The vax mandates further weakened the US military. No one would fight for an incompetent racist regime. Start keeping receipts on all of the warmongering substacks - Alexander Vindman, Adam kinzinger, Tim mak, Philips O’Brien, mick Ryan. They need to be thoroughly embarassed and discredited.
The follow-on CRT/DEI/LGBTQ+* indoctrination 'training' and white-shaming hasn't helped.
The new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the (black) 4-star AF General, is on record stating there are too many white pilots and that the pilot corp needs to be more diverse & inclusive. This 'mindset' will likely be pushed to all branches of the armed forces ... anywhere you see 'too many' whites you can be assured there will be an emphasis on DEI ... forget merit, knowledge, 'smarts', ability ... skin color, gender and political correctness is what makes a military!
Net result: Not only is the size of the military shrinking but the overall ability of the military to do it's job is shrinking at a much quicker pace. Reminds me of the ... current Ukrainian military ... lots of bodies with little/no training.
The US military recruitment crisis may actually be part of a deep state strategy to further debase/control the country.
For that unending wave of military aged illegials coming over the border for years can be put to good (Dems) use apparently at least according to Dick Durbin (link).
How very useful such a completely foreign army could be to crush internal rebellions.
yes, just like ukraine and tel aviv, they need useful idiots to obey the orders to bomb Florida because it is in a state of insurrection. Chinese/HAmas/Russians have taken over TExas, we must jdam all its cities andi nfrastructure to defend the REICH.
THe patriost may not obey but the useful idiots will.
You are already collecting the receipts and doin' what you do to embarass and discredit them. I am not sure they can be thoroughly discredited. Not in today's America.
To be fair, the operation at Krynky was NOT the fault of the marines, who did quite well to secure the bridgehead and defeat several counterattacks from a Russian airborne brigade. I would actually agree that they had managed to secure a strong, defensible, position and reinforced it well.
The main problem is that, when it became very clear the position was not sustainable for brigade level operations, that the AFU command decided to drip feed underequipped infantry into Krynky for photo ops sake, losing a company of men every day.
I dont think anyone faults the guys on the ground, on either side. That's one thing I note from pro-Ru side, in many cases there is a real respect for the adversary. Not always of course, but on the other side it's wall to wall demonization
'Another raft of MSM headlines have served to inure the gormless Western lumpen to the realities on the ground:'
Just had to say it, that opening statement alone serves to remind what an incredibly rich language English is, in the hands of a true scholar and scribe of course. Just brilliant! Now, on to the rest of the analysis.
Inure. Gotta admit, sorta knew, but looked up anyway.
Who do you wanna fight for? Command that sacrifices troops to propagandize the sheep at home? Or leaders who want to stop aggression directed against the whole of humanity?
18 December 2023 FT The business class slightly criticising the political class and begging the workers to suffer more in the name of Fighting for Freedom
‘Ukraine fatigue is a problem of western leaders’ own making’
I’ll leave you to wade through this worse than usual even for the FT report – it should be put up against an article by S, or Karlofi, or Alastair Crooke for a spot the Stupidity/Lie competition
Just one example – the author is confident that the EU will find the promised over four years €50B for Ukraine despite Orban etc – while failing to mention that this is shoe shine petty cash given Ukr’s needs, and that US no longer wants (it thinks) to pay (not mentioned) and that US is telling EU to pay up you are on your own you wanted this war and NATO ditto and no….etc etc (not mentioned)
The author is quietly satisfied that the EU people will just have to learn to suffer a lot more, although he uses the religious term ‘sacrifice’
In this twirl of freedom fables not addressed is: The question of what, if anything, is possible in a developing situation which confirms very much reduced US support arms and money; except for grandstanding and throwing small amounts of good money after bad, just enough maybe to make sure the Ukr soldiers keep on dying, and EU workers keep on suffering
Yes, USN's problems are huge and deep, but all of the services are. I pointed to the issue of the USN destroyer that took out the Ansarallah drone swarm and asked how many similar swarms can it fend off before it runs out of ammo and becomes defenseless. And as Ansarallah has proven, they are very capable, are not entirely backed by Iran and have their own technical and industrial capabilities. The carrier is going to be a very tempting target for Ansarallah who've had war waged on them by the Outlaw US Empire through its regional vassals for 10+ years. And then they're the Somalis. No people in the Horn of Africa region have love for the Empire. The land route will expose the duplicity of the nations that allow it to arise, which will create even more political headaches for them than now. The murder of the escaping hostages by IOF prompted big demonstrations within Occupied Palestine and have put more domestic pressure on the Zionists to halt their Project. If Netanyahu decides to escalate against Hezbollah as a CYA move, IMO that will prove to be a huge error
Odessa is a Russian City as everyone knows Putin more or less said. IMO, once the vaunted Ukie Marines become a spent force, Russia will move to make good on that fact. When that move's made, Russian troops will be pouring forth from the Northeast and central portions of the front through the very thin Ukie lines. When? Once Winter really gets set-in, late January that allows time for the battlefield to be shaped. There'll be lots of ground to cover in 2024, making it important to start early.
Yes, problems, issues, you name it. International, national, regional, statewide (USA), locally. We share the same bioregion…and this I know. Many, many issues, micro/macro. Carry on, I must. Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈⬛
Awe, Barry. Kindness❤️🐈⬛ It is for the best; since the spinal cord injury, I best focus on less responsibility. I go see my besties KAT, often, Queen Annie, she is the real deal🐈⬛❤️Much truth to your statement, thank you. Meow.❤️🐈⬛
Contrary to popular beliefs, cats and dogs are most often very friendly. If they know each other, they can form very deep bonds and trust. Dogs are very willing foster parents for kittens (the one in my profile photo was helped to bring up by a doggo after she and her brofur lost their mom).
My cats know every dog around and unless they try to steal food from a hungry doggo, there's never a problem. Sometimes, quite a substantial group of local animals gets together for some reason and they often look like planning a takeover.
On the other hand, knowing every kitty around makes for an interesting opportunity to observe their own kind of society (which has a real structure and is surprisingly collectivist) and family relationships.
Most dogs will chase anything that runs, but few will stand up to a cat if it does not run. My cat is very friendly with most dogs, but any that get too forward get a swipe on the nose that usually sends them scurrying.
When my beloved old dog died, my cat mourned for months. It was obvious how much he missed his companion.
hmm Interesting question. Could have an affect depending on what sort of precipitation and temps. Would think tanks would not be immune no matter what. The heavier the person the more risk. Hope someone knowledgably will pipe in, I'm just guessing.
Living in the North where the Inuit have like 200 different words to describe the snow and ice. Quite fascinated lately by open water less than 150 meters from an ice road that has trucks driving on it! My dogs drink from it. The road is up stream from the opening.
Repeated snowfalls and freezes would burry them. I have no idea how sensitive modern mines are, I know in WW2 winter freeze would sometimes cause mines to detonate
At a certain point, it dawns on us. Our leaders don't care how we die, they want us dead. They make a shit bag of money selling outdated, hard to fix stuff and spend the biggest part of their discretionary budget making robots. Hello!
Loved the photos of Putin giving medals to outstanding Russian moms. A lot of them were taller than him. Our leaders deviant fondle little kids in front of press cameras. We're fucked.
One of the main problems the US Military has, is that Gen Smedley Butler's little book is smaller, easier to read, and better written than anything Marx wrote, and the Internet made it available to anyone with 10mins to spare.
As it makes more sense with even a smattering of awareness of "news" over the past 80 years than anything recruiters can up with, the "Gas Station with an Army" has run into problems - no matter how much they stamp the poor and illiterate down to make the Military choice look better.
Throw into that mix the growing awareness we're all living in Oligarchic Autocracies (And ones nowhere near as well run as China's and Russia's), and who the F wants to go and die for THAT?
Generational Military Families are telling their young ones NOT to sign up.
Chine and Russia's young have a genuine Dream of a better future they can believe in, the West already holds all the resources, - and starves its own population of them.
Terrorizing poorly armed brown people is one thing, especially if you don't have a lot of prospects in life, and the whole Eagle-Flag-Freedom Thing seems stirring.
Facing down enemies who are actually capable of shooting back is somewhat less pleasant.
I'm 13th Generation American and my dad in Vietnam was last generation to sign up and he regretted it. I never did and told my kids never. US changed into evil empire after CIA killed Kennedy
Yours is not the only such story I've heard. I don't think it's easy for families with a History of service, to learn what they were serving had become rotten.
So it wasn't evil when it genocided the Amerindians, enslaved the Africans, murdered a million plus to steal the Philippines, terrorized Central America, murdered the new African leaders, coup'd the Iranian democratic government, dropped widespread biological weapons on North Korea ... its always been evil.
Its the degree of information the troops had. We can get a good look at both sides of any argument in more recent history. How would you know you are an evil colonialist if the people who loved you to adulthood were too!
the enemies we should have been fighting was never overseas or ragheads. IT was always inside the gates, at home, in the mirror. Forgetting this is why America is being punished and chastized by the Divine powers.
I do not think the murder of JFK was the beginning of 'evil empire'. America was always basically evil, but as it conquered ever more territory it became an empire, and so was able to spread its evil farther and faster. USA was founded on oppression and murder, and its empire is certainly no less evil than its predecessor, the British empire, for all Americans love to malign the British.
I understand this comment is of little, or no value whatsover. Even so, I will say it. I am so disgusted with our so called civilized world, that causes these unbelievable scenarios to be happening, most recently in the Ukraine and Palestine. I can get mad at Western leadership, although my belief that they will care enough to stop slaughter after slaughter is really faltering. I see no evidence they care at all.
Just a few days ago, Putin implied that the drawing out of conflict is beneficial as the opposition forces suffer severe attrition. One hopes Russia feel's obliged in some respect to press for a quick end to the carnage, so more people might not needlessly die. Force the surrender as soon as possible.
You have some sympathy but I ask what were you feeling and your reactions when Western Ukraine was murdering thousands of your fellows between 2014 - 2022 because they were ethnically Russian? All ever heard was about how all the terrorists in the East needed to die.
Hi Barry. I have never endorsed this wholesale killing on either side. I am very sympathetic to the Russian side and what they have endured, and wish them a speedy victory. My point is, that the Ukrainian conscripts on the frontlines now are likely not the die-hard AZOV nazis, but regular folks press-ganged into the AFU. I feel sorry for them, and hope Russia can end this with as little further loss of life as possible.
Frankly, I think this carnage will go on for some time as Rus refuses to hit the government. When the West took over the Ukraine, maybe 50 died. Now Rus is killing hundreds of thousands of grunts. Very inefficient. Why not hit the three star US general, the airport, or Z? You think that would cause NATO to enter? Before Ukraine falls NATO will be there. That is what Austin meant when he threated US citizens fight Russians. They will open up another front in Kaliningrad, and then there will be nukes. US military can not stand losing Europe, and the collapse of the dollar. As was said, the grunts aren't the problem; its the US Congress, Biden, the Federal Reserve and NATO. It feels like Putin and Z. are depopulating the country so Blackrock owns the Ukraine.
The decline of the West is self perpetuating. Time with no war would still find the West weaker a month or year from now.
The treasonous decisions of NATO and slow pace SMO just give everyone more to ponder, can any US politician tell the truth? Or make a decision that profits anyone but the super powerful ancient families, and their upstart wanna bee minions.
So yeah the meat grinder is a lousy way to go, but one way or another we are destined to die at the hands of those who have clearly stated we must go. Would you rather die of hunger, bio weapon or with a gun in your hands? Ultimately only God can judge what is self defense and what is aggression.
Vladimir is very cautious and moderate in comparison to the standard Russian Empire methods. The Federation is a very moderate sort of overall nationality that comprises many ethnicities and independent republics like crimea. Vladimir already torched an underground bunker with 200 ish nato personnel and allied ossifers, using one of those hvm daggers. Perhaps he lacks intel on the rest or is saving it for when nato tries to escalate. He is using it as a chess piece to counter check them. So far the 500k dead is better than the millions that would die in WW3 if nato manages to escalate to war with russia.
The conflict is almost over. Vladimir also has diplomatic and divine counsel limitations on how far he can invade Ukraine without setting off red flags.
If Russia had been able and willing to intervene in 2014 when Donbass and other south-eastern oblasts had rebellions against the coup, then Ukraine probably could have been relatively quickly 'de-nazified' with small loss of ordinary Ukrainian or Russian life. One of the reasons the Donbass militias were so successful in the early years was because most Ukrainians refused to fight their fellow citizens. That is why Ukraine agreed to the Minsk treaties - they were unable to win militarily.
However, after allowing a generation of Ukrainians to grow up heavily propagandized to hate Russia, and the Nazi elements to gain political, economic, and cultural power, the fight is much harder. Many older Ukrainians do not hate Russia, and most of the younger ones who were not willing to fight Russia left.
The US plan was for Russia to militarily take over Ukraine quickly, causing even more concentrated hatred, and a long drawn out NATO backed, armed, and funded insurgency. I am sad so many Ukrainians and Russians are dying in this fight, but I think it was unavoidable as soon as USA set its sights on Ukraine/Crimea - no matter how Russia responded.
We were still there but our voices were even more silent to outside observers than they are now. Members of the RMT union visited Donbas in 2014 out of solidarity even when it was very politically difficult to do so, Corbyn rightly called out jumping on Russia for the Salisbury poisonings given how nonsensical the officials story was. It's easy to point fingers but there has been plenty of opposition to the anti-russian bias in our politics in tough political circumstances.
It is important to note that we were out in the streets against unjust wars even while the Russian government collaborated with the west during the GWOT. Murdered arabs only mattered to most russians when it coincided with their interests in Syria, most of you had the same apathy to western crimes you now call out around Donbsas. I would be careful painting with such a broad brush as if it is only the west to feature weak revisionism in its mainstream politics to paper over inconvenient facts....
Quickly is the hitch. They could have massively destroyed Ukraine right from the git go. Russia have avoided total infrastructure destruction, which is a US signature, as they know Russia will rebuild, which is a Russia signature, Crimea.
More and more those snatched up and press ganged into the US MIC war for profit are the ones my heart goes out to. Justice would snatch back the profit and compensate these and their families. Though it could never really heal the wounds of war.
Really must be noted it is the NATO side that eschewed diplomacy, what starting 30 years ago. A neo-con thing. Putin would have gladly not launched the SMO as a good read of history clearly shows.
The divine counsel desires you to become disgusted, because anger is one of the only few emotions that will motivate a slave to rebel for liberty. peace/prosperity/maga ain't it. It is not make america great again, it is make america god's again. Humility is necessary
Perhaps the Ukraine is moving to emulate that old UK TV show "Dad's Army"? One wonders at what point enough is enough.
The old refrain was join the US military, travel the world, meet new people and kill them. Repugnant as that idea was, it get's worse when those you were meant to kill for sport begin to effectively fight back. Why would anyone bar psychopaths or gays wanting free sex reassignment join the US Military when every politician is citing an upcoming war with China, Russia or Iran.
Those queer weirdos wanting free sex reassignment make up a huge proportion of those enlisting AND they have protected status meaning they won't see front line duty.
Welcome to kike owned communist Yankeeland. It make Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon and the Weimar republic combined look like a sandland cult run kindergarten.
Nice comeback, LOL. Frankly I'm more disappointed in the use of "kike" and other pejoratives for Jews, Ukrainians, etc. that are so rife in these comments. I really don't get it; it just detracts from the weight of the comments. After all, we're indeed correct in our assessment of the Ukraine conflict and about the general degradation of the US political system, even though we're holders of a minority opinion. The primary goal should be to spread these ideas in a convincing and compelling fashion to the uninformed. Slandering entire races and religions doesn't exactly signal erudition and doesn't get us where we need to be.
I treat them as attempts by state propagandists to discredit the blog by association with racist, antisemitic and fascist sentiment. Being English, I feel surprised that people mention religion; people here are allowed to be religious as long as they keep it to themselves, the boring bastards.
In Dad's army men knew they were men, It Aint Half Hot Mum may be more appropriate. The Sergeant-Major represents Azov, the idiot officers Zelensky, the entertainment people the LGBQs and the entertained the poor bastards who do the dying.
The following are all the headlines included in the WSJ’s Russia section of articles – one can dig deeper and find less pinpricky reports, but these four local news stories is what the WSJ pushes you to read, as if Russia was a conservative WA suburb, reprimanded for faulty application of Imperial Standard Diversity Codes
The one attempt found that delved into an overall review of the situation in the war was
‘It’s time to end magical thinking about Russia’s defeat’
From November 17 – which contained, naturally, a lot of magical writing
‘Despite Putin’s indictment by the International Criminal Court and abundant evidence of Russian state-sponsored war crimes in Ukraine, he is still embraced in various parts of the so-called “global South.” The Ukraine war holds little salience for many countries who bristle at what they perceive as U.S. and European double standards or a lack of engagement on issues that concern them.’
Africa knows that the ICC only indicts Africans, welcomes Putin as a brother in arms – both leaders and the ‘street’ are, all over the continent, not only following events in Ukraine, but keenly appreciative of RF military political and diplomatic skills, and of the failure of the US ditto, witness the Sahel uprisings – in Gabon the general who led the coup is said to have said that he had to do so quickly, before the crowds with Russian flags hit the streets and ….
‘Russian court extends detention of journalist Also Kurmasheva’ December 17, 2023
‘American Paul Whelan assaulted in Russian prison’ November 29
‘Russia mulls loyalty law for foreigners’ November 29
‘Russia court extends detention of WSJ reporter’ November 28
Sure, the US has some recruitment problems -- but you're not taking into account the quality benefit.
With all those POCs and women being force-fed into command positions, the decision and leadership effectiveness is surely going to reach stunning new levels. And once all the TGs have had their reassignment surgery, and recovered, then in 3 or 4 or 5 years, they will have an impact that beggars belief. Just think, it will be like thousands of Admiral Levines.
Of course, with so many incredibly talented heroes, the US military will have to expand the number of general positions many times to accommodate them. Maybe they'll still have a few white guys left to do the fighting and dying.
Yep! You nailed it! I would like to add that all those undocumented doctors, nurses, engineers and teachers that have been recruited with promise of citizenship will also add to the diversity and rich kulcha of the Yankee military.
Give it just a few years more and the rest of the world will just bow down in awe.
I recall last year sending to some pals three photos of US soldiers in training in 1943, 1967 and 2022. There was not much difference between the first two years, but by 2022 you could easily see the difference - weight, size and gender. Add to that the attitudinal issues now and the current crop of recruits will [on average] be sub-standard to even the recent past.
Young fit and aggressive men will still tend to gravitate to the combat arms, but in an age of toxic masculinty, DIE, and white priviledge you have to wonder why anyone from the traditional recruiting sources would join up. This rot won't be reversed anytime soon and is even prevalent in the British military now, traditionally a bastion of military professionalism. I guess when you spend 20 years fighting goat herders with air and fire superiority, coming up against a real enemy can be a shock. Especially when you have given away all your weapons and ammo.
20 years fighting goat herders *and* mocking and demonizing the very demographic that traditionally signed up for your military. That's what's the biggest problem for them now.
I think most of the white fighting males from the traditional sources are staying home to make themselves available to fight in the coming "civil war". I personally am too old to join in but do intend to die "with my boots on" if it goes "hot" near my home. Just saying.
I don't know about now but I've always considered the British Army very professional when ever we worked with them in Bosnia and Afghanistan and a few other places.
As a Canadian I always liked working with the US, UK, and ANZAC forces. They were the ones to be trusted. I'm sure there are others but these are the main ones I've worked with.
I've met a few ex-squaddies who were involved in the occupation and one story was that they stole things when they searched the houses of catholics. So much for hearts and minds. The atrocities they committed in Basra were nearly as bad as the whitewashing of the perpetrators. So much for the rule of law.
Soldiers are always accompanied by a significant population of the scum of the earth. It's how they recruit; only the most desperate join, and this may be for good reasons like poverty or bad ones, like pretrial diversions. The best thing anyone ever told me was "Watch your shit, the Army is full of thieves".
The British Army is almost worse. Every time I read about it, there is always a karen-looking woman in the forefront, trying to look tough. What normal, white hetero guy wants to join up to be pushed around by an incompetent female "leader"?
Indeed. Though to be fair, code breaking etc requires a certain mind set. It used to be called shy. Now it is "on the spectrum".
British Infantry have been called feral. I am sure they will welcome female leadership. Coz beta males need to find their feminine side when sticking a bayonet into someone.
A Ukrainian I know who enlisted to get a Green Card had nothing but contempt for his fellow enlisted. Interestingly, he is in no particular hurry to rush back for some baffling reason.
That would imply forward thinking. Anyone enlisting certainly doesn’t forward think. Lol.
"Morpih" is the Ukronazi bastardized version of the Russian word "morpeh", meaning "morskaya pehota", i.e. "sea infantry" or simply marines.
The Few. The Proud. The Morpih. Doesn't have quite the same ring, does it?
Those like your friend who no doubt does not want war are always the most affected. My heart bleeds for these people. I hope you hear that he is O.K.
All the best for the Solstice.
The vax mandates further weakened the US military. No one would fight for an incompetent racist regime. Start keeping receipts on all of the warmongering substacks - Alexander Vindman, Adam kinzinger, Tim mak, Philips O’Brien, mick Ryan. They need to be thoroughly embarassed and discredited.
They got rid of vax mandates:
Too little, too late.
Got rid of the death camps after inmates died. Congrats
So all is forgiven?
Do you forgive them?
Harder to get back trust a volunteer soldier won't simply be poisoned by another shot they don't want but are ordered to take.
Sadly, the damage has been done to many young people in the US military who were forced to take the first 2 shots.
Useful idiots will be put up against a wall and eliminated.
Once they cease being useful.
Woah, let’s slow down there.
It's an inside joke for yuri bezmenov fan. he said it a lot. It is also factually true as well as a prediction.
anyone who is a yuri bezmenov fan is a midwit.
reading this comment decreased my iq a minor bit
well since it is so low to start with, that is very dangerous for you.
The follow-on CRT/DEI/LGBTQ+* indoctrination 'training' and white-shaming hasn't helped.
The new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the (black) 4-star AF General, is on record stating there are too many white pilots and that the pilot corp needs to be more diverse & inclusive. This 'mindset' will likely be pushed to all branches of the armed forces ... anywhere you see 'too many' whites you can be assured there will be an emphasis on DEI ... forget merit, knowledge, 'smarts', ability ... skin color, gender and political correctness is what makes a military!
Net result: Not only is the size of the military shrinking but the overall ability of the military to do it's job is shrinking at a much quicker pace. Reminds me of the ... current Ukrainian military ... lots of bodies with little/no training.
Perhaps the USSa Pantygone should seek recruits from the Diversified NBA & NFL???
The US military recruitment crisis may actually be part of a deep state strategy to further debase/control the country.
For that unending wave of military aged illegials coming over the border for years can be put to good (Dems) use apparently at least according to Dick Durbin (link).
How very useful such a completely foreign army could be to crush internal rebellions.
yes, just like ukraine and tel aviv, they need useful idiots to obey the orders to bomb Florida because it is in a state of insurrection. Chinese/HAmas/Russians have taken over TExas, we must jdam all its cities andi nfrastructure to defend the REICH.
THe patriost may not obey but the useful idiots will.
Common sense is irrelevant for the task at hand.
man, substack comment pools are almost as schizo as youtube comments.
You are already collecting the receipts and doin' what you do to embarass and discredit them. I am not sure they can be thoroughly discredited. Not in today's America.
I recall Weeb posting the AFU position in Krynki as "powerful"
His takes were average, then bad, now terrible
To be fair, the operation at Krynky was NOT the fault of the marines, who did quite well to secure the bridgehead and defeat several counterattacks from a Russian airborne brigade. I would actually agree that they had managed to secure a strong, defensible, position and reinforced it well.
The main problem is that, when it became very clear the position was not sustainable for brigade level operations, that the AFU command decided to drip feed underequipped infantry into Krynky for photo ops sake, losing a company of men every day.
I dont think anyone faults the guys on the ground, on either side. That's one thing I note from pro-Ru side, in many cases there is a real respect for the adversary. Not always of course, but on the other side it's wall to wall demonization
Only slavs are strong enough to take on the federation
The MSM still seems to be publishing Krinki as an unending triumph.
Many thanks Simplicius!
'Another raft of MSM headlines have served to inure the gormless Western lumpen to the realities on the ground:'
Just had to say it, that opening statement alone serves to remind what an incredibly rich language English is, in the hands of a true scholar and scribe of course. Just brilliant! Now, on to the rest of the analysis.
"gormless lumpen" - I, too, feel my repertoire of labels enriched.
Inure. Gotta admit, sorta knew, but looked up anyway.
Who do you wanna fight for? Command that sacrifices troops to propagandize the sheep at home? Or leaders who want to stop aggression directed against the whole of humanity?
18 December 2023 FT The business class slightly criticising the political class and begging the workers to suffer more in the name of Fighting for Freedom
‘Ukraine fatigue is a problem of western leaders’ own making’
I’ll leave you to wade through this worse than usual even for the FT report – it should be put up against an article by S, or Karlofi, or Alastair Crooke for a spot the Stupidity/Lie competition
Just one example – the author is confident that the EU will find the promised over four years €50B for Ukraine despite Orban etc – while failing to mention that this is shoe shine petty cash given Ukr’s needs, and that US no longer wants (it thinks) to pay (not mentioned) and that US is telling EU to pay up you are on your own you wanted this war and NATO ditto and no….etc etc (not mentioned)
The author is quietly satisfied that the EU people will just have to learn to suffer a lot more, although he uses the religious term ‘sacrifice’
In this twirl of freedom fables not addressed is: The question of what, if anything, is possible in a developing situation which confirms very much reduced US support arms and money; except for grandstanding and throwing small amounts of good money after bad, just enough maybe to make sure the Ukr soldiers keep on dying, and EU workers keep on suffering
What an opening sentence! "...inure the gormless Western lumpen..."
Yes, USN's problems are huge and deep, but all of the services are. I pointed to the issue of the USN destroyer that took out the Ansarallah drone swarm and asked how many similar swarms can it fend off before it runs out of ammo and becomes defenseless. And as Ansarallah has proven, they are very capable, are not entirely backed by Iran and have their own technical and industrial capabilities. The carrier is going to be a very tempting target for Ansarallah who've had war waged on them by the Outlaw US Empire through its regional vassals for 10+ years. And then they're the Somalis. No people in the Horn of Africa region have love for the Empire. The land route will expose the duplicity of the nations that allow it to arise, which will create even more political headaches for them than now. The murder of the escaping hostages by IOF prompted big demonstrations within Occupied Palestine and have put more domestic pressure on the Zionists to halt their Project. If Netanyahu decides to escalate against Hezbollah as a CYA move, IMO that will prove to be a huge error
Odessa is a Russian City as everyone knows Putin more or less said. IMO, once the vaunted Ukie Marines become a spent force, Russia will move to make good on that fact. When that move's made, Russian troops will be pouring forth from the Northeast and central portions of the front through the very thin Ukie lines. When? Once Winter really gets set-in, late January that allows time for the battlefield to be shaped. There'll be lots of ground to cover in 2024, making it important to start early.
I've just finished posting the translation of Russia's Annual Defense Board Meeting that's filled with info, insight, and future possibilities,
I'm certain Simplicius will also breakdown what was said. And yes, Putin did provide several important messages.
Yes, problems, issues, you name it. International, national, regional, statewide (USA), locally. We share the same bioregion…and this I know. Many, many issues, micro/macro. Carry on, I must. Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈⬛
That is so sad that you only have a virtual cat and not a real one. I have canines but need felines as a house cannot be a home without a cat.
Awe, Barry. Kindness❤️🐈⬛ It is for the best; since the spinal cord injury, I best focus on less responsibility. I go see my besties KAT, often, Queen Annie, she is the real deal🐈⬛❤️Much truth to your statement, thank you. Meow.❤️🐈⬛
True. No home without a cat.
Contrary to popular beliefs, cats and dogs are most often very friendly. If they know each other, they can form very deep bonds and trust. Dogs are very willing foster parents for kittens (the one in my profile photo was helped to bring up by a doggo after she and her brofur lost their mom).
My cats know every dog around and unless they try to steal food from a hungry doggo, there's never a problem. Sometimes, quite a substantial group of local animals gets together for some reason and they often look like planning a takeover.
On the other hand, knowing every kitty around makes for an interesting opportunity to observe their own kind of society (which has a real structure and is surprisingly collectivist) and family relationships.
Most dogs will chase anything that runs, but few will stand up to a cat if it does not run. My cat is very friendly with most dogs, but any that get too forward get a swipe on the nose that usually sends them scurrying.
When my beloved old dog died, my cat mourned for months. It was obvious how much he missed his companion.
Cat provides the heart
Toni and Georgina say prrt!
I do feel for you.
I have thought that once the freeze really sets in the minefields will be mooted.
hmm Interesting question. Could have an affect depending on what sort of precipitation and temps. Would think tanks would not be immune no matter what. The heavier the person the more risk. Hope someone knowledgably will pipe in, I'm just guessing.
Living in the North where the Inuit have like 200 different words to describe the snow and ice. Quite fascinated lately by open water less than 150 meters from an ice road that has trucks driving on it! My dogs drink from it. The road is up stream from the opening.
I think a lot of the AT mines are surface laid; so freezing shouldn't affect them. As for the ones buried or AP mines - I'm not sure.
Repeated snowfalls and freezes would burry them. I have no idea how sensitive modern mines are, I know in WW2 winter freeze would sometimes cause mines to detonate
At a certain point, it dawns on us. Our leaders don't care how we die, they want us dead. They make a shit bag of money selling outdated, hard to fix stuff and spend the biggest part of their discretionary budget making robots. Hello!
Loved the photos of Putin giving medals to outstanding Russian moms. A lot of them were taller than him. Our leaders deviant fondle little kids in front of press cameras. We're fucked.
At my VK site, there's much more prior to July 2023 when I instituted my substack.
One of the main problems the US Military has, is that Gen Smedley Butler's little book is smaller, easier to read, and better written than anything Marx wrote, and the Internet made it available to anyone with 10mins to spare.
As it makes more sense with even a smattering of awareness of "news" over the past 80 years than anything recruiters can up with, the "Gas Station with an Army" has run into problems - no matter how much they stamp the poor and illiterate down to make the Military choice look better.
Throw into that mix the growing awareness we're all living in Oligarchic Autocracies (And ones nowhere near as well run as China's and Russia's), and who the F wants to go and die for THAT?
Generational Military Families are telling their young ones NOT to sign up.
Chine and Russia's young have a genuine Dream of a better future they can believe in, the West already holds all the resources, - and starves its own population of them.
God curse America.
Terrorizing poorly armed brown people is one thing, especially if you don't have a lot of prospects in life, and the whole Eagle-Flag-Freedom Thing seems stirring.
Facing down enemies who are actually capable of shooting back is somewhat less pleasant.
Especially when the only war you win is the propaganda one.
blm saw that in nevada when they tried to grab bundy mormon clan land.
You know we are in trouble when people who religiously believe TV news, deem everyone else idiots.
I'm 13th Generation American and my dad in Vietnam was last generation to sign up and he regretted it. I never did and told my kids never. US changed into evil empire after CIA killed Kennedy
Yours is not the only such story I've heard. I don't think it's easy for families with a History of service, to learn what they were serving had become rotten.
So it wasn't evil when it genocided the Amerindians, enslaved the Africans, murdered a million plus to steal the Philippines, terrorized Central America, murdered the new African leaders, coup'd the Iranian democratic government, dropped widespread biological weapons on North Korea ... its always been evil.
Laos, Cambodia ... just a few million more dead, easy to overlook
Its the degree of information the troops had. We can get a good look at both sides of any argument in more recent history. How would you know you are an evil colonialist if the people who loved you to adulthood were too!
the enemies we should have been fighting was never overseas or ragheads. IT was always inside the gates, at home, in the mirror. Forgetting this is why America is being punished and chastized by the Divine powers.
The best thing we can do for our children is to teach them to refuse to be the canon fodder of a dying empire.
I do not think the murder of JFK was the beginning of 'evil empire'. America was always basically evil, but as it conquered ever more territory it became an empire, and so was able to spread its evil farther and faster. USA was founded on oppression and murder, and its empire is certainly no less evil than its predecessor, the British empire, for all Americans love to malign the British.
I understand this comment is of little, or no value whatsover. Even so, I will say it. I am so disgusted with our so called civilized world, that causes these unbelievable scenarios to be happening, most recently in the Ukraine and Palestine. I can get mad at Western leadership, although my belief that they will care enough to stop slaughter after slaughter is really faltering. I see no evidence they care at all.
Just a few days ago, Putin implied that the drawing out of conflict is beneficial as the opposition forces suffer severe attrition. One hopes Russia feel's obliged in some respect to press for a quick end to the carnage, so more people might not needlessly die. Force the surrender as soon as possible.
You have some sympathy but I ask what were you feeling and your reactions when Western Ukraine was murdering thousands of your fellows between 2014 - 2022 because they were ethnically Russian? All ever heard was about how all the terrorists in the East needed to die.
Hi Barry. I have never endorsed this wholesale killing on either side. I am very sympathetic to the Russian side and what they have endured, and wish them a speedy victory. My point is, that the Ukrainian conscripts on the frontlines now are likely not the die-hard AZOV nazis, but regular folks press-ganged into the AFU. I feel sorry for them, and hope Russia can end this with as little further loss of life as possible.
Well they are trying to do so, but it[s a big task when Ukies with weapons keep on charging forward. The ball is in the USA's court to end this.
Frankly, I think this carnage will go on for some time as Rus refuses to hit the government. When the West took over the Ukraine, maybe 50 died. Now Rus is killing hundreds of thousands of grunts. Very inefficient. Why not hit the three star US general, the airport, or Z? You think that would cause NATO to enter? Before Ukraine falls NATO will be there. That is what Austin meant when he threated US citizens fight Russians. They will open up another front in Kaliningrad, and then there will be nukes. US military can not stand losing Europe, and the collapse of the dollar. As was said, the grunts aren't the problem; its the US Congress, Biden, the Federal Reserve and NATO. It feels like Putin and Z. are depopulating the country so Blackrock owns the Ukraine.
The decline of the West is self perpetuating. Time with no war would still find the West weaker a month or year from now.
The treasonous decisions of NATO and slow pace SMO just give everyone more to ponder, can any US politician tell the truth? Or make a decision that profits anyone but the super powerful ancient families, and their upstart wanna bee minions.
So yeah the meat grinder is a lousy way to go, but one way or another we are destined to die at the hands of those who have clearly stated we must go. Would you rather die of hunger, bio weapon or with a gun in your hands? Ultimately only God can judge what is self defense and what is aggression.
Divine counsel: Lugansk, Donetsk, Crimea, Russian federation are defending themselves.
Only humans think otherwise.
Ok I'll bite, what do alternate to humans think.
Vladimir is very cautious and moderate in comparison to the standard Russian Empire methods. The Federation is a very moderate sort of overall nationality that comprises many ethnicities and independent republics like crimea. Vladimir already torched an underground bunker with 200 ish nato personnel and allied ossifers, using one of those hvm daggers. Perhaps he lacks intel on the rest or is saving it for when nato tries to escalate. He is using it as a chess piece to counter check them. So far the 500k dead is better than the millions that would die in WW3 if nato manages to escalate to war with russia.
The conflict is almost over. Vladimir also has diplomatic and divine counsel limitations on how far he can invade Ukraine without setting off red flags.
I think you meant 'comprises' rather than 'compromises'?
If Russia had been able and willing to intervene in 2014 when Donbass and other south-eastern oblasts had rebellions against the coup, then Ukraine probably could have been relatively quickly 'de-nazified' with small loss of ordinary Ukrainian or Russian life. One of the reasons the Donbass militias were so successful in the early years was because most Ukrainians refused to fight their fellow citizens. That is why Ukraine agreed to the Minsk treaties - they were unable to win militarily.
However, after allowing a generation of Ukrainians to grow up heavily propagandized to hate Russia, and the Nazi elements to gain political, economic, and cultural power, the fight is much harder. Many older Ukrainians do not hate Russia, and most of the younger ones who were not willing to fight Russia left.
The US plan was for Russia to militarily take over Ukraine quickly, causing even more concentrated hatred, and a long drawn out NATO backed, armed, and funded insurgency. I am sad so many Ukrainians and Russians are dying in this fight, but I think it was unavoidable as soon as USA set its sights on Ukraine/Crimea - no matter how Russia responded.
Putin may be drawing it out more to bleed the west than, to bleed Ukraine.
We were still there but our voices were even more silent to outside observers than they are now. Members of the RMT union visited Donbas in 2014 out of solidarity even when it was very politically difficult to do so, Corbyn rightly called out jumping on Russia for the Salisbury poisonings given how nonsensical the officials story was. It's easy to point fingers but there has been plenty of opposition to the anti-russian bias in our politics in tough political circumstances.
It is important to note that we were out in the streets against unjust wars even while the Russian government collaborated with the west during the GWOT. Murdered arabs only mattered to most russians when it coincided with their interests in Syria, most of you had the same apathy to western crimes you now call out around Donbsas. I would be careful painting with such a broad brush as if it is only the west to feature weak revisionism in its mainstream politics to paper over inconvenient facts....
Quickly is the hitch. They could have massively destroyed Ukraine right from the git go. Russia have avoided total infrastructure destruction, which is a US signature, as they know Russia will rebuild, which is a Russia signature, Crimea.
More and more those snatched up and press ganged into the US MIC war for profit are the ones my heart goes out to. Justice would snatch back the profit and compensate these and their families. Though it could never really heal the wounds of war.
Really must be noted it is the NATO side that eschewed diplomacy, what starting 30 years ago. A neo-con thing. Putin would have gladly not launched the SMO as a good read of history clearly shows.
The divine counsel desires you to become disgusted, because anger is one of the only few emotions that will motivate a slave to rebel for liberty. peace/prosperity/maga ain't it. It is not make america great again, it is make america god's again. Humility is necessary
Perhaps the Ukraine is moving to emulate that old UK TV show "Dad's Army"? One wonders at what point enough is enough.
The old refrain was join the US military, travel the world, meet new people and kill them. Repugnant as that idea was, it get's worse when those you were meant to kill for sport begin to effectively fight back. Why would anyone bar psychopaths or gays wanting free sex reassignment join the US Military when every politician is citing an upcoming war with China, Russia or Iran.
Those queer weirdos wanting free sex reassignment make up a huge proportion of those enlisting AND they have protected status meaning they won't see front line duty.
Welcome to kike owned communist Yankeeland. It make Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon and the Weimar republic combined look like a sandland cult run kindergarten.
If Yankeeland is communist, why don't you have a National Health Service?
Nice comeback, LOL. Frankly I'm more disappointed in the use of "kike" and other pejoratives for Jews, Ukrainians, etc. that are so rife in these comments. I really don't get it; it just detracts from the weight of the comments. After all, we're indeed correct in our assessment of the Ukraine conflict and about the general degradation of the US political system, even though we're holders of a minority opinion. The primary goal should be to spread these ideas in a convincing and compelling fashion to the uninformed. Slandering entire races and religions doesn't exactly signal erudition and doesn't get us where we need to be.
I treat them as attempts by state propagandists to discredit the blog by association with racist, antisemitic and fascist sentiment. Being English, I feel surprised that people mention religion; people here are allowed to be religious as long as they keep it to themselves, the boring bastards.
Forget Fauci?
the useful idiots will obey orders to death squad you and your circle, plus drop bombs on you.
hey now! Dad's Army was a hilarious show. And the reason it was so hilarious is because it aired long after the actual fighting was over :)
In Dad's army men knew they were men, It Aint Half Hot Mum may be more appropriate. The Sergeant-Major represents Azov, the idiot officers Zelensky, the entertainment people the LGBQs and the entertained the poor bastards who do the dying.
I loved "Dad's Army". The only difference with Ukraine is that, pace Corporal Jones, Z DOES like it up 'im!
18 December 2023 WSJ The Russia Files
The following are all the headlines included in the WSJ’s Russia section of articles – one can dig deeper and find less pinpricky reports, but these four local news stories is what the WSJ pushes you to read, as if Russia was a conservative WA suburb, reprimanded for faulty application of Imperial Standard Diversity Codes
The one attempt found that delved into an overall review of the situation in the war was
‘It’s time to end magical thinking about Russia’s defeat’
From November 17 – which contained, naturally, a lot of magical writing
‘Despite Putin’s indictment by the International Criminal Court and abundant evidence of Russian state-sponsored war crimes in Ukraine, he is still embraced in various parts of the so-called “global South.” The Ukraine war holds little salience for many countries who bristle at what they perceive as U.S. and European double standards or a lack of engagement on issues that concern them.’
Africa knows that the ICC only indicts Africans, welcomes Putin as a brother in arms – both leaders and the ‘street’ are, all over the continent, not only following events in Ukraine, but keenly appreciative of RF military political and diplomatic skills, and of the failure of the US ditto, witness the Sahel uprisings – in Gabon the general who led the coup is said to have said that he had to do so quickly, before the crowds with Russian flags hit the streets and ….
‘Russian court extends detention of journalist Also Kurmasheva’ December 17, 2023
‘American Paul Whelan assaulted in Russian prison’ November 29
‘Russia mulls loyalty law for foreigners’ November 29
‘Russia court extends detention of WSJ reporter’ November 28
Sure, the US has some recruitment problems -- but you're not taking into account the quality benefit.
With all those POCs and women being force-fed into command positions, the decision and leadership effectiveness is surely going to reach stunning new levels. And once all the TGs have had their reassignment surgery, and recovered, then in 3 or 4 or 5 years, they will have an impact that beggars belief. Just think, it will be like thousands of Admiral Levines.
Of course, with so many incredibly talented heroes, the US military will have to expand the number of general positions many times to accommodate them. Maybe they'll still have a few white guys left to do the fighting and dying.
Yep! You nailed it! I would like to add that all those undocumented doctors, nurses, engineers and teachers that have been recruited with promise of citizenship will also add to the diversity and rich kulcha of the Yankee military.
Give it just a few years more and the rest of the world will just bow down in awe.
I recall last year sending to some pals three photos of US soldiers in training in 1943, 1967 and 2022. There was not much difference between the first two years, but by 2022 you could easily see the difference - weight, size and gender. Add to that the attitudinal issues now and the current crop of recruits will [on average] be sub-standard to even the recent past.
Young fit and aggressive men will still tend to gravitate to the combat arms, but in an age of toxic masculinty, DIE, and white priviledge you have to wonder why anyone from the traditional recruiting sources would join up. This rot won't be reversed anytime soon and is even prevalent in the British military now, traditionally a bastion of military professionalism. I guess when you spend 20 years fighting goat herders with air and fire superiority, coming up against a real enemy can be a shock. Especially when you have given away all your weapons and ammo.
20 years fighting goat herders *and* mocking and demonizing the very demographic that traditionally signed up for your military. That's what's the biggest problem for them now.
I think most of the white fighting males from the traditional sources are staying home to make themselves available to fight in the coming "civil war". I personally am too old to join in but do intend to die "with my boots on" if it goes "hot" near my home. Just saying.
There will be plenty of training cadre due to the us mil dishonorable discharge of the unwax
"the British military now, traditionally a bastion of military professionalism"
May I apologise for the sound of hollow laughter?
I don't know about now but I've always considered the British Army very professional when ever we worked with them in Bosnia and Afghanistan and a few other places.
As a Canadian I always liked working with the US, UK, and ANZAC forces. They were the ones to be trusted. I'm sure there are others but these are the main ones I've worked with.
Try telling that to the Irish.
I've met a few ex-squaddies who were involved in the occupation and one story was that they stole things when they searched the houses of catholics. So much for hearts and minds. The atrocities they committed in Basra were nearly as bad as the whitewashing of the perpetrators. So much for the rule of law.
Soldiers are always accompanied by a significant population of the scum of the earth. It's how they recruit; only the most desperate join, and this may be for good reasons like poverty or bad ones, like pretrial diversions. The best thing anyone ever told me was "Watch your shit, the Army is full of thieves".
The BRUTISH military yes
The British Army is almost worse. Every time I read about it, there is always a karen-looking woman in the forefront, trying to look tough. What normal, white hetero guy wants to join up to be pushed around by an incompetent female "leader"?
Indeed. Though to be fair, code breaking etc requires a certain mind set. It used to be called shy. Now it is "on the spectrum".
British Infantry have been called feral. I am sure they will welcome female leadership. Coz beta males need to find their feminine side when sticking a bayonet into someone.
A Ukrainian I know who enlisted to get a Green Card had nothing but contempt for his fellow enlisted. Interestingly, he is in no particular hurry to rush back for some baffling reason.
just like how idf mossad lost 700 plus killing 200-400 hamas resistance fighters, using apaches, tanks, and drones vs small arms infantry.