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Mar 23Edited
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Mar 23
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Hmmm, not enough clues given M3, maybe mention a lack of forseskins and it will be easier to guess.....

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Charlie Hebdo was a fake attack. Watch the video of the cop "shot in the head".

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Mar 23
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I remember Paul Craig Roberts being very insistent on if being a FF. He pointed out that in the video of one of the "perpetrators" being shot dead while "attacking" the police after being holed up in some shop, it looked more as if he had been thrown into the line of fire by unseen people. And he seemed to have his hands tied.

Also, as grr mentioned, the cop being shot in the head at point-blank range seemed to receive zero momentum from the bullet. (Though, not having seen all that many people shot in the head, I don't really know just how noticeable the jolt of impact should be.) There was also something about the fake blood resulting from that shooting having been put in the wrong place on the ground. And plenty more reasons for suspicion.

If you look at PCR's site at the relevant time you will probably find plenty of useful analysis and links.

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Mar 24Edited

Ah yes the blood in the wrong spot. And there were discrepancies with the photos of the getaway car too.

It was shown that there were markers placed on the road for the vehicle placement and the car was not parked in the same spot in photos; the consensus at the time was that the event was filmed in stages.

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Yes it has been a while, and so much blood under the bridge since then. Without looking for sites that may not exist now I'll go with one example, the head shot cop. Videos at the time clearly showed the firearm fired blanks. As for other details, there were numerous odd details such as in Sandy Hook, too many to ignore.

A deep dive refresher may be needed to recall the details, however it was as fake as Sandy Hook.

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Did the Moscow attackers manage to drop any passports while they were bravely shooting unarmed civilians? Oh and another thing, has anyone blamed the Russians for doing it yet?

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The Ukies did blame the Russians I recall. Must be true then.

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There you are then, it woz Putin wot done it.

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Mar 23
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Don't write nonsense. Katyn was carried by Stalin's USSR. The Russians have confirmed it.


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Mar 23
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I am not interested in propaganda movies. I want the truth to be known. Your initial claim was entirely false. Please stop bugging me. Thank you.

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This is not a propaganda film, but an anti-war film where Ukrainian collaborators together with Nazis destroy a village with civilians. The film is based on the Khatyn massacre in 1943.

I don’t want to bugging you but rectify your claim and I hope there are people who appreciate the movie Come and See.


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Ukrainians were so brutal in WWII towards their former neighbors, they shocked even the Nazis. (Idti Smotri. I saw the powerful film.)

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there is Khatryn and Katryn Your assumption was wrong.


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Mar 23
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"видео кой е ярослав дронов руска музика сензация"

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Harden your heart Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov. The world stand behind Russia, time to end the global sponsor of terrorism. JewSA.

⚠️All four perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Crocus have been found and arrested. Great works by Russian security services and the Army, credit to quick response from Chechen troops.

⚠️The attackers on the Crocus hall were brought to the building of the central office of the Investigative Committee.


⚠️Early interrogation from the captured terrorist:


⚠️Another one successfully captured:


⚠️New footage of the interrogation of another terrorist involved in the attack on the Crocus City Hall near Moscow published by RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan.

The detainee doesn't even speak Russian:


⚠️The Russian FSB literally cut off the Moscow Crocus City Hall terrorist's ear and fed it to him. Next is Zelensky.


⚠️A Dubbed Version of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Full-Speech from earlier this morning, in which he discusses the Terrorist Attack last night against the Crocus Concert Hall in Moscow while also claiming that the Attack is somehow Linked to Ukraine and that the Terrorists were attempting to Flee over the Ukrainian Border.





... Ukrainian leadership, Zelensky, Budanov is about to get decimated. They are involved somehow in this event directly or indirectly.

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That was definitely nato/washington/Israel backed terrorists

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Definitely. It's been like that for over 50 years.

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Hundreds of years.

The Truth About The Conflict With Russia.

Russia has only one real ennemy.

The Destroyers Of The World.

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Sequitur: As befitting the deceivers and murderers that they are, the Zionist VICTIMIZERS of the world shamelessly camouflage themselves as VICTIMS, with Israel, their monstrous spawn, carrying on their blood-filled legacy. Indeed, apartheid Israel is a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with.



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Well said. A concise history and true.

This is Israel's moment of decision. The West, her primary support, is decaying rapidly, so she must take action whilst there remains a powerful ally to protect her flanks. If she waits too long, she will most certainly fall victim to the surrounding Arab states. Some, however, would argue, that she has already waited too long as the US and its allies (vassals) are shown not to actually possess the strength they crow about.

Interesting times, these.

I pray for zionist doom to rid the world of this cancerous growth spreading across the West.

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It's sad so many treated this mafia cult as if it were the friend of Christians or Americans. I'm thankful Candace Owens is providing another outlet for normies to feel able to question the cartel that's enslaved their minds.

"It is important to remember that Judaism is not Old Testament religion, but rather a rejection of the Biblical faith altogether in favor of the Pharisaical, Talmudic heresy.

Like Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Unification Church, and other cults, it claims to be based on the Bible; but its actual authority comes from the traditions of men. Jesus was quite clear: Judaism denies Christ because it denies Moses. Orthodox Christianity alone is the true continuation and fulfillment of Old Testament religion (see Matt. 5:17-20; 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13; Luke 16:29-31; John 5:45-47; 8:42-47).”

-- David Chilton, Paradise Restored, Ch.20

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Those who rebelled against Moses, created the Golden Calf and told the people that yes, Moses delivered the commandments of God, but only they could interpret them. These formed the basis for the Pharisees to come, who formed the basis for the Rabbis to come, who taught from the oral traditions of those who came before and under whose teachings the Talmud was written. These became the "Synagogue of Satan", those "who call themselves Jews but are not....".

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The great irony is that the Wall Street Zionists deindustrialized the US and shipped the industry to China, with the dual intention of making a lot more money and weakening largely white countries. They also expected to get control of China in the process. CCP prevented that aim, which is why those Zionists are now so angry with China and attempting to start a war the US can't win.

This has all come back to disastrously hurt the Zionist project in Palestine and is unfixable.

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That is an historical angle I believe most people overlook - why do we hate China so much? Glad you brought it out. I am coming to the conclusion that Zionists aren't nearly as clever as most think them to be - indeed, they seem rather thickheaded.

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We can see from that terrifying list that the underlying problem was the ready acquiescence of the masses to the demands of the activists/masters/overlords/vested interests/corrupt governments to - 'go out and kill each other'.

It is this habit of the populace to acquiesce with demands that they turn on themselves that is the root of all evil. In our societies. Politically speaking.

The answer is supposedly democracy.

That hasn't worked.

But it could work. Given the 21st Century and the tools we have available: the internet, computer power, ubiquitous smartphone and the right apps people could and should begin to register their vote on all and any matters whenever they wish to: 24/7/52.

AND: see the results of that voting. See an image, a moving coloured bar chart of something.

In this way the people of the world for the first time will be able to broadcast their opinions, their attitudes and draw the strength that collective action brings, knowing where and how they are thinking and moving collectively.

Let there be no misunderstanding. At the current time despite the overt machinery for some kind of makeshift democracy the people live as medieval serfs with no say at all and only a perpetual devout wish they may have a 'good master'.

This must change. The people must grow up. Maybe they will not. But their cyber savvy children will not be so infantile and abject I think.


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All of the above but only based on the depravity and wickedness of the mind coming from THE SERPENT - fear - EVE and the fallen ADAM in THE GARDEN OF EDEN!

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“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” 

– Bobby Fischer

“My basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the world.”

– Bobby Fischer 

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you left out the core subject/ Banks

Dec 1913/ Fed is created, not 6 months later WW1

Keep in mind Lord Milner and his clique had spent nearly 10 years" surrounding Germany" literally using their King as a power broker

Give me the power to issuance of currency and I care not which country, remember that

If we go back into the 1800's the American Civil war, Andrew Jackson, the assassination of Garfield, Lincoln and McKinely was all about stealing the power of the issuance of the currency into private hands

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As has been pointed out many times, have ISIS ever executed one of the Cloven Ones?

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All the U.S. needs to do is contact Mossad for the key to ISIS.

A fully armed group with brand new Toyota pickups, rises from the grains of sand. A group more aligned with the Bath Party, sure Uncle Sam, sure Cloven hoofed Schlomo.

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There are powerful forces at work trying desperately to bring about a war between the U.S. and Russia. I try to keep things secular when talking with a secular crowd, but even with secular folk, these forces can only be described as demonic. Are many of the "cloven-hooved" Jews? Certainly, but not all.

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Updates in Russia say that now 11 people have been detained and the death toll is up to 93 with apparently more deaths to come.

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Apparently, deaths are now up to 115.

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What is this “JewSA”?

I hope not something antiSemitic — should not be allowed here.

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Sorry, should be more specific. Israeeelllll.

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Whatever you aren't allowed to criticize is almost certainly true 🤔.

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jews are the only people who have been hated in almost every period of time every where they have gone.

At some point they have to realize the common denominator.

Even their own god got sick of them and kicked them into the desert hoping it would finish them for him

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Don’t spew racist nonsense and try to grow up.

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How do you personally feel about, say, British people, Boris? Just wondering whether your abhorrence of racism is consistent.

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Humans are humans and so are British...

PS: I am not Russian and unfortunately don't speak Russian.

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I'll bet you speak Hebrew, Boris.

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Thanks for your helpful reply, Boris. As I am British (Scots in fact) I tend to bristle when I hear British people collectively written off, although I hold no brief for either the UK or the Scottish government, which I think are run by fools and knaves.

It was silly of me to assume that you were probably Russian based on your name alone. I'm old enough to retain that habit, although every day I see that it's outdated.

As long as we remain intelligent and civil - like you - we can only gain from exchanging views online. In this case, thanks to Simplicius.

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the bible says so, learn to read

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Religious books say many things,

their various translations even more

and people with various agendas and prejudices infinitely more.

I know that you will read this but probably not understand it.

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It's a shortened version of "The Jewnited States of America". Most people use "JewSA" because they can't be bothered to type out the whole thing every time so they use the acronym.

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Can you define "anti-Semitic" for me, Boris? Most of the definitions I've read are self-serving control mechanisms designed to hide or obscure crimes committed by jews.

So how does your definition stand up to the light of day?

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I think there is a fine line between generic "anti-semitism" (as in "all Jews are awful") and the awareness that quite a lot of Jews have been involved with heartless exploitation and violence. On the other hand, many of the finest people who have ever lived have been Jewish. It may be a mistake to go to either extreme: condemning all Jews for the crimes of a few, or absolving all Jews from suspicion.

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"many of the finest people who have ever lived have been Jewish"

This is something you believe because of what you have read or heard over the years.

Worth thinking about who has controlled the media, the publishing industry, the entertainment industry in the West for a very, very long time, and what "history" they wanted propagated.

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Not really. I try not to be brainwashed by what I read - which is only in books or online, as I haven't attended to the mainstream media for years. The first person who comes to mind is Albert Einstein - a very good man, as well as brilliant. The only thing posterity will have to say against him is that arguably he was responsible for the US government acquiring nuclear weapons. But of course he was worried that the Nazis might get them first.

I don't bother keeping track nowadays, but an amazing proportion of my favourite writers, musicians, scientists, and even comedians are Jewish. Isaac Asimov, the Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, Richard Feynman... the list is interminable. Oh, and let's not forget Ron Unz, who has done more than anyone else to uncover and publicise the evil deeds of the Zionists.

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Einstein was a unapologetic plagiarist who never gave credit to the men who were the real discoverers of E=Mc2. His Serbian wife wrote most of his papers.

Woody Allen is a sexually obsessed child molester who married his adopted daughter.

So two of your five favorite jews were awful humans...Maybe more - I don't know who Richard Feynman is, although I'll be digging into his life once I finish here. I hope he's a good guy. It's not like modern jewry doesn't need more people like Ron Unz around when there are so many more who most resemble Jonathan Greenblatt working tirelessly to destroy what I personally hold dear.

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First you better start with basics - to better understand yourself.

Look and analyze a word — idiot.

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I'm still waiting with baited breath for your definitive definition of "anti-semitism", Bore us. Of course, you won't let silly things like definitions get in the way of you lying, so I don't expect you to be honestly forthcoming any time soon. Please keep up the good work. the more you post your drivel the more you expose your appalling dishonesty, discrediting anyone and anything you support.

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It’s not the Jews that are the problem, it’s Zionism

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I do understand that.

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Whilst in theory that is admirable. In practice the tribe must protect all of the tribe.

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If that's true, can you please explain the last 3000 years of boastful murderers destroying what they can't have and then pretending their gawd made them do it?

Zionism is most definitely a problem, but primarily because it acts as a threat blanket that helps run cover for the millenniums-long thuggish jewish organized crime spree still strip-mining the planet, stealing from everyone, killing as they go.

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As Chomsky has pointed out many Christian evangelicals are Zionist

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US Embassy in Russia announced the attack weeks ago, on 07 or 08 Match. Shaman, famous for pro-Russia songs, held the concert in Crocus 10-11 March, very few days from the original US announcement (07 March) of the terrorist act.


It may well be that was Plan A. To make the disaster out of Shaman concert and before the election would've been better psy-op than blasting largely apolitical Piknik and when elections are over.

Perhaps something went wrong for USA and then failed to implement it timely.

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Also, as a second thought, Piknik as a band was "anti-Shaman", even in turmoil of Soviet collapse and ever since they kept themselves as distant from anything politic or "zeitgeist" as possible, making surreal timeless songs as possible. In March 2014, when EuroMaidan was murdering people just for celebrating V-Day, Piknik's leader went to make a co-production with Ukrainian group singing in reportedly perfect West Ukrainian. In 2020 (or was it just YouTube upload date) he again sung that one, now translated to Polish. Piknik choice for the symbolic victim could be random, but maybe it was not.

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My SWAG is that the US gave Russia just enough information to be able to claim that "we warned you!"

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Major terrorist attack, another oil refinery hit, and belgrod attacked all at the same time. Yet Russia still won't remove the gloves and fight a real war. What is Russia afraid of? How many terrorist attacks on civilians are they going to allow?

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They are trying to avoid a damn nuclear war. Which will happen if NATO does go into Ukraine.

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So just let terrorist attacks keep happening?

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No The US will stop them don't worry, all will be well

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I rather think that stepping back and looking at it we'd expect really that China would be calling the shots.

It is not only so powerful it could nuke the rest of the world it is so big it could absorb much nuking in retaliation.

This level of discussion if it exists we never hear a thing about. Well I don't anyway. Please tell if you know where I could/should.

But objectively speaking - kinda like looking down from the clouds at a bunch of rowdy kids and few bullies in a playground - the biggest kid is China quite clearly.

Only thing is: that same objective look reveals that big kid doesn't care if the other kids murder each other.

But what I'm meaning is nuclear conflagration surely imperils China very definitely. Moreso even than the destruction of the established order etc screws things up bigtime.

But nuclear is not just screwing things up it is death, literal death from the clouds, acid rain etc.

I would expect China to be finding ways to explain to the 'second order' bullies in the playground that they will not use this weapon.

I don't know even know what leverage they could use.

Because of course their 'greater power' is essentially right there in the nuclear thing.

But I do feel that for sure they are the major player and must/will find some way to ensure their own survival.

Which may incidentally ensure the survival of some of us.

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Well China is already calling the shots I’d say, in more ways than one

Not only via recent shuttle diplomacy, and calls to RF to participate in the Swiss Conference

It is obvious to one and all, even to the EU, broke and bleeding cash, that any resolution to the Ukraine war involves massive investments – else Ukraine will be a major problem ongoing not so much for Russia as for Europe

The only country able to…etc convincingly is China

To the extent that active pursuit of this war revolves around comprehensive understanding of the enemy, and friends ; correspondingly what can constitute cease, again China is the only country to be able to achieve this

Moreover insofar as to delay EUUSNATO, a long and arduous cease fire is just the right element to keep them in suspense and distracted from preparations for the war on taiwan nonsense

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Thanks for that Gerrard. I think you add credibility to my kinda naively intuitive speculation. And I'm glad to see it. :)

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Wondering how china will survive a nuclear winter that also will come to the east when we nuke eachother in the west.

Chances are not very big imho.

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"I rather think that stepping back and looking at it we'd expect really that China would be calling the shots. It is not only so powerful it could nuke the rest of the world it is so big it could absorb much nuking in retaliation."

You are delusional. Fortunately, you are not in a position of power to be so cavalier with nuclear war fantasies.

The world's leading nuclear powers are by far America and Russia, each with several thousand (5000+) nuclear weapons. China is a distant third and has several hundred (400+) nuclear weapons in comparison.

Also, it goes without saying that only one of these nations (America) has actually used nuclear weapons, not once but twice, with its nuclear incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This same country (America) even hysterically soils its pants about "Weapons of Mass Destruction" that other nations like Iraq supposedly had (or didn't actually have) in order to justify its war of aggression against the Iraqis.

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It seems you have failed to comprehend the point I was trying to put forward and have elected to respond with typical american insulting ad hominem. I assume from it alone that you are american?

I will not do ad hominem. Our interaction is ended.

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This is war. This kind of attack is inevitable. As are the incursions into Belgorod. I doubt the Russians could stop them all anyway. They just have to suck it up and finish the job. This is highly complex game being played. The Russians are trying to collapse Ukraine before NATO does something crazy. The clock is ticking super loud and it's looking like they are not going to get the job done in time. Maybe some massive flare up in the Middle East will distract the West. Humanity teeters on the brink.

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Yes, the terrorists may kill 1000 people, the retaliation may kill millions of people and destroy whole societies including yours. You want that? Maybe the oligarchs do, the ones with real power?

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Hit em with a huge terror attack in US of A-pausable deniablilty, smuggle in a score or more Jihadi nutters over southern boarder, NATO exposives etc -they will ge tthe msg.

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An eye for an eye

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No fingerprints, plausable deniability but they will know. Pump fentenyl all over the west, other addictive substance too. Surely Russia has an arms lenghth contact with various East Euro OC groups, Asian too. Pump anti Russia nations like Singapore with high quality fake currency to give em economic problems. Pump europe with HUGE ammount of western weapons out of ukraine-Scandi biker groups will LOVE it as will lot of other euro crime groups. To make it short turn Europe into this on a LARGE scale but no fingerprints https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5AeGKSDVdE

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Yeah, murder a bunch of innocent Americans who have NOTHING to do with the evil abuses of ghouls like Nuland and the rest of the putrid ruling class. Why don't YOU come over here and try it yourself, tough guy? Cowardly f'n punk.

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Hypothetically speaking, if Russia were to nuke Kyiv tomorrow, which countries do you think would retaliate Russia in response?

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Irrelevant question. Russia would never nuke Kiev.

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Never say never. Unless it's a math question.

And I said hypothetically. I want to hear your thoughts. If you seriously think any country in the world, including the U.S., would nuke Russia in response. You could argue that maybe there would be other consequences for Russia, maybe some partners would turn their back to them, like China, but nuke Russia? Please, enlighten me, I'm really a layman when it comes to geopolitics or military affairs.

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Okay, as a hypothetical. If Russia nuked Kiev, no one is going to be nuking Russia. But the whole world will turn against them, including China. They would be truly isolated. And as Russia slowly died they would have to launch more nukes against invading armies and it would be a nuclear holocaust. Hence, Russia will not nuke Kiev. Ever.

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answer is none

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NATO would be delighted.

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RF/VVP have their own game plan - being dragged into the trap of the mind of the opponent is the death knell for your strategy!

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Exactly. Keeping to one’s own plan is the best recipe for success.

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Which doesn't exclude adjusting along the way - which is why THE TRUTH - long term - is paramount. Because making mistakes is one thing but chasing an ILLUSION is surely the way to DESTRUCTION. And looking into the faces of the actors involved is a pretty good indicator, especially in the "long" run.

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Only an idiot responds to a terrorist attack by changing his strategy ..

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Did you miss the Electrical Generation smite?

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Isis k and usa , proxy pets no one believes is not responsible. Nulands surprise

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Mar 23Edited

Nuland's "retirement" was part of the cover story.

The Jacks and the Sams must count on Ivan as being as stupid as they are.

Court Jester Macron is independently going to attack the Russian Army without the nod from DC and London?

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Whatever the intent, this will make Russias inevitable response seem justified in the eyes of much of humanity.

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And deliberately killing thousands of helpless women and children in the sand-floored Concentration Camp in Gaza, opens infinite retaliation, tomorrow, next year, next decade or next generation. Emotional Cloven Ones have cut their own wrists.

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23 March 2024 The Paradox of Western War #202 The Allies at War with Eachother

The Three FT Headline Zingers – De Escalating’s a Bitch !

The US plans

‘US has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries’ https://archive.ph/T4kre

The EU plans

‘EU looks to bypass treaty ban on buying arms’ https://archive.ph/5qqJb

The Germany plans

‘Germany’s taboo over Ukraine has been broken’ https://archive.ph/gcz08

All Pulling in different directions, but all breaking fundamental tenets/taboos that so far have guided western actions and talk

The US sanctions on RF oil were an attempt to design a course that would at one and the same time strangle the RF oil industry & exports, while not increasing the price of world oil

The US set a price of $60 per barrel which they thought would balance the trick

Oil is currently at $85 more or less

Once upon a time the US would have been delighted, even to assassinate Putin, even…., now….tiptoe it’s all over

The EU plans are a desperate reaction to US Propaganda and cash withdrawal, in particular to the stalled in Congress since October last funding for war ; this the EU believes will collapse the Ukraine, and leave the EU with a trillion dollar + invoice for re construction (after all the Ukraine is a member in all but meme)

Germany has long been the major funder in Europe but also the major hesitator over war with Russia represented by such funding

First the refusal to send the Taurus, surprisingle sensibme

Now the breaching of the let’s negotiate taboo, a belated recognition that in Germany, as in Europe in general, the general public do not want no more war nor war mongering

Freeze the war not the CBR assets !

Local politics take precedent over international to the dismay of the global ruling class : Scholz sees his path to the popular vote

The FT is pearl clutchingly horrified, a Duchess at a pornpoke

« Despite all that, Mützenich’s speech still seemed spectacularly ill-timed. In a frozen conflict the fighting stops but neither side is declared the victor and neither agree that the war is actually over. Yet Moscow and Kyiv show no inclination to settle for this outcome »

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"US has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries"

Hey there, Ukie Jester, how about slowing down your terrorist attacks in Russia. Wink-wink, nod-nod.

Say no more, say no more.

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Escobar now reports that regular French, German and Polish troops are entering the Ukraine...https://westernrifleshooters.us/2024/03/22/well-that-sure-raises-the-temperature/

Russia has promised to priority target such groups....

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Another report said those were just some regular mercenaries

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Either way, I wouldn't sell them life insurance...

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is there a line that can be drawn between home state sponsored and/or controlled national mercs and ukraine sponsored and controlled in partnership with, say, M16, mercs from these same nations?

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Purely a formality, although one that still has some use.

As a practical matter, this is a category defined by

- NATO trained

- paid by NATO money (just like the AFU)

- use NATO equipment provided by NATO (just like the AFU)

- coordinate with NATO for intel, logistics, tech support (just like the AFU)

For many of them the last point is just why they're required

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If it sounds like a frog, it's a frog.

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Only when it looks like a frog😀

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doesn't it take one to know one?

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The Frog of War.

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Regular mercenaries in March 2024 ?

No those are regular special forces if those news are real

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Ukraine has been running out of ammo and troops for a year now. Starting to think its BS

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Now that's dead right. That's absolutely true. We've been sold a pup by our own 'trustworthy', 'enlightened' 'alt-media' haven't we?

On reflection I realise I should never have been surprised. Among that 30 countries set against the Donbas are the most expert dissemblers and falsers, professional liars, deceivers and propagandists in the world.

To imagine for a minute that any published figures are right without some kind of rigorous proof is really ludicrous.

This is part of the war they have been waging. A war of disinformation. It suits their purpose if we think Kiev is beat. They love us to think that.

So many of us, myself included, walked right into that.

This perhaps even ties in with the conscription debate. They have not conscripted the age group 18-26 !! ?? That would be the most potent group (given capacity to train them).

Fit, malleable.

And they haven't touched it yet?

So what's the demographic? How many of them can we figure are still in the country?

Registered. They are supposedly registered.

Which means, if they are still there and have not fled, they can be called up in an instant.

Our MSM reportage is lies, wall to wall.

Our 'alt-media' reportage is patchy, naive and amateurish.

Present company excepted.

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It really doesn't matter what either we or the alt-media think at all. It only matter what the Russian General Staff believe, know and act upon. And I assure you that they have a much better sense of what is going on than we.

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I wish I could be the fly on the wall. I have so much hunger for knowing what is going on exactly. Maybe should invite VVP one day for dinner😀

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G'day Arthur,

In regards your conscripting 18-24yo well they barely exist and if used where is Ukraine's future???


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Hi.. thanks for that. I see what you mean. A somewhat startling statistic. What on earth happened? Ah.. a quick look and it seems the fall of the Soviet Union caused it. In Russia too.


I see they have healthy numbers between 15 and 20 so if the 'used' ( all dead ? ) the sparse 18 - 24 cohort they'd still pretty soon be able to go full bore again.

Down at another bottleneck right now, I see.

Looks to me like if we cut the top of the chart off - simulating the elderly dying off - and move downwards we're seeing a lower and lower population level overall?

LIke if we go down to 40 years from now when the current 55 year olds will be on the verge of death we'll be looking at an existing total population only about half what we currently see on that chart?

That's assuming of course that the bottom of new chart doesn't get filled with massive growth in those years. But looking at today's trend it doesn't look much like it does it?

thanks for that chart. I'm somewhat fascinated by it. ;)

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Well it's not b.s. but there are nuances to it. They have run catastrophically low on *artillery* ammo, but at the same time they have exponentially boosted FPV drone ammo (amongst other things) which in large part makes up for it. So it's a bit of semantics to an extent on what one means precisely of 'running out of ammo'.

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As most he means 155mm artillery shells, this is what most often is singled out, along with AD

Yes they are perpetually short, the Ukraine is, as western stocks and deliveries falter, as western production falters, as RF productions ramps up : a better description of reality

He's just using the wrong words to describe what he thinks, in order to try and make a point

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My understanding is that by operating at reduced levels of artillery shell expenditure, Ukraine would have "run out" in about April or May, but of course will still be taking deliveries. There is more than enough small arms ammo about. AD weapons are in particular short supply. I use the term "run out" not to mean none, but insufficient to be able to resist on an effective basis should Russia start a series of battles across the line of contact. Which is exactly what they have done. And after that "May" timeframe the ground dries.

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Between you and me the misuse of language by that commentor is deliberate - the misunderstanding is deliberate - and designed implicitly to denounce the supposed shortages as RF propaganda

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Ru has not once said a word about the AFU running out of anything. The only RF propaganda is perhaps the extent of casualties that MoD publishes day to day but nobody really takes those numbers at face value. All the "shortages" are from western MSM, and alternate media mainly. Further, stop attributing intention on my behalf.

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I said 'designed' - I did not say the RF has said anything - designed by the westies

If you have no intentions in your words you resemble the emptiness of propaganda....

Besides you said 'running out', not 'shortages' - no difference you think?

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Like Jack Reacher likes to say: details matter😀

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Russia must have paid Biden via China to greenlight U.S. cluster-bombs for the Ukrainians.

Having your enemies grant you, for free, the moral right to use one of the best hamburger grinding tools in military kit, while having enormous quantities of clusters in your own inventory, must have been a day of celebration.

Drones? Russia also has drones.

What Ukraine lacks is live bodies to run thousands of drones.

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do not worry they are not 'running out' the Ukraine is not - the Ukraine is a needy beggar who always begs and begs - he's short in everything, always will be, but he's an effective beggar

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It's like the famous Hemingway line about how he went bankrupt... "gradually and then all at once."

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Well that will happen one day sooner rather than later

Especially now the RF has, sort of, declared the SMO has now become a war, due to the too many noises made by many European countries that they will are thinking are planning must as the whole gamut of mights and maybes and you'll sees

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If Russia is only now creating a Dniper River Brigade, that means months for retrofitting it and training it. Not enough time to beat France to Odessa.

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That's the US modus operandi, making big announcements first, before anything has actually been done. Smart countries on the other hand, like Russia, usually do it the other way around.

And if you had paid attention you'd have noticed that the statement is that Russia HAS created those forces. As in, has already happened but is only now made public.

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You are believing what Russia is freely letting out. Meanwhile a hatchet has split your head.

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From my point of view, it was stated that the terrorists wore camouflage. I never seen ISIS wearing camouflage when doing such an operation in the open. I now agree it had something to do with the Ukrainians. Just my opinion. I agree with Simplicius.

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Agree. However, a measure of doubt remains as there is a strong rumour that the captured terrorist was in possession of an Israeli passport. As there has always been an Israeli/US/ISIS connection and apparently ISIS has admitted they were behind this, I must remain at least somewhat sceptical of a Ukie connection.

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After further evidence has come forward, I take back what I said about Ukie involvement.

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Daish is likely a shell for the CIA. Raised to remove Assad, then famously outed for getting to bloody.

Daish keeps popping out.

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It's amazing how quickly Washington was able to say it wasn't done by Ukraine.

Thanks for your great work Simplicius! I share your link on our blog.

A Skeptic War Reports


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I just finished reading your most recent report 'A Skeptic'. Classic and brilliant. Very great. Thanks. ")

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Macron has really shot himself in the foot with all his bellicose warnings of putting in French troops- in large number and officially.

AS IF......!!

When the Ukrainians realise they have been 'had' by an effort to keep them fighting on their ownsomes, France will experience a kickback all of its own.

The tide of this war is about to turn, and it will turn from an attack on Russia to an attack on those whom the Ukrainians are just coming to realise exploited them, were the ones really responsible for the destruction of their country, and sent a generation to a pointless death. If they really think NATO is going to come in now with ground troops and air support to wade around in this blood and guts disaster, I have as Alex says, 'a bridge to sell them'.

The war is entering a dangerous new phase and that danger is not to Russia despite the terrible Moscow slaughter of civilians to no higher military end, but to the western backers, and further to this, the attack on Moscow has opened up a dangerous new front AGAINST the west directly.

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Yep. When you realise that attacking a quarter of your own country on ethnic terms is a mistake you're on the way to consciousness.

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Macron is the West's Court Jester.

Dancing a jig for the applause of Uncle Sam and Union Jack, as they laugh at him behind his back.

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no signs of 'Ukrainian' (i.e. Kiev Ukrainians) realising anything as yet, it seems:


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Wait until the draft comes.

They still think the US-French cavalry is coming, which was really my point.

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The theatre incident in Moscow will only serve to strengthen Russian resolve. Putin is thinking several levels ahead of the Western woke and incompetent leadership. Russia, under Putin, is playing the long game because he knows the West is crumbling with a poignant statement "The Western vampire ball is crumbing". And he knows that we know it as well, "I have a feeling that the ordinary citizens of the West who feel it in their bones know what is happening in reality and our struggle for independence and true sovereignty nurtures their hopes for their nation's independent development and sovereignty. It's all being accelerated by the Western government's desire to keep the existing status quo and unjust state of international affairs". What a quote. If the man knows what we're thinking I'm sure he knows quite well what they're thinking. Putin is a strategic genius with a long game while Macaroni, Zelensky, Biden and Trudeau are too busy destroying their own countries to really think about anything beyond woke, impulse, and self-defeating strategies. Best wishes from Canada, Mr. Putin.

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Plunging at the expense of the ppl enriching themselves with record highs in the stock market. Money are still flowing to the US and unless China+RU do something to stop this madness rush into the US market, the US has a perpetual war machine.

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The US is facing default on its treasuries. There is suspicion that Biden was forced to sell oil from its strategic reserves to China because it refused to get paid in treasuries for its goods. Japan sold off most of its US treasuries and bought lots of gold. Let me know how the perpetual war machine makes out after the US defaults on its treasuries. The US is a house of cards with a tornado on the way. Its...get your money for nothing and your chicks for free days are limited.

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“Japan sold off most of its US treasuries and bought lots of gold.”

This is nonsense, Japan is the largest holder of US treasuries at around $1.2 trillion followed by China at around $850B and UK circa $720B. China has sold some tens of billions in recent months but Japan has bought $200B treasury instruments since December

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True. About Japan.

BUT. China has cut U.S. Bond holdings from about $1200 Billion to that $800 billion.

AND. Japan buys U.S. Bonds (increasing demand for U.S. dollars, decreasing demand for Yen) to help offset the Mercantilist Policy by collecting U.S. Interest to offset the ZERO interest on Japan Government Bonds

This perverse CARRY TRADE is on the verge of collapse.

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From https://www.ceicdata.com/en/china/holdings-of-us-treasury-securities/holdings-of-us-treasury-securities

China Holdings of US Treasury Securities data is updated monthly, averaging 963.900 USD bn from Mar 2000 to Dec 2023, with 286 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,316.700 USD bn in Nov 2013 and a record low of 58.900 USD bn in Nov 2000.

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Thanks for the input. I need to check on my source of information which appears to have greatly exaggerated Japan's treasury selloff.

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You are correct, Gerald. I repeated faulty information without confirming it. I trusted without verifying.

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Still we can all agree there are great changes afoot.

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Yes, of course. As a kid I watched Star Trek which gave a reassuring hope for mankind to progress beyond its primitive ways. That hope remains but there sure is a long way to go. Beam me up, Scotty. I need a break from this planet. lol

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America's precious Treasury Bonds are the equivalent of an IOU scribbled in crayon on dirty toilet paper. They are backed by the (snicker) "full faith and credit" of the American regime-which is worth less than jack squat.

However, these Treasury Bonds are part of the USA's Dollar Dictatorship (as people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Vladimir Putin have called it) in general; America devours goods and services from the rest of the world in exchange for these IOUs--which it will never fully pay back.

This Dollar Dictatorship is the basis of the world financial system for decades. And it allows America to be a parasite on the global economy.

Putin Calls U.S. 'Parasite' on Global Economy


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The US is collapsing and everyone knows it. The stock market is being propped artificially on the backs of the American middle-class. All the money in the world won't stop that and will gut the war machine.

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Perversely, "Money" created from thin air and borrowed (from future taxpayers) is used more for the churning and skimming machinery -the mirage of the Stock Market where the multiplier effect makes the U.S. look more like a High Wire act in a Barnum and Bailey Circus, than the old Arsenal of Democracy where FDR took the huge existing capacity, of Ford, GM, U.S. Steel and quickly converted that industrial might into war production.

The Face Value of U.S. Bonds vs. the market value, today, is Trillions in losses.

There is no capacity, industrial or financial, nor people, in the U.S or Europe, to sustain but a brief skirmish before the tired, unmaintained engines seize up.

Then Nuclear War becomes the only option without the West conceding.

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95-98 % of the people in the West pretty don't care about SMO, Ukraine war etc..they have more than enough. I never heard someone talk to me about Ukraine in my daily life for let's say 18 months.Oil and gas prices are under CTRL, flights are fully booked for next summer holidays, nobody cares about Ukraine war out of Politicos who play their own survival, journos (same) and people like us because we are interested for one reason or another but believe me we are no more than 0.1 or 0.2 % (in the West or Global South), of course it is almost 100 % in Ukr and Russia, logical.

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This comparative silence is due to the state of oppression under which the peoples in these countries live - let alone the laws against this or that protests or social media prohibitions

It is not an indication of the peoples attitudes - these countries do not allow freedom of expression

See the MCS report for a more accurate snapshot of polls in various European countries

This war is led promoted and propagandised by the ruling class - one aim and goal is further to subordinate and control public thinking and acting

Do not be fooled by the ruling class!

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True what you say Gerrard but there is too much bread and circus and no interest in truth or reality or as the refrain I hear all the time "Oh I'm not into politics".

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I know - but the lack of interest in politics is because this no longer gives any ordinary person any reasonable discussion or choice or even the hope of a chance that common concerns and lives are in any way the subject of politics or the political class

Let alone foreign policy

How this may change is not evident: it may be that the present plundering class will bring the state into such disaster with this war, and the one in Gaza, and the one in....that conditions grow so desperate that the people will have no choice but to take matters into hand

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Nonsense. I live in in the "global south." Despite the rampant inflation and sagging economy, the war in Ukraine and Gaza are the subject of frequent conversations here with a very wide range of opinions expressed from heavily pro-Russian, pro-Palestinian to heavily pro-NATO and pro-Israel: sometimes a combination of the above... i.e. pro-Russia and pro-Israel.

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I too live in global south

Maybe the middle classes in the coastal cities have some idea of the war, perhaps some more have an idea of what Russia means/could mean to Africa

But in the outback this war and Russia simply has no incidence, nor should it, life here is otherwise

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I live in a small town in central South America. It may depend upon one's station. Two guys cutting tin together are probably not talking about the wars, but people talk to me all the time about them: workaday folk, campesinos. Of course, this is an almost entirely a Christian cohort, and their interest in the wars tends toward Christian themes: is all this some indication of the end-times; or why does God permit such things? I

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I am surprised that a small town in central South America should be so much more open to events in Ukraine than a small town in central Africa

Although perhaps not

The only flickers come from immigrants from the north, the Sahel, who are aware that Russia is a friend, but that's about it

This part of the world has been more isolated for much longer, probably

Everyone here is Christian, although animist beliefs persist, the pygmies are not far away, but Catholics are a very small minority the majority been of the born again kind, for whom all times are the end times

Thanks for this information, I wish you interesting discussions, and wish that the same was possible here

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Well... Argentina is sort of unique in that the population, even in the countryside, is fairly well educated, and newspaper reading over coffee or mate after lunch is still a preferred past-time for everyone over 35. Much of the world stopped reading newspapers years ago, but here, there is always one open and passed around at all of the local bakeries each day.

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Or pro-Palestine and pro-Ukraine

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All appears well until it isn't. Annnd it's gone. (Southpark)

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It is also 100% among the globalist elite who are trying desperately to ruin Russia on the way to China.

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We have far more serious things to think about, Nato. England lost to Brazil yesterday. :)

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Elevating Putin to oracle-like status is silly. He clearly underestimated Ukraine and made some serious missteps at the beginning of the SMO. And Western powers have strategists just as capable as Putin and his staff.

Point here is not to bash Putin - he's an effective leader who seems to have his country's best interest at heart - but he's not "several steps ahead" or "playing the long game." He's playing the only cards he holds, which currently entail a slow prosecution of the advance. Russia is in serious jeopardy, and he knows this. When I watch him speak, I see none of the smugness often reflected in the statements of his Anglophone supporters.

Putin made a very big decision to defy the West, an understandable choice, perhaps, but now he has to live with the consequences. IMO, the final outcome of the conflict is still very much in doubt. Whether Russia can take Odessa will tell us a lot about the ultimate direction of future events.

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May I suggest you look back at what Adolf said to Mannerheim, "Had I known (Russia) could produce 35,000 tanks...."I might have reconsidered by decision to move east" (My words).

Russia has as many clear-headed intellects, or more, than the West. Russia has a Leader, fully aware of the chess board, including the fact that he can kick the Chessboard over any time he wants.

Please point out to me ANYONE, ANYONE in leadership in the West that you would want you lead you, while on the precipice of World War II ?

This will not end in stalemate. But Checkmate.

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I agree with you about the high quality of Russian leadership, and I respect your opinion. But consider what's transpired already, what the Ukrainians/NATO have been willing to do: the destruction of the Khakovka dam, plundering $300b in assets, the bizarre Prighozin affair, flirting with destruction of the ZNPP, and now perhaps orchestrating an ISIS attack. This isn't a conflict limited to the gentlemanly conduct of battle; it's an all-out, no-rules civilizational war.

Sure, Ukraine looks destined for collapse in a few months, but the West is very powerful and resourceful. What happens if French and Polish troops arrive? Does anyone think NATO wouldn't do that?

Putin felt he had to make a stand against Western influence in Ukraine. Perhaps he did. But he's made some serious strategic errors: the delusion that Russian troops would be welcomed outside of Donbas, the poorly executed Kiev gambit, the insufficient size of the initial invasion force. The first 16 months of the SMO were not a disaster, but they didn't go particularly well for Russia. I have no insight into what Putin is thinking, but I suspect he understands his predicament, as he appears to be adjusting course.

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If France deploys their entire army, aka 20,000 troops aka an Infantry Division to Odessa and suddenly a low-yield nuke by coincidence goes off in Odessa, the West’s calculation of risk/reward would hopefully 🤞 change.

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that's not a serious of miscalculations. That was just one. Putin's kinda idealistically naive. Believes, or did believe in truth, love, honesty, fair play, gentlemanly agreements etc.

I think he woke up quick smart after the Kiev fiasco.

It now transpires the army was in a terrible mess at that time.

They (he) have/has done a heroic job transforming it into what it is today and the process is still going on.

And Putin no longer naively trusting is in a much stronger position. His own mind but also, one would suppose, now allowing access to a whole band of advisers he previously discounted as overly cynical and not quite with it.

Putin still has a card up his sleeve that even I can see.

He could address the western people directly.

Hopefully with some skill.

And just lay the facts out to them in bite size chunks over time, giving them time to digest them. And test them.

The facts are horrific. We all know that. Don't we? Here, in venues like this?

They are horrific.

Once the people know them they'd be virtually putty in Putin's hands.

He could rule the West. If he were to talk man to man in the right way to the Western people.

After all: there's no one else doing it is there?

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I agree with your assessment of Putin. Yet at the same time, it's difficult to accept that a former KGB chief is, in fact, an overly trusting leader who believes in truth, fair play and gentlemanly conduct. He saw the sausage being made first hand back in the 80's and 90's and surely has no illusions.

To square the circle, I don't think Putin is naive about how nations conduct themselves in realpolitik, but he was surprised by how inventive, resourceful and lawless the US (and especially the UK) can be when it's serious about winning. Putin was expecting a regional conflict in the context of the larger global confrontation, and he got a civilizational war run by Victoria Nuland instead.

The idea of Putin speaking directly to the West is an interesting one. He tried to do that through the Tucker Carlson interview but it wasn't well received. The MSM had a ready-made story line about Tucker being a Putin stooge to discredit it. To communicate effectively, Putin would need to find a novel approach to messaging that hadn't already been blocked or corrupted by Western intelligence.

The facts are indeed horrific, but what's worse are the lies. It's getting so awful they aren't even trying anymore. Nordstream was so obviously a NATO operation and the cover story was so absolutely pathetic - passports on a rented boat? - it was like somebody phoned it in. They should at least have the decency to lie to us convincingly.

I very much like your ending sentiment, which is that as grim as things look, someone has to try to speak the truth, to be an advocate for human dignity and liberty, and that there would be a receptive audience in the West. Whether Putin succeeds in that endeavor, or someone else does, or even if no one does, the attempt has to be made or we essentially renounce our humanity.

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Thank you for that.

I of course don't really know exactly how naive and trusting Putin was but we do know that top leaders do tend to live in a bit of a fantasy world in any case, don't they?

It seems to be axiomatic.

There is a kinda psychology 'feature' we could perhaps hang the notion on. When you perceive your immediate environment as being lacking the outside 'other' or 'escape' readily becomes somewhat idealised, turned into a paradise it really isn't.

We all do that all the time I think. It seems to be a feature of humanity.

Add to that the perhaps exaggerated esteem that the British or the western legend has been held in. I mean our 'lofty' traditions and foundations, supposedly. Democracy. Justice etc. etc. The march of civilisations with us at the front... ever advancing, we leading the way. Our fine speeches, orators in distinguished unbroken line since ancient Greece. All that kind of stuff.

Makes for Anglophiles all over the world, or used to.

Made for the spectacle of small African nation leaders or Asians perhaps or whatever somewhat pompously mimicking Churchillian oratory.

Could it be that Putin somehow got the idea that despite all our failings we were truly somehow 'the light', the actual real forefront of progress and therefore we should be joined?

Ha. I've no idea. All off the of my head. But I think we can call the whole set of ideas a 'working hypothesis' can't we? A hypothesis that seems to fit the facts and therefore can be worked with until better knowledge.

Yes, Putin did try to talk to the west via Tucker but it was not the kind of talk to the west that I think appropriate. It didn't work, did it? It was altogether too earnest, too scholarly. It didn't even work with Tucker who didn't even have the politeness to express interest in the dossier Putin apparently brought with him.

i.e. Putin and Tucker were really talking at cross purposes. Addressing different questions.

I mean memes. Slogan. Catch phrases. Sound bites. One tiny thing at a time.

I mean address the population as they are at this time: Twitter, FB etc. addicts. Devouring simple highly coloured bite sized chunks.

I think he should take the salient points - and there are many, many of them, and serve them out like giving tiny candy rewards, one after the other here and there.

Things like:

'We simply want a guarantee of safety you know.'

'All this fighting is on land Kiev invaded.'

'You know all Ukrainian land we stand on still belongs to those Ukrainians'.

Even things like Nordstream are targets, subjects appropriate for this:

'We did not blow up Nordstream.'


'They did a massacre in Bucha and blamed it on us.'

all the obvious and the true - don't forget the people do not know:

'They made a law that they will negotiate with me'.

and so on. I hope that gives some idea.

I'd expect his advisers, those skilled in this sort of thing could provide text.

And a venue. There should be a Putin venue so that it cannot be blocked, so that he's not dependent on MSM to spread the word.

He has a telegram channel for instance but it is not used for stuff like this.

The essence is bite sized chunks of simple incontrovertible truth.

that tell the past, tell the present and tell the future:

'Your government has cost you this much so far.'

'This many of your citizens have died secretly fighting against us.'

'This person/politician/oligarch has done this thing and profited this much.'

'This was done which is breaking an agreement'

The attractive thing, novel to the populace, being Putin's manner and appearance ( I'd hope for video, tiny video snips, with the short delivery and Putin's small smile.) and the short easily digested message.

True message. Each message could be accompanied by links to chapter and verse that proves the truth of it. But that should not be delivered by Putin. Of course not. Tedious. TL:DR.

Short. Honest. Checkable. Pertinent.

He could segue into telling them what to do. Actively controlling them.

'You need to tell your elected rep what you feel about this'

See? Not advocating insurrection or any kind of violence but advocating democracy.

Advocating that they use the democratic machinery.

Which, you know - currently their own polticians DO NOT. Nor does the clerisy. Good word new to me. Only learned it a couple of weeks ago. Means all those with pretensions to be above the common ruck and therefore 'able' to inform them and therefore with an obligation to do so, accurately and well. An obligations they have universally (99.9%) fallen down on.

That's just about exhausted me I think. Got it all off my chest. Hope it wasn't TL:DR


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I said nothing about Oracle status. Without offence, you don't understand the long game Russia, under Putin's leadership, is taking. Do some research on it and you'll grasp what I mean. The long-term plan extends well beyond the conflict in Ukraine.

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I'm so excited about it I have given up reading halfway through and come here to protest. I can't believe that Russia (the Allies I prefer to call them simply for the sake of reminding casual onlookers that 10 million Donbas Ukrainians exist and this is NOT just a matter of 'russia attacking ukraine' ) would even attempt to take Odessa.

Madness at any time, surely? Equivalent to a perpetuate D-day in WWII.

But in spades this time because of modern IFR warfare with drones.

In short seaborne supply is out of the question. Pending technological developments of some kind warships are obsolete. But to create a land bridge that long in something less than a year or two?

With every dirty bastard in 30 nations trying to think up dirty tricks to bring them undone?

That's just making things hard for yourself isn't it?

Get him by the balls and he'll give you what you want.

Threaten to take Kiev etc. and make the peace negotiations begin.

And an Odessa referendum to be honoured is part of the settlement.

Odessa will vote for Russia.

No doubt.

I can't see that Odessa needs to be taken. It IS Russian. So I guess the point is I can't see that it needs to be militarily liberated. It can better be politically liberated.


jesus. I just came back with an edit to add some more after checking the facts on google earth. cross the dnipro and you've still got four more significant waterways to cross and a bottleneck to get into Odessa. Absolutely out of the question.

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Yeah, taking Odessa in the next 6 months to a year is impossible.

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Yes. And I think not necessary. Currently the people do not need 'saving'. They are not being murdered like Jews in Nazi Germany or Gazans in Israel are they? They're not screaming out for help.

Putin and all reasonable voices call for 'the right to self determination' doesn't he/they?

Even Kiev Ukraine calls for this. They think they have a right to self determine their country as one that includes an ethnically cleansed Donbas. Yep. Straight faced and earnest they argue that.

Well that joke aside let the Allied forces of Donbas and Russia win out then they win the right for that principle to stand.

That principal is already enshrined in the actions of the 'breakaway' States of Ukraine.

Success for the allies means recognition of that.

And from there it is a small step to a referendum in Odessa with the stipulation that the results must be accepted and actioned.

That's when it will return to Russia.

Even if it returns without a land bridge. Without Mykoliev Oblast.

Either way.

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Yes, not necessary. Much of the final state of affairs will be done by treaty after surrender and not military conquest.

French troops in Odessa would be a gift to Russia. In the end it won't matter either way.

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Well, you could bypass those waterways by doing a Norman Schwarpkoft "I formation" and then bust out a large encirclement of the entire waterways behind enemy lines trapping them right in between those waterways from the top leaving them with only one way out. All the bridged areas would be surrounded on both sides without the ability to re-supply. Then focus on defensive positions from any attacks from the north. Just hold that line.

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You joke? I forget Swartkov but the name rings a bell. Where was he? Iraq maybe?

I am NO military pundit whatever if that's not already clear so I speak from that 'low' level. But here goes: Seems to me there's no way you can get north of Kiev's troops who're between those waterways and occupying land down to the coast without stretching yourself terribly thin and now exposed on north and south flanks. Okay the southern flank has these 'trapped' troops who're without supply while ever you are successfull but such a massive area, what supplies do they need in the short term? They only need to pierce your 'lance' and now you're in trouble with the spear head cut off and no supplie, surrounded.

Or did I read it wrong?

Or it was truly a joke?

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General Norman Schwarzkopf planned and led Operation Desert Storm which resulted in the greatest defeat of an enemy while suffering minimal casualties ever recorded. Mind you the coalition of the willing countries had full control of the air and a massive well equipped ground force of 700,000 men. He faked a land assault by the navy and then thrust far back behind enemy lines to cut off Iraqi forces in two and prevent the overextended forces from retreating along the main road and annihilating them. It was a slaughter.

I was just postulating a strategy like any good armchair warrior but, by no means do any of us have sufficient data to formulate a real battle plan. I just expressed an idea just like you and everyone else do. Otherwise, why have a comment section, right?

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Yep, dead right, exactly right.

Thanks for the info. I'd forgotten. You bring it all back to mind. One of America's famous 'victories'. I think we've just about had enough of them, eh?

And, yep, I was just discussing your strategy in all seriousness as any good armchair warrior would. :)

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lol, Arthur. Imagine how bad the world be if we never had the US military in its forever wars to protect us from, from, er, um well, you know, whatever it is we need protection from. Semper Fi fellow armchair warrior.

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yeah....... just imagine....


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