Thanks for everything you write. You are an invaluable resource and very much appreciated.

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Good news!!! Truckers win in Canada


2nd the motion from Matthew

To take a lesson from the Globalists, little dribs and drabs that it's time for them to back off with the evil. Which means it's time for honest, God fearing truthers to put the hammer down.

Fuckin enough already evilists, better sign up for amnesty while it's available. The train is leaving the station, you soulless demons.

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Excellent as usual.

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The speech Mini-me soros gave at Davos was embarrassing, all filler words and empty platitudes. Also pathetic that zelenskys cronies wear the same dumb costume as they panhandle the west. The average American has no clue their military is this degraded, they’re all too busy watching sportsball.

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Yes, and I was very taken back by Soros's son, how poorly spoken he was. Wish I had kept the link to his interview.

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The decadence and failure of the father is seen in the decadence and failure of the son

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I was also surprised by how incompetent he appeared. Did you mean this one...


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Jan 21, 2024
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If he played poker in college he could model himself on Bill Gates and just play the awkward savant to explain away the ineptitude.

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Check and balances that are beneficial for the rich ofcourse and noughty Donald just threw it out of the window. Such a monster😂

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Yes, thank you.

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It is somewhat surprising that someone who, to you and probably many others, appears so stupid and unable to express the simplest

Is in fact considered 'fit for purpose' on such a stage - his father is a malevolent fool, but has manipulated his way to a large fortune by taking advantage of the weakness of others, he is at home in Davos

Either the son is all that is required, else the father knows of no one else he may count on - either way the decadence of this capitalist class is manifest

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I recall the oldest son refused the job, I wonder if he has issues as well. Perhaps we are seeing the sins of the father manifest in his children?

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They (this class of thieves) all have a great deal of problems, piracy as practiced by the father, and his class, leaves all kinds of consequences, not only on those he has stolen from, but on - of course - his family

You need look no further than the US President and those who surround him

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Yes, it is jarring to see how diminished some of their offspring are.

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why jarring? Comforting surely

You find it more difficult to see how decadent and degraded the fathers are, for they are surrounded by some aura or nimbus afforded by their money, but they are far worse than their children

It is merely the children have not the lifetime of pretending, dissembling, as protection

That they are incapable of passing down their inheritance, both physical and mental, as were the aristocrats of olden times, is a minor blessing

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I've seen war and had friends blown apart and killed, with members of my family slaughtered. Having been to Russia many times and loving that unique land and its incomparable writers like Fyodor (when you love someone so much you're not on "Вы" (Vy) but on a a familiar "Ты" (Ty) with someone like him), Tolstoy, Michael Bulgakov, Daniil Kharms or all these magnificent composers like Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky or Sergei Prokofiev no to go on forever now, and having lived in Odessa, Ukraine for four months in 2017 and appreciated the crazy sense of humor there, I would hate to be flippant, facetious, or disrespectful.

But those nauseating degenerates like the feeble-minded Mini-me Soros or that Star Wars caricature the Cabal has chosen to invoke a German accent and dread, Klaus ghouls, enrage me so much that I would love to see Putin making a deal with some sane Ukrainian generals -- are there any? -- join forces, and go on conquering Europe.

UN Resolution, "Liberation of Europe from Illegal Immigrant Invasion," and then we'll see how all those pompous NATO clowns would react. What’s the fucking point of having Ukrainian and Russian men die for the US profit?

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Wish the Damon Imani video could be true.... :)

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No great (above all -- large and diverse) nation can create a functioning civilization without first dividing and then reuniting.

This reassembly usually takes place through wars. Russians are being reassembled twice: first, the superfluous members of society who denied the very possibility of changing the role ("weight") of a person in it were thrown out, and now all those who wanted to be magnified, representing nothing of themselves, will be thrown out or destroyed. Such individuals will remain, of course, but the stratum is being destroyed right now.

That is why it is simply not serious to seriously mention the "benefit" of some fools, who are sure that they can write down a part of the Universe on paper, against the background of this historical process.

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(when you love someone so much you're not on "Вы" (Vy) but on a a familiar "Ты" (Ty) with someone like him),

Interesting comparison with Vd. (proper) and tu (familiar) in Spanish! Theyr'e both up from Indo-European, so maybe it's no accident.

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French: "vous" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

German: "Sie" (formal) vs. "du" (informal)

Italian: "Lei" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

Portuguese: "você" vs. "tu"(informal)

Russian: "вы" (formal) vs. "ты" (informal)

Croatian: "Vi" (formal) vs. "ti" (informal)

Spanish: "usted" (formal) vs. "tú" (informal)

Catalan: "vostè" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

Dutch: "u" (formal) vs. "jij/je" (informal)

Polish: "Pan/Pani" (formal) vs. "ty" (informal)

Hungarian: "ön" (formal) vs. "te" (informal)

Turkish: "siz" (formal) vs. "sen" (informal)

Korean: "당신" (formal) vs. "너" (informal)

Japanese: "あなた" (formal) vs. "君" (informal)

Chinese (Mandarin): 您 (nín - formal) vs. 你 (nǐ - informal)

Hindi: "आप" (aap - formal) vs. "तुम" (tum - informal)

Greek: "εσείς" (eséis - formal) vs. "συ" (sy - informal)

Romanian: "Dumneavoastră" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

Czech: "vy" (formal) vs. "ty" (informal)

Slovak: "vy" (formal) vs. "ty" (informal)

Albanian: "ju" (formal) vs. "ti" (informal)

Lithuanian: "Jūs" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

Latvian: "Jūs" (formal) vs. "tu" (informal)

Estonian: "Teie" (formal) vs. "sina" (informal)

British English historically had a T-V distinction ("thou" for informal, "you" for formal), but this distinction has largely disappeared in modern English. So it seems as English-speaking societies became more egalitarian, the need for a distinct formal pronoun diminished.

Now we're more unequal than ever, as in "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." and now we have all those insane they/them/theirs (for a single person) and than, for insane people, fae/faer/faers, zie/zim/sir, sie/sie/hir, ey/em/eir, ve/ver/vis, tey/ter/tem, e/em/eir, xe/xem/xyr, per/per/pers, ae/aer/aer and too many others to list.

Sorry, could not resist. A smiley or two here.

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You are correct. The t/v split is common in many PIE languages, although Korean and Japanese and Chinese (from your list) are not in this group.

Japanese, for the record, has THREE forms of address, one reserved exclusively for addressing the emperor.

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Simplicius, Yuri,

What are your thoughts about the A50 event over Azov sea? If it is friendly fire, that level of Russian incompetence is unacceptable. What is wrong with them?

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I strongly doubt that it was friendly fire. Regardless, it was unacceptable incompetence.

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You mean empty platitudes like what Yuri Bezmonov used to sprout?

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The "Green Team" Herr Bezmenov.

Are you getting hit by the Vindman deplatforming team?

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'Saturation' is the Name of the Game. Ansarallah & Friends know this very well!

The American weapons systems are (1) Ancient, (2) Expensive & (3) Difficult to set up!

They will be swarmed & overwhelmed by Newer, Cheaper & easy to Use & re-use munitions.

We are witnessing a technological paradigm & a whole geostrategic paradigm shift!

Gone are the days when you could deploy 'tripwire' forces with 'superior' technological assets.

This saga will end with Dead American forces (both on land & sea) en masse.

Whether America 'learns its lesson' afterward... is doubtful!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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America's original plan was to attack Iran with a combination of bombings and proxy "moderate rebels" on the ground.

The problem is: Saudis, UAE, Egypt and Qatar are fed up with these games and told Blinken to buzz off. The other proxy, IDF is badly battered in Gaza probably because Hamas has tunnels going into the Sinai.

With no ground proxies, US is hovering aimlessly, hoping to force Houthis to blockade China-Saudi oil trade. Even that isn't working

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Your energy, perception, and tenacity in sharing information across multiple areas is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

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Excellent! As I have been pointing out for 2 years, Russians are extremely patriotic, and the novel and movie of Dr. Zhivago illustrates that fact over and over again...And Pasternak wrote that novel during the '50s...This is the major reason why Russia has never lost a land war on its own territory...Russians don't give up...

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I found this article on the Leningrad siege very interesting. 1.5 million out of the 3 million people there died from starvation and very cold temperatures, but they never thought of surrendering. And then they eventually pushed the Germans out of Russia.


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One of Putin's very young relatives died there. Just a child.

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Didn’t his brother die there too?

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Maybe. Putin wasn't born yet though.

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The problem is that Nazis wasn’t going to accept the surrender. There are many documents about that.

The Kriegsmarine commander wanted to posses a base at Leningrad, but Hitler personally refused.

There is a historian Egor Yakovlev, with project of “Digital history”, who is working on a legal base for admitting these actions as genocide.

In fact, the first legal action has already been taken in the court of St.Petersburg, where the blockade of Leningrad was named as genocide.

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Thanks. I’m not well versed in foreign history and I was just going off the article.

Seems that the world has had lots of genocides, but the only mentioned still is the Jewish one which leaves out millions of people who were also killed.

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Does the French Military even have 60 soliders? That was the most unbelievable part of that story.

I'm really curious to see what the Russian army looks like at the end of this. They're clearly still evolving and learning on the job. It's also pretty clear we are 100% in the age of drone supremacy warfare and still really early in this evolution.

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I saw VoxDay saying that the age of drones is at an end. He noted England's trial of a new field laser that can hit a £ 1 coin at a thousand meters. From there it becomes a race to see who can implement a robust system and manufacture it in quantity, affordability and timeliness.* And that Russia and China are well situated to lead that effort.

I would go with Stalin; quantity does have a quality all its own. If "A" can make one hundred drones for the price of "B" making one field laser, can a swarm of drones overwhelm the latency period of the laser?

Add reflective and ablative technology, low level approach, AI swarm techniques and let's face it- everybody is racing to make faster, more expensive and smarter drones. Its time to try the opposite technique. Make one hundred slow stupid programmable drones and have them pop up near the laser from varying quadrants and Shazam in comes something low and fast.

* The old contractors saying applies here. "You can have low price, quick completion and excellent work. Now pick any two."

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just miniaturize everything. drones the size of mosquitoes.

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With an explosion the size of a swatted fly.

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Hehe, good one!

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Did you see the flashlight that blew up the f35 engine? Heh. Does not need much when therr are hundreds.

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any laser has the precision for that, at the shooting range

less so with a small moving target

less still, if you have to do it without giving yourself away via radar

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The French President Macron launched a new empowerment or what he calls “rearmament”, we cannot let Russia win again (after first Napoleon ended in the Siberian Freezer) so Citoiens prepare to go to war, in his view it’s a French-Russian war, NATO comes second.

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Napoleon himself was a soldier, and a brave soldier who himself participated in battles ! This current French president could only storm the toilet by himself, but he might need a handsome black man to help him ! :) Is there really anyone who believes that the French army would be able to achieve something in Russia? :) The Russians, who are a tradition-loving people, would surely raise a beautiful granite obelisk to the deceased French (too) !

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Bullseye. To compare a Rothschild stooge who “married” his schoolteacher but prefers time with his bodyguards — to a warrior and statesman like Napoleon is a sign of our twisted times where control vests with the 1%.

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Aiden Aslin back to Avdivka means the prospects of peacetime life in underclass Britain are more drab and gloomy than those of winter trench warfare in the Ukraine with the almost certainty of your life not being spared if taken prisoner

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Working class please, we haven't lost our dignity, even as the fascist pigs who control the state starve us to death.

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aiden is kind of a moron. he just doesn't learn.

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I Like the Regular Programing, Thanks Big!

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(spelling apology) My first language was Italian, I detest English, specially after learning 'some' Russian language

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What do you think of all those verb forms? Especially the tenses. Rather fancy are they not? Hard to learn too, I bet. French has a lot of verb forms and tenses too come to think of it. And Spanish is neither too shabby that way. They all came up from Latin but the Latin case system fell out of them all. Interesting.

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Wonderful, insightful, informative, as always!! Thank you!

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Seriously, there can't be any doubt about what happened to Lieutenant Colonel Castilla.

It was the bird that got him.

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LOL. And on the subject of dead NATO officer scum, has anyone seen a video of Lord Raytheon and his hollowed out prostate since his alleged hospital stay?

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Definitely. Deadly rooster

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His correct name is Claudio Castiglia. Italian surname "Castiglia" sounds like "Castilla" in Spanish.

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Of course. Has to be.

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Great read! I read your last with great interest as well. It's crazy that indie journalism is seen as such a threat. Wishing you luck and sharing your stack in tomorrows edition.

A Skeptic War Reports


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The most interesting part about the T-90 drama is the nafo refrain of "40 year old Bradley vs. BRAND NEW RUSSIAN TECH!!!" The T-90 started development only a few years after the Bradley, although its service started 10 years later. The point is, they are the same generation of equipment.

Why must nafo be so terrible at drawing conclusions even from Uke victories? They have the intellectual maturity of a 12 year old.

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warthunder veterans know more than nafo propagandists

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The NAFO Ukrainian Nazi lovers are 100% behind the Jewish Nazi-fascists in Israel. Wherever there's a Nazi, there's a NAFO there to embrace them. They're doxing the anti-genocide crowd and trying to get them thrown off of social media.

Imperialist bootlicker.

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"Westerners did not experience the horror of the 90s; they could never grasp the salvatory stature of Stalin’s image in comparison to those traitorous times."


oh, don't worry: you have already begun your journey into a world that will be much scarier than the 1990s in Russia. The Western countries and the USA have not long ago passed the point from which it was possible to survive a mere 30...35% drop in living standards, like during the banking revolution in the USA around 1932 (you call it the "Great Depression" for some reason). The Western rulers stupidly ate up the resource that could have been used to stop the decline. Now your stoppage is either 50% or closer to 60% -- I don't remember the exact calculations, but for comparison: Russia in the 90s experienced a drop in living standards of only 37-38% (again, if I remember the figure correctly.) Russia didn't get to 40%, and because of that managed to hold on. And the West has already missed the opportunity to hold on to 40%. There are two reasons: 1) the obvious stupidity of the economic model of the modern West (because of its finite nature of quantitative growth without ways of qualitative transition, which was ignored from the very beginning) and 2) the obvious stupidity and poor education of Western elites, who allowed the ideologization of society and extremely rude disabling of all the weak fuses built into Western economic methods. The mere refusal to disable Reaganomics has already cost the crisis of 2008, which has not ended to this day. And the rest of the nefarious tricks of the Western bankers and their subsequent fight to lose to other groups, which are no better, have put an end to the entire Western civilization. The growing lurch and fall of which is broadcast live every day.

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Russia's collapse was a picnic compared to what USA's will look like with 500,000,000 guns on the street and populations with nothing in common who mostly hate each other. No common history either spanning from parts unknown.

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I think you'll find that white Americans are hated by the normal Americans (apart from Susan Sarandon, obviously). ;O)

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We are patriotards. And Zionists. And Ukrainian Nazi lovers. And imperialists. And law and order lock em up fanatics. And pro oligarchy versus democracy. We support the rich and spit on the poor. White Americans are basically no good at all. And now most of them are openly fascist.

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It'll prob be a pathetic parody version of what everyone expects. Bunch of chest thumping, some property damage in neighborhood nobody cares about anyway, and bloodless surrender of the Staties and National Guard to a Jeff Bezos sponsored Rent-a-Cop squad, manned entirely by untrained non union filler from Canada, whom he'll proceed to lay off the following week, after the contracts to make him exclusive distributor of food and water are signed.

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Familiar with Martin Armstrong's Socrates prognostication for the USA use by date? I'm left thinking that it could be even earlier than 2030.

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interestingly enough, one of the most popular (drama) TV shows in Russia these days is about gang warfare and chaos in Kazan (Russian Tatarstan) in the 1990s.

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Looks like the US is walking (bumbling) into a trap in the Middle East.

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Some people never learn!

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