The trolls will try and object - they've been very excited recently
Russia doesn't have to protect it's entire border at all. What it needs to do is protect its critical military assets, large cities and civilian infrastructure. 80% of Russia is empty space, what's to defend?
It needs to defend only those borders that are close to assets and close to enemies. That simplifies the problem considerably. The reason it is fighting the Ukrainians is because Ukraine is within spitting distance of Moscow. That is where defense counts.
To say that the Kursk region is low risk when it has a nuclear power plant and is within reach of Ukraine is an odd statement as events are demonstrating. If Ukraine could get control of the Kursk plant Russia would be in deep shit.
Tactical Nukes 😂 put down what you are smoking
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
There are no tactical nukes for ATACMS. The only tactical nukes that US have is gravity bombs.
But your fantasies is very funny to read, keep it going)
No Rus airfields were destroyed. No nukes, tactical or otherwise, were used. A simple internet search proves this. The attack was on the ordinance depot, not the entire airfield. Here is a write up with video and pictures of the aftermath.
This attack took place on August 3rd, so this news is six days old. If you watch the video of the explosions, you will see that this was just a regular run of the mill missile strike (ATACMS?) with several secondary explosions, none of which are very large. There is an aftermath picture at the link. The fence around the aviation ordinance depot which was hit is still intact.
If you weren't so hyperbolic and generally dishonest someone might take you seriously which would help you achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve.
That was no tactical nuke strike, anyone with half a brain could tell you that.
You've heard of Rayleigh–Taylor instability, yes? Related to the laws of thermodynamics and the physics of heat exchange.
Any sufficiently large explosion will make a mushroom cloud. Ammo depots and jet fuel depots make particularly spectacular ones due to the high temperature of the explosion.
If ou are interested I will explain in further detail why that wasn't a nuclear explosion. Consider it a favor, a contribution to your further education. Knowledge that will make you a more effective troll! Huzzah!
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
Please explain why there were only two huge explosions of equal size but no secondaries and why the bombs that supposedly exploded are all there with their casings intact?
How does that happen with an ammo depot explosion?
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
What we seeing _are_ the secondary explosions. Some shells did not explode the way the others did because they were subjected to a supersonic shock wave from the secondary explosion making its way through the storage. Hence the casings lying around.
General Moron, just fuck off. You are a fool. Do you live in the same trailer park as little Mikey?
Sure you can do better... When the Russian flag flies in Kiev you will still claim a "Putinist" defeat. You are just pathetic laughable propaganda.
How is it going fly in Kiev when that is clearly not the objective set by Putin, exactly the opposite in fact. There is a stubborn refusal to mobilize the resources needed to achieve that.
ahahahah lol
heal your brains clown
Battle of the Bulge and Kursk, remixed and rebooted? Ukrainian soldiers should watch videos of Biden glitching out, Kamala cackling, and stolen valor Walz marching in pride parades. That is what they are fighting for.
+ jew oligarchs + blackrock, soros and all. Ukraine is bankrupted for generations, they don't own anything now and the 15 millions who left will never come back. In 2040, Ukraine will have a 10/12 millions population paying debts forever, working for 100 usd per month.
I heard Blackrock and Vanguard belong to the Rothchilds.
BlackRock and Vanguard, like most of the "Hedgefunds" are just skimming operations for other people's money (OPM). They rarely put up their nickel when they can get OPM, then collect the skim.
Black = Luciferian, Rock = Rockefeller. But it is said that Rockefellers are just one of the arms of the Rothchilds. Anyway, we know our rulers well enough.
They are the real enemy, not the Ukrainian people. The problem is, they have enough money to buy people's souls.
Dont forget their fertility now is about 0.5.
Self-genocided retards who wanted to kill as much Russian people as they can. LOL
Deranged serfs for jews. What a circus.
Add Robert E. Lee's Gettysburg gambit to the remixed & rebooted playlist of sorry campaigns
So far they're too preoccupied with stealing home appliances from occupied homes. That's what they're fighting for. Hopefully, that guy with the microwave in hands gets buried with it.
Still waiting.....
You mean dying for
Battle of the Bulge I see, but Kursk ? 1943 Russians prepared a hard nut they expected Germans would bite. Germans did bite and harder than expected. Russians reserve wrote the conclusion. So far it does not seem the breached area has solid defense. It is possible but unlikely, so far, that Russians have prepared a fire sack and invited AFU to come in. The clamp action to cut the bulge at the base so far is done by artillery and stand-off munitions (probablly just as effective as two armored pincers.)
Only a few days in. This is the Battle of the (Zelenski) Little Bulge, not even remotely the Ardennes operation or Kursk I.
"Battle of the Bulge and Kursk, remixed and rebooted?" No, not at all. Kiev wants to achieve unlimited support from the US, to cause a direct war between superpowers.
Kiev's objective is to bait Russia into escalations that will bring the US and NATO more directly into the war. They (and their more rabid backers, like MI6) know that indiscriminate killings of civilians by nazis on Russian territory and a direct attack in force on a Russian nuclear power station will lead to escalations by Russia.
If Kiev achieves a direct conflict between *any* NATO member and Russia it doesn't matter to them how many of their attackers get killed, and it won't matter if the rest of the front collapses. Any escalation by Russia that involves direct strikes by Russia on NATO assets, such as killing US or NATO AWACS aircraft or any direct fighting between any NATO nation and Russia will guarantee Kiev with unlimited US and NATO money, arms, and other military support. Kiev believes that before Russia will be able to exploit even a general collapse of Kiev's forces across the entire front, it will be distracted by direct conflicts with NATO and the US.
That's why what looks like what will be, sooner or later, a suicidal, pointless attack is a gambit worth trying for Kiev.
I noted in another post in the Comments section: The gambit is also exploiting a key Russian weakness, which is a strategic thinking weakness in that Russia at the highest levels still has not internalized either the total dishonesty of the West or the fundamentally psychotic willingness of the West to believe its own propaganda for morons and to follow the lies of that propaganda into actions that are self-destructive.
A good example is Kiev's attack on Kursk. The region in Kursk was relatively lightly defended because it was clear that Kiev attacking Kursk oblast has only terrorist value and at that only if the attacker is willing to commit suicide in committing the terror act. Russia did not believe the West would go for such a self-destructive and obviously terroristic ploy. Russia has enough resources in the region to protect the Kursk nuclear power plant, and it has enough resources that, on an emergency basis, it can apply to stopping Kiev's thrust, but beyond that it made no sense for Russia to pull military resources from elsewhere to defend something that, ultimately, was defended by the deterrent of far hotter war in response to a terrorist action.
That Kiev undertook this attack is a statement by the West "we're not scared by your deterrents" - we'll see how far Russia will take its response. I think if Russia cannot find a response that causes direct and severe pain to the West while falling short of total war, the West is going to keep pulling such stunts until Russia has no choice but to engage in general war with the West. But if Russia can find the balance point between general war and a response that teaches the West poking Russia is stupid, this attack by Kiev will have some consequences:
One result of this action is a guarantee that Russia will not under any circumstances negotiate with the West or its puppets on any basis other than the total elimination of "Ukraine" as a state. If the West doesn't like that, they'll have to defeat Russia in a war that will cause massive damage to the countries which have allied in a coalition to defeat Russia, and that includes damage to the US.
One other result of this action is that Russia is likely to take far harsher measures in both its prosecution of the war in Ukraine and also in the context of what assistance Russia provides to countries already at war with the US, such as Syria and Yemen.
Finally, I think a consequence of this action is that the West has managed to wake a sleeping giant. They've been believing their own propaganda about Russia being stressed fighting this war, but now they will discover that in truth Russia has been fighting a highly limited conflict. They'll discover that as Russia moves from "special military operation" mode to "war" mode.
Let's see what this looks like in a month.
The West is bleeding itself out, with help from Russia and China- often by standing back and watching.
The Bank of Japan raises interest rates from ZERO to 1/4 of 1% and their stock market collapses 5,000 points, this weeks 10 year and 30 year U.S. Debt sales backdoor backup by the Fed's Foreign Buyer surrogates.
The Garden of Weeds grown by planting the seeds of "Diversity is our Strength" eating Europe, Britain and Ireland alive. Not all Cultures are equal, no matter how many times you shout it.
Ukraine foolishly picked Perfidious Albion and Fickle Uncle Sam to be their bed partners and wonder why their butt is so sore.
Meanwhile, the stock markets have gained back most of their losses. Settle down.
FF off
NATO and the US will intervene if they want to. No bait is needed.
Respectfully disagree. NATO and the US think they can kick back without directly fighting Russia and keep their attacks on Russia to the level of their proxies being cannon fodder while causing whatever damage to Russia those proxies can manage.
They're not looking for a direct fight with Russia. But all that will change if, say, Russia flattens the huge US military airport in Romania (now hosting a few B52 nuclear bombers), or if Russia downs some AWACS aircraft, or if Russia strikes key logistical supply bases in Poland. Heck, it might even change if Russia flattens US and EU embassies in Kiev. That's when they'll start hyperventilating about Article 5 and launch some direct attacks on Russia in Kaliningrad, on Russian navy assets somewhere or whatever.
*If* they want to.
Right now, they don't have to do even that.
you take their advice do nothing why not -
The article today said what they're doing. They're handing out weapons to the enemies of NATO and US. One proxy armed tit-for-tat.
Respectfully, writing "*if*" as if they free choice in the matter is giving the US and NATO far too much credit.
They had free choice in the matter back in the 90's when they had no opponents who could really fight them. So yes, at that time an "*if*" was spot on: when they chose to gin up fake pretexts for attacking Yugoslavia that's what they did and then proceeded straightaway to viciously bombing civilians, killing over 33,000 Yugoslavian civilians. For style points, just to show they didn't have to give a hoot what anybody else thought, they even deliberately bombed journalists and news media. Russia couldn't do a thing about that short of initiating nuclear war against the US and NATO, which it was unwilling to do to save Yugoslavia. A nuclear power that is a large country without massive conventional arms and a healthy economy is no longer a superpower.
But now the world is completely different. The US is no longer the sole superpower. Both China and Russia have broken out as genuine superpowers, large, self-sufficient (in China's case by teaming with Russia) countries that cannot be broken economically or with conventional weapons, which have large nuclear arsenals to boot. Both have the key superpower characteristic of being so strong economically and conventional militarily that they have a sufficient surplus of money and combat capability to project force into their near abroad and to influence conflicts around the world.
NATO without the US has never been a superpower, but now it is even more obviously not a superpower by virtue of insufficient economies and woefully insufficient military capacity to wage conventional war. Despite their extreme delusion they know they are deeply unready to face Russia in general war.
The US is a question mark, because of the extreme level of self-delusion that dominates the US. Unlike Western Europe, which has had nearly a century of decline and military humiliation to gradually accept it is no longer a colonial empire, the US still thinks it is the world's hegemon, despite depending on China for over 40% of the key components in the advanced weapons systems upon which the US depends to project force. Despite losing every war it has fought in recent decades, losing to tribesmen in deserts in non-peer conflicts, the US still thinks it may have a chance against either Russia or China or, even more astonishingly, against both at the same time in a conventional war. The US has done such an exceptionally good job of telling lies about the utterly terrible performance of weapons systems like Patriot in Iraq or Javelin anywhere or Abrams tanks and similar wonder weapons in Ukraine that obviously many of the US's elites believe those lies.
So yes, maybe the US still thinks there's an "*if*" in there that is solely the US's choice to make. But even in the US there are enough people, usually military people, who have enough contact with reality to understand the US is in no shape to fight a war with a determined peer adversary like Russia or China. Those people seem to be injecting just enough awareness of reality into US fantasy sessions on strategy that even the US realizes it does not have free choice of action.
Instead, both the US and NATO are holding back in fear of what would happen to them in general war with Russia, albeit holding back on the fairly fragile basis of fact-based realism that has no strength against the tsunami of self-delusion pushing for war with Russia. The advocates of war are eager to see Russia strike NATO or US assets directly, because they know that will be the straw that breaks the reality-based camel's back and that will allow the war party to have their way and commence hostilities. Until that happens, there is no "*if*" about it.
Seems like a lot of wishful thinking. As I said, right now the US doesn't even have to directly and openly intervene.
“the West is going to keep pulling such stunts until Russia has no choice but to engage in general war with the West” agree that western leaders want a general war… I believe that it’s partially cover for a financial reset aka debt default… I know nothing special just trying to read the tea leaves… I’m sad because western elites seem willing to sacrifice civilization itself to retain power… it seems inconceivable now but a new dark age may be upon us… I hope I’m wrong…
We've got Front Row seats to to the U.S.'s favored style of Provocation Ploy in the ME: Israel bombs a Iran's embassy in Damascus, a affront both to Syria & Iran, then waits for Iran's retaliation, which is then portrayed as over-the-top: 300 drones--!!
Israel answers the retaliation w/ a retaliation--to which Iran keeps its powder dry.
A period of quiet commences, broken a month later by assassinations in Beirut & Tehran.
Iran can't not retaliate [double-negative intentional here.]
The U.S.'s favored style of Provocation Ploy is to maneuver the targeted adversary into a position where it *can't not respond*
This gets repeated up the escalatory ladder
Until a run-amok hegemon ceases such strategies, we will dwell in a dark age
What;s interesting right now is that the gray-heads w/ long beards in Iran are not hastening to dash up the rungs of the escalatory ladder.
So we've got Front Row seats to their *strategic patience*--as do members of the RoW, who may grok the virtue in eschewing knee-jerk reactions
The Battle of Gettysburg too.
I'd just let the Ukrainians move as far into Russia as they can against desultory opposition.
Then cut the whole mess off at the root.
Fire-bag in the making
It is still a bad look. And if they did move into our territory in a stupid place, we probably would let them take a bigger salient. But make no mistake, they are not stupid. Kurchatov is really nearby and giving Ukrainians a modern working nuclear station is not a good idea through any lens.
Nearly the equivalent of leaving $8 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan.
NATO forces leading a NATO style assault into an unprepared part of Russia and this is all they can do?
This whole incursion has been gamed-AI and gave the highest probability of success.
It's time for Putin's generals to initiate plan K.
Stop exaggerating. Every few months y'all doom.and say Russia is done.
Doom is not the same as being realist. Wake up.
A.I. is a Marketing gimmick. Just like Kamala's "cloud".
Written by human programmers, even so-called A.I. programming is founded in human coders. You can't get around it, unless A.I. creates own base code.
What were you expecting? It's effective for what it was intended to do. Very effective, even. 12*40 km from today's official assessment, this is a result NATO should be proud of.
oh my it's all so exciting... I think I'm done with all of this shit. I'm certainly done making comments at this nervous little high dramafest. I'll quietly follow this gigantic, totally unnecessary human shitfest elsewhere.
There is no Iranian attack for now as US + Egypt + Qatar forced bibi to meet next week or in Egypt or in Qatar for negociations about Gaza. Don't forget that what is the most important for Dem's potus election is the pricing of gasoline, if Iran attack, Israel retaliates then Iran can block Suez canal and oooups WTI BRENT will reach 150 usd, Trump in KH out.
This is why they calm down bibi. They should also calm down ZE as natgaz in Europe took 5 % in 24h and electricity + oil are linked with gaz price due to an idiotic EU law (aren)wanted by Germany. Which means inflation and later rates will go up, EU elites should better support a RU victory and asap.
Take a look at map and see where Iran is located in relation to the Suez Canal. So I think you mean Iran may hinder shipping through the Straits of Hormuz. Well they could arm the Yemenis even more to interdict Red Sea shipping thus affecting shipping through the Suez. Any which way the Russians will be very happy with that situation becoming the major supplier of energy with oil going to the prices you mentioned.
Looks like the airbase in Lipetsk was destroyed too...
So much for ATACMS not being a game changer.
Do provide your source.
It's his ass, like always. He was the one claiming Russia got nuked
What does that look like to you?
osint= cia
So the pictures and the video are fake?
Yes they are.
If a westoid msm prostitute or one of their hohol groupies told me the sky was blue I would go outside to check for myself
No, you are just a dummy.
It looks like a steady camera take looking at the mushroom cloud forming. This means the camera was probably already filming immediately prior to the mushroom cloud forming. Hence it should also have captured a nuclear fireball. A fireball is unavoidable in any nuclear explosion (as long as it's above ground). But it's not there. Why edit out the fireball? Even if it that was done for the first mushroom cloud - Would it even have been possible for the second one that rises moments later? Difficult to imagine.
The camera sensor would be dead if that was a nuke. Most people have no idea how bright the stuff is when it goes off. They think it's just some mushroom thing.
WW2 British vets being experimented on.
It looks like an ammo depot was hit.
Those explosions are too tiny to be from nukes. You have no idea how big even the smallest nuclear explosions are. Besides, nukes don't go off twice like we see in the video. That's a video of conventional explosions tearing through an ammo dump.
No, you have no idea.
The smallest nukes are just 20t yield.
These were probably one kiloton airbursts. Maybe even half that.
It went off twice because there were two ATACMS missiles used.
Where is the bright flash of light? It's possible to gauge from the video roughly how close the camera is to the explosions - you expect me to believe someone can be standing that close even to a tactical nuke, and record it on their camera phone with no ill effects? Those explosions are visibly smaller than the Tianjin ones, and those were not nuclear either.
It just isn't. Get over yourself.
These images can be from anywhere. Why are bits of a blue-yellow flag scattered there? And that satellite image of a facility looks too similar to that shown in Simplicius article with pics of eliminated commanders.
Not Lipetsk.
Definitely the aftermath of a (or more) conventional explosion(s). The explosion itself can be everything, we do not even know for sure where it took place. But most probably an ammo depo explosion.
Any even small pacific island , place which is nuked even by tactical nuke is instantly seen by all major countries of the World(nuclear powers) including China and India :
Another troll..
You're on the internet -- how hard is it for you to search for it?
The governor has declared emergency in the surrounding area to "eliminate the consequences of the detonation". So it looks like they hit the ammo depot in that airbase too. What with is the key question -- some sources say it was 30+ drones, others that it was drones plus missiles -- as well as how many planes got destroyed on the ground.
Also, remember when some of us were mentioning that Ukraine is gaining superiority in long-range strikes with drones? And we were laughed at. Well, this is two airfields gone now within a week. Whatever was used to hit them.
In Morozovsk everything points to two ATACMS with around 1-kt small nuclear warheads each. But even if it wasn't that, the fact is that the whole ammunition storage area, which is a square of 200 meters on each side, was vaporized. Again, highly doubtful that drones did that, but whatever the technical means, the result is there. So the base is now out of action and hundreds of bombs and missiles were lost.
Now Lipetsk too.
Meanwhile I don't see all that much flying the othere way. In fact, precisely zero is flying to where it really has to fly, which is beyond Ukraine.
Where does that end if NATO in Europe is not nuked, now?
Lol 😂😂😂 y'all have said every few months that Russia is near doom after every hiccup. It is not pleasant. But this is a suicide mission of Ukraine
With all due respect, for two years we also have heard that Ukraine is on the brink of collapse.
This is clearly wishful thinking.
You have heard nothing learned nothing know nothing - back to your basement
Your fake psyop is clear: russia must nuke europe lol ...try to at least hide your stupidity.
Posting the same thing again, it looks like a steady camera take looking at the mushroom cloud forming. This means the camera was probably already filming immediately prior to the mushroom cloud forming. Hence it should also have captured a nuclear fireball. A fireball is unavoidable in any nuclear explosion (as long as it's above ground). But it's not there. Why edit out the fireball? Even if it that was done for the first mushroom cloud - Would it even have been possible for the second one that rises moments later? Difficult to imagine.
Adding to the previous post, the person sitting in the car looking through the windshield directly at the explosion should have been at least temporarily blinded by the fireball. No indications of that.
Plz. Count the seconds for the sound to reach the microphone. It is not that big explosion. The Russian attack on Khmelnitsky was bigger. No nukes to be seen here.
So, what you want is a nuclear Russian attack on London, Paris, Berlin... That will certainly finish the EU as a commercial competitor to the anglosaxons. Good try. But I guess the Russians can see that too and prefer its Washington who nuke Berlin to create a radioactive buffer zone. Procastinating a direct response has prooved effective for Russia. Look at the riots in the UK and the American political growing mess. The risk of an American civil war is real. Why would Russia divert its course. But you probably know more than the whole Russian intelligence community.
Why should I care about the EU as a commercial competitor to the anglosaxons and not about Russian cities that are being bombed daily with increasingly heavy weaponry?
The Euros are full blown Nazi that have revealed their true colors -- they never got over WWII. As Zhukov said, "We have liberated them from fascism, and they will never forgive us for it"
Burn in hell.
Putin has a duty to protect Russia.
If he is placing the well-being of Europeans over that of Russians, and he clearly is currently, he must go. Now. And have someone who places Russian well-being over that of Europeans take over.
>Procastinating a direct response has prooved effective for Russia.
Yeah, so effective that NATO missiles are destroying Russian airfields 350 km inside Russia...
Full metal retard.
What is your opinion on rabbits?
Good Grief !.
The Internet is a Cesspool. Ask Gooble and Gates how easy it is to mold sheet into any form they want.
Perhaps you should check with massaged Wiki to get some SeaHighHay "facts".
Moscow has just been nuked you forgot.
Good balanced article, Simplicius!
Never underestimate the enemy. This is not good for Russia. If Russia cant contain and repel the advancing AFU, they will create chaos and then cement their presence in Russia heartland. It is amazing stuff happening right now. Desperate move, yes, but effective optics and a morale boost for Ukraine. In the same time embarrasing for Putin/Kreml. And a blatant provocation of Russians feelings with a new battle of the Kursk. Russia cant ignore this and Ukraine knows it.
If Ukraine can create an environment for speedy advances - why cant Russia?
And did Ukraine blast away a lot of FAB:s stored in the airfield on Mohrovets?
When will Ukraine raid Crimea (or was it disinformation)?
Lol every few months y'all doom and scream after every Russian hiccup. This is suicide mission
War is suicide for the soldiers. What do you expect? Instead of your trolling -leave a comment with some content.
So says the uber troll, the trailer park Mikey.
And this pearl of wisdom from him "If Ukraine can create an environment for speedy advances - why cant Russia?"
The answer is obvious to those that pay attention, speedy advances end in mass casualties. Just ask the Ukies. Jeezuz, you are thick.
Because Russia's goal is to defeat Ukraine's military. You do not defeat a military by storming strategically unimportant land mass just because you can, there is no enemy to destroy there and it just thins out your supply and contact line and exposes your assault force to bombing. All of Russia's assaults have been in areas with very obvious concentrations of enemy units, or for strategic areas where nearby troops will be pressured, drawn in, or fixed in place. It makes no sense for Russia to find some similar place in Ukraine where the nearest large city is 90km away, with no military presence, and take ground for no other reason than coloring a map. That's how wars are lost.
They did not get it yet in nato, this is not about territory...
Mines cleared for Russian mop up job into Sumy. Ukraine creating huge demand for grave diggers.
Who would have guessed in Feb 24, 2022 that OTAN would later invade Russia?
No one. We are in the fantasy world now.
Some people certainly are. :)
I keep hearing "Oh, this war is over, Russia has already won!" and "It's inevitable - Ukraine is collapsing!". And I hear this week after week, month after month. I'm starting to wonder if Russia has the will, the determination, the ruthlessness needed to win this war and bring it to a close.
Go ask America about the Houthis and the Red Sea
I'm not asking about the Houtis and the Red Sea. I'm specifically asking about this now-going-into 3 year war between Russia and Ukraine. It's start to feel like Russia either will not or cannot end it.
Zio entity with full US aid unable to beat a 10.000 militia called after 10 months, best army in the World.
Listen, Bob you may not like the progress or timeline. But at least they are moving. What happened to Houthis and the red Sea. America is supposed to have best navy in the worl
People need to stop bringing up the Houthis. I'm not concerned with that. And it's not a matter of me "not liking" the progress. I am CONCERNED that Russia seems unable to get the final upper hand and finish this war. I understand the fact that this is NOT a war between Ukraine and Russia but rather between the collective forces of NATO and the EU vs. Russia. But still, this is dragging on for years now and it seems to me that if Russia does not do something decisive, the war will go on and on for years and years to come.
It will do that regardless of what Russia does. It truly is WW3 you know; it started in 2014. We just weren't actually aware of it then. It encompasses more than just armed military action, by the way.
That's my point. It seems to me, the longer it goes on, the longer it risks what is now WWIII going into a nuclear war.
It's also a Civil war for Russia, and those are not won until your opponent is unable to stand. In 2020 once it appeared that NATO involvement turned a local disarming operation into a full conflict, I knew it will take about 10-15 years to untangle. And once it does, mind you, the idea of some NATO keeping to its 1997 borders will be laughable.
Yes. This is the element often overlooked by everyone. This is a civil war, which is about more than territory that one acquires, how the front moves, or even how many troops one can field in a standing army. To go by the U.S. Civil War, one can see that the war does not end until one side acknowledges defeat: until one side is so demoralized and impoverished that they have no choice but to accept defeat and abandon the ethos or motive for war. In the case of the U.S., the Union had to destroy the planter aristocracy and its economic raison d'etre.
In the case of Ukraine, Putin has described victory as "denazification." This is victory and only this. When the people of Ukraine have been so defeated, impoverished, and humiliated that they finally realize that their perverse ideology led them into national suicide and abandon naziism forever. Until that time, the war will continue.
Lol sir it is not your war to fight. Worry about the red sea
See my new comment on AA above
Never forget AA - they still crowding out those ynakee trolls and their boats
The US navy is ...well here's a couple of nitter posts from two big patriotic americans navy commenters
John Ʌ Konrad V
Aug 7
Half our aircraft carriers are not available. Half
We have ZERO in the entire indo-pacific
“The US Navy still has the capability to beat China”
NOPE. Not with ZERO carriers we don’t
Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping) 🚢⚓🐪🚒🏴☠️
Aug 7
Replying to @johnkonrad @mintzmyer @JakeSullivan46 @SecDef @JerryHendrixII @wardcarroll
Ike & Bush are post deployment status.
Truman is getting ready to deploy to the Med.
GW is swapping out with Reagan and slatted to go to Japan, while Reagan goes into a refueling.
Stennis is being refueled and won't be available until 2026 and Nimitz is being decommissioned.
No it's ALL our fight. This is Russia vs. the western globalists. The Axis of Evil (USA, Britain, Israel) vs the free world.
Always in a hurry. You are missing the point. Ukraine is but one battleground. The West is dying from a thousand cuts, of their own doing. Why should Russia hurry-up? Ukraine is the mortally wounded Mouse. Russia is the patient cat.
The problem is that the longer it drags on, the greater the risk. For example, some gung-ho pilot in an F-6 crosses into Russian airspace and gets shot down. Where does that escalate from there? Or what if Putin dies or is assassinated? What happens when a hard-liner with a much hotter head and far less patience takes over? There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of variables that could escalate us to a nuclear phase of WWIII. I understand Putin's patience and agree with it. The meat-grinder is working. But at some point patience becomes a liability and not an asset and I'm concerned that we may be approaching that point.
What you are doing is wondering why Russia isn't fighting this war like the U.S. would. First off, you have to remember that the areas of Ukraine now being fought on are populated by ethnic Russians; so Russia doesn't want to destroy what it doesn't have to. Second point is that the Russians are doing their best to minimize losses. At the same time they are trying not to alienate the undecideds among the population.
So far most of the fighting has been taking place in areas that were fortified back in 2014/15. To expect easy victory is foolish. Another point is that initially Russia was really unprepared militarily. It was a year before Putin finally gave up all hope of coming to an equitable agreement. You should look up some of John Meersheimer's videos from that time frame. They are enlightening, especially in light of current events.
Thanks, I'll check him out.
So, how did the Red Army fight in 1941-44 in the USSR?
Otherwise, this is just more cope.
Dont get into fight with these trolls. They never discuss in earnest with you. And they change subject as fast as they change their diapers.
You've got a massive misunderstanding of this conflict or it seems so by your wording. You need to grasp the fact, this isn't a war being fought by Russia. I know it sounds like an excuse, but it isn't. You've got to get it into your thinking. Russia is waging an SMO . Nothing more, nothing less, Russia could easily wipe Ukraine off the face of the planet. But that's not their aim, their aims are to denazify Ukraine, demilitarise it. They haven't even officially recognized Ukraine as a terrorist state. As that would give them legal duristriction to attack all the political class & wipe them all out. Unlike the West, Russia sticks to the rules even of it prohibits themselves. I personally think it's stupid, but the Russian leadership is far more intelligent than I am. Russia hasn't even upgraded the SMO to a fight against a terrorist state. Never mind a war , Russia isn't just fighting Ukraine & is protecting its own men as much as possible. There's many reasons for the Russians to take their time. They're destroying the Western economies as much as possible also. As well as their military stocks. It's far from being a simple 1 v 1 conflict. Currently Russian losses are at an all time low, while it's the opposite for Ukraine. It's not sustainable for Ukraine to fight much longer. Russia will be aware, the West will be very advanced in setting up their next proxy or proxies
Well said Davy. What you explained has been done so many times but still they don't get it. They never will.
"We totally could win but we're just letting you guys win...."
Keep telling yourself that.
FF off you are really the dumbest troll here
Exactly - the slower the better and the longer the better - the war on NATO and the EU is won elsewhere, BRICS, new currencies for trade, new transport corridors etc, new industries, while the western economies and political structure decay -
- and it's not stupid to not assassinate, it's not the few in place now who are the 'régime', it's the whole régime structure and it"s hold over the Ukrainian people that has to be destroyed, not one or two, or three or four and so on and so on of the current leaders
Assassination is a US obsession, a laughing stock
All these trolls just screech about nothing
Ask America about Afghanistan.
Ukraine had 8 years to build solid defenses and Russia is still beating them. Plus Russia isn’t willing to throw its troops away.
Your mistake is thinking this is a war to conquer Ukraine. It is not, it is about bleeding nato dry so Ukraine will be permanently demilitarized.
I hope your reply is directed at me. Don't presume to know what I think because you will be wrong.
Eventually, yes. But who’s in a rush? War is the best money laundering extraction of the tax base psychopaths who run the USG can do.
Well if all those hairdressers, chesse salesman and taxi drivers from Internet comment sections would get into RU government, then surely Russia would be able to wrap this all up in about 9 days.
They are going to do this on their own pace.
This is a negotiated war where Russia and NATO have agreed not to use several classes of weapons, the most obvious being tactical nuclear weapons. Because tanks and armored vehicles are so vulnerable, fighting is like WWI trench warfare with drones, stand off weapons, and EW being decisive. You will note the importance of drones and EW in the Kurst offensive.
Everybody is in a hurry. American history and methods from a Comic Book.
Russia has won, Ukraine has lost. The only question is the date of surrender and the price to pay from both sides.
We've been hearing that one for two years now, but it never seems to happen.
It is obvious that the Russian leadership does not want this war. They do not want to make war on what they see as misguided brethren in Ukraine, and they do not want to destroy the West, they want to join it.
The West and its Ukrainian buttbois see things very differently.
I'd go a step further: Russia wants to join the West because Russia is culturally Western in every essential respect. It belongs in the West. With China rising, the NATO-sphere and Russia together could have made the perfect counterweight, but for some reason NATO leadership would prefer to fight Russia than to reconcile with it. It's hard to tell if this is due to Western greed/hubris, political dysfunction, or some ancient historic hatred between Anglos and Slavs, or for some other reason that I can't even fathom. Regardless, Xi Jinping is surely loving every minute of this disorganized fiasco.
Nobody in the West sees Russia as a part of it.
Maybe but Russia will inherit the western tradition if America falls Maoist style
Besides assuming a lot, who says? Civilizations fall and sometimes there is no inheritor.
I think your frustration has to do with the fact that you think in terms of a "war" between Russia and Ukraine/NATO. But Russia has specifically refused to call this a war, it is a "special military operation", with specific goals, which may not be met if it was a war. If it was a full on war, Russia would be fighting differently. Maybe Putin and his council and military leaders do not know what they are doing, and you can see more clearly than they, but I doubt it.
Well Russia can refuse to call the sky blue - that doesn't make it not blue. This is an existential war that the globalists have launched against Russia. Surely they have seen the maps of how the globalists want to cut Russia into 7 smaller states. As I said, the longer this war lasts - and it is in fact a war - the more dangerous it gets for the whole world.
The sky is very often NOT blue. It does not matter that you have decided it is an existential war, it matters that Russia does not consider it so, and is not fighting as if it is a war. If that changes, then no doubt their strategy and tactics will also change, and we will all know.
Regarding the Iran angle: not only have Russian cargo planes delivered beaucoup military objects, like S-400s, to Iran since the assassination of Haniyeh, but Russian military personnel accompanied the equipment and are busy setting the systems up.
So Russian contractors & advisors are on the ground in Iran.
If Bibi were to fire off a preemptive strike against, he would risk running afoul an obvious tripwire: killing Russians in Iran, something that might provide warhawks in the Kremlin w/ an irresistible casus belli.
Plot thickens
More plotting:
Iran is not merely planning for a *retaliatory strike.* Iran, in methodically lining up its assets, is prepping for what comes after.
cruising down the highway as fast as you can does not equal capturing territory,
This will end up as all other ukie attempts.
If i were Putin i would release a statement on a change of negotiation demands saying now we are taking everything east of the Dnieper and all the black sea coast
Spot on. None of it is sustainable in terms of support, material, logistics, etc.
yep. and in 2022 there wasnt any debacle but stabilization of frontline and preparation for long war of attrition.
Decision was made weeks or months before anything happened.
In this case cruising on highway untill you die is just LOL and not capturing anything.
Another foolish gambit by the jookrainians who always get slaughtered in the end …the jew zelensky hails from the sabbatai zevi jacobin frankist sexual degenerates(See Leo ZagamI books and podcasts) that is why the usa and ukraine have become sheetholes including uk france germany and even Australia which was the best of the best has become worse considering it is only 100 years old sad that such degenerates can be voted into government. I wouldnt let any jew or leftist nutcase close to government they always subvert and let their lower passions run riot …..In fact the whole of the west govts are a classroom without a teacher and if you look at most of them they are ugly …very i can look at the mirror no problems them they dont look anymore just like Dorian Grays picture Ruth Ginsburgs at 80 the lot of them…And when the Kursk adventure ends as it will ookraine will find November to be the fall Of Damocles and draw blood according to AI.
One would think that being a border guard would be a safe, cushy cozy job. But when a column of enemy tanks is heading your way, and all you have is 5 shots in your gun with no backup, by golly, it's time to run and drive your silly ass the hell out of there on the double, mate. To hell with "hold the line". lol
Except holding the line is exactly what they did at the customs because there was no order to withdraw. Heroism happens where preparations were insufficient.
I guess that's why I'm not in the military, Andy. No one tells me what to do unless she is most attractive wearing a bikini. lol
Maybe Ruskies had somebody like that give orders to border guards?