There’s been a huge rash of eye-opening and thought-provoking articles recently, which I haven’t been able to fit into other posts, and which have been building up on my tabs bar.
How are they going to "freeze" the front lines? What is the mechanism? What if Russia simply doesn't stop? They already can't stop the push. How is that gonna change? They're going to man the trenches with NATO soldiers / "peacekeepers"? I.e. direct intervention? That's not going to go down too well, and I'm doubtful NATO will commit the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of troops needed to conpletely halt the Russians. How do they enforce it?
PUTIN is aware the Western powers sabotaged Minsk 1&2 TO create this conflict, and he won't get a second chance. He can't go back to a 'saved game' if he screws up so badly Russia is somehow destroyed by the NATO powers. There isn't a 'save file' to reboot 80,000,000 dead Russians, with or without WMD use.
He is also aware he is very much in the role of Stalin, except THIS time the US and Britain are being open about the help and support they are giving their pet Nazis.
US military spending alone dwarfs Russia's, and then add in all the other NATO vassal states too.
Under such conditions, only a fool or a cocaine-fueled psychopath, risks precious citizen and soldier lives for unnecessary theatrics to please armchair generals. Especially foreign ones. ;)
The 'West', as Simplicious said would do, is now attempting to "freeze", the conflict, so it can be restarted whenever they feel the time is optimal, quite simply because they are losing very badly indeed.
But if the US could drop a Tacnuke on a large Russian military build-up, they would.
Putin knowns better than most the quality of the people he is facing. Or "anti-quality", maybe.
NATO = denial, delusion, deceit, endless hype and propaganda lies in the "narrative war" they are fighting. The war is about grift, re-election, and controlling their own populations by ironically destroying their own economies. Empire of Lies and Destruction. Russia will not be safe until the Empire is defeated.
------------ If Putin does not settle, then the West may say to the West - you see it is proven - Putin was intent on taking the whole of Ukraine - and we are justified in our support - despite the devastation and the horrific number of fatalities suffered Ukranian peasants and farmers forced into fighting. -----
The West does not desire any settlement.
The West will do what they can to make sure Putin does not desire to settle.
The West will never admit they should have worked to uphold Minsk I II
The West will never admit it was a mistake to send in B Johnson to thwart early settlement in 2022.
For if they did, they would admit a most tremendous error compounded and being the primary cause of the loss of life for hundreds of thousands of Ukranians, as well as the financial and physical destruction of the Ukrain country.
for the Ukranian they do not understand that they are being used; Ukranian life has no value to the West - the West will continue " until the last Ukranian ".
Wait until the GAE is done with zelensky, he’s in for a rude awakening. When they cast away their pawns, their pawns have a way of meeting with unfortunate accidents or outright murder.
theres multiple nations lined up to be next , Poland in fact is holding their hand up wanting to. so it wont be stopping at ukrains borders. the go slow ensures when RF gets there theres litttle resistance left
June is going to be frightening. IF they use the NATO exercises as a tool to strike? Putin's hand may be forced. And that could be the big one. Putin has consistently ignored every red line violation. There are NATO and US troops fighting in Ukraine. NATO and US troops are planning and organizing armed invasions of Russian soil. And Putin ignores it. If there is a NATO strike during the June exercises, and a ton of Russians die? Will Putin finally fight then?
More like a 🐊gator, onlyc a pair of 👀 above the calm surface, sudden death below when striking distance is reached or breached. NATO's air op show of force concurring with UKR offensive will be interesting, to say the least.This will not be another illegal nato attack like on Serbia/Kosovo or Iraq2.0 Russia has prepared for all out war but if it is avoided, intelligence gathered from the "exercises" will be useful for when it does occur... Expect to see some EW previously unknown.
Thank you very much Simplicius. I never miss an article. The most interesting aspect of all these sites is the comments. If you scroll down to for example 1945s article and review them Lt Col Daniel Davis is dismissed as a Russian Propagandist and they are highlighting FPV drone and the recent stormshadow missile strikes on the ammo dumps as battlefield turning the tide. Its embarrassing as a lot of the commenters also have military experience at officer level but they do not realize that war is dynamic and not based off of past experiences.
Push for victory on the battlefield and not in the information space I say, but You are a ray of light in the information theater.
THE TRUTH and FREEDOM ARE PRICELESS AND THEY COME FOR FREE - 33Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. Lk 17, 33
Be careful what you are wishing for - ADAM and EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN should serve you as a cautionary example!
Loosing your "head"
- ending in HELL - over a few hours of delirium is definitely the road towards destruction.
Even king David and Salomon fell for it and reading about their regrets being deceived by their fleshly desires should give anyone serious about THE TRUTH some pause for thought.
The official story is that it was a misunderstanding that the population thought the radio program was an actual news broadcast. I always have believed it was a test of the population's gullibility.
👍👍HG Wells was NWO 100% & well connected worldwide. His ideological pseudo science influence is affecting society even today. WOW was a template for future mass media psyops like green screen "live" reporting from Kiev or Iraq or...
A play was broadcast by the radio station at a regular time every Friday or Saturday evening - and was tuned into by mostly regular listeners from the stations surrounds...
Before Covid (BC) references to the incident claimed its reach was considerable, and peoples reactions dramatic...The past couple of years, however, its reach has been rewritten, as indicated by such claims as "not as many reacted to the play as is popularly thought." No FACTS provided...
It does appear the downplaying of the reactions to the play serves a definite purpose...
Sheesh, thanks for that. Even I didn't have the stomach to go down the rabbit hole THAT far. Just reading the articles themselves is thankless enough. It's true though that I've seen an uptick recently in the self-devouring of Ukie propaganda as even on Twitter they're beginning to snap at each other. For instance, one of the biggest pro Ukraine OSINT accounts with 400k followers just announced he's banning anyone with NAFO affiliations in their profile, as he's gotten sick of the infantile cartoon-dog people and their endlessly childish charades and psyops.
Stay steadfast - swallowing all the sewage for us and pointing us towards the light. It's sickening - I FULLY AGREE - but that's the price THE TRUTH is asking of EVERY ONE of HIS SERVANTS!
Nyet, comrade. Blind trust & simply believing unseen based only on a writer's interpretation of short clips & opinions (even from Simplicious) is what got everyone in trouble in the first place. He provides links to video & articles so we can make our own minds up based on facts evidence & available propaganda, as it should be. At some time, he even questioned providing too much info. There is no such thing as too much. He provides these links so we can learn how & where to learn. This actually requires effort on the individual reader but the method can be then applied to any subject. This is war & expecting someone to be even half right is probably excessive, let alone anyone claiming to be 100% correct, a la Rollo, who digs in places others cant won't or don't dare to. Both have their place in our (for now 🕛⌛🚀🌐💥🕳️) "outsider" observations of horrific events.
My old man taught me there's 3 sides to every story- yours, mine and the Truth...
Writing about "blind trust" you should not forget to look now and then into the mirror. Reading a single comment, which on its own is anything but promoting "blind trust", and INTERPRETING it as a CLEAR CASE of "blind trust" and going on a barrage based on "blind trust conclusions" - VERY REVEALING!
According to your wording you seem to feel very confident about your "armchair" assessment of others while at the same time spreading your "enlightened" gospel, proudly claiming that it has been passed on to you by "your old man" - which in and of its own is revealing more about the SPIRIT of the author of such a description than the person it is directed towards.
I don't know you and therefore I feel far from in a position to asses your capabilities to discern between "blind trust" and "congratulatory appreciation". Even less can I EVER know your motivation of your self-righteousness, which is the reason I will leave it to GOD ALMIGHTY to asses your heart. But never forget to look out for the mental prison cell THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is offering each and every HUMAN MIND to walk into.
Which does not take away anything from the contribution your comment is apparently trying to make - warning EACH AND EVERY SINGLE HUMAN MIND NOT to fall for THE LIE!
You got there first. I started following 1945 when the war broke out and Davis was the only sane commentator on that site. He publishes artciles regularly on the same theme and equally regularly gets slated by its resident trolls and readers who prefer a very pro-Ukrainian slant on their news. However the interesting point for me is not that Davis repeats a line he has held for a long time, but that RealClearDefence highlights this article as one to read. That may be for "balance" as RCD is again notoriously pro-Ukrainian or it could be that a new narrative is being introduced. BTW, I stopped reading anything on 1945 months ago as it became less of a news site, more a CIA/DoD propaganda outlet.
I also see an increase in China almost now full support of Russia. As on French tv, Chinese Embassador saying Crimea is Russia and always was.Yesterday they say they support the 4 new oblasts and another one on twitter (not an Emb. but an official), said Russia will take 4 more oblasts and stop at 8.
Tonight RU Emb in the UK saying two countries are near the end of diplomatic relations as UK is the main hawk (even if US provides QE money)
Russia, within the framework of the special operation, "has not yet begun to act seriously" and is ready for peace, but the West is leading the escalation, said Russian Ambassador in London Andrey Kelin.
One of the most massive kamikaze UAV attacks took place across Ukraine today. Almost everything is red and there are arrivals everywhere!
A big amount flew over the Kiev region into western Ukraine, with arrivals recorded in district centres (training grounds).
No one advertises this information and civilians cannot see it because all the firing ranges are remote from civilian settlements.
Also mass UAVs are recorded flying over the front 100km zone near the line of battles.
The Russians are trying to disrupt the Office of the President's accumulation of forces and preparations for an offensive.
CNN Poll Says 66% Of Americans Believe Another Joe Biden Term Will 'Lead To Disaster'
I'd be leery of interpreting (as many do) Chinese support for Russia as friendship - much like Israel, China doesn't have 'friends' it has active or potential adversaries - and useful idiots.
Aside from the utility for the PRC of conflating Russia's retaking of historical Russian areas with its own intent to take Taiwan, China has longstanding designs on the resources of Siberia and the Russian Far East.
Increased Russian dependency on China and weakening of the US, EU, Australia etc. as a result of the continuing conflict are all pluses from the CCP perspective...
Russian leadership is probably well aware of this whereas the West seems mostly oblivious.
I don't think Russia is under any illusions here: what links them to China is strictly geopolitical interest. They talk the language of realpolitik. China is supporting Russia because China knows that in a direct confrontation over Taiwan, they're an essential ally to have. It's not about being "friends", it's about knowing that it's not in your interest to betray the other side.
Not that I necessarily disagree with above assessment - rather bolstering it further by emphasizing the aspect of realpolitik. How better to act than based on REALITY of existence, that being THE TRUTH as assessed on pure facts instead of WISHFUL THINKING based on some past greatness or revengeful feelings.
What does "true friendship"/"true relationship" mean than peaceful coexistence!
In that sense of course they SEEM to be really good friends - same seems to apply to India and some other nations not going down the road of woke DELUSION!
All countries act in their own self-interest. All of them. Small and large. You think Russia is any different or more moral than China, America, Australia, Europe, Canada, or India? If so, you are gaslighting or the useful idiot.
The only reason that Russia has turned to China or the "Global South" today is not out of any love for those nations but because its pathetic attempts to join the Western Imperialist club have been rejected since the end of the First Cold War.
At one point, Vlad. Putin was even pushing for Russia to join NATO--the same NATO nations that are guilty of wars of aggression and massive crimes from Serbia to Afghanistan to Libya. Russia even threw its "Slavic brother" Serbia under the bus with the 1999 NATO bombing and ultimate dismemberment of that nation in order to keep hope alive that it could eventually join the war criminal West.
Too bad that NATO (aka America) rejected Russia's membership because the Americans correctly knew that if Russia did join NATO, there would be another "big dog" in the room who would eventually erode, and supplant, America's jealously guarded geopolitical supremacy in this Coalition of the Killing.
Today, since Russia has opportunistically allied with China, the Americans are desperate to deploy their instinctive imperial divide-and-conquer tactics and split this relationship by sowing distrust between the two.
Hence, you see the Americans engaged in whispering campaigns about how "China secretly has designs on Siberia" or other such pathetic psyops. Never mind the fact that it's America--not China--that is plotting the dismemberment of Russia into multiple nations as a thinly disguised attempt to gain control over the resources in Russia--and ultimately pave the way for America's planned war against China itself.
I disagree, I think there is tremendous cooperation and coordination between Russia and China, and a chunk of goodwill. Just because Western politics is fraught with lies, deceit and backstabbing, and generally not politics in the real sense of the word, doesn't mean other much more ancient and stable cultures are unable to attain those heights.
Did you drag yourself through Austin and Milley's 'breaking news' press conference? They were so insecure that there's no way they were buying their own bullshit.
Russia engaging in a "decisive action" vs the current slow boil has 2 benefits. 1) It's a PR disaster for NATO and could kill whatever's left of public support at home. IE shatter the narrative. 2) Show that the Russian force is still incredibly potent and not the drunken amateurs they are portrayed. This would eliminate any hope that Ukraine can maintain any leverage in a deal.
It might be boring for us out here in the audience, but it seems Russia is just playing the rock and NATO just keeps smashing their faces against it. What will it look like, with all the chest thumping coming this summer, if by August, Ukraine and the NATO armories are just that much more hollowed out, but Russia is barely drawing a long breath?
I can see pictures similar to Afghanistan, of everything the West left behind, as the last of the spooks helicopter off the embassy roof.
I think this war in Ukraine proves conclusively that the West is the unchallenged Narrative and Social Media Superpower.
Also thanks for the section on this Charles Q. Brown chap. It brought a huge smile to my face. As the USA is likely to stay under the iron-control of crooks and psychopaths, the best we can hope for is that they effectively de-fang themselves. I welcome Mr. Brown's ascendancy and I wish his DIE efforts Godspeed.
The Russian Foreign Ministry announced new conditions for achieving peace in Ukraine. From an interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin to the TASS news agency (May 27, 2023)
On the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.
A settlement is possible only if the hostilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the supply of Western weapons cease.
To achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, Ukraine must:
to return to a neutral non-bloc status, fixed in the Declaration of its state sovereignty of 1990,
refuse to join NATO and the EU,
recognize the new territorial realities that have developed as a result of the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.
As I said, no attempt to conclude any "peace treaties" will lead to an end to the war. Only the liquidation of the Ukrainian state and the division of the territory of the former Ukraine between Russia and some Western countries, as suggested by Dmitry Medvedev, will lead to the establishment of peace. The preservation of the Ukrainian Nazi state means the continuation of the war.
If any French speaking here (I know there are several from 3 continents), interview of J Baud, a Swiss citizen (living in Brussels), former Swiss Intel, Nato and UN asset(colonel).He is clearly on our side, is very popular on YT. At least he really knows the all story from Maidan till today.He went to Donbass after Minsk 2 for the UN he stayed months there.
Daniel Davis is rather tedious. He appears to represent a slightly more realistic pov from the Pentagon, but every time he writes something 20% credible he backs down and writes 100% nonsense in his next piece. There is an ongoing row in US between the 100% fictionalists and the 80% fiction/20% truthers. I see no value in either
The brutality of this conflict, and especially Bakhmut/Artemovsk, is being recognized in the Western press. However, the general opinion is that UAF is holding its own and the upcoming offensive will be consequential. I suspect they're right, and there will be unexpected actions and deployments by NATO forces. And thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths. The Minsk Accords could have worked and 100,000's could be living decent lives. It's just a shame.
I doubt it! US/NATO doesn't have the physical resources or the stomach for the resulting gargantuan losses. It's as clear as anything can be that what the West does best is theatre. Which is why the "great" Ukrainian offensive is being accompanied by US/NATO cheerleading from a nearby country. But still well away from the brutal battlefields. Even the supremely self-deluded Poles are not crazy enough to take on Russia.
You may be proven correct, but IMO the outcome of the offensive is in doubt for both sides. There's a 1000 km front, several hundred more km of lightly defended Russian border, an easily isolated Crimea, and virtually defenseless Transnistria. That's a lot of targets.
The Russians have destroyed a lot of the imported war material, but how much got through? Sure, the UAF has suffered grave losses, but what's the remaining force composition, including foreign mercenaries? Russian forces started the war in kinetic fashion and have had to settle for attritional warfare; do we know how NATO-led UAF forces will fare if the offensive is kinetic?
I agree with the assessment presented here that Russia is better situated for an attritional war - and that NATO is constitutionally unsuited to wage one - which is precisely why I think NATO will try to switch things up. I also agree with you that US PR largely explains Western optimism about how well the conflict is going for the UAF. I just don't think that the outcome of the offensive is a foregone conclusion. The West is still very wealthy and there's too much at stake for NATO to let the offensive completely fizzle out. I'd say buckle up.
Any Ukrainian offensive requires massing of units. It is a fact that they cannot do this safely hundreds of klicks away from the front. They will get walloped before they break contact.
Considering they were attacking wave after wave, for 3 months in Kherson with tens of thousands of troops, against a relatively lightly garrisonmed Russian force, and achieved basically nothing untile the Russians withdrew themselves, I don't expect them to fare well against pre-prepared fortified defensive lines, with basically uninterruptable resupply routes, unlike the bridges in Kherson.
As to your 2nd point, NATO does not have the power to outright smash the Russians. They don't even have the logistical support to maintain such an effort. Yes, NATO has thousands of warplanes to bring to bear on Russian positions. Where will they operate from? Poland? Those planes dodon'have the range. Not to mention that if they operate from the rear, they have to fly while under significant threat from Russian air and AD capabilities. Ukraine clearly lacks the air strips to field them. Also, NATO have a big risk of the mask falling off. I.e. NATO relies on the threat of the legend of the "#1 military force on the planet". If they are forced to withdraw against the "spent, weakened and crumbling" Russians, how are they supposed to bully and intimidate other countries? If the body bags start coming home, NATO will get tired of this war really, really fast. There's no way to claim shot-down F16s and Grippens are Russian losses, it's going to be demoralizing.
I agree with most of the points in your second paragraph and that it will be very difficult for NATO to achieve the stated objectives in Ukraine. But a "free Ukraine" isn't really the point of this war. We're in the Spanish Civil War phase of WWIII, where the great powers test their weapons, strategy and propaganda against each other via proxies. So long term military success (while nice) isn't mandatory.
But my point - lots of Russian targets; unknown UAF material; substantial NATO financial resources - is that an offensive can pose serious potential risk to Russian forces in the short term. A concentration of force along a 1000 km front can yield a breakthrough, enabling mobility, and then fighting becomes reactive. Yes, eventually things will stabilize and the forces you cite will predominate. But writing off this offensive as toothless, or "not gonna happen," is foolhardy. Victoria Nuland has been planning this for 5 months; I'm not a fan but she's not stupid.
That's what they did in Kherson. They concentrated tens of thousands of troops into one sector of the battlefield, basically moved forward 10kms, and then that was the end of the advance, even against a moderately garrisoned defensive location. Also take note of the Belgorod oncursion saga. They clearly thought they would get further, but they were beaten back in a single day.
To give an epitaph to the Zaluzhny debacle, the Ukies made a video that allegedly showed Zaluzhny speaking to the camera to show that he's alive. However, skeptics were quick to point out that the "Zaluzhny" seen in that video had the wrong eye color. More damning for the Ukies, their western "news" media friends betrayed them by refusing to report on or spread around the video because it was somehow too obviously fake for their astronomically low reporting standards. Why would the western "news" media pass up a massive propaganda slam-dunk on Russia? Because it's an extremely obvious fake and no other reason.
This story reads like some poorly written copycat script of A Weekend at Bernie's, which clearly makes it too pulpy for the standards of your blog.
If you look at Defence Policy Asia's recent video covering Zaluzhny's recent photo op with other officers, it looks fake to me. The shadows are wrong and the contrast odd. Or maybe I am hallucinating again!!
I suppose there isn't much reason for the Russians to change the meat grinder tactics until after the Nato chest thumping. Or even after that , really.
"Don't interrupt your enemies when they are destroying themselves."
How are they going to "freeze" the front lines? What is the mechanism? What if Russia simply doesn't stop? They already can't stop the push. How is that gonna change? They're going to man the trenches with NATO soldiers / "peacekeepers"? I.e. direct intervention? That's not going to go down too well, and I'm doubtful NATO will commit the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of troops needed to conpletely halt the Russians. How do they enforce it?
PUTIN is aware the Western powers sabotaged Minsk 1&2 TO create this conflict, and he won't get a second chance. He can't go back to a 'saved game' if he screws up so badly Russia is somehow destroyed by the NATO powers. There isn't a 'save file' to reboot 80,000,000 dead Russians, with or without WMD use.
He is also aware he is very much in the role of Stalin, except THIS time the US and Britain are being open about the help and support they are giving their pet Nazis.
US military spending alone dwarfs Russia's, and then add in all the other NATO vassal states too.
Under such conditions, only a fool or a cocaine-fueled psychopath, risks precious citizen and soldier lives for unnecessary theatrics to please armchair generals. Especially foreign ones. ;)
The 'West', as Simplicious said would do, is now attempting to "freeze", the conflict, so it can be restarted whenever they feel the time is optimal, quite simply because they are losing very badly indeed.
But if the US could drop a Tacnuke on a large Russian military build-up, they would.
Putin knowns better than most the quality of the people he is facing. Or "anti-quality", maybe.
Thanks for the link.
NATO = denial, delusion, deceit, endless hype and propaganda lies in the "narrative war" they are fighting. The war is about grift, re-election, and controlling their own populations by ironically destroying their own economies. Empire of Lies and Destruction. Russia will not be safe until the Empire is defeated.
------------ If Putin does not settle, then the West may say to the West - you see it is proven - Putin was intent on taking the whole of Ukraine - and we are justified in our support - despite the devastation and the horrific number of fatalities suffered Ukranian peasants and farmers forced into fighting. -----
The West does not desire any settlement.
The West will do what they can to make sure Putin does not desire to settle.
The West will never admit they should have worked to uphold Minsk I II
The West will never admit it was a mistake to send in B Johnson to thwart early settlement in 2022.
For if they did, they would admit a most tremendous error compounded and being the primary cause of the loss of life for hundreds of thousands of Ukranians, as well as the financial and physical destruction of the Ukrain country.
Unfortunately but appears quite true -
for the Ukranian they do not understand that they are being used; Ukranian life has no value to the West - the West will continue " until the last Ukranian ".
Wait until the GAE is done with zelensky, he’s in for a rude awakening. When they cast away their pawns, their pawns have a way of meeting with unfortunate accidents or outright murder.
theres multiple nations lined up to be next , Poland in fact is holding their hand up wanting to. so it wont be stopping at ukrains borders. the go slow ensures when RF gets there theres litttle resistance left
June is going to be frightening. IF they use the NATO exercises as a tool to strike? Putin's hand may be forced. And that could be the big one. Putin has consistently ignored every red line violation. There are NATO and US troops fighting in Ukraine. NATO and US troops are planning and organizing armed invasions of Russian soil. And Putin ignores it. If there is a NATO strike during the June exercises, and a ton of Russians die? Will Putin finally fight then?
Putin (Russia) is ignoring nothing. Just because we can't see what they are planning doesn't mean they are not planning.
Think of a swan, serenely dignified above the surface, but underneath furiously paddling (planning)
More like a 🐊gator, onlyc a pair of 👀 above the calm surface, sudden death below when striking distance is reached or breached. NATO's air op show of force concurring with UKR offensive will be interesting, to say the least.This will not be another illegal nato attack like on Serbia/Kosovo or Iraq2.0 Russia has prepared for all out war but if it is avoided, intelligence gathered from the "exercises" will be useful for when it does occur... Expect to see some EW previously unknown.
Thank you very much Simplicius. I never miss an article. The most interesting aspect of all these sites is the comments. If you scroll down to for example 1945s article and review them Lt Col Daniel Davis is dismissed as a Russian Propagandist and they are highlighting FPV drone and the recent stormshadow missile strikes on the ammo dumps as battlefield turning the tide. Its embarrassing as a lot of the commenters also have military experience at officer level but they do not realize that war is dynamic and not based off of past experiences.
Push for victory on the battlefield and not in the information space I say, but You are a ray of light in the information theater.
I dissent from all of the GAE’s bullshit, and I’m not on Putin’s payroll. I wish I was, life would be easier! 😂
THE TRUTH and FREEDOM ARE PRICELESS AND THEY COME FOR FREE - 33Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. Lk 17, 33
Can I be comped into a five star Russian hotel and, umm. compromised by a bevy of high grade call girls?
Be careful what you are wishing for - ADAM and EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN should serve you as a cautionary example!
Loosing your "head"
- ending in HELL - over a few hours of delirium is definitely the road towards destruction.
Even king David and Salomon fell for it and reading about their regrets being deceived by their fleshly desires should give anyone serious about THE TRUTH some pause for thought.
i live in pacific region so anyone not into usa foreign policy is a "CCP bot " far enough away to not be called a putin fluffer
Orson Welles 1938 Radio Play 'Invasion from Mars'...(aka War of the Worlds)
That is the template...
It worked then, and keeps on working...
Welles 'reportage' and sound effects were so convincing that The Martians Have Landed
many listeners either hid in their cellars, or grabbed their guns, rushed off to help The Army repel the Little Green Men...
Dr Josef Goebbels was an admirer...
The official story is that it was a misunderstanding that the population thought the radio program was an actual news broadcast. I always have believed it was a test of the population's gullibility.
👍👍HG Wells was NWO 100% & well connected worldwide. His ideological pseudo science influence is affecting society even today. WOW was a template for future mass media psyops like green screen "live" reporting from Kiev or Iraq or...
A play was broadcast by the radio station at a regular time every Friday or Saturday evening - and was tuned into by mostly regular listeners from the stations surrounds...
Before Covid (BC) references to the incident claimed its reach was considerable, and peoples reactions dramatic...The past couple of years, however, its reach has been rewritten, as indicated by such claims as "not as many reacted to the play as is popularly thought." No FACTS provided...
It does appear the downplaying of the reactions to the play serves a definite purpose...
Sheesh, thanks for that. Even I didn't have the stomach to go down the rabbit hole THAT far. Just reading the articles themselves is thankless enough. It's true though that I've seen an uptick recently in the self-devouring of Ukie propaganda as even on Twitter they're beginning to snap at each other. For instance, one of the biggest pro Ukraine OSINT accounts with 400k followers just announced he's banning anyone with NAFO affiliations in their profile, as he's gotten sick of the infantile cartoon-dog people and their endlessly childish charades and psyops.
Of course most certainly, I look forward to your next article and thank you
Stay steadfast - swallowing all the sewage for us and pointing us towards the light. It's sickening - I FULLY AGREE - but that's the price THE TRUTH is asking of EVERY ONE of HIS SERVANTS!
Nyet, comrade. Blind trust & simply believing unseen based only on a writer's interpretation of short clips & opinions (even from Simplicious) is what got everyone in trouble in the first place. He provides links to video & articles so we can make our own minds up based on facts evidence & available propaganda, as it should be. At some time, he even questioned providing too much info. There is no such thing as too much. He provides these links so we can learn how & where to learn. This actually requires effort on the individual reader but the method can be then applied to any subject. This is war & expecting someone to be even half right is probably excessive, let alone anyone claiming to be 100% correct, a la Rollo, who digs in places others cant won't or don't dare to. Both have their place in our (for now 🕛⌛🚀🌐💥🕳️) "outsider" observations of horrific events.
My old man taught me there's 3 sides to every story- yours, mine and the Truth...
Hет товарищ - DEAD MAN RIDING (how revealing)
Writing about "blind trust" you should not forget to look now and then into the mirror. Reading a single comment, which on its own is anything but promoting "blind trust", and INTERPRETING it as a CLEAR CASE of "blind trust" and going on a barrage based on "blind trust conclusions" - VERY REVEALING!
According to your wording you seem to feel very confident about your "armchair" assessment of others while at the same time spreading your "enlightened" gospel, proudly claiming that it has been passed on to you by "your old man" - which in and of its own is revealing more about the SPIRIT of the author of such a description than the person it is directed towards.
I don't know you and therefore I feel far from in a position to asses your capabilities to discern between "blind trust" and "congratulatory appreciation". Even less can I EVER know your motivation of your self-righteousness, which is the reason I will leave it to GOD ALMIGHTY to asses your heart. But never forget to look out for the mental prison cell THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is offering each and every HUMAN MIND to walk into.
Which does not take away anything from the contribution your comment is apparently trying to make - warning EACH AND EVERY SINGLE HUMAN MIND NOT to fall for THE LIE!
You got there first. I started following 1945 when the war broke out and Davis was the only sane commentator on that site. He publishes artciles regularly on the same theme and equally regularly gets slated by its resident trolls and readers who prefer a very pro-Ukrainian slant on their news. However the interesting point for me is not that Davis repeats a line he has held for a long time, but that RealClearDefence highlights this article as one to read. That may be for "balance" as RCD is again notoriously pro-Ukrainian or it could be that a new narrative is being introduced. BTW, I stopped reading anything on 1945 months ago as it became less of a news site, more a CIA/DoD propaganda outlet.
I also see an increase in China almost now full support of Russia. As on French tv, Chinese Embassador saying Crimea is Russia and always was.Yesterday they say they support the 4 new oblasts and another one on twitter (not an Emb. but an official), said Russia will take 4 more oblasts and stop at 8.
Tonight RU Emb in the UK saying two countries are near the end of diplomatic relations as UK is the main hawk (even if US provides QE money)
Russia, within the framework of the special operation, "has not yet begun to act seriously" and is ready for peace, but the West is leading the escalation, said Russian Ambassador in London Andrey Kelin.
One of the most massive kamikaze UAV attacks took place across Ukraine today. Almost everything is red and there are arrivals everywhere!
A big amount flew over the Kiev region into western Ukraine, with arrivals recorded in district centres (training grounds).
No one advertises this information and civilians cannot see it because all the firing ranges are remote from civilian settlements.
Also mass UAVs are recorded flying over the front 100km zone near the line of battles.
The Russians are trying to disrupt the Office of the President's accumulation of forces and preparations for an offensive.
CNN Poll Says 66% Of Americans Believe Another Joe Biden Term Will 'Lead To Disaster'
I'd be leery of interpreting (as many do) Chinese support for Russia as friendship - much like Israel, China doesn't have 'friends' it has active or potential adversaries - and useful idiots.
Aside from the utility for the PRC of conflating Russia's retaking of historical Russian areas with its own intent to take Taiwan, China has longstanding designs on the resources of Siberia and the Russian Far East.
Increased Russian dependency on China and weakening of the US, EU, Australia etc. as a result of the continuing conflict are all pluses from the CCP perspective...
Russian leadership is probably well aware of this whereas the West seems mostly oblivious.
👍Enemy of my enemy is my friend🥂Putin is well aware & I'm sure it was considered long before the war started.
🤣Friends come, friends go. 🍻
Weakening of Australia? it has always been weak and has never stood on it's own two feet.
First a British colony, then a vassal of the Evil Empire.
It has no independent foreign policy, fuck all military - 50K total. A few ships and jets, a couple of hundred SAS assassin scum.
A weak minded, obese population of which 90% drank the scamdemic Kool Aid and are now experiencing 20 -25% excess mortality.
Grenada could probably invade and win LOL
And the US couped two labor Prime Minister's. Of course, there's no labor party in the western world today, ALL identarian, no class consciousness.
Gough Whitlam told Australians to "maintain the rage". They did not, instead they forgot, if they ever knew, that a coup occurred.
I don't think Russia is under any illusions here: what links them to China is strictly geopolitical interest. They talk the language of realpolitik. China is supporting Russia because China knows that in a direct confrontation over Taiwan, they're an essential ally to have. It's not about being "friends", it's about knowing that it's not in your interest to betray the other side.
Not that I necessarily disagree with above assessment - rather bolstering it further by emphasizing the aspect of realpolitik. How better to act than based on REALITY of existence, that being THE TRUTH as assessed on pure facts instead of WISHFUL THINKING based on some past greatness or revengeful feelings.
What does "true friendship"/"true relationship" mean than peaceful coexistence!
In that sense of course they SEEM to be really good friends - same seems to apply to India and some other nations not going down the road of woke DELUSION!
All countries act in their own self-interest. All of them. Small and large. You think Russia is any different or more moral than China, America, Australia, Europe, Canada, or India? If so, you are gaslighting or the useful idiot.
The only reason that Russia has turned to China or the "Global South" today is not out of any love for those nations but because its pathetic attempts to join the Western Imperialist club have been rejected since the end of the First Cold War.
At one point, Vlad. Putin was even pushing for Russia to join NATO--the same NATO nations that are guilty of wars of aggression and massive crimes from Serbia to Afghanistan to Libya. Russia even threw its "Slavic brother" Serbia under the bus with the 1999 NATO bombing and ultimate dismemberment of that nation in order to keep hope alive that it could eventually join the war criminal West.
Too bad that NATO (aka America) rejected Russia's membership because the Americans correctly knew that if Russia did join NATO, there would be another "big dog" in the room who would eventually erode, and supplant, America's jealously guarded geopolitical supremacy in this Coalition of the Killing.
Today, since Russia has opportunistically allied with China, the Americans are desperate to deploy their instinctive imperial divide-and-conquer tactics and split this relationship by sowing distrust between the two.
Hence, you see the Americans engaged in whispering campaigns about how "China secretly has designs on Siberia" or other such pathetic psyops. Never mind the fact that it's America--not China--that is plotting the dismemberment of Russia into multiple nations as a thinly disguised attempt to gain control over the resources in Russia--and ultimately pave the way for America's planned war against China itself.
Decolonizing Russia
I disagree, I think there is tremendous cooperation and coordination between Russia and China, and a chunk of goodwill. Just because Western politics is fraught with lies, deceit and backstabbing, and generally not politics in the real sense of the word, doesn't mean other much more ancient and stable cultures are unable to attain those heights.
Russian Emperor Alexander III once said: "Russia has only two allies - its fleet and army"
Did you drag yourself through Austin and Milley's 'breaking news' press conference? They were so insecure that there's no way they were buying their own bullshit.
Russia engaging in a "decisive action" vs the current slow boil has 2 benefits. 1) It's a PR disaster for NATO and could kill whatever's left of public support at home. IE shatter the narrative. 2) Show that the Russian force is still incredibly potent and not the drunken amateurs they are portrayed. This would eliminate any hope that Ukraine can maintain any leverage in a deal.
"He who laughs last, laughs best."
It might be boring for us out here in the audience, but it seems Russia is just playing the rock and NATO just keeps smashing their faces against it. What will it look like, with all the chest thumping coming this summer, if by August, Ukraine and the NATO armories are just that much more hollowed out, but Russia is barely drawing a long breath?
I can see pictures similar to Afghanistan, of everything the West left behind, as the last of the spooks helicopter off the embassy roof.
Meanwhile bread is $15 a loaf.
I think this war in Ukraine proves conclusively that the West is the unchallenged Narrative and Social Media Superpower.
Also thanks for the section on this Charles Q. Brown chap. It brought a huge smile to my face. As the USA is likely to stay under the iron-control of crooks and psychopaths, the best we can hope for is that they effectively de-fang themselves. I welcome Mr. Brown's ascendancy and I wish his DIE efforts Godspeed.
As a warning to the cheering and flag-waving - beware what you are asking for ...
... Look up the background of the notorious Benjamin Netanjahu and his famous quote of America the golden calf ...
"Narrative" has replaced the classic term "lie". In Swedish a "Narr" is a clown and a fool.
The Russian Foreign Ministry announced new conditions for achieving peace in Ukraine. From an interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin to the TASS news agency (May 27, 2023)
On the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.
A settlement is possible only if the hostilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the supply of Western weapons cease.
To achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, Ukraine must:
to return to a neutral non-bloc status, fixed in the Declaration of its state sovereignty of 1990,
refuse to join NATO and the EU,
recognize the new territorial realities that have developed as a result of the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.
As I said, no attempt to conclude any "peace treaties" will lead to an end to the war. Only the liquidation of the Ukrainian state and the division of the territory of the former Ukraine between Russia and some Western countries, as suggested by Dmitry Medvedev, will lead to the establishment of peace. The preservation of the Ukrainian Nazi state means the continuation of the war.
If any French speaking here (I know there are several from 3 continents), interview of J Baud, a Swiss citizen (living in Brussels), former Swiss Intel, Nato and UN asset(colonel).He is clearly on our side, is very popular on YT. At least he really knows the all story from Maidan till today.He went to Donbass after Minsk 2 for the UN he stayed months there.
There will be no lasting "peace" until Putin stands aside and lets Global Corporations rape Russia - again, and again, and again...
Sure. Wasn't it Blondie who sang: "Dreaming is free."
Daniel Davis is rather tedious. He appears to represent a slightly more realistic pov from the Pentagon, but every time he writes something 20% credible he backs down and writes 100% nonsense in his next piece. There is an ongoing row in US between the 100% fictionalists and the 80% fiction/20% truthers. I see no value in either
6600 words - keeping it short today!!
You're right, I must be getting lazy!
At least now I can get to bed at a decent time. I can never wait for the morning to read your articles lol
get out of bed when the wife tells you too i thought . works for me lol
The brutality of this conflict, and especially Bakhmut/Artemovsk, is being recognized in the Western press. However, the general opinion is that UAF is holding its own and the upcoming offensive will be consequential. I suspect they're right, and there will be unexpected actions and deployments by NATO forces. And thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths. The Minsk Accords could have worked and 100,000's could be living decent lives. It's just a shame.
I doubt it! US/NATO doesn't have the physical resources or the stomach for the resulting gargantuan losses. It's as clear as anything can be that what the West does best is theatre. Which is why the "great" Ukrainian offensive is being accompanied by US/NATO cheerleading from a nearby country. But still well away from the brutal battlefields. Even the supremely self-deluded Poles are not crazy enough to take on Russia.
You may be proven correct, but IMO the outcome of the offensive is in doubt for both sides. There's a 1000 km front, several hundred more km of lightly defended Russian border, an easily isolated Crimea, and virtually defenseless Transnistria. That's a lot of targets.
The Russians have destroyed a lot of the imported war material, but how much got through? Sure, the UAF has suffered grave losses, but what's the remaining force composition, including foreign mercenaries? Russian forces started the war in kinetic fashion and have had to settle for attritional warfare; do we know how NATO-led UAF forces will fare if the offensive is kinetic?
I agree with the assessment presented here that Russia is better situated for an attritional war - and that NATO is constitutionally unsuited to wage one - which is precisely why I think NATO will try to switch things up. I also agree with you that US PR largely explains Western optimism about how well the conflict is going for the UAF. I just don't think that the outcome of the offensive is a foregone conclusion. The West is still very wealthy and there's too much at stake for NATO to let the offensive completely fizzle out. I'd say buckle up.
Any Ukrainian offensive requires massing of units. It is a fact that they cannot do this safely hundreds of klicks away from the front. They will get walloped before they break contact.
Considering they were attacking wave after wave, for 3 months in Kherson with tens of thousands of troops, against a relatively lightly garrisonmed Russian force, and achieved basically nothing untile the Russians withdrew themselves, I don't expect them to fare well against pre-prepared fortified defensive lines, with basically uninterruptable resupply routes, unlike the bridges in Kherson.
As to your 2nd point, NATO does not have the power to outright smash the Russians. They don't even have the logistical support to maintain such an effort. Yes, NATO has thousands of warplanes to bring to bear on Russian positions. Where will they operate from? Poland? Those planes dodon'have the range. Not to mention that if they operate from the rear, they have to fly while under significant threat from Russian air and AD capabilities. Ukraine clearly lacks the air strips to field them. Also, NATO have a big risk of the mask falling off. I.e. NATO relies on the threat of the legend of the "#1 military force on the planet". If they are forced to withdraw against the "spent, weakened and crumbling" Russians, how are they supposed to bully and intimidate other countries? If the body bags start coming home, NATO will get tired of this war really, really fast. There's no way to claim shot-down F16s and Grippens are Russian losses, it's going to be demoralizing.
I agree with most of the points in your second paragraph and that it will be very difficult for NATO to achieve the stated objectives in Ukraine. But a "free Ukraine" isn't really the point of this war. We're in the Spanish Civil War phase of WWIII, where the great powers test their weapons, strategy and propaganda against each other via proxies. So long term military success (while nice) isn't mandatory.
But my point - lots of Russian targets; unknown UAF material; substantial NATO financial resources - is that an offensive can pose serious potential risk to Russian forces in the short term. A concentration of force along a 1000 km front can yield a breakthrough, enabling mobility, and then fighting becomes reactive. Yes, eventually things will stabilize and the forces you cite will predominate. But writing off this offensive as toothless, or "not gonna happen," is foolhardy. Victoria Nuland has been planning this for 5 months; I'm not a fan but she's not stupid.
That's what they did in Kherson. They concentrated tens of thousands of troops into one sector of the battlefield, basically moved forward 10kms, and then that was the end of the advance, even against a moderately garrisoned defensive location. Also take note of the Belgorod oncursion saga. They clearly thought they would get further, but they were beaten back in a single day.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Overnight the Russians hit an airport and destroyed at least five Ukie jets.
To give an epitaph to the Zaluzhny debacle, the Ukies made a video that allegedly showed Zaluzhny speaking to the camera to show that he's alive. However, skeptics were quick to point out that the "Zaluzhny" seen in that video had the wrong eye color. More damning for the Ukies, their western "news" media friends betrayed them by refusing to report on or spread around the video because it was somehow too obviously fake for their astronomically low reporting standards. Why would the western "news" media pass up a massive propaganda slam-dunk on Russia? Because it's an extremely obvious fake and no other reason.
This story reads like some poorly written copycat script of A Weekend at Bernie's, which clearly makes it too pulpy for the standards of your blog.
If you look at Defence Policy Asia's recent video covering Zaluzhny's recent photo op with other officers, it looks fake to me. The shadows are wrong and the contrast odd. Or maybe I am hallucinating again!!
Somebody claimed that if you get an unspecified weird feeling from a video it's probably manipulated by AI.
👍Ukr intelligence wasn't even bright enough to think of using coloured contacts or at least 😎 for their double.
I suppose there isn't much reason for the Russians to change the meat grinder tactics until after the Nato chest thumping. Or even after that , really.
"Don't interrupt your enemies when they are destroying themselves."
The quote expresses the feeling that more often than not creeps in while listening to the self-praise of THE GOLDEN BILLION!