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Aug 5
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Wanna bet?

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Agh, he's baaack. Mummy let it have some internet time again.

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Aug 4
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I think the Marines are there to spearhead a mass evacuation operation. There are a lot of American personnel in the region that will want to high-tail it back home when shit gets real. That includes a lot of Americans of Dual Citizenship living in Israel.

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In other words, the scum will go back to where they came from.

Their time pretending to be Hebrews is over.

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Aug 11
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Why are you spam posting this constantly?

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Yes that’s possible but could be the tip of the spear even if ground operations will be suicidal.

Israel can’t do that though?

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Milejkowsky is a sick megalomaniac who wants to stay in power and out of jail by any means, up to providing a nuclear conflict. This is what judaic education does to children: they grow up into liars and genociders.

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Yes, that's right.. If the US does suicidally go along with Israel, there's gonna be a lot of body bags coming back and more than a few sunken ships. In addition, Iran can scuttle a ship in the Straits of Hormuz, and imagine gas prices skyrocketing--if you can even get gas--and it's curtains foe Kamala and the Dems. And the US economy. Does anybody think this shit through in the Pentagon and at State? I hope so.

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The people who decry Russia's invasion of Ukraine to prevent them from being used as a staging area are the same people who will champion the US invading Iran because they might theoretically threaten them from half the world away.

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Remember the saying as old as time...

"Our ___ doesn't stink!"

Slot in any sort of nouns and verbs as you see fit. Gen0cide, looting, war crimes...

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Kamala's honeymoon crashing fast.

Looks like the salad dressing of choice will have to be vinaigrette. Thought we might have the roquefort choice or even Catalina

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You just gotta try the bacon egg vinaigrette. Like, OMG.

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About says it all about this fool.

Kamala Harris thinks 'the cloud' literally 'exists above us':

"No longer are you keeping those private files in some file cabinet. It's on your laptop, and it's then therefore up here in this cloud, that exists above us. It's no longer in a physical place." https://x.com/i/status/1819797240052920758

There are physical servers across the world that contribute to the 'cloud' you dolt.

Do you want a president who has a Zoolander level of comprehension of technology?

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Well, we had Joe

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Aug 4Edited

Joe and Kamala are precisely the tools needed so the American People can be milked dry by the Dual Citizens/Deep Cesspool that controls DC.

What other country would voluntarily support a Foreign Criminal to murder thousands just to keep from facing criminal charges in his own country.

The American Voter's Dilemma. "I really don't know clouds at all." Kamala. Or "let's nuke Iran (for Israel)" Trump/Vance.

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Oh my God. Can't wait to let my family who are suddenly (desperately) Harris fans see this.

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The US could never invade and subjugate Iran. The Iranians are set up to fight a costly asymmetric war. Costly to the invader that is in terms of not only lost troops and assets but also economic in terms of reducing the supply of oil. Aside from that the topology of Iran is very challenging with the Zagros 2,000km long mountain range and multiple deserts

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On 14 April, the U.S. w/ its mediation partners--Qatar, Switzerland--carefully midwifed Iran's *retaliation* & the U.S./IDF & UK knew hours ahead of time of Iran's response.

Doesn't look like that's happening this time.

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It's a stunningly beautiful country, matched by its people. The Persians will survive this conflict as they have always done, I wouldn't be so sure for the Zionists and Americans.

But the Iranians would strongly prefer not to be the fall guy. They are not as stupid as Ukrainians.

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I hope that is true. I fervently hope that is true. We need some adults in the room. Some adults, some sane adults.

The childish lunacy the globe has been subjected to by the USA and the EU and NATO this last decade is the stuff of nightmare.

And the people sleeping through it !

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USA is not in control of the situation, Israel is and if Israel wants to spill American blood and $$ for Israel's purposes , it will. Sad but true , I lament.

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That doesn't appear to be 100% true, does it? Else it would have happened by now and it hasn't and there's reports enough, I think, that there's strong opposition in the USA to this course of action.

There certainly ought to be. On any grounds you care to think of.

I don't know (even after reading much and watching much on YT from those who 'do know') but it looks to me like Israel is two things: American power in the ME. A political/military/economic outpost of empire.


Money. Simple home of money like the City in London.

Well I think we can't reason with 'power'. They're clinically insane, just like Zelensky, say and his mob, they'll stay till the last stooge dies - and longer.

But money. Now that's largely rational. Money must be nervously realising that the death of Israel, which daily draws closer, means a vast reduction in wealth to them. I think. I hope. I might be wrong. It might mean no such thing.

But if it does then they'll fight against Israel's lunacy.

And it is on that I pin my hopes. It's a bit like Russian roulette, eh?

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They believe that with US support they can prevail in a showdown with Iran. I think the US are more realistic. The chances of a Pearl Harbouresque false flag is very high. Plus they would be planning on tactical nukes giving them the upper hand. Dangerous game!

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There is opposition in the US to Israel treating the nation as its lapdog, but that opposition is weak. The only "positive" in recent months is that more and more people are becoming aware of the evil doings of AIPAC, an organisation that prefers to work in the shadows.

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The US is in total control of what is going on. They could stop the hostilities in the Middle East with a phone call. They control the UN, and they could easily hit Israel with crushing sanctions that would shut off all trade with Israel. The problem is, the US Government are all traitors who have sold their souls to Israel for cash. Both the Presidential Administration and the Congress are war criminals and the all deserve to be in prison. We are headed straight for economic depression, and then world war....

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It's incredible, ain't it? The sheep are more concerned about which trannie will win what medal in the Limpicks. Maybe we deserve what is coming to us for sitting back and letting a few thousand psychopaths dominate us and drag us to destruction.

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FWIW: it is Israel that is playing the role of Ukraine.

And they are that stupid.

Look at the cultural parallels between the Ukraine Nazis and the Zionists.

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like what? the Jew's book is all about genociding other tribes. their holidays celebrate genocide. the NS not at all... Uncle A was right again....

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They strongly want to avoid being hit with likely several atomic bombs. They will survive; then Jihadis from all over the region will go to Israel. Or . . . Iran hits the Dimona nuke plant, and Israel ends.

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There just aren't enough bullets.

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US invading Iran? Really the US couldn't defeat the isolated Taliban in the Hindu Kush. How exactly could they have a campaign in the swamps and Zagros mountains of Iran? Considering Iran has an organized military that will be supported by Russia, China North Korea etc across a land border and the Caspian sea where the US would not be able affect the logistics. The other question is which nieghbouring country would allow the US to stage an invading force considering the possibility of missile attacks. The US will be limited to a costly air campaign where the Russians are going to be dying for some payback.

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Excellent and insightful read.

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Thanks for sharing a very informative article.

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Larry Johnson was just on the tube saying those thousands of ground troops on those ships are there to effect an emergency evacuation as all the airports in the region are shut down.

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Good points Seeker, I too can't see neighbours Turkiye nor Pakistan being willing helpers, which leaves minor Gulf States or Maritime assets both of which are highly vulnerable to modern missiles.

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For me, Turkey is the interesting one. Erdogan is a scumbag who promises a lot but delivers little. He is notorious for trying to have it both ways. However, the massive defeat in the local elections recently seems to have woken him up. Of course, if he were really serious, he could cut of oil transfers to Israel.

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I don't think there was ever any intention of invading Iran.

Berletic reports on the "Bullet" situation and what is happening in Ukraine.


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"1488 tanks" berletic is a tool that sees hitler under his bed...

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There won't be any loss in oil supply if the USA gets their hands on Iran's stash. Look what happens everywhere the USA or Britain go where there is oil. "Is that yours ? It's mine now."

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It's amazing how little the neocons in DC and Tel Aviv have learnt from their little Gaza escapade. You can bomb the built environment of a nation into dust and rubble and you can still LOSE the war. They don't realise that war has moved on.

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While true, I don't think that is the goal.

This is what led up to WWII.

Remember how it is always reported that the reason the US got out of the "Great Depression" was because it became the "free world's" arsenal. Looking at it slightly differently, the reason the US -STARTED- WWII was so it could become the "free world's arsenal".

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no = the UK and US started the war because their jew masters wanted war. the jew run "focus group"owned churchill and morgentahu was the real president for the disease ridden light weight "feather duster" who was more concerned with playing with his stamps...

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The Pentagon planners have no idea of the reality of Iran and its allies. Disaster lies ahead.

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Aug 4Edited

Ladybugs graham and the Jew whom he serves could care less how many white goyim die to defend that illegal state.

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Simplicius brother, I again thank you for keeping your sword of truth not just unsheathed but raised and to strike again and again at the demonic beast.

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If the MSM narrative is accepted--that corrupt IRGC members colluded w/ covert IDF operatives to install 3 bombs in Haniyeh's residence 3 months ago--does it matter to anyone in Qatar that they were negotiating in bad faith in the interim period w/ their counterparts in Israel & the U.S.--?

Hard to believe that this gets passed off as a mere detail

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unrelated to the post's content, but i just wanted to get this question out before the usual avalanche of comments:

if, as you theorize on the previous mailbag, that the Jewish banking families are doing their best to exact revenge on the 'remnants' of Rome by attempting to bring about its collapse, why does the latter seemingly allow it to happen? also, which of them is behind the 'great agenda' usually discussed on kon-spear-acy forums (depopulation, one world gov, cultural degradation, spreading occult/satanic and freemason imagery in popular culture, etc.).

being able to understand the above would go a long way towards reconciling what i read about in kon-spear-acy forums in previous years with my current understanding of world politics. if you read only the former, you'd think all of politics is just meaningless theater, and every single string is being pulled by hidden hands behind the scene, moving humanity towards its goal (which may very well be the case, but i find that hard to believe nowadays).

looking forward to a whole post on this matter if possible!

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This is what Vox Day calls Midwits who are so smart they are stupid because no matter how fast the computer, how high the IQ, if you are fed and believe the fake information from the Phoenician Father of Lies Fake News then Garbage in, Garbage out, GIGO! And this is the naive Mid-wits of high IQ who will believe and trust anything they are told. This also holds true for people of ANY IQ - even 240 IQ Chris Langan… who will believe and trust anything they are told. Where certain problematical personality traits (ambition, narcissism, sociopathy, ...) exist in conjunction with danger-zone (beta-level) IQ, bad things can happen. And when a society or a nation foolishly allows itself to be run by those exhibiting such a conjunction, those bad things can and will happen to society at large. Well, foolishly... like it's an Accident, says 240 IQ Chris Langan. These Psychopathic People in charge of Society are a Feature not a Fault say I. Psychopaths are CREATED by the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires as Presidents and Prime Ministers to Rule the World Psychopathic people are created by the 2000 Trillion Dollar Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires by trauma, drugs and hypnotism from a very early age in order to rule society in such a way that human evolution is prevented mainly by using the other psychopathic tools of Poverty, Media Lullaby Entertainment Professionals, Fake News - Presstitutes, Professors - Fake History , Fake Science, Fake Geopolitics, Police, Pedophilia, Epstein Prostitutes - all them the oldest 10,000 years old Professions.. https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/iq-130-145-is-an-intellectual-danger

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Of course, your belief system in "satanism" has also been programmed, and you are also just a mindless tool doing the elites bidding, which is pretty funny from the outside.

Back in the real world, how this is achieved is straightforward and well known.

At least, by people who aren't willing raving psychotic paranoics.


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Do you think that random capital letters and huge uncosted numbers makes you seem a) authoritative or b) illiterate and innumerate?

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For this you should have ask a dude name Cirnosad on X and oh boys....

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greater isreal with the Jew running a world of brown colored serfs who toil but never challenge the jew.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

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And this is why jews have been impotent to create their own civilization. Their supremacist lunacy, combined with psychotic fear and hatred, generates conniving scum and genociders. Any society that wants to stay healthy must prohibit talmudic/judaic studies and jewish organizations. Look at the Olympic opening where a jewish 'artistic director" and a set of jewish 'actors" indulged in insulting Christianity and the great art of western civilization. The tribe produces a deranged progeny that is unable to respect other civilizations while being impotent to create a viable jewish civilization.

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I suspect that another war will result in a "rally round the flag and Support Our Troops(R)" effect, but only for a while.

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especially in the case the boats sink and the pharisees go atomic "in defense of america". but only existing "patriots", I don't see it creating many new "patriots". A decent majority of the legal population has likely been pushed too far to rally behind their abusive masters.

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Right, patriotism and service - that's all ruling class fantasy - the people is done with the military crap

Both US even more Europe

They only, the rulers, have themselves to blame - when 'their' people turn on them

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Yep. You can forget about white conservatives signing up. Glad by son got out two years ago!

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Congratulations - even if I guess it is painful to recognise the failures of one's country and yet be pepared to stay on

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Need a new pearl harbor, 9/11 or tonkin incident to drum up enough support.

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That was obviously the role intended for Iran if the assassination of Trump had succeeded.

The "outrage", entirely manufactured just like the Syrian kids that Isreal bombed last week and then blamed Hezbollah, would have been on TV 24/7 ever since, riling up Trumpists and giving Demonrats gloating.

As that attempt failed, there will be another.

I wonder if Trump is aware his "Good Buddy" Nuttyahoo signed off on Trump's assassination attempt?

The Pravda of the West may be losing its sheen, but they really know how to press all the buttons and overwhelm the civic body for short times with emotional overload.

Who knows? Maybe "Iran" will manage to suicide Kamala to put Clinton back in the race.

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Good point.

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"I wonder if Trump is aware his "Good Buddy" Nuttyahoo signed off on Trump's assassination attempt?"

I have to wonder how you know?

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Satanyahoo must have sent an email to inform Gnuneo.

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Simple logic. This was part of a 'long' (for the demonrats and US generally) plan, and Nuttyahoo would have been told a "False flag was being arranged to provide cover for Israel's war on Iran".

Nuttyahoo KNOWS he has Biden and K'mala in his pocket - and he also knows Trump and POSSIBLY even Vance have enough freedom-of-action to kaibosh this if they were in charge instead.

Easy calculation for him to make, and the demonrats would know that. He is in the loop.

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Assassination of former president Trump and current leading candidate Trump by deep state is a realistic option, if all else fails. But it has not been put in action, the option has not been used, yet.

But preparing the scene for possible political assassination down the road, by making Secret Service, dysfunctional, inept, useless was a part of preparations

What has happened is that a deranged kid, one of the many in US, who decided to simultaneously end his life of suffering and live forever in the memory of his class, village, city by committing something outrageous, using skills and means available - gun, used this opportunity.

So yes Netanyahu, as an intelligent man, understands. All of the above. Messages between Trump and Netanyahu are not public, but can be read and understood.

Do what you can now, because when I come, I will shut the war down.

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I'm not interested in your sexual life.

The "kid" did not act alone, phones associated with his home have been tracked to CIA establishments, and mysterious foreign calls. Everything was set-up to fail, and with a veneer of 'plausible deniability' that is hard to miss.

Could you also jerk off to prevent the massacre in Palestine? Pretty please.

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Zion don Trump and weird JD are even more in the control of the Jew

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It's certainly an arguable point, and one we are likely to see in coming months.

On the other hand, Trump DID back down from launching a war against Iran - while Biden and K'mala are quite obviously preparing for it in real time right now.

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I dunno, even the attack on Syria bought Trump a brief bump in support.

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True. But after seeing how people folded during Covid, I would not be surprised if the sheep went for it. Maybe I'm being too cynical. There's also a lot of hatred out there towards the Deep State.

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I think this will work for those who speak in biblical phrases who are titillated by “Revelations”, but not the sane.

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I don't see how the US can do a whole lot to Iran...It will be, of necessity, an air war, and if the carriers get too involved, or too close, there is a serious risk that they'll receive catastrophic damage...so most of the raids would have to come from bases in the ME region, and the logistics for that are formidable...And then those bases may well come under attack from Iranian allies....

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The Russians should help the Iranians shoot down the US B2 bombers and F35s, that would truly show how toothless the US dog is against Russian air defences. The shock to the US establishment would be significant.

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Intense Electronic warfare would likely also be used to fry the systems of those assets or spoof them by distorting location signals. The US Achilles heal is its 'network centric warfare'. Fine against third world nations with no EW, AD or airforce.

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Aug 4
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Not paying attention.

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i'll remove the comment

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Although all reasonably modern Russian air defense systems can see through the US's fake "stealth" technology, to do a really effective and demoralizing job against a US "shock and awe" campaign against Iran Russia would have to send modernized S300, S400, and S500 air defense systems.

Russia needs every one of those that it has to defend Russia itself against attacks by the US and US vassals in Europe. Russia doesn't have enough of them to spare. The best Russia could do would be to send a handful (five or less) S300 systems and maybe an S400, hoping to get a symbolic shoot down of a B2 or other US wonder weapon, but that would be very risky as such systems would be targeted by everything the US has.

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not really. Russia has almost a thousand launchers of S-300/400/350/500 families combined (plus far more of Tor/Buk/Strela/Pantsir/etc). that's a huge overmatch against anything the US or NATO are able to put up against them.

it would be trivial to send a couple regiments of S-400s to Iran, even in a full package with Tor+Pantsir to cover them for a fully integrated all-range AD). it wouldn't make any noticeable difference for Russian defense.

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Hmmm... what do you think is in those cargo planes flying to Tehran?

Ukraine has 6 F16 pilots able to fly now. Their first F16 supposedly has arrived and will be doing an air defense role. Russia has more than enough SAM systems to handle the next several months. The US is deploying its Air Force to support Israel.

Let us recall that China negotiated a truce between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It isn't as if the Saudis are overly happy with the way their dollar reserves are being threatened.

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The US has been loading Israel up on air tankers so the carriers can operate from a distance.

They can also refuel at the UK base in Cypress.

During the last attack by Iran, both Israel and the US were running out of air to air missiles and ground launched AA missiles. If this attack is longer than the last one, you will probably see some significant damage to bases in Israel, both by ballistic missiles, and by drones.

At some point in this conflict, I expect Israel to resort to tactical nukes, because they really cannot fight a conventional war against Iran and Hezbollah, and the Arab world is beginning to unite against them.. I would not be surprised if going nuclear has not been their plan from the beginning.

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If they try nukes Iran will lob a few hypersonics over and erase the whole sewer off the map.

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I wish it were that simple. This game is being played for much higher stakes. Before it is over, I think a good portion of the current world population will perish. The people behind all this are more evil than most of us can imagine.

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Unfortunately, that's the bottom line: they won't accept defeat and will go nuclear.

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Iran can 'Nuke' Israel...

It will target Dimona!

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" I would not be surprised if going nuclear has not been their plan from the beginning."

As publicly advocated in Israel by iirc at least two ministers.

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Turkey has made noises about what it will do if the Cypress base is used.

Look at the nations next to Türkiye. Hungary is trying to talk everyone down. Romania doesn't want to get involved. I can see Eastern Europe (excluding Poland) all deciding to remain neutral or even switching to the "winning side" (which won't be NATO)

It will be "interesting" to see if the Israeli nukes ever reach their target. Pepe Escobar tweeted about a lost F35 in the last month or two.

All of this is, of course, highly speculative.

The only thing we can be sure of is that "something" is going to happen -- like at the beginning of the SMO, we only knew that "something was up".

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The sheer amount of firepower the US is sending to the region is troubling...

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aipac calls

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I don't think Israel will dare to use nuclear weapons. This will not please all the other nuclear powers, especially Russia and China. I think if Israel is going to use nuclear weapons, China and Russia will warn it that this could be the last event in the history of Israel.

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Israel is not rational. They are religious zealots who believe God wants them to start WW3.

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And as Simp points out, it looks like Iran will be getting serious technological support from Russia. The US Navy better hope that Cyprus is big enough to hide behind.

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Wonder what the deal was regarding the weapons withheld from the Houthis?

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Natasha Bertrand, bylined for the CNN article on Russia pulling back its weapons shipment to Yemen's Ansar Allah, was a dyed-in-the-wool Russiagater from early 2017--an individual who reliably would boost state-compliant messaging. Originally w/ WaPo, meaning CIA, she earned her stripes by carrying water for the Interagency & she failed-up by joining CNN after Joe got elected.

My speculation: Bertrand, that is: state, is wanting to advertise the fact that Saudi Arabia alongside the U.S. persuaded Russia to pull back weapons earmarked for Ansar Allah. Bertrand, that is: state, is trying to show that the Abraham Accords-style deal w/ the Kingdom still has legs & is still viable--the deal which would have the Kingdom recognizing Israel--so the U.S. can nonetheless snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, seemingly, by pressuring its peeps, the KSA, to pressure their peeps, the RF, to swim in the right direction on this.

Beaucoup glamor 'W' for the U.S.

Bertrand carries water in service of this kind of messaging

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Of course, you assume that the Saudis have such a relationship with the Russians that they can manage such influence. I have to question that. Indeed, I have to question that entire scenario, esp given its source.

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Note: Bertrand is a long-standing fabulist for the state. Her CNN article is a psy-op, flattering to the U.S., which is her role.

It's bunk. Part of the narrative management

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British media yesterday announced Putin's humiliation over the overnight destruction of four S-400 launchers based in Crimea and the sinking of a Russian nuclear sub - neither of which was true. Indeed, the photo of the submarine they showed was first presented in 2023, claiming then also that it had been permanently damaged (it has since been repaired and is now on duty, I believe).

Yet people are more than willing to overlook these sins and believe what they want to believe.

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British government, clergy and brass are owned by the Friends of Israel. The infestation is complete.

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So, so true. And like all such infestations, it is ruining the country.

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Also find that behind the scenes influence argument unlikely.

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I agree. In relations with Russia, the Saudis are in no position to deliberately try to influence Russia's decisions and set conditions for Russia. All information about this comes only from the Western media. Since when can they be trusted? I am almost completely sure that this is another bs of American propaganda. They are, as usual, engaged in projection and think that Russia builds relations with its allies and partners in a similar way to the US. They think that it is normal to put pressure and threaten negative consequences to their allies/partners in order to influence their decisions. But this is just open disrespect. The Saudis would not do this to Russia. Also, the fact that Russia changed its decision to supply weapons to the Houthis at the last minute also sounds dubious. This is not typical of Russian behavior. The US is simply trying to create the appearance that Saudi Arabia is still their ally and they have more influence on them than Russia, and that the US can force Russia to change its decisions.

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How about:

° the Saudis are going to betray their US "ally" and switch because of China's negotiation management of the relationship between the Saudis and Iran.

° Russia "pulled" its shipments to the Houthi's in favor of Iran. This is a temporary thing.

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Every time you see Natasha Bertrand's byline on an article, brace yourself for the psy-op: piled hip deep

The propaganda fantasy about how the world works makes it seem like MBS is hovering over every move VVP makes & is there to beotch-slap VVP if Washington asks him to do so.

It's bogus & bizarre--!

But this is how Nastasha Bertrand has been putting food on the table since her Russiagate days

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She is a paragon of a presstitute on par with Anne Applebaum. 'Natasha Bertrand Is Back and Dumber Than Ever:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGjyMgoxFzw

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Thanks again for this yet another reality check - informed reality check

People are taking a CNN report on any subject as if it were even might be 'true'

Russia officially supports the UN designated Yemini faction in Aden as the 'official' government

This does not stop the Russian Feds from receiving and talking to Ansar Allah, and one can imagine the RF discuss beaucoup beaucoup with the Iranis, maybe even extend discreet 'support'

VVP is a very determined, as is Xi and others in the Alliance, supported of the UN inistitutions and decisions, in spite, must be followed

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I'm dubious of that having any truth to it. Russia has stated they would play the proxy game . Why not they have endured " we are not active participants " bs for 2 years now. Maybe Iran has that covered so that would be the only reason there's nothing visible.. but the talk of anti shipping missiles wasn't specifically mentioned when it was months earlier. Let's not forget there's many thousands of fighters staging in Syria at present . There is no shortage of boots on the ground , ready, it's only ISR and intell that's really needed for houthis

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RF = 5000 fighters in Syria as we speak

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vs the 1000 American troops who are "stealing the oil"? I think that number is right. Wouldn't want to be them.

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And it speaks of a much closer alliance between Russia and USA than anyone likes to admit.

Fervent insistence by such as Rurik Skywalker that the whole thing is a joint plot on behalf of the big money of both sides is laughed off the stage (or worse)... yet things keep playing out....

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Listen you got your conspiracy theories with all your Presidents assassinations bla bla

Spare the RoW such childishness es

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There is no any alliance between Russia and USA.

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It would be good if I could believe that.

Not because they should not have an alliance: they should, they should be allied against the ethnic cleansing aggression of Kiev etc.

But it would be a certainty. Good to have certainties.

But how can I? Who can know? What does 'an alliance' mean in this context? It means parties on both sides sharing a common interest. How can we know there are none of them?

In fact common sense almost dictates that there will be.

And look at the convolutions of practicalities as demonstrated for instance by the oil pipeline for Hungary through Ukraine. Russian oil.

Russia and Kiev Ukraine are at war. But both have profited from Russian oil flowing through Ukraine to Hungary.

They have a common interest.

Fact is, of course, the USA is not monolithic. No human organisation is. Some parts of the USA share common interest with Russia and Donbas Ukraine and some don't.

At all levels, from high finance down to the soldier in the trenches.

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USA is waging proxy war gainst Russia. Russia don't have common interests with USA. Russia also has absolutely no trust in the US.

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My guess would be that the US intends on sending fighters from the task force in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Yemen. The last thing they want is for the Houthis to have any long range anti ship missiles, to take out ships in the task force. In return for not supplying anti ship missiles, the US will make concessions on some of the sanctions, and possible release some of the sized Russian funds. Of course none of this will ever be disclosed.

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Could it have anything to do with lubricating the recent prisoners swap deal, although I think discussion on that has been ongoing for a while, as hinted at by VVP during the Tucker interview.

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Right, because Russia and Iran are really, really going to trust a deal signed by the neocons!

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I find this difficult to believe. Why would Russia listen to the USA.

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"The last thing the Biden administration likely wants is a large scale war on the eve of the presidential elections, which will redound poorly on Kamala’s campaign."


Initiating the hot phase of WW3 is EXACTLY what the deepstate handlers of that walking husk, Biden, and his cackling crony, want.

Wag the Dog.

Start a hot war, declare war. Opens up a whole new set of options to crush Trump and Normal Americans--martial law, no dissent allowed, and more.

Who could have seen this coming?

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Gotta pity Kamala in this. She thought she just had to yammer on about abortion & women's health & how weird DJT is...

Now she is becoming a war-prez-in-waiting.

Will she don the olive-drab t-shirt--?!!?

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Childless cat ladies are taking up arms

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As I've asked elsewhere, does Jill Stein benefit?

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When we all write in Jill Stein, we’ll send a message to the MIC that we know they rigged all our elections for decades.

The Democrublicans don’t serve the people, they serve the MIC.

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Other than New York, Stein should be on the ballot and not need a write-in

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I agree, WW3 is exactly what the Globalists want. That is the whole point of all the conflicts they are perpetuating. They need something earthshaking to get people to accept their New World Order. They are basically going to point a nuclear pistol at the head of the entire world and make them an offer they cannot refuse.... They may even nuke a few cities for dramatic effect.

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Yep. Covid failed them.

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Except that a sizeable chunk of Dem electorate woke up about genocide in Gaza while Reps are all hunky-dory about it. Alienating them even further would be a very bad move, no martial law will be worth it. So it's more likely to happen under Rep administration post-election.

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You probably missed the wider ramifications of WW3 if all you think it will affect negatively is the US elections.

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This scenario is most likely between November and January if Kamala can’t get the votes. But the regime might not be able to put it off until then…

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Don't forget, it was during the Sochi Olympics when they overthrew the Ukro gov't.

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And it quite rustled my jimmies that S quoted 08.08.08 war as "Russia invaded Georgia" when it was Georgia who invaded its neighboring region of South Ossetia on that night "to restore constitutional order". I clearly remember Georgian general saying exactly that on TV while Grads were firing into a sleeping city of Tskhinval right behind him.

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Yep. Even official investigation of UN recognized that this war was started by Georgia when they unprovokingly attacked Russian peacekeepers.

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While the neocons are no doubt counting on the resistance getting a hit off their Wunderwaffen fleets to rile up the crowd back home, I doubt the much of battered populace will react the way their masters want.

Nothing will shatter MeriKKKa's façade of supremacy more than having footage of their multi-billion-dollar floating targets on fire broadcasted across the planet.

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Providing rescue to the fleet's drowning sailors and their treatment according to international law would be touching IF the pharisees atomic response fails.

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The people who are trying to start WW3 are the same ones who just tried to turn Trumps head into pink mist in front of the whole world.... Do you really think he is going to ever trust them again?

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I doubt he sees it that way.

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Then you are naïve...

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Trump praised the SS who were in on the plot to kill him.

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Yes, but Trump only looks somewhat decent compared to the establishment candidates, and only because his rhetoric is slightly less predictable. But given his actual record, his political appointments, and if you listen to all of what he says, not dismissing all the pro-establishment stuff and only focusing on when he goes off the rails, it would be unwise to hope that Trump will actually alter the course of anything. He's gonna drain the swamp this time around, even though we know he filled the swamp to the brim last time around. Color me dubious.

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Do you mean to tell me there's something worse than possible seasickness going on here?!?!

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Not being an argumentative but could you elaborate a little on this assertion?

“…if Trump was in office, you can bet he would declare full scale war against Iran on Israel’s behalf,”

We know Trump is in the tank for Israel and has done much for them symbolically anyway first term, but, a major plank, and frankly one of the most appealing across the parties and independents for him is …1st term no wars, second term even less. You really think he would lead off with an attack against Iran? Has he said anything public?

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I agree. Dud call there from Simplicius. It's possible of course but Trump strikes me as more of a deal maker.

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He has a history of letting neocons run his foreign policy and complaining they won't do what he asks

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talk is cheap-- so how come Bolton didnt convince him to bomb Iran before?

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How about this campaign being funded fully by zio'nist oligarchs billionaires... And all the thiel camp being massive zio'nists.

Get ready for ww3 no matter who is in charge.

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Exactly. And if the DemonCraps weren't so hung up on Russia, and beholden to the ZIONIST JUICE, they could easily have made the case that ISRAEL was the party who REALLY "hacked" the 2016 election. Sheldon Adelson anyone? And the NSA's misattribution tools? Uh yeah let's replace that HEBREW script in the software comments with CYRILLIC. LOL

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Thanks black pilll

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It's just reality dude, the black pill would be supporting him and him doing the same but worse in terms 2

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How come Bolton was in his cabinet to begin with? Or Pompeo, or Pence as VP?

If Trump doesn't want war with Iran, which is possible, how does he prevent it?

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Exactly! lets wait and see how much he has learned—- his current chat with the Black leaders a few days ago is hopeful (ie how he handled himself, dealt with answers and criticism etc)

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Bolton was irrelevant. First term Trump was bought and paid for by Conservative Ultra-Zionists Sheldon and Miriam Adelson. They were also backers of Netanyahu.

Adelson wanted Trump to nuke Iran back to the stone age, but all he got for his many millions was moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and other mostly symbolic actions.

Netanyahu was also disappointed. He was among the first to congratulate Biden, before the ballots were fully (re)counted.

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If you say so 😉 Heck you should write instead of Simp

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Was killing Soleimani and being humiliated by Iranian missile strikes part of the Deal?

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Trump has already said he would go to war with Iran. Wake up. Trump is no savior... Chip

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Trump says a lot of things...

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exactly for god sake he is a politician people

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WHY do you WORSHIP Trump? FFS, lady. I don't get it.

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Yep. He's all talk. There is no Man on a Horse coming to save you.

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Look at the actions not the words. Bolton wanted him to bomb Iran and he didnt.

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BUT, he would today... Chip

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🙄 right

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Doubt it. He is a lot smarter now. He knows who the real bad guys are...

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Why was Bolton even involved?

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good question- -why did Trump bring him on the team. Bets are he won’t do that again (though the black pillers won’t agree)

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Trump bombed Soleimani - so what in the world do you mean?

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Okay, agree with you. No Superman. Who are you voting for?

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I'm a 72 y/o suburban American male and I'm writing in Putin come November cuz every other choice is the same old, same old. Yes, people do accuse me of cynicism. Yes...I'm voting my conscience.

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Could I talk you into considering Stein.

She's on the ballot and I believe supports many Putin policies.

She's considering an Arab-American as her VP choice.


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What Chip says below me. All are fake choices...

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Eliminate organized crime. Vote for no one. The fake choices are pre-selected. And no one can stop the financial collapse that is coming our way... Chip

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Aug 4Edited

No one gets into the Oval Office without kissing the Zionist ring. Trump knows that. He also knows that the people who just tried to kill him, would not have done so without the Zionists approval. What would you do in his position if you actually got back in power?

If he acts stupid, and still in their corner, he may get a chance to get even.....

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Dud call mine arse! Chip

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But what are those deals exactly? Last I heard his idea of peace offer in Ukraine was to threaten Russia with $500 bln of arms supplies to Ukraine if Putin doesn't back down.

That's a great plan, Donald. That's fuckin' ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It's a Swiss fuckin' watch.

God save us from such dealmakers and their deals, I'd prefer a plain old moronic Dem.

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Have you not heard the news?! The Donald will end the Ukraine dust-up with one call. That's the genius of the guy. 24 hrs, it's fixed. Do you imagine for a minute that this ignorant, loud-mouthed fuck has ever read one paragraph of history on any topic...ever?! Elect stupid people and get stupid results. We are so FUCKED. I'm excited for football season to start here so I can get a reasonable distraction from this cluster-fuck on steroids. Give me the honest diversion of large helmeted men running into each other for big money. Such understandable brutality.

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Mind you, you gotta admire his taste in urine

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Looking forward to the Texas Arkansas game this season. I used to go to them when every third year they had the game at the coliseum in Little Rock. Can't stand pro football tho.

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Agreed, college ball is much more interesting than the pros but I'm in Wisconsin and we have to genuflect to the north when the Packers take the field. It's a crazy secular religion here. Plus, exciting times here with the prospect of QB Jordan Love maybe being the third in a row of amazing QBs for GB. My son lived in Austin for a few years and loved the game day excitement there. "Artist"..love your moniker! Well done. (I've never been to Lambeau)

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Ah, I took your handle for a Soooie Pig fan (Razorbacks, long, bitter rivalry with my alma matter, Texas at Austin).

I think the Packers are a model NFL franchise. IINM, the city owns the team or something like that. Hence no constant pressure on taxpayers to build a new stadium such as what happened, for example, in St. Louis just prior to the Rams packing up and leaving. I was a long-time 49ers fan, dating back to the early 80s, but had to stop caring when they blackballed Kaepernick. College is becoming NFL farm league with the NIL, mega-conferences, and transfer portal, but I still enjoy it a lot more than the pros. Which is also saying something since I played fantasy football in the 90s using an Excel spreadsheet.

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He certainly made a deal with the Deep State. Most of his picks were neocons.

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He's got a history of raving anti Iran comments. Question is would whoever he has in his cabinet be willing to make it actually happen.

Soleimani was an attempt to start a war.

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Its that what Trump told you ???-- -please

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No, he said it was to "stop" a war. Which anyone serious or knowledgeable about the situation openly said meant the opposite.

Trumpers like you are no better at seeing the truth than dumbass Obamabot fangirls. I thought you blocked me, how are you seeing and replying to me, Carol?

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The most ignorant people on earth are the anti Trumpers. I do not particularly like him, but when you look at what he does, in contrast to what he says, he was one of the best Presidents we have had in a long, long time.

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are you serious? it doesn't matter who is in the oval office, when do the US-people get that? - 2 parties one goal -> supremacy, keeping being the hegemon, that's all that counts to both sides of the ile - just to rob the rest of the worlds resources and coerce them in doing their bidding

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I get what you are saying, but the fact is they just tried to kill Trump. You do not kill people who are on your side.

All politics boils down to doing what is best for you. When Biden gained power things went to shit in a hurry, in case you forgot. The road to hell got turbocharged and now we are staring WW3 right in the face.

We may be f***ed either way, but when it comes down to it, the choice is obvious. One way we at least have a chance.

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One of the best presidents for the oil industry sure. You think that it's the 'globalists' who want to get rid of Trump? The 'globalists' who are somehow anti-oil (even though they're oil barons?).

Do you think it might have been the US Imperialists/oil industry/pro-Trumpers who invented the conspiracy about the 'globalists' out to get us?


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I think it is the Deep State who wants to get rid of Trump. The people who stand to do prison time if they are investigated and the evidence of their crimes is exposed. That would be most of the FBI and many in the Democratic Party hierarchy.

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LOL "anti Trumpers" - hahahahahah.

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I suspect Trump had no idea who this amazing guy really was, they couldn't have been more different. The Lion of Persia, versus a realtor playboy.

I'm NOT saying he wouldn't or couldn't be 'convinced', or that he is some kind of pacifist, I think such thoughts are more cope than otherwise, but I do think he realised he was "played" with that one, and somebody from the Pentagon got through with some reality as to certain consequences.

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Keep in mind it was at least assisted with Mossad intelligence. Trump later bragged about the assassination.

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Trump was a rookie in his first term and made some substantial mistakes, including turning his back on some of his most loyal supporters, and listening to some real shitasses, like Bolton and Pompeo. Those people just tried to kill him. Next time around, I think he will be listening to Bannon, Flynn, and Napolitano, and will be at war with the Deep State and the Zionists who are both his enemies and ours.....

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I hope you are right, but Trump has shown remarkably bad judgement when it comes to appointments.

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I agree, but we are not being given much of a choice. Trump made some bad choices, but I for one, was one hell of a lot better off 4 years ago than I am today.

Biden has just about ruined the country and is about to start WW3. It really cannot get much worse, and if you think Kamala is the answer then I want some of what you are smoking....

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Oh come on. I say/ask this as a completely non-partisan actual-leftist who hates, HATES the DEI/Idpol Demonrats and understands what they really are. How the f*ck were you better off under Trump other than grocery prices or general inflation?

Trump is DIRECTLY responsible for the UNPRECEDENTED in all of history waves of immigrants from Venezuela. Look up the number of Venezuelans encountered at the Mexican border where I LIVE AND WORK. There were almost zero through Bush and Obama. Trump put the sanctions in place, tried multiple coups, and ruined that country. He not only appointed Bolton, but also war criminal Eliot Abrams, and was responsible for indicting Assange, assassinated Soleimani, armed the Ukronazis, moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, and enacted the Abraham Accords which led to October 7. Trump and his cabinet were UBER-Zionists.

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There is a theory that the most competent members of the Administrative State refused to work with Trump. "Drain the Swamp" was not a good slogan for recruiting career focussed public servants.

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Bolton? Nuland-Kagan? Mueller? Brennan? Strzock and his paramour? Feith? Sherman?

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'will be at war with the Deep State and the Zionists'

In that war, I'll put my money on the Deep State prevailing.

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Well, who IS Trumps SecDef? Or Nat Sec advisor? Very good question. Doug MacGregor would be a popular choice for Trumps base…so do you think HE would advise attacking Iran?. Tulsi ( with huge backup) ? Somebody gotta do here what they are doing there (in Russia) according to S yesterday. Not an easy task for anyone in any system. People seem to be expecting a whole lot from someone in return for the tough task of going to cast a vote.

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Who knows, but if history is any guide - and if the availability of people in the Beltway are as well - Trump has a very bad track record of choosing who to surround him when in the White House.

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Ditto on Col. MacGregor. He also needs Gen. Flynn back in his cabinet, too!

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He made the same kind of comments about N Korea, and then went on to improve relations. Look at what people do, and not what they say... Especially when it comes to politicians.

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The point is, though, that things are getting kinetic under the Harris/Biden admin. DJT is neither a decision-maker right now nor a deal maker. So he can cool his heels while his opponent shoots herself in the foot.

If this conflict redounds poorly on Kamala, paving the way for a DJT electoral college sweep, DJT steps up in January 2025 to cut deals right & left

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If the elections go ahead. Demonrats, FBI & CIA, Zionist media and google, will be more than happy to script a narrative the elections should be "shelved".

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SCOTUS will step in: nothing in the founding documents, let alone the Constitution, paves the way for postponing or canceling presidential elections.

Not even Alvin Bragg, lawfare aficionado that he is, can argue that.

Plus--Kamala is winning

Can't deny Happy Talk Kamala, the women's health candidate, a 'W'

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SCOTUS already blew it. Not a single court looked into the facts of election process which is clearly out of control corrupt. Now we were in real trouble. Same thing twice as worse.

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Exactly--WTF Simp-- if Bolton couldn't get him to bomb Iran before... also did it occur to anyone that he is just trying to keep the Republican coalition (crazies like Bolton) under the big tent?

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Lady, wake up. Trump assassinated Soleimani so that Iran would retaliate in a manner that THEN "JUSTIFIED" the subsequent bombing of Iran. Good god, you're so dense.

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Hey Einstein, don't you think that Trump realizes Bolton was one of the people behind his assignation? He did not get to be a billionaire by being fooled twice.....

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I don’t know you should ask Einstein— clearly you know

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I don't see Trump as ant-war, just that his faction doesn't support the Ukraine war. Suspect too he is happy to instead play the tariff game with China, Iran though would be seen as the least difficult of all targets, he cancelled the nuclear deal with them, assassinated their general and swears undying fealty to Israel, suspect that would be the one war Trump would sign up to. Also Iran is the only non nuclear armed potential adversary, use of limited nukes would have been war gamed during his last term.

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What makes you see Trump as pro War? (Since you don’t see him as anti)? What is this “faction” you speak of that is anti Ukraine, but pro Iran or whomever? Name a (okay, non Jewish) right center commentator who wants to pull out of Ukraine and bomb Iran instead? The neo-cons have already declared war on China in 2025. Anyone in the Trump camp on board with that? Isn’t it about time that our government began to reflect the actual feelings of of the people of the United States? Go to a supermarket and ask around. They have no idea of the horror their country has wrought on so many innocent people.

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Trump would (will) end it with big stick diplomacy. These wars are utterly petty and easily dismantled if any cooler head enters the discussion. If we can survive 6 months it will be better.

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Russia is three years into a hot war and you think someone can approach it with big stick diplomacy? Do you realize where said stick will be put quite quickly?

Not to mention that there's no more stick to speak of, half of it is already rusting in the fields of Ukraine and replacements will take years.

Nope, this approach spells disaster even sooner than with Dems.

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Trump is even bigger warmonger than Biden, but anyway he is also just a puppet. Trump is just a populist and says what people want to hear from him. And then he does something completely different. During his last presidential term, he did quite provocative things or prepared the conditions for future provocations and escalations. He withdrew from the INF Treaty between Russia and the United States. He withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran so that later it could be accused of developing nuclear weapons, although formally he had no right to do so, since the agreement included 5 more countries, and it did not include the possibility of unilateral withdrawal. And then he accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons and violating the terms of the deal, and again imposed sanctions on Iran. Trump also personally gave the order to kill Iranian General Soleimani. Trump promised to withdraw troops from Syria, but in fact, he did nothing. He constantly lies and is even more dangerous than Biden.

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1st term supplied the weapons & training of 404.

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Iirc during DT's last incumbency he enjoyed a lot of support not only from Zionist Jews but imo, more dangerously a huge number of Zionist Christians (i recall reading somewhere they represented 60% of his electorate and were brought on boardby Pence.) These folks firmly believe that an Eschatological Armageddon is an absolute necessity and cannot come quickly enough to enable the second coming of the Lord Jesus and their imminent Rapture for being good boys and girls.

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Technically, he never started any wars, but he contributed massively to where we are now with Iran and Russia. He poured billions into arming Ukraine, killed Soleimani and scuppered the admittedly flawed nuke deal with Iran. In short, he did everything the Deep State that he supposedly hates told him to do.

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"would love to have U.S. tie Iran down in a war, or eliminate it outright, first, prior to taking the risky gambit of slugging it out with Hezbollah. "

No way in hell that the US can take out Iran. No f'ing way. If they try, immediate WW3... Chip

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The U.S. will favor a hands-off bombing & missile campaign--an attempt @ Shock & Awe--failing to realize though that this is not 2003 Iraq

No boots-on-the-ground ever in Iran because the terrain augurs against it: would be a quagmire writ large.

Rude awakening in-coming stateside

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Yes, you are correct Sir! In best Ed McMahon voice... Chip

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"The U.S. will favor a hands-off bombing & missile campaign"

Good luck with that. The Iranians, thanks to Russia (and maybe on their own efforts too) have longer reach with their anti-ship and anti-air missiles.

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S has got them hysterical blood baying no thinking idiots - Pearl Harbour, patriotism, onward Christian soldiers - bunch of idiots

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US is guaranteed to lose in any war with Iran- they can not even scratch Ansar Allah

in any case they fall into this trap they kiss goodby to any possible force threat vis a vis Taiwan

The ruling hired hands are dumb enough to - but the dominat capitalists want a deal with China

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We see all the major U.S. chess pieces steaming toward the Mediterranean--a flotilla of moving-metal like the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, the U.S.S. Daniel Inouye & the U.S.S. John McCain--the fleet itself a veritable roll call of war pigs & blood-washed extremists.

Meanwhile, you may already have seen MK Bhadrakumar's new article:

"A war with Iran will be very unlike Israel’s previous wars with the Arab states. It will be open-ended until Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state. srael’s capacity to retaliate will steadily get depleted, as happened vis-a-vis Hezbollah."


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Either candidate is a "Forest Gump" so all you need to listen for is the toilet of history flushing the combined west through the S bend to irrelevance.

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The S bend? That's called the trap... Chip

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No, it leads to the River Seine where the combined west's leaders get to chew mouthfuls of merde.

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That's where the insane belong: in the Seine.

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The West...swimming in Sheeet! I smell a metaphor here.

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One candidate was living in the dog eat dog world of high finance, in which most people would not last one hour, and the other got where she did by banging her head against the underside of Willy Browns desk and anyone else who she had to service to move up.

The last time I checked, sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch is not really a qualification for President of the United States.... But all those cranial impacts with the underside of desks does explain the word salads....

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In the fake-out casino economy I guess that passes for talent.

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And how much financial success have you had?

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Unpredictable variables and out of control Pariah state with clapping seals , Coma Joe, Harris and the Orange Blunder, made a wrong pick for VP because Trump is inept and will be like his first term part of the swamp.

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My bet is Iran will do what they do best. Chest thumping and shooting missiles into the desert and call it a day.

Israel is the big boi they dare not mess with given how bad Iranian and Hamas security sux that Israel fired a short range missile through the window.

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Lol. The big boi that's ultimately helpless unless Goyim American boys, girls and trans are willing or forced to die for them.

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Wow! What an IGNORANT comment. Ahahahahahahaha! Chip

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Funny how none of you see Israel has no problems killing Iranians, Hamas and Hezbollah. It's all in the news. But you like fooling yourself.

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WTF? are you talking about? Chip

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Don't you bother to read the news? Who did Israel knock off in Tehran just days ago and in Beirut. Best you can do is bury your heads in the sand.

You waiting for Simplicius to tell you everything?

Short range missile fired from OUTSIDE the house! Fuktards.


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No. It was not. Bomb placed in the building months before.

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Wrong. Again.

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You're a big joke. Inconvenient facts means you must pull rabbits out of the hole. And US planted 10 bombs on Putin's toilet seat years ago. See? I can do this magic wand trick too.

If you clowns stop cheerleading incompetence maybe the Iranians will clean up their terrible security after decades.

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Not according to eye witnesses, but I am sure you have better sources.....

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Israel has been assasinating Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese since 1948. So it's nearing the time when Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese are going to retaliate. Israel has no problems sneakily breaking international law and unlawfully killing people in cowardly ways, but a full scale war against them will be the end of 'the only democracy in the ME'.

I am seeing how successful the IDF is at fighting Hamas in 360km². Not at all. And if they did it without US aid and bombs, even less.

Sly assasinations are not the same as being invaded by Iran.

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I don't know why people have such a hard time accepting the fact that Israel can kill anyone they want and there's nothing shit the world can do about it. This is a simple fact. Deal with reality an not your wet dreams.

So stupid arguing about something that's actually been happening for decades.

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Killing all the Zionists would alleviate that forever..... Sounds like a plan to me...

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You argue with the toxicity common to those with the permanent brainbdamage stemming from having been genitally mutilated at young age.

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The Zionists are a plague on the earth. Remember the USS Liberty. Now FO

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Aug 4Edited

You forgot that jews are not able to exist on their own, and they always need a plump and technologically developed host - a developed civilization. Are you a developed civilization ready to allow the tribe with its liars, conmen and genociders to share your resources?

The wise China does not allow organizations representing jews. The small expat jewish communities on Chinese territory should be carefully monitored and controlled. No talmudic/judaic studies must be allowed.

Hopefully, there will be eventually formed an international court investigating and condemning the jewish genociders. The jewish squealing and whining about "incomparable jewish victimhood" and "superior jewish morality" have lost its currency, completely. There are big jewish names among the worst criminals against humanity. And it is long overdue for the western educational system to clean its textbooks from the fraudulent holobiz memes.

A Memorial to Palestinian Children murdered by jewish fascists should be created and installed in Jerusalem (and other important cities around the world) to remind humanity about the horrors produced by a supremacist mindset.

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Aug 4Edited

There is nothing funny about the jewish supremacists' bloodfest.

Talmudic/judaic indoctrination in genocidal ideas and supremacist lunacy creates huge problems for the jewish tribe's host societies. Note that jews do not like living among jews, and there are more jews living abroad than in the "promised land."

The jewish fascist state is a gangster using US resources as a muscle. The amoral whining tribe has exposed itself as mass murderers of children and women; jews do indeed have "no problems killing" the "others." All according their books.

Instead of listening to Henry Ford, a great American patriot, the US administrations allowed the talmudists' infestation (as predicted by Ford in "The International Jew"). The US economy has become financialized (deindustrialized); aipac owns the congress-critters and dictates them how to run the US for the benefit of bankers and fascist mega corporations like BlackRock; and the foreign agent bibi is lording over the prostrated US senators. And you do believe that this can go forever? The jewish thugs are only brave when raping, maiming, robbing and killing the civilians, and does it only when protected by banking cartel in the UK/US.

The shoah-business extraction schema is ripe for a thorough investigation which should be followed by a comprehensive banning of all talmudic/judaic schools in the collective west. The ideology and sadism of zionism and fascism are indistinguishable. Also, you compare a thuggish behavior of an amoral genocider with a behavior of a decent person. Supremacist Jews kill children and women with joy. In comparison, Iranians and Russian have souls.

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I want what you are smoking 🤣

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Israel is a wimp. Both they and the US were exhausted after the first attack, and had it lasted another hour the Iranian drones would have reeked havoc on Israel. Both the US and Israel ran out of missiles! That was not by accident. Iran wanted to exhaust them but not do major damage, only show what they could do. Had Iran continued the attack, Israel would have been defenseless and forced to resort to nukes. At that point, Russia and China get involved and WW3 is a reality...

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Look at all the Putinbois crawling out of the woodwork refusing to admit the Iranians sux the Israeli thang everytime the Israeli pulls it out.

Incredible that opsec failures becomes 100% success when it comes to smoking.

The NAFOs are not the only ones able to turn Black into White. Putinbois are just as good.

Fukking Iranian security is a joke. Israel needs US to kill lots of Iranians at one time. Killing individuals is not a problem for Israel.

Come on bois. This is a fact. Grow some balls and admit your gods are not infallible.

Need more proof? This is a joke right?


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