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Time to push harder. If it goes nuclear, so be it.

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Dec 8, 2023
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Agreed. People like Eclavdra are as bad as those commenters I read on the WSJ who want the US to fight to the last Ukrainian. Neither has any intention of exposing themselves to the risks they wish to visit upon others. War sucks. Let's wrap this up and move on to rebuilding.

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Thank goodness Joe isn’t allowed to make any important decisions. Which is the only sign of rationality among those who actually run the White House.

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By now it should be obvious that the American leadership is great at saber rattling. But if it's a matter of having ICBMs shot at major American cities, they will back down. I think the danger of nuclear escalation is minimal. Or have we forgotten "whatever it takes for as long as it takes"? How did that turn out?

It's one thing to put European countries on the chopping block and force them to buy costly American LNG versus cheap Russian pipeline gas. It's quite another to have Washington DC turned into a nuclear wasteland. American politicians are asinine but they don't want to be turned into ashes. They won't go there. They will prattle on about the Russians attacking first, though.

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If it goes nuclear I think it will be with plausible deniability by way of the kerfuffle in Isreal. Plausible deniability check. Limited and tactical, check. Surprise element, check.

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The thought of those unelected EU scum (insert one's own 'government types as needed) scurrying around a Colosseum sized venue, dressed in jester outfits, dancing little jigs to the tune of the likes of your little ditty, brings much amusement to my tired little mind.

Alas, it'll never happen - but a nice picture nonetheless.

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why calling on Russia to be so afraid of the US that they will run away at the mere hint that the mighty Ynak may someday wake up and wonder what is going on

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Dec 8, 2023
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they might do anything or nothing, more likely nothing - just like they have been doing nothing for a long time now - US 'leadership' has always been desperate

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Corrupt more than desperate

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And incompetent.

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We are getting close to Western Elites swallowing the reality pill. In fact everything in this post screams just that. This may get very dangerous will be interesting to see if Russia let’s them save face.

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No, the US is not going to open Pandora's Box on behalf of a country that has little to offer...and the American elites are located in precisely those cities that are likely targets...

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I think the latest "cunning plan" of the Dems is shown in Biden including money for the border in his dual Ukraine/Israel funding proposal. By doing that he admitted there is a need to address the border, and the GOP jumped on that like wolves on sheep.

Why would the Biden WH do that? I think it may have been to make sure NO funding happened; not for Ukraine, not for Israel and for them, most importantly not funding for the border.

For they need the border wide open for as long as possible to effect the steal of the election, assuming we have one. And by letting Ukraine be taken by Putin which is inevitable, they can now blame the GOP for it, "We were SO close!!!". As for Israel, I imagine their thinking is, our military is backing them up, that's enough. Let them buy weapons with their own cash, they don't like Bibi anyway.

My guess is all in all they see the holdup on funding as a win.

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If the US drops tactical nukes then hypersonics start flying to Washington. That is the one red line the US will not cross.

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+ London, Brussels, Berlin, NYC, Dallas, L A, Seattle, Toronto, Milano, Zurich etc...

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The only way they (W elites) do it is in a panic situation. Remember these mother fucker had their little black hearts set on eventually enslaving the world in their technogulag. As they come to grips with that fact it’s not going to happen I guess anything is possible.

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Key point is missing. Ukraine is being abandoned because it is not a main political problem of the US. Hysterical reaction it is, but the main point is Republicans have pressed Biden with simple truth: if Ukraine is so important to US, give us a compensation in southern border problem, build the wall, implement existing laws, and we will support Ukraine. Remember Republicans have seriously promised they will vote for help to Israel, no matter what. Israel is No 1 political priority, and will be unconditionally supported by all US political forces. Ukraine doesn’t have this might, support is conditional, and conditions are political. It is a year of presidential elections, and each decision is measured by the effect it might have on Biden/Democrats winning or losing the Selection.

Ukraine is a second rate problem. Republicans have not changed, but priorities have changed. Republicans are not going to miss the chance to continue bleeding Russia, but first they are going to use Ukraine story against Biden.

There will be a period when support will be significantly weaker, until the election but there is simply no one political to play the role of Mr Wolfe, to clean up the mess.

No clean up, no serious rethinking the strategy, no attempts at diplomatic solution, and no possibility to seriously influence events in Kiev, de facto freeze.

An opportunity to invest into giving a clear proposition to all interested, Ukraine, eastern and northern EU and NATO states, as to what are Russian long term goals.

Currently they are being pumped with hysterical illogical threats. Russia is so weak that a bit of further help can help Ukraine win, and at the same time so strong that Ukraine‘s defeat is imminent and other European countries are at risk.

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Dec 9, 2023
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I do not understand what you mean. It may be me. Anyway, a more clear wuestion would help. Please read the text and all the comments and ask. Will be happy to discuss whatever question, comment, you may have.

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Sorry do not understand what you mean?

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Dec 9, 2023
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What are you on? ? ? Wait until Winter hits Yankeeland with its failing infrastructure, the increasing sanctions it is facing, the civil unrest, its illegal invader problems, its mindboggling debt problems.

Russia is being bled dry? Go back to your CNN la-La land fantasy world and get back on your meds dude.

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He's representing the view in DC. Whether or not that view has any reflection in reality, this is how they think.

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Yes, it wasn't meant as his personal opinion. Mea culpa is in order.

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Great comment. GOP and Democrats are simply opposite sides of the same warmongering coin and fiscal irresponsibility.


if their border demands have been met, Republicans would have voted for $60b in more aid to Ukraine, plus they are A-OK with unlimited no-strings aid to Israel, plus they are pushing for conflict against Iran and China.

Are there any same persons in Congress these days?

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Well, as with the Russians - do *we* actually trust what "US Gov" promises?

They've lied, bold-faced, ever since the selection (and the demoncrats have done so with abandon long before with help from their minions on the 'other side of the aisle'). What would have them stop now? And what would the "republicans" do when (not if) the "promises" are reneged on?

Nawwww - just pull the plug on 404, turn the whole darn mess back on the demoncrats, and think *very* carefully about spending more of our treasure (lives, material, funds) that are in very limited supply in any theatre. Be that in the ME, the Far East, or in 404.

And to answer your question about sanity in 'Congress'....I'll just leave a sad little chuckle and slow shake of the head.

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The in-fighting aspect domestically io right on as is the complete lack of realization that the US is not in a position militarily and economically to fight any major conflict. The whole government is delusional and the chicklens are coming home to roost. Well said.

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Ukraine is being abandoned because this is what the US does when they loose. Ukraine would be abandoned anyway sooner rather than later because Russia won . And how did "continuing bleeding Russia " work for the US so far ?

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Not weakening Russia is probably depressing them, and will for some time.

But they accomplished their goals in spades with the EU. The EU and especially Germany were making great economic strides working with Russia before this adventure kicked off. Can't have that.

Now the EU is in "tatters" buying US LNG at insane rates, they've beggared their own people, crashed the value of the euro, and are still beset by waves of unemployable illegials they feed, and house at the expense of their own people. People who are being robbed blind while hounded by the govt's WEF minions to eat bugs and freeze to death.

This war had multiple goals, the expressed one was to weaken Russia and cause a change of govt. The other silent one was to destroy the EU, end its relationships with Russia, making it easy pickings for the NWO and captive to US energy.

That plan succeeded, looks right now like a 10 out 10 win.

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I'm think the administration wants more war and will try to cut off Kaliningrad or go after Transnistria. I don't think they can afford to lose or they think they will lose Europe. And that is why they started the trouble in Gaza which could also blow. Things will not get better anywhere, but worse. With the debt the US is carrying we can't afford higher commodity prices, people moving away from the dollar, inflation and higher interest rates. The country could go broke, and nobody wants to pay the debt down with taxes.

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A real mess, and continuing for a whole year. For wise enough time to reconsider mistakes done and to try to imagine how relations would look like if they were built on solid foundations of respecting your neighbors vital interests, your citizens right and interests.

Russia wants to do business with Europe, but has legitimate security concerns; namely Russia doesn’t accept regime change under CIA guidance in Russia itself, or in neighboring or friendly countries.

Giving weapons, instructions information logistics mercenaries to CIA led country is not acceptable to Russia, and has to stop if Europe wants peace and business, and not by a ceasefire, but a real peace agreement.

This has to be repeated hundred times. Thousand times.

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It has to become clear in following 12 months

who is warmonger

who is looking for peace

Remember US planned for:

A. provoke Russian answer by pushing irrational Ukrainian extreme nationalists agenda, resulting Russian occupation and Afghanistan in Eastern Europe, sanctions until final defeat and regime change in Moscow

Russia won a quick war against Ukrainian army from 2014, but it was already 2022 it was a war against NATO, and Ukrainians were well armed proxies. It was Ukrainian surprise to Russia and US. However Russia quickly recognized the situation, and approached Ukraine as a real partner in peace talks, but these talks were doomed from the start because Ukrainians were never really independent, never thinking with their own head, never being responsible for their own decisions, when initiative was stopped by US Ukrainians were happy to be relieved of responsibility, by the US plan

B. give enough weapons for victory and regime change in Moscow

when this strategy didn’t succeed, but turned Russia into a real war oriented country, getting stronger, resolving pressure from sanctions

US has to clean up the mess, but in an election year, in a divided Congress, with Kissinger dead, and no successors in site, US is unable to produce the strategy, the man to do it.

One of the good things now that US is slowing the river of weapons and money, is that Ukraine, leadership, media, will have to think for themselves what do they really want, from Ukraine as well as from Russia. One cannot be a friendly neighbor if one is determined to serve as NATO proxy, one cannot win a war without direct NATO involvement and NATO involvement is clearly out of question. What does Ukraine want that is realistically possible?

That is a million dollar question, and if Ukrainians try they will find an answer,

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It does not matter what Ukraine wants. What matters is what Russia wants ,--- and it is unconditional surrender of Kiev regime. NATO is a dead man walking regardless of whether they keep being involved in Ukraine or not. Ukraine is done. If a nation like Ukraine can not give birth to a leader who will strive for his nation survival ,to live in peace with a huge , rich in resources , powerfull neighbour with nukes , -- neighbour like Russia that protected the nation , gave them free goodies and cheep energy ; if a nation lets the enemies in and allowes them to build military biolabs on the neighbour's boarders, keeps messing with and provoking the neighbour for decades , threatens the neighbour security and even begins ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass region, and just won't stop no matter how much restraint the neighbour exibits and how much the neighbour tries to talk to them like to a pain in the ass child , --- then perhaps nation like this does not deserve to exist in this world. History is cruel.

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Very well put... My cousin, who also happens to be my neighbor, invites my sworn enemies to live with him...He is due for a Whooping!!!

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If the US incompetent leaders decide to commit suicide.

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That would be a bad move on their part. A very bad move.

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We can only hope that Putin reads the comments section of this blog and will listen to you, John.

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More like spit his tea laughing!

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Not a chance! Even if the US were foolish enough to intervene (Hint...it's not) the US doesn't have enough combat troops in theatre, or weapons and ammo, to do anything before Russia crushes all resistance...And the US is so far behind on drone warfare that it's troops would be slaughtered by the battle hardened Russians...

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Only loose cannon is those insane psychotic Zionist Ashkenazim fake Jews in the stolen renamed land now called Israel.

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Neither will the US or EU...But conventional warfare would be easily won by Russia...

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There's no way the US goes nuclear over Ukraine.

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Keep in mind that there is no strategic reason for the US to go to war with either Ukraine or most other countries it has taken on, the mentality in Washington is closer to the decision making of Adolf Hitler than reasonableness. Americans are poor losers so push the button?

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Blue spiral Norway says different.

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But the crazies in the US may not be adverse.

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Ok, but ironically if the US administration wakes up to the fact that it is too damaged to take on the Russians domestically or lacks the military prowess to take on Russia will the crazies just switch to their last option, nukes? I also wonder why they do not shift their focus onto a war with Iran. Do they somehow guess that the politics of rejection of most of the world and a growing resistance in the US is also a worry. It is difficult to second guess idiots. This is looking a lot like the US is the cornered rat in the story.

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Until I read the rest of the thread, I thought you were making a joke and I laughed. It's incomprehensible that nearly two years in, with all the investment, blood, and success, that Russia would abandon the objectives of the SMO. Ukraine will not be turned into a NATO spearhead on Russia's border, Russians will be protected, and Ukraine will be de-Nazified. Russia will settle for nothing less, even if it results in nuclear Armageddon. That's what a red line means.

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On denazification: at least in the AFU, that's mostly already achieved? Ukraine once said that 78,000 folk (including paramilitaries, obviously) participated in the ATO, which seems a good proxy for nazis. Recently they said that only 2% of the current AFU had been in the ATO. Taking them at their own word on these two innocuous statistics and applying some arithmetic, that means between 80-90% of them are already dead or disabled (80% if you believe that the AFU's strength is down to only a few hundred thousand, 90% if you believe their strength is 700k+).

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RR what a silly comment. Did you stop and think for a second that Ukraine lies about literally everything? So they lie about the Natzi problem because they finally figured out the world does not "like" it? From 70% to 2% ?? Meanwhile they are still actively, I mean right now, teaching their youth about the hero Bandera and his ilk

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Jay, you may be a bit narrowly focused here. Just like ways around the hearsay rule, you can get good mileage out of their purpose, which had nothing to do with lying about Nazism. Taking what an opponent says at its highest is a great forensic technique with all kinds of uses, including contradicting their other narratives. For just one example, you can get a seriously funny recruitment line out of this: "Join our invincible army of heroes, and 90% of you'll be dead in 2 years?" On their own say-so! :)

Remember, Simplicius likewise uses Ukraine's own public statements and takes them out of their narratives for the same purposes: drawing interesting conclusions that their utterers had never intended! :)

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Rediculous. I have many family members in different regions in what's left of Ukraine . And also in Russia for that matter. Believe me when I tell you it will take years to denazify ukrainians.

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Especially since the ordinary Ukes totally deny there are Nazis among them (from first hand experience. Most don't even believe they were shelling Donbass for years.

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Oh, I agree with you! But evidently you didn't read my qualification as to the AFU. :)

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ATO ? Anti-terroristic operation -- this is ukro-nazi 's terminology from 2014- 2018 for their ethnic cleansing of Russiansvin Donbass region. 404 has not been de-nazified yet, this will take longer then de-militarization .

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The Russians know, with great clarity now, that the American-NAFO fascist boil must be

lanced. Finally. Any notion that the West wants to live in peace with Russia and China...well, suffice it to say they are are fully up to speed on how purely horrible the Americans are. The Americans and the West have gone down the road of End-of-Empire-full on-insanity. The illusion that the Americans and the Euro- vassals might be interested in doing business...might be interested in peace? Well, NYET...a 1000 times nyet.

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The Americans, and indeed the West, DO wish to live in peace, DO wish to do business, DO wish to enrich themselves and their families - ***and just want to be left alone** - and enjoy a real chance of peace and prosperity.

However, it is the slimy, no-good, warmongering "governments" that do NOT want this. It lessens their control and grip over the true Americans and Westerners.

It is these utter evil pieces of filth that need to be dealt with - at minimum as harshly as they wish to crush those **who just want to be left alone**.


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Amen to that. Especially if you zoom out and take a look at the U.S./ NAFO military bases concentration aiming at Russia, Iran and China, and take in concideration all the events that still taking place, ---- for the control of Eurasia.

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The only way this does not end with nukes is professor Biden and his homies ousted in 2024. Stopping and allowing NATO expansion will lead to Total War and nukes. Biden getting desperate also ends in nukes.... Let be real here.

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If US troops intervene we'll need to but them chairs, as their legs will be tired from running so fast. ;O)

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What else are the voices in your head telling you?

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I'm calling on a second big helping of Ice Cream for everyone in the world.

The U.S. just got it's grubby fingers rapped. Now it wants it's fingers chopped off?

Nukes, small or big is an absurdity.

Russia knows EXACTLY where every U.S. and Europe Elite lives and not one of them will survive a Nuclear War. The best part, will be all the War Mongers trying to hide from the Bounty Hunters looking for scalps.

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We are so ready to take them on with our correct pronouns.

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:)) Ukraine is de facto already defeated . Russia won't halt anything because of the USA . Kremlin is deciding right now how much of what's left of 404 Russia will or will not take on her budget. Russia already won strategically in this SMO against the US & NATO in Ukraine : Russia won on the battlefield, won economically , won internationally in politics & diplomacy , and Russia won the arm race, period.

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Nah, we got all of Europe to burn though before that happens.

Ukraine isn't the hill to die on. You can tell by the mountains of dead Ukrainians.

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Can you imagine how terrified the Russians are right now? There could be transgender parachutists dropping among them as we speak.

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Naw. Our armed forces are not prepared to face a battle-hardened, veteran Russian Army, and they KNOW it. If anything, such an order by a President could bring about that revolution everybody keeps saying can't happen here.

Besides, the Russians don't want to have to occupy all of Ukraine, much less Poland. They've been there, done that, and aren't interested in doing it again. It's not in their national interest.

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SecDef Raytheon should head to the front lines with his kids. Same with Blinken, whose stepfather was Robert Maxwell’s confidant. Does Zelensky end up in DC, London, Tel Aviv, or 6 feet under?

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He's a dead man walking.

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Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave battle to the poor.

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Gotta love the Black Sabbath reference

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He'll probably not make it out, too many betrayals and too much possible muckraking from his loose lips. These people don't trust each other so it's likely an episode of game of thrones.

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I dunno. Saakashvili and Ghani both left their respective theaters of action alive.

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Gaunt and ghostly, Georgia’s jailed ex-president nears death in hospital


it's what happens when you eat too many of our own ties. :)


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When he went *back* to Georgia.

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“Yair Netanyahu, has been living in Miami, Florida, since at least April, and has come under heavy criticism in Israel for not joining the IDF amid the Gaza ground operation”

Heavy criticism?

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Oh? Great call! Give Ze a gin-palace yacht, send him into the mid-Atlantic, and let nature take its course. Well, it worked for Robert Maxwell... ;)

Oddly, about a year ago I thought Ze would be assassinated by his own side. Now I think that'll only happen if he doesn't accept a US bolthole (or gin-palace).

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Florida, as assistant teacher to Juan Guido.

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Miami, if he’s not already there with his glamorous “wife”

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My guess would be 6 feet under, Ceausescu 2.0 style..

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Zelensky retires to Israel w his U.S. taxpayer billions

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There are far too many Vietnam era veterans alive for the Biden syndicate to run out the domino theory!

Russia establishing security does not mean they will go after Paris.

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Exactly! They’re pushing this fear mongering but the American people are waking up and know it’s BS….

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I wish. If that were the case, we would have revolted when puti and zel were discussing peace, and the puppetmasters said no, you will continue to die to protect the deep state. Back in April last.

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The American people ARE waking up, just not at a fist enough rate.

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On domino theory, snap! But don't sweat it, this stinks of internal politics: the incumbent party that created the disaster setting up the opposition to blame for the expected failure. As if a month or two of non-funding would make a critical difference other than short-term.

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What do you think a collapse on the Ukrainian side would look like, militarily?

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Flight, followed with surrender by whoever succeeds the piano player...

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How does that saying go;

"Slowly at first and then all at once,"

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Like all collapses of anything in any context sustained only by propaganda.

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Will Austin face repercussions for his threats?

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No…he’s black…if anything, he’ll get an award…

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Promotions for his foot flat to the floor destruction of usa

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Dec 8, 2023
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That argument didn't work before....won't work now!


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The sad thing is most of congress is a pile of manure. All they have to do is pass legislation prohibiting any military involvement; if they did that their blackmailers would crawl out of the woodwork and expose them to their fickle constituents. It could very well be western troops will join in on the slaughter.

It's almost as if "The Book of Revelation" is unfolding before our eyes.


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Your memories of Iran/Contra are apparently faded.

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- “If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, "

Not original, always the same story over and over fighting the evil aggressor etc etc, instant 0:38 onward


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The question I ask is, if that's true, how does it affect the US?

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In global prestige but what else? Trade ? NATO retreats, usa is not impacted

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I could argue the USA benefits by a NATO retreat.

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Not if you are a liberal interventionist. This is a setback to them. Mearsheimer or Fukuyama, take your pick.

The interesting part is that they have to understand this already failed and yet they are holding out for just a little more delay. Hope as a strategy.

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It's very interesting listening to the many podcast with the many experts giving their opinions. The only thing I know for certain is they are all guessing, using their biases, something we all have and use, to tell us what is what. I compare it to going around a historic site with a metal detector, picking up bits and pieces, trying to develop a big picture.

It's would actually be a lot of fun if the end result wasn't so destructive.

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listen to instant 3:52 onward

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Russia does not need these third world countries.

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Neither the US nor Europe is in a position to threaten Russia with anything going forward. They don't have the military, they don't have the military technology, they don't have the industrial base to create a military, and even if they did, they don't have the military operational art or "real war" experience to defeat Russia. Everything Andrei Martyanov has been saying for the last decade or more is absolutely true (with the sole exception of the US nuclear submarine fleet, which even Andrei admits is first rate - albeit the Russian submarine force is catching up.)

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"don't have the military technology"...what I want to know is WTF happened to all our tax dollars that have poured into the Pentagon all these years? We should be on top of that game, but nooooo...how much for a hammer and how much for a toilet seat again?!? Disgusting. Bad enough I find out why all along, other countries refer to the US as the "Great Satan", just to find out we ARE the baddies...waking up has not been a very comfortable thing for me.

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Well first of all keeping bases across the world is eating at budget. Then trivial corruption. And finally MIC making an epochal discovery that research and development is more reliable way to milk government than actual mass production. Hence it becoming essentially boutique.

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The money is spent on stuff. Things are produced. But whether it is the right stuff to fight a war is another matter. When we went to Iraq in 2003, a lot of things were culled because they didn't meet actual combat needs.

The Army needed satellite bandwidth that was not available via dedicated DoD sources. They also needed systems to look at the 'common operational picture' with little icons for the units so they could plan and avoid fratricide. They needed a posting board for orders and stuff at the brigade level and below. They needed low-bandwidth text mode chat. They needed intel systems that didn't suck. They needed a server that could handle message queuing for all of the above. They needed vehicles that weren't as vulnerable to IED explosions. They needed a way to knock down mortar rounds and rockets fired into bases.

I can tell you none of the existing systems in 2001 or 2003 did any of that. The overpriced systems in existence did a lot of other stuff that was not vital on the battlefield. It took years for it to all settle out, and a lot of contractors on the ground making stuff happen ad hoc.

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Thank you Mr. Simplicius…another awesome piece…your reach and audience is growing…I’m seeing media outlets now posting your links or referencing your articles! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

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I always said this could go on a long time. And I still believe that. Armies will fight when they are outnumbered and outgunned and without hope. WHEN they believe. That belief is dying in Ukraine. At some point, the draftees start shooting the Nazi's pushing them forward at bayonet point. At some point, the draftees start knifing the press gangs. But again, it is hard to tell when that point arrives. I still think this will be going on at the end of 2024. For one thing Putin is going to keep sticking this right up Joe Biden's ass till the election. If he has to fucking slow down to do it.

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"Naputinpoleon is going to turn the Holy Roman Empire into the Confederation of the Rhine!"

-Joe "Pants Shitter" Biden, 2023

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And there I was thinking he's supposed to be Hitler. But I suppose on the Potomac that's sooooo yesterday?

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Well, I don't know of many Europeans who are nostalgic for the Holy Roman Empire, which for much of its existence was an unfunny joke.

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Austin's comments aren't going to help the already sinking recruitment numbers. What an idiot.

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Diversity hire. Like so many of those other morons. Imagine my dismay to discover I was living out "Idiocracy".

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Right. Austin is an affirmative action hire. Incompetent and low intelligence but he's the right color. That's all there is to it.

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DEI hire and as all Affirmative Action scholarships/hires they can’t prove otherwise.

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Diversity hire whose first words on his first day were to make diversity top priority.

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The U.S, NATO and the West are shitzening their pants, they know boots on the ground and they’ll be annihilated, good job, warmongering liberal filth, they are panicking about they’re backers those they are truly fighting for, those calling the shots, Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, Fidelity and the rest of that cabal of greed and avarice who are desperate to not watch their wet dream evaporate before their very eyes, serves them right, I say if they’re dumb enough, deal with them, they’ll lose, how so, their Generals have been directing the plays and tactics thus far, piss poor Jon they’ve done Combined Arms Warfare, haha, so passé against a real peer military as they’ve found out, left wanting in every facet on the battlefield out thought, tech’s and most of all fought, poor Slav Ukraine brothers being wasted because of Western Greed and avarice, time to put this dying hegemony and so called empire, more akin a criminal gang of thugs, murderers, assassins and terrorists given the carnage they have promulgated the world over the past 100 years, right out of their miserable existence.Multipolarity a new paradigm, so overdue….

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A new article for my bday, thank you Simp!

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