awesome news last night.

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I reckon that "long arm of Israel" got shortened a bit last night.

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LONG LIVE Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance!

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Iran has published a list of ASSASSINATION TARGETS!


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Massive news everyone! Yoav Gallant is DEAD. Killed by a missile!

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Karma !!!

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Paybacks are a bitch, Israel.

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Where are you hearing that? Source please.

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Iranian media. Not confirmed. Reported 10 hours ago. But check out Netanyahu's presser. It's disturbing as Hell. Netty is shaking like a Goddamned leaf and GALLANT IS NOT IN THE ROOM, and he is always always there. He's either sick or hurt or dead. Something terrible must have happened to shake Netty up like that.

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Can u send the link for the presser please and thank you

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Go to MahmoodOD's page and fast forward it to the end. It's towards the end. It's all in Hebrew so I doubt if it's on the net much.

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Can you send the actual link? Thanks

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Go to MahmoodOD’s page on YouTube. It’s the latest long live one.

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Gallant would not be in the room for the same reason two bosses of a big company never use the same plane.

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That’s bullshit. NETTY is sitting next to his top general snd the head of Mossad. He has never missed one of those pressers ever ever ever. And the attack was over. And that may be a secure bunker they are in. And why is Netanyahu shaking like a leaf? Never seen him like that once in 40 years.

Hezbollah killed the head of 8200 for sure and Israel quoted him 3-4 times and he even quoted him announcing his retirement, all after he was dead.

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This "bullshit" is what would be expected a state should do in a situation when there's a risk to the leadership. Head of Mossad is not a member of the line of succession despite being de facto a political position.

BTW Bibi was seen visibly shaking before. That's not a new thing. With the amount of cr*p he's been producing lately, it would be surprising if he could remain calm. Maybe he should ask the greenshirt of Kiev for a sample of his meds.

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Gallant has never missed one meeting. That argument makes no sense. Gallant is not in the line of succession. Do if they hit that bunker they kill the whole Cabinet, Bibi, the head of Mossad, his top general, BUT AT LEAST WE HID GALLANT. That’s insanity sorry. Perhaps he is alive but I’m puzzled why he wasn’t at that presser. He’s also in every new Security Cabinet video and they do those a couple of times a week.

On the other hand, I KNOW the head of 8200 is dead. After he died they had him resigning his position and making a quote. They quoted him a few times after he was dead saying different stuff.

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Is this confirmed? By whom?

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It's from Iranian media 9 hours ago. Unconfirmed so far but check out Netanyahu's latest presser. WHERE IN GOD'S NAME IS GALANT? HE'S NOT IN THE ROOM. He's ALWAYS at those meetings.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

He was probably in the shitter wringing out his shorts.

Apologies to those with sensitivities.

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VVP's comment about Chechen terrorists from 1999, when he was Prime Minister & Yeltsin was President: if they're in the outhouse, we'll waste them there

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He’s sick, hurt, or dead. He never misses a meeting.

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Can he be all three?

He'd be getting a touch of his own medicine that way...

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And hopefully Bibi loose one of his ball, just like his idol Adolf.

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Hey this may be a bad rumor. They quoted Gallant after the attack. Then Austin said he talked to him the next morning. It was just one item in Iranian Farsi press saying it was unconfirmed and then nothing since. But he wasn’t at that meeting and that’s WEIRD AS FUCK. Why wasn’t

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

I hope the Israelis will stay in Lebanon forever as dried bones. The lack of any kind of triumphant reporting makes me think that they were utterly slaughtered there and that the same gag order that applies to reporting the effect of Iran's missile strikes also applies to their invasion force.

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lol they literally made a PR video out of the “limited invasion”. Looks like Netanyahu is now having to copy PR tactics from Cocaine Zelensky.

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There is some doubt about whether they actually invaded at all.

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Well, I wouldn't be so quick to label this attack "theater". They surely hit some things of value. Netanyahu's hands were visibly shaking during a press appearance. I suspect some significant damage was done and the Israelis are shaken by the inadequacy of their air defense. I think this was important.

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Even if all the F-35s were airborne during the attack, the missiles would have decimated the landing strips & tarmacs. The F-35s & their lumbering tanker escorts cannot remain, like some loopy 35,000-ft carousel ride, orbiting the troposphere indefinitely.

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Three air bases are destroyed. 20 F-35’s are destroyed on the ground. And Mossad headquarters is destroyed. Those three airbases are out of service. Nothing can land there.

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Unfortunately the Mossad headquarters were not destroyed, hits were near it but I believe it was missed.

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Cyprus has been prepared for IAF

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Source on that? Do you mean they will land at air base on the parts of Cyprus the British dealt themselves to own in perpetuity?


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50 mins ago·edited 49 mins ago

Funny if the F-35s were safe in the air, but couldn't land afterwards because the runways were wrecked...

I suppose that, with enough tankers, they could always fly back to the USA.

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His hands are shaking because YOAV GALLANT IS DEAD. Notice he’s not in the room? Well where the fuck is he? He’s either sick or hurt or dead. Something terrible happened to shake Netty up like that. Significant IDF casualties. 3 IDF airbases are so damaged they are out of service. 20 F-35’s destroyed on the ground. And Mossad Headquarters is DESTROYED.

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The visibility of the attack also works towards other objectives. It further increases the rate of emigration from Israel. It further damages what it left of their tourist industry.

But, most importantly, it is extremely attractive PR for the global south and Muslim majority countries in particular. This, if one is thinking as a civilization, is an expansion of the sphere of influence.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

as far as the jab about the age of the elders of Iran - not appreciated. They know what they are doing. They're opening up Iran and all the people of the region to nuclear war. God be with them. Maybe Somplicius is simple ( weak ) in his belief in God ? And his disrespect for another culture. He appreciates Israel that has all young blood thirsty shit dicks running operations. THERE ARE NO OLD ISRAELIS - lets not forget. The very best people to have at the helm of the military are military elders and at the very top - a religious figure. Best possible ethics. Its not like the Iranian army is old. They are in their prime and trained to the hilt. Megatron scorned the president of Iran yesterday- said the great Satans poo would ' eat him alive ' er - the president of Iran isn't even in charge of the military. Its only the idiotic pretend country called evilrael that the president is also the finance miniister is also the interior minister is also the top military boss....its a joke. Except that its ditto that he is also the same for USA and France and Germany and England

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Depends on what kind of fanatics these religious figures are. Judeo-Evangelicals are rather rabid.

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Maybe true, but there is something to say for more flexible minds in the constant changing field that is a war. Russia showed how... For a younger generation to lead. I agree that wisdom and restraint are needed at times, and these lies with the older generation. But to have too old people in key positions is also a kind of weakness.

Let's hope we don't find out.

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A couple of things seemed a bit off, including as you've observed. I think that the temptation to rush to print before verifiable facts could be gleaned is unhelpful. To conclude that this is more posturing... well we'll see. Israel, the US, and collective western chihuahuas have become pariahs - fact.

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Permit me to share this link about the fall of a hegemon. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling. Thanks

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Iran kind of did a targeted pager attack, but w/ missiles.

Bibi is singing from Zelya's hymnal: 146% interception rate

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And October 1st is better than October 7th.

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Caitlin Johnstone renamed the iron dome as the iron toilet paper dome.

And how many American jets flew today since they might be running low on fuel?

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Hey Simp, can we get a proper breakdown on the fall of Ugledar later this week? Was looking forward to your article on it and tbh I think it deserves more than just one quick little bullet point.

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The fall of Ugledar is a BIG event. I, too, would like to see more on it.

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Agreed, a battle history going back 2 years would be nice!

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The Ukraine is a side show now, the war is lost. Ugledar was a significant location, and since it has fallen, that only confirms the Ukraine has lost.

It is the Middle East that now determines geopolitics.

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So basically you wrote this whole thing and have no idea what’s going on. Both sides can get fucked and hopefully all perish. Rid the world of both problems. You fuckin idiots taking sides are pawns in the game. This is all about the money. Who the fuck warns their enemy when they’re going to attack?

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Without telegraphing its moves, Israel unloaded 90 tonnes in the attack that claimed Nasrallah.

Note: without telegraphing its moves.

Speaking from Beirut, Laith Marouf made an interesting point: the IDF does not have the number of jets necessary to drop 90 tonnes of explosives on any target: the 'coalition of the willing' had to step up Big Time, implicating the U.S., the UK, France & Germany in the attack that took out Nasrallah.

The hidden Western involvement is an open secret. In light of this, we have to wonder what it means for Israel to be @ war when the U.S., w/ allied Western consent, can spur [read: enable] the IDF toward cataclysmic massacre while keeping its own hands *plausibly* clean.

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It was 80 tons, so at 4 tons per airplane that is only 20 airplanes, Israel has hundreds of them.

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Your comment made me think: what if the US supported Israel to overextend itself, and then withdraw itself? Kind of like a ballsy move to get rid of its cancer once and for all?

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The U.S. might have to perform an AIPAC-ectomy

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Isn't that an AIPACtomy? Anyway, totally agree. Plus the assassination of a few zionist billionaires.

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Amos Hoschstein & Brett McGurk have torqued Joe’s public intentions & policies to such an extent that what Joe *said* his aims were—a ceasefire—bear no resemblance to what advisors like Hochstein & McGurk are "quietly" urging Israel to do. Teaming up w/ President Blinken, they have put the pedal to the metal in service of changing the trajectory of ME dynamics for generations to come.

When you ride w/ the Amalek-hunters, you better have the stomach for where they take you.

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Go see the vid of Mad Net running for the bomb shelter.

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USS Lincoln is the only USN CVN near the Middle East, it is well east of Oman! Not much threat to Iran and Yemen, but maybe safe from Houthi.

If F-35I are fly able means it has a lot of spare parts from US, and a big number of extra Lockheed repairmen! Rather half are not flyable.

Israeli good at terror bombing, such is not useful on large area well dug in Iran.

US added terrorism is not useful!

Iran probably does not need to wait.

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Theater? Perhaps Grand Guignol. Nope I'm afraid we're way beyond that. The Israeli's got their asses waxed in 2006. It wasn't even close. A ground invasion of Lebanon is Hezbollah's wet dream. Seriously mess with Iran? The vulnerabilities are off the chart--the kicker being close the Strait of Hormuz. The West's economies will implode. Not theater, it's nut cutting time. The Ayatollah is pissed. Today was a wet kiss to get Israel in the mood for the rogering to come. Israel, the vilest of all nations, is smoked bacon.

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I do kind of agree with Simplicus here. I have a distinct feeling I'm watching war-made-for-TV...

We're not there yet.

I'm imagining this as a brawl between 2 kids. The first bombing was a push with a threat "don't you dare". The bully got back up, and after a while convinced itself it was the better. And tried again. Now it got its nose bloodied. Let's see if the bully is smart enough to withdraw (from what I understand of Zionists, I doubt it).

But that's just it, if a bully's air of supremacy is punctured, there is no way back. It's only downhill... And the ego of the bully will not let that happen calmly - with restraint.

So I'm predicting it'll get messier over time.

But I'm afraid the laudable inflation numbers of the West are very temporary now. Oil will stop flowing, and major pain will be needed before the people in power change their tune.

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The only thing that would change the western's elite tune is to see their AI narratives propelled by MSFT and NVDA halved in value. They even had the audacity to launch their offensives always after the mkt close.

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True, I was also wondering: why didn't Iran launch after Friday market close??

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Besides US dockside workers are/going on strike. It would be a good wake up call - empty shelves. Russia, China, Iran, confrontations and threats of war all round. But of those three think about an oil price spike, and no Chinese products. I wonder how long "civil" society will last. In short unlike 1942 the US is not the factory to the world.

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"...but the one take away that we’re again able to make is that Iran is at least capable of penetrating all Western air defense nets."

The use of "at least" and several other references regarding the Iranian precision strikes on military installations reek of Orientalism that I did not expect from Simplicius. Disappointing, yet revealing.

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Kind of like saying, "At least muskets can penetrate plate armor." Yeah, Sir Galahad, no big deal. I caught the dismissive flavor too, but I'm admittedly prejudiced and have been following things in this arena for decades. He might want to read a bit of Alastair Crook and Elijah Magnier to get up to speed.

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💯 Spot on.

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You're quick to take umbrage, as per your use of Said's tired old 'Orientalism' meme. It's nothing but thinly disguised victimology. Here's another way to interpret what Simplicius was saying:

Both Israel and the US constantly pat themselves on the back about their ability to intercept Iranian missiles. They like to pretend their AA defenses are practically impervious. Simplicius used the phrase 'at least' to accentuate the fact that not only can Iran penetrate the west's vaunted air defense, it also means that Iran can do a lot more damage when it decides to do so. As you can see, Simplicius was complimenting Iran.

Your gratuitous butthurt is just more proof that nonwhites have no innate ability to understand white thinking, white motivations, white history, and the white lived experience. Since they can't understand, the only other thing they can do is regurgitate stale leftist memes and pejoratives, which only makes them look stupid. The more they protest about it, the more it proves they are born without the ability to understand.

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I regularly read Simplicius' postings and a fan of his works. Per an earlier comment by Richard V, this particular post had an air of dismissiveness, hence my critique (or "umbrage" as you condescendingly put it). While there's lots to unpack in your comment I'll pass on providing a constructive rebuttal given your lazy ad hominem attacks. I'm white btw 👀

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...and no doubt a leftist, which places you into an entirely different category, that of hating whites because of some unacknowledged deep seated self-loathing. An "air of dismissiveness"... such a lame excuse. Actually, like all leftists, you believe you can read other people's minds and suss out their motivations. It's all done by your magic telepathy, that you acquire when you are assimilated into the woke hivemind.

Have a nice day.

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Poor soul, all you can resort to is nonsensical ad hominems when someone does not share you pathetic racist ideas.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

No pt arguing with them. So many here are just marxist apologies here trying to put words in one's mouth. Just because I believe Russia is the only sane person here and Putin has been doing a good job defusing the western elites' ploy to plunge the world into WWIII to cancel their DEBT does not equate that I need to buy their Class Struggle and BLM's RACE theory and how the labour unions are for the COMMON GOOD. Taking the vaxx is also for common good, why don't those apologists here take it.

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How do you know they didn't?

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The fight has just begun. At the end of the tunnel we all have to deal with WW3.

In the meantime, it's nice to see Israel get some payback 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥

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We need to understand the burden and the stake that which Iran (so does Russia) weighing now, they did their best to avoid the side who is so keen to bring down the apocalypse, the west. However, we should also realize that once the war broke out, there's no more rich and poor, good car bad car, good life bad life, west or east, only dead, which is practically is the best deal for everyone. Ups sorry, those everyone are those who been hoping for the destruction of the western world, I mean their government. So no, we sane enough to reject the offer of having WW3. Although the possibility is always on the air, every single day now.

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