USA/NATO will most certainly commit some further reckless acts out of desperation. They will be punished severely for it, and it will be their end in Ukraine. They are grossly overmatched in every conceivable way.

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Sergey Karaganov's pro-nuclear attack article was frightening because he argued well. It can be viewed in English at https://eng.globalaffairs.ru/articles/a-difficult-but-necessary-decision/

It defies belief that Marinka is considered still standing. Before Bakhmut fell, most of Marinka was in ruins. The Media weren't showing the destruction because propaganda could only handle one city at a time.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Sir, I am in awe of your analysis. Matchless. Perhaps, when this is over, and Odessa is free under a Russian flag? We can meet there, and you will allow a US Army Sergeant to buy you dinner and drinks. We may even find some young lasses to listen to our war stories.

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Why is none using the G6 platform?

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What is your sense on direct nato involvement? Inevitable? Impossinle?

I see NATO incentives as uneven. On one hand, the US is keen on a status quo sort of conflict, cause they are raking it in re: EU buying all their Russian stuff from US, and the MIC is thrilled. The British on the other hand are trying to provoke a full on war, for reasons I dont understand. The Norwegians, poles and Romanians want to drag US forces into it - as without them, Russia would roll them up in an instant. Within the US again we have factions- globalist like Blinken who is indistinguishable from Baerbock or Stoltenberg, and who would commit US ground forces if it was up to him, but then behind the scenes I'm sure tons of senior ppl at the pentagon are pushing back.

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I suppose everyone has their favorite place in Ukraine which they wait to switch sides to Russians. Mine is N 48.83559 E 37.46359, a bend in the road outside Slavyansk where it all began. I *might* be mistaken, but I think that's the spot. There was a road block set up by residents (civilians, notionally) of Slavyansk. And then one day Ukrainian government came up to them with a vehicle convoy and... opened fire? Or just rammed it? I'm not completely sure, it's been almost ten years. Anyway, over the next few days things slowly escalated until a week or two later there was an Ukrainian Mi-8 playing peekaboo with Igla-armed (?) Russians around some hill south of Slavyansk with a radio tower. And then a few days later some "special forces" of Ukraine managed to take the radio tower. And then later that day (?) Russians withdrew from Slavyansk and made their way to Donetsk where later on fierce fighting developed, especially for the airport.

Well, I'm still waiting for them to go back to Slavyansk. :) And take back that road block.

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It seems the Ukranian MOD is butthurt over the Leopard debacle they've started tweeting about how "4000" Russian tanks have been destroyed so far.

Is this actually possible? It seems inflated, and no context given if the tanks were recovered.

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Where are the battle maps you show with the front lines?

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That headline can be memed just as hard as Budyanov was.

"The use of nuclear weapons can save humanity from a global catastrophe."

"The use of abortion can save a country from population implosion."

"The use of ice baths is an effective protection against winter."

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The Unknown War documentary of about 10 episodes, with Burt Lancaster as the speaker is the best I have seen about the Eastern Front. The Russians have provided tons of materials and original footage:


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It an artillery piece developed by Gerald Bull the Canadian for the South Africa military during the bush war in Angola. He was assassinated by Mossad(that's the rumor) while working on a super cannon for Saddam Hussain shortly there after. I saw it being showed off to Israeli and Taiwanese military visitors in Oshivelo a South African base in Namibia in 1985. Max range 70 km produced by Denel I believe the UAE bought some. It's really a great piece of gear, I am surprised at the limited distance conventional 155mm equipment in the Ukraine is delivering ordinance to. I hate to use Wikipedia but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G6_howitzer use that as a starting point if you interested. By the way all the armoured vehicles troop transport trucks the Samels were all mine resistant fyi the US grabbed the concept in Iraq https://www.google.com/search?q=Samel+mine+rsistant+military+truck+South+Africa&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA843CA843&sxsrf=APwXEdfIQcKLtybzX3CtdbQahu7Lq9DvzQ%3A1687407708961&ei=XMyTZPOsOp264-EP_r-LwAw&ved=0ahUKEwjzytXIg9b_AhUd3TgGHf7fAsgQ4dUDCA8&oq=Samel+mine+rsistant+military+truck+South+Africa&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQDDIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoKCCEQoAEQwwQQCjoECCEQCkoECEEYAFCUClihPGCsTmgBcAF4AIAB8AKIAYwkkgEEMy0xNJgBAKABAcABAcgBCA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

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Amazing what you put together every 24 hours. I really don't know how you do it, and no, I don't think you are AI. 😁 What do you do for fun, (besides write and research)?

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A coup in Belarus is right up America's alley. Getting nutty proxies Poland and the Baltics to make a mess--pretty standard stuff. Subversion and proxies are America's weapons of choice. But is Lukashenko really vulnerable? Russia ain't never gonna let it happen. Direct involvement of the US and NATO not likely. Frankly don't see the F-16 thing as anything but another empty gesture. It's extremely unlikely the US would allow combat sorties to be launched from NATO facilities supported by USAF personnel. Also, the "they're all so stupid and delusional" mantra relative to The Empire has never been convincing. They know China is going to eat their lunch if allowed to continue down their current path. Unfortunately for them, they're a day late and a dollar short--but they'll keep trying with what they do best--lies, propaganda, bribery and terror. The most dangerous arm of US domination is not the Pentagon, but the NED and it's gaggle of supporting NGOs. Now a radioactive hole at ZNPP seems like a good bet. Russia gets blamed and makes southern Ukraine into a huge, expensive, catastrophe. Perfect. Allen Dulles would approve.

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Seems to me only real trump card Zelensky and his marry band of maniacs have is blowing the NPP so...Why is IAEA allowed there? All Western orgs need to be banned from Russia environs since they are all infiltrated with enemy intelligence agents. Why is there not a huge contingent around NPP making any assault impossible? Furthermore, in mean time, why isnt Russia decommissioning the plant and removing all nuclear fuel and waste?

Regarding nuke usage I think this is remote and dumb. Good way to turn world against Russia , the global realignment she is winning not to mention Russia hasn't even started real war yet like leveling cities with civilians in them conventionally or taking out USA ISR etc. Russia has much more escalation tricks up it's sleeve before having to use a nuke.

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Am I the only old SOB that gets frustrated with the names of Ukrainian towns? They're in Russian & Ukrainian, old & new names, written in Cyrillic & English. English names are almost never on the maps. It's like solving a logic puzzle when placenames in text don't correspond to maps. If you really want to get confused, try using old soviet maps, entire cities don't exist.

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