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Jan 26, 2024
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Nice thought Barry, however US has resources and the ashkeNAZI filth would just regroup and be a threat again.

I vote for a huge concentration camp in the Sahara, or west Ukraine. Never allow them to leave and place them on near starvation rations, and limited medical care and water.

Disclaimer: this is not my idea, I copied it from a group of people that I can't name or I'll be outed as an "anti-semite".

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The problem is that Israel is a religions project for jews, they believe that their god Satan gave them their holy land in the Middle East, so it's not just about having a jewish state, it's about having a jewish state in that specific part of the world.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Not quickly they can't. They have one place in the US where all their ammo is made. They need raw materials from Russia to make many weapon etc.

The US cannot reindustrialise quickly at all, they dont even have any skilled workers for that shit.

They're the man behind the green curtain

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Der Ewige Boomer enters the chat...

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Unlimited money brings unlimited inflation, Economics 101.

Industrial capacity requires industrial jobs, dirty, dirty industrial jobs, which many American Millenial/GenZ will NOT willingly do. Do you want immigrants running your armament factories instead??

So, US has NO money, NO people willing to do the dirty work, NO-ONE unwoke willing to enlist, and most importantly, NO *REAL* reason to fight Russia.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Apparently advancement comes rapidly in the heat of battle.

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Jan 25, 2024
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With a tranny tik tok army. Does usa /idf forces have the hair salons and diapers on site to be able to pull that off

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Is that a prediction or a wish list?

But seriously folks, whilst airborne special forces can seize and hold small amounts of territory for short amounts of time, is there any indication that, coming into a highly contentious election year, that America is willing to launch a major seaborne amphibious assault to take and hold yet another middle eastern death trap?

As for Israel attacking and holding northwards into Lebanon, that will be them committing to long slow infantry assaults on two fronts and air assaults on several others, plus fighting in the diplomatic, economic and info-space fronts.

Maybe the "Axis of Resistance" has found a way to pick the hegemon's lock on power.

Slow and steady wins the race

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We'll get plenty of warning, because there's no reason to believe America can launch that sort of ground offensive without staging for 6 months, just as they did prior to the gulf wars. I'm not aware of any amazing new tech that allows them to move a half a million troops (from where?) into the middle east and into battle order any faster.

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Do they have half a million effective troops anymore?

Getting rid of wrong thinkers, anti vaxxers and straight white males must have had a bit of an impact, especially with being unable to recruit as well.

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I don't know how much effective troops the U.S. Army can muster, but Black troops are mostly solid. I served when many units were half Black troops or nearly so. It takes ambition and motivation in any young man to enlist, complete training, and serve.

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How many of these Blacks troops?

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About half of the U.S. Army is Black I think. I was enlisted. My platoon sergeant and company NCO (first sergeant) were Black. They were solid NCOs. The officer corp back then was all White, but enlisted troops don't interact much with officers or have visibility into their performance in a ground combat unit.

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Black soldiers? Give me a break Boomer.

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I'm not a boomer. I served during the Iraq war.

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except---we have an idiot in the WH. and br generally hires idiots. that is the wild card.

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The zionist record against Ooh-aah Hezbollah in 2000 and 2006 doesn't bode well.

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Silly Jake. You think U.S. elections are real.

Nikki Haley will run as a third-party candidate. She'll siphon a few votes from Trump (the never-Trumpers, some evangelicals), but she'll mostly serve as a foil for massive election fraud - literally stealing enough votes from Trump to justify why he'll lose and prevent domestic unrest over it. Why else hasn't she dropped out of the race after losing bigly twice?

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She’s got megademcash

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Not only is it her backers intention to keep her in-- I think she is a placeholder for schenanigans later when they push Joe out-- she changes her party -- not a problem given her huge$ democratic backers (and positions) and voila-- the Deep State has its new puppet. Then they cheat to get in again.

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Interesting theory....considering the antics over the last 3 years or so, yes, I'd rank that as plausible.

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Nimrata Haley is reviled in South Carolina. You wouldn't believe how despised she is in the South. Removing Confederate flags from Confederate cemeteries is not going to help her win in Dixie. She's a non-entity with no popular support. Trump already has the nomination wrapped up, and stealing the general election again will result in states seceding. The question is, are The Powers That Be willing to endure a civil war in order to keep Trump out of office?

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I agree, she is a nonstarter. I think they are actually considering letting Trump win.

Then hypothetically, just as he is sworn in they set off FFs in the ME, attack Iran, bomb Chernobyl, fire up the illegials, Antifa, BLM crowd (distribute guns to all of them this time around) crash the dollar and the next day impeach him.

Could be wrong, might wait a month to impeach him :)

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Impeachment starts in the House. When Trump wins it is likely to be with a substantial House win on his coat-tails.

Unlike the first time, when Paul Ryan and McConnell could encourage the Russia collusion hoax, Trump is now publicly a well known public figure who has been thoroughly vetted and demonstrated as a prior president his commitment to the country. Most of the Republicans in the House are already lining up to endorse him.

Even McConnell, who is an utter snake-in-the-grass, is now acknowledging that ALREADY the Republicans in Congress will have to go along with Trump's agenda on matters like the border. McConnell is reading the tea leaves and positioning accordingly.

It will be a totally different dynamic in DC when Trump is sworn in the second time. Anyone who attempts to block his agenda will be quickly swept away and, if they genuinely are dirty (as most Congress critters are) can expect a swift prosecution on their real crimes if they are obstructive. If they can use lawfare against him, for fantasy crimes, he can use the law against them for real crimes recognized by the public.

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From your pen to God's ears. I am not as positive as you are, but time will tell.

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That's a Dem's wet dream.

She has a better chance of pulling votes from Biden than from Trump. The MIC "Never-Trumpers" who vote for her didn't vote for Trump in the past and won't in the future, no matter who is standing.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

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Spam? Either way, it isn't nice to advertise on someone else's forum....go away.

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This is sarcasm, right? Israel is no longer the military force it was in the 60s - actually, it never was as it always depended entirely on US strength. It's only remaining real power lies in its air force, which against a highly dispersed military force such as Iran supports in the area is virtually useless. The US is incapable of a prolonged adventure in Yemen or any other area of the world and certainly is not capable of a sustained ground attack as it requires a much less complex and shorter supply line. The major weakness of the US is now being exposed for all to see - its long and highly complex supply line, its reliance on expensive technology and its completely undersized industrial base, all of which it fully commited itself to decades ago and now finds itself in an untenable position against dispersed powers with loads of inexpensive weapony.

Your statement is really a statement of wishful thinking and a clue to the senseless delusions still held by many in the the US in particular and generally among US allies.

Go on. Dream. It is all you have left.

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What Israel/USA can readily do is destroy the civilian infrastructure and thus economy of Iran/Lebanon. That is why none of the nations want escalation.

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There was a time when I would agree with that statement.

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All they need to do is install Biden there.

He would destroy their countries without a shot being fired.

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Yes, but destroying Iran's infrastructure will come at a cost that is considered unacceptable even by most neocons. This is likewise why the US has been unwilling to escalate with Iran.

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True, even the most hawkish don't buy into mindless talk like Senator Lindsey Graham's suggestion of bombing Iran's oil infrastruce. War in the Middle East will destroy the region's oil infrastructure. Even total capitulation after that fact by Iran and her allies would be the very definition of a Pyhrrhic Victory.

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I doubt that Lindsey Graham is unaware of the infeasibility of what he said about Iran. He needs to say such things from time to time in order to appease the Lobby.

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It depends on what is in the balance though, I suspect if they felt their Israeli base was at real risk, I could see them nuking Iran.

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A scenario in which Israel's existence is put in danger directly by Iran or Hezbollah is in my opinion very unlikely, since that would certainly pit Iran against the US. Despite the rhetoric, the Islamic Republic has a survivalist doctrine according to which the survival of the regime is the highest priority. Any course of events that could lead to the fall of the regime is therefore to be avoided. Iran's capabilities and network of allies and proxies are meant to deter Israel and the US, not to lead to the fall of the Islamic Republic. This is why Iran would not directly attack Israel unless its territory were first attacked by Israel, and even then, the response would not be such that Israel's existence should be threatened.

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I completely agree but only as the lines stand today. Tomorrow may be a different story.

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Because that worked so well with Russia? What more can the U.S. or Israel do (beyond the sanctions already in place) to harm Iran? The country has hypersonic missiles that can sink a navy destroyer. Iran can keep its ports open. Iran is as rich agriculturally as the Central Valley in California. You can grow anything in Iran with very high productivity. I live in Russia - a lot of our produce comes from Iran, shipped across the Caspian Sea (which is immune to western interference).

A lot of our manufactured products come from Iran (like Barf laundry soap, "Barf" is a Persian word meaning "white" - and the packaging is in English for international sales). There's nothing you can buy in Paris that you can't buy in Tehran (but Iranians, like Russians, now prefer Chinese products even in luxury categories - the quality is generally better too).

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B-52s? but of course, Iran has the demonstrated capability from its take down of reapers to shoot them down. And the US tomahawk arsenal is being rapidly attrited by Yemen.

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Hardly scratched our tomahawk inventory, we have 4,000+

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assume readiness levels are comparable to other US systems (and many of those are very old and were scheduled for retirement) so about $3000, and 200ish were fired in two weeks. So in 2 months, and only 1500 will be left, but an attack on Taiwan needs at least a thousand and an attack on Iran a similar amount. So as with Ukraine, the US cannot maintain a high tempo operation for long.

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Tomahawks can be intercepted by AD as well. Not all, but most

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Excellent points 💗

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Whereas what you are saying is accurate, there are many delusional people in positions of power in the U.S. that are blind to that and shortsighted to boot. John the 1st may be right. Not that it will be successful.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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Not just expensive technology: it's overly complex and ill-conceived to boot. You can't turn an Abrams tank off during operations when they're not being used, because they take fifteen minutes to start - and they glow for a couple of hours after being shut off due to the heat the jet-fuel-consuming engine generates in operation. So it's a sitting duck, or else requires massive supply chains just to keep it fueled.

And on and on it goes with western tech.

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$$$$$ is the only reason for that design-- money for MIC, money for the supporting politicians-- money laundered so well...

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True, complexity and high maintenance requirements are a feature, not a bug, built into our modern weapon inventory.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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It’s funny in some way: the oceans ‘protect’ the USA, but extends the supply lines greatly

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Nope. Not even a remote possibility.

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Will and soon are the most consistent words of this statement

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And both will suffer badly.

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2006 meters the chat with a fistful of evidence to the contrary. I sincerely hope the IDF masses up in one place and makes a dash for the long promised Litani river. Good fuggin luck.

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that's really funny.

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The times they are a'changin.

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Well it's shit or get off the pot time for the dirty dealing double downers.

You know when God drops a building, or 2, on top of the very most blessed of his most blessed people, who have spent months dropping buildings on top of hated women and children, there is a message staring you in the face. Get your head out of your ass and join the human race!

Otherwise come to Canada and get MAiD! Either way, leave them kids alone!

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And January hasn't even finished. Think of the pace and amount of change. Pluto in Aquarius baby!!

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"You see, the US previously had preconditions for talks of ending its occupation; one of the conditions being that Iran-backed Iraqi groups first had to stop bombing US bases. But now, the US has apparently dropped this significant precondition, as per the Reuters report."

The US bases are now starting to look like isolated cauldrons around the world. My only hope is these aging desperate effetes don't take us all with them. We need the equivalent of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Gimme 3 steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82VnutYBh9k

Well worth a listen and the only tape that survived for our 6 month med run in the late 70's after someone ran all the country western stuff through the TDU on our first day at sea. Fast attack nuke trash disposal unit.

This tune shows Americans being humble and badass at the same time. Long haired rednecks will rule the day!

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Yup, US preconditions are a thing of the past. No one is listening to them. And it will keep getting better. The circling wolves smell weakness, indecision and stupidity.

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It's interesting how the US shoots off million dollar anti air missiles to stop stuff costing a tenth. Or less. This proves the motivation of US arms manufacturers. Their first concern is profit, not giving our troops good equipment!

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Damn, Pluto again! But Aquarius trying to jump start a new age! Now that really scares me.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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US Forces will Flee in Humiliation soon, even if 'Davos Man' & Zionist Lobbyists disagree:

This is because conflict is brewing at home. Thus, troops are needed to squish the rebellion Home.

We are witnessing American Preeminence rapidly Implode in real time; & the 'Elite' are about to find out how utterly saturated they are on all fronts with Texas & friends forcing their hands.

Once US Forces Flee Back Home, 'Israel' & its Fate is all but sealed shut.

The Dragon of Unipolarity is about to be Cornered & Slain!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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You seem to write well, be on the path of truth, and have a very solid and positive message to spread. Thank you for your time in getting the word of truth out. I in no way condemn you for being paywalled, I know not of others financial situations and wish for everyone's family to have shelter, comfort, and food. That said, I think it's fairly typical that only those that already agree with your ideas and messages would pay money to read and participate in your discussions. I personally think it's our responsibility to attempt to reach those who do not agree or whom have never received the message of truth. You can lead a horse to water but can not force him to drink, especially if you're expecting that horse to somehow contribute to your financial wellbeing. Again, I do not know your situation and do not think ill of your actions, I merely implore your internal dialog to contemplate if your messages of righteousness would fall on more ears if they could participate whilst penniless.

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Thank you for the Kind Words!

The Stack is 90-10, with 10 being 'Paid' content.

That said, I use Notes regularly & keep All my Dear Readers up to date with whatever I feel is relevant for the current Geopolitical landscape. The 'Premium' content exists primarily for those willing, ready & able to pitch in to help my work.

It is in no way meant to 'turn off' my Free Subscribers.

Thank You again for the query!

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I subscribed after finishing your first article. Thank you again and bless you brother

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I'll subscribe as well. But I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment regarding paywalled content that's vitally important in waking people up to our perilous situation and the lies we've been told. It's spiritual warfare writ large and we have responsibilities.

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Thorough and compelling, thanks for all you do!

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Reality unfolds in ways no one can predict yet also is inevitable.

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When you look forward, the future is full of choices. When you look backwards, the choices you made look inevitable.

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Depends on the vantage point from which it is observed as well as time scale..the current situation has been in the making for quite some time and has not diverted from this course in decades. You caint stop what’s coming.

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Outremer, from french d'outre-mer, was lost too. The same story, the same region, the same religious believes, the same enemies, the same internal intrigues, the same decadence, just 800 years in between.

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But the US military can't be deployed within American borders, under the Posse Comitatus Act, without an act of Congress allowing it...That will be difficult to obtain...

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Congress? Communists don't need no fricking Congress.

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They could try doing it illegally, but America is not Canada, and there would be a lot of blowback...Also, the US is already overextended, so I doubt it could spare the manpower...

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Somehow I doubt that will act as much of a deterrent to them issuing orders. How it all goes down is a different matter...

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Yeah, but this is a coup you are talking about.

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Posse Comitatus Act,

guess you haven't been paying attention

That was canceled by Obama's HR 1540 or 1066 Dec 1 2012 at 8:pm some 13 years ago now

Oh, if that was bad, look up the rest of the Bill of Rights he " neutered" with these executive orders

a quote

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, if signed into law, will signal the death knell of our constitutional republic and the formal inception of a legalized police state in the United States.

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“The posse comitatus power continues to exist in those common-law states that have not expressly repealed it by statute.”

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...but a UN peacekeeping force can be deployed.

This has been talked about some years ago.

Heard nothing of it lately.

As I remember there were even fotos of a huge number of UN labeled military vehicles somewhere in FL (it may all be BS.) :)

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My understanding is that the government plays word games there.

Yes, the "United States Armed Forces" can't be deployed within American borders.

But the Constitution says nothing about the "Armed Forces of the United States". And well would you look at that, the "Armed Forces of the United States" just conveniently has all the fighting strength of the United States Armed Forces. Gee! Isn't that convenient!

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I think that such word salad would not prove convincing to the Court...but the most important factors are whether the Pentagon would agree to such a mission, whether soldiers from Texas or the South generally would obey, and whether the American public wouldn't be outraged....

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I think it depends on the circumstances.

In the event of a civil war, I highly doubt the SCOTUS is going to be issuing orders demanding the Feds capitulate

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No worries, they'll be working for some private security firm... No need to keep things legal and official nowadays

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Ahnaf it's a little early to uncork the champagne! Now is not the time to breath a sigh of relief. The cornered animal is most dangerous. Any and all tricks are legal with this crowd. Nothing is off the table. Nukes, bio, false flags, color rev. Or maybe AI some new trick. Aliens, cross dressing officers with implanted chips and swarming drone capabilities. You know like a White House treaty signing. Beware WHO!

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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Oh and a head's up. They will import foreign troops to suppress US insurrection. US troops would overwhelmingly join it.

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50 million armed Southerners look forward to a close up and personal exchange of opinions with blue helmets and .mil traitors.

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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." Unfortunately this probably plays right into the global plan to reduce world population.

We'll be fighting amongst ourselves and "they" will be stirring shit & supplying arms to both sides. Counting their money and giving more help to which ever side starts to lose. A very old play from the ancient playbook.

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I just realized US navy actually turned away from the Houthis! International shipping is about to get expensive.

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At least for genocide supporters!

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In the short term yes. But the US navy not being able to enforce freedom of navigation has also been noticed in Singapore, Malaysia and other choke points. Maritime security deals will also have to be cut with local powers. Is still not clear how such a decentralized system might work.

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My understanding is that western powers are avoiding the area but others including Russian shippers are going through. That the US is enforcing freedom of anything is a news flash. Oh except of course freedom for their beloved masters to rape pillage and genocide as they see fit, their beloved international rule of law which used to be called piracy.

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Well international security is exactly like the mafia. There is no impartial superstate to enforce anything.

What Ansarallah are doing, is removing security responsibility in the Suez Canal from the United States. BRICS expansion practically hugs the red sea both from Africa and the Arabian peninsula. They need to also have it under their security umbrella.

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Russia is becoming known for keeping their word. Interesting how upset the US is with the s 400 being attractive to so many international customers particularly as it is a defensive weapon.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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Have you been tracking the situation brewing on the Texas border? It looks like something out of 1860 with Federal and State forces at a standoff. I don't think it'll escalate into a full on civil war, but it has clearly drawn up where the battle lines will be. It's for sure a potential watershed and a major stepping stone to that point.

It's insane to me that anyone in the US is seriously contemplating a Middle Eastern adventure at a time when America's domestic situation is so volatile.

Iran especially is not Iraq. Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the Hashd al-Sha'abi have already demonstrated a shocking capacity for resisting technologically superior foes. They won't grant the Americans ans Israelis the convenience of a quick fight. They'll retreat to their hideouts and strike at the Zionists like ghosts. I wonder how able America is to commit troops that are desperately needed in Europe and the Pacific.

America today resembles Rome during its Crises. Barbarian Invaders pour into its heartlands across its once secure borders. The Senate, the People and the Imperial Court tear at each other, paralyzed by indecision and infighting, and as the old enemy weakens, we the descendants of old Persia prepare to drive these invaders and their allies from our lands. They now have a choice. Do they tighten their grip on the East and lose everything or do they finally accept that this was never a land they were meant to control.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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I feel like the main problem with this conflict is that the MSM is fully onboard. Most American's don't know what is going on, and don't care to know. Anything that does appear in the MSM likely originated from ISW. Whenever ISW shares anything, it's with the intent to drive more money to the MIC.


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They could have just sold those weapons to the gulf nations. Instead they blocked their sale because Israel would not accept

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Most people in any country don't know what is going on. Political mobilization usually happens via a small proportion of the whole, maybe 5% - 15%.

Further, most people in the US no longer get their information from the MSM, particularly among the younger generations, who use very different channels -- like the Chinese owned TikTok.

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Too many people are not capable or interested in following the events. The only thing they do is repeat the narrative of the governmemt and MSM. I sometimes feel hopeless as it is near impossible to try and convince them in not believing everything, be critical and do their own research.

The famous quote also stated above: you can bring the horse to the water, you cannot force to drink it

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Biden doesn't have to do any fancy negotiating or diplomacy to stop Israel's rampage. All he has to do is stop funding it. But he needs the campaign donations.

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What does that say about the idea of a democracy?

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Not much, why would it say anything about the idea of a democracy considering the US was never intended to be a democracy in the first place, as Gore Vidal repeatedly explained time and time again until his death? "It’s the one form of government that we’ve never tried." That the US is a democracy or was ever intended to be one is just its most enduring myth, disseminated endlessly as propaganda.

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I frankly didn't expect a purist as I used the term "democracy" in a loose sense. OK, the US is not a democracy nor has it ever been one. It is a republic theoretically - actually, it is an oligarchy. It is just easier to use the term "democracy".

But whether is is a democracy or a republic does not matter in this sense as both forms of government degrade into oligarchies or dictatorships over time as people are not fit to rule themselves and are always subject to nefarious means to exploit their human weaknesses. That is not to say there are not strong or smart people out there, but that most people are too either too lazy or too involved with their own responsibilities and private lives to properly support people's rule of any kind.

So for you, I stand humbly corrected.

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Blaming the people for the crimes of the oligarchs is a bit harsh. I bet that ordinary decent Americans want the same as everyone - an adequate job, house, nurse, doctor, dentist, street lights, pension and hope for the future.

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I agree. The point is that for whatever reason, the idea of rule by the people is a fantasy. This is why the zionists worked so hard for the destruction of the monarchies - the people were easy to manipulate and control. History bears me out.

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The Zionists also seemed to be pushing very hard for war with Germany in the 1930's and certainly sold out a great many Jews in the process

They've dined out on that story for years.

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I think we should blame them and ourselves. We, the (good) people have allowed the mental ill to acquire an immense amount of power capable of destroying us all. Doomsday clock stands on 90 seconds before midnight and I personally think we actually have less time left

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To be fair, the political structure is weighted against the people.

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I think you put that rather well, the late and lamented Vidal was equally frank about the pretend democracy here in Britain. I only vote in democratic elections which means on internal trades union matters and the exit referendum (clue, I'm still laughing).

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What democracy? Representative democracy as presently practiced in the US is an exercise in buck-passing.

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Yes, and.... he won't. He was absolutely essential to herding US Congress to support the Iraq war, he's been on the side of AIPAC since the time of the dinosaurs, and the same is true, minus the dinosaurs, for the key appointees in his administration who run things. US and the Israeli right are joined at the hip on this one.

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Hitler had the 1940 Madagascar plan to dump Europe's jews on an island there. It was quickly abandoned , but fascists seem to borrow ideas and not reinvent the wheel. After all genocide is all about being excellent at killing not logistics or rehousing a new alcatraz

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The Madagascar Plan fell through due to the Red Army not reading the script; it was replaced by Aktion Reinhard, a mixture of antisemitism and utilitarianism. Note that the utilitarian aspects of nazi policies is elided because it would embarrass the states of today.

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And now ironically ?? Israel pulls out the same "solution" (sic)

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25 January 2024 FT black hole publishing of antimatter

‘Ukraine war is a ‘battle for ammunition’, says Nato chief’


Just when it seemed the FT could not publish articles with even less content, most contain zero verifiable facts, here is one which introduces the new world of negative content, antifacts

To have any idea of the proclaimed subject refer to Reuters – which details an agreement whereby Nato, acting for certain countries, signs a contract with two EU companies for the provision of 220,000 155mm shells to be delivered……end 2025

This is absurdly efficient, and startlingly inexpensive at 1.1B Euros (Nato has previously announced a shell cost of 8,000 Euros)– one would curious as to clauses concerning cost overruns and delivery delays, or if they ever get made at all – as per recent EU shell contracts/promises to Uk

The sheer genius on display is only bettered by the FT’s antifacts in favour of the the same old we must do this or perhaps that speeches from Nato ‘commanders’

The production cost to Russia for 152mm shells is put as $500 to $600 (by NYT and others)

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It would be very interesting to dig into the historic archive and discover what comparable ammunition cost in WWI & WWII. Then do a comparison to the changes in prices for bread, meat, shoes and clothes etc. over the last 100 years.

Military economics is always weird, but some things are definitely going backwards in the west.

There is some talk among the NATO elites that the citizenry can be drafted into a wartime economy. It isn't going to happen. Aurelien has a good write up on why,


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I quite agree about research into relative costs of ammunition

The few comments I have read on the EU very high costs relate to increased energy prices, but mostly attribute increased expense to armaments manufacturers’ screwing of all Nato and EU initiatives, and forcing up the prices via arguments as to long term contracts, factory refurbishment costs, increased costs of bribes to ..EU pols, and whatever other arguments the few monopolist suppliers can invent to oblige the politicians to connive

The warscare is probably just that – intended to convince all EU pols that they had better make sure their populations are under control shivering with fear in the basement, but mainly to try make sure that the usual suspects, Hungary etc, but now especially Germany, do not break rank and do a deal with the RF

They (the bigger EU and the UK) will try or announce conscription, they are already doing so – they more or less have to given the shrinking enrollments in the armed forces, and as a con to encourage the rabid Balts and Nordics to do so

Aurelien makes a very convincing case that Nato is kaput, all these countries have not a clue, and everything said or published is merely internal damage control, attempted

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I have wondered if the Ukranian war is really a back door attempt to wreck the national armies of Europe so they can more easily roll out their EU army. It's primary focus will be domestic, of course.

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Various military blimps are being bruited here on the subject of conscription and the public response is a yawn.

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The publics' reaction is not the point - the point is to impress all EU ruling classes to scare move their economies and peoples into wartime mobilisations

This to make sure all stay in line and none cut deals with the RF - the EU is big on unanimity

Besides their peoples are pretty much passive and un resistant, and it sounds like they are easily scared

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Passive until they are sent their tin hat and gun.... It has taken an undeclared civil war of 50 years' duration to re-colonise the British people, the cost of keeping the walls and barbed wire fences up is tremendous.

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Maybe not so much "passive" as "realize their opinion makes no different". And Germany is still under military occupation from WWII. If anyone thinks the U.S. Army presence in that country is anything other than an occupation, they haven't lived there.

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Their opinion never counted, the opinions of the peoples of these various westie countries never counted for a hill of beans

They may have thought it did, they may still think it does - they are wrong, and they more or less know they are

This is the nadir of passivity, to accept the crumbs, to grumble and whimper, but never to take consciousness of the situation and by doing so realise some of the ways to revolt, to rebellion or revolution

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If you are able to read a German book: "Vom Einzelschuss zur Feuerwalze", ISBN: 978-3763759668. There you will find all the data to various ammunition types. Why the choose to produce this or that. What was the cost. What happened when they needed to increase production to war levels. Data is especially from Germany, England and France.

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its hard to money launder in the food industry-- thats the difference

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220,000 shells seems like a lot - but it ain't. It is a paltry amount.

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yYu got there first - around 2 months max of fighting at current rates, by the end of 2025, and doesn't account for Ruussia's current superior and rising production. PR sticking plaster to cover hard facts.

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S has calculated RF production at something like 3M/3.5M per year, and increasing

Widely quoted more or less current figures for RF daily expenditure are at 10,000

The US EU are playing their usual money games, and have not serious intention of ever approaching 3M or 4M per year, let alone the double or triple of these amounts, that which would give Nato overwhelming advantage

Germany can not even provide the much talked about 4,000 brigade to station in Lithuania, not even planned to be put in place until 2027 – and Lithuania is refusing to invest in the necessary infrastructure

Nato is all hat and no cattle

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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How many times are you going to spam this page?

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I've done a quick search, and the answer seems to be 14. That's at least 13 times too many. Even posting your self-promotion once is too much, considering that you are contributing zilch to the conversation here. Why do you think people will assume your own newsletter will rise above that, and be worth reading, let alone paying for?

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Gerard, I love that thought. Anti- fact like anti- mater is characterized by the requirement of being kept entirely separated from -fact. To allow anti-fact and -fact to exist in the same space would cause a explosion sufficient to destroy worlds!

I am going to steal that!

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You can not steal that which freely is given....!

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I really wonder if that disparity in cost of shells between the E.U. and Russia is still that wide, and how much of it is attributable to government regulation. Skilled technician wages for factory work in Russia aren't third world. I'd guess it's $2000 USD/month on average (and shell foundries involve mostly skilled labor, since they're typically small operations with lots of handwork). I'd guess U.S./European labor in a shell factory is $25/hr ($4000 USD/month). It doesn't account for the disparity (but before anyone criticizes my numbers too hard, remember I added a disqualifier - "guess").

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Wages are not any of the cause of the disparity in prices, profits yes

In the west the various monopolistical armaments companies know they can charge as much as they want, for they have the active connivance of the governing bureaucracies, by way of greed and incompetence

And by way of hesitations and uncertainties as to whether payment will ever be made or, rather, today’s tough talk shifting into tomorrow’s surrender and cessation of conflict

The varieties of standards between various EU ‘armies’, although (or because) the subject of a diligent bureaucracy, is an additional twinkle

The westie industrial base has been whittled away, and energy and materiel prices jacked up by sanctions, de skilled, de engineered : case in point – the disaster called Boeing

The worst possible conditions for any efficient production, the best for over pricing

In RF…….to cut a long story short just about the opposite – the costing given in westie press seems based on somewhat informed opinion

The EUUS maintains a boutique production and shop, the RF an industry

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It is simply an unbelieveable absurdity that the combined economic forces of Europe and North America cannot produce 100k artillery shells a month- the most basic of armaments. You can simply stamp and weld them, equip them with simple contact fuses.

The logical conclusion is that the shortage is delibrate.

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The island idea is wild!

Other than the obvious lack of space to house all 2.3 million Gazans and that it doesn’t solve the West Bank issue and a unified homeland for the Palestinians

... it will still be FULLY controlled by Israel. Basically, they want to build Alcatraz!

These people are crazier and more disgusting than I ever imagined ..

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Israelis tried to present that idea to EU last week, they totally ignored it and only discussed humanitarian issues. Too crazy for even them

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They're Zionists hiding under Judaism.

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I would have thought Israel would have been smart enough to "evacuate" the Gaza civilian population to the West Bank.

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Good as always, thank you.

"Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging."

That's one possible reason, but in the end, the US forces there are in the crossfire anyway, they are too vulnerable, so they'll have to leave sooner or later, but there is one other sign that I think you missed about the Biden's admin pressure on Israel: The departure of the US carrier group from the east Med, without any scheduled replacement. To me, that's a clear: "Sorry, we are not getting directly involved in your little war, you fight it out yourself."

Makes sense?

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Saying "the U.S. should ditch Israel" is probably a criminal offense in much of the world, so be careful. At the very least you'll probably lose your job.

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AIPAC's stranglehold on our media and Congress will never let that happen.

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All mires are quicksandlike for the record. Need to retune that AI, Simply ;)

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Read the Bible. The Tanakh. None of it is historical. It is a fantasy written by a people to try to convince the rest of us that they are special and chosen for God's favors. Those favors justify and require mass murder. The problem for the US is that a significant number of people also equate Israel's situation with the "end times." I would be willing to bet that many of the people in and out of government want to see the US drawn into a military defense of Israel because they see the defense of Israel as a God given prophesy and duty. God help us all. There is no rational way to analyze this situation.

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You might also like to try Vladimir Soloviev's "Tales of the Anti-Christ". Very interesting read given the star role Israel plays in the story/prophecy.

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Zionist Jews are not the Chosen of God as described in the Bible, but instead this be them: "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars......". That pretty much says it all about these deceivers.

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1000 Amens!

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The "Replacement" theology of that emerged out of the Roman state church is an error and a work of the evil one. It's just as likely that the Roman Church is the "synagogue of satan" in the verse you reference.

God made both spiritual and national promises to Abraham. God does not spin his promises like humans do, to weasel out of his commitments. When he makes unconditional promises they are plain and when he makes conditional promises, those are clear also.

It's important to always remember what God has said: "my ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts". Like it or not, Jesus is the Jewish prince, in the line of David, who will rule with an iron rod from his throne in Jerusalem

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A vindictive, brutal "Jesus" is not Jesus- he's the anti-Christ.

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I will not argue about the Bible, the septuagint, or the Dead Sea scrolls being a fantasy or historical. I will clearly state that the Lord looks upon the modern recreation of the nation of israel with the same disgust and contempt he looks down upon the rest of western nations with, perhaps even more so. It is clearly written than The Lord used nebuchadnezzar in judgement of israel, to destroy them, got that? Used persians to topple israel.. That was before the pharisees slew the Messiah even. The ancient Israeliites were kept around merely for the need of a pure bloodline, once The Messiah was born and certainly after they denounced and killed him, their privilege ended and they now continue to serve elohim of evil, baal, mammon, whatever other territorial spirits. The Bible documents a DNA seed war, recent archeological findings and translations make this clear, and it's clear that such revelations were only meant to be rediscovered at this time. Unfortunately the vast vast vast majority of people who think they're Christian in america are going to be in for one hell of awakening if they're convinced by their church that the modern recreation of israel is anything but an abomination unto The Lord. The destruction and hell that will rain down and rise up upon western nations is beyond comprehension if they dare slay a red heffer or lay a single brick of what they call a third temple.

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In my opinion the modern Israel is not the promised Land of the Bible. It is founded by atheists using biblical quotes to erect an apartheid state or to get rid of the former inhabitants.

Readers of the bible know that the thorah as well as Jesus are asking for justice better than that of the heathens. If they do not follow this, they will be punished.

The Jews of tody are only the descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. As the Assyrians have carried away the other ten tribes, Israel is not whole.

But as very likely not all of the Population has been driven out, the Arabs of Palestine may be a remain of the lost ten tribes.

To spin this further, the Palestinians are their brethren. So this would suggest, that a One State Solution ist the right thing to do.

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Can you please point me to where you get this knowledge from? Thank you - eye opening

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Which sky god are you referring to? There's so many, I lose track.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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You are right. It is a dire legacy of British Zionism promoted in the 1800s to justify its empire. In the US it manifest in the preaching of John Darby. He influenced Dwight L. Moody, Cyrus Scofield (of the Scofield Bible) and William E. Blackstone, who wrote a best seller "Jesus Is Coming" in 1882. More importantly on a practical level, Blackstone organized an early Zionist lobbying effort in the U.S. targeting J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Charles B. Scribner and other financiers pressuring the US president and leaders to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Apparently Darby and others didn't read Amos much. God does not favor claiming to be His people and acting contrary to His will. Support for Israel when Israel violates the premise of relationship with God as its tradition lays out, does not earn blessing.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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Look up Robert Sepehr. The "end time part" was part of his discussion in his latest video about zionism. The video has a part about 2/3 the way in, the rabbis telling bibi he has to "work" faster in bringing in of the Messiah. All the major religious books tells about the Messiah.

Sepehr shows the connection of Sabbatai Zevi 1666 (self proclaim messiah) the rise of the Kabbalist/Sabbateans movement, the Rothchild connection. etc.

Fantasy? As with the great flood, something did happen, as 202 civilizations have their own twist to the story. As each religion has a "My dad is tougher than your dad" vibe to it, the truth becomes more twisted.

As with "let there be light." The earlier texts have "let there be logos." Logos a word which they're still trying to figure the meaning.

The Bible has been twisted through translation and deliberate change of words.

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We'll it really could be the "End Times" if you throw war with nuclear armed Russia into the mix...

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Meanwhile ..in other news.....

25 Jan 2024 CBR confiscations Reuters report likely cancellation of all attempts … but FT ….nada

This looks more or less definitive – the kicker, unmentioned in the press reports so far, is that Euroclear, holding the great majority of CBR, is also holding ‘substantial’ amounts of assets in Russia

Not a word on this from the FT, which has previously almost daily panick stricken the subject – the FT has moved in to Trump death scare red alert mode

So many assets that were confiscation to proceed there would be high risk of Euroclear bankruptcy, general chaos ensuing, and the EU left holding the bag for ‘trillions’

“"The EU cannot bail out Euroclear," another senior official said. "Euroclear manages trillions and its bankruptcy would be far more than the budget of the EU. We have to balance risk and profit," the official said.”

So that’s that

Makes it all the more obvious that the whole confiscation storm in a teacup was yet another US move to collapse the euro weaken EU financial markets and industry, and transfer dependence to the US and to the US$

The US finds it easier to wage war on US allies than on US enemies - but here for once is defeated


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You are spot on, sirrr!!!

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"Makes it all the more obvious that the whole confiscation storm in a teacup was yet another US move to collapse the euro weaken EU financial markets and industry, and transfer dependence to the US and to the US$"

No it makes obvious the fact that European banks have next to no collateral. Easy to make and lend money when the Eurodollar supply is flush all around the world, then all those social (sic) programs can be "funded" and Europe can live large. BUT Powell comes in and says heh that market is now being corrupted (ie Soros et al using free money - -I rates near 0) to bankroll BLM, Transgender ideology, COVID scares etc. So I rates move and European banks are is realizing shit we have no collateral woops! -- except long term bonds worth nothing that no one will buy- I rates too low.

So yes capital is fleeing to where it can make the most money-- ie places with collateral with real assets and commodities. Given the sanctions (round 13??) that the EU finds SO effective 🙄 against Russia, China, Iran etc etc.-- Europe is limited to where it can send its fleeing capital.

Frankly Europe should be thrilled its "Euro" (sic) has lasted as long as it has- where it has. You can thank Berneke and Yellen for zero I rates up until Powell. The free lunch is gone.

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The subject discussed was the confiscation of the CBR assets and the consequences of this act

Not the general dis function of the EU economy and the euro

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thanks for great article and thanks for no paywall. People nowadays can't afford subscriptions - at least this people here. I hope they do leave Iraq and Syria - how fantastic it would be. And I can't believe how many people don't realize - that Palestinians don't want a so called two state solution - what exactly are the two states ? Westbankgaza ? No thanks. River to the Sea with no jewish state anywhere. Zionists out !! No Jewish State !!

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Or there is one Jewish state with equal rights for Arabs. Within a decade Arabs demographics will out vote and out breed the zionists taking it by stealth. It's why so much pressure is put on global jews to return , they know they need the population or it crumbles

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absolutely not. its racist. and its completely not going to be accepted by the Palestinians. I don't know why no one knows or seems to care what they want. Hamas represents 90% of the Palestinians now - as far as I know - about that - and they made themselves clear just yesterday - they don't want a two state solution. they want Israel gone. its proved itself to be a horrible neighbour. and its racist. Are you aware of what's going on in India now ? all the muslims are leaving. That's not okay. racisim is the bane of the world. outlaw it. zionism and nazism - outlawed.

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How about The Holy Land being a safe place for all the Abrahamic faiths?

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The Holy Land a safe place for all Abrahamic faiths? Well, now, you're just being openly anti-Semitic now, aren't you? How could the Israelis ever feel safe in a Holy Land where they must abandon old Jewish traditions for the sake of others, like spitting on Christians, in favour of getting along with them?


I kid, obviously, but it does seem to be basically how the Zionists think of the idea, since the Zionists are a ridiculous people.

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that sounds great

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Receipts please

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Or there is one Palestinian state with a guaranteed sanctuary for global jews who feel they need a safe place to live and enjoy equal rights with the majority of Palestinians.

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The time of 'safe places to live' has been and gone - at least in most of the world, certainly the west & the ME, perhaps in Asia there are countries still esteemed by their peoples to be good places to live

What 'rights' are enjoyed in EUUS except the right to be oppressed impoverished and dragged into endless wars

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Before the British, the French, the Americans and subsequently the zionists entered the scene, Arabs and Jews, after a long period of difficult evolution began to accept each other and lived side by side in relative peace for hundreds of years. The zionist vision spoiled all that as their money, media and political influence pressured the West to cause chaos and divisions between these peoples in order to gain a piece of Palestine and eventually to fulfill the dream of Ersatz Israel.

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Weltjuden, really? Are we to refer to their counterpart, the internationales Judentum too? What other lovely gifts to language of the Lingua Tertii Imperii, the "language which writes and thinks for you", are we to revive? There is clearly no better way to criticise Zionazis than directly from the phrasebooks of Hitler and Goebbels, after all.

Actually, it is more accurate to say you use the Zionists' own poison in your language, since Hitler got the idea of "global Jews" from reading Herzl — is it intentional on your part to use this Zionist, Nazi newspeak, or a poison you have drank unaware?

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When I say "global Jews", I mean just what I say, Jews scattered across the globe.

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The zionist occupiers of Palestine won't let that happen if they can help it, they're like the Nirish proddies in 1968 or the Boer republics in 1899.

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That's why a single state solution will never happen. It's also largely why the war in Ukraine is being fought - Zelensky himself has said several times publicly that his wish is for Ukraine to become a "greater" (ersatz) Israel.

European-descended Jews in Israel (Ashkenazi) and the Orthodox (Sephardic, Mithrazi, and a few Ashkenazi) are playing out the movie Idiocracy: on one side, a liberal, atheistic, educated, high I.Q. group with very low child birth rate (mostly centered in Tel Aviv); on the other, a low I.Q., uneducated, illiberal, superstitious, violent, anti-homosexual population with a birth rate that makes sub-Saharan African countries seem stagnant in growth (centered in Jerusalem and the settlements).

European Jews have lost all influence in Israel, and are looking for a way out. For a while, it seemed like the promised land would be Ukraine. It still might be if Putin negotiates for peace (and "Ukraine" keeps Odessa).

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Zionist and Jewish is an oxymoron but I know what you mean. The first victim of zionist terror was a Palestinian Jew in the 1920s who derided the local zionist for the apostate filth that they are.

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Zionists had killed indigenous Arabs before the Palestinian Jew you mention was killed. The early Zionists were also split on the question of whether to try and maintain good relations with the Arabs around them, or whether that was impossible. It ended up that pretending to get along while plotting against the Arabs was the path that was followed. But there were a significant number of early Zionists who genuinely believed in living together.

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The Zionists in West Asia is a European creation. Leave the Palestinians alone and move the

Ash-can-nazis back to Europe. Balfour and the Tribe's banker wanted the Jews out of Europe and the end of the Ottoman Empire offered a unique opportunity to offload the "Jewish prob" once and for all. In the end...bigly sad results.

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