No. With the exception of a tiny sliver of territory in the far West "Ukraine" was always deeply Russian. The US's project since 2004 has been to fund extremist nationalist fakery, to put control over Ukraine into the hands of a highly unrepresentative nazi minority and to spend whatever it cost t…
No. With the exception of a tiny sliver of territory in the far West "Ukraine" was always deeply Russian. The US's project since 2004 has been to fund extremist nationalist fakery, to put control over Ukraine into the hands of a highly unrepresentative nazi minority and to spend whatever it cost to try to break the Russianness of Ukraine. They've been at that project for 20 years and, after the nazi takeover in 2014, have managed to really pick up the pace. Killing 15,000 Ukrainians who opposed them helped a lot, and then marinating youth in schools (if you're a teacher and you oppose them you got arrested and killed) with nationalist propaganda also helped a lot.
Today's "Ukraine" is a broken society. The only good news is that as Russia takes over territories the people in those territories have ceased pretending they are anti-Russian (which they had to do to survive, much as Jews in the Third Reich had to pretend to be gentiles) and have gone back to feeling they are Russian.
"Ukraine is fundamentally an anti-Russia"
No. With the exception of a tiny sliver of territory in the far West "Ukraine" was always deeply Russian. The US's project since 2004 has been to fund extremist nationalist fakery, to put control over Ukraine into the hands of a highly unrepresentative nazi minority and to spend whatever it cost to try to break the Russianness of Ukraine. They've been at that project for 20 years and, after the nazi takeover in 2014, have managed to really pick up the pace. Killing 15,000 Ukrainians who opposed them helped a lot, and then marinating youth in schools (if you're a teacher and you oppose them you got arrested and killed) with nationalist propaganda also helped a lot.
Today's "Ukraine" is a broken society. The only good news is that as Russia takes over territories the people in those territories have ceased pretending they are anti-Russian (which they had to do to survive, much as Jews in the Third Reich had to pretend to be gentiles) and have gone back to feeling they are Russian.
I think you and GM are saying the same thing in different ways.