This reads like a Russian propaganda psy op.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Lol. Nothing infuriated me more when talking about the deep state coup against trump than some Limp wristed liberal calling me a “Russian troll”— that’s the thanks you get for serving your country in America. You lose your right to vote and get poisoned by government mandated vaccines.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Fucking hilarious Simp

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A self portrait can reveal much. Yous does

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

You are just not used to seeing intelligent people comment, or the presentation of facts and truth. You got lost , tripped upon some truth and now you are trying to kick it. But don't worry, just make sure you are up to date with your jabs.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Simplicius

It is a pleasure to read your writing, which is clear and easy to understand and created with razor-sharp logic !

I can't wait for the next one ! Thanks !

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THanks! If there IS a next one.... (sorry, bad WW3 joke)

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Well, I get the joke ! :) In fact, as a former soldier of the Warsaw Pact, I received training in the event of a nuclear strike. Our trainer explained for a long time what to do in the event of a nuclear attack, then asked, did you understand, comrades? Let's say yes, he turned to me, so what should we do in the event of a nearby nuclear explosion, to which I replied stoically, it's good to open our eyes wide , because we will never see something like this again in our lifetime ! After that, I had to clean the corridor of the corps many times. :)

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The really sad part is in this claim: “it’s only a matter of “how many of his own people Zelensky wants to kill.”” Thank you for your analysis.

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Vlad, you are absolutely correct. The whole SMO is propaganda, Russia is on the run and Ukraine is about to retake Oddessa. The EU sanctions are hurting Russians so bad, they have energy and food shortages. Upset Russians are about to overthrow Putin. Oh, let's not forget Russia blew up Nordstream. Russia is running out ot tanks and ammo. Did I get it all? Vlad, I think you are the psy op.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

"Did I get it all?"

No. You forgot that Putin tripped over toilet paper stuck to his shoe and soiled his trousers.


Oh, wait . . . . . that was the Crash Test Dummy

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Yes, what a joke our country has become. I can’t believe what stupid children Americans are. Getting whipped up into a frenzy by obviously fake propaganda served up by disgusting homosexual “journalists” on cnn and msnbc. 🤮

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Vlad is a bigger dumbass than George W Bush!! Vlad is now Xi’s gimp while Bush would only give Hu handjibbers over his clothes. If Vlad gets out of line the ball gag is going back in! ;)

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

What do you know? You don’t have thoughts you have programming. Put there by fat disgusting homosexuals on cnn and purple haired lesbians on msnbc.

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Tucker Carlson’s show is over the to Orwellian propaganda…remember when you bought all the Fox News crap about WMDs in Iraq and you got hard nips during shock and awe?? I will never forget!

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Yes, you are right it was a lie. But so was COVID lockdowns, Orange man is Russian spy, vaccine is safe and effective and the riots are peaceful protests.

The left is acting more authoritarian and fascist than bush or Nixon would ever dream of.

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Governor DeWine started everything by canceling sport events…he’s a Republican that won re-election pretty easily.

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They lied about COVID to destroy trump. And this is no longer a democracy.

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Governor DeWine Announces School Closures

March 12, 2020

Coronavirus banner

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)— Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, he has ordered that all kindergarten through 12th grade schools close for a period of several weeks.

Beginning at the conclusion of the school day on Monday, March 16, all K-12 schools will close to students through Friday, April 3. This order includes all public, community, and private K-12 schools in the state, but does not apply to Ohio’s childcare system such as daycare centers and home-based childcare providers.


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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed an executive order directing all schools in New York to close by Wednesday, March 18 for two weeks ending April 1.


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Fox, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, ITV, ..ALL left and right wing corporate and state-funded western media relayed those lies. Stop trying to sneak in partisan righteousness by taking pot shots at one side of a rotten apple, the whole apple is rotten. Partisan zombies like yourself need to wake up to the reality that stupidity and evil were bipartisan.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I am guessing you have poster of Rachel Maddow, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi above your masturbation station, and a pictures of Bush, Trump and Tucker on a dartboard.....am I right. Tell us you are a DNC fan-zombie without telling us you are a DNC fan-zombie.

Wake up, both parties are a pantomime, and the permanent govt is evil.

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"masturbation station" LOL.

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Wassermann-Schultz ain't bad looking.

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Ew, she's a manky jewess, gross.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Sebastian...all those stupid comments you make and not one single like..please give it up son.

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Thanks for this update, very lucid and factual.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Do not see Russia compromising on anything at this juncture of this conflict. Putin will remind and share to the world the deceit and terrorist criminality of the West. The EU/USA/NATO need to be defeated in a thorough and convincing manner, that is the only way forward with vermin like this. Russia must achieve the stated objectives of the SMO + ensure NATO's demise.

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I agree and hope you're right

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I have seen enough of the Russian leadership and people to know that they know what they need to do, and are fully resolved to do it. They are God's chosen people at this time in history. They are wearing the Armor of God. They will prevail.

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Russia is the new Byzantine Empire.

As with Byzantium society, Russia's "empire" is a trade bloc that is focused on trade and commerce with the military tasked solely with defense and counter attack. Not conquest and subjugation.

All major trade, especially the land routes from east to west, north to south, will traverse through the Rus Republics.

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You don’t see Putin taking fewer mouths to feed and bodies to warm?? No Ukrainian under 60 would choose to live in Russia when the West will shower Ukraine with rebuilding funds and help them integrate with the West. Say goodbye to Yotaphones and Ladas…and hello to iPhones and VWs.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The West is duplicitous, and though I'm sure it tempted Ukraine into fighting Russia with false promises of showering Ukr with funds and acceptance, it's not going to happen. The West only destroys; it doesn't rebuild. Investment banks and hedge funds only strip assets and exploit; they don't do reconstruction. Requires long-term investment and patience, but there's more and quicker money to be made in market speculation and piracy.

Just as with all our proxies, the US will shed Ukr blood and then throw it away like a used condom to move onto the next conflict. I feel bad for the majority of Ukrainians who wanted peace, but were instead led down this self-destructive path by corrupt neocons and corrupt Nazis. Now they'll migrate to Europe, and Ukraine, if it exists at all, will be a landlocked rump state that, with any luck, will catch up to the economic level of Moldova in 20 years.

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Bush/McCain/Cheney are duplicitous…Obama and Biden aren’t. Biden gently urged Zelensky to cut a deal with Putin. Bennett has been talking now and he’s being diplomatic because we need back channels…but one can infer Putin is a madman that never had any interest in diplomacy. And we know from the first Trump impeachment that Zelensky was gung ho for lethal aid when Trump was president and so he is doing what is best Ukraine.

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in your dreams. Bennet said that they were closed to an agreement before Boris Johnson pushed Zelensky to fight till the end. Biden has always supported this fight to the end policy. The truth is the exact contrary of what you say, so you're lying and you know it.

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Bush/McCain/Cheney are duplicitous…Obama and Biden aren’t.

So naive, tribal and counterfactual, it's hard to respond. Like a toddler screaming at you that "YES, there IS a Santee Claus!!!" Just a guess, but I'd bet you watch Rachel Maddow for news and information.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

You aren't doing a good job as a troll. To be effective a troll needs to sound somewhat sensible.

You just make shit up. Are you over twelve years old?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

That's pretty wishful thinking, the west (people like Borrell, Sullivan, Blinken, Nuland and von der Leyen) will make promises as long as they function as cannon fodder. We'll see very soon when all those "promises" will get dumped into a garbage bin.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Have you ever been to Ukraine ? Because I do, and quite a few of my acquaintances and even friends who are Ukrainian. What he claims is that Ukrainians under the age of 60 find life in the West more attractive than Russia ! Of course it can ! But I note that the average German young man also has the desire to go to California as a surf instructor, I have some bad news, unfortunately there aren't that many surf instructor jobs ! :) Yes, Hollywood movies have their destructive effect, they show the false glamor that the average Ukrainian will never achieve, even though Western bars were already full of Ukrainian prostitutes, that is also a kind of career, isn't it ? As for the reconstruction funds pouring into Ukraine, did you really mean it ? :) Man, Ukraine is so corrupt that even Nigerians are offended if you compare them to them ! The country that Blackrock has just acquired with the help of a willing cocaine-nosed agent, from hairy to skinny, doesn't need many Ukrainians, because that famous black farmland will be sown and harvested by computer-controlled machines, just like the huge farmlands of Washington State, it doesn't need many Ukrainians, just would be in the way ! As for iPhones and Ladas, I see that you are not very well informed, you see more luxury cars in Kiev than in Vienna, the narrow stratum that stole the good of the Ukrainian national economy from 1991 drives Maserati, Mercedes, Porsche Jaguar SUV's and other luxury cars, as I drive the on Austrians A2 highway south to direction of Italy , I can see how the destitute Ukrainian refugees sitting in the most branded SUV jump down to the beach of Bibione or Riccione in Italy to relax !

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ukraine is the poorest country in Europe witl Moldova, even Georgia is in better shape...404 will never enter neither nato or EU, they are not stupid

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

That's exactly right ! But they say that on the one hand they are an annoyance to the Russians, and on the other hand, like when they dangle a carrot in front of a donkey's nose, they tease the Ukrainians for the otherwise hopeless fight! I have traveled around the world, but it was only in Ukraine that robbers attacked me, they chased me with two cars at night in the forests of the Carpathians, if I wasn't driving a fast car, I might not be here now !

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The Ukrainians are fighting for something they believe in and I support them.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

They believe in Naziism. That makes you a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer.

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Yeah, Ukraine is going to conquer Europe and gas the Jews…sure. ;)

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I understand, I think you know the Ukrainians ? :) Of course, you are also aware of why the Jews, the Poles and later the Russians in Donbass were murdered, all civilians and children ? I also think you know Stephan Bandera and other Ukrainian "folk heroes" and you are their supporter ! Well, and the Nazi flag is nailed over your bed ?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Putin's speech today to me was very clearly a F....You message to the West that Russia will not put up with their crap and longer, and that Russia is fully resolved to finish the SMO and meet all objectives. Russia is now permanently split and at war from the elites running the West and is moving forward accordingly. Very straightforward and strong.

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The entire Western Bloc have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and harbor nothing but malevolent intentions towards Russia and any other emerging near peer competitors.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

They have also proven themselves to be untrustworthy and harbor nothing but malevolent intentions towards their own citizens; most just don't realise it yet.

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Very disappointed that so many U.S. combat vets have bought in to the lies of the Neolib/Neocon uniparty.

A buddy who served in a combat zone told me one of his former military team mates went off to Ukraine against his advice. A few days after his mate told him about engaging with some Russian Spetznas, he was killed.

Men of his caliber are needed here in THIS country at a time when collapse is likely and we require folks with experience in low intensity conflict/irregular warfare to lead folks.

We don't need them to waste their lives getting vaporized by Russian firepower for parasites like Biden, Nuland, Zelensky, etc.

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Men needed during a collapse must have rock solid discernment to navigate through what will be an escalation in lies and manipulation. Especially when leading folks into very dangerous waters.

Falling for the “evil Russians” scam, by the same system and groups that just pushed the covid BS, shows a tremendous lack of discernment.

It’s sad this is happening but damn, it’s pretty obvious neocons like Shapiro, Prager, etc. are 100% full of shit.

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Lies? More like money. Ukrainian PMCs pay $1500-4000 a day DOE. That's life changing money for working class grunts. My son-in-law, a former Ranger now wrestling coach/teacher got an offer for nearly $4000 thank god he didnt accept

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I think most of the military understands George W Bush and his Deep State cronies and the boomer generals FUBARed everything…thankfully Obama and Trump and Biden are cleaning up the mess and America is stronger than it’s been since the 1990s. When you live through the worst president of all time you can’t just expect things to get better in a few years—Buchanan was the second worst president and it took decades for everything to get back to normal!!

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

33 trillions of debts and counting, quadrillions in derivatives, infras collapsing everywhere, fake unemployment stats, entire cities of homeless, violence at his peak, drugs consumption skyrocketing, no industry left, tbtf banks bankrupted, perpetual QE..it looks more like a third world country in the making; inflation at highest level, strategic oil reserves at the lowest since 1984...36 hours to shoot down a 13 dollars balloon and still missed the first shot...no air defense, the laughing stock of the World yes.

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We were at our weakest in 2008 and 1865…it takes a while to recover from poor leadership like Bush and Buchanan but we are recovering and getting stronger.

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Obama? You must be joking.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The fall of NATO would take the EU down the tubes with it, you would think. A Russian victory in this standoff could radically re-shape this world. Then again, the satanic globalists engineering this brinkmanship thru their proxy stooges in Ukraine are themselves out to re-shape this world in their own horrifying way by first ridding it of Russia and China as now headed.

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Russia has already lost…Putin is now Xi’s gimp…Putin is a bigger dumbass than George W Bush!!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

@sebastian when you say 'dumbass' we all know it's YOU!

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Lol, you voted for George W Bush…he despises you! And so does Dick Cheney! Dick and Bush despise you!!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I think everybody here despises you and your BS.Just wondering..do you wear a small hat and have a giant hooked nose??

Asking for a friend..

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Yes, Bush and Cheney hate us....just like Obama and Biden.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Jeez, all I see in your comments are emotional irrationally, dressed in a mixture of quarter-truths, trying to sneak under the bullsht-detection radar and being shot-down with a flurry of "no one agrees". This comments section seems too intelligent for your masked propaganda attempts.

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The intoxicating troll strikes again. He is here to seed confusion and lies

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Bravo, excellent write up; It is more like a chess game; you can look at the current board position and see who is in a better position, winning or losing. You cannot make battlefield predictions because you do not know what move the enemy will make, they can certainly blunder or make an astoundingly good move.

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Exactly, well said.

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To me it looks more like a game of Go. Deny your opponent any room to move. A three front potential Russian attack, over a 1000 mile front with nothing but flat lands northward into Kiev, a possible front from Belarus freezing Poland and Romania; and a front into Oddessa freezing Romania on a second front. NATO will be frozen and it goes to say, the cross dressing president of Ukraine will have no clue to what his next move should be, if he has any left.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

🔥🔥🔥🔥 Vladimir Putin will work on his own message to the Federal Assembly late into the night.

⭕️According to our sources, the President of the Russian Federation, together with the closest members of his team (from the Security Council and the Presidential Administration), will finalize the main provisions of the message relating to the NWO and international politics. According to reliable sources, there are currently two scenarios for the development of events: the first is supposed to be a "hard option" with a declaration of war on Ukraine and the hope of a quick military victory, while the second scenario is associated with the formation of an international anti-Western coalition that would ensure the conclusion of a peace treaty on Russian terms.

⭕️"Now these two concepts are fighting. So far, Putin is more inclined to use force, but changes are possible there too - for example, there is no need to declare war, you can limit to the CTO regime of an international coalition depends entirely on the position of China, in which so far the Kremlin is not quite sure. At the same time, the "grip" is still with this - policy foreign - part of the message, the rest of the blocks (social, domestic policy, economic) have already been written and agreed with Putin himself,” add our interlocutors.

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 There is a rumor that after the speech on the 21st, at its emergency meeting on February 22 the federation council will pass a law declaring war on Ukraine. The patriarch would be invited.

⚠️ ‼️Ukrainian threats against the cities of Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar in the coming days.

Separately, certain Russian cities are singled out, which the German authorities warn the Germans to visit: Belgorod, Kursk, Briansk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.

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One can only HOPE!

"Russia is most likely preparing a major offensive on February 24 in a number of areas, Vitaly Barabash, head of the Avdiivka military-civil Administration, said on the telethon.: "According to intelligence data, the Russians are moving additional forces to the Donetsk direction (Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Ugledar, Marinka). A couple of weeks ago, about 160 battalions were concentrated – now it is already 190. Even with incomplete equipment – this is a lot of people. We understand that, most likely, they are preparing for something. On February 24, they will probably attack, " Barabash said."

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I think it’s more likely Russia will be buying as much lube as they can buy in order to prepare for the inevitable assrape by CCP apparatchiks.

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lmao. I doubt it buddy

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Wow, your delusions appear to be ubiquitous in this comments thread....I am glad to see you are the only persistent dummy here though. None of the logic and facts in the article or the comments have rubbed off on you and your willful ignorance.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Well, Russia mobilized 300,000 men for one reason. The strategic war decisions were made at the time of that mobilization, which was also the time of annexation of the 4 regions into Russia. The only question now is how hard and how fast Russia moves militarily. There is no backing down now.

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Biden according to intel source, will today in Poland ask russians to regime change VVP, revolt etc...will say we have nothing against you or your country, without VVP you will be free again and we will prosper together....lol

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I seriously hope that China's proposal for a negotiated ( political ) settlement, while sincere, is also serving as their own form of maskirovka while they secretly increase their stores of hypersonic missiles and ICBM/SLBM war heads.

From the viewpoint of the Atlanticists their idea of a "negotiated truce" entails that all the concessions come from the Russian side while the FUSA (Former United States Of America) and their NATO vassals continue to expand eastward unopposed until they can contain Russia's western frontiers in a bid to break up the Rus Federation, replace Putin with a bunch of puppet regime oligarchs and plunder Russia's wealth and resources with China being next on the list to be brought crashing down.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Well, if Russia accepts the Chinese "peace" plan, then Russia can also count on a fully rearmed Ukraine in 2-4 years with 500 billion pumped in by the warmongering USA for the final kill shot to Russia.

Hell, as brazen as the US neocons are, I would expect tactical nukes snuck in. What does USA care if the whole world knows it sent nukes to Ukraine to be used towards Russia?

No, if Russia wants lasting peace, NATO out of Ukraine and the inability of the west to rearm Ukraine, its military had better set the terms 100%.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

NATO must be destroyed, not just out of Ukraine (whatever is left of it).

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The us government is evil. The largest transfer of wealth in history $5 trillion during COVID from the middle class to the elite. As a result a hamburger at McDonald’s is now $10.50. Meanwhile the pentagon gives itself a hundred billion dollar raise not including $100 billion for the dnc slush fund formerly known as Ukraine. I never though America would be the bad guy, but here we are. Go Russia!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

If a burger at McDs is unaffordable then they have done all their customers a favour.

Mince made up of parts of many different animals, with bacteria, nitrates, chemicals, and who knows what else. How anyone can eat that shit I will never understand.

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How do people eat it? I think it's done with the mouth. I think. Greasy as they are, they might slide in if you sit on 'em just right. Oh my gosh, is that why they call them sliders?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Gerasimov doesn't do anything half-assed, and no one that wants to live would ever pull his chain. He is Schwartzkopf on steroids and will do what needs to be done to win quickly and decisively. This week will be remembered as the hinge-point in an ascendant Russia and a neutered USA. How far we have fallen.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

"#Ukrainian nationalists dropped ammunition with an unknown poisonous substance on the positions of #Russian troops in the Ugledar direction..." Unknown? It's likely Novichok.

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Ukrainian tanks to be on Red Square - Danilov revealed what plans Kiev had agreed with the West at Munich conference

The head of the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council, Oleksiy Danilov, promised in an interview with The Sun to show the West how the military support provided by the EU and NATO would help Ukrainian tanks in Red Square. Danilov announced a return of Ukraine to 1991 borders, while announcing that Russia was on a path of self-destruction and destruction and that Kiev was allegedly preparing to restore historical justice by driving tanks into Moscow.

Calling Vladimir Putin "Hitler's twin", encouraged by the collective delusion of the West voiced at the Munich Conference", Danilov decided to support his colleagues who had previously promised to launch strikes against our country's largest cities. Danilov's threats only further confirm that Kyiv and Washington have officially stopped hiding their common goals and objectives of weakening and destroying Russia, which they hope to achieve by endlessly escalating the conflict.

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Yep they'll be on Red Square along with Ukraine POW's during the victory parade.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I generally dont put any credence to claims of not enough this or that. Someone will always get less than they wanted while someone gets more. And they guy who didnt get any will get 2 truck fulls tomorrow. Thats just life And wagner may have a zillion of x, but wagners trucks havent got to unit y yet. Logistics for getting copy paper in your office can be an ordeal. Running a war must be a treat at times.

I didnt know of that missile range, pretty cool.

The poor kid Ternopil, did it say what date they picked him up?

If i was Putin id say were going all the way to the polish border, Or something just to send more people running to the EU for them to support. Just because i would find it funny. (good job im not a politician).

Emptying an ammo depot takes a lot of trucks and a lot of time, in the open. What isnt mined will be bombed into oblivion. i expect. Which is sad as they could sell that 54R and x39 to me instead.

The speech. i expect it to have a long list of examples of all the crimes skeevy keevy has committed and why its time to get serious.

Or i could be completely wrong on all counts.

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I'm 100% certain Putin will go full fledged minimum to retake Donbass and possibly everything east of Dnieper. That is not even a question in my mind because he is now constitutionally mandated to do so, as the annexed regions are legal parts of Russia and thus, technically from the standpoint of the Russian constitution, the AFU/NATO armies are now invaders on Russian land that must be kicked out no different than WW2.

However the big question is how far will he go AFTER that. Because as I outlined in one of the previous reports, there's good chance that the Dnieper will not be crossable as AFU can blow all the bridges, so there would have to be a massive unprecedented re-orientation of the entire armed forces to reroute them through the north/Belarus to continue chasing the AFU into western Ukraine and to take Odessa etc. And this is a massive undertaking that I hope Putin has the mettle and fortitude to do.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Kherson city and parts of Zaparoshje oblast are situated on the West side oft the Dniepr. So, no way, Dniepr can became the line of DM.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Yep, they are constitutionally obliged to cross the Dniepr and liberate those territories, and given the small size of them (the parts west of the Dniepr), to actually secure them they'll need to go further west. Odessa, Nikolayev and all of Dniepropretovsk Oblasts will also need to be taken. All of which also happen to have large Russian (speaking) majorities.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I would like to see everything east of the Dnieper and the coast. Basically everything that shows up Russian on the language maps they used to show. Depriving Ukraine of the coast also deprives nato of ant excuses for it.

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Ukraine is not a democracy and never has been. Ukraine is no longer a sovereign state since 2014 but an American colony governed by Washington. The territorial integrity of Ukraine means nothing, since its political borders come from administrative borders of the USSR having no relation to the ethnolinguistic reality or the will of the populations.

Joe Biden promised weapons again, but not long-range and no F-16s. The only problem is that the American arsenals, like those of NATO, are empty. This is also true for ammunition. This is also true for systems, in particular anti-aircraft systems, which cannot be delivered before 18 months, because they must be manufactured. The Ukrainians have fired seven years of Javelin stock, with no effect on the battlefield… The Americans are now producing 20,000 155mm shells per month, while the Ukrainians are firing over 3,000 per day.

And Joe Biden tirelessly repeats the fable that the Russian economy would be isolated and on the verge of collapse, when he had to raise the federal debt ceiling to avoid the cessation of payment by the United States…

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I would add one more possibility — a mutual defense pact. No more making out in the back seat of the car at the drive in (I know, I date myself with that one). Russia and China could decide to get married and climb into bed. The bellicose language that the U.S. routinely hurls at China is taken seriously in Beijing. The American belligerence directed at the Chinese cannot be excused as unintended speech caused by slamming too many whiskeys at the corner bar. It is not just Biden. American politicians, journalists and average citizens speak openly of China as “our enemy.”


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Don't think they'll outright have a defense pact any time soon as there are way too many existential implications of such a thing and it's not really even necessary. Just continued tightening of their cooperation in every field will be good enough.

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