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Only Russia can save Ukraine now

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Putin is very close friends with the Knight of Malta Prince Albert II of Monaco who also knighted Putin. Monte Carlo is a major money laundering headquarters for the Russian Mafia. The royals of Monaco the House of Grimaldi were originally Genoese nobles and rulers of the Republic of Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region and had leverage over Russia for centuries by controlling trade. Don Domenico Pallavacino of Genoa is Consul General of Monaco. The Pallavacinis originated as Genoese nobles and bankers and today are Roman princes and international bankers as well as Russian bankers and economists. Prince Giancarlo Pallavacini was lieutenant and interim commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Don Giancarlo Pallavacini of Milan was a Soviet economic advisor and is today a Russian economist. Margrave Alphonse Pallavacini of Austria the brother in law to the Queen of Belgium has been a top executive for Paribas Russia for about 15 years.

The Cattaneo Della Voltas were Genoese debt collectors. Today Count Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta is an International banker with oil operations in Azerbaijan which borders Russia. Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two Sicilies is a Knight of Malta and he has residences in Monaco. Prince Carlo also knighted Prince Albert II of Monaco under his Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. The Savoys who are Knights of Malta are married with the Genoese Doria family currently with Princess Marina. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Order of Malta and his mother was a Savoy from the Savoy Genoese noble branch. The Dorias were Doges and bankers of the Republic of Genoa. Count Marco Doria was mayor of Genoa from 2012-2017 and he is a member of the communist party of Italy.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta Ambassador to Russia Prince Aimone of Savoy Aosta has been managing Pirelli Russia and has had documented and photographed meetings with Putin. Prince Aimones sister Princess Bianca is married with the Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga family who have married with Russian royals. The Romanovs are married with Roman Aristocracy recently including the Gaetanis. The Romanovs have 3 royal branches living in America today and other branches in Spain, Germany, UK, and Italy. The royals of Monaco are married with the German Hanovers with Prince Ernst August the husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco who are also currently married with Russian royals with Princess Alexandra of Hanover married to Prince Andreas of Leinengen whose mother was the Grand Duchess of Russia. The current Grand Duchess Vladimirovna Romanov of Russia is a Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and her son Grand Duke George Mikhailovich who is a Romanov and a German Hohenzollern is also a Knight of Malta. The head of the Hohenzollerns Prince George Friedrich of Prussia is a boss of Putin. The Hohenzollerns were directly involved in installing Hitler. These are Putins bosses

The Phoenician Black Nobility - This is Actually How the World is Run

This is actually how the world is run – through a hierarchy, through a pyramid of power; hence their popular symbolism of the ‘All-Seeing Eye” within the pyramid of power.

If your Psychopathic Phoenician Black Nobility Minion is at the top of the Pyramid he can send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!


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You missed that some Romanov survivors also live in Denmark. One works as a teacher, is a very exceptional, intelligent and attractive woman.

Quite why you think a small cult pinning medals and intermarrying is of any importance at all is mystifying, and frankly makes you look more like one of the sycophants fluffing them up.

No-one is interested in grown-up children play-acting with overblown "medals" and other peacock decorations here, anymore than normal adults take seriously children doing the same. It is theatre, that only impresses weak minds, apparently such as yours.

Were they stripped of all wealth and influence, they would merely be arrogant people with an unfounded sense of entitlement, who would look good gardening in a collective in common work clothes - they may even be happier, as Pu Yi was.

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You can scoff and dismiss this all you want but human life is theater, political life especially so. Here is just one example among many;

When the funeral service for the reinternment of the remains of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family took place on July 17, 1998, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the British royal family was represented by Prince Michael of Kent. That Prince is first cousin to the late Queen, who herself was second cousin once removed to the last Tsar, Nicholas II, they were second cousins once removed through their mutual ancestor, Christian IX of Denmark.

The Bolsheviks killing Nicholas II and his entire family was obviously a highly political act. Attempting to permanently destroy and hide their remains was also very political. Hunting for, discovering and digging up those remains, then holding an elaborate funeral ritual in a grand cathedral was again highly political.

Having a high ranking member of the British aristocracy attend a religious ritual in Saint Petersburg is just two steps removed from holding a high level meeting between The Kremlin and No.10 Downing street.

So it is theater, but it is not just theater. It is highly important political theater which has real world results.

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Poor Jack Dee - wasted his life pursuing utterly irrelevant “facts” and patterns. Too late to get a life for him..

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Do you not have cousins? Do your cousins not also have other cousins? Why mention this as though it has some mystical meaning?

Mafia leaders have cousins, and go their funerals when they die, even if killed violently, and have Family struggles and internecine warfare, and temporary pacts.

Is that also extraordinary to you?

Why do you think because a family has considerable wealth and power they are somehow ubermensch? They are no different to you and your friends, family and cousins. Believe me, THEY know that (Unless they are psychotic, but that is also true of psychotics who are not in possession of considerable wealth and social power).

You are fascinated by a soap opera, nothing more. Elizabeth's favourite grandson, Harry - you should read his book. It's remarkably honest, and easy to see why she liked him most.

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That mafia families also follow these rituals doesn't show that they are meaningless or unimportant, it shows that they are more meaningful and important. Those mafia clans are a little lower than Kings, Tsars and Presidents, a little higher than tribesmen and peasants, but they are all humans and part of the human condition. Rituals and ceremonies are part of that condition, it is not just soap opera.

In the video that Simplicius shared with us of the commander explaining to the reporter the battle for Selidovo, did you notice the "Flag of Victory" on the wall? Do you know whose face is in the center of it? There can be no clearer example of ritual and ceremony than the flags and emblems soldiers choose to go into battle with.

They could have chosen what ever symbol they liked, they chose that one. This is just part of the power of ceremony and ritual which is also part of the power of magic and the occult.

BTW "Occult" just means "Hidden" not just "Bullshit".

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My excuses for adding a little note to occult means hidden not bullshit, it’s not bullshit it’s holy bullshit, but so is politics and war, all are holy.

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Do you really think that hunting out the bones of the murdered dead, cleaning them, identifying them and then holding a funeral for them where you invite all their relatives is bullshit?

Do you think that attending the funeral for a murdered relative, even one that died long before you were born is just a bunch of bullshit?

Do you feel that marching to war under the banner showing the symbol of your tribes' highest ideals is just a bunch of bullshit?

Maybe you do, but these are activities that many many people have done for a very very long time. These rituals are words and phrases spoken in an innate human language with no dictionary.

Words and language are just one example of a metaphysical occult power that exists beyond the physical facts of any one individual. Even the Soviets performed occult rituals and they were hard core atheist materialists.


Why would they go to all the effort of capturing those flags then parading them and dumping them in front of Lenin's tomb unless they believed the action had some metaphysical (spiritual) power?

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there are only dead heroes, all the living are cowards. Deserters are wrong, they should give their blood and bones on the killing fields of honour. NO good men among the living, only good among the dead.

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Where did I say that soap operas can't have 'meaning'? To the millions who tune in to watch entirely fictitious TV shows every week, the shows may give deep 'meaning' to their lives. It still doesn't change the fact that ultimately, they don't actually have meaning - much like "monarchies".

When the European colonisers rampaged around the globe for 300 years, many of the places they invaded had their own monarchies, fiefdoms, various 'soap operas' of their own. Strangely, all those "Special Leaves" they pinned on each other in such communities had no bearing on how the Europeans treated them. They turned out to be meaningless theatre, just like "Monarchies" in Europe pin "medals" on each other.

There are no "awesome bloodlines", as the idiocy of the "Chosen People" in the settler colony Israel today attests.

Networking, and having extra resources for the raising of your young, do have real world effects.

Thinking the recipients of such are "Speshul" reveals a hierarchical way of thinking, a turning away from your own power. Yet Thou Art God.

What kind of a god you will be is up to you. If you wish to harness yourself to the yoke of soap operas, be aware the actual actors in them mock those who believe them to be true.

Soldiers, like everyone who lives 'On the line' (While facing combat), are more often superstitious than not, and that is neither a criticism not a sneer. It's a fact of Life that Lady Luck plays a HUGE role in such experiences, and any tilt in your favour might help.

I note though there are very few YT vids where devout Mormons actually directly check their magic underpants by shooting into them while wearing them.

To some extent, even the most devout are aware that they are acting.

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Maybe theater that you pay attention to. I do not, nor do many other humans or cats, certainly not those of influence and authority.

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This is the "Resolute desk"


Why bother with this antique? Why even make a desk from a salvaged wreck and present it as a gift from a Queen to a President?

The entire White House is a museum and the Oval Office is a stage with that desk a key piece of the stage design. Maybe the President isn't really the President and maybe the White House isn't really the executive mansion. It doesn't matter, because people act as if it is. In magical occult rituals the image of the thing and the name of the thing become the thing itself.

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Until the whole thing is turned into a burned shroud by a thermonuclear missile, and 10,000 years later is nothing more than a couple of inconsequential bricks that sheep graze over.

Oh Ozymandias, would that you had King C'nut as an advisor!

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Oh boy - you need a doctor… !!!

You have “found” — bosses of Putin


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It will be easy-peasy for German and Polish lads to source Ukrainian ladies to warm their beds this winter. All tariffs are suspended as the women march West, away from the USA-NATO provoked debacle, known locally as 'Ukraine'. U$A! U$A! U$SA! Mo' money! Mo' money! Mo' money.

Meanwhile, Vicky Nuland moves to a sinecure at Columbia U to spin her evil tall tales to the children of the elites. The next generation of Neo-CONs are being spawned as I type. Depressing, eh?

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I hope that some brave soul will separate that ugly head from her fat body and publicly. Someone needs to start the punishment of these murderers.

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Are you suggesting that those Germans fired from Volkswagen got Ukrainian Women on their mind to warm their empty beds? And Poland doesn’t it join the economic downfall in Germany, France and Europe?

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Once the economy truly fails here, the rats will starve. It's coming.... as sure as sunrise.

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