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Normally I don't mind people sharing their own work here, but you don't even appear to be a Subscriber, nor--as far as I can see--have ever interacted here before. Thus dumping one's own links in such a manner is considered a little inappropriate.

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Thank you. The Sun rises in the East; settling, low, yet lower in the West. God will guide, family. ❤️🐈‍⬛

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As a side note, Andy Schectman says he has information that BRICS will introduce a new currency called the "Unit" at its annual meeting later this month. The "Unit" will be backed by 40% in gold and the rest in currencies. I can't confirm what Andy is saying here so we'll see. But, if BRICS backs its currency by 40% gold, That, my friends, would be a sign of a much weaker USD in the not-too-distant future. I wouldn't be trading against the Fed just yet though. lol But if Andy is right, the US hegemon's military and debt-backed USD took this one fast and straight to the balls. Under such a scenario I would expect the USD to decline slowly and then "suddenly". Could it be the catalyst that propels gold prices to sustain its upward trajectory?

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well goddamn, if a guy shilling gold for a living says it's true, i guess it must be! LOL

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lol, Sam. Yea, but at least I can call him a flaming liar if the info is false.

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Very good point.

It reminds me of a story I saw about some shady operator who was shilling software that could pick winners at the racetrack. Before I sit through all the sales pitch guff I have to ask, If this actually works then why are you selling it to ME? Won't that reduce YOUR payout?

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

You're not comparing like with like. Selling a story of a gold-backed currency is meant as an encouragement to buy gold, thus pushing up its price, thus lining Andy's pockets as well as those of the other investors.

Selling a an app by your shady operator will only line his pocket, not yours.

Gold is a commodity, that winner-picking app is not.

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So if you're a gold bull, some day theoretically you trade gold for fiat paper since buying a 6-pak of Duff beer at the store, with gold, is a non-starter. And, when people start selling, doesn't that reduce the supposed value/price of gold? (Supply/demand story) Is anyone actually required to buy the gold you're trying to sell? Ever? What "price" leverage does one have, when trying to sell their gold? Serious question. I confess, I don't begin to understand the "value" of Bitcoin and the like...so there's that?! I personally have found that resisting the urge to buy crap is the best store of value overall. " A penny saved is a penny earned..."

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DuffMan Approves of the MEssage

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On October 9, 2009, after the GFC, PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan announced, "The world needs an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and able to remain stable in the long run, removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies”.

But the first step, he said, would be creating the capacity for trading in domestic e-currencies and bypassing intermediate currencies like the dollar.

The PBOC released the e-Yuan in April, 2021. Public servants who elected to be paid in the traceable e-currency were celebrated for their commitment to transparency and the wild rumpus began.

Russia, China and BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, were development partners with Hong Kong as their headquarters. Thailand has been paying UAE for its oil imports in e-baht for two years, and UAE oil exporters get paid in e-dirham. In 3 seconds, for 11¢. BRICS will start using the platform on January 1, I expect.

The reserve currency will probably wait until 2030.

It's a much bigger deal, for it means the end of the dollar's exorbitant privilege and, therefore, the end of the USA as we know and love it.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I wonder if the US would retaliate by calling the new BRICS currency a financial force majeure? Allowing the US and a lot of the west to declare all outstanding derivatives null and void.

That would get the West off the hook for about a bazillion dollars at last count. Then nothing left to do but declare the bonds held by China null and void as well using the same rationale.

Then, Voila! The US is nearly debt free! How exciting!! What would come next is the real question....

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@Frances Lynch

"I wonder if"...

Quick litmus test: Would Blackrock, The Goldman-Sachs et alia be better off? If so, affirmative.

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The US acts on the guidance of such powers, so anything it does would likely be pre-approved by them.

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Notice that China keeps reducing its US bond holdings slowly but surely. It hints at something.

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Ya pretty obvious, who the hell wants to help the US fund a war against itself? 🤪

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The other option for declaring force majeure is world war, which is what the US is working towards.

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excellent point

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I dont think anyone knows what happens when Uncle Schmuel throws all the toys out of the pram….

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No ‘CBDC's’?

“ . . . . That is, instead of the 144TWh per year used by Bitcoin, CBDCs would consume some 7,056TWh – more than three times the UK’s total 2019 energy consumption of 2,185TWh… In an increasingly energy-constrained global economy, it should – but likely won’t – be clear that programmable CBDCs are a non-starter… a solution looking for a problem to solve indeed! “?


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CBDC's for inter country transactions only

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Geez 🙄 and nothing has changed since 2009??

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If the info is correct then we should immediately pilling up gold bar then before it's all gone.

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@Richard Gusporta

If the info is correct, then we should be looking into moving our ass onto enough acreage to feed our families & located far enough away from large cities that starving people can't walk up to our door before keeling over.

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The gold will never be gone: supply and demand forces 😉

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I'm going to bet you an old fashioned paper dollar that the Unit isn't coming out later this month.

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I'll see your bet, backing my anty with canned food or shotgun shells, your choice.

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He'll need to buy the shotgun first.

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What?! You dont have 5?

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Yes. I've long thought that this next summit is of extreme importance to BRICS and in particular, China and Russia.

Just my theory, but I suspect Russia "asking" Iran not to retaliate against Israel was all about preventing a major regional war, which could undermine the summit.

To me Kazan is of more importance to the corrupt vaudeville aka the US "election".

Such a scenario (a gold backed BRICS currency unit) also consistent with the unusual hoarding of gold by major BRICS actors in the last 2 years.

If I'm right, expect the next weeks to October 22 to be extremely volatile and dangerous ones. The US will do everything they can to stop that summit.

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What happened to your African anus?


AFRICANUS. Damned auto fill.

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That's someone else Billy. I've always busy been Scipio.

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Billy boy often tries to play the smart alec, which then backfires and he thus makes a fool of himself. Oh well, Billy boy the 🤡

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Never go Full ClownWorld?

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Good points.

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BRICS will introduce a new international payments mechanism, with a medium of exchange something other than the USD, yes. But not "this month" or even next month.

It takes time for all trading partners to establish reserves in the new medium before the equivalent of the SWIFT system can go live. IMHO it's not as difficult as some experts allege ("years"), but it isn't as easy as just announcing a new unit, either. My semi-informed guess would be something like 6 months to a year from now.

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You say "Under such a scenario I would expect the USD to decline slowly and then "suddenly". That would only work if the US stopped taking its own dollar for foreign purchases. 350 million plus fairly affluent (world standards) consumers talk, BS walks.

Ah gold bugs🙄 Think why the BRICS (wisely) have only 40% gold backing of the UNIT? Gold is a safe haven NOT a currency. All power to BRICS --love them, breaking the chains of trade slavery etc. They can teach us all something. Maybe even some people basic finance/economics

You say " Could it be the catalyst that propels gold prices to sustain its upward trajectory?

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OMG! Your actually analyzing and using easily faked public sat images. Does one really believe in the garbage that can be manipulated just as easily as your daily dosage of news from CNN. Com'on!?

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you're free to publish your own "real" sat images in rebuttal, friend

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ReynMeLi, is a problem worth discussing. Do CNN and legacy media manipulate ? Yes. Can CNN and legacy media lie directly, e.g. manipulate public sat images? No.

Why? They will be exposed, and their reliability would sink lower until it disappears completely.

Outright lies are used infrequently, sparingly. Manipulation is done through bias, shifting accent,

Clouds covering bases, yes. Manipulating actual images, no, - only if officially supplied by Israel

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I disagree. They have been "exposed" lying outright countless times, yet most of their audience couldn't care less. Lying is the MSM's main line of business, they are not coy with it. They wouldn't think twice about altering images, reliability be damned, especially for the overriding sake of Israel---guess who owns these media.

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First impressions rule.

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It is called marketing in the West, was called propaganda in communist countries, but is the same art, influencing populations through media.

The same principles that govern selling CocaCola govern selling political choices. It is subliminal, mainly influencing emotions, bellow the level of consciousness.

Logic is not the most important part, neither the truth.

Manipulation is on another level, choosing the news, and presenting it.

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Not owning any spy satellites really sux, all you can do is look at what is put out by those satellite owners of multiple competing interests and try to interpret their BS.

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In the words of CIA director William Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believes is false.”

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Belly on up to the bar Reyn m’Man! Now that unit 8200 has shaken off the chills you can hock your wares!!

Tell us all how it really is.

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Iran's strikes didn't deter the zionists one bit. If anything their attacks are worse. They even cooked a Russian airfield/warehouse in Syria. Will Russia, or anyone do anything about it?

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They hit one warehouse. Your schtik is old.

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Jerm is a Zionist germ. A troll, a propaganda repeater and a total ZioNAZI cunt.

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So he might not be a nice person?

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Dunno, lol. Many ignorant people are nice. But I actually think he's a troll and therefore knows better. So maybe not nice. Nice people don't set out to deceive.....

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I understand that yesterday Israel struck a Russian ammo depot and Ukraine hit a nuclear reactor deep in Russia, but no radiation leak. This shows these are the same wars and the West wants war and Israel needs war.

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Well it looks like Isreal is, literally done for now and forever, they do not have any other solution than carry out more wars. And the worst they can do is to finally pulling out their last own card, by announcing their Messiah is here in the Jerusalem already. However, the problem with such move is that, it will make the Muslim in whole Arabia up to the mountain of Pasthunistan going ecstatic, because this is also what they have been longing for, put the final blow to the Zionist Isreal!

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indeed and when the western world realises that said "messiah" is best described as "anti-christ" they might finally wake up..

The current program in the insanity of the "jew" is to establish a sufficient area for the "moschiach ben david" aka "dajjal" or false prophet aka "anti-christ" to rest its ugly butt circa 2027, thus if things continue this is just the begining...

If, If the majority of the world realised that the "jew" is attempting to raise an actual demonic entity in physical form this would all be over... pronto..

However circa 150 million rabid zionist fundamental christian usefull idiots in the world`s largest illegaly occupied territory keep backing those that seek their destruction (we are all amalek).

Perhaps, just maybe the Obama camps solution to what is now rapidly appearing to be the compromise/take over of one of the world largest military forces is to pull the plug on what feeds it....?

As they said "leave the world behind" as sponsored by barrack and "big mike"...

If this is the case, whilst being preferable to all out armageddon it puts entire swathes of the world back into the middle ages.

If current reports re the goings on in the areas affected by the hurricane "helene" are anything to go by the good will of humans is short lived and only the strong survive, such contrast from our formerly comfy existences?

When considering "satanism" and its now overtly obvious theatre affecting All of Our Lives its pertinent to understand that those who orchestrated pushing the flase narrative of "one true god" over the last 2000 years did so by consigning All the Old Gods into one convenient parcel to be feared (some justifiably) and loathed, when in reality the "one true god" was merely one of the same but with..., "aspirations"

Its time for humanity to lay this outmoded fucked up way of thinking to the trash once and for all, "yahweh/jehovah" the one who was once called "janus" aka "the two faced god".

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

"...world`s largest illegaly (sic) occupied territory..." How so? Please explain.

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In contravention of numerous treaties with Indian tribes, still on record in the LoC. Acc. the US constitution, ratified treaties are law of the land on par with the constitution itself, so yes, illegally.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

What does LoC. Acc. mean? Your statement is incorrect:

This from the Indian affairs website: "Between 1778, when the first treaty was made with the Delawares, to 1871, when Congress ended the treaty-making period, the United States Senate ratified 370 treaties. At least 45 others were negotiated with tribes but were never ratified by the Senate.

The treaties that were made often contain commitments that have either been fulfilled or subsequently superseded by Congressional legislation."

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

According to the national archives, there were 313,712 Native Americans resident in the USA in 1870. There are currently 4.9 million American Indians resident in the USA. The Native American pop in this country is prospering and growing. Yes there are problems (same as anglos and african americans etc.) (see Fentanyl, Meth, crack etc...) but vast majority are patriotic Americans first and American Indians next. They are well assimilated, and except for a few radicals (very few) they do not consider the USA illegal in any way. Ask me how I know...

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

You pretend to simp for the American Indians! LOL! They know you don't care for them and are only trying to discredit THEIR country. They are against propaganda put forth by people like you! Your propaganda has ZERO support amongst the AMINDIANS. AMINDIANS are by and large PROUD citizens of the USA. Ask me how I know...

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Check the Nez Perce - honor the veterans of their fight against the US Army and those who served in it and other branches of the US military...


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Occupied by the JEW - the USA is ZOG.

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Naw, the USA is WAY more complicated and nuanced than you can comprehend. Zog is just NY and Wash DC. East coast, right up on the water. Everyone else has different ideas. You will see soon...

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what will we see soon?

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That everyone else (in the USA) has different ideas...

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This is your response to all of the data I just dropped? You can't refute one point? LOL! The one who resorts to ad hominem first is the loser by definition! LOL! :D

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what data? the indians were jus sub-human fauna - now they drink shampoo and lean their land to jews to run casinos. They are fortunate they were not exterminated as they should have been.

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You think AMINDIANS are sub-human fauna? Shame on you sir! If I was in your presence and you said something like that, I would consider those fighting words...

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None so blind as those who will not see...

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read this writer, he will explain it in full:


thats not to infer laziness, but merely reference of which this man has made his lifes mission, good reading for those with open minds

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Some consider Jared Kushner to be that Moschiach.

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Israel/ (US participation included) is an ant attacking a much larger spider!

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“ For instance, some clearly came down extremely fast, at near hypersonic speeds, as I highlighted last time, while many others appear to come down at fairly middling speeds.”

Video where one rocket come faster than others (you post video in previous article) is because that rocket is much closer to the viewer than other three rockets that are far away (so they seems slower)!

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

No dude.... Both are mistaken. Watch and learn about Iran's ballistic missile technology.



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You can make a point without ad hominem which takes away from a good point you make..

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Agreed.... less demeaning it is.

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I like how the missiles are called ,Fatter' . "We have a new missile for you O Supreme Leader" "Oh what is it called and is it pointy?" "Yes Supreme Leader the most pointy, but we don't have a name yet, we hoped you could enlighten us" "Call it Fattah! It is a clever play on words. These Americans obviously respect the Fat and Israel is like an American ranch in our deserts" "Yes o supreme leader. The Fatter rocket it shall be. Your wisdom knowd no bounds etc etc"

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i like this Mr Frank, but fatah is pronounced like fet as in vet and tah as in the ta in tada - the word Fattah is victory in arabic, but your way with words is really cool :)

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You cite Patarames' YouTube. Good stuff. Find his X account excellent for technical stuff as things unfold. Also, really like MenchOsint's X for following current Hezbollah Ops. Here are links for all who might be interested. https://x.com/Pataramesh. https://x.com/MenchOsint

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Iran could have still used missiles of varying speed. Both statements can be true

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Well, we know for a fact Iran utilizes at least three different types of MaRVS (maneuverable re-entry vehicles).

1. Hypersonic glider (Fattah-2)

2. Regular detached warhead with fin control maneuver (Kheibar Shekan)

3. Warhead with its own thrust engine (Fattah-1)

Furthermore there is regular conical and triconic MaRV design. Triconic has more stability for terminal maneuvers, but produces more drag and can be slower.

The glider just glides, bleeding velocity via drag. The self-propelling thrust engine can maintain active thrust and higher terminal speed.

In short, as you can see there are half a dozen or more velocity profiles, and combinations thereof (between the thrust/shape of MaRV etc.) which means it's quite feasible that they all have varying re-entry/terminal velocities.

(Actually there's even way more to it, including FOBs vs. ballistic arc trajectory (or shallow vs. high arc) which determines terminal speed, but that's getting in the weeds)

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

These names are so cool. Fatter 1 Fatter 2 and the Khaybar Shakin'. They'll be launching Funky Medinas next.

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why are zio's always so annoying and arrogant? mother's side? father's? both sides? laugh. בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה

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Chosen people mythology inculcated from birth, apparently

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Don't worry I am far from a zionist and just actually really thought the names were cool. Better than pompous sounding Minuteman and what not. I really do think the Brits should have named that warship Boaty McBoatFace

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Like the ancient Greeks etching "ouch" into their sling shot.

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Whole new meaning to "let's do up a fatty" 😁

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And also to "let's make a blunt" given they start off so pointy :-)

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again mr Frank, i love your way with words, must be of english or british stock i suppose - please prove me correct? anyways , some more informaion on islamic words, Kheibar or khaybar is actually a town just north of medina in saudi arabia, in islamic history, the 3 jewish tribes of medinah did treason like 4 times against all the treaties with the prophet and were exiled to khayber, then in khayber, they broke more treaties and were eventually conquered, but they being very hard working and smart, kept thier own lands on a land tneure system with the prophet. afther the prophets death and then the conquest of jerusalem by Omar and Khalid, the arab muslims found no jews in jerusalem and hence ordered about 80 jewish clans from khayber to resettle in jerusalem - os in essence it was the muslims and the arabs which brought the jews back to jerusalem after the romans kicked them out - funny hey that the iranians named a missile with that towns name

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Thanks for that. I enjoy learning new things. Tribes, history, identity, in-group, out-group, social behaviour of humans, it’s all fascinating. I can understand that there are historical perceptions, but I feel that the real problem we have had the last few decades is a malevolent West that keeps the Middle East in a state of tension and friction and exploits the divisions there and amplifies them. I think with luck we will have a new USA beginning with Trump , where the USA reigns in its neocon extremists and military expansionists, and starts to focus on domestic production. I see it as a great positive that Saudi Arabia and Iran are starting to mend their relationship, and I wish nothing but the best for all the people of that region, and hope that a brighter, positive future can be achieved without being a football for foreign superpowers. I think solar energy and technology is one way forward but it needs stability and peace. Israel is without doubt the aggressor at this time, but I see this as partially a personal project of Netanyahu’s with respect to his political decline.

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i can blame the west to be honest, see, I am a south african, and from here in SA, we have a saying, follow the money in polictis and in the western world, the looby groups and the deep states of each western country contorl the narratives. So these are your MIC, big pharma, legacy media, finance houses, zionist and armenian lobby groups, intelligence groups and they as a tribe are very pro war party for and on behalf of israel - it is what it is, the strong do what they must and the weak must perservere and show the world their hypocrasy. In my country, we have an opposiion party called the Democratic alliance and they are funded a lot by pro Zionists groups, but they have so many Muslims in their party, that they all boycotted the leadership and if it was not for the uselessness of the anc, they the DA would have lost even more. I think the pro Zionist parties spent like over 10million SD on these last elections in south afria for no showing at the polls, what a waste of money - could have been put to show much better use and that is the problem with lobby groups, the return of investments on this dead horse aka the unconditional support of Israel has not reached a level yet, where its bankrupting them...as long as this exists...there will be no foreign policy change, not with trump or anyone else...I mean, other than double crossing the USA with the Islamic revolution in iran around 1980 - why is iran an enemy - same goes for so many other countries - there is no logical sense to go to war with them

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

My video edit of the strike clearly shows the diff... and not just by perspective. It's titled "Iran Strike on Airbases October 1st" on the Duran main page. regards

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The Israeli play is a rinse&repeat of the 2001 neo-con playbook, where 9/11 was levered into wars of choice against Afghanistan, Iraq, War On Terror, etc. Bush Jr and his buddies had political capital and spent it for 6 years

The same is happening now. Bibi has 7/10 capital, and I'd say a good 65% of the political class in the US are clapping seals who will literally anything he says. So, what's his wish list? Well, lets look around - Lebanon is a failed state, Syria is a very weak country, Jordan and Egypt are castrated, Saudi/UAE and the other Gulf states have moved on - Only Iran stands as a regional adversary with a real military. But the Israelis know that Iran cannot be defeated in a 1-1 fight; there are entire countries in between and an air campaign will do limited damage. What they need is the US to step in, and fight Iran directly. Can the US defeat Iran militarily? Probably yes - at great, great cost. Which the Israelis are willing to make them pay.

My guess is the Israelis are trying their best now to arrange a significant US casualty event (20+ KIA) in the Middle East somewhere, as that would galvanize DC and US public opinion. Sinking a US vessel would be my best bet as most of the evidence would be destroyed. Hitting a US base would leave too many bomb fragments and guidance parts lying around.

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Would fit with the anti-Trump party's desire to scupper the upcoming election too.

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Trump, for all his rhetoric, is smart enough to tell the Joint Chiefs to suck wind and not actually send thousands of American boys to their deaths. Harris will sign off like she is ordering coffee

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oh come on... zion don will do what ever his likud masters tell him

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Trump and smart is a contradiction in terms, an impossibility. As a newly converted Jew he'll be proud to show he is a good one, a real one.

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A billionaire who has won the US presidency, or a random deluded guy on the internet? Gosh tough choice. Go touch grass or something

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Sorry to hurt your sensitivities. Good luck getting your man into the WH, perhaps you can persuade the Dems not to rig the elections this time. 🤣

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Trump is as dumb as a box of hammers. Given that he's likely NEVER read a book

or studied history/geography, he'll do exactly what his ZOG minders tell him to do. A man of thin learning, he's totally reliant on the staff he assembles. (or is provided to him) Remember Bolton and Pompeo? Nice work there Don, draining the swamp. We'll have another, thanks. If he walks like a neo-con...talks like a neo-con...it's pretty likely he's a neo-con. While China and Russia have serious, competent leadership, we in the U$$A have these ridiculous clown car maroons.

First time you burn us shame on you...second time we are fugged, shame on us.

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Trump is a fat blustering moron and Harris is a soulless whore. I guess I'll vote for the blustering moron.

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US can't defeat Iran but cld do a hell of a lot of damage.

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Iran is simply too big to be defeated by a naval power. Besides, it has 91 million people. Simply too big.

A lot of damage, sure. But one has to ask who will suffer more damage? When the strait of Hormuz is closed, its all over for the economies world wide.

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OTOH, when it will have converted the genocidal sewer into a 20,000 km2 parking lot, there will be plenty of room for the oil sheikhs to park Mercedes S600's, AND the region will return to normalcy, to peace, after a century of Jew-instigated death and destruction.

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How exactly could the US defeat Iran even at great cost? Iran is the size of western Europe desert, swamp and mountains. With a land border with Afghanistan, recent reports are that the Taliban are now restless sitting behind desks after years of fighting the west, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran also shares a border across the Caspian with Russia, considering how the Russian MIC is churning out equipment they will need a market for those military equipment after they finish off Ukraine. Also, all those Russian soldiers, Chechens, South Osetians and Donbas Militia fighter who have known nothing but slaughter for a decade won't be easily integrated into Russian civil society. They would need somewhere to do what they have learned to do best. The US owe Russia hundreds of thousands of lives, Russia is going to eventually want to collect. So there are also numerous militia groups, radical extremist groups etc just eagerly waiting for a Western involvement in a conflict. This will not be a tiny Grenada or Panama or an isolated desert Iraq with only 15% of the Iraqi army fighting, it will be a real fight and the dogs are waiting.

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2 scenarios really. Either an unfavorable peace like 1988, or a "victory" like how the north Vietnamese eventually won, at the cost of millions of their own and the destruction of half the country. American wars remain far flung affairs, and to my knowledge Iran can't bring the fight home

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Well though the 9/11 scenario is still debatable. Is it not still a possibility especially if orchestrated by a major state actor or was that not home enough?

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No, 9/11 was symbolic in the end

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Symbolism or not, is it still not a possibility that can be much worse? Especially in the light of a war with a state actor.

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Everything is possible, not gonna pretend I know one way or another. It's possible there are sleepers within the US ready to fly thousands of drones into critical targets. Or not.

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see dancing Israels

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The US doesn't fight wars to win, they fight them to cause destruction and make money!

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the JewSA fights wars to keep the jew safe from the world that hates them for the chicken swinging sin merchants they are.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Iraq is the archetypical tank country: flat desert ideal for tracked and even 4WD movement, laid out all open to air surveillance and attack.

Iran is mostly mountains. Think Afghanistan, but with population on match with the US, modern developed science and industry and a well equipped, modern military. And a motivated population as inured to hardship as the Russians. And half a world away from the US.

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The colonial project known as Israel has gone off the deep end, taking advantage of a Washington controlled by puppets of the US MIC. The Israeli display of depravity in Gaza is unmatched. Israel is now doing to Lebanon what it did in Gaza. Sad times for everyone with a shred of empathy. Not, however, if you think that your particular tribe is superior and can do no wrong.

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It can do no wrong because it has recourse to the HollowHoax narrative and the concomitant "anti-Semite" accusation most people are so scared of.

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I'm very much doubting that M's head quarters was deliberately missed.

After all they've done to the Iranians over the years - this was a golden opportunity with too many reasons not to.

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Iran succeeded in demonstrating

capability to destroy Israel‘s most formidable weapon, air force, as well as

discipline and precision causing no civilian deaths.

Hitting Mossad is the next step, it would be premature now.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

We're all aware that they have the ability- there's no need to demonstrate of what they are capable of.

Do you think that the Israeli's would have stopped if the roles were reversed - You should know the answer to that one.

The Israeli's have been very busy assassinating one high profile figure after another - Most of the senior leaders of Hezbollah have been eliminated - they've even bombed 4 nations in a single day with complete impunity. - to take out M's head quarters in one fell swoop deals with the problem for once and for all.

I don't see the logic of going through all that trouble of actually having a golden opportunity and then deliberately miss the target just to send a message - no my friend - It was a miss.

I'll give you another reason why it would make sense not to miss the intended target.

Mossad had a mole in Iran - the Head of Iranian unit countering Mossad was an Israeli agent.

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Early reports said it was obliterated. I give them more credence than the later reports. And has any proof emerged showing the MOSSAD rat's nest still intact?

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You're quite right - Just found a report posted by Pravda which claims it was leveled, they even posted a video https://news-pravda.com/world/2024/10/01/768802.html

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Can’t imagine Iran doesn’t already have the bomb.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Yes the real lesson wrt the US invasion and occupation of Iraq since 2003 is that if a nation *really does* have nukes, it won't get attacked, invaded, and occupied by the former United States, or by its belligerent handler the Bullshit State, ie "Israel"...

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How will Russia react to Trumps support against Iran.

Russia will support Iran over Trump until the end .

Why because the west is two faced and cant be trusted and also because the us started the war in ookraine and Russia will never forget yenta nuland and blinken in a hurry or any other skullcap in a hurry all that blood in Ookraine is their doing , once they get in government eveything collapses as its doing on cue.

Hence any escalation will be answered likewise .

I would keep a slow boil at israel for decades and take a hint from the Yezidis they hide their leaders in amongst the common people and put common people as their leaders for outsiders, makes sense having lifetime actors as leaders is what all the western leaders are , they are sock puppets for the puppet masters.

Another reason of the collapse in the west is that underlying the fabric of society was Christianity which to some extent held the countries together ,once the west went material nihilism , there is nothing to keep the society together and skin color became a defining characteristic or being gay, a satanist, or the state became the new god and which party you supported the new denomination. Worst of all the family unit was attacked a velvet cultural marxist revolution in the west occurred.

The Emperess wears no Clothes.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago


Personally, I blame Thatcher and Reagan for discovering the strategy to make their jobs far easier by selling off government responsibilities to the private banks and corporations. A practise that was immediately embraced by all western governments because who doesn't like doing less and less, especially when their wages increase more and more?

As a consequence however, the people supposedly running the Western countries now no longer need to be skilled at actually running anything, because it is all handled by private banks and corporations!

Add to that the whole, very questionable, idea of global warming, which was seized upon by our bored governments as a way for them to look busy between elections, along with all the other social wokeness that they occupy their time with now.

Lately I am convinced the whole climate change thing was invented, or at least heavily promoted, by the private banks so they had a noble excuse to replace manufacturing and real productive economies with economies consisting of services paid for with debt, which is ultimately attached to house prices.

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Yes but the Wall Street bankers are doing a horrible job. All they know is graft corruption and thievery which is why most are zio [fact - not a "trope"]

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"Worst of all the family unit was attacked a velvet cultural marxist revolution in the west occurred." The fact of the attack of the family unit is right but....

I can tell you after such a sentense that you have never read a letter of Karl Marx work and simply repeating talking points that you have heard from somewhere/someone. Sorry to say so but as long as you and others in the west repeat that nonsense of your masters, you are doomed. Must be nice to feel such certainty in ignorance, it just helps no one.

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Spot on. So many intelligent North Americans seem to be particularly affected by this massive blind spot - it irritatingly detracts from what is otherwise often insightful analysis

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Full BDA won't be finished for several days. One thing that's certain is the intercept rate was very low, between 10-20%. The Iran-Saudi civil meeting was to be expected with them both in BRICS and the Outlaw US Empire once again reminding the world just how ugly its policy is always been.

I came across an interesting testimony I didn't know of: an eyewitness report of the very secret meeting between FDR and King Saud that can be read or downloaded here, https://archive.org/details/FDRMEETSIBNSAUD

The short talk between FDR and King Saud about the Jews and Palestine is very enlightening as is FDR's promise to the King. All that's relayed in the last fourth of the book. There's other info for historians and other interested people.

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Helmer covered this about a year ago and he said that Roosevelt always knew that Israel would expel every Palestinian from Palestine.

The king asked why the Jews didn’t take German territory since they were the ones who assaulted the Jews.

Genocide and ethnic cleansing was always the plan.

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Since the Pale of the Settlement region had historically been Ashkenazi since the time of Catherine the Great, it is esp remarkable that that geographic area was not selected for a Jewish homeland.

But the British Empire needed to clean up some business in the area stretching from what is today Pakistan to the Mediterranean, divvying up British Mandate areas, like Iraq, and French Mandate areas like Syria.

Unending volatility resulted.

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It's believed by many that the Roosevelt family stems from the Dutch Rosenfelt or Rosenfeld line

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Check out the movie "Valley of the Wolves Filistin" (2011) much better than "Escape from Afghanistan". Anyway the Palestine movie predicted precisely what's happening today, to a 'T', and what you wrote.

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I just read it. A charming and fascinating account. So sad at all that has come to pass since then. So sad as well that the Saudis and other Arab states viewed the USA in 1945 as liberators or allies from European colonizers -- compared with the carnage and destruction the US has wrought.

By the time Col Eddy wrote this account in 1954, US had already couped Mossadegh in Iran and installed the Shah.

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I think the nondollar ought to be called a Womanity. With pictures of great women and men. Like my mother will be a good unit of exchange....moving towards sovereignty, freedom, and community under God, not the fucking devil and death dealing dope head despots....

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Like Victoria or Madeleine or Hillary or Kamala

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Trump's biggest financial backers in 2016 were the Neocon Uber-Zionists Sheldon and Miriam Adelson. It was Adelson who wanted Trump "to nuke Iran back to the stone age". He did not get his wish, only a few symbolic items, like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

The Adelsons did not provide the same support in 2020, perhaps because Sheldon was dying, but more likely because Trump had not delivered value for donated money.

For the 2024 election cycle, Miriam Adelson has again pledged $100mm to Trump's campaign. One has to wonder what happens to Iran if Trump delivers on whatever he promised this time. Also, what happens to Trump if he doesn't deliver on his promises.

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Interesting. MBS has allegedly stated in the not too distant past that he does not care if Palestinians die, and the whole issue of Palestine is of little concern to him. Now it seems he changes his tune. I'm sure he slowly comes to understand that the US / Israel hegemon in the region is about to change irrevocably. Best to be on the winning side (which for once is the righteous one).

On the Iranian strike, I am convinced that plenty of advanced notice was given - Iran playing nice, but not next time. I believe that Iran spared Mossad headquarters on purpose, as a kind of gentleman's final warning to let Israel know 'We can strike you and completely destroy you, and we let you go this time only. Next time we raise your cities to the ground.'

Yes pure theatre, but let us keep mindful of the huge number of casualties. When this is sorted out, one will expect tribunals to prosecute and punish those guilty of crimes against humanity / war crimes; from Israel, US, EU and the Ukraine conflicts.

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No tribunal. And keep in mind that most formidable Israel weapon is US Israel lobby that controls US politicians more or less directly, by a phone call, and US public indirectly, through uS media.

Message that gets to US public is what is important.

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No tribunals. I'm still waiting for the COVID ones. So, nope. No tribunals.

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Thank you for this, but there are two important comments I'd like to make.

1) Iran's government is not identical to that of the United States. The president is NOT the commander-in-chief of the military. Therefore, it is not necessary for him to authorize stuff like the missile strike on Israel.

2) Similarly, the REAL commander-in-chief of the country is Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei, more commonly known as Ayatollah Khamenei. His position is officially the "Supreme Leader" of Iran. And HE issued a fatwah (religious order) that banned Iran from ever using nuclear weapons.

This man's power literally cannot be abridged in Iran, so anyone telling you that Iran is working on some kind of nuclear weapon is lying to you. The fatwah specifically states that Iran can use nuclear ONLY for peaceful civilian purposes (i.e. energy generation).


This fatwah is on his official website, so anyone telling you Iran is "working on a nuclear bomb" is full of shit.

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On point! This has been the real story of Iran's nuclear program (purely civilian) for years. The nuke thing is Israeli fear-mongering. Fortunately, Iran doesn't need nukes. It can erase Israel conventionally, and can also crash the world's economy by shutting down the Middle East's oil. And you will never see deliberate mass civilian casualties inflicted by Iran (or Hezbollah for that matter). It may be incomprehensible in the West, but they act within a religious ethical framework.

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Respectfully disagree. Consider "banned Iran from ever using nuclear weapons."

It's always risky to highlight details in translations, but "using" seems to be the operative word in the Fatwah. Developing nuclear weapons is not the same as using them. In fact, reading his commentary (in translation) on nuclear weapons highlights the terroristic, anti-civilian nature of them as the key reason a Muslim should not use them.

But that wouldn't apply at all to micronukes, like the US's Davy Crockett or 155mm nuclear artillery rounds, which had (or may still have if some have been mothballed) a yield of 1/10th of a kiloton or less. That's only 100 tons of TNT equivalent. The Fatwah also wouldn't apply to acquiring a complete mastery of nuclear weapons for defensive purposes, for example, to know exactly where in a complex chain of materials, manufacturing, and custody Iran might be able to strike with conventional war to negate Israel's nuclear arsenal.

Iran's enrichment programs also - according to Iran itself - have enriched uranium to levels that do not make sense for anything but weapons. Iran itself has declared enrichment to greater than 20%. That's far beyond what is necessary for peaceful power production or research. Yes, there are some research reactors that operate at weapons grade uranium enrichment, but those are rare and they use high enriched uranium mainly because it is available as a result of production for weapons. If weapons weren't being produced the same research aims could be achieved with low enriched uranium.

The one case where weapons grade enriched uranium makes sense to use in reactors is in military nuclear submarines, because it makes possible very compact reactors that fit within the confines of a sub and which can run a long time between refuelings. Such reactors are also used to power nuclear aircraft carriers. Carriers could easily use non-weapons grade reactors given their size but they use weapons grade since, again, it's already available as a result of production for weapons.

But Iran has no pretentions to being a world naval power. It doesn't have the resources or military need to maintain aircraft carriers of the scale they require nuclear power. Those are only required for would-be global hegemons who want to bully smaller, less developed countries with huge carriers that are sitting duck targets for developed countries.

Iran also has no military case for nuclear powered submarines. You only need those to maintain a nuclear-armed SLBM force or a hunter-killer force to attack SLBMs. Diesel-electric subs are actually more stealthy for regional attack operations not too far from a country's harbors. So talk of weapons grade enrichment for submarine reactors is not convincing.

What you do get from 20%+ enrichment is the ability to make a nuke immediately. You *can* make a nuke, albeit an inefficient one, using 20% enriched uranium. According to declassified US documents about half the uranium in the Hiroshima device was only 20% enriched. The other half was high enriched so the average enrichment was over 80%. The Hiroshima device is not much of a nuke by modern standards but it's enough to level Tel Aviv or Haifa.

What 20% enrichment also gets you is the ability to get to 90% enrichment within a week or two. Perhaps that's the source of the "week or two" breakout time span so often quoted.

Anyone who wants to read up on nuclear weapons can do so. It turns out there's a lot to read and it doesn't require much science education to grasp the essential points.

The first and most important point is that making simple nukes of Hiroshima class or up to about three or four times as strong is really easy. It's so easy that if you have the material, the uranium, it's almost impossible not to get it right. The Hiroshima bomb was a sawed off piece of a naval cannon that fired a cylinder of uranium with a hollow spot in the middle onto a target of uranium that filled the hollow spot. That's it. If you take two pieces of uranium where each is less than a critical mass and you put them together so together they are larger than a critical mass, it blows up. There's no rocket science to it at all. A nation like Iran that can develop ballistic missiles with hypersonic maneuverable glide warheads can easily do it.

Given the threats against it by Israel and the US, Iran would have to be insane not to have put together a few Hiroshima class devices, just in case. After all, a fatwah can be retracted or modified just as easily as it was made.

The second essential point about nukes is that *everybody* who has gone nuclear since the US, with the exception of South Africa, believed nukes were simple enough to do that they skipped primitive Hiroshima type devices and went straight to Nagasaki style implosion devices, which are more efficient: bigger bang using less uranium. Iran is far beyond the level of technology required for that, in particular being ahead of the USSR in the late 1940's, the UK and France when they created their first devices, and ahead of China, India, and Pakistan way back in the prior century.

In fact, the baseline level of science and technology in nuclear science and related fields like explosives, detonators, electronics and such is now so much greater than it was in the 1950's that everybody who has gone nuclear since China (with the exception of South Africa), including Israel, has gone straight to boosted devices that use thermonuclear reactions to boost the yield and to reduce the size of the warhead.

Given the grim calculus of deterrence, just having a few nukes doesn't get you much as a nation state. You have to have enough to be sure you can survive a US or Israeli first strike with enough nukes to inflict unacceptable damage on your attacker. For that you need an arsenal of 50 or more reasonably modern nukes, so that's what everybody goes for, North Korea being the most public example.

Given all the above I think Iran is just buying time until it has assembled a modern arsenal of 100+ boosted and/or thermonuclear warheads it can deliver covertly, by sea, by air using fighter bombers, or by ballistic missile. That's why it is eating crow publicly. It knows that after a short period of doing that it will be forever invincible.

I don't think the Fatwah is dishonest. What it says about nuclear weapons is true and it could reflect a genuine religious aspiration to never use nukes. But when it comes down to the survival of Iran and, even, of Islam, it could be modified to allow their use against a Satanic adversary which clearly is bent on allowing no place for Islam in some of Islam's holiest places.

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I too see the Fatwah as legit. A thought is that secular elements within Iran's leadership structure may take ownership, so to speak, of the nuclear doctrine & make policy decisions about the deployment of such weapons apart from the Supreme Leader--not to undermine the strength of the Fatwah or the dominion of the Supreme Leader but to work in tandem w/ both, fortifying them, against an anomalous adversary.

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Superb comment, thank you.

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A quality take, as expected. This is indeed where "a week" comes from. That said, I still think that Iran is conscious enough to allow itself to have nukes only after Israel hits it with their own. And a demonstration of reliable delivery means goes a long way to ensure it doesn't happen.

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I second that … excellent fantastic comment!

Good knowledgeable and unbiased.


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excellent - isn't the supreme leader supposed to make a statement on this issue? hopefully to announce that Iran has deployable nuclear weapons now?

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Israel hasn't done that, so why should he? The essential people who need to know, the Israelis and the US, already know what Iran has.

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