The $1 trillion dollar coin idea is certainly a sign of how far gone some peoples' minds are.

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Just the possibility of that coin makes it clear that money only exists because of a shared global fantasy. The U.S.'s economy exists because the world believes more in it being the strongest and not the most indebted.

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some idiot is gonna steal it to farm tik tok views

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I don’t know how you manage to pump out so much fantastic content so quickly, but we all appreciate it a lot. A very insightful read as always!

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Everybody's waiting for Zaluzhny to show his face, and I'm sitting here thinking about AI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxXpB9pSETo

And it's not as if this is a new thing, these kinds of videos were doable 5 years ago. #deepfake

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Regards BRICS (and my country of South Africa being balanced on the edge of a knife).

We're run by the ANC, a fake communist party that's pro-Palestinian and Russian-friendly but with a President whose first overseas trip was to the CFR.

The main opposition is the DA, a white-controlled fake liberal party receiving training/funding from the West. The DA is pro-Israel and anti-Russian.

The ANC has ruled badly for three decades. Hundreds of assassinations and corruption scandals never brought it down because most black people voted for its black leaders. However, massive riots in Durban and Johannesburg, like scenes from an apocalyptic movie, were a wake-up call to the fact that half the country is unemployed. Relatively, half the country receives social grants, and the ANC is too scared to removed the additional covid grant lest they lose votes. Giving half the budget to social services means the ANC will keep borrowing, and we'll keep sinking - debt repayment is one fifth of the budget.

But the ANC will lose votes in the 2024 election because South Africa is sick of loadshedding, power failures that are as long as 2-10hrs daily. That's partly the result of criminal gangs having worked, for a long time, with impunity within Eskom, the government power utility. There's the Public perception that the these mafia are linked to the ANC.

As the ANC is bankrupt, they'll need secret overseas funding to stem the loss.

In a seeming bid to get conservative Afrikaner votes (especially from those who seek secession), a tactic of the DA is to express a desire for federalism (as they control the one province where Amazon and others have their headquarters). If the ANC were weakened enough to make that a possibility, American and EU money would flood in.

If weakened sufficiently, the ANC's ever-warring internal factions could split into two parties. If that happened, the current President's side could ally with the DA. It once seemed implausible but ideology is marketing flag and not a belief. And the massive DA corruption I exposed has been protected by the ANC government.

Alternatively, the ANC could ally with the radical EFF. They would look to Russia and China. And the ANC is keen on Russian nuclear plants.

There are other options but I don't want to dig unnecessarily deep with regards my point about BRICS which is SUPPORT IS DEFINED MORE BY GREED THAN IDEOLOGY OR WHAT'S GOOD FOR A COUNTRY. For now, BRICS is clearly favoured.

"Ukraine is only the latest move in a chess game in which the world’s population are almost always pawns willing to die. In between the Kings and the dying, there are many with ambitions."

Before I dug deep into the Russo-Ukraine War, I posted https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/does-south-africa-love-russia

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Side note for last week's BRICS scandal: Russian ship delivered weapons to South Africa, not the other way around - https://mybroadband.co.za/news/government/492541-russian-ship-delivered-weapons-to-south-africa-not-the-other-way-around-report.html

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Thanks for posting that article link. Very interesting!

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Possible but not definitive. We're in the fog of politics. The opposition is pushing to the contrary, labelling it a Wagner ship, but they would if true or not - https://www.da.org.za/2023/05/minister-ntshavhenis-russian-meeting-another-diplomatic-blunder

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Sounds a bit like everyone is scrambling to get their particular narrative out there - fog of politics is a good term for it!

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I'm looking forward to reading more about what you wrote here:

"It would be hard to pull Israel away from the Western bloc in my opinion simply because Israel is the brainchild of UK and is likely controlled by MI6. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Mossad controls the world, controls both CIA/MI6 but it’s really the opposite. Israel was always the ‘forward operating base’ for the UK to gain a foothold into the Middle East to continue their Sykes-Picot and Great Game imperialism. MI6 of course completely controls and owns the CIA as well, and controls the entire U.S. establishment by way of it, but that’s another story. "

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Me too, one of the more interesting topics out there I think. I'd definitely never considered British intelligence as dominating American intelligence agencies.

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I often think of the UK as an "empire within an empire". Sometimes I think the US are just the enforcement thugs for the UK. As Simplicius says, it puts the UK in a position which is relatively risk-free; it allows them to tag along behind/with US in its exploits and share in the spoils, usually natural resources like oil.

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It's likely a mailbag question comes in on this one and hopefully we'll get a solid answer. Casually searching this topic turned up some random "MI6 controls CIA" tweets and an old webpage: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_drugs01.htm

Sonar21 put up a story with some thoughts on Simplicius' inside connections -- if correct, maybe there's still some credible open source info available to flesh out this question. The CIA is many times larger than MI6, and given the US attitude of ultimate hegemony, it would take some very explicit evidence to establish that MI6 runs the show.

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Another excellent read!

The key step towards dedollarization will be the establishment of the BRICS reserve currency, which they're currently calling the "R5" or "R5+." Give the link below a read for the basics, it should be discussed heavily at the upcoming BRICS summit.


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Thanks for the insightful, intelligent analysis. I'm not surprised at the potential dissolution of the US; the bankster cabal has used up the US, but the neocons hang on to a delusional hope that seems self destructive and self defeating. I wouldn't be surprised by a segregation of the world into those dominated by a neofeudal system zone A, and zone B. The seperation suggests an inversion of the post 1945 order, a back to the future if you will.

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Radiation data from EU seems to work at https://remap.jrc.ec.europa.eu/Advanced.aspx and there are some points with elevated radiation, but nothing too crazy.

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You could not be further from the truth/facts. First see this Busby interview International expert affects of Alpha particles/gas.


So it's a cover up, and if Alpha particle ingested maybe exits normal way, however 36 hours of massive body damage, but if inhaled possible to stay long term and eventually death. One must remember it is thousand of tonnes of DU going up in 'smoke' hoe much aplia particles ,thousands of tonnes of DU would be incalculable. In western Ukraine and Easter Poland this is going to be a catastrophic disaster -

Not very definitive but to be expected.


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Thank you for pointing that out. I was only referring to the gamma radiation data in the EU. The incident happened over a week ago. Majority of radiation must have been released in the very moment of explosion. But the released radiation was energy that travels with the speed of light. It did it's damage and is gone by now.

There remains some radioactive material and it radiates, locally. Cloud's material tends to settle on the ground with time. And radiate wherever it lands. And gets diluted in time.

Do you know of any acute radiation sickness reports, either human or animal?

The other aspect is what other materials blew up (similarly to Ohio train derailment - it was the chemicals that poisoned the environment). Which may or may not be the reason of local fish die-off. This should be definitely monitored and time will tell.

It definitely happened, it's bad, but probably more local than it's communicated. We must not forget about that event, because it may be relevant in the future.

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Perhaps I can assuage your concerns regarding DU contamination of the "Breadbasket of Europe" - Western Ukraine's primary exports are Banderite ideology and congenital iodine deficiency (look up its symptoms, it'll help you understand a lot about this conflict).

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Thank you for this excellent analysis.

A few comments:

1) About 80% of all the paper dollars (i.e. not digital chits) are outside the United States, and about a dozen countries use them as a de facto/parallel currency for cash transactions. In fact, a lot of the strategic reserves of various countries' central banks are in physical dollars. Gonna be quite a while (or the collapse of capitalism) before that ship gets turned around.

2) The problem with selling Russian oil for rupees isn't a lack of things to buy from India, it's where to INVEST the rupees. Nearly all the bonds, treasuries, and stocks (as well as valuable real estate) around the world is transacted in currencies (US dollar, euro, Swiss franc, British pound, and Yen) that are subject to Western sanctions Other than parking your excess rupees in a bank, there's really not much you can do with them (right now). That's why the proposal for a BRICS currency is so momentous.

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EXCLUSIVE from a #NordStreamSabotage whistleblower:

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of the world, wishing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. My identity is not of importance. What matters is the sharing of my story so that the world can understand the truth about the Nord Stream Sabotage, thereby moving forward without lies or inaccuracies.

As many of you may know, a series of clandestine bombings and subsequent underwater gas leaks occurred on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines on September 26, 2022.

While there has been much speculation about the nature of this sabotage, I aim to provide additional details and facts that will give a clearer picture.

Before the attacks on September 11, 2001, I started working with contractors at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in Maryland. We were working on the Advanced Seal Delivery System (ASDS), a covert mini-submarine designed for the Navy Seals to carry out stealthy clandestine missions. This submarine is transported on the back of nuclear submarines and detaches to execute its missions.

I was chosen to work on this project, and my role was to assist in the programming of the full-sized, temperature-controlled simulator for the submarine on which the Navy Seals would train. The simulator featured screens that displayed a 3D simulation of the ASDS undocking from a nuclear submarine, executing its mission, and then returning to dock.

I spent countless hours in the simulator, ensuring everything functioned as specified. I piloted the simulator on simulated missions, just like the Navy Seal pilots would before their actual missions. Even in 2001, we had the ability to program a variety of scenarios, including the sabotaging of pipelines. Although I did not pilot a simulated mission specifically for the Nord Stream pipelines, I did simulate scenarios of covertly sabotaging pipelines. I can confirm that the United States has had this capability for decades, and the ASDS is in the US inventory, fully capable of executing the Nord Stream Sabotage.

Publicly available radar evidence from http://flightradar24.com helps shine light on how the Nordstream sabotage was conducted. As exposed by Seymour Hersh, the explosives were planted during the Baltops 22 maritime exercises. Although speculation remains as to the exact method of explosives placement, I believe that the modern Advanced Seal Delivery System (ASDS) was utilized with Navy divers. This mirrors the way I would have conducted the mission in the simulator.


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Hello Sir... I remember I read a lot of years ago a book on NR-1 , US deep sea nuclear submarine, Adm. Rickover's little toy... and we speak 60's and 70's....

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I still maintain my doubts about the DU radiaton stuff.

1) As TheDreizinReport pointed out, this Polish monitoring station regularly reports these bismuth emission spikes about once per month, and this latest spike wasn't even the largest this year.

2) The way DU would be harmful, is if you injest it, and it causes toxicity. But the LD50 for it's toxicity as a heavy metal is higher than as a radiological agent. Sure, radioactivity happens even if you don't injest it, but it's minimal

3) 6-7 times background is nothing. Passenger plane pilots / fligh attendants regularly take 10-20x normal background all year round. Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) symptoms, like nausea generally start to manifest after 50-70 REM dosage. Normal background radiation is about 0.5-0.7 REM/year. This means that for ARS symptoms to have manifested after a 1-2 week period, the background radiation has to be about 2500x to 5000x normal background. Even if the numbers are somewhat off, I would expect at least a 500-1000x increase to actually make the ARS story plausible, which would be impossible to conceal. The effects of such "clouds of radiation" play out over decades not weeks (even at Chernobyl, where the radioactive cloud contained isotopes billions and billions of times more radioactive than DU, there were only a suspected 2-300 people with actual ARS. That's in Chernobyl, not hundreds and hundreds of kms away.)

4) If you blow up DU penetrators, it's not going to vaporise for the most part, it's only going to shatter. It vaporises when it slams into a solid object at 5000 km/h (kinetic energy of around 4 kg of TNT equivalent, all discipated through friction). Chunks of DU are less dangerous, because the radiation from the inner particles doesn't penetrate the outer ones, so the surface / volume ratio greatly impacts the amount of radiation given off by DU. The only possible way of DU munitions vaporising in a similar manner to being fired, is if they are burned up in a fire, which probably did happen to an extent, however in an explosion, most of the stuff goes sky-high, only a small amount can burn.

Conclusions: DU threats of radiation may be plausible directly at the explosion site.

This entire angle seems off to me. Although it's fun to watch the anti-nuclear, "green", pro-EU idiots gawk upon hearing the words like "Uranium", "radiation" and "contamination". Thing is, radiation is detectable in much smaller amounts than what is physiologically significant, so it's easy to make people panic over it, especially since most people have no clue how it works or how dangerous it actually is.

For reference, there was a story that the teacher told us in University during in radiochemistry class that a train was carrying dug-up pipes that carried oil (from the Druzhba pipeline I think). The filth that built up during us on the walls of the pipe contained a few ppm Uranium, which set off the Geiger counters at the border, and they had to turn back. That doesn't mean you get radiation posioning from working with it.

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Radiation is how it's detected, heavy metal is how it damages. LD50? How do birth defects and cancer fit into that?

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I'm not saying that DU won't kill you or cause birth defects, but lead is also a toxic heavy metal, used in mass quantities in ammunition, it can't be detected via radiation, and it shatters on impact into fine dust the same way DU does, causes basically identical heavy metal toxicity, and is used in much larger quantities, but you don't hear headline news about lead poisoning, although it's incredibly toxic. AC-130 gunship crews notoriously suffer from chronic lead poisoning, suffering all sorts of seizures and other neurological/physiological symptoms.

LD50 is only relevant as in illustrating the mechanism by which DU kills / poisons people.

I'm just saying that whenever anyone hears the words "uranium" or "radiation", everyone flips the fuck out, and in the meantime no one cares about the probably millions of tonnes of lead that is expended into this land.

I'm saying it's a red herring, and it's a drop in the ocean compared to other environmental pollution sources in war.

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Also, if something has a very long half-life, orders of magnitudes more than a human lifetime, it's practically safe.

No Western European will ingest enough DU to have any measurable effect.

The Moldovans with the headaches is mass hysteria. Uranium is a spooky word, and people are stupid, especially in a crowd.

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>The Covid hoax

Is it any wonder that he predictive value of what you wrote months ago about the upcoming big Russian offensives was so low, when you prove yourself to a delusional lunatic with comments like this?

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GM go get your 7th booster. You are the deluded one, a Kool Aid drinking Phizzer guinea pig.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Tens of millions died because the global neoliberal oligarchy didn't want to do containment as it would have cost them too much (and endemic COVID is in fact good for them because it will massively lower life expectancy, to something very close, or even below the retirement age).

What they did instead was to brainwash the suckers into thinking it is no big deal and endemic COVID is in their best interest.

And the suckers are not only infesting comment sections, but writing the long articles themselves too.

And yes, the vaccines absolutely suck, and no, I am not on my 7th booster, because it is pointless at this point. But I have also never been infected because I know how to prevent that.

Meanwhile I can only wish you painful choking in your own blood on your 5th reinfection.

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.A true covidiot that believes that a corona virus is deadly to healthy people. And believes the bioweapon is a "vaccine".

Even the WEF bought Australian govt. in the midst of their CV19 scare campaign released Health Dept. stats that showed cv 19 was the 52nd deadliest 'thing' we could die from. As the flu has always been. 2020 UK health Dept. classed CV 19 as a disease of low consequence, even though the liars in govt. said the opposite.

BTW I don't ever become ill from any corona virus strain, AKA the flu, as I have a functioning immune system and am robustly healthy.

And I would rather choke on my own blood than you choking on the diarrhea spewing from your facial anus.

Can't fix stupid.

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There should be mandatory death sentences, to be carried out immediately, for retards like you, because they threaten our collective survival with their stupidity.

SARS isn't 229E, it is an extremely serious thing.

And SARS2 killed 1% of working age people in quite a few areas around the world. On the first round, of countless to come. Another few percent were left with serious disabilities.

It wasn't a lot worse in the West because of vaccines, but in the long term, with endless reinfections, everyone converges onto the same shitty outcome.

"corona virus strain, AKA the flu" is the proof needed for you to be sent to the crematorium ASAP. Influenzaviruses and coronaviruses have nothing in common.

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"SARS2 killed 1% of working age people"

"It wasn't a lot worse in the West because of vaccines"

"in the long term, with endless reinfections, everyone converges onto the same shitty outcome"

LOL more proof of your intellectual short comings. However you have an over abundance of gullibility.

What's that old saying? Give a fool enough rope...

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

What do you think happened to "essential workers" in NYC in 2020-21? Or it was only because they are black and fat?

And what do you think caused the 5-6 years decline in life expectancy of the bottom income quintile (while for the top 1% it was reduced by something like a month)?

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I know the Polish mentality well.

Too many Poles would gladly slit their own children's throats if that meant that an American would pat them on the head and call them a good dog.

For those who think that this is hyperbole, look how Poles embrace the direct biological and ideological descendants of the very people who so gleefully murdered their grandparents within living memory.

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Did TAC let the cat people loose?

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I am surprised Russia has not taken out the Ukrainian power system and the bridges over the big rivers like the Dnipier and why it stuck with the Minsk agreements for so long when it was clear the west and Ukraine would not honour them

I also don’t know why Putin keeps calling western leaders his “partners” when they want him on trial at The Hague .

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Taking out the power system might cause a humanitarian disaster, and a "humanitarian" intervention by the West.

Much has been written about the bridges. Some say Russia may want to use them later. Other ideas have been floated about this. Some of these bridges are incredibly well built and might not go down unless demolished onsite.

I have not heard Putin use the "partners" phrase since the SMO started.

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Humanitarianism is invariably but a pretext.

If the West wants to intervene, they will do so, and manufacture the pretext if and as necessary.

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