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Sep 29
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Unbelievably bad math and assumptions. Do you work in the pentagon?

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There are two sides to every story. Until now. We are not a democracy anymore.

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Being first poster so what!

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We haven't been a democracy for 25 years.

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ahem *Jekyll Island* cough cough

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It hasn't been a democracy since 1865.

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If what is meant by "democracy" rule of the majority, then America never had a democracy:

Check Tereza Corragio's (https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/) book:

"How to Dismantle an Empire" (https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607)

or article: Clash of Civilizations with Nihilism https://fadilama.substack.com/p/clash-of-civilizations-with-nihilism:

"By the 18th century Britain was already a vassal state to the Money Powers who owned the Bank of England. In the North American colonies, successful monetary experimentation using paper scrips were being undertaken, particularly in Pennsylvania under the guidance of Benjamin Franklin. This money was out of control of the Money Powers, therefore an end to this heresy was necessary. This was achieved by the banker financed “American Revolution”. This is best reflected in the Chicago’s Heald Square Monument with George Washington and bankers Robert Morris and Haym Salomon on either side."

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Great Britain was captured by George of Hannover in 1714. I believe the bankers poisoned Queens Ann and Mary, to prevent any heirs reaching majority. They then bribed Parliament to make George the heir, despite there being more than 50 people ahead of him. As if a Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire would be a Protestant!

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Two excellent references on this matter are:

The Venetian Virus: How England Was Conquered from Within


Architects of Chaos: Shelburne and Bentham’s Dark Empire


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America is a democracy of money, whoever controls the majority of it rules.

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Never seemed fair. 51% total victory 49% abject failure.

Or the idea that being in office means you are privy to information that makes for better decisions.

The reality, it just makes bribing you convenient and any sort of dissent impossible.

JFK's idea of public service has been replaced with gorging at the trough.

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America is an empire, and has been since Appomattox.

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There are instances where democracy shows a glimmer of itself. Jan. 6 struck me that way at first. But nah, just more Hollywood theatricks.

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The Creature From Jekyll Island; G. Edward Griffin.

A great read.

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Also Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins. Mullins was persuaded by vilified "anti-Semitic" poet Ezra Pound - then locked up in a mental asylum - to investigate the Federal Reserve. In my opinion the best book on the subject.

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If he just stuck to the Fed it might have been, It suffered from the usual conflation of left/right when these terms have been devalued - everything bad was leftist, even when he was talking about uber-capitalist bankers. How does that make sense? Completely Orwellian messaging. Even the Fabian Society was an ultra-conspiracy. Complete ideological rambling. I had to give up on it

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The US has NEVER BEEN a democracy. It IS and has ALWAYS BEEN a Constitutional Republic.

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It is neither. It is an oligarchy.

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When we play 3-D democracy, we must calculate more sides.

For 5-D democracy, add 7-13+12÷3 & toss in a bag of chips

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For too many people their device is set up in a way that they only get one perspective and literally cannot find the truth.

How many Americans still think the Ukraine has Russia on it's knees?

How many still wear a mask? They get god knows what shot into their veins as soon a text lights their screen saying go boy, go now!

Which begs the question, if complying with big pharma gets you sickness and death what do they have in store for those who refuse?

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It's because they don't want to know

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"And what did they get for 15 years’ worth of work and planning?"

Killed their entire tech sector I would say. Who in their right mind would buy any electronic device made in Israel now, or from anyone with any connection to the place?

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Not just Israel but anything made in the western axis of evil.

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I wonder about the sanity of Muslims walking around with iPhones in their pockets seeing how the US adore Muslims. They do love iPhones, they all want to own one. I guess it will be a vulnerability for when the time comes for the US to follow the Israeli lead.

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Not just Muslims, most enemies of West seem to love iphones.

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That's a very good point, you wonder after looking at all they have historically done why they command so much trust.

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I suppose it's just because they were the pioneers. Most of the tech we use came from them and is still considered better. Most people don't realize the level of weaponization of tech.

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From such a clear demonstration those who see should take notice. Happily I have seen much improvement in Chinese tech, if you are willing to pay, it's just very good to now have an alternative.

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It is a status symbol, and humans fight tooth and nail not to give up status.

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Yes I see that, in a materialistic world self worth is defined by materialistic possession and status through association.

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Does anyone walk easy w/ a cellphone in the front pocket any more--?!!?

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Yes because unlike westerners, most people don't use Iphone. Most people use cheap to mid end (less) smartphone here.

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You should visit the middle east to test that hypothesis.

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Not sure in mid east. Perhaps they use a lot of western brands compared to Chinese brand.

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Surprisingly there are a lot of Chinese brands available that are becoming more used but the iPhone is its own phenomenon.

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Where is 'here'?

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Sorry not providing any information. "here" I mean Bikini Bottom, hhhh. Just joking, pardon me. It's Brazil, most people I saw use either Samsung or Chinese brands. Some carrying iphones, but mostly those who live in the center. It's generalization, but that's what i observed.

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Amerikan, dumb Amerikan.

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Nope. Israel didnt name their hardware. They concealed the origin. They havent lost anything of ”tech”. They are leading in spyware. Palantir? Heard of Whatsapp?, Wayze? You are forced to use a navigational device in every car and phone. Be sure they are all compromised.

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I differ on this part: "you are forced to....". No you are not. In the US you can happily buy a very good used car from 2010 without any automatic navigation. We are not going to be able to mandate electric cars in this country and more and more people I talk to (who are not from California) claim they are putting more effort into fixing their older cars and/or buying older, non electronic equipped cars. In parts of the country there's huge suspicion of these electronic widgets.

As for phones, why do you need a smart googled phone? I have three phones; the Android smart phone never leaves the house and is used strictly for whatsup conversations (I disabled all the other stupid apps for which I have no use). The phone I take with me is a non-internet enabled, no google flip phone good for conversations and texts only (that's actually great because i can tell people to sdtop sending me links as I can't read them. Or photos for that matter. They have e mails. Use those if you want me to look at a photo). The third phone is secret of course. A friend is bringing me a Huawei (darn, expensive!!) with Chinese OS, no google. The Chinese are welcome to spy on me to their hearts' content.

Young people I speak to- the smart kind - have become very suspicious and cautious about electronic devices. I go to one smart ass 25 year old when I need advise .....always useful.

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PS I don't need or use GPS usually. I truly enjoy finding my way using maps I check ahead of time. Perhaps if I was lost in the Andes mountains or needed to find an outlet on a creaky old highway GPS would be useful.

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Maps are King. And you cant hardly find papermaps anymore…

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no but you can find the most excellent maps on the web for free which you can download and print out.

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Same here.

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I drive for a living and DO NOT use GPS! I too look at a map before leaving and then have a general idea where I'm heading. The sun also helps to know what direction you're traveling if for some reason if you are diverted. People literally gasp when they see I don't have a Smart Phone or GPS.

What I have noticed of late is that they are now used to control traffic. When I inquire how someone arrived at their destination and they tell me the route they used, it's always the worst route. I experienced it twice just last week when the persons I were with insisted on using it. BOTH times it attempted to divert me from the most direct route. I suspected this was the case about a year ago but this now confirmed it. One route instructed me NOT to get on the highway but rather use the service road. Common sense tells you, you're actually heading away from your destination.

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I drove a rig for a year and relying on GPS exclusively will get you into a lot of trouble. I once followed GPS in an Eastern city in heavy traffic that led me to an overhead railway bridge with only 11' clearance. Fun getting out of that deal with a full rig.

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THIS is exactly why you see the semi's on roads they are not permitted on and sadly and unfortunately also colliding with overheads. You can thank GPS which is also the worst distraction when driving which is why I vehemently refuse to use it. I don't even want the sound on when someone insists on using it.

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Very interesting. Have you also used Waize and if so, what was your experience with it?

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So the GPS didn't want you getting on the Highway because of traffic, I assume?

I was with someone in another country that uses Wayze. Each time that app caused a detour or a longer way than direct. The person, my friend, who was driving was cursing the whole time. I figured we made a nice long loop just to get to the road we needed which added 10 min travel time.

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No there was no traffic it was late at night. I too went ballistic as the person I was driving insisted I follow it then finally apologized after explaining and showing him exactly where we wound up instead. I think all the things do it - traffic control. A great test for all is to simply put in a destination you've traveled for years and watch the route it sends you instead.

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Glad you found your way! Agree you are not forced per se. But if you are meant to functions in this ”society” you are traceable and spied on whenever government or other states wish to.

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That would seem to be the case, but wherever there are measures, counter-measures will be found and have been.

I think people, normal people, regular people, should not give up so quick. Indeed, it is within our power to rebel even against AI. We can at least preach and we can select friends and enemies alike. As consumers we do have power.

Example; I just trashed a cute little translator I bought because it said "made in taiwan". My personal choice, as an authentic human in this world, is to avoid anything made in taiwan (and indeed put some bad reviews out there when time allows). Taiwan is guilty because they were too lax. How are we ever to believe any company brand from there?

I will personally do the little I can to send Gold Apollo into premature bankruptcy. Their excuse is pathetic anyways.

As for that company in Hungary, I am still working on it. The point is buy nothing electronic unless made in China with ALL supply chains in China. Hopefully Russia can get in on the act. Me, I see major new business opportunities for smart entrepeneurs who livwe in the "right" country.

OH yes, also avoid anything from israel, whenever possible. Whatsup is Ok for talking to friends in israel and getting them all mad. I always hope someone is listening....

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Sadly not enough people are awake. But we other can make choices like other dissidents in the History before us.

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that's why I tend to resort to a little preaching sometimes (just wrote a practical "sermon" the other day - hid it in a comment on a subreddit. It was about doing the little we can and if necessary being willing to pay a price (can be monetary, can be relationship lost, can be just inconvnience). I thought not enough people do even a little, they just complain. Boycotting products from Israel for example is not necessarily easy. Wayze I can live without. Whatsup is harder, and a genealogy site I use is alas difficult to ditch without repercussions.

So what I advise is to do the small things first, like let others know where one sits, opinion wise. If it generates an argument, so be it (I am armed and ready for those anyways, and conflict situations actually make my blood pressure go down ...). Even an opinion on reddit or Twitter or FB is a step. Not all of us can go to rallies or spend oodles of time writing long exposés like Simplicius. but we can shop more carefully and perhaps influece family members to do likewise.

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Mikey, you can do without if you truly want to. The younger generation today accuses me of living in a cave. I have a flip-phone I do not use other than for work. I do not own a TV nor have any desire to watch one. I recently discovered my utility meter was a smart meter (previous resident) and immediately had it removed. My bill went down over 50%. I refuse to use Amazon or any other one of those behemoths and have since also begun boycotting all Jewish businesses including my doctor. Not because I am antisemite but rather they have far more power than we do to engage in worldwide solidarity to stop the genocide but instead, I continue to see lawn signs that read: I STAND WITH ISRAEL. All Jews are not bad but again I believe they have a responsibility to act and do nothing.

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At the end of the day, in a closed room, every tribe member belongs to the tribe.

And you are nothing but a useful idiot to serve them real things for fake script.

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Kudos to you. Every little action or deliberate inaction counts. I don't think we need to strive for "perfect". Just for what each and everyone of us can do.

PS I have a couple of ex-Israeli friends who are on the same side as me. We make like a little club stretched across 2 continents. I also have 3 super-excellent jewish friends. I feel much better whenever I speak to any of these people. We who are not undergraduate students need to have like-minded to interact with. It's good for the soul to know one is not alone.

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A phone with a Chinese OS? I want one!

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When I get mine I'll share details on how hard or easy it is to use. may take a while though. I am also exploring online shopping options but that took me to some rabbit holes and I have not enough time. Stay tuned.

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They would be illegal in Canada.

Huawei and the Chinese made the U$A and Canada look like small time thugs over the Meng Wanzhou kidnapping and extortion. debacle.

Canada's expression of humiliation had the country ban all Huawei products.

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Proterran: My car is 23 years old (given to me by a little old lady with no milage) I tell people, when I hit you, you'll feel it, I won't! I would never upgrade and when I do drive new cars, haven't a clue how to start them. I also use a flip-phone and wouldn't dream of anything else. I concur (and LOL) when you said don't send me photos or anything else because I cannot see them AND if you want to reach or contact me, send me an email. I have text messages days old before I even notice them.

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So, there are several ones of us already. They can call us Luddites all day long - like I care. Actually I label myself Neo-Luddite (has a nice ring to it, no?).

Let me recommend a book for you (now some years old, but was useful to me on several counts): "Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport (apologies if you read it already). It gave me some nice tips that I followed (one was an alternative to archiving) but it has some really good essays too.

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I've heard of it but not read it and will add it to my list. It was the intentional dumbing down of society and a deliberate diversion - I can think of no greater waste of time and brain cells then phones. It's an epidemic and also solidified the entire world suffers from addiction. Worse then all the others combined.

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Israel has shared tech with China

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They share some things, not everything. I am sure that their pegasus is hard at work trying to make back-doors into the harmony OS. I am hoping that the chinese, knowing israel is totally in bed with the US, are taking precautions. They have a 1000 more software geeks than israel, though I am not sure they can fathom the true evil israelis can are willing to commit. I find some of my Chinese acquaintencies a bit naive, to tell you the truth, so there's cause for worry.

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I have been using exclusively Chinese-made phones for more than ten years with the greatest satisfaction, I would never buy a phone in which the operating system is installed by Western (Israeli) software companies ! It's strange, isn't it, but I'm less afraid of the Chinese spying on me than our own "allies" ! :) As for modern cars, most of them are equipped with electric power steering, it is easy to remotely control the car to move into the oncoming lane ! Now you can think about what a technologically savvy country can do with this "opportunity", which also considers the children of countries that are not on friendly terms with it to be "terrorists" and does not consider killing them to be a capital crime.

Right, since the death of the Austrian Freedom Party politician Jörg Haider, we know how easily a politician who is uncomfortable with "democracy" can die by causing a car accident, and naturally there will immediately be a dozen witnesses to the fact that the politician, who rarely drinks alcohol, got into his car drunk !

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Remember what the Jew did to Patton.

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I can't remember that because I never heard of "the Jew" having done anything to Patton.

Did "the Jew" also throw James Forrestal out of his hospital room window?

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Kun writes: {As for modern cars, most of them are equipped with electric power}

I live in the States and for the past year or so continually see cars with no back lights at night. At first I thought it might be a gang thing because sometimes they also don't have headlights on. How could you drive at night and not notice your headlights are not on? Drivers are all flashing their lights at you to warn and make you aware.

About a year ago I learned that if you use and or activate the automatic headlight switch although you have headlights you do NOT have back lights UNLESS you turn them on manually. Now - why might that be? This is NOT a rhetorical question as I cannot possibly fathom this is a flaw and all these cars have not been recalled.

Initially I noticed it on a Subaru at work. I recently saw it with one of my neighbors and warned her of the same. She said a police officer pulled her over and explained the same thing. You need to turn your lights on manually. WHY? Why would you install something like this knowing everyone uses automatic headlights NOT wanting to accidently leave them on. I drive for a living and would say one percent of the cars I see at night do not have back lights.

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Daylight running lights have been mandatory on new vehicles in Canada since 1990.


The geniuses that came up with this idea didn't think it was necessary to have the tail lights come on as well, so the result is you can forget to turn your lights on in the evening and think they're on because the headlights are partially illuminated. Especially deceiving in the city under street lights. I'm sure this has caused a lot of rear-end collisions, especially in fog.

The relay that controls this actually shorted out and caught fire in my 98 Jeep. Fortunately I was able to put it out before it caused any damage.

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To say it's caused a lot of accidents would be an understatement - drag racing has become epidemic and therefore they haven't a clue there's a car ahead. Very sad.

Thanks for the explanation!!! I intend to share it with all - how come this has not become National News?

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My Substack site translates as "when worlds collide." Maybe I should change that to 'when cars collide"...lol.

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I always have had a Toyota and for two decades the lights came on automatically. I got so used to it. Now my 22 Toyota does not come on automatically. I almost got into an accident several times because I forgot to put the lights on. People were screaming at me to put my lights on. Is that supposed to be progress?

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There's a switch for automatic lights on most cars but it doesn't engage the tail lights!

I'm still SHOCKED. I would say 1% of the cars I see at night don't have taillights and don't even know it!

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"It's strange, isn't it, but I'm less afraid of the Chinese spying on me than our own "allies" ! :)"

This is an interesting point that could use more amplification.

For anyone without a physical or financial presence in China, the Chinese can do little with most information they could get on you. It's much more important, in general, to maintain your privacy from the government of the country in which you reside and keep your assets.

(Things are more complicated with respect to financial codes and critical identifying documents and information.)

{Edited to correct typo.]

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Good point. It's the country in which you live that is the problem.

In Israel BTW, based on what I hear from people I know, the spying is ubiquitous and ever present. That's one reason that people who have contrarian opinions (like believing palestinians are not sub-human?) are extremely fearful voicing the. I speak to a number of people there and noticed they have all become very cagey and careful with opinions. Like criticizing netanyahu is fine - everyone does that. Or dissing the religious orthodox (ditto). But there are red lines around anything to do with Palestinians. Only a few very brave people dared step out of line since oct 7 and they all paid a high price (arrested, lost job, got spat upon, home vandallized, you name it...).

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Don't forget Michael hastings and his strange accident. We all know he was effectively assassinated using remote control to speed up his car. We even know the CIA was likely behind it. A new Porche BTW.

Please share what you know about Chinese made phones or other electronic widgets? not everyone is equipped to do the necessary search and not all online shops are trustworthy. Sharing good info is one of those few things we CAN do.

Re the power steering in an older car - my mechanic assured me that in a non-internet, non-bluetooth enabled car, it is not possible to control remotely the power steering (or power windows). I have one such car - was going to sell it but decided to keep. An older Toyota - still runs well with promt maintenance. The dealership where I take it sometimes, they marvel at me (which is good, being a female and all, ie a gender that gets a bit dismissed by proper mechanics. I have my ways of knowing things, of course).

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Hastings was driving a Mercedes C250 coupe not a Porsche.

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Sorry, I could swear it was a Porsche. Must be the Barbara Streisand effect......my bad....(at least they are both super-expensive...)

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Years of "acting like a reliable supplier".

Their usual stock in trade. Before they cut the throats of your children.

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I expect the outcome (not what I want) of this assassination will be a huge uptick in drone targeting individuals including government officials and leaders on all sides. Assassination is the fastest way to winning - instant regime change. The technology advantage is that it is clandestine, easily hidden. War takes too long and is too messy. Take out leaders, take out generals, take out politicians who are the cause of the wars. That is easier than killing three armies financed by NATO. Target the government, not the slaves/ soldiers. Assassination is the means by which the deep state is trying to get rid of Trump - easier than running against him, and most Dems approve. Netanyahu is leading the species to suicide. This is a very bad step for mankind. What a disaster Netanyahu is for Israel. Destroyed the country and ours.

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The new israel under netanyahu (and coalition partners) represents a danger to the entire world. It is not anti-semitic at all to say that, as even many israelis and jewish people say that and more. Israel has really gone full-blown psychotic.

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They just make a new front company.

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Unfortunately most of the technology available to people comes from the West and its allies.

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You know a lot of what these phones do is as dangerous as blowing up. How were they utilized to get so many people to take a dangerous jab? How many have died from that?

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Zarif is a traitorous whore and I would not doubt he is a mole. I can not stand him. Pezeshkian has to go already. You can not negotiate with terrorists. Pezeshkian does not seem to understand this unless he is also a traitor and does understand.

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No point going to war with Israel if it risk social unrest and collapse of the Government (and in this aspect, nobody can beat Israel and Iran, and every society will have traitor, no matter how loyalty the population is. Somebody said it only take 2% of population to cause social unrest and toppling the government (on X or somewhere on Simp previous post). I think the Ayatollah knew this when he accepted Pezeshkian presidential election victory.

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I am not implying Iran should go to war. I am just talking about the well known nature of Zarif and his past actions. I could not believe he was back. Pezeshkian is either very naive or something worse. Iran has security agreements with Lebanon and Syria. You can not just condemn the murderous actions of Israel and it’s master US and leave your allies to get slaughtered.

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Iran has not left Lebanon alone, where do you think Hezbollah get their equipment and finances from? The problem is, you are implying that Iran should go to war, as Netanyahu and his gang of US cheerleaders are eagerly awaiting the slightest Iranian military action to go to war. Iran has a tense, divided society and a vulnerable economy. It's industrial centers cannot be adequately defended against combined Israeli-American strikes. And if these are taken out, then the entire "Axis of Resistance" will run out of ammo.

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Do not tell me what I am implying as my heart breaks for another targeted assassination from Israel and it’s master the US. Iran allowed Haniyeh’s assassination on Iranian soil to go unanswered and here we are because the reformist thinks diplomacy works with terrorists. You have no idea who you are speaking to.

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Sadly, the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict will always be an asymmetric one given the vast resources Israel has access to, but Hezbollah's organization and doctrine are designed for survival against a vastly superior enemy. As for Iran's response to Haniyeh’s assassination, what do you think they could've done? It was a covert operation using Mossad assets within Iran and not a military action. The proper response would've been Iran doing the same thing in Israel, but they clearly do not have such capabilities. So what other options did they have, ballistic missiles? That would've easily been presented by Israel as an unprovoked attack. You can't just shoot missiles like that against a nuclear state.

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I have no idea, I am not a military strategist. Leaving it unanswered and trying to negotiate with terrorists is not the answer. I am certain that Iran has capabilities that the West is unaware of. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi would have responded and not attempted to be diplomatic with the western axis of terror. Iran is not afraid of the collective West and their vassal Israel.

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The jew is 2% of USA

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Simp, do you think Hezbollah will escalate by attack Israelis dual use infrastructure (like Haifa port, oil and fuels depots, electrical generation capabilities)? Because as far as i can see, nobody, not even Iran will lift a finger when the time is not right, this is not Iran or Turkey War, as emphasize by many other people. National interest comes first and national interest for Iran by now is to do nothing overt. As such will this lead to the collapse of the resistance axis?

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Hizbollah dont have anything to ecalate with. They are gone. As an organization they no longer function in a coherent way. Small island can stir some unrest but Israel managed to realize their long thought out plan. To eradicate Gaza and Hizbollah right before everyones eyes. West Bank is next. This enlighten the 7th October in a new way.

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LOL. He's back. The Uber Doomer Troll.

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Nope he is right. Thier time came and went and they did not take it. Israel has been methodically hunting Hezb commanders and taking them out, the pager attack threw thier commuincations into chaos ( I know the Hezb military don't use pagers but ALL electronic devices are now suspect) so they are not able to effectively reorganise , Nas rah rah's kill'n has knocked them bad and Israel is now hammering thier posts and tak'n advantage of the chaos in Hezb's ranks. We can easly see now Hezb is riddled with informers -how else can they hit so many commanders. Hezb's bunkers are shit-the one that Nas rah ra was in was obviously thier best one and look at it now. As for having a face to face commders meeting at this time? Seems reckless ot me at least. Hezb's internal security is clearly castrated. Hezb's inabilty to hit back effectively mutes thier reason to exist. All they do is bring Israeli terror to the Lebanese peolple who should rise up and tell em to fuck off then sign a treaty like Jordan did. Iran is just playing Lebanon for it's own geostrategic advantage , paid for with Lebanses blood. Iran blinked and pissed itself after the embassy bomb'n. All it could offer was a theastrically staged show of force telegraphed and coordinated well in advance Israel saw this as the weakness it is. Time for Lebanon to cast off these fuckers. The weak suffer the stronger dominate. As much as it sucks hard , you gotta give the Israeli's credit.

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You have to give the occupiers credit - they take advantage of every opportunity presented. However, don't sell Hezbollah or Iran short - their entire structures are built on the possibility of their leaders being taken out because they know the occupiers relish doing such things, so they plan accordingly. Israel is still trying desperately to get a war on so the US will be forced to enter. They know their time is short and the US is a declining empire, so it is important that that they escalate now. The Resistance is certainly not ignorant of this and is playing the long game to the occupier's ultimate disadvantage.

This is not over. Hezbollah is not destroyed. Iran remains patient. The occupier is circling the drain as its economy implodes and its hubris and overconfidence draws it close to catastrophe.

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Sign a treaty? With genocidal murderers? To be weak cunts is what you are suggesting. You are deluded.

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Nope. They are fucked, gotta be think'n of the kids. Iran is just using the Lebanese. If they were putt'n up a propper fight - no problems. why should the Lebs get butt fucked for Iran when Iran has not nuts. Minced up kids makes it easy.

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You are overlooking the reasons for Hezbollah's founding; it was to stop the wanton massacres of Lebanese.

Without HB they would have been destroyed already.

If you believe the Jews have the upper hand you are going to be disappointed.

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The kids? The Jew is killing them slowly anyway.

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Iran can not abandon Hezbollah. Lebanon is their first line of defense. But Iran jumping in means US enters overtly.

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the vietcong did alright minus all these things hezbolla 'lost'.

I think you treat people this badly it virtually forces only two extreme outcomes: the middle ground is no longer acceptable to the people. They either become frightened servile peasants, which is what Netanyahu wants and expects - not my words, theirs, their stated policy: to frighten the life out of Palestinians, crush their spirit.

Or they become hardened lifelong fighters with hate in their hearts and sleeves rolled up and a singlemindedness of purpose. You create and enemy that will kill you.

I don't know which way it will go. But had it happened in my country to my people there's no doubt. I'd be your enemy until after your death... and I wouldn't have any truck with any of my people who swore loudly that they too were your enemy, for I'd see it as so much a given in any decent man that mere speaking it out betrays your falsity. I imagine me and men like me would meet and know each other without a word being said.

We would be eternally figuring how to do you harm.

p.s. mind you I'm well aware the vietnamese people seem to have simply put it all behind them, just like that.

But: first they drove all the invaders out and across the sea.

I wonder if the Palestinians/Hezbollah/Lebanese/et al (if there are going to be any others) would/will seek to do the same?

Or will they just 'put it all behind them' ?

I don't see how they can. While ever Israel is there they will be as second, third class people to them, as dogs, cattle, serfs....

Not my imagination is it? Their openly declared belief that's how it should be.

Or have I got it wrong?

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After reading comments, I wonder sometime if the posters read the article by simp.

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I actually think Hezballa wants the IDF to launch a ground invasion into Southern Lebanon. They beat the IDF in 2006 when they tried to do it and they are far stronger now then they were then.

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Let's see. It sure are interesting times to live in.

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It ain't 2006, Israel ain't the Israel of 2006. 'Crazy' now seem to be a well thought out strategy-they cut Iran's balls off ( no Iran will not respond , just more words-they are scared of Israel) any land invasion of Lebanon will be preceded by some kinda ariel dropped holocaust on Lebabnon. Israel clearly has many agents in Hezb so they'll take advantage of the disorientation now rampaging through Hezb. First it's a systematci hunting of Hezb commanders and now watch as Hezb bunkers are taken out. Heb's bunkers are shit. The best one was the one that Nasrallah was in-look at it. They can not rely on thier communication systems as the pager attack shoed all electronic stuff is comprimised , so this hinder Heb's ability to reorganise effectivly. Hezb's internal security is clearly shit. So after some INSANE level of bombing , those 40 thousand US marines heading to Israel will lead the land charge. Israel has played it well. What a fucken mess.

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The marines? The IOF? Hezbollah is waiting for them. Hezbollah wants them on their own ground - they have been planning this for many years now.

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AFTER Lebanon is turned to a bloody sandpit. Yes , 40 thou marines have been sent to supprt Israel. They planned that bunker Nasrallh was in for years......some plan'n

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Well it is a wait and see, but be careful you are not misinterpreting information to suit your bias. The US has too many vulnerabilities in the gulf to become directly involved in a land war in Lebanon.

What oh what would happen to those isolated bases in Iraq and Syria sorounded by hostile militias and the Russians rubbing their hands together longing for some pay back, it's all a proxy and their will be willing takers. The US now owe the Russians tens of thousands of lives and as I hear it Russians always collect on their debts. Air power is dependent on air fields, huge sprawling areas not very stealthy, but easy to repair if hit. The key is timing, not when they can be fixed, but when troops are engaged and the airfields and air crafts are assembled and desperately needed. The game has just begun the pieces are in place events are in motion many possibilities but only time will dictate the outcome.

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"The US has too many vulnerabilities in the gulf to become directly involved in a land war in Lebanon." Israel don't give a fuck about US vulnerabilities-Israel says jump USA jumps!!! Air Power? Why did Hezb NOT bomb the fuel terminals at Haifa? Recall Spain spat the dummy about US tanker of aviation fuel going through Gibralta Strait a few week ago? Hezb flew drones all over Haifa but chose ot let those fuel terminal alone-no fuel , no bombing runs on Gaza. Iran played Hezb so as to use it as a negotioting chip to reduce sanctions. Hezb waited too long and Israel got it's shit together, and systematically reduced hezb to fumbling fools. Hezb is RIDDLED with agents-how else did Israel target so many commander in recent weeks plus Nusrulla? Internal security is shit, communications are now fucked as every device is suspect and no leadership due to decapitation strikes. Plus Israel continues to hammer away without mercy as Hezb is disorientated. Those bunkers are shit-the best Hezb had , the HQ bunker!!! down in seconds!!! They will remain but deminished greatly. The Lebanese people suffer these fools with blood and tears. Thaey have outlived thier usefulness and original purpose.

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Well Israel may not care but the Pentagon does, though AIPAC may control the Senate the Congress and the Whitehouse, the Pentagon controls the military. The Generals understand the Geographic and the strategic realities. It's a wait and see if Israel will eventually be left in the cold or the Pentagon will be willing to openly risk US lives for Israel.

Why would Hezbollah which is already labelled as a terrorist organization demonize themselves further by attacking major Israeli infrastructure risking international condemnation? The Israeli fuel would always be replaced along with the justification for the Western leaderships now under pressure to give more support to Israel the victim of "terrorism". Well what communication is Hamas currently using in Gaza? Surely any thinking person after Gaza would expect the Israeli bombing of Lebanon, it is what Israel does.

Your assessment of Hezbollah may be correct or it may not everything is a wait and see as nothing is sure. The one thing that is sure is that any information that comes from Israel or western sources cannot be trusted as the main objective is perception management and not truth.

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Neither Hezbollah nor Iran has wanted war with the zionists or the USA. That is is why they have not destroyed such facilities up to now - trying to avoid outright war. They are content to play the long game trading blows tit for tat. Things might change now - wait and see.

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We hear that at every Israeli escalation.

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Ha jews still cant beat hamas ya now the jewsvare wesker remember the kornet

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What do you mean "I actually think Hezballa wants the IDF to launch a ground invasion into Southern Lebanon."???

Nasrallah himself stated that several times, even just before his death. So you are just repeating his words, nothing to do with your "original thinking" 😉

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Well I guess I was right then haha.

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If in your book plagiarism is fine, then yeah, you were right. You also show that plagiarists are incapable of original thought.

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It was a joke mate. Relax

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It is instructive, in the most appalling of Object Lessons possible, to witness "brutal full-scale wars of aggression" side by side in Real Time & be able to determine which is indeed *brutal* and which is indeed *full-scale* & which is not.

Russia is prosecuting a war, strategic, orderly & methodical in nature.

Israel is enacting an unbridled harum-scarum 21st Century annihilation, pitiless of norms or humanity.

Russians With Attitude nailed it: one can't play 3-D chess or any chess against mentally ill, sexually-confused teenagers who have been on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors since Day One.

For them, there is no chessboard, there are no chess pieces, there are no tactics or ploy. There is only a heedless uncurbed frenzy, like an incontinence of the soul.

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No , it is just the Western Way. Vietnam , Iraq, wars against the native peoples. Israel just continues a long tradition.

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O, Lord our God, we ask in the spirit of love that you will shred our enemies, that you will blast their hopes, blight their entrails, drown their fields w/ tears & stain the pure white driven snow w/ the blood of their wounded children, for our sake who adore Thee, O Lord

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Unfortunately, your Lord never gave a flying f*ck about his "children", he let catastrophe upon catastrophe befall onto them without ever lifting his little finger.

He must have other planets to look after that are much more important.

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Mal said the same in "Serenity" after he lost his war. However, there is life after life and we are eternal souls and there is a God. "He" watches and participates, but we are free to kill, hate, and war against our Selves. If not brothers in peace, then brothers in death and hatred. Some say it is only in realizing this that we will be free of war. Others say it is too late and we can see plainly now who is the Anti-Christ and who are his legions.

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I don't know who "Mal" is, nor "Serenity", but that's fine because the rest of you comment is comprehensible.

> "He" watches and participates

Yep, he participates all right, in all the wars, genocide, murder, deceit, slaughter, etc.

He probably also participates in nice things, even though we don't really need it there.

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Serenity was first a TV series on Fox, then a movie. It was kind of like Star Trek but with an outlaw cast. It had really good writing and actors and actresses and was well directed by Josh Wedon. The show was canceled by Fox as too anti-establishment, and Josh was later canceled by Hollywood. Mal was an attractive captain, especially for not believing in God. But I don't really believe in a God like that either. God is Love, Light, and Spirit. The God of my faith does not participate in or condone any wars. Those are made by human beings being ultra-rude to each other, or that is our animal sides. Wars and genocides are adharmic even to God.

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Well, yeah, there's that.

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Shut your fucking pie hole maggot.

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🤣 🤣

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Yes indeed it's the dark lord they have chosen.

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Doesn't matter, if it works.

Russia has to choose. They can be nice or they can do what it takes to win. Russia's enemies already have chosen.

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The blood worshippers don't pray that their God of blood and profit will vanquish their enemies. No, the blood worshippers find a plausible "enemies of democracy", manufacture consent and then go forth and mightily smite the "enemies of democracy". And make a tidy profit on the back-end.

It's a win-win for everyone except for the "enemies of democracy" and the lower 70% of the US populace.

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Russia and Iran are pursuing a broad diplomatic effort that's basically super long-term. They will bring the maniacs to the negotiating table once enough of the world powers are disenchanted with the West to force compromise. There isn't really any other way since they are trying to create a different world system and not mirror the hegemonic system which is failing. But it will take a long, long time for this to play-out.

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So, what does Russia propose to do about it?

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Let's hope Israel actually does try a land invasion and run into boobytraps and shit.

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They'll run into a lot worse than that. They got their asses handed to them by Hezballa in 2006 when they tried to invade southern Lebanon. That place is a fortress and Hezballa is armed to the teeth and disciplined. In the 2000s North Korea sent specialist to help build deep underground interconnected defensive networks.

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So it was NK helping out. No wonder.

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Yeah is a really interesting US army report on the 2006 war that goes what happened if your interested.


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Everyone keeps repeating this 2006 stuff... Don't you realize: it's 20 years later? Don't underestimate the enemies either. They learned too! Never succumb to overconfidence because of past achievements...

Although, given Israels "performance" in Gaza, I think they're going to get another ass-whooping. But I doubt Hezbollah will go all the way and decapitate the rogue states heads. So we'll be with this simmering conflicts for decades to come.

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Instead of going for the decapitating strike, it may be more fitting to allow Israelis to deal w/ Bibi et al in time

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Bibi knows he's toast if Harris enter's the White House.

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Actually, the quality of the occupier's military has worsened over the years whilst Hezbollah and the rest of the Resistance have massively improved. Israel, like the US, is fuelled mainly by hubris and terrorism, now.

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Why take out Bibi? Anyone who replaces him will be just as nuts. Besides Bibi is doing a good job of tearing Israel apart from the inside. If they kill him could unite the country around his replacement.

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I think Israel definitely learned some things from last time that's why the spend 15 years setting up the pager company to sabotage hezbollah and then go for the decapitation strike. So clearly this was long time planning. But as you said their actual military capabilities shown in Gaza seem poor. I still think get seriously fucked in when the go into Southern Lebanon.

There is really interesting us military study of the 2006 war if you are interested


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In order to do that, they'd better get diapers factory running 24/7 and ensure the safety of the chain supply from outside isreal. Can they?

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Sep 29Edited

What level of cope is this?

Hezbollah was entirely decapitated and hasn't really hit Israel seriously at all even after Israel launched a full-scale war.

This after sitting on its hands for a year waiting for God knows what, and then receiving a devastating pre-emptive strike. Because the Israelis are serious about war, unlike certain others.

Hezbollah and Iran were supposed to have the tools to destroy the Israeli air-force on the ground and to blockade Israel from the sea by destroying any ship that tries to supply it and any US plane that tries to land there.

But where are those mythical missiles and other capabilities? We have two options:

1) They didn't really exist

2) They weren't used because reasons, i.e. the "Resistance" was too scared to act because of fears of retaliation.

Well, what did that get them?

By the end of last year it should have been perfectly clear that this time it is different, i.e. the Israelis are not going to just drop some bombs and then go back to the way things were previously as they did in the past. Because the large-scale genocide in Gaza was on full display to the whole world already. Israel never did anything like it since the original Nakba. In fact this time it is worse than the Nakba, because back then they didn't have an air force.

So the rule of the game changed completely and it became one of a fight for physical survival. But the "wise" leadership of the "Resistance" apparently didn't understand that, so here we are.

Gaza is gone, and so will be Lebanon unless drastic action is taken now.

Again, why does Israel still have an airforce and why are the slow and ponderous US transport planes still allowed to land in Israel and bring in more JDAMs? When something is done to address those issues, we can talk about serious resistance; until then apparently these people have decided to just lie down and allow themselves to be slaughtered.

Then the same will happen to the Russians eventually too, who have been playing the same self-defeating game.

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I don't often agree with you GM but here you have a good point.

Russia has strategic depth and massive manufacturing capacity. Going slow made sense as they needed time to bring it up to speed, and also keep allies onside for the real game which is multipolarity.

Hezbollah are being attrited by Israel and their pet the USA. The longer they wait the less they will have. Israel has made clear that they intend killing all of them, yet the oil refinery and ports and power stations are still unharmed. Madness.

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Exactly GM. You, Dugin and RWA are right and see the facts as they are. Isreal have been following Nasrallah in real time for years. In fact, they have followed every single ”enemy” for years. The let 7th October happen. Even enforced it. I will never forget when the media presented news one or two days after that Isreal had issued a statement that they ”have found 1200 dead Hamas warriors”. ”Found”? They have done everything according to plan. Even the ”premature” pager-attack is disinfo. It all went according to plan. Having a senile US president AND election year is the perfect timing for Israel.

And Russia be better to realize that nothing plays along any rules. We are in a state of kill or be killed.

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I think the problem is dealing with the bomb. That is, Israel (the Sampson Option) and the US (through control of the media) are the only ones who can use the bomb, and in fact have used tactical nukes before. (Gordon Duff, Veteran's Today, but then so has Russia). And there is Hiroshima and Nagasaki for proof. If Russia uses them on a limited scale, the media takes out BRICS; if on a large enough scale, its WWIII and we have nothing but dead friends and are very unhappy. If Israel uses it, it takes out BRICS countries who don't have nukes and need to be backed up by Russia, who isn't really doesn't want to use nukes because then it is WWIII, so isn't really backing up anyone enough. If US uses it, it depends on who it is and their media coverage. Does Clausewitz cover de-capitation strikes? Maybe he is outdated in the nuclear era.

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Deep thoughts. Using the Bomb has more with Game theory or gambling to do than logical thinking in the ramificafion of classic War theory. Wether used or not it is a psychological weapon were presentation and info/disinfo is as important as the effective use of it. We can be sure of one thing. The side/sides who have morale thoughts and use it will forecaste it with gibberish talks. Those without morale just push the button.

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It is a great responsibility to protect Iran from nuclear annihilation. It cannot be done without India, that is, without support of an alternative BRICS led Security Council. Until then, until the moment India and China can work together, Iran is at great risk

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A faster alternative is to connect and share knowledge, between North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, still unstable without India.

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India is the key, Sino-Indian relations, should start from 22 century backwards, when both countries are superpowers.

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It'll be hard for Russia to lose. They have escalation dominance like Israel over its foes.

Russia also has more men who don't seem to mind dying so as incompetent as Putin is Ukraine runs out first.

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And the C-17 unload cargo after cargo. I suggested long ago they, Iran, should take out the airfields with the cargo-planes.

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Unfortunately the plain and painful truth

It's over for the Palestinians and the Lebanese

The US is in total support of the genocide including most European countries

China and Russia won't do anything for reasons hard to understand but that is the reality

Dark ages ahead in the middle east Pissrael will eternaly slaughter the Arabs

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It's not over for the Palestinians.

Resistance to Israel--both peaceful and violent--will continue.

However, on the violent side, this resistance will no longer take the form of quasi-military organizations directly confronting Israel.

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Exactly. Btw. I think that the crucial decapitation happened with that helicopter crash in Iran and the silent colour revolution overe there. I have a feeling that someone was advising Hezbollah to hesitate and now we see how that played out. Israel played this one perfectly. Its their durvival at stake and they do what it takes to secure their goals.

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yeah that chopper crash made some Iranian pee thier pants, no matter what caused it.

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Yep. Hezb is a shit show. Hd thier chance but pussied outa it. Hezb are riddled with Israel agents, hence all those commanders get'n knocked. The pager attack put thier communications in disarry cause they gotta be careful about ALL electronic stuff now, so now leaderless, disorientated , unable to effectilvey communicate a reorganisation, internal security a joke , now Israel will methodically target those shit bunkers-the one Nasrallah was in was clearly the best they got-you don't put the boss in a shitty bunker do you? Shoulda been hitt'n the fuel terminals , especially the jet fuel terminals a year back. What a shit show.

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"Hezb are riddled with Israel agents"

US dollar > Allah

The people have voted, and we have stark evidence about who (or what) they have chosen to "submit" to.

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Yes, it is ever always only thus.

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Agreed. The fear of escalation the "Resistance" shows is what leads them to this. Remember the report on Iran "cutting a deal" with the US to not fire on Israel? Israel just used that to its advantage. Even then I said that was weakness and was booed. But here we are.

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These capacities are meant to be used when there's no other option except all out war to death. They had been playing tit for tat game and hurting Israel pretty well. Israel was always capable of bombing Lebanon to dust. The effort and hope was to get a ceasefire in Gaza. If Hezbollah destroyed a US ship, it would be US bombing the hell out of Lebanon. Don't expect it to be a fight between two equals. It is an attrition war, and a very bloody one, and the goal is death of empire by thousand cuts.

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A bit premature in your conclusions. Israel uses US weapons the supply of which are limited. Which war was won with air power alone I guess I guess I missed it. The US has been slaughtering civilians since WWll as a matter of policy with poor results. This shock and awe is just PR.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I can’t seem to recall the war that was won with Air power alone. Before Ukraine it was widely believed that US weapons were superior to Russian weapons. They are more expensive yet hardly superior.

Shock and awe BS and PR The may look good on a screen but war production wins wars. The west doesn’t have industrial capacity or talented manpower to fight a real war.

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Zelensky and Netanyahu play the role of Con artists for the Money Empire psywar against Russians and Muslims. They, and their supporters, are the biggest losers controlled by fear and ignorance of how bad living conditions are becoming; just like dumbed down Americans and their British frogs in boiling water.

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>Would Russia “win” by killing Zelensky in a strike?

No, but it would win if it killed all the AFU generals and colonels and if it sealed the Polish and Romanian borders. Which Israel is doing in its wars. And Russia is not, because the Israelis are out to win while the Kremlin is run by traitors who are primarily out to protect oligarch interests

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You're completely full of shit. Russia is buttfucking nato in front of the world.

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General Moron is consistent with his verbal diarrhea. He should be given a badge, or a lapel pin.

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He's either a troll or thinks he might enjoy nuclear war or both.

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He'd be the first to cosplay, just like that house niggah Nance.

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What’s your opinion on Rurik?

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Excuse my ignorance but who or what is Rurik?

Rurik. Prince of Novgorod?

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He recently got promoted and moved to a cubicle near the window.

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No he is not actually I think exactly like him on this matter now.

Russia should have followed up the red lines with hard facts in 2022

But Putin would rather play the slow long game and that has killed loads of Russians that could have been saved if Russia would have put down the feet in 2022

Now we are all close to Armageddon

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You and Generally Moronic are Dunning-Kruger levels of stupid.

Russia DID put the boot in back in 2022, with what they had available at the time.

To the point where Ukraine was ready to pop the corks on the champagne bottles after signing the peace deal.

Then BoJo and the West nixed that agreement, leaving Russia to change strategy to their current, EXTREMELY successful one.

THIS POINT HAS BEEN DISCUSSED MANY TIMES BY OUR HOST, but you and the Great Moron are too in love with your own opinions to be bothered with actually UNDERSTANDING FACTS.

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How Putin has fought the war has many critics both domestic and abroad. Paul Craig Roberts has been on him from day one, and recently accused him of "doing nothing." It is controlled, negotiated, special military operation, not a war, which has depopulated Ukraine. Problem is, Putin is fighting NATO, not Ukraine, so they keep getting in deeper. And Russia doesn't recognize Israel as an enemy, even though they are the new Nazis. So here is the deal. Both US and Israel want nuclear wars to clear the deck for the new currency (see Martin Armstrong). Putin and Iran do not, which is why they are losing. Kind of makes nuke war inevitable really.

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It is? Doesn't seem very convincing then.

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I'm guessing.

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Indeed and they have had to be ready to handle the entirety of NATO, as they would likely have attacked fully like in Iraq if they saw a chance to to cut off large Russian army. This way they have played it save while demilitarising the entire NATO force.

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Ukraine is a country with a large military, not a paramilitary political party.

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Israel is out to win, yet Israel has become a pariah state with worsening economic decline. Russia is going slowly and has emerged a stronger economic power embarking on a financial path that may collapse the western financial system. The race is between the rabbit and the hare it's not the blistering sprint that wins a marathon it is endurance, strategy, achievable objectives and goals that creates long term sustainability. The western strategy is the same as the Nazis in WW2, but after destroying the assumed entirety of the Red army they faced even more divisions. Israel has killed the face of Hezbollah's political arm preaching restraint. So let them launch a ground invasion and face the veterans hungering for blood.

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Israel is by no means a pariah state, as long as the world craves American carrot and fears American stick, which will continue for as long as American politicians crave Israeli carrot and fear Israeli stick.

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How much longer will the carrot remain desirable when an alternative arise and who now does the American stick threaten? Sometimes humility can be a very good strategy until conditions improve. You probably need to look at what is happening in the UN to understand why Israel has become a pariah and see where the global majority will be drawn if there arises an alternative.

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Let us know when any of those countries does anything concrete.

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Depends on what you consider concrete. You don't need me to tell you, when it happens, surely you will know.

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This assumes something concrete will happen. The UN and its members have a long track record of symbolic gestures on Palestine, followed up by no concrete actions.

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Russia is not only destroying the entire Ukrainian military and its nazi regiments, at the same time minimising civilian casualties, but they are slowly depleting NATOs weapons and supplies. None of that could have been accomplished with a quick win.

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Winning militarily is one thing. Achieving “de-na*ification” requires the population turning against an ideology, and this requires a longer timeframe

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I dunno, Russia seems to have accomplished this quickly enough in Chechnya.

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Forget about Dugin, the shock of his daughter's assassination and senility with age, makes him utter nonsense.

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I thought something similar when I read his comments. He’s really out to lunch these days.

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What exactly was nonsense in what Dugin said?

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General Moron, by not understanding the Dugin nonsense proves your lack of intellect beyond all doubt.

You are an ignoramus and worse, you are too thick to self reflect and recognise that truth.

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Dugin is overrated, so yeah leave him alone then.

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He's a philosopher, not a military strategist. Lets not worry about his emotional its-all-over feeling. A lot of people around the world are in that phase after Nasrallah's assassination. It's as much a psychological war as logistical.

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Someone is willing to pay an assassin as paltry an amount as $150,000 to poke a gun barrel through shrubs in order to perform a decapitating strike on an elderly presidential candidate while he plays golf. Can you get more Judas than this--?!!?

Decapitating Strikes in the U.S. are Walmart-calibre: cheap & tawdry.

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Most of the country has gone brain dead. Our time as an empire and even as a prosperous, comfortable country is coming to an end. Nothing can change that.

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The downward trajectory of hypersonic thralldom is so steep it would take an air defense system functioning @ parabolic speed to intercept it.

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Don't dispare. You are not even close. They are trying to destroy you, but they have very little time.

You have gas and oil for hundreds of years to come, if you want to. And this immigration they use against you to destroy the American people and spirit only works short term, and I think they know that.

That is why they are pushing in immigration on all fronts, in Europe too. They know that white people, because those are the ones they are after, will turn on a defence in the form of becoming more etnocentric just like the groups coming into their countries. Etnocentrism is high in multicultural countries. I know from experience.

When the dollar gets weaker the 🇺🇸 will bloom because, your pyramid/getto mafia elite cannot afford to play colonial empire anymore, which will make you heal as a country again.

You are not great because of your colonial military. That is just for your elites, the Pyramid/Getting Maffia people. You are great because of your constitution that is keeping the whole West from turning into Feudal/Fascist hell hole.

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Doesn't matter, if they work.

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We don't have substantial proof, no physical body, that Nasrallah is dead (maybe its already 200ft in the ground), other than Hezbollah making a statement, so they do that for every martyr, a fool method in itself. No funerals for senior members, who were also supposedly taken out earlier. What 'IF' it is a deceptive plot to lure the israeli's into a ground invasion and decapitate them instead? Could they be that cunning?

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Quote: "No funerals for senior members, who were also supposedly taken out earlier"

Every martyr whether fighter or leader is given a funeral within days. Most recently to Leader Fuad Shukr.

Quote: "What 'IF' it is a deceptive plot to lure the israeli's into a ground invasion and decapitate them instead? Could they be that cunning?"

Hezbollah doesn't lie coz they can't, it would contradict teachings of the Quran.

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If I'm not mistaken, Muslims cannot lie to other Muslims. Lying to enemies of Islam is another story. I'm not putting money on it, but isn't there that word "taqiyya" that Ann Coulter used to love to throw around?

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:-) Muslims like any other humans have the good, the bad and the ugly.

But for Islamic Resistance factions, being religious is of greater importance than life and death. The common factor is the conviction, that the passage on earth is merely a test for Judgment Day. Can lie to anybody but not God.

"Jihad" is commonly considered fighting for Islam. As a matter of fact this is the "Little Jihad", the "Great Jihad" is the personal struggle against temptations and leading a pious righteous life.

Unfortunately very little is know about true Islam, it is the anti-thesis of Saudi Wahabism, ISIS, Qaeda etc. As a matter of fact all these are creation of British "intelligence" dating back to the last decade of the 1700s.

If you are interested in knowing more about Islam, I recommend Sheikh Imran Hosein's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SheikhImranHosein

Watching a couple of his videos, you will realize how misinformed we are about Islam

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I don't much care about Islam, to be quite honest. I think our respective cultures need a very long break from each other. Maybe 100 years. Then, once that's over, an earnest dialog could be had.

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Careful, this is the anti-thesis of civilization ==> Barbarism

The central concept of Civilization/Culture is the view of "the other"

This is addressed in: "Clash of Civilizations with Nihilism"


PS: I am Orthodox Christian, not Moslem, but living in the Levant, I got to associate with Moslems, and I learned about Islam from a scholar based in Trinidad, Sheikh Imran Hosein's YouTube lectures. This has led me to:

1. Differentiate between:

a. Quranic Islam which traces it's roots to the Quran and the Prophet

b. MI6 Islam (Wahabism, Moslem Brotherhood, Qaeda, ISIS, Nusra) which trace their roots to MI6, CIA, and Mossad.

2. To have a lot of respect for the Quran and for Quranic Moslems and civilization.

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It is true that the Intelligence Community has cultivate a barbaric strain of Wahhabist Islam specifically to make cross-cultural dialogue more difficult. That said, I think Christendom (or the ashes of it, rather) need to get their own house in order first.

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Nice bit of Taqiya right there.

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Not sure what you mean by that.

Anyhow if you are interested in learning a bit about Islam, I recommend Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SheikhImranHosein

Open to receiving your comments after watching a couple of videos.

By the way he was invited by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs earlier this year, and Lavrov requested that he provide some documents on Russia in the Quran. He wrote a book on this topic. Destiny of Russia in the Quran

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If you don't know what Taqiya means then you have a very limited knowledge of Islam and perhaps it is you that should be watching the videos

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There were funerals. And during one another attack happened right there in the crowd.

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True, but nevertheless a funeral is always held in spite of the dangers involved.

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You are dreaming if you believe that. Plenty of bodies are abandoned once lead starts flying. A very large number of them

were in Afghanistan.

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A lot of lead has been flying, people are not intimidated by "lead" and will participate in the funeral processions that will be held in Lebanon, Iran and Iraq.

Between Lebanon, Iran and Iraq, my guess there will be over 5 million in the funeral processions. Do a net search in say, 10 days "Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah funeral processions"

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They got the body out. Apparently those underground died of shockwave.

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Next-level cope.

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Hizb got their asses handed to them. I can't understand how anyone can argue otherwise. The Israeli operation was a classic lightning strike - the pager op, the radio/walkie talkie op, and then the missile strikes to decapitate the leadership. Hundreds of casualties? They don't care. Meanwhile supposedly Hizb has all these shiny big missiles they are keeping in reserve or restraint. Please. This reminds me of bad movies where some scrawny kid says he has some secret ninja move but constantly gets beaten up by stronger boys because he "doesn't want to to show secret". So far - as expected, all we see are oversized fireworks exploding in fields.

And yeah, their economy is in the toilet but who cares? They have a 20 trillion dollar vassal across the ocean who has its own vassals in Europe. Israel will come out richer and with more money than when this conflict started. This is what pure power looks like, and Dugin is right; the side constantly exercising restraint and calculating everything to the nth 0.000001 percentile is the weaker side.

Re: Ukraine, the 1:3 loss ratio is lower than expected. But, removing Wagner casualties and DPR / Lugansk militias and such, I think it grows to 1:5 or 1:6 as commonly reported.

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My feeling is that the lack of resistance and lack of Iranian revenge attack is conspicuous. The "preemptive" attack by Israel is only preemptive because Iran did not respond to the assassination provocations. Iran and Hizb clearly knew the next steps were on their way. So now Israel is the aggressor. Western support for Israel is now under threat, as anyone living in the UK or US will know, and the Arabs are incensed even further. The lack of reaction is profound, and can only be explained by a restraint for reasons of timing.

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The degree to which the ruling elite in the U.S. & the obeisant media crowed, boasted & gloated about the decapitating strike makes obvious that they see this as legitimately part of Israel's *self-defense.*

U.S. support for Israel is *unwavering* & will remain *unwavering.*

What *unwavering* means is that there is no act Israel could commit which would cause the U.S. to turn away

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Well popular opinion has changed in the West. I sometimes wonder if mass importation of foreign nationals isn't a way of drumming up pro Palestinian support. Support for Ukraine was unwavering until politics got in the way. Now it takes them a year to approve weapons aid.

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Popular opinion in the West does not matter to those running the show.

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Biden’s praising of Israel taking out the Hezbollah leader has painted a target on every military base in the Middle East. That’s if some leaders are upset about it. We’ll see.

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Arab leaders crave American carrot and fear American stick.

Already, MBS has said that Palestine is of no interest to him.

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Yeah. I call them race traitors because they put money and their ambitions before their people. But then so does our government. The stick Israel has over ours is whatever is in the blackmail tapes.

Don’t be naughty and then don’t worry.

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Of course Israel is 100% the aggressor. So, what do Hezbollah and Iran propose to do about it?

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Hizbollah was never a threat to Israel. They held weapons and oral threats to keep peace in Southern Lebanon. It held for almost 20 years. Their mistake was that believed in their own words. They didnt have the imagination of how evil their enemy Israel can be.

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The Israelis are ruthless. But I don't consider that a criticism, tbh, if I put myself in their shoes.

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Ruthless&Evil. Creating an apartheid state and stealing land every week is nothing the ”Rule based World Order” should allow. The mistake Israels enemy are doing is to measure them according to religious beliefs. Zionism is godless.

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So Ukrainians have to keep dying to safeguard the investments of Black Rock and George Soros?...I suspect that it has ever been thus, but makes me almost ashamed to be part of the human race...As for Mr. "end of history" Fukuyama, he should crawl back into his burrow and hope he isn't tried for encouraging terrorism....

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It was ghastly to read F-ck-your-mama. Pure evil.

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Who will try him?

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