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Jun 2, 2023Edited
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Ukrainian fly bites, Russian sledgehammer blows. GLLABA, I am sorry that you are so deeply wounded. A wish for quick healing.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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Ukrainian fascists have been killing people and shooting at cities for 8 years. Where are you sitting, a refugee, in Poland? Why aren't you rotting in Bakhmut?

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Thanks for your analysis, comrade. It’s the best I’ve seen penetrating the fog of war. The spring offensive has echoes of summer 2021, when the regime said the taliban was not advancing and Kabul was not in danger.

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Neville Chamberlain mocked the Germans in early May 1940 for not attacking France, saying they "had missed the bus".

A few days later, on May 10, the Germans invaded in arguably the best executed and most innovative offensive of the war.

Careful about mocking an opponent for not attacking lest you miss a coiled fist forming.


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The difference is that Russia is striking massive Ukrainian ammo and equipment depots every day, and is striking decision making centers of all levels at least once a week, while Britain and France were only dropping leaflets on Germany.

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("USSA" ammo & equipment depots) Ukraine has Nothing but gifts from others

who insist the Ukraine fight to their last man.

The USSA Feral Coup Gov is an Enemy, both Foreign & Domestic.

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Only leaflets? Britain was also carpet bombing German cities throughout the war, specifically targetting the German civilian population BTW (echoes of Ukraine's tactics of fighting civilians, not Russian soldiers).

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Not in May 1940.

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The Brits bombed Germany ONLY after Hitler bombed England.

Ukraine has been bombing the Donbas for 10 years.

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That's not true. The Brits started nuisance bombing raids against Berlin in the first months of the war. But there was essentially no effort to destroy the German land forces who eventually did France in, choosing instead to bluff and intimidate.

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Elections have consequences, especially the German election of November 1932.

Well done, Bomber Command!

Bravo, Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris!

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The nazis never won a national election, they were put into government by the respectable fascists.

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Clueless comment, educate yourself instead of inventing your own "history":


Nazis got 33% of the vote making them the largest party, by far, and thus the winners. German National People's Party, an extreme right wing group formed before Hitler entered politics, got an additional 8% of the vote.

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The Germans won in France despite themselves and failed to end the war. Operational triumph, strategic disaster.

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On the contrary, Germany won in France in 1940, despite having 40% fewer tanks than France, because of the Manstein plan to trick the Allies into pouring into Belgium and Holland while German tanks attacked through the Ardennes and cut them off.

After France's fall many members of the English Cabinet wanted to negotiate peace with Germany but were stopped by Churchill.

Instead of making up your own "history", why not read a bit:


[Good reason not to waste time/money on Squeeth's Substack]

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The race down the Somme River valley was a matter of insubordinate lower commanders not the "Manstein" plan. Instead of peddling myths why not read a bit?

The Blitzkrieg Legend: The 1940 Campaign in the West, Naval Institute Press; 1st edition, 2005, ISBN 1591142946

The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy, London: Allen Lane, 2006, ISBN 0-7139-9566-1


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Tooze's book makes it clear it was Manstein's plan that doomed France.

Unlike the allies, German military tradition since the time of Frederick the Great emphasized independent initiative by commanders on the spot, shown by the tradition of asking the most junior officers to give their opinions first during maneuvers.

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No he makes it clear that Germany was running out of time. It was the collapse of the French that did for them, not the German offensive. Read a book on the Strategiestreit in Germany in the 1890s to see what limited war, limited objectives and defensive strategy meant to the Great General Staff.

German Strategy and the Path to Verdun - Erich Von Falkenhayn and the Development of Attrition 1870-1916 By Robert Foley

After Clausewitz: German Military Thinkers Before the Great War By Antulio Echevarria II

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Not really comparable situations, for reasons explained below.

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LOL that's great oh yes those sweet memories of young Afgani's "Learning to Fly"

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Well I guess if you run into a bunker in the Ukraine you will die.

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Stark choice; scurry in to a bunker and get crushed, or stay above ground and become the latest NAZI astronaut.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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Don't forget your testosterone replacement therapy appointment tomorrow, GLGBTQ+-/

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It continues to amaze me that some equate today's Russia with the old Soviet Union; or even weirder to call them nazi or fascists.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Take your own advice. Ukrainian is a dialect of Russian, just like the various dialects of English. It was only elevated to the status of a "language" with a modified Russian alphabet and German borrow words under Austrian rule for political reasons. In other words, it's a political contrivance of a dead empire. And here's the irony in the light of all the Ukie rants about the Soviet era: The Bolsheviks encouraged a sense of Ukrainian-ness, perhaps to a lesser degree than did the Austrians, as a means of rallying anti-Tsarist sentiments and solidifying local support for the Soviet Union vis-a-vis the Tsarists and Poland. And the fact is, the Ukraine was always a patchwork of peoples with different histories and traditions. It was only under Austrian tutelage, adopting a local derivative of the proto-Nazi radical German nationalism that was taking hold in regions of the Austrian Empire, that west Ukrainians decided that they were the "True Ukrainians," adopting outright historical lies to justify their contrived, entitled sense of identity. If the probable breakup of Ukraine doesn't disabuse them of that notion, they are condemned to remain delusional.

[edit: replaced "derivation" with "derivative"

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very strange mental gymnastics they do indeed.

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Oh, look , a deranged parrot-clown is back again to crack his lame jokes and try to intertain us IOI So, there are nazis in ukrainian government with nazi policies like, for instance , the prohibition of Russian language and the prohibition to celebrate the victory over nazi Germany on The Victory Day ; there are people openly running around with swastikas & other nazi symbols , and zig-heils all over Ukraine for at least 10 years already ; there is wide spread glorification of UPA/ OUN murderers and WWII ukrainian nazi collaborators who comitted ethnic cleansings on Pols and Jews ; there are openly nazi regiments like Azov and others that keep killing ethnic Russians civilians in Donbass for 9 damn years ; but somehow ukro-nazi pieces of sht like you do salto-mortale in their degenerates' brain and call Russians " genocidal nazi- fascists" ( what a combination!) 🤣 where are you hiding from ukro-mobilization, ha, you cheep little troll? In Poland ?

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Jun 1, 2023
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Go and join the Ukrowehrmacht...

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Jun 2, 2023
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darwin award nominations either way

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There is internet traffic about Russia going to full mobilization around 2 million men. Is this real or rumor?

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Total BS rumor

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From January 2023 to May, about 117 thousand people were recruited into the Russian army voluntarily, under a contract (for money)...

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Thanks for the info.

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Well researched and argued Simplicius, thank you.

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***** FLASH ***** Numerous Russian Military Executive Jets Traveling from Moscow to Underground Bunker Area in Ural Mountains


RUMORS from the Ground in Ukraine: "Tonight"

There's a TON of RUMORS coming from the ground in Ukraine all saying "Tonight." It is believed these RUMORS are about the much-vaunted (but yet to happen) Ukraine Spring Counter-Offensive. But these rumors hint at something new: "Inside Russia."

We all know that the first casualty of war is truth. It is entirely possible that this is a false RUMOR, perhaps even deliberately released in Ukraine as a Psy-Op against Russia; maybe to get their stress levels up.

But what's coming out from people on the ground in several parts of Ukraine is all very consistent: "Tonight."

The new twist is that the "Counter-Offensive" will actually begin "inside Russia." Specifically, the RUMOR says "the opening salvo is going to be inside Russia, before the offensive will actually happen on the front lines in Ukraine."

I am carefully reiterating this is a RUMOR for those who cannot discern very well. It may be false. But again, it is something very prominently being spoken on the ground in Ukraine and that, in and of itself, makes it unusual, and worth passing along.


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Time will tell. Seems unlikely tho, an attack against Russia arising from within? With shovels maybe?

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Jun 1, 2023
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I see. Lets hope this is just a rumor.

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Jun 1, 2023Edited
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Is there any further info on the DU heavy metal cloud above Europe? Where is it now? And how long will it take for the dust to settle?

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They might try WMDs like dirty nukes, chemical/bio weapons

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Ukrainian BS . ЦИПСО is desparate.

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Incisive and excellent analysis. This is very much the Spanish Civil War. Where the Great powers tested their weapons and used the blood of Spain to do it. Except this time, the fucking Nazi's are losing. Franco/Zelensky will not have a 40 year Reich.

A favorite part of this was the cost of a drone compared to a Patriot. Launch a lawnmower for 10K and have the Uke's blow three million to "possibly" shoot it down.

This is the AK47/M16 writ large. The Americans inventing an ink pen that would work in space by spending 1 million. And the Russians taking a pencil. And the Russians win that debate hand down.

I have a personal insight here. I am a retired E-5. US Army. 1978 to 1982. Not exactly a high water mark for the Armed Services. I joined because everyone in my family did a hitch. And I was an angry young man, and the Army found a use for me. A friend's son joined the Army in 2019. He finished his hitch and is back. I went to see him. He was stationed at Schofield Barracks with the 25th Infantry. I was appalled. He was fat when he left. He was fucking round when he got back. Fat and soft. Serving in the 25th. And did nothing except talk about all his paperwork wars with the Army. Which I gather is standard. I was speechless.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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You're right GLLABA, we are idiotic comrades, a bunch of indoctrinated imbeciles. You know that saying: "if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room"...you're far too smart for us, so go and find a room of smarter people somewhere else on the WWW. Come on, go now, hurry. Bye bye, love you too - you're so clever!

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Our military sucks, and it pains me to say that, really, really pains me. They have been destroyed by design by our own gummint. It is heartbreaking.

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What is heart breaking about a criminal military being destroyed after 250 years of wanton invasions and murders? The more destruction they suffer the less they can do to the rest of the world (and their own citizens).

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Politicians are to blame, not the average Joe that signed up to serve his country. It is a shame you can't understand and distinguish between the two.

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It is a shame don't understand that blaming politicians for wars over decades and a century or two is a cop out. To use that weak excuse is to ignore personal accountability of individuals.

US military members are not conscripts, they sign on willingly, deploy willingly when the orders are not based in legal frameworks IE illegal invasions, and they murder willingly.

The most pathetic are the former members whining about lack of govt. help, blaming everyone but themselves for the PTSD and loss of limbs. They made their choice, it went sideways and to them (and their flag waving fanboys) it's not their fault.

They all deserve the very bad shit that is coming their way.

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They do more than fight wars at least here in America. Where do you live?

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Agh yes they are a civil workers aren't they? We all saw the "massive help" they gave to people after Hurricane Katrina.

What US citizens fail to understand is that mostly the rest of the world do not venerate their militaries as you lot do, and mostly view it as employment of last resort for unemployable dead enders.

And the rest of the world does not hand out excuses for US war criminal military members invading and killing all over the world (IE the 101 Airborne scum seen two days ago beating down on Serb protesters - just doing their job LOL).

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Ouch. You know there are people in Iran chanting something along the lines of....death to America! Now where on earth did that come from? All the US Army help in the region, no doubt. You've gotta get outta the woods and into the sunlight bud. Shocking indoctrination.

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Serving your country how? Please fucking explain this to me - I am a white South African, I had to escape the country at 17 to dodge military service back in the day. I had my call up papers served the day I turned 16. At 17 I had enough of a brain to know that killing 'communists' in Angola or killing black brothers in the townships was serving some screwed up ideology of some idiot of a politician. So you willingly signed up to go and kill people in another country far far away to SERVE YOUR COUNTRY? And you're still defending it in 2023, on this site, which has a seriously high percentage of enlightened people reading it. Rant over. Please buddy, just think before you write - because you are complicit to murder according to me. Have a lovely day.

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Entirely agree with your views. I ran away from a commie country for the same reasons.

Last time I was in US I was astonished at the number of billboards advertising US army with arrows pointing to the nearest recruitment centre. The admiration that Americans have for their military is pathological.

It's unfortunate that such large percentage of Americans have foggy brains and give their "leaders" a blank cheque to wreak havoc around the world.

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Ever heard of NATO, the UN, the EU? it isn't just the Americans w/foggy brains.

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Yeah, I am still defending it because we don't go get the dregs from prison to fight and we don't kidnap old men and children off the street to fight. And as of yet they have not brought back the draft but the shit sammich they created in Ukraine by design might change that.

You funny, whining about how you had to run away. Here there is a choice, whether you agree with it or not.

Now Foxtrot Oscar.

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OK, then the Evil Politicians (as opposed to the Selfless Soldiers who sign up to fight in those politicians' wars) have a less useful tool.

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You deserve what you tolerate.

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America's Enemies are within.

What exactly are America's interests in the Ukraine? Hand the Biden family $100 million and save the American taxpayer $100 billion.

And like a pathetic Junkie, the answer always is, "just another snort of conjured money/debt and we'll get this dead horse moving."

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No argument from me, all about the money laundering and contract deals, and some wild obsessive dream to oust Putin.

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If that truly is the case, then that military can cause far less mischief.

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At least he came back as a "he" not as a girl or an "it." :-) Nowadays, one never knows...

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I recently found a photo of US troops in training dated 2022. I compared it with similar photos from the Vietnam and WW2 eras. The size and body shape of US recruits is - hugely - different now to the recent past. This is impacting on physical tests and expected fitness. Not to mention 36% of the force structure will be female - or maybe self identify as such...

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I believe something big was hit and it happens on a much more regular basis than we are led to believe. Begginsky, Zaluzhny, Syrsky, and others are nowhere to be seen in Ukraine. They are either running from one country to another, posting videos which we have no clue of the actual date of recording, or just reenacting a scene from a Weekend at Bernie's. I personally hold no sympathy as these are all dead men walking and it already is clearly deserved.

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Ukies fucked around and found out

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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Bro you're the one coping

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The Pentagon leaks from April projected that Ukraine would run out of air defense missiles by mid-May, sooner for the S-300 and BUK systems.

Clearly that has not happened and significant air defense activity is happening over Ukraine.

Any analysis of how this has happened?

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Well the leaks were broken down into several columns representing forecast, short term solution, long term solution. The solutions prescribed were to try and scrounge up s-300/buk ammo from 'allies' ASAP, while the longer term was to flood the country with Western systems. They appear to have been able to accomplish at least part of that as, for instance, we know several patriot batteries (representing upwards of 16-24 launchers, which is nothing to sniff at) came after that point.

As for supplying ammo to existing systems (which should still be the most numerous) it's difficult to know how much they were able to scrounge or not, and hard to know how much Ukraine has in general at the moment as we see a lot of AD activity in Kiev but not much evidence of AD anywhere else (doesn't mean it's not there, but simply saying there hasn't been any video evidence we can actually look at).

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also I should note they're being very creative, just look at this: https://twitter.com/Aviation_Intel/status/1663998861785047041

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

Stupid Troll questions.

90% of your posts are NOT questions, just fascist name calling from a fascist.

Russians have been EXTREMELY ANTI-Fascist for 80+ years...and STILL ARE!!!

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Jun 1, 2023
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It’s called projection. And Russians have anti fascists for over a century.

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The biolabs are or were real. There are over 300 of them all over the world. This is the US bio weapon or germ warfare program. There were 28 labs in Ukraine. The US was leaking out bioweapons into Ukraine to test their weapons. A number of Ukrainians were sickened by these weapons.

The insane Ukrainian government let the US set up 30 germ warfare labs that used Ukrainians as Guinea pigs for their germ warfare programs! Are Ukrainians masochists? Are they suicidal?

I don’t understand Ukrainians.

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Thanks, the thread uses this excellent article from TheDrive as the source


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No worries there, then, as the Sparrow is a piece of sh*t even in the best of scenarios.

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Well it has been my take that the leaked documents were done by the US themselves to provide plausible misinofmation - for various audiences of which Russia was one. The Russians would have known about the parlous state of air defence missiles but not exactly. So maybe this estimate was misinformation. Or maybe cover to provide more Patriots etc. But either way it does look as if the UAF AD system is on its last legs now.

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Good point. I haven't been following the war like all of you but what I have found out is we've been wallowing in bullshit and lies possibly for millennia. This leak had all sorts of exageratedly implausible elements so typical of "operations." That more haven't called out Seymour Hersh for his fantasy writing, not just recently but most likely his entire career, sets me aback.

Just the last few weeks I did some research from the perspective of "what if JFK was killed because he was an even bigger criminal then everyone else." I did searches for "was Henry Crown mafia," "TFX scandal" and "Chicago Outfit." Long story short, JFKs first act as president was to write an EO taking the power to mint currency from the FED and giving it exclusively to himself while starting the Vietnam war and giving himself exclusive right to hand out military contracts.

The TFX program was what became the F-111 and he gave that contract to General Dynamics which was run by the mobster, Henry Crown. Henry's son Lester is several levels above Jeffrey Epstein in the US Compromat and financial crimes cabal and is the guy responsible for selecting Obama and getting him elected. Lester's son is involved in even more of this stuff then his father and grandfather.

So it seems that JFK was so corrupt that he was maybe an order of magnitude more corrupt then the rest of the criminals running the US and they had to have him killed. They had no choice. Most likely anyone who's read the secret documents about his killing knows this and that would explain the total absence of leaks or whistleblowers for the most beloved president ever.

That they've been able to turn this legacy of outrageous criminality into a hero legend at the very same time that we should have seen this because of it's recency (and the scale of corruption - the TFX scandal was the largest scandal in US history and the congressional investigations were still ramping up in 1970) shows how effective the brainwashing is. I was born in 1964 and if I was 5 years older I'll bet I would have had enough of an inkling of his true nature to connect the dots back in 1975 or so.

I got my first hints to look into this from old L Fletcher Prouty videos and recent Whitney Webb interviews. So far I've gone off topic talking about misinformation. I want to go even further off topic and say that I've recently become convinced that there's a better then 50% chance Russia is in bed with the west.

Russia went along with the Covid scam (massive topic there) using Astra Zeneca to develop the Sputnik vaccine and then went along with lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates just like the rest. There's just no way that's not a guaranteed tell that they're all in this together. John Ionnaidis wrote a paper in Sept. 2020 showing that the fatality rates from Covid broken down along age lines was so low that it beggard belief. That's all the "proof" I have time to provide that Covid was an "operation."

The only thing separating the west from BRICS+ is the transgender movement (another con and distraction). Russia, China and Israel are further ahead then the west with CBDCs, digital IDs, Track & Trace and the total electronic monitoring of everyone that's coming. George Webb (supposedly a Mossad plant) has been reporting on the Covid scam. He claims the US and China were working on the virus for over a decade. It's designed to cause a genetic alteration in the DNA that can be monitored remotely. He claims a hell of a lot more but there's so much I can't process it all. He has a substack and is in TheDukeReport a few times a week.

The claims that they can or they want to do this monitoring using this technology would normally strike me as a con. I work with robots and have a technical education. I believe AI is nonsense (it won't become self aware unless inhabited by fallen angels - there are stupendously detailed reports claiming as much and exposing ultra-niche spiritual knowledge but I dont know if they're true), robots aren't going to do shit (you think your calculator is going to cut the lawn?), fusion is nonsense, thorium is nonsense, settlements on the moon or Mars are nonsense.

Look into the past. In the 1970s they were constantly claiming to be 6 months away from a cure for cancer, that a new ice age was upon us and that breast feeding was hazardous to the baby. In the early 1990s medical doctors and scientists wanted to make it law that everyone would be required to take statins daily beginning from birth (no joke) and in the late 1990s the human genome project was going to allow them to cure most disease. Scientists are idiots just like everyone else.

But I download and browse books online every day and this technology seems to be real. The sheer scale and breadth of books that deal with the nanotech that is associated with these goals are real as can be.

Sure they don't know how electricity works but they don't have to. Think of it as cutting edge engineering instead of science and you're right on the money.

I better rap this up or I'll go on forever. But I should give a heads up that I'm a Christian and I think we're either right in or approaching the end of the world. I talk to a lot of people about world events and I think that people attempting to come up with material justifications or explanations for everything that happens cripples their ability to see the big picture. I can't logically defend my belief in a spirit world that has powerful entities which can influence humanity. Maybe if nonbelievers could try using it as a thought experiment. Otherwise we devolve into simplistic causal explanations that only concern the wants and desires of certain individuals. But I see this as having a goal. One world government run out of Jerusalem. One world religion of ecumenicalism led by the Catholics. Whatever it takes to make that happen, they'll do it. Nuclear war. Mass poisoning and starvation. It's nothing if it achieves the goal. This mass enslavement we see coming could be a ruse. But it's going to get real, real bad.

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I haven't been able to pay much attention to the line the past couple weeks. Are the Russians making any pushes right now or simply digging in waiting for the Ukrainian offensive and reinforcing Bakhmut?

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Nothing too major. There's incremental advances everyday in a few zones only, for instance Kremannaya, which just today they advanced a little bit towards Gregorovka just north of Seversk over the Seversky Donets river. Some incremental gains in Marinka and Avdeevka as well. And the past few days the biggest gains were around Bilgorovka east of Seversk which Russian forces are slowly encircling. But definitely no *major* pushes as it does appear they're going to wait out the Ukrainian offensive firstl

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Thanks for the reply and update. I wasn't expecting anything major, but I did remember some river crossing in the north that was unexpected but it got drowned out of the news with Bakhmut falling. I figured Avdeevka or Serersk were next.

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Yeah, I think what you're talking about is north of Kupyansk where they were said to cross the Oskil for a small bridgehead. But to this day I'm not 100% sure if that actually happened or was some confusion because, you see, strangely on both sides of the river at that place there are two towns named Dvorichne, or rather one is Dvorichna. And Russians captured Dvorichne right ON the river, but I think some people mistakenly thought they crossed and captured Dvorichna which is right across it on the other side of the river. It's all very confusing but they did capture some extra territory there just not sure if they actually crossed the river or not but at the moment I don't see it showing up on the maps.

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What is left in Bakhmut except rubble?

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Rancid meat.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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You lost 55,000 men there, idiot. Wagner lost 3,500.

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I like the nato fanboys rethorics on twitter with their Nato and Lgbtq flags )) when russia advances they pay it dearly. When ukro retreat its in order to regroup for the wonder bliezkrieg.

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Jun 2, 2023
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Russians are fascists mopping up ukro nazis. Welcome in 2023 goofball

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And a few million bottles of champagne, I heard :)

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Not much is left in Bakhmut but what runs through it is important - major roads and rail lines. The RF could not advance west in this sector until this nodal transport hub was taken. Now it has been so there is an option to attack west. This was always the importance of the town in military terms, and why it was heavily fortified and defended. But not I think to the extent that UAF losses (if true) can be justified.

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We still don't have any real proof that Zaluzhny is alive, as that video of "Zaluzhny" could've been part of a set of prerecorded videos made of all of Ukraine's leadership in case they bite the dust to keep their image alive, or it could've been a body double (not only do "Zaluzhny"'s eyes look wrong, but so do the frown lines on his forehead which look completely different in that video, and "Zaluzhny"'s hair looks different in its density, hairline, and how it parts), so it's not impossible that Budanov got got too, we'll just have to wait and see if Budanov keeps missing meetings with NATO officials and missing public appearances as Zaluzhny has.

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I have been comparing the photos etc with a mate. We both think they are fake. Neither of us are experts and we might well be hallucinating to support our views. Nevertheless our senses are designed to spot imposters and the photos etc look like two people. To me anyway. Not 100% sure, but more like brothers than identical twins.

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I don’t buy it either. I’m not a pro, so I thought the video looked reasonably convincing. But so what: There are people our govt pays good money to craft convincing fakes.

Is it impossible to fake a time stamp? CIA / SBU / MI6 likely have that down pat.

I’m struck most by the timing and circumstances: They come up with a brief video, too short for someone who knew the man personally to fully assess speech pattern and mannerism. And they did it after devastating missile strikes, failure to appear at an important conference, an unconvincing excuse, then two weeks of intensifying rumors. Final straw was the RÍA Novosti report. They HAD to come up with something.

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Funny how Zaluzhny has never appeared before a camera since then. My theory was that it was a prerecorded video, as metadata can be altered without specialized software with just a little technical know-how, but then I saw that "Zaluzhny"'s frown lines looked completely different, and the way "his" hair was parted and the direction it leaned was all wrong. It still could be a prerecorded video that just made Zaluzhny look off due to its low quality or lighting conditions, or due to it being fairly old, but I guess we'll never know for sure until well after the war ends.

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When they were so clumsy with this video. how did they manage to accurately reproduce the ear of Zaluzhny?

Try drawing your wife´s ear without looking. Good luck! Most people do not pay any attention to other people's ears.

Only Van Gogh managed to make his ear famous - by cutting it.

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Perhaps Ukies finally told NATO that from now on they'll only fight using NATO doctrine which is to have massive air support and some semblance of air superiority. So, send us 1,000 F-16s so we can fight like NATO. In his latest interview of Alastair Crooke by Judge Napolitano, Crooke alluding to what he was about to write said G-7 and minions are all hooked on the false "We're Winning" Narrative which is a supreme delusion yet is not being overturned by reality. Any addition of F-16s will only serve to extend the combat and will not help Ukraine.

Given what Russia's been destroying, not only are they delaying any possible Ukie attack, but are priming the area for their own move. Further, Medvedev's three possible outcomes written on his Telegram is also important to consider. Then there's what Lavrov's said over the last two pressers held in Africa.

NATO complains their soldiers aren't getting any "training," but they're not doing any dying either, which they'd be doing in the same numbers as Ukies with no air cover or heavy artillery support.

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I’ll have to watch the judge’s Crooke interview. Proud to say I met Mr Crooke around 1990 in Peshawar, when I was a young (but increasingly disillusioned) journalist, and he was still on Her Majesty’s secret service. He was one of very few western officials who seemed to understand the situation and who grasped the dangers of arming the wrong people.

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Thanks for your reply. I've met several ex-pat Brits similar to Crooke--literate, articulate, incredulous at the immorality of today's geopolitics, and all about his age. Medvedev's Telegram is worth monitoring as his views are shared by many Russians, some of whom are also on the Security Council. https://t.me/s/medvedev_telegram

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I’m not a military expert nor do I claim to be. I’m just a working stiff trying to put food on the table. So I’ll throw my two cents in for what it’s worth. The Russians are brilliant. Period. An example to me is how they whacked the Patriot system. From what I can see, the Russians lobbed more missiles than what the Patriots can handle. So, correct me and call me dumb and stupid, the Patriots spew out 30 missiles while the Russians throw 35. 30 that are hit and 5 remaining that whack them into oblivion. So…that’s how I see it.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Troll. Trollollollo.

Trolly troll.

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That's always been the weak point of any of these systems. They don't even have to be real missiles they overwhelm the system, many of them can be dummies. All the designers snd engineers were quite aware of this; the government ordered tons of them anyway. Which is really all the West's arms manufacturers care about -- sales. They're also happy to see the shit get destroyed because that means the government will order replacements -- more sales!!

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Believe it or not the 3.2 Richter quake epicentre Kiev was caused by Ukr moving huge amounts of new western weapons through Kiev, according to one obviously concussed🤕 Kiev official. This war can be a very dark comedy at times.

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Is that a real comment from an Ukr official?? I knew that they treated us normal people in the West as idiots, but this is another level entirely...

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Unfortunately, yes it is. The mayor of Kiev was credited with that revelation in multiple Ukr news reports.

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