“a truly triumphal propaganda syzygy.” Genius!!!

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Ha! Nice handle you got there XD

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Totally different ( sorry) would like you to keep a ear out for any Depleted Uranium explosion news.

Any way great reporting as usual. thanx

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Russian forces may well regard Kiev's offensive action as an opportunity to accelerate attrition of Ukrainian/NATO military resources given abundant opportunities to destroy exposed Ukrainian equipment and personnel. Much easier to engage advancing enemy units than to root entrenched troops out of trenches and concrete residential buildings. And engaging Ukrainian forces in the open reduces damage to civilian infrastructure. All good given Russia's consistently elucidated objectives which include Kiev's demilitarization and minimization of harm to civilians and infrastructure.

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certainly -- where are the kinzhals, the hypersonics, to take out the weapons crossing into Ukraine in vehicles driven by NATO? I am sure it is all coming. It is like being at the movies for most of us, but war spreads like fire ants. Quicker than you can bat an eye, you are in war yourself. Congrats, kudos, to the geniuses of American "foreign policy." Your stupidity is there for all the world to see.

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The level of delusion evident in DC suggests a collective mental incompetance/disturbance which is not only repulsive to witness it is also dreadfully dangerous for everyone, in the world, because the US military is controlled by individuals who are mentally unwell. Might be worth noting I'm a former US Army officer, later trained as an economist, so I have some understanding of military matters.

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The only good point I can find in this extended war is that I have discovered great writers who provide me videos so that I don't have to extend my time by finding them. Thanks.

Sidenote: The video of a drone attacking a single tank used the band Seether as its soundtrack. They're from my country but became American (understandable because our rock culture died within 10 years of the ANC taking power). The interesting point is that their name here was Saron Gas. The American record label never liked that, especially with the sarin gas attack in Tokyo, so it was changed. Thereafter, sadly, a South African story became very American with celebrity break-ups, drug addiction and suicide. Been added to a Russian war video is a twist. Very sad, very rock 'n roll.

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Hi Mike - The Thinker has a lot more video at his channel


West is dying everywhere save perhaps in Russia ironically enough. There are so many expat Germans and Americans there they are building towns for them.

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I heard that too. But I can't see how Americans/Europeans can settle in Russia as expats/retirees. Russia has very strict visa requirements, Americans may only have a 1 month tourist visa, they need to first find work before applying for a longer visa, but in this climate who in Russia would hire an American or German? Also, how would Americans/Europeans transact financially or transfer assets with the present sanctions?

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Bitcoin; Russian realtors are hustling, planning/building developments of new home communities for them. War is business...I know Americans living in Russia still getting their pensions.

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Maybe if more Russians and Americans get married, like French and British cousins did, they'll save our world. It could be made a working visa requirement :)

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I wish my ex-wife felt that way hahaha

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This is true. My ex-wife is a realtor in Sochi, she is doing so well that I haven’t been asked for money in over a year!

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👍God bless you Riki, treat her well. She's a keeper no doubt.

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She's his Ex-wife, so too late to keep. LOL

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Is not hard. Russia has much need for population. If one have skills to offer finding job is not difficult. Yes process can be long and difficult for some, but many all required from them is to renounce prior citizenship, place funds in Russian bank and buy land or home to show investment in staying. But that is more than usual for Americans. I know of Americans which only skill is speaking like Americans who obtain jobs to act as customer service or guides for tourism industry. Many hotels, resorts, museums, stadium, sport clubs and even airport or auto rental hire American workers for making visitors feel comfortable. And they much higher paid than Russian worker in similar position.

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Third party financial institutions. I have no problem getting money from the US to a neutral bank and then to Russia. But crypto is much easier as of now.

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Russia has a long tradition of building "German suburbs" . All the way back to Ivan the terrible, there was a district in Moscow called the "German Suburb" specially build to accommodate west European tastes. It was called the German Suburb because all westerners will identified generically as Germans.

If I were a young man, Id try to learn Russian and visit to see if all the talk is real. Wide open spaces and probably lots of opportunities. Of course its hard to know what the reality is and the problem is that Russia has a bit of a history of dependence on the quality of it's leadership determining the quality of life of it's inhabitants.

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Well, did not expect a fellow countryman here. Most over here follow the "But Ukraineeeeee" line. Welcome!

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Our Media is aligned with Western propaganda and their local representative, the DA. White people, especially, follow their lead. To me, that is a form of racism. It's also manipulation, cause we're told to choose between the DA or the ANC, as if there are only those choices, instead of choosing the truth which is bigger than them.

Politics is lies. South Africa is a lie. Ukraine is a lie. Every political position we're offered is a marketing scheme for their party, not the issue. The truthful position is to stand in the middle, to take turns being ostracised by all. But I will even stand with my enemy when they're telling the truth.

My heart is motivated to stop the killing. I do not want any more Ukrainians or Russians to die in another war manufactured by the privileged for profit. I do not want Ukrainians to be manipulated into poverty and death because their leaders are corrupt. I empathise with them because our leaders are like theirs.

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"Ukraine has launched large maneuver attacks in exactly the primary directions long-predicted as being at the heart of the offensive"

So, no surprise then?

Attacking prepared positions?

With a numerically inferior force?

Then this offensive is also doomed to miserable failure.

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Well, there's always a chance for something we didn't expect. We've been fooled before. They could have a trump card up their sleeve.

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Still a lot of human bodies and weapons in play.

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If this is the primary direction, then I'm flabbergasted by this 7d chess move

Anounce to world your plan months in advance

Declare your armies strength, equipment, training and composition.

Give the enemy ample time to prepare defends and launch spoiling attacks at your supply dumps

Carry out the advertised attack on the same date that major offensives always start

"That's a bold move Cotton"

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All is according to the Propaganda War they are waging. If the offensive fails - announce it wasn't an offensive at all. If it succeeds claim you've warned the orcs months in advance, yet the Valar-given weapons and elven resolve still carried the day.

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Reminds me of the Blackadder episode "Captain Cook", where they try to assault the enemy in the same way for the 19th time.

"Doing precisely what we have done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time! There is however one small problem. That everyone always gets slaughtered the first ten seconds."

Tragicomically accurate.

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Desperate people do desperate things. Ukraine offensive is being stoned by Russia, who had 9 months to prepare for it, and knew exactly where it would take place. Ukraine lost most of 2 brigades in past two days and only has 10 new strike brigades left, as far as I know. That is 40,000. Even if they have 80,000, the Russians have 2X the men and 10X the firepower, and total air superiority. Ukraine was forced into this offensive. From what I hear today, Ukraine threw a lot of meat into the grinder and were cooked into meatloaf. Russia also has plenty of weapon it will be rolling out that it has not yet used. Wouldn't the next week not be a fine time for Russia to attack from the north? Grind and pulverize. Deliver a bone-crushing defeat, and exorcise the devil from these Nazi demons.

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What do you mean 'Ukraine' was forced into it? Ukraine is not an agent. Do you mean the leadership of Ukraine was forced into it? Why?

They obviously made a choice to mount these doomed attacks for a reason. The question is, what reason? They should know that they cannot win.

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Ukraine is totally dependent on NATO for its economic and military existence. It takes its orders from NATO. NATO made it publicly clear that it wants and expects Ukraine to launch this offensive now. That is how it works when you become someone's bitch.

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Terrible, to think the next 2 weeks tens of thousands lives, millions of families, eviscerated all too casually.

The similarities of the current war to the Ukranian Soviet war are uncanny. Zelensky is Symon Petliura reincarnated, and his western backers are all the same with some new faces.

It seems a coup is very possible if the offensive fails, more so if it's catastrophic. But Zelensky will flee just as the late Petilura, they all do. Maybe to Germany or Poland.

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I previously wrote:

"A big reason for Zelensky’s election as president in 2019 was because he promised to be a peacemaker. Did he, instead, become a version of weak Symon Petliura?

The ‘strong’ and terrible version of Symon Petliura is that he was a Ukrainian nationalist whose troops murdered 50,000-200,000 Jews after the end of World War 1. Ukraine illiberally banned ‘Book of Thieves’, the massive bestseller, for detailing Petliura’s actions.

The weak (and still terrible) version of Petliura is that he was too afraid to punish the extremists, thus emboldening them. If true, history smells in repeat. This time, it’s Zelensky whose too afraid to pursue peace. He may not be antisemitic but he’s failed to stand up for his persecuted countrymen. That includes the 15,000 dead during the civil war, 2014-2022, and the 100,000 or more dead in 2022."

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My initial assessment requires add-on since Zelensky has altered himself from a peace promise to a coward to an opportunist.

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It would seem history rhymes, glad I am not alone in seeing Symon Petliura in Zelensky, albeit very mutated.

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"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." - Karl Marx

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Zelensky is first and foremost a puppet. A puppet has no will of its own. It doesn't matter what a puppet claims its intentions are because the puppet master makes his decisions irrespective of any presumed preferences of the puppet.

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Jun 8, 2023
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I'm not comprehending this at all. Nuland and Blinken are Jewish. Most of the Ukrainian cabinet is Jewish. The people pushing this war on the US side are also Jewish.

So why would any self respecting Nazi fight for them? I think people have no clue what the NSDAP actually stood for, nor have they read Mein Kampf (etc).

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They are not Jewish, they are Khazarian mafia. Meaning ashkenazi, meaning Rothschild.

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Uh, that seems like a weak comparison then. Zelensky is a Jew backed by Jewish oligarchs. Most of his cabinet are Jews. So how then is he akin to a guy who allegedly murdered Jews?

Zelensky allowed Jews to leave the country when military aged men couldn't leave. He proclaim that Ukraine would be a second Israel, and his government offered automatic citizenship to any Jew who wished to move there. He's in the process of getting a whole bunch of slavs killed.

Seems like a bad comparison to me.

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The comparison is a man too weak to stand up to radicals, that his action leads to the death of many.

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the khazarian mafia sacrificed joos in a holocaust and then blamed others for it. The Bolsheviks were also ashkenazi, not russian.

documented in 200 years together by solzhenitsyn. Conveniently never officially allowed to eb translated into english.

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The only places where Waldemar Kokaini could live in relative security are Israel or the US

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thank you...

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WOW, just WOW. I have to order a doordash meal, snack and take this all in. I follow a lot of telegram channels and threads, but to put it down like this is a cerebral masterpiece. Love your threads. I will start to perhaps make my very first topic in near future, pending work obligations. Appreciate your hard work

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Welcome to Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge! Always an incredible cerebral and language treat! Take a peak at his other substack channel - Dark Futura - you will be wow-ed by his philosophical and historical knowledge as well! And rewarded with supreme language and supremely argumented, structured, and developed masterpieces, one after another, work of a genius!

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The offensive began the day Bakhmut fell and Ukraine crossed the border towards Belgorod. Feints are part of an attack.

The dam is a frightening develop, a long-term detriment to Ukraine and (more so) Russia. It seems to emphasise what was obvious at the beginning, that the only way to prevent a second NATO war is if Russia occupied everything east of the Dnieper. I don't know if that's plausible but natural barriers have made warmongers hesitate through history. Of course, no contextual logic mitigates the pain that would occur to millions of normal people ensnared by geopolitical neoliberalism.

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the burst dam destroyed a lot of collateral the eu was expecting to get when this thing went their way.....

the eu/usa do not plan to get any economic benefit from the results of the smo!

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If the financial takeover of Ukraine can be stopped, the shadow war will be won.

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It can't be stopped. Who would stop it? How? Anyone who runs on a "peace platform" will inevitably get subverted or overthrown by the deep state burocrats, like Zelensky himself. Vote Biden out of office in 2024? Trump may stand a chance, because he has a strong supporter base, who support him precisely because he is at odds with the deep state. Maybe he would stop it by 2025 at the earliest, but he will have to basically fight the entire apparatus of the US administrative state to do so. Remember, he took like 2-3 years to clear all the obstacles to start working on the border wall, I don't suspect the fight to cut Ukraine's funding will be that much easier.

Guess what, only Russia can stop this madness by taking the entirety of the Ukraine. If it even leaves a single square foot of land, NATO will use that to rearm Ukraine 10 years down the line, and I think Russia is coming to this conclusion as well. The Zelensky government is not going to change course, because the ideology that created the Z-man is embedded in their state apparatus. Any new internal movement that wishes to challenge the Z-man regime has to literally dismantle basically all of government, before they can change course on anything. They're like the pirates that make you walk the plank. They are right there, all the way to the end, to ensure the unfortunate sailor walks forward towards his death.

And the bigger problem is that they are also hiding behind the country like a human barrier. The only way you get to the Nazis is if you kill all those innocent people they are hiding behind. It's a troubling state of affairs. This war is just tragic and sad.

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Regardless of military strategy, the flimsy "premise" of the West arming Ukraine is that it is doing so solely to DEFEND itself. Using Western equipment to go on the offensive (in int'l recognized Russia) violates that premise.

Yes, the empire stooges won't care, but increasingly, the people are running out of enthusiasm for a head-on war with Russia.

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If a man mugged and stabbed me, I would hesitate to believe him when he says, "Sorry, I'm really a peaceful man. All my robber friends are."

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Yep, 'defending itself' while all the time fighting one half of itself and all the time on that (smaller) one half's land.

And our world believes it. Well the unwashed masses - look down on them, sneer at them, do what you like..

But what about the hundreds of thousands, even perhaps millions of really up themselves smart arses who think themselves above the common ruck and know it all and have an answer for everything?

Well whaddya know... turns out they believe it, too...

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It doesn't matter, Western publics will gobble up any horseshit you feed them.

I hear the news that get to the average person.

"Ukraine is preparing for their Great Zaparozhie Counteroffensive. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have been killed. Tens of thousands of vehicles destroyed.

Now for our sports news..." (This is in Hungary, BTW, where state media is against sanctions against Russia, and people are generally skeptical of the Ukraine)

Even if Russia is starting to gain ground, the media will be full of how many casualties it's costing them, and how this is really all benefitting Ukraine, who take 10x less losses, and are actually winning the war, and we need to support them "as long as it takes", and that Russia is exhausting its precious few resources and manpower.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Correct. They were stupid enough to believe that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the USA. They'll believe anything.

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Ghost of Kiev will annihilate moscow

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armor moving at night is especially dangerous to dismounted infantry..... or the driver overloaded using thermal optics to avoid running over/into friendlies.

driving a tank/ifv. as well as a rotary aircraft, using night optics requires a lot of practice... rf have far more training!

the french 'tank' is wheeled! mobility challenged!

looks like the range of rf helicopter weapons exceed dismounted stinger capability or they feared sending stinger squad to front..... or the kit is sold off black market.

we'll see how kluged weapons, used by lightly trained operators, using foreign combat doctrine work.

interesting few days!

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But, but, but it has 3 wheels on each side, doesn't that count for something!

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well, i suppose to need to get 2 flat tires on the same side to stop it instead of one so thats good, right?

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We should be fair and point out that the AMX-10's place in French doctrine is not as a tank, but as a fast cavalry vehicle; basically an IFV with a tank destroyer gun attached intended for flanking operations and recon-in-force in hardpan (read: French African colonial) conditions.

This also means of course that there's no place for such a vehicle in Ukrainian doctrine, and exactly what happens to Bradleys when you try to use them as MBTs is happening to them.

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They have a puny 105 mm gun, and costs far more than a T-72.

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I didn't say it was a good vehicle or produced at a good price. The French have only ever used them against groups like Al Shabaab. I merely intend to point out that the French never intended them to be used as tanks. Whether French doctrine would work in an actual fight, I have no way of knowing.

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Honestly I can't ever judge a vehicle without seeing its optics and internal egalitarian form factor. It may look like crap on the outside but may have the greatest gen 3 optics/thermals and individual commander's 360 cupola/viewfinder with separate IR, etc, etc. Unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of doing a deep dive on the AMX-10's internals to that extent. Also, the unsung heroes are things like stabilization and how well the machine can actually fire on the move onto a moving target. Russian later model tanks like T-90Ms are supposed to have auto-tracking where a moving vehicle can be fired on without the gunner even manually having to track or "lead" the fire onto it. The computer adjusts automatically by way of laser rangefinder and locks onto the moving target on its own, as an example.

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The AMX-10 RC lacks any sort of gun stabilization at all. This thing was already obsolete in the '70s when it was designed. It's only somewhat saving grace is the fact that it uses the same thermal sight for the gunner only as the AMX-30B2, which is a pretty mediocre 1st generation thermal sight.

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The French tank makers have been known for the past few decades to focus on accurate cannons with laser range finding and long range optics. But the AMX 10 isn't even a tank.

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Made the point I was going to. back in the 1980's the AMX 10 were assigned to the 6th Light Armoured Division that formed part of the French Rapid Reaction Force. It was designed for recce, screening, flank attacks as a tank destroyer and fire support for aur transportable light infantry. It was not and is not a mbt. The Mastiffs are described as an on road patrol vehicle by the British Army's own web site - armoured but configured to look non-threatening to [sandbox insuregents]. The 37th Brigade appears to have been configured specially to conduct probing attacks or recce in force. Lucky them, they get to find the holes. Then the heavy mech brigades get introduced- maybe at night - to punch the hole. But as I maintain, any such advance will just end up in a fire trap, channelled by defensive works and minefields. IMHO.

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I swear War Thunder has inflicted some sort of brainrot on this generation where people think that just because wheeled vehicles do amazingly well in an unrealistic and spaghetti coded game that they'll do anything but poorly in a real war against a peer or above peer opponent.

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war thunder considers modern federation tanks to be the most powerful of all the nations.

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I mean, that's true at the scale of a full-on war like the Ukraine War, as they are the most cost-effective and reliable tanks out there, but on the individual, tactical level, western tanks do have some mobility and situational awareness advantages over Russian tanks, but that's about it, really. The capability gap has closed, and the butthurt War Thunder players express over that is due to some deep-seated civilizational racism against Russians more than anything else. The funniest part to me is that the majority of the advantages Russian tanks enjoy over their western counterparts such as their greater reliability, lower production and maintenance costs, and greater operational-level mobility given by their lower mass are not modeled in the game, while their greatest disadvantages like their awful reverse speeds, dangerous ammo storage, and generally weaker APFSDS shells are modeled, yet they still on average perform better, as the Russian Military designs its equipment to fight other militaries, while NATO designs its equipment to fight random insurgencies, kill civilians, and commit war crimes.

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THe M1A2 Abrams has greater acceleration since the gas turbine was originally used for airplanes. Comes at the cost of logistics though. But the fact that a WW2 era BT 5 tank can penetrate the sides of the M1A1 MBT Abrams tank... no wonder they had to make a A2 version. Even the Sherman Jumbo had better side and rear protection. The T90s are a lot better at urban warfare, precisely because getting shot by rpgs from the sides and rear is not as problematic as it is for the Abrams. Abrams specialize in maneuver warfare, hull down under sand ridges, and blowing out the enemy at long range using superior accuracy and intel optics. They weren't designed to dogfight in cities where anything can be on the sides or rear.

This ignorance over the 4th Reich MIC cutting costs on US equipment, really did a number on US patriots in the post 2001 wars. It didn't quite make sense why insurgencies were winning against the number 1 military power. We always blamed the rules of engagement. Of course the CIA was busy using SPecOps to blow up villages to create terrorism to begin with.

I detected that the state department had a bunch of traitors by 2006, but I could never trace em to specific people. Nuland was too well hidden at the time. The PEntagon seemed half way competent at the invasion however.

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The tally from the first day seems to be in favor of Russia, but we'll see in the coming days to see what other cards Ukraine has in the hand, like pulling troops from other fronts or the famed NATO-trained brigades.

I'm personally waiting for the Woke Company PMC, most prominent units being the Sapphos Squad and the New Sacred Band of Thebes.

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Woke Company PMC

Lol, if i had time to design a flag and run a fake twitter account that would be the one

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I volunteer to contribute jokes.

4:1 tooth to tail ratio with trans-national logistics

The Polycule Platoon has a duty roster that reminds people which of their polycule members they're supposed to sleep with that day.

Sponsored by Bad Dragon.

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I guess someone in the Kremlin was reading the Saker's blog; 404 can by extension be applied to the curators and enablers as it's looking increasingly likely that not just NATO but the US will fracture as this evil project comes to an ignominious conclusion.

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Country 404 is a well known name for Ukraine among russian people, we use this name for several years. But it's first time some official say this.

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Regarding Farm Equipment Showing Hot, Decoy use is highly probable. If they were moving or hot when hit, then the farmer/driver must be some of those expendables ammo sump ethnics. Maybe an enforcing unit was sitting in the hedges with a gun bead on the poor sod. I’ve mentioned in the past many of the Russian or Hungarian speaking untrained troops sent into Bakhmut were likely sent there just to absorb attention of drones and artillery . After all, getting the Russians to kill the undesirables while expending ammo must be a double win for the Nazis.

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Precisely & it started en masse with their first conscripts. UKR govt is cold, calculating & efficient, like their predecessors, even when they're losing. I still wonder about the truck driver who blew up the Crimean bridge. Never heard who he was or his background. Military rule of survival #1 is never volunteer.

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The truck driver was quickly found to be be a victim of Ukie duplicity. He didn't know what he was transporting.

And in Iraq the Poms and Yanks used the same tactics; they would detain an Iraqi and while he was away from his car it would be loaded with explosives. When he was near a juicy target the SAS scum would remote detonate it. Just another suicide bomber.

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I saw a claim on the Anti-Empire site tht he was just a patsy, a regular hired driver who was given an explosive load. Hired by MI6 too, which wouldn't surprise me, but there was no evidence for that AFAIR.

One bit of evidence I can recall that the driver was a patsy is that IF it was deliberate, the driver would have moved closer to the railway line before self-detonation.

The guy was just hired to take a load, leaving his wife and children behind.

They are fking arseholes, man. Could have been the SBU/CIA as well.

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👍Aye, with them, anything is possible & probable. Anything 🚀☢️🗺️🌐

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Agree on every point but efficient. They are profligate, as suits an wanna be empire founded on corruption and easy money.

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"I've mentioned in the past many of the Russian or Hungarian speaking untrained troops sent into Bakhmut"

You can see here the explanation of why we Hungarians hate the Nazi Ukrainians from the bottom of our hearts and why our government takes the steps it takes against their Nazi government on the international scene. I never thought that the day would come when I would honestly push for the victory of the Russians once in my life ! Never say never !

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Hát, igen, én se gondoltam volna soha, hogy Putyint fogom pártfogolni. Csak az a kár, hogy ezek a fasszopók az orosz hadsereg által végzik ki a kárpátaljai magyar férfiakat.

Bár azt el tudom képzelni, hogy Kárpátalja visszakerül hozzánk, nem mert Vitya "meghódítja", hanem mert az ukrán állam teljesen összeroppan és széthullik darabokra.

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Your text machine-translated for the benefit of the rest of us:

Well, yes, I never thought that I would patronize Putin either. The only pity is that these cocksuckers are executing the Transcarpathian Hungarian men through the Russian army.

Although I can imagine that Transcarpathia will return to us, not because Vitya "conquers" it, but because the Ukrainian state will completely collapse and fall to pieces.

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Azok akik a biztos halálba küldik a magyarokat és az orosz anyanyelvűeket , azoknak ez semmit nem jelent, ez csupán collateral damage ( bár biztos hogy ezt örömmel tették ) de ugyanígy küldik a biztos halálba Ukrajna több férfi generációját ! Már valahol írtam hogy a Blackrocknak nincs szüksége túl sok munkásra egy modern műholdvezérlésű óriási egybefüggő gabona föld gépi megmunkálásához , így a lakosságszám csökkenés számukra egy kiváló megoldás !

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For those who send the Hungarians and native Russian speakers to certain death, this means nothing, it is only collateral damage (although they did it with pleasure), but in the same way they send several generations of men of Ukraine to certain death! I already wrote somewhere that Blackrock does not need too many workers for the mechanical processing of a modern satellite-controlled giant contiguous field of grain, so reducing the population is an excellent solution! For those who send Hungarians and native Russian speakers to certain death, this means nothing , this is just collateral damage (although they certainly did it with pleasure), but in the same way, several generations of men in Ukraine are sent to certain death! I already wrote somewhere that Blackrock doesn't need too many workers for the mechanical processing of a modern satellite-controlled giant contiguous grain field, so the population decrease is an excellent solution for them!

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All I understood was igen, yes😂😂

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Da , da ! :)

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The Ukrainian government is Jewish, how can it be 'Nazi'?

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Eva von Braun, Hitler's partner, was a Jew ! Who knew that Hitler would send millions of his fellow believers to the gas chamber! What would she count for ?

Zelensky's main patron, who made him prime minister, Kolomoisky is a Jewish billionaire, the founder of the Nazi regiment AZOV ! What does he matter ?

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Someone hasn't paid attention.

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look up 200 years together by solzhenitsyn, read the first 2 chapters. THen read the hidden history of the khazarian mafia.

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Hot tractor/decoy/whatever: I don't know anything about these things, but I find this argument of active/hot machine unconvincing. If you look at the image, all the other objects (house, trees,...) are brighter where they are exposed to the sun, and darker where you would naturally expect shadow. I would be surprised that dark in this image means hot.

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Good catch. There is something to it, Most FLIR brand cameras usually display colder=darker and lighter=hotter, although there is an option to reverse the display.

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That piece of equipment is a sprayer- the projection that looks like a gun tube is a stowed for transport boom arm. They have large tanks for water-soluble chemicals. If it sat or was operated out in the sun all day, and those tanks were even close to full, they would absorb a lot of heat and then re-radiate it for a long time.

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A balanced account and I also worry about NATO air exercises. I think the Saker quit because he feared a false flag and a NATO Russian war. After 911, you think NATO will back down? But Russians are very aware of the probability also. My Western friends are drawn to winning a war that can’t be won like moths to a flame. Took some cash out of the bank and watching and hoping our State Dept. doesn’t care about the people more than needing to win.

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Wonder if Russia still has one of those Tsar Bombas

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I think the Russians have everything, not the Tsar's bomb, but the question is how much? Many, even more , or countless ! Back in the 1970s, I was a sports shooter, and we used the Soviet (occupying forces) shooting range for practice, and we always strictly calculated how much ammunition we could use. Of course, we made friends with a couple of Russian soldiers who always watched the training sessions and asked why we were only shooting so much, and when they heard that we were low on ammunition, they brought a big bag. When I asked if it would not be missing from the inventory, they laughed a lot, saying that no one knows how much there is, but that it is stored for several world wars ! I think there is a huge problem on the western side when they think they know the Russian mentality and concepts ! They don't know anything, we will still feel the results of this !

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If the SHTF globally, cash will be worthless. Local barter will return as the norm. Can't eat or protect yourself with paper.

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Goodness, 2 words to look up in the 3rd paragraph!

Th Self Propelled Sprayer on skinny row crop wheels is pretty obvious if you farm, i want to say its a Deere from the booms being so far forward when folded in transport, but it could be anything to be fair. It must be empty as the tank that could be full of water/chemical isnt hugely different in color as you would assume it to be. What a machine parked in the open sun all day looks like on thermal i have no idea. But the sprayer looks like its parked and no one around it to me.

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I could be mistaken but I vaguely recall in the full video there are 3 combines and other stuff next to it to the right side but the camera then pans over to this 'sprayer' as you call it. So I *think* the other equipment is just off screen to the right.

Either way, U.S. Abrams tanks got kills on British vehicles and vice versa at a mere 2km through their "superior NATO optics" and couldn't tell each other apart. So I think I'll give a pass to the Ka-52 for 10-15km distance.

With that said, the MOD gets blame for misidentifying it after the fact, but they also aren't going to waste precious satellite flyover time looking over every kill to satisfy some twitter user when they need every satellite minute they have to be doing recon/ISR work over AFU rear positions and watching for actual critical infrastructure, not wasting their time on a single tractor/tank.

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I think you are right, i cant find the video. I can not come up with a reason for having a sprayer and a combine in the same field, other than you were spraying somewhere else and then drove it to the field the combine was at.

I didnt know what i was looking at with the combine until 1 angle really showed the chute on the unload auger perfectly. Easy to confuse when you are looking for 10 or 12 inch diameter tubes of artillery, everything's a nail if you have a hammer as they say.

i think at 10-15 km those are pretty darn good images, and "im not sure what it is so lets blow it up" is practically standard operating procedure in the west.

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The interesting thing was Ukrop supporters posted audio of the Ka-52 crewmen reportedly communicating before the kill. The gunner asks "What is that?" And the pilot/commander appears to say something along the lines of "Just engage it". So, under duress, I don't think they really cared in identifying what the hell it was. It appeared to be in the center of the AFU armor offensive corridor so they blew it away without much deliberation

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You are right, I saw the video and heard the conversation ! But I think that in that situation, if I had been the commander, I would have simply ordered fire on an object that quacks and swims like a duck, i.e. an armored-looking contour ! After all, the combine didn't look like a hundred-person Afghan wedding procession, did it?

PS: I missed the words "fuck" and "bitch" in the conversation between the commander and the gunner, because then it would have been more realistic! :) Sorry for the vulgarity!

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Well, in one of the other Ka-52 video I posted (the first one of the 2 at the top) at the 14 second mark after he destroys the Ukrainian tank, you can hear the pilot say in Russian: "Hello from Veliky Novgorod, bitch!"

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