I am as far as one can get from being a Wehraboo, but one thing I credit the Wehrmacht with is using *victory* as a precursor to reform.
After defeating Poland in 1939, and again after Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries and France in 1940, the Wehrmacht was in each case dissatisfied with its performance and sought aggressively to improve, not to rest on its laurels.
Crazy to me how many people still believe the Russians are “losing” or “desperate.” When you have a preconceived notion it’s easier to stick with it even when the MSM actually (reluctantly) tells you it ain’t so.
I saw a friend last weekend who was visiting from the States. When the subject of this conflict came up I told him that Ukraine had a 0% chance of winning. He laughed and said, "I don't where you get your news from". I replied, "Certainly not from CNN".
Those same people could absolutely tell you how the thanksgiving day Packers vs. Lions football game will go. They'll have the statistics, know which players might be injured, etc.
Because that MATTERS. To them, Ukraine isn't important.
The herd here is about to be drastically thinned, too long since the slow/stupid/easily distracted were culled.
They can put a lot of (albeit unthinking) effort into spewing out reasons for whatever bullsh*t they have been led to believe, though.
It's an interesting phenomenon, I've always thought. Sometimes people who haven't got the intelligence to discuss anything in a serious way can come out with several quickfire reasons - bang bang bang - to support whatever garbage has been fed into their heads. They are wearing foot-thick armour against admitting they'e gullible fools.
I hope others will contribute current anecdotes in a similar vein. As someone who doesn't live in the west or follow western media closely, I know things like this are true but it's nearly inconceivable and hard to believe. Like someone telling you that a majority of people in a country believe that there are invisible people flying around, and you can't be a leader of that country if you believe otherwise - when you live and travel in circles that utterly reject such nonsense.
I have a friend in the beltway still. I'm sure he absolutely believes that Ukraine will inevitably prevail, although he probably thinks there's serious challenges ahead. He's a Rockefeller Republican who can't find a word of fault for Biden (this friend is also gay, and no issue "trumps" increased sexual access to partners for him, something I've come to realize over the decades I've known him since we were classmates in university). He takes the hardest-line Israeli point of view as uncontroversial; he's also a successful business, and there's no Palestinians on the other side of a conference or board room table.
Anyways, I'll appreciate any stories anyone wants to share of what mainstream Americans believe about the war.
There, now you know as much as the average American.
ETA: This was a bit too succinct but it is nonetheless true. Any conversation I've had with anyone of any political stripe or upbringing starts and ends with the above. It is literally the extent of American thinking as enforced across all state media.
The great majority of the public is ignorant both of history and of basic military realities. In this vacuum of knowledge they believe whatever feels good to believe. If it turns out to be a lie, this doesn't bother them.
Without the draft very few people serve in the military. Popular military history is generally pretty trash and even fairly decent military shows like "Band of Brothers" gives people and unrealistic view insofar as it makes it seem like 1 division - the 101st - basically single-handedly took on the entire German army. Then again, even our active military and their official publications seem to be pretty off base insofar as they largely believe the official narrative and have appeared to learn almost nothing.
Exactly . Even military academies do not teach the real history of WWII . Andrei Martyanov wrote books and speaks very well about incompetence & feeble education of American ( &British
The whole matter has shaken my faith in democracy, people are stupid and will beleive whatever they're told to beleive. In a way I blame films like Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars movies and all that wretched Marvel stuff.
" with my my sword... "
" and my Axe... "
" And my HIMARS, now lets go smash filthy Mordor becoz Democracy, Hooray the West! "
Bring on GovGPT or something I guess, it is bound to be less worse.
I’d prefer a democratic style system like the US was founded but with the caveat that only those with skin in the game property owners can vote. It’s certainly not perfect and doesn’t account for those easily brainwashed but at least it doesn’t provide for mob rule by urbanites with no understanding how pretty much everything works.
"Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various 'party lines.'"
I beg to differ; the agitprop is better and more omnipresent than ever and in those days, the lumpenproletariat plebes had no access to information. Now, the plebes have access to information but they're so well indocrinated they "choose" ignorance and Lies over a little work to source the truth. COVID 1984 was and is the same.
they write what their editors tell them to write and they give instructions as they are instructed by political parties (one, anyway) and the spooks of Fedville. They will turn on a dime if so instructed, as we already see in the universal pivot to "well, Ukraine isn't looking all that great now, so we need to reconfigure our plans for defeating Russia using whatever Ukrainians remain alive." There is no individuality in US "foreign policy analysis," at least that done by the folks you'll see on tv or read in your Big News Outlet.
The fantasy war of propaganda & gaslighting is one of the more fascinating aspects of this conflict, alongside the integration of drones in combat (recon, targeting, anti infantry & vehicles, etc), and the re-emergence of WWI tactics (trenches, artillery, etc). Of course, it's all going to come crashing down eventually, because you can't actually win a war with only lies. The salt shall be glorious to behold.
Even change in MSM message doesn't really help. Most of the people seem to be decided, and it's impossible to make them change their opinion. Even those who like to bash MSM for their unfair coverage of Trump, or for the support of all the transgender lunacies, can't shake (or don't wanna shake) off the lies re: "Russia's almost done, its' economy in tatters, it lost half the armed forces etc" dogma. To me it's really funny in a morbid kind of way...
don't you think he has a little team that helps him gather the information that he then gleans for insights to analyze and write? I think he must have some help, even if just a spouse or tech-savvy kid. I know I couldn't keep up with that output, and I was a very fast writer/analyst.
My dear brother, please excuse my brevity within my above post. I fully concur and have written extensively regarding how an unholy non-human cabal does indeed rule over most western nations. Thank you sincerely for pointing this out. The cabal, is how I refer to the nephilim overlords along with their human cohorts. Not the citizens but the nations controllers. I find it reassuring that you hopefully among others see that the ruling cabal is at fault here. Have a blessed day.
Kudos for keeping receipts on WSJ and CFR. I recommend doing the same for substack warmongers like Philips O’Brian and Mick Ryan. Also regret to inform you that Lt Col Cringeman Vindmans twin brother Yevgeny is running for congress to replace CIA Karen Abigail Spangenberger, who is seeking to become Governor of Virginia.
Tubby Vindman himself decided not to run as so many people see him as a freaking traitor who should have been court-martialed. So his equally vile and evil twin is running instead. Just what America needs. Another twit in Congress beholden to foreign nations.
Ukraine never had a chance militarily. You are certain to lose a war of attrition with someone much bigger and stronger than you. The only hope was the sanctions, which I knew were very unlikely to work. As far as I know sanctions, embargoes, and blockades have never caused a regime change. History is large so it may have missed something, but kneeling down to the party who is making your life miserable is contrary to human psychology. Much more often you see countries enduring great suffering in order to get rid of rule by foreigners. Think Viet Nam.
The Ukraine offensive never had a chance either. However Ukraine going on the defensive makes even less sense, if that is possible. The offensive at least catered to the foolish Ukrainian belief that they could win the war. A defensive stance just means endless death with no hope of any benefit. The idea that they could ever get the initiative again is so remote that I don't know that even those Ukrainian patriots would believe that. So better negotiate now and save some lives. You are going to need some men to rebuild the country. Don't wait until they are all dead. Then you will be even more screwed than you already are.
So...why isn't this happening now? The oligarchy has a grift going that is making them superrich. They don't want to give it up. So I suppose it will continue until the military mutinies and gives Russia what it wants -- a neutral Ukraine.
donbass super underdogs and gaza super judah underdogs, are beating back these imperial forces. their victory was not inevitable, it was very much the odds against them.
Winning in a classic sense wasn't necessarily their job. Though ofc they might've been led to believe it, to make it more convincing when they repeated the story to the public. Often in proxy wars, the assignment is merely to push and create trouble.
Seems they're now getting wise to the fact that as far as proxies go, they are of the disposable type. Ironically this raises the bar of cynicism required of the local leadership to keep it going to its conclusion.
This is part of the khazarian 15 minute city depop. Similar to gaza and maui. They conscript the russians from odessa and send them to bakmut. Then then tell prig/wagner where these forces are, and get them genocided.
Even if the nazis lose the war, they still win because their strongholds are in Lvlv. And they will resettle the area with Israelis.
to grasp that not all deities are equal is a healthy place to start from, understanding too that there is a heirachy and that some would be deities are in fact demiurge, the defintion of such requires scrutiny:
A deity in Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and other religions who creates the material world and is often viewed as the originator of evil.
And given that a certain group who worship a very vengeful sub deity/demiurge (yahweh) infiltrated nearly all "mainstream' religions to deflect legitimate and indeed humble Worship away from God and toward the dark have succeed (in part) of convincing the majority of the developed world that actual, literal contact with Our Creator requires visiting dubious re-designed ancient worship places and communing with "men in black" who variously waft incense and murmur in dog latin...when fucking little boys in arse...
reminds me that mrs zelensky is now facing huge scrutiny over her "charitable" "orphans for elites" paedo sex ring, may she see full justice for ther crimes
Get you head around that and you may begin to understand just how f%^&*(d up it really is
understanding that the jew intends to place satans representative here in this Realm and such abomination will require either your undying servitude toward it and its "keepers" or alternatively they require your head.
they seek to commence with animal sacrifices in "the" place from April 8th 2024,
aside from that the theft of oil and gas, the construction of the ben gurion canal to rival the suez, with a nice bit of child sacrifice (what are we upto now 13,000 souls in Gaza?), ethnic cleansing and the like, but we can torah about this all night and get no where until folk wake the f up?
i would say "enjoy" the links, but they make grim but informative reading
there was at least 2 entities with the YHVH identity. Identity theft as usual. For the shorter version, just read Ether 8 in the Book of Mormon and Revelations 2 9, 3 9. Psalm 82. Heiser's Sons of God in Deuteronomy 32.
I also recommend the Hidden Hand disclosure in 2008, at wanttoknow website. Why am I not depressed? That's difficult to say, perhaps some of my substack articles can explain. Essentially, there is a cosmic chess match and while the dark players are real and strong, the light side players are also real and stronger at this time.
I am in agreement, it is the timeline that confines "them" not Us, our awakening is assured, "they" have merely delayed it, which like placing boards upon your roof in times of snow means that when the roof collapses it is a more complete demolition...
Im assuming that you are familiar with "project looking glass" in this respect? it was not just Saddams head, his bullion and his oil "they" wanted, his unique collection of sumerian artefacts were required, as were Gadaffis...
The Iraq zigurat and speculation of "stargate" bears inspection too, Shmuel Asher has some detail on this
I was first alerted to the c.e.r.n "activiites" some years back by a young american Lady who wrote (superbly) as "walk in light", her work I have saved, I have not been able to find "live" copies anywhere, her reveal of the gottenherd tunnel ritual was among the first, heres footage of the "spectacle"
I have studied the links between crowley, steiner, fortune etc in relation to "thule society" this seems to be the point that evil physically manifested "here", evil that still courses through obama, clinton, bush and numerous others, Max Igan has some fascinating footage of mind control/possession taking place in the american congress building, in your face stuff
Back in the begining of this I studied in depth the works of Nick Anthony Fiorenza (again deleted from the "web" and died mysteriously), he showed the sidereal pulse/algorthim of outer planet cycles and their relationship to human 'evolvement", Jan 2020 was hugely important, as we all now in retrospect understand, hence "their" timing
as you point out, both sides are strong, but ultimately one side wishes to enslave and deceive, the other does not..
here are two pieces that explain much, much of which I did not know and now that I do I am more sure of my position and the outcome,
They both relate very much to Strongs concordance biblical breakdown of the Greek "Apokolypse" as:
The removing from the eyes of the Gentiles the veil that has hidden the truth
I am of the opinion that things are set to get very "frisky" in the coming months, "war and rumours of war" deflecting from the true area of "activity" up on some rock, in somewhere, no where in particular..... :0/
Now that I can see what bibi is and doing, it is easy to make such predictions. But the harder ones I made on my substack back in 2021-2022. The Hero's Journey positions us prophetically at the end of Act 2 Climax. You know, when Luke fights Vader, loses his hand, and drops to his death. https://ymarsakar.substack.com/p/where-are-we-on-the-heros-journey
Israelis want to be right where they already are, they just want to expel the Arabs. Banderites wish they could go to Berlin or Oslo and be accepted as true Aryan Vikings instead of trailer trash. The only thing in common is complete disregard for people not like themselves, and irrationally generous US support.
Isn't Avdeevka actually the template for a defensive posture, prepared for the past 9 years? And look how fast it's crumbling. How much more defensive could they possibly achieve?
Avdiivka is on the forward edge and the destruction of the third Bandera army is now having a cascading effect everywhere else. A pull back behind the Dnieper and somewhere west of Kharkov city is probably best.
I love how despite the "harshly realistic" tone of the CFR trashbag Foreign Relations mag article they still have to throw their nafo dogs a bone and include the asinine meme of, "Russia still needs to import washing machines in order to use them to make hypersonic missiles."
CFR is the heart of the M-I-C, its spokesperson, the "cultured and intellectual cheerleaders for US hegemony and permanent warfare." It spawned Nuland, who did her senior year of "training" there.
A lot of these nazis or nazi related folks like Nuland, changed their last name. Freeland Canada? Heh. At least Wehner didn't bother to change his name.
So true! Freeland is toast politically -- too many know about her direct Nazi past. Plus she still has the "twitchy witch" issue (sniff, sniff) that she shares with Zelensky.
The entire SMO has been an exercise in the effectiveness of Western propaganda in convincing the public of a fundamentally ridiculous premise--that a much smaller Ukraine could defeat the Russian military, aided by the DPR forces, in an existential war...When has Russia ever lost a war for its survival? And when has the highly patriotic Russian public not supported its leadership?
'the entire SMO has been an exercise in the effectiveness of Western propaganda'. That's the whole western shebang. Propaganda for every thing. Just one big Hollywood production. It's a mind war really. A total mind fuck and the result is that huge number of westerners are on some kinda psychotropic medication, legal or not, to manage it. Hey you can have cock AND tits and be called 'ze'. The economy is doing wonderful-wages have not shifted in some 50 years in reals terms, Russia is gonna invade your country (which is 5000 miles across an ocean from it or what ever), The Israelis are victims...and on and on and on the bullshit goes and thus it aways was.
Like I tell the warmongers screaming for genocide in Ukraine/Palestine, yall are next, hope yall know that by now. Enemies of humanity aren't going to get any divine aide from my faction I know that.
My wife, a registered nurse here in the UK, is now required to ask all patients under 55, including men, if they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Now tell me that our country has not gone insane.
Victor - This info goes extremely well with Ymarsakar's line above that "He whom the gods wish to destroy, first we make mad/insane". Because extrapolate from this insanity, even just a year or two in the future, and what do we get? There's no reverse gear. They're not going to say "Sorry, we apologise. Men can't get pregnant after all". They'll push ahead, push push push, and a lot will break.
How is your wife coping with the pressure of having to impose such insane sh*t on patients who come to her in innocence and with trust, for help with their health? I guess even if she raises an eyebrow or pulls a face when asking such an insane question, let alone making a critical comment, she could get into trouble, right?
"even if she raises an eyebrow or pulls a face when asking such an insane question"
Not quite that bad. The nurses maintain a sense of humour about it. I mean, really, who could ask such a question of a man and not smile and give a little wink? They need nurses too bad to give them too hard a time.
It ALL started with the invisible man in the sky and Divine rights of Kings. It progressed into FIAT fractional reserve monetary systems. Now any story works and the more fantastical absurdity the better.
I may have written here before that a high-ranking official in the USG -- now I cannot remember which agency, perhaps the CIA or Pentagon -- bragged that the US had poured billions of dollars into building a perfect propaganda machine that was lightyears better than anything the USSR ever had, so good you couldn't tell the real deal from the fakes. True, and this was about a year before the fighting in Ukraine began in 2022. I guess that is one of the dumbest things I ever heard a government official say, but in any case, I can say for myself that the US propaganda stinks. It is amateur hour, and they couldn't hold a candle to the USSR. Or Russia, either.
See that is the problem with too good a deception propaganda outfit.Like the Nazis had, the German citizens were surprised the Russkies were on the eastern border because they believed the state when they were told they were doing well in battles.
That is the problem, when one's own allies believe in the propaganda, that is not a good thing if the propaganda is desperate reality fiction. Propagandists MUST NEVER believe their own propaganda, because then they won't even know what is true or fiction afterwards.
absolutely right, but that is the downfall of tyrannies. The "hero" always ends up believing the lies his sycophants make up for him and he, too, is surprised when the end comes.
IDF/Ukraine is essentially in the position of Pharoah, when he refused to allow Mosiach/YHVH's people to leave their indenture contracts. Ukraine didn't want Donbass republics and people to secede and leave using their self autonomy and right to sovereignty.
IDF doesn't want the Palestinians to create a self autonomous system inside what they claim as their nation's land. The price for Ukraine refusing to allow god's own to leave, is 500k fatalities and going higher.
What iwll be the price for IDF? What about the rest of humanity, will genocide come for them and then who will defend these inhuman humans?
Anyone who knows anything about Russia knew this. The whole thing was a scam to transfer great wealth to the arms manufacturers while impoverishing the populace. Just like in 1984.
Stupid, uneducated, untrained, lazy people are easy to deceive, because sitting in front of the television and munching on popcorn and looking at the screen with your mouth open, you can shove anything down their throats !
It's true that engineering training is not taught in US schools, but gender studies ! :)
It is no coincidence that left-liberal students with a low level of education find it embarrassing to see the statues of former great thinkers in their universities, so they prefer to tear them down and want to erect statues of criminals dying of drug addiction instead !
THey have poisoned the land, air, water, food, and injections in the US of A for some time now. The qabal is amazined any Americans are still functional after all the mercury heavy metal poisoning they did.
You may have noted I have an opinion or three. Which, I at least, value highly. When I read this blog? I just shake my head up and down, and say yep, he's right. I think you have nailed the timeline. And the culminating clusterfuck on/about November 2024 is not happenstance. We fucked the Russians. And they will be looking to fuck us at every opportunity. Can you imagine the blithering press right as we get to choose between the doddering pedophile and Trump in his prison jumpsuit? As Russia rolls westward? Fuck me. And of course, as you say, this might all change if there is a coup. But I personally do not see that happening. The core Nazi's that have never spent a day in a trench are entrenched safely in Kiev. (With the Abrams tanks). They will not allow a coup, unless it is someone more Nazi Zany than Zelensky. Russia is going to have to dig those ticks out and throw them in a fire.
About a coup: a couple of days ago the secretary of Russian Security Council said on TV that Russians have people in place who are getting ready to take a move (or something like that), and Zelensky is freaking out about it ever since. I personally think that it was Patrushev's way to stick it to Ze, so he couldn't sleep peacefully at night, because who in his right mind talks about a coup beforehand on a fucking TV?
The Federation, like me, are not vindictive towards westerners. If you or your circle were at best neutral, not even pro Russia, you will be overlooked.
If you are a genocidal warmonger, fan of nazis, however, then your arse will be grass in this apocalypse.
Interesting subliminal messaging in the photograph of Putin that The Telegraph decided to use. The positioning of Putin's fingers as he looks west (i.e., to the left) says it all...
I can't see that Russia now has any interest in removal of the Western sanctions. It has redirected its exports to its friends and is not going to now cut them off to supply Europe. At the same time it has invested in import-replacement industry to replace what it previously imported from the West. It is not going to allow imports which damage that new industry and involve some increased reliance on the West which can be later used against it.
Europe made their choice as the corrupt vassals of the US and they are now well and truly stuffed, long term.
'I can't see that Russia now has any interest in removal of the Western sanctions" Russia may not but the West will / does. Anyways the Russians seem pretty pragmatic, if when all the shouting is over, the west wants some bussiness, I for one, will not be surprised if Moscow takes the cash. Maybe on Russia's terms. Why not? I just wanna see Germany rat fucked eonomically if for no other reason than they sent tanks into the Ukraine after all the shit they did there in the 40's.
I wasn't offended by the leopards. They were just a bonus for the Z Federation. The Russians have a genetic fear of German tanks. Cause the fearless tended to die due to NKVD death squads or Panzer fire, which fired excellent HEAP munitions and penetrators. Giving Russians an easy leopard kill, was a favor to the bear.
The depleted uranium war crime bio weapon, however, still causes mutations in infants in Iraq. That was sent over by the Brutish, Albion.
There was some hesitation about sending the DPU rounds with the Abrams. Although the Abrams' primary issue is that the composite armor is also made out of uranium, so even if you kill an Abrams, it then becomes a biological weapon. They stripped this armor off for security reasons, but it had a good secondary effect. The side armor of an before upgraded Abrams, could be penetrated at close distance by a BT-5 tank in Russia's WW2 era, pre era.
I think Russia will also insist on return of stolen assets. The West will turn blue as they choke on that demand as they've certainly already spent the money.
Indeed. One of the reasons why the Russian economy is booming is because so many (private, not govt-directed) Russian businesses expanded/were created in order to provide goods that were previously imported. For instance, Russian cheese production is 10x than it was pre-2014, and so there are a lot of happy Russian dairy farmers right now.
Yes and no. Import substitution requires both capability and comparable cost.
In Russia's case, Russia has shown it has the capability, and has been replacing expensive Western imports with comparable to cheaper Russian (and imported Chinese) products.
So it isn't just that import substitution has occurred, it is that economic efficiency has increased. This is deadly for the West because the core of their value proposition to the Rest of World is that the West is more efficient.
That may have been true in WW2 - but the fact it is no longer remotely true is being demonstrated.
Agree! and you can thank short term thinking western leaders like Clinton in the US , Wall Street and greedy corporate titans for agreeing to move US manufacturing to China-- what a wealth transfer!!
I detest the US for using the military men of other nations as proxies to fight and die to advance an American foreign policy goal that has nothing to do with the real needs of the proxy nation.
Ukraine/West trapped themselves in the narrative of "Ukraine winning," "defeating Russia on the battlefield," the silly decrees of "forbidding any negotiations," the 1991 borders, stealing Russia's reserves, Putin's arrest warrant, etc. It will be impossible to get out of this mess without loosing the face, to say the least. Putin was direct about, "the longer this war goes on, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us."
't will be impossible to get out of this mess without loosing the face, " They'll find a way if the feel the need. Look at Gaddafi-bad boy made good boy then stabbed in the ass. The west can 'rehabilitate' anyone of it feels the need-and then throw em away when done like a stale stale condom full of STD juice.
It is heartbreaking - nowhere near strong enough a word- to think of the Ukrainian population’s grief, disillusionment and pain. Will the bloody warmongers be moved by what’s unfolding? Of course not.
If it wasn't so pathetic for all of us, it would be funny. The people running the West have traded all their intelligence, common sense, and patriotism for greed, corruption and power.
Russia sees this very clearly. They have kept their eye on the prize, and it will be independence from the West, never to really need them again.
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
You funny. They kill you last.
Amazing, eh? Millions of voters sleeping soundly.
Britain is completely anaesthetised by TV. Has been for many many years.
Not to worry. Our UK government has it all in hand:
I am as far as one can get from being a Wehraboo, but one thing I credit the Wehrmacht with is using *victory* as a precursor to reform.
After defeating Poland in 1939, and again after Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries and France in 1940, the Wehrmacht was in each case dissatisfied with its performance and sought aggressively to improve, not to rest on its laurels.
Crazy to me how many people still believe the Russians are “losing” or “desperate.” When you have a preconceived notion it’s easier to stick with it even when the MSM actually (reluctantly) tells you it ain’t so.
I was assured last night at a dinner party the Ukraine was winning and the Russian losses were far in excess of Ukraine's.
as yuri bezmenov kgb once said, useful idiots
Those idiots are not even usefull.
And Yuri was not even KGB.
I saw a friend last weekend who was visiting from the States. When the subject of this conflict came up I told him that Ukraine had a 0% chance of winning. He laughed and said, "I don't where you get your news from". I replied, "Certainly not from CNN".
American confirmation bias is a creature of all its own
You should try being a Brit....
No, it isn't. It's a NATO/EU thang.
Well alrighty then!
One cannot fix stupid
I hope you laughed with derision.
amazing, isn't it, how ignorant "educated" people can be? it's called "too lazy to do any research."
It’s very simple they’re just too smart to be fooled
Those same people could absolutely tell you how the thanksgiving day Packers vs. Lions football game will go. They'll have the statistics, know which players might be injured, etc.
Because that MATTERS. To them, Ukraine isn't important.
The herd here is about to be drastically thinned, too long since the slow/stupid/easily distracted were culled.
If the US wasn't balls deep in I certainly wouldn't care if the EU wants to fight Russia for the Ukie carcass.
They can put a lot of (albeit unthinking) effort into spewing out reasons for whatever bullsh*t they have been led to believe, though.
It's an interesting phenomenon, I've always thought. Sometimes people who haven't got the intelligence to discuss anything in a serious way can come out with several quickfire reasons - bang bang bang - to support whatever garbage has been fed into their heads. They are wearing foot-thick armour against admitting they'e gullible fools.
I hope others will contribute current anecdotes in a similar vein. As someone who doesn't live in the west or follow western media closely, I know things like this are true but it's nearly inconceivable and hard to believe. Like someone telling you that a majority of people in a country believe that there are invisible people flying around, and you can't be a leader of that country if you believe otherwise - when you live and travel in circles that utterly reject such nonsense.
I have a friend in the beltway still. I'm sure he absolutely believes that Ukraine will inevitably prevail, although he probably thinks there's serious challenges ahead. He's a Rockefeller Republican who can't find a word of fault for Biden (this friend is also gay, and no issue "trumps" increased sexual access to partners for him, something I've come to realize over the decades I've known him since we were classmates in university). He takes the hardest-line Israeli point of view as uncontroversial; he's also a successful business, and there's no Palestinians on the other side of a conference or board room table.
Anyways, I'll appreciate any stories anyone wants to share of what mainstream Americans believe about the war.
Russia/Putin are baddies.
There, now you know as much as the average American.
ETA: This was a bit too succinct but it is nonetheless true. Any conversation I've had with anyone of any political stripe or upbringing starts and ends with the above. It is literally the extent of American thinking as enforced across all state media.
Just search Newsweek Ukraine. 99.9% war porn and the commenters are ridiculous. Same at NYP.
How is Zelensky's Mom doing , by the way ? Looking forward to her new beach front in GAZA ?
The great majority of the public is ignorant both of history and of basic military realities. In this vacuum of knowledge they believe whatever feels good to believe. If it turns out to be a lie, this doesn't bother them.
Without the draft very few people serve in the military. Popular military history is generally pretty trash and even fairly decent military shows like "Band of Brothers" gives people and unrealistic view insofar as it makes it seem like 1 division - the 101st - basically single-handedly took on the entire German army. Then again, even our active military and their official publications seem to be pretty off base insofar as they largely believe the official narrative and have appeared to learn almost nothing.
Exactly . Even military academies do not teach the real history of WWII . Andrei Martyanov wrote books and speaks very well about incompetence & feeble education of American ( &British
also) military.
The whole matter has shaken my faith in democracy, people are stupid and will beleive whatever they're told to beleive. In a way I blame films like Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars movies and all that wretched Marvel stuff.
" with my my sword... "
" and my Axe... "
" And my HIMARS, now lets go smash filthy Mordor becoz Democracy, Hooray the West! "
Bring on GovGPT or something I guess, it is bound to be less worse.
I’d prefer a democratic style system like the US was founded but with the caveat that only those with skin in the game property owners can vote. It’s certainly not perfect and doesn’t account for those easily brainwashed but at least it doesn’t provide for mob rule by urbanites with no understanding how pretty much everything works.
"It's easier to fool somebody , than to convince them that they've been fooled" - Mark Twain
"Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various 'party lines.'"
-George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia
Almost 100 years later and nothing has changed.
I beg to differ; the agitprop is better and more omnipresent than ever and in those days, the lumpenproletariat plebes had no access to information. Now, the plebes have access to information but they're so well indocrinated they "choose" ignorance and Lies over a little work to source the truth. COVID 1984 was and is the same.
they write what their editors tell them to write and they give instructions as they are instructed by political parties (one, anyway) and the spooks of Fedville. They will turn on a dime if so instructed, as we already see in the universal pivot to "well, Ukraine isn't looking all that great now, so we need to reconfigure our plans for defeating Russia using whatever Ukrainians remain alive." There is no individuality in US "foreign policy analysis," at least that done by the folks you'll see on tv or read in your Big News Outlet.
The bigger shock is how they deny their own reality, there is a cognitive dissonance hangover looming.
The fantasy war of propaganda & gaslighting is one of the more fascinating aspects of this conflict, alongside the integration of drones in combat (recon, targeting, anti infantry & vehicles, etc), and the re-emergence of WWI tactics (trenches, artillery, etc). Of course, it's all going to come crashing down eventually, because you can't actually win a war with only lies. The salt shall be glorious to behold.
US imperial propaganda is so desperate that they'll soon be scraping the top of the barrel. ;O)
A lot of people do. Victory is always just around the corner.
Even change in MSM message doesn't really help. Most of the people seem to be decided, and it's impossible to make them change their opinion. Even those who like to bash MSM for their unfair coverage of Trump, or for the support of all the transgender lunacies, can't shake (or don't wanna shake) off the lies re: "Russia's almost done, its' economy in tatters, it lost half the armed forces etc" dogma. To me it's really funny in a morbid kind of way...
Yes, with that insurmountable level of stupidity what else can you do but laugh (to hide the tears).
Yes, and what's amusing is how fast the Uke flag pins came off at the American cocktail parties.
Wow, Simpliticus is relentless I can barely keep up with articles but when I see them I'm there. lol
It is, one of his many gift. Like them, or not…he shines, bright. 💙🇷🇺❤️ Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈⬛
He also writes another tech blog, is on twitter, bitchute and maybe more I don't know about. Insane work load.
don't you think he has a little team that helps him gather the information that he then gleans for insights to analyze and write? I think he must have some help, even if just a spouse or tech-savvy kid. I know I couldn't keep up with that output, and I was a very fast writer/analyst.
He does it all on his lonesome.
Don't care. I just know it's worth 8 bucks a month so I don't have to telegram dozens of channels to get real news.
I don't care. I'd have to say, he's a superman with his output. he just amazes.
Thank you for your time, well spent on excellent analysis.
Let us pray for the end of the bloodshed western nations continue to spill unto molech & baal.
My dear brother, please excuse my brevity within my above post. I fully concur and have written extensively regarding how an unholy non-human cabal does indeed rule over most western nations. Thank you sincerely for pointing this out. The cabal, is how I refer to the nephilim overlords along with their human cohorts. Not the citizens but the nations controllers. I find it reassuring that you hopefully among others see that the ruling cabal is at fault here. Have a blessed day.
Kudos for keeping receipts on WSJ and CFR. I recommend doing the same for substack warmongers like Philips O’Brian and Mick Ryan. Also regret to inform you that Lt Col Cringeman Vindmans twin brother Yevgeny is running for congress to replace CIA Karen Abigail Spangenberger, who is seeking to become Governor of Virginia.
Prigozin should be a role model for Yev
Tubby Vindman himself decided not to run as so many people see him as a freaking traitor who should have been court-martialed. So his equally vile and evil twin is running instead. Just what America needs. Another twit in Congress beholden to foreign nations.
Ukraine never had a chance militarily. You are certain to lose a war of attrition with someone much bigger and stronger than you. The only hope was the sanctions, which I knew were very unlikely to work. As far as I know sanctions, embargoes, and blockades have never caused a regime change. History is large so it may have missed something, but kneeling down to the party who is making your life miserable is contrary to human psychology. Much more often you see countries enduring great suffering in order to get rid of rule by foreigners. Think Viet Nam.
The Ukraine offensive never had a chance either. However Ukraine going on the defensive makes even less sense, if that is possible. The offensive at least catered to the foolish Ukrainian belief that they could win the war. A defensive stance just means endless death with no hope of any benefit. The idea that they could ever get the initiative again is so remote that I don't know that even those Ukrainian patriots would believe that. So better negotiate now and save some lives. You are going to need some men to rebuild the country. Don't wait until they are all dead. Then you will be even more screwed than you already are.
So...why isn't this happening now? The oligarchy has a grift going that is making them superrich. They don't want to give it up. So I suppose it will continue until the military mutinies and gives Russia what it wants -- a neutral Ukraine.
donbass super underdogs and gaza super judah underdogs, are beating back these imperial forces. their victory was not inevitable, it was very much the odds against them.
Winning in a classic sense wasn't necessarily their job. Though ofc they might've been led to believe it, to make it more convincing when they repeated the story to the public. Often in proxy wars, the assignment is merely to push and create trouble.
Seems they're now getting wise to the fact that as far as proxies go, they are of the disposable type. Ironically this raises the bar of cynicism required of the local leadership to keep it going to its conclusion.
This is part of the khazarian 15 minute city depop. Similar to gaza and maui. They conscript the russians from odessa and send them to bakmut. Then then tell prig/wagner where these forces are, and get them genocided.
Even if the nazis lose the war, they still win because their strongholds are in Lvlv. And they will resettle the area with Israelis.
Seems you have a crystal ball. 🤭
or he merely read this:
which figures highly with this:
and in refernece to the satanic nature of the judaeo religion... (and you will note from the horses mouth) this:
and if you actually want to get a glimpse of what these fine upstanding genocidal/ethnic cleansers like to manifest, you might need to see this:
to grasp that not all deities are equal is a healthy place to start from, understanding too that there is a heirachy and that some would be deities are in fact demiurge, the defintion of such requires scrutiny:
A deity in Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and other religions who creates the material world and is often viewed as the originator of evil.
And given that a certain group who worship a very vengeful sub deity/demiurge (yahweh) infiltrated nearly all "mainstream' religions to deflect legitimate and indeed humble Worship away from God and toward the dark have succeed (in part) of convincing the majority of the developed world that actual, literal contact with Our Creator requires visiting dubious re-designed ancient worship places and communing with "men in black" who variously waft incense and murmur in dog latin...when fucking little boys in arse...
reminds me that mrs zelensky is now facing huge scrutiny over her "charitable" "orphans for elites" paedo sex ring, may she see full justice for ther crimes
Get you head around that and you may begin to understand just how f%^&*(d up it really is
understanding that the jew intends to place satans representative here in this Realm and such abomination will require either your undying servitude toward it and its "keepers" or alternatively they require your head.
they seek to commence with animal sacrifices in "the" place from April 8th 2024,
aside from that the theft of oil and gas, the construction of the ben gurion canal to rival the suez, with a nice bit of child sacrifice (what are we upto now 13,000 souls in Gaza?), ethnic cleansing and the like, but we can torah about this all night and get no where until folk wake the f up?
i would say "enjoy" the links, but they make grim but informative reading
there was at least 2 entities with the YHVH identity. Identity theft as usual. For the shorter version, just read Ether 8 in the Book of Mormon and Revelations 2 9, 3 9. Psalm 82. Heiser's Sons of God in Deuteronomy 32.
Thanks for the links, I do enjoy them, although I am somewhat peculiar in this war against the qabal. Here are some more interesting clues. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html
I also recommend the Hidden Hand disclosure in 2008, at wanttoknow website. Why am I not depressed? That's difficult to say, perhaps some of my substack articles can explain. Essentially, there is a cosmic chess match and while the dark players are real and strong, the light side players are also real and stronger at this time.
Likewise, thank you for the links,
I am in agreement, it is the timeline that confines "them" not Us, our awakening is assured, "they" have merely delayed it, which like placing boards upon your roof in times of snow means that when the roof collapses it is a more complete demolition...
Im assuming that you are familiar with "project looking glass" in this respect? it was not just Saddams head, his bullion and his oil "they" wanted, his unique collection of sumerian artefacts were required, as were Gadaffis...
The Iraq zigurat and speculation of "stargate" bears inspection too, Shmuel Asher has some detail on this
I was first alerted to the c.e.r.n "activiites" some years back by a young american Lady who wrote (superbly) as "walk in light", her work I have saved, I have not been able to find "live" copies anywhere, her reveal of the gottenherd tunnel ritual was among the first, heres footage of the "spectacle"
I have studied the links between crowley, steiner, fortune etc in relation to "thule society" this seems to be the point that evil physically manifested "here", evil that still courses through obama, clinton, bush and numerous others, Max Igan has some fascinating footage of mind control/possession taking place in the american congress building, in your face stuff
Back in the begining of this I studied in depth the works of Nick Anthony Fiorenza (again deleted from the "web" and died mysteriously), he showed the sidereal pulse/algorthim of outer planet cycles and their relationship to human 'evolvement", Jan 2020 was hugely important, as we all now in retrospect understand, hence "their" timing
as you point out, both sides are strong, but ultimately one side wishes to enslave and deceive, the other does not..
here are two pieces that explain much, much of which I did not know and now that I do I am more sure of my position and the outcome,
They both relate very much to Strongs concordance biblical breakdown of the Greek "Apokolypse" as:
The removing from the eyes of the Gentiles the veil that has hidden the truth
I am of the opinion that things are set to get very "frisky" in the coming months, "war and rumours of war" deflecting from the true area of "activity" up on some rock, in somewhere, no where in particular..... :0/
I will take a look at your articles,
Now that I can see what bibi is and doing, it is easy to make such predictions. But the harder ones I made on my substack back in 2021-2022. The Hero's Journey positions us prophetically at the end of Act 2 Climax. You know, when Luke fights Vader, loses his hand, and drops to his death. https://ymarsakar.substack.com/p/where-are-we-on-the-heros-journey
https://ymarsakar.wordpress.com/2022/03/15/declaration-to-the-republics-and-people-in-the-kievan-rus-theater/ Back in 2022 March, I made a co creative declaration. Not so much a prediction as a co creative manifestation ritual/magick.
good idea. The Banderites will welcome them with open arms.
non sequitur...
Israelis want to be right where they already are, they just want to expel the Arabs. Banderites wish they could go to Berlin or Oslo and be accepted as true Aryan Vikings instead of trailer trash. The only thing in common is complete disregard for people not like themselves, and irrationally generous US support.
From a political/morale perspective, switching to defense may prove highly tricky for Zelenskii.
Isn't Avdeevka actually the template for a defensive posture, prepared for the past 9 years? And look how fast it's crumbling. How much more defensive could they possibly achieve?
Avdiivka is on the forward edge and the destruction of the third Bandera army is now having a cascading effect everywhere else. A pull back behind the Dnieper and somewhere west of Kharkov city is probably best.
I love how despite the "harshly realistic" tone of the CFR trashbag Foreign Relations mag article they still have to throw their nafo dogs a bone and include the asinine meme of, "Russia still needs to import washing machines in order to use them to make hypersonic missiles."
The Federation has to steal toilets from Ukrainians to ensure their rockets can taxi NASA to space.
Hahahaha!!! Perfect.
CFR is the heart of the M-I-C, its spokesperson, the "cultured and intellectual cheerleaders for US hegemony and permanent warfare." It spawned Nuland, who did her senior year of "training" there.
A lot of these nazis or nazi related folks like Nuland, changed their last name. Freeland Canada? Heh. At least Wehner didn't bother to change his name.
So true! Freeland is toast politically -- too many know about her direct Nazi past. Plus she still has the "twitchy witch" issue (sniff, sniff) that she shares with Zelensky.
The entire SMO has been an exercise in the effectiveness of Western propaganda in convincing the public of a fundamentally ridiculous premise--that a much smaller Ukraine could defeat the Russian military, aided by the DPR forces, in an existential war...When has Russia ever lost a war for its survival? And when has the highly patriotic Russian public not supported its leadership?
'the entire SMO has been an exercise in the effectiveness of Western propaganda'. That's the whole western shebang. Propaganda for every thing. Just one big Hollywood production. It's a mind war really. A total mind fuck and the result is that huge number of westerners are on some kinda psychotropic medication, legal or not, to manage it. Hey you can have cock AND tits and be called 'ze'. The economy is doing wonderful-wages have not shifted in some 50 years in reals terms, Russia is gonna invade your country (which is 5000 miles across an ocean from it or what ever), The Israelis are victims...and on and on and on the bullshit goes and thus it aways was.
BillyBunt blunt but spot on.
He whom the gods wish to destroy, first we make mad/insane.
we are there.
Like I tell the warmongers screaming for genocide in Ukraine/Palestine, yall are next, hope yall know that by now. Enemies of humanity aren't going to get any divine aide from my faction I know that.
Ghost of Kiev and Ukraine did prove war thunder correct though. Russians are OP and russian reality bias exists in war.
My wife, a registered nurse here in the UK, is now required to ask all patients under 55, including men, if they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Now tell me that our country has not gone insane.
Victor - This info goes extremely well with Ymarsakar's line above that "He whom the gods wish to destroy, first we make mad/insane". Because extrapolate from this insanity, even just a year or two in the future, and what do we get? There's no reverse gear. They're not going to say "Sorry, we apologise. Men can't get pregnant after all". They'll push ahead, push push push, and a lot will break.
How is your wife coping with the pressure of having to impose such insane sh*t on patients who come to her in innocence and with trust, for help with their health? I guess even if she raises an eyebrow or pulls a face when asking such an insane question, let alone making a critical comment, she could get into trouble, right?
"even if she raises an eyebrow or pulls a face when asking such an insane question"
Not quite that bad. The nurses maintain a sense of humour about it. I mean, really, who could ask such a question of a man and not smile and give a little wink? They need nurses too bad to give them too hard a time.
But is the patient required to answer?
Yes, the Nazi guards used to smile and give a wink saying "I'm just following orders"
It ALL started with the invisible man in the sky and Divine rights of Kings. It progressed into FIAT fractional reserve monetary systems. Now any story works and the more fantastical absurdity the better.
I may have written here before that a high-ranking official in the USG -- now I cannot remember which agency, perhaps the CIA or Pentagon -- bragged that the US had poured billions of dollars into building a perfect propaganda machine that was lightyears better than anything the USSR ever had, so good you couldn't tell the real deal from the fakes. True, and this was about a year before the fighting in Ukraine began in 2022. I guess that is one of the dumbest things I ever heard a government official say, but in any case, I can say for myself that the US propaganda stinks. It is amateur hour, and they couldn't hold a candle to the USSR. Or Russia, either.
See that is the problem with too good a deception propaganda outfit.Like the Nazis had, the German citizens were surprised the Russkies were on the eastern border because they believed the state when they were told they were doing well in battles.
That is the problem, when one's own allies believe in the propaganda, that is not a good thing if the propaganda is desperate reality fiction. Propagandists MUST NEVER believe their own propaganda, because then they won't even know what is true or fiction afterwards.
absolutely right, but that is the downfall of tyrannies. The "hero" always ends up believing the lies his sycophants make up for him and he, too, is surprised when the end comes.
IDF/Ukraine is essentially in the position of Pharoah, when he refused to allow Mosiach/YHVH's people to leave their indenture contracts. Ukraine didn't want Donbass republics and people to secede and leave using their self autonomy and right to sovereignty.
IDF doesn't want the Palestinians to create a self autonomous system inside what they claim as their nation's land. The price for Ukraine refusing to allow god's own to leave, is 500k fatalities and going higher.
What iwll be the price for IDF? What about the rest of humanity, will genocide come for them and then who will defend these inhuman humans?
Anyone who knows anything about Russia knew this. The whole thing was a scam to transfer great wealth to the arms manufacturers while impoverishing the populace. Just like in 1984.
The age old story of banksters vs manufacturers. And never the two shall meet. Until a third force - secret services - comes up to do the arbitrage.
Stupid, uneducated, untrained, lazy people are easy to deceive, because sitting in front of the television and munching on popcorn and looking at the screen with your mouth open, you can shove anything down their throats !
It's true that engineering training is not taught in US schools, but gender studies ! :)
It is no coincidence that left-liberal students with a low level of education find it embarrassing to see the statues of former great thinkers in their universities, so they prefer to tear them down and want to erect statues of criminals dying of drug addiction instead !
THey have poisoned the land, air, water, food, and injections in the US of A for some time now. The qabal is amazined any Americans are still functional after all the mercury heavy metal poisoning they did.
You may have noted I have an opinion or three. Which, I at least, value highly. When I read this blog? I just shake my head up and down, and say yep, he's right. I think you have nailed the timeline. And the culminating clusterfuck on/about November 2024 is not happenstance. We fucked the Russians. And they will be looking to fuck us at every opportunity. Can you imagine the blithering press right as we get to choose between the doddering pedophile and Trump in his prison jumpsuit? As Russia rolls westward? Fuck me. And of course, as you say, this might all change if there is a coup. But I personally do not see that happening. The core Nazi's that have never spent a day in a trench are entrenched safely in Kiev. (With the Abrams tanks). They will not allow a coup, unless it is someone more Nazi Zany than Zelensky. Russia is going to have to dig those ticks out and throw them in a fire.
About a coup: a couple of days ago the secretary of Russian Security Council said on TV that Russians have people in place who are getting ready to take a move (or something like that), and Zelensky is freaking out about it ever since. I personally think that it was Patrushev's way to stick it to Ze, so he couldn't sleep peacefully at night, because who in his right mind talks about a coup beforehand on a fucking TV?
Q did ; )
It is nice a psy op. To torture these child pedos since they never know when it will come.
That does sound like Patrushev or the blond press release lady, what's her name? Both have sharp-witted tongues.
The Federation, like me, are not vindictive towards westerners. If you or your circle were at best neutral, not even pro Russia, you will be overlooked.
If you are a genocidal warmonger, fan of nazis, however, then your arse will be grass in this apocalypse.
Interesting subliminal messaging in the photograph of Putin that The Telegraph decided to use. The positioning of Putin's fingers as he looks west (i.e., to the left) says it all...
I can't see that Russia now has any interest in removal of the Western sanctions. It has redirected its exports to its friends and is not going to now cut them off to supply Europe. At the same time it has invested in import-replacement industry to replace what it previously imported from the West. It is not going to allow imports which damage that new industry and involve some increased reliance on the West which can be later used against it.
Europe made their choice as the corrupt vassals of the US and they are now well and truly stuffed, long term.
'I can't see that Russia now has any interest in removal of the Western sanctions" Russia may not but the West will / does. Anyways the Russians seem pretty pragmatic, if when all the shouting is over, the west wants some bussiness, I for one, will not be surprised if Moscow takes the cash. Maybe on Russia's terms. Why not? I just wanna see Germany rat fucked eonomically if for no other reason than they sent tanks into the Ukraine after all the shit they did there in the 40's.
I wasn't offended by the leopards. They were just a bonus for the Z Federation. The Russians have a genetic fear of German tanks. Cause the fearless tended to die due to NKVD death squads or Panzer fire, which fired excellent HEAP munitions and penetrators. Giving Russians an easy leopard kill, was a favor to the bear.
The depleted uranium war crime bio weapon, however, still causes mutations in infants in Iraq. That was sent over by the Brutish, Albion.
Abrams tanks also use depleted uranium.
There was some hesitation about sending the DPU rounds with the Abrams. Although the Abrams' primary issue is that the composite armor is also made out of uranium, so even if you kill an Abrams, it then becomes a biological weapon. They stripped this armor off for security reasons, but it had a good secondary effect. The side armor of an before upgraded Abrams, could be penetrated at close distance by a BT-5 tank in Russia's WW2 era, pre era.
I think Russia will also insist on return of stolen assets. The West will turn blue as they choke on that demand as they've certainly already spent the money.
Indeed. One of the reasons why the Russian economy is booming is because so many (private, not govt-directed) Russian businesses expanded/were created in order to provide goods that were previously imported. For instance, Russian cheese production is 10x than it was pre-2014, and so there are a lot of happy Russian dairy farmers right now.
Yes and no. Import substitution requires both capability and comparable cost.
In Russia's case, Russia has shown it has the capability, and has been replacing expensive Western imports with comparable to cheaper Russian (and imported Chinese) products.
So it isn't just that import substitution has occurred, it is that economic efficiency has increased. This is deadly for the West because the core of their value proposition to the Rest of World is that the West is more efficient.
That may have been true in WW2 - but the fact it is no longer remotely true is being demonstrated.
Agree! and you can thank short term thinking western leaders like Clinton in the US , Wall Street and greedy corporate titans for agreeing to move US manufacturing to China-- what a wealth transfer!!
No worries! Grandpa's IRA Bill is going to reinstate the US's industrial capability and efficiency. He said so! 🤪
I detest the US for using the military men of other nations as proxies to fight and die to advance an American foreign policy goal that has nothing to do with the real needs of the proxy nation.
The sad thing is that it has nothing to do with the needs of the US, either. Just the shadowy puppeteers who control it.
The MIC has productive facilities in virtually every state of the US - so what is good for the MIC is good for the country - and forever war is good.
War is the health of the state.
Eisenhower was right. He knew what was coming.
Gee, if only there were investment opportunities that didn't offer a net negative ROI!
For once the US is Israhell proxy.
karma is real
what goes around comes around
I knew it would turn out this way. The West fed Ukr's egotistical folly to feed US military industry. The whole thing is diabolical.
Ukraine/West trapped themselves in the narrative of "Ukraine winning," "defeating Russia on the battlefield," the silly decrees of "forbidding any negotiations," the 1991 borders, stealing Russia's reserves, Putin's arrest warrant, etc. It will be impossible to get out of this mess without loosing the face, to say the least. Putin was direct about, "the longer this war goes on, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us."
't will be impossible to get out of this mess without loosing the face, " They'll find a way if the feel the need. Look at Gaddafi-bad boy made good boy then stabbed in the ass. The west can 'rehabilitate' anyone of it feels the need-and then throw em away when done like a stale stale condom full of STD juice.
Even Stalin was passed for an "Uncle Joe" when needed.
Case in point!!! It's the western way!
It is heartbreaking - nowhere near strong enough a word- to think of the Ukrainian population’s grief, disillusionment and pain. Will the bloody warmongers be moved by what’s unfolding? Of course not.
I suspect the IDF khazarians are going to run back to Kiev/khazaria. We will welcome them then.
warmongers only understand one thing. War and pain
Only if Russia wants it 😊 and who would want it?
I confess - I have very little concern for the Ukrainian population's feelings.
If it wasn't so pathetic for all of us, it would be funny. The people running the West have traded all their intelligence, common sense, and patriotism for greed, corruption and power.
Russia sees this very clearly. They have kept their eye on the prize, and it will be independence from the West, never to really need them again.
The best revenge, they say, is to live well.
"Never again will we trust the West for anything essential." -- S. Lavrov, 2022.