I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue. but maybe it was a scratch for credibility. Who knows ? I haven't heard much detail on the damages except the church was set ablaze. I'm more interested to hear what happened at the synagogue as that would be a reliable indicator of who was behind this,
I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue. but maybe it was a scratch for credibility. Who knows ? I haven't heard much detail on the damages except the church was set ablaze. I'm more interested to hear what happened at the synagogue as that would be a reliable indicator of who was behind this,
Why wouldn't the U.S. attack a synagogue of it is to rouse anger where/when it is needed? After all, ZioNazistan itself does not hesitate to sacrifice its own citizens as convenient — see the Pfizer kill shot levels.
I just notice how Israel will spare no cost to bring a single captured soldier home or avenge the death of a single Jew. In short, Jews never kill Jews. They're considered immediate family.
G'day Charlie, what about the Hannibal directive kill all Isrealis who could possibly be taken hostage. It happen in October. Also the two hostages barechested shot in Gaza. Just two examples.
Did they know they were Jews ? It was my understanding that many of the Jewish fatalities were confused for Hamas. One of the drawbacks of denying nationhood to Palestine : No uniforms. Hamas should just top up their attire with a yarmulke when they go on missions.
G'day Charlie, in one of the kibutzim that Hamas had enter and the IOF followed and attacked some settlers were being held in a house by Hamas soldiers and the IOF destroyed the building and it's occupant with a tank round. Also I feel you need to research the Hannibal directive as it explicitly explains the need to kill Israeli settlers usually to avoid them becoming hostages.
well that's entirely wrong. they did it at the beginning of this whole thing. in fact they 'began' the whole thing inasmuch as Netanyahu knew it was coming. we must be talking at cross purposes. perhaps you were being facetious, tongue in cheek or something...
Zionists do kill Jews when it benefits Zionism. The terror bombings of Jews in Baghdad in the early 1950's were done by Zionists and blamed on the Arabs. Fake "Arab Terrorism" was the only way to get the Jews to leave the city they had lived in very comfortably for over 2000 years. And the Jews did leave in panic, trading the paved streets and prosperous economy of Iraq's capital for the mud streets, poor economy and dismal housing of Occupied Palestine. It's Israelis, not Arabs, who wrote it's Zionists who did the bombings. The Baghdadi Jews were shocked to find themselves the victims of hard-core Ashkenazi racism.
At university in the early 1970s we had a "Middle East Discussion Group" that got some interesting guest speakers. One was an Israeli who said he was part of that operation, though he claimed that he was on the propaganda side rather than the kinetic operations. Unfortunately I can't remember his name.
"I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue. " The US is unlikely to directly attack a synagogue, but the US isn't likely to use such proxies in such an explicit manner. That's not how the US used al Qaeda against the USSR or al Nusra against Syria, for example.
It pays them, trains them, arms them, and then sends them to "attack Russia" without specifying all the details. That's especially true when operating proxies through intermediaries. The objective is to cause attacks and turbulence and incent hatred between ethnic groups within Russia and the details of how that's done don't matter so much.
That is the way it works with proxies in general. However, in the case of the Ukraine it is clear who is paying, training and supplying who to do the job: the destruction of Russia.
I would not put it past the U.S. to carry out a false flag attack against a synagogue, after receiving the green light from its ZioNazi master, of course. Mind you, the master is also a master at carrying out false flags, such as 9/11 and 10/7.
The US-paid & trained “freedom fighters “ were carried away. Besides, Jews are only interested in “what is good for Jewish tribe” hence the Hannibal doctrine to smear the Palestinians. The US government and CIA are throughly judaized, and the supremacist lunacy, which justifies all and any kind of crimes and depravity, shines in the US/UK actions.
Whether the sadistic genocide of children and women in Gaza and bombing schools in Donbas or bombing civilians in Syria and Crimea, it shows the anti-human and supremacist character of Owners of the collective west - the private banking cartel which interests are protected by the criminal CIA / Mossad/ MI6 “security services “. Langley is dominated by Mossad.
The MIC is just a Comprador (a traitorous agency) working in cahoots with the private banking cartel. The supranational fascist mega corporations BlackRock, Cargill, at al. are tentacles of the private banking cartel. The judaization of the collective west governance is complete.
"I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue."
Well, the United States can only engage in only so much genocide before resorting to the false flag of piety. All before it resumes its genocide of whole peoples.
That's exactly what I thought. Some Mossad agent will be getting a Gilligan thrashing from the Skipper back in Tel Aviv for not giving them parameters. Have we heard any details on what went down at the synagogue ?
The attacks on the synagogues were basically fights between the terrorist attackers and the police and private guards guarding the synagogues. That's where most of the 15 police died who lost their lives fighting the terrorists.
The terrorists attacked out of the blue, hence the many casualties among police, and they managed to throw firebombs into at least one of the synagogues to completely burn out the interior. But there were no worshippers inside or other personnel, so apparently the only fatalities at the synagogues were police and guards.
Given the demographic makeup of Dagestan, it's almost certain that some of the policemen who died defending the synagogues were Muslim. I haven't seen the full list so I can't confirm that.
It's the job of ISIS to provoke, and lock the country into a conflict no sane person would agree to on a normal day. nothing special here. And US proxies in UA massacred Jews for as long as that was a thing, into the modern era when - yes - they burned down synagogues. Heck US proxies even attacked the US itself in 9/11. They know perfectly well who they fund.
Max Blumenthal & Kit Klarenberg did detailed investigative journalism just days after 7 October, debunking knee-jerk narratives about Hamas's attack & revealing the extent to which the IDF killed Jewish Israelis on that day.
Would Jews kill Jews to advance a war aim?
Would the U.S. sign off on its proxy attacking a synagogue if it were possible to weaken VVP in doing so?
I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue. but maybe it was a scratch for credibility. Who knows ? I haven't heard much detail on the damages except the church was set ablaze. I'm more interested to hear what happened at the synagogue as that would be a reliable indicator of who was behind this,
Why wouldn't the U.S. attack a synagogue of it is to rouse anger where/when it is needed? After all, ZioNazistan itself does not hesitate to sacrifice its own citizens as convenient — see the Pfizer kill shot levels.
I just notice how Israel will spare no cost to bring a single captured soldier home or avenge the death of a single Jew. In short, Jews never kill Jews. They're considered immediate family.
G'day Charlie, what about the Hannibal directive kill all Isrealis who could possibly be taken hostage. It happen in October. Also the two hostages barechested shot in Gaza. Just two examples.
Did they know they were Jews ? It was my understanding that many of the Jewish fatalities were confused for Hamas. One of the drawbacks of denying nationhood to Palestine : No uniforms. Hamas should just top up their attire with a yarmulke when they go on missions.
G'day Charlie, in one of the kibutzim that Hamas had enter and the IOF followed and attacked some settlers were being held in a house by Hamas soldiers and the IOF destroyed the building and it's occupant with a tank round. Also I feel you need to research the Hannibal directive as it explicitly explains the need to kill Israeli settlers usually to avoid them becoming hostages.
well that's entirely wrong. they did it at the beginning of this whole thing. in fact they 'began' the whole thing inasmuch as Netanyahu knew it was coming. we must be talking at cross purposes. perhaps you were being facetious, tongue in cheek or something...
That's what I used to think, but as each goes by I find out ever more about what the Jews are about.
Zionists do kill Jews when it benefits Zionism. The terror bombings of Jews in Baghdad in the early 1950's were done by Zionists and blamed on the Arabs. Fake "Arab Terrorism" was the only way to get the Jews to leave the city they had lived in very comfortably for over 2000 years. And the Jews did leave in panic, trading the paved streets and prosperous economy of Iraq's capital for the mud streets, poor economy and dismal housing of Occupied Palestine. It's Israelis, not Arabs, who wrote it's Zionists who did the bombings. The Baghdadi Jews were shocked to find themselves the victims of hard-core Ashkenazi racism.
At university in the early 1970s we had a "Middle East Discussion Group" that got some interesting guest speakers. One was an Israeli who said he was part of that operation, though he claimed that he was on the propaganda side rather than the kinetic operations. Unfortunately I can't remember his name.
"I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue. " The US is unlikely to directly attack a synagogue, but the US isn't likely to use such proxies in such an explicit manner. That's not how the US used al Qaeda against the USSR or al Nusra against Syria, for example.
It pays them, trains them, arms them, and then sends them to "attack Russia" without specifying all the details. That's especially true when operating proxies through intermediaries. The objective is to cause attacks and turbulence and incent hatred between ethnic groups within Russia and the details of how that's done don't matter so much.
That is the way it works with proxies in general. However, in the case of the Ukraine it is clear who is paying, training and supplying who to do the job: the destruction of Russia.
I would not put it past the U.S. to carry out a false flag attack against a synagogue, after receiving the green light from its ZioNazi master, of course. Mind you, the master is also a master at carrying out false flags, such as 9/11 and 10/7.
The US-paid & trained “freedom fighters “ were carried away. Besides, Jews are only interested in “what is good for Jewish tribe” hence the Hannibal doctrine to smear the Palestinians. The US government and CIA are throughly judaized, and the supremacist lunacy, which justifies all and any kind of crimes and depravity, shines in the US/UK actions.
Whether the sadistic genocide of children and women in Gaza and bombing schools in Donbas or bombing civilians in Syria and Crimea, it shows the anti-human and supremacist character of Owners of the collective west - the private banking cartel which interests are protected by the criminal CIA / Mossad/ MI6 “security services “. Langley is dominated by Mossad.
The MIC is just a Comprador (a traitorous agency) working in cahoots with the private banking cartel. The supranational fascist mega corporations BlackRock, Cargill, at al. are tentacles of the private banking cartel. The judaization of the collective west governance is complete.
"I find it incredible that the USA would attack a synagogue."
Well, the United States can only engage in only so much genocide before resorting to the false flag of piety. All before it resumes its genocide of whole peoples.
That's exactly what I thought. Some Mossad agent will be getting a Gilligan thrashing from the Skipper back in Tel Aviv for not giving them parameters. Have we heard any details on what went down at the synagogue ?
The attacks on the synagogues were basically fights between the terrorist attackers and the police and private guards guarding the synagogues. That's where most of the 15 police died who lost their lives fighting the terrorists.
The terrorists attacked out of the blue, hence the many casualties among police, and they managed to throw firebombs into at least one of the synagogues to completely burn out the interior. But there were no worshippers inside or other personnel, so apparently the only fatalities at the synagogues were police and guards.
Given the demographic makeup of Dagestan, it's almost certain that some of the policemen who died defending the synagogues were Muslim. I haven't seen the full list so I can't confirm that.
If there’s an attack on a synagogue, the western political/media class can always point at that as Putin 'failing to protect Russian Jews'
It's the job of ISIS to provoke, and lock the country into a conflict no sane person would agree to on a normal day. nothing special here. And US proxies in UA massacred Jews for as long as that was a thing, into the modern era when - yes - they burned down synagogues. Heck US proxies even attacked the US itself in 9/11. They know perfectly well who they fund.
My newsfeed was blaming Russia for the attack on the synagogue.
Shameless, but the imperial propaganda machine is nothing if not shameless.
the imperial propaganda machine is owned by zionists, which means that it is lying and shameless
the imperial propaganda machine is owned by zionists, which means that it is lying and shameless
Max Blumenthal & Kit Klarenberg did detailed investigative journalism just days after 7 October, debunking knee-jerk narratives about Hamas's attack & revealing the extent to which the IDF killed Jewish Israelis on that day.
Would Jews kill Jews to advance a war aim?
Would the U.S. sign off on its proxy attacking a synagogue if it were possible to weaken VVP in doing so?