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Nov 19, 2023
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Firstly, is now clear that IDF caused the vast majority of civilian deaths on October 7 and the Netanyahu government intentionally inflated the numbers and fabricated the atrocities.

Secondly, we know how Putin reacted to similar terrorist attacks by US backed terrorists (actual non-state terrorists who have no right to armed resistance, unlike Palestinians defending themselves against Israeli invaders of their land). He neutralized them with appropriate amount of force, worked hard to root out any underlying grievances, and incorporated the people fully into the Russian nation. Now they fight as part of the Russian nation to defeat the Ukrainian Banderites propped up by the West. Perhaps they will do the same to Israel once they determine that Israel is also negotiation incapable.

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"I am calling for people to support Israel after the evil attack on it."

Anyone answering your calls?

Seems like Israel false flagged itself.

Numerous reports on IDf killing peeps.

Helicopter gunships also involved.

Too much MSM for you, i'm afraid. :)

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Nov 18, 2023
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Well the goal is to recreate greater Israël so that the messiah can come down with his light and usher the end times.

The messiah fits curiously the description of a Kh-47M2. If this continues, he might Indeed descend upon them.

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Nov 18, 2023
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Regurgitated pro-palestinian propaganda? Do you mean the 12 thousand dead with 50% children is pro Palestinian propaganda. Israeli propaganda has always been reversing roles, where the criminal becomes the victim. There is a new dawn rising over the world and Israel isn't in it, just like corrupt Ukraine. Israelis are blinded from seeing it, the impact shall be as violent and sudden as a driver blinded from seeing an incoming train and still continues crossing.

It is not propaganda watching young Palestinians battle with rocks IDF soldiers, dodging IDF grenades, to continue throwing rocks.

One can't help ask what will happen to the IDF and the oh!, so brave Israeli settlers, when these young Palestinians get rifles and grenades in their hands, instead of rocks? Who do you think will cut and run? The answer came on the 7th and the armed Israeli settlers with their silly little skull caps, locks and AR15s, did what cowards do. Did they defend their home, the one they stole from a Palestian returning to his legal home with the key to his house hanging on his necks? No, the Zionist settlers with their Kavlar skull caps cut and ran.

This is the biggest piece of Israeli propaganda the Zionist have convinced themselves of. They convinced themselves that they will stand to defend the home they stole from someone else, when they could as well return to the perfectly peaceful home they left behind. This is the crux and truth of the Palestine conflict. The moment the playing field is even, the moment the hoax of Israel will implode. You see the whizing of a bullet next to one's head will sober anyone from the drunkenness of the Zionist propaganda of a promissed land. This is the truth of Nazism and the human history of the people of Donbas proves it.

The truth be said, Israel, in the end, is a deceitful and cowardly nation. Not only that, but it stabs every friend it had in the back. It stabbed Russia in the Ukraine.

Just like Ukraine, Israel ia a mark of shame on humanity's face, and just like Ukraine, Israel will be destroyed and those it oppresses will be freed sooner than Israel thinks.

My advice to Israelis is go back to the nice homes you left behind or have your bathing suites handy, you might be going for an unexpected swim.

J. J. ... I hope this was an answer worthy of your high standards. Go ahead and debate me if you wish. However, be forewarned, I have so many eye witness truths about Israel, you will not survive me bringing them forward. I hope you keep your responses, if you choose to do so, truthful.

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Nov 18, 2023
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WHY do you think the US is the biggest benefactor of Israel?

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Nov 19, 2023
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OIL is the only answer.

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She has no answer to that. Excellent comment.

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You're right, a now discredited neo-colonial UN imposed nation, Israel was imposed on the Middle East. Western institutions like the World Bank, IMF, BIS are now being seen for what they are - scams to harvest the world wealth into the hands of totally corrupt western oligarchy. The US has turned on it's Euro collaborators and is now trashing them, all vassals of a collapsing US need only look at Ukraine and now Israel to see their fate.

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The US needs to OWN all the oil in the world.

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Could not say it better.Thank you.

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Excoriating, deservedly so.

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Nov 18, 2023Edited
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They will be marching through a rain of missiles, one missile for each ashkeNAZI diaper wearing war criminal coward.

We all have seen the photos from 2006 of the cowards pissing in their pants.

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Nov 18, 2023
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Starvation can take months, but malnutrition, poor sanitation and hygiene, and dense crowds with untreated injuries and little clean water are a recipe for epidemics. Gaza will definitely be having huge outbreaks of preventable diseases in the coming month(s). Disease is going to kill way more Palestinians than the IDF, and the optics in the west, the global south, and the Muslim world are going to be terrible.

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Excellento! Thank you. Have you seen the latest by Seymour Hersh? The war in Gaza is essentially won by Israel. It is so frustrating to read!

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I bet - I won't be reading it - even though he does famous work - he's rather suspect as being part of the establishment and is he a zionist ?

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Bingo. And totally clueless.

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And pay walled.

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This is the inherent problem I've been trying to point out in my feeble way. For Jews and Han Chinese anywhere, their terminal allegiance lies outside the host (to use quite an horrible metaphor).

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His sources are Israeli and he makes no bones about it. Read accordingly. Granted it’s hard to tell how much is spin. And this ain’t over by a long shot.

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He's garbage. No sources inside Israel are any good. They're all going to be full of the worst spin.

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yeah - now that you mention it - he looks Jewish

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Of course he's Jewish. People don't know that?

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no but it all makes sense now - he gets so much attention by msm - and why he exposed the pipeline I don't know - I guess they're allowed to do so much - what do you think ?

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also - here is George Webb's latest - Hersh is mentioned in it

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He has done some good stuff, but it only goes so far. I guess he's got his limits, you know, like most or all of us.

He exposes stuff. The pipeline has nothing to do with his Jewish tribal interests, so he will talk about that.

It's not that others are limiting him. He got cancelled by the entire media for his truth crime about the pipeline. They could care less what he says about Israel at this point. He's already been totally canceled, especially by liberal-progressive Democrats who ALL love the Ukrainian Nazis. And he's a classic liberal Democrat himself.

He already got cancelled a lot by them when he uncovered the fake chemical weapons attacks in Syria (there were none - all of them were faked, Iraqi WMD's all over again). Pretty much ALL liberal-progressive Democrats were with the Al Qaeda-ISIS headchoppers in Syria and they were really furious at him over him uncovering that fake sarin attack. So he was half-buried already. But after the pipeline, he's been fully in the ground.

I don't think they've been resurrecting him much with this Gaza thing. I've never seen the MSM even commenting on him.

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He is too old even on Ukraine he is wrong (NS etc..) thinking he is smart, he is a CIA asset with some plausible deniability.

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I am 'old' and I see things for what they are. Not all old people are stupid!

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He's for the Nazis, I know.

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READ it! Stop sitting on a fence while the US tries to take over the world.

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GIVE me a break!

Seymour Hersch part of the Establishment?

Are you still in Elementary School?

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He is. And he's a ranting Zionist maniac! He supports the Ukrainian NAZIS for Chrissake. And the Nazi-minded Jews in Israel. I guess he's got an exterminationist fetish.

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I'm afraid he's a product of his times, like Chomsky.

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another Noam Chomsky

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I think he might be worse, actually. Chomsky lets Israel have it a lot. I've read his books.

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Chomsky worked at MIT - educated Dr Shiva actually - and I really like Dr Shiva - I listen to every video he puts out - https://rumble.com/c/DrSHIVA

I hated Chomsky on the vaccines though

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He's a RAVING Zionist. A really bad one!

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"won" ? Really ? did you read the whole thing ?

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What thing? Sorry. I am not sure what you mean.

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Nov 18, 2023
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I have read it and it does not say about victory of Israel, hence, my misunderstanding.

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Nov 18, 2023
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Yes, sorry! I meant - CONTRARY to Simplicius’ argument, Hersh asserted the victory...etc. Hence my frustration with Hersh. My apologies for your confusion.

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You didn't misunderstand, Lubica. Solerso and Ernesto Che unfortunately did not read carefully. Your writing was very clear.

And I know exactly what you're referring to. I am now ignoring Seymour Hersch's conclusions because his posts look like they're being written by the Israeli leadership. They are a mishmash of styles and conflicting facts. You have to wonder what's going on and if he's safe.

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"They are a mishmash of styles and conflicting facts."

Isn't this a definition of American prose?

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It's even possible that Seymour Hersh is a whole indoctrination department in the bowels of the State Department. Hence the style of writing and the pro-Israel narrative..

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He's a MANIACAL Zionist. That's what few people know about him.

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Hersh is a tool the intel folks use. Mossad?

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Funny you say that, I was a paid up subscriber if his until I read his views on the conflict in Gaza. I could tell straight away that he wasn't giving a balanced opinion on what was happening. He was 100% pro Zionist. I read his 1st article & didn't like it. I read the 1st paragraph of his 2nd article & cancelled my subscription right there & then. They've got their vile tentacles everywhere the Zionist terrorists have sadly. Hopefully the citizens of the world carry on being disgusted by them.

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I do not mind peoplr including mh allies like the anti ujraine peace faction using hersh. But there are clues that make me think he was slanting or rather his sources slanted the nordstream issue. It was usa that did it but it was likely state department cia nuland not the us navy. And it should have been a wmd detonation to blame russia but was not.

But he was useful to bolster russia s defense about nordstream so i let him do his thing. If you want to know how cia controls joutnalists read operation mockingbird. Utah is full of em. Those 2 journos that reported on watergate? Cia fed agents. They were not journos. Their background was intel.

So sure the cia will admit some things but they will also twist some stuff. And on gaza, we finally see mossad s strings too. It is actually nice to see who is who here. At least i wont worry about being backstabbed by a wac genocide lunatic later on.

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You don't know that this man is an extreme Zionist? He's a real bad one too!

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Yenticles. I call them Yenticles.

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Frustrating perhaps…..but true. Too bad.

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I'm no paypig so I won't be reading it.

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But -- only if Seymour is correct???

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He's not.

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So far my most favorable read of Hersh's two latest ones is that he puts out what his Israeli insiders say verbatim (and he repeats that just to be sure - "according to my Israeli insider, blablabla"). He doesn't conclude anywhere that he himself (Hersh) believes that. So you can read that either as clever Israeli propaganda lies or that Israeli leadership and others fully believe they're winning. Whether it's delusions or the actual truth, only time will tell. This is reporting at its finest, no opinions added on top of the interviews. And I think Hersh stated he doesn't have access to Hamas insiders to tell what they're believing at this point. I'm willing to change my opinion to less favorable in the future but I don't see any clear signs for that yet.

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Hersh does seem to try to be sincere but his sources are manipulating him. Question is how much.

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He's writing Israeli propaganda. The guy's a frothing at the mouth Zionist, always has been.

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Of course it has. but Israel aren’t very good at building their Zionist empire if it’s taken them 76 years just to get this far, and only kept afloat by American taxpayers. We’ll see what happens next but Israel’s luck will run out one day.

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Hersh is a Zionist! A really, really, really bad one too. Don't believe anything he says about the Jew's little "hate state." He's not reliable at all and he's fanatically pro-Israel..

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The BATTLE in Gaza is probably won. However, Israel will almost certainly lose the WAR. They are still trapped in an arrogant, triumphalist 1967-style mood with a strong dash of End Times hysteria. As S says above, they seem to have no awareness of the changed realities. The Arab world is more united than ever against them, US support is reaching its final stages, and their military reputation is gone forever as the nations around them grow ever more sophisticated in terms of weaponry.

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The 'stalemate' has been a long time coming.

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Diesmal ZOGzwang. You’re welcome!

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Israel is the 51st State. I now go about my business assuming as such. I fought in Iraq as an infantryman, watch my friends widows posting photos of their killed husbands from my unit every year bro. America is finding ways to out source the military in different conflicts and this is a power play in the region. There is literally no opposition to this clear humanitarian disaster in Gaza. But not just that, they have found a unilateral consensus (Blue/Red) to enact the bipartisan government censorship they have been looking for all along, using a unified "front" for Israel. American politicians are trying to latch on to another country's 9/11 moment. It feels like a desperate move in a way. But honestly it's not sticking the way they want it to on the ground. Even the Ukraine flag folks haven't really gelled together for the Israel thing when they see their citizens live better lives than we do.

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"𝟵-𝟭𝟭/𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗶𝘁"


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Thank you. :-)

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Please share!! People need to wake up to this!

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more like the 1st state, if you think about it

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Wags the American dog pretty effectively.

Zionist evangelicals, Epstein honey pot, penetration of social media...

Oh, and of critical US defense and intelligence networks - say hello to Cybereason:


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Certainly the most useful one for our hegemony. The rest are filled with US citizens. Fuck em

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Well dang. Its been a long week and I am about to go to bed... and you publish another great article. If you're articles weren't so good I'd consider you some kind of enemy.

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The total lunacy of the world today.

What is all this about? What should the outcome be?

It is about getting Israel to see and admit its errors and commit to mending its ways.

Hence what it should do, what the real, in human terms, by human pyschology, simple essence, purpose of this attack was intended to elicit, is say 'sorry' and 'let us sit down and see if we can do something together for the future.'

No one is ever going to suggest that.

No one is ever going to see it in those terms.

Essentially that's not even a question of Hamas and Israel govt. It is a question of people.

But that's today. As seen clearly in Ukraine. In Germany. In UK. Everywhere.

The people and 'people actions and reactions' just don't signify. Don't enter the discussion at all.

ALL the attention of everyone is on governments and military commands. Everyone.

No one gives a thought of turning to the people.

It is my hope that some new apps will suddenly appear and people will begin to join together and communicate and fix things all by themselves, together, via the web and their smartphones, miles away from these ludicrous and dangerously evil governments and the empty mouthings of our 'observers', 'intellectuals' or whatever.

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thanks for your always positive articles - they come late at night here where I live and its a perfect end

to a rather depressing day of looking at body parts lying around the hospital. Viva Hamas !!

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Im so sick of Israel and Israel politics i could shit . Im sick of crooked, bribe sucking money traps like Nicki Halley and Lindsay Graham.. Let THEM GO LIVE IN FING ISRAEL...ISRAEL GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT.

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Your entire government IS Israel.

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At this point, we should just move the US govt to Tel Aviv, since that's who they really work for. Israel owns the US Congress and we have tons of dual citizens throughout the US govt.

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I agree, and so what do we do? Dis them on the web? Vote them out (you go money?). March? Now that we know who the evil ones are, oppose them, an live in beauty.

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As much as things are different, I think they are still the same

Israel can count on - and will get - unlimited US support for as long as it wishes. And meanwhile they will maintain an extreme level of cognitive dissonance in the process; demanding that the US "leave them alone to fight this fight". This in the face of simply absurd US military support, be it the armada in the Mediterranean or the air bridge of munitions and equipment that has been established since Oct 7.

While public support in the US may have dropped on a whole, it will take a long time before that materializes into policy changes. Jews in the US are kin to most Americans, especially in coastal areas, in ways that Arabs simply are not.

Hamas is a surrounded force, with no means of resupply, in the middle of a humanitarian catastrophe. They cannot win, they can only die slowly. Their parting shot may be changing the arc of perception of Israel in the worldview, but, I am old enough to remember this movie playing out multiple times over the years and nothing coming of it

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Listen again to ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt going into full panic mode. Israel has done the impossible: it's created a global movement that has shucked the Holocaust "never-again" framing of everything Israel into, in effect, acknowledging a Palestinian holocaust perpetrated by Israel.

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I mean they are raging hypocrites, but what else is new?

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the curtains have been ripped aside and the world is watching them murder innocents - and this time everyone is waking up to their false flag shenanigans and their codified tribal mentality is being revealed everywhere in ways that has never happened in my lifetime- and I too am old enough to have seen this game played out many times.

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Nobody in the Arab world sees this as something new. Maybe the younger generation, but anyone in their 40s and above not. Those in their late 50s and 60s are lucky enough to remember Sabra and Shatila, which makes what the IDF is doing in Gaza now look tame

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Being older does not mean you have learned to be any wiser. Beware your skepticism is clouding your ability to accurately assess and evaluate the current situation. This is nothing like previous conflicts if for no other reason than the entire underlying premise of Israel's criminally engineered claim to statehood is about to come undone.

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'This is nothing like previous conflicts',sure every conflcit is unique . Vietnam was pretty brutal for the Viets but. US hegemony is slipping, Gaza stands as a warning to the world-fuck with us and this is what ya kids get. The last strand undergirding US hegemonic power is violence (economic and cultural power are gone...) and every now then the US fucks up some small country as a warning to the world-this time the message is VERY clear. Iran got the msg.

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I just don't see it. There are 3rd generation Israelis now in Israel, the country is pretty developed, and has normalized ties with many Arab nations. Contrast to 1973, when 2 Soviet equipped Arab armies attacked from the North and South, and the Gulf countries instigated the oil embargo. Israel wound up stronger after that war, somehow.

We keep hearing about Iran and Turkey, but few mention that there are ENTIRE COUNTRIES in between them and Israel, and Erdogan frankly is an idiot and should stfu with his bellicosity, he isn't going to do a thing.

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What is that premise, in your view?

If only one state de-recognises Israel, that will be great and then hopefully more will follow. Could be South Africa. There hasn't been much to suggest that any state is about to, though.

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No it won't come undone because it's all about OIL!

He who owns OIL rules the world.

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"world is watching them murder innocents"-that's the whole point. Fuck with the USA and THIS is what your kids are gonna get. Gaza is a warning to the world.

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Russia already wrecked nato in ujraine. Warnings from weaklings not gonna work now

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total US fail at proxy war w Russia via Ukraine has definitely eroded US cred. Now US is seen propping up Zionist mafia murdering babies in hospitals. Not a good look for "god's chosen"

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What to make of ADL - Musk - Netanyahu - Media Matters?

Part of the underlying could be that Musk is wounded and Jewish power scents blood.

I'm not suggesting there's anything personal (although there may be), rather that it's a case of "if we don't smash you and steal whatever you've got that's valuable, somebody else will".

So what assets has Musk got? The bottom will probably fall out of the market for electric vehicles soon. X might survive, I suppose, as part of a WeChat imitation. Space tech, AI, and microchip implantation (Neuralink) are another matter. There'll be quite a bit in them that's worth something.

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In tactical terms you are correct that Hamas cannot win. Then again, as long as they are alive and fighting they haven't lost. I incline toward Scott Ritter's assessment that they have achieved a huge strategic objective. He means that by goading the Israelis into an overkill response that they have managed to move the Palestine situation to everyone's attention and to unite the Muslim world in opposition to Israel.

There was little prospect of that happening otherwise. And it would have been a win for Hamas if their incursion had gone off smoothly with few civilian casualties and Israel agreed to their hostage swap demands: essentially 'all of yours for all of ours' since that would have been over 10,000 for a couple hundred and marked a huge achievement that their rival, the Palestine Authority has been unable to secure.

Israel's continuation of its campaign only solidifies opinion against it and erodes support - and time is not on their side. Without continued US support they are dead in the water and know it so the danger - as Simplicius emphasizes - of some sort of provocation by Israel to bring the US into the conflict directly is very real.

And it's not like the Deep State wouldn't take advantage of, or even initiate domestic false-flag 'terror' incidents to further their authoritarian agenda.

Also, even if the leadership of Muslim countries are reluctant to act, they need to consider that sentiments of their population and the consequences if they appear weak and/or fail to act concretely.

Seems like this would be especially problematic for the Sunni since although there are few Shia among Palestinians, actual or potentially serious retaliation against Israel has so far almost exclusively come from Iran, Hezbollah and Yemeni Houthis - all Shiite. Not a good look from the perspective of the Sunni 'street'...

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Hamas took initiative. Hugh risk, change the arc of history initiative. They were facing death either way, either by slow asphyxiation and being forgotten, or by high explosive fragmentation. The latter at least had a gamblers chance

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Indeed. The imminent reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Israel would have surely meant the slow death both of Hamas and the Palestinian cause as the such would have been removed from global consciousness and Israel could quietly proceed with its mission of slowly removing the Palestinians under the radar of world opinion.

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Very similar to what ukraine naxis did to donbass

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So then why didn't they ever try to work with their neighbor and try to become self sufficient is it because they knew they were essentially considered cannon fodder and infantry by the oil rich countries that prop them up and that their population is camp followers of a more permanent inclination. Let's look at how much aide the Palestinians have received. They export people who don't come home and make huge economic contributions. They have willingly been the Frontline for their Iranian masters and even others in the Muslim world because Caliphate is the goal and they want Jerusalem. God this echo chamber is vomit enducing.

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What an absurd comment.

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He blocked me 🤣

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Yep that's right. It's a colossal act of martyrdom that rips the mask off Israel (for today's naive Euro youth), and makes what was a very slowly declining legacy of US soft power in the Islamic world, now completely untenable.

A huge prize for China, Iran, Russia etc. But no consolation for residents of Gaza unfortunately. Perhaps their leaders were subtly encouraged to overestimate the likelyhood of other Arab and Muslim states coming to their aid directly, but that's the risk one takes as a proxy.

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The Europeans have always been anti-Israel. Today's seeming acquiescnce of the EU governments - while dragging their feet, staying well out - is simply a reflection of Washington's murderous grip since Mastricht, which institutionalised EU vassalage. The euro youth have never been pro-Israel and Israel's propaganda has not only been laughably obvious, but worse, its spying, bullying, false claims, land and resource theft and grotesque narcissism has made it contemptible and disgusting in European eyes. And this doesn't even take into account Israel and USA's war on Christianity and destruction of Christian monasteries, churches and shrines. The Israelis are a nation that hates everyone, even jews within their society, and can't live with any neighbours anywhere.

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Yes, but Europeans like being slaves.

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"to unite the Muslim world in opposition to Israel.' And yet the Abraham Accords ( as i worite ) are still on-not even a mention of 'tempory suspension-some Arab unity!! Not threat of oil / gas weapon? Just blah blah blah

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check back in 3 months lets see how your world weary skepticism tracks. You failed to take into account the empire's fiat currency scam that the Khazarian mafia has been running to rob us all blind is running on fumes. You are correct the KM rules by terror but without ammo and money to pay the mercenaries to do their killing the empire will grind to a halt. It's musical chairs with the Zionists caught standing out in the cold, holding a murdered baby in their hands. Bad optics. Bad timing.

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Khazar is fighting a true god. I would not bet on the child pedo mortals

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it's a declining hegamonc power. USA cannot draw on cultural power ( who wants to live like USA? ) , economic power is under direct challenge (China). Last remaining pilar is violence. USA ain't going down with out a fight. It's gonna be bloody-Gaza is a signal warning to the world. USA will butcher ya kids ( Iraq, Vietnam STILL suffering birth defects). Don't beleive the USA is just gonna place nice all of a sudden-AND it only needs high tech weapons to fight near competitor rivals-all the brown people can just be burned and bombed with regular shit. Gaza is a msg-USA gonna keep some elbow room on earth and we all are gonna pay. Get the bandages. OR the Persians are playing some geostratgic Jinjitsu shit -stratgy of tensions-and then I might be wrong. Lets hope.

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I pretty much agree with your viewpoint, except I would substitute Khazarian Mafia for the words 'USA'. The 'USA' has been infiltrated and subverted by the KM - they are intent on thoroughly corrupting our country from within, then using it to destroy all other countries, after looting them, of course.

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Basically what they did to russia. Bolshevik khazars

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The Palestinians don't have to win, they have to not lose.

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even in losing, they win. Again, Scott Ritter has a solid bead on this perspective.

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The US is no longer capable of providing "unlimited support".

Unlimited dollars are not the same as unlimited real military capability and power.

The US economy has been massively hollowed out in pursuit of profit by the Wall Street types and globalist billionaires who are predominantly fellow tribesmen of the Israelis. In their pursuit of those profits at the expense of Americans (and likewise Europeans), they have ultimately managed a huge "own goal" against Israel's interests.

The same tribal group fomented the war in Ukraine which has demonstrated to the globe the failure of US weapons and equipment and its inability to railroad Russia, undercutting the traditional global bullying by the US and making all except the US vassals much more willing to unite against the US and Europe. Ukraine helped lay the ground work for states ignoring Israel's deployment of US threats, which are now seen to be hollow.

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Totally correct Sir 👏

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This is why god had the waxxine kill switch injections. Satan has not been the god of this world since 2012. The god of justice ensures warmongers and genociders get what they deserve. A single snap of the fingers. Kill switch. They will envy the dead

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"Israel can count on - and will get - unlimited US support for as long as it wishes. "

Just like Ukraine can, until they can no longer.

Thus as the general said it is a question of time, but not in the way he thinks.

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As Israel is the largest recipient of aid from the US since WW2 by a vast amount, I'm not holding my breath. Ukraine is a very different animal

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Th zionist antisemites aren't getting any US support. The US is supporting itself by protecting a valuable proxy. It will take a lot for the Septics to betray the occupiers of Palestine but as history shows, being a friend of the Septics is the only thing worse than being an enemy.

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This is proving a strategic disaster for Israel and the USA. How to win a war and lose the peace. What is the end game here? How do Israel and the USA gain anything from this debacle?

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Well, following the money and energy would give us some idea of who expects to gain.

Excellent Substack from September last year by Moneycircus goes into that - and its connection to the Ukraine conflict.

Seems that cutting off Europe's source of Russian gas would force them to look elsewhere or go without - and a main candidate for 'elsewhere' is the East Mediterranean 'Energy Triangle' - which Israel sits on a big part of - along with Lebanon, Greece and Turkey and which Gaza happens to occupy a particularly rich corner of.

It would probably not surprise readers here that Rothschilds, Murdochs, Kushners and a laundry list of heavy hitter US neocons are looking to step in and cash in on the resources of the area. Meet Genie Energy - looking to be a major player:

"From a mechanical perspective, laying bombs in an area of the Baltic Sea Regional Security that is monitored by the U.S.. is a considerable technical feat.

From geopolitical standpoint it is remarkably simple: just three or four charges to alter the energy policy of a continent.

Who would be capable of strategising at such a high level, and have the connections to pull off a geopolitical realignment.

Israel gave Genie Energy the first licence, in 2013, to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights. In 2019 president Donald Trump recognized Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan from Syria. [5]

One could not find a more powerful team. The advisory board of Genie Energy includes Lord Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch of News Corp, former U.S. Vice President, Dick Cheney, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and former Director of the CIA James Woolsey.

It also includes former Clinton energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, former United States Senator from Louisiana Mary Landrieu, hedge fund pioneer Michael Steinhardt, and former Genie president Ira Greenstein who worked as strategist with Jared Kushner in the Trump administration.

Kushner also has property leasing agreements with IDT, Genie’s sister company. [6]

Former chief legal officer to to Trump, Jason Greenblatt, also owns stock in Genie. [7]

It is led by Howard Jonas, founder of Genie Energy as well as cloud, communications and payment services company IDT Corporation. Jonas made billions from a telecoms deals approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the White House Office of American Innovation (OAI) headed by…. Kushner. [8]

Correlation does not imply causation but informed readers will note that Dick Cheney has form. Put him in a room with a former director of the CIA and the world’s most powerful businessmen, and take into account that these are not men given to idle talk."

Much more, including Ukraine connections, history of Rothschild energy interests in Tsarist Russia and the USSR, the Ben Gurion Canal...:


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None of this matters if Israel is defeated, and "passes from the pages of history".

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Since when has the USA ever wanted peace? This thing is a social media spectical. For good reason. USA want the world to watch and tremble.

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I have been boycotting anything from Israel and where possible any Israeli owned company since the mid 1970's and in 2014 I added Ukraine. Now I actively avoid anything Yankee made as well since kike owned communist Yankeeland is the No.1 enemy of humanity.

I am so happy to see people finally starting to wake up as to how they are manipulated, mindfucked and poisoned. Fluoride in water supplies is a proven method of inducing stupidity for a start.

Hopefully in the next few years we will collectively have a great global reset - Just not the one the globalist have planned.

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"Fluoride in water supplies is a proven method of inducing stupidity for a start."

you have been chugging that stuff down then.

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Projection right there dickhead.

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I am not the mental case ranting about fluoride in the water lol

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Suggest you research before posting so as to avoid appearing to be a fool.

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You mean like you?

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You're totally correct in my humble opinion

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great reset conspiracytard

Why do all important issues get hijacked by the conspiracy nutters?

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