True, but what happened after that ? Of course we're swimming in affordable oil. The USA is the number one producer and it's an election cycle. Wait until January. It's a finite resource and there has to be a good reason for the USA and Britain to flatten countries and murder millions while burning through a couple trillion dollars for a…
True, but what happened after that ? Of course we're swimming in affordable oil. The USA is the number one producer and it's an election cycle. Wait until January. It's a finite resource and there has to be a good reason for the USA and Britain to flatten countries and murder millions while burning through a couple trillion dollars for a resource they are trying to claim we have lots of. The number one state secret of any nation is how much oil they have. It reveals to intimately a nation's vulnerabilities and real wealth. There's a great YT video about how much oil the world actually has and the conclusion is.......... it's a secret.. I went back and tried to find it but could not.
How far out ? Why would the US and UK spend trillions in brutal wars, trying to lock down more if the future was bright ? Are you confident that these countries are honestly reporting on their reserves ? I don't think so as it would be absolutely nuts to do that. None of them ever show their cards when negotiating oil trades.
What matters is not what governments report but what market participants believe and what their data implies or reveals.
The US and its puppets spend trillions on war. not for resources but for empire. To give an example, Saddam would have been delighted to be able to freely sell oil for dollars on world markets. The US did not allow him to do so, hence the "oil for food" program.
"What matters is not what governments report but what market participants believe and what their data implies or reveals."
Where does the 'market data' come from ? Government stats, no ? I used to work for a NATO government agency that measured Nat Gas moving through pipelines to make sure there was no cheating, in one form or the other.
People think oil and gas reserves are public info. Well I guess you could say they are but just like inflation, the government could and does manipulate that info. Unlike inflation, however, there is no way of doing any verification unless they infiltrate and hack into government and corporate accounts.
I could tell you how much natgas was travelling through a hub and what it's composition was but how much the seller or buyer has was none of my business, even though I had the government behind me.
"The US and its puppets spend trillions on war. not for resources but for empire." Not sure what you mean there but I almost certainly disagree with the premise that governments aren't like pirate ships and they most assuredly are after resource treasure. Lindsey Graham 0:40 >>
1. Market participants get their data from a variety of sources and don't simply take government stats at face value, not if they have any sense.
If you think your information is better than theirs, go buy deep out of the money long-dated options.
2. Lindsey Graham's statement was dissected in an earlier Simplicus' post. Long story short, the "we gotta make war because resources" is a figleaf, an excuse to do what they already want to do. Sort of like how reclassifying grants to Ukraine as "loans" was used to give Team R senators an excuse to go along.
I do indeed buy resource stocks and have for decades and done really well. I am completely out of the market now as it's too expensive and fear any number of financial calamities are on the horizon. I most certainly am not a Psychic nor am I smart enough to know precisely what is going to happen and when.
I do not invest in options as I don't trust or completely understand them. I do know that a person can lose their entire wealth with them. I want to be able to exit the market on a few minutes notice and not get stuck with some contract that isn't worth the paper it's written on.
I don't have better info than them, rather common sense. Oil and gas are finite resources. Critical for our survival. Governments will kill any number of people for it and have spent trillions getting as much as possible of it.
I don't know what you meant by 'they do it for empire, not resources". Do you mean its all about ego ? Nothing boosts an ego like a Lamborghini on Sunset Blvd with an ounce of nose whiskey and gold-card call girls cause you just made millions on a resource deal with stolen assets.
I don't have time to explain why options are a more cost-effective way for you to invest in price increases in commodities than resource stocks, except to say that most resource producers are hedged against commodity risk, and if you are getting your options trading advice from a feral cat on the internet, you probably have no business monkeying with options.
Keep in mind that the Nulands, the Grahams, the Blinkens etc. of this world do not live lives of opulence. Far from it.
I'm not completely green on options. They are more risky than equities and require a lot more attention IMHO. I get warnings when the market is sinking. I got out of the market just before the 2009 crash. Funny how so many people claim it came without warning. Commodities, especially oil are highly manipulated in price and can crush an investor without an exit. On the other hand, if I buy the underlying equity, I can just wait until it recovers, if it decides to do a nose dive. Done that several times.
True, but what happened after that ? Of course we're swimming in affordable oil. The USA is the number one producer and it's an election cycle. Wait until January. It's a finite resource and there has to be a good reason for the USA and Britain to flatten countries and murder millions while burning through a couple trillion dollars for a resource they are trying to claim we have lots of. The number one state secret of any nation is how much oil they have. It reveals to intimately a nation's vulnerabilities and real wealth. There's a great YT video about how much oil the world actually has and the conclusion is.......... it's a secret.. I went back and tried to find it but could not.
There is a reason I specifically mentioned *futures* and not spot prices.
How far out ? Why would the US and UK spend trillions in brutal wars, trying to lock down more if the future was bright ? Are you confident that these countries are honestly reporting on their reserves ? I don't think so as it would be absolutely nuts to do that. None of them ever show their cards when negotiating oil trades.
What matters is not what governments report but what market participants believe and what their data implies or reveals.
The US and its puppets spend trillions on war. not for resources but for empire. To give an example, Saddam would have been delighted to be able to freely sell oil for dollars on world markets. The US did not allow him to do so, hence the "oil for food" program.
"What matters is not what governments report but what market participants believe and what their data implies or reveals."
Where does the 'market data' come from ? Government stats, no ? I used to work for a NATO government agency that measured Nat Gas moving through pipelines to make sure there was no cheating, in one form or the other.
People think oil and gas reserves are public info. Well I guess you could say they are but just like inflation, the government could and does manipulate that info. Unlike inflation, however, there is no way of doing any verification unless they infiltrate and hack into government and corporate accounts.
I could tell you how much natgas was travelling through a hub and what it's composition was but how much the seller or buyer has was none of my business, even though I had the government behind me.
"The US and its puppets spend trillions on war. not for resources but for empire." Not sure what you mean there but I almost certainly disagree with the premise that governments aren't like pirate ships and they most assuredly are after resource treasure. Lindsey Graham 0:40 >>
1. Market participants get their data from a variety of sources and don't simply take government stats at face value, not if they have any sense.
If you think your information is better than theirs, go buy deep out of the money long-dated options.
2. Lindsey Graham's statement was dissected in an earlier Simplicus' post. Long story short, the "we gotta make war because resources" is a figleaf, an excuse to do what they already want to do. Sort of like how reclassifying grants to Ukraine as "loans" was used to give Team R senators an excuse to go along.
I do indeed buy resource stocks and have for decades and done really well. I am completely out of the market now as it's too expensive and fear any number of financial calamities are on the horizon. I most certainly am not a Psychic nor am I smart enough to know precisely what is going to happen and when.
I do not invest in options as I don't trust or completely understand them. I do know that a person can lose their entire wealth with them. I want to be able to exit the market on a few minutes notice and not get stuck with some contract that isn't worth the paper it's written on.
I don't have better info than them, rather common sense. Oil and gas are finite resources. Critical for our survival. Governments will kill any number of people for it and have spent trillions getting as much as possible of it.
I don't know what you meant by 'they do it for empire, not resources". Do you mean its all about ego ? Nothing boosts an ego like a Lamborghini on Sunset Blvd with an ounce of nose whiskey and gold-card call girls cause you just made millions on a resource deal with stolen assets.
I don't have time to explain why options are a more cost-effective way for you to invest in price increases in commodities than resource stocks, except to say that most resource producers are hedged against commodity risk, and if you are getting your options trading advice from a feral cat on the internet, you probably have no business monkeying with options.
Keep in mind that the Nulands, the Grahams, the Blinkens etc. of this world do not live lives of opulence. Far from it.
I'm not completely green on options. They are more risky than equities and require a lot more attention IMHO. I get warnings when the market is sinking. I got out of the market just before the 2009 crash. Funny how so many people claim it came without warning. Commodities, especially oil are highly manipulated in price and can crush an investor without an exit. On the other hand, if I buy the underlying equity, I can just wait until it recovers, if it decides to do a nose dive. Done that several times.