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May 30, 2023
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Really? Let's see: 1 test the system and obtain data from that and your own weapons. 2 It's part of the integrated Air Missile Defense, so it's better to just blow up. 3 Khinzal vs Patriot it's allready a meme, everyone is watching, the propaganda value and future sales are obviously huge.

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May 31, 2023
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Since you are obviously too mid-witted to watch TV/ MSM, the first attack "damaged" the AN/MPQ-65, so they sent (the pieces they could find) to Germany for "repairs", and replaced it with an AN/MPQ-65A, thus making it a viable target again.

But you just go on trolling your ignorance, there might be a gold star for participation in it for you....✨

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May 31, 2023Edited
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Please, stop with the propaganda "ruzzian fascists". It's NOT a straight story, if you want a straight story go see Star Wars. Everyone does propaganda, it's the first casualtie in any war, as someone said in the past. You have to understand basic principles, look into allied bombing campaign in Germany WW2 as a starter/primer.

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It is logical to suppress air defence in area where you plan to attack.

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May 31, 2023
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Attack with missiles.

SEAD required.


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May 31, 2023
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"You're making sh*t as you go"

ONE of us is, and it ain't me...😂

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May 30, 2023
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May 30, 2023Edited
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Time will dissipate the fogs of war. You assume that the second hit near the airport was for the same target.

Also, you're projecting.

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And just after I mention trolls have disappeared, right on cue here's comes one slithering out from the NAZI trenches,

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There you go. Mix up your comments better so everyone can see what your goal is here. Make sure that you watch the corporate media so you get the propaganda you need to make your inane comments here. You will get a better paycheck if you do it this way. Paid trolls are so easy to spot.

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North Atlantic Faggot Association are accepted in this fair place but we request a bit of education and style. Ass: Vatnik Defense Volunteers.

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Lube up GLABBANAZI, you're about to be reamed hard.

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Good. Now, Russia, don't stand around and wait for things to happen. Make things happen.

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Has anyone a link to a reliable source re Lukashenko's alleged poisoning?

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This is about as reliable as you'll get: https://i.imgur.com/v3UF9oZ.png

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Oh, boy! I really laughed! Thank you, Simplicius!

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Can't stop laughing.

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no becuse its bs. hes been seen since and is fine. toured military sites attended CIS conference

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Right, the best💙🇷🇺❤️

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My country, the USA, is led by madmen. I am very concerned about the large NATO exercises in June. I believe the Ukrainian "offensive" is being delayed to coincide with those. With air/cruise missile strikes by NATO. I hope I am wrong.

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May 30, 2023
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And you are delusional clown #1👍

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It's apparently the largest in a long time. 10,000 soldiers.

Oh, wait, that really isn't that many, at least if you are talking invading.

Unless they plan on going straight to nuclear, it looks like some chest thumping from across the borders.

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Ditto x 1000x.

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I believe you are absolutely correct. Most likely, actually highly likely NATO/US forces will pull of yet another "Gulf of Tonkin" false flag operation (at the exact time of these exercises) to justify direct involvement in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. But if they think Russia will be caught with their pants down--they/them in DC will be gravely mistaken. The war will indeed expand globally, down to strikes of all sorts on North America and all our allies with US and NATO bases are housed. The US thinks they can replay a build-up akin to the sandbox wars where the MSM is beating the drums, while the military readies and masses for action. Russia would strike everywhere and anywhere with tactical nuclear missiles to wipe out such capabilities overnight--including all command/control and governmental structures here in North America.

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I also was worried about the 'defender' , but now I am aware that it is the bsh. Bullshit.

The flights, the idiocy of the western block. Sorrey, you are just to Foff, you are inpotent.

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Damage control implies there was damage. There has been a suspicious number of headlines praising the Patriot system the past 4 days e.g.

'Ukraine's success with US Patriot missiles stunned the Pentagon: analyst', 'Zelensky: US Patriot anti-missile systems ensure 100% interception', 'Ukraine’s Kinzhal intercepts should cool hypersonic hype'...

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Without expressing any opinion on whether the Patriot system is working advertised, or working at all, that seems to be the kind of thinking that is designed to reach a preordained conclusion.

If Ukrainian sources were expressing frustration that the Patriot wasn't getting the hoped-for results, that would be taken as evidence of failure. Claims that the system is working are also taken as evidence of failure.

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One side praises Patriots, other side mocks them. Both are wrong. Having modern weapons is obviously a bonus in war, but not a 'gamechanger'. The bigger reality, affecting the Ukraine war and wars beyond, is weapon advertisement for corporate profit.

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I've thought for some time that if there is one thing that will disillusion the rapaciously war-mongering elites in the American political/MIC cabal it's the proof that in a real War - against a peer adversary - that their vaunted weaponry is shit. That's bad for export business. It's bad for those Generals and Senators who are looking for seven-figure paying gigs with Defense Contractors and ThinkTanks after retirement. It's why there would be no way any of the USAF Gen 5 warplanes or the M1A2 tanks would appear anywhere near the Ukraine battlefield.

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@Walterly, my wishes are 100% with you but if Mexico depended on tequila to run its country, and was told that no one liked tequila, they'd probably reflavour and rebrand it. Best I can hope for is that there's a wake-up call: "Hey, I'm not invincible... kryptonite exists against my ego." The general American Public won't care unless war is in there face. I'm not picking on them, that's the nature of our species... excluding defective sub-species like us that care about human rights.

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Fair point. But the amount of propaganda pushed about the Patriot is not the primary "evidence" fot it's failure, that is derived from independent information.

As probably you yourself noticed, the propaganda cycle is basically independent of the effectiveness of the enployed system. It will be hyped as game changing, it will make headlines for months, any evidence that it works at all will be carried around like the pope (if none exists, numbers can sinply be fabricated). And when more and more get destroyed, it simply gets memory-holed.

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I expressed no opinion regarding the success or failure of the Patriot, simply that people will use the evidence to fit their preferred narrative.

One should always be on guard against confirmation bias, regardless of one's views.

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The launching of 4-5 satellites this year by Russia is impressive and really closes the ISR gap to virtually nil now. Russia is now launching missiles and drones with impunity, as the environment in the rear lines is very target rich with immense payback relative to usage cost. We keep hearing about the Geranium and Lancet drones daily, but I know Russia has been developing more advanced and powerful drone categories. They may be saving those for further NATO escalation. The damage Russia is inflicting now is massive and strategically incapacitates Ukraine. Ukraine also continues to lose 500-750 soldiers per day. Grind and pulverize. Escalation dominance. The Russians are crushing them like bugs, while only using a small % of their capacity. Kinda like making BBQ.

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If we have learned nothing else from this war, it is the importance of satellite recon.

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on storm shadow and su-24mr: the integration of a weapon [shadow storm or harm, etc] on an aircraft is not trivial. a dedicated engineering activity is needed by engineers with access to a large part of aircraft technical/engineering data (might be in old soviet union files), as well as a dedicated engineering activity to "optimize" the shadow storm to the new carrier. this implies uk has been directly involved. same for usa with respect to harm.... [yeah! i do not like the brits' name for a small cruise missile!]

as to patriot, we have not heard from ted postol on how unreliable propaganda about it hitting anything might be. also, the sole patriot missile that can engage cruise missiles is pac 3 mse, and it needs some linked sensors "lighting up" the cruise missile and continuous target fix updates..... that phased array radar is not turning meaning the battery needs several radars or is only look out an arc of 120 degrees. patriot is point defense and so expensive as to only be used in star wars!

on stryker, it is great for urban warfare where it can sneak up on terrorists. wheels do not give away the approach as do tracks!

western equipment including various rushed iterations of mrap [promaxx in belgorod] were not designed or quality manufactured for ease of repair or long times between maintenance. reliability was forfeit to cost over runs as were 'on equipment' repair plans! this applies to every weapon from himars to f-16!

as to ukr offensive look to rommel [montgomery figured him out and did not advance except by whole front] , kurak and what eisenhower did at the bulge: hold the shoulders and reinforce the shoulders....... then crush it!

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According to Kelly Kiloton Index, earthquake of 3.4 magnitude is equivalent to 180 tons of TNT.

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It’s easy to understand why Zelenskyy doesn’t want to spend much time in Kiev anymore. Thanks for another great explanation.

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May 30, 2023
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Yes it does and you’re Exhibit A

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If you write the same comment twice you only get paid for it once. Maybe you should mix it up and earn whatever you’re getting paid to write inane comments.

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Guys, the best weapon against trolls is just ignoring them. When you react on troll's provocation you are doing exactly what he wants. Be smart and play his stupidity. It's like a school bully who annoys everyone, insults others and tries to attract attention to himself. But if everyone is absolutely ignoring him, like if he doesn't even exist, this pathetic creature with a single brain cell is no longer understands what is happening. The only algorithm of social behavior in his only brain cell breaks down, he does not know what to do next, falls into depression and suffers. And moreover there is a chance it's just a bot. So be smart and ignore such shit.

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You are right and I do try to ignore them and hope that since they didn’t get a response they will just go away. But sometimes it’s just so much fun to make fun of them.

If a person is getting paid to go against the group nothing anyone says will change their mind.

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Go troll elsewhere , clown-parrot.

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And you are assigned to troll here?


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May 31, 2023
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Have you been commenting here... like this... the whole day?


Your passions are wasted as a keyboard mercenary and are better served at your eastern front. If more people with pent up frustrations like you would join the Ukr army, and unleash all your mighty fury at once, you'll be at the gates of Moscow before the NATO summit in July even begins.

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They'll be telling their kids: Gllaba ante portas! XD

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Guys, the best weapon against trolls is just ignoring them. When you react on troll's provocation you are doing exactly what he wants. Be smart and play his stupidity. It's like a school bully who annoys everyone, insults others and tries to attract attention to himself. But if everyone is absolutely ignoring him, like if he doesn't even exist, this pathetic creature with a single brain cell is no longer understands what is happening. The only algorithm of social behavior in his only brain cell breaks down, he does not know what to do next, falls into depression and suffers. And moreover there is a chance it's just a bot. So be smart and ignore such shit.

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In this escalation scenario the idea is to be behind the escalation curve and escalation demanded by the citizenry. You let P play the nationalist saying, "You need to escalate more, you need to escalate more," so you have to put the hammer down. Maybe you allow yourself to lose a bit, and then the chorus says, "Escalate." I'm prepped, but not really. Why are all science fiction futures dystopian, including Simplicius'. Hey, we got to turn this around; where is the rainbow?

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Bad news, the alphabet army has already captured the rainbow & has taken over the west. How to cope? Be a Ukranian optimist. Today is a better day than tomorrow will be...

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Budanov's latest video is chilling. The article suggests he is talking about an attack on Energodar NPP. I think it is bigger than that. The only possibility I can see is a bio-weapon attack. It's not like the SBU wasn't in the loop on U.S. bioweapons research in the country.

The Zaluzhny comments in the article don't account for his Telegram channel going silent April 14th, and eventually being deleted. He had a lot of followers (every soldier in the Ukrainian army). He posted often with lots of selfies. It's still not up - there's a new channel with simple text posts. How hard would it be to find a double to impersonate Zaluzhny for a thirty-second video?

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May 30, 2023
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We heard you the first time champion

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GLABBA loves to telegraph his arrival. We'll see his departure very soon....

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Who's GLABBA? A typical Western Nazi-lover like the vast majority of Westerners these days?

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May 31, 2023
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I hope you are there. Soon you will be worm food. NAZI pig. And your girl will be selling her pussy in a Berlin FKK club.

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Well of course you are.

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It's well known that the US was up to some Unit 731 shit in Ukraine, and it's kind of slipped under the radar that an epidemic of Hepatitis-A was reported among Ukrainian forces immediately following a Russian strike on an ammo depot as seen here: https://t.me/JokerDPR/461

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May 31, 2023
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We only know of the Biolabs because the Russians raided them.

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An actor impersonating him and AI using this video as a template to create a deep fake.

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May 30, 2023
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Only the one that i've noticed.

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Nope…this still only accounts for one paid comment to disrupt this discussion. Or is that only what your small mind can come up with? Btw who’s paying you for this?

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Don't even bother with this little ,cheep , nazi-supporting dumb fk.

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Yes, this is absolutely doable. Am impersonator will already go 90% of the way toward making a great fake, the AI will just make the final dash.

I'd require Zaluzhny to be present in public with witnesses, assuming the witnesses are able to speak freely about what they saw.

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Personally I am finding the Nuclear FF story extremely concerning. It is pretty clear that someone somewhere thinks that the creation of a nuclear disaster is a good price to pay to encourage NATO to become involved in some way, and is prepping western public opinion to that end. And people, most people in the west will accept the narrative that Russia blew up its own nuclear power station, in the same way that Russia blew up its own pipeline, shelled its own troops in the ZNPP and CoVid emerged from bat soup.

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The Russian UAV strikes which hit the air base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Khmelnytsky region, are likely a testbed to destroy F-16's the same way.

Let's consider that the F-16's would need to operate from a NATO certified runway, and Khmelnytsky was NATO certified in 2021.

In addition, the Patriot missiles defending said future air base can be taken out by the same / similar UAV and missile combination which hit Khmelnytsky. That's precisely what the UAV strikes in Kiev show.

This means the Patriot system is worthless, as in giveaway worthless. In fact it's even a negative to receive a Patriot system because the system itself attracts UAV strikes due to it being sited to defend high value targets in the missile range. The radar signature emitted from the system is basically red meat for Russian UAV flies.

It costs huge amounts of money to purchase the Patriot system and associated missiles. The system provably doesn't work in an Air Defense capacity, and it also attracts unwanted attention from the Russian armed forces. Why would any country want to own such a system???

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I guess Ukie beggars can’t be choosers. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, was burned by the USA. “Slow that oil production!”

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The Ukrainians literally begged for the Patriot missile systems. I don't know if it's "real" begging, or if it's "Biden directed" begging. In any event, it's immaterial because the Patriot has been proven in a peer-to-peer setting to be easy to defeat and expensive to operate.

The Saudis are entirely different. Yes, burned by Biden. Also the sanctions imposed by The Biden administration have spooked everyone with capital in the US.

What's to stop the US imposing sanctions on Saudi Arabia over LGBTQ rights and trapping their assets here? What stops the US from seizing those assets, converting them to cash, and distributing the cash to LGBTQ organizations as a form of reparations / compensation, or whatever you want to call it? I believe that's precisely why Indonesia is backing out of SWIFT.

After watching what Canada did to it's truckers during the protests by seizing their capital, and what the US did to Russia by seizing it's capital, no amount of denials by Treasury will ever convince any other country that the US won't pull the same stunts. So those trust bridges have been permanently burned.

Economic sanctions and asset seizures against countries never worked as a tool. If they did Cuba, for example, would have collapsed sometime in the past 65? years. In reality it's basically been under the control of the Castro communist regime the entire time.


1. Biden forced Russia and China together.

2. Biden spurred on the development of BRICS by decades

3. Biden damaged the Dollar beyond repair

4. Biden isolated the US from the Global South (not in the conventional sense)

5. Biden has exposed NATO weapon systems as being less reliable and less well functioning than their Russia analogs.

I could continue to expand on the depth of current and future damage caused, however you get / got the point.

We played the most stupid games and won the most stupid prizes 🏆🏆🏆

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The fact is, we are forcing all the Old World countries to work together, as a larger geopolitical ecosystem, in ways they wouldn't otherwise have. Which will be beneficial to them, long after the US has gone the way of the Soviet Union.

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All these systems seem to be profit boondoggles that would never be seriously challenged as the principal weapon is color revolution and payoffs of 5&6th columnists. Plan A hasn't worked and now we get the proof. Seriously, where are the vaunted F35s; apparently the ejection seat works.

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I don't know if you covered this before but Illia Ponomarenko actually served in Azov a few years ago.

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Well-known fact.

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This: "So, did he (Defense Minister Reznikov) give away the position of the secret British base or did Russia already know its location?"

The Ukie prostiticians really are amateurish fools. And we thank them very muchly.

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