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Oct 3Edited
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I have doubts about that video - as I understand it, Nevatim is a vast place based in the Negev desert and not surrounded by trees and urban architecture.

However I do think it was significantly damaged in the strike.

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Oct 2
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"Nasrallah was not a figurehead of Hezbollah,"

Spoken with such authority, but wrong.

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Then provide evidence!

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Nasrallah not a figurehead of Hazbollah?

That is 100% wrong.

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Oct 2
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Here in Europe the Elites are planning a "sky shield". The basis is the Iron Dome. It will cost endless amounts of money. But, as Iran has shown, it will not give any security. And this was "only" Iran, the intended enemy would be Russia, a much more dangerous animal. But any political party rejecting this waste of money is "right wing" (even if they are social democrats) and in the crosshair of all the MSM. In the near future, we will hear a lot of success against the Iranian rockets - otherwise all this big money for the military industrial complex, all this seats on the board of this companies for politicians voted out of office will be gone.

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Oct 2
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Karma !!!

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Paybacks are a bitch, Israel.

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Where are you hearing that? Source please.

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Oct 2
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Can u send the link for the presser please and thank you

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Go to MahmoodOD's page and fast forward it to the end. It's towards the end. It's all in Hebrew so I doubt if it's on the net much.

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Can you send the actual link? Thanks

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Go to MahmoodOD’s page on YouTube. It’s the latest long live one.

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Gallant would not be in the room for the same reason two bosses of a big company never use the same plane.

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Oct 2
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This "bullshit" is what would be expected a state should do in a situation when there's a risk to the leadership. Head of Mossad is not a member of the line of succession despite being de facto a political position.

BTW Bibi was seen visibly shaking before. That's not a new thing. With the amount of cr*p he's been producing lately, it would be surprising if he could remain calm. Maybe he should ask the greenshirt of Kiev for a sample of his meds.

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robert lindsay - Israeli New Testament scholar. He was a contributor to the Jerusalem Perspective, an academic journal of a consortium of Israeli scholars, including Jews, Christians, and others, of Jesus Research, also known as the Quest for the Historical Jesus.

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Who was?

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Perhaps you have a point. Netanyahu issued two statements in two days and Gallant was not in the room at either of them. And Netty had different people by his side in each video. I'm not sure if your theory is correct, but it sure is weird that he's not there even though he's quite alive.

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My personal theory is a bit more cynical.

TPTB controlling Bibi (who is hawkish enough by himself, but I still believe there are other forces behind him) are trying to ensure that whatever happens to the current leadership, there is still someone in a powerful position they can use to push for more of their holy war.

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For all I know you could be right. I guess I don’t know enough about this to comment.

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Sorry maybe bad rumor.

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Is this confirmed? By whom?

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Oct 2
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He was probably in the shitter wringing out his shorts.

Apologies to those with sensitivities.

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Oct 2
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Can he be all three?

He'd be getting a touch of his own medicine that way...

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VVP's comment about Chechen terrorists from 1999, when he was Prime Minister & Yeltsin was President: if they're in the outhouse, we'll waste them there

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Possibly a bad rumor. We are looking into it.

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who is we?

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😂 me.

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And hopefully Bibi loose one of his ball, just like his idol Adolf.

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that is stupid and insulting to compare hero uncle A a man against time to this disgusting jew.

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Hahaha ok ok. Sorry.

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Stupid fucking nazi

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LOL - shut up jew

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You are like listening to my grandson argue with the other twelve year olds. Everyone that disagrees with your nazi world view is not a jew. You're just a retarded little boy.

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Just another boomer with jew tv brain rot. Enjoy your ugly mullato grandchild.

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Yeah NuttyYahoo sure is a stupid fucking NAZI. Thanks for alerting us to that fact.

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Hey this may be a bad rumor. They quoted Gallant after the attack. Then Austin said he talked to him the next morning. It was just one item in Iranian Farsi press saying it was unconfirmed.

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Might be a bad rumor.

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I got it from this link feel free to check it out. Netanyahu statement at 4:00 mark.


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That gentleman is really interesting I just subscribed to his YT channel.

On a similar note, Middle Eastern Eye reports that Jorden is getting a lot of flack for shooting down Iranian missiles heading to Israel


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Oh man. He’s great. Everyone subscribe to MahmoodOD.

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@Robert Lindsay

He is at least as dead as Lloyd Austin, perhaps more so?

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Exactly. He was talking to Austin just this morning. Two dead guys, conversing, what a trip that must have been!

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Lloyd Austin was supposed to die in Ukraine bunker bomb attack - too bad he showed up again

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Sure ok. This may be a bad rumor about Gallant.

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I so hope you're right - it's been awesome reading the comments - especially your input...I hope so much this is true - I guess we might not find out right away

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A sad loss for Team Vampire...

They'll most likely replace him with a clone.

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awesome news last night.

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I reckon that "long arm of Israel" got shortened a bit last night.

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The long arm is secondary to the Big Mouth.

Wo betide the USA to let itself be dragged into this mess by a bunch of Ginned-up ear whisperers and blood drinkers.

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LONG LIVE Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance!

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Iran has published a list of ASSASSINATION TARGETS!


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You and Robert Lindsay should get together.

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Oct 2Edited

I hope the Israelis will stay in Lebanon forever as dried bones. The lack of any kind of triumphant reporting makes me think that they were utterly slaughtered there and that the same gag order that applies to reporting the effect of Iran's missile strikes also applies to their invasion force.

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lol they literally made a PR video out of the “limited invasion”. Looks like Netanyahu is now having to copy PR tactics from Cocaine Zelensky.

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There is some doubt about whether they actually invaded at all.

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More of an 'incursion' at this point.

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Well, I wouldn't be so quick to label this attack "theater". They surely hit some things of value. Netanyahu's hands were visibly shaking during a press appearance. I suspect some significant damage was done and the Israelis are shaken by the inadequacy of their air defense. I think this was important.

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Oct 2
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Bad rumor, sorry. Gallant is alive.

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You're too invested in this. For all we know this whole thing is a charade. Take it with plenty of salt. If they could fake the first Trump assassination attempt and almost nobody publicly suspects a thing, then people will believe anything. Just realize the people we get our information from are just as unreliable.

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They are very reliable, they ALWAYS LIE

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Yes you were caught lying again.

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Nope. I said from the start UNCONFIRMED.

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Yet you spread it all over the internet. Your heart is in the right place. You just need to exercise a bit of judgement.

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Fuck off you piece of shit. I’ll write what I want and you abd your faggot buddy Henry go fuck yourselves. EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!!!!!!

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You are nekulturny.

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Even if all the F-35s were airborne during the attack, the missiles would have decimated the landing strips & tarmacs. The F-35s & their lumbering tanker escorts cannot remain, like some loopy 35,000-ft carousel ride, orbiting the troposphere indefinitely.

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Oct 2
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Unfortunately the Mossad headquarters were not destroyed, hits were near it but I believe it was missed.

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Oct 2
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You can't just take what somebody says as truth. We're surrounded by bullshitters in this conflict. For all we know, both sides agreed to what the response would be because it was just mean to satisfy their own public.

And not to mention the attack looked like flares. Where are the explosions and damage?

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Geez man. I’m dealing with a nutcase.

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Well there is a burning gas platform off Ashkelon.

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I suspect that this is more wishful thinking.

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Mossad Headquarters is completely intact.

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Now that is a shame.

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Half their F-35 fleet destroyed in an attack they forewarned about? That sounds like unconfirmed reports that will remain so. The Israelis are arrogant and often careless, but it's hard to believe they would be that careless.

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I've no idea whether it is true, but it is not totally implausible. They had been in heavy action recently, and the F35 is notorious for needing lots of maintenance after use. It's possible that quite a few were not able to scramble to safety.

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Probably would be doing them a favor to destroy their F-35s, they're pieces of shit.

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Quite possibly 20 were destroyed.

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Who says they forewarned about it? I’ve not heard that verified. Seems like bullshit. US said Iran will attack in 12-24 hours🍓. A few minutes later, the attack started. The US stated that they were not forewarned. This needs to be proven to me. 20 destroyed F-35’s is Iran’s claim. Perhaps it’s bullshit.

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Did you not read this post?

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"Seems like bullshit"

Like everything you've said so far?

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I have just asked the same question, above. I recall reading that they said they did NOT warn the US, but had "consulted" with Russia. I read that in a Russia source. I can't find anything to support the notion that Iran warned the US. In lieu of insulting anyone any further for no good reason, perhaps someone can offer a reference or cite. Thanks in advance.

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It's probably true. Putin just happened to show up in Iran the day before the missile attack. I'm sure he was informed and gave them the head's up. He's also given them S-300's and S-400's and apparently SU-35's. Iran has developed their own major AA gun that is apparently even superior to an S-400. He also gave it their top of the line electronic warfare system. I don't know what they told him, but Putin showing up the day before is telling. I'm certain he was told of the attack but I would not call that forewarning. I'm certain that Russia did not tell the US or Israel about Iran's plans.

It looks like US and Israeli intelligence caught wind of the attack 3-4 hours before it happened and told the media. It also looks like the US had no idea when the attack was going to take place as they said it would be 12-24 hours and then it started several minutes after they said that. Why would Iran forewarn Israel and the US. They weren't playing with this attack. This is Iran putting on their big boy pants!

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There are zero reports of Israel scrambling aircraft. No reports of takeoffs from these fields during the attack. Israel received no warning.

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I have seen a satellite photo of the Netavim Base. There is a row of 20 F-35's. Five of them appear to be completely obliterated. So half the fleet was not scrambled at all. And Iran took out at least five jets. Furthermore, the day before the attack if you looked up that base on the Net, the general information link gave normal operating hours and days. The day after the attack that was changed to "Permanently closed." So one way or another Netavim is history. Israel's not using it anymore.

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Mossad Headquarters is apparently not destroyed. Sure, Iran is saying that but so what? I have seen a photo of the huge crater 300 yards from the Mossad base. That is certainly a huge crater. In the distance the Mossad building is completely intact. So it looks like maybe it wasn't hit at all. However, there are videos of missile after missile slamming into the area around that Mossad base, which also houses three other intelligence bases.

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Cyprus has been prepared for IAF

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Source on that? Do you mean they will land at air base on the parts of Cyprus the British dealt themselves to own in perpetuity?


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Funny if the F-35s were safe in the air, but couldn't land afterwards because the runways were wrecked...

I suppose that, with enough tankers, they could always fly back to the USA.

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Oct 3
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Link please? When you say something like this, you need to provide the link for people.

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Bad video, sorry. Said to be Nevakim base but it’s really something else. I’m quite certain that this is damage from the missiles, but it’s not the airbase. It’s something else. Looks like it used to be buildings, but now it’s just rubble. The Nevakim base can be seen on satellite.

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they can land at any airport.

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Or highway.

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Or in Cyprus.

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Alas and dammit... 8-(

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I've heard that they need special airports to land at particularly designed for them.

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Well considering the intensity of Israeli air operations recently and the F 35 being very maintenance needy, 60 maintenance hours for every hour of operation, the Iranian operation was well timed to catch much of the IDF air force undergoing maintenance unable to move. Two things should be observed going forward; If the intensity of IDF air operations decline or if the full scale IDF invasion of Lebanon is cancelled as the IDF will not take on Hezbollah without air cover as that would be suicide.

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They had 39 F-35’s. 20 got destroyed at Nevatim Base. Nevakim base destroyed. Half their fleet got taken out.

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20 of them were destroyed on the ground at Netivot. Iran also blew up a number of tanks at a base near Gaza.

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The equipment can be replaced by the jewSA golym. Hit the jew cities. Exterminate the parasite.

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If it was intended, it would be very clever to provoke a major invasion with tanks, transport, etc.; then to destroy the assembled equipment with missiles.

Not exactly novel - Rommel warned Berlin of exactly that danger in 1944 when he was ordered to mass his armour and hit the Normandy invasion beaches. He pointed out that the Allied air forces would simply fry the lot in one convenient batch.

1944 was not 1940. Still less is 2024 1940.

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The visibility of the attack also works towards other objectives. It further increases the rate of emigration from Israel. It further damages what it left of their tourist industry.

But, most importantly, it is extremely attractive PR for the global south and Muslim majority countries in particular. This, if one is thinking as a civilization, is an expansion of the sphere of influence.

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Hezbollah: Substantial IDF casualties reported.

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This was an eye opener. I did not foresee the number and effectiveness of the missiles. I don't think it is theater, and this war is NOT GOING TO END UNTIL THE PALESTINIANS GET A STATE.

Simplicius is ignoring the GENOCIDE OF GAZANS. Israel is DONE!

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Iran states that it used the Fatah-2 hypersonic missiles, thus bypassing the Iron Dome's interceptors.

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Also bypassed almost all the best ones too. Almost everything they shot missed.

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Great info, man. Thx for updating. Legacy media = crickets on this topic, or is toeing the Interagency line: that this was a pinprick attack

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They’re all saying it caused no damage or casualties.

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You betcha.

One glimpse of the Mossad HQ belies this

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Not all hypersonic. Maybe mostly hypersonic.

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90% of them got through. The US and Israel shot a LOT of their best interceptors at the missiles. Almost all of them missed. The performance of THAAD, David’s Sling, and Arrow 2 and 3 were pathetic! Many interceptors were fired and the vast majority them missed their targets.

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Yes, he totally fumbled with the “theatre” characterization and made it even more stupid by referencing a supposed “cultural” need for exaggerated displays, which was reminiscent of the kind of Eurocentric disparagements dished out by colonial “orientalist” variety!

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I hear Syria attacked Russia's airbase in Syria which has big implications. Russia shot down several missiles aimed at them, yet they are not protecting Syria, their ally, seemingly protecting Israel who is their enemy. They are the bosses of Ukrainian Nazis and as the chosen of god, are also Nazis.

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You mean Israel shot at Russia.

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As far as I know, Russia and Syria have clear rules between them. And Russia was there to protect Syria against ISIS, not against US or Israel. Syria chose not to e gage with Israel because they're not in a position to do so and they're the lifeline for resistance axis and don't want to get that affected.

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They hit an ammo (supposedly Hezbollah's) dump near the Tartus - not the Russian base.

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Russia is waging a full-scale war in Ukraine, and it has enough problems of its own. Russia owes nothing to anyone, and it has already done enough for Syria - helping destroy ISIS and preventing a full-scale US invasion. Until Russia is done with Ukraine, it cannot spend too many resources helping others.

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While you may be right that Iran hit “things of value,” Jimmy, this is all still theatre at its most grotesque. Unless “Things of value” is now commensurate with 2-300k dead Palestinians, assassinated leaders, and Israel showing no indication it plans to ever stop its murderous rampage, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Yemen sure better respond with something beyond firework shows if they have any intention of living beyond the next few months…

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as far as the jab about the age of the elders of Iran - not appreciated. They know what they are doing. They're opening up Iran and all the people of the region to nuclear war. God be with them. Maybe Somplicius is simple ( weak ) in his belief in God ? And his disrespect for another culture. He appreciates Israel that has all young blood thirsty shit dicks running operations. THERE ARE NO OLD ISRAELIS - lets not forget. The very best people to have at the helm of the military are military elders and at the very top - a religious figure. Best possible ethics. Its not like the Iranian army is old. They are in their prime and trained to the hilt. Megatron scorned the president of Iran yesterday- said the great Satans poo would ' eat him alive ' er - the president of Iran isn't even in charge of the military. Its only the idiotic pretend country called evilrael that the president is also the finance miniister is also the interior minister is also the top military boss....its a joke. Except that its ditto that he is also the same for USA and France and Germany and England

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Depends on what kind of fanatics these religious figures are. Judeo-Evangelicals are rather rabid.

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Maybe true, but there is something to say for more flexible minds in the constant changing field that is a war. Russia showed how... For a younger generation to lead. I agree that wisdom and restraint are needed at times, and these lies with the older generation. But to have too old people in key positions is also a kind of weakness.

Let's hope we don't find out.

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A couple of things seemed a bit off, including as you've observed. I think that the temptation to rush to print before verifiable facts could be gleaned is unhelpful. To conclude that this is more posturing... well we'll see. Israel, the US, and collective western chihuahuas have become pariahs - fact.

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What TF did I just read? Barely any of that was intelligible! 😳

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Permit me to share this link about the fall of a hegemon. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling. Thanks

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Iran kind of did a targeted pager attack, but w/ missiles.

Bibi is singing from Zelya's hymnal: 146% interception rate

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And October 1st is better than October 7th.

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Caitlin Johnstone renamed the iron dome as the iron toilet paper dome.

And how many American jets flew today since they might be running low on fuel?

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"We even destroyed some missiles FROM THE FUTURE!!!!!!"

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Hey Simp, can we get a proper breakdown on the fall of Ugledar later this week? Was looking forward to your article on it and tbh I think it deserves more than just one quick little bullet point.

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The fall of Ugledar is a BIG event. I, too, would like to see more on it.

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Agreed, a battle history going back 2 years would be nice!

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The Ukraine is a side show now, the war is lost. Ugledar was a significant location, and since it has fallen, that only confirms the Ukraine has lost.

It is the Middle East that now determines geopolitics.

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All Ukraine need do is hold on until after the US elections. It doesn't matter who wins, only that the voters not be given the chance to make the election a referendum on WWIII.

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Holding on is not a problem, the war most certainly will not be wrapped up befor 5 Nov.

However, just about everybody sees that the Ukraine has lost, and that it is just a matter of time before Russia dictates the terms of the peace deal.

Everybody also sees it is a bottomless pit financially, so no matter who wins in the U.S., there will be a lot less money flowing in.

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No, because once the voters will no longer have a say, NATO can intervene directly and openly.

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Yes, but that still costs money. Plus, the U.S. has been financing the Ukraine directly, and that flow will see a dramatic drop.

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They'll just use "accounting errors" and other fudges until the next aid package is voted through.

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The voters haven't had a say for at least 80 years.

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So basically you wrote this whole thing and have no idea what’s going on. Both sides can get fucked and hopefully all perish. Rid the world of both problems. You fuckin idiots taking sides are pawns in the game. This is all about the money. Who the fuck warns their enemy when they’re going to attack?

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Without telegraphing its moves, Israel unloaded 90 tonnes in the attack that claimed Nasrallah.

Note: without telegraphing its moves.

Speaking from Beirut, Laith Marouf made an interesting point: the IDF does not have the number of jets necessary to drop 90 tonnes of explosives on any target: the 'coalition of the willing' had to step up Big Time, implicating the U.S., the UK, France & Germany in the attack that took out Nasrallah.

The hidden Western involvement is an open secret. In light of this, we have to wonder what it means for Israel to be @ war when the U.S., w/ allied Western consent, can spur [read: enable] the IDF toward cataclysmic massacre while keeping its own hands *plausibly* clean.

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It was 80 tons, so at 4 tons per airplane that is only 20 airplanes, Israel has hundreds of them.

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F-15s and F-35s:

66x F-15-A/C and F-15E Strike Eagle. A further 50 are on the way.

39x F-35 "Lightning II" with double that on the way.

There's also something like 175 F-16Cs

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F-35's are down to 19! Yeah double on the way. They'll only get there by 2028. That's real soon!

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"I want to believe..."

The Iranians claim they got 20 on the ground. Given that the F-15 strike eagle and F-35s would be the principal attack planes the IOF/IAF would use directly against Iran, it would behoove the retaliation to target those specifically. But we don't know what the damages were. Likely, we never will. The IOF continues to assail Gaza and S. Lebanon. F-16s, attack helicopters, artillery, etc. etc. are all likely being used for that, but again, we just don't know.

Iranian military leaders thinks 90% of their ballistic missiles got through. Israeli officials assert that 90% were intercepted. The Western media, peddling Hasbarah per usual, assert most of the missiles were intercepted. Who knows? Certainly the production rate of F-35s is very slow...

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I saw a photo of Nevakim Airbase. A hangar has a huge hole in it. I see 20 jets in a line on the ground. 5 of them seem to be obliterated. It’s like they’re not there. So right now we can say for sure that 5 F-35’s got blown up.

No, I know for a fact that 90% got through. Most of those missiles were hypersonic. They cannot be shot down. If it was mostly hypersonic, it makes sense that almost all got through. Look at the footage. See any interceptions?

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Your comment made me think: what if the US supported Israel to overextend itself, and then withdraw itself? Kind of like a ballsy move to get rid of its cancer once and for all?

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The U.S. might have to perform an AIPAC-ectomy

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Isn't that an AIPACtomy? Anyway, totally agree. Plus the assassination of a few zionist billionaires.

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Nancy Pelosi:If capital crumbles to the ground,one thing tha'll remain is our commitment to Israel

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keep wishing as the jew controls the west and the entire purpose of the goyim is to keep that jew state in existence

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guess you've never been to Jewish Virtual Library...US top govt is Jewish controlled.

Biden's kids are married to Jews. Kamala is married to a Jew.

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Tulsi Gabbard is married to a Jew.

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The SYNagogue of Satan:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee - Book of Revelation


That's why they are called jewISH.

Like kiddISH, babyISH, xxxxISH. hahahahahahaha. Not a true JEW among them.

Have no sympathy. They keep crying about a fake 6 million...soon they'll have it and much more.

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So are the Fat Orange Retard's kids.

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yes, Kushner. But not Eric or Don Jr. But as long as any admin has ANY fake Jews (aka JewISH CULTure)...then nepotism (Fake smart folks) rears its head. In the 2030s future I envision...this won't be a problem...but until then...reader-beware.

So from this angle, Trump is lesser of 2 evils. But not by much.

just read this on wiki

For much of his career, Kushner worked as a real-estate investor in New York City, especially through the family business Kushner Companies. He took over the company after his father Charles Kushner was convicted for 18 criminal charges, including illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering in 2005, although Charles was controversially pardoned by Trump in 2020.


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Don "This house is so Pro-Israel we even circumcised the cat!" Junior is partnered with Newsom's ex, which is almost as bad as marrying a khazar, and Don Sr has never hidden his semitophilia, so they're both utter crap.

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Dirty little secret: Jared Kushner is completely GAY. Total closet case, covered up with Trump's daughter as a beard.

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Trump is a Jew. I'm surprised none of you have looked into it.

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type in JEWISH MEDIA CONTROL at duckduckgo...images. Find the graphic of NY Times - ABC - NPR - NBC......(most) all top positions and mid held by Jews.

Use tineye to find a bigger version once you get the lower res version...and you can cross-ref for yourself.

Ok... Holocaust Handbooks is fun too.

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That's called overcoping your 🗣️ up your 🕳️

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Alaister Crooke said they dropped 68 - 2000 pound bombs.

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Thx for the info

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that makes no sense. the jew controls the west and only exists because the goyim endless supply of weapons and not treating the jew as the illegal terrorist state that it is...

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These conflicts have nothing to do with money. They're about the rapidly dwindling hydrocarbon and mineral resources and who controls them. That's why there are so many wars now. Their frequency directly correlates to the volatility in commodities. See Simon Michaux.

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Let's be a little bit human character here. All of the conflicts are more about 'daddy' being away than anything else. The U.S. is no longer able to keep the peace (their version) so now the children run rampant.

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Amos Hoschstein & Brett McGurk have torqued Joe’s public intentions & policies to such an extent that what Joe *said* his aims were—a ceasefire—bear no resemblance to what advisors like Hochstein & McGurk are "quietly" urging Israel to do. Teaming up w/ President Blinken, they have put the pedal to the metal in service of changing the trajectory of ME dynamics for generations to come.

When you ride w/ the Amalek-hunters, you better have the stomach for where they take you.

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Go see the vid of Mad Net running for the bomb shelter.

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USS Lincoln is the only USN CVN near the Middle East, it is well east of Oman! Not much threat to Iran and Yemen, but maybe safe from Houthi.

If F-35I are fly able means it has a lot of spare parts from US, and a big number of extra Lockheed repairmen! Rather half are not flyable.

Israeli good at terror bombing, such is not useful on large area well dug in Iran.

US added terrorism is not useful!

Iran probably does not need to wait.

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The CVN lost its lone tanker due to bad navigation, and the mighty US-navy does not have some spare tankers, nor the personal to man them. No more high octane fuel for the jets! But maybe this story was just told, to give the Iranians a wrong impression?

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"Bad navigation" 😏 How many navy ships do you know that are so bad at navigation that they receive damage to rudder and slurp water into the engine compartments? In simpler terms, how can one run aground *backwards*?

Rumor has it, a certain wake-homing torpedo did it.

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The Norwegian Navy set one of the most expansive and modern ships on a rock, in home waters, one wonders, if this might have to do with three (or should I say all three) femal naval officers beeing on the same ship. A US-Sub crashed into a sandbank. And I am old enough to know the story of the Soviet Sub sitting on top of a rock in front of a Swedish port. And then we have Francesco Shettino - google this story, it is so weird, if there were not a lot of passangers who can confirm this, no one would belive it.

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The damage is suggestive of some other damage other than a grounding.

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Haven't noticed the average quality of the human capital of the US military lately, have you? It's entirely possible that this is yet another case of "Cindy is not talking to that bitch Trudy because of what she said about LaTonya's hair and then the ship crashed".

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Okay, fine, good point, but how do you do it backwards? Usually when a ship runs aground, it doesn't damage its rudder and prop because they're in the back. The nose gets hit, then the belly, but also in front. Like with that poor Norwegian frigate. But the oiler got its arse handed to it quite literally. That's the odd part.

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Never underestimate the ingenuity of retards when it comes to wrecking things.

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yes, but if I wanted to disable a Navy task force, i'd hit the ship they use for UNREP. Very fortuitous that that got hit at this moment.

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