"They" always want to bite off as big a chunk as they can, empower an extremist, based-on-hate minority, and let it rip. Think: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc. Czechia and Slovakia are the exception. I wonder why?
"They" always want to bite off as big a chunk as they can, empower an extremist, based-on-hate minority, and let it rip. Think: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc. Czechia and Slovakia are the exception. I wonder why?
I am a Czech and know why: the Czechs love their"hospodas" aka bars. If there is a problem like an aggression towards them, they go into hospoda and discuss what to do. By the time, they are done with the discussion, they are either taken over by someone or the war does not happen. Almost 400 years under the Habsburgs taught the Czechs patience and how not to violently react. The culture and language survived in the mountains of Bohemia. Remember our poet president Vaclav Havel who sat in a commie jail and then came out to lead the country. Perhaps the world needs to take a lesson from the Czechs. I do wish that they get rid of the current war monger narcissist masquerading as the president. This is partly sarcasm.
Interesting, thanks! I tried to like your comment, but the system won't respond, for some reason.
However, when Vaclav Havel assumed power, he seemed to have the typical neocon, neoliberal, pro-US, pro-US-warmaking attitude of the typical European "leader" groomed by evil US interests. I found him very lacking, indeed. If he actually was better than that, I'd be happy to be disproven.
"They" always want to bite off as big a chunk as they can, empower an extremist, based-on-hate minority, and let it rip. Think: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc. Czechia and Slovakia are the exception. I wonder why?
I am a Czech and know why: the Czechs love their"hospodas" aka bars. If there is a problem like an aggression towards them, they go into hospoda and discuss what to do. By the time, they are done with the discussion, they are either taken over by someone or the war does not happen. Almost 400 years under the Habsburgs taught the Czechs patience and how not to violently react. The culture and language survived in the mountains of Bohemia. Remember our poet president Vaclav Havel who sat in a commie jail and then came out to lead the country. Perhaps the world needs to take a lesson from the Czechs. I do wish that they get rid of the current war monger narcissist masquerading as the president. This is partly sarcasm.
Interesting, thanks! I tried to like your comment, but the system won't respond, for some reason.
However, when Vaclav Havel assumed power, he seemed to have the typical neocon, neoliberal, pro-US, pro-US-warmaking attitude of the typical European "leader" groomed by evil US interests. I found him very lacking, indeed. If he actually was better than that, I'd be happy to be disproven.