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I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

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Clearly this was taken from your most recent poetry jam…

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First 🥇

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Thank you King for clearing the way for us cowards that read the article before commenting.

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Got there. Saw the “No Comments”

Couldn’t resist 😜

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Now what will you do with your life after this momentous achievement? :)

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World Peace :)

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Go big or go home!

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Couldn't resist acting like a twelve year old?

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More like a 5 year old lol

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It makes me laugh how they can write about "Russia's undeclared war" in the Middle East while Muttmerica and its European eunuchs literally just gave permisison to launch direct attacks on Russian territory. Granted that's like telling a man with two bullets left in his rifle that he is allowed to shoot a pack of angry bears, but it's so hypocritical and self-serving that I don't even have the words to properly describe it.

Harden your heart, oh Putin!

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Ukraine is a super-independent nation, with a president who is a prime Decision-Maker in his own right—but the Chancellor of Germany had to get permission from Joe before phoning VVP.

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Who could ever forget the infamous presser with Joe and Olaugh when Biden declared the Nord Stream 2 would be stopped. Olaugh just stood there and didn't even move. It reminds me of the footage of George W with the schoolkids on 9/11. Same terror plot different target.

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Imagine being a German citizen and being told by the media that the person leading your country needs permission from a dementia patient to call the President of Russia

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Germany is an occupied country, just like Japan. They are not sovereign at all. Did you know in Japan there is a huge amount of airspace that only the US can use? It's a fucking joke that these countries think they are independent. It's like my 9yo son who thinks he is really independent

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Funny you mention that considering the Soviet Union defeated both Nazi Germany and Imperial Nippon. Wink wink. Notice there aren't any Russian occupiers there?

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Good one.

But you forgot to add the /s at the end.

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Here? Not necessary. :)

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The description most applicable: the cowardice of Murkan imperialism in their efforts to slither away from their dying sycophants.

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#RazPutin iz allowing the #Oligarchs to settle their disputes without intervention. Hence, gun crimes amongst the #Russian-oligarchs are increasing. “They’re eating the #Russians!” ~ DJT … So, it “es imperativo” that the current #Oligarchies in #Kaliningrad choose their leaders now to present to the Global Community upon secession from the current iteration of #Stalin’s-Kleptocracy in #Moscow. #Church-O-Stalin #Eugene! 🦖 #Georgia-Meloni

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Of course the narrative so much bullshit. What does anyone propose to do about it? It's still the default narrative of All (self-declared) Serious Right Thinking People.

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Biden decided to provide Zelensky the US’ top secret target intelligence inside Russia to perpetrate terror attacks with no military value within Russia.

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Butt hurt.

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If Alex Soros is happy, everyone should beware

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The cuckservative strikes again.

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Cuckservative means conservatives who approve of mass immigration. George and Alex Soros are some of the main Democrat funders.

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Alex isn't the brightest bulb around, and he will be disappointed...

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as are most sin merchants and their ethnic nepotism that run the jewSA

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#RazPutin iz allowing the #Oligarchs to settle their disputes without intervention. Hence, gun crimes amongst the #Russian-oligarchs are increasing. “They’re eating the #Russians!” ~ DJT … So, it “es imperativo” that the current #Oligarchies in #Kaliningrad choose their leaders now to present to the Global Community upon secession from the current iteration of #Stalin’s-Kleptocracy in #Moscow. #Church-O-Stalin #Eugene! 🦖 #Georgia-Meloni

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Another copy,paste troll. Go play on the freeway meathead

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The “freeway?” No. That would be dangerous! … “We’ve been dumped on by a #Dino. The ENTIRE election was illegitimate. So, grab a shovel and start clearing the deck. We can still turn this thing around by January 20th, 2025 …IF we stay together. Tie me to the wheel. We’re going UP and OVER!” ~ Capt. Lindeman, Surfing the Krakatoa Tsunami, 1883 🦖 #Eugene!

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I have it on good authority from someone who knows him a bit that he seems fairly smart and in person he is incredibly charming. Fwiw. I view that as a huge negative and that it makes him more dangerous, but idk.

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…and that is why we know from where this warmongering stems from.

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Spot on

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soros - evil jew prime....

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Alex Soros is a Zionist piece of excrement.

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>Second: HIMARS have already been used all over Kursk, including on a Russian column some months ago. Both regular HIMARS missiles and ATACMS are fired from the same truck—so this new ‘authorization’ strikes me as a little strange. Though the NYT article addresses this:

Yes, and Russia has a very hard time removing the Ukro-NATO-Nazis from its territory as a result.

>Third: HIMARS, M270s and German Mars II variants have all been greatly attrited during the Kursk excursion of the past three months to the point that it’s questioanble how many units Ukraine even has remaining.

It's still flying daily. Pay close attention to the real-time sources.

>And that’s really all that matters, as they openly admit the ATACMS won’t actually do anything to change the war itself:

It in fact changes everything, and catastrophically so for Russia, as has been explained countless times.

The moment you allow missiles to fly freely over your territory, you are sitting duck for a decapitating and disabling first nuclear strike. Because you are supposed to launch on warning once missiles are fired at you as you don't know whether they are nuclear or not and you won't know it until Moscow is gone, and you also know that the enemy knows about that calculus too, and is thus much more likely to go nuclear in order to prevent your second strike. If you disable launch-on-warning so that not to "escalate", you become open to such strikes.

You also stop being a great power and become a Syria.

Would the US ever allow anyone firing missiles onto its territory? Do we even need to waste time answering that question?

>Trump takes office in two months and could presumably instantly roll-back Biden’s ‘deep strikes’ authorization, completely negating any effect by limiting their use to a tiny irrelevant window.

No, this is being done by Biden in order to free Trump of the burden of having to do it himself.

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Quality contribution to the discussion.

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I don't debate with cretins 🤷‍♀️🤣🤡

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Quality contribution to the discussion.

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Would the US ever allow anyone firing missiles onto its territory?

Well, there was that one time Iran fired a bunch of missiles onto a US airbase in Iraq.

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So Iran is firing missiles into US territory? Not an airbase in *Iraq*, but US territory?

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Iirc before the US Army stations forces inside any country they have to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the host. One of the clause is that for any area of lands they rent from the host to build a base, inside that area the USA is the sovereign. It’s the same concept as Embassies. Therefore you can consider Al-Udeid airbase as US territory.

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"Iirc before the US Army stations forces inside any country they have to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the host."

Wonder how that SOFA with Syria reads?

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Obviously they’re squatting illegally in Syria. I’m referring to the instances when there’s an agreement between USA and a host country.

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Sounds like you're playing word games to make excuses for Russian waffling.

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You say waffling. I say prudence. I have no wish to get into an argument with you about that.

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Ok, since you insist on playing word games, pretend rockets were falling on one or more of the 50 states. Surely the US would not display such "prudence"?

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Technically speaking any US military base IS US terroritory

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When you have to use the words "technically speaking" you've lost the argument. It's like Mormon teenagers claiming that they're still "technically" virgins since the guy didn't move his penis around after he stuck it in.

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Ronnie Raygun allowed Iraq to attack the USS Stark and kill 37 US Navy personnel with ZERO consequences.

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Bro just two more conscriptions until Crimea once we press gang the pregnant women and already amputated men to the front we will be knitting Vyshyvankas in Sevastopol.

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There's a YT video of Russian soldiers capturing a pregnant Ukrainian soldier. It's maybe 6 months old, so it's already happened.

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What a clown you are. Go bite your pillow and curl up in a corner.

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There is a certain... how do I say, unfairness, that so many countries get to "participate" in the conflict (UK, FR, DE, US, etc) but there isn't even the remote possibility of a drone landing in someones apartment or a missiles hitting a port etc. Russia's error IMO, but what to do?

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Russia has hinted at it. If I thought our current society could be reformed I'd be worried about how few strikes it would take to bring us to Mad Max.

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A hard time? That tiny Kursk pocket is being fed the blood of Ukraine's best. I think Russia has incentive to slow roll the inevitable, because it's making taking territory everywhere else much easier.

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Indeed. Bidensky fed all the elite units and the best-equipped units - usually the same thing - into Kursk. Where they are hit from three sides. Looking at the map is chilling. How would you let people stay there surrounded on three sides? And it's all forest except for a few small towns.

I guess it is "a hard time" getting rid of them because there are so many of them with so much equipment in that forested area. But HITTING them is not difficult. Just that you have to do so much hitting.

Kind of like cutting through a hundred packages of butter is more difficult than cutting through one, but only because there are more of them, not because it would be difficult to cut through butter.

I can only imagine what experienced Ukrainian soldiers sent to Kursk are thinking. If peace came now and they got the chance to go to Kiev, I don't think Zelensky could feel safe.

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Just what I was thinking...Zelenskyy is eliminating those patriots who would wreak retribution on him.

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Jumping the gun to nuclear strikes already!? I would suggest a saturation attack with ICBMs as a first nuclear strike, loading a couple of ATACMs and Storm Shadows with 450kg of nuclear warhead is fantasy at its best. Reality is unfortunately real, everyday.

You do understand that international law rules these conflicts.

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! International law...

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That you mention international law is hilarious. Will unlawful missiles be recalled?

I will sum up the entire corpus of public international law to you in three words: Might Makes Right.

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You've got to be kidding?!

Don't you have the Rules-based-International Order Handbook?

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I used to be rude to FF - but his notions are so bizarre and strange that I decided they are in fact representative of a significant layer of the US Governing Class, in all their gory

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Let's see Feral.

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You make some good points. I'm not convinced by Putins talk of yet more red lines which the collective West regard as a bit of a joke.

The only consolation is that the West has a shortage of such missiles and does not have the industrial capacity to ramp up production of them. Plus the missiles which the AFU have already fired at Russia have had minimal impact on the war.

I must admit I cheer everytime I hear of a HIMARS system being destroyed like the one destroyed in the Zaporozhye direction the other day.

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"Would the US ever allow anyone firing missiles onto its territory? Do we even need to waste time answering that question?"

This is the most telling part. Everyone making excuse after excuse for Russian waffling and indecision needs to answer this simple question honestly.

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ATACMS do not carry nuclear warheads. Neither do Storm Shadow. F-16s can only carry gravity bombs - they do not have the ability to launch nuclear warhead missiles.

Russia can easily determine whether any incoming missile is likely to carry a nuclear warhead: if it's launched from within Ukraine, it's not nuclear. If it's launched from outside Ukraine, i.e., a Tomahawk from those Aegis Ashore installations in Poland and Romania, all bets are off.

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1) Yes, they do. And have.

2) Even if they didn't, there is more than enough space there to put nukes. Which is all that matters - you won't know what is in there until the mushroom cloud is rising.

>Russia can easily determine whether any incoming missile is likely to carry a nuclear warhead: if it's launched from within Ukraine, it's not nuclear

This laughable stupidity.

Much more so given that Russia already ate half a dozen nukes. Two of which came from Latvia, the rest from Ukraine.

There was no reaction. What does that tell you?

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"This laughable stupidity."

That describes every post you've ever made Ms moron

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More moronery from the great moron.

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Great article about a scenario that is starting to sound eerily apocalyptic. This reckless spiral, driven by shattered ‘red lines,’ underscores Biden’s relentless pursuit of entrenching U.S. hegemony at any cost—a strategy that has already defined his legacy with the genocidal disaster in Gaza and one that, if unchecked, risks culminating in nothing less than World War III.

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Biden's legacy is flavored pudding, adult diapers, and the scent of pretty little girls.

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He sniffs the ugly little girls too.

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You forgot ice-cream cones. 🍦

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Bags of rainbow flavored dicks

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This isn't Biden's doing, it is bipartisan.

Biden is doing it now so that Trump does not have to get his hands dirty doing it himself and control over the population can be more easily maintained with MAGA delusions

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Agreed that it is not just Biden.

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Why does it have to be Biden at all? Last time it was the Pentagon who told him no, and they're staring at Trump decapitating a decade's worth of treasonous brass. Game theory suggests playing differently.

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Trump has never supported deep strikes. But what an impressive attempt to spread the responsibility to the man who isn't even in office.

Trump did give weapons to Ukraine, following the weapons Obama gave to Ukraine, but he disapproved of the Ukrainian aggression toward Donbass. It was Biden, after taken enormous bribes from Ukraine via Burisma and Hunter Biden, who gave Zelensky free reins to do what he wanted.

Zelensky's approval rating in the summer 2021 fell to almost 30%, same as Biden's fell. That was because he betrayed his voters by selling Ukraine's public land to the oligarchs and foreigners - and knowing ultra-corrupt Ukraine, that was done after getting bribes. 10% of all farm land was handed over to feed China's population. BlackRock, led by Biden's close ally Larry Fink, also got to buy land, and so on. Zelensky had campaigned on uniting Ukraine and fighting the oligarchs, but then he did the exact opposite.

Zelensky was sure to lose the next election. His main opponent was surging in the polls. So he decided to be a "war president," solving the Donbass Question once and for all. In the fall 2021 the constant artillery strikes against Donbass increased from about 20 to about 100 per day, as confirmed by UN observers. He amassed an army of 60,000 in the east. Then in February 2022 the strikes increased to more than 1,000 per day, even up to 2,000 per day, no doubt in preparation for an invasion.

This was all under BIDEN. He could have demanded a stop at any time. But BIDEN took bribes from Burisma, given to "board member" Hunter Biden. According to Hunter's autobiography he was busy drinking and doing drugs with prostitutes in hotel rooms at that time. The emails on his laptop, the news that the Democrat media buried, showed that he gives half of this kind of money to "the big guy," which his close associate has confirmed means Joe Biden. It's an ongoing bribery scheme. Ever since Hunter was made a high-paid "consultant" to an insurance company, in return for Joe supporting an insurance law that consumer groups opposed. Much like Hillary Clinton got enormous sums for "speeches" or donations to her Clinton Foundation from foreign governments when she was State Secretary - half of all who got a meeting with her first handed over bribes to her slush-fund foundation.

So Biden let Zelensky do what he wanted. Paid for.

It's a methodical Democrat scheme and now we are all paying for it.

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In 2019 Arestovich said on camera that Ukraine was told that if they wanted into NATO they'd first have to start a war with Russia, which they'd easily win. The alternative was that they'd be totally absorbed into Russia within 10-12 years. Obviously, Trump was president then. Did Trump know about this.

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its the jew that runs the JewSA... matters not if zion don or biden

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The Swamp is setting up a catch 22 for the Trump team to inherit.

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Why does Biden care if he angers Russia? The guy is leaving and the bigger the mess he leaves Trump the better.

I don’t think we should take this lightly but not overblow its effect either. Russia will wait until it’s used before giving their response. Obviously the goal is to intercept all of them but regardless this gives the Russians the completely valid pretext to escalate their (asymmetric) response.

Warnings were given.

They will be kept.

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Ric Grenell, potentially DJT’s Special Envoy to negotiate a conclusion to the Ukraine conflict, accused Joe of “escalating the war before he leaves office,” in opting to permit ATACMS strikes within Kursk.

Don jr. called the MIC minions “imbeciles,” saying, “They want to make sure they have WW III going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.”

Joe’s move naturally complicates DJT’s initiative to resolve the Ukraine crisis in the near term but not in the long term, simply because Joe’s term as Decider-in-Chief ends soon and DJT’s begins. It’s a cynical parting shot, to sure, but not one that advantages Ukraine particularly.

Some are saying that the Pentagon may slow-walk the order to allow these deep strikes, thwarting the last-gasp perverse maneuvers of a defeated belligerent.

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tinker bell Grenell.....

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#RazPutin iz allowing the #Oligarchs to settle their disputes without intervention. Hence, gun crimes amongst the #Russian-oligarchs are increasing. “They’re eating the #Russians!” ~ DJT … So, it “es imperativo” that the current #Oligarchies in #Kaliningrad choose their leaders now to present to the Global Community upon secession from the current iteration of #Stalin’s-Kleptocracy in #Moscow. #Church-O-Stalin #Eugene! 🦖 #Georgia-Meloni

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Enough with the moronic copy,paste trolling. Did your mom have any kids that aren't retarded?

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No. … “We’ve been dumped on by a #Dino. The ENTIRE election was illegitimate. So, grab a shovel and start clearing the deck. We can still turn this thing around by January 20th, 2025 …IF we stay together. Tie me to the wheel. We’re going UP and OVER!” ~ Capt. Lindeman, Surfing the Krakatoa Tsunami, 1883 🦖 #Eugene!

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Like taking a poop on the step as your leaving the rental apartment for good.

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I prefer to leave something tucked behind radiator as I leave

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The strike you mention on the substation next to the Rivne NPP isn't correct. The missiles hit the substation in Rivne City.

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Thanks it's now been updated ^

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But why would the reactors go down? The reactor shuts down (automatically!) if the power supply for the complex machinery is in danger. It is forbidden to use external power (IAEO rule). As long as batteries, diesel generators, maybe gas turbines and the power from the main turbine is there, no need to shut down. If the steam turbine (or the transformers behind) are damaged, the diesel will come to live and start the shut down process. I do not get the picture.

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@werner hillinger

If the power lines and transformers connecting to grid are gone, no reason to keep making more steam than required to run cooling water pumps, one reactor is plenty to cool two, three or four reactors at whichever plant site + any spent fuel pools requiring cooling water.

The more recently a reactor has run, the more cooling it requires after shut down and the longer it will take until "cold shut down" is achieved.

If rational crews are running a plant which is disconnected from grid AND in a war zone, they will try and have as many of their (useless for grid power) reactors as possible as close to cold shut down ASAP as a safety measure. Remember watching all of the very recently in use Fukushima reactors melting down one after the other?

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Captain America

This is news for you

Good News for the Ansar Allah -Bad News for the US – More Good News for AA

The good news first for the Ansar Allah

AA makes up to $2Billion a year via a protection racket in the Red Sea and adjacent seas



So now we know how they have the cash to buy and fire such clever missiles against the Navy Ships sent by westie countries

The bad news for the US

Ansar Allah, who only recently via Newsweek encouraged Mr Trump to be realistic, now encourages him to beware


Leader Of Yemen's Ansar Allah Movement Abdul Malik Al-Houthi: 'Our People Will Defy Criminal Zionist Trump Who Brags About Choosing Great Friend Of Israel As Secretary Of State'

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@Gerrard White

Requiring tribute in return for unmolested use of the sea has a long tradition in MENA.

Sending war ships rather than the bribe money when miffed over such demands was once believed to be traditional in USA, though in reality, it seldom worked out well. In fact, during several years of George Washington's presidency the tribute paid to NA states was as high as 20% of the whole US federal budget.


"The more things change, the more they stay the same"?

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Hi there Captain America

Extorting money from vassal states is an old time America practice carried out through the ages

Pirates they used to call themselves

You still do

But now you lie as well and invent fake news

Good luck with that and with winning any battles with the AA or with the RF or indeed with anyone

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@Gerard White

You seem to think I am the whole of USA? I may be a bit over weight but not THAT much.

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Your knowledge about how power plants and high energy networks operate is incomplete to say the least.

The problem was not that the power to service the NPP proper was missing. Rather the problem was, and possibly still is, that the power station was unable to shed the generated load into the failing grid. The thing with electricity is that it has to be consumed in time, if not, the generators would overload and take damage, and next, the nuclear part would do, too. That is why the NPPs shut down or gravely reduced operation.

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This is correct, but only if you can not steer the conversion of heat to steam and from steam to electric power. All the crew has to do, is letting the steam bypass the turbine. But I do not know much about als soviet reactors, in western NPP you can even reduce/stop the steam generation. So the reactor is working, but you do not produce a lot of steam. Maybe you run the cooling and steering the rods of fuel (and was it thorium in soviet reactors?) from stored power or generators/batteries. So why shut down, when there is no external net? Does soviet area NPPs have some problems, we in the West are not aware off?

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The Soviet type reactors, like most western type ones, are PWR, not BWR. The pressurized water driving the turbine cascade gives its energy to the turbines generating electricity. There is no replacement for, like "letting off steam". It would, btw. also not possible in a BWR (not sure whether Ukraine has any), as the circulating water/steam is one cycle, and radioactive.

So, if load is not taken away, you need to reduce reactor operation to avoid pressure rising up to blowing up the installation.

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Thank you. It is funny, the Germans, with this super save NPPs dismantle them, to import power from this old stuff; at least that was the plan.

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They don't have an infinite amount of water to make steam with. This water/steam is in a closed system and the water has been softened so the calcium has been removed and replaced with sodium. Then they add all sorts of chemicals to the water and test it every 8 hours, at least. Hot water can keep less minerals in solution. In the early days of boilers they figured out pretty quickly that if you run regular water through a boiler you wind up with boiler tubes full of hard limestone and the boiler is ruined. And I haven't even mentioned that the water is slightly radioactive, though a closed system is essential in any boiler/steam turbine system. You do realize a nuclear reactor is just a glorified boiler?

In theory they could build a reactor in such a way that in an emergency they could keep running the reactor and dump the excess heat into the river or lake or whatever but obviously that would be a massive capital expenditure for such little gain.

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I had wondered about that. Diesel generators have a load generator that is used to avoid the 'wet stack' issue when it is underutilized. I figured that other generating apparatus must have a similar failure mode.

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They have to do an emergency shutdown if the load (the grid) can't take the power. They're pulling heat from the nuclear reaction using high pressure steam and running that steam through steam turbines to convert that energy into electricity.

In Ontario, Canada, our nuclear reactors took 30 days to go back online after shutting down due to the blackout in 2003. We twittled our thumbs at work for weeks.

If you don't have someplace to transfer the heat to, you're going to have a meltdown.

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Trump is talking about showing strength. To go into negotiations with this long range capability offers another level of strength.

Will the Russians fall for it or will they use it as a political tool by stopping the war and telling the Russian people that the threat is to great and the Russian government wants to protect its people.

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No. Wishful thinking. You will not scare them from their prey.... with anything. Those days are over. They will never trust or fear the US and nato again.

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True, I am not expecting it to work with the Russians. I am expecting it to work with the marketing for the people of the west.

We will be sold this narrative even though it did not occur. It gives a way out for both sides.

Russia will get everything it wants.

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I hope Trump is not that dumb. I don’t believe he is. Don Jr’s tweet seems to be a clue. Much has changed since 2020. The Russians were still very unsure of themselves from what I gathered. Now they have swagger. Truth is they are probably the strongest military on the planet and they know it.

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What people say is not always what people do. Trump has lots of examples of this.

We will be sold this narrative even though it did not occur. It gives a way out for both sides.

Russia will get everything it wants.

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