It is plain and simple to present evidence, to compare and to contrast facts and contexts
Generally this is what S does, as do the reasonable
Yet, S, being US resident, occasionally falls for conspiracy theories as is your EUUS wont, it is in your blood, your water
You adore fabulations about your big bad corporations, rather than looking at the truth of these which exploit and corrupt
It is makes life easier for you than to face the facts of your oppression
It is not the truth about BR which counts, rather to explode all conspiracy theories, even ones as obviously foolish and as comforting to you as this one
Of course any conrarian point of view is hard for you to understand and you take it personally – do not – you are the comfortable & conned victim of your ignorance, incapable of understanding the world
It is plain and simple to present evidence, to compare and to contrast facts and contexts
Generally this is what S does, as do the reasonable
Yet, S, being US resident, occasionally falls for conspiracy theories as is your EUUS wont, it is in your blood, your water
You adore fabulations about your big bad corporations, rather than looking at the truth of these which exploit and corrupt
It is makes life easier for you than to face the facts of your oppression
It is not the truth about BR which counts, rather to explode all conspiracy theories, even ones as obviously foolish and as comforting to you as this one
Of course any conrarian point of view is hard for you to understand and you take it personally – do not – you are the comfortable & conned victim of your ignorance, incapable of understanding the world