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What goes around, comes around.

We should be ready for similar things to happen here

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Would be funny if the Ukrainians, maddened by the West writing them off, decide to go launch terror attacks against them as well.

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You talk about it as a remote possibility. It's in fact quite feasible. Remember Al Quaeda?

If the Eurocrats ever need a terrorist organisation to for example necessitate a federal EU level army and direct control of member state police forces, they'll probably find some of the Azov guys to "come back for one final job"

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In fact it's quite likely. We have a lot of Ukrainian people here already. A few of them when pissed off,could do a lot of damage.

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Is it Ukrainians though? Nominally I guess - it is a lawless, corrupt place - but its the $ rolling in that permit terror attacks, and the providers of the $ are aware of what they are facilitating, its just a little shimmy to move the spotlight from them. YouтАЩd have to look at it that funds (weapons) provided by US etc are used by US etc to attack US etc.

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A dead certainty.

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Jun 24Edited

Way back in 2022, after the first sabotage and terrorist attacks started, and after the HIMARS first made an appearance, the Kremlin should have started to physically take out the economic and political elite in the West.

US sends HIMARS missiles that killed hundreds and thousands of Russian soldiers? The Lockheed Martin board of directors and all the main shareholders all die with days of each other. Assassinations, explosions, etc. But it would have been best done with an official missile strike on the HQ, with the Kremlin taking full credit for it, and then declaring that the matter is settled if there is no further violation from the US, the way the Iranians did. But then the Iranians had their president and FM die in a "crash". Which is why the Kremlin didn't follow that path -- the Iranians were ready to pay that price, in the Kremlin they are cowards and weaklings.

That is the only way to enforce deterrence.

Back to our usual reminder of the fundamentals of the situation: this is a war of Western elites against Russia using Ukrainian elites as middle men and regular Ukrainian people as the cannon fodder. What do you do in such a situation?

1) You can fight the cannon fodder endlessly, that will only deplete your strength, plus in this case it is actually your own people, which makes it doubly and triply f****d up for you.

2) You can take out the Ukrainian elites and thus cut off the middle men. But the Western elites don't really care about the Ukrainian elites either, they see them as Russian traitors, i.e. doubly despicable (nobody likes traitors, plus they are Russian), so if they find another way to mobilizie cannon fodder, war will continue

3) You go after the Western elites directly, who currently think they are untouchable, and make them seriously afraid for their personal safety. This is the only way to stop the war. The downside is that you risk some of your own elites being taken out in the process too.

So what does the Kremlin choose? Of course option #1, which has zero chances of ending the war and reestablishing deterrence, worse, it erodes deterence completely. Not even option #2, and definitely not option #3.

If it is indeed true, as recent Putin public appearances indicated, that the General Staff are actually grounded in reality, but it has been Putin personally who insisted on esssentially surrender terms back in March 2022, then he has to go. Now. Before it's too late, though in many ways it already is.

BTW, that also means that presumably it was him who sabotaged the SMO from the start, by refusing to mobilize the necessary resource before the war started (I am sure in the General Staff they knew very well you can't do much with 150,000 men), then imposed the absurdly pacificst self-defeating rules of engagement early on, then sabotaged the SMO again by refusing to mobilize in Spring 2022, and yet again by mobilizing only partially and only way, way too late, plus everything that has happened since then that has resulted in the current situation, in which Russia is a punching bag for the West.

Either Putin is completely detached from reality, or he is in fact compromised and not working in Russia's interest. Either way, time for someone else.

This cannot continue.

Russia is rapidly going down the Syria path....

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Another instance where it's sufficient to read the first sentence of the comment to be able to make an informed decision on how to best spend the time: reading the rest of the comment, or not.

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Another Putin fluffing ignoramus who thinks criticism of his Dear Leader should be punishable by death. So much copium and projection of Dear Leader Puta to blow NATO out. Winning by dying is what Dear Leaders followers want.

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