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The tide is on our side.

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I hope.

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Does the average Ukrainian soldier know they are being sacrificed for Jill Biden, Vicky Nuland, and Tony Blinken to get rich? Do they know Blackrock will own their land and flood it with migrants? If not they are just as propagandized as the average American. If so they need to turn around and take back their country.

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It seems like the five Battalions who have have mutinied have figured it out, more or less....

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I hope it increases exponentially.

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The crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. The crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. The crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time.

Seventy-Two Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee. The Satanic Wanker Banker Banksters are crashing the Financial System. Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in that process have developed a lot of experience in the engineered destruction of Empires and the raising of the new. It seems they always use the same playbook from the Fall of the Roman Epmire to now which I will describe below...


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You mean the Jews?

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Not all Jews are Phoenicians. All the ones who went to the concentration camps are not Phoenicians. Phoenicians are a 10,000 years old race. Their modus operandi is that of infil-Traition. Delving deeply into the genealogies of famous people, film stars, scientists, artists, composers, musicians currently and through history we find that mainstream media and history itself is a web of deceit and lies and that all famous people are Phoenicians - from, “The Phoenician Navy” Thalassocracy and are all given the promotion needed to become famous by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.


The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in that process have developed a lot of experience in the engineered destruction of Empires and the raising of the new. It seems they always use the same playbook from the Fall of the Roman Epmire to now which I will describe below... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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They are just Jews, quit making up excuses.

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The Jews are just one faction. They have their own agenda as do all the other factions. They are not top of the pyramid. Moses, the father of the Jews was Sumerian. No-one knows where the Sumerians came from but it was somewhere in the Levant. Probably Phoenicia.

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The "one faction" has complete control of the USA, while there may be other factions they aren't creating the turmoil the "zionist" are, not in the US anyway.

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Yes this^^^

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The one's who have not fled to other parts of the world, are the ones who believe, to their very core, that Russia is the Dire Enemy of The West (the Hollywood version of the west is the one they believe is real).

So, yes, they are just as propagandized as Biden supporters are (and many Trump supporters, too).

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There is a whole huge army of fools ready to take the bait of childish Western propaganda.

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I second you on that. The army you refer to is the problem. They're propagandized dupes enthralled by the Narrative Matrix controlled by Plutocratic and Military Institutions who have created an ILLUSION of democracy.

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Without forgetting the Zionist lobby, infiltrated in all the institutions of the collective West.

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AIPAC and it's tools the DNC and RNC are cancers that must be excized to save the life of the nation.

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Stop listening.

Stop complying.

Think for yourself.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

@ Yuri Bezmenov - My brother fought for Ukraine in 2014-2016, his friends are now in the trenches, and when I ask the same question, he tells me, "they'll finish the Russians off and will go on Kyiv" (meaning to deal with Zelensky.) But when I ask, "Who will even be left of them to "go on Kyiv?" Crickets. They take great pride in fighting well, and they do, but it's like the gladiators in the Colosseum. As I see it, they're blinded by the task at hand - you're being shot at, you shoot back - no further thought.

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Your brother sounds like he has a high IQ (sarc), lol I hope for your sake it's not a family trait.

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Must of served in the Azov battalion, Bandera freaks of the Ultra-nationalists.

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Correct. 2016 was right kn the middle of Azov and other NAZI filth attacking Donbass civilains. Only the Donbass militias held these dogs back. Angelina's cunt brother is a war criminal.

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Ukraine is a large country, including many boarders, including the Sevash boarder which Ukrainian boarder guards held.

I reported you to the Substack and Simplicius. You are unhinged.

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Argue your case. Don't go crying to teacher.

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Reported for what exactly?

Did the mean ol grr hurt your little feelings?

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Well, not all of us as lucky as your family to know for sure that you're not housebroken.

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That proves again that Minsk accords meant nothing. Who the “ gladiators” fought against? Civilians? What a load of bullcrap. I had a family there in 2014, they were killing civilians

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Are you even aware that we're discussing what now is happening in Ukraine, and not in 2014? Many were confused in Ukraine at the time and propagandized. From what I see, you ran away, vs. staying and "doing the right thing." Not all Ukrainian military were/are Azov, not all were/are killing civilians. Stop lumping all up in one pile to prove your non-existing point. They call it the civil war for a reason, political views tear the families apart. Keep you cheap talk to yourself if you can't maintain a civilized discussion. I'm not going to condemn my brother for his views to score your like. Capeesh?

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I am Russian. And my family as well who lived in Donbass in 2014. I did not leave Donbass in 2014, i left so called “ Ukraine” in 1995. You know nothing about what is happening here. Just sober up. After all, it’s not your choice but, your brothers. And yes, they were killing civilians. Sober up

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I am Ukrainian and my paternal line goes all the way to the Cossacks of Zaporozhya. My ancestors were military divers, cutting anchors of the Turkish fleet off, to run them ashore. My Ukrainian grandfather defended Brest and Stalingrad in WWII against the German Nazis. I left so-called "Ukraine" before you did. Keep your judgements to yourself. Russians were killing civilians too, stop glorifying the war! Nobody asked for your opinion, I wasn't even talking to you, you just barged in.

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"Russians were killing civilians too"

What civilians were Russians killing in 2016? More NAZI lies from the Azov whore.

Nobody asked for your opinion, you just barged in.

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Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) that is the nature of a public forum, it allows others to "barge in".

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So your grandpa fought the nazis but your brother is a nazi.

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Zaporojeye? Welcome to my club. Dontskie and kuban Cossack serving Tsar of great mother RUSSIA and they will forever serve mother Russia and you can sit all day and grind your teeth but it’s not going to work

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Your level of discussion belong to the gutter. You don't even know history well enough.

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This discussion has given outsiders a welcome picture of what the situation is like in the Ukraine, the differences or not between Ukrainian and Russian and the manifest difficulty, even among those who have long left the country, as the two women above, of entertaining a day to day discussion of any use

How would any forum any circumstance enable these two to talk to eachother in a way that might begin to settle anything?

Perhaps they might tell us

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(Suspended)Jun 30
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I have warned you half a dozen times to not attack other users and turn the comments section into a cesspool.

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To call another user a “Nazi whore” or " Nazi cunt” is totally inappropriate. You must implement measures against such mis-users, just to “warn half a dozen times” is clearly not enough since there is no improvement.

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You brought up 2014 KAREN

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

What is the difference between Azov and ordinary artilleryman shelling civilians in Donetsk and Belgorod everyday? No difference. We will kill you all and feel good about it afterwards

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Look.. girl( Angelina), when Russia will take back what belongs to it, you are going to cry in Orthodox Church only for one reason that you belong to that nation again

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I agree that historic Russian lands including Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson. etc., belong to Russia not Ukraine. You are so busy with your condemnations/agenda, you are unable to even grasp what the other side is saying. As, I mentioned, "girl," your level of discussion belongs to the gutter.

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This discussion has given outsiders a welcome picture of what the situation is like in the Ukraine, the differences or not between Ukrainian and Russian and the manifest difficulty, even among those who have long left the country, as the two women above, of entertaining a day to day discussion of any use

How would any forum any circumstance enable these two to talk to eachother in a way that might begin to settle anything?

Perhaps they might tell us

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I would ask you is it so bad if you were part of Russia? Their future seems bright.

Why would it be so bad for you to be under Russian rule? It certainly isn't good for you to be under Zelensky's and his handlers rule.

This entire issue smells of a historical feud, simply let it go.

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It is certainly true there is an 'historical feud' between Ukraine and Russia

'Simply let it go' is some kind of Freudian slang which may, or may not, be useful in personal lives, but is of no use as far as the history of failed state relations, especially in time of war

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The thing with feuds is either one side is obliterated or one gives up the feud, otherwise it continues.

Possibly a long enough peace would allow attrition of the feuders and their subsequent generations to forget about it.

There's always another petty dictator that will use it to stir up a mess.

Anyway, I am trying to follow my own advice and "let it go" with things both political and personal, so I can understand it is not easy to do.

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I believe what you say is the truth because you hold your ground. Tell us more.

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I knew someone like him, the brother of a former colleague. Came back from Donbass with two new holes in his head.

Good. For that matter, the the cousin of a friend of mine came back from Donbass in a coffin, not to mention with a swastika tattoo. The friend hates the regime even more than I do and says good riddance.

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BlackRock already owns the land.

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Russia might have something to say about that, if it advances far enough.

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ALL Russia wants is a 'buffer' zone. This does not include the whole of Ukraine!

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Agreed, so what land does Blackrock actually own?

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Who knows. It's a big country.

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Blackrock signed a 100-year lease w/ Ukraine in November 2023 for a triangle of land just east of Lvov, so though it's not outright ownership it practically is, in that we're talking 100 years.

The city of Ternopil is one of the anchors, as is Ivano-Frankivsk. The word is that Blackrock began burying toxic waste there.

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It's also a long way from the disputed oblasts, doubtful Russia would go that far west.

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wasn't that the story from the dubious french journo, Vincent something, that was shown to be fake? a few months back- with Soros, Le Monde published the story then withdrew it without retracting, it was mostly twitter fed

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True, but they'll no more allow Blackrock in Ukraine than they would NATO.

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Ukraine is gone.

Ukraine is the buffer zone.

To think Russia is going to allow anything more than bandera land along the Polish border is naive in the extreme.

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Who the hell other than Blackrock and other chemical companies would want Ukraine.

Full of Nazis.

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Oh. Please go and read Scott Ritter. John Meersheimer. Aaron Mate etc. + countless others

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Blackrock will have a "loss" on the books and go looking for another bailout (ditto Vanguard) but it looks like uncle $bill is going broke so they've tried taking out a policy with Xi (they were busy schmoozing him back in San Francisco). We'll see how it works out, but interestingly mBridge is a BIS creation now being used for non USD trade.

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That is interesting. However, if mBridge is still susceptible to the West's political meddling, it's going to suffer the same fate as the BIS itself, once there's an alternative, probably through BRICS+.

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You should become aware of Unit, it’s been discussed on Sputnik.

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Found it. And it's written by my man Pepe Escobar!


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For the time being. I doubt Putin will honour their contract.

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Yes and does Ukraine really want to be owned by the US? As the US watches their citizens being butchered and salivates over their 12.5 trillion dollar resources?

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You forgot Satan, himself; Soros!

Remember his vermin son (Alex) signed the contracts for Ukraine to be used as a Toxic Waste Dump, by the West

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Nobody asked them.

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Ukraine is gone.

Russia is allowing the west to spend & "invest" maximum of its remaining fiat currency- before it takes control of Ukraine and nullifies every trace of the west in soon to be former Ukrainian territory.

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Your writing is a load of crap & Russian Propoganda🤮

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You must have seen a different Biden than I! He was so sad I had to switch off after 4 minutes: Rattling odd numbers, confused trillions with millions (!!!!) and claiming "reproductive health" is killing human beings aka fetuses!

But, American economists are irate at both Biden and Trump for tariffs to help US not depend totally on the Peoples' Republic of China for wind, solar and lithium supply chains, for example!

The professional management class thinks finance is the way to build an economy and manufacture will take care of itself from the PRC!

Do not underestimate Trump's seeming hyperbolae! His audience knows they are roundly fed lies from the establishment media!

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That's precisely why: you switched it off after 4 minutes. He started horrifically, but he caught his 2nd wind later and finished arguably much stronger than Trump. The second half was completely different to the first. Sure, in *general* he was awful--but my point was simply that compared to his *usual self*, he was no different and in fact much better and more lucid than many of his recent outings. There are several interviews over the past few months where he was *far* worse and yet there was no collective shock then.

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You don't get a second chance to make a good impression!

"No points" for digging himself out of a hole you Biden's handlers made for him.

Better than "he had a cold"?

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Obama just confirmed there will be no change of candidate.

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Which itself confirms who is actually running the Biden White House.

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Remember Sotero the kenyan speaking to a crowded auditorium about how he wish he could remote control a puppet after his two terms (as he couldn't have a third)?

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is he pushing for his husband to take over from Joe?

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They could replace Biden with a wax figure from Madame Tussaud's in the Oval Office and it would not effect the White House at all.

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Obama is just another puppet.

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There will be no change of candidate because the ruling structure in the US is such that an untrained monkey could hold that position and do well in the eyes of the public.

Democracy in America and the West is a bad joke. Just step back and look at those two candidates with an objective eye - they are clowns, but more tragically, the American people take these fools seriously, actually believing they are presidential material, bona fide leaders of Western "freedom and democracy".

It is truly embarrassing to have to be a part of this as a citizen of the West.

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I agree 100% with your observation

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I am looking to get out

But fear CIA will meddle in the country I move to

But America now unaffordable for the 90 percent

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Run away, face the same problem else where.

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From her commanding height, Nikki Haley is telling Republicans to prepare for a change of Democratic candidate: can she be offering herself to the Democrats--?? They sure liked her during the *open* primaries. Then the DNC began courting the Nikki voter.


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"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" - Anton Chigurh

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That would be perfect. Then he wins the election through mobilization of every cemetery in the US and calling in strategic US Mail reserves of fresh bulletins. I so want to witness it, thankfully from afar.

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Obama’s tweet in support of Biden was perfunctory. Like all other prominent Dems, Obama will treat Biden like an Old Testament patriarch for a week or so. But the countdown to triggering the 25th Amendment has already begun, and you can bet Michelle Obama’s campaign website has already been built.

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Obama's tweet was a way to *mark* publicly the proof that he had advocated such a thing in-the-moment, so to speak, giving Old Joe some grace: a receipt of Obama's statement there for all to see.

Will *age* as all receipts age, just as a marker: oh, yeah, I bought that ham sandwich @ such & such bodega

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Whoa. He & Biden will begin their intra-Dem retaliation. Night if the long knives.

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That was the drugs talking.

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Yup. It took longer than expected for them to kick in.

I listened to a snippet from somewhere in the middle. He sounded like he was on speed, he was talking so fast. Couldn't annunciate a thing, so unintelligible. But yammering away full tilt.

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All in all this was a marvelous display of American pharma's capabilities.

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Pretty sure it was just that Jessie Pinkman was late to arrive with Joes crystal.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I watched all 3 candidates - RFK Jr was running a parallel debate on Twitter turning in 11 million views. Better than both, and he knows the corporate corruption well, but his stance on Israel is the same as two others. The most important issues of debate:

1. Who is the worst president in the history of the US

2. Who is the biggest criminal

3. Who has the morals of an alley cat

Or and in between, the WW3 in the making, and economy.

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A potato called the other potato brown

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That would be hysterical if it weren't so true. Albeit insulting to potatoes.

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Biden with shrill Jill behind him is likely hugely pissed at all Dems turning on him, on a dime. That must have really focussed his resolve to retreat, regroup, line up his retaliation tactics, but perhaps first take the 'White House' to an undisclosed bunker & just start lashing back in a calm measured way. Why is no one saying how much damage he could do, & Obama may even come into the picture to have it make deep strikes in coordinated rational way. Think of this as the First Triumvirate taking it's place to cause maximum mayhem. This almost seems guaranteed.

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Not unlike the way Blinken reiterates that it is Ukraine's right to decide when & if it wants to negotiate w/ Russia @ a day & time of its choosing--totally up to Ukraine; the U.S. certainly has no involvement in a weighty decision like that because the U.S. respects Ukraine's autonomy & sovereignty.

So it will be Joe's decision to make--no one else's.


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Jill Biden makes Lady Macbeth seem like Mother Teresa.

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I agree the debate was scheduled early to give the Dems time to find a replacement

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1


This wasn't a debate

This was an assassination

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So the conclusion we can draw is that a nation of 360m people that is facing nearly insuperable challenges is going to be represented by two morons.

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Your choice,

The baked potato or

The deep fried cheese puff.

Victor was right this is embarrassing.

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The decision is in regardless, he is to be replaced, and the media can now smear him. Must be nice for them after being constipated for so long.

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I suspect that Biden was juiced during the break.

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The professional management class hasn't been concerned with building anything for years; maximizing their spreadsheets on a quarterly basis to get the biggest bonuses possible is how they operate.

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Hype-Stock, like Nvidia

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I honestly thought it was possible el Prez would drop dead during the tv show. The uniparty should have realized that would have opened all sort of doors for election fraud. Of course, maybe they think they already have it in the bag.

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They do have it in the bag - with either candidate.

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He lied about the border patrol endorsement.

He lied about no soldiers dying on his watch.

He lied about inflation numbers coming from Trump's presidency.

I lost track.

Before the debate, he's told lie after lie.

Getting arrested in Africa while meeting with Mandela.

He lied about Trump's 'good people' quote.

The list goes on and on and on. Sometimes I think he actually believes all that nonsense.

In any case, one of the least qualified people ever to hold that office.

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He lied about "suckers & losers"

He lied about the jobs his admin has created

He lied about the way his uncle died during WWII

He said his golf handicap was 6 but then 30 seconds later he said it was 8

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He lied for the umpteenth time that Beau died in Iraq. What kind of low-life uses his son to score political points in that way?!

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Did he lie or does his befuddled brain actually think it's the truth?'

Much like his walk in the Himalyas with Xi....

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He's repeated it so many times that he believes it, whilst no one in his team has any integrity will correct him. What a banana state the US has become, a cesspool of corruption. Then there's the DOJ, nuff said.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Remember George Constanza's "It's not a lie if you really really believe it?"

I can't believe you are seriously arguing points/lies of Biden, who said his uncle was eaten by cannibals, his son died in Iraq, and he knew Putin for 40 years.

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real eyes realize real lies

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Hey, that’s a good one. I may quote you on that.

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Yes, amazing how he lied compared with Trump who told no lies during the debate and never ever lies 🤣

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

no no, you don't understand. he didn't lie. he misspoke. doesn't count.


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When you misspeak the truth it is not a lie


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He misinformed while busy stealing. He malinformed unintentionally.

He disinformed while shitting himself.

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Wait a minute!!! It was Trump who lied!!! What are you trying to pull here? I didn’t think they could sink any lower, but being the true optimist, I knew they would!

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Give us one example.

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It seems like all the drugs piped into Biden may have caused even more confusion than ever....

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Sepulchral trepidatious gait--walking like a toothpick. Vacant gaze, dilated pupils, raspy fading voice, whispery & breathy, practically slack-jawed & catatonic.

Cognitive decline as a result of aging does not improve. We know the destination.

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either that or the FOUR(!) covid shots they spiked him with

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“debate is inconsequential.”

Not in America.

This is the collapse of the Democratic Party, which is the collapse of DC and all International arrangements.

DC is Democratic.

USA “collapse” ™️ ; the collapse of the Democratic Party, of which Trump is just the Usher IS national institutional collapse outside of business, although Finance is part of the same government party system.

The Democratic Party’s reach and control of all institutions except some businesses and the rank and file police and military, otherwise the Democratic Party IS the National Government, and all International arrangements.

The Republican Party is a local party for where you live and your family lives, it can scale at most to the State level, and no major state except perhaps Texas.

The Republicans cannot form a replacement government.

So - Bye 👋🏻 so long world.

We won’t miss each other.

You kids play nice now.

You kids

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Team D is the party of the PMC, with various grievance groups as junior partners.

Team R is the party of local gentry, with white evangelicals as junior partners.

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Yes. And Team R isn’t ready for anything above local.

They can in White only western states pull it off.

Mike Pence ain’t… fuck… he ain’t Casca, never mind Brutus

They beta cux selected by their Vampiric Christian HOA wives as no threat to Female owned HUD loans landlord business

Randy from South Park got more spine and he’s a cartoon.

So Team D is Done and running, Team R can fall from the C17 wheel wells LMAO 🤣

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The Republicans didn't have any problem controlling everything during Bush Jr's two terms. I think you're blinded by recency bias. There actually were books written about how the Republicans rigged the 2000 and 2004 elections. Democrats were freaking out then just like Republicans are now. Gore Vidal even said after the 2004 elections that Democrats needed to rig things so that Republicans could never again take power.

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In detail; the GOP can govern as RINOS only IF the Democratic Party exists. We are discussing the collapse of the Democratic Party. Not losing an election.

Losing the entire New Deal apparatus. Collapse

USA “collapse” ™️ ; the collapse of the Democratic Party, of which Trump is just the Usher IS national institutional collapse outside of business, although Finance is part of the same government party system.

The Democratic Party’s reach and control of all institutions except some businesses and the rank and file police and military, otherwise the Democratic Party IS the National Government.

Yes of course many state and local governments are Republican, but everything National is RINO for a reason, no choice.

The Democratic Party collapsing is the collapse of the ruling party and official religion of government, education, academia, the bureaucracy, many of the Churches Hierarchy, the Intelligence Community, certainly our actual Financial System and decades of relationships centered on the Capitol.

Now as America is an extremely resilient Federated system in every way at every level, we’ll do better than most countries at weathering the storm.

But have no illusions the Collapse of the Democratic Party is collapse of our Public National Institutions.

We’re really going to have to get serious about money.

(I am in no way a Democrat).

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Recency Bias? 🤣

Let’s discuss Normalcy Bias first… and by the way I have seen the system collapse foreign nations, now it is collapse ours… they’re just being themselves.

This is what they do.

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I've long thought you were an unbiased and objective news source, not an partisan influencer. That image was laid to rest with your comments. I've long enjoyed your reporting but sadly today I've concluded I can no longer trust your judgement. or objectivity. For the record, I'm a registered Independent, not Republican or Democrat. Your commentary struck me as highly partisan and lacking specifics. Memorized facts are not the same thing as economics or world war. Do you want more of the same for the next 4 years? Wars, borders, inflation, crime, weaponized justice, etc.? So tell us again why you think Biden won? For the last 3+ years, no American has won. Debate words are not policy. Debate words are not national security. Debate words are not economics, employment, housing, food, or energy independence, and they're not a track record. How many food processing plants and refineries have blown up or burned in the last 3+ years? Never mind train derailments, destruction of bridges, and mob violence, or fentanyl deaths. Never-the-less, best wishes.

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Yankees stop your occupation of Europe, go home asap and stay there forever, thanks.

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For over 100 years, the single greatest US imperative has been to keep Russia and Germany separate. It is existential, as Germany and Russia together have science, technology, innovation, raw materials, and land from the Baltic Sea (Atlantic) to the Sea of Japan (Pacific). Yankees won’t go home until Europe sends them home.

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Actually that is a British imperative you are quoting.

For the last 40 years or so, the US foreign policy imperative was to keep Russia and China separate (Germany is a pipsqueak compared to China, though obviously the reverse was once true). FJB and his team of comrades has totally blown up that imperative.

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yes, but how odd the way policies that have no vision backfire. Because we wanted to keep Germany down and today we are supporting the attempt by Germany to refire its war industry and Japan wants to join NATO's war bloc (they don't learn their lesson, like the Jewish tribes) and POLAND AND THE UK agitate for war with our warm approval. And China and Russia have found ground for a workable (in the near term anyway) strategic relationship that has a massive piece of real estate armed at the front and back doors. This is foreign policy incompetence, it set in when the old crew, the specialists who knew their fields inside out, retired and then in came the wokesters, the tokens, the frauds who know zip about diplomacy or its skill set.

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It is coming. And they will go away not just from Europe, but from Middle East too. It seems that something big is coming. Russia, China, Iran and probably North Korea are preparing some kind of global operation to end US hegemony.

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BRICS is coming.............the dollar will be demolished.

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A registered independent is just an embarrassed democrat or republican and has no meaning for anyone's objectivity.

Everything Simp said was accurate - Trump's magic is gone, Biden did get better though he had some obviously terrible moments, but he wasnt any worse than months ago and Trump didnt do anything but brag about himself and was on the defensive the entire night. The later might be a result of CNN openly cheating, but the Trump of 2016 is no more and you shouldnt let your feelings get the best of you so that you condemn Simplicius for merely pointing out what everyone else knew.

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Agree for the most part. I truly despise both Democrats and Republicans (read that as politicians). They're in it for themselves, not us. Trump's magic is tarnished, I agree, if for no other reason that his support of the vaccine (even if he foolishly trusted his advisors). He should have known better and done his own research. That said, I'll take outcomes over promises every day, all day. The outcomes during the Trump presidency were spectacular COMPARED to what we've experienced the last 3+ years. I deal in facts. Not emotions. Not feelings. Facts. And while we're at it, what is it "that everyone else knew?" And who is "everyone"? The media, or university students, the most ignorant among us? Educate me.

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I mean I agree that basically Trump's presidency was better - no child trannies, no ww3, no mass arrests of political opponents, no vaccine mandates (though trump also gets an L for this since the vaccine was his idea), no war with china or now reason and he also got us checks.

But as you know we for one, have fake elections now, and two to the degree there is any legitimacy, with the size and reach of alternative media most people - if not practically all of them, have seen videos of Biden and knows he is cognitively compromised even if their are narratives that keep people comfortable with it. No one I know of - even partisan democrats - believed that Biden was in good shape, their tilt is that he is 'better than Trump'.

Trump's performance speaks for itself- he has been compromised by lawfare and 8 years of hostile media psyops so everyone except partisan Trump people knew by watching that nothing special was going to happen and for the most part everyone saw him with familiar riffs 'greatest ever' for example and only had a few new lines such as calling Biden a 'palestinian' which was a tone-deaf and cringe things to say given the genocide happening there.

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I'm not sure the vaccine was Trump's idea. The vaccine was probably planned well in advance, along with the outbreak. He might regret giving Fauci so much trust throughout the entire covid debacle.

I think Trump may have realized what this debate was all about and just went through the motions for it. Don't do anything that can be used towards you later kind of thing. And if Biden is indeed replaced that the debate truly was inconsequential for Trump. Maybe anyways?

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Weirdly, the Main Event was not DJT or even a presidential debate--but to display Biden's cognitive decline. He can be feisty when he has a teleprompter--and he can scream-ejaculate his take-down/throw-down Talking Points like @ the State of the Union.

But when he has to speak extemporaneously, or just relate, there's no continuity. This isn't a stutter: it's an inability to sequence a thought logically into a comprehensible sentence.

If you think back to the summit w/ President Xi Jinping in San Francisco last November, we were shown a video snippet of Biden seated across the table from Xi, w/ their aids & advisors flanking them--Blinken & Sullivan to either side of Joe--& Joe read his opening statement to Xi & Xi's delegation.

Joe's voice had that same halting, raspy, whispery & breathless quality--monotonic even. His demeanor was flat, low-energy, just like in the debate on Thursday night. He did not look up from the small piece of paper from which he read.

I could see President Xi & Wang Yi taking it in.

Pundits in our substack-verse & other chatteratti spaces wondered @ the time why Xi would flatter Joe w/ a summit in San Francisco.

I think Xi & his delegation had to see it for themselves--what they were really dealing with. They had to be in the room w/ it.

It's what VVP saw in Zurich in June 2021, w/ Lavrov by his side, when he met w/ Joe & Blinken. They had to be in the room w/ it in order to know what was what.

On Thursday night, it happened for us: we got to be in the room w/ it

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Very good description1

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"The vaccine was probably planned well in advance, along with the outbreak" ..it never ceases to amaze how deeply the pandemic and related conspiracy narratives affected some people despite them being proved to be bullshit by facts and time, hence their contradictory, nonsensical nature as new memes were made up to counter whatever was on the news.

for all the talk about how the sheep who "went along" with the pandemic and vaccines were naive, stupid, fearmongerers etc, the anti-covid cultists are in a league of their own. I think its because that kind of propaganda taps into some people's narcissism and desire to be the smartest in the room, it really sells itself. that's why you can't tell them anything or they become enraged. its too bad they've established themselves in any sort of counter-cultural space where serious issues are discussed, cause its so discrediting.

seriously, why are you even here and not listening to Alex Jones or something? According to your constantly shifting narratives (that you cant even explain much less recall, only that you were 100% right all the time lol), first all the countries in the world (including competing or even antagonistic nations... US, China, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Iran, etc etc ) conspired to make up a fake virus to promote a fake pandemic, lockdowns, masks etc and do your global reset. Then when that didnt happen, the vaccines came out and restrictions lifted, you had to modify your narrative so that it was all about the vaccine (all these countries conspired to fake the pandemic to poison their people with the vax etc). According to your own schizophrenic "logic", all geopolitical rivalries and even wars like the Ukraine conflict must also be fake and part of the smoke-screen. Hey, now you're back in the driver's seat!

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Good grief; sounds like your having a great day. "constantly shifting narratives" seems like a some sort of a form answer. But anyways, good day.

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C'mon man. No child trannies? That's only because it wasn't really a major culture wars talking point yet. Sure, in some niche circles, and of course a few ultra-progressive Democrat parents in Portland and the like. While I surely agree with you that it's deeply troubling to let kids choose their "gender" and to surgically aid in their "decision" before age 18 or 20, I don't think it's ever going to become a truly society threatening issue considering that the tranny population has gotta be exponentially lower than the Jewish population, which itself is even lower than the overall Jewish population. IOW like 0.01% of the whole USA.

Where I will disagree with you is on WWIII. Trump either on his own accord or under pressure from the Republican affiliated neocons he kept bringing into his cabinet assassinated Iranian General Soleimani with Israeli approval and assistance. That was an attempt to spark a regional war in the ME that would've turned into WWIII. I wish Trump represented a real change agent on Ukraine and Russia. Maybe he does. He talks a good game sometimes, but I have no idea how he'd really govern (to the extent allowed by the MIC and deep state). Like you said, he's said despicable things about the Palestinians and seems to be in the pocket of the Zionists like Biden and JFK Jr.

I agree with your last paragraph in its entirety. The Democrats, the deep state (CIA, NSA, etc.) and their media are desperate to topple Putin and balkanize Russia. They are censorship totalitarians to that end (and pandemics). But as far as the shit they'll keep pulling domestically and in the ME & Latin America, I have no reason to trust Trump or his people a 2nd time. The Abraham Accords are a major reason for Oct. 7 and all the genocide that has followed and Trump's brutal Venezuela sanctions led directly to the terrible migrant/border crisis we are dealing with. Not saying Biden isn't part of it, just that Trump and Eliot Abrams and all their sanctions and coup/sabotage attempts are the root cause, like Killary was with Guatemala.

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I'd also point out that Trump is also far too old now. I know loads of people his age and wouldn't want any of them taking serious decisions.

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It ain't the meat it's the motion

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VVP and Xi are 71. Trump is 78.

Xi is the only career politician and I'd expect the CPC to be able to get rid of him if he went mas.

Both Xi and Khamenei are intellectuals in the true meaning of the term, except that Khamenei doesn't make real decisions and he's sort of a "national druid" - he's there to give his opinions about how his country should look like, but that's all. People wouldn't be listening to him if his mind was deteriorated so badly. He's 85 and he seems to be doing all right for his age.

Now VVP is famously keeping himself up to shape by really hardcore healthy lifestyle(or rather regime) since he was practically a child. It's not unreasonable to think his mental health is also much better than that of the average people of his age, in the same way his physical state is.

Now Trump is 78 and none of the above things. He was also never too witty even in his best times.

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Trump's outcomes came primarily from deregulation and record spending. He spent so much money (and no one saw anything wrong with it) that by Sept. 2019 the REPO market froze up. That's when Covid was rolled out.

REPO froze up because so many US Treasury bonds were being sold that all the money looking to invest itself in interest bearing investments has been soaked up. The Fed has to inject $1 trillion a day into REPO to keep the financial system afloat.

I spent hundreds of hours at the time trying to figure why this was happening. Nobody could figure it out. The system is too complicated. Nobody could see the big picture. Six months later the cause was obvious.

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The results of the debates are obviosly fake - 33% for Biden, 67% for Trump. It is very suspicios that it is exactky 1/3 vs 2/3.

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I think it was based on a 'poll' of 535 registered voters they had ready for the post-debate evaluation. 535 is no way big enough of a sample even if you accept how sampling for polling is done today, but to me it makes some sense because about a third of the voting population is going to be in the tank for their national party no matter what.

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The point is not in the number of voters, but in this suspiciously non-random distribution - exactly 1/3 and 2/3 (33%/67%).

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They only had two choices - three if you assume 'no one won' was an option, so it was going to add up to 100% either way and that it landed on 1/3 v 2/3 is no more suspicious than if it had landed on 3/16ths v 13/16ths.

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the attractiveness of the conspiracy theory is over rated 100% or is that 200%

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Whenever anyone starts by stating that they aren't a Democrat or Republican, I already know that I'm about to read a person venting at an author over minor and nuanced points with which they disagree. 9/10 when someone pre-qualifies themself as "neutral" or "not affiliated" with a party, it becomes clear that they will, in fact, be making a very partisan point on the topic.

That said, Americans clearly do not do nuance very well. Simplicius was mainly focusing on how Biden actually wasn't as absolutely terrible in his debate appearance (which was followed by widespread panic and feigned surprise) as he has been in numerous other appearances both recent and going back a few years (followed by finger wagging from the Democrats and media that we shouldn't believe our lying eyes). As to whether Biden *could* have won the debate, I don't agree, but I also don't think Trump did. For the same exact reasons Simplicius stated. This was a debate without a winner when it comes to adult-level policymaking, goals and plans. Compare to a Putin speech, for example. Either way, I don't know why it made you so annoyed.

Let me also pre-qualify here, then, and state that I am also "independent" but way to the left of the Demo-Rats. I would never vote for a candidate in either party in the fake election [(s)Election] at the national or state levels and Biden is a financial and war criminal of the most despicable order who belongs in jail with Reagan, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and even Trump for war and economic crimes committed abroad using the US military and economic sanctions.

With that out of the way I hope you realize how easy it would for me to point directly to Trump and Bush policies (deregulation and incentivizing financial over safety performance) of the past that paved the way to the train derailments, refinery incidents, shipping disasters and crumbling infrastructure. That is a game as old as the rigged US political system. "Your president is doing so terrible, look at XYZ!" followed by "But it was YOUR president who de-regulated XYZ industry and specifically in the area of safety and quality control!" A lot of this stuff is, in fact, in the 'lagging indicator' category. Some of it isn't. Is any president really responsible for a ship crashing into a bridge or a train full of toxic chemicals derailing? Trump's administration made an executive order instructing all regulatory agencies to get rid of two existing rules for every new rule issued. They also deregulated certain train braking systems. I'm not saying that's what was responsible for the Palestine, OH train wreck, but what I am saying is that pointing to either Trump or Biden as to blame for it is useless.

Same goes for immigration. While I think they're both basically the same, and I am not in favor of flying people all over the country secretly and turning them loose with or without ankle monitors, I'm also a "root cause" type of guy. And the root cause of the current migration crisis is Trump and Biden sanctions on Venezuela and the US's constant meddling in Latin American countries. I've personally worked on the border infrastructure projects ("The Wall!") dating back to 2016 when Obama was still in office and issuing the specs (and a few RFPs) for the programs that eventually Trump took credit for. At that time, and through about 2019 the flow of immigrants from Venezuela was virtually nil. Now they are the vast majority of the people coming to our southern border, and it's in large degree due to Trump's brutal draconian sanctions and continual coup attempts against the Maduro government (he brought in neocon scumlord and criminal Eliot Abrams to handle VZ policy). Biden, of course, being the neocon rightwing warmongering dementia patient that he is, has kept most if not all of the sanctions in place. He did put a temporary moratorium on border infrastructure construction in January of 2021, but it was lifted. Trust me, I know the timeline. We had to de-mobilize and fight the government on liquidated damages. Eventually it went back to business as usual. So as with other policies, it's not a simple matter to lay all the blame for a given societal problem on one administration and completely let another (previous or subsequent) off the hook as you appear to be doing when comparing Genocide Joe and the Orange Man. This goes to anyone who places the border crisis high on their list of political and societal issues, not directed at you personally. But if you want to see the flow of people on the southern border drastically decrease, then lift the sanctions on Venezuela, stop trying to coup Bolivia and in general stop the CIA fucking with Haiti and end the embargo on Cuba.

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So what are you? Republican, Democrat, Independent? Are you honest? Tell your readers your political affiliation so a dispassionate reader can accurately judge your political, moral, and economic value systems. That said, you make some very excellent points , actually exceptional, and you're obviously well read. Very good comments. My sincere compliments. All that said, let's take Simplicius' statements at face value regarding the debate. Personally, I think that says all about living in reality that needs to be said.

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I did say. I'm way to the left of the Democrat party. I don't have any political affiliations either. And by "left" I mean antiwar, antiimperialist, pro-worker/labor, class conscious, let's prioritize or at least protect us little guys from the voracious capitalist rentier class, rebuild manufacturing and stop letting ourselves be manipulated by the culture warriors in both parties and Wall Street.

I appreciate your compliments and agree you have every right to an opinion on the debate. I just think you're reading something into Simplicius comments that he wasn't really saying.


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LOL. Yeah I mean I don't disagree with any of that. I think Simplicius' and definitely my point are that prior to that debacle for Biden, the Dems and media were telling us "nothing's wrong, stop spreading "cheap fakes" and misinformation!" when they knew as well as anyone that Biden is a walking demential disaster. Now they suddenly change their tune? There's no way they didn't already know this.

And like I said, I don't agree with Simplicius that Biden "won" the debate, but I don't think Trump did either - on the basis of actual policy goal articulation. Actually winning a debate (to thinking adults anyway) involves wiping the floor (to varying degrees) with your opponent on various specific ideological and policy bases. Trump did a terrible job of conveying a coherent, well thought out, and direct/honest alternative to Biden and the Dems. Of course he did a great job in "winning" the "who looks way less senile" aspect!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

There were no winners in this debate - not Trump, not Biden, not the American people. But I believe people have to understand that a democracy is a self-defeating system of government. Its end is always the same - corruption and degeneracy from within as the people are manipulated and the ruling class overstretch and widespread incompetence.

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Agree. 90% of people will only remember what media said. They dont sit through 90 min of jibbering. The only memory will be that one of the seniles were more senile than the other. Trump did not spread any new one-liners, he didnt have any aura of a winner. Biden did good to endure the whole ”duel” without passing out. Simp is right in that Biden won the debate because no one remember what Trump said. It is 100% focus on Biden.

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Even during the debates for the Demo primaries in 2019 it was obvious that Joe was in cognitive decline: Cory Booker mentioned it from the debate podium.

Apparently Joe's sister Valerie was talking about his "dementia symptoms" in 2015.

Joe's cognitive issues have been an open secret for nearly 10 years, but we had never been given permission to examine this. Thursday night changed that

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Well this is curious. I'm way to the right of the Republican party, yet we share the same positions on these things: "antiwar, antiimperialist, pro-worker/labor, class conscious, let's prioritize or at least protect us little guys from the voracious capitalist rentier class, rebuild manufacturing".

How about we (1) ban the use of stock options as a compensation plan, (2) ban corporate stock buybacks, (3) ban corporate ownership of more than two homes. Let's see where things go then.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

"The Ungoverned'.

That is, America in 1910, before the Federal Reserve or its World Wars, when the average citizen's only contact with the federal government was the Post Office. That, or Swiss cantons.

Local policing was left to 'vigilante groups', that is, the city dads who kept trash and dangerous elements out of their town and away from the families. My grandmother had crosses burned on her lawn twice...and she understood it, and readily agreed with that system. In Nevada, too; I am a child of the West, not the South.

(I am discounting the JudeoPuritan radicals and their War of Northern Aggression; their messianic theocracy eventually brought us all the evils and usurpations of the 20th C.)

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Again, everyone here including myself and Simplicius is saying and agreeing with you that Biden's chances imploded in that "debate" - the point of nuance is that he had made many more prior appearances where he was EVEN WORSE than how he was in that debate and everyone was pretending like things were just peachy. Try to put yourself in the shoes of a Democrat supporter or the media here. Were they really that stupid to think Biden was "just fine" after all the other previous disasters or were they (more likely) just hoping and praying that he didn't bomb a debate or other public appearance as badly as he did - which has nothing to do with Trump's performance - so that they could pull the wool over our plebian eyes and slip Genocide Joe back in for one more term?

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"Try to put yourself in the shoes of a Democrat supporter" - as an outsider, I find it impossible.

Democrat supporters have been seeing exactly the same appearances of Biden as everyone else, but somehow they could never conclude anything worrying about him before the debate. And suddenly, one if his better public appearances and poof.

Those people must be f_king bots controlled remotely. How can any at least half self-aware person behave that way?

I've never seen anything like this before and if I was told (at least before 2019)this is going to happen, I would be more willing to reevaluate my views on flat Earth theories.

Hilariously tho, Biden appeared to have more support in certain countries outside of the US than domestically. So it's not a completely US-only phenomenon.

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Trust me, I totally agree with you in principle. What I was trying to do was a thought experiment. A large number of Biden supporters (or just Trump haters) know that Biden has been rapidly declining for at least 5 years. He's had some really terrible gaffes and 'senior moments' in public appearances. Many worse than his "performance" in the debate. So my point was that most of his supporters were aware of it but hoping and praying that he could get through the debates so that discussions like this were pre-empted. "Aww he's fine, look how he did in the SOTU! (and ignore your lying eyes about all the other gaffes)" so that the "Joe Oligarchy" (strange term I've seen floated in the past couple days) could just quietly keep him on the ticket, win an election, slip him into the WH and then more safely use one of the mechanisms available to swap him out mid-term, thus greatly reducing the chances of another Trump presidency.

Also keep in mind, what they SAY PUBLICLY isn't always the same as behind closed doors, or in private conversations among supporters.

Regarding seeing this kind of thing before, I was old enough to witness it happen to Ronald Reagan. He was a barely walking dementia patient for the last 3, some say 4 years of his presidency. I don't remember exact gaffes and his handlers were more adept at minimizing them (he also had the "benefit" of surviving an assassination attempt and a very public-facing wife). Back then Republicans were in complete denial publicly. But many of them openly acknowledged that he was a zombie after he was re-elected.

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Very nice. And you are right: “immigrants” are, to a large degree, a RESULT, not a cause. These kinds of reversals are proferred to shield those responsible or those who benefit.

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It's amazing how many people who are otherwise healthy skeptics of media and government narratives don't get that part.

A certain amount of them are in denial or under the delusion that MERIKA GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Meaning that OF COURSE people will come here in teeming throngs and try to get in, legally or not. That argument is also in denial of cause-vs-effect. For many years the US has done everything possible to ensure that those Latin American countries are, in fact, shitholes. I cited some examples above, but it goes way beyond that - as I'm sure you know.

But others (among those not bought in on the Greatest Country Ever narrative) can't seem to get past the effect part. "Just get rid of them and keep the rest out!" No concern given to WHY they're coming here in the first place nor to the notion that if you don't address the WHY to at least some meaningful degree, there will always be some form of humanitarian catastrophe on our southern border. Completely impenetrable walls (to the extent such a thing can be "complete"), automatic machine gun turrets, shoot-on-sight policies; basically Israel type shit will never fly with US-MX relations and on the US-MX border without there being an active war between us.

As I noted, was a part of the border infrastructure projects for several years and I know the entire border very well, from the tip of Texas to Imperial Beach in California. A lot of the wall-building work was done in places that are almost useless because at the end of the day it's the US CBP and USACE (big government programs) doling out the contracts and it's the same 9 or 10, mostly large businesses, gobbling up the lucrative work. It's no different than the DOD and MIC. That said, much good work was done. And not just in fencing/walls. Levees were repaired and heightened, patrol roads were built, LPOEs repaired or added, etc. IOW things that the guys who actually work in CBP want! I'm sure you've seen videos of migrants simply using human ingenuity to get over even the tallest of walls and cutting through others. Further, if the US-MX border were to become completely impenetrable, does anyone really think that so long as conditions are such in Latin America that migrants won't find OTHER ways of gaining entry? Sorry for the 2nd long rant in this thread, but people really do need to start looking at the CAUSE and not just the RESULTs. And the CAUSE is very similar in a lot of ways to why Europe is dealing with the same kind of thing. Namely, US/NATO/EU policies in the ME and Africa. Wars, regime changes, economic exploitation, etc. - same exact shit as in this hemisphere.

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"Do you want more of the same for the next 4 years?"

I'm not sure why you posted this comment. Perhaps you had a rough sleep the night before?

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registered independent doesn't mean much, as research has shown. Almost all "independents" vote for the party they previously supported as a member. I too am an independent, a Republican independent. we sure see things domestically differently, but that's fine. I'm all for open debate based on intelligence and reasoning.

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And stay gone

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My sentiments exactly!

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Tell me you lack reading comprehension without telling me you lack reading comprehension.

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So, Trump lies, Biden lies, probably less than Trump though that is also a matter of preference. There has yet to be a “debate” where fact checkers didn’t have a bipartisan field day afterword. That Biden “may” have been a trifle more accurate in a contest of lies than Trump is of course meaningless to any other than professional debate judges.

In the real world Biden is not in trouble because of Trump lies, he’s in trouble because his performance failed badly in convincing the public he’s competent enough to handle another four years. And worse, creates the question, do we want him in position to make decisions now? And, does he actually make them?

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Nuland retired, Biden retired, US navy leaving the Red Sea, meanwhile airlifts and ships headed to Lebanon, US ‘contractors’ sent to Ukraine, political tides shifting in Europe. The powers are realizing they have about 6 months to play their best hands or move forward on their favorite projects. I expect more fire in Ukraine to stave off collapse for 5 months, and more fire in Lebanon to try and get that started and ‘gift’ it to a new president to solve. The Dems are splitting into factions; whomever carries November will have their hands full.

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A different cast of characters after 5 November will neither have the same investment in Project Ukraine nor the same personal attachment to it as the current cast of characters. A different cast of characters after 5 November will not likely see an OTAN 'W' in Project Ukraine as an existential must-do. A different cast of characters may not even see OTAN as a world-beating necessity

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Apologies for not being one of the "cool kids". What is OTAN?

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It's the French acronym for NATO. If you look at any NATO logo it has NATO/OTAN written on it.

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Yup. Thanks! *covers eyes in embarrassment*

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There's no embarrassment in not knowing an acronym. French speakers obviously use OTAN in preference to NATO, and I guess that people whose French is better than their English use it because it feels "right".

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So, it's NATO in retreat?

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Aha ha ha ha! Good one!

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“it stands no chance in a long term conflict against the manufacturing powerhouse of the Russia-China-North Korea-Iran bloc.”

Good heavens! We’d better prepare for Red Dawn and Guerrilla Warfare!


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You may want to ask the Chinese about this first…

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Ask them what?

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I enjoyed the first 10 mn of this flick only

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A major false flag somewhere in Europe is expected (including 404, Russia, Minsk) or a western EU city could happen after the NATO summit, just before the olympics because after it it is too late. Check July 15th and 16th +-.

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and for what purpose?

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Biden is bored, needs to nuke something.

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During the Olympics, not before.

It's almost a habit in recent decades. There's always some new crisis during the Olympics.

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I hope it won't deprive those brave transgender athletes of their medals.

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They can swim in the Seine for all I care.

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Yep, they'll literally be going through the motions.

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Friendly reminder that “oligarch” is a Western spin term for Jewish looter.

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As is "globalist".

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It's worth noting that as recently as 4-5 years ago "Oligarch' was a Western media synonym for "Russian billionaire". Mikhail Khodorkovsky Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky had "Oligarch" attached to their names as if it had been inscribed on their birth certificates and passports.

And as for billionaires Jeff Bezos owner of the Washington Post and Michael Bloomburg owner of the Bloomburg media group and three term mayor of New York city, could we reasonably attach the term "Oligarch" to them?

No, we may not.

Calling an ultra-wealthy Russian businessman with political influence an oligarch is correct because it shows us the truth, namely that Russia is an oligarchy. However, calling an ultra-wealthy American businessman with political influence an oligarch is wrong because it implies a falsehood, namely that America is an oligarchy. Whereas I have been informed by influential sources with access to important information, that America is in fact a democracy.

So, there you are.

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There is no oligarchs left in Russia, because if any wealthy Russian businessman is not agree with policy of Putin and his government he has only 2 options - leave Russia or shut up.

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So are you implying that there are no billionaires left in Russia? Or is it that you are implying that there are no rich discenting voices against the Russian leadership? I guess that would happen if the west through sanctions froze or down right seized their assets and treated them like fugitives since 2022. So I guess the message they here now is no land like the one that made them wealthy in the first place. Why criticize that land now? As where else can their accumulated wealth be safe outside of Russia? Staying quiet may just be in their best self interest.

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Yes, it is simply not profitable for them to contradict the government, because only it can guarantee the preservation of their wealth. When the SMO began and West imposed sanctions on Russia, Putin gave the oligarchs a choice - if they want to continue making money in Russia, then they must spend and invest this money in Russia and not interfere in government policy, or they can leave, but all their material assets in Russia will remain in Russia. And Western sanctions have made it almost impossible to withdraw significant amounts of money from Russia. This is the main reason for such good performance of the Russian economy. The West, with its sanctions and confiscations of the property of Russian oligarchs, has probably done even more for the Russian economy and industrial development than Putin.

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The West forced protectionism on Russia and dispelled the belief that wealth can only be stored by investing in the western financial system. The Russian economy is doing well because Russians have no choice but to have faith in the Ruble which is money in Russia. In extension this has made the Ruble into somewhat of an international trading currency as Russia has been forced to expand the selling of their energy, commodities and food in Rubles. This has created the situation whereby Russia can expand their money supply without creating inflation within Russia just as the West has done exporting their inflation to the global market. The Russians have felt the benefit and are now encouraging more countries to enjoy the benefits of local currency trade. The Iranians, Venezuelans Cubans have been suffering under sanctions for years and are more than happy for the potential to escape the western strangle hold over their economies

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Seeing how swiftly the West turned on Russians, even the wealthy City of London Russians--simply because they were Russians, a form of permissible ethnic hate--was an abrupt *persuasion*--stay w/ the Russian System: Brother, come to Moscow

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I should make it very clear that I am not against the use of Meditation Energy Enhancement Against Satanism, however you are kind of gumming up the thread. Unless it is directly related to the topic at hand, I think that it is best to keep such discussions over at your place.

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The Richest Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 10,000 years old Families in the World are the Oligarchs. They marry into all the richest families in each country and then take over the political system in every country in the World like the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, Stanleys, Cohens etc etc.

I am in fact saying that America, the Anglo-American Empire is an Oligarchy and not in fact a Democracy or more accurately, a Republic. https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/the-richest-satanic-phoenician-mega

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Good point and witty too.

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They lie even when they tell the truth

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So is there term “Russian Mafia”

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One need but look on in awe and wonder at a country that decides going to war with the country that supplies the parts for much of its military hardware is a clever strategy.

In fact we also see many of the tactics the West uses and assume it is part of some master strategy well formulated by the best minds they can hire, but it really doesn't seem to be going so well. Are we witnessing 4D chess or the frantic gyrations of a gaggle of fools trying to patch the ever increasing leaks in the dyke? Time will tell.

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I always thought the US/West going to war with Chine, a country that supplies everything in the west from plastic forks to medical PPE, a truly illogical move.

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And even stupider to telegraph your intentions way in advance and without any compelling reasons that would really convince your own populace that all the blood and lucre wasted would somehow be worth it.

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One of the key reasons why so many more wounded soldiers survive today compared to 100 years ago is the medevac chopper and also antibiotics. And guess who produces 80% plus of the antibiotics used by the US armed forces medical services? China.

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Time has already told.

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With the end finally a little bit clearer. Is it still early to talk about what Russia need to be done to pacified it new territories? More specifically, to root out all the Ukr nationalist/Gladio assets, and re-educate a whole brainwashed generations. I still advocate for a Russian occupation of the whole westbank of the Dniper plus Odessa

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Maybe a majority of those folks will move west of the Dnieper; if they haven't already moved. I think the western parts are the traditional areas of the folks who are a touch nazi. Which is why I don't think Russia will occupy the whole of Ukraine as they would have to deal with them. Crimea, the 4 oblasts will be occupied by Russia for sure. With Odessa and Kharkov possibly in the deal as well.

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I think it goes one of two ways. First, according to Dmitry Medvedev, Russia could well take the whole of Ukraine, installing Russia-friendly powers, removing nazis from the government and the military, and outlawing its public support. He feels that the Western Ukrainians, though avid Russia haters, are also sensible people and if faced with living under Russian authority or dying, they will prefer the former. Russia knows how to deal with nazis, just as they know how to deal with the CIA-supported Islamists in Chechnya.

The other alternative is to take all traditionally Russian territories - all East of the Dnieper, the South including Transnistria, Odessa, Nikolaev - the remaining of the Western parts of 404 would go to Hungary, Romania and Poland (let the Poles deal with the Galicians).

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Very weak analysis of the debate.

Among the more egregious errors: the use of "they". Who are "they"? This presumes a unified and coherent Deep State; it is anything but. For every "Biden must go" article, there are 2 "Biden must stay to beat Trump" articles.

Equally, the notion that Biden "won" the debate. Public debates are never about actual issues - they are dog shows where the best looking mutt wins. Biden was not this mutt.

Furthermore: Anyone who thinks the Democrats will be able to switch out another candidate for Biden with between 39 and 52 days until the Democrat National Convention, is seriously lacking in detailed understanding of how Hilary Clinton has locked down the Democrat Presidential nomination process. Among other things - most of the delegates attending the DNC are literally sworn personally to Biden. For another thing, anyone switching into to replace Biden will have lost literally 18 months of campaigning. Even the most idiotic (i.e. Newsom) realizes that there is no reason whatsoever to take an enormous gamble that they can a) get their name recognition out in a month to 1.5 months b) beat Trump c) be a remotely effective President given the dog's breakfast that awaits whoever wins in 2024 when all they have to do is wait 4 years - the field will be clear then.

The only person who would try is Kamala Harris - because she has no other path to the Presidency so has nothing to lose. But she is even more unpopular than Biden, while simultaneously guaranteeing than anyone jumping over her to run for President will be discriminating against black women.

The only way Biden doesn't run for President as the Democrat nominee in 2024 is if he literally dies. That is the one and only situation where a replacement has a chance - the "sympathy" vote.

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I agree with the short notice…

Who will be so dumb?

But on the other hand…supporting Bidens second term will certainly end in a Kamala Harrisburg…

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So, ... long popcorn, got it. Seriously, though, whoever wins the presidency, Biden, Trump, Biden's replacement, does anyone think the long-term trajectory of the US will be altered much?

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The odds are against it - but the odds of change with Biden returning are enormously lower than if Trump comes in on a Deep State Revenge tour.

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And Trump has the Chevron decision at his back, although that can cut two ways. Maybe he'd have the opportunity to install at least one more conservative on SCOTUS, which reminds me to see if there's any slim chance that the Senate can be turned. ..

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The Chevron decision is irrelevant to Trump taking an axe to the top 5 or 10 layers of the federal bureaucracy.

That is what is needed - these unelected or often even not appointed bureaucrat SOBs need to go.

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Agreed. Let's hope Trump has learned lessons from his first term wrt that.

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Downstream voting for senate candidates & representatives already look imperiled for Democrats

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Change happens in both directions.

Bidens handlers are more than capable of accelerating.

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Actually, I disagree. There is only so much that can be done when you are pulling strings instead of being the Man.

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No. US are in a decline. Nothing at the horizon that will alter that course. And Deep-State/Establishment are as dumb as Marie Antoniette 1789.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Probably so. As to the Marie Antoinette reference, I assume you mean the "let them eat cake" canard.

1) she never said that, it was a lower level Parisian official.

2) and the statement was not really meant as a snark, since there was (is?) a law that said if a bakery had no bread the citizens were entitled to cake at the same price.


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Also the canard about Marie Antoinette's necklace was a bit of Fake News circa 1789: when the Powers That Be want you gone, they want you gone

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My reference was a bit more shallow…I think that the only other revolutionary people, the Americans, can do it again. The distance to and the disdain for the American people from the congress/established parties is in the range of the late Ludvig and Marie detached regime.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Girlfren was getting her aristo girlfriends to sell their jewelry and clothes for charity funds to feed the poor. France had bankrupted itself for the American Revolution; France claimed the majority of North America including Mexico, "owning" the entire middle from the Yukon south, and was trying to hang on to that.

Who actually started the Revolution?

The odious Marquis de Sade, himself.

He was locked up in the first floor of the Bastille; he started yelling through the bars on his window that the guards were killing the prisoners inside, just for a laugh.

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The cause of the US decline is not structural though - it is bad governance.

To be clear: Biden's administration has not been all bad. Lina Khan and others are doing good work in trust busting, although it remains to be seen if this is ideological as opposed to just beating up on Red sectors of the economy. But I am leaning towards the former since they are at least poking the slumlord rentier bastards in the housing rental market.

Unfortunately, this one bright spot is obscured by a whole lot of garbage ranging from Ukraine to Gaza to ever more outrageous net zero nonsense.

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Not clear to me at all. Biden is physically very healthy. It is the part between the ears that is the problem - and that is a good thing if you are Blinken/Sullivan/Hilary.

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Good points, esp. wrt to HRC's manipulation of the nomination process.

However, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out Simp's implied connection between the debate, the possibility of Biden dropping out and what that has to do with the current/future state of the war. Was waiting for his explanation but it just directly morphed into the usual sitrep.

I can buy that the whole debate thing timing-wise, etc. was engineered to get Biden out, but how does that help/hurt the Ukraine situation. Or is it that if Biden's out, Trump's a shoo-in (don't think so actually) and that's so they can blame the upcoming messes on him?

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During the debate someone sent me that video snippet: the Usurper of Kiev suddenly seeming to realize, in a panic, that large numbers of Ukrainians have been killed, maimed & wounded in the war over which he's presided for 28 months.

Both events--the debate & the Usurper's acknowledgement--seemed to give us permission to speak openly about matters we'd had to *fig-leaf* keep under wraps for many years. In the case of Biden, we could address outright & unabashedly the cognitive decline we saw even during the Democratic Primary of 2019.

In the case of Ukraine, we could have public confirmation of Ukraine's irretrievable losses, not just in casualties, though that's bad enough, but also its LOC prospects. Ukraine has never been winning in this conflict--yet we've been assured publicly that Ukraine is indeed winning. When Russian Forces withdrew from Kiev in late March 2022, they did so, according to VVP, because leadership in the West [I believe it was Napoleonette] advised him that if Russia pulled back, that would aid the Istanbul negotiations, which were underway.

But Russia's withdrawal, as a show of good faith, got sold to us as a fig-leaf 'W' for Ukraine: a strategic defeat of Russia.

Later, what got billed as a successful counteroffensive in fall 2022 was a fig-leaf *successful counteroffensive* when in reality Russian Forces fell back from indefensible territory in order to regroup.

@ no point did Ukraine have momentum--but we were never able to analyze & understand this matter publicly.

The synchronicity of the debate & the Usurper's video snippet, the nexus of the two, coalesced into a type of permission: suddenly we could speak openly about what had been forbidden

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agree, gag's removed

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The manipulators believe, and I somewhat agree, that most Americans and Europeans are simply not interested nor capable of taking the time and trouble to understand and analyze what is going on in Ukraine.

Or in other words - it doesn't matter what is said publicly at any given time since it requires enormous repetition and simplification to penetrate thick skulls.

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The public statements, which are Limited Hangouts [diluted truths w/ omitted items & elisions] or outright lies, are there only to *mark* the discourse--like we put a Post-it note in a book, reminding us to circle back & take a look @ a salient passage. The public statements are a kind of journal, in text form--a way to ritualize the *informing.*

We *know* this.

When the public lies have to do w/ a country 5000 miles away & the public lies involve *fig-leaf* money that doesn't really exist & *fig-leaf* weapons that don't really exist, it's no biggie: the hegemon is hegemon-ing.

If the lies involve putting skin in the game, sending American troops, that's when the rubber hits the road

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I don't fully agree. Yes, there is some "marking", but there is more use of media and social media to try and sway the elite crowd.

That's the problem with garden variety conspiracy theorists: they think the billionaires and Deep State are some monolithic entity controlled by a James Bond villain, when in reality they are varied collections of self interest gathered around specific topics of (self) interest.

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Agreed. The Deep State has shown it is perfectly willing to ignore Presidential orders, so to some extent, it does not matter who is actually in the Oval Office.

On the other hand, if Trump really is returning to get revenge on the Deep State - which I personally think is likely - then all bets are off. The relatively minor money/gear coming out of the black budget would not be even remotely enough to sustain the Ukrainian regime. This doesn't mean that Johnson and Trump will do an about-face regarding funding Ukraine but it does mean that a mindless repetition of tens of billions of funding for Ukraine is much, much less likely under Trump than it would be under Biden.

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Lt. Col Wilkerson told Diesen & Mercouris that the Deep State began equipping Ukraine w/ lethal weapons during Obama's second term, unbeknownst to Obama--allegedly, that is. Wilkerson said Obama may have *known* but opted to do nothing about this knowledge, which is what the Deep State counted on. Once DJT was elected, it was easier to claim that he authorized lethal weapons to Ukraine--but according to Wilkerson the Stingers & Javelins were already there.

Like the theme of Simp's SitRep: we're permitted to speak publicly about certain truths once we're given permission to do so

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I am sure what Wilkerson said is true, but there is still a huge difference between a few million from a black budget vs the literal tens of billions being sent to Ukraine now.

Thing is: the US doesn't have much more to send. The fact that Patriot systems and missiles are being literally cannibalized from protecting American troops to trying to shoot down Russian CAS bombers, such that Russian AD is shooting down Patriots, is the surest sign that the bottom of the barrel is visible.

And on the financial side: the impact of so much money printing - not just Ukraine but the domestic spend and the ongoing de-dollarization - has made its mark on the US population even.

I just saw an article where 30% to 40% of even $100K and $150K earners are feeling difficulties making ends meet - that's significant. Sure, at least some of this is pure overspend from people who relied too much on cheap labor and food to eat out and party all the time, but even food outside of home is a relatively small percentage of American household spending.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

It'd be nice to see Kennedy go back into the Democratic fold and become the front runner. He had the affiliation, and he has the name/recognition, and he has good talking points. And he's not a dementia patient (ie: quite young compared to both trump & biden).

Sadly, he'll need to inject some pigment into his skin to be acceptable because he's a rich white man...

My prediction aligns with your last sentence: biden is old, so he'll die in his sleep somewhere very soon in order to be able to be replaced. As soon as they find a suitable replacement.

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I'm sure the deep state will also be enthusiastic to see RFK, Jr, who is seeking retribution for the murder of his father and uncle (by the deep state?), in a position to be president. Sure none of the actual culprits are still there, but plenty who contributed to the long-term cover-ups are, and of course revealing the truth would likely destroy both the CIA and FBI.

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The skies are darkening w/ the wings of chickens that are coming home to roost

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With a fleet of loitering black swans, it would appear

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Indeed. It would be interesting but I don't see Kennedy getting anywhere until Trump is done.

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Sentencing in NY July 11, so Trump could be 'done' tout suite.

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Trump will not be done regardless of the sentencing arising from that Kafka-esque "trial".

Read your history: Eugene Debs got millions of votes even as he literally was in jail. There are no requirements that a candidate for President not be a felon.

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Democrats are far too invested in medical fascism and neocon foreign policy to tolerate someone like Kennedy.

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Kennedy is clearly cognizant of how the Democrats are rigged and controlled such that he will NEVER be accepted.

I don't agree with much of what he pushes, but I agree strongly with some of what he pushes - and that is precisely why he will never be a mainstream Democrat candidate.

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"That is the one and only situation where a replacement has a chance - the "sympathy" vote."

Which could be Jill? She seems to have become extremely politically active over the course of the Biden term - perhaps the smell of power is too tempting for her?

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Not just no. Hell no.

Among other things: she is white. Black woman i.e. Kamala still trumps White woman. Jill running to replace Joe would cause tens of millions of black women to simply not vote = Trump moonwalks into the Presidency - not that this is not going to happen anyway barring truly egregious cheating.

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The Dems will make the switch, "allow" Donald to win and let him deal with the economic mess for the next 4 years. Donald wanted tondrain the swamp, cut spending, etc., all of which we know will be recessionary following the massive overspend of the government the past few years and the actual underlying poor state of the US economy. The Dems will focus on 2028 and on Trump's successor.

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I don't think Trump wanted to "cut spending" per se, he wanted to cut waste and over-regulation (which he did to a substantial degree and the country got the benefit). He also wanted to grow the private sector, re-shore a lot of industry, and get cheap energy back by expanding the US oil/gas industry (which he did and FJB stopped). High government spending always "crowds out" the private sector by consuming resources which are required for growth of real private sector activity.

What you present is the Dems thinking, since they know nothing about creating real goods and services. There will be no recession under Trump. There will be a substantial shift between the private and public sectors, and public sector spending will be directed to more infrastructure creation and less "paper shuffling", government by bureaucrats, and less government spending resources on woke nonsense which add no value to anyone's life.

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Well, when he was in office, Trump did nothing like "cut spending". Federal budget deficits ballooned, even pre-COVID.

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Trump is, in no way, a cut government guy. He'll spend whatever he is allowed by Congress to spend. The issue has never been spending per se - it is what the spending goes to. Trump's spending benefited the majority of American people and his policies benefited American society overall.

That is, ironically, what the MMTers say is good but their ideological cleaving to the Democrats will never allow them to admit this.

Nor is your analysis, good, because losing power is like death by a thousand cuts for an entire bevy of bureaucrats and appointees. They don't want a Trump to come in with a chainsaw - which he definitely will this time around. The first time, he was completely unprepared so a lot of the apparatchiks more or less got to stay in place. This time, Trump has at least filled out the Plum Book: https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/plum-book

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Yep, 39 days is about the max, given that Ohio requires the actual presidential nominees to be confirmed by August 7th. Which is why the Dems are having a video call of delegates to select their nominee before they actually have their convention.

They can then just concentrate on rioting at the convention.

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Well Biden passing away in his sleep is easy for the deep state. But then it’s Kamala

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Exactly. As I said: Kamala is the perfect vice president: incompetent and even less popular than the most unpopular President in generations.

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I don't see death as a disqualifying factor for Biden. And how could we tell?

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Because 4 years of Presidency is much longer than a weekend at Bernie's.

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