We live during times of extreme stagings and theatrics.

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Ukraine is a defeated country which sacrificed a near generation of young adults for no gain while bankrupting itself with unpayable loans to finance its war. Zelensky destroyed a country for personal gain by becoming a stooge for the US. All Ukraine had to do was respect the Minsk Agreement. Simple. Instead, it destroyed itself in the vain attempt to be part of NATO which also failed. Millions of Ukrainians drank the Western blood-spiked cool aid. Now they have nothing but hardship, the death of loved ones, and the destruction of their homes and communities with no prospect of getting a good job. Be woke and stupid, get woke and stupid outcomes. Ukraine is ruined. Will NATO step in and risk entering Ukraine knowing that there will be no time to get warmed up and settled but straight to killing and body bags? I doubt it. This Ukraine conflict is nearly over unless NATO steps in. It's over.


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The "good news" is that Ukraine's resources are now denied to the western banksters like Blackrock; you can "print money" you can't print lithium deposits or arable land. The part of ex-Ukraine will be rebuilt by China and Russia as part of the BRICS bridge to Hungary, Serbia, and Slovakia, that's the good news. The combined west can fester in its bankster shitholes.

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We're told they have 40% of the arable land of West Ukraine. That's probably by way of ownership of the crops. Now we need way to deny them those. A way to get the thieving Kiev govt and oligarchs to renege on the deal would be best, rather than destroy the crops, mine the fields or something... But they need stripping of that profit..

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That's up to Russia; the balance of opinion is that they don't want anti-Russians on their books so whether it gets divided up by Romania, Hungary, and Poland is all in the mix. Ukraine will be a landlocked non-entity or simply cease to exist.

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an opinion is not a fact and even agreeing with that possible outcome, the cost / benefit must be favorable and how many dead, injured and traumatized people does it need to achieve this? And furthermore, how to maintain that situation with a real improvement for the people living there? Or do we suddenly do not care, no humanity after war? How to heal those wounds of the people finding themself in a 'no future' situation? Just some questions that arising for me.

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There is a future , China India peace plan and reconstruction - look into this

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True.. Andrei Martyanov put aptly when he said the Russians want nothing to do with West Ukrainians and West Europeans in general the same way a person wouldn't want to live with a drug-addict relative..

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The Jew run Negro and Tranny Org (nato) is rotten from within. Russia just has to hold them off. Build a wall.

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An interesting article at Naked Capitalism speculates that Russia will have to occupy western Ukraine - or, alternatively, install a reliably pro-Russian government - in order to satisfy the SMO objective of de-Nazification. However, the same article proposes that Russia might also just bring back Yanukovych, who (a) is still alive, and (b) was never properly impeached in accordance with the national constitution; he was ousted in a coup, and there is nothing democratic about a coup.

The article, which contained lots of interesting proposals, suggested Russia could also turn the west of Ukraine into a no-utilities uninhabitable wasteland, which would simultaneously satisfy its requirement for a 'buffer zone' between itself and NATO, and accomplish de-Nazification.


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NC does have interesting links and interesting articles - they give a lot of space to Hudson and Helmer - they have a youngster called Gallagher who reports on the EU with a lot of insight and bite

The DMZ was Helmer's suggestion, he's closer to rather tough minded 'hawks' factions of the Russian military, than to VPP

But on this subject NC are very Mayflower Maiden, even pearly clutching

Russia can win the war but lose the peace.....argh…moan…

They pay no attention to the process by which was is won, by patient attrition – is the same process by which peace is won, by patiently removing all the opponents/barriers of/to peace

The NC neglects to consider the RF allies, BRICS, BRI, to SCO, to China

They do not consider how this war is a wider war, that Ukraine is only one of the battlefields, that an overall victory over NATO USEU will be won other than simply by military arms in this one country, but by the defeat of the USEU economies, alliances, by bleeding them with every means in every way

-and indeed by militaries elsewhere - Ansar Allah and Gaza for example

China and now India seem to have stepped up proposals and working interest and pressure for a solution

Above all NC are very westie non patient in a hurry to go somewhere

VVP spent 7 years talking to Bush, trying to negotiate, another 7 with the EU and the US, trying to negotiate

This time VVP has a very broad and deep coalition behind him to take the weight

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We are not 'told' that B own 40% of Ukraine arable land - this is one of your westies conspiracy theories, you love to magic think

What seems to be true is that westie corporations, not Blackrock, Carlyle Cargil Monsanto, control the Ukie grain trade, ind ag large scale platforms, with overuse quick return GM and pesticide etc practices

This in collaboration with the EU Commission

This will not last much longer given impending RF victory on the battlefield

Stop spreading rumours - Investigate

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And the Jew runs those corps too.

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yakity yak

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You are a obsessed loony. Stop blaming the Jews for your own short comings

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B has signed a 50 yr lease w/ Kiev on the parcel in western Ukraine [which is in effect ownership but slyly, cleverly not quite]

Examine this assessment [below] & then follow the links for illuminating info


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That Oakland report has gone through iterations and is full of good reporting, on the nature of Ukrainian land ownership laws, but also terrorises with the tales of massive undercover US corp deals

I have no great enthusiasm for Blackrock, but they are punctilious about their investments, and they have the whole world laid out for them to pick real estate as other deals

That the grain production and trade has been captured by those US corps I believe

That any contracts otherwise have been signed I do not - war time contracts with a disputed régime on it's way down - who would ever sign a piece of paper

No need

This is too tiny, too risky, too dirty, too dangerous, too come back and punch you in the face a deal for them to get involved in

Now - let's say B is clever - and they did not get where they are by not being clever- they'll be scouting deals in Russia, via Dxb, China HK, Singapore cut outs

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Who cares what Blackrock or any western entity signed or paid for in Ukraine?

It is meaningless. Russia is taking over Ukraine. To the victors go the spoils.

Only brainwashed western puppets who have already surrendered to Blackrock & Co think Blackrock & Co are masters of the globe.

The Ukraine regime selling out to these western banks & corps only assured the complete disappearance of Ukraine.

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G'day Gerrard,

The EU vigorously opposed Monsanto and GM, well that is what the town crier media always portrayed in the 90s and early 2000s. Could you provide some references for your assertion that EU commission was connected to Monsanto and GMO use and its import to Ukr.

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No one suggests the EU helped install, supported, connived at Monsanto Cargill etc take over of grain trade in Ukraine

But the EU has allowed Ukr grain to be imported tariff free into the EU

Hence problems for EU farmers and consumers, border blockades in Poland especially

Thomas Fazi is a good place to start

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@arthur brogard

The question of who controls what/how much of Ukraine's agricultural sector, how the control is structured and HOW THIS WAR IS INVOLVED IN THOSE CHANGES is a LOT more complex than either you or "Gerrard White" seem to think.

Ignore the mentions of socialism/communism in this piece's opening paragraphs and follow the research & descriptions of past, present and probable future ownership/control structures. There is plenty of blame to be apportioned to both Ukrainian AND Russian Federation oligarchs, not just BlackRock et alia. Amoral big money WILL continue to work at amassing control of Ukrainian agriculture and siphoning off its proceeds, be it to send money West OR East. And those millions of very small landholders who were the backbone of much of Ukraine's production are going to be screwed by EVERYONE, if they manage to live through the war.


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Thank you for that. 'The Spark' is new to me and I'm glad to find it.

Just a small thing: if you're addressing me then it might be well to stick to the point I make.

That point was simply that if foreigners control large amounts of Kiev Ukraine's agricultural wealth then the profits from that should be denied them.

Wasn't it?

To infer things about my understanding of anything at all from that is drawing a long bow and is not strictly relevant, is what we call 'impertinent'. And an 'ad hominem'.

That's the sort of thing that chap you mention does. You don't want to follow his lead do you?

Okay, that's that. Now the article you reference makes clear that foreign interests are indeed controlling agricultural wealth in Kiev Ukraine and pushing hard to do more.

And I'm pleased to see that it references struggles between Russian Oligarchs and Kiev Ukraine Oligarchs. That pleases me because that's where I'd hope to see the forces, methods of 'denial' to come from. Oligarch will fight oligarch is how I see it. 'Set a thief to catch a thief'.

The losers big time in all this seem to me to be the Kiev Ukrainian people. They appear to be being stripped of everything they have right now, down to their lives, and their futures mortgaged for generations.

The Donbas Ukrainians I feel are in a much better position. My very limited understanding of the Russian system being that it is much fairer to the people. Up to and including agricultural people. I hope I am right there.

Perhaps more oblasts will get an opportunity to elect to go independent and federate with Russia?

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@arthur brogard

We can certainly agree that the ordinary people of Ukraine, most particularly the former small land holders have been screwed, blued & tattooed with many killed off or driven into exile. Since they were tied to their property for survival they mostly couldn't pack up & leave for EU or hide from military press gangs. The resulting hundreds of thousands of small farms with no tenants will certainly be snapped up in quantity by the "usual suspects" legal financial predators.

In the USA we did things leading to similarly decimating the numbers of small family farmers but it took decades of financial manipulation to squeeze them out.

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I am against what the US did. I abhor war. I was thinking of all those young men dying alone.

But, why do you want the West, which is full of millions of good people to suffer?

55% of us didn't want it either, or much more, possibly.

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Jul 31Edited

"All Ukraine had to do was respect the Minsk Agreement"

It goes further back than the Minsk Agreement. All they had to do was act like Belarus. Acknowledge brotherhood, tell NATO/CIA/MI6/DGSE and others to fuck off.

But Jewish oligarchs can't help war mongering.

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Funny… Jeff Bezos doesn’t look Jewish.

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This Azov battalion commander, worrying about precious cars, looks and talks like jewish. He is of course physically untouched by the war. Their white fuehrer Biletsky has sold the Ukrainian people and Ukraine’s future to the banking cartel. The same people are doing Gaza and Ukraine, with the same supremacist rage and sadism. As for the Azov battalion, it was founded and funded by the former prez of the jewish community of Ukraine to protect his property in Donbas. The Azovites were welcomed in Israel and the U.K./US parliaments. The Azov battalion can be safely called a battalion of zionist stormtroopers

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All true Anna. Zionists and NAZIs have always been one and the same.

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That is stupid. The Jew is an inverse of the NS.

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What's stupid, Dhduh, is to think in simplistic black/white categories, and to believe a more complicated analysis is "stupid." That is refusing to deal with the real world. You will be out-matched every time by people who do know how to camouflage themselves with gray, with black-and-white stripes, or better yet, to get "third parties" to wear the camouflage and do the dirty war. That's called proxy war.

In the meantime, you should read about the serious Nazi-Zionist collaboration starting in the 1930's and continuing on through most of WW2. The most common Jewish strategy is to work "both sides of the street".

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Yes and the opposite of Jews....

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Well they always try to manipulate people into some kind of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing. Israel, the US, the West in general financed and armed Al Qaeda, ISIS, Azov, Hamas, and many other organizations and groups, to break up the leaders and states they see as enemies. They think its really clever and smart to do that.

And you can be an enemy of the West really fast, as seen with Assad, Sadam Hussein and many other leaders they once flattered and backed. With China its just they got to powerful and economically strong, only reason they now hate China, before they basically boot licked the Chinese Communist party leaders.

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The Jew wins when it is a brother war. When will Ukraine shoot their Jew commissars and join with their brother Russians ?

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Respecting Minsk or Minsk-2 were never going to get Ukraine admitted to The Club, The Golden Billion.

Merkel, the french twink, and Poroshenko all have stated that Minsk was a sham from the outset. Duh.

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Ukraine (at the top power center) let the BeeKeeper (U.S.) blow smoke up their ass, got drunk on their Cotton Candy future, and encouraged/forced the helpless rest of Ukrainian citizens to do their bidding.

Neither the U.S., Europe, nor Ukraine should have ever convinced themselves that Russia wasn't going to draw a permanent red line against the belligerence of NATO encroaching closer to Moscow.

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Liked because you are right, but still, I think the attempt to join NATO is more a symptom of the more serious pathology within Ukraine that caused the war, and that is the fanatic determination of Ukrainian nazis to seize power.

The Banderists never gave up after WW2. They continued a partisan fight after WW2 and though they were subdued in the 50's by Zhukov (Stalin's marshal who was commander in chief of the Red Army during the war) they never gave up. They were like a virus in hiding, ready to erupt, taking advantage of the weakened state in the 90's, the massive corruption of the times, and supported by Ukrainian nazis who had escaped to safe havens like Canada and fellow travelers like the descendants of the Ukrainian nazi diaspora like Nuland and Blinken.

That whole Bandera / Ukrainian Nazi thing was a continuation of the over 100 year desire of a minority, Catholic, Polish-influenced Ukrainian West to seize power over all the rest of Ukraine, to subjugate the majority, Orthodox, Russian-influenced and Russian speaking center, North, South, and East of Ukraine. They supported the Polish invasion of Ukraine in 1920, and became ardent nazis and supported Hitler's invasion of the USSR.

The bloodthirsty fanaticism and killing of their opponents that the nazis engaged in, such as burning alive 47 people who peacefully marched in protest of the Maidan coup that installed an unelected junta in Kiev, was powered by the nazi minority's desire to rule all of Ukraine: it was not powered by a desire to join NATO. Same with the nazi cluster bombing of civilians in Ukrainian regions that refused rule by the nazi junta.

It's true the US financed, equipped, and assisted all that, and that very rapidly the Kiev junta adapted joining NATO as a key ambition, but that was to ensure continued financial and military support from the US and to head off any Russian intervention prompted by their slaughter of the Russian-speaking majority in Ukraine. But the real goal was always to impose Banderist nazi ideology and the fake history of an extreme, ultra nationalistic minority from the West upon all of Ukraine. It is just as virulent an ideology as Hitler's "Aryan" ideology, and just like Hitler's vicious ideology it is often the prompt for extremist leaders in Kiev to call upon the extermination, the literal killing, of all Russian speaking people in Ukraine as "biological waste".

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Yes, the World is a stage !.

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More than you think, my friend.

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"La crisi consiste appunto nel fatto che il vecchio muore e il nuovo non può nascere: in questo interregno si verificano i fenomeni morbosi piú svariati."

(The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.)

Antonio Gramsci (Letter from Prison [19 December 1929] also attributed to Romain Rolland.) from Wiki

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"All the Twitter's a stage,

And all the men and women merely Twits."

-NAFO, 2024

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The big joke is that Twitter (X) is free speech, it is manipulated speech, it's a cesspool like all social media.

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And all of NAFO, twats.

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As for the US NATO Ukrainian chances of success in this war – please read the recently published Rostec report

Interesting documents have been published with regard to Rostec the prime defence contractor for the Russian defence industry, with 50% of the market by value, and 80% by volume

Nonetheless Rostec produces civilian products, although the proportion has fallen from some 45% to the current SMO context 35%

Arms production show considerable increases, by up to ten times

Mentions of the fabrication of CNC machine tools may put to rest certain fears about the production of artillery barrels

The Defence Ministry imposes a harsh control of payment at cost, and Chairman Chemezov, even while discussing with VVP, is fairly outspoken on the need to re negotiate this

There’s a message here for those westerners who wish to reconstitute a sufficient stock of armaments – The Chairman speaks of ten years of production to do so, once the SMO is accomplished

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Annexe Links and Quotes

Meeting Sergey Chemezov, Chairman, with Mikhael Mishutin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, May 3 2024


Meeting President Putin with Sergey Chemezov


Rostec’s Annual Report: A+


Interview Rbc Sergey Chemezov May 17 2024


The Western View – Rostec needs to make more money


“80 percent of all the equipment that is currently involved in a special military operation is produced at our enterprises. In 2023, we delivered new production Su-34, Su-57, Su-35, Il-76, Yak-130 aircraft, Mi-28, Ka-52 helicopters, and T-90M Proryv tanks to the main customer, i.e. the Ministry of Defense. In general, this is all a new technique, and deeply modernized. And compared to 2022, the volume of production and major repairs of light armored vehicles tripled, and tanks-3.5 times. The number of shots fired for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles has increased almost nine-fold. But also in comparison with 2022, in 2023, the volume of production of self-propelled artillery increased tenfold and the production of ammunition increased tenfold.

In 2023, state – owned enterprises-powder factories-were transferred to us, but the situation there is very difficult, so it is necessary to carry out major modernization, repair of these enterprises, technical re-equipment, and a lot of money, tens of billions, has been allocated for this. Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin is helping us a lot, he is in charge of the construction process, all this is happening under his control, and many thanks to him for this.”

There is a problem with Defence work margins it seems – from the interview with RBC


“Rostec has been trying to position itself as a “pro-commercial state partner” for many years. But you yourself admitted that “now the state defense order prevails, at best we work at zero, if not at a loss. This is the demand of the times.” How long do you allow the state corporation to operate without profit? What is the current financial safety margin?

- Of course, we will talk about this with the Ministry of Defense and the new minister, because profitability needs to be increased. Otherwise, we won't last long. I think the minister will hear us, he is an economist.

Although in China the competitive commercial environment has reduced margins to 2%, this margin in only obtained by Rostec due to exports and civilian work at much higher, the level of investments required in Rostec’s sectors, as well as the pre dominance of Defence work means that the company wishes that Belousov is a reasonable man as far as allowing sufficient margins for re investments

— Rostec today meets 80% of the army's needs [in weapons], which are involved in the Air Defense Forces. The Ministry of Defense's task is to obtain high-quality and effective weapons; economics is the tenth thing for the military. Of course, we have accumulated a huge number of problems in this area. The profitability of our production today is only 2.28%.

- Should there be?

— At least 5%, and generally from 5 to 10%. It is difficult to develop with the current profitability rate. We create new modern equipment only if the Ministry of Defense allocates direct funding for R&D or R&D. Without this, many enterprises are in a state of "just surviving."

“Therefore, we want to meet with the new minister [of defense] and talk about calculating the cost of contracts not from the achieved cost price, but rather giving the opportunity to preserve the funds that the enterprise has saved for some period. And these funds should be used to develop production, to create new modern equipment.”

Even the Jamestown irredentists found it hard to pick holes in the report, although they did their very sullen best


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Thx for these links

Per the Rostec article [above]--Rostec employs a whopping 660,000 workers.

For scale, that places it between Walmart & McDonalds in the U.S.

Walmart is the 2nd top employer [behind the federal gov itself] and McDonalds is the 3rd top employer

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Rostec is an industry - Chemazov mentions this, the 'skirts'

He said in the rbc interview: they had added 70,000 last year would do the same this, I think

They can export an industry to India, say, just as the China 'new trio' of industries, solar, batteries, NEV's can be exported as a Green Economy

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"Ramping up" the dual purpose items

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That feels you much of the Jewification of the west and what it makes.

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When you are PAYING 18% TO THE RUSSIAN STATE BANK and you are at war, you need to work at no profit. Current interest rates in Russia are too high for wartime. It amounts to usury, or the bank wants the war stopped.

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Read the documents Rostec does not pay 18% for investment loans, and receives direct state provenanced capital

To accuse without having investigated the subject is not useful

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Moreover, the journal Business Insider reported on 30 July--"Wargames show the U.S. could burn through its ammo *in as few as 3-4 weeks* in a war w/ China," this according to the U.S. Military Defense Commission.

The Commission estimated that the U.S. only has enough anti-ship missiles to last 3 or 4 days.

My question: is this scare-mongering on the part of MSM, of which Business Insider is certainly a member, to motivate a certain desired action or response from the PTB?

The desired action or response would be to leverage technology, expertise & allies across all production domains in order to manufacture the requisite ammo or anti-ship missiles, stat.

In other words: pump more $$$ into the MIC

This Commission speaks to "maintaining an asymmetric advantage."

Note the pivot to China: this Commission is not trying to bulk up ammo production in order to keep the AFU stocked & well-supplied. The Military Defense Commission has already moved on from Project Ukraine.

The Commission augurs to "maintain an asymmetric advantage" in the event of hostilities w/ China

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Indeed - all the noise, well apart from hold outs like Nerdman 'Google Eyes' Stubbs - is in the China direction

But with a somewxhat more alert attention to China strength, US weakness - China RF alliance - even- has come up

Thanks I'd say to AA - even the diehards can not hide this defeat

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And I think the real guys who run the US shop want a deal with China

Never so much money all in one place and at one time as in China today - they's going to turn down an unfair share?

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“Remember when the narrative was that it was Russia totally reliant on Western-supplied parts in its weaponry? Here an American general literally admits the entire U.S. military structure would collapse in a day if China issued an embargo against them:

‘If we were in a war with China and it stopped providing parts, we wouldn’t be able to build the planes and weapons we needed,’ he said.

A startling report released earlier this year revealed Chinese firms have a stranglehold across 12 critical technologies that are vital to US national security, including nuclear modernization, hypersonic and space technologies.

The study, which was carried out by defense software firm Govini, delivered a damning indictment on the American armaments industry.

‘U.S. domestic production capacity is a shriveled shadow of its former self,’ the report said.

‘Crucial categories of industry for U.S. national defense are no longer built in any of the 50 states.’

Remember when it was Russia using Western chips in all of its missiles?

Perhaps most worryingly, Govini found that more than 40 per cent of the semiconductors that sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems are now sourced from China.”?


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The Govini report, while not in essence delusional, is one element of the full scale invasion of the Pentagon by Silicon Valley -

The fact Govini was paid $400 million for re producing what commonly is known should be a giveaway

Talk about drones is merely to foister the Googlers' scam tech on the US tax payer

The US dominant capitalist class does not want a war with China - they want a deal






Comments from Labrador sceptic seem appropriate- He claims that ‘Taiwan’ made a study to see if they could set up a drone manufacture ‘ecosystem’ and decided it was not worth it



Although a study from John Helmer has already shown how complicated a task it is to separate out the results of an RF attack from the UA defence in a very tight knit urban environment


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Unless policy has changed?

“By the time you got to the first Bush administration, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they came out with a national defense policy and strategic policy. What they basically said is that we’re going to have wars against what they called much weaker enemies and these have to be carried out quickly and decisively or else there will be embarrassment—a way of saying that popular reaction is going to set in. And that’s the way it’s been. It’s not pretty, but it’s some kind of constraint. “?


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VVP and GWB spent 7 years in negotiation, VVP certainly, and GWB to all appearances, in good faith

See these links-

Annexe- Presidential Meetings and Press Conferences 2001 – 2007

Videos -https://www.google.com/search?q=videos+of+Bush+meetings+with+Putin

Photographs -https://www.google.com/search?q=images+of+Bush+meetings+with+Putin

June 16, 2001 : Press Conference by President Bush and Russian Federation President Putin

Brdo Castle, Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia



November 13, 2001 ; The President’s News Conference with President Vladimir Putin of Russia


« In Europe, we share a vision of a European Atlantic community whole, free, and at peace, one that includes all of Europe's democracies, and where the independence and sovereignty of all nations are respected. Russia should be a part of this Europe.

We will work together with NATO and NATO members to build new avenues of cooperation and consultation between Russia and NATO. NATO members and Russia are increasingly allied against terrorism, regional instability, and other threats of our age. And NATO must reflect this alliance. »





May 24, 2002 : President Bush, Russian President Putin pledge co operation



« Opening that part of the talks, Mr Putin noted that Russia and the US were attaining a new quality of relations. He stressed that the current visit by George Bush to Russia was qualitatively different from all the other visits by US heads of state. The previous meetings were aimed at overcoming the contradictions, the Russian leader stressed, but now the countries were attaining a new level of cooperation in security, strategic arms reductions and the building of a new world.

For his part President Bush noted that the US and Russia were engaged in a very important discussion which led to the signing today of a document that attests to the friendly relations between the two countries.

The two leaders signed a number of bilateral documents, including the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty and the joint declaration on the new strategic relations between the two countries. Joint statements were also signed on the new economic relations, the new energy dialogue, contacts between people, anti-terrorist cooperation and the situation in the Middle East.«

November 22, 2002 President Vladimir Putin and US President George Bush met at the Catherine Palace outide St Petersburg



And we discussed practically everything between the sky and the earth. We discussed our cooperation in the energy sector, our energy dialogue. We discussed our cooperation in the high technology sector. We also (inaudible) on the problem of NATO expansion and the development of relations between Russia and NATO. And, of course, we also addressed the problem of terrorism. And of course we also discussed the prospects for our cooperation on the matters of strategic stability.

I think that Mr. President will agree with me -- and he'll have an opportunity to say what he thinks on this -- but I think he'll agree with me that our meeting in this point a very frank meeting, without prepared statements has been very productive and has been very fruitful.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, it has. I consider Vladimir Putin one of my good friends.

Are you going to translate. (Laughter.)

Like other good friends I've had throughout my life, we don't agree 100 percent of the time. But we always agree to discuss things in a frank and -- in a frank way.

Every time I come to St. Petersburg, he keeps showing me more and more beautiful rooms. So I'm coming back next May. I always enjoy our conversations.

June 7, 2007 : President Bush meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia

Kempinski Grand Hotel, Heiligendamn, Germany


PRESIDENT BUSH: Vladimir and I just had a very constructive dialogue, particularly about missile defense. He expressed his concerns to me. He is concerned that the missile defense system is not an act that a friend would do. He made some interesting suggestions. As a result of our discussions, we both agreed to have a strategic dialogue, a opportunity to share ideas and concerns between our State Department, Defense Department and military people.

This will be a serious set of strategic discussions. This is a serious issue and we want to make sure that we all understand each other's positions very clearly. As a result of these conversations, I expect there to be better understanding of the technologies involved and the opportunities to work together.

I told Vladimir we're looking forward to having him up to my folks' place in Maine the beginning of July. And we'll be able to continue our discussions, our bilateral discussions on a variety of issues.

PRESIDENT PUTIN: (As translated.) I'd like to confirm what the President of the United States has just said -- except for one thing. I have not said that friends do not act in this way. (Laughter.) We have an understanding, as well as common threats. But we have differences. The difference is ways and means in which we can overcome these threats. We considered the proposal by the American side very thoroughly. And we have ideas of our own. I have stated these ideas in a thorough way.

July 2 2007 : President Bush meets with President Putin of Russian federation

Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, Maine


PRESIDENT BUSH: I wanted to congratulate the President for being the only person that caught a fish. A fine catch. Secondly, I welcome you to my family home.

And we had a good, casual discussion on a variety of issues. You know, through the course of our relationship there have been times when we've agreed on issues and there's been times when we haven't agreed on issues. But one thing I've found about Vladimir Putin is that he is consistent, transparent, honest and is an easy man to discuss our opportunities and problems with.

We talked about nuclear security and made great strides in setting a foundation for future relations between the United States and Russia in dealing with the nuclear security issues. We talked about our bilateral relations, we talked about the relations with countries like Iran and North Korea. We had a very long, strategic dialogue that I found to be important, necessary and productive.

And so I welcome you, Vladimir. Thanks for coming.

PRESIDENT PUTIN: (As translated.) I would like to congratulate us with the good work done.

First of all, I would like to thank the hosts for their invitation. And President Bush for this invitation. Indeed, we had a very nice fishing party this morning. We caught one fish, but that was a team effort, and we let it go to the captain -- (laughter) --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Very thoughtful of you. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT PUTIN: -- the 42nd President of the United States. (Laughter.)

As for the negotiations, negotiations were very substantial. We discussed basically the entire gamut of both bilateral issues and international issues. George listed practically all issues that we've touched upon. And I was pleased to note that we are seeking the points of coincidence in our positions and very frequently we do find them. And I'm very grateful to the Bush family for this very warm, homey atmosphere around this meeting, and we appreciate it very much.

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I know it is curious to include Naval Day Parade speeches in a discussion of peace – but please note first time attendees from BRICS and other nations, and VVP’s emphasis on their collaboration

Please note also a forceful speech on joint security



First time that foreigners have officially been invited

Warships participating from China , India and Algeria

List of attendees-Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Republic of Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Pakistan, Qatar, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

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How could one depend, against all logic, on critical semiconductors made by an “adversary” for a nation’s weapons? Short answer: maybe they are not adversaries!

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Who ever said they were

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Well some months ago I said that the UAF would start collapsing late spring (May) due to losses and a lack of equipment and munitions, and that if losses continued at near the claimed Russian MOD figures of c 2,000 per day, then it was hard to see anything other than a "full scale" collapse by the end of summer ie the end of August. I think my assumption on the timings of all of this were aggressive, but the trajectory seems clear now. I doubt the war will be over when this collapse occurs but it is likely to take on a very different dynamic. We could see some mass surrenders and large losses of territory, allied to political turmoil and civil unrest.

Of course the west is desperate to spin this out until the US elections and then maybe blame the Kabul II fubar on Trump. I wonder if they will get that opportunity?

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Zion Don is just as much a puppet as Biden.

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I also thought many times the collapse of the Ukrainian army would happen soon. But sometimes armies can hang on to loose threads of armaments, defenses, constant supply of soldiers and weapons for months and months and months. As do economies, sometimes it can even last years and years. But I can't see how Ukraine will go on like this for much more than 1-2 years at max. But again, they could collapse anytime in the next weeks to months. If we would be really capable of seeing the future, we would be millionaires/billionaires anyway and wouldn't write here.

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What do you think the hit rare is on drones? My sense is that most miss, and the ones that do hit - if it's an armored vehicle - most do no damage. My sense is that when we see tanks being immobilised by drones they have been hit half a dozen times already, and "missed" half a dozen more

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Very low, various anecdotal reports on both sides say it could be somewhere around 1/8 or 1/10 succeed or less. That's because not only do most get knocked out by EW before they even get to target, but then even if they survive EW there's high chance they'll miss the target or simply do no real damage, etc.

That's why, for instance, both sides claim to produce the equivalent of thousands per day, yet at most we see a couple dozen videos of "hits" per day.

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Thx for that S! Realism is what wins war, not pessimism or wishful thinking. 6 months ago you could see the agony in the eyes of men being attacked by FPV:s. Now they black-out 10-20 meter from the target.

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That doesn't appear to be a very efficient economy. Sounds to me that current drone technology might be a bit over-sold - at least as it pertains to anti-armour operations.

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I suspect that will change once they are linked in with AI, they acquire their target and no longer need communication with base, they can run the entire attack autonomously.

China seems to already have this capability.

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Did you miss this??

It should clear up your misconception.


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Jul 31Edited

A lot higher than basic artillery and mortars

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Is Russia still denying they are receiving weapons from North Korea?

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I don't recall them saying one way or the other. But I could be wrong.

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IIRC they neither confirmed or denied.

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exactly, why should they- who is interested?

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That's not a Russian denial. That's a claim from a news-organisation that Russia denied it. Not the same thing at all.

Do you have a link that actually show's an official Russian governmental spokesperson denying it (and not some 'random' Russian bloke on the internet)? I'm not picking sides either way here, btw. I'm just wondering if there ever was an actual official Russian denial.

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I recall hearing Lavrov making the denial in a video. Too much trouble find the video now.

The significance: What will North Korea get in return for supplying weapons to Russia? Is Russia supplying its latest missile technology to North Korea? Is Russia supplying its latest missile technology to Iran?

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On the relations between Russia and North Korea

Refer to the documents : https://karlof1.substack.com/p/a-new-strategic-treaty-vietnam-next

This has a discussion with many links

These are the documents signed

1. Treaty on the Comprehensive strategic partnership between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2. Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of the Republic on the construction of a border road bridge across the Tumen River

3. Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of the Republic on Cooperation in the Field of Healthcare, Medical Education and Science

Read the speeches – this is indeed a comprehensive allisnce


Order on signing a Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Russia and North Korea


June 18, 2024

As far as I know there have been no official update on this communiqué which is discreet to the point of curt

Given what is known about other RF alliances, with China India and Iran, details of the provision of arms would not be the subject of such, and so irrelevant to purpose

No denial nor confirmation will be given by either government, such as you refer to

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Why does it even matter? Ukraine has weapons from the US and other countries!

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How is that relevant?

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As to the progress of the war, "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose"..everything gets more sophisticated, but the Russians keep methodically grinding Ukraine down....And the Russian economy keeps expanding....

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As for the Russian offensive, an old American football expression made popular during the glory days of the Vince Lombardi years comes to mind: "three yards and a cloud of dust" - steady brutal progress.

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Or we can recall what Wee Willie Keeler, baseball star, advised..."hit 'em where they aint"

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There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.

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Brat Summer for the AFU as the female mobile air defense battalion trains near Kiev.

Bonus Brat Summer: Ukraine has opened the cells of the women's prison so the first lady convicts can helm the Bradleys

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I forgot to post Russian radio recon intercepting AFU women pleading over the radio https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1815954370782978266

I just updated the video into the article, so those interested can refresh and scroll up

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MY guess would be this is the best example of a failed war, when you start using women.

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Sisters are doing it for themselves

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The reeling backwards continues to accelerate, and there remain many places to push that aren't getting attention at the moment. Those curious will want to read Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov's annual report to Putin. Ros tec is the major public utility supplying the SMO--80% of all material used there is made by Rostec or its subsidiaries while only making 2% profit after all expenses and massive levels of investment. The highlights are provided since the whole report is massive, "Rostec's 2023 Annual Report: A+" https://karlof1.substack.com/p/rostecs-2023-annual-report-a

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Russia could manufacture the NK kit under license and import vehicles while they are ramping up production.

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Perception is everything in the US, UK, and EU.

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Even when its utter delusional bullcrap. Only fooling themselves.

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I see what you say, but it is deluded perception which they like - what used to be dismissed as mere 'appearances' - they have changed the meaning of the word

Realistic not blind rationally controlled perception is essential

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The "deluded perception" is gaslighty calibre irrational exuberance

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Perception is clashing cataclysmically w/ a quite harsh Russian reality

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Haha, now you talk about perception…and also the gangmembers Gerard&Cheeso. Something I wrote about months ago; that perception in the West must change/be changed by force to turn around the narrative that Ukraine is winning. And now we see it in full bloom.

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He's not, Jimmy, talking in praise of the 'preception' you praise - au contraire

Your 'perception' is the malign westie propaganda nonsense - fed to you and to the masses, the people, in order to delude submit and oppress you and them

Wake up, open your eyes - investigate!

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Perception *is* Reality, in the Perpetually Predictive Model of how the brain works (but that is a discussion more suited to our hosts Dark Futura Substack)

(Some) Western politicians and the "Deep State" bet everything on sanctions collapsing Russia, and they keep throwing more perceptions (and sanctions) on the table, hoping against hope, that such a collapse will ACTUALLY occur.. soon

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Moron's in the West now pining for a ceasefire.

There will be no ceasefire. The war will continue until capitulation by Ukraine. That is all they will get.

At least it will never bother FJB. He is now too demented to know it has happened. He and "heels up" will still be proclaiming victory.

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Aside from the Baltics, NATO had no business interfering with the former Soviet Union. But it did, and we are now in this Ukrainian Vietnam. NATO should never have entered into a proxy war with Russia over the borders of a former Soviet republic and we should have been looking for a peace plan from the beginning. Instead we have waited so long that Russia is now winning and we need a peace plan because we are losing. Any opportunity to use a peace plan to establish a rapprochement with Russia, an ending of the sanctions and a reintegration of Russia into the international community has been lost. A strategic fiasco of historic proportions. Once again, the CIA has acted against our national interest.

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Actually, the international community is going towards Russia - it is the West that will need reintegration.

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Absolutely. The RoW (Rest of World) is now the International Community, not us.

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I think the US can be seen as two competing factions: the expansionist (globalist) American Century world domination types, and the insular, self-sufficient, closed border, keep ourselves comfortable and rich and mind our own business national interest camp. In each policy area sometimes one faction dominates and sometimes the other. Ukraine has been a neocon toy for decades, but the expansionist faction, through NATO, this time has failed horrendously by instigating a Sino Russian superalliance, forcing a situation where Ukraine will be split into new territories and destroying Ukraine as a nation forever, humiliating NATO, and creating the basis for a new narrative for the insular Trump policy camp: that NATO is an anachronistic failure, Ukraine is gone, NATO should be restructured and the American empire, just as the British empire did, should collapee to its nucleus.

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Yet trump and Vance are all in to protect that illegal Jew state that commits genocide thus alienating essentially the entire world.

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Are they now.

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Are you suggesting that once they get elected they'll change their tune? Maybe Trump will try to find a way to get the Abraham Accords back on track. Use that as an excuse to force concessions from both side. The Jews will think he's Messiah ben Joseph. It would be his second miracle after his ear came back to life. The Pope is calling it the RessEARection. Lol. Fakest thing I've ever seen.

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American politics is to some extent funded by Israel. Various lobbies and backchannel influences. To that extent America is a proxy for Israel. Israel depends on US weapons and power to maintain its hostile, expansionist stance with its neighbours. To those in power in Israel a loss of US backing has a threshold below which it becomes an existential threat. Ukraine's war and demand for funding was and is a drain on attention. Like a child who sees their parent giving all the love to someone else, Israel begins to see that threshold approaching. It needed a war to refocus attention. When the Ukraine war goes, if the US don't start wars in Asia, it's back to business as usual. And Netanyahu will be thrown under the old proverbial bus too.

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The self named president of Israel Zion don knows who he works for.

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"and destroying Ukraine as a nation forever..." Ukraine NEVER was a nation. It was an artificial construct created as a regional government under the Bolshevik USSR... Chip

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Was it not now.

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Hey, you did that again.

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You are applying policy positions to trump he doesn't hold. He is not a closed boarders non interventionalist. What fantasy world are you living in?

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He's anti-interventionist unless he thinks they can easily steal all the target's resources. Like with Venezuela. Plus Venezuelan crude is heavy fraction. That's exactly what America needs more and more of. Canada will be sitting pretty as long as Venezuela is free (free of American corruption, at least). Canada's oil is super heavy.

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Trump is not closed borders? I seem to recall a "wall" lol...

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" a new narrative for the insular Trump policy camp: that NATO is an anachronistic failure"

No narrative needed, that's the truth. NATO had no business continuing to exist from the moment the USSR collapsed.

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The CIA doesn't give a damn about US national interests. They are completely under the control of the Juice as are most of the State Department and Presidential Cabinet. Israel first is all that matters to them... Chip

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CIA and State hates Israel.

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All Russian goals will be met. There will be no ceasefire.

The West has shown themselves to be utterly "non agreement capable" as the Russians like to say. So why the hell would Russia trust anything they say, ever?

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Word of a *Ukrainian* drone taking out a Tupelov bomber @ the Olenya airfield on the Kola Peninsula appeared in state media outlets like Politico, Bloomberg, the BBC & others. The event happened on 27 July. Olenya is 1800km from Ukraine--but 150km from Finland & 200km from arctic circle Norway.

The handful of state media articles sang from the same hymnal, stressing this "impressive feat" of *Ukrainian* drones. The Usurper of Kiev praised "Our guys, our warriors" & lauded their "precision."

It is claimed that the Tupelovs were used to "bomb the children's hospital" in Kiev.

Everything about the write-ups reinforced the fact that these were *Ukrainian* drones which flew 1800km from *Ukraine*--not OTAN drones launched from OTAN territory [either Finland or Norway.]

Mull that over

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Remember Stubbs - he's our new KK - he might even be better, in this way, because of the precedent of the Finns' glorious conquest of Russia I mean the Soviet Union back in the WWII days

A man to watch, I hope you can watch him as you watch KK

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Stubbs is a KK-calibre puppet, stubbing his toe frequently on untimely truths. He favors the Alex Soros-style nerd spectacles, I notice. Gotta monitor the accessories, as much of a 'tell' as KK's frocks

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Yes! You have watched him closely- fulfilling your contract as an esteemed colleague- the nerd look is very important - thank you thank you - KK the star he the back room boy

He's not as yet as inventive with his inverted language constructions, as far as I know- Please report any such

All the while not to take off the watch off on the KK - she's struggling visibly to adapt to HQ, best to support her in her time of need

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Stubbs boasted of luxuriating in a 15-minute one-on-one convo w/ Joe on the fringes of the OTAN summit in D.C.

It's concerning to hear of his boast, however, because Stubbs seemed to all accounts lucid & cogent & "sharp as a tack" before his one-on-one w/ Joe but immediately afterward he was caught mumbling, "In Finland, we do what we say. We don't say very much, but we really do it."

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Stubbs did that, he did… I am relieved..he’s learning from the Master himself, & is clever – someone has to continue to bear the torch of the Supreme Stupidity, and this is the best way to convince the congregation of his credentials

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"Stubbs" sounds as Finnish as "Tusk" sounds Polish. These guys are just more Davbots with no connection to the people they rule.

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The EU ruling class, and I think I remember Stubbs to be a member by descent, are all now US, just as they all used to be English by marriage or principles or interest, and before that.....

They all have wives husbands or parents in the US, they have passports, green cards, contracts with academia or think tanks, children at Ivy League

They all speaky yankee

They are all interchangeable, they dispense and decamp to their ultimate goal

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His masters-

Finland Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb puts on a Jewish skullcap (Kippah) as he walks into in the Hall of Remembrance during a visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum

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Yes, new detailed satellite photos showed no Tu-22m was hit and the story was fake.

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Thx S, missed that. What could be behind that story? In finnish media Stubbs declared that all finish citizens should be prepared for War. In Suede they wrote that they closely monitor the developments and talk with the finns. In Norway it was dead silence. A Stubb trick?

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Even the Independent Barents Observer reported the drone strike:


Big time fan fiction psy-ops taking arctic twists & turns

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the Independent Barents Observer is neither independent nor observant

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Of course Ukraine launched drones from Finland with knowing conscious permission of the Finnish government.

What does Russia propose to do about it?

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Got some fog of war on this news

Big Simp is saying satellite imagery refutes the claim of drone damage @ Olenya

I perused 3 different state-obeisant MSM-type news articles, each of which included this tag-line: "according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry"

No tangible verification?

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I hope that this is fake.

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you're the fake

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FF is a troll -pushing one liners for pay

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You were just told it didn't happen and provided photos showing you there was no damage, proving it was just more lies. Are you retarded or a paid troll?

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Hardly. I hope that they are right.

Still, we've heard similar stories at previous Russian setbacks, e.g. the sinking of the Moskva and I am wary of confirmation bias.

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