
Macron called for a cease-fire in Ukraine. Here's what Putin replied above.


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He’s Jewish.

I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.

Why do these Zionists seem hellbent on starting WW3 and killing everything and everybody?

They’re the psychotic serial killers of mankind.

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fwiw- I first heard of this guy back in the 9/11 truther days--lots of people were talking about his book "Coup D'etat" which was apparently about how to seize power in a bloodless coup without the population even realizing it.

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Disappointingly, when it comes to people with extreme Russian-hatred, the reaction is too often this:


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Saw that movie for the first time only a few months ago. Awesome! Should be mandatory watching during school...

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Strong start and middle, goofy ending though.

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They massively profited for the Napoleonic Wars and from WW1 and WW2.

Zionists were always the winners. Because its the golem that has to do the job anyway.

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Zionism was invented in the 1890s by Theodore Herzl and his cronies. Zionism is a racist, fascist, antisemite ideology, same as any other statist ideology.

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Which semites are you referring to in this case?

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The Khazars 🤣

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None, I referred to zionists.

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Jewish and zionist are opposites.

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Judaism is founded on racial supremacy and genocide. No--Israel is a Jews only state, so Zionists are Jews who do not obfuscate their 3 millennia assertation that Jews are Yahweh's Chosen People to rule over the earth.

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Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism, which is a trivial sky god superstition which does no harm to anyone.

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It is some fixation when the God you claim that has chosen you, by all appearances, finds you annoying.

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Yes, what exactly were they chosen for?

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watch this:


2.5hrs, a little complex and rambling, but You will get the gist

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Racial supremacy eeeuuh….can you show the outcome of this concerning genetic defects and so called pure bloods pure racial theory ? What’s the excess in cancers, Autoimmune diseases and mental disorders in comparison to non pure bloods?

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the self same genetic defects that were used to make the "vaccine" lethal to non "jews", there is much reading re the passing of the genetic traits via a "jew" mother, a concept many are familiar with re the infiltration of "powerful" families, windsor etc, further reading points to predispositions to certain ailments and resistance to others, as the speech by General Chi Haotian stated re the future and the relevance of "bio-weaponry" as various factions require more "livingspace" was that:

"Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world, Israel is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis. But even they have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer."

That speech was i think late 90`s... seems those technologies matured? remember how "keen" the israel occupation population was to take the jibby jabby..?

The viewpoint on ame-eri-ca by the speaker is essential reading for anyone living there, especially this week.....?!?

the whole speech here:


i think that link should work, searchable if not..

interesting times is about to take on a whole new meaning, understand too that eclipses such as what is about to occur tomorrow are very auspicious for the zoha/torah/talmud supremacists and the demons they worship, very bad for Us "mere mortals"...

re the "jew" non specific death vax tm, not all is going as planned, turbo cancers, heart disease, brain tumours etc are indeed spiralling out of control, but it seems the Creator is not willing to let Us go without a fight,

i hope the above is of interest to You

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Thanks for the deeper explanation. The Israeli research on bioweapons is the most advanced and is against Arabs and to protect the Israeli, asking myself were the same not at the Ukrainian-Russian border involved in the R&D of ethnic bioweapons against the Russians? Not according to secretary Nuland, there were only Research going on??? But going back 2 or 3 decades ago, the jewish and Israeli community asked a certain B. Gates if he could do something about the inherent decay and genetic degeneration because of the Jewish genetic inbreeding. So when all comes together there’s no other solution than to preserve the Jewish superiority than to build an arsenal of bioweapons, if not they’re doomed to perish.

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its something that really takes time to digest, We are living in a world which has been poisoned against Us for decades, from fluoride, pcb plastics that slowly sterilise, "chem-trails" now normalised following gov level budget reports, even the aluminium saucepans and bse beefburgers We children of the 70`s were fed...

Many in developing parts of the world may look on and say "welcome to Our world", Bhopal springs immediately to mind..

Somehow in the west We were led to believe that We were special, somehow immune to the shit foisted on the developing world that made all those super cheap things We didnt really need,

Humility and the dawn of realisation is a bitter pill...

Because all the while Our "fabulous" leaders, statesmen, industrialists and ... bankers were plotting Our demise, according to the cited General Chi, the Chinese were aware of this around 1995, We know from for example "the Day tapes" that such activity had long been planned..

And today here We are with untold varieties of "bio-weapon" toxins floating around, conceivably "mutating"... i am legend anyone?? ;0)

The ukraine bio-labs and nudelman (nuland) khazaar connections are still (imho) a large part of the behind the scenes motivation behind the smo..

The continued abhorent and as yet unpunished criminal behaviour re child sex trafficking and organ harvesting of the kiev clan belies their true "ethnicity" they share a love of these practices with their khazaar chums occupying Palestine...

Understanding that the route cause of all of this lies in the long ago defunct worship of a "sky-god" psycopath "alien" known to them as "yahweh", and more shockingly a 2 thousand year old plan developed for "yahwehs" pets to dominate all regions of "earth" including, but not limited to the construction and adaptation of "main stream" religions to confuse yet corral their "enemies", right down to fabricating the myth of a "messiah" who legend has it would appear "when required", it is all utter madness...

Sadly i write this on a day when the "heavens" will once again give "sign" to these demonic tools to yet further tighten the screw and lead All yet closer to the abyss, the very recent (apparently reported) murder of a red cow in the un-holy land accompanied by todays "eclipse" draws Us another step closer toward the re-building of "solomons temple", which is a temple in name only, its true nature is yet again as a portal, a way of bringing even nastier things here, oh what fucking joy :0/

But hey the fact that they are firing up "ye olde hadron collider" and attempting to reach speed level 14 today is a total coincidence...

cern, cernnunos, sat-urn, sat-an

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Genocide is the Hallmark of all conquering people. Before my white colonialist forebears came to the new world, the Aztecs were sacrificing virgins. The Apache didn't live in the most marginal lands cuz they enjoyed living on the edge of starvation. The other tribes pushed them there.

Try finding a Dacian. Barely exist even in history.

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Ok on the "jewish" thing. If you see a rosen-something family name, a socialist rose, even the Lutheran rose. Know you are dealing with Khazars, not semites. Italy also has a significant Khazar community. Look at the Orsini family for example. They are the colonial families of Europe.

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The Khazars are really badass, particularly in your mind.

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They are decadent pedos. They have no power today without the United States propping up their colonial lifestyle.

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You are wrong. The conservative, liberal, progressive and atheistic branches of Judaism have much power and influence.globally. Europe created them by accident while trying to punish them for being "Christ killers". In a hundred years your children will be bitching about the Tibetans.

It's never your fault. It's the Tibetans.

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Maybe you're right. I can see self hate created by second class citizen treatement created zionism. The latter is an expression of greek atomistic materialism and western supremacy.

But the world governement thing exists only in tengrism and steppe religion, the original tradition of Khazar converts. I could not find evidence that Judaism peaches such a thing, I could be wrong however.

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watch this and your question will be answered, in their own words and from the horses mouth, to them We are meaningless pieces of biological garbage who stand in the way of their world dominion, they seek the destruction of Us at a biological and soul reincarnate level as well,

Such total psycopathy is hard to fathom, but make Your own mind up, 2.5hrs not brief, but v in depth,

filmed in 2021 many of the coming events stated then are now shockingly in your face happening,


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Breakdowns and recapitulations of this post by Simplcius The Thinker:


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"That means such an action would likely only occur if a coalition of scaredy-cats was formed, and the chances of that are not great.".... Me thinks you watched Wizard of Oz a lot of times. Should do a remake with the "scaredy-cat" euro leaders. As always, brilliant writing.

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Off topic, but for lovers of Russian history I highly recommend the writings of Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski. He was a Pole who lived and worked in Russia from the 1890's thru 1920. His adventures would rival an Indiana Jones movie. He had his own Anabasis as he escaped from the Bolsheviks.

Beasts, Men and Gods


From President to Prison


Lenin: God of the Godless


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A very interesting man and life

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Most modern nuclear weapons moved to fission-fusion-fission to avoid neutron kills

This was spurred on by the US genie nuclear AAM

Whether France has these in stock is dubious tho

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That's probably why the new A-235 Nudol is direct hit-to-kill now as I understand it--or at least one of its variants.

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I'm still not convinced of the whole dubious narrative around nukes; being anything other than an extremely lucrative deterrent. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/just-like-scary-contagions-and-911

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Apr 8Edited
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Radiation exists. The point is; what is the evidence that the explosions of bombs are 'nuclear'?

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Apr 8
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Explaining the Tsar Bomba (~50mt) and the extant scar on Novaya Zelmya in any other way would be welcomed.

Also explaining the marketplace in low-background steel would be required.


The whole line of questioning is ill-informed, the kind of stuff that results in untenable conspiracy theories.

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All the more lucrative as there's nothing to deter.

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A lot of money also spent on anti-'nuclear' defences. Win win for the arms industry.

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@Jo waller

Another of the personae that claim not to believe nuclear weapons exist, OUTSTANDING! Do you have amusing T-shirts like the flat earthers and the "Birds Aren't Real" movement?

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Jesus. I thought substack was a place where scientists could sensibly discuss evidence, for example, for entities known as viruses causing collections of symptoms known as diseases, or Building 7 collapsing into its own footprint, or Putin being evil incarnate, but no, seems i was completely wrong and any opinion, however well evidenced , if it strays from the MSM narrative is treated as an insane theory like the earth being flat or Macca dying and being replaced.

Never heard of the 'birds aren't real movement', though I did read that someone claimed that neither carbon dioxide nor climate change were real- I believe it's quite a big thing put about by the military industrial complex to protect their profits.


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@Jo Waller

Because it IS an insane theory, to those of us who actually learned the relevant physics & engineering, have used those technologies in practical applications AND SEEN THE HUGE FUCKING HOLES THOSE NUCLEAR DEVICES LEFT back when governments were ignorant enough to fire them open air.

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@Lingalithu Manjolo

The fission-fusion-fission scheme was not developed & proliferated to "avoid neutron kills". It was done to more or less double the explosive output of a fission-fusion device via fast fission of U238 with high energy fusion neutrons while only requiring a modest cost increase with relatively cheap depleted uranium (U238) being used for the various tampers/reflectors/radiation case of the "physics package".

The PRICE of widespread use of fission-fusion-fission for those not immediately killed in WWIII will be a huge increase in fission product short half life/high intensity fallout per megaton released vs. devices where the majority of output is from fusion.

The test fired version of Tsar Bomba substituted other dense metals for those fast fissionable U238 components and was about the "cleanest" high yield device ever, which is also why it only put out around 50% of the power it could have (and did not QUITE destroy the deploying bomber).

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I’m guessing none of the war hawks have ever served in the military nor do their spawn serve. Graham and McConnell point out that it’s not America’s troops who are fighting and dying in Ukraine like Ukrainian lives don’t matter. How callous.

The use of nuclear weapons doesn’t seem to phase enough people anymore. I swear that if we make a through this period there might be hope for humanity….but it’s going to be a close call.

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Boggles the mind but one also has to remember the psyops perpetrated on Western Civ. Most are simply automatons of the system or complete NPC’s. We probably should be in streets shouting to stop the escalation. But I have been suggesting that since Feb 2022 and here we are still.

Looking back it’s pretty easy to see the “elites” were under the impression that Russia would crumble. I wasn’t sure at the time but there’s no doubt in my mind present day. Now I fear panic is setting in evident by the subject matter in this very article. I’m also concerned the mindset “if I can’t have it no one can” takes hold.

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Part of the panic I think is actual greed for Military Keynesiasm now that the opportunity for it is here. The West has been looking for ways to stimulate the economy since 2007 and war is another way of kicking the can down the road.

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The NPCs are too busy reading their mobile phones to see the mushroom clouds forming around them. They'll only panic when their screens tell them to panic and not before.

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There are lots of people on the streets here protesting against the zionist genocide.

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So very true and they should be encouraged. I believe they have affected decision making at some level.

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7 April 2024 A New Type of War - Update on The Electricity Wars

"Russia renews big attacks on Ukrainian power grid using better intelligence and new tactics »


AP 31 March « 2 dead as Russia launches attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure »


Russia has agents/collaborators everywhere within Ukraine, the recent electricity strikes are evidence of this, as reported by AP, credibilised by the precision and the very few deaths caused

The predictions of the RF turning towards a running an unexpected campaign in tandem with the daily LOC grind may prove to be true

In tandem with this RF campaign to force civilian evacuation of Kharkov, so far denied by the Ukrainian authorities, add in infiltration and sabotage, then seige, to find the way to avoid massive bombing and destruction that were predicted to make impossible Russian conquest of major cities

Linked to this -The Odessa incident March 6 in which a RF missile attack hit a building not far from where Zelensky and the Greek Prime Minister was used as a ‘terrorist’ demonisation by NATO and MSM – in reality was a knock out strike against the NATO Black Sea sea drone team, assembled for a medals presentation from those dignitaries

Since when no more sea drone attacks, despite Ukraine’s further shift to terrorist tactics, and no more Storm Shadow or Scalp attacks

This theory was presented on March 11 by Archair Warlord -https://nitter.poast.org/armchairw?lang=en

« How do you destroy an attack network? »

Read in full in annexe – briefly – the RF set up the recent Black Sea attacks to track and trace the drones teams + NATO handlers, to give the Uk a warm sense of victory, in order to encourage slack intelligence and behaviour, and in order to strike at just the moment they were congratulating themselves

This missile attack was variously mis represented by the Western MSM as a dastardly failure of an horrifying attempt to kill Zelensky (and the Greek PM)

NYT « Russia strikes Odessa during visit by Zelensky and Greek leader’ - https://archive.ph/ilDD0

« Russia said its army had launched around 10:40 a.m. local time “a high-precision missile strike on a hangar in the industrial port area of Odesa where preparations were being made for the combat use of unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.” »


In a joint press conference with Mitsotakis following the attack, Zelenskyy said that the Russia did not "care where to hit"[6] and that it had "either gone crazy or they don't control what their terrorist army is doing". Mitsotakis described the incident as "a very intense experience".[2]

A spokesperson for the US National Security Council described the attack as "another reminder of how Russia is continuing to attack Ukraine recklessly every single day and of Ukraine's urgent needs, in particular, for air defense interceptors."[6]

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen condemned the attack, describing it as "vile"[2] and a "new attempt at terror" by Russia.[8]

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Armchair Warlord March 11


"How do you destroy an attack network?"

"Notice that I didn't say military unit. A military unit has assigned equipment, a defined area of operations, and clear lines of communication. Attack networks - generally but not always terroristic in nature - are far more amorphous, relying largely on a web of key people (leaders, technicians, financiers, "fixers," smugglers, system operators and expendable dupes) to create custom weaponry and deploy them in an asymmetric manner for maximum effects.

During the war against ISIS we saw terrorist attack networks coalesce into military units that fought - and had to be fought - conventionally. In Ukraine we've seen the reverse: the devolution of military operations into terrorist-style attack networks difficult to destroy through conventional targeting of critical nodes simply because those nodes don't exist.

Here I am of course referring to the Ukrainian GUR's "Black Sea Attack Network," a NATO-advised effort to harass Russian Crimea and disrupt Russian control of the Black Sea, which has entirely replaced Ukraine's sunken or captured navy on the battlefield. This effort has several prongs: an aerial drone campaign, a sea drone campaign, a commando effort, and operations that could easily be categorized as pure terrorism such as the October 2022 VBIED attack on the Kerch Bridge. You will immediately notice that all of these lines of effort require very little in the way of infrastructure and logistics - you can build bombs and crude drones in a garage and guide them out of a living room.

The BSAN sea drone program scored a number of successes and hair-raising near-misses over the course of 2023 and early 2024, most notably sinking the Tarantul-class missile boat Ivanovets with what was likely some loss of life on February 1st, 2024. At that point I suspect that the Russian Navy decided that something had to be done and, having carefully studied their foe, put a plan into action to destroy what was to them the most concerning part of the BSAN - the maritime drone program.

You see, you destroy an attack network not by attacking materiel but by attacking people. Any mechanic can put together a VBIED, but it takes real expertise to deliver that bomb exactly where it's needed for maximum effect. In the context of counterinsurgency this is straightforward, you figure out who these people are and go kick down their doors in the middle of the night. In a conventional war, where the attack network largely exists in a sanctuary far behind enemy lines, things are more difficult. But in a conventional war, that attack network can be expected to play by a few conventional rules, and that can be... exploited.

What follows is my theory.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet has added a number of ships over course of the war, and with mobilization and recruitment focused on the land services likely doesn't have many more sailors than it did two years ago. At the same time it had accumulated a handful of battle-damaged vessels that its leadership seems to have not seen fit to send back to the yard. Among them were the LST Cesar Kunikov (damaged during an ammunition handling accident widely but falsely reported as a Ukrainian missile strike in Berdyansk in March 2022) and the patrol corvette Sergey Kotov (reported damaged by a submersible drone attack in September 2023).

These ships would be used as stalking horses.

The Cesar Kunikov was sent out first during a drone raid the Russians certainly knew was coming. Video of the engagement that subsequently emerged showed a minimal crew firing on attack drones with small arms, with the ship's formidable CIWS and cannon armament unused and perhaps nonfunctional. The ship was hit several times and foundered, with the crew evacuated safely and remaining Ukrainian drones in the area mopped up by rescue vessels. Russian intelligence would then have mapped out and confirmed the BSAN's structure via what were likely sloppy post-battle communications. That attack did not, however, cause the BSAN to drop its guard.

Another stalking horse was deployed, the Sergey Kotov. Despite their somewhat limited military value, the Ukrainians have a particular hatred of Project 22160 patrol ships because a different one, the Vasily Bykov, was involved in the Russian capture of Snake Island at the start of the war. Deployed without support in the Kerch Strait during a large-scale (albeit unsuccessful) aerial drone raid, the Kotov attracted the attention of Ukrainian sea drones heading for another round with the Kerch Bridge. Video from the battle again suggests only a modest defensive effort with small arms, with subsequent reports that the ship was abandoned quickly (with few to no Russian casualties) and basically allowed to sink. It's noteworthy that the remaining drones were, again, easily mopped up by rescuers. And here, after this engagement, the Black Sea Attack Network was undone.

You see, congratulations were in order. Zelensky wanted to personally pin medals on the men who were destroying the hated Russian Black Sea Fleet. So, two days later, the personnel of the Black Sea Attack Network - the drone operators, the planners, the technicians, the officers, bosses and bosses' bosses, and likely a gaggle of foreign advisors - assembled in a hangar in Odessa to receive accolades from their nation's leader. Zelensky arrived (with the Greek Prime Minister in tow, apparently, perhaps sending a message to a significant maritime player), pinned medals on chests, shook hands, and departed.

His motorcade was a block away when a Russian Iskander ballistic missile sliced through that hangar's roof and wiped out the assembled personnel of the Ukrainian sea drone network. It was probably launched the instant he walked out the door.

There were reports of a large number of NATO helicopters flying into Odessa in the strike's aftermath, and shrieking from the usual suspects that the Russians had "tried" to assassinate Zelensky, as though they couldn't kill him any time they wanted. Meanwhile, the Russian MoD put out a dry statement that they'd struck a target in Odessa associated with the Ukrainian drone campaign. It's noteworthy that in a Ukrainian "maximum effort" aerial drone attack conducted yesterday, timed to influence the Russian elections this week and in which they probably sent every drone they had available, there was no sea drone activity reported whatsoever. We shall have to see if this network is ever reconstituted and in what form.

* there's a saying that one time is happenstance, two times is coincidence, and three times is planned - I believe it's quite possible another damaged LST from the same incident in 2022, the Novocherkassk, was also used as a stalking horse in a different operation given that its destruction on December 26th, 2023 was the last successful Storm Shadow attack in Crimea to date and occurred after a series of fairly dramatic strikes on Black Sea Fleet ships and facilities last fall and summer.

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Good grief….

"Russia’s ensuing campaign of air attacks by missiles, drones, and bombs is now a recognised war crime which, according to the UN, kills an average of 500 to 1,000 civilians a month."

What the hell happened to the UN guardian that they now allow such drivel on their site? Notice how they never link to anything the authors wrote. Are people actually getting paid to write so many lies?

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"Are people actually getting paid to write so many lies?"


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With our tax money of course, loooooots of our tax money of course, and they want moooooore...

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Luttwak has been terribly wrong on a lot of things. However, his book "Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire 1st through 3rd Century" was a fantastic and insightful book.

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The trenches of academe and indeed journalistic column inches, are a world away from any real trench.

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Well, Luttwak actually served in actual war. More than one can say about 99% of academians.

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People with actual service in an old war are the most dangerous of all, for all sorts of reasons.

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Why? Can you actually elucidate these reasons? I think the track record tends to indicate the opposite of what you are saying.

I think its people who are dangerous. And that is likely for the best in the long run.

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We once had an economy run by retired admirals and generals who became heads of nationalised industries. Enough said.

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We now have had a country run by non-military people for many decades now. Rockefeller, FDR, Woody Wilson; all were insanely poisonous to our political system and none served. In fact, the retired Generals and Admirals (Eisenhower, MacAurthur, Butler, etc.) warned against the very things the non-military folk were up to.

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He is not an academic. He is an arms-runner and spy (for MI6, CIA, Mossad... all of the above?) who has a fake corpus of "academic work:" none of which would pass muster or peer review if published in any field outside of "international relations" (which is just a group of CIA, MI6, Mossad people who all masquerade as academics). Professor of blah... blah... blah is just a cover... and a way to ensure that Johns Hopkins has a resident komissar.

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That means nothing. Many people have fought in wars but they don't write books or spout warmongering drivel. If anything they turn more toward peace & diplomacy. He's a MIC shill who has the ear of the west's leaders, most likely due to his Jewish connections.

Here in the UK we have a professor called Neil Fergusson, an 'expert' in pandemic modeling who had got every model he's produced wrong. He over inflates his models to create fear and assist the government in their agenda driven policies. So, in my humble opinion, 'experts' need to be taken with a bag of salt.

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E. Luttwak is an example of judaic education.

He hates living in Israel and prefers western civilization every day, though he hates western civilization as well for being not flexible enough for the zionists’ need of full-spectrum dominance.

Luttwak knows, of course, that the 10/7 was a false flag that provoked the activation of the Hannibal Doctrine and led to the long-desired ethnic cleansing of “others.” He welcomes the violent mass slaughter of the Palestinian babies, toddlers, and women by jewish fascists.

While reveling in the images of the burnt, crushed, and dismembered Palestinian children and the dead Ukrainians, Russians, Romanians, and (soon) Moldovans, the sanctimonious war pig Luttwak cares a lot about HIS safely and the safety of HIS children and HIS grandchildren in the Bolivian bunkers. And he would surely kill to preserve the profitable Lies of shoah-business – same as Blinken and Kagans.

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Thank you for writing 'academe'.

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It takes one to know one. :-).

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Just so you know, no ancient historian or expert on Roman history agrees with anything he wrote in that pile of rubbish. I don't even think he bothered consulting most of the extant primary sources, and he certainly did not consult the archeological record. The man is a dilettante, and Simplicius' description of him as a mediocrity, elevated and cherished only because he is Jewish, is spot on.

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I found Peter Heather's book more convincing.

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Heather is an actual expert on the topic.

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His "Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe" is hideously written, the grammar and syntax made my eyes ache. I suspect that he fobbed the job of writing it off on English Eng Lit grads and Americans. The horror, the horror!

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Cool intellectualing, bro.

Tell me you skimmed an amazon review of Isaac's "Limits of Empire" without telling me you skimmed an amazon review of Isaac's "Limits of Empire."

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I am writing a book on ancient history... have been for the last 9 years. I'm pretty familiar with the literature on Roman history and with the primary sources.

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LOL 9 years. Cool story bro.

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You're an idiot.

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Ohhh, with a wit that quick and sharp no wonder its only taken you 9 years to write that totally real book that your totally really writing.

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"..........his book "Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire 1st through 3rd Century" was a fantastic and insightful book."

Analyzing the machinations, i.e. Grand Strategy of an empire 2000 years ago allows one to examine the cause and effect of an employed strategy and perform a somewhat objective investigation with the benefit of hindsight. Analyzing current events by the same person is a very different animal. His conclusions have to fit into the agenda of those who are paying for his meal ticket, and the effect of his claim has to be subjectively speculated rather than objectively confirmed.

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So many American historians seemingly are obsessed with seeing themselves as modern "Romans", and with talking of a "western world" that is somehow supposed to have existed as an unbroken line starting from Athens and ending in Washington DC. For my part, I find it really difficult to believe that a liberal, Anglo-Saxon protestant would be similar to an ancient pagan Greco-Roman in any significant way.

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Never heard of it and might give it a try. However the very title of it makes me suspicious that he doesn’t know jack shit about Roman Empire.

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It is all just more noise designed to bully Russia to the negotiating table.

NATO is not going to put in troops simply because the US will block the move, although it has said european nations can go in outside the NATO umbrella if they want, but none of them 'want', in views ranging from hell, no, to 'not just me on my ownsome'. or even 'here I come..... but not quite yet', There will be lots of posturing, war games, and troop and materiel movements within NATO borders, a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing, as the Russians know.

Russia meanwhile will continue doing what it is doing, and if european troops do go in, Russia has already said it will target them. NATO is not capable of mounting such an operation, and one thing worse than allowing Russia the victory that it will take unilaterally and simply negotiating the fine details of that, giving NATO a semblance of power, is actually going down to a catastrophic military defeat, which it will. Look at Afghanistan. NATO troops are no magic wand, and no one is going to be launching any nuclear strike with impunity, so it will be conventional flesh and blood warfare fought by conscripts from western nations put into the front lines or bombed in their tents because old europe is not about to risk losing chunks of London, Paris and Berlin to long range missile responses from Russia.

No western leaders including those wannabes wanting to take their seats, want to find out what that will mean for them.

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US would be quite happy to have EU NATO send in their boys. US would send a token contingent but otherwise sit back and let its allies do the dying, until the bulk of the fighting has been done. Most leaders comprehend this even if they pretend otherwise.

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the entire 'west strategy' is total insanity and I do not think qualifies as strategy; it is just noise.

- we give Ukraine a million shells. ok, where you are getting it from? never mind

- we will send the mighty French army to them em russki. ok, what happens when Russia fires on them? never mind...

- we will steal Russian assets. ok, RU will confiscate the amounts it controls and you kill the trust in your financial system, now what? never mind..

- we will give Ukraine money as a credit. ok, it would never return it , how what? never mind

- we will form a 'Ukraine help fund' for 100B euros. ok, who is funding it, how? never mind

- we will bring Ukraine into 'almost NATO'. ok, Russia would continue to move forward and you are now at war or have to dissolve NATO, now what? ok, never mind.

a whole bunch of 'ideas' that are nothing but noise and stupid noise

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This is because the west has been run for so long by 'hidalgos', (as the term is now pejoratively used) small minded bureaucrats with no experience of any of their decisions (the ones they are allowed to make) having consequences for them. They are shielded precisely so that they can be relied upon to do as they are told. Their private lives occasionally blow up in the press, luridly, to encourage the rest of us to believe in our democracy and more importantly, to remind the rest of them (who are generally as compromised in their own ways- who really pulls their strings and how easily those strings can be chopped.

But when the system is in full swing, any consequences for decisions that can kill people, destroy whole nations? Nope, because the politicos in the western hegemony are all always on the same side with these. Democracy, a thin pretence, dissolves The result, government by people who are not interested in any boomerangs or how to fund something because these decisions never hurt them and they have always been able to get money including non trivial amounts for themselves, whenever they have wanted.

Problem is that western made up money is running out of its underpinning in real hard resources. The Farm is bust. That is why the west wants Russian resources, or rather why those who pull the strings of these puppets have allowed this to roll on- with the intent of getting control of those resources. This is what has failed. Everything else is just collateral damage, pointless, now. It is also why Russia is not interested in invading old europe. It doesn't have anything Russia wants. Russia will however take back the fringe states if they continue to wave weapons at it and generally behave with cartoon menace, because this sort of performance has consequences- as Krocus proved. Even cartoon menace can translate into terroristic unrest on the borders and Russia wants to bring all this to an end.

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I think you are correct on the above. A bunch of puppets that forgot basic things

- words have meanings and are an action

- actions (of any kind) have consequences. FAFO as we say in USofA

I completely do not understand why the clown puppet secretary pretending to run NATO could both say

a) NATO will not allow Russia to win in Ukraine

b) NATO is not at war with Russia and does not want war with Russia

which one is it?? put up or shut up.

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Both are true in the world of wishful thinking, and we have had plenty of that from the west from the start of Russia's SMO.

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This fantasy land of sick imagination is really scary!

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Russia seems able to withstand it!

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This is the only hope the world has!

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Khazar desperation

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China has some equally interesting hardware all of whose secrets, I assume, Beijing has shared with Moscow.

My assumption is based on the fact that, when Russia sold those S-400 systems to China in 2019, it included all the IP. Looks like the two are really, really tight.

And I notice the DPRK's arsenal is improving at an astonishing rate!

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DPRK is my only serious concern. War with Russia looks more like an orchestrated attempt to give Russia part of Europe more than any effective plot to halt its development.

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DPRK is not a threat to you or Europe. They are only a threat to South Korea. They have no fantasy of raping nubile sweet 16 virgin White girls.

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Or to be more precise, a threat to the US military assets and the South Korean puppet regime.

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A threat?

Kim Jong Un: “Don't play with us…”

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I mean, have you met these newer white girls? Why would the Koreans want to trade down?

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I think the reality that all the "policymakers" and "leaders" seem to be missing about these NATO contingents that are supposedly going to be sent to Ukraine is how inconsequential they will be in concrete operational terms. NATO armies are tiny. Britian: 75k. France: 120k. Norway: not even 10,000. Their actual deployable forces are going to be a small fraction of the whole. And there is no way they will send all of their deployable forces. Let us be generous.

Let us say these countries somehow muster a force of 20,000 logistics troops to send to Ukraine. And let us say that they can actually mobilize and deploy them rapidly. Wonderful. So a whopping 20k Ukrainians can be retrained and transferred to the front. How long is the retraining going to take? Presumably a month or perhaps more. The front lines have already degraded even further by that point. So, 20k more troops are inserted on a badly degraded front right as summer campaigning season is kicking off. Casualty rates are skyrocketing. How long does 20k men last? At most they buy Ukraine another month. At most.

In reality, the NATO contingents will be much smaller. In reality the NATO contingents will arrive in dribs and drabs. In reality, the Ukrainian rear-area troops will receive zero training. In reality these NATO contingents do nothing for Ukraine. In reality, these NATO contingents only serve to make the eventual defeat in Ukraine all the more resounding and its consequences all the more dire for NATO and Europe.

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For each frontline military guy on the front line or reserve, it takes roughly depending on the situation and nation/roll between 5-15x the actual support staff (logistics).

So take the UK, with it's total armed forces of 75k personnel, now divide that by s factor of 11 given the mean average of ten support to one fighting man. That gives you a grand total of 6.82k actual combat ready troops that Britain could deploy maximum without calling up reserves or mobilisation (guess what, mobilisation will not end well in a western liberal society).

Scaling it up to an absolutely best case scenario of a ratio of 5:1 then you'd be left with 12,500 deployable troops. Using this ratio btw of 5:1 on the current french military size of 120k we arrive at a figure of 20k exactly for the french military - a number we saw being thrown around about the french possible maximum deployment to the Ukraine.

In other words, stripping literally every single person they have front line ready with support staff (the entire military of both countries France and Britain combined could put 35k men on the front line - in other words, they'd last 40 days or so before on current attrition rates on the front both militaries would be completely gone,)

And those are 2 out of the 4-5 strongest military components of NATO (not counting the Turks who in no way will become involved) the German, Spanish (lol) and Italian (double lol) militaries are in no better shape. Even Poland are not significantly better although they could likely mobilize to a better extent than the true western countries could do.

The rest of NATO combined is pathetic (Dutch, Belgium, Portugal, old Yugoslav countries, Norway, Denmark, Sweden etc)

NATO without the USA is a paper tiger at best.

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NATO with the USA is a paper tiger.

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Yes. It is all a bluff. Putin needs to call the bluff.

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I've often thought the same. If Putin called the bluff by one or more well-placed hypersonics on key locations within the NATO sphere (including mainland USA), what would be the probable result?

1) They and their respective populations would shit themselves and immediately call for negotiations

2) Knowing they had no defense against Russia, they would consider the nuclear option. At this point I believe they would be shown to be the cowards they really are and when the time came to press the red button, they would back away knowing that to do so would be without doubt a foolish act of suicide.

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Not necessary. Call the bluff by ignoring the idiot class, launching the offensive as planned in Ukraine with the objective of taking everything east of the Dnieper and Odessa and installing a Russian puppet government in Kiev, and smashing anything, including any NATO expeditionary force that stands in your way. If the Poles or Romanians want to carve out a piece of Ukraine... fine... so long as their is a rump state as buffer that has a pro-Russian puppet government. Any negotiation would have this outcome as the starting and final demand by the Russians and no concessions need be made. Continue the war until all these demands are met or the Ukrainian regime falls and a Vichy government makes peace and meets the demands. Simple enough.

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I was thinking a bit beyond the |Ukraine issue. NATO will not stop after Ukraine is done - they will produce at least another one, if not other obstacles for Russia. They are relentless and will continue attacking Russia asymmetrically, counting on Russia to fear a direct NATO clash. And this is where Putin could call the bluff.

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The real owners of the collective west are shameless and sadistic psychopaths. They do not have appropriate neurological prerequisites for normal cognitive function which is supposed to include empathy and conscience.

The psychopaths can destroy humanity with the nuclear weaponry at their disposal. The private Banking Cartel and fascist mega-corporations Vanguard, BlackRock, et al. are all led by genocidal talmudists whose education has been founded on the disrespect and hatred of “others.”

Look at the ease with which jewish fascists have been exterminating Palestinian children and women, despite the Genocide being televised. The absolute majority of Israelis (83% ) support the extermination.

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You are right. I agree with that, but I do not understand how it came to that. Why are the real owners of the collective west psychopaths. Was there ever an alternative? At which point in the paste it became inevitable?

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What you are calling a "paper tiger" is really a "pinata." NATO is the United States. Always has been. This SMO was never a Ukraine/Russo conflict, nor a NATO/Russo conflict. This sucker was always a US/Russo conflict. Proxy war and escalation are just words for endless war and endless warmongering, which is the United States specialty.

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And a woke one at that. You have to go back to H W Bush to find a president who wasn't too cowardly to sign up for War. Hello, the US choose cowardly Bush II and cowardly Cheney over Kerry, a US Prince who chose to go to War.

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Kerry spent approx 3 months in Vietnam, on Swift Boat operations, during which time he wrote up 3 citations for himself for effectively splinter injuries, and then got his sponsors to pull him out, and then proceeded to badmouth the troops who were doing the real fighting and dying.

His fellow Swift Boat operators, who did full tours of duty, and didn't write up Purple Heart self-nominations for splinter injuries, outed him for the scumbag he is when he entered politics.

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You also need to factor in how they do not have the stomach for heavy casualties. They would soon take fright at large numbers of men killed. The public in these countries would also be outraged by heavy casualties limiting the freedom of politicians to further commit to a ground combat with Russia.

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The majority of deciders in European governments are compradors –– "agents for foreign powers." Ursula, Macron, Scholz, Tusk, Sandu, Stubb, Støre are bought & blackmailed puppets serving obediently the private Banking Cartel and war pigs (MIC). The private Banking Cartel and MIC/BlackRock/Vanguard are the real owners of the collective west.

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They would find a way to lie about it like the Poles.

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Italy has refused to fight.

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NATO strategist should have learned by now that everyone knows their hand and all bluffs will be called. At a point they must realise they need to fold and make the attempt to deal another hand. Though that will dictate that almost every stance is a bluff and more of their bluffs will be called creating a total loss of deterrent effect. That's the major issue NATO faced when poker styled strategists take on a chess playing opponent outcomes are planned and calculated even the possibility of a situation being real of just a bluff.

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I invite you to connect the 'dots' between SMO UKR and Israhell / Iran WWIII.

The Destroyers Of The World

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever.” – Maurice Samuel

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Sequitur: As befitting the deceivers and murderers that they are, the Zionist VICTIMIZERS of the world shamelessly camouflage themselves as VICTIMS, with Israel, their monstrous spawn, carrying on their blood-filled legacy. Indeed, apartheid Israel is a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

fyiy as personnaly I don't follow any religion, but they are spot on

You will never ever read this in the msm controlled .


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Marxists are atheists you bimbo.

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Marxists are whatever they need to be to facilitate their agenda. Atheists in Russia or the US, and Zionists in Israel to cloak their agenda. What does not change is to dominate and exploit others, using proxies to do their fighting. Natoistan is correct.

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Don't be silly, Marxist have fought and died for their beliefs. It's liberals who trim their sails to keep their snouts in the trough.

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The terms have no meaning any more. The Overton Window has moved so far to the left that there is basically no differentiation between the "ists" and "isms" and there sure as hell is nothing left of conservatism... Chip

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Left? Who created the new economy of permanent mass unemployment, police state and tax subsidies for the rich, mass poverty for the rest of us? The right, you ignoramus.

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There is no right. It doesn't exist in the modern day politic...

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Wasn't that FDR, democrat president, who created the modern welfare state? Or do you mean Woodrow Wilson, another democrat president, who passed the Federal Reserve Act?

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The Right creates nothing, if efficient it allows you do to do it yourself, SO, you succeed because of, the left like anything else when inefficient, it's all shiite. You're lucky if you succeed, in spite of.

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What facts were uncomfortable for you?

1. "Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead."

2. "Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. ... By using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Eretz Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million..."

3. "Zionists shamelessly camouflage themselves as VICTIMS..."

Is not it long overdue to publicize the impossibility of camps' "gas chambers"(the foundational Lie for the profitable shoah-business) from the scientific perspective? Why do jews become enemies of physics and chemistry when shoah–business is concerned? https://www.unz.com/imercer/israel-in-violation-of-gods-law-natural-justice-the-laws-of-war-all-customary-international-humanitarian-law/

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80 million dead? Twenty more than the Second World War??

Jews aren't neocons, zionists are.

Zionists are a proxy for American Caesar, they are a Brownshirt militia and nothing to do with Jews.

Denying the existence of the nazi murder factories is the ultimate fatuity, Are you a zionist provocateur?

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Are you into the religion of holocaustianity? There is a Real Holocaust of babies, toddlers, and women going on in Gaza. Are you aware of that ? This Real Holocaust is run by jews. Are you surprised?

The Canadian government arrested and imprisoned a young chemist who, while working on his doctoral studies, made an innocent (scientific) research on "gas chambers." The research showed, definitively, that the claim to the millions of human beings' deaths by "gas chambers" was a hoax.

At the same time, the Canadian government overlooked the construction of monuments to Nazi collaborators in Canada, and jews in the Canadian parliament preferred to overlook the neo-Nazi persuasions of Chrystia Freeland, a committed Banderite and real ruler of Canada. Chrystia Freeland is a progeny of Chomyak (a prominent Nazi collaborator in Ukraine/Poland) and best friend of Tor(i)a Nuland-Kagan. The same Nuland-Kagan, who collaborated with the Ukrainian Nazi Party when running a putsch in Kiev in 2014. The victorious putsch resulted in a civil war against pro-federalists in the eastern region of Ukraine (16,000 civilian deaths, including children) and, eventually, in the ongoing NATO/US war on Russia.

Your obvious alarm over the lack of a blind belief in “gas chambers” suggests that you are for curtailing the freedom of speech and freedom of information to protect ridiculous claims to "jewish victimhood and superior morality" .

The Gaza Ghetto is the real murder factory operated by fascist jews.

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There aren't any Jews in Palestine you neo-nazi bimbo, the zionists keep it Judenrein.

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Why the hysterics and abusive language? Sounds like a product of judaic education.

Israel has been recognized as the jewish state by global jewry, and Israel samples jewish tribe pretty well. If 83% of Israelis want to exterminate all Palestinians (of all ages), one can be sure that the same 83% of global jewry support the extermination. All major jewish organizations and all jewish colleges in the US support the ongoing Genocide in Gaza.

By the way, the correct spelling is "Judenfrei."

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Splitting hairs...

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Comment of the Century! Chip

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Your brief chronological summary was good. Thank you for preparing and posting.

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I would like to add there is a distinct and very definitive difference between the political emphasis of those in the Zionist sphere and people who have Jewish heritage. Not all "Jews" should be painted with the broad brush.

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Hey NATO-u lie

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Simplicius,you're very diplomatic,I'd be more inclined to say hes an effing idiot.

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What Simplicius intends, in my opinion, is for the reader to draw their own conclusions. It seems like a reasonable attitude.

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