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Putin: "Of course Russia is going to respond. The Ministry of Defence is drawing up relevant proposals."

I've only read halfway, but want to make a point about The Telegraph's amazing headline because they are the go-to warmongering propaganda outlet for the UK. I wrote about them this morning, calling them The Terrorgraph. I was supporting Alastair Crooke's takedown of one of their propaganda videos.

I would appreciate an overview on the Kaliningrad Oblast - what is the Russian situation next to Poland and Lithuania? Any chance of that in a future post?

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Jul 20, 2023
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There was an article yesterday I think in the DT that claimed 200,000 Russian losses, but a closer read revealed that was 55,000 dead and the rest wounded - a figure that might be close to the truth? A few months ago the DT were reporting 200,000 dead. I have given up on the DT but made a comment to the effect that UAF losses were probably 3 to 5 times those of Russia given the military disparities. I did not hang about to get trolled. The DT is actively patrolled by Bde 77.

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Jul 20, 2023
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Interesting comment on journalists. Is there a source for this?

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It gets far darker than that, the articles are now being written by AI with the comment sections moderated by AI too. This has a hilarious side effect, because the AI is incapable of nuance or detecting sarcasm, two very human traits, so it quite naturally strikes pro-ukraine supporters from the comments thinking their sarcasm is pro-russian. The sheer amount of complaints was hilarious to read.

Posters are quickly figuring out how to bypass this by careful choice of words, but it has essentially reduced comment sections to echo chambers that read incredibly childlike.

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Oh, this was on the daily express website. Click on any random article about Russia and you'll see endless complaining about the AI moderation. One of the articles cited it was AI generated (said so at the bottom) but alas, that would mean trawling through the articles to find and they churn out 20 propaganda peices a day. Apologies I couldn't be more helpful.

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It's tragic how everyone here in the UK thinks the US can do no wrong and is a global force for good. Whilst we are paranoid about Russian propaganda causing Brexit, in fact the country is totally compromised by US interests - mentally colonised indeed.

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Here in US we think the American elites are colonized by the Brit elites.

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Don't fight over whether Brit elites control America or American CEOs control the UK. Diplomacy is when you accept that your countries are inbred :)

The Afrikaners, during Apartheid, called us English South Africans "soutpiels/salty dicks". We were considered to have one leg in our country and another in the UK, our dick dangling in the Atlantic.

It's more appropriate if you steal the term for yourselves, in the name of neoliberalism :)

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I think this probably true, the people who tend to be at the top have a loyalty primarily to other elites, like themselves. They all believe in the same things, transnational organisations, managerial democracy by experts etc. And they really disdain the plebs and our yearning to have a say in how our societies our run.

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I am a Brit and I believe you are correct in this.

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My family there don't follow the news and just automatically believe the narrative secondhand. My articles gain no response.

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Methinks theres 0% chance the MSM are amending their b/s on the basis of reader opinion. It's more like everyone in the Western elite knows for sure now they are screwed, out of ammo etc., and are massaging the sheeple into pushing for a time-saving truce. I hope Russia realises a frozen war will nagically become unfrozen in 10yrs when NATO rebuilds its stocks.

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The Kaliningrad situation is something I would be interested in as well.

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Kaliningrad was taken by the Red army and Demanded by Stalin at Yalta as compensation for the nazi/western attack on Russian civilization. This still means a great deal to Russians who remember all that in a way westerner don't understand. Russia will defend Kaliningrad like it would defend its home territory, with nukes if necessary and NATO understands that. If they've forgotten then Mishustin, or Lavrov or Putin himself will make it clear to them .

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"The Terrorgraph"...perfectly fitting name for them! Their headlines always pop up in my youtube feed and they are some of the most ludicrous headlines I've seen during this conflict.

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Truly crazy headlines yet an extremely popular newspaper which shows how insane readers are.

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I think people become desensitized - I haven't read/watched MSM for 2 decades, so when I do see it I'm immediately struck by how batshit it really is! Its the same for the race-baiters of CNN, blue-anon kooks of MSNBC or the war-mongers of FOX here in the US...people just pipe it directly into their brains with zero skepticism.

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It's considered news but, as a foreigner, I immediately see it as a soapie. The Brits and Germans may be biased but at least they make it look like the news and mention real news in between. American MSM is lazy, catering for a nation trained to think lazy is normal.

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Funnily enough I get The Times in my YT feed and they are simply hysterical, as in not the funny kind, but rather the description of a pathology, as in screaming, desperate.

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As a direct descendant of the Order of the Teutonic Knights I demand the return of Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) to Germany. 1945 is not a long time historically. Koenigsberg was Prussian back from the 12th century. The Soviets simply deported the Germans wholesale from their lands... leave or die. Just like the Checkoslovacs who had no country until after WW1 systematically force marched the Sudeten Germans ( 10 million ) out of their centuries long homelands at the end of WW2. These A-holes even went so far as to remove all gravestones from German graveyards. They where a minority among the Slovaks and Germans. The Germans harboured no ill will towards toward the Checks. The Slovacs didn't trust them and asked Hitler for protection once he brought the Sudeten Germans into the Reich. While I am at it here I also have a bone to pick with a couple of Scandihoovian countries who always come of as so civilized and peacefully pacifist. What happened to the well over 5000 children from eastern Germany escaping the advancing soviet army and landed on nordic shores. The majority where under 5 years old, designated enemy combatants ( at the insistence of the British ) they where put on an island and given minimal care. How about the rest of that story, including Norways despicable actions against innocent children who where born to Norwegian girls and fathered by German soldiers. It is very hard to believe what people will actually do because of hate even towards defenceless children. I have the literature and the facts on this shame. Sure these folks of that time have mostly passed on but their dark traits are passed on to enough of their descendants ready to serve any master, any master at all, if it involves pride, money, superiority over others and being on the right and winning side.


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My post was part satire, but it points out one sad fact, the total and complete western societies entire strata of elite and hoi poloi brainwashed as regards Germany period 1933/45, the Nazi Terror that never was. It is so thoroughly saturated into western minds that in itself this phenominae of total mind manipulation is beyond a doubt the prima facie case study all time so far. The word Nazi has no place in the German lexicon and for that matter not in English either, it was not an abbreviation of Hitlers German Workers Party either. What was the origin of that word as Churchill, Britains wartime Prime Minister so fondly spoke it like this: N"aaa"zies.. emphasis on the aa's. Well.. this war hog and self idolator also called the Germans Huns a total fabrication to conjure up Atilla and his horde of murderous warrior nomads when discussing the Germans. He ignored history on both counts the Germans are not Hunnish, and Huns met their defeat on the battlefield defeated by German tribes. I guess he was speaking to the Yanks at the time because as an educated European he knew that this would not fly even with the common folk of Europe. Imagine the insane size of hubris and ego of this Man who also stated: I don't worry about how history will judge me as I intend to write that history myself.

Was this word Nazi ever spoken in any other language? Not that I am aware of.

The word Nazi was coined by some New York Newspaper employee in 1933 and stuck. That was the year Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany as well. Soon after the headlines in the major US and UK papers announced "Judea declares war on Germany"and the beginning of the most thorough public brainwash in history began.

It seems to be some badge of intelligence, knowledge and morality that those uttering the word Nazi are automatically believed as credible and above criticism. Especially when the word is used in conjunction with this: The Nazis took the guns first. The Nazis forced their way to power. The Nazis wanted to conquer the world, etc: etc:

Whenever some suit begins with his Gob uttering the dreaded word the Naazies I eliminate the mouthpiece pronto via the remoter, or turn the page, or switch station, and another buffoon bites

the dust and achieves the ultimate downgrade

of a zero.

So called important people who use the word Nazi to platform themselves as true believers in democracy, liberty, freedom, equality and justice are the real scumbags of humanity in my opinion. It s such a win win ticket, the automatic carousel door to acceptance at entry level as a fine righteous individual. They don't even have to know what they are talking about (believe me they don't) just say Naaazi & this or that and you're in like Flynn.

So just what did the Germans of that time do to be attacked so viciously in the media and eventually throughout western society during this little bit of time 1933 to 1945 in German history. I was born in 1938 in Preussen ( Prussia ) the eastern part on the other side of the Polish corridor set up at Versailles after the armistice. So to define the who and what of what I am at the socio/politico level, I was born a male white caucasian of German parentage and nationality, baptized into the Lutheran Faith.

To be continued...

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Or perhaps not...

As I have reconsidered doing this. The only personal experience I can relay is one of memory and the perception of a child mostly as regards Germany and to a lesser extent Denmark immediately post WW2 until 1953, when we emigrated to Canada. I was 15 years of age when we arrived as a family in British Columbia. It was however my early life in Canada that brought me to wanting to understand the place of my roots... Germany. I heard a lot of stuff about what those awful Germans did and how they should all have been killed instead of brought over here and so on. A kid in school I got friendly with invited me to his house and his mother who had lost her husband in Holland gave me the full treatment of those awful germans as if I had killed her husband. I felt sorry for her and her sons loss and thought how lucky us kids where to not have lost anyone in the family being right smack in the middle of that war. I spoke both German and Danish at the time of our arrival here, so within a couple of months I was quite fluent in English and as long as I did not reveal my origins, I wouldn't be called a DP or a Nazi and in the early sixties a jew killer. Yes the hollercuss as I call it ( holocaust ) came onto the social scene at that time. That's the time that I decided to find out everything I could get my hands on about the events leading up to WW2 beginning with WW1. German history as well as Jews in Germany and Europe. Jewish history, Josephus as chronicler of the history of the Jews. Rome & Byzantium. Later converts to Judaism the Khazars. Jewish banishments and why from 118 countries so far.

Decline of western man and civilization, jewish role therein. Wheeping and whining road of the doomed to disappearance and death. The rise of the self gods and their toy machines of physical and psychological satisfaction, the rise of the "thats all there is generation"... lets party on.

The strongest resistance to the incredible wash job being unleashed against the minds of generations of white people, especially German minds comes from what is called in German.. Ein Auslander. A German not residing in Germany. I'll further define it as a German born in Germany and removed from there at an early age who thus escaped the worst induction of state mind control ever devised. Thats me. Ernst Zundel was another Auslander but I have no desire of following in his footsteps. The man was a true follower of truth and justice and endured hardship far above normal he took on the criminals in court and won, right here in Canada. No one will ever do this again under current management of the world... rest assured of that. I can read the tea leaves and understand that they are loaded with a myriad of poisons.

Well.. that will be all for now, I need to go outside and sit in the evening breeze with a good 3oz glass of dark rum & a fresh strong coffee chaser.


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​ This is a bit messy as formatted, but the Wagner forces are the shortest distance possible from Warsaw, while remaining in Belarus, and connected by a superhighway to Warsaw.

This puts the kind of pressure on Poland, which Russia put on Kiev last year by stationing forces to the north.

The Wagner forces could travel north to the Suwalki Gap, but for the moment they threaten Warsaw. That is more aggressive positioning, which says "we can attack Warsaw or move to open a route to Kaliningrad, but we are positioning to attack Warsaw".

"Belarus To Hold Exercises With Wagner Near NATO-Member Poland’s Border​"

​ “The Armed Forces of Belarus continue joint training with the fighters of PMC ‘Wagner,’” the defense ministry said in a fresh statement. “During the week, units of the special operations forces together with representatives of the company will work out training and combat tasks at the Brestsky training ground.”


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That's a good summary. With forces building in Poland, and Poland always chomping the bit, it makes sense for Russia to make a move that reminds the Polish Public what their leaders are doing.

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