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No - the distinction is what stops you from seeing the results.

I really don't care if I get my real time instant voice translations from a simulated intelligence or a human. I care about the cost ($20 a month or $800 a day).

If I want to know if this brand of RAM memory will fit my PC all I need to do is copy paste snapshots from the Amazon listing and the PC manual and I get a great answer. Human intelligence would take an hour or 20 mins if it were expert to begin with.

Use AI for small things and you'll find it incredible.

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These statements are correct, but the premise is not. I also delight in the results obtainable with LLM data aggregators. However, calling them intelligent is offensive and dangerous. Allowing them to use first person pronouns is idiotic and murderous, if not by intention, then in effect.

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Well that is why it is called "artificial" intelligence or (the simpler versions) Machine Learning. Certainly LLM models are essentially large scale Plagiarisers. But lets face it so is Kamala. One has to have a peculiarly small definition for the word intelligence to deny it to say ChatGPT.

If ChatGPT is not intelligent, one has to be incredibly offensive to human beings instead.

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There is no intelligence in a machine. A computer is just an electronic circuit doing digital math per its machine code instruction set.

The fact that you mistake speed for intelligence is exactly why calling a simulation of intelligence intelligent is an offense and a danger. Ever try to argue with a phone menu? So-called AI logic is the same IF-THEN-ELSE decision tree with lots more IFs, once you get down to the transistors on the chips. They’re giving the damn things guns, brother.

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You seem to be taking this personally.

Still, AI logic is not a simple decision tree (well some kinds of Machine learning are, but not all of them). For a start if you ask the same question twice you will get 2 different answers.

In practice asking Chat GPT for help in an office will get you a much better answer than asking the person sitting next to you 9 times out of 10. For my money (or language) that makes Chat GPT more intelligent that the guy sitting next to me (or me for that matter).

Now if you feel a need to re-define "Intelligence" to something much more specific that sounds to me you are worried more about Humans than intelligence.

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In grade school, I got better answers from the Encyclopedia Britannica than I got from my teachers, but ascribed intelligence to its authors, not its paper and ink.

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And who wrote Encyclopedia Britannica? Did they get any credit for that.

Maybe we should do some kind of Hidden Figures movie on that story.

(or is this some kind of Intelligent Design concept where you are really making a case for God versus Emergence from complex systems - like life or ai?)

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Believe what you see, says the Magician.

If the task a hand would take you 80 minutes but Gooble can get you "the" answer in microseconds, how can you validate your beliefs?

I can hear the Pied Piper. Join in.

Translations? Language/linguistics has subtleties. AI is anything but subtle and nuanced.

The old saw about lawyers holds for AI worshipers. Sharpen thy mind by narrowing it.

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So you haven't used it then. Time waster

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If you are not charging the AI owners for your time, you are the mark.


You're the first kid on the block to swallow the new pill.

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Have you seen the movie "The Artifice Girl" ? It's actually about AI, will leave your head spinning! (Free on Tubi TV)

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Also. AI (and its owners) are getting more out of you than you think you are getting out of AI.

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I am working to fix an AI-produced translation for an installation guide that explains to electricians how to install an electronic device right now. If the electrician had followed the translation provided by the AI, the device would not have functioned. So much time saved... lol... as hundreds of electricians waste hours of their time (and having their clients pay their hourly rates) following a faulty translation.

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whereas you could have done the whole job in just 10x the time it takes to proof read. I can see what you have against it.

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No. It is the same amount of time actually, because rough translation is basically instantaneous for anyone fluent in both languages. What matters though in technical documents are the details. One vocabulary word, wrongly used, to label a component in an installation guide can cause catastrophic failure of the device. Most of the time comes from ensuring that the instructions are clear and every component has the correct technical term (which often requires a little research).

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for m droy, the answer is 42.

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No human can translate as fast as ChatGPT, they can’t even type 30 words that fast. If you want to say that a human can make an improved translation sure, but they can still do that most easily with an ai first draft. They can get extremely close just by pre-prompting with the context required. And then they can do even better by taking their improved draft and offering it to chatGPT for suggested improvements. Frankly it is quite bizarre to claim you can do better. (btw do your translations get proof read - or are end users totally dependent on you doing an excellent job too?)

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AI (the owners) are the drug dealers and you are the addict.

The hardest part is to ask the question, especially the right question.

You're giving your time and mind to a bunch of skimmers and churners so they can record your every scribbled thought and question. They possess your information and they possess you.


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Your loss.

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I like drugs, rock, and pussy and I don't care whether they know.

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What does any of that have to do with the topic of the article? Why are you here trying to hijack this thread with your irrelevant bullshit?

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