There have been many strikes at night in the last month and a half.
And another one last night too, even more massive than the one during the day.
>Plus, why is anyone going to a beach in an active war zone?
How many warm water beaches does Russia have? Crimea's main economic activity is tourism.
And this is precisely why this strike was carried out -- to ruin the tourist season. They weren't targeting Balbek, look at the map -- the beach is out of the way of any trajectory from Odessa/Nikolaev to Balbek. They were aiming precisely at Sevastopol, and this is why it was done on Sunday, June 23, the official start of the tourist season, in the middle of the day, when there are as many people out in the open as possible. If Russian AD hadn't shot down most of the missiles, it would have been hundreds of dead.
I understand and we can go the route of “we’ll live our lives the terrorists won’t win”. I’m just saying that these people are criminals (Ukrainian leadership and the west) so I wouldn’t put it past them.
I recall they tried something similar last year (or was 2022) and have been shelling markets in Donetsk for the last 10 years. So it’s not new and to be expected. If someone wants to still go there then it’s a risk they should accept.
Donbasss shelling became much worse after the SMO started.
First, places outside artillery range were safe previously, now they are not.
Second, it was random shelling previously, now it is precisely targeted for maximum carnage.
The Kremlin, always in its usual mode of "if we ignore the problem sufficiently stubbornly, it will go away on its own", leading to the natural corollary of "information that will result in demands on us to do something should be suppressed" has mostly kept quiet about these, but once HIMARS appeared, the Americans (we know they do all the targeting) started hitting bus stops in the Donbass with anti-personnel HIMARS rounds. Absolutely gruesome scenes of babushkas lying on the street dead with their brains leaking onto the pavement, with their bodies and everything nearby turned into swiss cheese from the tungsten pellets.
The Kremlin could have broadcast this all over the world, but it didn't. Because had it done so, it would have had to strike the "dear partners". And the dear partners are more dear to the Kremlin that the Donbas babushkas.
Now the terror is expanding to Belgorod, Sevastopol, and soon many other cities. Because the Kremlin is a total mockery that nobody takes seriously.
well lots of us do take it seriously. but yourself and such as rurik skywalker make us worry a bit. And such as this which I can't actually listen to and understand. Because I can't do Russian. But the context makes it fairly clear that it is a strong condemnation of the Kremlin's management of the war.
And, of course, Prigozhin is not 'swept under the rug' in our minds even though not mentioned anywhere any more.
Nor is Texas Bentley, come to that.
So show us some good links or sites and/or how we can translate those russian telegram vids. :)
It seems to tell us that there's something bad happening. Seems to. Fact is we don't know all the ins and outs of these things at all. I mean we see clearly that much is bad. But how much it is an indicator of a whole 'iceberg' of bad we simply don't know. So we should be slow to jump to conclusions.
Let me put it the other way around: Putin has made spectacular improvements in Russia's position vis a vis the whole world in the last two years. It would not be an exaggeration to say he is leading a global insurrection.
So following the logic most often used when seeing something 'bad' such as those things you mention we should jump to the conclusion that Putin is therefore the messiah?
Not so, is it?
We never seem to jump to conclusions that someone is wholly divinely right.
But we seem very liable to jump to conclusions that they are wholly satanically wrong.
And that's what, essentially Rurik etc ( I don't know what to call them overall: the 'Russian dissenters' ?) are calling him. They seriously maintain that everything he does is intended to destroy the Russian State in the interests of Western oligarchs and even more: literally destroy Slavs in the interests of the Jewish State !
There's much hysteria and exaggeration on all sides.
All built on perceiving some little thing as an iceberg tip. We then postulate the iceberg.
To return to your question: 'What does that tell us?' well that's it: what does it tell us? These things tell us only what we see. And even there we are often in doubt. We need to rein ourselves in and properly assess what things do tell us.
Can you hold two contrary opinions in your mind at one time?
I think it is the way to go.
The Russian govt is good and it is bad.
The Russian military machine is good and it is bad.
And so on.
We are better off looking at the preponderance, the balance, I think.
On balance the Russian State in the last three years has brought to light some very clear indisputable facts and has begun the construction of something the world has to have: because it is the nation state parallel to democracy: multipolarity.
Exposed by the pressure the USA and NATO and EU and Israel have shown themselves to be utterly antipathetic to the people, utterly without redeeming features. A filthy truth about the world has been revealed.
Like a mask ripped off.
Now we may suspect that they who ripped the mask off are less than perfect and we may be right. But first things first. What's been revealed here is core to world, is essential to 8 billion people, no localised backyard thing.
Keep our eyes on that and help with it.
While making sober assessments of other matters as facts and time permit.
These western elites are the same ones who are pushing the Great Reset, where only 500million in the world survive, where people are controlled by digital currency and can’t travel, holiday, move out their lane, buy with free will. This attack fulfils many of their objectives.
There have been many strikes at night in the last month and a half.
And another one last night too, even more massive than the one during the day.
>Plus, why is anyone going to a beach in an active war zone?
How many warm water beaches does Russia have? Crimea's main economic activity is tourism.
And this is precisely why this strike was carried out -- to ruin the tourist season. They weren't targeting Balbek, look at the map -- the beach is out of the way of any trajectory from Odessa/Nikolaev to Balbek. They were aiming precisely at Sevastopol, and this is why it was done on Sunday, June 23, the official start of the tourist season, in the middle of the day, when there are as many people out in the open as possible. If Russian AD hadn't shot down most of the missiles, it would have been hundreds of dead.
I understand and we can go the route of “we’ll live our lives the terrorists won’t win”. I’m just saying that these people are criminals (Ukrainian leadership and the west) so I wouldn’t put it past them.
I recall they tried something similar last year (or was 2022) and have been shelling markets in Donetsk for the last 10 years. So it’s not new and to be expected. If someone wants to still go there then it’s a risk they should accept.
That’s all.
Donbasss shelling became much worse after the SMO started.
First, places outside artillery range were safe previously, now they are not.
Second, it was random shelling previously, now it is precisely targeted for maximum carnage.
The Kremlin, always in its usual mode of "if we ignore the problem sufficiently stubbornly, it will go away on its own", leading to the natural corollary of "information that will result in demands on us to do something should be suppressed" has mostly kept quiet about these, but once HIMARS appeared, the Americans (we know they do all the targeting) started hitting bus stops in the Donbass with anti-personnel HIMARS rounds. Absolutely gruesome scenes of babushkas lying on the street dead with their brains leaking onto the pavement, with their bodies and everything nearby turned into swiss cheese from the tungsten pellets.
The Kremlin could have broadcast this all over the world, but it didn't. Because had it done so, it would have had to strike the "dear partners". And the dear partners are more dear to the Kremlin that the Donbas babushkas.
Now the terror is expanding to Belgorod, Sevastopol, and soon many other cities. Because the Kremlin is a total mockery that nobody takes seriously.
well lots of us do take it seriously. but yourself and such as rurik skywalker make us worry a bit. And such as this which I can't actually listen to and understand. Because I can't do Russian. But the context makes it fairly clear that it is a strong condemnation of the Kremlin's management of the war.
And, of course, Prigozhin is not 'swept under the rug' in our minds even though not mentioned anywhere any more.
Nor is Texas Bentley, come to that.
So show us some good links or sites and/or how we can translate those russian telegram vids. :)
Think about who the Kremlin has directly gone after personally.
Strelkov is in jail, Kvachkov was arrested too at one point, Prigozhin was destroyed, etc. etc. So Russian patriots are silenced.
Meanwhile how many top Banderites got a missile on their heads? Zero.
What does that tell us?
It seems to tell us that there's something bad happening. Seems to. Fact is we don't know all the ins and outs of these things at all. I mean we see clearly that much is bad. But how much it is an indicator of a whole 'iceberg' of bad we simply don't know. So we should be slow to jump to conclusions.
Let me put it the other way around: Putin has made spectacular improvements in Russia's position vis a vis the whole world in the last two years. It would not be an exaggeration to say he is leading a global insurrection.
So following the logic most often used when seeing something 'bad' such as those things you mention we should jump to the conclusion that Putin is therefore the messiah?
Not so, is it?
We never seem to jump to conclusions that someone is wholly divinely right.
But we seem very liable to jump to conclusions that they are wholly satanically wrong.
And that's what, essentially Rurik etc ( I don't know what to call them overall: the 'Russian dissenters' ?) are calling him. They seriously maintain that everything he does is intended to destroy the Russian State in the interests of Western oligarchs and even more: literally destroy Slavs in the interests of the Jewish State !
There's much hysteria and exaggeration on all sides.
All built on perceiving some little thing as an iceberg tip. We then postulate the iceberg.
To return to your question: 'What does that tell us?' well that's it: what does it tell us? These things tell us only what we see. And even there we are often in doubt. We need to rein ourselves in and properly assess what things do tell us.
Can you hold two contrary opinions in your mind at one time?
I think it is the way to go.
The Russian govt is good and it is bad.
The Russian military machine is good and it is bad.
And so on.
We are better off looking at the preponderance, the balance, I think.
On balance the Russian State in the last three years has brought to light some very clear indisputable facts and has begun the construction of something the world has to have: because it is the nation state parallel to democracy: multipolarity.
Exposed by the pressure the USA and NATO and EU and Israel have shown themselves to be utterly antipathetic to the people, utterly without redeeming features. A filthy truth about the world has been revealed.
Like a mask ripped off.
Now we may suspect that they who ripped the mask off are less than perfect and we may be right. But first things first. What's been revealed here is core to world, is essential to 8 billion people, no localised backyard thing.
Keep our eyes on that and help with it.
While making sober assessments of other matters as facts and time permit.
Axtually, the Kremlin has stated that the United States is responsible for the terror attack on Crimea. Duh, of course it is.
Western MSM has proceeded to dutifully ignore or mock this statement of the obvious.
These western elites are the same ones who are pushing the Great Reset, where only 500million in the world survive, where people are controlled by digital currency and can’t travel, holiday, move out their lane, buy with free will. This attack fulfils many of their objectives.