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Oct 9, 2023
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one day humanity will realize that 'human rights' amounts to what your oppressor says you have, and not an iota more.

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Unbelievable, who in the right mind would call this situation “surprised” action???

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Ask Siri “When will World war 3 start” and the answer is,28th November 2023

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Now is that true or are you being wicked?

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...a little of both?

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Ask Siri “Will Trump win the 2024 election?” and the answer is, “You NEED a new iPhone 15”

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It's actually start, a soft start when Trump gave go ahead of Killing Gen. Soleimani. That marked the end of US empire.

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Trumptards don't like to hear about that murder. And Trump still brags about it, he recently smugly praised him self in the Tucker Carlson i'view.

BTW the Iranians when they retaliated by sending missiles in to the US base on Iraq land warned the real retribution was coming....

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Yeah, Trump still as worst as the rest of US president before him. The difference is that he didn't start any war, nor he stopped it anyway.

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Please explain how you determine any specific maniacal rant from Iran to be any more prescient than those screamed every other day of the year.

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Please explain how you determine any specific maniacal rant from Iran to be any different to the inhuman filth coming out of the pieholes of Zionist whores such as Killary, Haley, Kameltoe, and Blinkin?

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And that is the rub, as the US is infiltrated and corrupted, including the three letter agencies. So, all in all, a deeply muddled mess. I do not think Mosad has any control of Hamas, despite whatever role they played in the intial founding to off set the PLO. I also think that very possibly Mosad is every bit as corrupt as our CIA FBI. The internal power struggles in Israel are real.

Yet I also know that Islam, as it evolved in the ME, is controlled by dark power mad Islamists that kill without mercy, and revel in it., that are also determined to "rule the world" and are playing their own games, not just puppets of Russia, China and the US.

It is also clear that a weak US (the VERY predictable result of most every act of the Obama Biden WEF crowd) opens a pandoras box of power vacumes that always leads to violent change. The list of Biden decisons that are disaster to the US is endless on every level, domestic tranquilty, US economy, global economy, ME stability, international relations, power energy supply, monetary policy, emigration disaster, etc... endless failures everyone of which predictiably weakens the US and Europe. (It is so very very bad that it must be that the Obama objectives, were seen as aided by Obama's observation about Biden, "Never underestimate Joe's abilty to Fxxx things up" Not a bug, a feature.

It is obvious that Biden Obama policy is the polar opposite of Trump in the sense that Trump was very sucessfully rewriting global trade that benefitted much of the world, much of Asia incluing India, and even Mexico and parts of South America and Eastern Europe were climbing aboard the Trump "rational nationalism" that was an unfolding death blow to both the WEF dreams, and to China version of those dreams. (China and WEF were but temprary allies, with each haveing very differnt end game ambitions) The huberis of the WEF crowd demonstrates a deep ignorance, perhaps only exceeded by their unbridled arrogance. In the end they will be seen as excellent only at breaking things and nations. Yet in their end and failure, for the world to then fall into dark age religious relics armed with nuclear weapons and hypersonic missels, this is not a good option.

Where is the sanity to reject all this rule the world power lust? I do not think Putin, already winning in the Ukraine, would risk WW III to attempt to completely bury the west. If this spreads much more, all boats will sink. We ( all nations) have never entered a global conflict while we had such extensive global trade and so much economic and life support dependent on that trade. Yet I think the Islamists tragically belive their rule the world kill the infidel distorded religion that never even touched a reformation away from political power. If you glorify death and violence, and empower both with religon and politics, you will only attract much more of the same death and violence. "Ignoance is fifty fifty, everywhere"

Humanity needs to grow up. " If not brothers in life, then brothers in violent death"

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Murder? IRGC POS had it coming.

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Fuck off ignorant Jew.

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Killing the world's premier anti-terrorist fighter, on a diplomatic mission to achieve reconciliation between major regional players? A mission that had been green-lighted by the USA, presumably to get him where they could murder him?

I don't know whether you're a Jew, but I 1000% endorse the rest of grr's reply.

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Pls explain

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The Saker said that. Sheikh Imran Hossein also agreed that Trump made biggest mistake under his presidency, another one is when he announced hefty missiles attack against Syria under France-UK-US coalition, some analyst fear it might WW3 as it was put Russian bases operating in Syria in danger.

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The missile attack was a useless propaganda stunt. The American MSM ate it up. No surprise it did. Eating shit and enjoying it is what it does best.

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Oh, this shit started with the Gulf War.

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Could you ask her what time?

I have contractors coming in the morning.

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Get extra work done as you won't have to pay them.

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Now Kosovo. Just wait. Nato is weakend , Serbs should take thier chance. A thousand Vietnams please. NOW.

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I bet when Ukraine in done Russians will help THIS TIME Serbs. Why not???

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there have been Serb moves one the Kosovo border accoring to MSM, so let hope it kicks off :}

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I see you prefer actual blood and guts in your war flicks.

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depends on whose blood and guts

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and how exactly they will do it? by teleporting supplies? they have no border between them and EUstan sub-regions surrounding partitioned Serbia that was also cut off from the sea..

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Very good point. Kind of difficult right now by air. When Russians take Odessa they could do it by Danube. Still difficult, but Hungary could help. Definitely it’s the time for countries to stand up against tyranny of EU commies. Nobody is for war or killing but one should understand that big part of Serbian history & culture is in Kosovo. Tom Luongo has a podcast with one fella living in Serbia explaining the whole thing. Can remember his name, easy to find. Highly recommended.

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and unknown is how far does Hungary willing to step out line if/when hostilities start (which could be trigged at any time by puppet masters of the Kosovo regime). What is Hungary willing and not willing to do given it is subject of the EU and subject of NATO overlords..

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By the time Russia finishes off NATO's Military Dependency of Ukraine the EU will be finished as the WEF beta test for a kinder, gentler fascist globalism. I can't imagine NATO will continue as it is, either.

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actually Israel has proved itself to be stupid in the past and the Palestinians are very smart people - their representatives are always winning in chess and other stuff like that - the theory that this is a new pearl harbour might be right...but why does everyone give so much credit to the intelligence of the US and Israel ?

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"but why does everyone give so much credit to the intelligence of the US and Israel"

Not everyone, it's just the media.

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The people who always claim that every happening is a CIA operation and that they are allmighty, give them credits. When something happens that isn't in their favor, it must have been a 3D chess move and we make up excuses how they still benefit.

The same intelligence organizations that were responsible for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

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As so many intelligent and well-connected bloggers and specialists have pointed out in recent years, the intelligence serves of the West plus Israel are a finely connected network that has basically huge resources (technical and human) and intellectual power at their disposal but have, over the years, evolved into huge bureaucracies incapable to pushing real information up the chain of command to where it is available to senior political and military decision-makers. In summary, they are as stupid as they are intelligent.

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The top-level mngt of US intelligence has learned over the years they have a much more pleasant life if they tell the politicos what they want to hear rather than what the intelligence actually is, regardless of it's quality.

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Yep. They tried to actually warn the politicos about Ukraine and look what that got them.

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They shouldn't. US intelligence isn't that great.

As for the attack, I suspect this was more an opportunistic attack by Hamas then something that was coordinated by some outside power. Israel is extremely divided now, domestically, so their focus isn't on Gaza, their ammunition has run low, Hamas has been quiet for a long time, perfect opportunity.

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Then again, what if Israel *created* the opportunity?

Although Israeli media says Hamas now says that this has been in preparation for years, all while deliberately attempting to sell Israeli intelligence on the idea that Hamas was unprepared or unwilling to risk major offensive actions...

All too 'interesting' times.

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Can't be opportunistic as it needed a lot of preparation and logistics. But it's impossible for me to believe all borders that are highly guarded and secured could be breached easily, that too on 50th anniversary of Arab-Israeli war.

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My thinking is that, OK, intel has a tendency to cock-up. But, here, the border is highly watched. And, unlike the USA's southern border, this is a physical border. Check out the many pictures etc freely available.

In addition, this is the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war so armed forces should be on the alert. Plus, the recent militant actions by Jewish religious nuts, not least the desecration of the Al Asqa holy place, should have ensured that Israeli forces were on the alert.

So, overall, I favour the first idea put forward here - Israel/USA knew something was going to happen.

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People like Condolezza Rice who exclaimed about 911 and using planes to target buildings:

»Who could have imagined something like this«

After more than 10 years of thousands of intel documents using as their watermark a picture of literally the crosshairs of a gunsight in a fighter plane aimed at the WTC.

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I guarantee you that after this 'war' is over and thousands of Palestinians have been bombed into the stone age that someone way down on the food chain will be blamed and have to take the fall for this unprecedented failure of intelligence and unheard of lack of defense at the border.

Fortunately for Netanyahu it solidified his coalition in the government around him and for Biden it provides a halfway decent exit strategy for what's left of the proxy war in Ukraine.

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Oct 10, 2023
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Soundtrack for the current Zeitgeist:


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MSM is already talking about US weapons leaked from Ukraine and Afganistan-could put up a link but too lazy :}

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The arms industry is booming! Too bad that it's immoral to invest in it.

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Yes, it benefits Bibi and Biden sent them $8 billion immediately, but it's a highly dangerous maneuver...Iran is not weak, and has two powerful allies...The crazies are already calling for nukes on Iran, but Israel would not survive such stupidity...

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8 billions QE money is nothingburger compared to hundreds of billions for 404.

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The Blue Screen of Death? :)

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" .... this unprecedented failure of intelligence and unheard of lack of defense at the border.... "

You're so funny you should do stand-up.

If you believe this, then you also believe that the US was similarly blindsided by the 9 - 11 attacks, and the PH attacks.

In other words, this is a set up by the jews to genocide the Palestinians; just as the other two were false flags to attack the Japanese and the Iraqis .

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Check out Gab this morning; one of the clips is showing jewish film crews setting up "atrocity" clips to upload to social media.

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Do you have a link or know of the account on Gab where I can find that? This thought had crossed my mind.

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The account is "The Bloody Red Queen."

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They've taught these skills to ISIS and Ukraine, along with MI6, no doubt they'll use them.

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Yeah. They're done filming in The Ukraine and are on set in Israel now.

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That is exactly what I was implying.

The quote you sited was meant as satire and an example of what the MSM will be saying...

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Do you still see this happening if Hezbollah comes in, and comes in quickly? A sincere question.

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Unless Hamas has a number of coordinated allies coming in right away, they will not put more than a big dent in Israel's forces and were probably lured into a trap.

If there were any significant amount of allies involved, they ought to have been there by now.

We shall see...

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Hezbollah will not come in, they might contribute rockets once many Palestinians start dying, but they will see that it was a setup.

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Thank you.

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It's looking more like that.

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what does 'comes in' mean then? we will shoot israeli schools and hospitals to win support aka ukro-nazi style bombings of Donetsk ?? How that did work for UA, did it lessen Russian resolve? or did the opposite to the tune of kill them all MFers.. ? unless Hebollah sends ground troops (which it can not), all this talk about 'coming in' is BS.

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I would not want to invade Gaza with 100.000 missiles aimed at the rear. Hella crossfire hurcane.

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I doubt the numbers. if one of the biggest superpowers in the world with highest military production (Russia) can not fire more than 10-20 of them at the time without having to stock pile, any time I hear about 100K of something I call BS. and besides, it would stop Israel how exactly? 'we hate you, we dont consider you human, we deny your right to exist' is the Hanas/Hesbollal message -whether you receive these missiles now or later, they will be fired on you. and what you are going to do , abandon your civilians kidnapped by terrorists? sorry, we got too scared by other islamic fanatics so it is ok to cut young girls heads up in front of the camera? may be in Europe. not in USA, not in Israel. in USA there is a saying - when things get tough, the tough get going. Now it is time for Israel to show if they are 'european' or could and will defend themselves, and F the rest of the world or their 'opinion'

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They are being lured into causing a lot of collateral damage.

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I've seen more than one election won in the US by invoking the canard of "better not change horses in the middle of a war". It's clear even to lame-brain Biden that the Ukes have no meaningful chance at extending that war through the '24 election cycle, so had to start another.

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This one won't last very long unless there are other participants.

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This “process of transformation … is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor...


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In this case I heavily disagree. This does not benefit the US in any way.

This almost guarantees that most Arab states will remain hostile to Israel for years to come and that Israel will take incur heavy costs because they are politically obligated to invade Gaza.

Yes, this helps Netanyahu domestically, but the last thing the US needs right now is another theater to worry about.

Much easier explanation is that US assets were too focused on Ukraine and missed something and that the Israelis aren't as good as advertised which was visible back in 2006.

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Once the shock wears off Israeli society will , rightfully , kick Netanyahu up the arse-it happended on his watch. If MSM claims of US weapon leaks to Hammas via Ukraine / Afgahistan are true , Biden is up shit creek....

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Where else do they think the 70% of US arms that never made it to Ukr front went?

Yes, Russia destroyed much as it crossed the Pol/Ukr border, but ..all the videos of cash sales, ads on the dark web, didn't appear from thin air.

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To be added to the weaponry that the US just abandoned in Afghanistan…..

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Oh that's just so 2021!


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Some went to the Mexican cartels. No doubt there were many satisfied customers. Plus many satisfied middlemen, if those in Iran/USA/Israel/Hamas/[insert mastermind of choice] decided to be more discreet about it than back in the Contra days! ;)

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The President of Nigeria has said that the Islamist terror group Boko Haram has been a major beneficiary of this trade. He made a speech about it last year, which even some msm covered.

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Arabs 'elites' pretty don't care about palestinians only about their money and how to stay alive.

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Correct, they are just bluffing around most of the times, Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris, their balls aren't that big, compared to the Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian, Yemenis...

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Gulf Arabs are money grubbing, bourgeois dilettantes. Totally different to the Shia in the Levant., they have more in common with the Jews in Occ Palestine.

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I guess you didn't heat about Muslims taking over 30% of the world in the 7th to 10th centuries.

They have balls.

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Ordinary folks yes, but not with the Elite and Rich gulf sheikhs... Needless to say, not all of them, e.g. Some Qataris sheikh are known to openly support Palestine's cause.

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True, but the 'Arab street' cares a lot. And Arab leaders are nervous , always, about the Arab Street opinion so the elite have at least give some lip service....

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Not true.

I knew some "Arab elites", and they care VERY much about the Palestinian cause....very, very, very much.

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Of course some are, since the matter of Palestine is not about tradition or culture, it's about religious belief, so not just Arab elite who put their attention seriously but also Muslim around the world.

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I think you are right.

The US was trying to finalize a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel to open trade relations. Saudi Arabia was to get a protection agreement from the US. Saudi Arabia had as a condition that Palestinians would be given statehood and land. Bibi has horrific partners in govt, they would never go for that.

The war ends the discussion, getting Bibi off the hook. Saudi Arabia announced the deal is on indefinite hold; the US deal is toast. But Bibi's partners get to level Gaza. All is forgiven.

Now the US that was trying to up its standing and negotiating cred before the world after the Ukraine debacle is in yet another war.

A very expensive way to exit Ukraine and if the US was in on it, I suspect not all of the US govt was party to the plan.

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The US neocons support war as a political tactic and are likely to see the upside here. The neocons are perhaps only one faction but are still powerful. We will see if they can take us to war over Israel. I believe Iran is the pivot point. The desire to go to war with Iran hasn’t exactly been a secret. But obviously there’s a pro-Iran faction in the US too. Not sure what game is afoot with that.

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Some years ago a good friend who was a senior level consultant to several areas of the US govt, primarily the DoD and State dept told me he was retiring. When I asked why, he said, "They" are fighting with each other in a way I have never seen before." This was back under Obama. When empires weaken, their downfall is often hastened by infighting. I think we have been falling for a while now.

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The rot that set in due to the endless wars was never corrected. In 2002, the last of the Vietnam holdouts was heading out the door, unable to cope with the operations that were put into place. Today, the DoD is full of people who are demoralized from 20 years of failure.

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Very true and they are demoralized by a heck of a lot more than failure. This covers Obama's military purges up until 2013. Until I came across this video, I had no idea how extensive the firings were.

They have continued, I am sorry I don't have additional numbers, perhaps other readers may.


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It must be an MI6 plan.

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I am not that sure about it. I have many Israelis in extended family and all I hear last couple of months is that they have to attack Iran. It's now or never and that there simply won't be a better opportunity. So in a way this is not ideal plot for the Empire but possibly a necessity

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Interesting. This is probably the Netanyahu position.

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In that context it makes some sense since Bibi is not long for this world and is thinking of his legacy. Not necessarily a good strategic point for that thought train however.

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If Israel were to expend its strategic arsenal on that mission, I doubt Israel would exist afterward. I hope he was thinking of some kind of preventative attack ala the 1981 mission against Osirak.

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Israelis only fear and respect strength. Iran has demonstrated to Israel it can hit Israel's depth. Iran has the support of the Arab street and Israel has its hatred for constantly desecrating alAqsa Mosque.

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If I understand what's been going on, Israel has been focused for years on getting the US to fight Iran. Trump, for all his other miscalculations resisted that.

Whether this was a false flag of some sort or not, I'm sure another attempt will be made to involve the US in direct conflict with Iran.

Which would be a Really Bad Idea.

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They will be at war with Syria and Hezbollah too. And Iran have an impressive air defence, and vast missile capability.

They will lose badly.

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And Iran will not bother to be cautious like Russia, even with US.

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Interesting, if I may ask, would they join the military if Netanyahu needs fodder to get slaughtered, boots on the ground... ?

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Really surprised at all the Likes you're getting here. Any military engagement always benefits the MIC in the US, especially since Hamas apparently was also using US weapons. And Israel wants to invade (and first: bomb to smithereens) Gaza, they just needed a good excuse. Anyway, it might not directly involve the US, Israel is capable of executing this all on their own. And trust me, the Israeli secret services really are good, and extremely paranoid, so once the first shock is over and we start to think things through, it is exceedingly clear that the Palestinians have NOTHING to gain here, and a lot to lose.

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Please explain how this benefits the US. Stretching your resources over 3 conflict regions (because this does risk a regional war in the Middle East) is not a smart move.

The US is already flying in supplies into Israel and if this lasts any significant amount of time (which it will if they go for a ground operation) this will have an impact on the Israeli economy and military stocks. The US will have to cover the difference.

No, it doesn't benefit the Palestinians, they will serve as human shields making the ground operation extremely bloody and difficult or generating such bad media for Israel in the Arab world that ruins relations for decades to come if they decide to raise Gaza with artillery and bombs.

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It benefits the US if they want to take this (last?) opportunity to deal with Iran. Other than that, keeping the Middle East in upheaval is also important, as the way things were settling was very much NOT in the interest of the US. As to the monetary cost, it seems they no longer care, and they are more or less printing more money willy nilly, as long as they can, as long it it pays for stuff out there.

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Money is infinite, physical goods are not. Fighting a war requires the latter.

War with Iran is realistically the only reason as to why this could benefit the US, but it would be very strange to prioritize Iran instead of China or even Russia.

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As long as the dollar buys physical goods, they are doing it, and the recipients are the MIC anyways. The populace is paying, so that's fine.

Prioritizing Iran over China or Russia is clearly to Israel's benefit.

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The dollar buys a lot, but it doesn't buy weapons from countries that aren't friendly to the US.

US + Europe + SK/Japan have limited production capacity and money isn't likely to change that unless there is a radical change in the economic system.

And yes, it could benefit Israel (assuming they don't suffer extreme damage from the ensuing conflict), but the US does not have the same interests as Israel.

Either way all I'm saying is that this is a situation that could escalate very quickly and suck up American resources that are urgently needed elsewhere. For this reason it's hard to see how the US would benefit more than it loses.

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The reason Trump did not start a war with Iran was not a lack of good will. It was the military who put the brakes on him after gaming the war. The US no doubt could win such a war, but the damage it would create not only to the US military bases in the Middle East, the US fleet, and the world economy would be a dealbreaker. Iran is considerably more capable now than they were under Trump, with powerful alliances, so I don't see a shooting war with Iran in the cards. There will be a lot of saber-rattling that the MIC will benefit from, which is usually the only thing that matters.

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I agree with you.

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Posted elsewhere, but will post here as well. It is difficult to believe that Hamas (I assume they are not suicidal) did this audacious stuff without it being part of a larger plan agreed to among Israel's enemies--the biggies being Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Even without a coordinated plan, if Israel goes all in with the elimination of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, I don't see how Hezbollah stays out. And if Hezbollah goes in, with their incredible arsenal in untouchable North Korean engineered tunnels, and their battle-hardened veterans of fighting in Syria, Israel loses. Not a bloody nose like 2006, but a broken neck. All out war spells the end for Israel. As the Zionist entity collapses, an attack on Iran is possible. Then the Straight of Hormuz closes, oil goes crazy, and insurance derivatives collapse the Western economies. What mess. As a side note, even if not another shot is fired, Israel is finished. With this fiasco, we will see emigration out of Israel turn into a stampede. Most who can bail, will bail. Viola, demographic self-erasure. I simply don't see how Israel--or the West for that matter--benefits in any serious way.

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Israel 2.0 is ready (joking)..but who knows as Zelensky say '404 will be the new Israel', climate is better for khazarians white former caucasian but the big neighbour (RU) not very friendly for the moment.

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that bother me since why don't they just fuk off to New Zealand or Aussie and leave the rest of the world alone... or as Martyanov suggests, send these folks to Antarctica.

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Fair go cobber.

You can keep them, don't go trying to fob them off on us.

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Hhhhh... sorry sorry, don't mean to being rude to our Aussie or New Zealander readers here.

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we got enough f***wits as it is.

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Send them to Canberra, get them to ask for their own Voice...

Labor would be all in on that...

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Stop the boat people. ;)

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US should have offered them an area within the States to settle down, back in the1930ies, after Hitler came to power. Not obligatory of course, just for those who wished to stay among themselves.

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The Third Temple can only be built in one place. Everyone here seems to forget that's what it's really all about. This has to happen. It's going to happen. If we have to have a world war that kills 2/3rds of humanity to make it happen then that's what's going to happen. Everything else is just decoration.

I thought with the Abraham Accords that they'd work out a deal to do it peacefully. Most here might think this is just a bunch of fanaticism. But look at how bat-shit crazy the world has shown itself the last 4 years. Would you have ever predicted that? And it's getting even crazier. There's no material explanation for any of it.

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Australia has too many as there is. Sth Caulfield and Elsternwick. And many Zionist war criminals such as Lowy, Silversteins' partner in crime.

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Flott. Jeg kommer til Røyken kl 6

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The Ukraine. "Country not found", like the HTML error code 404 "Page not found".

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LOL. 404 won't be anything except what Russia wants it to be.

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I don’t see Israelis leaving unless the land turns to glass.

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They already are, the rats are scurrying to the airport.

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I can supply anecdotal evidence of that. Already a Jewish friend of my wife is trying to find a route out of Israel for her daughter and granddaughter. Hmmm, wondering if Biden's plan for visa-free travel to the US from Israel next month tells us something?

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Only the fanatics are crazy, other Israelis are just privileged squatters who will run away to their second nations, which most of them have, if occupied territory becomes dangerous.

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What the Hamas did WAS part of a larger plan, by the Israeli secret services. They are experts at false flags, they want to serve a blow to the Palestinian cause, and they have now used the Hamas - which they created to counter the PLO. There are moles in the Hamas at key positions, and they have talked this up, because of the Israeli interference at Al Aqsa.

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There is no evidence that any moles are left in Islamist Hamas, regardless of their founding. With Islamist, those moles require deep cover, and the fact that bloggers globaly point this founding out, is clear evidence that the Mosad door through Hamas is long closed.

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I think this so far is the most plausible comment on the subject so far. Already Hezbollas rocket arsenal could mean the end / stop normal life in Israel. No aircraft carrier group can change that. If Ben Gurion Airport is unusable how do they get out? Airlift? Boats?

US boots on the ground? Plus the big russian poppulation part in Israel.

But one thing is clear…Ukraine subject is fnished and life in western countrys will get even more expensive from now on. With rise of rightwing nutter - (usually pro Nato,Israel,US) parties everywere in Europe.

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Russian jews are more loyal to Israel and probably US than to Russia. I don't think Russians should bother about them.

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I just saw Canada's Ambassador to the UN, Bob Rae, state that he had evidence Iran was behind the "attack" (psyop). So his colleagues in Israel and the US told him this was going to be the official narrative.

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Rae is a tool-- Jewish convert former Premier of Ontario. I worked in his dept way back during the Constitutional Crisis in Canada. A real apparatchik, someone who was a big socialist ("brother and sister) who moved to the federal Liberal Party when he smelled a step up job to the UN. Rae is only concerned with Rae and so will parrot what they want him to. Will never step out of the globalist line.🙄

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Canada naziland usefull idiot Trudeau is the weak tool the US uses as dirty diplomatic tool, they did the same to attack Russian gold (which runs via Mumbai and Antwerp) which hurts Modi himself with a supposed assassination of someone important, a few weeks ago. India was supposed to expel CAN diplomats (40) and stop airlinks between both countries, but I'm not up to date on the issue.

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Funny how "they" all say it was a surprise attack. yet have the "information" that Iran is behind it.

bob rae Canada Ambassador to the U.N..... figures.

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There is another, I would say more obvious angle. The Palestinian 'question' has become more and more remote in the Arab world. Back in the 80's the 'liberation' of Palestine was something taught in schools across the Gulf countries and levant; now hardly anything. Israeli tourists pack malls in Dubai, beaches in Egypt, and generally the bulk of the Arab world is moving on

The Palestinians living in Arab countries are very much 2nd class citizens. They do not hold passports; they have "Identity Papers", they are restricted in many ways, mirroring their lives in the territories in a tragic form of irony

The Iranians do not benefit at all from such an attack. They have just expended a lot of time and effort on a rapprochement with he Saudis. They have effective control of Iraq. They are practically allied with Russia. I reckon the "blame Iran" is pure opportunism, like how Iraq was blamed for 9/11, total bullshit.

My sense is that this is what it looks like - Hamas, after decades of having their teeth kicked in, got a shot in. Yes, I do believe the mighty Mossad got caught with its pants down, and the IDF hasn't had a proper engagement since 2006, and they got their noses bloodied in that one too. It happens. The Israelis got comfortable behind their walls. Even if there was intel that this was going to happen - its implausible. What does Hamas gain? Yes maybe they pull the IDF into a ground war in Gaza and force a lot of casualties but there is no doubt in my mind, not a shred, that in 2024 the organization known as Hamas will cease to exist for all intents and purposes.

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Nope the IDF knew. They have electronic and motion advanced tech that can be triggered when birds come close to the border. Speak/read any IDF soldiers account. I dont buy it they "did know" Doesn't MOSSAD and Israeli tech teach and sell to every other world intellegence service and military? Yup-- so -- not buying this BS

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Just starting from a theoretical level, there is no code that can't be cracked, no signal that can't be spoofed, no lock that can't be picked. Every system has gaps it's just a matter of skill, resources and time. Motion detectors for example, just rumble your garbage truck past at the same time every day for months, then that's the time you attack. It's similar to a story I once heard from a burglar about how he got past guard dogs, turn up at the fence same time and place every night for a week and give the dogs some sausages.

Hamas would have been watching and mapping those gaps for a long time, gathering its forces and like 9/11 or the African embassy attacks push at that gap with the maximum force. But this time once they're past they turn around to knock out other security systems to allow another wave to come through.

I think it's easy here to confuse one side's intelligence and patience for their opposition's stupidity and complacency.

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"It's similar to a story I once heard from a burglar about how he got past guard dogs"

That burglar was just a friend, right?

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...called Dave....

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Actually, one of those Crime Stopper shows sponsored by a home insurance company. Come to think of it, once you are a burglar working for an insurance company you are officially a double agent, kinda cool.

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Also 5000 missels can overwhelm a defense. (Joe, "are the coming? "

Frank, " Dang it. They are here.

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Having a detection system that triggers when someone is about to cross your border is nothing like knowing days beforehand. The latter allows you to stage personnel and equipment ready to immediately respond. Simply having an alert as the action starts doesn't give you preparation time.

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You are right. It was an Israeli setup. Hamas got used in a terrible way.

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There are some videos on Twitter of former IDF staff saying that there is no way this was a surprise to Mossad or the military. Like Pearl Harbor and 911, they knew it was coming and allowed it.

Obviously then, they controlled the extent of the damage and made sure it was enough to justify their pre-planned response. The political planet is run by psychopaths.

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One such video from former IDF staff...


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On a base level, that is very plausible, and I even agree with it as the logic is pretty sound. However, we must always examine the timing of events. Some things are simply too 'coincidental' to be believed. All those things you said being true, it still leaves the question of why now, and how perfectly convenient it is for the U.S. at *exactly* the moment we all predicted that some kind of distraction would be needed to sweep Ukraine under the rug (I basically predicted "end of this year" it would need to be swept up).

So that's the part that makes me feel it's a tad too convenient to be an organic Hamas attack.

However, keep in mind in some ways it *can* be both.

I.e. everything you said could be true and Hamas was already at a boiling point, but without any outside 'assistance' they would not have pushed over the edge of that boiler, at least not quite yet.

However, knowing they needed a flashpoint to save them and distract from Ukraine, the Western intel agencies simply looked around the world to where they could create one that would fit the bill. In fact, in some ways you can argue they already tried multiple ones in a row. So it may even have been a far less 'strategic' and more of a 'spit balls against the wall' tactic. I.e. they tried Serbia, tried Azerbaijan, etc.

Either way, the point is that they knew Hamas needed just one tiny push to be activated and lo and behold Al-Aqsa was stormed during Sukkot days ago--thus the 'Aqsa Flood' operation name, etc.

Of course the main thing seemingly contradicting this is that the operation was clearly very well planned, likely months ahead of time if not more, and so it's difficult to believe the storming of the mosque days ago was the one and only trigger. So I'm not sure about that part.

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Exactly! Just like Sharon did in 2000

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Hamas strikes me as the sort who gambles with dynamite and expects God to shield them from the blast. Its a powerful motivator. I agree with what you say, but wonder sometimes about what is causative and what is opportunism.

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The left Israel crowds tried for one year now to regime changed net and yahoo via color revolution as Biden hates him (Biden hates everybody even more the Brits).It did not worked well enough.

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Maybe was planned for 50 year anniversary. Al Aqsa was to raise temps.

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I think it's simple. Israel knew there would be a reaction and intended one. They simply didn't know HOW the reaction would be conducted, i.e., which of the various plots they probably knew about would be enacted by Hamas. You can be prepared for a reaction and still get caught by surprise, especially if you assumed the reaction would take a few days longer than actually happened. I don't put any stock in this "Israel was taken by surprise" stuff. It depends on what one means by "surprise" in the specific circumstances.

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Having Israeli citizens killed actually served the purpose, and the breach of the wall can only have happened if it was allowed. Of course there would be rockets. The more Israelis get killed the harsher a reaction can be justified. And I do think the attempts to implicate Iran are not coincidental.

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Ultimately we won't know until much later.

I just think this is way too dangerous to be a distraction even given how reckless the US has been.

And there doesn't have to be a specific plan for the timing to make sense. Everyone's looking at the same world.

Hamas can see that the US is shipping weapons from Israel to Ukraine, they can see the political situation in Israel and so on. They might never get another chance like that (even though the odds are they'll get wiped out).

And of course the Mosque is a pretext, you don't plan an operation like that in days. But given the situation, they almost have a guarantee that something in the future would pop up that would enrage the Palestinian or even wider Arab populations.

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"Well planned" and "secret" seem like contradictions but the zionists falling asleep on the job seems plausible.

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I with you on this, Bash.

Hamas is just too crazy to be controlled by any party. What they did to civilians, cannot be part of anyone's plan, credibly. I refuse to believe Netanyahu, Washington, Russia or even Iran, that they'd go that far. Doesn't matter if long time ago, Hamas was a creation of the west. So was Bin Laden.

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I am not saying press reports are wrong about Hamas actions against civilians - I could well believe they are true. It is just that the media who has been lying to me for years about every subject under the sun have suddenly discovered journalism? At the very least I suspect exaggeration.

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"One of the soldiers involved in the operation, David Ben Zion, deputy commander of Unit 17, said children had been beheaded. “They chop the heads off women and children,” he told local news channel i24. The Telegraph could not verify the claim. "


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It should be emphasized that Arab countries do consider Palestinians 2nd class citizens, will not give them passports, citizenship, etc., but regard them as refugees. The question is why.

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I mean now you can get into the weeds a bit - the only country that really gave citizenship to Palestinians was Jordan, and that is really the West Bank natives. The Saudis did some token naturalization but all in all you can say that it is 95% Jordan and nobody else.

On the Gaza side, you really do have more or less an open air prison. Even within the Palestinian factions, there is not much love lost between the West Bank and Gaza peoples - they are also ruled by 2 different (elected) governments. Note how there is no coverage or drama in the West Bank - because they have nothing to do with it.

In the Arab countries it more or less fits with the general trend there. The Gulf states don't give citizenship to anybody; let alone refugees, and places like Kuwait or Qatar have a supremacist attitude that would make a die hard Aryan blush. There is no "why" - the Palestinians have always been 1) a political prop for Arab governments 2) a human problem that those same governments never wanted to deal with. There was also the religious angle due to the various holy sites; but in reality places like the aqsa mosque exist solely in the imagination of 99% of the muslim/arab world. Bit like polar bears.

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Thanks for your response. I suppose the thing I always found curious was that there was no recognition or assistance from most of the surrounding Arab countries, and yet it is the ‘ hated Israelis’ that are supposed to come up with a solution for this…..

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The Israelis are hardly saints. But this is conquest - and they won.

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There is action happening in the West Bank. get on tg. MSM won't show it.

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The West Bank has a number of Islamist g groups that are reaching out now for action. They lack weapons, but lack no desire to join in.

Indeed according to some reports I am now getting, Hamas is trying to join forces with those who will fight in Hebron in order to conquer the land between the West Bank and Gaza, thus splitting Israel down the middle and creating a unified Palestinian land. This effort is a real surprise for the Israelis and their supporters - never expected something like this to happen. They are fighting for their lives in these areas today trying to stave off the Islamists. Israel went to sleep and woke up surrounded by little people trying to tie them down.

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Two years ago West Bank, Gaza, and pre '48 Arab Israieis came together to protect Al Asqa so not the first time. They will unite again.

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Jordanians are basically Palestinians, they have just chosen to distance themselves almost from the start from their Palestinian brethren in Israel...

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Ask a Jordanian where he is from, he will say Jordan. Ask him if he is Palestinian, he will then say he is from wherever he came from - or he will proudly say "I'm hashemi" (Hashemite). Not sure who is the majority at this point

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Sadly that seems a likely possibility, very likely.

And that may well have been the intent, to go down fighting in the face of the fact that the slow genocide was happening anyway, but that way they would at least take as many of their oppressors with them as at all possible.

I'm sure there would have been some hopes of shaming the Arab countries or Hezbollah and/or Iran into doing something, but they we're probably realistic about the chances of that being very small, at least for as long as Israel could confine the butchery mostly to Gaza.

Somebody uttered doubts about Hamas being possibly suicidal.

But that might be exactly what they are.

They might genuinely have thought that martyrdom in battle IS preferable to their existence.

That doesn't mean though that US Neocons and Israel won't gladly use the pretext for a war on Iran that absolutely has to potential to end in a complete catastrophy for Israel, with the Palestinians still in a way avenged.

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I assume Hamas have a plan and Iran has helped map it out. I assume Hamas have a substantial weapons cache in Gaza. Spread those hostages out all over Gaza and it makes Israel's Air Strike capacity potentially comprimised-you never know when an air strike is gonna kill an Israeli. Get Israel into a land war in Gaza and bleed 'em out long term. If Hezbohla get into the action-having been hardened in the Syria conflict-the Israel is in for a bare knuckled bar fight. It has not won a war since 82.

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Also , why now? Strategic arms reserves are depleted. Gonna be hard for Israel to pony up new kit. One contributing calculation.

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Hamas was created by Israel (ad some say still secretly funded...) Maybe you are thinking of Hezbollah?

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Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, if my memory is correct, began as creatures of Israeli connivance to split Palestinian society away form the PLO.

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Hamas is linked to Muslim brotherhood which = Qatar, Turkey, Azerbaidjan not at all Saudis or Syria or even less UAE. Though linked to Erdogan jihadists al sham, al nusra etc....they regurlarly change their names. Also deeply linked to MI6 and the City of London.

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Hezbollah is a breakaway faction form a nominally Shia polical formation (Amal , if memory serves ) , but Amal was too multisectarian for the founders of Hezbollah ( and maybe too difficult for Iran to manage?)

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IIRC there are Christian members of Hezbollah.

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Two weeks ago (+-), Iran was striked by Israel (or the US), I don't remember where but it was a very big missiles facility production center with multiple specialists high ranking victims.

The BHL and co crowd made a big story on that news but I did not see a lot of coverage in the usual anglos msm strangely.

Iran always retaliate contrary to Russia.

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Do you have a link, I had not seen anything on it. Sincere question

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I vaguely remember. Don't know from where. Maybe TASS?

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Yes, if I remember correctly, Israel struck from Azerbaijan.

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Given the amount of surveillance, and array of informers that Israel has in the area, this was undoubtedly some kind of false flag, triggered by the attack on the Al-Aqsa mosque...The Pentagon was undoubtedly involved, and just happened to have a carrier group available...Interesting that the Pentagon has no more arms available for Ukraine, but has them available for Israel....

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Gotta be honest, I've never heard of Pearl Harbor being called a "false flag" before. Could you explain this in greater detail?

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Same as 9/11, US doing the FF against herself or via proxies falling in traps. Only the end result counts, the big pretext. What is important in a US FF is what will happen AFTER the FF.

Exemple: General Wesley Clark NATO USA Planned to Invade 7 Countries Weeks after 9/11


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I believe that Clark’s info (and Clark himself) has been ‘debunked’.

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I believe it was from George Webb that I recently heard Wesley Clark was in with some nasty folks.

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Every single war that the U.S. has ever entered in its entire history was entered via a falseflag. In fact, most wars in history are started by falseflags. We can even suggest that the Russian SMO was started by a falseflag. That's right--surprised? Most forget now, but one of the chief reasons Putin/MOD gave at the time of the start of the SMO was that a Ukrainian BTR/BMP was said to have crossed into Russian territory and fired on some kind of Russian pillbox and then was destroyed. This struck even *me* as somewhat improbable at the time and I chalked it up to it being a fairly awkward but "needed" bit of window-dressing to give the SMO's launch a tiny bit more authority/legitimacy.


As for the U.S. the above graphic doesn't even cover them all, but at least gives an idea. It goes back before the Lusitania. The Spanish American War was started by a falseflag with the sinking of the USS Maine, then WW1 with Lusitania, WW2 with Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin falseflag and so on.

As for Pearl Harbor just search "pearl harbor falseflag", but in general, that's not to say it was fake or didn't happen, but the primary evidence suggests Roosevelt knew the attack was coming and deliberately withheld it in order to allow Japan to stir America's emotions and create a casus belli to enter the much-needed war.

But you can't go wrong by remembering that war is virtually impossible to start *without* a falseflag. Almost every war in history was begun by some kind of intentional, artificial means that can loosely be characterized as a 'falseflag'.

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Interestingly, there was no false flag preceding Operation Barbarossa. That's why Stalin was caught off-guard. He expected the Germans to invade eventually but assumed they'd follow form and first create a false flag.

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Fals flag or not, it doesn't provide "the smoking gun" to justify attacking Iran or Syria, not to Israel and even less so to the US.

And the more Palestinians will be killed in Gaza (out of 1.5 million) the more the Gulf Monarchies will have to show outrage. What will be the kill ratio, 100 Arabs for an Israeli? 1,000 Arabs for an Israeli? Such a message, absolutely disproportionate from any perspective, will not be well received in the world at large, never mind the Arab and Muslim community.

Let's see how this modern "Escape from Sobibor" is going to unfold.

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They typically stop around 10:1, but I believe the ratio will suffer huge inflation this go 'round.

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Breaking News:

Intelligence Suggest Pro-Spanish Group Sabotaged USS Maine

"Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!" (William Randolph Hearst / Joseph Pulitzer)

PS Saludos desde España

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We know the explosion which sank the Maine was INTERNAL, not an external explosion from the harbor defense mines, initially claimed as the USA'S "casus belli".

We also know that several new technologies and inadequate engineering were present that caused damages and losses of OTHER period warships.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste" is a VERY old maxim.

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I think that perhaps the issue is the definition of ‘false flag’. Just having knowledge of an impending attack, and doing nothing, is not a false flag.

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I think that deserves to be in the category

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A false flag is doing something while pretending that you are the enemy. The English vessels flying French flags so that French vessels believed they were their own. Pearl Harbor would be a false flag if it was American planes, designed to look like Japanese ones, that bombed Pearl Harbor.

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I agree. FDR ignoring the intelligence that there was an inbound Japanese attack *somewhere* to permit a DoW getting him into WWII was not a false flag. It certainly wasn't in the interest of the individual servicemen who were sacrificed. War warnings were sent but without actionable intelligence it was not worth much. Of course, there is a lot of discussion that FDR and company did not know precisely where the attack was headed toward. Phillippines was one possibility.

The US goaded Japan into attacking with embargos, etc, then allowed it to attack without any countermeasures. Not a false flag. I think even Toland's "The Rising Sun" admitted this at some level.

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It was planned and set in scene by the party that was attacked. Yes, they allowed (lots of) casualties on their own side.

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You have absolutely no concrete evidence that indicates either way, only supposition based on what you wish to believe. Period.

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Even Fort Sumter in the American Civil War was a False flag. The North committed actions that they knew would provoke a southern response.

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That was not a false flag either. No one claims that Sumter was not attacked by proto-Confederates. The fact that they were goaded into an attack by northern resupply does not make it a false flag.

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Pearl Harbor was ESPECIALLY egregious.

- Roosevelt blockaded Japan fro receiving oil among other actions knowing very well it will create a response.

- Japanese communications were intercepted regarding the attack days before it happened.

- The fleet was supposed to rotate out yet its stay was extended at the last minute.

- American newspapers had headlines about an expected attack from Japan with the exact date A WHOLE WEEK IN ADVANCE.

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Typical of the kind of porous and dishonest evidence "FDR knew" theorists promote are the "coded naval intercepts" Vidal praised Stinnett for having "spent years studying." Again, Vidal either never actually read Stinnett's book or was -- in spite of his intellect -- somehow dazzled by the book's hurricane of bullshit exhibits. Stinnett's supposedly assiduous study of Japanese intercepts amounts to only a series of rhetorical scams. The most contemptible of these comes during his jumbled discussion of whether the Japanese maintained radio silence during the approach to Hawaii. (It is a crucial argument of conspiracy theorists that the Japanese fleet was detected on its way to Pearl Harbor by radio direction finders around the Pacific, and that FDR supposedly deliberately withheld the location and movements of the Japanese carrier task force from his Hawaii commanders. But if the Japanese did not use their radios en route -- and they have always insisted they didn't -- they couldn't have been found by the radio direction finders.)

After noting several incidents that prove little more than that there could have been a late transmission on Nov. 26, Stinnett goes on to say that he, the intrepid investigator, discovered 129 intercept reports that indicate that the Japanese didn't maintain radio silence during the approach to Hawaii. (None of them are reproduced in the book.) Stinnett then blandly states that these intercepts came from a three-week period from Nov. 15 to Dec. 6. In other words, all of them could have been obtained before the fleet ever left Japanese waters, and before radio silence was imposed. I don't know how Stinnett could believe that his readers wouldn't notice this critical detail, but then, most of the book displays little respect for our intelligence.


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Good points, although I still believe, balance-of-probability wise, that FDR knew and let it happen.

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The US knew that something was afoot. They didn't know Pearl was the target. They weren't about to cave to the Japanese under the circumstances, and believed the actual target would be somewhere like the Phillippines or Malaya, which it ultimately was...along with Pearl. I think the Midway-era codebreaking has convinced a lot of people that the Navy had the power to decode Japanese signals for a long time prior, and that just wasn't so. The only code we were reading at the time (for a few months before Dec 7 41) was the consular code.

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Australian Signals Intelligence also warned the US the Japanese were on their way.

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Pearl Harbor? Easy: “Russia did it. Putin must go!” lol

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The British informed the Americans it was about to happen, so they let it happen

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Australian Signals Intelligence also warned the US that Japanese were on their way. Weeks earlier US govt. moved their best naval assets out. The personnel were sacrificed to turn public opinion to entering WWII.

Not a false flag in the usual sense, but they knew it was coming.

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The Americans knew *something* was coming, and that entire divisions of Japanese carriers could not be found. They were in the Kurils preparing for the attack, but the US did not know that. They had intercepts of the instructions that were coming to Nomura and Kurusu and knew things weren't going well in the negotiations. They saw the instructions that told the ambassadors to stop negotiating and deliver the declaration of war before it was received. Apparently there was some code snafu at the Japanese embassy that prevented them from delivering it before the attack; the US had decoded it before the embassy did apparently. I mean, it was intended as a surprise attack but not intended to be delivered 2 hours after the attack began; simultaneously would have been fine with the Japanese government and what they expected.

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Pearl Harbor was not a false flag in the sense that it wasn't carried out by the Japanse. But the US knew the fleet was coming. It was spotted by several recon assets. Among them a Dutch submarine which was sunk by the US aircraft after it reported the Japanse fleet. Tying up lose ends. They sailed all their important ships like the aircraft carriers and more modern ship out of pearl harbor and 100s of miles away to keep them safe. And sacrificed older ships. The US worked years provoking the Japanse into the attack by secretly attacking Japanse supply lines and navy ships with submarines.

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As I've stressed in my two substack article related to Al-Aqsa Flood, the underlying context is crucial for understanding why and why now. IMO, Alastair Crooke has the goods on this as he's a very old timer with the Palestine conflict and has continually written on it while still following the bigger game in Ukraine. IMO, if you haven't read Crooke, you don't know the multiple whys.

Answers to your poll questions:

1. Neither. The Zionists staged a provocation and have said their aim is to eliminate it and all Palestinians. It was time for a reaction to pull the lanyard on their well rehearsed plan. Hamas has 500,000 people it can put under arms and still have a 200,000 reserve.

2. The conflict will be long and drawn out and is dependent on other participants, West Bank for example. The Zionists stated almost immediately that they didn't want war with Hezbollah, and Hezbollah merely shelled three points within occupied Lebanon and did no more. Netanyahu has already been saddled with the blame by Zionist media.

Again, read Crooke!!!

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Yes, just finished reading that Crooke article. Thank you.❤️🐈‍⬛

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link to Crooke article?

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Hello, I subscribed to Crooke… over on his substack. Also, I think, hard to remember yesterday, that the article may have been mentioned on the Substack known as Black Mountain Analysis? Old, and weary. All the best ❤️🐈‍⬛ Whoops, the Karlof1 substack: https://karlof1.substack.com/p/alastair-crooke-on-the-al-aqsa-flood?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1779344&post_id=137788510&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=6s09h&utm_medium=email

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link to Crooke article?

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Karl, if you think Hamas can put 750,000 men in the field, you're delusional. If they could do that, they would have done it already. Provide some detailed evidence for that claim, please.

As for Crooke, he doesn't know military matters, so he doesn't know how this will play out. Unless it plays out as it usually does, with Hamas being forced back into Gaza then Hamas being successful in keeping Israel out, and everything goes back to the status quo. That's the historical usual result of Hamas uprisings. Oh, and a few thousand more dead Palestinians.

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With a population of 2 million in Gaza and something like 3 million in the West Bank, it's not entirely implausible. For comparison's sake, the Germans in WWII had a population of about 80 million and got 17.5 million into uniform. That would suggest close to 1 million bodies is not impossible. Arming and feeding them, another matter.

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As I say with regard to Ukraine sending untrained civilians to the front in Ukraine, sending more untrained people into a kill zone just gets more people killed. Not to mention that none of these people can be coordinated by a group like Hamas that has zero combined arms competence or a real strategic plan to do so.

People who just count bodies don't understand military operations. There is the matter of combat and operational effectiveness which Hamas frankly doesn't have outside of engaging in urban guerrilla warfare.

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If Hamas gets a 5:1 kill ratio in favor of the Israelis, it would mean the end of Israel. Do you think that implausible in urban combat?

Other than my lifetime of study of military operations, I did my war in Iraq. I know how it works. If you want to do combined operations, then Hamas scraping people off the Arab street isn't going to work. If you want to just kill people in close quarter combat, on the other hand...hand out AKs and have at it.

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Not going to happen. Israel can, if necessary, mobilize another 465.000 personnel. They have air superiority with 193 fighter jets. They can call on the US to fly B-52's with 20,000 tons of bombs over Gaza and the US will do it if it looks like Israel had any chance whatever to lose. At the utmost extremis, they can drop a tactical nuke on Gaza. That trumps AK's any day. They'll pay for that geopolitically but they're still the last ones standing.

The IDF will take a lot of casualties if they go into Gaza, no doubt about it. They'll eventually lock down the gates again and that's all they need to do unless they really want to try exterminating 2 million people. They can do the minimum necessary to return the status quo. What matters is what Hezbollah does and what Israel and the US does in response.

As I've argued for many years, the only way Israel gets rid of Iran is first get rid of Hezbollah. They can only do that with the direct military assistance of the US. Under Biden and his neocons, they can get that assistance. Whether it will be enough is another story. But if Israel wants to solve the problem of Iran, they have to try. It's that simple.

Whether that will occur in this series of incidents is unknown at this time. This could just be another dumb Hamas stunt in emotional reaction to the mosque incursion.

It's like I've said over the last couple days. The Palestinians and Hamas are like Pig Killer in "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome". Max asks Pig Killer, "So what's the plan?" Pig Killer says, "Plan? There ain't no plan!" The Palestinians have not had a plan since 1947. And they still don't.

Unless Hezbollah has given them one. So we'll see.

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The two “Who’s behind it?” choices are not mutually exclusive. A bit like the outbreak of WWI. Everyone concerned had an itch screaming to be scratched.

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I agree, thanks. It's something I actually had intended to mention but forgot. That basically it *can* be all of the above to an extent, and in fact most notable events in history are such because it usually comes down to one side's motivation kicking it off and then being co-opted by another side who finds ulterior interests they can get out of perpetuating/continuing/exacerbating the particular conflict, etc.

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Agreed. I think the US neocons and Israel cooked this up, but Iran/Hezbollah/Hamas will try to take advantage. But as the Star Wars Admiral said, "It's a trap!" Only question is: for who? Or is it for everybody - including us suckers on the side?

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Thierry Meyssan writes about Hamas close connection to

Türkiye (https://www.voltairenet.org/article219779.html)

”When it was created, Hamas was financed by the United Kingdom. It was supported by the Israeli secret services to weaken Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel then fought it and assassinated its religious leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. [- -] But today, once again, Hamas is fighting its erstwhile ally, Israel. [- -]

Contrary to what the Wall Street Journal claims, Hamas is not run by Iran. This is to forget the agreement between Hassan El-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Rouhollah Khomeiny, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The two groups have divided the Muslim world between them, and forbid each other to intervene significantly in the other’s sphere of influence. Teheran never ceases to loudly affirm its support for the Palestinians, but its concrete action in Palestine is limited to Islamic Jihad.

The political leaders of Hamas live in Türkiye, under the protection of the secret services. [--] Ankara’s choice to launch this new war as soon as the Republic of Artsakh, in Azerbaijan, has been crushed, and while they are sending military equipment to Russia in violation of US unilateral coercive measures, suggests that Turkish diplomats are no longer afraid of Washington, which nevertheless attempted to assassinate President Erdoğan, in 2016. As soon as this operation is over, another will follow against the Kurds, in Syria and Iraq.”

(Voltaire.net) https://www.voltairenet.org/article219779.html

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the jews were behind WW1 - In Russia. The Tzar had them in his cabinet and so did the Kaiser To say nothing of Great Britain. And probably France too....but somehow the Jews in Israel are stupid. Netanyahu cannot be called an intelligent man...he's a devil

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Let's not exaggerate, Bibi is a second-hand devil: he is corrupt and not so intelligent. Who can trust “10% for the Big Guy” these days? C'mon man!

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Antisemitic provocateur.

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anti-semitic ???? The is zero semitic blood in those turks in Israel. The semites are the Palestinians.

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Fuck off, antisemitic provocateur.

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well, that's a good argument

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its a long story of why they're turks - many of the are Russian...dual citizens. and Ukrainian. And American. Not semites - that's the race of the Middle East - much of the semitic population abhor Israel - its a fake state. Like 'Saudi' Arabia although now maybe SA is becoming aware of the growing power of United Semites...and I don't mean the European Jews.

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You're demented....

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Answer to the first question depends on the answer to the following:

Did the intelligence agencies know about this and let it happen or were they taken by surprise?

If Yes, then US/Israel is behind it (even if they didn’t plan it) accepting initial losses for all the reasons you gave.

If No, then Iran/The Rest for all the reasons you gave.

One thing to note, the best plans can be laid to waste as we saw with Ukraine. Meaning, even if this is planned by US/Israel it might very well blow up in their faces.

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Did you notice the newly shaping MSM narrative, " Hamas fights like ISIS." Really? Does that mean that Hamas wounded fighters will be treated in TelAviv like ISIS fighters?

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No, they'll just be given Israeli made flags.

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for what purpose.

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For swank, same as the Isis/caliphate boys with their snazzy black & gold banners. Which, indeed, a shipment of were found in Syria, with the packaging showing where they had been made... Israel. Got to establish brand name recognition!

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Add to that list, the White Helmets of "Assad gassed his people."

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False flag or purely fictional events involving the gassing of "peaceful innocent civilians" by inconveniently oppositional regimes are a perennial favorite in US press releases.

Actually arranging the logistics, war gas production equipment/raw materials & providing satellite intelligence to facilitate the gassing of (subhuman) foreigners is also popular among western leaders- But certainly not reporting such activities on CNN/FOX/front pages of the NY Times until well afterwards, some things are simply not done.

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Quoting Garland Nixon “US Empire’s Israeli Outpost Under Siege”

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There is no way Israeli intelligence could not have known about this, especially with the Al Aqsa provocation. They helped plan it through key assets within Hamas.

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Gaza is bigger than Bakhmut and the IDF is not Wagner. Israel will pay their pound of flesh by invading Gaza

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That's true but on the other hand, Hamas is not the AFU either in terms of the amounts of arms/logistics the AFU had. Sure the IDF is incompetent and overrated but I'm simply saying that the disparity between what the IDF has and that of Hamas is much greater than the disparity between Wagner/Russia and AFU, which almost was no disparity at all as both sides had rough parity, given all the Lend Lease that Ukraine received, access to unprecedented satellite intel, etc.

So yes, IDF is a joke to me, *but* Hamas is very under-equipped, all things considered, and completely blockaded. Even so, they could still certainly give IDF more big surprises, I'm not discounting that because I think IDF is one of the most overrated jokes on the planet.

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Unless Iran is behind them...that's what I think - where on earth did they get hundreds of missiles ? I hope Iran will arm them. Otherwise they would not have done this - they have confidence. So they're getting their arms provided.

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They have MANPADS too.

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Wow, if you rate the IDF that low, I wonder how would you rate the Arab states around Israel. They haven't won a single war against Israel (although Egypt did ok once), even completely surrounding it.

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Hezbollah beat Israel in 2006...

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Israhell has always had US logistics and ISR backing so not a fair comparison.

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ISR in 1948 (!!), 1956 (!) and 1967 (!)? ROFLOL MAYBE it could've made a difference in 1973, if the Soviets weren't willing.

URSS backed all of Israel adversaries.

US had so many restrictions at some point, Israel started modding their Phantom F4 with new avionics and stuff. Same with Mirages and F16 and F15.

Egypt, Jordania and Syria had the best of USRR stuff. But poor training. Egypt did well once, Jordania was bad.

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I wasn't talking about middle to late last century. And yes ISR was a 'thing' back then. Do you even know what it is?

And BTW 1948 it was still named correctly as Palestine.

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Maybe you don't know what war is. 1948 was Israel's war, so as 1956.

Please enlighten us about what ISR advantages Israel had then coming from the US from all people.

Maybe YOU don't know what it means

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Even former AFU was way better than IDF.

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Second to US Army…

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Agreed. Without Hezbollah, Hamas can not win anything substantive.

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It is interesting perhaps to add that Hamas/Gaza is also blockaded by Egypt. Strangely, no one seems to notice that.

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The IDF ground forces at the lower levels might not be as good, but other parts of the IDF are not really a joke. Otherwise Israel would not be able to project as much as they have, it is not just their nuclear threat that is a deterrent.

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I'm hearing more and more from Palestinian telegram channels how the different brigades in Gaza have adopted a guerilla approach with freedom of operation among different units. There's no cutting the head for Israel this time

Israeli weapons superiority is countered by the fact that for every shell they have, Hamas has an equal number in innocent civilians half of whom are children. Israel can't be too heavy handed so ground assaults will be clearing operations building by building. Imagine the scale of their army casualties if they do this for the whole of Gaza. Traps, tunnels, IEDs, snipers, ambushes, drones, MANPADS and ATGMs.

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they gotta be very confident regarding their own manpower (meat-fodder) as Israeli are expected to run away in thousands from Israel now, o yeah of course the have the "reservist", but the war itself is not actually that popular to most ordinary Israeli except fanatic and extremist which are not that much in number. I wonder if they will volunteer themselves manning those Merkava at the end....

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'Madness is however an affliction which in war carries with it the advantage of SURPRISE.'

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War bring risk of defeat while at the same time opportunity to win, if you know what to do... but hell, even Napoleon and Hitler did get it wrong, including USA in Afghanistan.

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I wrote this recently in the comments of your last read:

“I have been thinking for a while that the best way for the uniparty to disentangle itself from this fiasco was to miraculously discover that shipments of arms that made it to Ukraine were corruptly diverted to Africa. Both parties could save face and stop the military support.

Now with new developments in Israel and the West Bank, it would solve multiple problems that somehow Hamas received missing billions in dollars and arms via corrupt Ukes (ie made their way directly by 3 letter US agencies).”

Wouldn’t Occam’s razor point to this being the beginning of the end for Western backing on Ukraine?

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"Hamas received missing billions in dollars and arms via corrupt Ukes"

Spot on.. one only has to notice "Ukraine the innocent" movement to "ukie corruption" (chatter articles) on msm of late.

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