At the begining of this war, a nun from Ukraine told me of the prophecy by a prominent Orthodox Christian prophet, that this war would continue for 3 years and 3 months, and there would be the Bloody Easter and the Famine Easter. At at the start of this war, it all seemed just surreal, but the longer it goes on, the more real this prophesy looks...
At the begining of this war, a nun from Ukraine told me of the prophecy by a prominent Orthodox Christian prophet, that this war would continue for 3 years and 3 months, and there would be the Bloody Easter and the Famine Easter. At at the start of this war, it all seemed just surreal, but the longer it goes on, the more real this prophesy looks...
I think I've heard something about this, but could you give me a more direct source?
I'm not saying anything about you personally, but a rando on the internet who told me about someone who said something about a mystic prophecy is a bit thin, not much to go on.
The last thing I care about is to impress an irrelevant stranger (you) :-) - no offence. I was just reminiscing out loud on it. You don't really expect to goad me into telling you the name of the nun, the prophet or the convent, do you? Are you totally oblivious to what is happening to the Orthodox Christians in Ukraine?
The Orthodox Church is an important player in these events and one of the ways they operate is through mysticism and prophecy.
If such statements have been made it could be important to know them and people may want to hear them.
You yourself think it's important information otherwise you would not have mentioned it. How can it be important to mention a prophecy on a public forum but then also believe that it's important that the name of the prophet, when and where he spoke and exactly what he said must remain a secret?
Dangling out a little piece of information and then refusing to share the details that would confirm it is a classic technique of obfuscation and disinformation.
I might be snippy :-), but I wasn't "dangling" this information. My family member was a nun at a Ukrainian convent. The same convent I visited in the mid 1990s, and the nuns were talking about that "they are chipping people in the West." I thought they were lost in the "dark-ages" or plain loony, and I tried to "enlighten" them that in the West only the dogs and young kids (in case lost/kidnapped ) get chipped but nobody else. Given our current situation, it looks like the joke was on me. I wish I paid more attention and asked more questions, but it seemed so improbable. Both pieces of info - the war duration and chipping people in the West I heard first hand and I was told the name of the prophet and the location.
From the start date, what yet? The conversation took place in the early days of war, it just seemed improbable it would go even more than 1 year, never mind over 3.
At the begining of this war, a nun from Ukraine told me of the prophecy by a prominent Orthodox Christian prophet, that this war would continue for 3 years and 3 months, and there would be the Bloody Easter and the Famine Easter. At at the start of this war, it all seemed just surreal, but the longer it goes on, the more real this prophesy looks...
I think I've heard something about this, but could you give me a more direct source?
I'm not saying anything about you personally, but a rando on the internet who told me about someone who said something about a mystic prophecy is a bit thin, not much to go on.
The last thing I care about is to impress an irrelevant stranger (you) :-) - no offence. I was just reminiscing out loud on it. You don't really expect to goad me into telling you the name of the nun, the prophet or the convent, do you? Are you totally oblivious to what is happening to the Orthodox Christians in Ukraine?
No need to get snippy.
The Orthodox Church is an important player in these events and one of the ways they operate is through mysticism and prophecy.
If such statements have been made it could be important to know them and people may want to hear them.
You yourself think it's important information otherwise you would not have mentioned it. How can it be important to mention a prophecy on a public forum but then also believe that it's important that the name of the prophet, when and where he spoke and exactly what he said must remain a secret?
Dangling out a little piece of information and then refusing to share the details that would confirm it is a classic technique of obfuscation and disinformation.
So don't do that.
I might be snippy :-), but I wasn't "dangling" this information. My family member was a nun at a Ukrainian convent. The same convent I visited in the mid 1990s, and the nuns were talking about that "they are chipping people in the West." I thought they were lost in the "dark-ages" or plain loony, and I tried to "enlighten" them that in the West only the dogs and young kids (in case lost/kidnapped ) get chipped but nobody else. Given our current situation, it looks like the joke was on me. I wish I paid more attention and asked more questions, but it seemed so improbable. Both pieces of info - the war duration and chipping people in the West I heard first hand and I was told the name of the prophet and the location.
Where are we on that timeline how, ie when what date would be considered the start date?
From the start date, what yet? The conversation took place in the early days of war, it just seemed improbable it would go even more than 1 year, never mind over 3.
Kosmas the Aetolian?