My concern is what will we have if the election is rigged again, and they are trying. what will the civil unrest look like? If it happens then we are truly lost as a Republic.
The Federal government is a huge monstrosity, if Trump wins, the neo-cons will try and tie him up with more legal nightmares. he will need to appoint a ruthless "ha…
My concern is what will we have if the election is rigged again, and they are trying. what will the civil unrest look like? If it happens then we are truly lost as a Republic.
The Federal government is a huge monstrosity, if Trump wins, the neo-cons will try and tie him up with more legal nightmares. he will need to appoint a ruthless "hatchet man" who is given the powers (cabinet position?) to make it happen. He will need both the House and the Senate to make any headway. The Supreme Court is also corrupt and will be a factor.
My concern is what will we have if the election is rigged again, and they are trying. what will the civil unrest look like? If it happens then we are truly lost as a Republic.
The Federal government is a huge monstrosity, if Trump wins, the neo-cons will try and tie him up with more legal nightmares. he will need to appoint a ruthless "hatchet man" who is given the powers (cabinet position?) to make it happen. He will need both the House and the Senate to make any headway. The Supreme Court is also corrupt and will be a factor.