KK is so skibidi she sees a tree and thinks it’s The Jungle—!
The new EU foreign policy minister Kaja Kallas assumed office on 1 December and naturally hot-footed her way to Kiev on the 7-hour train for her very first diplomatic duty. She was in a double-quick hurry to hold a press briefing in situ, on Bankova, in order to tell everybody that despite Western efforts to isolate Russia and its leader, VVP’s political influence has nonetheless grown. “We see what Putin is doing in other countries, really increasing his global influence. So, if the United States wants to be the strongest state in the world,” KK elaborated, training her attention on the incoming DJT admin, known to be a flattery-susceptible collective and a vanity-adjacent group whose ego might suffer if the U.S. is not in fact the strongest state in the world, “they will eventually have to deal with the Russian Federation. And the easiest way to deal with this is to support Ukraine so that it wins the war.”
Although KK was seated before the press in Kiev, she was really speaking to her friends Across the Pond: “If America is worried about China, it should be worried about Russia first.” In other words, KK was giving DJT a to-do list.
Turning her attention to another pressing European obsession, the *peaceful* protests in Georgia, which have *organically* arisen from “students exercising their right to free assembly,” KK sided w/ the protesters: “It is clear that using violence against peaceful protesters is not acceptable, and the Georgian government should respect the will of the Georgian people.”
Quick facts: Pro-Western opposition parties, as well as Georgia’s French-born president, Salome Zourabichvili, have refused to recognize the results of the democratic vote of the people in October. U.S. State Department spokesman Matt “Count Chocula” Miller additionally condemned the Georgian government’s violent crackdown on “student” protesters.
While KK was on the 7-hour train to Kiev, she’d had ample time, and a strong enough wifi connection, to present EU member states with a list of “options” for dealing with the situation in Georgia, including economic sanctions—and she’d no doubt cc’d Matt “Count Chocula” Miller too.
Ordinarily, Lady vdL speaks of “tools” by which the EU can strong-arm members & hopefuls into toeing the line. KK, however, staking out some turf for herself, spoke of “options,” an independent-minded distinction of coercion on her part
Zourabichvili’s mandate as president of Georgia ends on 28 December, and the Georgian parliament will vote on her successor on 15 December—but Zourabichvilli has refused to leave office until the parliamentary elections are re-run. Since 2017, her mission has been to effect a regime change in Georgia. At some point someone will have to perform a Zourabichvilli-ectomy, stat.
Until then, KK agitates from afar. Remember: Russia issued an arrest warrant for KK earlier this year due to her efforts to destroy Soviet WWII memorials in Estonia.
zourabichvili - quick fact - "She joined Columbia University in 1972–1973 where Zbigniew Brzezinski, at the time director of the Trilateral Commission, trained her on Soviet politics and Cold War diplomacy." and we know the agenda brzezinski had, don't we?? she is doing all she can to keep up the tradition!
It strikes me that all these warhawks are women... I can remember a time when feminists claimed that if women were to rule the world, there would be peace and kumbaya for ever... (LOL)
I think they feel they have something to prove to all the men, that they can be violent sadists as much as the guys can. "Look guys, I just strangled a baby with a lamp cord and you said we can't be leaders".
Senior female here:- exactly what I said a month ago to younger family.
Also it was said .. that if we could have seen the horror of the concentration camps, etc … it would NEVER have been able to happen…… yet now its being seen all over the world - and yet it’s still business as usual!
I don't think the camps for Japanese during WWII in the U.S. compare to similar efforts anywhere else in the world, ever. Most people involved strongly believed they were an unfortunate preventative measure that most of the people in the camps didn't deserve. That affected how the prisoners were treated.
Illinois Governor Pritzker's family fortune is based on wealth stolen from those people, as are many other Jewish fortunes. There probably wouldn't have been an opioid epidemic otherwise - the Pritzkers wouldn't have had the capital to start their drug trafficking empire.
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned… in general men fight and afterwards drink together. In general women are not capable of doing the same. In general women tend to react emotionally, but unfortunate as a consequence the rational and logical thinking goes out the window. I was always of the opinion that women would create a more peaceful and just world until I came accross Albright, Clinton, Nuland, KK, Gauleiter von der Lügen, Baerbock, Harris and most other women in power (Moldova, Georgia, Denmark, …). I haven’t seen such rabid warmongers in my life. I mean men are a-holes, but women aren’t much better and both are not going to safe the world I am afraid.
For all the talk about women being more empathetic (entirely from women or clueless simps), their solipsism always wins out.
"I mean men are a-holes, but women aren’t much better"
Women aren't ANY better; in some ways they're worse. Just look at Clown World, which has for decades promoted female concerns and sensibilities, and now it is a crumbling, self-delusional hellscape.
Women always escalate a crisis because they're certain they won't take any physical consequences. Men grow up with the knowledge that if they fuck around they're going to find out and get the same treatment right back so they're cautious.
Women are skilled at getting their own way any way they can.
Even a simple man like Al Bundy understood, "Nobody hates women more than other women", and the corollary: think what that means in terms of how they feel about YOU.
I am a guy so I don't experience this except occasionally on the receiving end but apparently women get a thrill out of controlling or having power over men. Certainly that appears to be the case in romance, so I'm not surprised that they also experience a thrill in sending male soldiers to beat each other to death on their command. Many love violent bad guys too, which I never figured out. Must be evolutionary, for protection.
Most, or likely all, of these women are YGL graduates. Their unfortunate blundering presence in politics speaks more of Klaus Schwab's personal tastes than of their abilities. And remember that incompetence was one of the criterions these "leaders" were selected for in the first place, so that they must turn to their handlers for guidance.
In Georgia it is getting cold. Spray water on the protesters and they will go home COLD.
I think Andrei's figures of a million dead Ukies better than Simplicius' estimate, with a million more broken and mangled, but alive. The EU makes up numbers and why rely on them? That's pretty much because it seems like Russia's defense department knows the number of tanks and other weapons they shoot down, so why not their estimate of dead and incapacitated? It's like counting body bags in Vietnam, but if you are fighting a war of attrition it's the most important number, and this is the reason why everyone is deserting and running away.
kk is not a brilliant strategist.. in fact she is a very good example of the exact opposite... for all her warmongering credentials, she is a real loser on all fronts.. the fact ursala von leyen has to work with her, is just great.. that is like a double anchor especially designed to sink the european union much quicker then the germans figuring out who sabotaged nordstream.... these 2 will sink germany and the rest of europe much quicker!
Well look who she represents. If I had to hold up an example of why we in Canada should leave NATO, it would be Estonia. Like they are going to save our asses if we got attacked ?? No, but we have to travel the world away to defend them with permanent troops. Obviously in letting these postamp sized nations with non existent militaries into NATO, the plan has always been to put nukes on their borders with Russia. Obviously nuclear proliferation is Americas foreign policy goal.
Same with Fond of Lying, one would expect her to have been fired after her first fib, but no, she gets a standing ovation and the audiences clamouring for more and more.
Having read his dispatches back in the days when he used the moniker Nightvision, I can affirm that Simplicius has always been a fine writer. That being said, in the last few months he's definitely upped his game a few notches. One of the top authors on Substack, IMHO.
I caught that too. Maybe he was suggesting Scholtz is an amorphous androgenous blob without any apparent gender. Heretics often are. Don't tell me Satan doesn't have a great sense of humor and a kinky dimension.
If memory serves he used to post on the Saker site, which had a fantastic forum. News of the Saker's fate would be appreciated. Simplicius always shined.
Swell of World War 2 Red Herrings was a great piece ... "... Rob Bauer, head of the ‘NATO Military Committee’. ,,,, The irrelevant pipsqueak mewled something along these lines to powder on the phony fear-porn:" That tops the best of Shakespheres insults.
Feel tired over all these ’clowns’ not caring about their own citizens. Germany is going ”kaputt” big time. Scholtz is carrying a aluminium case as he was guarding something important. The open secret is that he let Germany slip into the abyss - screwed by Deep State US. As a Socialdemocrat he should be ashamed of himself.
Bareback is talking about ”peace process”…she who declared that she didnt care of her own citizens concerns about the War.
And how come Stoltenberg acting? He is no longer NATO Overlord.
As for Trump/Kellogg peaceplan…flawed. And we dont know how crazy Trump is. Someone heard his threat against Mid-East? ” We will crush them harder than anything in our glorious history”
Any peaceplan must include the fact that Russianspeaking people living in Ukraine oblasts must have a safe future. It also seems as Putin will withhold his forces to just include the new Oblasts. The others are propably deemed ”anti-russian” so whats the point of taking them?
As for dreaming about Charkov and Odessa or any other big city. Keep dreaming.
Russia is not able to take them by force.
Good write, Simplicius, but your are struggling as much as we others with all these narratives floating. Anything can happen. Suddenly.
Dreaming about Kharkow and Odessa without taking them by force is very realistic.
Just think about the prospect of the Russian held new territories start reviving, as Mariopol
does. While the rest of Ukraine will suffer because the so-called allies won't care about the people of the remaining part of the country. No prospect, just empty stomachs and empty words by the lying elites. That would lead to a popular vote, as to where to belong soon enough. It is just human nature.
How many times have you heard Russia is preparing a new offensive?
Have you seen how little progress they have done in Donbass during last two years despite the ”insufferable” Ukrainian losses and the enormous advantage Russia has in bombs and artillery?
As for your popular vote…did you see what happened in Romania? In Georgia? Whenever the popular vote is against West interests it will be countered.
My only hope, say wishful thinking, is that Zelensky&Yermak are strung up in Kiew by angered citizens and military when they realize that 3 years War led to even less than the Istanbul peace offer.
Just now many people dream of Trump and his masterplan to bring World peace. Good luck. It is going to be beyond our beliefs of how bad things can go.
The fact is that Kharkhow and Odessa is leaning toward Russia, and if it weren't for the repressive Banderites they would be able to speak up. If the Banderitas are discredited as they are heading in that direction, things can change quickly. Especially if, as you wish Zelensky&Yermak are strung up by the angered citizens and military when they realize that 3 years of war led to even less than the Istambul peace offer.
I agree that if Russia continues as present, they are months away. But the Russians aren't hitting the people CAUSING THE WAR. Maybe hazelnut changes the calculus internally in the Ukraine and there is no rear to call back to for reinforcements. What if there was no draft boards to kidnap people? There is enormous technology overhang here that hasn't been used, by both sides. Hazelnut is between here and nuclear war, and that ain't much. I think there is a non-nuclear EMP generator, but I'm not sure. In Ocean's 11 they used a "Pinch." I've seen videos where they shoot down drones using an EMP burst just like in the Matrix.
They have a serious chunk of their navy and marines, pretty much next door and an awesome airforce. Plus I'm sure they already have cells operating there.
Most importantly, once the dominos really start falling and the central government collapses with battle fatigued soldiers exhausted and limping home, what's left of them, Vlad could probably make a few phone calls to get Odessa. There won't be any fight left in Ukraine soon.
For me the Hazelnut is the sort of thing you come up with when you have a good reason to feel threatened.
The go slow approach has many advantages. Since everything in the West is done with credit here, we will slowly, but inevitably, strangle ourselves.
Another advantage comes from minimizing casualties. The cost benefit is obvious, but troop loyalty is not earned by throwing away patriots for leadership ego gratification.
The Western approach to imperial adventure features fascist profit and torturing the middle class patriots with empty promises and valueless equipment.
The Ukraine has proven the Russian approach to arms works. What do we have to show for it? Huge profits for the corrupt few and empty coffers and a whole generation or two of Ukrainians that won't come back.
I share much of your deep thoughts. I also understand Simplicius gospel about ”the thousand cuts”. Strictly logical in a cynical way it is plausible that it is the best way.
But I despise War and people who instigate, manipulate and force deadly confrontations. I want them killed instantly (or rather scared back to their dungeons).
We have a lot of generations killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians. Hundreds of thousands familys are shattered and traumatized for rest of their life.
If there is a possibility to end the War in a favourable matter - why not try it.
The sad truth is that West has applied the right amount of pressure everytime Russia seems to gain to much speed. And if I am wrong and Kremlin by purpose is doing a slow cook of Ukraine and their puppetmasters in the West I feel sorry for the Russian people (and all others) who must endure this War.
Oh we agree more than you might realize. As an ex USN submariner the technical aspects both fascinate and disgust me. The waste of resources and extreme trauma is inexcusable.
The only reason we fight wars is so TPTB can maintain power and control. Given the openly declared goals and abundantly transparent actions of NATO, through it's whole history, what choice did Putin have in Ukraine?
For me the opportunity to carefully analyze Putin's words and actions has been there right along. When he said you will not get a better peace deal than this, he was not bullshitting anyone. Now Minsk 1 or 2 would be a dream come true for Zelenskyy, it was not Russia's fault those deals fell through. All the Western predictions have proven wrong.
"The right amount of pressure" For me those have been mostly escalatory acts of terror, designed to get Putin to raise the stakes and then NATO launches ww3. Had he gone full tilt 3 years ago, the resources and inspiration to deploy Hazelnuts would not be there. All we get from our MIC is hype and broken promises.
Yeah you made a prediction here and it came true. The recent Syrian invasion by Israel, Turkey, US supported Al Qaeda proxies was the right amount of pressure. Massive tactical loss for Syria.
It is sad to see. And it is like a Horrorfilm a la Bodysnatchers when you realize you have first experienced western media with hard eyes on you declare that anything Israel has done in Gaza&Lebanon is strictly defensive measures and now with the same chutzpah declaring former ISIS and Al-Quida fighting to free Syrian people from Assad. Same people who slashed and still is slashing throats…
I think the Sunnis is taking home the game. The last Shia will be Iran. Is it good or bad? All I know that it was not Irianians flying planes 9/11 or bombed London, Madrid, Brussel or Paris.
If Russia now lose Tartus Naval base and Khmemim Airbase there will be Champagne popping in Pentagon. And knifes would be sharpened in Kremlin. Next step for West is to declare Danish Strait closed for Russian Naval ships (they will explain it as due to the increasing threats from Russias hybrid warfare in Baltic Sea).
Yep I think you're right about what Russia must do
But I don't think it can do it alone.
I think it needs China and NK and whoever else, anyone else, to come on board right now openly and flagrantly on any pretext whatever and pour troops and munitions and whatever into the conflict on the Russian side.
So that it is immediately a done deal. Hand down, finished, fait accompli.
Nothing to do but deal with it, lap it up.
No use rattling nuclear swords now, too late.
If China, home of the 'rights of the People', remember? glorious 'Chinese People's Republic' were to get 'people oriented' and declare loudly that they find it intolerable that after 10 years Kiev and Washington et al are still totally bent on invading, occupying, oppression, ethnic punishing the people of Donbas and now even at the clear cost of the people of Kiev Ukraine and now even at the clear cost of the people of the whole of Europe - find it intolerable.. sickening.. won't stand for it... declare themselves wholly on the side of the People of Donbas, people of Ukraine, people of Europe and will therefore help Russia and Donbas put a stop to it - and started to send in thousands and thousands...
It would all be over.
They would not even have to do it. Just announce the attitude.
They are not doing that.
I suspect them of playing cat and mouse.
I don't trust them. Any more than you can trust Erdogan.
Or any politician most especially in the West.
But what i mean is: if they'd get up and speak for the People.
Because no one else will, does. No one. Not a one.
Not even Putin though he has done in the past of course.
But even he is full of 'The State' and historical imperatives.
So too is China: totally authoritarian State, isn't it?
But hypocrisy reigns supreme.
And we could use some right now.
Let them all start piously pleading what in fact is the only just cause: peace for the people and step up and bring it all to an end.
China isn't an idealist nation though. They are strategically oriented. They are after resources first and foremost and they have to fight some imminent wars over Iran and Taiwan, if Trump makes good on his war threats, which I think he will. He a pathological narcisist. He will never accept a humiliating loss.
well I don't know the ins and outs of it all. but strategically china profits, surely, from the elimination of america from europe and that's what effective subduing of nato would be I think.
Or put it another way: strategically which way is better for china: American hegemony or Brics?
They seem to have made it clear, very clear, with their public humiliations of american envoys to china what they think.
China, unlike Russia, is deathly afraid of sanctions. Their economy is based on exports to the US and EU. If this were pulled out from under them, they would go bankrupt---there would be massive unrest, and the Party would throw Xi under the bus. So he will not dare, and will not be allowed, to make a clean break with the Hegemony.
The US would suffer even worse from a divorce like that, but there would be no upheaval there---the chain there is shorter and stronger than in communism, who would have thunk? And the Deep State already pre-controls their own social subversives.
The Russian government never talked about Odessa or Charkov, they want the four regions and Crimea. It is us talking about this. Maybe the Russians want a strong Russian Speaking minority in the rump state of Ukraine? A Minority which is protected by Moskow and therefore gives the Russians a lot of leverage in Ukraine. A Minority which keeps Ukraine permanent unstable.
Exactly. It is easier to control/govern people who actually has the desire to be Russians. An unfriendly population requires a lot of unpopular measures.
But problem is that Odessa in NATO-hands is a thorn in the side ande deadly threat against Russias Black Sea fleet.
Charkov likewise, filled with Tomahawks, would represent a never ending threat to Russia.
Moldova is just behind Odessa. Maybe 40 to 50 km. Not a big deal for drones. Charkov will be in the rump state of Ukraine, and the Russian government started the war with one big wish: No NATO. Every commend since the start of the SMO is: No NATO. I think Russia will more likely give up some of the Donbass Oblasts, than allowing NATO into whatever is left of Ukraine.
>Exactly. It is easier to control/govern people who actually has the desire to be Russians.
Last week there were messages from Odessa posted on Telegram expressing fear that the Kremlin will sell them out and leave them in the hands of the Ukronazis.
In fact I see such messages even from places like Zhytomyr on occasions.
Most of Ukraine (see Simplicius map) have Russian-speaking/liking citizens to some extent or even majority. Exception is westernmost part of the country. And exactly what your are describing is the tragedy with Ukraine. Population shouldnt have let the Russian-haters take over. But easy to say for me. Living under these conditions and corruption is not light.
Russia has no choice but to take control over most of Ukraine.
They will not have to fight across Ukraine as they have through Donbass.
Russia has massively attritted Ukraine & NATO.
In the past few months they have been taking control of square km daily.
They no longer confront large urban areas like they did in Mariupol & Bahkmut.
They outflank them, forming a cauldron that they squeeze shut- killing or capturing most.
Russian military production is vastly bigger than it was when the conflict started- and continuing to expand. Ukraines is completely destroyed & America/NATO is as pathetic as when the conflict started.
Russian military is approaching 2.5 million total. Ukraines likely less than 500,000 by now.
At any point Russia could turn off the electricity in Ukraine and it won't come back on until Russian crews fix it.
You don't seem to realize how many Ukrainians have really been killed. Likely 1,000,000+ by now. How many more seriously injured? No male left in Ukraine will join the military.
By the time Russia reaches the Dneiper how many more will be dead or surrendered?
Who exactly is going to resist the Russians west of the Dneiper?
There is simply no way Russia is going to allow America/NATO to be on Ukrainian territory. The only way they can achieve this is to control it.
I am sure Russia will cut deals with Hungary, Romania, Slovakia & maybe even Poland to trade western regions to them in return for non-aggression agreements.
I could make many more compelling arguments why Russia will take over Ukraine and why most Ukrainians will ultimately welcome this.
I speak as I do because I was an expat living in Ukraine when the SMO started. I have followed this American/NATO proxy war as closely as anyone.
Your will is strong. And I dont disagree with you over the necessity for Russia to take the most of Ukraine. I agree in most ukrainian citizens dont care if Russia is governing Ukraine - they just want living a good life.
I just cant see that happen, either in slowmotion or fast forward.
Odessa is a historically Russian city and packed with glorious Russian archetecture. Russia won't want to blow it to pieces to take it back, like they did to the other industrial shit holes, up to this point. I'm sure they will want it. It is a threat to their navy in NATO's hands. It gives them absolute control over ukraine and the Black Sea. I'll bet Vlad keeps some paintings of Catherine the Great, in various stages of undress, under his pillow.
I think Odessa is what Russia will be having for dessert myself. Of course they will take it !! That was founded by Russian Empress Catherine The Great in 1794, which isn't that long ago. VP will take whatever he has to to keep the missiles off his doorstep. He may go all the way to Poland. Odessa is too close to their naval fleet at Sovastopol, whose seizure started this war.
It's amazing what loyalties can be bought with food, water and utilities when the people being bought are otherwise, starving and freezing to death. Consider when the Russians raped and slaughterd their way through Germany, all that was soon forgotten when they occupied half of it for 50 years. I was in East Germany 10 years after the wall came down and the people were still fanatically proRussian and despised anyone who came from a Nato country. Ever polite and generous I was, but they still made sure they burnt every meal I ordered in restaurants.
It is amazing how Russia can win the hearts of the people they conquered, unlike any other recent empire I know of. Look at Chechnya, for instance. I guess that is because they are sincere, not the lying bastards in the West.
>Feel tired over all these ’clowns’ not caring about their own citizens
We should start with the clown in the Kremlin when it comes to not caring.
He is the one who has his own citizens being bombed daily while having the power to stop it with a snap of his fingers, and who has effectively implicitly promised them that this is the new normal in perpetuity, like in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.
I don't see Germany being bombed, regardless of the economic situation.
Putin is the least clownish but it is no wonder there is critiscism of Russias way of handling the War. But who are we to judge? We dont know have difficult it most have been to find themselves against the whole NATO/US/UK-cabal eager to slit their throats. Europe and NATO has nothing to do with Ukraine.
If you read my comments you could easily see that i explained why it is so difficult for Russia. You could also see that I despise NATO. What is your recipe then to conquer Odessa?
First of all, this "Trump peace attempt" is a complete fraud and scam. Is everyone blind? Trump was the first man to start supplying weapons to Ukraine, and now he claims that in a "peace state" he would continue the supply, and in a "war state," he would escalate it further. He is the President of the USA, not a friend of Russia.
Nearly 1 million Russian men have died in the last three years of this civil war. (For the American readers: Ukrainian people are Russians too—they are not a completely different people. I know this might shock you, given the brainwashing of your mainstream media.)
Meanwhile, nearly all aspects of Russian culture have been systematically erased in Ukraine. Statues honoring those who fell in the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) have been burned. Priests have been beaten. Now, every Ukrainian is being taught to hate Russia.
The only viable peace option—one that does not involve the total surrender and dissolution of Russia, as well as the disgusting mockery of our fallen soldiers—is clear: Russia should take back all territories except Lviv. Western countries can take Lviv if they wish, but only after it is reduced to the stone age by an endless bombardment of FABs and 152mm shells
What’s wrong with seeking revenge? The people in Lviv supported the war because the ones being beaten into enlistment and sacrificed as cannon fodder were always the Russian-speaking citizens from eastern Ukraine. They did this knowingly, relishing the twisted pleasure of pitting Russians against each other.
Meanwhile, they stayed in their warm beds or secured the safest, furthest positions away from the frontlines. There isn’t even a trace of mercy in their hearts
Will it believe in Trump's peacemaking efforts or as i would describe them deception or will it put the squeeze on the neo-Nazis and achieve peace from them in the form of their unconditional surrender.
Last 10 years have shown us one truth: Putin is not trustworthy. Again and again, he has made the wrong choices, leading Russia down a path of failure and humiliation. I pray to God that this time he makes the right choice—to fight until the full surrender of the cancer state. But I have no faith in him
Comrade Putin signed the budget for 2025. The new budget is 32.5% defense spending. This is an absolute record I believe. The country is betting on war.
In fact that same thing worries me. It means the revenue is not growing enough so the current proportion is good enough. It is a sign of strain. Of trouble.
Putin is fighting this war on levels and with people, factors, forces we don't even know about. Is the problem. We have a simplistic battlefield view even though we shouldn't - we know damn well the battlefield is fed from outside and subject to economic and political considerations - christ, that's what Kiev Ukraine is all about.
But we ignore that and tend to think entirely in battlefield terms.
Well I know that's not good enough.
But for lack of better knowledge - and they don't tell us much do they? not even the 'best' of our 'analysts', 'observers' etc - I reckon Russia needs to step in big time right now and blitzkreig west to Odessa. Switch the lights off in Ukraine totally and do it.
Because if they're cranking up spending to those levels its getting serious and worrying.
It's not a sign of trouble. It's very doable, especially when you have Belousov working obsessively to dual-purpose the economy. The Russians understand this type of thing better than anyone. The decision to allocate 32.5% indicates an ability to be brave, bold and decisive and to fully commit to what is dear to one's heart. Few can do this. I find it impressive. The leadership will keep a beady eye on how the war is affecting the population and the national stability. They look like they know what they're doing. Moscow is demonstrating calculated courage.
Well said. Respectfully, this bit is completely off: "It means the revenue is not growing enough so the current proportion is good enough. It is a sign of strain. Of trouble."
Fighting a world war with a power the size of the US requires far more investment than routine military expenditures. Russia's military expenditure was being reduced year after year until the US decided to start hot war with Russia by destroying the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installing a nazi junta in Kiev. Russia then responded.
That Russia can fight a military and economic war with the US and be winning, despite the huge expenditure involved is a sign of tremendous strength and a sign of the extreme durability and depth of the Russian economy.
Putin threw the gauntlet down in Munich 2008. Russia began preparing for an inevitable war. In 2022 they took on a coalition of over 50 countries on their own and up until now have shown they can prevail. Many countries have been destroyed by NATO since 1991, but the Russians are not one of them. Did you notice they are now the 4th largest economy on the planet?
Perhaps your priorities are ignored by the Kremlin?
You're missing the main point that Russia didn't start this shitshow. You seem to blame Putin. He turned Russia from a Yeltsin basket case to a resergent superpower thereby triggering a Brzezinskiesque containment strategy. It was always going to end this way in Ukraine.
Be kind and take your message to an appropriate forum.
Be kind and courteous and fuck off now.
KK is so skibidi she sees a tree and thinks it’s The Jungle—!
The new EU foreign policy minister Kaja Kallas assumed office on 1 December and naturally hot-footed her way to Kiev on the 7-hour train for her very first diplomatic duty. She was in a double-quick hurry to hold a press briefing in situ, on Bankova, in order to tell everybody that despite Western efforts to isolate Russia and its leader, VVP’s political influence has nonetheless grown. “We see what Putin is doing in other countries, really increasing his global influence. So, if the United States wants to be the strongest state in the world,” KK elaborated, training her attention on the incoming DJT admin, known to be a flattery-susceptible collective and a vanity-adjacent group whose ego might suffer if the U.S. is not in fact the strongest state in the world, “they will eventually have to deal with the Russian Federation. And the easiest way to deal with this is to support Ukraine so that it wins the war.”
Although KK was seated before the press in Kiev, she was really speaking to her friends Across the Pond: “If America is worried about China, it should be worried about Russia first.” In other words, KK was giving DJT a to-do list.
Turning her attention to another pressing European obsession, the *peaceful* protests in Georgia, which have *organically* arisen from “students exercising their right to free assembly,” KK sided w/ the protesters: “It is clear that using violence against peaceful protesters is not acceptable, and the Georgian government should respect the will of the Georgian people.”
Quick facts: Pro-Western opposition parties, as well as Georgia’s French-born president, Salome Zourabichvili, have refused to recognize the results of the democratic vote of the people in October. U.S. State Department spokesman Matt “Count Chocula” Miller additionally condemned the Georgian government’s violent crackdown on “student” protesters.
While KK was on the 7-hour train to Kiev, she’d had ample time, and a strong enough wifi connection, to present EU member states with a list of “options” for dealing with the situation in Georgia, including economic sanctions—and she’d no doubt cc’d Matt “Count Chocula” Miller too.
Ordinarily, Lady vdL speaks of “tools” by which the EU can strong-arm members & hopefuls into toeing the line. KK, however, staking out some turf for herself, spoke of “options,” an independent-minded distinction of coercion on her part
Zourabichvili’s mandate as president of Georgia ends on 28 December, and the Georgian parliament will vote on her successor on 15 December—but Zourabichvilli has refused to leave office until the parliamentary elections are re-run. Since 2017, her mission has been to effect a regime change in Georgia. At some point someone will have to perform a Zourabichvilli-ectomy, stat.
Until then, KK agitates from afar. Remember: Russia issued an arrest warrant for KK earlier this year due to her efforts to destroy Soviet WWII memorials in Estonia.
zourabichvili - quick fact - "She joined Columbia University in 1972–1973 where Zbigniew Brzezinski, at the time director of the Trilateral Commission, trained her on Soviet politics and Cold War diplomacy." and we know the agenda brzezinski had, don't we?? she is doing all she can to keep up the tradition!
It strikes me that all these warhawks are women... I can remember a time when feminists claimed that if women were to rule the world, there would be peace and kumbaya for ever... (LOL)
Yep, and that’s what some “feminists” still say. But like the idea of “the west” all concepts can mutate.
I think they feel they have something to prove to all the men, that they can be violent sadists as much as the guys can. "Look guys, I just strangled a baby with a lamp cord and you said we can't be leaders".
Senior female here:- exactly what I said a month ago to younger family.
Also it was said .. that if we could have seen the horror of the concentration camps, etc … it would NEVER have been able to happen…… yet now its being seen all over the world - and yet it’s still business as usual!
It is heartbreaking.
concentration camps like the ones the japanease were put in in the USA?
I don't think the camps for Japanese during WWII in the U.S. compare to similar efforts anywhere else in the world, ever. Most people involved strongly believed they were an unfortunate preventative measure that most of the people in the camps didn't deserve. That affected how the prisoners were treated.
Illinois Governor Pritzker's family fortune is based on wealth stolen from those people, as are many other Jewish fortunes. There probably wouldn't have been an opioid epidemic otherwise - the Pritzkers wouldn't have had the capital to start their drug trafficking empire.
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned… in general men fight and afterwards drink together. In general women are not capable of doing the same. In general women tend to react emotionally, but unfortunate as a consequence the rational and logical thinking goes out the window. I was always of the opinion that women would create a more peaceful and just world until I came accross Albright, Clinton, Nuland, KK, Gauleiter von der Lügen, Baerbock, Harris and most other women in power (Moldova, Georgia, Denmark, …). I haven’t seen such rabid warmongers in my life. I mean men are a-holes, but women aren’t much better and both are not going to safe the world I am afraid.
For all the talk about women being more empathetic (entirely from women or clueless simps), their solipsism always wins out.
"I mean men are a-holes, but women aren’t much better"
Women aren't ANY better; in some ways they're worse. Just look at Clown World, which has for decades promoted female concerns and sensibilities, and now it is a crumbling, self-delusional hellscape.
Women always escalate a crisis because they're certain they won't take any physical consequences. Men grow up with the knowledge that if they fuck around they're going to find out and get the same treatment right back so they're cautious.
Women are skilled at getting their own way any way they can.
"When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains..." -Rudyard Kipling
"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." -Lord Acton
Even a simple man like Al Bundy understood, "Nobody hates women more than other women", and the corollary: think what that means in terms of how they feel about YOU.
Yeah 👍, I believed that too but I've had a rude awakening.
Then there was Hillary the imperialist who changed all that. What an ugly person she is, and how ugly are her followers inside.
I am a guy so I don't experience this except occasionally on the receiving end but apparently women get a thrill out of controlling or having power over men. Certainly that appears to be the case in romance, so I'm not surprised that they also experience a thrill in sending male soldiers to beat each other to death on their command. Many love violent bad guys too, which I never figured out. Must be evolutionary, for protection.
Not for protection, for the tingles.
Most, or likely all, of these women are YGL graduates. Their unfortunate blundering presence in politics speaks more of Klaus Schwab's personal tastes than of their abilities. And remember that incompetence was one of the criterions these "leaders" were selected for in the first place, so that they must turn to their handlers for guidance.
In Georgia it is getting cold. Spray water on the protesters and they will go home COLD.
I think Andrei's figures of a million dead Ukies better than Simplicius' estimate, with a million more broken and mangled, but alive. The EU makes up numbers and why rely on them? That's pretty much because it seems like Russia's defense department knows the number of tanks and other weapons they shoot down, so why not their estimate of dead and incapacitated? It's like counting body bags in Vietnam, but if you are fighting a war of attrition it's the most important number, and this is the reason why everyone is deserting and running away.
Lock her up!
kk is not a brilliant strategist.. in fact she is a very good example of the exact opposite... for all her warmongering credentials, she is a real loser on all fronts.. the fact ursala von leyen has to work with her, is just great.. that is like a double anchor especially designed to sink the european union much quicker then the germans figuring out who sabotaged nordstream.... these 2 will sink germany and the rest of europe much quicker!
Dream Team.
Good one
Well look who she represents. If I had to hold up an example of why we in Canada should leave NATO, it would be Estonia. Like they are going to save our asses if we got attacked ?? No, but we have to travel the world away to defend them with permanent troops. Obviously in letting these postamp sized nations with non existent militaries into NATO, the plan has always been to put nukes on their borders with Russia. Obviously nuclear proliferation is Americas foreign policy goal.
Yes, and Romanin election also ”went wrong”. So the solution is to recount the votes so it gets right.
It’s almost unbelievable that a nut job like KK could be in the position she is in. But that’s Europe for you.
Same with Fond of Lying, one would expect her to have been fired after her first fib, but no, she gets a standing ovation and the audiences clamouring for more and more.
This is my favorite site. Simplicius rules!
Great writer too for studying English literature and gaining word power. I wish I knew who he was and where he learned to write so well.
Having read his dispatches back in the days when he used the moniker Nightvision, I can affirm that Simplicius has always been a fine writer. That being said, in the last few months he's definitely upped his game a few notches. One of the top authors on Substack, IMHO.
This has been one of his better writings of late.
Was his reference to Scholz as "herself" an error or a dig?
I caught that too. Maybe he was suggesting Scholtz is an amorphous androgenous blob without any apparent gender. Heretics often are. Don't tell me Satan doesn't have a great sense of humor and a kinky dimension.
If memory serves he used to post on the Saker site, which had a fantastic forum. News of the Saker's fate would be appreciated. Simplicius always shined.
I thought it was just me. He used two words here in ways I'd never seen before.
Swell of World War 2 Red Herrings was a great piece ... "... Rob Bauer, head of the ‘NATO Military Committee’. ,,,, The irrelevant pipsqueak mewled something along these lines to powder on the phony fear-porn:" That tops the best of Shakespheres insults.
Feel tired over all these ’clowns’ not caring about their own citizens. Germany is going ”kaputt” big time. Scholtz is carrying a aluminium case as he was guarding something important. The open secret is that he let Germany slip into the abyss - screwed by Deep State US. As a Socialdemocrat he should be ashamed of himself.
Bareback is talking about ”peace process”…she who declared that she didnt care of her own citizens concerns about the War.
And how come Stoltenberg acting? He is no longer NATO Overlord.
As for Trump/Kellogg peaceplan…flawed. And we dont know how crazy Trump is. Someone heard his threat against Mid-East? ” We will crush them harder than anything in our glorious history”
Any peaceplan must include the fact that Russianspeaking people living in Ukraine oblasts must have a safe future. It also seems as Putin will withhold his forces to just include the new Oblasts. The others are propably deemed ”anti-russian” so whats the point of taking them?
As for dreaming about Charkov and Odessa or any other big city. Keep dreaming.
Russia is not able to take them by force.
Good write, Simplicius, but your are struggling as much as we others with all these narratives floating. Anything can happen. Suddenly.
I hope Putin will behave steadfast and wise.
Dreaming about Kharkow and Odessa without taking them by force is very realistic.
Just think about the prospect of the Russian held new territories start reviving, as Mariopol
does. While the rest of Ukraine will suffer because the so-called allies won't care about the people of the remaining part of the country. No prospect, just empty stomachs and empty words by the lying elites. That would lead to a popular vote, as to where to belong soon enough. It is just human nature.
Dreaming is ok. Realistic it is not.
How many times have you heard Russia is preparing a new offensive?
Have you seen how little progress they have done in Donbass during last two years despite the ”insufferable” Ukrainian losses and the enormous advantage Russia has in bombs and artillery?
As for your popular vote…did you see what happened in Romania? In Georgia? Whenever the popular vote is against West interests it will be countered.
My only hope, say wishful thinking, is that Zelensky&Yermak are strung up in Kiew by angered citizens and military when they realize that 3 years War led to even less than the Istanbul peace offer.
Just now many people dream of Trump and his masterplan to bring World peace. Good luck. It is going to be beyond our beliefs of how bad things can go.
The fact is that Kharkhow and Odessa is leaning toward Russia, and if it weren't for the repressive Banderites they would be able to speak up. If the Banderitas are discredited as they are heading in that direction, things can change quickly. Especially if, as you wish Zelensky&Yermak are strung up by the angered citizens and military when they realize that 3 years of war led to even less than the Istambul peace offer.
Personally believe Russia will have Odesa, at the very least under siege, by the end of 2025.
It is 200km from where Russian is standing now. On the wrong side of Dniepr…
Then they have to take Cherson, overcome Mykolaiev, cross Bug, take Berovka. Eventually they could storm Lisky and then besiege Odessa.
Good luck.
You seem to be a bit of a pessimist, not really an unfamiliar emotion for me:-)
But I guess being realistic sounds better😀
I agree that if Russia continues as present, they are months away. But the Russians aren't hitting the people CAUSING THE WAR. Maybe hazelnut changes the calculus internally in the Ukraine and there is no rear to call back to for reinforcements. What if there was no draft boards to kidnap people? There is enormous technology overhang here that hasn't been used, by both sides. Hazelnut is between here and nuclear war, and that ain't much. I think there is a non-nuclear EMP generator, but I'm not sure. In Ocean's 11 they used a "Pinch." I've seen videos where they shoot down drones using an EMP burst just like in the Matrix.
They have a serious chunk of their navy and marines, pretty much next door and an awesome airforce. Plus I'm sure they already have cells operating there.
Most importantly, once the dominos really start falling and the central government collapses with battle fatigued soldiers exhausted and limping home, what's left of them, Vlad could probably make a few phone calls to get Odessa. There won't be any fight left in Ukraine soon.
For me the Hazelnut is the sort of thing you come up with when you have a good reason to feel threatened.
The go slow approach has many advantages. Since everything in the West is done with credit here, we will slowly, but inevitably, strangle ourselves.
Another advantage comes from minimizing casualties. The cost benefit is obvious, but troop loyalty is not earned by throwing away patriots for leadership ego gratification.
The Western approach to imperial adventure features fascist profit and torturing the middle class patriots with empty promises and valueless equipment.
The Ukraine has proven the Russian approach to arms works. What do we have to show for it? Huge profits for the corrupt few and empty coffers and a whole generation or two of Ukrainians that won't come back.
I share much of your deep thoughts. I also understand Simplicius gospel about ”the thousand cuts”. Strictly logical in a cynical way it is plausible that it is the best way.
But I despise War and people who instigate, manipulate and force deadly confrontations. I want them killed instantly (or rather scared back to their dungeons).
We have a lot of generations killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians. Hundreds of thousands familys are shattered and traumatized for rest of their life.
If there is a possibility to end the War in a favourable matter - why not try it.
The sad truth is that West has applied the right amount of pressure everytime Russia seems to gain to much speed. And if I am wrong and Kremlin by purpose is doing a slow cook of Ukraine and their puppetmasters in the West I feel sorry for the Russian people (and all others) who must endure this War.
Oh we agree more than you might realize. As an ex USN submariner the technical aspects both fascinate and disgust me. The waste of resources and extreme trauma is inexcusable.
The only reason we fight wars is so TPTB can maintain power and control. Given the openly declared goals and abundantly transparent actions of NATO, through it's whole history, what choice did Putin have in Ukraine?
For me the opportunity to carefully analyze Putin's words and actions has been there right along. When he said you will not get a better peace deal than this, he was not bullshitting anyone. Now Minsk 1 or 2 would be a dream come true for Zelenskyy, it was not Russia's fault those deals fell through. All the Western predictions have proven wrong.
"The right amount of pressure" For me those have been mostly escalatory acts of terror, designed to get Putin to raise the stakes and then NATO launches ww3. Had he gone full tilt 3 years ago, the resources and inspiration to deploy Hazelnuts would not be there. All we get from our MIC is hype and broken promises.
Well spoken! Yes , all the actions from US/UK/NATO points directly to WW3.
Putin has done what is possible with these types of adversaries.
And of course his enemies is doing all they can to distort his words and even flatly deny us the possibility to hear or read it for ourselves.
What I meant with ”pressure” was that Russias enemies want to prolong the War as long as is possible.
Yeah you made a prediction here and it came true. The recent Syrian invasion by Israel, Turkey, US supported Al Qaeda proxies was the right amount of pressure. Massive tactical loss for Syria.
It is sad to see. And it is like a Horrorfilm a la Bodysnatchers when you realize you have first experienced western media with hard eyes on you declare that anything Israel has done in Gaza&Lebanon is strictly defensive measures and now with the same chutzpah declaring former ISIS and Al-Quida fighting to free Syrian people from Assad. Same people who slashed and still is slashing throats…
I think the Sunnis is taking home the game. The last Shia will be Iran. Is it good or bad? All I know that it was not Irianians flying planes 9/11 or bombed London, Madrid, Brussel or Paris.
If Russia now lose Tartus Naval base and Khmemim Airbase there will be Champagne popping in Pentagon. And knifes would be sharpened in Kremlin. Next step for West is to declare Danish Strait closed for Russian Naval ships (they will explain it as due to the increasing threats from Russias hybrid warfare in Baltic Sea).
is odessa primarily russia aligned?
I think it's more than that, but most are justifiably afraid to let it show.
Yep I think you're right about what Russia must do
But I don't think it can do it alone.
I think it needs China and NK and whoever else, anyone else, to come on board right now openly and flagrantly on any pretext whatever and pour troops and munitions and whatever into the conflict on the Russian side.
So that it is immediately a done deal. Hand down, finished, fait accompli.
Nothing to do but deal with it, lap it up.
No use rattling nuclear swords now, too late.
If China, home of the 'rights of the People', remember? glorious 'Chinese People's Republic' were to get 'people oriented' and declare loudly that they find it intolerable that after 10 years Kiev and Washington et al are still totally bent on invading, occupying, oppression, ethnic punishing the people of Donbas and now even at the clear cost of the people of Kiev Ukraine and now even at the clear cost of the people of the whole of Europe - find it intolerable.. sickening.. won't stand for it... declare themselves wholly on the side of the People of Donbas, people of Ukraine, people of Europe and will therefore help Russia and Donbas put a stop to it - and started to send in thousands and thousands...
It would all be over.
They would not even have to do it. Just announce the attitude.
They are not doing that.
I suspect them of playing cat and mouse.
I don't trust them. Any more than you can trust Erdogan.
Or any politician most especially in the West.
But what i mean is: if they'd get up and speak for the People.
Because no one else will, does. No one. Not a one.
Not even Putin though he has done in the past of course.
But even he is full of 'The State' and historical imperatives.
So too is China: totally authoritarian State, isn't it?
But hypocrisy reigns supreme.
And we could use some right now.
Let them all start piously pleading what in fact is the only just cause: peace for the people and step up and bring it all to an end.
You are King, Arthur!
I feel like a demented loon in a desert, Mikey... :)
You are never alone.
China isn't an idealist nation though. They are strategically oriented. They are after resources first and foremost and they have to fight some imminent wars over Iran and Taiwan, if Trump makes good on his war threats, which I think he will. He a pathological narcisist. He will never accept a humiliating loss.
well I don't know the ins and outs of it all. but strategically china profits, surely, from the elimination of america from europe and that's what effective subduing of nato would be I think.
Or put it another way: strategically which way is better for china: American hegemony or Brics?
They seem to have made it clear, very clear, with their public humiliations of american envoys to china what they think.
So let them tip the scales now.
China, unlike Russia, is deathly afraid of sanctions. Their economy is based on exports to the US and EU. If this were pulled out from under them, they would go bankrupt---there would be massive unrest, and the Party would throw Xi under the bus. So he will not dare, and will not be allowed, to make a clean break with the Hegemony.
The US would suffer even worse from a divorce like that, but there would be no upheaval there---the chain there is shorter and stronger than in communism, who would have thunk? And the Deep State already pre-controls their own social subversives.
The Russian government never talked about Odessa or Charkov, they want the four regions and Crimea. It is us talking about this. Maybe the Russians want a strong Russian Speaking minority in the rump state of Ukraine? A Minority which is protected by Moskow and therefore gives the Russians a lot of leverage in Ukraine. A Minority which keeps Ukraine permanent unstable.
Exactly. It is easier to control/govern people who actually has the desire to be Russians. An unfriendly population requires a lot of unpopular measures.
But problem is that Odessa in NATO-hands is a thorn in the side ande deadly threat against Russias Black Sea fleet.
Charkov likewise, filled with Tomahawks, would represent a never ending threat to Russia.
Moldova is just behind Odessa. Maybe 40 to 50 km. Not a big deal for drones. Charkov will be in the rump state of Ukraine, and the Russian government started the war with one big wish: No NATO. Every commend since the start of the SMO is: No NATO. I think Russia will more likely give up some of the Donbass Oblasts, than allowing NATO into whatever is left of Ukraine.
>Exactly. It is easier to control/govern people who actually has the desire to be Russians.
Last week there were messages from Odessa posted on Telegram expressing fear that the Kremlin will sell them out and leave them in the hands of the Ukronazis.
In fact I see such messages even from places like Zhytomyr on occasions.
Most of Ukraine (see Simplicius map) have Russian-speaking/liking citizens to some extent or even majority. Exception is westernmost part of the country. And exactly what your are describing is the tragedy with Ukraine. Population shouldnt have let the Russian-haters take over. But easy to say for me. Living under these conditions and corruption is not light.
Russia has no choice but to take control over most of Ukraine.
They will not have to fight across Ukraine as they have through Donbass.
Russia has massively attritted Ukraine & NATO.
In the past few months they have been taking control of square km daily.
They no longer confront large urban areas like they did in Mariupol & Bahkmut.
They outflank them, forming a cauldron that they squeeze shut- killing or capturing most.
Russian military production is vastly bigger than it was when the conflict started- and continuing to expand. Ukraines is completely destroyed & America/NATO is as pathetic as when the conflict started.
Russian military is approaching 2.5 million total. Ukraines likely less than 500,000 by now.
At any point Russia could turn off the electricity in Ukraine and it won't come back on until Russian crews fix it.
You don't seem to realize how many Ukrainians have really been killed. Likely 1,000,000+ by now. How many more seriously injured? No male left in Ukraine will join the military.
By the time Russia reaches the Dneiper how many more will be dead or surrendered?
Who exactly is going to resist the Russians west of the Dneiper?
There is simply no way Russia is going to allow America/NATO to be on Ukrainian territory. The only way they can achieve this is to control it.
I am sure Russia will cut deals with Hungary, Romania, Slovakia & maybe even Poland to trade western regions to them in return for non-aggression agreements.
I could make many more compelling arguments why Russia will take over Ukraine and why most Ukrainians will ultimately welcome this.
I speak as I do because I was an expat living in Ukraine when the SMO started. I have followed this American/NATO proxy war as closely as anyone.
Your will is strong. And I dont disagree with you over the necessity for Russia to take the most of Ukraine. I agree in most ukrainian citizens dont care if Russia is governing Ukraine - they just want living a good life.
I just cant see that happen, either in slowmotion or fast forward.
We are in a stalement.
Odessa is a historically Russian city and packed with glorious Russian archetecture. Russia won't want to blow it to pieces to take it back, like they did to the other industrial shit holes, up to this point. I'm sure they will want it. It is a threat to their navy in NATO's hands. It gives them absolute control over ukraine and the Black Sea. I'll bet Vlad keeps some paintings of Catherine the Great, in various stages of undress, under his pillow.
"No time to grieve for roses when the forests are burning."
Fuck the glorious architecture. C'est la guerre. They will build back better.
I think Odessa is what Russia will be having for dessert myself. Of course they will take it !! That was founded by Russian Empress Catherine The Great in 1794, which isn't that long ago. VP will take whatever he has to to keep the missiles off his doorstep. He may go all the way to Poland. Odessa is too close to their naval fleet at Sovastopol, whose seizure started this war.
Then you also know whats is needed from Russias armed forces?
It's amazing what loyalties can be bought with food, water and utilities when the people being bought are otherwise, starving and freezing to death. Consider when the Russians raped and slaughterd their way through Germany, all that was soon forgotten when they occupied half of it for 50 years. I was in East Germany 10 years after the wall came down and the people were still fanatically proRussian and despised anyone who came from a Nato country. Ever polite and generous I was, but they still made sure they burnt every meal I ordered in restaurants.
Haha, yes I know what you mean and experienced it myself.
It is amazing how Russia can win the hearts of the people they conquered, unlike any other recent empire I know of. Look at Chechnya, for instance. I guess that is because they are sincere, not the lying bastards in the West.
More time spent on the basics and less time spent on making sure little johnny can become little mary by cutting his peepee off.
>Feel tired over all these ’clowns’ not caring about their own citizens
We should start with the clown in the Kremlin when it comes to not caring.
He is the one who has his own citizens being bombed daily while having the power to stop it with a snap of his fingers, and who has effectively implicitly promised them that this is the new normal in perpetuity, like in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.
I don't see Germany being bombed, regardless of the economic situation.
Putin is the least clownish but it is no wonder there is critiscism of Russias way of handling the War. But who are we to judge? We dont know have difficult it most have been to find themselves against the whole NATO/US/UK-cabal eager to slit their throats. Europe and NATO has nothing to do with Ukraine.
"Russia is not able to take them by force."
Nice Nato talking points you got there
If you read my comments you could easily see that i explained why it is so difficult for Russia. You could also see that I despise NATO. What is your recipe then to conquer Odessa?
I guess you only urge is to upset people.
First of all, this "Trump peace attempt" is a complete fraud and scam. Is everyone blind? Trump was the first man to start supplying weapons to Ukraine, and now he claims that in a "peace state" he would continue the supply, and in a "war state," he would escalate it further. He is the President of the USA, not a friend of Russia.
Nearly 1 million Russian men have died in the last three years of this civil war. (For the American readers: Ukrainian people are Russians too—they are not a completely different people. I know this might shock you, given the brainwashing of your mainstream media.)
Meanwhile, nearly all aspects of Russian culture have been systematically erased in Ukraine. Statues honoring those who fell in the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) have been burned. Priests have been beaten. Now, every Ukrainian is being taught to hate Russia.
The only viable peace option—one that does not involve the total surrender and dissolution of Russia, as well as the disgusting mockery of our fallen soldiers—is clear: Russia should take back all territories except Lviv. Western countries can take Lviv if they wish, but only after it is reduced to the stone age by an endless bombardment of FABs and 152mm shells
What’s wrong with seeking revenge? The people in Lviv supported the war because the ones being beaten into enlistment and sacrificed as cannon fodder were always the Russian-speaking citizens from eastern Ukraine. They did this knowingly, relishing the twisted pleasure of pitting Russians against each other.
Meanwhile, they stayed in their warm beds or secured the safest, furthest positions away from the frontlines. There isn’t even a trace of mercy in their hearts
Yo be fair, I have friends from Lvov who hate the junta in Kiev even more than I do.
You know what there are people in Oklahoma who hate your junta even more tha.....
Seems reasonable.
You misspelled Lemberg 😅
Russia has a choice:
Will it believe in Trump's peacemaking efforts or as i would describe them deception or will it put the squeeze on the neo-Nazis and achieve peace from them in the form of their unconditional surrender.
I think Putin has made his decision?
Last 10 years have shown us one truth: Putin is not trustworthy. Again and again, he has made the wrong choices, leading Russia down a path of failure and humiliation. I pray to God that this time he makes the right choice—to fight until the full surrender of the cancer state. But I have no faith in him
Comrade Putin signed the budget for 2025. The new budget is 32.5% defense spending. This is an absolute record I believe. The country is betting on war.
Finally one good news in this dark years. I will pray for victory
In fact that same thing worries me. It means the revenue is not growing enough so the current proportion is good enough. It is a sign of strain. Of trouble.
Putin is fighting this war on levels and with people, factors, forces we don't even know about. Is the problem. We have a simplistic battlefield view even though we shouldn't - we know damn well the battlefield is fed from outside and subject to economic and political considerations - christ, that's what Kiev Ukraine is all about.
But we ignore that and tend to think entirely in battlefield terms.
Well I know that's not good enough.
But for lack of better knowledge - and they don't tell us much do they? not even the 'best' of our 'analysts', 'observers' etc - I reckon Russia needs to step in big time right now and blitzkreig west to Odessa. Switch the lights off in Ukraine totally and do it.
Because if they're cranking up spending to those levels its getting serious and worrying.
It's not a sign of trouble. It's very doable, especially when you have Belousov working obsessively to dual-purpose the economy. The Russians understand this type of thing better than anyone. The decision to allocate 32.5% indicates an ability to be brave, bold and decisive and to fully commit to what is dear to one's heart. Few can do this. I find it impressive. The leadership will keep a beady eye on how the war is affecting the population and the national stability. They look like they know what they're doing. Moscow is demonstrating calculated courage.
Well said. Respectfully, this bit is completely off: "It means the revenue is not growing enough so the current proportion is good enough. It is a sign of strain. Of trouble."
Fighting a world war with a power the size of the US requires far more investment than routine military expenditures. Russia's military expenditure was being reduced year after year until the US decided to start hot war with Russia by destroying the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installing a nazi junta in Kiev. Russia then responded.
That Russia can fight a military and economic war with the US and be winning, despite the huge expenditure involved is a sign of tremendous strength and a sign of the extreme durability and depth of the Russian economy.
Agree. Spending over 30% on arms is not good for any country. They should use Oreshnik on GCHQ in little britain and the NATO HQ in Bryssel.
Very good write from Aurelien:
Foolish not to, in the circumstances
Putin threw the gauntlet down in Munich 2008. Russia began preparing for an inevitable war. In 2022 they took on a coalition of over 50 countries on their own and up until now have shown they can prevail. Many countries have been destroyed by NATO since 1991, but the Russians are not one of them. Did you notice they are now the 4th largest economy on the planet?
Perhaps your priorities are ignored by the Kremlin?
Zero american death
Zero Turkish death
Zero German death
Zero British death
One million Russian death
Yeah definitely i notice it
You're missing the main point that Russia didn't start this shitshow. You seem to blame Putin. He turned Russia from a Yeltsin basket case to a resergent superpower thereby triggering a Brzezinskiesque containment strategy. It was always going to end this way in Ukraine.
It doesn't matter who starts it.
Putin’s “wrong choices” may have avoided a nuclear war.
For one million death Russian boy