You need to be more selective with who your friends are. We are judged by the company we keep. Anyway I hope the ZioNAZI rat gets a bullet in the face.
"his 101-year-old grandmother is dying. She was a girl when she survived Auschwitz"
Gee whiz, there seems to be an awful lot of those hollowhoax survivors.
Listen, I don't abide by any racism. I take all people for who they are. That's how I was raised. My great grandfather was killed in a camp that interned Serbs, Jews and Roma, so no reason to doubt Holocaust. I also have numerous Palestinian and Arab friends who are the same, not racist. But i do acknowledge that Gaza genocide must stop and Palestine has must be free for all it's citizens. We need to seek justice but also make sure we preserve our own humanity. That's exactly where Israel failed.
If the "Holocaust" correctly pointed out that the great mass of victims were Slavs, then that term would be credible. That the destroyed Slavs were mostly Russians and Russia having the dreaded Communist Ideology of which Global War was declared against in 1919 and again in1946 is the reason why the term was given to the Jews as they began their imperialist project to colonize West Asia for the West. Remember, all Reds were better off dead.
Why are jews like this? Do you not realize this is why the entire world is tired of you? Wishing death on people's families and you still want us all to believe you are helpless victims persecuted for no reason at all, kicked out of 109 countries because "muh antisemitism"?
Just imagine if you will, at the height of the 3rd Reich collapse bombed by day, bombed by night. Allied armies navies and air moving in from all directions. No Nazi trains/river boats/vehicles can move, divisions/corps/armies being destroyed in detail every day but somehow at the very height and end of this societal collapse the efficiency of the Germanic people shows through and they stopped at exactly 6,000,000 million dead, not 6 million and 1 or 599,999,999 nope 6 million on the nose. I kneel at their commitment to numeric Teutonic precision.....
The Bad Arolsen Archive is the world’s only reliable central database for all Holocaust death and Holocaust survivor records. In 1979, a summary was published by the International Red Cross working at the Arolsen archive of their total mortality figures for the German wartime labour camps where the total dead from 13 of the biggest camps added up to 271,000.
In 1984 the Arolsen archive stated their records showed the total deaths in 16 German-controlled labor-camps (15 major ones plus “others” p.82) amounted to 282,000.
In 1993 that number was updated to 296,000, of whom 60,000 in Auschwitz.
The almanac of the “American Jewish Committee”, which appears new every year, announced the following numbers of Jews in the world:
in the 1945 edition on page 367: 15,192,089;
for 1946, this number increased by 516,549 to 15,753,638;
1947 (on page 748), 1948 (page 572) and 1949 (page 289): ~ 15.5 million
1950: 11,500,000. Why? Who eliminated about 4,000,000 Jews between 1949 and 1950?
As for the homicidal gas chambers:
The 3-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948 states:
"The delegates of the ICRC found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report never hints at any human gas chambers."
Mr. U. Jost, the then-manager of the Bad Arolsen Archive, declared in 2006 that amongst its millions of documents it had no record suggesting death by cyanide – evidently it was safe for them to make such a statement.
Nowhere in a huge, permanent “Holocaust exhibition” spanning 2 floors in the London War Museum in Lambeth does it say or imply that cyanide gas chambers had people in them.
A can of the Zyklon insecticide is on display – and visitors are informed it was used in the delousing chamber (its only mention of the delousing chambers).
Jewish Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, according to his “If This Is a Man” (1957), neither saw nor heard of any evidence for human gas chambers during his spell at Auschwitz-Monowitz.
And there is plenty more technical evidence that homicidal gas could have existed.
Thank you for the data. The facts have been intolerable for Jewish profiteers on shoah-schema, this is why honest historians in WWII were harassed, assaulted, and imprisoned by the vicious Jewish supremacists.
The research of engineers and chemists re the slanderous memes about “gas chambers &ovens” in the camps was particularly intolerable for the tribe. The most aggressive thugs were coming from the ADL created in memory of a Jewish rapist and murderer Leo Frank. Global Jewry has no shame.
The tiny minority of the highly intelligent, ethical and principled Jewish individuals is hated by the tribe. In the US alone, sick Judaic indoctrination has produced a large number of psychotic believers in holobiz memes. Add to that an army of demented and aggressive rabbis who should be either institutionalized or repatriated to Israel. The bad infestation of the US with the lying, whining, and parasitic Zionist scum is detrimental for American citizenry and humanity at large.
Unsurprisingly, the first real gas chamber was created by a Jew Isai Berg, an operative of the soviet secret police, who personally practiced his murderous invention on political prisoners.
Americans are still unaware about the scale of genocidal actions imposed by Jewish Bolsheviks on the people of Russia after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in 1918. The genocidal Jewish revolutionaries like Trotsky were financed by British and American Jewish bankers like Warburg and Schiff.
Thanks for this addition, Anna, I agree with everything you state because it is factual. The thing that many/most Jews cannot stand is facts exposing the holohoax (I like grr's "hollowhoax" even better) and the rest of their historic scheming.
Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) - People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Trotsky was one of the key figures in the Bolshevik Party and played a crucial role in the organization of the Red Army.
Lev Kamenev (Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld) - He was initially appointed as the People's Commissar for Internal Affairs but was soon replaced due to political disagreements. However, he remained influential in the early Soviet government.
Grigory Sokolnikov (Hirsh Brilliant) - He served as the People's Commissar for Finance.
Zinoviev. Almost every top commander in the Cheka.
Why argue about the WWII genocide when we have an obvious one today right in our own backyard, and Netanyahu is doing it, murdering civilians to get rid of them. He does not believe people have souls and his god is a jealous murderer. Israel is evil, a nuclear terrorist state, and the quicker Netanyahu falls the better and the Palestinians get a state, the better. Get rid of Netanyahu and he carries the genocide, not Israel.
idiot - go to the pro Gaza protests - full of Jews protesting on behalf of Gaza. Full of banners saying "I am a descendant of a Holocaust survivor and condemn israel"
50% of American Jews under 40 do not support Israel.
This place is for intelligent debate, not holocaust deniers.
I see what you did there: associating holocaust denier with unintelligent debater. Not so clever. Also, unless you're the host of the blog (Simplicius) or one of his moderators, you don't have a damn leg to stand on to try to control the topic of discussion, so kindly piss off please.
There's nothing to deny regarding the holocaust, because it didn't happen. You're the one making things up when you talk about it.
Speaking of fantasies, soap made from Jews gassed in their millions, lampshades made from their skin. And the knife sharpening machines on site as the Germans realised it was cheaper to stab rather than shoot (although that particular tall tale didn't stand the test of time).
OK I'm going from a quote I heard not the original source.
But off the record or in a private poll I bet there is a lot more disgust amongst non-Israeli jews than anyone dare mention. If you see one Pro-Palestinian jew that implies a hell of a lot of bravery and a lot more in the shadows.
Israeli jews - that is a different matter. The majority there seem to think that raping prisoners is an internal disciplinary matter for the armed forces not a crime.
Those US Jews you are talking about? That's about 15-20% of them, max.
Yes, it is interesting. When asked who do you support, Israel or the Palestinians, 18% of US Jews say the Palestinians! And fully 13% of US Jews support Hamas! Incredible.
I doubt it i that low. Unlike us gentiles who mostly don't care much, Jews all know exactly what is going on. And lets face it you have to be pretty vile to be pro-israel if you understand the real situation.
Rhodesia didn’t disappear until it was repudiated by the UK and US, same with Apartheid South Africa, and you never heard of the “Rhodesia Lobby” or ARPAC. There are more twists in this one…
If I recall back in ‘85 the South Africans were in the verge of defeating the commies in Angola when Regan stopped them. If they had succeeded Africa would have been changed forever.
A two state solution is impossible because Israelis have been brainwashed for three generations to believe the Palestinians are subhuman, that Palestine belongs to them, all of it, that they are superior humans and have a right to take whatever they want. The Israelis would not be able to stop attacking an independent Palestine.
This is why Israel must be dismantled and a free Palestine established, a democracy, where any Israelis who wish to remain and become Palestinians do so and the rest go back to where they came from. Zionism and Zionist Israel must be totally eradicated.
It is bizarre to talk about how many Zionist and Jewish colonist fighters were killed in their invasion and genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1947/48 when many more thousands of Palestinians died as victims, nearly a million were driven out and 530 towns and villages were wiped from the face of the earth by the colonial Ziojewish thugs.
Those who are irresponsible in their condemnations lose credibility. That is the so what. It is wrong to criticise all members of a group, religious, national or whatever for the actions of some fanatics. Israeli society may largely be comprised of fanatics but they do not represent Judaism or all Jews.
Or the heinous crimes "of some", when most of their fellows unite to protect those evildoers?
I actually admire a number of Jews who have stood, and stand, against this evil by their fellows. That takes courage and real commitment to moral principles.
Yet the reality is that the majority of Jews in Palestine and very large numbers elsewhere, support genocide of the Palestinians.
Incidentally, the defining characteristic of the group is not religion but ethnicity and community identity. Large numbers of Jews are "secular", which is to say unbelievers in the religion but believers in the godhood of themselves.
The concept of Jews as an ethnic group was invented by the atheist Zionists.
They are a religion. Put a Jew from the US, Ethiopia, England, South Africa, Scotland, France, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Israel, China, India in a room and they have absolutely NOTHING in common but the religion. They do not even have a language in common let alone a culture.
The atheist fake Jews believe they have ethnicity but they do not. In fact a lot of Jews detest Israeli Jews and some despise them. And within Judaism there is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic divide and they all despite the African Jews.
True, but there are also those who are atheist but self-identify as Jewish, as have done ALL the ZioNazis, Herzl included.
> And within Judaism there is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic divide and they all despite the African Jews.
True, and the Ashkenazis, who are at the top of the pecking order, depise the Sephardic Jews.
In fact, none of the various Jewish groups that you have mentioned ever compalin about "anti-Semitism", it is only the Ashkenazis who complain about it AND use it to shut down any discussion they don't like.
Since most Israelis serve in the military at some point then the same principles should apply to their culpability as was applied to the German woman convicted at the age of 99 because she was a secretary in her Twenties in a concentration camp. Former and current Israeli soldiers carry far more guilt than she could have done.
The good Jews are irrelevant. We are fighting the Jews. Just as we say we fought the Japanese and Germans in WW2. Is that racist? Well yes it is. Try fighting an existential war and not lose your humanity.
You are not fighting Jews, followers of a religion, you are fighting Zionist Israel a military colonial entity in Palestine. Yes, many of them are Jews, but this is not a battle against the religion of Judaism and its followers. Many Jews oppose Israel and always have done, particularly the Orthodox. Too many Jews have supported Israel but that is also changing.
We can acknowledge the guilt of Jews who have supported Israel and also the innocent of those who reject the Zionist State. Unfortunately Judaism has no governing body which can speak for the religion. More Jews need to stand up and utterly reject Israel.
The Palestinians are very clear they are not fighting Jews, they are resisting their occupiers. They say repeatedly that they would resist them if they were Lithuanian or Korean or whatever. That it’s not their religion or ethnicity or culture, it’s their oppression of Palestine.
That was not a State. That was a bantustan where the Israelis had military control over land, sea and air borders. The Palestinians would have been fools to agree to it. Such a fake state would have been no different to Gaza, a concentration camp, surrounded by an electric fence with Israelis snipers ready to shoot any man, woman, child or dog who came near the fence.
Perhaps more critical, the Israelis are consummate liars and played the two state game while working to rid Palestine of non-Jews. They had no intention of giving up any part of Palestine and no intention as the historical records attest, of ever allowing an independent Palestinian State.
Quote: To begin with, the often-repeated line that Barak offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 96% of the West Bank for a state is completely untrue. Barak offered the Palestinians 96% of Israel’s definition of the West Bank, meaning they did not include any of the areas already under Israeli control, such as settlements, the Dead Sea, and large parts of the Jordan Valley. This meant that Barak effectively annexed 10% of the West Bank to Israel, with an additional 8-12% remaining under “temporary” Israeli control for a period of time.
In return for this annexation, Palestinians would be offered 1% of desert land near the Gaza Strip. Thus, Palestinians would need to give up 10% of the most fertile land in the West Bank, in exchange for 1% of desert land. Not to mention that if the past record is any indicator, the additional 8-12% under “temporary” Israeli control would remain so forever.
In addition to all of this, Israel demanded permanent control of Palestinian airspace, three permanent military installations manned by Israeli troops in the West Bank, Israeli presence at Palestinian border crossings, and special “security arrangements” along the borders with Jordan which effectively annexed additional land.
The cherry on top of all of these stipulations, is that Israel would be allowed to invade at any point in cases of “emergency”. As you can imagine, what constituted an emergency was left incredibly vague and up to interpretation. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and the Palestinian government would not be able to enter into alliances without Israeli permission. None of these are ingredients for the creation of an actual sovereign state.
But the Israeli conditions did not end here. In the case of East Jerusalem, which was supposed to be the capital of the Palestinian state, Israel refused any form of Palestinian sovereignty over the majority of the city, including many Palestinian neighborhoods. It should be noted that the PA agreed to Israeli sovereignty over Jewish neighborhoods and the Buraq wall, and even proposed Israel annex settlements in East Jerusalem in return for land swaps elsewhere. This was met with Israeli intransigence, and an insistence that the Noble Sanctuary remain under Israeli sovereignty, and that a part of it should be reserved for Jewish worshippers.
Thanks for including all of this Roslyn, if I had a dollar for every time Hillary Clinton continued to spew these very lies I'd be as WEALTHY as Hillary Clinton!
{Articles started emerging saying that this was the perfect test for Arafat’s intentions and that he failed miserably, and asserted that the Palestinians refused to make any concessions or compromise on anything.}
Unfortunately ZIJ, Zionists, Israelis, Jews control the mainstream media and few people bothered to look beyond that. Times have changed. While mediums like this and social media have their flaws, they provide an opportunity to disseminate facts and information which did not exist in the past to the same degree. One could argue that social media is the equivalent of the Victorian age of people handing out privately printed flyers on street corners.
So, today it is easier to lie but also much easier to refute the lies.
{So, today it is easier to lie but also much easier to refute the lies.}
It was reported Israel invested one billion dollars on their propaganda campaign However within hours of every egregious lie they continued to spew regarding 10-07 - people were factually disputing every allegation. The dead babies, the rapes, all of it. In the past this wasn't remotely possible let alone within hours.
Israel, Ukraine, world elections, outraged farmers, ongoing citizen protests all have pushed the deep states of the world to advance their efforts to end alternative media, and to end citizen participation in and access to it as well. England is at the forefront, but within the EU it is everywhere.
Precisely. There were experts in various fields, including military around the world refuting the Israeli claims that Palestinians beheaded, microwaved, hung on lines, incinerated babies and even the Israeli police dropped the rape claims for lack of evidence and witnesses.
And the military experts quickly said the Palestinians do not have the weapons to incinerate people, cars, homes, only the Israelis could do that and they did as some Israeli survivors attested. And now everyone knows about the Hannibal Directive they put in place where they kill their own to prevent hostages being taken and where they can also kill non-Jews.
GRR made a reference to Camp David and I confused it with the Oslo Accords. Clinton was president when the Oslo Accords were signed. In other words I was mistaken.
Even if that were true, and it is not, it would be irrelevant right now, with Israel and the US unequivocally running a Genocide. Do you really not get that?
Arafat gave away the store.Read the Oslo accords. And even then the Zionists sabotaged it. The Zionazis have no intention to give up one inch of Greater Israel to the Palestinians.
Have you ever read the terms of such "offers" from the Beast's side? It wouldn't be an independent country in the slightest. These 'offers' over the years were pure bullshit as Israeli leadership would never, ever, even the most liberal ones, allow for an independent Palestinian state on what they consider Jewish land. These 'offers' were cynical red herrings at best.
The 2000 Camp David Summit, involving U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, aimed to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. However, it ended without an agreement due to irreconcilable differences, particularly regarding the status of Jerusalem. The failure of the summit is considered one of the main triggers for the Second Intifada. While all three leaders made missteps, Clinton primarily blamed Arafat and the Palestinians for the negotiations’ failure.
There are not three Governments. There is one Government, the Israeli military colonial ruler. The PA is an Israeli stooge and Hamas is a political party and a critical factor in the Resistance. Neither of them are Governing anything.
A commonly overlooked fact. Nothing in 'Palestine' is under Palestinian control - military, food, water,, energy, exports, imports, freedom of movement, freedom to travel, freedom from settler violence - and so much else - all under the control of the Beast. Who could possibly say that Palestinians govern? They only have representatives, not governors.
Exactly. Israel as the military colonial ruler issues every Palestinian with an ID card including those in the Gaza concentration camp. The cards are handed out by the PA but they are processed by the Israeli regime.
This was stated in Haaretz recently in an article by Amira Hass correcting Israelis who delusionally thought that Gaza was free, independent and self governing.
TikTok has afforded GenZs in the U.S. [ and elsewhere ] an opportunity to catch a glimpse beyond the propaganda & suppression, which has been helpful in breaking the hypnotic trance.
Nobody can read about the Nakba & remain indifferent.
Part of the media mesmerism is to focus exclusively on the 7 October attack as if it were an isolated incident, unconnected to any prior history between Israelis & Palestinians.
The mesmerism only works if one fails to connect the dots. Thank God for TikTok--and for pamphlets like yours printed on substacks like this, which is its own letterpress
Hamas governs nothing. As a prisoner support group it manages as best it can the misery of the concentration camp as Gaza but it is the Israeli military colonial regime which governs all Palestine and all Palestinians.
It is the Israelis who process and issue an ID card for every single Palestinian including those in Gaza.
It is Israel which decides who can enter or leave the Gaza concentration camp.
It is Israel which decides if water, power, food, medicine, internet, phones will be available to the Gaza concentration camp.
It is Israel which dictates who will live and die in Occupied Palestine including Gaza.
Does not sound like much governing done by anyone but the Israelis.
It appears that Sunday's Hezbollah attack on the Unit 8200 base has sent the filth scurrying and some such as the Jew Baglady have emerged from the depths of depravity in which they dwell, and made it to here.
No, that ship did not sail. In a free Palestine all in the Diaspora can return home. Most Israelis will go back to where they came from and the illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine will be perfect for the returnees.
It will happen because Palestine will be free from Zioraeli military colonial rule and Zionist Israel will no longer exist.
The world does not need Israel but Israel cannot exist without the support of the world. The Palestinians now have the support of the world and Israel is on the way out.
Ashkenazi originated in Turkey, according to the recent DNA research.
Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
As for Zionists, the majority are mongrels of uncertain origin; many are from Bandera land and exhibit all the features of the SS Galicia members known for their despicable sadism and idiotic supremacist beliefs.
In all truth, the Hebes are brainwashed since birth for thousands of years that all non-jews are simply cattle and exist purely for the leisure and pleasures of "the chosen ones". You can check it up. It's in their holy books and teachings. No one's gonna erase that from them. Fuck them and may someone wipe the filth off the planet asap.
It is the Palestinians who are brainwashed. Never have a people made ever wrong decision possible. If you want to win, just bet against the Palestinians.
Occupied and colonised people can only make one decision, to die fighting on their feet or die on their knees crushed by their oppressors. There are no other decisions they can make.
The world now knows the evil truth of the Zioraeli state and its genocidal foundation and function. Israel will not last another decade and the world will cheer for the same reasons it cheered the end of Nazi Germany.
That’s the only thing you can prove?? 😂 you come off the hasbara production line after the billions that go in?? No wonder the Zionists and their ethnostate are doomed..
Jews are not able to live “in peace.” Your Zionist founding fathers were self proclaimed terrorists. Guess, in your yeshiva they do not teach about Lehi & Irgun bandits and about Jabotinsky admiration for Mussolini.
Your profitable shoah- schema is based on slanderous lies. And your ziocons have been collaborating with Ukrainian Nazis since 1990-s.
Your sick tribe hates those Jewish individuals who are honorable, principled, and highly intelligent. Israeli IQ =92, behind 39 smarter nations. Hatred and supremacist lunacy made Jews stupid.
The real Jew haters are those who say the atrocity which is the Israeli military colonial occupation regime represents Judaism and its followers.
This is not about peace. This is about justice. When a sadistic and bestial military colonial regime crushes you there is no peace or justice. End Zionist Israel and there is justice and peace.
Nothing Woke about civilized principles which underpin a civilized world.
Israel is a bestial, sadistic and savage occupier, coloniser committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft and it has done so for nearly 80 years. If condemning that is Woke then we need more Woke people.
Idiot comment about hating Jews. I defend Judaism and its followers because I reject Israeli, Zionist and the claims of some deranged Jews, that Judaism and Jews support and promote atrocities, evil and genocide, occupation, colonisation, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder and theft.
You claim they do so you are the anti-semite. You must really hate Jews.
Hamas are psychotic murders and the PA is a kleptocracy organized crime ring. They both steal aid from their people. Israel is not going away. Sadly the Palestinian people are in misery thanks to the Palestinian leadership.
And the truth is no Arab country wants Palestinians around. So much for ummah. Why is that?
Why repeat Zioraeli propaganda when it is so obviously a lie? Hamas was elected in the first place because it was not corrupt like the PLO and was actually effective in helping to ease the misery of Palestinians under brutal Israeli military colonial occupation rule. The Israelis rejected that election so Hamas was elected to nothing.
Most Hamas senior officials are in Israeli jails and have been for decades. Those remaining in the Gaza concentration camp have proven to be again effective in helping to assuage Palestinian suffering. The UN and international aid agencies have attested to that.
Hamas could not even come close to the sadistic atrocities of the Israelis. It is by comparison benign. And Hate to break it to you but the Palestinians, including Hamas ARE THE VICTIMS AND ISRAEL IS THE AGGRESSOR IN A BESTIAL COLONIAL WAR AGAINST THE NATIVE PEOPLE WHOSE LAND IT HAS STOLEN.
However, even if Hamas was corrupt and all you claim as holocaust survivor Gabor Mate said:
"Take the worst thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by 1,000 times and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians"
P.S. Zioraelis say Hamas is all sorts of things but the world knows they lie and lie and lie and lie. No-one believes anything they say and the proof to the opposite of what they say is so easy to find. You should try it. Lies make you look like a fool.
If they were, they would not have left the slaughter of those 1200 civilians to the IOF.
And talking about the IOF, all they are good at is slaughtering defenceless women, children (preferably babies), the elderly and the sick. Hence their butchery orgy since 7 Oct.
Last time they took on a real opponent, in 2006, they got their ass handed to them on a platter, as acknowledged publicly by 2 ZioNazi generals.
This time it will not be merely getting their ass handed to them, they will get wiped out. That's what one always does with vermin.
There is only 1 problem: the ZioNazis do not want to live in peace with the Palestinians, aside from the FACT that the ZioNazis are squatting on stolen land where they have no business to be.
You need to educate yourself about the term "woke".
Let me guess--you've never read a book about the history of Zionism, or the Mandate period, or the circumstances of the founding of the "state" of Israel, am I right?
Read plenty of books, been all over Israel, Gaza, Golan Heights, and the West Bank. Palestinians were betrayed by the surrounding Arab countries and are in a terrible position. But the solution is either try to figure out how to live in peace or continued war. War is not working for them.
Clearly you did not read the right books. And if you have been all over Israel and Occupied Palestine and Occupied Syria as you claim then you were not looking carefully enough.
The Palestinians have been betrayed by everyone. However, if Zionists and Jews had not invaded in 1947 and their Arab allies had not lost the fight against their European invaders, none of this violence would have happened.
Being colonised and brutally occupied by Israelis is not working for them. Violent resistance is working for them.
Israel has lost against the Palestinian Resistance which includes Hamas and is imploding. The world detests Israel and more people now know the truth of its genocidal foundation and function ever since. The Israeli economy is in ruins and it cannot defeat the Palestinian Resistance, or the Lebanese Resistance, or indeed the Syrian Resistance to its occupation.
The Iranians carefully demonstrated they can take out Israel and the Iron Dome is useless and the Americans cannot protect them.
Israel is self sufficient in nothing but ego, violence and hatred. Close its ports and airports and it is done in a week.
The Zionist Israelis are on a par with German Nazis and rocketing toward top of the ladder for genocidal slaughter and atrocities. In fact they are at the top because the Germans were doing it for around five years and the Israelis have been committing the same atrocities and worse for nearly 80 years.
You're correct. Israelis are murder-worshiping sociopaths. The National Socialists were not only a collection of some of the finest political minds in Germany but they were also not insane.
Incidentally, Hitler's doctor was a jew.
The Israeli "leadership" is functionally insane. They're also murder-worshiping sociopaths who need to be collected and stubbed out before a spark from them ignites the hay field that makes up Israeli politics burning down the whole world around our ears.
You are right, Israeli culture, society and State is mentally ill to the point of deranged psychotic. There are a few brave exceptions but they are too few to make a difference.
If Israel were an individual it would have been locked up long ago to protect others and itself.
And what many do not know is that Jews fought in the German Army and some were officers. In fact there was a Jewish battalion which I think served in Scandinavia.
Much said about the Nazis has come through the funnel of Zio propaganda. Sure they did some terrible things but it has been distorted as well. History is written by the victors.
What will the Palestinians write about the Israelis?
Jabotinsky wrote about profound influence of Italian fascism on the formation of the fascist Jewish state. Mussolini proudly called the dog-faced Jabotinsky a Jewish fascist.
Read your zionist Nahum Goldmann (the producer of the profitable and fraudulent holobiz schema) who knew both Mussolini and jabotinsky.
That the zionists declared war on Germany is an oft overlooked fact. The zionists successfully implemented a global blockade against German goods that severely impacted the German economy. Germany, as a result, began treating Jews as enemies of the state in much similar manner as the US treated its Japanese citizens after their attack on Pearl Harbor, by confining them in concentration camps where their labour was put to use in Germany's war efforts.
People also overlook the fact that fear in Europe was huge after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, created and led by Jews. I am not condoning just explaining that the discrimination toward Jews by the Germans was about more than simple religious racism.
The Zionist propaganda for a century has been powerful and the gift in the curse of Palestinian suffering today is that more of the truth is coming out and being disseminated.
Please stop. This is a cruel lie. I am a Balkan Slav and I lost 5 family members to the Nazi occupation. If you’re against settler colonialism, you have to understand that WW2 was essentially a settler colonial project by the Nazi reich against Eastern Europe. There is no other way to understand the Nazi policies of Generalplan OST and liebensraum. Jewish and Roma populations, who mainly lived in Eastern Europe and were highly scapegoated were slated for destruction first. But it was generally understood that the idea was to normalize genocide and then go on to depopulate all of Eastern Europe to make way for German settlers. I’m so sick of western propaganda about the red scare. It’s been used to justify all kinds of horrors (ie carpet bombing and napalming children). Before someone mentions, yes I know that some Slavs (ie some Croats and Ukrainians) were used by the Nazis against their own kin. However, most, including my ancestors, understood that if the Nazis won, they would be toast, like the “civilized tribes” who sided with British settlers in North America but were promptly genocided when the settlers wanted their land. Which is why most Croats and Ukrainians joined the resistance as well.
I am not really sure what do you mean. I was commenting on the two-state solution (the last sentence in Simplicius’ report). In other words, the state and not the nation.
What does that have to do with anything when it was "Palestinian land" being referred to? This doesn't denote state ownership, but ownership to a people. However, I must disagree as it is clear there has always been a Palestinian nation; also a Palestinian region as the area has always been called and marked on maps.
A nation is not a nation state nor a state necessarily a nation, etc, despite states trying to hammer nations down into some sort of amorphous citizenship defined top down by power elites, as opposed to the states being formed bottom up by the people who create the state and grant it its power.
Oh FFS, as if that matters? There has never been a nation called Israel, since they stole a territory called Palestine and they claim to be a bunch of Jews, which is a religion. So what's your point?
There just as much has never been a nation called Israel in modern sense of the word, and even in the pictures in the original article above you can see mentions of Jews *returning* to this region after 2000 years of absence.
It always makes me sad when I read that someone has no pity on a race of people who were murdered and starved simply because they were born Jews. At one time, the world stood up to fascism and created a safe refuge for the survivors of the holocaust. Whether you like it or not, Ernesto, a tiny chunk of land was given to the Jews out of compassion.
Yes, the world stood up to fascism, and that was good and needed. In fact, after WW2 fascism was even taboo, one could adhere to those principles without being ostracized, if not worse.
However, now fascism is cool again. To wit: "israel" is fascist state and is enthusiastically supported by the West; in fact, those who do not support it are attacked verbally and physically by the governments themselves, despite the fact that "israel" has surpassed what is undoubtedly its role model, the Third Reich.
2nd example: the Ukraine, a fascist state that is supported enthusiastically by none other than that same fascist loving West.
The Ukraine and "israel" are in fact neo-Nazi states that believe in their ethnic superiority, even though, ironically, Jews don't even constitute an ethnicity.
The Jews have never needed their own state as after WW2 they had the exact same rights as non-Jews in the countries they were living in. The
What the Jews have falsely argued is that they needed a country for self-determination. The is a lot of BS because e.g. British Jews had the exact same rights as the non-Jews in the and therefore had their own country AND self-determination. Unashamedly, the Jews in essence argued they needed a double right of self-determination: 1 in the UK (in this example) and 1 in a Jews-only country. That is bonkers, why make such an exception for the Jews?
Why not give e.g. the stamp collectors their own country?
Furthermore, the Jews were NOT given any land in Palestine, they stole it. The indigenous population was against it and the UN had no authority to grant the creation of a state, hence the Jews, EUROPEAN Jews no less who had no business there at all, created their racist dump illegally.
The Third Reich, as an Aryan supremacist entity, did not deserve to exist, so the successor does not deserve that right either.
And why make the indigenous population of Palestine pay the price for horrendous European war crimes? Why do those sanctimonious WW2 victors decide that "israel" is right: Never Again only applies to Jews?
No, the Jews did not need any compassion, as the proto Zionazis in Germany proved when they cooperated with the Nazis and even went as far as stopping Jews fleeing anywhere than to Palestine.
Thhose same ZioNazis had no problem lying about the Holocaust (there wasn't one) and cynically exploiting the memory of those Jews who did perish.
So please, spare me your melodramatic nonsense that, like the "country", its people and their beloved Holocaust, is purely based on lies.
While I cannot wholeheartedly agree with you about Israel, I am coming around to the proposition that the USA is the Great Satan. The Biden Crime Syndicate is 100% in the bag for their business partners in Ukraine and the 4th Reich is fully engaged in creating a one-world government.
I will stop supporting Zionism when all the Muslim countries allow Jews to live in peace within their many borders.
PS. Holocaust deniers are neo-Nazis and I am curious who counted the votes in the territory of Palestine to determine that the indigenous population felt the Jews did not deserve a place of safety.
If you are coming around to the proposition that the USA is the Great Satan, then, by definition, you are coming around to the proposition that "israel" is the Great Satan too because it is the latter that controls U.S. policy in the Middle East and Europe – U.S. government and Congress are ZOG, Zionist Occupied Government. In other words, bought and paid for by "israel" Lobby Crime Syndicate.
Thus, "israel" IS the Fourth Reich. Refusing to see that is closing your eyes to reality.
As for Jews living in peace within Muslim borders, they live in peace within all the North African border and many countries in the Middle East, incl. Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and even Iran!!!
So, your continued support for a genocidal political ideology modeled on and upgraded from the Third Reich because Jews not being able to live in Muslim countries is just a poor, depraved excuse.
the sooner Israel is no longer on this planet the better. The poliice forces of Germany and France and the US are a clear indication of this. I suppose that the people that created Israel are still here, as is obvious by the return of Nazism. Its al run by the same angloamercian foreign policy, but even so, Israel needs to end as soon as possible. Palestine, from the River to the Sea.
I was reading psychologist Gustave Mark Gilbert's Nuremberg Diaries recently. It is amusing that although Nazis supported the creation of Israel, some thought it was too unrealistic a plan (this coming from the idiots who thought they could depopulate and settle Eastern Europe).
It is often amusing whenever they talk about Palestine or other countries in this book. Just Nazis going crazy in prison talking to their psychologist while Göring pretends he still has rank and can lead the rest around. Great book really, it's where Göring's famous quote is from, on how riling up populations into supporting war works the same in every country and type of government. (
A couple excerpts from searching Palestine in my ebook:
Rosenberg on Jewish lebensraum: "Just as I wanted Lebensraum for Germany, I thought the Jews should have Lebensraum for themselves outside of Germany. There was no use trying to send them t Palestine, because it meant moving 800,000 Arabs out of the territory with the help of British bayonets."
Funny rant where Streicher goes insane and declares himself ready to be a Zionist, to laughter of Jodl and Rosenberg: "Yes, even if Hitler was living now, he would also admit that they are a spunky race. I would be ready to join them now and i help them in their fight! No, I am not joking!
Absolutely! I am not joking!—And do you know why? Because the democratic world is too weak and isn't fit to exist! I warned them for 25 years, but now I see that the Jews have determination and spunk. They will still dominate the world, mark my word! And I would be glad to help lead them to victory because they are strong and tenacious, and I know Jewry. I have spunk too! And I can stick to my guns! And if the Jews would be willing to accept me as one of them, I would fight for them, because when I believe in a thing, I know how to fight!
I have studied them so long, that I suppose I have adapted myself to their characteristics—at least I could lead a group in Palestine.—I am not joking. I'll give it to you in writing. [...] I know their plans so well I could help."
he wouldn't be accepted by them except as a useful goy. And I'm not saying that against my good friends who are jewish. Gilad Atzmon point to different types of Jews - the assimilated ones are beneficial to society. Those are my friends...but the jews in Israel are different and sadly, even my friends got fooled by them until this. Until Oct 7th. Its good its out in the open now. The beginning of the end.
I agree. Each decade more and more of the sane Israelis have left. More and more of the illegal Israeli settlements are made up with the worst elements of the Jewish population.
Israel could negotiate and let Hamas survive and govern Gaza. But the real sticking point is control of the border with Egypt. If Israel gives up control of that border, then Hamas can easily rearm. But If Israel controls a thick enough area along that border, then Hamas can't tunnel under the wall Egypt built to keep the Palestinians from going into Egypt. If Israel controls the Egyptian border and the sea, then Hamas will have a real difficulty rearming. This is why Hamas insists on getting control of the border back in their hands. And this is why the war may continue for some time.
Zionists are unable to negotiate with the “cattle.” They are a sick and monstrous extraction of supremacist Jews set on psychotic hatred and possessed by genocidal urges. Zionists are the shameless, merciless, lying, and arrogant scum - a refuse of humanity.
Please don't compare zionist roaches to humanity, even its scum. Zionists are proto-human neanderthalic monsters masquerading as humans. Don't believe me? Look at "Bibi" and the two little goblins following him around constantly blubbering about genociding the Palestinians. Nothing human at all to them in manner or appearance.
I don't think a two-state solution is feasible, since there's too much conflict & bad blood in that region. I see Israel as a modern Crusader State, a forward base extending Western mercantile power into Asia (along with Ukraine & Taiwan). Thus, Israel's political life is tied to that of GAEmerican imperialism, which it depends on; I predict they will fall together.
"I don't think a two-state solution is feasible..." I agree...that ship has sailed if it was ever a realistic prospect anyway. Send the Zionists back to Europe. Let the Europeans sort it. The whole effed project is one nasty artifact at the end of the Brit Empire. Balfour and the Zionist banker concocting this non-stop trouble. Everything the Brits touched turned to shit. 10 days to plant a 90-something old queen. Embarrassing.
There. Fixed it for ya. We are a US poodle wetting on everything the Americans tell us to. MI6 and the British elite working closely with the zionists are nearly always behind most of the negative shit that goes on in the world today. WWI. WWII. Israel. Ukraine. You nearly always find a hidden British hand behind all of it.
To quote Prince Andrew, "we're now back in the thick of playing the Great Game". More animated than ever, he stated cockily: “And this time we aim to win!” (c) WikiLeaks. Well, how does that play out for you boys?
The essential element in the success of guerrilla or asymmetric war is time. If you have a disciplined replenishable force, the support of the population, a relatively secure base (in this case the tunnels), and adequate supplies, you will very likely win. If you read Mao, or Ho or Giap--which Hamas and Hezbollah have obviously done--you know this. (Incidentally, the second largest militia in Gaza is the PFLP, that is, the communists) If you build your strategy around these principles and don't let yourself be stampeded by losses or emotion or setbacks you've got a very good shot at winning. Hezbollah plays the game like a master. Just enough to make a point and keep the fragile Israelis spinning like a top. Just enough to scare them and keep them scared. In my judgement the plan has never been to defeat the Israelis militarily--although Hezbollah certainly could. If they're forced to crush Israel militarily, they will. The plan is to exhaust and collapse Israel internally--and they're sticking to that wise approach. Given the fractured, chaotic, disconnected, emotional state of the Israeli population and the mania of the Israeli Right, the notion that Israel will last until mid-century is a very generous one. The Axis is patient, but not that patient. The next Arba'een, or perhaps the one after ,will likely be celebrated in Jerusalem--err I mean al Quds
It's stunning how feckless unthinking emotions govern both wars, in one instance rising to the pinnacle of depraved humanity--Israel v. Hamas--and in the other devolving into desperate terror attacks--OTAN-led *Ukraine* v. Russia. What both have in common is the U.S. as Enabler-in-Chief, a knee-jerk progenitor of Shock & Awe.
In an era of unparalleled military paperweights--Joe equipped Bibi w/ 14,000 2-ton bombs--it's down to the patience & discipline of a laser-focused army of lions fighting from a tunnel enclave to force Israel's self-annihilation
The key to dismantling the last vestige of European colonialism is not military defeat but economic ruin, that would lead to collapse. Israeli isolation and fall in status gets the ball rolling but the Global South developing an alternative to the western global financial system diminishing the dollars role as the global reserve trading currency and US debt as the world reserve asset, will cut the Israeli state away from whatever help that would be given for recovery.
The rich Arab states are becoming aware of the power they would wield in a new system. So why risk a regional conflict when a wider and more devastating victory can be at hand. If the world does shift to trade in local currencies wealth in dollars will be like wealth in any other currency but compared to the Saudi Riyal, Bahraini Dinar, Kuwaiti Dinar, Emirati Dirham the US dollar would be a far more inflated form of money in which a fall in value would be a very drastic fall in worth.The global banking system controlled by we know who, have some influence but not enough in the south and with the awakening of Russia on the global stage war will be very difficult to use as a weapon to save the Western financial system and in extension Israel as a State.
Yes, $ is the power. As you say, and more. Even without BRICS related developments, USD is terminally ill bcs of debt, and all the rot that accompanies it. That, as usual, is the origin of these conflicts. But this time it's truly global and relatively unblinkered.
Either the whole world goes up in smoke, or we emerge into something actually different. Business as usual is no more.
Second largest is Islamic Jihad, then Popular Resistance Committee, then Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades, then Fatah-Intifada, then Mujahedin Brigades. PFLP is way down there. They only have 2,000 fighters.
The Jewish megalomaniac milejkowsky wants to show his Jewish omnipotence. Though he sent his poorly behaving son Yair to chill out in Miami.
"I have a friend from Israel ..."
You need to be more selective with who your friends are. We are judged by the company we keep. Anyway I hope the ZioNAZI rat gets a bullet in the face.
"his 101-year-old grandmother is dying. She was a girl when she survived Auschwitz"
Gee whiz, there seems to be an awful lot of those hollowhoax survivors.
Listen, I don't abide by any racism. I take all people for who they are. That's how I was raised. My great grandfather was killed in a camp that interned Serbs, Jews and Roma, so no reason to doubt Holocaust. I also have numerous Palestinian and Arab friends who are the same, not racist. But i do acknowledge that Gaza genocide must stop and Palestine has must be free for all it's citizens. We need to seek justice but also make sure we preserve our own humanity. That's exactly where Israel failed.
"no reason to doubt Holocaust."
There are many reasons (historical facts) to doubt the hollowhoax as the controlled narrative states it.
Why are you attracted to this blog? Shouldn't you be cheering on Ukraine Nazis and supporting them?
If the "Holocaust" correctly pointed out that the great mass of victims were Slavs, then that term would be credible. That the destroyed Slavs were mostly Russians and Russia having the dreaded Communist Ideology of which Global War was declared against in 1919 and again in1946 is the reason why the term was given to the Jews as they began their imperialist project to colonize West Asia for the West. Remember, all Reds were better off dead.
why are you attracted to this blog?
shouldn't you be cheering on israeli zionists and supporting them?
you have to do better than that A.G. :)
I hope you and your family die in a horrible way, and I mean that with the entire fiber of my being. Consider yourself cursed.
With that comment you confirm the murderous, vengeful, hateful nature of your religion, as laid out by the Talmud, and your bloodthirsty Yahweh.
Why are jews like this? Do you not realize this is why the entire world is tired of you? Wishing death on people's families and you still want us all to believe you are helpless victims persecuted for no reason at all, kicked out of 109 countries because "muh antisemitism"?
Tick Tock motherfuckers.
Pity them, the eternal victims, always persecuted for no reasons at all.
Yes, tick tock...time is running out and Ben Gurion airport is closed LOL
meh, not worried about ZioNAZIs. You are harming yourselves more than anyone else can.
If in your shoes I'd be worried about your own family....the resistance is coming you cowardly maggot.
Do something about it bitch.
grow up.
you sound as if you have already been cursed. lol
Just imagine if you will, at the height of the 3rd Reich collapse bombed by day, bombed by night. Allied armies navies and air moving in from all directions. No Nazi trains/river boats/vehicles can move, divisions/corps/armies being destroyed in detail every day but somehow at the very height and end of this societal collapse the efficiency of the Germanic people shows through and they stopped at exactly 6,000,000 million dead, not 6 million and 1 or 599,999,999 nope 6 million on the nose. I kneel at their commitment to numeric Teutonic precision.....
Yep, and the same magical number they had used before as well.
> .... so no reason to doubt Holocaust
There is a very good reason:
The Bad Arolsen Archive is the world’s only reliable central database for all Holocaust death and Holocaust survivor records. In 1979, a summary was published by the International Red Cross working at the Arolsen archive of their total mortality figures for the German wartime labour camps where the total dead from 13 of the biggest camps added up to 271,000.
In 1984 the Arolsen archive stated their records showed the total deaths in 16 German-controlled labor-camps (15 major ones plus “others” p.82) amounted to 282,000.
In 1993 that number was updated to 296,000, of whom 60,000 in Auschwitz.
The almanac of the “American Jewish Committee”, which appears new every year, announced the following numbers of Jews in the world:
in the 1945 edition on page 367: 15,192,089;
for 1946, this number increased by 516,549 to 15,753,638;
1947 (on page 748), 1948 (page 572) and 1949 (page 289): ~ 15.5 million
1950: 11,500,000. Why? Who eliminated about 4,000,000 Jews between 1949 and 1950?
As for the homicidal gas chambers:
The 3-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948 states:
"The delegates of the ICRC found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report never hints at any human gas chambers."
Mr. U. Jost, the then-manager of the Bad Arolsen Archive, declared in 2006 that amongst its millions of documents it had no record suggesting death by cyanide – evidently it was safe for them to make such a statement.
Nowhere in a huge, permanent “Holocaust exhibition” spanning 2 floors in the London War Museum in Lambeth does it say or imply that cyanide gas chambers had people in them.
A can of the Zyklon insecticide is on display – and visitors are informed it was used in the delousing chamber (its only mention of the delousing chambers).
Jewish Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, according to his “If This Is a Man” (1957), neither saw nor heard of any evidence for human gas chambers during his spell at Auschwitz-Monowitz.
And there is plenty more technical evidence that homicidal gas could have existed.
Thank you for the data. The facts have been intolerable for Jewish profiteers on shoah-schema, this is why honest historians in WWII were harassed, assaulted, and imprisoned by the vicious Jewish supremacists.
The research of engineers and chemists re the slanderous memes about “gas chambers &ovens” in the camps was particularly intolerable for the tribe. The most aggressive thugs were coming from the ADL created in memory of a Jewish rapist and murderer Leo Frank. Global Jewry has no shame.
The tiny minority of the highly intelligent, ethical and principled Jewish individuals is hated by the tribe. In the US alone, sick Judaic indoctrination has produced a large number of psychotic believers in holobiz memes. Add to that an army of demented and aggressive rabbis who should be either institutionalized or repatriated to Israel. The bad infestation of the US with the lying, whining, and parasitic Zionist scum is detrimental for American citizenry and humanity at large.
Unsurprisingly, the first real gas chamber was created by a Jew Isai Berg, an operative of the soviet secret police, who personally practiced his murderous invention on political prisoners.
Americans are still unaware about the scale of genocidal actions imposed by Jewish Bolsheviks on the people of Russia after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in 1918. The genocidal Jewish revolutionaries like Trotsky were financed by British and American Jewish bankers like Warburg and Schiff.
Thanks for this addition, Anna, I agree with everything you state because it is factual. The thing that many/most Jews cannot stand is facts exposing the holohoax (I like grr's "hollowhoax" even better) and the rest of their historic scheming.
a flock of flies attracted to shit.
The Bolsheviks were not Jewish. You are full of shit lol
Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) - People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Trotsky was one of the key figures in the Bolshevik Party and played a crucial role in the organization of the Red Army.
Lev Kamenev (Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld) - He was initially appointed as the People's Commissar for Internal Affairs but was soon replaced due to political disagreements. However, he remained influential in the early Soviet government.
Grigory Sokolnikov (Hirsh Brilliant) - He served as the People's Commissar for Finance.
Zinoviev. Almost every top commander in the Cheka.
How many fingers? Winston
Actually, large majority of the revolutionionaries in Russia were Jews, including the Bolsheviks . Whether you like it or not .
you are out of your depth.
be quiet and you may learn something.
I suppose the mass shootings of the Jews never happened right?
Which mass shootings are you talking about? Please explain your comment with facts.
The mass shootings of the Jews in tbe ussr by the Germans, that never happened according to you right?
Maybe he reffers to Babiy Yar.
mass shootings of jews, poles, russians, ukranians etc etc
you are not exclusive
now add to that palestinians, cambodians, vietnamese etc
you are not exclusive
now add nagasaki and hiroshima
you are not exclusive
get out of your funk
"German wartime labour camps"
And that is exactly what they were. Not "concentration" camps, not death camps. Death camps don't have clinics for inmates.
Why argue about the WWII genocide when we have an obvious one today right in our own backyard, and Netanyahu is doing it, murdering civilians to get rid of them. He does not believe people have souls and his god is a jealous murderer. Israel is evil, a nuclear terrorist state, and the quicker Netanyahu falls the better and the Palestinians get a state, the better. Get rid of Netanyahu and he carries the genocide, not Israel.
I will argue holocaust deniers, we shouldn't give them leeway to spew their insane poison.
LOL. Keep sucking that Zio foreskin. Oops you can't, the rabbi bit them off.
You are scum of the earth.
Holocaust deniers is a contradiction in terms: it is not possible to deny something that did not happen.
It is possible to deny something that didn’t or didn’t happen. You are a grade A moron
The world actually needs to get rid of ZioNazistan altogether.
not only israel has failed
we all have failed.
...and again and again. seems to me that preserving a humanity that is in constant state of genocide-ing itself is not worth preserving, don't you?
idiot - go to the pro Gaza protests - full of Jews protesting on behalf of Gaza. Full of banners saying "I am a descendant of a Holocaust survivor and condemn israel"
50% of American Jews under 40 do not support Israel.
This place is for intelligent debate, not holocaust deniers.
I see what you did there: associating holocaust denier with unintelligent debater. Not so clever. Also, unless you're the host of the blog (Simplicius) or one of his moderators, you don't have a damn leg to stand on to try to control the topic of discussion, so kindly piss off please.
There's nothing to deny regarding the holocaust, because it didn't happen. You're the one making things up when you talk about it.
Nah the holocaust deniers need to piss off.
Thank you Wormtongue!
Saves a lot of time. I'm sure there are plenty of fantasy blogs you could move on to.
Speaking of fantasies, soap made from Jews gassed in their millions, lampshades made from their skin. And the knife sharpening machines on site as the Germans realised it was cheaper to stab rather than shoot (although that particular tall tale didn't stand the test of time).
no one listens to you here either.
Argh, more "Hollowhoax" survivors. One would think there would be very few considering the magical six million.
Now run along Droy, I have another psyop for you, CV19, it's deadly and real so make sure you are up to your 9th booster.
There's no way on Earth it's that high. Even 18-30 it's only maybe 25-30%.
OK I'm going from a quote I heard not the original source.
But off the record or in a private poll I bet there is a lot more disgust amongst non-Israeli jews than anyone dare mention. If you see one Pro-Palestinian jew that implies a hell of a lot of bravery and a lot more in the shadows.
Israeli jews - that is a different matter. The majority there seem to think that raping prisoners is an internal disciplinary matter for the armed forces not a crime.
Those US Jews you are talking about? That's about 15-20% of them, max.
Yes, it is interesting. When asked who do you support, Israel or the Palestinians, 18% of US Jews say the Palestinians! And fully 13% of US Jews support Hamas! Incredible.
Maybe 11% of them are not ok with this war in Gaza.
I doubt it i that low. Unlike us gentiles who mostly don't care much, Jews all know exactly what is going on. And lets face it you have to be pretty vile to be pro-israel if you understand the real situation.
Oh poor Shitrael. The Eternal Victim is victimised once again.
Ah, you made it to first post!
Yes, my life long ambition has been realised. I am now at peace with the world.
Except for USA/UK/NATO and all their puppet vassel countries/Ukraine/Shitrael.
And a few others that don't come to mind right now.
Your lifelong ambition has been to be the first to comment on this article? Well, it's better than having no ambition at all.
LOL I thought sarcasm was widely recognised.
Sorry. I'm a dimwit.
Judging you by your misinformed (orr dishonest) posts here I fully agree. You certainly are.
Yes, you would like to think so, but no.
Charles's comment wasn't sarcasm also?
Maybe I need to dial down my sarcasm sensor.
Yes... you may suffer a sargasm.
here's treat to celebrate, well done!!!
The West is a minority of the world anyway.
Congrats, Grr. You're in the club of notable mentions. It takes great skill, patience, and determined will to achieve the honour of "First".
LOL, with deep regret I can't accept your congrats mate, it was purely a Cohencidence.
Ah, you're just being modest, mate. It is said like a true hero. lol
> "We raised half a million dollars" (to get a paedophile out of the USA and to safety in Israel)
Never forget what they do
Destroyed thousands & shot them all down? Proof of this or this is same as the Ukraine lies?
Shot them all down and stepped on them and skvished them.
(Like the Nihilists threatened in the Big Lebowski.)
Not the carpet man...
They didn’t destroy any. They definitely shot some down but I think all of the targets got hit.
“Israel goes the way of Rhodesia”
I’ve been saying and hoping for exactly this, if Simplicus says so then I know it’ll happen. All hail Simplicus the Wise!
Rhodesia didn’t disappear until it was repudiated by the UK and US, same with Apartheid South Africa, and you never heard of the “Rhodesia Lobby” or ARPAC. There are more twists in this one…
If I recall back in ‘85 the South Africans were in the verge of defeating the commies in Angola when Regan stopped them. If they had succeeded Africa would have been changed forever.
A two state solution is impossible because Israelis have been brainwashed for three generations to believe the Palestinians are subhuman, that Palestine belongs to them, all of it, that they are superior humans and have a right to take whatever they want. The Israelis would not be able to stop attacking an independent Palestine.
This is why Israel must be dismantled and a free Palestine established, a democracy, where any Israelis who wish to remain and become Palestinians do so and the rest go back to where they came from. Zionism and Zionist Israel must be totally eradicated.
It is bizarre to talk about how many Zionist and Jewish colonist fighters were killed in their invasion and genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1947/48 when many more thousands of Palestinians died as victims, nearly a million were driven out and 530 towns and villages were wiped from the face of the earth by the colonial Ziojewish thugs.
During the Clinton administration, an agreement was made to create a two-state solution. Yassar Arafat chose not to live up to his promises.
As if the Jew is ever honest in their dealings.
You should not condemn all followers of a religion for the crimes of some.
Yes. It's a truly antisemitic remsrk.
So what.
Those who are irresponsible in their condemnations lose credibility. That is the so what. It is wrong to criticise all members of a group, religious, national or whatever for the actions of some fanatics. Israeli society may largely be comprised of fanatics but they do not represent Judaism or all Jews.
The new is a race of dim merchants.
How about the crimes "of most"?
Or the heinous crimes "of some", when most of their fellows unite to protect those evildoers?
I actually admire a number of Jews who have stood, and stand, against this evil by their fellows. That takes courage and real commitment to moral principles.
Yet the reality is that the majority of Jews in Palestine and very large numbers elsewhere, support genocide of the Palestinians.
Incidentally, the defining characteristic of the group is not religion but ethnicity and community identity. Large numbers of Jews are "secular", which is to say unbelievers in the religion but believers in the godhood of themselves.
The concept of Jews as an ethnic group was invented by the atheist Zionists.
They are a religion. Put a Jew from the US, Ethiopia, England, South Africa, Scotland, France, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Israel, China, India in a room and they have absolutely NOTHING in common but the religion. They do not even have a language in common let alone a culture.
The atheist fake Jews believe they have ethnicity but they do not. In fact a lot of Jews detest Israeli Jews and some despise them. And within Judaism there is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic divide and they all despite the African Jews.
True, but there are also those who are atheist but self-identify as Jewish, as have done ALL the ZioNazis, Herzl included.
> And within Judaism there is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic divide and they all despite the African Jews.
True, and the Ashkenazis, who are at the top of the pecking order, depise the Sephardic Jews.
In fact, none of the various Jewish groups that you have mentioned ever compalin about "anti-Semitism", it is only the Ashkenazis who complain about it AND use it to shut down any discussion they don't like.
The same DNA profile though.
Vast majority of Israeli Jews do support genocide of Palestinians, -- fact.
85% of US Jews say it's very important to support Israel.
95% of "israelis" support their "government's" treatment of the Palestinians, 40% even believe it is not harsh enough.
And this is why all Israelis must be treated as war criminals, whenever they run from their “promised land “
Since most Israelis serve in the military at some point then the same principles should apply to their culpability as was applied to the German woman convicted at the age of 99 because she was a secretary in her Twenties in a concentration camp. Former and current Israeli soldiers carry far more guilt than she could have done.
That’s just as unfair as Israelis saying all Palestinians are terrorists.
The good Jews are irrelevant. We are fighting the Jews. Just as we say we fought the Japanese and Germans in WW2. Is that racist? Well yes it is. Try fighting an existential war and not lose your humanity.
You are not fighting Jews, followers of a religion, you are fighting Zionist Israel a military colonial entity in Palestine. Yes, many of them are Jews, but this is not a battle against the religion of Judaism and its followers. Many Jews oppose Israel and always have done, particularly the Orthodox. Too many Jews have supported Israel but that is also changing.
We can acknowledge the guilt of Jews who have supported Israel and also the innocent of those who reject the Zionist State. Unfortunately Judaism has no governing body which can speak for the religion. More Jews need to stand up and utterly reject Israel.
The Palestinians are very clear they are not fighting Jews, they are resisting their occupiers. They say repeatedly that they would resist them if they were Lithuanian or Korean or whatever. That it’s not their religion or ethnicity or culture, it’s their oppression of Palestine.
Have you ever heard the Jewish term "Frier"? It's not for chicken or French fries. It means 🍭.
So then no one with the word "sucker" in their vocabulary is "ever honest in their dealings"?
The term is also used in Russian slang, meaning someone who has not served time, someone who is not in the know.
Of course, Dhdh, Jesus was a disgusting liar.
And here is the Zionist troll from Unit 8200 (wasn't your office hit Sunday?) repeats the well worn lie of Camp david.
That was not a State. That was a bantustan where the Israelis had military control over land, sea and air borders. The Palestinians would have been fools to agree to it. Such a fake state would have been no different to Gaza, a concentration camp, surrounded by an electric fence with Israelis snipers ready to shoot any man, woman, child or dog who came near the fence.
Perhaps more critical, the Israelis are consummate liars and played the two state game while working to rid Palestine of non-Jews. They had no intention of giving up any part of Palestine and no intention as the historical records attest, of ever allowing an independent Palestinian State.
Quote: To begin with, the often-repeated line that Barak offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 96% of the West Bank for a state is completely untrue. Barak offered the Palestinians 96% of Israel’s definition of the West Bank, meaning they did not include any of the areas already under Israeli control, such as settlements, the Dead Sea, and large parts of the Jordan Valley. This meant that Barak effectively annexed 10% of the West Bank to Israel, with an additional 8-12% remaining under “temporary” Israeli control for a period of time.
In return for this annexation, Palestinians would be offered 1% of desert land near the Gaza Strip. Thus, Palestinians would need to give up 10% of the most fertile land in the West Bank, in exchange for 1% of desert land. Not to mention that if the past record is any indicator, the additional 8-12% under “temporary” Israeli control would remain so forever.
In addition to all of this, Israel demanded permanent control of Palestinian airspace, three permanent military installations manned by Israeli troops in the West Bank, Israeli presence at Palestinian border crossings, and special “security arrangements” along the borders with Jordan which effectively annexed additional land.
The cherry on top of all of these stipulations, is that Israel would be allowed to invade at any point in cases of “emergency”. As you can imagine, what constituted an emergency was left incredibly vague and up to interpretation. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and the Palestinian government would not be able to enter into alliances without Israeli permission. None of these are ingredients for the creation of an actual sovereign state.
But the Israeli conditions did not end here. In the case of East Jerusalem, which was supposed to be the capital of the Palestinian state, Israel refused any form of Palestinian sovereignty over the majority of the city, including many Palestinian neighborhoods. It should be noted that the PA agreed to Israeli sovereignty over Jewish neighborhoods and the Buraq wall, and even proposed Israel annex settlements in East Jerusalem in return for land swaps elsewhere. This was met with Israeli intransigence, and an insistence that the Noble Sanctuary remain under Israeli sovereignty, and that a part of it should be reserved for Jewish worshippers.
Thanks for including all of this Roslyn, if I had a dollar for every time Hillary Clinton continued to spew these very lies I'd be as WEALTHY as Hillary Clinton!
{Articles started emerging saying that this was the perfect test for Arafat’s intentions and that he failed miserably, and asserted that the Palestinians refused to make any concessions or compromise on anything.}
Unfortunately ZIJ, Zionists, Israelis, Jews control the mainstream media and few people bothered to look beyond that. Times have changed. While mediums like this and social media have their flaws, they provide an opportunity to disseminate facts and information which did not exist in the past to the same degree. One could argue that social media is the equivalent of the Victorian age of people handing out privately printed flyers on street corners.
So, today it is easier to lie but also much easier to refute the lies.
{So, today it is easier to lie but also much easier to refute the lies.}
It was reported Israel invested one billion dollars on their propaganda campaign However within hours of every egregious lie they continued to spew regarding 10-07 - people were factually disputing every allegation. The dead babies, the rapes, all of it. In the past this wasn't remotely possible let alone within hours.
Israel, Ukraine, world elections, outraged farmers, ongoing citizen protests all have pushed the deep states of the world to advance their efforts to end alternative media, and to end citizen participation in and access to it as well. England is at the forefront, but within the EU it is everywhere.
Precisely. There were experts in various fields, including military around the world refuting the Israeli claims that Palestinians beheaded, microwaved, hung on lines, incinerated babies and even the Israeli police dropped the rape claims for lack of evidence and witnesses.
And the military experts quickly said the Palestinians do not have the weapons to incinerate people, cars, homes, only the Israelis could do that and they did as some Israeli survivors attested. And now everyone knows about the Hannibal Directive they put in place where they kill their own to prevent hostages being taken and where they can also kill non-Jews.
Very helpful, thank you
Excellent summation. And thanks for the link. Lies need support. Truth stands against all.
That was during the Carter Administration.
Carter may have had some integrity but ZIJ has been running the US Government and Presidents for decades.
Just to clarify, are you saying this deal was under Carter not Clinton? Sincere question
GRR made a reference to Camp David and I confused it with the Oslo Accords. Clinton was president when the Oslo Accords were signed. In other words I was mistaken.
Thank you, I appreciate your taking the time to tell me.
And thank you for being awesome!
Even if that were true, and it is not, it would be irrelevant right now, with Israel and the US unequivocally running a Genocide. Do you really not get that?
Arafat gave away the store.Read the Oslo accords. And even then the Zionists sabotaged it. The Zionazis have no intention to give up one inch of Greater Israel to the Palestinians.
This is a completely false statement.
Yeah, and neither did the Israelis. They never do - they love killing Palistinians.
It wasn’t an “agreement”. It was extortion.
Have you ever read the terms of such "offers" from the Beast's side? It wouldn't be an independent country in the slightest. These 'offers' over the years were pure bullshit as Israeli leadership would never, ever, even the most liberal ones, allow for an independent Palestinian state on what they consider Jewish land. These 'offers' were cynical red herrings at best.
And the earth is flat.. and it’s 6,000 years old.. any other alt truths you wish to share with us while you’re at it??
🤣 poor little ZioNazistan getting screwed by Arafat, and genocidal sly fox General Rabin was so naive to let it happen? Yeah, sure 🤣
That is an outright lie and gaslighting, it was the Israel's who did not live up to their end of the bargin.
The 2000 Camp David Summit, involving U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, aimed to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. However, it ended without an agreement due to irreconcilable differences, particularly regarding the status of Jerusalem. The failure of the summit is considered one of the main triggers for the Second Intifada. While all three leaders made missteps, Clinton primarily blamed Arafat and the Palestinians for the negotiations’ failure.
No deal the Palestinians could ever accept was made and the rest is just Zio lies about Arafat. Who the Israelis assassinated anyway.
Read some facts on how the Palestinians were never offered a State. Bantustans yes, concentration camps yes, but never a State.
All are goyim to the Jew. So says their stupid Bronze Age book that also justifies pedophilia.
There is no 2 state solution possible now because there are 3 governments involved. A 3 state solution is possible.
Cragoe, repeating this doesn't make it any less stupid.
There are not three Governments. There is one Government, the Israeli military colonial ruler. The PA is an Israeli stooge and Hamas is a political party and a critical factor in the Resistance. Neither of them are Governing anything.
A commonly overlooked fact. Nothing in 'Palestine' is under Palestinian control - military, food, water,, energy, exports, imports, freedom of movement, freedom to travel, freedom from settler violence - and so much else - all under the control of the Beast. Who could possibly say that Palestinians govern? They only have representatives, not governors.
Exactly. Israel as the military colonial ruler issues every Palestinian with an ID card including those in the Gaza concentration camp. The cards are handed out by the PA but they are processed by the Israeli regime.
This was stated in Haaretz recently in an article by Amira Hass correcting Israelis who delusionally thought that Gaza was free, independent and self governing.
TikTok has afforded GenZs in the U.S. [ and elsewhere ] an opportunity to catch a glimpse beyond the propaganda & suppression, which has been helpful in breaking the hypnotic trance.
Nobody can read about the Nakba & remain indifferent.
Part of the media mesmerism is to focus exclusively on the 7 October attack as if it were an isolated incident, unconnected to any prior history between Israelis & Palestinians.
The mesmerism only works if one fails to connect the dots. Thank God for TikTok--and for pamphlets like yours printed on substacks like this, which is its own letterpress
You don't understand: for the ZioNazis history started on 7 Oct.
Yes agree. Closed minds will never be open but open minds can and will take information and facts provided and process them.
Hamas governs the biggest concentration camp the world has ever seen.
Hamas governs nothing. As a prisoner support group it manages as best it can the misery of the concentration camp as Gaza but it is the Israeli military colonial regime which governs all Palestine and all Palestinians.
It is the Israelis who process and issue an ID card for every single Palestinian including those in Gaza.
It is Israel which decides who can enter or leave the Gaza concentration camp.
It is Israel which decides if water, power, food, medicine, internet, phones will be available to the Gaza concentration camp.
It is Israel which dictates who will live and die in Occupied Palestine including Gaza.
Does not sound like much governing done by anyone but the Israelis.
True, you are right.
Confirms much of the facts you stated ( by Larry Johnson):
Correct. It MUST be a single state.
With all Palestinians returned to their ancestral lands.
That ship sailed.
It appears that Sunday's Hezbollah attack on the Unit 8200 base has sent the filth scurrying and some such as the Jew Baglady have emerged from the depths of depravity in which they dwell, and made it to here.
No, that ship did not sail. In a free Palestine all in the Diaspora can return home. Most Israelis will go back to where they came from and the illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine will be perfect for the returnees.
Not going to happen.
It will happen because Palestine will be free from Zioraeli military colonial rule and Zionist Israel will no longer exist.
The world does not need Israel but Israel cannot exist without the support of the world. The Palestinians now have the support of the world and Israel is on the way out.
She never heard of the Samson Option.
Has it? Who decided that?
Ancestoral lands in Syria, Egypt?
Keep dreaming..
Ashkenazi originated in Turkey, according to the recent DNA research.
Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
As for Zionists, the majority are mongrels of uncertain origin; many are from Bandera land and exhibit all the features of the SS Galicia members known for their despicable sadism and idiotic supremacist beliefs.
In all truth, the Hebes are brainwashed since birth for thousands of years that all non-jews are simply cattle and exist purely for the leisure and pleasures of "the chosen ones". You can check it up. It's in their holy books and teachings. No one's gonna erase that from them. Fuck them and may someone wipe the filth off the planet asap.
The Karaite Jews aren't. They're Torah only.
They've also a small minority, and been the subject of constant abuse by their own for their beliefs.
For that matter, the Satmar Hassidim consider Israel to be literally satanic.
When you see Hassidic Jews at pro-Palestinian protests, they are typically Satmar.
It is the Palestinians who are brainwashed. Never have a people made ever wrong decision possible. If you want to win, just bet against the Palestinians.
Occupied and colonised people can only make one decision, to die fighting on their feet or die on their knees crushed by their oppressors. There are no other decisions they can make.
The world now knows the evil truth of the Zioraeli state and its genocidal foundation and function. Israel will not last another decade and the world will cheer for the same reasons it cheered the end of Nazi Germany.
Spare me this woke nonsense. Palestinians could live in peace with Israelis, but chose not to do so. And your Jew hate is pretty obvious too.
Completely false, ridiculous, anti-historical claptrap.
Well, it sucks to be Palestinian.
Only because it sucks to live under the Beast's foot.
That’s the only thing you can prove?? 😂 you come off the hasbara production line after the billions that go in?? No wonder the Zionists and their ethnostate are doomed..
Prove one thing is false. Just one will do.
My comment was to Evi, not to you. I completely agree with you.
Hard not to hate the sub-human filth innit Baglady?
Many thousands of us are Jews.
Then you should be ashamed at what Ziorael has done in your name.
I think it’s your Jew hate that blinds you.
Jews are not able to live “in peace.” Your Zionist founding fathers were self proclaimed terrorists. Guess, in your yeshiva they do not teach about Lehi & Irgun bandits and about Jabotinsky admiration for Mussolini.
Your profitable shoah- schema is based on slanderous lies. And your ziocons have been collaborating with Ukrainian Nazis since 1990-s.
Your sick tribe hates those Jewish individuals who are honorable, principled, and highly intelligent. Israeli IQ =92, behind 39 smarter nations. Hatred and supremacist lunacy made Jews stupid.
The real Jew haters are those who say the atrocity which is the Israeli military colonial occupation regime represents Judaism and its followers.
This is not about peace. This is about justice. When a sadistic and bestial military colonial regime crushes you there is no peace or justice. End Zionist Israel and there is justice and peace.
Nothing Woke about civilized principles which underpin a civilized world.
Israel is a bestial, sadistic and savage occupier, coloniser committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft and it has done so for nearly 80 years. If condemning that is Woke then we need more Woke people.
Idiot comment about hating Jews. I defend Judaism and its followers because I reject Israeli, Zionist and the claims of some deranged Jews, that Judaism and Jews support and promote atrocities, evil and genocide, occupation, colonisation, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder and theft.
You claim they do so you are the anti-semite. You must really hate Jews.
Hamas are psychotic murders and the PA is a kleptocracy organized crime ring. They both steal aid from their people. Israel is not going away. Sadly the Palestinian people are in misery thanks to the Palestinian leadership.
And the truth is no Arab country wants Palestinians around. So much for ummah. Why is that?
Why repeat Zioraeli propaganda when it is so obviously a lie? Hamas was elected in the first place because it was not corrupt like the PLO and was actually effective in helping to ease the misery of Palestinians under brutal Israeli military colonial occupation rule. The Israelis rejected that election so Hamas was elected to nothing.
Most Hamas senior officials are in Israeli jails and have been for decades. Those remaining in the Gaza concentration camp have proven to be again effective in helping to assuage Palestinian suffering. The UN and international aid agencies have attested to that.
Hamas could not even come close to the sadistic atrocities of the Israelis. It is by comparison benign. And Hate to break it to you but the Palestinians, including Hamas ARE THE VICTIMS AND ISRAEL IS THE AGGRESSOR IN A BESTIAL COLONIAL WAR AGAINST THE NATIVE PEOPLE WHOSE LAND IT HAS STOLEN.
However, even if Hamas was corrupt and all you claim as holocaust survivor Gabor Mate said:
"Take the worst thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by 1,000 times and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians"
P.S. Zioraelis say Hamas is all sorts of things but the world knows they lie and lie and lie and lie. No-one believes anything they say and the proof to the opposite of what they say is so easy to find. You should try it. Lies make you look like a fool.
> Hamas are psychotic murders
If they were, they would not have left the slaughter of those 1200 civilians to the IOF.
And talking about the IOF, all they are good at is slaughtering defenceless women, children (preferably babies), the elderly and the sick. Hence their butchery orgy since 7 Oct.
Last time they took on a real opponent, in 2006, they got their ass handed to them on a platter, as acknowledged publicly by 2 ZioNazi generals.
This time it will not be merely getting their ass handed to them, they will get wiped out. That's what one always does with vermin.
Hamas are a resistance group, and are far more civilised than the Zionists.
Also the Israel government funded Hama to undermine the secular PLO.
"And the truth is no Arab country wants Palestinians around. So much for ummah. Why is that?"
Same logic can be used against the Jews yes? So you are anti sematic as well then. Cool
There is only 1 problem: the ZioNazis do not want to live in peace with the Palestinians, aside from the FACT that the ZioNazis are squatting on stolen land where they have no business to be.
You need to educate yourself about the term "woke".
There is no such thing as woke, it is a right wing hijacking term, and used by right wingers too scared to call out feminists.
Zionists killing raping and abusing Palestinians is not woke nonsense.
The Palestinians have tried living in peace and they got attacked and killed anyway, take your gaslighting elsewhere.
They tried peaceful right to return marches and shot at them and killed them.
Let me guess--you've never read a book about the history of Zionism, or the Mandate period, or the circumstances of the founding of the "state" of Israel, am I right?
Read plenty of books, been all over Israel, Gaza, Golan Heights, and the West Bank. Palestinians were betrayed by the surrounding Arab countries and are in a terrible position. But the solution is either try to figure out how to live in peace or continued war. War is not working for them.
Clearly you did not read the right books. And if you have been all over Israel and Occupied Palestine and Occupied Syria as you claim then you were not looking carefully enough.
The Palestinians have been betrayed by everyone. However, if Zionists and Jews had not invaded in 1947 and their Arab allies had not lost the fight against their European invaders, none of this violence would have happened.
Being colonised and brutally occupied by Israelis is not working for them. Violent resistance is working for them.
Israel has lost against the Palestinian Resistance which includes Hamas and is imploding. The world detests Israel and more people now know the truth of its genocidal foundation and function ever since. The Israeli economy is in ruins and it cannot defeat the Palestinian Resistance, or the Lebanese Resistance, or indeed the Syrian Resistance to its occupation.
The Iranians carefully demonstrated they can take out Israel and the Iron Dome is useless and the Americans cannot protect them.
Israel is self sufficient in nothing but ego, violence and hatred. Close its ports and airports and it is done in a week.
Might is right. But only sometimes.
Did the victims of the Nazi Holocaust “make wrong decisions”?
Yeah they did.
The Israelis are also not Nazis.
The Zionist Israelis are on a par with German Nazis and rocketing toward top of the ladder for genocidal slaughter and atrocities. In fact they are at the top because the Germans were doing it for around five years and the Israelis have been committing the same atrocities and worse for nearly 80 years.
"The Israelis are also not Nazis."
You're correct. Israelis are murder-worshiping sociopaths. The National Socialists were not only a collection of some of the finest political minds in Germany but they were also not insane.
Incidentally, Hitler's doctor was a jew.
The Israeli "leadership" is functionally insane. They're also murder-worshiping sociopaths who need to be collected and stubbed out before a spark from them ignites the hay field that makes up Israeli politics burning down the whole world around our ears.
You are right, Israeli culture, society and State is mentally ill to the point of deranged psychotic. There are a few brave exceptions but they are too few to make a difference.
If Israel were an individual it would have been locked up long ago to protect others and itself.
And what many do not know is that Jews fought in the German Army and some were officers. In fact there was a Jewish battalion which I think served in Scandinavia.
Much said about the Nazis has come through the funnel of Zio propaganda. Sure they did some terrible things but it has been distorted as well. History is written by the victors.
What will the Palestinians write about the Israelis?
A wild Nazi appears.
Jabotinsky wrote about profound influence of Italian fascism on the formation of the fascist Jewish state. Mussolini proudly called the dog-faced Jabotinsky a Jewish fascist.
Read your zionist Nahum Goldmann (the producer of the profitable and fraudulent holobiz schema) who knew both Mussolini and jabotinsky.
Correct, they are ZIONAZIS, and as such they have surpassed their Third Reich role models.
1. Their Zionist "leadership" betrayed Germany in 1916 by convincing the US to enter the war on behalf of the allies.
2. The 1917 Balfour Declaration was the payoff for that betrayal.
3. The Zionists supported the extreme punitive measures against Germany contained in the Treaty of Versailles.
4. The world Zionist Federation declared war on Germany in 1933, as soon as the National Socialists came to power.
5. Too many did not take the opportunity to peacefully leave the country when they had the chance to do so before WWII broke out.
That the zionists declared war on Germany is an oft overlooked fact. The zionists successfully implemented a global blockade against German goods that severely impacted the German economy. Germany, as a result, began treating Jews as enemies of the state in much similar manner as the US treated its Japanese citizens after their attack on Pearl Harbor, by confining them in concentration camps where their labour was put to use in Germany's war efforts.
You rarely hear about this aspect of history because it messes up the zionist 'victim' status.
People also overlook the fact that fear in Europe was huge after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, created and led by Jews. I am not condoning just explaining that the discrimination toward Jews by the Germans was about more than simple religious racism.
The Zionist propaganda for a century has been powerful and the gift in the curse of Palestinian suffering today is that more of the truth is coming out and being disseminated.
Please stop. This is a cruel lie. I am a Balkan Slav and I lost 5 family members to the Nazi occupation. If you’re against settler colonialism, you have to understand that WW2 was essentially a settler colonial project by the Nazi reich against Eastern Europe. There is no other way to understand the Nazi policies of Generalplan OST and liebensraum. Jewish and Roma populations, who mainly lived in Eastern Europe and were highly scapegoated were slated for destruction first. But it was generally understood that the idea was to normalize genocide and then go on to depopulate all of Eastern Europe to make way for German settlers. I’m so sick of western propaganda about the red scare. It’s been used to justify all kinds of horrors (ie carpet bombing and napalming children). Before someone mentions, yes I know that some Slavs (ie some Croats and Ukrainians) were used by the Nazis against their own kin. However, most, including my ancestors, understood that if the Nazis won, they would be toast, like the “civilized tribes” who sided with British settlers in North America but were promptly genocided when the settlers wanted their land. Which is why most Croats and Ukrainians joined the resistance as well.
The Jews underestimated how much the Nazis hated them.
Why is it that Zionist arguments invariably devolve into "might is right!"
Except when Zionists are the victims. Then might is no longer right.
Take away Washington's backing from Netanyahu and he is reduced to what he really is: a bumbling hair growth salesman.
Ok, but how exactly this two-state solution can be implemented, given Israeli settlements are on the Palestinian land?
There has never been a nation called Palestine. There is a TERRITORY called Palestine and Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there.
I am not really sure what do you mean. I was commenting on the two-state solution (the last sentence in Simplicius’ report). In other words, the state and not the nation.
Shut up Jew.
What does that have to do with anything when it was "Palestinian land" being referred to? This doesn't denote state ownership, but ownership to a people. However, I must disagree as it is clear there has always been a Palestinian nation; also a Palestinian region as the area has always been called and marked on maps.
A nation is not a nation state nor a state necessarily a nation, etc, despite states trying to hammer nations down into some sort of amorphous citizenship defined top down by power elites, as opposed to the states being formed bottom up by the people who create the state and grant it its power.
Clemens you are an imbecile.
Oh FFS, as if that matters? There has never been a nation called Israel, since they stole a territory called Palestine and they claim to be a bunch of Jews, which is a religion. So what's your point?
Time to have a nation.
Is this why the majority of Jews prefer to live in western countries, away from their savage relatives in jewish state?
So fucking what
There just as much has never been a nation called Israel in modern sense of the word, and even in the pictures in the original article above you can see mentions of Jews *returning* to this region after 2000 years of absence.
The descendants of the ancient Jews never left. They are called Palestinians.
> Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there
So what gave the Jews the right to steal that land when they only made up 3% of the population?
It always makes me sad when I read that someone has no pity on a race of people who were murdered and starved simply because they were born Jews. At one time, the world stood up to fascism and created a safe refuge for the survivors of the holocaust. Whether you like it or not, Ernesto, a tiny chunk of land was given to the Jews out of compassion.
Yes, the world stood up to fascism, and that was good and needed. In fact, after WW2 fascism was even taboo, one could adhere to those principles without being ostracized, if not worse.
However, now fascism is cool again. To wit: "israel" is fascist state and is enthusiastically supported by the West; in fact, those who do not support it are attacked verbally and physically by the governments themselves, despite the fact that "israel" has surpassed what is undoubtedly its role model, the Third Reich.
2nd example: the Ukraine, a fascist state that is supported enthusiastically by none other than that same fascist loving West.
The Ukraine and "israel" are in fact neo-Nazi states that believe in their ethnic superiority, even though, ironically, Jews don't even constitute an ethnicity.
The Jews have never needed their own state as after WW2 they had the exact same rights as non-Jews in the countries they were living in. The
What the Jews have falsely argued is that they needed a country for self-determination. The is a lot of BS because e.g. British Jews had the exact same rights as the non-Jews in the and therefore had their own country AND self-determination. Unashamedly, the Jews in essence argued they needed a double right of self-determination: 1 in the UK (in this example) and 1 in a Jews-only country. That is bonkers, why make such an exception for the Jews?
Why not give e.g. the stamp collectors their own country?
Furthermore, the Jews were NOT given any land in Palestine, they stole it. The indigenous population was against it and the UN had no authority to grant the creation of a state, hence the Jews, EUROPEAN Jews no less who had no business there at all, created their racist dump illegally.
The Third Reich, as an Aryan supremacist entity, did not deserve to exist, so the successor does not deserve that right either.
And why make the indigenous population of Palestine pay the price for horrendous European war crimes? Why do those sanctimonious WW2 victors decide that "israel" is right: Never Again only applies to Jews?
No, the Jews did not need any compassion, as the proto Zionazis in Germany proved when they cooperated with the Nazis and even went as far as stopping Jews fleeing anywhere than to Palestine.
Thhose same ZioNazis had no problem lying about the Holocaust (there wasn't one) and cynically exploiting the memory of those Jews who did perish.
So please, spare me your melodramatic nonsense that, like the "country", its people and their beloved Holocaust, is purely based on lies.
While I cannot wholeheartedly agree with you about Israel, I am coming around to the proposition that the USA is the Great Satan. The Biden Crime Syndicate is 100% in the bag for their business partners in Ukraine and the 4th Reich is fully engaged in creating a one-world government.
I will stop supporting Zionism when all the Muslim countries allow Jews to live in peace within their many borders.
PS. Holocaust deniers are neo-Nazis and I am curious who counted the votes in the territory of Palestine to determine that the indigenous population felt the Jews did not deserve a place of safety.
If you are coming around to the proposition that the USA is the Great Satan, then, by definition, you are coming around to the proposition that "israel" is the Great Satan too because it is the latter that controls U.S. policy in the Middle East and Europe – U.S. government and Congress are ZOG, Zionist Occupied Government. In other words, bought and paid for by "israel" Lobby Crime Syndicate.
Thus, "israel" IS the Fourth Reich. Refusing to see that is closing your eyes to reality.
As for Jews living in peace within Muslim borders, they live in peace within all the North African border and many countries in the Middle East, incl. Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and even Iran!!!
So, your continued support for a genocidal political ideology modeled on and upgraded from the Third Reich because Jews not being able to live in Muslim countries is just a poor, depraved excuse.
LOL these chicken swinging inbred scumbags like Clemens are deluded to insane levels.
I blocked grr. What a disappointment to see his name appear again.
Now I've muted grr. Maybe things will get civil again.
There can be no two-state solution when there are 3 governments involved. Only a 3 state solution is possible.
One state. Secular.
the sooner Israel is no longer on this planet the better. The poliice forces of Germany and France and the US are a clear indication of this. I suppose that the people that created Israel are still here, as is obvious by the return of Nazism. Its al run by the same angloamercian foreign policy, but even so, Israel needs to end as soon as possible. Palestine, from the River to the Sea.
I was reading psychologist Gustave Mark Gilbert's Nuremberg Diaries recently. It is amusing that although Nazis supported the creation of Israel, some thought it was too unrealistic a plan (this coming from the idiots who thought they could depopulate and settle Eastern Europe).
It is often amusing whenever they talk about Palestine or other countries in this book. Just Nazis going crazy in prison talking to their psychologist while Göring pretends he still has rank and can lead the rest around. Great book really, it's where Göring's famous quote is from, on how riling up populations into supporting war works the same in every country and type of government. (
A couple excerpts from searching Palestine in my ebook:
Rosenberg on Jewish lebensraum: "Just as I wanted Lebensraum for Germany, I thought the Jews should have Lebensraum for themselves outside of Germany. There was no use trying to send them t Palestine, because it meant moving 800,000 Arabs out of the territory with the help of British bayonets."
Funny rant where Streicher goes insane and declares himself ready to be a Zionist, to laughter of Jodl and Rosenberg: "Yes, even if Hitler was living now, he would also admit that they are a spunky race. I would be ready to join them now and i help them in their fight! No, I am not joking!
Absolutely! I am not joking!—And do you know why? Because the democratic world is too weak and isn't fit to exist! I warned them for 25 years, but now I see that the Jews have determination and spunk. They will still dominate the world, mark my word! And I would be glad to help lead them to victory because they are strong and tenacious, and I know Jewry. I have spunk too! And I can stick to my guns! And if the Jews would be willing to accept me as one of them, I would fight for them, because when I believe in a thing, I know how to fight!
I have studied them so long, that I suppose I have adapted myself to their characteristics—at least I could lead a group in Palestine.—I am not joking. I'll give it to you in writing. [...] I know their plans so well I could help."
he wouldn't be accepted by them except as a useful goy. And I'm not saying that against my good friends who are jewish. Gilad Atzmon point to different types of Jews - the assimilated ones are beneficial to society. Those are my friends...but the jews in Israel are different and sadly, even my friends got fooled by them until this. Until Oct 7th. Its good its out in the open now. The beginning of the end.
I agree. Each decade more and more of the sane Israelis have left. More and more of the illegal Israeli settlements are made up with the worst elements of the Jewish population.
Did this prison psychologist, a Jew himself, mention the torture meted out to all the Nuremberg detainees?
Heaven forbid.
Thanks for the link, looks like a book worth reading
I completely agree with you. There is only one thing to do with the disease: eliminate it.
Israel could negotiate and let Hamas survive and govern Gaza. But the real sticking point is control of the border with Egypt. If Israel gives up control of that border, then Hamas can easily rearm. But If Israel controls a thick enough area along that border, then Hamas can't tunnel under the wall Egypt built to keep the Palestinians from going into Egypt. If Israel controls the Egyptian border and the sea, then Hamas will have a real difficulty rearming. This is why Hamas insists on getting control of the border back in their hands. And this is why the war may continue for some time.
Considering that the tunnels are hundreds of kilometres long how 'thick" would the Shitrael area need to be?
You aren't thinking logically.
Zionists are unable to negotiate with the “cattle.” They are a sick and monstrous extraction of supremacist Jews set on psychotic hatred and possessed by genocidal urges. Zionists are the shameless, merciless, lying, and arrogant scum - a refuse of humanity.
Please don't compare zionist roaches to humanity, even its scum. Zionists are proto-human neanderthalic monsters masquerading as humans. Don't believe me? Look at "Bibi" and the two little goblins following him around constantly blubbering about genociding the Palestinians. Nothing human at all to them in manner or appearance.
This is also why the Palestinian state was unacceptable to Palestinians. It only had borders with Israel. In other words, not a state at all.
I don't think a two-state solution is feasible, since there's too much conflict & bad blood in that region. I see Israel as a modern Crusader State, a forward base extending Western mercantile power into Asia (along with Ukraine & Taiwan). Thus, Israel's political life is tied to that of GAEmerican imperialism, which it depends on; I predict they will fall together.
"I don't think a two-state solution is feasible..." I agree...that ship has sailed if it was ever a realistic prospect anyway. Send the Zionists back to Europe. Let the Europeans sort it. The whole effed project is one nasty artifact at the end of the Brit Empire. Balfour and the Zionist banker concocting this non-stop trouble. Everything the Brits touched turned to shit. 10 days to plant a 90-something old queen. Embarrassing.
96. She was less than four years away from receiving a letter from...well, the queen. Poor thing, I hope her carcass is rotting nicely.
"Everything the Brits touch turns to shit."
There. Fixed it for ya. We are a US poodle wetting on everything the Americans tell us to. MI6 and the British elite working closely with the zionists are nearly always behind most of the negative shit that goes on in the world today. WWI. WWII. Israel. Ukraine. You nearly always find a hidden British hand behind all of it.
To quote Prince Andrew, "we're now back in the thick of playing the Great Game". More animated than ever, he stated cockily: “And this time we aim to win!” (c) WikiLeaks. Well, how does that play out for you boys?
touché -dhdh
The essential element in the success of guerrilla or asymmetric war is time. If you have a disciplined replenishable force, the support of the population, a relatively secure base (in this case the tunnels), and adequate supplies, you will very likely win. If you read Mao, or Ho or Giap--which Hamas and Hezbollah have obviously done--you know this. (Incidentally, the second largest militia in Gaza is the PFLP, that is, the communists) If you build your strategy around these principles and don't let yourself be stampeded by losses or emotion or setbacks you've got a very good shot at winning. Hezbollah plays the game like a master. Just enough to make a point and keep the fragile Israelis spinning like a top. Just enough to scare them and keep them scared. In my judgement the plan has never been to defeat the Israelis militarily--although Hezbollah certainly could. If they're forced to crush Israel militarily, they will. The plan is to exhaust and collapse Israel internally--and they're sticking to that wise approach. Given the fractured, chaotic, disconnected, emotional state of the Israeli population and the mania of the Israeli Right, the notion that Israel will last until mid-century is a very generous one. The Axis is patient, but not that patient. The next Arba'een, or perhaps the one after ,will likely be celebrated in Jerusalem--err I mean al Quds
It's stunning how feckless unthinking emotions govern both wars, in one instance rising to the pinnacle of depraved humanity--Israel v. Hamas--and in the other devolving into desperate terror attacks--OTAN-led *Ukraine* v. Russia. What both have in common is the U.S. as Enabler-in-Chief, a knee-jerk progenitor of Shock & Awe.
In an era of unparalleled military paperweights--Joe equipped Bibi w/ 14,000 2-ton bombs--it's down to the patience & discipline of a laser-focused army of lions fighting from a tunnel enclave to force Israel's self-annihilation
The key to dismantling the last vestige of European colonialism is not military defeat but economic ruin, that would lead to collapse. Israeli isolation and fall in status gets the ball rolling but the Global South developing an alternative to the western global financial system diminishing the dollars role as the global reserve trading currency and US debt as the world reserve asset, will cut the Israeli state away from whatever help that would be given for recovery.
The rich Arab states are becoming aware of the power they would wield in a new system. So why risk a regional conflict when a wider and more devastating victory can be at hand. If the world does shift to trade in local currencies wealth in dollars will be like wealth in any other currency but compared to the Saudi Riyal, Bahraini Dinar, Kuwaiti Dinar, Emirati Dirham the US dollar would be a far more inflated form of money in which a fall in value would be a very drastic fall in worth.The global banking system controlled by we know who, have some influence but not enough in the south and with the awakening of Russia on the global stage war will be very difficult to use as a weapon to save the Western financial system and in extension Israel as a State.
You’ve got it!
Yes, $ is the power. As you say, and more. Even without BRICS related developments, USD is terminally ill bcs of debt, and all the rot that accompanies it. That, as usual, is the origin of these conflicts. But this time it's truly global and relatively unblinkered.
Either the whole world goes up in smoke, or we emerge into something actually different. Business as usual is no more.
Second largest is Islamic Jihad, then Popular Resistance Committee, then Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades, then Fatah-Intifada, then Mujahedin Brigades. PFLP is way down there. They only have 2,000 fighters.
Early Christmas wish list:
✅ End of Israel
✅ RFK head of CIA
✅ USA 110th country
The rabid descendants of self-loathing Canaanites continue their descent into bloody insanity.